“Preaching From Two Dimensions”

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] good morning beloveds welcome once again to the little baptist church webpage connection we hope and trust that you will enjoy the worship experience this morning and we welcome you to tune in and be a part of us each and every time we come your way we pray that you'll be blessed and uplifted from this experience on today thank you and a very pleasant good morning to each and every one of you my beloveds all my beloved members of the living missionary baptist church here in montgomery alabama alabama's capital city and to all of you our brothers and sisters who are able to join us this morning by way of the world wide web we greet you as always in the blessed name of our lord and savior jesus christ and his holiness god our father and as always we invite the holy spirit to guide us that direct us as we seek to lift up the mighty name of our lord and savior jesus the christ as we come this morning we hope to bring to you what i would call a double blessing from the lord we are blessed to have two of our associate ministers to share the word of god through preaching and we have invited them to be used by the lord on today first we will have associate minister e.k jackson who was recently licensed as a minister here at the liberty baptist church i think back in the month of march and we are asking the lord to bless her now she comes before us with her second sermon and following associate minister jackson we will have our second associate minister miracle a woods who would also bring god's holy word we thought we would do this this morning because today will represent the last sunday before associate minister woods uh take it to herself a husband and she will be getting married in a few days and of course we want to encourage her through preaching and with this what i call the pre-wedding sermon as well as her farewell ceremony that she will be joining her husband and his church membership in craft bill alabama so we're looking forward to a another dose of the holy ghost if you will and we invite you to share with us and to agree with us and to thank god for this day that we are blessed to have and to see and to behold and as always we invite you to join us and watch god change things amen [Music] this morning [Music] i don't know i didn't have no doubt i just [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] i love the lord he heard my cry [Music] is [Music] hey [Applause] peace [Music] [Applause] rise [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Applause] to his [Music] [Applause] throne two i love the lord he bowed his is [Music] [Music] and chase my grease away and chase my oh is [Music] [Music] no more [Music] wow [Music] hey [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] um um [Music] oh [Music] a very pleasant and good morning to each and every one of you i give praise and honor to the only wise true and living god jesus the christ i honor the angel of this house my spiritual advisor pastor jordan and to all those who believe in the death burial and resurrection of our lord and savior let us go to the throne of grace spirit of the living god yes sir do what you do bless us heal us and save us yes anoint sanctify your cleanse us do what you do god renew restore redeem revive remind us that you are our waymaker our miracle worker promise keeper [Music] make us whole as only you can lord forgive move in this place today and be ever so careful to give you praise honor and glory yeah we call it dawn in jesus name it is so and so it is amen i won't be before you alone so if you help me i want to speak briefly using as a subject topic when he calls me i will answer all right when he calls me i will answer the scripture topic comes from the book of exodus chapter 3 verse 4 and when the lord saw that he moses turned aside to see god called him out of the midst of the bush and said moses moses and moses save it here am i all right recently i read a social media post admonishing one who had acknowledged his or her call to the ministry to stop telling everybody about your calling as your call is not a conference call let me say that again your call is not a conference call everybody may not join in the call with you meaning they may not be happy for or with you however my question is jesus is calling all right do you answer the call let it go to voicemail answering it later or do you put the call on hold meaning you ignore your calling and not answer god here here in the text moses was tending his father-in-law's sheep in the desert the desert being a dry and lonely place with no one else around he thought the son was playing tricks on him and messing with his mind when he saw a burning bush and heard a voice speaking to him when the lord called moses he had one excuse after the other as to why he could not answer his call putting the call on hope god told him to go to pharaoh moses questioned god and said who am i to go to such a man as the king then he reasoned with god that the people of israel would not believe he was sent by god saying because they will want to know who sent you what is his name moses asked god then what another excuse moses had was that he was not an eloquent speaker and that in fact he stuttered in his speech as if god didn't know this already he knows everything about us down to the number of hairs on our head he knew us before we were formed in our mother's womb here moses is trying to not answer god's call he told god that people will not believe him and would not listen to him you know how we do she been called he been called to preach i remember when all right whatever that win might be whether it was she was a bar hunter he was a womanizer he was a drunk she stayed out all night that's the win whatever the win might be you are never too old or too young to receive god's call to serve no matter what the service is do it to the best of your ability be the best of whatever you are if you can't be a pine on the top of the hill be a scrub in the valley but be the best little scrub by the side of the reel be a bush if you can't be a tree all right if you can't be a bush be a bit of the grass and some highway happier lake if you can't be a muskie then just be a bass but be the liveliest bass in the lake all right we can't all be captains we've got to be crude there's something for all of us to do there's big work to do and there's lesser to do and the task you must do is the near yeah if you can't be a highway then just be a trail if you can't be the son be a star it isn't by the size that you win or fail be the best of whatever you are yes sir moses was 80 years old when he answered the call of god abraham was 75 years old when god called him to leave his home and settled in cana and because he was obedient god promised abraham many descendants and land that he could see in every direction all right god assured him that if he walked upright he would make him father of many nations abraham was obedient to the point he was willing to sacrifice his son isaac by killing him genesis 22 11 and 12. but he answered god's call when he called him one account says noah was 500 years old when he answered god's call to build an ark for the preservation of the creation of the next generation of man noah was a man who drank to the point of intoxication he thought he could not do what god had wanted him to do he answered god's call and was sober enough to build the heart saul on the damascus road heard the voice of god telling him to go into the city of damascus where ananias would meet him and lay hands on him thereby receiving his sight he answered god's call god called jacob in a night vision genesis 46-2 samuel was a young child about 11 years old when he heard the voice of god calling him he thought it was his father eli calling him his father said no not i but is god calling you go back to sleep and when he calls again say here am i all right and this is what he did have you ever heard someone calling your name you answered you went to that person and asked if they had called you and they said no some of us have been taught when this happens it's the devil calling you and you should say get me behind satan all right so how do you know when god is calling you john 20 and 27 tells us the sheep knows the shepherd's voice he knows us and wants us to follow him so when you hear that voice instead of saying satan get me behind me saying statement here am i there's a song that says when he calls me i will answer i'll be somewhere listening for my name somewhere listening for my name if i sing right he will hear me if i pray right he will hear me and when he calls me i will answer i will be somewhere listening for my name god has room for you and for me he says in his word the harvest is plentiful but the laborers are few won't you be a laborer for god he can use you in the church house in the white house in the schoolhouse and even your house to tell some man woman boy and girl that jesus christ is the way the truth and the light no man comes to the father except through him here alive appears in the bible over 300 times from genesis to revelation can't one time you say here am i god is calling me and you will you answer the call here lie or do you let it go to voicemail or do you put it on hold all right he that happened here let it heal amen amen and amen amen [Music] [Music] like a river attended my way when taro's [Music] [Music] whatever my love [Music] it is well [Applause] of this glorious thought [Music] my sin not in heart but in a world [Music] [Music] [Applause] no praise the lord praise the lord for my soul [Music] and lord haste the day when my face shall be sight the clouds shall my soul is my soul [Music] good morning good morning i do give honor to god and to pastor jordan for another preaching opportunity for it is truly humbling to be a vessel of the lord's word i pray this word be a blessing and activate something afresh that on the inside of you before i pray the subject for the sermon is it's a new season it's a new day all right it's a new season gracious and eternal god i thank you for this day i thank you for this moment and i pray right now in the name of jesus lord that you come and you do what you do best that you come god and you saturate me decrease my flesh by the god that your spirit may rise in the name of jesus father let this word go out as you intended it to do to serve the devil notice oh god that it is a new season and it is a new day god has thank you for every listening ear every receiving eye and every open spirit father we give you glory and we give you praise i thank you lord because you're about to do something amazing something wonderful the exceeding and the abundant above all that i could ever ask or think of you so i come now god knowing decreeing and believing it is so because the grass is [Music] amen amen the text for this sermon is isaiah 43 19 part 8 now this text this scripture says behold i would do a new thing now it shall spring forth shall ye not know it behold i will do a new thing now it shall spring forth shall ye not know it all right this text in this sermon is what i would like to call a full circle prophetic moment for me all right when i started preaching 10 years ago he led me to isaiah and as i leave this word with you embarking on a new phase of my journey he led me right back to isaiah this time to that particular verse that says i will do a new thing now it shall spring forth shall ye not know it oh it's a new season and it's a new day all right by the end of this message i will be a new wife setting off for this next phase of life and ministry with my hood but there is indeed a word for the body of believers here in this place and i believe that i was sent here to remind you that it is a new season and it is a new day when we look at the context of this text of the 43rd chapter of isaiah we must first understand who isaiah himself was all right isaiah is known as a major prophet of the bible not because he was more important but but because of the amount of things that he had to say all right god had given him so much and he has one of the largest books in the bible of his contemporary prophets so when we think of isaiah and we think of what he shares with us we know that isaiah was a prophet of insight all right well what do you mean i'll tell you secularly the word insight is defined as the capacity to gain an accurate and deep intuitive understanding of a person or thing or as i would call it god's given you a heads up about something or someone his guilt of insight was indicated in the very text of today's message behold i will do a new thing now it shall spring forth shall ye not know it he was basically telling israel on the hand of god i'm up to something do you recognize what i'm about to do i don't want you to miss it and i want you to understand that i can do it in the most unlikely situation when i was studying and meditating for this message i also found varying translations of it nor you know the one that struck me in particular was the new international verb and as i was studying the sub heading prior to that 19th verse literally says god's mercy and israel's unfaithfulness all right before he made it back to that 19 verse isaiah wanted the people to understand and see that god had them covered in the mix of every situation i mean when we read verse 2 it literally says through the rivers the water and the fire i got you then to further prove that he's that kind of god and daniel he led three hebrew boys out of the five friends so here in the book of isaiah he said in the stage for them to leave the old behind all right right now that is why he says behold i will do a new thing now it shall spring forth shall ye not know it for israel it was a new season it was a new day for us for me it's a new season it's a new day how can we apply this text and i say because it applies to me too number one step back and give god room to have his way the bible says in psalms 37 and 23 the steps of a good man are ordered by the lord and he delighteth in his way if god is not in it it's easy to get lost for me myself include a new husband and the next level of ministry my decision to journey was not a selfish one it was one made in obedience god has blessed me to grow up here and grow him but in order for me to really see him move i had to get out of his way because god wanted to do a new thing in my life and god wants to do a new thing in your life so in order to see the full manifestations thereof we have got to get out of his way it is time to step aside and let the master do his work hallelujah it's a new season it's a new day number two trust him for the news the scripture said behold i will do a new thing in order for me to see the news i had to trust god for the news you see it wasn't an overnight process this is something that i knew i had to do i had to do i couldn't truly do it if god wasn't in it and i continued to walk in fear and be afraid but i want you to go a little further with me let's look at the third part of that verse it goes from saying that god is getting ready to do something new to really asking the person in the process of questioning shall ye not know it how many times have we found ourselves in the midst of a change and we didn't recognize it until we were on the other end listen saints don't sleep on your own process all right okay don't sleep on your own process because that's a word for you in and of itself there is somebody listening there is somebody watching information that knows that god is preparing him and he's pressing upon you and he's getting ready to transform you he's getting ready to do that new thing and he wants you to see it he wants you to recognize it so today i declare the new in your life i declare that you be set free now it's time for it to spring forth it's time for it to come up it's time for it to be seen just trust the lord because he got you oh it's a new season it's a new day god's not gonna let you do anything without being in your back pocket on the side in the front behind you ever you beat him he's there he saw the news before you knew it so he's getting ready and he wants you to be excited daughter of god son of god embrace the new and trust him in the process always seek his face all right matthew 16 33 says but seek you first the kingdom of god is righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you you know it's cute when we pray for things right so like you know you pray for a new job you pray for open doors you know you pray for a wife you pray for us and that's good but you have to seek god in all things because i saw god seek god in the midst of hearing because he gives you direction he gives you instruction he adds the things to you so you put that job before him and you say okay god how long am i supposed to wait he may take two or three days two or three months but at least you saw god he added the instruction to your life because you put him first and we must always do that and the changing of the seasons we must always seek god we cannot do this walk without god and you cannot properly flourish in a new season or a new day if you don't seek the lord so when you honor god he blesses you when i gave god my life all those years ago i didn't know what he meant to see because i was eight but now i'm grown so i know what it means to seek the lord with my whole heart and ask god for understanding so when i seek him about different things and when you seek him about different things like when you go to the doctor i don't know who this is for but if you go to the doctor and you get a bad report and you say lord what am i supposed to do that's seeking the lord because in that sickness that could be a new season or a new day you may have never been sick in your life so how are you gonna operate in man how are you gonna recognize god in that shall you not know that god is in it and that god can take you through it oh it's a new season it's the new day so i want to encourage you this morning because it is a new season the all things must pass away and you must become new the spiritual said to be transformed by the renewing of your mind that means even much so that you have to change the way you think you can't go into a new season with an old mindset it said you can't put old wine into new white skin trust god for the new and ask him to give you new seasons beliefs new season prayers new season thoughts it's a new season and it's a good thing and know that all things work together for the good of them who love them and are called according to its purpose oh it's a new season yeah yeah it's a new day there's a fresh a fresh anointing lord coming your way oh it's in the midst all right oh it's a new day god didn't create us to stay the same when god put the seed in the ground he didn't let the seed say a seed it sprouted up it became a flower a pumpkin or whatever so if god allows the seed to change we must change and grow too you must grow and hear god for your new season ain't your new day for somebody god is saying it's time to change you've been in the old you're used to it so god wants to get you uncomfortable that's what he does in new seasons that's what he does and new days i thank you god bless you i love you amy [Music] [Music] is [Music] so much [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] like this [Music] hey [Music] me [Music] [Music] um [Music] [Music] down oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] thank you my beloveds and all of our friends who have been able to share with us this morning we hope and trust that you have been spiritually enriched that your spirit is enhanced and that you are fully committed more to serving the lord in all that we do many of you have asked how you might continue to support this ministry and we're happy to announce that we have uh implemented uh some alternative ways of giving and supporting this ministry cash app and of course traditional way of mailing in your gifts or bringing them by the church office in a manner that you choose to give we will certainly appreciate and we pray that we will be better in your sight and glorious in the sight of almighty god thank you very much thank you my beloved and our friends for sharing our little baptist church connection broadcast on today we hope that you have been inspired uplifted and of course we hope that you gain greater spiritual strength as we face these unpredictable times we ask that you will join us again real soon and as always please watch god change things [Music] [Music] you
Channel: The Lilly Baptist Church
Views: 467
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: _IvWcJ-7hS8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 45sec (2925 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 19 2021
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