Sunday Service | 10:45

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] jesus is in this place this morning he is [Music] us [Music] no rest on us [Music] [Music] me [Music] me [Music] do it again [Music] me [Music] oh [Music] oh is [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] you're here [Music] you're here [Music] is [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] morning [Music] i don't believe in fairy tales i guess i've outgrown but that doesn't mean bigger than me cause i've seen [Music] [Music] seen a promise [Music] is [Music] [Music] you [Music] oh [Music] [Music] and all the questions [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] i'll just i'm away [Music] [Applause] [Music] wait [Music] [Applause] [Music] we are [Music] he will be [Music] [Music] is [Music] your goodness [Music] [Music] he will render [Music] come on [Music] oh [Music] he will renew [Music] [Music] [Music] come and meet us where we are meet us where we are [Music] [Music] showing you their [Music] that's what happens [Music] that's what with [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh is [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah [Music] lift your hands to the lord lift your hands to the lord [Music] hallelujah come on shout hallelujah god is good amen and that's what happens when we wait on the lord he renews our strength amen hallelujah hallelujah praise god praise god we want to go to we want to go to prayer right now and uh if you have a need of healing i felt that this morning in this prayer time we need to pray for people who need healing in their bodies i want you to raise your hand if you need healing hold your hand up and i want someone near you to reach over and lay hands on your shoulder there we're going to pray the prayer of faith amen if you need healing hold your hands up and everybody else look around father in the name of jesus we thank you jesus that you are the great physician that you do miracles today you do cures according to your scriptures and father we just right now release the healing presence of the lord as we have been honoring you in spirit and in truth i pray that father across this sanctuary and watching online people will be made whole that the healing virtue of christ will be released for there's nothing impossible with you all things are possible and we know that our strength and our health and our healing and our wholeness comes from the hand of the lord and from your goodness and mercy and right now we just pray a healing presence of the lord in every heart and life every person that's got their hand uplifted by faith god meet them at that point of contact in jesus name come on let's give a big praise to the lord you may be seated you may be seated so good to be in the house of the lord amen and good to see you in worship today hallelujah how many will say god is good [Music] amen i see some here today that had it not been for god you couldn't have been here but god everybody say but god amen every one of us have a testimony right god's been faithful and god's been good i want 100 to take out your phone or and share the service right now and uh your friends and family need the word that's going to be preached the word that was preached in the early service was powerful and we want you to help your family and friends connect everyone watching online make sure you share the service and uh we had a time yesterday didn't we honey amen i don't know how many of you how many did the 5k yesterday there you go raising money for orphans for the ministry raised thousands of dollars yesterday yes and i drug him alone he did it with me anyway we we raised money for orphans and we will continue that through our women's conference so join us there will be three stories during the women's conference about orphans those that have ministered to are part of ministry to orphaned children so join us in that don't forget women's conference starts this thirsty you know we have a wonderful opener you do not want to be late don't miss it thursday night kathryn mullins will be speaking she's a powerful woman of the word and lydia morrow on friday and then i will be speaking on saturday classes and and sessions on uh friday join us don't don't miss this ladies don't miss this we have a great great group of women coming and it's going to be powerful right and if get your ticket before the door don't don't think but i'll just get my ticket at the door because the prices go up at the door so get it today or before thursday night i want them to put up the arise build update and if you can find the picture of the playground and i'd like for the picture of the playground we had this week over 6 400 over 32 000. this is the playground that will be put up in about four weeks and come on let's give the lord a hand clap amen we believe in families we believe in children and looking forward and your faithful giving to the building program of the church is so important and your faithful giving is how the church is able to continue to do the buildings and the things that that the lord leads us to and as you know we always tithe off of the building fund every month to israel this is how god instruct instructed our church to bless israel as we tithe off of the building fund and so we're able to bless and we did just recently last week bless the ministries in israel and to god be the glory amen and tonight don't miss the night of worship it's going to be powerful and it begins right at six o'clock and in the first song two songs we'll be doing baptism so if you've not followed the lord in water baptism that's not optional christianity that is a commandment and you need to be baptized and we need to fulfill all scripture amen amen well today we have special guests that i want to introduce and i would like for pastor shelby summerlin and his dear wife sister summerlin to please stand and these folk pastor summerlin preached in the early service this morning he is 92 years of age and still going strong for the lord still preaching the gospel he pastored five different assembly of god churches that he built and pastored in his ministry and has financed and built 17 churches in this city and more than 200 churches that he has financed and helped provide uh construction services too and uh we we honor you know we have a culture of honor at evangel that we feel very important about and the bible says pay honor to whom honors do amen and uh there's a lot of accolades he has two doctorates a a business administrative uh degree and uh all the help that he's been to the lord's churches around the southeast in financing and and support construction support but uh i want to honor him today that he has read his bible through 829 times come on that is something significant amen how many know god's word is not going to fall on deaf ears and god's going to honor his word hallelujah pastor and your wife stand one more time i want you to stand sister summerlin brother sumlin listen at 92 i think he said in the early service you retired five times but every time went right back to work in a matter of weeks he said retirement's not for him amen and he stays busy for the kingdom of god and let's thank him for his service to the lord's church and i'd like for all the family that came down they're from moultrie georgia amen come on family all the families from moultrie georgia and uh they were in the early service this morning god bless you god bless you amen and i love to honor people amen they have a home there in moultrie georgia it's called an elijah house and my dad and mom stayed in that it's a place where ministers can go and and get away for a period of time and they were able to stay there and and visit with the summerlins and and what a wonderful thing amen hallelujah everybody say hallelujah praise god praise god wednesday night services will be all the departments are carrying on with regular ministry and then thursday night friday night and saturday will be the women's conference and we're looking forward to that amen i want the ushers to come to the front to receive the lord's tithe and offerings [Music] i think it was in the year of 2000 while the summerlin was listed and who's who in america his he has a hammer con collection of 3 000 hammers plus and and that was listed uh as one i think the second largest hammer collection but a lot of notoriety and uh things that he brought a great message from jeremiah about the hammer today and that was that was a good word amen well i want everyone to stand it is time to honor the lord malachi says will a man rob god how many would be as daring to rob god of something take from god something that belongs to god church malachi says will a man rob god yet ye have robbed me but you say wherein have we robbed you god says in tithes and offerings and because of that he says in verse 9 you are cursed with a curse for you have robbed me even this whole nation after the babylonian captivity god sent three prophets to prophesy one of them was malachi one of them was zechariah and one of them was haggai haggai was sent with the message you've robbed god of his ties and so i'm going to cause you to put your money in bags with holes in it and remember we've illustrated this and had a bag and the coins just fall out the hole you can't afford to put your money in bags with holes the tithe belongs to the lord amen come on say amen church you can't rob god and get ahead in life the tithe belongs to the lord and i want to challenge don't let this be a stumbling block to anyone i have watched businesses during this whole coveted season have the best years they've ever had but i've watched what those businesses do to support the work of the lord at the end of this past year december and january i had so many business people come to me and said pastor the last 12 months has been incredible our business has prospered and been blessed more than any other year how can that happen in a pandemic if god's not in charge if god is your source if god is your helper amen hallelujah i just want to challenge 100 to be a tither god says in this passage test me put me to the test and see if my word will not hold true listen i bel if this man's read this book 829 times i want to tell you you can trust every word in that book amen take it at face value come on say amen to that hallelujah be a tither don't let the devil trick you in this don't let the devil make you make it hard test god try for three months and watch and see if god is not faithful to his word amen you cannot out-give god i'm going to say it to this side over here you cannot out-give god amen father we thank you for the opportunity to bring your tithe and our offerings and father you said in those very same verses that you would open the windows of heaven and lord may we be recipients of open heavens over our lives the blessings of god you said that we would be in covenant with you and you're not a covenant keep keeping god that breaks covenant amen and so god you said test you and i pray that faith will arise in every heart and life this morning to test god test god in their personal finances test god in their businesses and now i pray as pastor the blessing over every home every family and every business in the name of the father the son and the holy spirit and everybody shout a big amen you may be seated as you worship [Music] the key [Music] you chose the road that led to suffering nothing was spared to prove for me you're the mystery that your final breath became [Music] what we had lost forever [Music] forever [Music] forever [Music] there's never a heart beyond the victory [Music] are the one that we are [Music] forever [Music] [Music] forever [Music] [Applause] forever [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] is he who comes in the name of the lord join now and see [Music] jesus is king he reigns forever [Music] he [Music] [Music] oh [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] forever [Music] [Music] foreign we worship you jesus [Music] come on church he's ordained praise to come out of your mouth we bless your name we praise you jesus hosanna hosanna save us [Music] [Music] come on church i want you to just go ahead and stand with me this morning our god is worthy to be praised amen this is what eternity is about lifting up praise worship adoration let's just take a moment let's describe honor let's describe worship father we come before you this morning to make much of you to exalt your name you are the reason why we are here your word tells us to enter into your um your gates with thanksgiving and into your courts with praise father we come and we say thank you this morning for your goodness we are a blessed people and we thank you for all that you have done we thank you for salvation we thank you for calling us out of darkness and into your life father we praise you for you are high and lifted up there is no one like our god there is no one beside you you are to be exalted you are to be praised come on just praise him this morning worthy worthy worthy is our god you are high and lifted up you are high and lifted up you are high and lifted up we bless you jesus we praise you this morning we exalt you in jesus name in jesus name in jesus name father we just ask that you would mark this time by your presence by your spirit as we dive into your word as pastor summerlin preached in the first service we god asked that your word it would be a fire god it would purify it would refine it would be a hammer it would put together the things that need to be put together in our heart build us up in this most holy faith in jesus name we pray amen and amen come on let's lift up a shot of praise to the king this morning amen please stay standing with me as we get ready to jump into the scripture thank you worship team for leading us into god's presence this morning amen as pastor sumlin was preaching in the first service he was talking about a hammer what it's good for it's good to put things together and i thought to myself i've never known its true purpose because i've torn a lot a lot more things with a hammer than i put together with a hammer i never do handyman work around the house i have to call on somebody to to do it because the hammer is good for busting things up for me and so but it was a good word and we pay honor to whom honor is dues thank you so much for joining us in worship and bringing the message this morning if you have your bibles open up to genesis chapter six we're continuing in our series entitled better together week one i preached through understanding the identity as male and female how god created us individually that we're not meant to compete with one another we're meant to complete one another amen um and so it was a a good day looking into the word of god pastor preached on answering the call to serve and being better together as a community and today we're diving into family roles based on biblical patterns if we pay attention the scripture always sets patterns out for us that we should pay attention to amen so genesis chapter 6 we will begin with noah this morning verse 5. it says the lord saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth when he looks at 20 21 it's not the first time that he's seen wickedness amen there's been a lot of wickedness in the world before him and he said that every intention of the thoughts of his heart man's heart was only evil continually and the lord regretted that he had made man on the earth it grieved him to his heart so the lord said i will blot out man whom i have created from the face of the land man and animals creeping things and birds of the heaven for i'm sorry that i have made them verse 8 but noah found favor in the eyes of the lord amen you may be seeing today we're diving into family patterns and maybe say i don't have family i'm single i'm empty nesters anybody empty nesters out there this morning and you say i don't know if this applies to me um i got good news for you in the body of christ there are no outs just a call for us to come down come and lay down our lives and sir we serve we have church family and we are called to serve one another you need your church family and your church family needs you i've watched so many families over the past few weeks as they've gone through just difficult circumstances i've seen our church family do an incredible job and surrounding those who are hurting and broken and provide love and care and how many of you know we need our family we need our church family amen um it's been said that your friends should double your joys and half your sorrows and i believe that's what church family does is they help build us up in the good times and then they help carry us through in the times that are tough and so family is vital to humanity family unit is vital this is how god created and structured mankind and maybe you look at your families i don't know if you structured this chaos in my life because my family is crazy right some of us maybe some of y'all my family's pretty good i got good family but maybe some of y'all y'all have crazy families and you wonder god did not structure this chaos well he put the word sanity in the midst of insanity and he put you in the midst of your family to bring sanity to the crazy and so you have purpose in your family the family unit is one of the first pictures of the church in scripture in scripture we see what happens when families are led well but then we also see what happens when families are not led well right we see the successes of families and scripture and we see god do incredible things through families in scripture but we also see the atrocities of when families are not properly led in scripture and in today's culture we see the exact same thing and it breaks my heart as a pastor to see so many things that are preventable take place right so many things in our health are preventable yet we allow them to take place in our health just because it's comfortable or appetizing and it's the same thing within the family unit so many things are preventable yet they take place and it should break and grieve our heart don't give up on the good habits of your walk of faith it's a good place to say amen don't give up on the good habits of our faith the scripture says don't grow weary in well doing for we will reap a harvest if we faint not we will reap a harvest if we do not faint successful families do consistently what others do occasionally good habits are important the greatest legacy we can leave our family is a faith that is transferred from one generation to the next pastor has preached that so many times transferring faith the greatest legacy that we can leave our families is that of one where our faith is transferred from one generation to the next james clear said in his book atomic habits and talking about systems and the importance of systems in our lives and in business he said we will not rise to the level of our goals we will fall to the level of our systems and so if we do not make our systems good and important it doesn't matter what our goals may be we will fall to the level of our systems and so good faith habits are vital if we want to have successful families because we can say hey i've got a goal that i want to have a solid family i got a goal that i want to have a godly family i've got a goal that i want to have a family serving the lord but if we do not put systems in place within our families to accomplish that we will never rise to the level of our goals we will fall to the level of our habits goals are good for giving us direction but systems help us make progress goals are good for giving us direction but systems in our families in our homes and business and leadership and then life will help us make progress we all have systems right we all have systems whether good or bad you look at the home in your home whether it's good or bad the chaos or the lack of chaos is because of the systems within the home the product of our lives our home is the result of the systems that we have and so create create create good family systems jesus's last words were to go into all the world and make disciples and if we want to have transferring faith we have to disciple our families couple questions before we dive deep this morning when is the last time you got into the word together as a family if we want to have a godly family we've got to dive into the word together when is the last time as a family you got around the scripture and you got into the word when is the last time that you prayed together as a family not not before meal or now i lay me down to sleep prayer but you actually prayed together you had a time of prayer a time of interceding together as a family when is the last time that you took notes from the sermon and talked about pastor sermon or talked about what kids learned and in kids church these are part these are a part of the systems of driving what we believe home your spiritual systems in your home will have great impact upon your children my my son last night he spent the night with my parents and um i got to church this morning i was bringing the clothes in so that my mom could get them dressed this morning before church and as soon as i walked into the office my son looked at me said daddy where's my money i was like excuse me he's like where's my money and i was like what are you talking about he's like my money for offering. there's a system in place that every sunday every wednesday mama gets money sets it aside for him to take money to have for offering if we give they will give amen if we pray they will pray if we teach they will be sure to follow it's got to be systematic and it all starts in the home and if we can get the home right god will lead us through this crazy world amen genesis chapter 6 verse 5 fathers write this down or the priest of the home noah is a righteous man and i love how moses when he's writing the account of genesis he gives us the condition of the world right what we are experiencing now is nothing new to god it's nothing new to mankind the trials the tragedies the successes the highs the lows everything it's gone through it ecclesiastes yeah ecclesiastes says there is nothing new under the sun we are not the first ones to face a wicked world knows noah he faced a wicked world and everything man did seem to progressively be more evil every intention of the thoughts of man's heart was evil and the lord regretted he grieved that he had made mankind ouch right that's a tough spot to be in in the world this is a wicked time but isn't it interesting in scripture and in today's setting that god shows up in the midst of wicked times regardless of what goes wrong in the world don't count god out his truth will shine brighter in the darkest of times god's got 20 21 god's got 20 22. god's got 2023 and every year to follow he is sovereign he is on his throne don't count god out every intention of man may be evil but god knows how to show up and flip the script he knows how to show up and turn scenarios around and he still has a remnant of people who are consecrated connected and dedicated to himself and in walks a man named noah when god says i've grieved that i've made mankind then there's but noah found favor in the eyes of the lord are there any noahs amongst us today men with righteousness men that are consecrated men that are faithful set apart unto the working of god for his kingdom and his glory see noah was a righteous man he found favor in the eyes of the lord and noah's righteousness get this it got god's attention don't mistake him god takes note of your consecration dads god takes note of your dedication he takes note of your surrender because his presence it will mark your life as fathers and as men we must consecrate our lives to the lord how do we do this how do we lead our families well we cannot lead our families well if we first do not lead ourselves well we first have to be consecrated as men dad your walk with the lord is vital there will be an overflow of your life into your family whether it's good or bad there will be if you've ever flown before right and you're you're getting on the plane you get seated put the seat belt out or on and you're taxiing down the the runway and the flight attendant comes on and starts doing the safety talk she says to take the oxygen mask and put on yourself before you help those around you if you try to put on their mask before your mask you're going to end up being a lame duck and if we try to leave them in the faith before we lead ourselves in the faith we're gonna be a lame duck we have to first lead ourselves well don't preach to the fam if we're not first preaching to ourselves if we're not first consecrating ourselves to the lord how do you lead your family well how do you lead others well first lead yourselves well understand who you are dad you are the priest of the home you are the thermostat you set the temperature you're not a thermometer you don't adjust to the climate of the home but you set the climate of the home i love what joshua said he said as for me and my house we will serve the lord what's he doing he's setting the temperature of what his house is going to look like he's setting the temperature of what his family is going to look like because as for me and my house we will serve the lord we're not thermometers we are thermostats amen when you understand your identity you will stand taller you'll think higher you'll care deeper understand your god-given identity dads fathers single men empty nesters it applies to the church family how do we do this craft a plan what can you do what can you do to create a better spiritual atmosphere in your home what can you do the home is like a garden we have to be committed to cultivation a garden has to be carefully cultivated what was adam's responsibility we went through biblical manhood two weeks ago what was adam's responsibility he was he was charged by god to be the cultivator of the ground who's charged by god to be the cultivator of the family the man the priest of the home adam's responsibility was to cultivate the garden men your responsibility is to cultivate your home your family is a garden that has to be cultivated there are times for turning and plowing the soil there are times for watering there are times for planting there are times for fertilizing there are times for weeding but then there comes a time after all of that work is done a time for harvesting right we often want the fruit but we don't want the process and to get the fruit we have to go through the process of tilling the soil weeding the soil planting the seed going through all of these things and so fathers you have to cultivate the garden of your home create a plant do you need to start doing devotions and jumping into the word on monday evening do you need to do prayer time with your family on thursday evening where you set aside times my my goal is to be super practical you know how i normally preach i'm trying to be very practical because we've got to get handles on our family and get our families back together and so think through this as men do you need to set aside times on thursday nights to to sit around 15 20 minutes where you just pray together as a family or we have mission of hope coming up in a couple of weeks you should have all gotten an email last night about that but serve together as a family if you don't want children who feel entitled teach them to serve don't portray an attitude of entitlement if we don't want them we are called to serve and to give of ourselves and so teach them that pattern through serving an outlets like mission of hope take out your phone set a reminder today at 4 pm why 4 pm that's after the jags game and um and talk together as a family bring them in get their buy-in and say hey what can we do to create a better spiritual climate within our home that's your homework do it right now get your phone out set a time if you need some adjustment set a time this afternoon and have the talk men initiate that noah was a righteous man in a wicked generation and because of his righteousness the scripture says god made a covenant with noah because of his faith his family was allowed safe entrance into the ark it wasn't the faith of his children it wasn't the faith of his wife it was the faith and the righteousness of noah that gave them safe entrance into the ark make no mistake dad your family will enjoy the reward of your consecration your family will enjoy the reward of your consecration maybe you don't have children maybe you're empty nesters you have church family dig in dive in and serve in the church family let's talk about mom flip over to exodus chapter two exodus chapter 2 verse 1. moses is writing giving us the background here it says now a man from the house of levi went and took as his wife a levite woman the woman conceived and bore a son and when she saw that he was a fine child she hid him three months when she could hide him no longer she took for him a basket made of bulrushes and dubbed it with bitumen and pitch and she put the child in it and placed it among the reeds by the riverbank moms the children of israel had been living in egypt close to 400 years at this point and this wasn't a good time in world history it wasn't a good time in egypt's history right there's a reason everybody always wants out of egypt egypt's racism and xenophobia was leading to the mass genocide of the israelites and god takes notice exodus 2 23 says the people of israel groaned because of their slavery and they cried out for help and their cry for rescue from slavery came up to god and god heard their groaning and he remembered his covenant god does not forget his covenant he remembers he hears he listens and so god saw the people of israel and god knew god he knows your pain god he knows the problems he knows the tragedy and he shows up in the midst of tragedy scripture says he is a very present help in times of trouble and in times of difficulty it's vital that we keep the faith our faith is a persevering faith yes we need a transferring faith but we need a faith to persevere to persevere in the good times and to persevere in the bad times when things don't make sense we got to have a faith that will cause us to keep our hands to the plow and not look back but to look forward knowing that god is faithful and he is a rewarder of those who will diligently seek him of faith that calls us to continue the course despite the difficulty of faith that will cause us to go forward in difficult seasons this is what israel did see moses he was born into a levitical family to a mom named jochebed exodus 2 2 says that his mom looked at him and saw that he was a fine child the wording here is used one other place in scripture and it was in day number six of creation when god looked at man and said he was very good meaning there was a special creative act of god in this moment and so with moses the same wording used means that there was a special creative act of god in the birthing and in the giving of moses moses was a fine child it was no ordinary child it was an extraordinary child who would bring about a great deliverance and this extraordinary child was entrusted to an extraordinary mother one who would go to great lengths to preserve him one who would sacrifice would not sacrifice him to the systems of the world are there any mamas like jochebed who will go to great lengths to preserve the spiritual heritage of your children who will not sacrifice them to the perverse systems of the world who will say hey we're going to be transformed we're not going to be conformed amen romans 12 says i appeal i appeal by the mercies of god to present your bodies as a living sacrifice don't be conformed but be transformed by the renewal of your mind that by testing you may discern what the will of god is what is good acceptable and perfect why do you think this man has a sound mind 829 times is why 829 times is why because he's in the word knowing renewing the mind there is a spirit there is a spirit that seeks to mold us and make us to the pattern of the world there is a spirit that wants us to be conformed but paul says don't be conformed be transformed and to do that we have to present ourselves as a living sacrifice so that we may know we may understand the will of god why did jochebed not sacrifice moses because she knew the will of god and when the will of the king contradicted the will of god jochebed like shadrach meshach and abednego said uh-uh i ain't bowed to the patterns of the world i will go to whatever risk i have to take to preserve the remnant the heritage the child that god has placed in my arms mothers make no mistake the same spirit exists in the world one that wants to devour your children spiritual mamas know there is a spirit wanting to devour the children in this church maybe they don't have a good mom maybe they don't have a good dad and maybe that's why they make you scratch your head well guess what get in their lives and help lead them and guide them rather than scratching your heads and complaining about things this is what god calls us to as his church we need mamas that will rise up against the devil mamas who will walk in authority mamas that will tell the devil no not today not ever as for me as for my seed we will serve the lord [Applause] your child your child is no ordinary child but an extraordinary child one that god saw fit to place into your loving care one that he purposed in his infinite sovereignty into your hands and into your care not somebody else's care one that he called you to nurture one that he called you to and will prepare you for and to prepare them for in their upcoming life notice jochebed's child was not kept from the waters of the nile he was just prepared for it the nile to me represents the world represents life and at some point at some point as parents we've got to let them go but they better be prepared we better not throw them in we better prepare them to be placed in and put into this world this summer i had two goals with uh my oldest one was to help him learn how to ride his bike right without training wheels and the other was to swim both of which we got just like last week and so i was pushing the pushing the deadline but at some point i had to let go of the seat at some point i had to let him try to swim and i'm thinking this is my first kid so it's like trial and error i'm thinking about to kill him right we're letting him go in the water and i did everything that i knew how to do and we took the floaties and the life jackets off and we let him go swim but the worst thing i could have done was just throw him in i had to prepare him for right we have to do our due diligence as parents to prepare our children for the things that they are going to face in life too many times we're just throwing the kids in and we're letting society take care of them god wants you as a mama to take great care and to craft an art to place them in right to set them up for success can you imagine jochebed's thought process on this when she is crafting that basket for this baby named moses every strand and every fiber had to be tightly woven she knew that moses's life depended on it she she knew that she had weaved that basket she had pulled on it made sure it was tight she had taken the bitumen and the the pitch and had put all over it looked into the basket evaluated it knowing that if she makes an error he drowns you better know it went through quality control she went over it time and time again i guarantee you spent hours making a basket to place them to place him in she took incredible care mama when's the last time you weaved a basket for your child when's the last time you've weaved a spiritual basket for your child to be placed in to weather the waters of the nile yeah there's dangerous things in the nile they can drown there's crocodiles there's all kinds of unsafe things but the reality is at some point we have to place them in they better be ready for when they are placed in that water moses mom most likely had him for three or four years when's the last time you broke out the anointing oil and you prayed over that child when's the last time you said we're gonna pray about it right now and you lathered them down an anointing oil pleating the blood of jesus over that child see mothers like jochebed they don't play it safe they're willing to lay it all down they're willing to risk it all they're willing to go to great lengths to preserve the seed that god allowed them to carry and moses who was in grave danger because of a mama that was willing to risk it all ended up receiving royal protection i just wonder if mamas if we will not conform to the patterns of the world if we will go to great lengths to save our children from grave danger well they might receive royal protection from heaven on high that if we train them up in the ways of the lord when they are old they will not depart from it because he is faithful to keep his word and keep those who we commit to him if we will be faithful if we will be faithful as parents are we willing to risk it all one pastor said as parents your job is to train your children to no longer need you in a good way in a good way to love them so well so that when they no longer need you they want you train your kids train your kids so that they no longer need you but do it in such a loving way so when they no longer need you they want you because they love you we have to be loving in our nurturing let's jump over to kids we're running down on time some people scratch their heads when it comes to kids these days i cling to god's promise acts 2 17 says and in the last days it shall be god declares that i will pour out my spirit on all flesh and your sons and your daughters your sons and your daughters your sons and your daughters shall prophesy and your young men shall see visions and your old men shall dream dreams you want to know why there's a war for this generation because god has made them a promise and the devil wants to do everything that he can to thwart the promise of god from coming into fulfillment and so yes there's an all-out war on a generation to keep them from inheriting this promise of this in filming this overflow from heaven god wants to pour his spirit out into your life students god wants to pour his spirit out into your children moms and dads and we've got to position them through the patterns we set for success to help create a vessel that they are ready to receive the outpouring of his spirit but students you gotta be available you gotta be consecrated isaiah 11 6 says the wolf shall dwell with the lamb and the leopard shall lie down with the young goat and the calf and the lion and the fattened calf together and watch this and a little child shall lead them and god's restorative work he desires for the children to lead understand that in god's restorative work he desires for the children to leave why does the enemy want to destroy this generation because god has made them a promise because god is calling them for such a time as this jesus said let the little children come unto me and and forbid them not for such to such belongs the kingdom of heaven god's desire is for the children to come to him and for him to pour himself into but as moms and his dads we've got to set a good pattern to help them be set up for that in filling of his presence here's how the devil attacks from one generation to the next he attacks the youth he attacks the youth in discovering their purpose he attacks adults and how they use their purpose and he attacks the seniors and making them feel like they have no purpose and it's all about purpose because god says i know the plans i have for you and so at every stage of the game he's going to attack the discovery the use and try to bring about the loss of purpose and we cannot cling to what the enemy wants us to think we've got to cling to the promise that god has made that our children will have their the spirit of god poured into their lives and that young and old alike will be useful amen young and all the light will have purpose children don't take the bait be available for his spirit to be poured out into your life with the worship team if you would come love your parents honor your parents be salt and be light and when your parents miss it and they will and when your parents miss it your siblings miss it and they will be forgiving tenderhearted forgiving one another as christ has forgiven you for our siblings forgive like joseph did to his brothers maybe you're adults and you have some issues with your siblings god's calling you to forgive as well it's about family maybe there's some things separating your family right now as adults as as siblings and there's some issues maybe some things that took place in the past what did joseph do he didn't view the problem he viewed the opportunity that god had allowed it to preserve a people for his glory forgive be kind be tender hardened as christ has forgiven us if we want to see this world right we've got to get the family right amen if you would go ahead and stand with this morning dads moms kids told you i was gonna preach very practical homework today four o'clock after the jags game [Music] a plan craft a plan your family depends on it if your family's not healthy this world's not going to be healthy we bang our head upside the wall when we watch the news [Music] pastor said if you watch the news that much your damage is self-inflicted watch something else we bang our head up against the wall when we see all the things going on but have we crafted our plan have we got the log out of our eye by not developing pastoring discipling our own families before pointing our finger out there we've got to get it right in here altar call is going to be a little different today [Music] you should grab if you're standing by your spouse just begin to pray [Music] if you're by your spouse i won't you just begin to pray and intercede over your your family your posterity maybe you're not standing by your spouse you're standing beside church family begin to pray over your church family remember i said there are no outs in the kingdom of god [Music] we should all be praying with one another for one another bearing one another's burdens you're gonna just pray we've got to have healthy homes come on just begin to pray cry out that god give you a healthy home dads cry out that god will help you lead faithfully spiritually [Music] admonishing your family in this most holy faith moms that god will help you to nurture there's so many here that need nurturing in this house moms if you don't have biological children there are so many that need your love and your care come on just begin to pray begin to cry out crowd for revival in the home it starts here it starts with us making commitment with making covenant god remembered his covenant starts with us jesus jesus jesus maybe there's some things that as a family you need to surrender i'll open up these altars right now if you need to come to the front begin just to pray and give god some things maybe there's some forgiveness that needs to be had i want you to come down to these altars right now and just begin to pray and intercede that god will help you these altars are are open god longs for you to have a pure family a holy family a family that is consecrated and dedicated unto him father we just come before you right now and we pray over the families of this house god we know what jeremiah says that you have plans and purpose for them father may we consecrate ourselves as family to you well god may we surrender our lives may we dedicate our lives and know that if we put the right systems the right things in place god we can trust you to be faithful to perform the word that you have spoken god i pray over children maybe that there are prodigals this morning if you've got prodigals i want you to just begin to cry out for them this morning call them home right now i know some of the stories they need to come home just begin to intercede and pray over prodigals in your home father we pray for those that maybe they were raised in the ways of the lord but father they've departed we ask that you would call them home in jesus name begin to stir in their hearts begin to stir in their lives woo them spirit of god woo them bring them back in god i pray for every dad every father every spiritual father in this house this morning that father you would help them to walk out their calling being the priest of the home in a godly way in a godly fashion that they will not sacrifice to the system of the world but father they will make a stand in a wicked generation they will set the climate they will set the temperature in the house father and that they will make commitment and covenant like joshua said as for us we will serve the lord god for every mom bless them with a nurturing willing to lay it all down on the line life like jock a bed to nurture the fine extraordinary children that you have given [Music] in jesus name and father for our kids come on if you're standing by your kids this morning i want you to just begin to prophesy and speak over them begin calling them by name right now father we declare over our kids that father your spirit is going to be poured out that god on our sons and on our daughters we are going to see a radical shift a radical change because in the last days your promise is your promise and father we believe you that your word it will accomplish everything everything it was intended to do in jesus name in jesus name with everybody's heads bowed and eyes closed this morning if you're here this morning and there's some things spiritually that are out of bounds or out of line that you need to give to the lord just maybe you're you've drifted maybe you're maybe you're unsafe maybe you need to just give your life to the lord first or maybe you've drifted far away god is calling you home and with everybody's heads bowed and eyes closed this morning if you need to give your life to the lord or make things right with the lord i want you to slip up your hand right now maybe as a dad you've missed the mark maybe as a mom you've missed the mark it's okay not to be okay we just can't stay that way amen if that's you i want you to slip up your hand right now come on hands are going up hey i want you to do me a favor i want you to get out of your seat i want you to come down to the front and we want to pray specifically with you right now if you saw somebody beside you put their hand up walk them down to the altar together and i want us to begin to pray families we've got to get them right come on come on if you slipped up their hands there was a number of hands just come down right now and let's pray and believe for the power of god as the worship team leads us through right now prayer team if you would come to the front jesus jesus jesus jesus [Music] jesus [Music] do not be discouraged do not be upset expect me to act or you will once again have plenty of reason to praise me for all that i will do thus saith the lord refrain thy voice from weeping in thine eyes for tears for thy word shall be reported saith the lord and they shall come again from the land of the enemy and there is hope in thine ancestor that thy children shall come against unto thy own border they shall come with me and with supplications and i will lead them [Music] amen amen father we thank you for your promise for our children and for the ones who are to come in jesus name and the worship team is going to lead us right now in this song if some of our altar workers if you would come down to the front and pray [Music] i give myself away [Music] i give myself away so you can't use me i give myself away [Music] i give myself away so you can use me to give myself away [Music] i give myself away so you can use me to give myself away [Music] yes i give myself away so you can use [Music] [Music] is [Music] to see your desires we've [Music] [Music] i [Music] numbers chapter 6 verse 22 the lord spoke to moses saying speak to aaron and his son saying thus you shall bless the people of god you shall say to them the lord bless you and keep you the lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you the lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace so shall they put my name upon the people of god and i will bless them if you need help welcome this journey out you got to have community around you there's a connection card and the pew in front of you grab that put it in one of the drop boxes or to our new here tent in the lobby we want to help surround you with godly community that will double your joys and half your sorrows amen also don't forget about baptisms tonight and night of worship father we thank you for your word and we just pray your blessing upon your people god may we get our families right to where we are healthy dedicated consecrated to you in jesus name we pray amen amen [Music]
Channel: Evangel Temple
Views: 172
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: KUrst1dmNEg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 2sec (4982 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 19 2021
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