Saturday Night Awakening: September 11, 2021

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[Applause] [Music] me [Music] hmm [Music] uh [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] me [Music] oh we welcome you in [Music] [Music] [Music] it's an honor to have you oh such an honor to have you [Music] it's [Music] wow [Music] [Music] in this [Music] [Music] come on can you just welcome the lord in the room right now [Music] [Music] [Music] it's [Music] it's an honor to have you and i will shout out cause you caused this slave to run free and nothing is better than this and i will shout out cause you caused this slave to run free [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] nothing is better than please [Music] my shame [Music] i know it was [Music] until [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] out of the [Music] out of that grace [Music] glorious day [Music] jesus now your freedom is [Music] jesus when i met you you called [Music] is [Music] [Music] everybody clap your hands now everybody clap your hands like this everybody clap your hands come on in scripture there's something called a praise of applause to the lord can we just clap our hands to jesus come on this is a sign of worship huh [Music] to cheese [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] call [Music] [Applause] [Music] me your glorious day [Music] glorious day [Music] to jesus i [Music] testify and mercy i got a song to see of gotta cause he has set me free set me free set me free he picked me up from the fiery place set my feet on the solid rock now i can rest in the goodness of my god [Music] he picked me up from the fiery glaze set my feet on the solid rock now i can rest in the goodness of my car [Music] [Music] and i'm alive now cause nothing is better than this and i will shut up so i will shout out cause you caused this slave to run free [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] and i will shout out but you caused these slaves to run free and i'm alive now nothing is better than you jesus i'm a lot now and nothing is better than this god i'm alive now and nothing is better than this come on if you got a thanksgiving song for the lord right now this is the moment you don't need our lyrics you don't need the set right now you can just worship you can just thank him jesus we thank you for your goodness we thank you for your mercy we thank you because once we were lost in darkness shame guilt and sin for you pulled us out of the myrin clay and set our feet upon a solid rock jesus that rock is you jesus that rock is you jesus that rock is you we love you jesus we love you jesus we love you jesus we love you jesus the lord is a warrior and he sings over us and also he's referred to as the lord of hosts in isaiah 13 it says the noise of a multitude in the mountains like that of many people a tumultuous noise of the kingdoms of the nation gathered together the lord of hosts musters the army for battle they come from all countries they come from the ends of the heavens i decree over you people you are part of his army and i also decree over you that heaven heaven will be released into the earth the revenge of god is that people be saved that will come through you the dead will be raised the sick will be healed the lepers will be cleansed and the demons will be cast out that's the revenge of heaven through you the army of god in jesus name lord god we just declare release right now into the atmosphere a release of your holy wisdom a release of your kindness a release of your mercy a release of your faithfulness our release of finances right now in jesus name lord we thank you when we call forth your fresh baptism of love right now in jesus name god i thank you that your love is actually wiping clean people's hearts right now that it's penetrating people's hearts god that it's wiping the darkness and that it's making it clean that is bringing the brightness of the lord into your family and bringing the brightness of the lord into your home in jesus name but we trinity church family we thank god for giving us the victory as conquerors through our lord jesus the anointed one so now trinity church so now trinity church beloved ones stand firm be stable and enduring live your lives with an unshakable confidence we know that we will all transfer and excel in every season because we are assured that our union with the lord makes our level productive [Music] that we will be stable we have unshakeable confidence in you that nothing can move us nothing can shake us no sickness come over nothing can separate us from the love of jesus christ as the church we said thank you lord we say thank you lord we say thank you blessed is the man who trusts in him oh give thanks to the lord for he is good for his mercy endures forever let the redeemed of the lord say so lord don't let us be your the kind of children at your sons and daughters that don't fully understand your goodness don't let us be the sons and daughters that don't clearly see how good you are lord we want to understand your goodness down in our souls lord we ask that you release your the awareness of your goodness to your children tonight lord reveal your goodness to us we ask reveal your glory lord make us appreciative children sons and daughters to fully understand your goodness in this place tonight lord we ask for that awareness and that understanding in jesus name [Music] sorry guys like i have hearing issues we just quiet dance just a minute [Music] and i want the band to hear this just posture yourselves guys i know you're serving right now but this is for you too hey jesus i love you so much i'm not speaking to jesus he's speaking to you right now i love you so much i am well pleased i love when you gather around me i love it i love when you perceive me through the day and you see me as light when you feel so dark i love it i love you i've always loved you i didn't just go randomly looking for someone but i called you and you answered don't you know i said many are called if you were chosen but i have chosen you i chose you what half the world or riches or fame or homes or anything else that is just lies in this temporal earth but i say to you i have loved you with an everlasting love my banner my banner over you is love i want you close to me [Music] i want you close to me i've spread out a blanket like lovers spread out for a picnic and i've called you to come close to me sometimes i just want to be quiet with you sometimes i want to share my fruit and my food there's meat in here and fruitfulness because i have called you that you may be fruitful bearing good fruit it's all from me it's all from me it's all from me i hear him say i'm gonna golden you what does that mean lord i'm gonna golden you what does that mean jesus i'm gonna purify and refine and you will be vessels of my peace able to hold glory what you wanna be you didn't know you wanted to be but what i made i'm gonna see i'm gonna finish my work in you i'm gonna complete what i started the days are evil i know the days are dark i know it's been hard and pressing but you are not crushed struck down many yes but not destroyed persecuted all over but i have never left you i have never left you i will be there i stay with you i am familiar with you i know you when you rise i see you when you lay down there is no part of you that i do not know because you are in me and i am in you and i am in the father and the father is in me will you leave now in discouragement or unbelief will you leave now counting and saying lord the promises come short [Music] but haven't i all these years supplied all your needs and aren't i faithful still i encourage you look to me and be radiant be safe in me abide for i have not come that you should perish at all but i have given you such such life me [Music] my [Music] [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Music] [Music] me [Music] then [Music] [Music] our fathers [Music] you're the same is [Music] is [Music] [Music] come on let's just make that our prayer tonight over the city of let having dallas over the united states [Music] [Applause] [Music] then [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] let me [Music] is [Music] is is the glory forever [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] you only want to see me [Music] [Music] [Music] i need you i need your [Music] oh [Music] i need you [Music] that i want more [Music] yes [Music] [Music] [Music] yes [Music] [Music] down here [Music] down here [Music] [Music] down here [Music] down here [Music] [Music] we [Music] [Music] what you got up there [Music] we joshuas see you glory we wanna see we wanna see you glory we wanna see [Music] down here down here we wanna see what you got up there down here down here we wanna see what you got up there down here down here so what you got up there what you got up there what you caught up there what you caught up there we put a demand [Music] but i know that the atmosphere is changing now for the spirit of the lord is here evidence is all around just stop and take a look cause the spirit of the lord the is is changing now [Music] for the spirit of the lord [Music] he's here he's here he's here he's here he's here he's here he's here he's here [Music] for the spirit of the lord is that the spirit of the lord is here [Music] for the spirit of the lord [Music] is all around [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] here [Music] you [Music] [Music] hey hey [Music] huh [Music] huh [Music] [Music] [Music] you want to see what you've [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] down [Music] down here down here we want to see what you've got up there down here down here [Music] [Music] down here down here [Music] up [Music] that makes them all fall down what do the angels sea that makes them cry hold me holy holy holy what do the angels see that makes them all fall down and fought through the angels [Music] makes them all fall down [Music] [Music] this is eternity this is eternity holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy this is eternity this is this this is eternity holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy this is eternity this is the sound this is [Music] this is [Music] [Music] this is the sound [Music] yes [Music] [Music] this is the sound of eternity ah [Music] ah [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] me [Music] what do you do when he walks in the room how would you react what would you do what would you do what would you do i'm asking you what would you do if you walked in the room how would you act how would you behave what would you do what would you do what would you do [Music] [Music] so what would you do if you walked in this room what would you do what would you do just do it now just do it now cause he's here he's here he's here the train of his road fills this temple he's here he's here he's here the train of his robe it fills this temple he's here so what would you do if you walked in the room what would you do what would you do how would you behave how would you act what would you do just do it now do it now do it now [Music] [Music] miracles and signs and wonders also [Music] how would you behave now [Music] come on this is a heavenly invitation right now if you got a prayer language i want to invite you to fill the room with it right now and just lift up your hands to heaven if you're having an encounter with the lord on the ground on your chair that's okay stay there don't move but if you're standing lift up your hands to heaven come on if you have a prayer language released into heaven you can also pray in your own understanding but let me tell you this is a great moment to get your prayer language too come on lift up your hands to heaven and just fill the room with praise fill the room with honor come on worship team sing of the spirit with us [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hey [Music] jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus everybody come on just put some praise on your lips right now come on if you're able to stand just stand i know some of you are having an encounter with jesus and that's beautiful [Music] but i want us to step into another mode i feel like there is a spirit of intercession in the room and i feel like the bible says where two or more gathered come on somebody where two or more are gathered in his name there he is in the midst of us and so i just feel like i don't know what you got to do but i want everybody in this building if you've got to walk around i know this is little church unusual like you're used to just kind of coming in and sitting in your spot but we're going to be active tonight we're going to be mobile tonight and i feel like there's an assignment tonight to shift heaven and earth i feel like there's assignment i feel like out of this house as an authority here in this house what happens tonight what's decreed tonight what's to release tonight we'll shift things in the nation we'll ship things in the cities we'll ship things in your home [Music] there's some scripture i want to piggyback off of last week there's a passage in ezekiel 22 30. it says so i sought for a man among them who would make a wall and stand in the gap before me on behalf of the land i want to tell you that our assignment as a church is to be a church of intercession who will stand on behalf of the lord in the land and decree a thing and it shall be established [Music] come on everybody just begin to pray in the holy ghost come on i'm telling you just begin to pray the spirit of intercession is going to hit you and i feel like as you step into intercession god is releasing a fresh mantle a fresh mantle of fire a fresh mantle a fresh mantle of fire and authority fire and authority come on we're just going to pray some things tonight in our transition time in revelation we were kind of going in this and i want to i want to pray into revelations four and five come on how many intercessors do i have in this place tonight come on who's willing come on who's willing [Music] revelations 4 is after these things i looked and behold a door standing open in heaven and the first force which i heard was the trumpet speaking with me saying come up here come up here come up here and i will show you things what must take place after this immediately i was in the spirit and behold a throne set in heaven and one set on the throne and he who sat there was like a jasper and sword of stone in appearance and there was a rainbow around the throne and there was an appearance like an emerald around the throne there were 24 thrones and on the thrones i saw 24 elders sitting clothed in white robes and they had crowns of gold in their heads and from throne from the throne preceded lightnings and thunders and voices seven lamps of the fire were burning before the throne which are the seven spirits of god come on i just want us to begin to declare revelations four it's time for the church to come up it's time for the turks to come up we decree and declare church come up come forth in the name of jesus come out of your slumber come out of your complacency come out of your mediocrity come out come up come higher declare the lord it's time come out come out of your system come out of your dead religion come out of your complacency come out of your apartment in the name of the lord jesus it's time to come up it's time to come out come out come out come out come out [Music] come on speak to the spirit of the turks [Music] the one show us the one let us have eyes to see the one to behold the one to behold our bridegroom to behold our bright grim god oh everybody begin to pray in the holy ghost oh you're gonna be activated in intercession [Music] come on the earth is in trouble and the church and the church is the only solution of the hour a praying church a church who will stand between heaven [Music] you see the enemy we try to minimize your intercession [Music] to get you to quit to get you to stop come on come on come on come on i feel like some of you supposed to prophesy to some of your prodigals tonight some of your kids and grandkids it's time to come up it's time to come out i prophesy to you i speak to your soul and i say arise and live arise and live arise and live come on let me just give you a little bit of application because there's power in your prayers and daniel and the team were prophesying this they were prophesying out of revelation chapter five i saw in the right hand of him who sat on the throne of scroll written inside and on the back sealed with seven seals and i saw a strong angel proclaiming with a loud voice who is worthy to open up the scroll and loose loosen seal jesus you were worthy you were worthy to open up the seal it's time it's time it's time it's time it's time it's time [Music] [Laughter] [Music] and i looked and behold in the midst of the throne and of the four living creatures in the midst of the elders stood the lamb as though it had been slain having seven horns and seven eyes which are the seven spirits of god out into the earth come on the seven spirits it's by one spirit it's the fullness of the holy spirit in the earth it's the fullness of the holy spirit in you it's the fullness of the holy spirit in the church come on i want you to begin to intercede for the fullness for the fullness of the holy spirit to begin to arrest the church to begin to arrest our houses to begin to rest our families till we get to arrest our marriages we get to arrest our kids our father we declare the fullness of the holy spirit [Music] in revelations 5 and he says now when he had taken the scroll the four living creatures and the 24 elders they fell down before the lamb and each having a harp and golden bowls full of incense listen now when he had taken the scroll the four living creatures and the 24 elders fell face down before the lamb each having a harp and golden bowls full of incense which are the prayers of the saints come on somebody come on somebody the golden bowls full of incense oh which are the prayers of the saints come on it's time for the bowls to tip it's time it's time for the prayers that we've been praying it's [Music] come on put your hand on your neighbor everybody's staying in this place put your hand on your neighbor begin to pray in the holy spirit begin to pray in the holy spirit right now [Music] come on everybody right now just begin to pray in the holy ghost come on come on who's worthy god take us up take us up take your suffering take us up take us up higher than any circumstance take us higher than coven take us higher to the enemy that's standing at the gate take us higher let us see what you see here give us the heavenly perspectives give us a heavenly outlook give us the heavenly download that we can decree [Music] revival in the white house [Music] [Music] come on come on i felt tonight i woke up with this scripture in my head the holy spirit downloaded it to me early this morning romans i love it but i want to read it we're going to pray it come on well brother i thought we just did some songs and listen to the message and take up the offering no no no no that hour is over we're stepping into a new age come on we stepped into the age of decree the age of the mouth of the church it's time for the mouth of the church to open the enemy has tried to silence your voice he's trying to shut your mouth but god is saying if i could find a man if i could find a charger who would open up their mouth and prophesy to the dead bones they'll see dead bones come to life [Music] hallelujah romans 8 28 we're all familiar and we know that all things work together for good come on somebody somebody needs to hear that tonight and we know that in all things god works to good for our good we know that all things work together for our good to those who love god to those who are called according to his purpose come on let's just begin to declare that right now god i declare according to romans 8 28 god that you are putting everything in divine order father we declare that everything that's out of alignment we prophesy alignment uh father we speak to our families we speak to our marriages we speak to our finances we speak to our health and we say come in to owner come into alignment in jesus name we command corrupt systems of our nation to come into divine order in the name of jesus in the name of jesus we declare order in the church god's kind of order god's kind of order god's kind of order in the name of jesus for the lord is working together for our good because we love him [Music] [Music] prophesy [Music] in the name of jesus father we thank you holy spirit come on everybody begin to pray in the holy ghost you don't have a prayer language the evidence is speaking in tongues just open up your mouth and the psalm says that he'll fill your mouth come on [Music] come on come on come on come on let's go beyond words right now there's power in your tongues there's power there's power in your tongues come on come on let the spirit of god now intercede through you [Music] brah [Music] come on open up you've got to open up your mouth come on there's a responsibility on behalf of the church come on that's the problem we're sitting back in the easy chair watching everybody else do church but god is saying it's time for the church to get mobile again it's time for the church uh to get mobile again he's increasing our capacity holy spirit holy [Music] holy spirit holy spirit holy spirit [Music] [Music] come on if you're watching online come on the holy spirit is arresting your heart right now come on come on god is doing something in your household right now you're watching from all over the world i see there's someone that's watching from germany that's watching from europe i see there's someone watching from australia i see there's someone watching from duncanville right now i see there's someone watching right now from mansfield there's someone watching right now i feel it's like richardson oh god it's visiting your household he's arresting your heart he's putting things in order come on everybody just begin to pray in the spirit begin to sing in the spirit there's glory there's glory there's glory in your mouth come on open it up [Music] come on your living gateways you age the stories of destiny open open open open open open you're the gate you're the gate you're the gate to your household you're the gate to your city you're the gate to your workplace you're the gate you're the gate you're the gates [Music] come on come on come on come on come on just go higher for a moment come on he's increasing our capacity come on go higher for a moment [Music] with fresh authority fresh authority fresh authority higher levels of authority [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] higher higher [Music] fills the temple worship him worship him all around the train of his robe fills the temple victories victories all around the train of his robe fills the temple worship him worship him all around the train of israel fills the temple victories victories all around [Music] now right now under the sound of my voice i bind every spirit of depression in this place i bind every spirit of witchcraft right now over every soul in the mighty name of jesus that's spirit of control i find that activity right now in jesus name off of every soul right now i bind that spirit of anxiety and fear that fear of death that fear of covet i command you to shut your mouth you shut your mouth you shut your mouth [Music] come on i don't care what the enemy wants to release delta virus mu whatever we've got the alpha and the omega baby hey we declare the alpha and the omega hey [Music] like the lord [Music] i feel like there's some there's somebody here might be more than one but you feel like death has been literally sitting at your door you feel like like almost like you're like the sphere of death [Music] i want to tell you that's a spirit if you're here i want to pray for you right now who is that raise your hand come on who else anybody else come on up here sweetheart we're going to pray for you we're going to pray for a few things that's just one you literally you feel like you feel like like like this fear of death it's just kind of irrational really but it feels real okay that's okay come on somebody come on it's not in you it's coming at you there's nothing to be ashamed about there's nothing to be ashamed about it's not in you it's coming at you come on there's also someone you've been dealing come on there's nothing to be afraid of we're going to listen there's going gonna be about another 10 or 15 up here before it's all said and done i'm just calling that one out first but i feel like also too there's people you've been dealing with depression heavily and anxiety i want you to get up here right now don't you're not going to with this stuff come on it's not you maybe it's even clinical they've just they've given you diagnosis of clinical but i want to tell you god can deal with that tonight amen come on somebody there's nothing to be ashamed of listen there's nothing listen we're just going to come together and agree with authority because the enemy is trying to mess with you he's trying to push you around and you're part of our house you're part of our family we're not going to let that stuff continue to follow you around also too i feel like there god i i feel like if you have any wonder that if there's like generational curses of witchcraft uh maybe there's some some dabbling in the occult i felt that earlier if you've done that you feel like it's just kind of harassing you and maybe there's some things happening you just want that to completely be broken off you want you to get up here right now right now somebody i think there's someone here that you've even consulted a psychic and god and i want to tell you you're messing with the demonic you've messed with the demonic but come on it's redeemable come on jesus wants to break that off right now tonight come on i feel this i i feel this very strongly new age come on some of you even on the fence you're like i don't even know what to believe to be honest so i'm just searching i want you to get up here right now we're going to break all of that off of you tonight all of it's going to go all of it you're not going to leave here with us again come on if you can all come kind of close to the middle here so i know who's up here and who's not holy spirit somebody else you've been dealing with night terrors it's almost like you've been being disrupted in your sleep and i believe there's like dreams that are of terror it's trying to bring fear it's trying to open a door some of them are very perverse and pornographic i want you to get up here right now and if you're struggling in any way with addiction get up here anything addiction it can be addiction to spending money come on come on spending money could be your god you need to get up here [Music] come on there's nothing to be ashamed about nothing nothing and then we're also going to be praying for those that need a miracle in their body those that are bound by infirmity and it's like the doctors have called it incurable and it won't leave i want you to come up here we're going to pray for a miracle in your body somebody's skin's going to be healed as you walk up to the front your skin is literally going to begin to clear come on i saw that right now the skin somebody's skin is going to be healed almost instantly i had a woman two women were healed in one service one was telling your testimony how god touched her and as she was telling her testimony of how her skin cleared the woman that heard the testimony her skin immediately cleared in the service god's also going to deal with certain medically surgically implanted metal in the body i believe god's gonna dissolve that tonight you may be even watching online come on i told you there's gonna be some people up here listen what point is it if we come to church and we don't take time for this come on the gospel that we serve it's not just a gospel of word only but it's a gospel of power it's a gospel of demonstration and tonight is your night for miracles tonight is your night for deliverance if you will dare to believe and stand your ground and say tonight is my night it starts tonight [Music] there's arthritis gonna be healed tonight somebody's bones are gonna be corrected i also see there's neuropathy that god's gonna heal there's there's like numbness happening in the body god's going to heal that and how many of you know that most of this incurable diseases all of this i'm going to tell you where it came from it came from the pit of hell and the enemy has wanted you to believe that it's just natural science so you won't take your ground well it's just old age it's just progression it's just this it's just that but i want to tell you it's demonic and we're gonna speak to it and call it for what it is and stop its reign over our life because that's not what jesus paid for for you to walk around sick and body tormented fearful afraid depressed suicidal infirmed afflicted come on he died on the cross so that you can be free that word salvation means eternal salvation but it also means healed saved and delivered come on jesus christ died for your sickness he died for your disease he died for your freedom he died for your salvation he died so you can be whole now not just someday another day he died so you can live the abundant life now come on somebody so if i can get some of our prayer team around those just put your hand on your back and begin to minister to them right now and you can you can you can ask them you can find out what it is and we're gonna pray [Music] [Music] come on guys come on yeah and i would agree listen if you're holding on to anything whatsoever with someone there maybe there is some unforgiveness maybe there's some things that that you're holding on to that you just need to let go of maybe there's someone who's hurt you abused you left you you need to repent you need to forgive them you need to let them loose open up your mouth and say jesus i forgive xyz whoever it is i forgive them right now i forgive them for the way that they treated me i forgive them hold on hold your prayers for a minute on the back listen everybody stop your prayers from a ministry team stop for just a minute i want you to open up your mouth right now and say lord jesus if and this may not apply to everybody but lord jesus i forgive so and so for leaving me i forgive maybe your father who left you abandoned you abused you maybe someone else an uncle i don't know i feel like there's someone who is abused by an uncle you need to forgive there's someone who was left their husband you were left your husband left you for somebody else you need to i feel the anointing on that one right there you need to release them right now in jesus name i forgive them i bless them i i just i just break that right now i just send that off and i bless them lord i give them to you god i repent come on i repent lord jesus forgive my heart god i shut the door to unforgiveness and bitterness right now i shut the door to unforgiveness and bitterness right now i shut that door and i declare that it has no authority any longer it has no there's no door we shut the door to anything that would try to come in and steal from us now it's shut it's shut that misunderstanding of that co-worker i forgive them right now come on someone you're you're it's like even your brother and sister in christ you need to forgive them shut the door to bitterness and unforgiveness now shut it we shut it now we cut it off now in jesus name so father right now i feel the holy spirit i'm going to begin to lay hands on people if i can get a water real quick right now come on just we're going to pray everybody begin to minister [Music] so father right now in jesus mighty name we declare right now every spirit of darkness we break it off right now we silence it we break it off right now we declare that the power every demonic power every generational curse every spirit of affliction every demonic power we break your power off of every heart everybody every soul in jesus mighty name we say go leave in jesus mighty name we command depression to leave affliction to go we command anxiety and fear and torment to leave in the name of jesus come on team just begin to minister worship team if you guys can just play something as we minister just for a few more minutes in the name of jesus and i want those that are receiving prayer just to receive right now we break it off we break it off right now find out what it is that they need a miracle for [Music] [Music] [Music] which is okay [Music] come on keep ministering some of our teams ministers are those that are left up here i'm just going to go quickly i'm going quickly we're just going to minister god we just release it right now we break it we break it we break it we break it we break suicide fear torment right now in the name of the lord jesus we declare the fire of the holy ghost now in jesus name [Music] holy spirit we ask that you would come with your holy angels help us to minister in the realm of the spirit right now father in the name of the lord jesus fire on here [Music] [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] first [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] come on come on just receive just receive just received this receipt [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] open [Music] [Music] [Music] i'm standing behind you hallelujah come on just if you can anybody in here you needed a miracle if you can physically check your body out check it out right now do something that you could not do oftentimes we see more miracles take place when people try to do something that they could not do maybe you need to bend down bend your knees bend over move your arms up take your glasses off your hearing aid out do something check your feet out somebody's feet are being healed right now i saw a foot condition being healed i don't know maybe somebody's supposed to run in faith to unlock your muscles and your back i don't know do something do something activate your faith come on somebody come on somebody somebody's arm is being healed right now if you just lift up over your shoulder god's going to unlock your arm right now the pain in your in your shoulder just lift your shoulder lift your arm up over your head like this come on just do like this come on really wiggle it around make it hurt come on wiggle it around i mean come on somebody i mean like this do something god's gonna unlock that shoulder right now in jesus name watch it work watch god do it watch god do it watch god do it watch god do it somebody you need metal dissolved in your body it's causing you restriction of mobility who is that come on if you're watching online better type in your name right now hurry anybody come on we've seen metal dissolve we saw we've seen this many times this is common common common common i believe somebody's eyes are being healed right now take off your glasses and see if you can see better dyslexia is being healed right now do something that you could not do and there's a guy in the blue shirt right here that's praying but if god touches you at any part of the service i want you to share your testimony with him wave your hand ryan see ryan right here everybody listen we don't want to hide god's glory by hiding your miracle sometimes we're so afraid to share the testimony because we got to get up and get up there and share our testimony and i don't want to go to the front and but if god's healing you at least tell ryan so he can tell us tell ryan if god's touching you in any way and even if it's 10 better you just give god praise right 15 20 we've seen god heal people as they give god praise for the 10 the 15 the 20 the 30 and then all of a sudden we've seen people get healed 20 the first time they give god praise the next day they wake up they're 50 by the third day they're 100 healed you see there's a difference between a healing and a miracle the bible says that when we lay hands on the sick they will recover so we laid hands on you tonight and we believe that you're in recovery amen come on somebody hallelujah amen isn't god good hallelujah how many feel like god's already touched your body in a big way come on just wave at me like this come on all over the building all over the building you feel like god's doing something you feel like something shifted something transpired in prayer just then come on somebody well listen i'm gonna get my wife up here she's got a powerful message there's gonna be some impartation i believe there's a divine call that god is calling us tonight into and i want us to prepare our hearts but before we do that i want to take up tonight's tithe and offering [Music] come on how many of you believe god for that come on i love to give you know we give our church trinity church [Music] we help serve over 123 missionaries around the world we're actually working with some of our vietnamese pastors right now in vietnam they've had a horrible break of coven and outbreak and they've all locked in again and we're helping as a church pay their salaries to make sure that they can put food on the table and continue in the ministry so we do a lot we feed people we've got several campuses that are starting in the bishop arts and frisco we've got a church in a bar in fair park come on somebody and so that's a mission field right there so we're sewing into our bar church amen what's this cool right there there's a few ways that you could give if you could put that on the screen we've got envelopes on the back i want everybody to give something tonight i believe god's gonna do something as you give in faith tonight i believe somebody i feel like there's somebody here that god's asking you to give in faith tonight i just felt that in my spirit i don't normally do that but i feel like tonight you're believing god for something and it's i feel like god's gonna unlock it as you give there's a few ways you can give you've got envelopes on the back you can give texts to give you put the number up you can also give online [Music] you can give a 972-444-21113 make sure that you put the amount and then put sna for saturday night awakening it all goes into our general fund but it helps us navigate where it comes through and where it comes to and so just make sure that you you put that there you designate that that's really important if you give on the app which we do make sure you go down to the drop down put sna tithe uh last week i talked about this the passage of malachi about giving it says to bring the tithe into the storehouse that tithe is a tenth of your increase and and there's something that i talked about last week that when we give our tithe when we give giving is warfare did you know that giving's warfare where's the buckets guys can we get the buckets i got a bucket missing over here giving is warfare because the bible says when you bring the tithe to the storehouse it says that god will open up a window of heaven and pour it a blessing that you can't contain it but it also says that he'll rebuke the devourer off of your increase come on somebody so when you give there's things that god has us do in the natural that release something in the supernatural that releases something in the spirit [Music] that i believe that brings forth warfare on our behalf as we give but another thing so so last week i said that war giving is warfare but the other thing i want to talk to you about tonight as it pertains to giving is found in proverbs 18 15. excuse me 1816 says this it says a man's gift makes room for him and brings him before great men [Music] another passage it says a man's offering that word gift if you look that word gift up it means offerings that's beyond the tithe so it says a man's offering brings him before kings it opens up doors of favor come on somebody it opens up doors i believe giving i'd like to propose to you tonight that giving when you sow a seed in faith i believe it opens up divine opportunity so as we give tonight as we give as it pertains to warfare come on rebuking the devour let's give tonight and believe god for open doors of opportunity come on can you how many do you believe you're like i need a new opportunity i need a door favor to open up on my behalf come on as we give tonight can we partner with that word tonight can we partner with proverbs 18 16 a man's gift a man's offering makes room for him and brings him before great men before kings come on somebody you and i are called to stand before kings does everybody stand tonight with your offering in your hand if you've got your phone which i like to give up when you pull your phone up we've got the buckets up here to the front and i'm going to pray but as i pray i want you just to go ahead and you can come to the front and put your offering in the front buckets up here get a bucket here and here and you can get online so father in jesus name we just thank you for every gift and every giver father we thank you that as we so deny god we're sowing into the kingdom and it's rebuking the devourer off of our household it's rebuking the enemy off of our household there's things you ask us to do that we don't understand but god we do it in faith because this gospel is the gospel of faith so we sow in faith believing that you're rebuking the devourer and believing that great doors of favor and influence and opportunity are opening up for us tonight in jesus mighty name so we given faith tonight let it be unto us according to your word in jesus name amen and amen you can bring your offering to the front hallelujah come on baby hallelujah [Music] oh my goodness my favorite speaker [Music] in the whole wide world isn't she amazing [Music] she's pretty too isn't she yeah i was getting hot up here but i don't know i don't think it's the anointing i think it's the holy i don't know it's something on you you know i do i know we're jokers so anyways bless the lord okay so i know that we've had our time of ministry but it's not over okay so i'm just gonna declare some things i'm not gonna be long because i want to take time for impartation but before we begin can i just have a little bit of lights like in the back because i can't see and there's um i just want to be able to see everybody's beautiful faces before i go thank you so much ryan and then worship team i'm not sure where they went but don't go too far because how was can you guys give a shout out in a hand clap for the worship team tonight come on and then just a little bit of lights i don't know how that works or i'm sure you're probably working on it and it takes a while but just a little bit of light so i can see everybody um there's some people you know it's funny because there's a lot of times that i like will get a word for somebody and i'm like oh they're not here tonight and then later they actually were here they were just in a dark corner and i couldn't see them so i don't want any dark corners you might miss a prophecy no i'm kidding but you might so no but i really do want to see some faces tonight um it doesn't matter all the time but sometimes i can see the spirit of god on people and on their countenances and so i like to be able to see who's in the room but to get back to the worship team come on you guys i think some of you are in here is that right see it's that light thing okay so you guys really embodied what i felt like god was doing in the spirit okay because if you could hear that was a new sound and even daniel began to prophesy that tonight that there was a new sound coming and that is pretty much what tonight's about what i want to talk about it's about restoring the voice of the church it's about being the voice of revival and coming in with the sound of heaven how many of you know that sound carries frequency and if you you know if you're a nerd like me i like like watching documentaries and all these things and as a matter of fact i was just watching a documentary yesterday and it was talking about elephants and it was talking about how they can pick up frequencies in the earth that are so low to the human ear that they can't be heard by humans but elephants can not only hear it but they can feel it in their senses and so there was one particular matriarch elephant out of the whole tribe and she began to give these warnings to the whole little pack of elephants because she could hear the distant thunder she could hear thunder in a distance she could hear a storm in a distance and so she began to send out a warning and send out a sound to the family and to the pack telling them hey it's time to move it's time to go and so i feel like right now god wants us to know that he ascending frequencies he's sending sounds in the spirit that not even our human ears can pick up on and understand but our spirits are bursting forth and it's like when jesus was saying may we have eyes to see and ears to hear what the spirit of the lord is saying and the worship team i believe begin to hear with their spiritual senses tonight and they begin to usher us into this new sound and this new sound that god is birthing in our mouths come on somebody it's going to be with the spirit and the power of elijah god is resurrecting that in the church now listen the spirit and the power of elijah i'm not saying a man's gonna come back and and do all these things okay i'm talking about the holy spirit that came upon elijah the same spirit that came upon elijah the same spirit that came on john the baptist the same spirit that he anointed these men and women with in the early church to prepare the way of the lord and god is birthing that sound right now in the church but to illustrate what i believe is happening right now in the body of christ i want to take us to the the book of kings with elijah and and everything that was happening in chapter 17 and 18 and i'm not gonna read everything for the sake of time you can go back and read it later but i believe that this is giving us a picture of where we're at in the body of christ today as god is resurrecting and reviving come on we talk about revival how many of you know that revival is bringing dead things back to life and if you want to operate in the spirit of revival which is the holy spirit come on he is the spirit of resurrection so i just want to come to terms for a minute as i begin to talk about revival as i begin to talk about the spirit and the power of elijah that is the holy spirit the same spirit that raised christ from the dead and so if we want to operate in a spirit of revival if we're contending for revival if we're believing and praying for revival i believe that there are keys in god's word that he's wanting us to get right now in this season because god is resurrecting our voices in the church and just like there was one man by the name of elijah that said god i will be that voice i believe that god is looking to and fro across the earth for men and women that will say god i want to be that voice come on who wants to be a voice of revival in this hour and if you're like me i get excited about that i get excited about that but i am here tonight to talk about the responsibility of it i'm talking about the responsibility of being a voice of revival and we're gonna end tonight with impartation okay that is basically the holy spirit coming with what he's saying and breathing it into you so that you can begin to walk it out he doesn't want us to just talk about revival sing about revival and i'm not putting that down because that's important our worship team led us in that tonight but not only it's also and he wants us to be doers of revival he wants us to be practitioners of revival that we're so filled with the holy spirit that we not only speak about it and sing about it but we actually go and take risks to see it happen that god would like the fire within us that we would be like jeremiah that no matter what comes what did jeremiah say he said if i even say that i will never speak of the lord again it's not going to work because the fire of god is shot up in my bones and i can't even hold it in is what he says there's a fire that god is releasing to the body of christ again that no matter fear no matter opposition no matter the warfare involved because it's not an if it's a win you find yourself in warfare come on that we're not going to back down but we're still going to take that mantle on and not take it off when things get hard not throw it down when things get hard but god said i've mantled you and it's time to pick up the mantle and not only put it on but keep it on god's given us an anointing in this hour in the church to put our mantles on and to keep them on the enemy's been trying to strip that mantle right off of us we see this in the scriptures with jezebel ahab where they begin to silence the voices of the church of the children of israel begin to silence them some just flat out got killed others ran for their lives into the caves but then there was a man that said no not me i'm not running i'm not hiding well he kind of did later but for the most part he came out and he didn't stay in there and his name was elijah god called him to bring revival to the nation god anointed him with the holy spirit to bring revival to the nation of israel to restore the covenant of god's people and he wasn't going to back down and be impressed with what everyone else was saying what everyone else was doing what the status quo was and i want to tell you that's the first responsibility of carrying a mantle of revival and being a voice of revival is being willing to stand alone when it looks like no one else is with you when it looks like everybody is saying the opposite of what you're saying when it looks like events are happening that are the direct opposite of what god has promised we're in that like right now like right now it doesn't take very far it doesn't take you know a lot of smarts to see what the enemy's doing right now we're going to have to pull back it's like what tommy said earlier come up higher it's time to raise above the noise it's time to get higher into the heavenly places and begin to hear the sound of heaven if we want to carry the sound of revival we have to hear the sound of revival if we want to be revival and breathe a bridge of revival that brings heaven to earth we're going to have to be willing to rise above voices and have discernment in this hour come on somebody the discerning of spirits it sounds basic but it's real and it's needed right now if you look at elijah elijah needed to have that discernment he needed to know what was god and what wasn't can i tell you that every voice that you're hearing is not of god not every voice in church right now is of god and how do we know what is and what is it let's get back to the basics and read our bible we need to read our bible we need to hear what god is saying and know that it doesn't change and we need to repent for making unholy alliances i'll take this because you promised that you'll give me this so i'll ignore this so i can have some of this that's really happening right now and i just want to tell you what elijah's response was to that and i'm going to look for the verse and if i if i'm scrolling too long i'll just tell you what he says i can't find it so i'll just tell you what he says and you can google it if you don't believe me no i do that all the time not because i don't believe people but because i'm like oh that was good where is that and i start googling the phrase it comes right up it's really awesome so this is what elijah says he says this in in first kings and i believe it might be the 17th or 18th chapter but he begins to speak out and might i tell you is he speaking out to israel and he's warning them and he's telling them what's right what's wrong what's evil i think it's interesting that king ahab who the bible says was the most wicked king in israel at that time that he was more wicked than anybody before him that it's interesting that when ahab saw elijah coming he said oh trouble or troubler of israel there was a twisting there was a twisting that was happening elijah came to speak the word of the lord the pure word of the lord that could be found in the writings of abraham isaac jacob the fathers the penta talk he was coming in the name and the word of the lord to release truth and isn't it interesting that king ahab turned it switched the tables and said oh troubler of israel and i want to tell you that when you begin to speak the word of the lord and when you begin to set your face as splint and say god i want to be used as a voice of revival don't be surprised if people start calling you a troubler a troubler of our nation a troubler of our whatever fill in the blank if if we are coming in to this revival that god has already begun to pour out but it's swelling how many of you know it's swelling we haven't seen it all yet some people say are we in revival yes i agree some people say are we in revival no i kind of agree and i'll tell you why because we haven't seen what he said we're going to see yet but we are seeing something and we are going to give god thanks for what we are seeing we're going to steward what we are seeing we're not going to say no that's not it because it doesn't look like that yet no i know it's already begun but there's more and so if we think that we're going to operate in a voice of revival or in a spirit of revival and not have opposition were sadly mistaken and i feel like the lord is wanting to impart to us tonight the spirit and the power of elijah the same that sent john the baptist to withstand the opposition to withstand the voices of hell that would try to come against us just like they did through jezebel and through ahab to shut the mouth of the church come on i don't know if if anybody here follows the hebraic calendar i'm not an expert in it but i know just enough to kind of like know what's happening do you know is anybody like that with me but then there's some people that are like they really know what's up and it's really great and insightful to hear what's going on and so there was a couple years ago that we st and somebody tell me it wasn't last year it was the year before when we started the decade of the mouth is that right right it was like two years ago and so there's some people are like it's the year of the mouth and it's like no it's not a year it's like a whole decade it's like a decade of the mouth but if we have pulled back to sea i feel like the enemy's been like trying to rename it as like no it's the decade of shut your mouth you know what i mean it's like the enemy's trying to silence the voice of the church like never before like never before that we've seen on this type of scale but then as i begin to read the life of elijah i was like hey actually this has tried to happen before this has tried to happen before through a spirit of jezebel and i have to tell you when i talk about stuff like that you guys don't really hear a lot about that because i don't believe that the that we're supposed to be impressed or overly focused on the devil but the bible does say to be aware be aware of the enemy's schemes not to be afraid of the enemy not to be impressed with the enemy but to be aware of the enemy and so i feel like god is heightening our discernment heightening up our awareness in this hour to know where things are coming from our battle is not against flesh and blood we know that according to ephesians paul says our battle is not against flesh and blood so we're not going to war against flesh and blood but it is time for us to start raising our voices in prayer it is time for the church to begin to raise our voices in truth in this hour and anything that defies the word of god or the message of the gospel we are not to have a holy alliance with that and and that's my story and i'm sticking to it do you know holy spirit whoa i just felt a shift in the room thank you lord god we receive it god we receive it i'm all about sharing what's on my notes but holy spirit we ask father that every word that's spoken that you would begin to impart it even now and that's what i felt like the lord was saying i felt like the lord was saying just as we begin to speak that there's also room for impartation even now and even tommy and i we have the same language and i was sharing it with the intercessors before that what we do here yes it's for trinity but i believe it's for the body of christ that god wants us to begin to shift our thinking he wants us to begin to shift our perspectives that when we come together in the body of christ when we come together to worship we're worshiping on behalf of our nation when we come to pray we're not just praying because it's something to do here we're praying on behalf of our nation when we come down and we dance it's on behalf of the nation when we speak in tongues when we intercede when we're receiving impartations saying god i want more we're making a ripple effect in the spirit that's impacting our nation and so we're at this place we're at this threshold where god is wanting to prepare us for the more that he has and it's going to be with a spirit of boldness a spirit of courage god's wanting to inject in us boldness and courage the same type that he gave the early church listen i know i'm kind of going over here and i was talking about jezebel and ahab but listen you can find the same thread from the beginning to the very end in scripture you find it in acts you find it in jeremiah's time you find it in ezekiel's time you find it in elijah's time you find it in john the baptist come on that same spirit of jezebel tried to raise its head in john the baptist's day when he was called to prepare a way of the lord isaiah 40 prophesied john the baptist ministry way before he even hit the earth and that spirit came through herod and begin to shut the mouth of john the baptist and i see that spirit trying to rise up again that antichrist spirit that spirit of jezebel and ahab that compromising spirit come on i want to tell you right now that that fear just like we went after fear tommy prayed that earlier that fear that torment that depression those suicidal thoughts they're not yours that's not the end of your story come on i don't care if it ran i mean i care i know that sounds insensitive but it doesn't matter maybe i should say if it runs through your whole family line you are made brand new in christ and that whole agenda in the body of christ right now it's more than just about you it's about everybody around you trying to silence your voice so that you won't be speaking in this hour and god is wanting to by a spirit of revival revive the voice of the church revive his people in this hour that would say i'm not going to be silent anymore and i believe that right now that god is asking us will you be a voice of revival no matter what it looks like will you be a voice of revival even if it seems like you're all alone i want to jump back to elijah for just a minute he god told him to go you remember the first time the first time that he spoke with ahab he prophesied that there would be no rain in the land for three and a half years and then god said get out of here go okay he went into hiding then he came back out he resurrected a little boy from the dead which i think is very interesting that the bible says that he went up to the upper room and that's where he raised the boy from the dead and that was a foreshadowing and a picture of the church of the living god that was going to rise up in the upper room with an outpouring and a fire of the holy spirit and begin to revive the church and that revival that the church received that pentecostal fire was never supposed to go out it may have gone out by people's choice but it wasn't god's intention for revival fires to go out and so that was just a picture of what was coming elijah began to be the voice of revival to bring that dead boy back to life because if you read it it says god heard elijah's voice and brought life back into the boy are you using your voice are you using your voice to see dead things come back to life are you using your voice to stand up and take your authority as sons and daughters of god and say i'm taking a stand no more devil you can't come into my house anymore you can't have a playground in my marriage in my children whatever sphere of influence that you have are you going to be a voice of revival in your spirit of influence and so i want to tell you after he raised the boy back to death uh from dead to life again we see that later he has another confrontation and that's with what the 800 850 prophets of baal and and the asherah and all of these things and we've heard this story before where elijah comes and it's a showdown between good and evil and he tells them he says okay children of israel and this is an interesting story a question that i believe that god is asking us today he says how long will you go back and forth between two opinions he asked the children he didn't ask the false prophets that he didn't ask jezebel and ahab that he looked dead in the eye at the children of israel that knew the covenant of god they knew the word of the lord they have history with god and i believe that god is asking that right now to christians come on guys we've been there done that we're christians we know what god has said we know what's in the bible we know what his covenant says how long will you falter between two opposite sides of the story and the bible says that they answered him nothing they were silent somebody could have spoken up somebody could have said you know what yes me too me too but i believe they didn't because fear had shut their mouth control had shut their mouth a spirit of religion had shut their mouth suicide had shut their mouth that whole witchcraft thing listen i'm going to tell you you don't have to play with the ouija board to have the you know witchcraft come over your mind sometimes it's been unleashed across our nation there's some witches right now that are praying more hours than the body of christ and this is not about performance okay i have five kids i don't pray hours every day i'm just gonna be real transparent i'm not telling you to do something i don't do but what i am saying is it's about the fervor in our heart man looks at the outward appearance but god looks at the heart and god's calling us to be a voice through prayer be a voice through worship be a voice with conviction be a voice of revival begin to move come on you don't only use you're not only a voice by using your voice box it's also by your actions god's calling us in this hour to take risks like we've never taken before we're not afraid of what we look like when we take those risks we're not afraid of what people think of us when we step out when the spirit of god comes upon us and tells us to prophesy or tells us to lay hands on the sick to see them recovered come on it's that fear and it's that control and it's that spirit of religion and witchcraft that likes for you to have a form of godliness but denying the power of god that's not going to work anymore i've quoted it once and i'll quote it again ruth ward heflin you can look her up later she's gone to be with the lord in the great cloud of witnesses but that woman was a voice of revival and she prophesied in the early 2000s about a coming revival that was coming to the united states of america and when she prophesied it the the brownsville revival and the toronto blessing was still happening she even mentioned the smithton revival in missouri that was still happening and guess what if you read some of her writings she blesses the lord for those amazing revivals but you know what she said she said but basically the big one's coming that's where we're at right now we thank god for what we've seen and what we're seeing right now but there's more coming that tsunami wave is coming i've had reoccurring dreams of a tsunami wave coming and in the dream it's so awesome but i'm also afraid and the lord told me listen there's going to be fears that come up just let it wash away just let my waves hit you and just yield to my waves just yield to what i'm doing just yield to what i'm saying and let me wash away the fear be overcome by my spirit be overcome by my presence but what ruth ward heflin said was what god wants to do in these last days can only be accomplished in the glory the manifest presence of god the glory of god but we're not just going to waltz and skip into the glory without being willing to rebuild an altar of repentance and i want to tell you that just before the fire of god fell when elijah began to call on the god who who answered by fire just when just before the fire fell what did he do the bible says that he began to repair the altar of the lord that had been broken he took 12 stones that represented the covenant that god made with each tribe and he began to re-build and repair that altar and he began to rebuild an altar so that there could be repentance and there could be a sacrifice and god came down with fire from heaven and i believe right now in the body of christ that we're being called to rebuild what the enemy's torn down that we're being called to rebuild altars of repentance to say god i'm sorry that i've ignored you i'm sorry that i've given into fear i'm sorry that i've given into addiction whatever it is fill in the blank some of you it may not even be an outward sin some of you it may just be a condition of the heart where you're you know some of us have gone apostate out of the heart like you know what i know better than god or i'm looking at a person to be my savior more than i am jesus himself there's so many things right now that we can fill in the blank and listen i've been praying this i've been like at an altar of repentance and i'm not talking about performance hear me and i'm not talking about naval gazing i understand that jesus came and he took the place of all of our sin i understand that but there is a place when god begins to pour out revival that we have to be willing to surrender and we have to be willing to yield and we have to be willing to lay down anything that he asks of us on that altar of repentance and it looks different from me to you and the person sitting next to you this is not a message of rules and a list that's hard to achieve we already know that the gospel you know it did away with things that we couldn't attend to paul says that you know the letter it kills but we have been given grace through christ jesus and guys this may sound really basic but i understand my assignment is to be very clear tonight to be very clear that god is going to be exposing in the next few months this isn't a fearful word come on okay this isn't fearful god's gonna start exposing things in government in the church listen i don't i don't know what side of the deal you're on on politics i don't really care the thing about it is is that this is between us and the lord this is between us and god and our hearts and revival exposes things when the fire of god comes that's the whole deal of the threshing floor as it begins to separate the wheat from the tares there is going to be a dividing line in the body of christ there is going to be an apostolic church in an apostate church that we're going to begin to see a dividing line and god is going to hold us responsible for those things and this isn't like a normal saturday night message right but i feel like it's important i feel like it's important and i feel like god wants us to sober up that's what awakening is all about it's about sobering up it's about hearing the word of the lord and obeying the word of the lord but bless god that if he can send fire from heaven and he can destroy the enemies in elijah's day and that was under the old covenant how much more will the god who answer by fire come today under the new covenant because of jesus there is hope in my word today hear me there is hope in my word but i do believe there's a soberness in this season as well that god wants to prepare us for what he's going to pour out and he doesn't desire that anybody be left out of it again this is not a word about perfection but this is a word about yielding so god even now in this place we just yield to you holy spirit we yield to what you're doing and i'm just going to begin to pray and i want you to pray with me and then we're just going to release an impartation and some of you i'm going to prophesy over and and i may call tommy i'm trying to look and see what our kids situation is down there because we're going back and forth but god i thank you right now in the name of jesus and i don't know where the worship team is i just may go ahead and call them up i'm done with my notes and i'm just going to go with the spirit of god because i believe he wants to release impartation tonight what impartation is he going to release i believe he's gonna release boldness tonight i believe that he is going to unlock voices tonight to be voices of revival i believe that he's going to unlock right now people that have been in hiding people that have been in caves and i believe what we begin to declare and decree tonight that it's also standing in the gap for the church and the body of christ in our nation come on if you remember after the showdown against jezebel and ahab the bible says what did elijah do he ran in another cave and he ran for his life god told him to do that the first time but did god tell him to do it the second time no he found elijah he sent an angel and the angel came to him twice and awakened him from asleep elijah was in a state of depression he was suicidal he asked god just to take his life because that spirit of jezebel had been leashed against him and the angel of the lord came twice and gave him bread and water which i believe represents the word and the spirit and i think that right now the angels of the lord have been released to strengthen the body of christ just like they strengthened elisha to say arise and eat for the journey ahead is great can i just echo that for just a minute body of christ arise and eat with the water of the word and the water of the spirit and the bread of life which is jesus arise and eat for the journey ahead is great come on isaiah 60 tells us what's going to happen deep darkness is going to cover the earth but the glory of the lord will rise upon you that nations will come to your light there's a soberness that you heard in my voice tonight that we need to be sober minded not afraid not hopeless not in shackles of bondage not in the caves after the angel came to elijah elijah was strengthened for 40 days on that meal but guess what he did he went in hiding again then the voice of the lord came to him twice and said elijah what are you doing here and i believe that's the word of the lord for the body of christ right now in hiding my bride what are you doing here church what are you doing here the bible says that elijah took his mantle as he began to walk out god's saying pick up your mantle put it back on the way that i told you to put it back on what are you doing in the cave right now it's time to come out it's time to use your voice it's time to begin to take risks in the spirit of god and not only that we see elijah imparting to the next generation come on somebody it goes from elijah to elisha so this this unlocking of the voice i want to tell you it's not just about me and you it's about the generation behind us it's about our sons and daughters our grandchildren our great-grandchildren it's about our whole lineage not only biologically but spiritually god is wanting to release faith in this house tonight and in the body of christ that when you open up your mouth miracles are released when you open up your mouth the dead erased when you open up your mouth creative miracles begin to happen i prophesied this last week i'm gonna prophesy it again i'm gonna keep on prophesying it even after it starts happening that the time is coming where we're going to begin to see the miracles of acts once again but it is going to be even greater the time is coming when people begin to cry out i need a miracle go find me a christian do you hear what i'm saying if you want that you can have it god is wanting to release faith in this room to begin to be a voice of revival that no matter if you're misunderstood no matter if somebody tries to mar your reputation and call you a troubler that you're willing to stand and say what's right at the right time because you care more about the word of the lord than the word of man [Music] god is uprooting the fear of man and the body of christ in this hour [Music] and i don't know i you guys kind of be led to the spirit of what you pray because we're going to begin to impart but just pray something that sounds like the power and the spirit of elijah i don't know they're the experts but yeah you know what i'm saying you y'all know something that does that come on they're just not back here as a little act do you realize that like i have high respect for the worship team they're not just here to be like our background noise as we speak sounds from heaven are being released sounds of deliverance are being released god is not only releasing a voice of revival in preachers and you don't need a mic come on let me just stop for a minute you don't need a mic to be a voice of revival you don't need a mind for a stage to be a voice of revival let me just interject that real quick i wanted to cut that lie from the very root but i also believe that god is releasing a voice of revival in worshippers and musicians in this hour come on who did god send up first when the enemies needed to be defeated he sent up judah he sent up the musicians god knew what was needed to make the walls of jericho come tumbling down and so god i pray right now that you would begin to release boldness in your church and if this is something that you want i'm gonna invite you up to the front and then i'm gonna prophesy over some of you and then we're gonna lay hands on you and release boldness with the spirit of the power of elijah so god i thank you for the body of christ in this hour i thank you lord that you are imparting a fresh level of boldness a fresh level of courage come on i feel like god wants us right now and you guys that are coming up to begin to get a vision of where god is sending you a vision right now holy spirit some of you already know and some of you are going to leave this place with a new revelation of where you are to be a voice of revival i would like to argue it's everywhere it's at walmart it's at the grocery store it's at the gas station come on it's at the school it's at the workplace it's at the medical facility that you're at god i thank you that you are removing a spirit of jezebel off of the church right now that you are removing a spirit of witchcraft off of the church right now god i take authority over suicide i take authority right now over depression and torment i take authority right now over a spirit of fear god on behalf of the body we rip that off of your sons and daughters and lord i thank you that you are infusing them with boldness in this hour to begin to speak the word of the lord with conviction to begin to be a voice of revival in this season [Music] holy holy holy spirit [Music] come on the ministry of the spirit has already begun we partner with it i hear the lord saying that there's going to be transitions in this hour just as the season is changing i see that there are many that are going to be changing positions and roles in this hour god's going to begin to reposition people some geographically and some merely a role change but you are being repositioned for revival in this next season you are being repositioned as a voice of revival in this next season god i thank you for voices that release miracles [Music] holy wow isn't that a song when i open up my mouth miracles begin to happen you are one miracle away from a decree you are one miracle away from a declaration [Music] when you open up your mouth miracles begin to break out [Music] oh [Music] [Music] the sound of jesus [Music] [Music] we want to see your kingdom here spirit breakouts [Music] break our walls down breakdown heaven come down i just have something we're just gonna blow in and out but i just felt a word are they i saw the sm polly's are you here the s and paulies there you are so right here is she here can you guys come up i'm gonna have tommy come up too it might be a little easier here and then if we can get some catchers we're gonna flow in and out don't worry we're gonna lay hands on everybody we're praying for an unlocking of your voice tonight we're praying for boldness with the spirit and power of elijah but there's going to be some people that are highlighted that we're going to prophesy over and that we're going to just release a double portion of god's blessing listen any prophecy that you hear if it bears witness you take it for you amen but i just felt very clearly that god is releasing a spirit of elijah with this boldness and the power and i saw that you guys are going to be a voice of revival and i saw lord opening up your mouth i even hear the lord say open up your mouth and i will fill it says the lord i has not seen nor ear heard the things that he has in store for you so god i thank you for the whole family the whole family god we just released right now over the whole family and daniel i'm gonna have you just put your hands underneath your arms and gird her up i know what that's like to get prayed for pregnant god i just released right now the boldness to be a voice of revival in this season god i thank you i see a picture of you guys circling and circling but not a wandering it's a circling of faithfulness that you've had to this point god's given you a measure and you've been circling and you've been faithfully stewarding that measure and the lord says now is time for more because you stupid have been faithful with the small god is gonna release greater things greater things to you in this hour so god we just release it now in jesus mighty name whoa [Music] everybody just i want you to continue to worship come on just cry out for the lord to touch you we're just going to minister to some of you some of our team are behind you but i just want you to begin to just begin to cry out for the more come on god's raising up voices of distinction voices of distinction he's unlocking there's a boldness god is anointing you tonight and i just want you to begin to cry out to god this is between you and the lord come on just get desperate hungry for the more come on just make it personal tonight god i must have more god i know there's more god what you've called me to god i need your anointing for it i need your mantle to fall on my life god for this revival that you've called me to god i'm asking tonight to receive something new something fresh something different something that carries heavenly substance god i'm asking god for you to do it on me tonight in jesus name make it personal let's make it personal to you make it personal yeah make it personal let your fire fall let your wind blow let your glory come down let your fire fall let your wind blow let your glory come down let your fire fall let your will blow let your glory come down oh [Music] [Music] [Music] let [Music] [Music] [Music] let you go [Music] [Applause] [Music] but i even just feel the spirit of god i just feel a healing anointing on your body right now whoa so i don't know if this makes any sense but i just see god breathing healing on you does that make sense do you need healing in your body and i just felt like a glow over you so god i just thank you right now that every system in her body has to come to alignment right now in jesus name every system right now i take authority over it in the name of jesus and i just declare healing healing to body body right now in jesus mighty name feeling your and god i thank you father for the testimony of jesus is the spirit of prophecy god i thank you lord i even hear the lord saying i didn't bring you this far to be i didn't do the miracles in the past for you to be in a cave and tonight you're coming out of hiding and i see your household coming out of height but i thank you for her children and even spiritual children god that are gonna come out of hiding because of the unlocking that you're doing in our voice tonight so i just release it now in the mighty name of jesus in the mighty name of jesus can i even hear the lord get your body tested and let us know does that make sense get some things tested and let us know because i feel the fire of god beginning to heal your body even now [Music] [Music] can you hear it jesus [Music] we want to see [Music] so there's just we're gonna try to go through this like really quickly but i feel just some people and i feel like there's something very strategic in this hour i'm gonna call a couple of our leaders up and we're gonna do this quickly because you guys are actually like the catchers but um and this is actually not supposed to happen because we need your help but i'm gonna obey the voice of the lord so i just need ryan liz and then um i'm gonna get you lindsay in a minute but can you take levi and i'm gonna get george and lisa ryan and liz and um sorry my mind's going blank with all the names and i just want you guys to come up here for just a minute and we're going to lay hands on you guys so you and liz just come up to the front tommy and i are going to lay hands on you guys ryan um hugh can actually help us with uh catching and things like that yeah whatever's easier you're the logistics guy and i'm pulling you out to pray for you so you tell me what we need to do yeah come on you oh where's natasha she's serving with the children god get her more come on double portion on those that help with the kids uh aramidi we're gonna do a bam wham bam i don't know but i'm moving quick and then we'll think of how we want to do it logistically you guys can help me i guess we need to do two at a time and then switch out i'm a visionary but not always good with strategy so somebody help me so we're gonna pray over these guys first and then we'll switch right so god i just thank you father now i thank you lord we just commission them right now for this next season god i thank you lord that you're unlocking them in this season lord father i thank you that there's a new transition and a commissioning for the two of them god we release them to the call of god we release the mantle i hear the lord say wear the mantle and keep the mantle on in jesus mighty name we declare the winds and the spirit to blow the winds of the spirit to blow to prophesy prophesied prophesied prophesied the word of the lord in jesus mighty name i take authority over every spirit of darkness that has tried to come against the house in this season and god i say it in today it ends today in jesus [Music] fire fresh fire fresh fire on us lord i thank you for a legacy a legacy wow i hear the lord saying because you've chosen to wear the mantle the mantle's going to fall on the whole family the whole family because you've chosen to open up your mouth watch what i will do for the whole family whoa god we release a fresh fire on the whole house in jesus mighty name [Music] greater greater works greater works will you see the things i hear the lord say [Music] come on come on we're calling our leaders i hear the lord saying we're to honor the leaders because they've been serving in faithfulness they've been showing up regardless of what they feel like and so god we [Music] get ready for revival hey [Music] oh always willing to pour out will you pour more will you carve there's always more [Music] the oh are going to be voices of revival in this next season oh [Music] signs and wonders miracle signs and wonders may it begin in your family miracle signs and wonders [Music] there's an unblocking there's more there's four prophesied [Music] i up of your life right now it's jesus funny name [Music] [Music] oh there it is [Music] so [Music] oh [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] god [Music] god [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] lord i thank you for songs of revival and thumbs up revival lord we declare you to open up his mouth in another level [Music] [Music] fire in jesus mighty name [Music] and daniel i even see the lord now anointing your wife and your family in the future for revival i even see god saying i've got the family hear me now you will be a power couple i prophesy that person you will be a family of revival god i thank you every desire of your heart every desire of your heart the lord [Music] [Music] come on just worship the king just worship the king father we thank you we thank you father we thank you we thank you we thank you thank you god there's none like you father does not like you jesus god we thank you for the fires of revival we thank you god for the mantle of revival that's falling on this house we thank you for the mantle of revival that's falling off this church of these people father we are stepping into a new era we are stepping into the era of revival the era of awakening father we accept it we receive it god we thank you for what you're doing we thank you god for what you're doing over this house over this church over our reaching god we say yes god we say yes god we say yes for the more we say yes [Music] father we thank you we thank you holy spirit i just put your hand on yourself god i say yes to carry the mental well [Music] god i i just receive and i say let it be unto us as you have said yes and amen to the mantle of revival the mantle to be the voice of revival god that's what you are doing and we say yes to it god we say yes to it god in jesus name in jesus name [Music] his calling on your life is what qualifies you it's not your title it's not your degree it's not whether you've been to ministry school or not come on we've all been called into this revival we've all been called into it and we're anointed by the holy spirit of revival come on somebody so god we step into it we step into it tonight lord in the mighty name of jesus thank you holy spirit we thank you we worship you we thank you for what you did tonight we seal it in the earth over our lives god we declare for the increase god we declare the increase over our lives god we declare it we lord we're gonna we take up the mantle come on i just feel like you need to i take up the mantle i take up the mantle of revival i take up the mission i take up the metron the measure of revival i take it up [Music] wow come on look to your neighbor and say neighbor it's a new day it's a new season come on so lord i pray a blessing over each and every one father may the lord bless them and may he keep them may his face shine upon you may he grant you peace on all sides may you be filled and flooded with god may you be possessed by the fire of the holy spirit may you be overwhelmed by his love may you see jesus in greater measure i declare that every person under the sound of my voice lord we declare that an activation of revival in them an activation of the gifts of the spirit and activation of miracles signs and wonders a demonstration of power in jesus name like they never have received before unlock their voice in jesus mighty name amen and amen listen we love you we bless you we thank god for you we'll see you next week brother bill is going to be sharing next week he's got a word i believe that we need to be prepared for it's going to be amazing or actually brother bill's next month brother john in jesus name amen god bless you
Channel: Trinity Church Cedar Hill
Views: 640
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: nC2vzwnRAjk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 170min 1sec (10201 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 11 2021
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