Sunday Morning Drive In/Open Air Service Sept. 12th, 2021

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great [Music] so do amen yeah really yeah [Music] ah [Music] um five just sit there [Music] so [Music] one [Music] so [Music] amen we welcome you to the salvation army conception based south church service this morning out in this beautiful open air and this beautiful day that god has given to us what a great sight it is for us to look out over our parking lot today and to see so many of you both in your vehicles and out who have come to share and to worship with us today god is indeed good is he not amen amen yes he is he is and uh we just anticipate who he is and what he is going to do because god always seems to surprise us sometimes things happen perhaps not in the way we might anticipate but with god he knows all things and so when it's written in isaiah 43 19 we aren't surprised to read for i am about to do something new amen something new a little bit of of a mystery there a little bit of anticipation there as we wait to see what that something new is because with god all things are possible for i am about to do something new see i have already begun do you not see it i will make a pathway through the wilderness i will create rivers in the wasteland god is amazing i know things have been difficult over these past months and we have a full afternoon of activities planned here with our open air service this morning our barbecue lunch immediately following activities all afternoon ending with a short gospel concert at four o'clock this afternoon and we are so blessed to know that out in the open air we can do those things and we have the freedom to do that when in so many places that is not possible today unfortunately a little bit of a sad announcement that i have to make and that is all of our activities that were supposed to start this week we had now have to postpone until further notice we're waiting to see how the schools are and what's happening with our colon cases over these next couple of weeks but we don't give up hope and we don't give up the anticipation that something new is going to come even out of this and god is going to be victorious and he will have his way among us and so today let's celebrate let's celebrate who god is and let's celebrate the freedom that we have in christ to come into fellowship together here today we have so many reasons more than 10 000 reasons to praise him [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] the sun comes up [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] is [Music] reasons hallelujah [Music] [Music] say [Music] here we go [Music] my [Music] oh oh [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh yes [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] he healed my body [Music] oh [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] please [Music] [Music] look what the lord has now one more time is come on and praise him look what the lord has done amen amen can you think of something in your life that you want to praise the lord for come on give the lord a hand clap for praise honk those horns this morning praise god amen it's good to be together this morning praising the lord it's rally day some of you aren't familiar with that terminology it's a salvation army terminology i suppose we're rallying our folks back together for a new season of ministry that's what it's all about and we're looking forward to what god will do among us even though a little hiccup along the way as we've been experiencing a lot of those over the last year and a half and even a little longer but god has been good and he's faithful and the words of the song that we're about to sing i believe can minister to all of our hearts today as we embrace the new year ahead yes god is doing something new but for us we have a responsibility and here it is be strong in the grace of the lord be noble upright and true be valiant for god and the right live daily your duty to do don't you love those words be strong and god will your courage renew and that final verse ends by saying and victory amen and victory will be your delight we're going to sing these three verses through and the band is going to help us through it this morning bless of them lord [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] me [Music] is [Music] be stronger [Music] hallelujah be strong be stronger [Music] be strong be strong and victory [Music] amen and we claim the victory today don't we praise the lord for that today we thank him that victory can be ours it doesn't matter what circumstances in life that we're facing but we can be victorious when we allow christ to take what we give him and just to work within us and work his will and his way because scripture has told us that with him we are more than conquerors and so we don't have to fear what comes against us because the god who was able to part the red sea those many years ago as the account of scripture tells us the god who was able to do all of those miracles throughout scripture he's the same yesterday today and forever he never changes he never changes and the god who was able to meet the needs of each one that we read about is able to meet our needs today and if we had to call each of you up here who know the lord and who have prayed and who have experienced answers to prayer we would be here all day and into tomorrow hearing how god has moved and how he has answered prayer and so we continue to pray to a god who is the same yesterday today and forever and he will meet your need how i don't know and i don't know the path that you are going to have to follow but i know that he will never let go of your hand and he will walk beside you and you will be victorious with him by your side we pray for you today we pray for many of you who have illnesses within your own bodies and within your own families we have a special request for prayer for a little girl a little girl who has not had such a great diagnosis this week god knows who she is and he knows the faith of his people as we bring her and so i challenge you each of you here that believe in prayer that believe in god and that no god to just lift her up today and just pray that god's healing hand might be upon her young body might be upon her young body and that the peace of god that we have proven time and time again might just overshadow the family in these days and that they might know him and know his peace and just rest in him rest in times when things are just in turmoil or that they might just rest secure and we know that many of you are working in areas that are difficult especially as we continue on through this pandemic the highs and the lows the busy days and the down days the moments when you are so crowded with people and yet you will feel like you are so much alone god is with you and god is your strength and he wants to be your strength trust him as we sing together [Music] [Music] jesus [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] oh yes [Music] foreign [Music] oh [Music] for me [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] oh father we thank you for that assurance this morning that forever and ever and ever yesterday today forever you are the same praise you never change you never change at all praise the lord you still love to save the sinful and to heal the sick and the lame and to encourage those who are discouraged and to bring peace to those who are filled with fear and with anxiety so father we pray we pray that in all of your power today that you would reach us yes because we come before you as individuals this morning we come before you as needy creatures your creation and so you know us you have knit us together in our mother's womb and before one of our days ever came to be you had them all planned out and so you know our life you know the journey that we are on and you know the needs that we have and so we bring them before you each of us that's gathered here each of those who have joined in online and are worshiping with us today as as one large congregation as a family of god we come before you we just pray that you would meet the needs that are laid before you today we have so much sickness we have so much heartache around us we have so much sorrow and we pray father for our church family today families who are going through heartaches with the loss of not just one but two family members in these past days oh god be their strength and be their sufficiency and made doors open that need to be open and decisions made that need to be made but above all we just pray that the peace of god that passes all understanding would guard their hearts and their minds through jesus christ yes lord be on to them what they need today for that little girl father whose needs have been brought to us father we carry the weight of that and we just beseech you we come before you and we pray that that little girl although she may not understand all that's going on but that she might physically feel your touch of the great physician the hand of jesus jesus who loves her jesus who created her that she might just know something is happening in her body today and may mom and dad and family members just know and hold on to hope and hold on to the faith that's needed in these days that you are above all you are above all all tests all results all doctors she is in your hands and we pray that your will would be done and that strength indeed would be given to walk through that journey yes to walk through that valley in these days and that your peace would guard them we thank you father because we can gather like this in our open air today the freedom that we have oh god how often do we take it for granted but today as we feel the warmth of the sun and we look at the brightness of our sky and we feel the refreshing coolness of the breeze that you have given to us what a day after the storm yes amen what a day after the storm when the winds have been so high and things have been destroyed and nature has been shaken again trees have fallen and yet today we stand in the calmness and the quietness of your nature and we just worship you we worship you [Music] lord may you be blessed today as we've come that's all our purpose is is to bless you to bless your heart and we know that in doing so and in bringing our requests before you you will move and you will answer prayer and lives will come to know jesus christ as their lord and savior and you will be glorified today praise god as we continue to worship amen [Music] [Applause] is [Music] oh [Music] [Music] he's always there every time he's just [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] [Music] amen oh we're gonna sing that course again isn't it marvelous to know the god we serve today is the same yesterday today and forevers we've been singing about today he never changes no he never changes at all we change daily the seasons change there's so much that changes around us but there is one constant today and it's the message of jesus christ the one who never changes who wants to come into your life into my life to be our lord our savior and our friend isn't it great to know that we have one that we can count on above anything else in this life hallelujah he never changes no he never changes at all come on church sing it again and let's make a noise in this parking lot today [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] changes [Applause] [Music] he's always there every time that i'm born [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] no he never changes at hallelujah hallelujah praise the lord this morning come on praise the lord amen amen amen he never changes praise the lord and charlene is going to do a little children's focus for us this morning so maybe it's a good time while she's getting ready can we call the children here yes let's call the children children where are you come on over here come on wherever you are in this parking lot come on over and if you feel like you're a child and you might be 50 you can come too i was just going to ask actually i was going to read psalm 150 but can we sing it while the children are coming sure let's praise him in the holy temple praise it on the on the salty oh praise him i'm sorry absolutely yes so we can we can sing it instead of reading it this morning praise him on the trumpet praise is [Music] oh [Music] uh [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] awesome awesome singing so i'm so glad that all you guys could come up front this morning this is a it's been a long time since you guys have been able to come up and join with me this morning so i love it now everything may blow away on me this morning yes you might as well certainly can hold on okay all right so let me see yeah i wasn't didn't think about the wind all right so today is rally day so i thought it would be nice to talk about praising god right so let me ask you guys how do you like to praise the god how do you like to praise the lord singing right we like to sing don't we what else do we clap our hands clap our hands i know some of you really like to dance and wiggle although i haven't seen that today we're all frozen but did you yeah but we do like to sing we like to clap we like to play music we like to dance don't wait did you know that our bible contains different words for praise tila i know i don't know if i'm saying these words right these are hebrew words means to sing our praise zamar to use instruments shabek is to shout we like to shout i know a lot of you like to shout there's not match your will i think is to skip and yeah oh there look i'm all blown away thank you yada is to lift your hand you've seen lots of people lift their hand in praise already this morning and there's another one that says ghoul and that is to dance or spin so we're going to try an experiment major told me i was allowed to make a mess because i'm outside so here we go i got this bag right here and this will represent our church our hearts okay and i've got this little packet and this one is going to represent praise now um okay so we can clap our i our hands we can sing we can shout and we can dance and all those things to praise god so let's see what happens we'll take this off now i might ask you guys to stand back a little bit too what do you think is going to happen anybody want to guess there's going to be a mess well i hope not too bad let's see all right so we'll get you guys to stand back a little bit and i'm going to put this over here make sure no oh i'll seal it let's see let's see please please work please is it going to work i hope it's going back oh never quite quite the i'm afraid to go to yeah i never steal the bag properly but it's okay it still works for our demonstration purposes here today i was expecting an ex no don't stomp on it i'll pick it up oh you want to step on but you know what the good thing is you guys will all get to try this experiment later on this afternoon okay so even though my experiment didn't explode like i wanted it to it did ooze and it did seep out so here's my point with this experiment as we praise the lord uh by our singing our church and our hearts overflow all that praise overflows and it cannot help but ooze out and to seep into the people that we know and love like in our families our schools our friends and our community but how do we take that praise that we come here to praise god and to celebrate him for all he's done how do we take that out into our communities so everything we say think or do has the power to show others that god is a good good god when we are grateful to our parents we show god's gratitude when we are kind to friends we show god's kindness when we forgive our siblings we show god's forgiveness we when we care for the lonely kid at school we show god's love when we enter his house to worship him for all he has done we are showing god's joy boys and girls all this praise and worship that we feel when we love our god and we sing our praises to him we are showing when we show god's goodness to others in our community it's like we are celebrating god who he is and all that he has done for us we are indeed praising him thank bless you all let's pray and then maybe we can sing that chorus as everyone goes back to their vehicles dear god our heavenly father we thank you so much that we can come together in this on this beautiful day and praise and worship you lord let the love that we are praising you for all the things that you have done for us overflow in our hearts that we would want to tell others about you so that they too could come and praise your holy name bless us as we continue to worship and praise you just now amen amen [Music] is [Music] foreign [Music] is [Music] praise the lord [Music] [Music] uh there's a request that have come in this morning for us to sing a course that i myself love to sing jesus got a hold of my life and he won't let me go apparently there's a young man here this morning who's been watching our online services for a very long time and made it out to our drive-in service today i don't know you but i believe you're in the hearing of my voice and so we're going to sing this course for you today and it's a course of testimony for all of us who know christ as our savior he got a hold of my life and he won't let me go now [Music] jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] and he won't let me go jesus christ [Music] [Music] amen i got a little ringing going on here so we're gonna trust daryl to fix that for us there's a big strong smell of vinegar up here we're blaming one person and i keep saying she's strong but mighty it's charlene we're in the process in the stages the beginning stages i guess of getting back to some sort of normal or we certainly hope so and our prayer in the midst of it all is this build your church lord make us one lord we know that if there's anything that covet has done through this time it has hit the church i think pretty hard because we're a people who love fellowship we love being together we love one another if you don't there's a problem in the church and so our prayer today is simply this build your church lord we want it to happen we thank god for what's continually happening in our place right here at the salvation army in cbs god has been pouring his spirit upon us he's been blessing us he continues to do that and i believe as we move into fall 2021 and into a new year of january 2022 and beyond god is going to just pour out his spirit in a way that we've never experienced do you believe that do you believe that amen and so be ready for it be ready for it let's pray that prayer today build your church lord give us a key please here we go build your church lord make us one lord join our hearts [Music] make us [Music] [Music] on foreign of power hallelujah and i'm making a peace [Music] who will move through this land by my spirit [Applause] [Music] i'll pray it today church build it i'll build your church [Music] join our hearts [Music] [Music] is lord we make that the prayer of our hearts today build your church lord build your kingdom here lord we pray that you will have your way in us in and through us individually and corporately as a church from the youngest to the oldest may we sense your presence and may we do as you desire us to do help us lord as we partner in this gospel message as we partner in building the kingdom of christ here in cbs lord use us we pray take away doubts take away fears take away the skepticism and lord help us to move forth in power to do and to be for you we pray lord use your word in these next few moments to minister to your church those who are here in this parking lot those who maybe are surrounding us that can hear us those who are online lord through it all may the presence of the almighty minister to our hearts and use your word this day we pray in jesus name amen amen i have a question for you this morning and it's pretty ironic that as i greeted some folks coming into the parking lot this morning that i stumbled upon a gentleman won't call him by name i don't think he'd be easily embarrassed but i won't call him by name but he he stepped right into my illustration this morning he walked right into what it is that i want to say at the beginning of this sermon i'm going to ask you a question how many of you here today have an unfinished project waiting for you at home if i can see your hands raise them those of you in your vehicle i can't see your hands maybe some of you yep got your hands out the window here something you've been working on trying to get finished maybe for a long time but for whatever reason you haven't quite completed it i would say almost all of us of some kind of project some kind of goal that we're working on or at least from time to time we have one whether it's working in your yard planting flowers or trees or maybe fixing up an old truck or doing some renovations gentlemen that i spoke to doing renovations for months on end and still don't have it done and says he didn't want to waste his time to summer working on it so he pushed it on to the fall trust he'll get it completed could be reading a book it could be doing a puzzle knitting a sweater or a pair of socks i'm not all that good at that by the way could be a number of things that is an unfinished project for you we all have projects that we undertake now my next question is this and i believe it's going to divide us a little bit on this parking lot this morning how many of you will only do one project at a time you're not even thinking about starting another one until that one is finished and then there's this group of people who feel like they can take on a half a dozen projects at once and what happens a lot of cases some of them never ever get completed because you've taken on too much it gets half done and your attitude might be this all those projects are lying around and you say i'll get to them sometime when i get a chance i'll get to them and then all of a sudden your wife gets on your case and you better get at it you better get it done hey gorge i know buddy we're about to embark upon a new season of ministry here at the cbs salvation army it's a new day it's new opportunities new people new ministries new lives in christ and i believe a new thing god is about to do what is that scripture what is that scripture for i am about to do something new see i have already begun do you see it i will make a pathway through the wilderness i will create rivers in the dry waste lands the israelites had wearied god with their sin and their disobedience but god is faithful and promises once again to care for them and provide for them since the beginning of the world god has been actively doing a new thing he is a god who never changes but he is a god of change and a god who is forever moving us forward a god who forever leads the way see i am doing a new thing the most important word in this scripture is this three-letter word right at the very beginning of this verse that says see it's an invitation from the lord himself see look at what i'm doing notice what i'm doing understand what i'm doing realize what i'm doing comprehend what i'm doing i am about to do something new friends it can and does apply to this moment september the 12th 2021 there is never a time when god is not doing something new or preparing for something new part of what god is telling the israelites in this passage is that he will provide for them he will give them what they need i am making a way in the wilderness i am making streams in the wasteland in other words he says i will provide water for you in the most desolate places that will turn a wasteland into a fruitful land when god speaks of making a way in the wilderness he's speaking of the direction that leads us through the continuing changes in our life and he assures us of his intimate involvement in every step that we take he takes interest in every intricate detail of our lives that should encourage you today as it encourages me on these pathways he will give us direction he assures us of his peace and he assures us of hope when we must travel through the so-called wilderness of life when he promises river in the dry wastelands he's assuring us that he will refresh us in the midst of the dry times where we're not feeling his presence and things seem a little stale and a little mundane in our lives when we feel we just can't go on anymore he'll send his strength to keep us uplifted and he will restore us spoke to a lady this morning on the parking lot who's visiting with us from another province and thank god that through the ministry here she's been uplifted she's been encouraged it's taken her through some dry spells in her life and friends that's what the word of god does that's what the gathering of believers does it uplifts us it encourages us it restores us because god is in it and i believe the key in the midst of all of this is our eyes must be watchful and our hearts must be open and expected for the changes god is bringing into our lives our god is the ultimate artist and he loves to create he loves to recreate and he brings victories and transforming power in each situation we welcome him into what else can we be but grateful for his interest in us every day is an opportunity for change to reveal incredible and amazing things and in these changes we allow ourselves to be drawn closer to him and they are plans and purposes he has for our lives this is great news we must be willing vessels ready vessels to face the winds of change and move forward in the renewed hope that god presents to us daily if our if we don't our lives will become stale it will become intolerable and it will be without purpose here's a challenge three words welcome the change are you open to that welcome the change there are some amazing things god is doing in this moment in church i'm claiming this verse of scripture today for the ministry here god is doing a new thing in the midst of what appeared to be a wasteland of sorts a wilderness for some covet has caused much of that no programming no fellowship things have been weary things have been a little dreary listen even in the midst of that god is doing a new thing amen more people have been reached for the gospel than we could have ever imagined for one example sundays have been great online ministry has touched the lives of many and the lord has and continues to use that in a powerful way and now here we are still in the midst of a few recent setbacks but praise the lord here we are a new day the lord wants to do a new thing call it a restart call it a reset call it a new beginning friends god is in it and he has a great plan in store for us in this new day you are faithful you are supportive in the ministry giving to the cause through your time your talents and your treasures and i thank you for that and i might add through your loving and your encouraging spirit and you know god continues to move among us because of that you are interested in the ministry here and what god is doing here praise god praise god our god is a god of new beginnings every 24 hours he gives us a brand new day what do you do with that every seven days he gives us a new week what do you do with that every 30 days some months 31 gives us a brand new month what do you do with that every 12 months a new year what do you do with that it is our choice to make sure that we maximize what god gives us every time he gives us the opportunity to do things new why every day let me tell you why every day we should do that why we should embrace what god is doing because it's not your day and it's not my day every day is the day the lord has made and we his children should rejoice in it we should embrace it we should take hold of it and we should praise the lord for it what an opportunity at the beginning of this brand new year ministry year and i challenge you with this unleash the power of god in your life make a difference in other people's lives more than ever before be intentional about making that happen stay connected if you're not connected get connected to what's happening here get plugged in be a part of it in the weeks to come here at the salvation army conception based south there's a place for you a place you can call home a place you can feel at home a place where we can be together and feel the love from each other and the love of the lord jesus christ through all that we do and take you from whatever your desert wasteland and wilderness is to a place of refreshment to a place of abundant blessings the lord wants to shower upon you here's a thought today from philippians i want to remind you of this today that god is going to finish what he started in you this truth certainly applies to the cbs salvation army corps god isn't done with us amen god isn't done with us he isn't finished with the impact and the influence we can make in the lives of many in this beautiful community that we call home in fact you need to believe that our god is just getting started this community continues to grow and i mean the community of conception based south from topsail to seal cove continues to grow the needs continue to grow which means the influence we take to this community has to grow do you believe that today our influence on this community has to grow and met i add maybe our presence needs to be more in the community than it's ever been before to fulfill our mission to this community of cbs and to our community of faith at the salvation army we embrace this new vision statement that the salvation army we have and it says this we are an innovative partner mobilized to share hope wherever there is hardship building communities that are just and know the love of jesus and i say hallelujah lord help us accomplish that as his faithful servants we will do it philippians 1 and 6 being confident of this that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion to the day of christ jesus you and i need to believe that today i'm convinced that when we will take to heart when we will really listen to what god says about us in his word we'll be overwhelmed by his love and we will begin to see ourselves in his light and we will then press on we will persevere we will be victorious and we will be that transforming influence that god wants us to be in order for a group of people to gather and meet regularly there has to be something that keeps them together what is it that keeps this church together what is it that has held and sustained this church for 114 years in this community just about what is it that held us together in ministry through the tough times and through those challenging 18 months with very little fellowship what is it that's going to keep you and i together as we see continued growth in the future ministry of this church it's the reality that god is faithful and in the midst of the constant changes of life god journeys with us amen new ministries new people new opportunities new life all part of what god is doing in these days we celebrate we give god glory and we continue to seek his direction in all things new in this new season and we move forward with great expectation don't we there are people who can tell you what went on in their lives and in their churches 50 years ago but i wonder can you tell what's happening in the church today it's about not being so much caught up in the past that we forget about what god is doing in the here and the now and what he wants to do in the future friends we serve a now god we serve and now god what is god doing now i want to tell you my god is doing a new thing get ready for it be part of it and as the new living translation says i am about to do something new see i have already begun do you not see it i will make a pathway through the wilderness i will create rivers in the dry wasteland eugene peterson through the message paraphrase put it this way be alert be present i'm about to do something brand new it's bursting out don't you see it and i'm asking you in conclusion as the music begins to play do you want to be part of it and i ask our online church today as well do you want to be part of it i encourage you come and be part of it tune in and be part of it god is moving us on he is leading the way and a familiar phrase is this in order to go where we've never been we have to do something we've never done what does that mean for us what does that mean for us in order to go where we've never been we have to do something we've never done if we want to grow into an ever increasingly closer walk with jesus christ and continue to grow the church of christ here in cbs we're going to have to allow god to lead us in places we've never been before god is already working through that whether you see it or not accept the invitation to see pray for god to open your eyes ask god to reveal his ways and what he is doing god loves doing new things god loves showing us new places god loves using new methods pray today lord open our eyes open our eyes to what you are already doing among us and in this place and in my life and to that i say amen open my eyes lord my eyes [Music] [Music] so and say them [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] make it your prayer one more time open my eyes [Music] to reach [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh lord give us eyes that see afresh who you are lord we make that a personal prayer today open my eyes lord and we make it a prayer corporately as well open our eyes lord may it start within us to get a fresh glimpse of you and your glory and what it is you want to do among us in these days the new thing that you're calling us to be a part of me to be a part of what it is you're calling us is your church that new ministry that new step to be a part of lord help us to be very much aware of who you are and may we be very much aware of the voice may we discern the voice of god that we will know afresh who it is that you are what it is that you're saying to us that we would be obedient to listen for the children the youth the middle aged the seniors all of us together oh god we just want to make up your church to do what you want us to do and to be who it is that you want us to be in these days as you continue to speak the new into our hearts and in our lives and into the ministry here we give it all over to you and pray for your people today there's one that's not yet entered into a relationship with jesus may the newness start in that relationship with you this day that they will come and see the new thing that you want to do in their lives by experiencing you as their lord and savior we commit all of this now to you and ask your will to be done your spirit to move your way to be accomplished in our lives we pray in jesus name amen [Music] and amen god is moving us on [Music] we have never been before [Music] us we see [Music] is [Music] us [Music] [Applause] [Music] before [Music] we see [Music] amen well while i was preaching [Music] there was a cloud of smoke that came from the side of the building and i was half tempted to change my sermon and say come for all things are now ready certainly smells like it and we're looking forward to our time of eating together in our time of fellowship this afternoon those of you are staying i would ask to stay parked right where you are get out of your vehicles make your way to the left of me your right and uh try and keep your distance as much as possible i know it's difficult i'm challenged big time with that uh but in the meantime we're looking forward to what the lord will do among us this afternoon in some good solid fellowship together god will bless us i am sure now darling is there anything else i need to say you're going to say grace nice my wife is going to ask the blessing upon the food that will be prepared look at leo working so hard there getting the stuff out all right stay around will you and enjoy the afternoon with us those of you have to go god bless you come back and join us this afternoon at 4 00 p.m for a little gospel concert right here in the same spot and i believe the lord will bless us in that as well today thank you lord for the blessings of today for your blessings that you have poured out upon us through worship and through your word and just in in singing together and being able to share together as family as one family under you and now father we just pray that your blessing would go with us as many depart this place right now we pray that you would go with them wherever they go today and that you might make them a blessing to others and for those of us who will remain and share and fit in food and in fellowship and in some fun this afternoon we just pray that we would do it all in the name of jesus christ and that we will glorify you so bless the food and bless us to your service we pray amen amen and amen all right let's sing the final song together we are marching on with shield and banner bright of course then awake happy song come and work till jesus comes are you ready band changed it all right [Music] sing it now then [Applause] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] right [Music] we'll never never fear [Music] [Applause] [Music] come and [Music] the final verse [Music] amen [Music] amen amen the band is going to play another tune or two as we just uh make our way over here to the side god bless you folks [Music] so [Music] [Applause] so [Music] you
Channel: Salvation Army Conception Bay South Corps
Views: 4,185
Rating: 4.8222222 out of 5
Id: USledGpEDro
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 82min 23sec (4943 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 12 2021
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