September 12, 2021 | Sunday PM Service | Bethel Church

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welcome bethel family we are so excited for what the lord's going to do tonight amen go ahead and stand with me go ahead and stand there we go welcome to our sunday nights tonight is baptism night [Music] really excited to see people follow the lord and water baptism if you are visiting with us tonight we just want to welcome you to bethel go ahead and raise your hand if this is your first time as a guest at bethel wow welcome we are so excited that you are here keep your hands raised we actually have some ushers that will get a little packet into your hands ah praise god you guys just feel the expectancy in the room tonight well we are so privileged because tonight hold on there's a lot happening tonight we have someone with us that has actually been sent out from this house our very dear chris overstreet is with us tonight and chris is now up in portland oregon compassion to action ministries and he just came and did a big weekend in orville seeing the harvest and radical freedom break out and so we asked chris to come and share some testimonies and kick off our sunday night with what god's doing can you guys welcome chris overstreet [Applause] [Music] oh it's so good to be with you guys here tonight i want to share just really quickly some few testimonies of what god just recently did first of all i want to be able to set the stage for you last year god gave me a vision to be able to get a gospel truck and it's a mobile stage unit that we would take around america to be able to preach the gospel to be able to see the lost saved and we got the mobile truck because of many people just like yourself that believed in the vision thank you bill and many of you believed in the vision of taking this gospel truck all around america and we've done around 30 events with the gospel truck seeing people get saved healed and delivered i want to tell you a few testimonies of what took place in oroville california the reason why we chose to go to oroville california is because my family was notified that one of our dear family members in orville california od'd on cocaine and fentanyl and died last year and when i was at the funeral in oroville california there was a fire that burned in my heart that we're coming back with the gospel truck and we're gonna plunder hell to populate heaven and we're going to smear the blood of jesus in the devil's face i want to share two testimonies with you really quickly and then we're going to go into a time of worship because you're going to see a lot of people get baptized here today i'm going to share some things that took place as i was preaching the gospel open air there was a woman that heard me a few blocks away in her house she was disturbed in a holy way she came she heard the gospel and she surrendered her life to jesus christ open-air gospel preaching disturbs atmospheres in the spirit realm demon spirits are broken there was another testimony of uh of a woman that texted a gentleman her friend and said i'm going to commit suicide tonight i'm going down to the river and i'm going to commit suicide tonight how many people know that the power of jesus christ prevents suicide he said he said there's an event taking place tonight [Music] come to this event she comes to the event last night we call it reach america i'm sorry the first night and she surrenders her life to jesus christ because her life matters and there's hope in this person named jesus christ last night we saw people repenting and bringing their their their things their vapes and all kinds of stuff to the front to the altar i believe that's what god is doing all across america right now we saw people coming forward and getting baptized all over the place and there was a radical decision of people saying my life for jesus i want to know jesus oh i want us to do something we're going to go into baptisms in just a moment but we're going to lift the name of jesus up tonight we're going to go into worship in high praise we're going to lift the name that is above every other name it's the name of jesus and what i want us to do right now collectively together is i want us to shout the name of jesus let's let the name of jesus just permeate the city of ready california on the count of three with everything inside of you just split this name one two three [Applause] [Music] open up the case [Music] the way of the risen lord [Music] prepare for [Music] [Applause] [Music] the ways [Music] open up the doors and let them you small let the streets resound with sin [Music] upon [Music] oh we're gonna dance tonight [Music] did you [Music] jesus christ the risen one [Music] did you hear the singers [Music] jesus christ [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh dancing on injustice [Music] [Music] all the streams float eyes one river to wash away our [Music] the brokenness tremble when all the saints joined in our one song and all the streams flowed as one river to wash away our broken [Music] is [Applause] turn to jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] and [Music] [Applause] peace [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] singing [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] singing songs that bring your hopes up [Music] [Music] come with me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] lift up his name jesus jesus jesus we love you lord [Music] we love you lord we love you lord [Music] jesus [Music] [Applause] i just feel the host of heaven celebrating with us tonight just feel the angelic in the room are you guys excited to celebrate these individuals tonight amen amen hey there's been a stirring in their heart to make that public declaration to get baptized and if there's a stirring in your heart tonight you don't have to have clothes we've got extra towels and we've got a team member right over here that will talk to you and we'll get you in line to baptize you tonight maybe you're here tonight you've never given your heart to jesus you heard the testimonies of chris in the team and your heart's burning you feel that burning in your heart he is available for you tonight amen amen so what we're gonna do feels so good in here if you guys could sit down for a moment we're gonna go ahead and clear this spot right here i need you guys to clear we're gonna have about 20 of our individuals share their name and why they want to be baptized tonight could we give them a hand again [Music] come on up come right here all right you guys stand you stay standing come on over right here so share your name and why you want to get baptized uh my name is jackson and why i want to get baptized is because i've never been baptized before and um i gave my life to christ when i was four and i want to show god that i can keep that promise that i can really amen amen we're excited for you tonight bless you go ahead and head right down there all right come on up right here what's your name and why do you want to get baptized my name is harlem i want to get baptized because i want to show show everyone that how much i love jesus hey man amen harlem go ahead and you can stay right here and wait for mama here's harlem's mom right here your name and why you want to get baptized i'm amber and i am getting baptized tonight um 13 years ago i lost a child and i was in a fight with god basically for over a decade and the last two years have been a renewal of that relationship and i am here this year doing first year bssm and my rainbow baby and i are getting baptized amen amen bless you guys go ahead and head right down here all right what's your name and why do you want to get baptized my name's breeland i'm i'm getting baptized because i'm going in the first year bssm and it's been on my heart to get baptized and i'm ready to give him my full yes amen come on we love that full yes right here come on your name and why you want to get baptized hi uh i'm jen i'm from malaysia um three years ago i um i have been baptized at the healing room with the holy spirit so it has always been my desire to come back to bethel for official baptism so god is faithful he just sent me over to this battle church for this weekend and i just know that we have baptism tonight so there you go amen bless you come on up your name and why you want to get baptized my name is my name is yin ying and i want to get baptized because i love jesus hey amen so good so good come on uh name why you want to get banned my name's sean and i'm a first year bssm student from san antonio texas uh i am being full immersion i've had baptism before i've never had full immersion baptism um my the reason i'm doing it is to die to self to be washed clean and to just claim claim a life fully in his presence amen amen bless you come on up your name and why you'd like to be baptized so my name is luke i'm from new york and i'm 12 years old and the reason i want to be baptized is because i want to enjoy the bible in a new light instead of just as a story you see it as a reality amen amen so good just declare that say i declare that over you guys that it wouldn't be just a book but it would be a reality go ahead and declare that the bible is not a book it's a reality come on we declare that take that take that amen amen go ahead and so good man i just see such a preaching and teaching gift on that young man amen i'm just direct my name is heather i live in reading i'm a second year student and i'm getting baptized because jesus is everything and he is he is worthy of my obedience so good amen amen come on up your name and why you're getting baptized my name is grant sander i am from linwood washington and uh i'm getting baptized because i love jesus i want to fully recommit my life to him amen graham bless you so good to have you come on up your name and why you want to get baptized hi i'm rebecca i'm an online student from mexico city and i'm getting baptized because i love jesus amen amen bless you rebecca and bless any online students watching right now bless you guys come on uh i'm tyler knuckles i'm from arkansas i'm doing first year this year and i just want to be bold and you know show everyone i love jesus i love jesus amen come on so good come on up [Applause] your name and why you want to get back this is my third year this is awesome hi my name is cindy i'm getting baptized because i love jesus and he's worthy of it all amen come on your name and why you want to get baptized my name is destiny and um i'm nervous a couple weeks ago i got out of prison and um [Applause] um i just i want to lay my life down for the lord the last year i really just pressed into god got my kids back got married my husband is an amazing man and i just i'm ready um my name's jason uh it's my wife destiny i'm just dedicating rededicating my heart and uh our marriage to the lord so family too amen so good to have you amen amen come on let's stand let's go ahead jesus we love you amen [Applause] [Music] [Music] my own song [Music] these shackles i wear [Music] i have bought on my own [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank god that stone was [Music] [Applause] [Music] for your house [Applause] [Music] death came to life when he called me [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank god that stone was [Applause] [Music] [Applause] thank god [Applause] [Music] now i see bright crimps and ropes draped over [Music] [Music] this is our homecoming [Music] families [Music] [Music] [Applause] i'm [Music] hey [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] uh [Applause] there's no place like home there's no place [Music] [Applause] [Music] there's no place like home there's no place [Applause] [Music] the father is [Applause] [Music] is the father is [Music] that were lost [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank god [Music] [Music] the father is [Music] [Music] the father is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] come home come home come home come home come home every prodigal come home come home come home [Music] every protocol is coming home [Music] every prodigal every far-off one is coming home [Music] declaration [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] the father is [Music] [Music] come oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is home come on [Music] [Applause] this is is [Applause] [Music] this is all [Music] this [Music] this is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] come home come home come home thank you [Music] i want you to think of a family member maybe you're a mother in this room maybe it's a cousin maybe whoever it is in your family i want you to put their name put their face right now and we're going to sing this corporately ready go ahead just call their name before the lord go ahead call the name of the lord is a prophetic sign they're gonna be in this baptism tank in the future they're gonna give their life to jesus just begin just partner with the father's heart partner with the father's heart call his children home call his children home put their names on your lips put their names on your lips put their names on their lips offer them before the lord [Music] [Applause] come home [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] come on [Music] come here come oh come home [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] come home come home [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] jesus we [Music] jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] jesus we love you [Music] you are [Music] of jesus of jesus our affection our evil poured out on the feet of jesus our affection our devotion poured out [Music] jesus we pour it out at your feet gladly we surrender take us under the water again take us back under the water again [Music] [Applause] [Music] the feet of jesus [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] so [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] is [Music] come on miss your voice [Music] [Applause] jesus [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] it's jesus [Music] jesus we love you oh how we love you you are the one [Music] heart [Music] [Applause] me [Music] me oh [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] right now just let the instruments prophesy [Music] minister to jesus ministry to jesus poured out speech [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i cannot shake the feeling that the spirit of adoption is in the room for some people tonight it says in the word of god that the spirit of adoption that's the holy spirit he releases the spirit of adoption that says you don't have to be an orphan you can be a child of god the father in luke 15 he's a father that runs out on the road to me a lost son a lost daughter if you are in the room tonight and there's something in your heart that's stirring that says i have to know this jesus i have to know this father that comes and pursues me i've known religion i've known pain i've been distant from god i need to be saved i need jesus i need to know a father that loves me that wants me that pursues me jesus obliterated every obstacle that could stand in the way of you and god tonight if you want to give your life to jesus i want to invite you to come just to raise your hand and come straight to the front we want to invite you to know the love of god if that is you can we just make some room right here in the front we want to invite you forward don't wait tonight could you raise your hand if that is you in the room just raise your hand thank you holy spirit i see your hand raises that a hand raised in the back is that worship or is that someone wanting to give their heart to jesus thank you is there anyone here tonight that wants to give their life to jesus that says i need to know the father of love i need to know the spirit of adoption thank you are we all saved in this room hallelujah the second call we want to make is we feel like there might be there's one in the room online thank you holy spirit thank you holy spirit church can we just give a round of applause [Music] thank you for that person online right now we're just going to pray with them is that okay i want to give one more opportunity if you want to give your heart to jesus you can raise your hand right now and you can pray with us right now [Music] so holy spirit we thank you we thank you that we only come boldly before your throne by one thing and that is through your son jesus jesus we confess that we cannot we cannot do this on our own we cannot cleanse ourself on our own and we come to you jesus and we ask you wash us with your blood that you'll cleanse us from every sin jesus we receive you as our personal savior holy spirit will you come and fill me will you come and touch me jesus we ask that you you have thrown yourself on the heart of this beautiful person online [Music] god we thank you that you are now their father god we pray for a baptism of the holy spirit a fresh touch of the holy spirit for them to know the father and all of his love and his goodness in jesus name in jesus name we're gonna go back into worship but before we do we felt that we weren't supposed to close the pool just yet we felt like there might be a few more people that want to get baptized tonight if that is you would like to just invite you to come around the side and you can come line up on the stairs we want to baptize you tonight if you feel like tonight tonight we want to invite you to come so we're going to have it open for the next few minutes we have tiles for you we have we have what you need so you're welcome to come but we're gonna go back in [Music] i really believe tonight as we continue that there is a release of the spirit of adoption for some of you i can feel it in the room some of you have felt like you've been distant from god maybe tonight wasn't enough to give your heart to jesus but you felt far from him and i can feel the holy spirit is wooing us close he's drawing us near so let's just lift up our hands and let's just welcome the lord holy spirit we invite you we want to know your ways king of glory we invite you to come in power tonight we invite you to come and pour out your spirit upon us we confess jesus that we need you we surrender through your ways holy spirit will you come and touch us again we love you jesus we worship you [Music] is [Music] is poured out on the feet of jesus [Music] is [Music] [Applause] jesus [Music] [Music] [Applause] a hearty jesus [Applause] [Music] jesus [Music] jesus [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] just one more time so good jesus [Music] you are the one [Music] jesus we love jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] jesus we love jesus [Music] [Applause] and you are the one our hearts [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] and all i want is to be with you forever [Music] take me a little deeper [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] my heart [Music] [Applause] [Music] with you forever with you forever [Music] take me [Music] anything i've tasted [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] i wanna know [Music] to you're [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] let it be you let it be you jesus how great your love is for [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] so pull me a little closer take me [Applause] [Music] love is so much stronger than anything i faced yes [Music] oh [Music] [Music] please just let it sink [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] my eyes [Applause] ever [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] jesus [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] is [Applause] oh [Applause] is [Applause] howdy [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] would you tell me how deep and how [Music] would you tell me how deep how high [Music] jesus strong and how high is your love for me [Music] within me bless his name praise the lord o my soul everything within me bless his name praise the lord o my soul everyone bless his name praise the lord o my soul let everything within me please praise the lord everything within me bless his name praise the lord [Music] [Applause] praise the lord [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] god bless [Music] god [Music] yes [Music] [Music] why don't you take a moment to pray that god would heal the state of california if you do that we have an important issue coming up this week we just we just need the lord to restore us as a state we've given ourselves to everything but what god is saying and doing and when you pray for people it's important especially when there's such deep sin involved as there is in california it's important that you don't stand as an accuser and we actually stand in the shoes of those we're praying for and we pray god please heal us forgive us so i'm going to ask you to take a posture of if you're able to stand we'll stand and then i'm going to have you sit in a moment but just stand with us just take a posture of of coming before the father with upraised hands and i want you just to pray out loud uh for the lord to heal us as a state and to restore us to our revival roots the deep deep roots of revival exist in this state so i want you to lift your voices let's pray together [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] take a moment longer take them take a moment to press into this for a moment [Music] [Music] father [Music] restore us and heal us [Music] restore us and heal us [Music] father we ask that you would honor the lives of our forefathers who poured themselves out from the cause of christ all over this state we ask that you honor their lives you would honor our cries you bring healing to us forgive us forgive us as the people have turned so opposite to who you are and what you're doing and that you'd restore us let this week be a a kind of start of season if you want to igniting the hearts of your people all over this state we pray in jesus name amen amen amen all right you can go ahead and be seated down front you can go to your seats or you can sit on the floor it makes no difference we're gonna i'm gonna talk to you for um for a few minutes we so last winter before the supreme court moved in favor of churches being essential we were not able to meet like this and someone on our team had the wisdom to pitch a tent because outside meetings were allowed and it was cold it was wet it was all the things that means you're not going to have anybody show up and you all showed up and it was uh honestly was the beginning of what i believed to be a real fresh and new season for us as a as a body of believers and i'm so thankful uh what the lord uh really inspired in us in in those days was it was actually a story from rocky iii and who said god can't speak through movies right it was it really was a profound moment i remember as a staff i remember various parts of our team i think it was chris shared a story and somebody else found a video clip and so i've watched it a number of times it was in rocky iii where rocky of course has beat everybody he's the champion and he wants to fight this up-and-coming young fighter and his manager's coach said i won't you you can fight him but you're on your own i won't train you and he says what do you mean you won't train we beat all these people he said this guy will kill you to death that was his phrase which is the worst kind of way to die is when you get killed to death and uh and there's this great dialogue really a great dialogue and finally they sit down on the couch together of course the music is just right and uh and there's this statement he says he says we've become too civilized we've become too civilized we've become two too acquainted with the fancy gym and the nice meals and the you know the soft bed and all the things that come with success and really in so many words he was saying we we forgot where we came from and as a church not just bethel but the body of christ it's pretty important that we learn where we came from and that we we honor the raw beginnings of faith i really believe that in the correction that is given to the church at ephesus in revelation 2 he says you've left your first love and when he gave instruction on how to be restored he didn't say worship me till you love me again it would have been good but he didn't say that he he could have said you know read the word until i speak to you and i'll ignite your heart of passion for me he didn't say any of those things he said do the deeds you did it first let me put it in rocky's terms you've become too civilized you need you need to go back to the old gym you need to go back to what got you here and it's it's you know it's not like it's not like there's not value in what we've learned it's not like there's not value in what we what we've experienced or where we've seen breakthrough there is but there's there's something so raw and so necessary by going back to the deeds you did it first it was it was the fact you wouldn't let the doors be open without being there it was the fact you wouldn't think of getting up in the morning without first turning your heart to the lord it was a fact you couldn't get enough of this no matter how much you read you just hungered for more it wasn't performance centered it was you know you don't have to tell someone a love to think about their their fiancee you have to tell them to slow down and stop it they become so preoccupied it's all they want to talk about think about and there's something about that part of life that needs to be kept right at the forefront of who we are how we think how we live i feel like there's a challenge before us to rediscover what god is here and we're not outside we could bear the cold but we can't bear the heat and smoke so we we came inside but it's not the tent it's the raw undone approach to becoming the offering once again you know it's it's uh what you know can keep you from what you want it doesn't mean that what you know is not valuable it's just what you know can keep you from what you want if you don't remain a novice if you don't maintain the childlike approach to simple things i think if there's one thing i could change in church life and this is going to sound wrong so give me grace to explain it but it would be to remove prayer from an activity it's actually breathing pray without ceasing it's breath you breathe in you breathe out it's the continuous fellowship with him it's the continuous engagement it's the fact it would never cross our mind to think this is not important enough to talk to god about there's nothing outside of his concern his care his burden so therefore i'm going to learn to just as a continuous ongoing part of my life to express my affection my love for him when something comes to mind automatically turn it to him i've been moved uh of late by a story and it's uh in samuel and it's where hannah is wanting a son and we i think we even talked about it here a few weeks ago but he's she's wanting a son and eli the priest sees her praying and thinks she's drunk and the reason because there's no words coming out of her mouth just her lips are stammering instead of going to all the obvious lessons i want to give you one thought out of that story before we go to the gospel of matthew god answered the cry of her heart and gave her a son mari murillo told us just years ago he said she wanted a son god wanted a prophet when those two things lined up she got her breakthrough but here's the thing that rocks me so much is that god answered one of the most significant prayer requests in the whole old testament and it was a prayer that wasn't in words it was the fact that she brought what what that which was beyond words that she had prayed countless times and she came into the presence and with the ache of her heart just communed with god and he translated what was going on here and eli said you've got what you've asked for see that tells me that prayer is like breath it is it's ongoing there's no end there's no beginning there's no end it is life itself it is it is breath and here she's in her moment of great anguish in her ache and desire for a son and her lips are stammering and her heart is in pain and god translates it and declares our verse shall have a son the point is we bring everything to him we bring him the joys the breakthroughs we bring him the anguishes the pain i remember 25 years ago when that the outpouring of the spirit started here in such a unique way i remember hearing somebody talk about this and and and and they gave the most unusual illustration they said this outpouring of the spirit is an in answer to prayer to the single mom who cries herself to sleep because she doesn't have food to feed her kids it wasn't even a prayer but he took it as what as such years ago when one of our guys went into one of the grocery stores and miracles broke out and uh you know a gal who needed a new hip was healed and she's dancing around the cash register and deaf ears are open it's just a bizarre thing but one of one of the stories was a concert pianist walked into the store that night and he thought when he walked into the store wouldn't it be great if all this pain went away it's just a thought god took it as a prayer and sent some guy from here that was hungry for donuts donuts that he never got into the store and he got dramatically dramatically healed of a carpal tunnel it's very very he couldn't play anymore but the point is is god is leaning in ready to interpret whatever's going on that we would in any small measure direct in his send in his direction i want you to look at something that i usually i usually would try to talk about for at least 30 or 40 minutes but tonight i'm going to do it in about 10 min 10 minutes i want you to open your bibles to matthew 6 and matthew 7. and i'm going to share one simple thought i it's a simple thought but it's also it's complex to learn most of the things i find in the bible are very simple and they're very hard it's very simple to serve jesus he wants everything that's it it's very hard because he wants everything he likes to be put first not second so it's very simple i've said it so many times the gospel the christian life is so simple that the mentally can live it perfectly and that's absolutely true because it's not complicated jesus first that's it in matthew 6 how many remember reading in scripture where it says we don't know how to pray as we should we don't know how to pray as we ought to say that with me we don't know how to pray as we ought to will you admit that with me we don't know how to pray as we ought to that's why we need help and in verse 7 of matthew 6 it's before what is traditionally called the lord's prayer he says when you pray do not use vain repetitions as the heathen do they think they will be heard for their many words look at it again do not use vain repetitions do not repeat a prayer over and over and over again why the heathen think that way and they think that by repeating a prayer over and over again it will be heard verse 11 give us this day our daily bread look at verse 7 again when you pray do not use vain repetitions as the heathen do they think that they will be heard for their many words therefore do not be like them for your father knows the things you have need of before you ask verse 11 give us this day our daily bread now go to chapter 7. verse 7 ask and it will be given to you seek and you will find knock and it will be open to you now those three words ask seek and knock are words that in the original language mean ask and keep on asking seek and keep on seeking knock and don't stop knocking verse 11 if you then being evil know how to give good gifts to your children how much more will your father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask now i'm not sure positive if you're alive but i hope you're still alive he said don't repeat a prayer because your father knows what you need of and then he said repeat a prayer because he gets good gifts as i heard someone say recently he said in chapter 6 don't repeat a prayer because your father knows what you need and then in chapter 7 he says repeat a prayer because he gives good gifts i i grew up hearing i i never remember my parents ever saying this but somehow it was repeated often in christian culture that god knows excuse me god will take care of your needs but not your wants and i understand the context for that is so many times people pray stupid things you know and expect god to violate his nature to answer their deepest requests for a billion dollars or something simple you know when the lord is telling us don't repeat a prayer when it has to do with a basic need but as jesus taught pray this prayer give us this dare daily bread you don't need to pray it again today why because it's a basic need and if you continue to ask for your basic need it's because you don't understand him as a father you're praying as a servant not a son not a daughter and not even servants of the most high would question his intent to take care of their basic needs so why then would he promote and provoke his own children who are not to god provide for us i just claim provision i claim this daily bread i claim that you would take care of my household it's an unnecessary way to pray he wants you to pray because he wants us to come into alignment with his nature that's what prayer is it's our surrender to the nature of god so that as co-laborers his purposes are accomplished in the earth that's the purpose of prayer but the reason we pray persistently for other things is because sometimes there's demonic opposition to fulfillment and most of the time it's because we aren't mature enough for the answer and the persistence in prayer shapes us persistence and prayer changes me understand someday i'm going to figure out how to illustrate this well but if you could imagine a square peg in a round hole where you push and you push and you push until the corners of that square peg are carved off and that peg becomes round because of persistence and that in some way is a picture of what happens to you and me in prayer the lord is welcoming us to engage with him for the fulfillment of what he put in our heart many people have dreams in their heart that they bring before the lord and they pray it and because it doesn't happen on the first request they assume it must not be god's will when in fact the lord is inviting us into a school where we engage with his heart and we learn when to contend listen to me when to decree sometimes we're asking for something we're supposed to announce sometimes we ask for things we're supposed to proclaim and i think it'd be pretty cool if all of us just pretended like we got to start over and we just said yes lord teach us to pray say it with me yes lord teach us to pray yes lord teach us to pray yes lord teach me to pray lift your voices and you bring your request before the lord right now we're going to turn it back over to the team but lift your voices be praying be praying out loud pray out loud just just respond just pray where you can hear yourself yeah yeah yeah yeah just remember prayers it could be the simplest thing lord teach me to pray maybe you're not even sure what to pray yet be can allow his voice to lead you into prayer go ahead and lift your hands if you need to maybe make a prophetic act like lord teach me to pray maybe you need to get on your knees and say lord i humble myself i come as a child lord teach me to pray lift your requests before him lift just lift your need before him thank you god thank you god thank you god thank you god thank you god thank you god holy spirit that you would just lead us in prayer that we would follow you holy spirit we would be led by you holy spirit lord i thank you for the groaning of god that you lead us that when we don't know what to pray holy spirit you give us a groan that too deep for words what i asked for the the aching of our heart that you would take that eight god and that you and you would turn it into the prayer that we don't even know to pray god when we ask for the ache of eternity that we would pray prayers than your eternal god [Music] teach us to pray god teach us to pray teach us to partner with you god we want to be great partners in prayer we want to be great partners in prayer god holy spirit we need you we need you holy spirit to birth in us the groan of god we need you to birth in us birthing pains so we don't even yet understand god just begin to pray in the holy spirit begin to pray in your spirit language right now there's grace for prayer it's not a striving it's a grace for prayer it's a grace for prayer some of you have never actually released the groan of god and and you can do that tonight you can do that tonight let the ache of your heart just connect to him lift your [Music] breathing voice breathing like breathing [Music] [Music] [Music] deeper still deeper still deeper still [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] holy spirit have your way just pray that prayer holy spirit [Applause] [Music] [Applause] holy spirit release the prayers [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes [Music] we ask for stronger muscles of prayer we thank you for the grace for prayer like breathing let there be a grace that comes upon our households for prayer let this be a house of prayer for the nations god let our lives let us host a house of prayer in our own lives for the nations god [Music] [Music] and is [Music] our blessing and honor glory and power our blessing and honor glory and power a blessing and honor glory and power [Music] a blessing and honor glory and power [Music] a blessing and honor glory and power [Music] glory and power a blessing in honor glory and power [Music] and power [Music] glory and power [Music] [Music] [Music] a blessing [Music] glory and power [Music] glory and power [Music] glory and power [Music] [Music] on the throne [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] glory and power [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] jesus [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Music] jesus [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] is [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] for you oh [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Applause] is [Applause] [Applause] [Music] wow [Music] the lord the highest [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you were [Music] [Applause] [Music] you were foreign [Applause] [Music] for from [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Applause] is this foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] just close close your eyes just lock in on the lord close your eyes all distractions aside there's been such a deposit such a grace we can all feel it in the room this is real there's a grace to pray that's been released and i feel like even as leslie was up here sharing she was saying you don't need to strive there's a grace like we've stepped into something and so right now it's so easy for us isn't it to step back into worship because we love the lord we just want to adore him that's what we're good at it's our one word it's it's what we're comfortable with and it's it's magnificent it goes on for all of eternity so it's it's an incredible incredible privilege to step into that reality but right now i want you to close your eyes and make it personal i was just on my face and i'm just saying god make it personal make it personal to me you are my personal savior you are mine bill can't teach me to pray leslie can't teach me to pray my leaders can't teach me to pray they can't give away my history i must have my relationship with you and i don't know i feel like there's this almost holy healthy dissatisfaction that's stirring up in our spirits and in our souls that says god no i must know you i must have you you are my savior so right now i want you i don't want to make it easy i want to make it comfortable i don't care if it's uncomfortable you and the lord talk to each other talk to one another look at him look at him on the throne he is your savior he's risen for you those nails were for you that blood was spilled for you that redeemed and restored you i can't hear any voices i don't know am i talking to the right people i need to hear your prayer out loud there's a grace to pray so step into it start to use your mouth start to declare his majesty start to say how wonderful he is tell him how much you love him how thankful you are for your salvation how grateful you are for what he's done what he's done for you come on don't slip back into that comfort zone of hearing that song start to play oh i want to sing that no no no pray pray pray pray pray tell him with your mouth with your mouth with your words be intimate with the lord [Music] that's it it's beautiful oh what a sweet sound to the lord what sweet fragrance to the lord oh it's coming from every mouth every heart oh he's worthy of every voice in this place he's worthy of every relationship in this place let your affection and your adoration let it just begin to wash out of your belly like that that river of living water and just tell him how wonderful he is he's so moved keep going press through what's comfortable come on [Music] oh what a sweet sound keep going [Music] jesus teaches to pray give us grace to persist teach us how to go beyond our comfort zone and tap into the comforter we ask for the grace that only you can give but we thank you we thank you for what you've done for us and we thank you for the corporate anointing in this room but god we want it to be personal to come out of our heart and our mouth that's so good that's so good now i want us to pray together for something is that okay wow i want us to press in for revival just a minute longer is that okay california needs these prayers if we actually believe right now that the words that are coming out of our mouth are shaping the course of human history then it would be right for us to contend just a little bit longer right now these words that you're declaring are actually like bowls of incense spilling out in heaven jesus is hearing these words and he's responding and reacting to what's coming out of your mouth right now this state is being transformed because you are praying right now so i want us just to step into that grace that bill said is available let's pray for california for a little bit longer is that okay come on we need revival we need it holy spirit i ask for a spirit of revival upon this land holy spirit i ask for a mount pouring of your glory to sweep across this state again oh jesus we must have your lordship we must have your leadership in this hour oh god please pour out pour out your grace and mercy that's it [Music] that's it more more more keep going [Music] content let that spirit of prayer come on you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] that's it pour it out let your pouring out draw an outpouring of god let your pouring out draw an outpouring of the most high god oh let a river of your grace and mercy god we don't deserve it but we ask for it we contend for it we need [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] to this place in jesus name [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh this is so good we're stretching our muscles we're stretching our prayer muscles this is so so so so good wow [Music] i want us just for a moment just to ask the lord for a specific part of california to pray into is that okay each one of you so holy spirit i just asked right now that you begin to highlight a part of this wonderful state that you want to release your anointing and your outpouring over is there a specific part of this state that you'd have me right now partner with you to pray and press in to see an outpouring of the spirit so open up eyes open up ears open up imagination screens and show us what part of california you'd like us to pray for thank you god see what we're doing is we're we're partnering with grace when the holy spirit leads us to something there's this multiplication of grace because we're partnering with a reality that is not earthly is that okay so if you saw something maybe it was southern california maybe it was central california maybe it was northern california i'm not sure which part of this great state it was but i want you just to begin to pray specifically for that region is that okay this is good this is this is this is growth this is what we need we're learning how to pray together we're partnering with the holy spirit so if you see that that that town that region that city just begin to press in for it ask specifically for what that region needs what is it that that part of california needs and just lean into it just pray into it specifically god we thank you for the worlds of revival that is a part of california we thank you for those wells that have been loosed in the past and we thank you that god that you are taking that cap off one more time god we want to fall into those worlds of revival and we thank you god that this is the destiny in the dna of this state that's it just continue to pray continue to ask god ask for an outpouring on southern california i thank you father for everything that you've done there in the past and i'm asking that you do it again that's it keep praying keep praying keep praying [Music] you guys are doing so so good push past what's comfortable for you ask him ask him for the words to say and if you don't have the words to say then just pray in the spirit [Music] god increase our vocabulary in prayer increase our persistence to pray what you're praying god we repent where we haven't pressed through we're asking for that grace to come on us now [Music] yeah so god we thank you for the spirit of courage that's on california we thank you that fear you have no hold over this state we thank you that you have no bondage over our leaders we break its power in the name of jesus we're asking for a baptism of courage to flow in this state once again we've asked that you would bless the churches of this state the leaders in this state with a baptism of power we're asking for it god we thank you father in the place of hate and limitation that you're flowing in with love and with power that's it keep praying [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] your fuel is [Music] cause and full of his glory full of his glory [Applause] [Music] with the blood of jesus [Music] and [Music] you're white [Music] just as we're praying and the power of the holy spirit was filling the room i just felt the lord was like i'm filling my people with courage like i did peter when peter got filled with the holy spirit in acts peter went from being a man who denied jesus to be a man crying out for courage in prison from a man running away from prison lying and denying the christ to a man saying i will not stop preaching the gospel and crying out for courage and i feel like tonight we need to pray for the baptism of the holy spirit to fill us with courage to fill the people of god with courage to be people of courage so will you lift up your voice let's pray for the holy spirit to put courage in the people of california in believers in california holy spirit we pray for a boldness holy spirit we pray for the boldness that came upon peter like it did on on a coward god god we repent for when we've been cowardly and we come under your spirit we come under the reign of the spirit and we say fill us with courage god fill our government fill our statesmen fill our senators fill out mayors god all those on the on the school board's god on the pta committee's god fill him with courage god to stand up for integrity to stand up for truth to stand for the hope that we find in jesus holy spirit we pray for courage to reach the lost to reach out to the broken god we repent of apathy when we see the broken god and we pass them by god let us be people of great courage to reach out beyond the boundary line to show the love of jesus church where you lift up your voice and just begin to pray [Music] i feel just to pray for courage for yourself reading has got to be saved reading has got to know god every person in the city of reading reading means salvation in afrikaans and i believe that reading has to know the savior begin to pray for courage for yourself to witness and share the gospel [Music] start with reading start with us god start with us holy spirit start with us i say you can use me [Music] boldness and faith courage [Music] [Applause] [Music] holy spirit [Music] [Applause] [Music] encouraged [Music] day and night [Music] days [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] day and night night and day [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] courage is [Music] [Applause] [Music] already [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on just shout the name of jesus just shout the name of jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] on december 19th or december 17 2019 the lord spoke to me and he and he said that 2020 is going to be a year of courage [Music] and i believe that we're in a season right now of the church coming alive i believe that we're in an incredible time where the church is coming alive fire in their eyes purity of the bride no compromise and we're going to pray for boldness in just a moment but let me quickly just set the stage for you really quickly boldness is not produced in your strength it's not produced in how hard you try it's not produced in how much you read your bible [Music] it's produced by the holy spirit and it's the same holy spirit that drew you to him to jesus and it's the same holy spirit that has convicted you of your righteousness of being made right with jesus is the same holy spirit that empowers you to become a witness in acts chapter 4 verse 29 it says now lord look on their threats and grant to your servants that with all boldness they may speak your word by stretching out your hand to heal and that signs and wonders would be done through the name of your holy servant jesus and when they had prayed the place where they were assembled together was shaken and they were all filled with the holy spirit and they spoke the word of god with boldness the holy spirit wants to bruce produce something here tonight it's something that you're not producing is something that you're not trying hard for it's something that you are allowing him to produce inside of you whenever you step out in boldness you step out in the nature of god god is not timid god is not afraid the bible says that god has not given you a spirit of fear but a power love and a sound mind [Music] we have to understand spiritual realms whenever you feel fear that is a demon trying to hold you back from what god wants to do but that demon does not live inside of you it is a spirit that is trying to come against you and trying to come against a region to silence the voice of god [Music] tonight the atmosphere is charged we have prayed we have sung we have declared god wants to prove something you know i did the math i did the math and i i looked around and i said well you know there's probably around 800 people here maybe around 800 people and i begin to think in my mind okay what would happen if every person shared the gospel every single day 365 days out of the year and i began to do the math and the number that i'm about ready to share with you is greater than the population that lives here in reading california what about old state we're going to pray in just a moment if everyone here shares the gospel every single day 365 days out of the year 292 000 people will hear the message of jesus 292 000 people we hear the message here's the deal every one of us are here is because somebody prayed for us but also somebody shared with us i want you to think about this word right right now i want you to think about this and we're going to pray and i know that the holy spirit is going to come upon many of you right now and i'm not talking about god just releasing evangelists i'm talking about god releasing the body of christ to be the voice of god in this generation bob pray for bob what does bob represent bob represents a burden for the lost you're not going to share the gospel with someone that doesn't know jesus unless you have a burden for the lost god wants to birth the burden for the lost he wants to birth compassion for souls that are dying and going to hell we have to understand we're living in spiritual times right now there are demon spirits that try to callous the heart of the church when we pray for god we pray for a burden for the loss but then we also pray for this we pray for spiritual eyes for opportunities god let me see let me see the opportunities that you're giving to me they're all around [Music] but we must not just have a burden we must not just see the opportunity we must have boldness to share the gospel something's going to happen today the spirit of god is going to come upon many of you today tag your it [Applause] tag you're it you see the encounter that you have and you steward that encounter you're going to give it away to somebody else and you're going to teach them it is the holy spirit it is not your personality it is not your gifting it is the person of the holy spirit that god is going to put upon you to be a witness i want to pray [Music] i don't want you to try [Music] i want you to receive the heart of god the apostles were they prayed now lord look on their threats they saw the hurting souls [Music] they saw the hurting people it's about the hurting broken people that the message has to go forth they knew they needed boldness they knew they needed god i want to pray a simple prayer over you it's one thing that i've realized about prayer though when god stirs our heart he looks for action not out of trying and striving but out of abiding the spirit produces life i want you to just lift your hands as we pray this is how we're going to end tonight some of you are going to feel the gentleness of heaven all over you or in the gentleness you feel the compassion for the lost some of you gonna feel electricity you're gonna feel fire some of you are gonna see faces of people groups that god is calling you to go to [Music] god's heart for californians that would be saved so i'm going to pray a simple prayer and then whatever god shows you this week don't delay just [Music] i obey that every person become a witness the sweet [Music] holy spirit [Music] you're the greatest evangelist our eyes are on you in our own strength lord we know that we don't have the ability to bring any person to you but with your spirit not by mine not by power but by your spirit says the lord so i asked holy spirit you would come right now you would baptize people afresh come holy spirit right now i pray for your presence i pray for your power come holy spirit i pray for the lightnings of god i pray for the hugs of heaven i pray for the visions of god come holy spirit right now god i pray that you bring those individuals their neighbors co-workers strangers come holy spirit right now god i pray that when they share release your power [Music] father i pray for team demons to tremble demons this tremble this week get the name of jesus i pray for devils to be cast out of people i pray for the heroin addict put down that needle [Music] i pray one last thing [Music] and i want you to pray this with me you're saying it's jesus [Music] it's not about my gifting it's not about my personality it's about you living in me so i want to get out of the way so that you can have your way i am available i'm praying for bob [Music] it gave me a burden for the lost show me the opportunities this week and give me a boldness to speak your word [Music] let me pray for you now father i thank you for every person here that's watching online that is represented here god i pray right now for your spirit to come god i pray for a boldness to sweep over this church god like never before lord jesus god i pray for a spiritual boldness to go forth god god i pray in the mighty name of jesus christ lord for your spirit to come lord i pray for this week lord for incredible miracle signs and wonders to take place scott holy spirit have your way have your way every way and remind us throughout the whole week it is your spirit that brings life [Music] how many people receive that tonight how many people say i'm going this week come on hey we're gonna end tonight and i just feel [Music] from the secret place to the public place god wants to encounter us in the secret place to go to the public place god wants to ignite everyone's personal devotional time so it overflows you know even as we leave tonight some of us are going out to eat i could see some hungry people out here [Music] let's go with the gospel amen amen we're going gonna transition tonight um um give somebody a high five give them a hug if you can and then we're gonna we're gonna take the gospel out to the highways and the byways this week and uh and share the gospel with people every day let's go for it [Music]
Channel: Bethel
Views: 19,753
Rating: 4.9282513 out of 5
Keywords: Bethel worship, bethel prayer and worship service, bethel music, full worship set, full worship service, worship service, bethel worship set, hunter thompson bethel, bethel church worship, bethel church redding, bethel worship live, bethel worship music, bethel worship 2021, bethel worship live 2021, hunter thompson, josie buchanan bethel, kaitlin mondesir bethel
Id: 4t4TDTtY__Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 154min 12sec (9252 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 12 2021
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