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[Music] hello [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] hey [Music] ah [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey [Music] [Applause] hey [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] now [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Music] uh [Music] [Music] [Applause] hey [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] uh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] my [Music] [Music] uh [Music] [Applause] [Music] ah [Applause] [Music] man [Music] [Applause] um [Music] hey [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey [Music] okay [Music] me [Music] the following program comes to you live from the apostolic church ghana community 5 assembly for more of this and other useful resources log on to or like our facebook and youtube pages at tacc5 media god bless you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] father your word is coming on to us father prepare your servant o lord cause him to be ready to speed your truth oh lord cause him to be ready to speak your truth o lord cause him to be ready to speak your truth o lord cause him to be ready to speak your truth oh lord fill his heart widow total submission and obedience to you that even as he comes to stand on this puppet to speak to us daddy he will speak that which you have prepared for him to speak oh lord may he not project himself in any way but father may you be projected through the words that he's going to speak unto us oh lord for we know that if you speak oh lord there will be a change we know that if you speak oh lord there will be a difference so father we pray let it be of you o lord let it be of you that all the glory will be to you thank you thank you holy spirit thank you holy spirit the last but not the least of our prayers we are praying and committing this place into the hands of god we saturated in the blood of jesus that even as we've gathered here to pray that no form of darkness will have access to this place that the omnipotence of god will be so manifest that we would vividly see the manifest presence of god in this place [Music] father we saturate this place in your blood oh lord we saturate this place in your blood lord jesus we saturate this place in your blood father we know that if your word is coming and if the atmosphere be in the right position then all miracles can take place because in your word there is healing in your word there are breakthroughs in your word there is recovery in your word there is discovery in your word there is understanding so even as your word is coming further we saturated this environment to receive miracles from you further we saturate this environment to receive miracles from you right from the entrance further on to this puppet father we pray this day let it be in the right atmosphere to receive miracles from you father we know that even as your word is coming it is coming with signs and wonders so father we prepare our hearts we prepare this place we prepare the atmosphere to receive you oh lord jesus any form of darkness that finds us places into this we rebuke it now in the mighty name of jesus any form of darkness that finds his way into this place we rebuke it now in the mighty name of jesus that all ought to be broken and you will not be seen as the true and living god we saturate this place in your bloodly catholic the microphones the light the sounds the chairs the floor house everything the fun everything is saturated in the blood of jesus that even as we are here for them people receive their miracles through your word that even as we are here for the people who receive understanding through your word that even as we hear people receive insight through your word the difference we hear people receive grace and strength through your word that even as we are here for the people who receive breakthroughs through your word with such with this place oh lord kayans then today under him lee cut unto the angels of god take charge holy spirit take charge and joseph god take charge two or more gathered in your name you are in their presence we saturate this place with your presence and we say father let us see your manifest presence [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] strength [Music] thy grace [Music] [Applause] thy way [Applause] [Music] [Music] we bless the lord who is our strength we bless the lord who is our shield we bless the lord who is our fortress young awarding and abundantly anyway he's been all these for us [Music] so we want to rise to our feet give honor to this awesome father of ours this evening in worship i believe you will not stand before any other god but you will stand before the great i am to give him worship [Music] he is worthy to receive all glory and all honor and all praise and your knitting in front from fatah [Music] wherever you are just open your mouth and begin to bless the name of god [Music] [Music] oh lord you have done us well you've dealt with us according to your mercy and according to your grace according to your love o god faithful god we honor you merciful god oh [Music] we bless you for you have dealt with us well not according to our sins not according to our weaknesses but lord your grace has been sufficient merciful father we exalt your name merciful lord we honor you we give you praise we give you praise all glory belongs to you it belongs to you our praise belongs to you [Music] lord you are worthy oh lord now and forevermore we will praise your holy name for great and mighty eye your word so god [Music] we give you praise oh god [Music] how [Music] oh jesus oh jesus we praise you jesus we praise you lord for we praise thy name oh lord we pray oh lord we [Music] pray oh lord we pray thy [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] we pray [Applause] [Music] oh we praise our jesus we praise thy name oh lord we pray [Music] glory to the lord [Music] glory to the [Music] forever forever forever [Music] [Applause] [Music] glory [Music] know [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh we give you glory oh god let that chance rise and [Music] [Music] you worse glory [Music] tea [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] he's called the king of kings he's called the king of kings oh you are called the king of king every city [Music] we glorify your name for your reign forever till you rule in majesty oh great are you lord [Music] a [Music] sing together [Music] ttg [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] what is [Music] yes oh jesus [Music] foreign [Music] oh [Music] [Music] and from the horizon of the sun to the going down of the sea there is none like you will go your church in worship we declare there is none like you ancient king there is none like you everlasting kinder is not like you eternal father there is none like you we worship you oh god we give you praise jesus you alone are worthy in jesus name amen when we walk with the lord in the light of his word what of the glory jesus [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] the way [Music] praise god hallelujah amen we gave god praise tonight i thank him for the opportunity to be in his presence we are here to go into his word [Music] and i trust that we will leave here blessed with our understanding and our knowledge of him increase today we'll be rounding up our series on practicing his presence [Music] how to walk and how to stay and how to benefit from the presence of the lord and as a way to to end this one i want us to refresh our mind of how and where we started so i would like us to to look at the presentation that we did for the very first in the series the very first presentation and somewhere your car you know and i'd like you to take us to the steps that we outlined when it comes to practicing the presents various stages [Music] now if you will remember we have talked about becoming aware of his presence how to create the presence of god and then we have also talked about how to become aware and then becoming aware of the voice of god in his presence now today we're rounding up with diligence and persistence [Music] praise god hallelujah praise god hallelujah we started looking at practicing his presence because of a certain reason being because we ended the 21 days fasting and prayers saying that we want the god of elijah to be our god young now we realize that that god that elijah saved ended up becoming the same god that elijah saved and we realized that in in all cases this god of elijah who happens to be the god of elijah is a mighty god he manifested himself mightily in their lives and they did not lack any of the things that many christians today are fighting for now christophe yeah they did not lack any of those things because hallelujah praise god hallelujah they stood before god and because of [Music] but then we also understood that the way to make the god of elijah our god is to stand before the god before whom elijah because in the course of that period we realized that that was exactly what elijah did that he also benefited from the god of elijah [Music] so our assignment is to learn to stand before we did say that our generation have made things so difficult for many christians today to learn how to stand before god our generation have become give me generation yeah yeah i want to attract you and it whatever we are asking for are not things that will endure now there are things that will remain for a period and when when we die we'll carry them with us and so standing before god is a difficulty and he says going through the meal is a difficulty learning how to practice the presence of god is not fashionable in our time but god will not change his ways because of our times [Music] god will not break his word because of what we feel and what we like today [Music] hallelujah so it is important that if we want to have the god of elijah to be a god we must practice how to stand before him in now the last stage in these steps is the stage what we call diligence and persistence [Music] diligence and persistence is only referring to syria how we have to behave with all the other previous [Music] [Music] so let's go back to the steps again let's take the steps from hobby diligence and persistence in becoming aware of his presence okay in other words when we we we did this one for the first time you remember we gave ourselves some assignment try and see if you can you can consciously determine what kind of music you want to listen to what kind of songs you want to play what kind of friends what do you want to see what do you want to hear i'm sure some of us started day one day two maybe we are forgotten yes sir we are saying what you might be saying foreign there is something about practicing there is something about diligence there is something about persistence that we cannot you can't take it from anywhere you can't get it only when you become diligence and persistence in what you are doing jesus if i sat down you forgotten or you stopped doing that thing that is the reason why today we're talking about diligence and persistence in his presence means practicing practicing means you do it you don't do it well but you do it again and don't get it hundred percent but you do it again you keep doing it and doing it and doing it until you get good at it and until it becomes natural with you so we see let me find out is there anyone here who woke up this morning you're reading peace will be oh no sorry i went to tunisia please you woke up are you reading peace right sorry if you crossed over you would say that person didn't come to church nipper number sorry okay then what about someone who woke up this morning but you didn't buff would be so sorry i'm not paying nowhere you are in insulin can you nipped here yes water has not touched your skin anyone here like that obviously you see these are things that when you were a baby when you didn't have choice it was done for you consistently you grew up and at the stage you feel like oh you don't want to do it and your parents will find a way to punish you and to encourage you to ensure that you do it and by this age you are now you don't need anyone to encourage you you you you are worried when when um um and the taps run out you you can't think well you are worried you can run and travel miles to go and get water so that you can buff i feel what we it is because you have done it over and over and over now you realize that you cannot live without it i said why are you and you realize that because of the activities of the day you you have sweat you you don't feel comfortable somebody some some people like i need to go freshen up i need to wear freshen up so you you have taken your bathroom okay but i still go going back again and immediately you freshen up you feel like yeah that is the thing you might be feeling it has become so because you have been practicing it for your life and that is the same way standing before god we need to be practicing the things we need to do practicing it and doing it until it becomes part of us that we don't have to remember it is just natural with us so the reason why what they call the prophetic movement have become popular you know is that many christians don't know how to hear god's voice it's gone because god does not want to talk to them until you're impressed only one better it is not as if god is not speaking but they have not learned how to become aware of his voice they have not practiced it one more year woman shall see him so now somebody must see obi-wan who somebody must hear no uber for other people i am anemia and it is not it is not something that as a christian you must be proud of when you are they are so christian just as you would not be happy if your father would always have to tell somebody tell my daughter for me tell my son for you you'll never be happy you should have called me and told me to myself that your father always tells somebody you don't know you have not met somebody who is not a family member every day your father wants to tell you something he must tell somebody to tell you that's the same way we are behaving now now some pastor must hear and tell you some pastor must see and tell you somebody else must see something smell something hear something and come and communicate to you until when sunny [Music] so what we are saying is that practicing the presence of god is not an event it is a lifelong process hallelujah praise god hallelujah practicing his presence is not an event it's not something that happens one day and we are done it is something that happens praise the lord hallelujah praise the lord hallelujah look at somewhere you answered somewhere the prophet of god the bible said of him that he grew up and the word of god that came out of his mouth never fell to the ground now but bible just said onion assembly in other words god honored every single word that someone spoke let us assemble praise god hallelujah so somewhere is someone who has been walking with god somebody will be honest he hears from god opinion and and and he has been obeying god's way and i feel oh yo city and so many handsome but you remember when god wanted to anoint david as king of when someone got to the house of david the house of jesse somewhere i could do just a few honor we know what happened what name do you see here the man of god who has been walking with god all this while yeah many people he almost poured david's oil on another person anchored evidence this was somewhere somewhere in here can't handle you god spoke to him go to the house of jesus he heard that one he did it but when he got to the house of jesus he faulted in finding out which one was the one when it comes to practicing the presence there are levels we never finish learning and we never finish practicing praise god hallelujah praise god hallelujah so what we are saying is that diligence is important in syria if you started doing something to create the environment around you and you have stopped go back to it yes find out the things the buttons that when you touch they get you into what you call into the spirit there are some of us you know that if you decide to fast to one o'clock in the afternoon before you take your first meal you know the morning is very good for you if you realize that why do you stop continuing if you realize that this particular song is always able to carry you to another level why do you stop do it again anymore praise god hallelujah when it comes to obedience that is where the challenge is but most of the time we when it comes to obeying god's voice we tend to tell ourselves that when i do disobedience god must do this. and so once we obey and we don't see god playing according to our rules we tend to think that it is not worth obeying tonight but obedience is something that the child of god we have said it over and over again and when you do this it is not something that has any value to god your obedience pleases god yes but it rewards you emotionally praise god hallelujah so obedience is something that we must be diligent about we we go through pain in our walk with god yeah your ninja mean until we have your woman we suffer sometimes in our work with god in your mind that we are still called to obey as disobedient separate us the lord says that if i see anyone who trembles at my word that person is the one who catches my attention so obedience draws us closer to god so we need to be diligent in our world praise god hallelujah the benefit of his presence are bound in scripture and i want to ask first of all to go to exodus chapter 33. 15 and 16. now in exodus 33 god has led the children of israel they have come out of egypt they have crossed the red sea and now god has encountered them near sinai israel now god is about making a covenant with them he's made a covenant with them he's giving them the law in the women and now there is a conversation between moses and god happy moses what we need to understand is that that journey from egypt to the promised land is casting a shadow of how the christian journey the christian life completely is saying foreign that journey from egypt to the promised land is like someone who is not born again until the person dies or until christ comes again christian world christopher abraham shall dear now in this journey one thing is so prominent and i want to draw your attention to it now what's happening then where the perfect ambassador matrix is who before they even got to the red sea don't put answers the pillar of cloud by day at the pillar of fire by night has appeared on something that indicated the presence of god started the journey with them at the very early stages and there were three different ways we see in that in that story how god manifested his presence to prove to them that i am with you my presence is with you [Music] then we also read that the lord told them that i will send an angel with you now you can signify my presence with you no nobody has an empire so there was a pillar of cloud or pillar of fire [Music] and there is also an angel now but beyond that we also realize that there is the cloud that always appears on the tenth of meeting [Music] after they have built the act of the covenant anytime they set up their tabernacle there's always a cloud that is on that tent of meetings to show that god is present and indeed anytime they were moving there was the act of the covenant that also indicated the presence of god the presence of god was abundant abundantly visible with them and there was no way anyone could miss it that god is with us what it tells us today that what lesson we can learn from other christian journey cannot be done successfully if we don't carry the presence of god with us [Music] god has been displeased with what israel was doing so moses was played in an interceding now moses so verse 15 to 16 bible says that then moses said to him and now moses is catholic if your presence does not go with us do not send us up from here man for my fiance this is how will anyone know i said that nobody that you are pleased with me sir when he when he has saw me when he had given me him end with your people and he won't cry for one unless you go with us this is the only uncle what moses is saying is this diamond said can he say when god is pleased with you sir is somewhere you have his presence that is the proof i know that god is pleased with him when you please god somewhere what's on your minia you have his presence with you moses is saying that what will show that you are pleased with me and your people if your presence is not going with us what's in here moses the avengers said we're near me and he won't cross when he said my name is becca and then he asked the second question somewhere you know bottom line hey what else look listen to the question what else what's up understand what else will distinguish me and your people then anyone could have foreign from all the other people on the face of the earth in the past do do i was asking what to separate us is that thing that makes us different then amanda yes from the rest of the people as a child of god what makes you special from the rest listen nothing will bear anyhow there is nothing god will do for you nothing revere anyhow let's look at the things we are we have been praying for these days you get all those things what else do we need what does you need for good marriages our rapper we want we want children open what you want your good wife someone is saying that he's a good wife because if you don't get a good one you are in trouble the book of proverbs says that if you don't have a good wife it's better to live at the roof corner if your wife is not a good woman so you don't have to jump and go and live at the roof corner there so we need a good wife the women to need good husbands what else do we pray for protection protection see the world can get it better than we can get we are celebrating the purpose opinion moses said moses said the only thing we have that the world cannot get near your word is your presence that is the only thing that draws the line and no no no you carry the presence of god he honors you with his manifest presence [Music] how much of a blessing this is come on you read the the acts of the apostles when peter was released from prison i love that story so talks about that foreign and he said when when he moved he got to the gates they get sprung open by himself there is a presence a presence that can open metagate and shatter chains and shackles a presence that let his happiness if you are dreaming you don't have to struggle about it the presence would do it breathe hallelujah so you can see christians sometimes someone threatens you huh christian new version obviously because you are not even aware of the presence or perhaps you have lost their presence practicing the presence of god and carrying that presence comes with many great benefits the other time we talked about something something he was a great and a mighty man on your nipple one more thing for the presence of god comes and one man can kill an army of the philistines praise god hallelujah praise god hallelujah turn with me to psalm 16 we are reading verse 8 and verse 11. [Applause] i have set the lord always before me practicing the presence i don't do it today and forget it but always i have set the lord before me brilliant abbreviate me the everyday semen and because i set the lord before me everybody see many mountains he is at my right hand our minister nephew and because he is at my right hand some woman sonny fan soon my assignment is to set the lord always before me abbreviated my name so my assignment is to practice his presence all the time once i do that he is at my right hand over me in sunny farm and i will not be shaking me to me to mercy and i will say i shall not be shaking i think the kingdom says i shall not be moved he went to the final thing i shall never no matter what you do once the lord is at my right hand because i have set it before me you can do your words i shall not be shaking mean to me so what is it that i should be worried about i should be worried about accepting the lord always before me so you are going for protection wireless bamboo or warrior then i mentioned it here i told you that i saw a sticker on whatsapp sticker ruby and the statement says that your past you have bought your pastors your prophet sticker as protection what what we did for another cell phone stickers you know some of these prophets are selling stickers you buy it you put it in your house you put it on your car and it is protection for protection it says that your prophet is selling the sticker to you for your protection until prophet you know and you bought it now at all and you can see that your prophet has 10 bodyguards he says you are the reason why jesus wept i said we went in a year too soon if the sticker can protect you and he manufactured it that's in it bodyguard debut says [Music] in recent times we see some prophets with bodyguards with guns when they are moving they have people wielding gun following them one prophet when it comes to the um protection they ask people with guns who follow them today the other time i heard one of them saying that security man bodyguard in your power is important then i said oh od why is he important he said who can i say yes to crystal peter quinn yes you see my name and i yesterday now so see canadian yes you can catch yourself go to the other side yeah so for him he will have bodyguards with the guns around him no no all right i have said the lord always before me already simian in sudan because he's at my right hand side some woman is anything i will not be shaking him our praise god hallelujah now look at verse 11. you have made me known you have made known to me the part of life i know you will fill me with joy in your presence would the nigerian remove what we need with eternal pleasures at your right hand another faith what would certainly find home you see what happens in the presence of god why would you sing with young men you will fill me with joy in your presence everybody what else are you looking for i didn't build a open well god is doing this for you so yummy yeah you might be look during the green ghana project when we were given the seedlings i took some seedlings to go and plant at our place [Music] [Music] someone said oh let's put something around and say something like what obviously i'm trying to being good idea not to say my son said let's put a bucket on it i said every plant in his light i see so it looks to me that that seedling is helpless i can't protect it silly because as soon as one leaf appears the leaves always come but as soon as they come this glass of place person comes it is there right now it is left with no leaf on it the stock is there it has life you can see that something is trying to come but the moment the first leaf up here the grass offers wherever they are about two of them by the time you go and you suck them they jump off the wall they are gone but the next day when you are out by this time they are chewing any horns just a few foot i would now name guava but what god is saying is that because you have set him before you and he's at your right hand as for you nothing shall shake you when you're missing a sinner and it's not what would suddenly find there would there be any way and then he'll fill you with joy in his presence i'll say oh there you need hallelujah praise god hallelujah listen to the sermons in psalm 23 well enumer do you know me and i i love something that he said there may meet with our country 23. let's go to verse 4 psalm 23 and verse 4. enumerate do you mean he started the song by saying that the lord is my shepherd so i shall not want oh shall i say yes hear me he makes me to lie down in green pastures then now he brings a cloth that life is not always as beautiful as smooth and like a bed of roses like i have started now [Music] through debbie [Music] many years ago we had an apostle all night at abraham long time ago those were the early days of proposal i posted a shout out yeah yeah a personal problem and we were doing bible study and we came to this verse and i remember this guy was trying to explain what the valley of the shadow of death means you know what he said he said if somebody is not present his shadow cannot be present [Music] so when you see somebody shadow it means the person the valley of the shadow of death means that death is around the corner they said my brother don't joke with this he said nobody nobody uh-huh like like last sunday i was saying that a man cannot run faster than shadow isn't it a man cannot run faster than shadow so when the shadow was there to meet the person the shadow of death present means that death itself is in the cross man 180 and it is so huge that it has engulfed you and you it appears that you are in the valley of the shadow of death with death on the left death on the right and you are walking in between them said i will still fear no evil what do you fear i don't know you go to your shop workout with you ma'am early in the morning another three two two you get there and you write that at your entrance [Music] there is lizard red cloth pepper charcoal and palm nut oil with a piece of paper and your name is written on it they have tied it with a black rope and they have written your name there and when you see it what goes into your mind okay that day when you work or you will not wake up shadow of death that is the shadow the reaction may be in the corner setting this in the corners will you work or will you not worry about announcer but when you are aware that you carry a certain presence you know what you take broom and then you sweep it and then you thank god now what did you say that that was with me not sure how true it is but i i guess he said to be a man of god who was on a crusade for a certain number of days now in your mini power oil [Music] so when he sits on it and he's rocking it makes some noise [Music] and he said that in the middle of the night he had the rocking chair making the noise as if someone was sitting in there it'll be a konyan and a person was rocking or down there but who was that someone one is it wasn't spiritual according to his description the person has a tail nipper who will do here and the person has homes now our main men want us anytime and the person is like this okay the person was sitting there and the person was [Music] no some of us when we see cockroach even on our bed how do you respond here when a bed is crawling on your roof how do you respond now this one this is the real thing he's sitting on the chair rocking okay the door has not been opened though he entered like the way jesus entered the room the story i heard says that this man of god looked at the person sitting in the room he said ah i thought it was an important place then he went back to sleep hey please if it were you can you sleep say one called miata you must carry the presence to a certain level so that you can have that level of confidence then you can sing the song sang some time ago you must carry the presents to a sentence and you grow in standing before god no we need you to meet anymore ahab ahab jezebel jezebel hunger hunger i before first [Music] it is not for any special group of people and yeah nepal's room could be there you know what to do to create the presence of god you know how to become aware of his voice doing all these things and we'll be able to say that yeah though i walk through the valley of the channel i will fear no evil in your presence there is fullness of joy your right hand there are pleasures forever now the lord bless you everyone amen amen you want to take a few contributions and questions if there are any before oh again professor yes please give him the mic okay just ask your question ask your question okay please what do you mean by he is at your right hand ok good [Applause] did you hear the question now how old are you professor eight or six eight this is eight or six eight eight now an eight-year-old boy has a question i want to answer a few more please you will tell me your age then you answer uh where's the message some of us i'm sure the youngest person adult here is three times his age so you tell me your age and then you answer welcome so raise your hand tell me your agent answer he will tell us his age i'm sure he's 48 times six yeah okay what do you mean by he's at my right hand okay so before i understand this the right hand symbolizes the place of authority the place of strength so god is at our right hand he is the source of our strength he's our authority that's right [Music] hundred percent do you understand that one professor did you get the answer okay did you get the answer okay god bless you yes sir i think he in my opinion his question is the emphasis is on the he they were not in his mind but in my opinion yes so that he there is god yes yes so i want to add to the answer okay so god is at my right hand means that he's the source of my strength he's the source of my authority in fact he's the pillar is the foundation that's right so this is any other any other questions or so um contributions okay if we don't have any more then let's rise i want to see anybody i'm sorry yeah i want us to to pray i want you to pray this evening and it's all about god helping me helping you to learn to practice his presence and when we walk with the lord in the light of his word for the glory he shares on our way as we do his good will he abides [Music] we need that grace to learn how to practice and to work with him on a daily basis i need a grace to be diligent in my practice in the name of jesus i will use you to shall we pray lift up your voice will and to do to will and to do in the name of jesus christ that we will practice your prayers as we will walk with you oh god when we are with you strengthen us of god stir us up of god that our heart will desire that fellowship of god that companionship with you in the name of jesus that our heart will desire the communion with the holy ghost in the name of jesus [Music] for your that the grace of the lord jesus the love of the father and the communion of the holy ghost be with us let this communion know god fellowship oh let it be with us father we asking for that grace and our strength working us to win working us to be working us to win and working us to do our practicing of your presence of god we are weak but you are mighty hold us aboard and sustain us the summit says oh god you hold me you hold me you sustain me in my pursuant of you your right hand sustains me so lord let your right hand sustain us let your right hand keep us in the way when we are we go god give us strength that we will not faint we will not we will not fail the bible say that those that wait upon you they shall renew their strength they shall matter between us eagles they shall run and not be worried they shall walk in of faith so father help us oh lord help us in the name of jesus [Music] in the name of jesus christ [Music] for you i want to be in your presence my soul will wait on you [Music] to that beauty of your home [Music] [Music] [Music] i will wait [Music] is [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] and now lord we have learnt that all we need is your presence [Music] many things have we missed because we lack your presence [Music] and tonight lord we call upon you the lord if there is anything you take away from us take note your presence away from us our cry tonight is that lord take note your presence away from us it is all that we need tonight oh god teach us lord to practice your presence teach us lord to practice your presence the lord will not fear in this life yet though i walk through the valley of the shadow of death we shall not fear evil for thou art with us father if there is any struggle in any life tonight with you know it lord we lay it before the lord jesus take away every care take away every burden and father gift us with your presence we give you grace tonight for this administration may your name alone be glorified tonight in jesus name shout the bigger men to the glory of god and please take your sins in the presence of god [Music] our pastor is not here but i just want you to bow down your heads in about a minute and let us pray for our pastor ask the lord to bless him continue to give him that he can feed us with the word of god we have indeed been blessed [Music] thank you for his life continue oh god to shower your grace upon his life continue to feed him with your word that will be fed in your presence may you continually to bless him oh god may this spring that we drink from never dry oh god we thank you for his life and family in jesus name we have prayed with thanksgiving amen amen oh amen amen we thank god for tonight i believe you have been blessed before we close please let's take note of the following announcements god willing this coming friday morning encounter comes off [Music] on the same night friday evening at 6 30 we have covenant hour right here make it a point to be here you know after listening to such a wonderful administration you need time to pray so that so don't sit at home look at the brother or sister seated by you and tell him okay i want to see you here [Music] there's a little change on the services we're going to have we're not going to have our usual three services we know come sunday is the climax of a decade of the lord's faithfulness towards le city we are joining together to celebrate the lord for his goodness so it's a thanksgiving service for le cd 10 years anniversary quest year so as we have been told since sunday we still want to emphasize our first and second services which we already have all the time will have a joint service for first and second service or somebody can india to somebody else so that will start at seven to ten anybody should have said no i couldn't do so our usual test service will now begin at ten o'clock this coming sunday i'm sorry and please no this arrangement is just for this coming sunday the next sunday we come back to business as usual so take note and invite a friend let us come and celebrate the lord's faithfulness and we have been told as we are thanking god we also come with our substance to sow into what the lord has done for our our lives i wanted to pick an offering for tonight's service if you have a picture of him please let's pray over your office father we thank you tonight for what you have been doing in our lives throughout we leave these offerings before the the lord we give it for the freedoms of your work may you sanctify and bless every pocket every place from where these monies are coming from may your name alone be glorified in jesus name amen praise and worship him [Music] lord i give you my heart i give you my soul i live for you and lord every lord have your way i give you my heart lord i give you my heart shall we share the grace together the grace of our lord and the fellowship of the holy spirit abide with us now and forevermore amen we shall recite the mortal together and walking in the fear of the lord and in the comfort of the holy spirit they were motivated god bless you so much for coming see you on friday [Applause] thank you for joining us today we trust that you have been blessed by doing so join us again next time for more information on our activities as a church visit our website at or follow us on facebook and youtube using the handle at tac5 media rest assured in the goodness of the god who gives us victory and makes provision for our daily needs see you again next time god bless you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: TACC5Media
Views: 481
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Vu-nPf8Wn-c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 113min 37sec (6817 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 22 2021
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