Sunday Rebroadcast 03/28/2021 "When The Devil Got In" - Keith Moore

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thank you so do do do do praise the lord well good morning everyone welcome to faith life church it's good to be together in the house of god today let's just begin to lift up our voices this morning to our great and mighty god he's so good to us father we worship you and give you glory we're so thankful for your goodness made i will rejoice is is oh and we chose is of the hell foreign let every kid every tribe oh oh him oh thank you we lift our voices to you lord i want to see i want to see is i is i want to see i yes foreign holy now to see is oh um i wanna see oh to walk on the water foreign we're see we are is standing on standing on the promises standing we're gonna see what we're praying for we believe in every single we're word see standing on his promises oh thank you glory you i am i am hallelujah it's higher it's great is is i am it's your hallelujah hallelujah praise you lord lift up your voices praise the lord the lord your mind i praise you i'm praise you i praise you i praise you lord oh thank you father oh thank you master oh thank you lord savior thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord we're singing about how the lord set us free and he has but we must decide to walk in that freedom put on the screen uh ii timothy 1 7 i believe it is second timothy 1 7. god has not given us the spirit of fear well if he didn't give it to us where did it come from and should we have it i said should we have it say it out loud god did not give me the spirit of fear he gave me the spirit of power love sound my fear makes you not of a sound mind fear makes you unstable we've had a lot of things happen this past year plus that have shaken a lot of people and and many even believers are still living in fear and that's not okay i said that's not okay now you need to be led by the spirit no matter what you do and if you have a check about something then you don't do it but you don't just pull and hide and and afraid of what might happen come on are y'all with me or not what what might happen what could happen if you live like that you will be imprisoned by fear i mean if you're just looking at the natural it's a risk to get out of bed in the morning is that right people have tripped on their way to the kitchen and died right it's a risk to back out of your driveway right i mean there there's plenty of stuff in the air we breathe and everything we drink and everything we eat that could kill you a thousand times over huh the big thing is that you know the lord teres is coming you're gonna go but if you're ready to go i said if you're ready to go if you know the lord and you know you're saved and you know you'll just go out and slip out of your body and go straight to be with him then you lose that imprisoning fear of death oh somebody say i know i'm saved and i'm not afraid to die well if you're not afraid to die then you're not afraid to live either is that right you can get up you can go you can do you can cast your cares over on the lord is that right say it out loud god did not give me the spirit of fear i reject fear it will not rule my life i'm free i'm free i'm free i'm free i'm free i'm free oh yeah yeah me and set me free lifted me i am free thank you lord for setting me free thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord by setting me free oh hallelujah hallelujah oh it's wonderful wonderful to be free from fear hallelujah you glad to be in church on a sunday morning i'm glad to turn around smile at some people and wave at some people let them know they're around friendly people good morning you know it's a lot better to get set free from something even than to have a good cup of coffee in the morning and i've had both already it's only what 10 25 glory to god and you where else can you come on a sunday morning and get set free right off the bat so if that if he's that good at the beginning think what he's got in store for us the rest of the service amen we are glad that you are here with us this morning if this is your very first time here in sarasota give us a wave or stand up we want to recognize you and say hello yes glory to god yes we are glad to have you with us yes yes they're a little shy this morning that's okay they're in a good place we bless people you know i was this with this past couple of weeks i have met four or five that i personally have talked to that have moved to sarasota in the last few months for church so if you see new faces be friendly this is not an easy time to meet people but these are people that have come here to hook up with our church and the lord directed them here so love on people it's a great opportunity and they're in branson if you're if you're watching for the first time or joining us there for the first time we're glad to have you too and everybody online there are new people every week that discover the website and get to join us and so we're thankful for all of you too it's a very good thing to gather together however you can on a sunday morning and on fridays we have church it's a great thing well i have a few announcements today i want to let you know that we will not be having celebration sunday or marriage meeting in branson this year and i just wanted to take a minute you know this has been a hard year for the hospitality industry and there have been a number of vendors in branson that um aren't anymore and you know what we speak to those businesses because they support us and we believe they can come back over the next year or so as we need them next year and and the right people will be there to support those events but it takes a lot of people coming together and so this year no celebration sunday no marriage meeting but i do want to remind you bbc next week branson victory campaign live will be virtual only live in name only it's virtual only but that doesn't mean it's not happening it's happening and we'll be broadcasting but it will be virtually only so make plans though to watch that's the 8th 9th and 10th you can log in i just looked this morning myself at you can see the schedule so you know when to log in and when to watch and but do that hook up with us i believe it's still going to be a great meeting don't you so so do that and then also this is for the branson family but brother jim caswell went home to be with the lord on wednesday march the 19th so make sure and love on miss joanne when you see her and give her give her some love and she'll be back soon i'm sure so all right you ready for birthdays and anniversaries i know we had some because we had some friday night yes stand up stand up we celebrate around here because the lord has blessed us we're here another year happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday back there there's two happy birthday happy birthday it's like a triple like a skip happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday birthday happy birthday happy birthday who's happy birthday daniel how are you looking good back there on the stage today and happy birthday over here too three oh it's the little guy a little i can't tell for sure i can't hear anniversary thirty three i'm gonna get it right happy anniversary three years all right let's look at branson and see how see how many birthdays and anniversaries they had there hi family happy anniversary oh thank you for being on the front row 16 years congratulations see some birthdays standing up i think back there let's see yep hold on they're going in happy 29 years signs are so helpful and wonderful aren't they let's see oh i just got called out from the front row i sewed some bad seed a few weeks back for our anniversary this year i held up a little post-it note it was like this big and uh mrs moore was saying that the signs are great when they're big enough that you can read them so i have been duly corrected and noted we'll we'll take care of that so moving on to some good testimonies amen church should be fun you guys we should enjoy coming together so let's praise the lord with some good testimonies this one came in it just says i don't even have the words to describe the power the sermon yesterday held so many questions answered made me feel how made me see how far i have wandered away and allowed the enemy to use others to fill my head and heart with lies about myself not being good enough or pretty enough or smart enough i rededicated my life this morning isn't that awesome as i held my bible i looked out the window at the daffodils i thought how hard they work to make their way through the ice if necessary and how god has enabled them so i know he will enable me to work through i realize there are some things that i have to resist as memories but i know that forgiveness is not about how i feel isn't that good it was a good analogy too good things happening this one came in from texas it just says at the beginning of 2020 i randomly okay i'm not sure it was random when you hear the rest of this you'll see chose the 2013 greater faith conference free from the spirit of fear cd and began listening every time i got into the car the teaching came on and i listened to it over and over again five or six hours worth of the word i didn't realize what it was preparing me for even as this disease roared throughout the world church services were suspended masks prevailed i kept listening and that word got down into my spirit and i was listening to that same cd in october when an evangelist came to preach at our church and he used the same scripture in mark iv in his sermon entitled how to sleep in your storm and i thought to myself i can't even remember the last time i had to go through a storm that may seem simple but the irony is that my husband had just gone home to be with jesus one month before god had made that storm so quiet that i went through it with grief but without the spirit of grief weighing down on me isn't that good she didn't even call that a storm guys that's amazing i realized that when i had made it through all this chaos the loss of my beloved and other little cloud bursts along the way without fear and under the complete protection of god the storms still come i had some frozen pipes but i will keep testifying to the faithfulness of my god and my savior jesus and know how i appreciate the faithfulness of pastors teachers evangelists and missionaries all over the world and kingdom workers who keep keeping on proclaiming the uncompromised word of god isn't that good this one came in from one of our youth in branson and said god gave me an electronic drum set isn't that great i hope his parents are giving a good testimony about that too this one says uh men from montgomery up they are they're good people i know them well my my wife and i are rejoicing over everything that the lord has done for us since we got married in february of 2018. we came together with credit card debt of over 48 000 we begin watching faith life church services online in august what a blessing the lord has been our source for providing income to erase these debts with large chunk monthly payments this month we will make the last monthly payment since august isn't that great the lord has wiped out all of our credit card debt we are now looking forward to focus on where he wants us to be isn't that good this one came in this was someone was delivered and healed of stage five cancer that's a good time to hoop and holler right there right there the lord is in the healing business and this one just came in it says um i don't know where it came from but it says i have been watching your teaching since september of 2019. i am writing this letter to let you know how much your teachings and faith school have changed my life spiritually physically and as a living witness my spirit continues to want and need more so i've prayed in the holy spirit and he led me to your ministry the first series i watched was about fear and and about based off of psalms 91 i must have watched it back and forth two or three times faith rose up in me and i have not been afraid ever since i watched both friday and sunday services through roku and youtube occasionally i don't know where to begin because my life has changed so much i'm a holy ghost-filled tongue-talking believer praise the lord my relationship with god has gotten deeper and more intimate i am a winner and an overcomer the holy spirit is using me to be an effective witness i now understand about sowing and reaping earlier this month the lord has turned my finances around i work a part-time job my check now pays for all of my current bills and i use my bi-weekly pay for my tithing and sewing i have prayed and asked the lord for extra to be able to tithe and sow even more he has answered my prayers i am believing for extra to come in daily weekly and monthly he is a faithful father isn't that good full of good confessions about all god is doing too well stand up and let's give him glory for these things father we thank you you are so good so true so faithful to your word father and we just give you glory for all these good testimonies that are coming in father and we just know that you are continuing to work in the lives of your people and we are excited about what you are doing from healings to finances father to just all of our dreams and wishes coming but coming from you father we give you all of the glory for every bit of it in jesus name amen praise god those are some good reports aren't they yeah scripture says rejoice with those that rejoice you don't have to know somebody to be glad for it right and what was that one uh completely recovered from stage five how many stages are there right huh yeah right that's it right but it wasn't too late glory to god completely recovered from what was called stage five so it's not too late for you is that right whatever your case is and your situation you're here you're breathing you can believe god and he is still on the throne and his word still works and his faith faith still works hallelujah so say it out loud what he's done for others he is doing for me do you believe that do you believe say it out loud again he is doing for me and greater things than these shall we see all the glory all the glory all the glory be to our good god oh father we rejoice so much for what you have done for our brothers and sisters thank you for healing for delivering for providing thank you thank you thank you we call you the faithful god faithful god thank you lord oh hallelujah oh thank you thank you thank you lord you can be seated if you brought your bible open and turn please to numbers the 11th chapter it's offering time and we like offering time around here in branson and people that are joining us that have been with us for a bit we we understand this is an opportunity and it's not about just doing something big it's about doing something in faith don't despise a small seed a lot of people think well you know if i don't have something big it's not worth doing and sometimes they look around and say well you know there's a bunch of people here they don't really need my my little bit well it's not just about that you need your little bit you need to sow your little bit so that it can be turned into a bigger bid amen do you believe it or not there's many reasons why uh you need to be involved in things like this in numbers 11 and 18 when moses was leading god's first covenant people out of uh egyptian bondage and ultimately it was to be to the promised land they were having some difficulties along the way and the people complained and murmured against the lord and they were looking back how many understand it's not a good idea to look back they were looking back they're out in the desert and of course there's no provision no crops out there no grocery stores no restaurants you might say and uh they were saying man we had watermelons back in egypt we we had cucumbers back in egypt we had yeah and you were a slave did you forget that back in in egypt but apparently they did and and the lord wasn't happy with him saying that and he said sanctify yourselves against tomorrow for you shall eat flesh we'd say meat for you have wept in the ears of the lord saying who will give us meat to eat for it was well with us in egypt are you kidding me huh you didn't own the rags on your back you were treated like an animal you were overworked and underfed and it was well with you therefore the lord will give you meat and you shall eat you'll not eat one day or two days or five days or ten days or 20 days even a whole month till it comes out your nostrils you tell the lord is not happy with them well they're saying some stupid stuff and believing some wrong things it'll be loathsome to you because you have despised the lord which is among you and have wept before him saying why came we fourth out of egypt do you know the lord hears what we say he hears what we say and there's some things that he could hear that would please him there are some things he could hear that really displeases him and so words matter we want to watch what we say and how we think verse 21 moses said the people among whom i am are six hundred thousand footmen and he said it like that probably six hundred thousand that's not counting the women and children and the old people we're talking two or three million people here and you said i'm going to give them meat that they can eat a whole month shall the flocks and herds be slain for them we're going to kill and and slaughter every sheep and cow we've got to our name we are or shall all the fish of the sea be gathered together for them to suffice them what's what's going on here moses has been in the glory of god he's experienced god's awesome power he has seen and be been right in the middle of these great miracles of deliverance of god getting his people out of bondage but he's been immersed in this unbelieving group and it has rubbed off on him um all the complaining all the griping and so when god says i'm going to give you meat to eat i'm going to give you enough meat to feed you for a month and moses says really do you know how many people we're talking about huh i mean we're talking two or three million people here uh just the soldiers or six hundred thousand um where we gonna get meat to feed for a month are we going to slaughter all of our livestock and not have anything to go into the promised land are you going to get all the fish let me understand this is not how you talk to the almighty now we can't say anything to moses because have you ever slept huh don't keep your hand down have you ever have you ever had a day when you just weren't doing that hot and you're like where in the world am i going to get that i mean if i did this and i did that and i did the other that wouldn't be a drop in the bucket to take care of this you are forgetting who you're dealing with you are forgetting who your daddy is he is truly big daddy come on is that right he is he's the biggest big daddy who's ever been and when we say my daddy is bigger than your daddy if you ain't got him for a daddy that's the truth and the lord said to him verse 23 is the lord's hand waxed short you'll see now whether my word will come to pass to you or not and he did he flew fresh quail in without an airplane and fed everybody for weeks and weeks and jeremiah 32 17 says this you'd have to turn there but jeremiah 32 17 says ah lord god you have made the heaven and the earth by your great power and stretched out arm now think about that how how big is his arm is his power how far is his reach it's greater than the length of the universe because he made it he made the heavens and the earth by his stretched out arm i mean the better telescopes that we get and launch into space we see further than we've ever seen and what we find out is there's still more we haven't seen beyond where we can see is god's arm waxed short whoo we we really have no idea how far his arm and power reaches suffice it to say if he can stretch out the universe he can pay your light bill amen he can get you your apartment rent amen is that right he can get you caught up on your bills he is that right he can help you with whatever you got going on in your body your brain is it true is it true but we've got to not be infected and influenced negatively by all the unbelief that's round about us you listen to all this negativity and all this it'll never work and there's no way and we can't and and high in the world and where could it come from you listen to that night and day you'll get infected by it you'll get influenced by it just like moses did with these people he knew better than this but he's got he's allowed himself to be influenced by it no it went on to say there is nothing too hard for you come on say it out loud lord there is nothing hard for you oh come on say it again lord there is nothing too hard for you for you that includes anything going on in your life everything that you desire that you need nothing's too hard for the lord but don't now accept any ideas or thoughts or excuses you've got to watch about things like this yeah but with everything going on with covet and and all the shutdowns last year and all the stuff that's still going on no no we received the word from the lord here in uh greater faith on if you're here or not but the lord quickened us and he's brought it back to me multiple times since then that great things were going to happen in our camp this year this year and we're already seeing it i've already i've already had ministers contact us and and tell us this year things have already happened already happened this year but that's if you believe nothing's too hard for the lord if we get our eyes on all the reasons why it can't happen or we shouldn't expect it now well there you are you're stuck and the holy one of israel is limited in your life but say it again there is nothing too hard for the lord so you can get that thing this year you can pay off those things this year you can do those things you can do some great things even in this year amen somebody say so be it so so be it so be it let me give you the good reports of things that are going on uh if if you uh were here or you saw it we had brother danny gokey and his team come and minister there in branson and that went great and i had been the lord prompted me uh the day before he came to call him because the lord brought some things up on phyllis in my heart and so i called him and asked him what they had been believing for and what the lord was dealing with them about vision and the next steps and he didn't hesitate one of the first things he brought up was well he he said a tour bus and the sound system that's what they're believing for and when he said that it went off in me because the lord had already dealt with me about that bus and so if you were here you know we received an offering from there and here and online and then mentioned it again last sunday and we have had in excess of 200 000. come in on that tour bus and the thing that we had i had in our heart that we were to sow a significant seed that's a significant seed now that's not enough to pay for uh the whole thing of what they're looking at because we uh we believe the lord had said and he said the same thing either knew or like knew and so that's that's not enough to get there but we're still believing with them for the rest of that to come in and that significant seed has come in are you glad about that and you know everything produces every every seed produces after its own kind and i um we've already heard this more than once this year about vehicles coming in to the church families yes sir i could use a little more enthusiasm than that if you so if we sowed into them helping them to get top-notch new or like new of the best that they make then why shouldn't you and i reap a harvest of like kind new or like new of some of the best they make vehicles cars trucks tractors if you're small tricycle what whatever it is that you're believing for boat lawnmower vehicles yeah airplanes did i say boats yeah vehicles vehicles coming in in jesus name so uh also the ghost supply this week uh we not quite one to one but you know part of that whole friday we didn't sow into this we sowed into theirs and uh that's great because actually today after the service we're going uh we're going to texas i'll be ministering to ministers there and and the ability is is good we everything's covered we can go when how if and it doesn't cost the people we go to anything for us to come to them then the word supply very well supplied even with us sowing last friday uh we've got over one to one more than enough to cover everything that's going out and if you're visiting with us what this is is we don't charge for any of our materials cds dvds downloads printed materials music etc etc all of that is available to anybody anywhere on earth at no charge well it cost a lot to produce it every day how can you do it and not charge for it well because people like you word senders give to this and underwrite this so the go supply is well supplied and the word supply is well supplied and we got good seed in the ground and we got great things happening this year amen is that okay ushers wait on the people if you want to get involved in the offerings this morning by cash or by credit card raise your hand for cash giving credit card giving making out a check make it out to flc that means faith life church if you want to text something the instructions are on the screen there if you're watching online there's a button that's labeled sewing click on that and it'll lead you to the place to to be able to sew like that if you weren't here and you want to sow something into the tour bus you can just put tour bus that's for uh danny cokey's team and ministry if you want something in the go supplier word supply designate that if you don't designate that's great too because it can go anywhere that we need it goes to the general a substantial portion of the general goes outside our walls it goes to other churches and ministries these churches are tithing churches and giving churches and i'm so thankful for that and i think there's no coincidence that in doing that we are also completely debt-free all bills are paid every need is met this is the goodness of god this is the faithfulness of god but you know you you want to practice that same thing personally and in business how many think you should honor the lord in every part of your life and put the lord first in every part of your life including your finances amen and in the material things one fellow said he thought that if people were honest about how they were going to live afterwards that when they were baptized when they went down they should hold their wallet or purse up out of the water because they're not consecrating that part of their life to him but if you don't you only hurt yourself because it's not like you know god's not going to be able to get by without what you might do he will he'll be all right but but you need him in your business amen and that's how you open the door and allow him in fully is by you and i'm making the choice that we are going to put god's things number one first do you believe that yes well phyllis if you would please come and bring our offering and and uh actually i got it today don't okay that's unusual stand up if you would everybody and whether you're giving or not just stand and worship the lord with us and hold up your offering or hold up your hand say it out loud father god you are my source unlimited unfailing because the lord is my good shepherd i shall not want i shall not lack for any good thing but we always have abundance and plenty to give thank you for increasing us more and more us and our children for blessing us richly and making us a big blessing to a lot of people to your glory in jesus name father as you're under shepherds we speak over the people as they bring their things here and in branson and everybody joining us online in faith we say be enriched be increased be enlarged and advance higher and further in every good thing and the blessing of the lord be on you and yours until others around you see it and are drawn to him by it in jesus name amen oh somebody say thank you lord thank you lord what's going on in the faith life family we're getting our buildings our lands our houses our vehicles and our equipments everything we need to do everything we need to do and do it on a high level after a godly sort that's a good witness what else is going on all of our debts are being reduced and eliminated i claim extra coming in out of this world out of my heavenly accounts and i'm paying everything off quickly the lord's bringing us into the best shape of our lives thus far what else is going on he's bringing into my hands seed even some great big whopper chunk seed our seed is our future and so we're expecting more and more seed even some big seeds and we'll sow them say it out loud i'll sow them wherever the lord shows me now what happens after you sow seeds and you sow big seeds but then you reap harvest and you reap some big harvest can you say amen you can be seated i should wait on the people okay according to his word if we ask will he give good thanks to us how much more good things and faith according to his word if we ask that the name of his son how much how much more how much more how much more a lot more father we thank you so much for how big and how wonderful you are how glorious you are and how generous and gracious you are with us your family we agree together today asking you for utterance and the anointing that teaches and reveals and guides us into all truth brings to our remembrance and shows us even things to come we ask you for answers and help for right now and for every one of us eyes ears hearts minds to see hear and understand and receive and we purpose not to be hearers only forgetful hearers but to be doers those who implement put into practice what you show us and we thank you in advance for watching over your word and performing it in our lives thank you for goodness and blessing thank you for all your help in jesus name amen praise god you can be seated but we have a lot to be thankful for don't we so much so much if you would look with me at uh ephesians the fourth chapter ephesians chapter four when i've been with you uh we've been on this topic for a number of weeks now i think we're over 20 sessions now into this hadn't been able to find a place to stop on this quite but that's all right right that's all right that's the great thing about uh having our own family in church is we can just go to we get through and appreciate all the ministry that brother dave vaughn has done brother tom and others a lot of good things have come out in that as well don't you appreciate them let's continue today on this ephesians 4 we the title of our series is no place for the devil how many think that's a good idea in ephesians 4 and uh let's look in i'm reading out of the cev the complete english version i might not have said that right cev is the initials anyway it says we are part of the same this is ephesians 4 25 read whatever you've got there stop lying and start telling each other the truth that's a good idea don't get so angry that you sin don't go to bed angry and don't give the devil a chance instead of saying place or room um god's word translation verse 26 says don't verse 27 rather don't give the devil any opportunity to work and so we see that he mentioned in these few verses here he mentioned lying that gives place to the devil he mentioned being angry to the point of sinning that gives place to the devil and he mentioned in the verse after this stealing that gives place to the devil so we know those are three ways that you can give place to the enemy and he's writing to christians the saints in the church at ephesus so can a christian give place to the devil obviously in first peter 5 and 8 first peter 5 and 8 says be sober be vigilant because your adversary the devil and this this word adversary is actually a definition of the word satan whether you're talking about in the hebrew or also in the in the greek uh the devil is the enemy he is the adversary the one who is opposed against you you do have an enemy and it's the devil and his cohorts and that's what he's saying don't act like you don't have an enemy you need to be awake you need to be watchful not not scared not fearful but just aware because your adversary your opponent your enemy the devil as a roaring lion walks about seeking whom he may devour so the devil is real he's he's spirit not flesh not material and that's one of the big things that's that's why people even those who consider themselves to be brilliant with multiple degrees and what have you that don't believe in god they don't believe in the devil they don't believe in heaven and hell and all this one of their biggest problems is they don't acknowledge there's another dimension there's another realm besides the physical realm many of the top scientists and researchers in physics acknowledge this they say the math proves it they say other things prove there is another dimension besides what we can see and feel well that's what the bible has told us all along there's another dimension beside and if you say well if i can't see it and i can't touch it and i can't hear it if i can't perceive it with my physical five senses it doesn't exist you're not that dumb what do you mean then you don't believe in thought right you can't see a thought under a microscope you can't touch it with your head you can't smell it you can't feel it you don't believe in emotions you know this is not true any thinking honest person realizes there's a dimension that is unseen amen and it's existing parallel with us and in this realm is god angels the devil evil spirits and all the people who have already died and left the earth they still exist because they're spirits now they are not hanging around haunting places because well i know what i saw no no i'm telling you there are bad spirits on the earth and there are familiar spirits who imitate people who have lived and pretend to be people and that's where people get all these these wrong concepts and ideas about reincarnation about uh you know people who are dead still being around and all that kind of stuff no no if you saw something you heard something it was wrong spirits uh trying to deceive you and trick you and you don't need to be afraid of them now if you are not a believer then you got calls for fear you need to come on in you need to get saved because if you're not a believer you've got no authority you go against this stuff you got no protection against this stuff you are vulnerable you are exposed you need to be born again but when you are born again we've been studying for weeks now we got the whole armor of god yes sir right and the enemy far as we're concerned has been defeated and we don't have to have any fear of him but we do have to realize that he's trying to cause us problems all the time and we must resist everybody say resist we must resist him when he comes to fool us to trick us to deceive us to tempt us to bring fear to bring doubt all the stuff that he does we must steadfastly resist that because if we give in if we give into it if we give place to the devil there will be stealing and killing and destroying in our life when it should not be are you okay church can you can you see this so far he said be sober be vigilant because your adversary of the devil as a roaring lion walks about seeking whom he may devour whom resist steadfast in the faith knowing the same afflictions are accomplished in your brethren that are in the world go please now to james the fourth chapter now we've already covered a lot of ground on these verses and on this subject like i said some 20 sessions or so so if you have not been with us i encourage you go online watch it listen to it it won't cost you anything there's no charge but uh the word gets in you as you open yourself up to it and it will push out the fear of these things and it will it will cause your faith to rise up so that you can dominate uh these wrong things instead of them dominating you in james 4 and 7 he said submit yourselves therefore to god resist the devil and he will flee from you there is a devil he's your enemy he hates you he's trying to hurt you he and all his cohorts but you don't have to let him do what he wants to do and when he said he goes about as a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour that reveals he cannot just destroy whoever he wants to destroy he's looking to see who he can devour destroy so that means he can't just do it when and where he wants to he's got to he's looking for opportunities he's looking for people who don't know who they are in christ he's looking for people that listen to his lies he's looking for people that won't resist him he's looking for people that won't submit to god are y'all with me these are the two big things he tells us and notice he starts out with submit yourself to god a lot of times christians that know some of these things they have cut this verse in half and they'll quote resist the devil and he'll flee from you but that's not the whole verse it doesn't start with that it starts with submission to god the waste translation says it like this in verse 7 be subject with implicit obedience to god how many think that's a good idea be subject to god with implicit obedience and then stand immovable against the onset of the devil and he'll flee from you draw near to god he'll draw near to you submission to god is a big part of this we we must not ignore this we were there in ephesians if you would look back go back with me to ephesians i believe it's the second chapter yeah second chapter and verse 1 i'm reading this out of the niv ephesians 2 1 he said as for you you were dead in your transgressions and sins verse 2 in which you used to live when you followed the ways of this world and the ruler of the kingdom of the air now we saw this in ephesians as well in the sixth chapter in this same book that we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities against powers against the rulers of the darkness of this world against spiritual wicked spirits in the heavenlies there is a realm of spirit and especially uh people who are in authority kings prime ministers presidents governors even mayors etc wrong spirits are doing everything they can to influence these leaders because satan is the god of this world second corinthians 4 4 and that's how he governs and rules it is through people that'll yield to him and this is one of the big reasons we are told pray for those who are in authority that we might lead a a peace peaceful and a godly life well when you see chaos and you see killing stealing and destroying that's not the will of god that's the enemy having his way in the earth and he's doing it through people and so here he says the uh the ruler of the kingdom of the air this is unseen the spirit who is now at work in those who are disobedient now you you know this is true there is a spirit working disobedience throughout this entire earth there is influence there's push i mean you see little ones can't even talk yet is that right and something is trying to influence them when you tell them what to do for them to say what no no and and people think that's funny and i understand that but it won't be funny when they're 16. the spirit of disobedience is the spirit of defiance is the spirit of rebellion this is what the devil himself has done and continues to do against god he rebelled against god and he convinced others other spirit spirit beings to follow him and now he is doing this throughout the whole earth that's what he did with adam and eve he didn't just do it to say goody goody i got you now he wanted control of the earth and god didn't give him control of the earth he gave that to man human beings and so the devil knew he couldn't get it any other way except deceiving man and getting man adam and eve to yield to him and give it to him when jesus was tempted you remember in the wilderness those 40 days and nights one of the temptations was that the enemy took him up and showed him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time well the only way you could have done that was in the spirit right but he showed him and the devil told jesus all this has been delivered to me the devil told jesus this and he said i'll give it to you if you'll fall down and worship me thank god jesus said you worship the lord your god and him only shall you worship get behind me hallelujah did jesus resist the enemy yeah and he left him in fact right after that it said he left the enemy left for a season why he ran out of things to do he didn't know what else to do this had worked on every other human being it didn't work on jesus but did you hear that all this is given to me the devil said now i've heard people say well that ain't true you know the devil's a liar jesus would have known by the spirit if this wasn't true and if it wasn't true it wouldn't have been a temptation that's right yet the bible calls it a temptation and the lord didn't tell him you're a liar this is not true he is a liar but who gave it to him our parents gave it to him and we can't find fault with them because what they did was they missed it and sinned all of us have missed it and sinned proving we'd have done the same thing well keep moving along here there's a spirit of disobedience now the scripture tells us something about jesus that is just so amazing i want to i want us to look at it in john 14 if you'd go there verse 30 are you believing with me i appreciate it john 14 30 right before jesus finished you know his earthly life here and accomplished what he did on the cross for us jesus said hereafter i will not talk much with you for the prince of this world is coming who's he talking about well we just got through saying that ii corinthians 4 4 refers to satan as the god of this world that's why it is so wrong to attribute everything that's happening on earth to god that's so wrong and say and people think it sounds like you're showing respect and submission when you say god is in control well what do you mean by that if you mean ultimately that god's plan is going to be accomplished yes but if you mean everything that's happening on the planet is god no not even cloaks or that everything is happening on the planet is the will of god not even close no there's there are other beings at work that are not good they're evil they're god's enemy and they're our enemy and what they're doing is not pleasing to god it's not his will it's not his plan he's allowing it for a short season he said hereafter i won't talk much with you for the prince of this world is coming he's talking about the devil now get this next phrase and he has nothing in me say that out loud he has nothing in me he has nothing in me say it again he has nothing in me jesus went his whole childhood his entire adult life on the earth his entire ministry and never gave any place to the devil thank you lord he's my hero is he your hero this is amazing now i can't say that and you can't say that that's right we've given place we we've listened to things we shouldn't have listened to said and done things we shouldn't have said and done and that's another way of saying we've sinned and by jesus never giving any place that coincides with him never sinning can you see that yes but my question is how did he do it you interested in this at all how did he do it now don't get tripped up and go well he he's the son of god he is but he's not operating as god he was functioning as a man anointed with the spirit and the scripture tells us that he became philippians as he became like other men well if he's operating in omniscience knowing everything and omnipotence all power is god i can't relate to that right that's not how i function right he's not like me but that's not what the scripture says so he's functioning as a man and he did what he did with no unfair advantage over us he did it as a human being amen is this amazing or is this amazing proven that it could be done and he is actually the standard by which we will be judged because he did it as a man and you don't want to say well that's humanly impossible you better look at jesus because if he did it it's possible amen and he did it as a man but how did he do it how is it that he never gave place to the devil the reason i'm talking about it we can see one of the things that he did we know that he always resisted the devil when he came we just got through talking about that in the wilderness temptation did he resist the enemy at every juncture he resisted him with the word he was full of the word even though he was the word that's interesting and he was full of the spirit and this is also a point here the more full of god you are the less room there is for the enemy come on can you see that we we need to be read up prayed up praised up amen worshipped up yes you see what i'm saying filled up with god and there's less opportunity amen for our opportunity or space for the enemy we know jesus always resisted the devil and therefore didn't give him any place he resisted every temptation even in the garden when blood was coming out of his pores and he was tempted not to go through with it you might say well in the world would you say that brother because he said it jesus said he said father all things are possible with you and if it's possible let this cup pass from me so he he is is seeing what he's about to experience and he personally is not wanting to do it and yet he says nevertheless not my will but your will be done we see complete submission to god i'm saying this is a big factor in how jesus never gave place to the devil he was every day of his life completely submitted to the father everybody say completely submitted completely completely submitted i'm going to read a couple of verses to you to verify that john 6 38 jesus said i came down from heaven not to do my own will but the will of him that sent me jesus every day of his life didn't get up thinking about what do i want to do what do i want what's my dream what's my personal goals no he he woke up and said father what do you want me to do today come on can you see this and this is the only key to real happiness and fulfillment you chase your dreams you chase to find your personal identification and fulfillment you'll be miserable you will be disappointed over and over again because that's not what you were made to be that's not what you were made to do you were made to please him amen that's what you were made to do that's the only place we will find ultimate fulfillment is in fulfilling the complete will of god that's the only thing the only thing that's going to make you totally happy and satisfied is doing his will which is why there are so many unhappy people around including in church because they're seeking other things jesus didn't john 8 28 john 8 28 jesus said when you've lifted up the son of man you'll know that i am he and i do nothing of myself but as my father taught me i speak these things in 1249 he said i have not spoken of myself but the father gave me what i should say and what i should speak he said i do nothing of myself i don't say anything of myself i didn't come here to do what i want he was and is completely submitted to god the father can you see that and that is a huge part of giving the enemy no place no place go with me to the book of genesis now we have specific instances and detail given where people gave place to the devil and exactly when they did it and how they did it and we've touched on some of this before in the study but i believe we need to look at it again and parts of it that we didn't the first instance we see of human beings giving place to the devil is in genesis with adam and eve genesis 3 genesis 3 and 13 the lord god said to the woman what have you done after they had fallen the woman said the serpent beguiled me and i did eat listen to young's literal translation it says that she said the serpent has caused me to forget and i do eat now the scripture said that eve was deceived but that doesn't mean she didn't know anything she's brilliant she did buy in to the lies the devil was telling her about what this uh knowledge of good and evil was going to do for her but she was crystal clear that she was commanded of the lord not to partake of it she knew that and she had to turn loose of that to do the sin can you see that what i'm talking about is exactly when did the devil get in exactly when well they shouldn't have been hanging out there around the tree right but even at that point they could have they could have walked away right and they shouldn't have been listening to the devil talk to them about how amazing the fruit of knowledge of good and evil is and what it would do for you but they still could have walked away couldn't they yeah adam could have done more couldn't he he could have come over and got eve by the hand and said come on let's go huh right the father told us you know we he commanded us not to eat of the fruit of this tree they knew that she knew it he knew it now james has said to him that knows to do good and does it not to him it is sin and you could say this that sin is violation of light and the reason i'm saying that is because this is how the enemy gets in yes it's when we sin but what's going on there it's when you reject light when you violate light that action gives immediate access to the devil in your life that's when it happens and that's why it's so serious you can't fool god about what you know and what you don't know you might pretend with other people but and then the enemy sees a lot of times the enemy the enemy heard god tell them that he was hanging around so he knew that they knew and we're clear on what god told them don't eat of the fruit and that's what he hits did you notice it was not in any of uh over the other hundred thousand areas the enemy could have tried to be tempting or bothering them with what did he go straight for the one thing the lord commanded him not to do and it was when there was a point where it says when eve saw the tree was good to look at and imagine that it must be amazing to taste and imagine what's what it's going to do for me it's going to take me to another level it's going to make me godlike that at that point she decided to ignore god is everybody awake she decided to ignore what he told her in adam and the bible said adam wasn't deceived that's almost worse he's standing over there not saying a word not doing anything and he knows this is wrong and at that point she decides she didn't say it i don't guess but you could say she said i know what god said but i'm ignoring that i'm rejecting that i'm going to do it anyway and that's when the devil got in can you see this friend go with me to the next example the fourth chapter of genesis and you see the same thing with cain there's a very few human beings on the planet very very few and the enemy is able to convince one of them to murder the other brothers how did this happen we know the devil got in right murder we know it what does he want to do whether it's one person or a million he's a murderer he wants to steal he wants to rob he wants to kill and murder he wants to destroy devour destroy that's the devil he's evil but how did this happen you know the story genesis 4 cain and abel were brothers cain's the elder and he's a farmer he brings some of his produce as an offering to the lord we know he didn't do it in faith cain didn't do it in faith because hebrews 11 contrasts and says that abel did it in faith revealing cain must not have well we we know that's uh the issue because god wasn't pleased with it and what's it impossible to please him with that faith so abel brings the best he has of the fat and the best and and the father was pleased with abel's offering and accepted it but he was displeased with cain's offering and did not accept it now for people who scoff and mock about offerings and try to say well god don't care about all those things you have not read the bible the first murder on the planet was over an offering it's a big deal because offerings reveal hearts that's why it's such a big deal if you don't want to give an offering or you just play with it and you're well off and you throw two dollars in that shows you got heart issues kingdom things are not important to you god's not important to you and if you get mad if anybody brings it up it's just showing you've got a problem but if you love god you want to put his things first you want to see as things go you're willing to give you're glad to give you're willing to sacrifice is it true it was true then still true now but notice in verse 7. i'm reading young's literal translation again god is talking to cain because the bible said when when god didn't receive cain's offering cain's countenance fell and he got mad he became depressed and enraged this is the devil did you notice in ephesians talking about not giving place to the devil don't let that rage sit on you don't don't let it stay past the sun going down this is how the devil got in with cain depression and anger in our society people think it's to be pitied and comforted and medicated but as believers we're missing god if we yield to depression and anger and bitterness we're actually giving place to the enemy unbelievers don't know any better they got no authority to deal with it anyway but but we do are you a believer are you a child of god do you have to be depressed no do you have to stay enraged and bitter no no you don't not one more minute amen but it's our choice i said it's our choice and if you say you can't help it you're believing a lie if you really can't help it you need to get born again i'm born again well then you can help it here then this is amazing cain's mad he's mad at god for not accepting his offering he's mad at abel for showing him up he's mad he's hurt he's depressed and god the father comes to him directly to help him can you see this this is astounding amen god the father i don't mean through an angel i don't mean through a preacher or a concerned brother or sister the almighty the creator of the heavens and earth comes to cain it says cain son listen now if you do well i will accept you is he telling him we can fix this huh is he the almighty he's saying if you'll do the right thing here i'll accept you we can get this fixed but if you don't do well at the opening you see why i wanted to use the young's literal here see we're talking about how does the devil get in huh he's revealing to him at the opening a sin offering is crouching now this is young's literal of the translation say sin and of course who's behind it we know the devil and unto you it's desire and you rule over it let me read this to you from another translation the cev again the cev now you gotta remember who's talking here the father himself is trying to help cain who's mad who's bitter who's depressed and he says cain if you'd done the right thing this one says you'd be smiling but you did the wrong thing and now sin is waiting to attack you like a lion and the reason it says that is because the hebrew there is crouching does that sound like he's going about as a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour it's the same thing and that's all the way back here in genesis god hadn't changed human nature hadn't changed the devil hadn't changed temptation hasn't changed faith hasn't changed what has changed is our covenant but all these spiritual things they've been the same longer than we know anything about and they'll continue to be the same but he said it's it's crouching there at the door at the opening can you see this it wants to destroy you don't let it don't let it in now here is something amazing the the next verse basically says that cain went and talked to his brother and said let's go let's go for a walk and as they talked he rose up against him and and cut his throat murdered him right there this shows you that even if god himself pleads with you that doesn't mean you will change if god himself pleads with you you still got a free will and what was happening here was this this was cain's last opportunity to repent before he went too far i'm not saying he couldn't have repented afterwards but it had been too late to prevent the murder we saw last week repentance is a gift it's the gift of god when cain got so upset because god didn't receive his offering was it too late was it too could he have repented right then and said what's wrong with me i if i got to be honest with myself i just grabbed that and ran out the door with it my heart wasn't in it could he have been honest could have repented and even after he had filmed for days and was so mad at abel was it too late was it too late could he have repented he could have repented he could have said abel hadn't done anything wrong to me abel wasn't thinking about me when he went and picked out the best he had and took it to god he just loves god and abel is not my problem abel didn't do anything against me he could have repented and even at the end what an opportunity when the creator of the heavens and earth himself the almighty comes to you and said listen son you can get this right you do the right thing i'll accept your offering but you got to watch it something evil is right here at the opening in the door it's crouching it's trying to get in you better master this thing could he have repented right there could could he have said oh father forgive me forgive me forgive me i repent right now and that'll be the end of it but there was a time when it was his last opportunity to repent and that's as serious as it gets for every human being on the planet that hasn't received jesus there's coming a time that is their last opportunity to repent and when you reject that that's when the enemy gets in can you see something happened after god talked to him like he did and he still after the conversation he still just like eve he decided to reject what god told him and he's going to stay mad anyway and that's when the devil that's when the devil got in and he yielded to this murderous rage and killed his own brother go with me if you would to the book of luke can you take a little bit more it's not because he didn't know enough it's not because he was too weak it was because he made a choice he's not going to listen to what god's telling him in luke 22. let's see that's that's the wrong one i'm not quite there yet um john 13 is actually where i want you to go right now you know this is exactly what happened with ananias and sapphira and this is new testament this is after the new birth this is after being filled with the spirit ananias and sapphira everything leads us to think that they had been born again that they'd been filled with the spirit and that they are part of the church there and yet they cared too much about the money they wanted to be big shots in front of people but they didn't want to do what other people that had a full heart for god were doing and so they said they were giving all the proceeds of something they had sold into the church and the work of god but they weren't they were they were holding back part of it and it wasn't that they kept back part of it is that they were lied about it and said they were giving it up it'd have been fine if they wanted to give half of it but don't say you're doing at all and you remember the story in the book of acts when ananias came and his wife wasn't with him at first and what did the spirit of god say to him through peter basically you know did you sell the property for so much he said yeah that's right and he says how is it that satan has filled your heart to lie to the holy ghost and why would the lord say to him at this juncture how much did you sell it for what happened here what's he doing is he giving him another opportunity to repent come on can you see this because he's in danger he's in trouble here he don't know how much trouble he's in but when he brazenly in front of god in front of peter in front of the whole church when he goes yeah that's right that's exactly the right number man the guy felt dead and when his wife comes cruising in sometime later doesn't even know what's happened and this is amazing they've already buried her husband's body and she doesn't even know he's dead and she comes cruising in and peter says to her did you sell this property to give money into the church yeah we did how much did you sell it for exactly how many understand if we'd have been there and we could have known we could have pulled inside be very careful how you answer this question was this why is that why is the lord doing this why didn't she just fall dead where she was or when she walked in the church why another opportunity come on can you see this an opportunity to repent was it too late for her to repent it was not what if she'd said i am so sorry we said that but that's a lie no would it have been a different story would it have been a different outcome you know it would because the lord is so merciful i'm talking about when does the devil get in what is the point in john 13 and i think i'm closing i know some of this is uh sobering it doesn't make you want to laugh but some things are just serious but it is how it is and what can we gain from this we should gain how merciful god is and how good and kind he is and we should also make up in our heart and mind i am going to be quick to repent is that right if i see that i've missed it if i see that i've done wrong and if god how many understand it's so important that we recognize when god is speaking to us now it should have been obvious to cain god's talking to him in person i don't think he saw him necessarily but he's probably saw something in the glory he heard him he saw him he knew god's talking to him but you understand god speaks to us today too but he speaks to us through his word he's talking to us right now he speaks to us through his spirit he speaks to us through other people and when god speaks to us and we understand it it's a dangerous thing if we then go well i don't care what he says i made up my mind i'm going to that's what eve did and adam followed right in that's what cain did come on can you see this that's what ananias and sapphira did they knew better and that's when the enemy got in in in john 13 this is one of the most clear instances too john 13 1 now before the feast of the passover when jesus knew that his hour was come that he should depart out of this world of the father having loved his own which were in the world he loved them to the end that's jesus amen pure love always supper being ended the devil having now put into the heart of judas iscariot simon's son to betray him so we know specifically where the idea came from to go to the priests and see about getting paid money to betray jesus that came straight from the enemy the devil brought that to judas now did judas have to receive it no could he have resisted it yeah but he didn't he didn't he put it in judah's heart and mind to betray jesus and uh skip on down to verse 21 for time's sake jesus knowing excuse me uh when jesus had said this he was troubled in spirit and he's got all the the apostles there sitting with him that he selected he said verily verily i say to you one of you shall betray me now that's when things get awkward feeling there's only you know what 13 of us at the table here right and the master and and he doesn't just say random foolish things he looked around at him and he said verily verily every word he said was true but when he prefaces it with this i say to you one of you one of the twelve will betray me and uh he said the son of man excuse me let's see i skipped down too far the disciples looked one on another doubting now that we'd say wondering of whom he spoke so it got quiet i'm sure you could feel some tension in the room and they're looking around i mean there's only 12 of us here right is it peter is it james is it john is it thomas who is it so they're looking at each other trying to figure out without saying anything who is it verse 23 there was leaning on jesus bosom one of his disciples whom jesus loved he's the one that wrote this john sounds like phyllis i'm his favorite i'm the one he loves and peter beckons to john whose head is right there on jesus shoulder and says ask him who it is ask him peter wants some inside information and verse 25 he lying on jesus breath said lord who is it who is it jesus said he it is to whom i shall give a sob now if you look at a matthew's account matthew 26 22 it said they were exceeding sorrowful when he told them this and every one of them began to say to him lord is it me you got to put all the accounts together to see the whole picture but every one of them didn't begin to say what is it me first of all they won't know who it is and then they can't figure it out and so they begin to say is it me is it me judas said is it me too and the lord said to him you have said it when judah said is it me he said you said it but notice in john jesus also had said this it's the one i'll give sop now sop is a piece of bread dipped in the oil be like eating an olive garden and put your bread stick in there he said it's the one that i'm gonna dip the breadstick in and give it to when he had dipped it the piece of bread he gave it to judas iscariot the son of simon verse 27 are you looking here and judas received it after the sop satan entered into him now earlier the enemy hadn't got into him the enemy brought this thought and plan to him to his mind and he accepted it and he acted on it but notice exactly when the devil got in let's just back it up a little bit when jesus said one of you is going to betray me was it too late come on help me out was it too late no could judas have even leaned over and said jesus i got to talk to you can i talk to you maybe in private huh was it too late it was not too late it was not too late when different ones begin to say is it me is it me and judah said is it me he knew it was him right is it me and jesus said you said it was it too late come on help me out was it too late now the the significance of the the bread and dipped in the oil this is a personal gesture of love this is the master hand feeding you come on can you see this this is this is an act of tenderness this is not how you treat somebody who's trying to kill you naturally and what was so grievous about it is judas took it okay come on can you see this in such blatant hypocrisy and lying he took it and ate it up like nothing was wrong come on can you see that and that was when the devil entered into it got in him and then at this point he's so motivated by this he can't wait and and he just he's seething to get out of here and set this evil stuff in motion and that's why jesus looked at him and said what you gonna do do get out of here and so he got up and left and the other guys didn't know they still didn't know they thought he had to bag he had the money maybe he's going out to give something to the poor because they did that obviously often enough for them to think this is just a regular thing there was opportunity after opportunity after opportunity wasn't there and god's that way with you he's that way with me right and if jesus never rejected what the father told him can you see that never and jesus never failed to resist the enemy never and so jesus never gave any place to the devil and at the end of his earthly life before he left here he could say don't you know that's a satisfying thing to say he could say the prince of this world's coming he's got all this evil stuff planned but he has nothing in me he couldn't get him to ignore the father he couldn't get him to give in and not resist him that's our example amen i said that's our example come on say it out loud he's my example that's my example jesus is my example but can you see just as important in fact it precedes it as resisting the enemy when he comes is completely submitting yourself can you see that completely submitting yourself to his will his way his words his plans and when he talks to you if he says don't eat of that fruit you're going that's it that is the word that's the beginning and the end we're not considering anything else we're never rejecting that word well if he talks to you like he did cain and says quit being mad you can get this right repent you go okay that's it i'm no longer forget that i'm going to get this right you take that opportunity and so then the devil never gets in where you're concerned amen hallelujah stand on your feet everybody instead of yielding oneself to wrong things we can yield ourself to the holy spirit let's sing that yield yourself everybody everybody i'm gonna heal myself i will let you off the workers would you come to the front hallelujah brother rob would you come and lead us anybody that needs to receive the master hallelujah glory to god didn't he good to us always gives us a way out and if you're here and you just heard that what he did to judas knowing he was going to deceive him and to and to betray him gave him chance after chance today if you're here and you're in the sound of my voice you're in branson you're watching online god may be tugging at your heart saying i'm giving you another chance so if you would raise your hand let's pray a prayer and you affirm or reaffirm ask him to forgive you to come into your heart praise the lord he's going to give you another chance glory to god pray this after me father god i thank you for this word and i thank you for multiple opportunities for your mercy and i ask you to forgive me i believe in jesus i believe he paid my full debt and i ask you to come into my life to change my life and as you help me i will serve you all of my days thank you for saving me glory to god if you prayed that for the first time or maybe you just came back to god or you just got forgiven there's a new joy in your heart right now you're free right now everything all that darkness all that heaviness just left you and you need to shout with somebody so you call the number on the screen or you come up here as everybody goes out don't leave rejoice come up let us know we're rejoicing with you right now just knowing god loves you enough to give you another chance glory to god they're going to sing we're going to be dismissed we love you all god me me the holy spirit me me so you
Channel: Faith Life Church - Keith Moore
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Id: 1DaHArRspR0
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Length: 136min 33sec (8193 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 28 2021
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