God's Will To Heal, Part 1

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would you turn please this evening to the Book of Luke Luke 5 Luke chapter 5 if you're watching my internet TV do the same thing get your Bible if you're here tonight you didn't bring a Bible with you hold your hand up our Usher's have extra Bibles would be glad to let you use one of ours hold up your hand till they can get to you turn to Luke 5 let your eyes rest on it if you don't know where Luke is smile at your neighbor sitting by we've got scriptorium sitting all through the congregation they can help you find it right away right away because we're quick and sharp bright good-looking very rich right very healed and a major blessing thank you lord Luke chapter 5 have you found it we're beginning a new series this evening is that okay with you felt like we had got to a place where we could unhook from the protection series not that we covered everything about protection and you can't for one thing I don't know all there is to know about protection and you you couldn't spend you know all your time on one thing or you wouldn't have the other subjects but what you can do by the direction of the Lord is spend enough time and be thorough enough until you begin to get the spirit of it the spirit of it how many believe you got ahold of the spirit of protection and I'm glad I was here for it I'm stirred up you believe you're kept and protected and a few if you aren't here for any of that good news it's available at no charge you can download it for free in its entirety off the internet you can go back to the word supply and they can fix you up because of the goodness of God and the word cinders but we're going to begin into something else tonight I believe I had direction from the Lord and you can judge it and tell me if you think we do or not here in a little bit but Luke chapter 5 Luke chapter 5 about verse 12 Luke 5 and 12 it came to pass when he Jesus was in a certain city behold a man full of leprosy whose seeing Jesus fell on his face and besought him saying Lord if you will you can make me clean now here is a man who dr. Luke remember Luke was a physician this you know others just say he had leprosy dr. Luke said he was full of leprosy he gives you more detail and even today depending on what is called leprosy there situations that men say are incurable and certainly in this day and age not only could man not help him it's a death sentence but it is also a sentence of being ostracized being cast out and not being able to have any fellowship with your family or friends it's it's a living death in many ways and his case is far advanced he is full of the devilish stuff this leprosy awful and what did he say he found Jesus how many know he's already heading the right direction I mean if he he found Jesus he and he said something to the master What did he say What did he say he's talking to Jesus if you will you can make me clean millions of people who believe in God are right there aren't they that have some form of physical problem in their body millions I could name denomination after denomination and we're not exaggerating millions of people who believe in the Lord who believe in God who have physical problems who would like to be healed you if you heard them praying it might sound identical to this man right here Oh God I know you can't heal me what if if you will or you can use King James and say if it be thy will but same thing if you will now what did Jesus say hmm now we're reading the Bible right this man said he's full of leprosy incurable Lord I know you could heal me if you would if it was your will if you would Jesus verse 13 are you reading with me he put forth his hand and touched him now that says volumes the man does not look like anything you want to touch did you hear me his skin is broken losing he looks awful he probably smells bad Jesus reaches out his hand in response to what now back up in response to what this man come in and saying lord I know you can make me clean of this terrible stuff if you would Jesus reaches out his hand and puts it on his oozing flesh and says uh will you be clean Oh glory to God What did he say I will you be beef I'll clean means you be clean and what happened and immediately Hey immediately this leprosy this living death this incurable stuff huh departed from him and he is healed he is healed glory to God how many believe this really happened just like just like right here this is no fairy tale this man lived Jesus he met and talked to him he saw him this is at his historically accurate account this happened what's the good news though Jesus is the same yesterday and right now right now right what if somebody came and fell before the master in here tonight if you could seem and you said lord I know you can heal me if you would what would he tell him if he wouldn't tell them the same thing he told this man then he has changed or his respective persons neither of which can be so because the Bible said he does not change right and he is no respecter of persons if you believe the Bible then you have to believe that anybody that's asking this question tonight anywhere in the earth Lord I know you could heal me if you would Lord I know you and please if it be your will we have to believe that anybody's that that's asking that question if they're listening we've already got the answer I will be thou clean somebody say I will what did the Lord say did he ever say I won't you can't you cannot find an even one I won't of anybody ever asking him to be healed in order for something to be scriptural what do you have to have for it scriptures so you know there are people that find fault with us and they don't like what we teach about this and but they teach that it's not always God's will to be healed where is their scripture hmm they find fault with us but where is their scripture we have scripture where Jesus said to people asking him I know you can if you will he's telling them I will where is their scripture telling people I won't where is it he you cannot find it it does not exist and yet that is more commonly held and believed than what you and I believe there are many many millions more of Christians believe sometimes it's will and sometimes he won't then they believe this I've never read where he said I won't have you can you show me can you tell me I have never read and I've read it several times I have never seen where he said I won't I do see very clearly and this is not the only place I do see it very clearly where he tells a man I will so that's my answer I'm satisfied hmm if he said I will then he's saying I will now and he'll say I will tomorrow if he said I will to him he'll say I will to you and I will to me that's my answer glory to God I'm stirred up tonight I'm on a mission we will stay with it till the do we get through by the Lord's helping grace and here's the title of our series God's will to heal God's will to heal what do you say I will I could just smile about that all night what'd he say I will and yet yet if we could see it there are so many hundreds of thousands and millions of people in sick beds and hospital rooms begging God Lord I know you can if you would if it's your will and they don't know if it's God's will or not hmm there was a time when I was there same place there was a time when I went around with other ministers and prayed for people and this is how we prayed O Lord heal them if it be thy will and if not I will be done and thought we were being submissive to the will of God and thought we were doing what we should be doing but I don't pray that way anymore I don't anymore than I would ever pray for somebody to get born again and say Lord save them if it be thy will I don't pray that way why because I had discovered his will I have found his will and it's his will it is not his will that any should perish it is his will that all should come to repentance and to the knowledge the saving knowledge of the master how do I know that I got Bible for it I got scripture for it so I never pray for anybody if it be thy will to be saved do you never nor do I ever pray for anybody to be healed with an if it be thy will for I have found in the same Bible in the same Bible and not just didn't this one verse oh you just hold on to you to your notebook we loaded for bear we you gonna believe with me we're gonna stay on this and we're gonna let the Bible be our final answer we're gonna let it decide and settle the issue once and for all can you say Amen now if you think you don't agree with this so far fine but stay with us you're not scared are you stay with us and prepare your case right and put your scriptures together hmm then you know what I mean my people feel like we have to prove what we believe will they do to you prove to us from the Bible quiets not God's will for us to be healed how can you ascertain the will of God this is a big question how can we know not just for healing but for anything how can we find the will of God there are so many people who talk about it so mysteriously oh if we only knew the will of God if we could find the will of God well how you gonna find it and how you gonna know you got it when you get it how can you know the will of God millions believe that everything that happens is the will of God what they do millions of people believe that whatever you know if it happens then some way or another it was the will of God and we don't understand it all but it was his will millions believe it I've had people you were going to pray for it to be healed and you asked him do you believe it's God's will for you to be healed and they said well I don't know I hope so and you say well how you would you know they said well I thought you'd pray and you know if I get healed then that it was God's will and if I didn't then that meant it wasn't his will so how are they ascertaining the will of God hmm by results are lack of results aren't they but people don't do that in every other area they only do it in specific you know traditionally slanted areas people don't do that with salvation now do they what if we did that with people getting born-again so how we know if it's God's will from the be saved or not well if they make heaven we'll know it was God's with any faith bust hell wide open then we'll know it was not God's will for them to be safe now you won't know any such of a thing now this is the most important thing about a man or woman's life are there people who are perishing without the Lord is it the will of God no it is not within is it true that everything that happens is God's will no and if it's that way with the most important thing your eternal salvation why would we think it's so different about something temporal like your healing are like your meeting of your physical needs no you cannot ascertain the will of God just by what happens that is a spiritually ear responsible stance it's a spiritually lazy position oh it's mighty convenient everything that happens it was the Lord's will everything that didn't happen it was the Lord's will and you you hear people I'm talking about Christians that you that you rub shoulders with you hear people talking about this they they're late they didn't get something done they mess up and they go well I must have been God's will for you to goof off and watch TV all night and not be ready was God's will he there there in the flow board trying to find their cheeseburger that they dropped and run through it intersection and have a wreck and tear up their car and we don't understand it but it must have been God's will really it was God's will for you to be looking for a cheeseburger in the flow board and have a rack do you see what I'm talking about what we just don't understand all these things but you know everything happens for a reason have you heard that before everything happens for a reason he that's like saying the Sun shines and we can see we get in water and it's wet you haven't said anything well sure there's a reason the reason could be you are dumb you weren't paying attention huh reason could be you didn't listen to God but see prideful people well they don't want to take responsibility for anything and so it's very convenient that everything that happens is mysteriously the will of God and and what's so convenient about it is I never get called for anything I never get called on anything I'm never held accountable for anything why because hey it was the will of God and we don't know why it all happened or didn't happen but hey don't question the will of God which is a very subtle way of saying don't ask me any more questions about it or make me have to answer our face it or deal with it very convenient but a lie and a deception I'm asking and answering the question how can we find the will of God how can we ascertain the will of God because millions you know millions of people believe what we've been talking about there well whatever happens if they get healed well then that was the will of God if they didn't get healed then it must not have been the will of God if if they get blessed and prosper then it was the will of God if not it was the will of God for him to be poor and and I'm sorry but that is just unacceptable in light of the Bible go with me to Romans 12 I'm asking the question how can we find the will of God and how can we know the will of God is it true that everything that happens is somehow the will of God I think not Romans 12 are you with me tonight on this do not presume you already know what we're talking about be a big mistake there's revelation here and a lot of it and if you think you got something I'm telling you you can have it so much further and stronger than where you are until it can just exude out of you hallelujah how many of no faith can come up stronger in you than what it is now you can be so full of faith - there's just no more room for the doubt Romans 12 and - be not conformed to this world but be you transformed by the renewing of your mind that you may prove proof proof means test and find out what what are you go find out what is that good and acceptable and perfect what will of God now if everything that happens is the will of God why do you need this renewal and testing and prove you wouldn't need to do that because everything's a will of God he's saying you got to get your mind renewed so that you think right you got to learn some things and be taught and understand some things so that you can test everything that's around you and decide will of God no that's not the will of God that's good that's will of God that's sort of the will of God that's halfway oh man that's the perfect will of God that's absolutely not the will of God hmm are we supposed to learn how to discern and prove and test and find and prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God who's supposed to find out what the will of God is you are I am is it going to take a little doing yes it is you gonna have to have some changes in your thinking yes you are your mind needs to be renewed it's kind of like reprogrammed renewed means something was in there right and we need it renewed we need something else to go over it that means there's going to be some changes in how you thought right go with me to first Thessalonians the fourth chapter first Thessalonians 4 I'm still talking about what how do we find the will of God some people say everything that happens good and bad is the will of God the first Thessalonians 4 and 3 says this for this is the will of God even your sanctification that you should abstain from fornication is there any fornicating going on in the adultery going on is it the will of God when I see you you can't just pick and choose if you believe that everything that happens with men and women's bodies in healing and sickness is the will of God then quite as an apply over here to right what's the will of God control yourself possess your body don't have affairs right don't be in fornication don't be in a that is the will of God the Bible says very plainly it is that happening everywhere the will of God is that happening everywhere with everybody no are there things happening on the earth that's not the will of God who's supposed to find out what the will of God is we are how we go find it need some mind renewal turn right on over here here's another verse that's similar to this 1st Thessalonians 5 first Thessalonians 5 and 18 are you there 5:18 in every thing give thanks for this is what is everybody doing that all the time and in everything giving thanks is there any griping going on griping and complaining is that the will of God how did we find out it wasn't the will of God right here if giving thanks is the will of God in every situation then griping can't be the will of God if being saved as the will of God being lost can't be the will of God right if being chaste and being faithful as the will of God then the fires and adultery and fornication can't be the will of God if being healed is the will of God then being sick can't be the will of God oh no there's a lot of folks with degrees and initials at the end of their name think it's more complicated than this they got it they got no scripture for it and they're what they say they believe is inconsistent with other areas of their life and besides that they're hypocritical about in both the areas of healing and prosperity if you do not believe in healing then don't try to get healed at least be honest about it don't go to the doctor right if you believe you're supposed to be sick and you're going trying to get better then you're trying to get out of the will of God well I don't know whether it's the wheel or not will you better find out because if it's rid of the will of God for you to be sick then you and those doctors and all those nurses are the will of God trying to change the will of God for your life well well you the believer in doubt don't believe it all that prosperity stuff will then be broke be broke if you really believe it's God's will for you not to have anything then don't you do it don't you have anything practice what you say you believe right I know folks don't like that but be consistent with what you say you believe what's the will of God giving thanks and everything go on over to Ephesians the fifth chapter Asian's 5 very important scripture right here about the in answering this question how can we know the will of God how can we find it out Ephesians 5 and 17 read it out loud with me Ephesians 5:17 was it saying wherefore be you not unwise but what understanding what the will of the Lord is are you supposed to find out and understand what the will of the Lord is or is it okay to be ignorant about it and go well we just don't know we don't know it's a mystery and most things you just never will know well of course the verse that says that we got a verse here that says we're supposed to find out hmm listen to the amplified says do not be vague and thoughtless and foolish but understanding and firmly grasping what the will of the Lord is what is the will of the Lord what is the will of God jesus said if you've seen me you've seen the father right and he is the Word made flesh that dwelt among us can you say Amen how many believe that this Bible that we have the written word is a manifestation of the Living Word and that the Spirit of God expressed the will of the Father God through these words through Jesus through the words that are recorded about him can you find the will of God in the Bible if you can't where are you gonna find it now I know this sounds simplistic but I'm telling you people have all kind of things they go to to find the will of God it except the Bible what is our final authority what I've had people say well now I just believe this is what I think that doesn't matter well I got just as much right to what I believe is what you do no you do nor do i well everybody's free to believe what they want to believe and that's what I believe it's what I believe if you are a Christian I said if you're a Christian we've already been told what to believe right and it's not okay if you just say well this is what I believe about based on what Scripture on what word how do we find the will of God the Word of God and that's another way of saying Jesus the Word of God reveals to us the will of God jesus said I didn't come with myself but he sent me he said I don't speak of myself what does that mean everything you ever saw Jesus do or heard him say was a direct revelation of the unchanging will of God for all men for all time so when we read that this man full of leprosy comes and since lord I know you can do it if you will and Jesus replies and reaches out puts his hand on his sick body and says I will does it mean anything to us the Bible said that if everything Jesus said and did was recorded not even the world itself could contain all the books that should be written we have a very very very small amount of what he said and did recorded and this amount was handpicked by God the Father by the Holy Spirit manifested to his men and he pinned this one because this word is a historical accurate account but it is much much more than history it is God speaking to all mankind revealing the will of God for everybody for all time if that had had just been for that man it wouldn't be in the Bible where you and I could read it and believe it today the fact that it's there and it's written and recorded numerous places how are we supposed to take it that if he said I will that's not just I will to that man on that day that is the unchanging will of God for all men for all time when he said I will to him and had it recorded in here it's an I will to you and to me can you say Amen then why do we still have millions of people begging God to heal them if it would be his will because that's not good enough or they want something else well how would you know it was God's will well when I'm healed oh you mean when you see it you'll believe it yeah it'd be too late to believe it it'd be too late for faith if you have to see it before you gonna believe it's his will then you are refusing to have any faith faith believes it when it does not look like it's even possible just simply because he said it God's will to heal what is it let me read that to you again go back to it Luke our text do you mind if I take my time hmm look five Luke five Jesus said I will listen to the living it said the man said sir if you only will you can clear me of every trace of my disease Jesus reached out and touched the man and said of course I will be healed and the leprosy left him instantly of course I will be healed well think about it a man a woman that comes sincerely before the Lord and says Lord I've messed up I'm so sorry I've sinned against you but please would you save me would you save me what is he saying of course I'll swallow it to the cross right and what about a man a woman that needs deliverance from habits and problems what's he gonna say of course I will hmm what about somebody that's oppressed and their mind well that's why he bore the chastisement of your peace of course I will did he take your infirmities did he bear your sicknesses did he carry your pains is it as written by stripes as wounds we are healed well then of course he will of course he will of course somebody said out loud of course of course he will let me think about it you're standing looking at Jesus being nailed to the cross and raised up and he's bleeding and you look up you go is it your will for me to be saying I just don't know Lord why is he there what's going on if it wasn't it all he had to do for us to be lost was nothing and we'd all been lost why is he there well he's tied to the whipping post he's being scourge and you look at him and go is it your will for me to be healed quasi there what's going on somebody say of course of course I will of course I will I like that don't you of course I will it's it's mins confusion it's the enemy trying to confuse people through ministers through preachers through people writing books that has confused it and muddled the issues through the years and through the centuries because if you read this gospel without your religious coloured glasses on you'll see that everybody that ever came to Jesus to be healed left healed every one of them there were no unlucky ones there was no one that God was working something out in their life and told them they had to wait or it was a time her was this not fair these are familiar phrases but they're not in the Bible they're mins fabrications trying to explain why things didn't happen and it's proud men and women's explanations trying to get all responsibility off of themselves for anything it's mighty convenient problem is people stay sick and they die young in prematurely and people talk about it was the will of garden God needed another angel in the choir and he took him we don't know why and it's not true none of it's true none of it's true now if they were saved glory to God there in heaven that's great but have to be robbed of years in this life of good service and bearing fruit how many believe you have a healer huh sit out loud I have a savior and I'm saved I also have a healer and I'm healed it is his will to heal me glory to God thank you master let me give you three reasons why Christians are sick and stay sick remain sick these are crime tell my Christians now not non-christians Christians three reasons three main reasons number one is what we're already talking about number one millions of Christians don't know that it is his will for them to be healed they still question it they debate it they don't know healing is bought and paid for that it belongs to them just like forgiveness of sin and if you don't know it you're not gonna claim it and as long as you question his will on it you cannot have faith brother FF bosworth author of the book Christ the healer that we've used around here he said faith begins where the will of God is known it's true concerning being born again when you knew God loved you and you knew he'd paid the price for you and you knew it was his will to save you you got faith to come and be born again well you got to know that God's power can heal you and you got to know that it is his will for you to be healed and the price has already been paid many many do not know that or if they've heard that they didn't accept it secondly what's been provided by grace must be received by faith you got to receive it actively you got to apropriate it with your faith just because somebody bought and paid for you a meal doesn't mean you're gonna get full unless you go get it right gotta go get it got to go appropriated thirdly many people don't obey God and follow his perfect plan for their life men we talked about what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God and if you don't obey God you're going to go down pass that you shouldn't have gone through and having no when you get off on the wrong road you're going to go through towns and places that you would not have gone through had you been on the right road and so a lot of people are going through a lot of stuff and it's bad and they're trying to say it's the will of God but the truth is they're on the wrong road but let's back up to the first one first number warning them to you know the will of God you got to receive it by faith go to Matthew well yeah Matthew 9 Matthew 9 and we'll also find mark 9 Matthew 9 and Mark 9 Matthew 9 and 27 when Jesus departed from there Matthew 9:27 two blind men followed him crying and saying thou son of David have mercy on us and when he was coming to the house the blind men came to him and Jesus said to them notice he didn't just heal him hmm he talked to her he asked him questions why does it matter what they think and what they believe and what they do or did the Lord just go around healing everybody indiscriminately of what they thought or believed some people try to say did to prove his deity it's not true why ask him questions while look for a response why begin to lead them in a direction for them to believe a certain thing because their faith is one of the biggest determining factors in what they're going to be healed or not to my Jesus now what do you say do you believe I'm able to do this now see the leper he had that one settled didn't he huh he said I know who you can if you will these guys didn't have that one settled yet that he excuse me they did but it had been expressed yet so he says do you believe I'm able to do this I can what they say yes yes good answer good answer then what do you do touch them does he still touch people today Oh glory to God did you know you can get touched right in here tonight right in here tonight you don't have to wait for any fast music you don't have to wait for somebody some man to touch you even he can't you right where you are rat in your seat all you got to do is believe these words I was teaching in healing school oh this must have been 15 18 years ago and a little small group it must have been 15 of us maybe and there was a lady we were more informal and and and I'm teaching on some things about healing and she looks at but she says excuse me I said yeah she said does that mean that I just believe I received my healing and I just believe I take it and I got it I said that's right she said that's all it is to it I said that's it I said Jesus already done the hard part didn't he he did the hard part he bought it he paid for it he bore your infirmities he carried your pains she said okay I went on teaching I mean no I wasn't waving my hands and preaching real fast there was no fast organ music now I'm just I'm teaching and at the end she came up she said look I said what she said I forget how long she said my whole side of my body's been paralyzed I can't been able to use that hand she told me how long I couldn't pick up anything when she said look look look look oh we praised God nobody prayed a prayer for nobody laid hands on her but she got touched cuz what happened she said does that mean I just believe I take it right now and I got it passage says what is so she said okay missus it can't be that simple how did you get born again how'd you get born again wasn't by jumping off the building wasn't by quoting the whole Bible what was it how long did it take he you believed you received Jesus into your heart and your life you you believe God had raised you from the dead you confess with your mouth Jesus is Lord and glory to God [Music] well if that's how quick an old creature can become a new creation in Christ Jesus which is a much much bigger miracle than a physical body having some repair work done on it then the same principle of work getting healed he said do you believe I'm able to do this they said yes Lord then he touched their eyes and said then according to my ability you might think he just said that asking him that question but he didn't then according to the will of God no well maybe that's not what it said but everybody knows that really it's just up to his will don't change what Jesus said with your theories and opinions how many know Jesus could have said whatever he chose to say right here he could have said then according to the will of God he could have said than according to the power that's on me couldn't he have said it didn't according to me being the son of God he could have said any other things that would have substantiating some of these folks doctrines but it didn't what'd he say you believe I'm able to do this they said yeah yeah he said then according to your faith your faith your faith somebody said according to your faith according to your faith he said be it unto you go to mark nine mark nine this man brought his son to the disciples he was having seizures they tried to do something with him and could couldn't get him free how many know a lot of people would have started a new doctor nothing hmm they prayed for him they worked with him and he did not get free they could have said well you know it's not always the will of God and we just don't know why it's not here they brought the same one to Jesus and the man came and said if verse 22 he said if you can do anything have compassion on us and help us does he does he believe it's all up to Jesus he sees he putting the whole thing in Jesus hands and going Lord if you can do anything isn't he he thinks it's all up to him what did Jesus say very next verse what'd he say well if it's God's will hmm no what'd he say if you can believe all things are possible if it's God's will he could have said it all things are possible if you've got me here cuz I got the power cuz I'm the son of God and I can do this but you don't try this at home huh couldn't he have said something along that line if he had wanted to what'd he say all things are possible to him that believes now there are approximately 19 cases of individuals being healed in the Gospel accounts Matthew Mark Luke and John depending on how you count them there's more than that there's several places where it says multitudes were healed there's places where it says domani acts were delivered Malchus had his ear chopped off and got it Merritt the cert Malka servant I guess it is servant of the high priest anyway if you look at the cases though where there's some detail what happened to them and how they were healed there's only about 19 but in 10 of the 19 would like just like we discussed the reading here in 10 of the 19 the individuals faith was specifically referred to 10 different times just like this let me read it to you can can you take it are you ready with the nobleman son the Bible said the man believed the word that Jesus had spoken to him he went his way you see that the son his boy began to get better and was healed and made whole the paralytic that they let down through the roof the Bible said Jesus saw their faith and he spoke to him they were healed the Centurions servant he said to the Centurion go your way and as you have believed so be it done to you the woman with the issue of blood he said daughter be of good comfort your faith has made you whole the two blind men you know we just got through reading that said he touched their eyes and he said according to your faith be it unto you the ten lepers in Luke 17 he told them your faith has made you whole blind Bartimaeus he said your faith has made you whole the syrophoenician 's daughter he said to her woman great is your faith be it unto you even as you will the man that hath the lunatics early carefully reading here he said lord I believe help my unbelief and his boy was healed the Bible said with Jairus his daughter he told him don't be afraid only believe and he obviously did 10 times out of the 19 now in six more of the 19 you can see their faith it doesn't say your faith made you whole but you can see it what is conspicuous for its absence is any reference that it might not be the will of God or it might not be time or that it's up to God and nobody really knows how and why and you just have to wait and see can you hear it how many know any time ten times in the Bible the same thing is said over and over we should be getting a clue and what is the clue your faith will make you whole how is it going to happen according to your faith according to what you believe people don't like that they don't want to hear that they want to believe something else but friend if you want results if you like to see miracles in your life if you want to live and live long right you better do you better get a hold of this and realize my faith makes the difference whether do we know that with salvation what if somebody says well do you believe in Jesus as your Lord and Savior well not really you mean it's just does it make a difference if I believe it or not yeah but people are saying the same thing aren't they what does it make a difference if I believe whether it's just will for me to be healed or not it is just up to him they're saying the same thing does it make any difference what we believe actually it is according to our faith according to our faith that were healed somebody say according to our faith according to our faith according to our faith as you believed so be it done to you your faith made you hold according to your faith that is the Bible while I believe something else how are we going to be healed tell me tell me now how are we gonna be healed according to our faith then why does everybody say it's according to the will of God now you do know we're in the minority leaving this why do millions only emphasize and say it's according to the will of God why didn't the Lord say that then at least in a couple of these cases or how about even one it's not in the Bible so it's unscriptural I know it's popular and widespread but nonetheless on scriptural fir it's not there what is there according to your faith as you've believed according to your faith your faith made you whole go in peace be healed your faith did it Jesus is talking he said your faith did it are used - are you saying that my faith can make me whole absolutely not I'm not saying it jesus said it are you trying to tell us that our faith can make us whole no no Jesus said that is it true Finn this is good news I said this is good news this is good news this is good news what if they've run every test and they've exhausted every drug and they say I'm sorry but there's nothing we can do can you still be healed yes your faith your faith can make you hold Oh glory to God and it's easier than you think it's mr. although I know but bought that faith who that faith book you had enough face but face hard ain't it oh it's hard to get faith it's easy it's it is so easy the devil want you to think it's hard and I tell you what if you'll just come and sit here on Friday nights for a while and just stay awake did you just stay away the Word of God is gonna come and you're gonna hear it and hear it and hear it and hear it and faith will come faith to be healed will come you think so now I know so if you'll come in stay awake faith will come faith to be healed will come I know of whence I speak I know it from the word I've seen it from experience year after year I've seen some of the most terrible diseases I've seen people at death's door skin and bone and can't talk and get up I've said you can't say well you don't know how bad it is I've probably seen worse that's all I did for year after year after year day at night I've seen it I've seen people come back though from death's door I've seen them come like flowers in the sunshine beginning to open up when the Word of God just came on I'm in rain don't know in the rain I've seen them get stronger and stronger I've seen them go back to their job I've seen them go back home and I've seen them gain their weight back and live another 20 30 40 50 years I've seen it but I might here say I've seen it again and again and again and again come to my people that were yella with jaundice giant tumors protruding their stomach purplish masses showing through the back of their skin people on breathing machines that hadn't been able to eat solid feed at food in months thinking of a guy right now had a feeding tube in his he got so much faith in him he got to the place he pulled that tube out and went to the Mexican restaurant [Applause] and a to Mexican dinners well after several months you get hungry you know and it stayed down and he just went on out from there give it up to die no hope no hope from the natural now what if he just set passively by and said well it's up to God whatever he wants well he'd be gone it makes a difference what church you go to it makes a difference what you believe and what you hang around life and death I am so glad I am so glad that God let us find out revealed to us in his precious Holy Word that no matter who and no matter where and no matter how far gone and how bad and how hopeless let's look at him saying Lord God no you could do it if you would we have heard from heaven and it is written down in the Holy Word that heaven and earth is going to pass away but it will never pass away it cannot change it cannot fail we have heard from God we have heard from heaven and the answer is ah well of course I will be healed sail off let it soak in said out loud I've heard from heaven I've got my answer it's not what men think it's in the Holy Word he told me it is his will glory to God bless the Lord O my soul and all that is within me bless His Holy Name what we're going to do then from this point unless the Lord gives us another direction we're going to begin giving you reason after reason after reason after reason after reason we're going to give you five reasons and ten reasons and 15 reasons and 20 reasons and 25 reasons and we're going to give you at least 30 reasons why we are sure it's God's will for you to be healed right now not Theory not opinion not what somebody said and somebody thought scriptures scriptures are you ready of course we can't do it all tonight but huh are you ready over the next weeks and months as the Lord enables are you ready to get this until it's built into your spirit till there's no more room for doubt and fear or sickness the Word of God has a pounding effect on your spirit it does he sent His Word and heal them the Bible said and delivered them from their death and destruction it comes into you and you see it and then here comes some more and then here comes some more and here comes some more you don't get established in God in life just by hearing half of a verse one time by hearing and by hearing and by hearing let every word be established in the mouth of two or three witnesses how about 30 and I want to take my time is it all right with you I want to take my time you might say is that all there is 30 no that's not all there is but I don't know that want to do this for the next 10 years right that we're supposed to this is gonna take a little doing some time and hmm reason after reason go to acts 17 I think it is bless you Lord bless you Lord thank you master acts 17 and then also we're going to proverbs 4 and I'm just going to introduce this to you and perhaps we can pick up here next time and go further acts 17 this is something that the Bible says Paul did in synagogue after synagogue the equivalent you know of a church in his day place after place where people got together Jews and then believing Jews and then they were Gentile Christians group after group acts 17 says when he came in this is what he did 17 1 they passed through Amphipolis and Apollonia and they came to Thessalonica and there was a synagogue of the Jews and Paul as his manner was what does that mean he did this all the time this is his normal mode of operation he went into them and three sabbath days did what reasoned with them out of the scriptures now so important that that last phrase is their reasoned with them don't stop there what out of the scriptures not just a matter of me what I think what you think my opinion in your opinion no no then don't cut it out of the scriptures what would it reasoning now listen what are we giving you reasons reasons out of the Bible reason after reason after reason if you saw a brother Keith I've always been taught that sometimes it's not God's will we love you I'm not combative about it but but give me a few weeks just just stay with us hmm and if summer says I don't believe it don't don't become bad if don't try to push it off on them say well just listen to this and if you still don't believe it well that's your choice and if you can find scripture that contradicts all of this but I am confident that you will have a tough time disputing all this reason he reasoned with them out of the scriptures reason after reason after reason after reason until people that had been steeped in tradition it was contrary to the Word of God they heard him Sabbath after Sabbath after Sabbath and there was so much revelation and so much description till they thought that's right I know we hadn't believed that all our life but that is right well there are many reasons in the word for us to believe that it's God's will for us to be healed and we're going to go through them as the Lord had helped us go to proverbs the fourth chapter I think I can close with this we'll just introduce this good get into it next time proverbs 4 reason number one why we are sure it's God's will for all to be healed today proverbs 4 proverbs 4 are you there proverbs 4 and verse 20 he said my son pay attention to my words tune your ear incline it to my sayings don't let them depart from your eyes keep them in the midst of your heart for they are life they what they what his words are life unto those that find them and health are the margin says medicine to all their flesh reason number 1 we are sure it's God's will for all to be healed today because God's Word is medicine God's Word is medicine why are you saying that brother Keith well is our God's words for everybody huh if you say well it's not always God's will for people to be healed God's words will heal you won't they how does God work that then if his words will heal you and somebody's getting a hold of his words but it's not as will for them to be healed OUP's are God's words for everybody our God's words medicine to all your flesh then healing has to be for everybody oh do you see this if the Word of God will heal you it's like coming out with a somebody's got deadly disease and semester's always found a cure we found a cure this will heal you but don't take it because it might not be God's will for you to be if you take it and it will heal you and it's available to you everybody got enough sense to take it right God's Word is medicine now not just the healing versus all his word man does not live by bread alone but by every word that comes out of the mouth of God what food is to the natural body God's Word is to your spirit whole friend get a hold of this now have you been experiencing some symptoms then you need to increase your medicine wait um not this so Mike this yes read your healing verses but not just healing verses read Matthew and read Ephesians for dessert I'm serious and then read some more double up on your word intake triple up on your word intake come on now come on in you increase it why because it is didn't say it's like hmm then say similar to what you say they are life to those that find them and health are medicine to all their flesh friends that's why I exhort you all the time to read you chapter so many Christians do not understand what this is to our spirit your mind doesn't have to understand all of it to get the benefit eat anymore then you have to know the chemical makeup of a piece of cornbread or the molecular structure of a biscuit to get any nourishment and strength you cannot have a clue about what's in that piece of food and you can eat it and chew it up and swallow it and it does something when it gets in you I said it does something I mean your your body is able to extract all these nutrients and chemicals and it'll give you strength it'll help you it right this is spirit food this is healing medicine to all your flesh every verse including the bagasse including descriptions about the promised land and land borders and names you can't pronounce still is medicine it's medicine to all you that's why don't don't neglect and get your Bible app read your chapter but before you do you say Lord I want to thank you for this word its life to me it's medicine to all my flesh and while I eat while I read it I eat it and while I read it and hear it I'm taking my medicine and you read it in faith believing that much more is happening in you than what you understand how many no you don't have to have a clue what's in a tablet you don't not have to have a clue what's in that or how it works or why you can just pop it in your mouth and swallow it and it'll start working in you that's what this does mmm thank God and how many is this far how many how many to say healing is not for everybody is tantamount to saying the word is not for everybody because his words will heal you he sent His Word and healed them and delivered them from their destruction the Bible said the multitudes came to hear him and to be healed by him of all their diseases and they heard and they were these words he'll I said these words he'll these words he'll every word of God there's no word of god that's devoid of power everything that comes out of his mouth is rich with light and spiritual nutrition and life for your flesh can you say Amen anytime the word is preached anytime the word is taught anytime the word is read there's life coming out of it you know where all of us are wise to be in here tonight huh it has a cumulative effect on you month after month and year after year hmm God's will is that you come into these services and you read your chapter every day and you're in other good services and you are soaking in the Word of God it's permeating you it's getting in you and it does things to your immune system that will allow you to live another 30 years than you would have come on now it's doing things to your glands it's doing things to the marrow of your bones in it I've seen it I don't think I'll ever forget this is again about 15 years ago it's a healing school that same little class and a guy came in the back he and his wife he wasn't that old but he was skin and bone and he was breathed that his breathing was so laborious you could hear him all over the little room is very distracting everybody's turning around I mean he's he's trying to keep breathe that's what he's trying to do and his breathing is so raspy and you think yeah I'm trying to preach but you think is he going to get that next breath or is he not gonna make it and you could tell he was a tall big strapping man but he's down to nothing I mean he just had skin and bones and when the service started he's down like this over his chair just I won't even try to make the sounds but he just he trying to breathe couldn't him look at me he just like this I was teaching that day on this very passage proverbs 4 his words are life to those that find them and health and medicine to all their flesh and a preached on it best a new house and taught on it and I saw him I'm telling you one of the most spectacular things I've seen he he began to raise up off of his lap first of all he's looking at me still breathing didn't looking at me and then little by little little by little little by little till about 30 minutes 40 minutes little by little little by little until he's sitting there straight not making any sound [Music] looking at me at the end of the the session I made a beeline to him I could see it all over him I said hi you know glad to have you today he looked at me he said he said I feel good I said God's done something for you and I said I knew it that's what I came back he said he said I feel all tingly inside that's what you do he said yeah he said and I'm hungry his wife started crying tears of joy what what did that to him what what did that to him he began to eat that that word the Bible said just like the tongue taste food the ear tastes God's words he began to eat these words that we were reading out of the Bible and it came in him and it got in him and I talked to him for 20 minutes he hardly knew anything about the Bible I prayed the prayer with him to make sure he was born again the further we went he was so not knowledgeable of God but I never forget him going mmm he said it's all tingly inside he said now I'm hungry what did that to him I'm telling you it's doing that to people right now tonight it's doing it through these cameras and across this internet and this is just the beginning you talk about healings my friend we're gonna have a Ling's we're gonna have healings in this series because it's the Word of God it's the Word of God when you preach on prayer you pray when you preach on target eyes when you preach on healing you have healing so we're having healings say it out loud we're having healings we're having healings or glory to God we're having healings we're having healings healings healings stand-up on
Channel: Faith Life Church - Keith Moore
Views: 5,436
Rating: 4.9259257 out of 5
Id: MLdmtuK03vI
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Length: 82min 17sec (4937 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 14 2020
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