Sunday Service: September 12, 2021 11AM

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beautiful [Music] [Music] this [Music] [Music] feeling loved [Music] here [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] hey [Music] crazy [Music] my gosh [Music] oh [Music] oh my soul [Applause] [Music] the lord [Music] [Applause] oh [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] praise god oh [Music] right [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Applause] you're [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] here woah oh [Music] command your soul to praise [Music] now use your words church [Music] come on let's mature in this let's realize that his presence is not something we have to warm up to or take three or four or five songs to sing ourselves into but it's a it's the presence we just stand in it's the presence of our father and know that he loves your words thank you god thank you father just begin to bless it [Music] holy spirit what do you want to do [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hi [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] me [Music] [Music] [Music] i am me [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Music] okay [Music] so [Music] guys there's just been such a sweet and powerful presence of god all day long and i i feel i feel a little bit of spiritual aggression this morning i well let me let me read let me read what's in my heart are there any believers in your fellowship who are suffering with great hardship and distress encourage them to pray are there any happy cheerful ones among you encourage them to sing out their praises are there any sick among you then ask for the elders of the church to come and pray over the sick and anoint them with oil in the name of our lord and the prayer of faith will heal the sick and the lord will raise them up and if they have committed sins they will be forgiven confess and acknowledge how you have offended one another and then pray for one another to be instantly healed for tremendous power is released through the passionate heartfelt prayer of a godly believer i don't know maybe it's just me i just am so tired of the relentlessness of kovid the relentlessness of cancer the relentlessness of all these things and i feel like one of the things that we might have taken a step back on during this season is the faith that we have a god who heals us [Applause] [Music] and i know that one of the things that and it was appropriate it was appropriate for us to suspend this part of our service where we had intercessors anoint with oil and people come and be healed but i really feel today that god wants to heal some people i have i mean we've been fasting 21 days to break unbelief we need a platform for our faith to operate today okay and so we're going to continue the worship worship and here's what we're going to do we have some we have some pastors today we have sherman and beck and i don't know who all's here some elders that that are here with us pastor melissa and if you if any of these fit your heart like if you if you're sick if you're offended if you've sinned [Music] any anything else if you would like to stand in for somebody that you know is sick come on somebody believe in me that our god can heal god can heal and we needed i mean let's let's push past like one out of ten let's push past two out of ten let's believe that this this is a god who wants to display his glory if you're here and you would like a pastor or an elder to pray for you you can just raise your hand and one of these guys is going to bring oil and anoint you and believe that god will heal you right now in jesus name so let's let's uh can you have some faith with me come on does anybody believe that god can do this yeah all right let's worship the lord guys [Music] [Music] [Music] you've always been with us every pound you've already won you've already won [Applause] there is [Music] you've always been with us is is [Music] is he is [Applause] doing anything is possible show me one thing show me are you ready to believe [Music] let god oh [Music] victory impossible oh oh [Music] [Music] [Music] show me is [Music] is [Music] [Music] anything is possible show me one thing and show me what is and anything is possible oh anything is possible yeah anything is possible anything is possible let the week seem strong [Music] is [Music] oh anything is possible anything is possible [Music] we cast down unbelief right now in the presence of our savior anything is possible [Applause] let our king be exalted anything is possible [Music] anything is possible [Music] we believe in we believe it we believe that we believe [Applause] [Music] [Applause] fear or lack he's the god of the break anything is [Music] we can all go to sleep when you're here we can rest in your prayers [Music] peace now peace now peace now peace [Music] now peace [Music] show me one thing that's too hard show me what [Music] is possible why don't you salute the god of the breakthrough come on the god of the breakthrough the god of the breakthrough the god of the breakthrough he's our god the god of the breakthrough he's the god maybe you spent all week telling your god how big your problems are but maybe in this moment you can stop telling your problems how big your god the solution is here the solution is here the solution is here [Music] miracle can happen now before we've tuned into the reality that the spirit of the [Music] the lord [Music] is here right now [Music] not later not tomorrow not next [Music] looking for the sickness start looking for your healing cause you will find what you look for [Music] you will find what you set your attention on [Music] but my daughter was with little well she's still little but just absolutely fascinated with princesses [Music] she saw him everywhere like literally we could be we could go up and down every aisle of the store and she could find it somewhere i remember one time we were we were going down the bread aisle and she said princesses was like i wanted to try to break the news to her like honey this is the bread aisle there's no princesses and i turned around but sure enough she saw this little sticker that had a princess on i was like my goodness how did you see that the lord showed me like you find what you look for [Applause] you see if you look for depression and sickness and anxiety the next bad thing to happen you're gonna find it but when you set your sights on what is the lord hiding from you today for me today what can i find of his peace today i promise you you're gonna start finding it around every corner [Music] [Music] praise the name of jesus he's [Music] he's my deliverer in him will i trust so i choose [Music] father we praise the name of your son jesus we praise you jesus we praise you you are worthy of praise and we praise you we see your goodness we see your faithfulness we see your long-suffering with us we see your patience we see the breakthrough we see the miracle we see the healing we see the family restoration and the family revival we see we see the desert blooming like the rose we see the dry things becoming a river of your water we see the hard things becoming a possible thing lord jesus nothing is impossible with you lord jesus which means everything is possible we thank you lord jesus we give you praise we praise your name we praise your name we praise your name we praise your goodness we praise you father we thank you [Music] you're so good you're so good you are a god of your word you are a god who keeps your word and we thank you for that in jesus name amen i just feel faith rising you guys i just feel faith rising come on just one more time can we just praise the lord and faith believing that what we've asked for what we've confessed what we've declared amen amen amen do you sense the goodness of the lord in this place come i needed to be here today how about you come on just recharged and faith built up and the la i love you i love you guys so much thank you for being here this morning would you just meet somebody you've never met before get to know somebody you've never met before and welcomed them this morning to the house of god to trinity church and yeah i want to welcome everybody online our online campus thank you so much for joining us today you are as much a part of us as those who are in the house we love you we pray for you we believe that he is a god of miracles for you do you need a miracle god is here to bring that miracle into your life let us agree with you let us pray with you just join the chat room there and and let them know how they can pray with you so that we can see god move on your behalf because he is so ready and willing god bless you everything you need to know about trinity church is at info you can register there let us know who you are so we can stay in touch with you we just give you blessings we bless you wherever you're watching from let us know where you're watching from i know from all over the world and uh we're just so honored that you've joined us and for those of you in the house wow look at you guys come on thank you for being here we're so honored that you're here do we have any guests any first time guest let me see wave at me yeah on the front row over here in the middle section come on yes wonderful god is breaking through in your family he's giving you that miracle i believe it how about over here in this area any first time guests we see over here awesome thank you for being here same thing for those of you who are here everything you need to know about what's happening is on slash info all the in all the announcements all the small groups all the prayer meetings everything is on there and so we're just so honored you're here a lot's going on um let me just tell you a few things what's happening this week okay and if you go out to the foyer there's some tables out there for so for one is young adults trinity young adults tya every monday come on is there anybody here from the age of 18 to 35 let me hear okay awesome we have a lot of college students who are coming back into town and monday night is the place to be you guys oh my goodness two three four hundred young people here worshiping the lord the presence of god they're experiencing such a move of god and and tomorrow night is a really special night actually the whole month of september tomorrow night from jesus culture pastor banning leap sure is going to be here to preach and to teach amazing teacher of the word of god so you don't want to miss that and then a week from monday sherman dumas will be here have you guys ever heard of sherman dumas he's kind of a new kid on the block but uh he's coming to minister so monday nights is the place to be that's out there in the foyer and then uh i i think you guys are registering for small groups junior high and high school do i have any junior high in high school or is it here all right all right and so if you want to know more about that for your junior high in high school or go out to the four year you can register for small groups tonight right they're meeting tonight and then next to that is ladies night do i have any ladies in the house oh my goodness this friday night you guys it's going to be rocking and rolling in this place our guest speaker is pastor sarah jakes roberts is going to come and preach the word of god and she tears it up she actually is jim's favorite preacher right now he's listened to all of her every time i ask him what are you listening to sarah jakes roberts he's all she can preach like nobody's business and break down the word of god and we've got a lot of extra special things but it does have a cost to it for this friday night so go out to the foyer learn more about that and reformers collective you guys we're starting a new ministry for people who want to change the world with the wisdom of god in all the spheres of society and we're having an october 18th and 19th um collective a gathering a conference so please go back back and learn more about that i think we have a video i always forget that next week next sunday sherman dumas stand up sherman come on everybody you guys welcome sherman he's with us today but he's coming back next week he'll be speaking at the nine and the 11 o'clock service and then we've decided to go ahead and have another sunday night family revival service next sunday night at 6 p.m so make plans if you have friends who attend other churches bring them sunday night because we are going to see wow god move in such a powerful way and so and then he'll be here sunday morning sunday night monday night and let's watch sarah jakes roberts on on this video this is not just any ordinary circumstance this is a catalyst you want to talk about being a generational curse breaker there are some moments that are the catalyst for the curse to be broken and i wish i could say it the way that i feel it but i need someone to understand that this is going to be a defining moment in your life who you become in this moment how you study in this moment how you choose to take the posture of a student in this moment is going to be what makes you a catalyst i want to speak to the part of you i dare call it pride i dare call it ego that makes you believe that if i do this i have to be a beast when i do it no if you're going to do this you're going to need to be a student when you do it and if you're willing to be a student i hear god saying i'll be your teacher that i'll send the holy spirit to teach you that i'll send the holy spirit to guide you because i have assumed the posture of a student i don't mind asking the right questions i don't mind praying the right prayers because i recognize there is no pressure for me to be a master yeah yeah she's really good she's really good i'm excited to build a relationship with her and to um to receive her ministry we have an exciting moment um the many of you are aware that one of the things that our church does is we we train we equip chaplains for specific assignments in the marketplace and uh the timmermans have been so faithful and so diligent to just fill our community frankly with with chaplains some of the chaplains that we're about to commission one is going to woodmont cabinetry over 500 employees mcdonald's restaurants the cruise ship ministry i've always wanted that one myself cedar cedar green living center they just go samaritan's purse disaster relief duncanville police department american red cross these are some of the places that we are commissioning and sending chaplains to really present the gospel to provide spiritual care for for those and so today we have the privilege of um credentialing with the assemblies of god this is a commissioning of these who have completed their training and are ready to be spiritually covered by trinity church to go into the marketplace and and uh represent jesus christ how many think that's a good thing right that's an awesome thing and so as i call your name if you would come forward again cindy and nathan if you guys would come as well we we love so much and appreciate so much your diligence to to uh really establish these chaplains in in the workplace but i think roberto garcia is not here today but elizabeth garcia would you come please oh nick is not here robert okay robert and elizabeth you guys would come please and then um josie torres and nancy molina and moises ruiz if you would come please and again what what is represented here is hours and hours and hours of preparation to be equipped for the work of the ministry and um we want to we just want to lay our hands on these guys and commission them but why don't you join me and uh guys let's this is this is your fruit so you get to protect you we need you to participate in this as well did you stretch your hands toward these amazing people father in the name of jesus we thank you for the harvest we thank you for the opportunity of activating what you have put in us on behalf of others we release over these dear friends now father the mantle for ministry in the marketplace we release over them father open doors opportunities courage boldness to represent you effectively with evidence of the reality of your truth father we bless them we set them apart to the calling of god that is upon their lives and we thank you we celebrate their willingness lord to be representatives of the king and his kingdom in the marketplace and we give you praise for it in jesus name come on celebrate these guys for what they represent who they're going to help god bless you and if anyone needs anybody to do a wedding ceremony or a funeral these are these guys are officially qualified all right so that's awesome um nate would you and rebecca come up please i don't know if you guys have had a chance to meet nate and rebecca but normally this time of day on a sunday these guys are the children's pastors at our fair meadows campus then they dash to our fair park campus where you guys are the senior pastors the lead pastors this is our famous church in the bar and uh these guys are just doing such an amazing work and i just wanted we started a new policy where every campus pastor comes to worship at the cedar hill campus um once every six weeks or so and this just gives us a chance to interact with one another cross-pollinate is another theological term so anyway just so we can can you guys can know them and they can know us so bring us greetings nate tell us what you want us to know well first i just want to say thank you uh you guys are family uh whether you guys show up to service or not we're all part of one big family and i'm just honored to be a part of this family uh so fair meadows yeah we get to we get the privilege of teaching the children and uh recently we started a series on the gifts of the holy spirit and just in the past few weeks we've seen elementary kids speaking in tongues prophesying over one another and god's really moving at our femeto's campus and then we're also the crazy church in a bar and uh just one thing i want to share about that place that's touched me is as we were beginning the stages of starting the church there there was some remodeling that needed to be done all the walls inside the bar were black very dark place representing a lot of the spiritually spiritual atmosphere that was there and miss joy had suggested to write scriptures on the walls before we painted over them and so we would write scriptures like the spirit of wisdom and revelation and the knowledge of jesus christ or peace that surpasses all understanding and since we've started that remodel and started the church miss kathy the owner says that there has not been one fight in her bar as it's open in fact where customers will come in and say why is there this piece here it's different and she's saying it's because we started a church here you need to come and they'll come and they'll see it for themselves and and they become part of our family and so um it's just amazing what the word of god carries the power to do so i know that i know that physically these guys i mean they look like magazine models they don't look like spiritual like giant killers but i am telling you do not mess with these guys when they're on the streets in east in east dallas they they can take on the toughest demons ever and i i'm changing up a little bit uh from what we did this morning the first service i did not i did not get to come to your wedding and i haven't really had the privilege of blessing your your marriage can i do that do you mind do you marry they're newlyweds i don't know if you can tell that so um if you guys would stretch your hands out toward nate and rebecca father i just want to thank you so much for this precious couple god i want to thank you that their steps have been ordered to the lord and you've brought them together in a dynamic synergy to expand the boundaries of your dominion in the lives of children and in the lives of those who they seem so down and out but god their hearts are so ready for the gospel lord i bless this marriage i bless them with the power to agree the power to agree that your will will be done that your kingdom will come a release over them father a spirit of protection lord no harm shall come to them i release destiny over their lives together and i thank you i thank you for the anointing that you've endowed them with and i say increase in the name of jesus we thank you we thank you for this marriage we thank you for what these guys represent in the name of the king and everybody said amen love y'all so much thank you for being part of our family amen amen and so that's a segue i think for me to remind you that when you bring to the lord his tithe and offerings part of it is being distributed really around the globe and uh you know one of the questions i get asked about tithe a lot is is it okay to give a portion of my tithe to my mother-in-law who is having trouble buying groceries right now or paying rent is it okay to give part of the tithe to my my sick sister and i i say no to that because part of the principle of faith that's involved is bringing tithe to the storehouse so that it can be distributed in the wisdom of the of the eldership of the church um one of the things i'd like to say is we're not really giving to the church we're giving through the church so we're giving through the church to um to the places where the harvest is um i'll be doing some recording this week for the campuses to just really help equip them on the idea of tithe and why we do that one of the verses that is really important about the tithe is proverbs chapter 3 verse 9. and it says honor the lord with your wealth with the first fruits of everything you produce and i think that's such an important principle because if you don't honor the lord with what you produce you think that you produced it without the co-laboring partnership you know tithe really begins in the garden of eden when god says there's a tree here i don't think that tree had diamond studs or gold leaves or even i don't think it was tox you know toxic if they ate it was just a normal tree but god said this tree is the tithe tree this tree is my tree don't you can have everything else in the garden but this tree belongs to me and that's the principle of the tithe because what's so important is when adam and eve went to god's tree and took it for themselves they were in essence saying god we are violating the co-partnership of the universe we want to be equal to god we want to be the same as god and when you with i'm sorry i'm getting excited about this but i want you to be free here guys when you withhold the tithes you're in essence say whatever i produce i'm doing it with my own strength i'm doing it with my own breath i'm doing it with my own and that is just a setup for embarrassment i will tell you that the whole idea is we are co-laboring with god yes and so the tithe is one of the ways that god says i want you to make sure that the first of everything that you have produced that's mine that's mine don't take that for yourself everything else you can have that that part belongs to to me and we don't want to make the same mistake that adam and eve made we don't want to say well god we can do this without you we don't want you to be part of what is being produced in our lives that's why we that's why we bring the tithe does that make sense and so today we want to give you an opportunity to give to the lord his tithe we never say our tithe it's his tithe we give to the lord his tithe and then offerings as he's blessed you this is like expanding the kingdom of god whenever we bring offerings and so i bless you today as you bring to the lord his tithe our offerings if you are online we encourage you to participate you can give by texting 972-444-2113 or you can go online and give through the church app you can give through any of the any of the media opportunities that are there if you're in the house are we ready for the sermon i think we are right we've got everything done i want sherman to come greet you in just a minute but why don't you stand and that way you can go to the receptacles that are in front of you and remain standing for the reading of god's word father bless the giving now we bring you your tithes we bring you our offerings and we say god bless fair meadows bless fair park bless the missionary let let resource be distributed through your church to help so many people in jesus name and everybody said amen bring your offerings now pastor sherman apostle sherman come please and say hello to our church tell them anything you want to tell them as long as it's quick good morning family anybody excited to be in god's house this morning i mean for real seriously excited i happen to be in town ministering some place this weekend and i was like i'm not coming to dallas and not coming home to be with trinity and so it worked out for me to be here today and i can't wait to hear the word i want to tell you next week is going to be so good and not because i'm here going to be here uh but because god is going to be doing something really extraordinary with breakthrough and i want to encourage you to be an inviter and be a bringer next week do me a favor really quickly we should look at someone next to you tell him be an inviter be an inviter be a bringer be a break everyone did not participate 100 participation find somebody else and tell them be an inviter be a bringer your one invitation can be a doorway to someone's miracle i just totally believe that and so if you would go and invite and bring next week god is going to do amazing things at 9 11. but then even at the family revival service next sunday night we're just going for it in worship and prophecy and miracles and and like pastor jim said just invite as many people even if they don't go here god is doing something great we are in the midst of revival can you feel that amen amen so sherman's going to be here at nine o'clock service on sunday the 11 o'clock service on sunday then we're having a six o'clock service and then we're having the monday night service for trinity young adults so all of those any of those and it's gonna be amazing um did beck do okay last week okay you doing okay i think she did great i watched i watched both services amazing amazing um and so i'm glad to be back i'm gonna continue our i mean this is what god is doing he's bringing a family revival and today i'd like to talk to you for just a few moments about discovering the love of your life okay the love for your life and um this prayer from paul oh my goodness guys this prayer is amazing ephesians chapter three let's read it and then one story from the old testament ephesians chapter 3 for this reason i bow my knees to the father of the lord jesus christ from whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named that he would grant you according to the rich of his glory to be strengthened with might through his do i'm going to have to train you too so we had to work out this in the in the first service when i pause it's because i either don't know what the word is and you have to no i'm just kidding you guys you guys get to say it you get to participate okay so we're going to be strengthened with mike through his in the inner man that christ may in your hearts through that you being rooted and grounded in yeah may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the width and the length and the depth and the height to know the love of christ which passes knowledge that you may i can hardly read this part that you may be filled with all the fullness of god now to him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think according to the power that works in us to him be glory in the church by christ jesus to all generations what a prayer what a prayer for ever and ever amen and then a story from the old testament i really love it we should read the whole thing but just for time laban said to jacob because you're my relative should you therefore serve me for nothing tell me what what what do you want your wages to be i even had two daughters the name of the elder was leah the name of the younger was rachel leah's eyes were delicate it's an interesting word we'll talk about it in just a minute rachel was beautiful of form and appearance jacob loved rachel so he said well i'll serve you seven years so rachel your younger daughter laban said well it's better that i give it to you then i should give it to another man stay with me so jacob served seven years for rachel and they seemed only a few days to him because of the love that he had for her and jacob said to layman okay give me my wife my days are fulfilled it's time to go into her laban yeah you guys are going to enjoy the sermon i can tell already if you're laughing at the bible yeah okay this is going to be fun laban gathered together all the men of the place and they made a feast and it came to pass in the evening that he took leah he took leah his daughter and brought her to jacob and jacob went into her not not rachel but leah and laban gave his maid zilpah to his daughter leah as a maid so it came to pass in the morning behold it was leah and he said to laban what have you done to me was it not rachel that i served you it was it not for rachel i will serve you why did you do this laban said it must not be done so in our country to give the younger before the firstborn fulfill her weak and then we'll give you this one also for the service which you will serve me with me for still another seven years jacob did so and he fulfilled her week and so he gave him his daughter rachel as his wife also this is we'll just stop right there there's a whole lot more we'll talk about it but this dear friends is yeah you may be seated so i i know you can't tell yet but i started going to a new gym and um it's a it's called a performance gym and i'm not really sure why except that there's a lot of trainers there and and um some of you won't be impressed with this illustration some of you will the first day i went to work out i worked out right next to seth curry okay you don't even know who that is and so um i'm getting to know some of the people and one of the guys that i actually did know was a graduate of trinity christian school a few years back i've known him and known as family and um he was a running back on our football team here's what i didn't know about him i was talk katie actually was the first to tell me this he trains zeke elliott with his footwork he's like he's helping zeke elliott become a better runner or tcs graduate y'all i'm just telling you i didn't know that i didn't know that about him and i met another guy there and he was so friendly he's so nice and just he's helping me figure you know keep my form on my exercises and everything and uh i didn't know this but he said um i i was asking who are some of the people that you train because this place is filled with professional athletes you know i don't know why i'm there but there are so so tell me somebody that you trained and he's like well he says i just finished doing the rehab work on the shoulder of dak prescott it's like what have you ever known someone only to discover there was a whole lot more to discover that you didn't know is anybody else thinking about becky hennessy right now because i got to tell you when i watched her preach last week i mean there she is like this is my time and don't play yourself small and i want to go to the beach but i'm carrying a coat of many colors and i'm listening to that i'm like who is this who is this but i like her i like her too i like her too but it kind of begs the question and it's and it's this what do we have yet to discover about ourselves or what do we have yet to discover about god because this was nazareth's curse they lived too much with what they knew about jesus they're like oh see jesus was going to come to nazareth and do a lot of miracles but the bible says he could only do a few small ones because there was an atmosphere in that city and the atmosphere was familiarity oh yeah we know what jesus we know about him we know his parents we know his brothers we know where he lives and i'm asking the question what if our familiarity because we're the bible belt we know everything about everything what if our familiarity with what we know about jesus is hindering the glorious unknowns that he wants to unveil intermittent i mean i think actually since easter that we've been talking about this family revival it's just code language for the idea that there's an awareness in us that god wants to do more he wants to show us more about himself than we've ever seen and he wants to be through our families he wants to do he wants to do things in our families and we've identified five faith positions we believe that during family revival our family destinies are going to be discovered every family in heaven and earth is named there's a name over your family there's a trajectory number two we believe that god is going to help us build a culture of honor because honor heals families oh my goodness no more shame no more blame honor restores families we believe that god's going to let us have a restoration of things that have been lost not just replacing things that are lost but taking us back to a place beyond where things were broken in the first place number four we believe that prodigals are gonna come home it's happening it's happening it's happening somebody just shout out to the world come home say it come home come home it's time to come home and sorry number five we believe that the family of god is gonna be the church is gonna be we're gonna act like a family we're gonna be sons and daughters and brothers and sisters and it's gonna be really the stewardship of the glory of god but all of this all of this is embedded it's embedded in this big prayer of paul um i don't know another thing to call it such a big prayer because i mean i never prayed prayers like this until i just started getting in my spirit but he's a spiritual father but paul is a spiritual father he's praying over his sons and his daughters and he's praying over over his church he's praise praying he's not praying that they'll make the varsity team he's not praying that they'll choose the right college to go to he's not praying you know that that susie's sprained ankle will get better or they'll smoke a little less weed or be less promiscuous he's praying that his sons and daughters would be strengthened with strength by the holy spirit in the inner man and i love his thinking because paul is like man if i could just be strengthened they could just be filled with the holy spirit they would make better decisions and they wouldn't give in to temptations and they they would win their emotional battles i wouldn't have to worry about my sons joining a gang if he was strengthened with spirit in the inner man you know you see and paul you know he elaborates through this prayer and he's like this the secret is what's dwelling in us what's dwelling in verse 17 says oh that christ may dwell in us because church whatever is dwelling in us that's what informs our our activities and our actions and the atmosphere of our city whatever is indwelling us and that's such a powerful word to dwell it speaks of intensity and it it speaks of continuity this is no in and out burger spiritual experience come in on sundays take it out no no this is about an indwell an indwelling savior the god who created the heavens and earth living inside us and i'll just say that when jesus comes in and dwells he never comes empty-handed when he comes in he brings his strength he brings his love he brings his wisdom he brings his peace everything that we need is healing he just brings it and he and he he embeds it in us he puts it he puts it there and that's what turns situations into fruit and flowers this is the indwelling christ you think i love that he pushes it you know he pushes it out a little bit in the next chapter he says ah i just wish these christians that i love so much i just wish they'd grow up it's time for them to grow up in 4 13 of ephesians chapter 4 verse 13. he says he gives apostles and he gives pastors and he gives prophets and he teaches and evangelists that the body of christ would be edified that we would all come in the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the son of god to a perfect man to the measure of the stature of the fullness fullness is there a fullness about this in your heart that we would no longer be children tossed to and fro carried about with every wind of doctrine that we would speak the truth in love that we would grow up in all things all things oh please what if you grew up in your marriage what if you grew up in your faith what if you grew grew up in your kindness what if you grew up you know this is time to it's time to grow up in the body of christ i was in pennsylvania last week and my my friend that i ministered for with his daughter her name is emma it was her 16th birthday and i went to the birthday party and we were all celebrating emma what a beautiful child you know wonderful person she is and one of the adults who loved her so much said oh emma i just want you to never grow up and i before i could filter it before i could think about it i said what you want her to live all of her life because i'm just saying if you're not growing you're dying guys if you're not growing there's something weird going on and yet there's a lot of believers who are struggling in the same issues that they struggle in this time last year and the year before that we're staying the same year after year and i'm just somebody to say grow up grow up so paul's prayer really is a vision for christians to grow up i mean he says would you just grow strong would you be strengthened in your inner man by the holy spirit grow strong and then he says why don't you grow full and this one's really got me because what would that be to be filled with the fullness of god i mean i think a lot of times we make god's got like one dimensional or two-dimensional yes jesus he forgave my sins i'm going to go to heaven he died on the cross i believe that you know i had a friend this week and he confessed he says you know i'm successful in every area of my life except one and i got to tell you the one that he was not successful in was a pretty big one and it was dragging all the resources from the successful area of his life into the unsuccessful area of his life and i'm just trying to preach to you today that fullness attacks every arena of our life that is not saturated with the indwelling christ i just i don't think paul's praying that we will be partially successful christians but they will be full because fullness fullness wants to attack emptiness and i'll just tell you emptiness has its own power emptiness is why there's so much depression in the church emptiness is why so many people want to kill themselves emptiness is why there's such fear emptiness is why there's this uncontrollable need for sex i'm not talking about out in the world we expect i'm talking about inside the church emptiness explains why there are so many broken lives but paul says i'm not going to settle for partial fullness i'm not going to settle for a little bit of god let's be filled with the fullness of god grow strong he says grow grow full he says grow love he says i just pray that you'll know the unknowable dimensions of god's love i love it when he says he's imagining i wonder how wide it is i wonder how high it is i wonder how long it is i wonder how deep it is and then he says this most interesting thing he says i'm praying that love would become the root of your soul i'm praying that whatever's in you would begin to be nourished and fed and encouraged because how many of you know enough about you know plants that if the root is if the root is growing everything's growing right i mean there's going to be life if the root is healthy and i listen to back sermon last week about joseph and you know just he's in a pit and then he gets in jail and he thinks he's going to get out of jail but he doesn't get out of jail and i was just wondering if i was listening was he empty was he empty because the bible makes a point of saying through all his trouble he was faithful to the lord and i'm just imagining what was the root that nourished his soul in his difficult times and and as he went through his difficult times what was happening to him to qualify him and make him make him available to a great exploit that literally say save the world i'm just i'm just trying to get you to think about the idea that we can be nourished on the inside by god even when it doesn't seem like god is doing the things we want him to do i mean that's what paul is praying we would just think a lot about the root of our soul verse 17 says that that christ may dwell in our hearts through faith that we would be rooted grounded in love and then it says this that we would be able to comprehend with all the saints and i love that word too it's all like today's vocabulary word day i just love the word comprehend because it means to take in to grasp to you know do you remember those comprehension reading tests that you had back in the third grade i mean i remember literally getting graded for reading comprehension it's not enough just to read you have to understand what it is that you're reading in sherman i really believe that revival is the acceleration of comprehension because there are some things that we have yet to comprehend about the blood of jesus there's some things that we have yet to comprehend about the resurrection there are some things we have yet to comprehend about the idea that there's an anointing of god upon us and that the glory of god is to be in the church some things to comprehend take it in understand it i mean the thesis of the sermon you just write this sentence and you'll know what i'm trying to say today i think this this is the idea is that the more we can comprehend the more we're going to grow and it's time for us to grow and if we if we can't find the love of god real in our hearts i'm not talking about when you're singing the songs and the music and i'm talking about on mondays and tuesdays and if you can't find the love of god as a root as a as a nourishment for your for your soul if it's not real i'm not talking about a doctor and i'm not talking about memorizing it for bible quiz i'm talking about a real tangible awareness that there's a god in heaven who loves you if you don't know that then you're gonna let your life love things that will hurt you and they're gonna hurt your family and that's the story that we have in front of us today the story about jacob and i'm just going to say the story of jacob is a story of a man and a woman who just desperate for the love of god just hunting searching for the love of god and three seasons this is just a few minutes just three there's three seasons to his story and i'm gonna call season number one in jacob's life the empty season it's the empty season remember please that jacob is an elite and what i mean by that is god made a covenant with jacob's grandpa abraham and said abraham through your family we're gonna save the whole world through your family there's gonna come messiah that means that every little baby who was born in abraham's family had a chance to be the one a chance to carry the seed a chance to fulfill the promise that god made to abraham and jacob was the one jacob was the chosen one and it created a lot of family tension because first of all jacob was a jerk and secondly it created tension because elder brothers are usually preferred to younger brothers and just by a few seconds esau was the older brother and and jacob was the younger but jacob was the chosen one and to complicate things a little bit more in this dysfunctional family isaac loved esau more than he loved jacob and i know that your parents told you that they loved you all the same but i know my mom loved me more than she loved my brother so i you know well jacob deceives his blind father in order to get a special blessing that was reserved for the older he he deceived his dad if you know the story he put animal skins on and he put on some some smell like a dead animal and isaac thought he was giving the blessing to esau but he was giving it to jacob so esau is mad i'm going to kill you jacob i'm good and sure enough i mean jacob has to run to his mother's family he's running for his life to his mother's family jacob has no money he has no inheritance he has no friends he's just trying to survive his angry brother and again let me paint this picture for you he has the destiny of god on his life but he's as empty as he can be let me just i love telling this story this i'm telling the story out of genesis 29 in genesis 28 jacob actually had a category one encounter with god i mean a big time encounter with god you may remember it's jacob's ladder he's he's he lays his head down on a rock he goes to sleep and this ladder appears and there are angels coming up and down the ladder and god makes a covenant with jacob and so i'm talking about chapter 28 he has an encounter with god chapter 29 he's running for his life he's empty i'm just trying to say even though he had an encounter with god it didn't seem to do jacob any good and i don't know how this fits your theology but it seems possible to actually have an encounter with god and hold on to your empty life and so what we have in this story is a man who's coping with an empty life and laban the uncle says well if you're going to be here i might as well pay you some wages what do you want what are you willing to work for and there's a ready answer jacob says i'll work for your youngest daughter rachel she's stunning she's fabulous she's amazing and uh and again i know this is obvious but let me point it out jacob is looking for love he's looking for love he didn't get love from his daddy he didn't get love from his brother he didn't get love from his dream encounter with god he can't seem to find love anywhere but he sees rachel and he's like ah there's the root my soul needs and he offers seven years of his life for her seven years now this is where i know the guy is obsessed because i did the research 30 shekels would have easily bought miss universe back in that day i mean one and a half shekels per month is a normal wage so if he had offered 20 months he would have been able to give the most extravagant gift that any bride had ever any father-in-law had ever received for his bride if he had offered her two years offered him two years that would have been like guinness book of world records for the most ever paid for a bride he doesn't give her 20 months or two years he says i'm gonna give you seven years that was unheard of and that's the point jacob is overwhelmed with rachel he's obsessed with her and the bible says seven years seemed like a few days because he was so so caught up with her he bet he bet seven years of his life that she was gonna satisfy him in verse 21 then jacob said to layman hey it's time give me my wife my days are fulfilled it's time for me to go in to her and again if i could just pause for a second to say empty lives make really bad choices oh seven years that's way too much and not only that he's living with a sleazy uncle and well we'll see some of the bad choices that empty lives make but i'm just want to preach to you that if you lack fullness if what's dwelling in you today is an angry brother or the rejection of a father or the loneliness that you've lost your home or the deception that you think is the mode of operation that's going to get you through life it's really a question of your root what is the root that is nourishing your soul what is coming to you that is causing you to make the decisions and live under the influences that you're i think this is practical guys i think this is really practical preaching because come on you were made for the glory of god you were made for union so mystical and wonderful so naturally romance is a big go-to for empty souls romance i mean look at the movies what look at the book romance sells transcendence this is this is the love that your heart is long for this is forever kind of love love you know romance talks about ecstasy and and this is going to satisfy your soul i don't know if you guys are keeping up with the young adults story or not but i really am because i think god has his hand on our young our trinity young adult so may oh my goodness the increased activity of god is just unbelievable it's unbelievable but can i remind you young adults and everybody else that all of this increased activity of god began when the young people stopped hooking up with one another i don't know if i can just be so real or not but i'm talking about there were leaders in our youth group who were having significant immoral sexual activity with one another and they got called out on it and and it and what had embedded in the culture of young adults was deception and loneliness and anger and and i'm not just trying to throw young adults under the bus because i know you too i know what's going on in your life and i'm just trying to get you to understand that hooking up in our culture today is very enticing if souls are empty because because it's when you're empty that you're driven you've got to find something you got to find you got to find the glory you got to find the union you got to find the fullness that you were made for you intuitively long for it but but you know it's not in me yet if there's no indwelling in me that is satisfying so it's easier to imagine this gorgeous person is going to satisfy the deep longing of my heart jacob is the chosen one but he's so empty there's so much destiny over his life but he's so empty until he deals with his emptiness the destiny of his whole family is at risk and do you remember the story of the prodigal son in the new testament when he left he left so full seemingly he's got a full wallet and he's got a full belly and he's got a full calendar but when he came to himself he came to himself after he was empty and this is good news because knowing that there's a part of your heart that is empty is a step toward attaining fullness you just got to be honest about your listen listen hennessy family is the only family i really know and i just got to tell you truthfully it has not turned out the way we imagined it was going to turn out it's far harder and far better than we ever imagined my dad was the first to break through into the gospel he was the first believer in his stance he was elite he was chosen he carried the destiny of our family the same thing on the backside both her mom and her dad were the first to come out of secularism and religious spirit to come into the spirit of pentecost and so we that there's a destiny over our family and when our sons were worshiping with us it was so easy to imagine the destiny of our family in a way that frankly seems almost impossible now when ross our oldest son divorced it emptied us and when ryan pulled away i just honestly for years i i was preaching and i was praying while the needle was on e i mean can i just be that honest with you it's not like i was completely unsuccessful i mean there were dimensions of god i knew he was my savior i knew about the blood i was partially successful you know but there was an emptiness that embedded itself in a part of my soul and it was nourishing it was feeding it was a root that needed to be plucked up it needed to be torn out and even though i knew jesus in certain dimensions of my life i never read paul's prayer to understand and attach my faith that i don't have to have any empty areas of my soul i can be filled with the fullness of god regardless of the circumstance and i'm telling you this because humans are always looking for ways to deal with emptiness [Music] and there is a way to deal with emptiness the root of your soul has to be god's love and i got some more good news destiny does not leave you just because you're empty even if you filled your soul with substitutes even if you're being nourished with toxins i prophesy to you you have not destroyed your destiny season one was emptiness season two is disappointment laban knows that he's got jacob at his mercy because he's offering seven years and i'll just tell you laban is jacob's match and notice please that laban doesn't actually agree to the contract he doesn't really accept jacob's offer it's very nuanced here verse 19. here's what laban said it's better that i give her to you than i should give her to another man jacob thought that was a yes that wasn't a yes that was uh yeah but jacob's was so empty and so desperate that he interpreted as a yes and so now there's a wedding and you know how those weddings went the bride is all veiled up and there's no electricity and it's a really long wedding with a lot of drinking and alcohol and so by the time the honeymoon comes they go into the tent and you know there's the consummation of the marriage when jacob wakes up it's not rachel it's leah jacob is furious listen to him in verse 25 what have you done to me i served for rachel why have you deceived me this is fraud this is wrong this is injustice and you expect the next scene to be violent somebody's going to pull out a switchblade but that's not what happens here's what happens jacob meekly gives in to laban and says okay seven more years what happened this the root of jacob's soul was exposed one little phrase you have to you have to look at it but here it is here's what laban said to jacob jacob around here it's not the custom for the younger to be preferred to the elder [Music] are you thinking are you thinking about it around here it's not the custom for the younger to get the blessing before the elder and it was that sentence that brought back a haunting history to jacob what was it that happened in the tent jacob reached out in the darkness to touch who he thought was rachel and what happened years before 14 years before seven years before his own father reached out with his blindness to touch who he thought was esau but it was jacob and now jacob knows what it is to be used now he knows what it's like to be lied to now he knows what it's like to be shattered and he realizes i have done the very same thing to my family i planted all those seeds in my family and it's coming back to me and i've come to ask you tonight what if the bad thing that's happening to you right now has a purpose in your life what is it if all of this exists to help us see ourselves more clearly and there's one more character that we need to talk about come on up gabe because i'm almost done here there's one more character we need to talk about in this story her his name her name is leah leah the bible says in verse 17 she had weak eyes and it's really an interesting breakable eyes fragile eyes most commentaries think her eyes were crossed the point is she was homely and laban is unloading her because he thinks she's never going to get married leah is unwanted she's ignored and she's competing with her gorgeous sister but she starts having babies and the names of her babies reveal her strategy for emptiness remember she's dealing with rejection too okay she's she's looking for love for love for life she's looking for it and so here comes baby number one i'll call him reuben his name means to see and the hope is i'll be visible now i have a son but it didn't work out that way so she had another son and this baby's name was simeon which means to hear to be listened to finally i have two sons i'll be heard by my husband didn't work out that way third son levi his name means to be attached to clean finally with my third son i'll be loved i'll be attached to my husband i'll be important to him and i'm just trying to help you see that this was worse than being unmarried she's in hell because the man she loves is in the arms of a woman that she's competed with all of her life she's not going to win this battle there's no way she's going to win and yet yet with each baby she sees her life a little more clearly and she's coming to the conclusion you know what my husband and my babies are never going to satisfy this root that i long for i love them i love them a lot but they're not going to they're not going to do it for me they're not they're not fullness they're not the indwelling that i need but she has a fourth kid and this fourth kid is different here's the breakthrough the fourth child is named who knows the name of the fourth child the fourth name is the fourth child is named judah and when she says i'm gonna name this baby judah because now i will praise the lord now i will praise the lord literally literally the scripture says this son is the one for whom the lord will be praised and listen she stopped having babies for a while because she didn't need to have babies anymore what happened to her was she took her deepest passions and expectations everything that she had put on those men on jacob and on reuben and on sybian and on levi she took it away and she took her life back she said i'm gonna find a new root i'm gonna find a new route cause this one's not working and what happens in her is because of what had happened to her and i just want to point out judah was the one he was the carrier of the abraham covenant judah was the destiny season number three and i'm closing with this season number three i'm just going to call it family revival family revival what happened what happened in this family i'll tell you do you want to know what happened in this family do you want to know they dealt with their idols you thought i thought idols were like totem poles or something like golden calves listen an idol is the thing that you look to other than god that you think is gonna take away your emptiness but it won't an idol is the thing that you put in your life that you expect will bring fullness to you and you'll either chase it all of your life or you'll actually find it and realize that it's not capable of giving you the love that your life longs for and so jacob we could call him a prodigal too because he had to leave home i mean he didn't want to leave home he had to leave home but he's prodigal finally he's like okay now it's time to go home after all those years after all those busted relationships after laban had deceived the deceiver and exposed the ugliness of his own soul somehow the god that jacob had met now 20 years earlier in the hard place the dream the latter that god that he met 20 years suddenly that god became real and alive in his life it became a root to his soul and began to now he had the courage to face his angry brother now he had the skill to bring forward a reconciliation and trust god for his future he stopped searching for love and he started growing in the love that he had [Music] come on just say grow up and then leah leah her journey has been one of calling on the name of the lord and believing that her husband was going to be her savior leah had been worshiping the lord and looking for fullness in her babies and her family other human beings but along came judah and this is so weird i wish i could quote sarah jakes i wish i could say this the way i feel it she could have used any number of the names of god she could have said i will praise el shaddai i will praise el elyon i will praise i will praise elohim those were all the names that they knew at the time but somehow she had heard about the personal name of god she had heard about the god of covenant the god the god who would do anything for you his name is yahweh [Applause] that's the name that she said i'm gonna praise yahweh and i i love i love last week's message about joseph but i just need to remind you it wasn't joseph who was the chosen one it was jacob and leah who brought salvation to the world through judah and they had more babies and they had more struggles and they had more challenges in like every marriage but i am telling you something shifted so that the root of their life now was different and i closed with these lessons all that was introduction here's the sermon ready there is nothing this world offers that will bring fullness to you not your job not your relationship nothing nothing nothing every time you look at something that you think is gonna be a root for your soul you wake up in the morning it's leah it's leah [Applause] and i just want to say it like this your longings are too holy your longings are too holy to give them to anything the earth is offering i'm just too holy number two people with messed up families can still be reached by god the way i want to say it is empty people can find hope number three don't play yourself small you got weak eyes are you the one that's competing with the gorgeous person have you got a deceitful past you betrayed your brother god says you're a carrier of his glory you're the light of the world you're the destiny and the hope of the earth number four the best time to lay down your idol is now i mean do you even know what it is that's nourishing your soul do you are you even aware are even aware that there are things that are inside you indwelling you that are causing you to feel the way you feel and think the things you think and say the things that you say and again i just want to say this is a god who really loves you and until his love becomes real it's not nourishing you it's just a doctrine let his love be the root and then the last lesson is this sometimes seasons of disappointment are necessary in order to break the illusions that you have about yourself i mean we've all got this self-image we've all got this perception i mean saul saul uh he was so self-deceived and so are we sometimes you have to go through a tough time in order to break illusions about yourself because only humble people get grace prideful people god resist i want to have a closing prayer with you but i want to sing a song first so let's stand together and worship and then i'll come back for a closing prayer you picked me up [Music] [Music] i think you saved wandering into the night [Music] any bones in here [Music] i didn't he know me [Music] [Applause] foreign i thank god [Music] got no choice but to believe my doubts are burning [Music] you're not welcome here [Applause] is [Music] i thank god [Music] [Applause] come on is [Applause] [Music] i [Music] [Music] but i wasn't born and raised in texas and where had i'm ain't no fun if the homies get had now you know what i mean y'all i know y'all nervous so you can lead us like that we know about that it's saying love share the love and we've been given a new life in christ the goodness of god well maybe you're here today and you're struggling to receive this truth right now we're gonna water the word in your life we're gonna water the word that was just released in fact we're gonna prophesy to one another are you ready come on why are you ready okay it's real simple you just gonna say this [Music] who are oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is forever okay thank you guys thank you guys thank you god i want to have a closing prayer i'd like to pray for you [Music] um the most important thing is to know that christ is dwelling in you i mean this is the bible belt that's so easy to hear about christ and sing about christ but come on is he is he in you is he there what does he say in revelation he says not behold i'm standing at the door knocking of any person under any circumstance open the door i'll come in i'll dwell i'll dwell there if there's any person here today but he's like not sure i don't know i don't listen this is what the gospel is about the god of creation by his holy spirit wants to be inside us it's amazing but it's true [Applause] and i'd like to in the closing prayer include anybody who would say [Music] i feel like i'm a partially successful christian i'm okay here and i'm okay here and i'm okay here but this part of my life feels empty and i just i just want to say we don't have to settle for any part that's empty because this is a prayer for fullness that's why the holy spirit came so that we would be filled in the holy spirit and so we're going to pray for indwelling we're going to pray for fullness we're going to try to grow grow in strength grow grow in love we're going to we're going to probably pray for that i would like for you to respond i'd like i'd like for you to say pastor god's dealing with my heart about an area god's deal with my heart about welcoming him i give you permission to pray specifically for me i give you permission to include me in your closing prayer just lift your hand thank you thank you thank you thank you guys [Music] i'm sure i'm not registering everybody but i think god god sees your hand this prayer is going to be no no no no if you raised your hand come here as quickly as possible come on come on don't look around see what somebody else is doing if you raised your hand come come quickly come quickly the holy spirit is here the holy spirit is here to touch us to change to pull up the old roots and put in the new ones all right gonna pull up the old roots and put in a new one yeah come on we're gonna wait on you come on come on come on come on come on come on as you're coming just go ahead and just kind of lift your heart with your hands and just just ask the lord to feel you come on lord no empty places in my heart no empty places i'm latching onto paul's prayer he prayed for me that i would be filled with the fullness of god i'm not going to settle for an empty place i'm not going to settle i'm not going to settle for anything nourishing my soul that does not belong there tearing down the old root i'm breaking out i'm pulling it up right now no old roots in me [Music] [Applause] the root of the root of the father's love the root of the father's love jesus jesus there's the don't you feel his presence there he is there he is he's he's doing that inside work if he's doing that inside work and your heart is pushing aside though the stuff the toxins the the stuff that has tried to inform your life oh god we why would we give ourselves to anything that the world is offering when we know we were made for you for your love alone so father i pray for every person this is my prayer this is my closing prayer i pray for every person and the sound of my voice but especially for these who came forward now father i am asking that you would baptize your daughter right now in your love god oh i'm asking in the name of jesus that you would lord you would be the root of our soul jesus that you alone would do this work father now [Music] now holy spirit we welcome you everybody say that holy spirit i welcome your fullness come on i welcome your fullness i welcome your fullness i welcome your fullness i welcome your fullness god [Music] i welcome your fullness jesus thank you thank you thank you god i welcome your fullness do this deep work do this deep work lord a neutral lord i thank you for my destiny but i refuse to be empty [Music] refuse to be empty lord i thank you for my destiny but i'm not gonna do it empty i'm not gonna do it empty lord i'm gonna be filled filled filled phil come on everybody let's let's pray this prayer together dear jesus i open the door to my heart come in dwell in bring everything you are and everything you have into the deepest place of my spirit i welcome you to live in me oh come on give god praise for that right there i welcome you to live in me god i welcome you to live in me i welcome you to me lord one more one more prayer one more prayer come on let's keep praying dear jesus [Music] every part of my heart [Music] fill it up with your love i renounce every idol everything i've looked to that cannot satisfy me and i put you as the lord of my life idols come down jesus rise up idols come down jesus rise up come on give me praise that he's the lord of your life now [Music] hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah oh one more one more one more prayer one more prayer because listen i'm not going to preach a sermon to you anymore that doesn't equip you to do the work of the ministry he's not going to do it so the question is how does this equip you to do the work of the ministry and here's the answer when you're filled you're the one who can make the apology [Music] you don't when you're filled you're the one who can pick up the phone and say let's work this out come on when you're filled you have enough to give to the empty is this making sense to you this is the work of the ministry that you reconcile and if you're filled you do the ministry of reconciliation you can make your family whole you can come on so i'm equipping you today to do the nasty work because you don't really need that person to feel you you're already full so you can give out of out of grace does that make sense to you so father i thank you that you're equipping our family today to do the work of the ministry lord that ministry that's that's where light and darkness collide that's where hope and despair run into one another and we are willing to position ourselves right there between it because we're filled come on you need to say it again i'm filled i'm filled so i i can i can do what needs to be done because i'm not taking anything from anybody you are my strength you are my strength [Music] now lord we've commissioned a few chaplains today but i want to commission everybody in the sound of my voice [Music] to take the indwelling christ into the places into the people who so need him i'm a carrier of the glory of god come on somebody confess that i'm a carrier of the glory of god i'm a carrier i'm a carrier of his love in jesus name in jesus name [Music] give him your best praise right now would you do it come on [Applause] we praise you for this gospel [Music] fill us up in jesus name sing that one more time the lord bless you and keep you cause there's space to shine upon you give you grace and peace now and forever and everybody said amen [Music] [Applause] [Music] of myself [Music]
Channel: Trinity Church Cedar Hill
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Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: 5DKCNfBd_lg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 121min 34sec (7294 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 12 2021
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