Shawn Jones Legacy Homegoing

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got nothing to this world nothing he has neither night [Music] Lord down spin out dwelling place in every generation [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] and all the people's city man they said amen and then they really said anything come on put your hands together and you got some please this isn't it this year's ado that the law is me and the Treat in the name of Jesus we're gonna rejoice I said the charts and see [Applause] put your hands together for the celebration of life of a legend Derek bigger personality that God sent away for just a little while but may 2nd enrolled at EMPAC come on and get that raise pastor shine just check out as I prayed [Music] Wow in a matter came to celebrate in eradicating the pride in Medicaid and lift it up put your hand together look at your neighbor and say neighbor this is a celebration and if you not go Santa Fe you need to move now I didn't come to celebrate no funeral I came to celebrate life because he that liveth and believeth in me though he said that my eyes well I'm not the perfect conductor I just felt like in the praise on this morning celebration tonight but our friend and life and legacy of Pastor Shawn Jones god bless you at this time would you give a hearty welcome to Pastor Carol Pettis from the Peace Mount Pisgah Missionary Baptist Church of Olive Branch Mississippi come on give him some letters eat oh come on have some levels ago and the Saints of the Lord said together hallelujah and a man to God be the glory for all of the wonderful and amazing things that he has done for us and we thank God for the life of our friend and our brother pastor Shaun Jones I want you to help me today just clap your hands and give God praise for the gift that he was to the body of Christ hallelujah why we're clapping let's thank God again for the very wonderful pastor of this place come on who has such a big and gracious heart let's thank God for pastor Ellis come on you can do better than that we believe in blessing the man of God [Music] hallelujah and most definitely all of our love and our support in our prayers today goes to lady Jones and this amazing family these children of these parents come on let's show her a lot of love today these children we're here for you wish I had more help in here than that we are here for you I've been asked by Lady Jones to officiate this service today it is my mission that we will operate with all integrity and excellence we will make sure that Pastor Shawn Jones gets sent away from here the right way hallelujah and the only way I know to honor what God has done is by praising God for the things that he has done a mad a man we're going to definitely I want to reiterate today that we are here all of us are here there's such a strong arsenal of preachers who are here today and we give respect and honor to everyone and to all of our program participants we honor you today it is our mission to be a blessing to this atmosphere and not a burden I'll say that again we're here to be a blessing to this atmosphere and not a burden so therefore we should always be seen interceding during the course of this service praying for strength for lady Jones these children this church and this the believers and this service a man one more time I want you to do me a favor let's create an atmosphere of strength in this room will you just reach out and grab the neighbor to the right and the left of you and raise their hand all the way up glory to God and let's just create a sound of victory everybody just open your mouth and praise God the word come on come on raise that Pastor Jones was not defeated come on let's create the sound of victory some of you scared to open up your mouth if I were you and weeks way down in my belly I'll hold me over he counted it all Shia somebody praise it see some of y'all got dismissed up now now that ain't what we come to do we sad but we all praise until we feel better [Music] violent mood hold it dismiss wait just wait just a minute now we gonna set this straight now this will be a praise atmosphere just highlight three people in your air and tell them we don't please and we're gonna breezy [Music] we go crazy please pastoralism bishop I used to have a bad cussing problem I don't judge me now I'm about I'm about 75% delivered right now but every 9 then if you said it wrong thing about the ROE impression that 25% will come back up out of it I used to cuss real bad in and one day I was sitting in this I was in the grocery store and a later messed me up in front of me and I cussed lady behind me said rebel now why did you cuss that woman she looked at me she said it didn't change nothing and I looked at her and said but his show made me feel better in my heart double who by SIA put your hand on your neighbors hand and say neighbor this praise may not change you nothing but it's show gonna make us feel better grab your neighbor hand and said this is how you feel better now just open your mouth that true come on feel that sure don't need your pity come on open up your mouth [Music] I came to send my brother out of here the right way got a praise and that's the only way you gonna feel I wish the Hanson radical praises that I just kept me sealed this thing the right way and just put your hand on you come on somebody feel better in this room [Music] we gotta go yet let's move this thing look at your neighbor and say neighbor I can't hear you said neighbor this is all I got to say about it look at that Navin just say these work to God be the glory say you God come on come on to God our Father day he's fathered a PITA for life well he [Music] [Applause] [Music] the devil is a lie he get no credit no glory god get it off take your seat a moment don't you worry about nothing if we didn't get you that time we'll get you the next time we're gonna be freezing all day long ladies and gentlemen to to begin our service today there are two amazing musical groups who are going to open our service today one of them hail from Tuscaloosa Alabama we're going to receive the anointed brown sisters and then from Atlanta Georgia we're going to receive the music ministry every birth clap your hands and let's receive Lady Christian Smith and the unknown it brown sisters now remember we come to bless this atmosphere and not be a burden so everybody that hit the mic we gonna praise God with them today amen praise the Lord everybody praise the Lord everybody come on give the Lord a hand clap of praise in this house Oh yellow I feel better now because I come to be encouragement this morning I'm come to bless the Lord and I feel better that we started out with a praise I didn't want no matter to say I just came this shout but praise makes me feel better Bokke and I just thinking I'm so glad I'm hooked up this morning to the true bang me and Jones sung that together one time I just come to sing it with his friends and family is smart y'all are just happy [Music] I am [Music] Oh [Music] Jesus Oh [Music] [Music] I just lost [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] don't look like you Claire [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] come on ladies and gentlemen let's thank God for the music ministry of the unknown eight brown sisters Tuscaloosa Alabama hallelujah rebirth present if not I'm alone okay come on come on come on let's give a hand to rebirth from Atlanta Georgia you know showing that way family love you he's gonna take care of you don't even worry about that I've been there just got up out of recovery had a serious operation I thought I wouldn't be with the group Wow but God yeah that mutant ain't ready I'm not saying with Doughty save me you have to be ready at all time in that right they're wacko shall we go me to sing this song you know this and to have this CD [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] go go [Music] [Music] ladies and gentlemen come on let's thank God for rebirth Atlanta Georgia come on let's give them another hand now come on you can do better than that clap one more time now don't nobody else try would pop be it now it's just we have to let him do what he do a man living miracle within is all right listen ladies and gentlemen of course as I stated earlier we are definitely here to be a blessing to this room and not a burden so what we want to do is to do all things with excellence and integrity keep this service moving with a great flow way man all of all of our program participants have been briefed about their time constraints we don't want to have lady Jones and these children this family here all day man and man we want to be considerate of their heart a man and how how this day has pulled a lot out of them so we here definitely continue to pray their strength upon them the Old Testament reading will come from Pastor Jones another dimension Family Worship Center in Montgomery Alabama then our New Testament scripture reading pastor Stanford Benson First Baptist Church Rockford Alabama then our prayer will be by a pastor Emmanuel Benton greater Liberty healed Baptist Church Atlanta Georgia following the prayer we will receive executive pastor Carter from the grace Baptist Church a man and he's going to come with our acknowledgments proclamations and how resolutions let's receive them in that order by saying a man the Lord is my shepherd I showed that he maketh me to lie down in green pastures he restoreth my soul he leads me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil for thou art with me thy rod and thy staff comfort me now prepares the table before me in the presence of mine enemies surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days first Corinthians chapter number 15 Oh death where is thy sting Oh Bree where youth die victory the sting of death is sin and the strength of sin is the law but thanks be to God which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ therefore my beloved brethren be stable always abounding in the law of the Lord and as much as you know those that labor in the Lord their labor is not in vain let us pray our Lord now God we come before your presence today God just to say thank you spit of Living God reaction now not to take each and every soul that's in this building God he he oh no God broken hearts today father if I flesh had to say so god we would say no God about our spirit says yes father hearts are broken but God you are the party God shape us and make us Oh God God we thank you God for this precious soul got our our free and our brother this husband this discern is nephew this cousin this past them today father touch their hearts Oh God father thank you got a years ago God as you planted the seed in mama Diane oh god father faith you not take a heart on today gotta mend it back together again father I lift up lady Jones right now I got in the shore - no God touches only you can father we still have to lift our hands in a duration to you and say thank you Father for you said in all things we have to give your things so far their own today father lift us to that place God let you want us to be father touch every young person all over the world who is father our action got to go inside First Baptist Oh God go inside of miracle go inside of new thing right now father heal those churches hearts in your time god I pray for the believers right now God touch every man one by one father thank you for the journey father thank you for the friendship that most of all God we thank you for the relationship that he had with you father thank you for the God that he preached about the God that he introduced non-believers to the god that he sang about father now oh god everyone in this building is depending on you to see us through God Father Son glad morning God will we have to stick our souls in the second breaks of time fathers we transition from this world into that world of no more father it is our prayer today father that we will hear your voice got as we exchange God these worldly clothes for our eternal clothes Oh God as we leave this mortal God and walk into your mark y'all got to be thinking out father's we seal this proud today father your word says those of us who remain father we still have time father to seek your face to turn from these wicked and ratchet ways God that we may see your face father thank you now God we love you this is our prayer in Jesus name my brothers and sisters at this time we would like to share in your acknowledgement prior to we received proclamations and resolutions for more than 20 states across the United States of America for the individuals that have been touched by pastor Shawn Jones too many resolutions and proclamations to read at this time but what we'll share with you that the national body of Baptists for gospel kojic among others have sent their condolences to this family by way of resolution as well as proclamation our official government have also said their proclamations along with resolutions and is that this time we acknowledge the pastors that have traveled from far and near if you will please stand at this time all ministers [Music] thank you for your presence not only do pastors travel but a host of artists they end up members choirs quartets traveled all across this land if you will please stand at this time thank you for your presence on behalf of lady Jones and her family there are no words that seem adequate enough to say thanks your memorial contributions warming words of conflict heartfelt sympathy touched our hearts and offered us much peace during this time of bereavement through the memories that he gave each of us he will live on forever in our hearts during this time of sorrow we have learned how much our family and friends mean to us as believers let us always remember worthy is he this time we like to extend a special thanks to the rightful home for a job well done and accommodating this family and protecting their privacy we would also like to say thanks to the pilgrim risk Missionary Baptist Church and pastor Ellis entire church family for their accommodations and for anyone that made themselves available to participate over the last few days thank you in conclusion visit WWE Angela's legacy com4 it is there that you can continue to support this family in the days to come lady Jones we love you come on again let's give the legacy of pastor Shawn Jones a big hand come on you could do better than that nobody needed like him [Music] nobody did it like Castillo [Music] as we pulled free replay I wanna say that and I hopefully I can get a few a man when I said it Jones could put on some clothes and when he put them gold on you couldn't tell him nothing John don't thought he was the better-looking Lane in the field in when he put him until I told him one night here on some kind of red coat I said Jones you look like a superstar he said pet you can put it on wear it I said no you don't have the people calling me mr. Brown I don't know it I know it the way I want you to know that my friend and my brother was not just a sermon and a song Pastor Shawn Jones was a standard the way he did it and did it with excellence he believed in mastering your craft and that's why so many of us are here today to love you and to thank you lady Jones for sharing your superstar with all of us reflection as an artist for the Glenn Stevenson is here humility records Rome Georgia tribute from the quartet community the one and only pastor Tim Rogers pastor of the Hope Church blabble Arkansas also lead singer of pastor Tim and the fellas words of comfort will be given by Pastor Eddie hunter miracle Baptist Church Alexander City Alabama let's receive those three at this time by saying a man that God decided to use in an unbelievable way sister Jones we talked to other day and we know we are here for you when I left the church on Sunday I made some calls system females that I know some prayer warriors and I said I need prayer for this lady we are with you and I hope everyone here today we you always create myths and junk God is love he's shown it by all of these people and all over the world to lift this man and we want to lift his wife up I mean that you're full of humility and I've seen it from afar and we're for you and your husband he is the swag master of them all when I met him some eighteen to twenty years ago and sometimes we think people are already on top I'm no pastor Jones I mean when he was young but he loved 4:10 he loved music he looked up to the Mighty Clouds of Joy and the old truth was the Jews the william brothers harvey all of them he loved it he loved it so much that he crafted it and God decided to bless it I met a lot of people I've been blessed by God to do a lot of things but pastor Jones he's different he's different he has some unique that was different God gave him to us and the thing about it God took him but God did it why he was here he made his mark why he was here and he's touched so many through his songs and and I believe that he left him here he took him for us to get something to care it on he took him for us to really get in I remember one night Pastor Jones from guest and he said me and I won't leave Williams to come to my church and I won't Sean Jones that's all I want those those two teen either when I'm hit the whole group and I live in Rome Georgia and I went home and my phone rang it was Pastor Jones he said Mandark this boy is a mess I mean this is @midnight and Pastor Jones hadn't gone to sleep the next morning who was it Pastor Jones he said dark this this is it and he meant that Sean Jones is a he would never die at the group don't give up god this is God is just doing something now to make this greater than we ever could imagine look at people now see Doug Williams and Melvin it's like a togetherness we're here today this is a young man and I know all of us never could imagine it would be like this and God did it for a reason and that's what's to get his attention and carry this ministry for flight number before I thank all of you I love your family the ones that don't know we're here for you at all times thank you to God be all of the glory I I know you've done this a thousand times over the week but I want to do it a thousand and one times let's give this giant of a personality a hand [Music] as we all know he will truly be missed I want to salute all the preachers and pastors everybody in their respectful places the teacher of this room I want to salute his family his wife and his children his mother all of you his church I salute all of you in Jesus name I want to say I was getting to know pastor Jones for saying this song I was getting to know Pastor Jones and done that that I know I know that he was gonna be straight up off the chain and as you already know yes he was making his rounds and covering his ground and I had a chance to hear him preach had a Chester he had a preacher we could to a goal and Memphis Tennessee didn't know as my first and last time hearing him preach but he was an awesome preacher in my low studies I used to worry about what it meant to die but fellow studies the work death all over the Bible it means separation anyway you see the word death in the Bible just simply means to separate and that definition for death is right then Sean didn't die last Saturday he literally died March 12 1985 that was the first time he died March 2 12 1985 you see he was living before that we call that his birthday but the day he started living was the day he was conceived but he lived in a world by himself it was a dark watery world it was a sack of water there he swimmed for nine months in the wall of his mom growing ears to hear over him growing a tongue to talk over here growing two legs so he could walk over here he developed a heart and it's thought taken to keep him moving over here and after he all of that stuff his mom knew something was happening he was actually dying March the 12th he became too big for the sack there was no moon in that world and her water broke and he died to this world to come to this world now now now the matter is now the matter is the first time he died did nobody cry but him by the cry at him because he was born in a world where he had become tangible he wasn't used to being handled so he cried and when he cried everybody else was happy because he was cute and he was chubby but then when he outgrew this world he had to die there only to live in another world where we'll never grow old no more if I told you wait look at your neighbor and say if that is the case then dying is all right sleep well sir there is a name I love to hear I love I want y'all to make it sound like Sunday morning to sing his praise it sounds like music in my ear it's the sweet Swedish name I know there is a name I love to hear to see it starts we have some Jesus [Music] happiness becomes cause he first [Music] Jesus because he furs keepers he pressed on me lord have mercy he the wonder where's the church in here in my soul he's a wonder [Music] when everybody in this room lift your hands up you know it's alright help us I here's a wonder in my soul not the one in my soul in my bliss blessedly lady Jones you can't miss him we'll miss him the kids are going it still works ve all they come on Church him missing tell him what you need every our Lord acnezine come on you got to tell him what to do [Music] pastor Shawn Jones would be proud of the celebration going on today often imitated but not duplicated he was one of a kind and to my daughter Dominica Alex Sean and des cailloux God is going to take care of because he declared I'll never leave you nor will I forsake you pastor Tim Rogers mentioned a fact Shawn came for Memphis preaching on his way back we were at the Alabama state convention in Birmingham 6 Avenue Baptist Church and he sent me a text says a pop let's do lunch not only me - Reverend stand for Benson he called both of us to have lunch and it was a glorious time that's the first time that all of us ate the same thing it was a wonderful lunch we laughed we talked but it was something on you about that lunch Dominika it was almost like it was the last the family hurts not only Dominica but Diane stones you lost your son [Music] but you can never erase the memories of how God blessed him to stay among us and I want you to know as words of comfort and I know he went suddenly but you have to understand when Paul says I fought a good fight I have finished my course I have kept the faith what he was actually saying is there is no more than finished business they love a Saturday night I know you said Shawn didn't call that was something he needed to do he needed to say goodbye to some there were some preachers he need to call but when the Lord gets ready to call their heels no other finish business I'm gonna surround when I I would miss him let me say something to all the ones who are here some of the other speakers alluded to it Sean was unique for those who are singing and preaching Sean than just seeing and preach Sean was a student of slinging you didn't hear what I said he was a student of singing and preaching he just didn't sing he practiced it over and over and over again and what I want you to know is he never met a stranger you see all these folks in here there are some too stuck up to speak to anybody but not so I'm finished Sean was like this expensive watch whenever the watch needed some fixing up would take it and get it adjusted get it cleaned he started hurting he had a bad heart just get a little pick up but on the inside of the watch when you took the back off it would say if the main spring break sent it back to the manufacturer the Saturday night Pizza Cola for the mainspring broke and he had to go back yes [Applause] [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] and he can fix such a Nathanson Ava thank God for being real and I somebody clap your hand and raise Jesus [Music] I just I just hear your hand I said clap your head and praise Jesus your hand ought to be together and your mouth ought to be open or I hopped around here long as I could to keep from losing myself after pastor Tim got to singing but it just looked like somebody should have hot it out and said I didn't do no right [Music] [Music] all right now we're gonna move on now [Music] not affect we just reach your arm around somebody this region put your arm around somebody but this is a little rough for all of us you know but this but just rock I'm real quick in this look at them in the eye and said neva I need to tell you something the danger about shouting is once you finished shouting about one thing your man go to think about something else he done for you and then you'll be shouting all day long [Music] somebody just lift your hand I know they gonna move me on that but let's lift your hand and said so much he's done just waving and sambar can tell it all that's it let's move on now listen at this time we're going to be blessed see some of y'all be waiting too long honey will you feel it you're going and get rid of it some something y'all be holding it about time you get fooled how do we go better learn how to shout when you can hallelujah take your seat a moment and ride a little father at this moment we're going to have we're going to have a family tribute at this time by the Hannah family and then we're going to receive the first phase of our eulogy done by pastor Eugene Leonard the Life Center a close friend of Pastor Jones he's going to do the first phase of our eulogy eulogy as a friendly and then immediately following the first phase of the eulogy we're going to receive the one and only two times still Award winner miss evangelist Lisa knows Smith is here with us she's going to sing for us today and then we'll be back to navigate the rest of our service we want to keep things moving along a man a man so those of us that are going to sing we're gonna sing those of us gone shout we're gonna shout those of us go pray we're gonna pray all right let's receive the Hannah family at this time praise the Lord everybody we are Sean's cousin amen amen but first before we do anything definitely want to give honor to God who's the head of our lives to the passages church forever LST everybody that's here all the bishops apostles leadership all over the house god bless you all we're gonna do this how many know that daybreak is coming your way how many really know that Sean actually me and Sean talked about about three weeks ago and Sean was supposed to actually record this song with me in 2018 but how many know that God had another plan for I just want to courage everybody yeah I just wanted courage everybody today the team bring debrie cheering the TV it's coming your way [Music] [Music] I'm a keeper [Music] continue because I know is the stop on to the second verse listen some of you've been crying because the life circumstances but way too sure you begin to feel like a hope is guru today [Music] [Music] [Music] listen God's a way of escape for you anybody believe he's gonna do that for you benefit comedy can say that D brick is already here how many can say that a brick is already at my doorstep that J brick is coming your way I'm never good enough break it down real quick girls we shot that I was on my way home mama tried to reach me and I'm daddy's house they gave me the news boy I cried I cried I cried but they begin to think about Shawn and I'm beginning to think about how Shawn left his imprint on his were shot at a lot of people a lot of people that love and if I could encourage Harwood in to sing the T it would just simply be done whatever you do leave your imprint on this world whatever you need you [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] somebody put those hands together if you [Applause] Dominica we love you ain't Diane we love you case we love you just being curse staying curse and know that daybreak is here we love y'all family we love you we love you will you stand and let's receive the word of the Lord we should stand this is the first phase of our eulogy a man this man of God needs our prayers a man let's stand and receive the Word of God will in the words of my brother clap your hand you're happy and you know it clap your hands oh that's not good enough I said if you're happy and you know it clap your hands if you're happy and you know it say man you still ain't loud enough maybe maybe we're in the wrong place if you're happy and you know it say Amen now come on and bless God in this [Music] you may be seated in the Friends of the Lord indeed we thank God we honor God in this place to my sister Dominica family friends all of these plethora preachers we thank God I always I told Domenico another day that Shaun was supposed to be standing over me and I'd meet over him but God works in mysterious ways and I believe somewhere in the book of James he says count it all joy and that's what we're doing just a few words because as I pondered and wondered what could I possibly say to all that gathered here on today why because whatever I say is still hers and no matter how jovial we've tried to make this experience it's going to be moments that no one is gonna be around but but around 2:30 Wednesday morning I was leaving my brother house on the way home and I talked with Dominica about 2:30 in the morning on my way home making sure I got home safe and God started to comfort and communicate at the same time so I want to give you a few facts about this to encourage and lift because we are so informed on living that we don't investigate dying that much let me say that again we are so informed about living that we never investigate dying that much and and so I wanted to or need to because so many most of us are experts about living that we are so certain about the details of what deaths all about so I Wow I need to I've heard people say all week long to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord so because most of us Tim we didn't attend to how to shout class we didn't smile we didn't shout we just stood there because we were still hurting but but but then because I asked God God why are we not shouting because to be absent from the body is to be present with you why are we not shouting and God said to me he says gene because they never read the brochure on the certainty of creation he said gene they never read the brochure on the certainty of creation that that that would have told them would have led them to a section that revealed to us that death is employed by the eternal and so I said to God I said okay he says but don't fret because and I don't need you to fret family and friends here today because I brought a few facts from the brochure to share with you the first thing I want to share from this brochure is is that people who leave us are happier than the folk we leave behind the second thing I want to tell you is is that death does not hurt life does the third thing I want to tell you is that Jones didn't leave to go somewhere he left to go to someone let me say that again because some of you should have shot it right there Jones didn't leave to go somewhere Jones left to go to someone and I said well God I'm still hurting and he says we'll continue to read the brochure so as I continue to read the brochure he showed me a few script I saw some 30 and five where it says we've been me endure for a night but joy cometh in but I was still hurting then I went down a little further and I saw another scripture in Matthew 6:34 where he says don't worry about tomorrow for tomorrow we'll take care of it and then I remembered when Sean was on TBN he used that scripture and shun said on TBN he says you know the Bible says don't worry about today or tomorrow and he says it reminded me of a cartoon that came out about the Lion King many of you probably remember that and shun talked about how how there was major characters as symbol that was Mufasa and there was star and I want to tell your family like shun said on TV n he says they're gonna be times where people and many people wanted his gift like star wanted mu Foster's gift but when scar got Mufasa gift he can handle what he really acts for yeah and and he says there were times where he says but then Simba ran away into the jungle because all of us face jungles of Lights and they're going to be some snakes in the jungle he said they're gonna be some snakes in the jungle that if they get close enough he'll bite you shun had a lot of people that he never allowed to get close to him because he knew they was only trying to get close to biting then shun said they're gonna be crooked now crudeness you have to watch out for because crook is only me when you walk up on them they stop making noise now they go say nothing Dominika there gonna be a lot of people who are in this place today making noise but after all of this is over you won't hear them say again what but but then Simba runs into two people call Timon and Pumbaa and they teach him this Swahili song called Hakuna Matata which means no worries for the rest of my days but the problem was I still was hurting the hurt still didn't stop and I told the minica it wasn't until God spoke to me because some thirty just didn't do it Matthew just didn't do it but then God said Jude he sent me to verse 24 well he says now unto Him I wish I had a church in this place he says now unto him that is able to keep you from falling and to present now is the answer look at the text because the text says here the first word in jus 24 is the word wood now can somebody shout now in this place because now is the answer to the question of next y'all miss that many of us have been pondering the question of now what are we going to do who are we going to call who's going to encourage me but the Lord sent me to tell you that if you take your narrow and give it to him who is able to keep you from falling you would discover that he is able to deliver you and to exceed in joy even in this I started to feel a little better and then God says I'm not through with you because you need to know I know it hurts but now unto Him I know you don't understand Dominica but now unto Him I know there's a lot of stuff to sort out but as of right now now on to him yeah and I said but pastor why am I place in my nail in his hands when I'm hurting I've lost a friend I've lost a brother we lost a son we we lost a father yeah but the Lord said to me he said the textile is now unto me who is able to keep you after you fall do I have a witness in here because there is still work to do new thing you can't give up now because the Bible says now unto Him who is able is there anybody in this place uh then no he's able you tried and you tried to give up but you know he's able you tried so many tears but you know he's able you had times when you just paced the floor and didn't know what to do but you look to the he heals a helper which cometh your help they said the Lord is able is there anybody in here who knows he's a ball look to your neighbor and say neighbor I don't know about you but I serve a God who is able to keep me from falling how many know he'll wipe your tears from your eyes I know it hurts but now on to him who is able grab a neighbor by the hand said neighbor don't worry don't you fret because God will I [Music] need a few people in here to go crazy right now because the god I serve I know that is gonna hurt but I know a God who will see you through is there anybody in this place huh then no he's a ball somebody shot he's able I can't hear no about it somebody say he's able he's able only work it out Rooney working out Warnie open doors where there is no door won't it make away when there is no way [Music] he will he will he will he will he will I'm gonna tell you one thing Dominica he's gonna do it he's gonna do it don't Laura keep your head up what he's gonna do [Music] [Music] [Music] and all of God's people shout hallelujah come on if you know God that's been good to you give God a hand clap of praise as we have done all day long and I'm still gonna do it can we show some love to Pastor Jones and his entire family later Jones I came to know Shawn about 2008 I heard him singing and he when he hit dependent he kicked that leg out front we were in Nashville I said that boy I got it right there he had charisma like I've never seen and a voice like I never seen and I'm honored to call him brother the last time we talked he irons shaver were on three-way and he was talking about the starless and we had a conversation and I said yeah it's different huh and he laughed about it and he wanted me to know that he supported what I was trying to do and I wanted him to know that I was pulling for him because sometimes it seems like you'll have nobody with you but I think this room shows that quartet knows how to come together can if you love quartet music and love the people that are on this platform if you're a quartet singer can you just clap right quick we do it all right now I just want to say that lady Dominica I love you kids I love y'all and I'm just gonna act like I act when I act like I add song I didn't record but I'm gonna sing it I think it's big fitting to be encouragement oh how precious is the name of Jesus can we have in the church [Music] when alone and your harness spirit despair remember comma K and when you're in doubt and you can't find your God oh how precious [Music] and your heart is [Music] [Music] [Music] churches [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] she-she-she [Music] [Applause] Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yes [Music] [Music] come on clap your hands if you love the name of Jesus come on you can do better than that let's clap your hands if you love the name of Jesus come on let's just try it everybody said Jesus let's thank God but the music ministry of mrs. Lisa knows Smith come on let's give her another hand and also let's thank God for the Hanna family come on let's thank God for them come on let's thank God for this preacher pastor Eugene Leonard come on let's think now now come on it takes strength to be able to stand and do that Alleluia come on say hallelujah and father we decree and we declare that he would strengthen his body and all that he has poured out give it back to him now in Jesus name and the saints of God said a man a man we are rushing a man our time constraint is getting shorter but we want to make sure that we do our due diligence to serve this family with all humility we only have just a few more things to go before we say see you later to our brother a man at this time we're going to receive a man that is well loved by the whole world and he is a living legend everybody in this world knows Deacon Harvey Watkins jr. he is a wonderful soul and an amazing heart and he's going to come and share with us words of encouragement to this family he stands not just as the lead singer of the Canton spirituals but he stands as one of the generals of the quartet music family and we have so many generals who are here with us we recognize the very presence of the legendary Williams brothers come on let's honor them today so many others at this time we're going to receive Deacon Harvey walkins Jr had mediately following that every preacher I know desires to hoop like testicle in McFarland I I have watched YouTube and practice at my house but he is a tremendous gift he is the pastor of the Grace Baptist Church in Atlanta Georgia he's going to come pastor Clinton McFarland is going to come and I want you to know that when Pastor McFarland approaches the mic I'm going to access to stand because he will be a man presenting along with the believers and when he comes to the mic we want to stand and receive the believers because the truth of the matter is they have spent more of their lives with pastor Shawn Jones on that road and I can imagine how difficult it would be for them to stand today but I do believe that the joy of the Lord is our strength a man so we're going to go in that order Deacon Harvey walkins junior pastor Clinton back falling along with the believers and then we will receive our last phase of eulogy by the one and only Bishop LW Bolton the ship Bolton is here of the legendary Bolton brothers and he will stand to give our final word as it relates to the life of pastor Sean Jones beacon harbor walk-ins jr. passed a clean McFarlane and the believers Bishop LW Bolton come on let's give them a hand as they come honor to Jesus Christ honor to the pastor of this house honor to the Jones family that's all that it is I'm to give worse if encouraged me I'll do the best I can but before we do anything while it's so nice and quiet why don't we give Jesus the best praise began [Music] aye aye my mother's 85 years old and I not too long I went to visit her and when she see me coming she always smile and even though I'm 63 she still called me her baby I said mama stop dead cut it out now I'm almost 70 ma was they used to hear my baby and this particular day every time I would look at her she was just staring at me staring it just kept staring at me every time I look back she'd be staring I said my boy you looking at me like damn she's because you the closest thing to your daddy did I have mama she said well I married him when I was 13 man he was 15 so he raised me and she said you know and when I look at you I see him sister Jones when you want to see shine I'll be looking at it last time I talked to Sean we was in in person we take that we did we did a lot of texting like on my birthday he takes me he said turn it up hey I want to say this too he was in Fayetteville listening to a minister with the minister was almost a preaching Sean kept looking at me just like y'all looking at me he said you know thank you I said what size you like he started naming songs but he didn't name the song that's on my heart and I'm gonna say it I'm not gonna sing it but I'm just gonna say it cuz we talked about it I'll see all of my friends and hallelujah square what a wonderful time we'll have up there somebody look at your neighbors then one of these they will slap and praise Jesus his glory will share but there won't be no sickness and hallelujah square [Music] [Music] [Music] come on last time everybody there will be no sickness [Music] ladies a job pastor Clint McFarlane come on let's receive the believers come on put your hands together let's welcome these men they travel the world with Pastor Shawn Jones come on they can do it come on they can do it come on let's bless this atmosphere with praise as God strengthens them to do this come on keep clapping come on they've never had to walk this way without it but God is kind and God is good come on come on come on come on just cry away the strength of the Lord be yours another book or share behind anybody also come on church help me please God come on y'all come together just wrap your arm around each other and come on yes you can tell you can do it come on come on come on in the name of Jesus come on this ain't a time bus to be just watch it come on let's intercede on their behalf with every step they make we decree that the strength of the Lord will be there's another love oh gosh every baby I saw hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah god be praised God be praised one more time for these brothers the believers come on amen a man a man earth has no sorrow that heaven cannot cure and certainly our prayers are with these young man God has much in store for you and we pray for you right now you may be seated everybody if you will I'm delighted to have this privilege to stand before you and just say a few words let me I understand yes that's just the way we Saints dude we celebrate when others panicking and crying August twenty-seventh I celebrated 50 years of life and my church wanted to do something special for me so they asked my wife they said well we know he loves quartet singing I'm a huge fan of quartet music used to try to sing it me and Paul Porter back in the day and Harvey Watkins and all of these legendary gentlemen they asked my wife they said well we want to know who is his favorite singer and she quickly said Sean Jones and so my staff secured him to come and I'm sitting in the pulpit celebrating and the music started to play and I was getting a little upset because I try to sing this song with my male chorus and I'm like this is my day I really don't want to sing and they're playing the music so I'm thinking they're beckoning for me to sing and the music is playing I hear this voice I'm like now this sounds just like the record and I know I ain't got no guys up here can sound like that and in walks this gentleman with all of the swag one could employ and he sang and blessed us our church the grace Baptist Church in Atlanta fell in love with Sean Jones fell in love with him he hung around fellowshipped and we just had a wonderful time and so my wife she kept talking about boy he can sing and oh he cuz I said yeah baby Negro can do it I mean he's got it and I mean he hit that note and I said yeah baby I mean he really knows what he's doing and then she said and he's such a handsome fellow I said wait a minute y'all got to get this to grow out of here now because I but he was all that and I think all of us have come today for that purpose Shawn has brought quartet and preaching together in one place you ought to give God praise for that now I know that the time is short and we've been greatly blessed to be here today but I want to say to his lovely wife and family children mother father-in-law doctor hunter bless you and all of the believers that you're in my prayers but then please understand ladies and gentlemen that they are going to need us when the day is over they are surrounded bishop bolton by love but when they are really gonna need us is when this day is over and they're not gonna just need our prayers because this young lady is having to raise children now without the aid and the assistance of her husband who was the breadwinner of that family and i telled my church quite often they say i'm praying for your pastor i say well the answer to my prayer is in your pocket and so if we're going to love her and support her team we have to do this in a tangible way because they have to live even after today and i know many of you have already done this i have brought an offering from my church the Grace Baptist Church and my wife and I we have brought an offering to sow into the life of this awesome woman of God who stood by her husband and took care of his children and will continue to do so and I want to present that I won't give it to you I'll give it where they can secure it because everybody in here ain't say Amen now let me do this real quickly I don't know why I'm asked to do this I preach I really don't sing but they've asked me to sing this song with the believers I cannot do it like Sean Jones he was the man I told Sean one day Harvey I said man I want to join your group and he said to me man well what's man he said now if you join it I'm gonna do background you do lead I'm saying no no man I can't do it like that you the man let's just let me sing in the background so y'all know this song I want you to just help make a big choir if you will and help us to sing this song Lord I'm depending on you where's my guitar player with okay all right who's gonna do the little guitar part because I like that little part okay let me hear it who's got it oh man no I'm not gonna I came here can y'all hear me all right that's it y'all I'm not gonna even attempt that but can we do it one time [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] how to do you [Music] that isn't hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah [Music] come on hallelujah come on put those hands together blessed [Music] hallelujah I understand you're trying to hear a man don't let's give it do it do I have the right lead Mike is this the right it's not which one should wait should we have hi what color hallelujah can you hear us now come on give the Lord and the fries if you will come on you can do better there come on again ladies and gentlemen we are we are preparing to hear our final word for the day and we're going to I'm going to access this legend of a preacher comes everyone except the family would stand and let's receive Bishop LW Bolton who's going to preach the word of the Lord for us a man yeah [Music] [Music] everybody prays come on you can do better than that the time is well spent I'm honored to have even been invited by the wife and the believers think you all for calling me dr. Jones and I have a long deep connection there's videos that's been surfacing when he was very young and we used to lay in the flow together before the Lord and here we are today I just want to say a couple of things and it already has been manifested I dare not try to preach like we preach I've been doing the 21st of next month I'll be preaching for two four years on the 21st but now it's duck team but God so mean has already manifested what God showed me I were praying and I've been before the Lord that was nights I couldn't sleep thinking about God taking this young man now watch this watch this watch this watch this watch this in Joshua chapter 1 there is a shifting in the assignment and when I was playing reminiscing upon the life and the service and the sacrifice of this feel that God used to set the nation [Music] [Music] [Applause] it's good now one thing you can remember the god it has expiration dates on Jones so happy with the believers don't fight among yourself a divided group can't stand a divided house cannot stand well I'm done and I thank you for these few minutes but I need you go to see for me the morning he got up with all power in his hand clap your hand and give the Lord praise my god shall be mine [Music] [Music] listen quickly before we all begin to make moves we want to get proper instruction and direction Shh we want to get proper instruction and direction about what's next we thank God for pastor Eugene Leonard and Bishop LW Bolton for their word a man come on say man again and what we want to do is to make sure that everyone in this house is safe a man we never want to hear the preaching and the proclaiming of God's Word without giving somebody a chance to be saved hey man and so if you are here now and you are not saved and you desire to be saved and you feel God knocking at the door of your heart even in today's celebration you can be saved you can respond by standing or walking this direction there's such an arsenal of pastors and preachers who can leave you and walk you into the plan of salvation but we never want the word to be proclaimed without an opportunity for somebody to be saved a man church looks like we're all safe if you're saved say hallelujah come on again if you save say hallelujah listen what we're going to do in this moment and I want you to help me if you can can you hear me at all man I want you to help me thank God for executive pastor team team arlynn Carter a man has everything that you need they needed for a quality celebration that reflected the life of pastor Shawn Jones and this is a part of his ministry to some others a man and I know a lot of us don't like Authority we don't like for people to tell us what's right and sequins us in order but this young man has done an amazing job putting together this and we're going to receive let me say to everybody as I close as the officiate of this service Pastor Shawn Jones's legacy and will live on and I want to extend a special thank you to everyone all of such an a strong array of preachers and pastors a man we see you singers we see you a man and we honor all of you last night's celebration was amazing and we thank God for all of you so pastor Carter is going to come and he's going to give us some final instructions and specifics as it relates to what we do now and we're going to respect the order that he has put together with Lady Jones's permission and we're going to follow that order as we say farewell to pastor Shawn Jones let's just thank God for an opportunity to share in such celebration can we give God a hand a praise in this place again thank you so much lady Jones for entrusting us with these services as well as the right funeral home my brothers and sisters as we prepare to make our departure from this place we're going to invite the believers to join us now at the front also we have our flower bearers that's going to be joining us but this happens to be a general in the kingdom of the Lord's army so we're going to ask that the pastors that have joined us to meet on the outside just as you see with military honors they shall flank on both sides on the outside until we make our departure pastor Porter will be leading them on their exit we shall sing in song and great joy as we welcome now the right Funeral Home establishment those of you that will be travelling to the cemetery please turn your lights on bright with your emergency flashers escorts are waiting so let us move swiftly to our vehicles so that we may make it to the cemetery in an appropriate time lady Jones will not be receiving guests at this time she is going to her vehicle feel free to stop by WWE Shon Jones to leave your condolences again we cannot say thank you enough for the services rendered by the right general home at this time Pastor Porter oh I'm sorry Minister deacon a good deacon a good deacon only two good preachers to their next destination serve them well all preachers and pastors yes sir all preachers pastors are going this [Music] come on pastor we got to move I know everybody wants to shake hands as many as we can just not your hair that are a man hey man just nodded her and we got to keep going hey man she's got a lot to do a man come on come on come on we got to keep going we got to keep going come on come on [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Pilgrim Rest MBC-Montgomery
Views: 327,060
Rating: 4.7194362 out of 5
Keywords: pastor shawn jones, shawn jones, shawn jones funeral, pilgrim rest baptist church, pastor walter ellis
Id: _BpgTgoDGo4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 173min 10sec (10390 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 28 2017
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