Celebration of Life, Pastor Hoza Billups @New Life W/Pastor Terry Ellison

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] when we reach out to our neighbor when we offer [Music] when our brother shows compassion with his heart and full and mind we can change the world forever [Music] from [Music] when we cry [Applause] [Music] this is the day that the lord has made let us rejoice and be glad in it let me say that one more time because the lord didn't have to wake you up this morning he didn't have to allow you to come out to the house of worship one more time but he did and i don't know about you but that's enough to just give god some praise and some thanks this morning hallelujah i was telling the mother church earlier this morning that that every day i'm waking up realizing how how powerful and important it is to be saved how powerful and important it is to be real about this christian journey because god is plucking folks out every day and and i set up yesterday at the funeral and my heart just dropped because i couldn't believe that that that pastor phillips had gone i'm saying it's like god was speaking to me and said clark at some point it's gonna be your time and you can you can try to be sad at the moment or you can flip that thing and be glad that you're still alive glad that i still woke you up one more time glad that you still got an opportunity to do what i've called you to do do i have a witness in the house today hallelujah thank you lord thank you lord we are expecting a powerful service today i i am expecting a powerful service a word from the lord and inspiration and i know when i expected god always moved when i expected god always moved and and i've discovered that when my expectation meets other folks expectations when when when my spark touched your spark and your spark touch somebody else's part it made me a spark in the beginning but in the end we got a fire hallelujah i'm going to ask uh co-pastor brennan if he would give us our prayer we'll have scripture following that and after the scripture we'll have the uh video of expectation go past it [Music] praise the lord let us pray dear heavenly father god we're grateful god for all that you've already done for us god we're so grateful god because you've been so good to us down through the years father god you were good to our ancestors god and you've been good to us god even in the pandemic god you are good you're a great god you're an awesome god you're a wonderful god you're all that we need and more father god god you still do exceeding abundantly above all that we can ask or think and and god we want to tell you thank you father god we want to show gratitude on this morning we want to say we thank you god and we yet trust you god we yet believe you god we yet have faith god that says god that you can't do anything but fail and god we trust you on today god and as we worship you father god as we praise you god we ask god that you would have your way that you would heal that you would deliver that you would set free god that you would meet every single need god even the things that people have not told anybody else god but god you know father god you know what your children have need of before we ask your father god and we ask you god because we know that you're the one who can and will do something about it we can cast all of our cares upon you because you care for us god and god we give you great praise god we adore you lord god we work together real problems and circumstances [Music] [Music] god and as we worship you in this place god and those who are watching from different places god we join our faith together god and we say that there's none like you god none like you in the heavens no in the earth god you're the only true and living god so take over god even as musicians play in the singer sing and and and the preacher preaches take over god in the name of jesus and god we trust you to do this and we give you praise in jesus name amen [Music] praise god in the sanctuary praise him in the firmament of his power praise him for his mighty acts praise him according to his excellent greatness praise him with the sound of the trumpet praising with the sultry in hard praise him with the temple and dance praise him with string instruments and organs praise him upon the loud symbols praise him upon the high sounding symbols that everything that have breath let everything that hath breath everything that's walking everything that woke up this morning praise ye the lord special video at this time followed by the praise team [Music] hello my name is vernicia grant and on behalf of our senior pastor dr terry ellison and his wife lady jay along with all of the co-pastors of new life church of god in christ we want to welcome you to today's service we are not just a ministry but a move of god you are definitely in the right place we want to remind everyone that pastor ellison is committed to keeping you as well as our staff as safe as possible during this pandemic and in our worship service for the safety of everyone pastor ellison is asking that you answer these questions before being allowed into the sanctuary have you had any covet symptoms in the past 14 days have you tested positive for coping within the last 14 days have you had close contact with a confirmed positive kelvin case in the past 14 days if you answer yes to any of these questions we ask that you watch our service from the comfort of your home via our church website app or facebook we are asking everyone to receive a temperature check as you did when you enter the building on today keep your masks on throughout our service covering your nose and mouth even if you are fully vaccinated and to remain socially distanced so what can you expect from today's service you can expect to be led in praise and worship by our amazing praise team followed by a three-minute word of motivational inspiration afterwards of inspiration you will be able to see what's coming up and going on around new life via our new life news break you will then have the opportunity to worship god with your giving after another song from our praise team you will hear a dynamic word from god through our senior pastor dr terry ellison or from one of our co-pastors if you need any help or assistance at any time one of our friendly ushers will be glad to assist you now let's get ready to praise the lord praise the lord everybody come on that's a command praise the lord everybody oh you too quiet and a pandemic come on somebody and give god praise in here oh hallelujah oh it's clear that god wanted you to live because you're in this place today come on somebody and praise him come on open your mouth and praise him open your mouth and praise him come on clap your hands and praise him come on give a sound come on and praise him come on and praise him come on and praise him come on and praise him open your mouth and break them clap your hands and praise them come on and shout out to god with the voice of triumph hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah glory to god we give god praise and glory for being here in this house today hallelujah we just want to open up with the short hymn praise him praise him that's all it says praise him jesus he's our redeemer hallelujah he's our healer and our deliverer come on open your mouth and praise him today hallelujah [Music] praise him come on and praise him praise him hallelujah praise him jesus jesus blessed savior bless you take god oh he's come on worthy your mouth and praise them hallelujah [Music] come on everybody praise them again somebody praise hallelujah [Music] oh he's in the room hallelujah he's worthy to be prey come on from the rising of the sun oh he's worthy is he worthy praise them come on and praise him praise him hallelujah come on let's testify again from the rising of the sun that's what he is come on and think about it he's worthy to be blessed jesus hallelujah hallelujah [Music] come on and praise him come on and praise him come on and praise him hallelujah come on keep praising keep giving him glory keep thanking him for the good that he has done come on bless the lord oh my soul make your soul boast about it make your soul crazy make your hands acknowledge who he is make it tell him he's one he's a good guy he's a great girl oh yes he is here hallelujah hallelujah sometimes when i'm in pain my body is not acting right i make it say thank you jesus i make my mouth say i appreciate you lord yeah yeah yeah i made myself jewish and after a while of making myself do it the spirit just take over hallelujah is not hard anybody got a problem with praising the lord oh no no no no i got a story i got a testimony oh yeah oh yeah i got one i know you do the lord has made us a champion because of the work that he did on the cross we don't have to fear we don't have to tremble because our god is god our king is king our deliverer is the deliverer that the entire world needs hallelujah we give you glory lord we honor you and bless your names [Music] oh [Music] everybody [Music] [Music] is [Music] is champion a champion i once was bound but now i'm free [Music] nothing is [Music] is [Music] [Music] i but now i'm free i'm much happier [Music] [Music] is he's given me [Music] authority a championship he's given it has me me authority giving me authority [Music] a champion he has given me [Music] he has given me authority i can walk a champion any champions in here come on you gotta know whose team you are on our team captain has never lost never lost the game never lost a champion he's right here he's given me champions do we have in the house today how many champions do we have in the house today champions can take authority amen amen it changes our attitude when you know you're a champion hallelujah thank you praise team for that powerful selection praise the lord and i hope that you don't just sing the song but allow it to get down in your spirit because when you start thinking and believing you're a champion you start acting like a champion you start looking like a champion it doesn't matter what the score is i'm still a champion and when you get tackled or knocked down you just jump back up because you are a champion amen we have uh words of inspiration coming now from a powerful sister evangelist janet jordan food [Music] um um good morning again new life but hearing the choir sing about being a champion but prior to becoming a champion there had to be something that took place so the thought that came to me was the encounter whom do you say that jesus the son of man is some of us have to have an encounter in order to become a champion so when i think about this um subject the encounter my mind goes to matthew 16 uh verses 13 through well we're going to start with verse 13 and it reads when jesus came into the coast of caesarea philippi he asked his disciples saying whom do men say that i the son of man am and they said some say that thou art john the baptist some elias and others jeremiah's are one of the prophets he he being jesus said unto them the disciples but whom say ye that i am and simon peter answered and said thou art the christ the son of the living god and jesus answered and said unto him this is verse 17 matthew 16 17 and jesus answered and said unto him blessed are thou simon barjona for flesh and blood have not revealed it unto thee but my father which is in heaven now simon peter had spent some time around jesus because jesus had an encounter with simon peter when his um when he was brought to him then the lord told him that his name was simon that he was cephas the rock iraq so based on that encounter i'm quite sure simon and the other 11 had witnessed many things they'd seen miracles the dad being raised up they saw him feed multitudes they saw him cast out devils and demons but my question to you is who is jesus to you and my mind came around again to some other scriptures as i was praying to the lord and one encounter that came across my mind was nicodemus some of us was in the church we were going about doing different duties in the church we might have even been in positions of authority leadership but we were doing church work but nicodemus was a leader and nicodemus decided to come to jesus by night because there was some conversation going on and he wanted to get a little closer look but he decided to come by night he didn't want nobody to notice that he was coming to ask questions so during his time with jesus jesus told him that you have to be born again so in order to be have that encounter with the lord we must be born again when we really have that true encounter with jesus christ another encounter was in chapter four when the lord purposely he had needs to go through samaria and that woman at the well some of us can identify as being that woman that we come to a place all along we're alone because we don't have any relationships or maybe our relationships have gone south and maybe people look at us indifferent sometimes but you still go on about your daily life and this woman she was at the well and jesus had stopped and took a rest and he asked her for some water and she said being here been being a jew and her samaritan they didn't have a good relationship why would you ask for me wanted but he told her if you knew the gift that was there in other words he could give her water living water and through that conversation she realized that worship was not about a place it was about a relationship so when she came to get the water she dropped that pot and she evangelized and she went to the men to those that were her friends and told them come see a man that told me everything about me and in that her going to the guys the man jesus stayed there for two days and witnessed and evangelized who he was another encounter paul saul on the road to damascus we can feel that we are saved sanctified holy ghost field doing everything that we're supposed to do for god but then that encounter he was persecuting the christians he was stopped on the road to damascus and he had that encounter with that bright light he heard a voice but he didn't see but he had enough wisdom say to say who art thou lord and so in his encounter in acts chapter 9 verse 1 through 31 we saw that that paul was converted he was saved and he became one of the greatest apostles in the new testament so my question to you who is jesus to you what did he do when you encountered him did you give your life to god did you go tell other people about him that you witnessed that he transformed you did he change your heart and mind did he change his soul but one thing that i want to remind you is that the world lets us know that jesus is our savior according to luke 10 19 19 and 10. he is the word according to john 10 and 10 and he's our loving lord and teacher so my desire for each of us today is to know who jesus is to be in that relationship that great encounter with the king amen amen thank you thank you evangelist for those powerful words new life news [Music] good morning welcome to new life we are so glad you have joined us for our morning worship i am vanesha graham and i have your news for this sunday september 19th deacons mark your calendars for the next virtual deacons meeting which will be on october 2nd at 9 00 a.m in-person bible study on tuesday night at annex 2 has restarted beginning promptly at 7 pm happening on thursday nights is our virtual co-pastor-led bible study at 7 p.m be sure to log in remember to join us for our virtual sunday school on saturday nights beginning at 7 pm we have several different ways to pay our times and offerings whether in person or virtually you can give in person during service online through our website or you can use cash app from your mobile device you can also mail it to the church office let's continue staying safe and keeping one another lift it up in prayer please be in prayer for deacon fred brown as he lost his brother daryl brown homegoing services will be held at the alabama heritage cemetery on next saturday september 25th at 11 am please be in prayer for marcus barron and the pope family who lost his mother mother eloise baron she was also a member of new life her homegoing services were held at the thomasville church of god in christ in thomasville alabama on yesterday [Music] please be in prayer for deacon walter jeter and his family as he lost his mother pauline jeter watley who was 93 years old homegoing services will be announced and our thought for the week god's work done god's way will never lack god's supplies now let's get back to our worship [Music] amen let's govern ourselves accordingly with the announcements and now it's offering time that was a little sad sister says katina that was a little sad you did good but but but you got to understand that there's a blessing in your giving okay you can't beat god's giving the more you give he just keep giving back to you so the the urges are are coming down out if you're in need of a tied envelope just raise your hand and they'll get you one let's stand as we speak to confession uh call upon our deacons at this moment amen for those who are watching online there are various means to give and if you don't give at this moment while we are taking up offering always know that you can call the church you can give through the app there's always a blessing in sowing seed in this good ground the seed that i sow shall leave my hands but never leave my life it is covering me from my past actively working in my present and preparing a harvest for me in the future i beseech thee oh lord send down thy prosperity i'll never be broke or sick another day of my life amen in the hands of the deacons [Music] so [Music] um [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] mmm [Music] you know sometimes that's just music just just make you want to move [Music] i was just told i gotta make sure we get packed up at a certain time but but you know black folks when it comes to music it's just something on the inside this game [Music] watch out for support [Music] [Music] why you all getting ready i want to tell you that we have the greatest pastor on planet earth who's going to come and deliver a word from the lord i i ask you to open up your hearts and mind as we hear from heaven the praise team is coming in place and they're going to sing and as soon as the praise scene finished the next part you will hear will be that of our dynamite pastor pastor terry elephant [Music] hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah as we prepare to hear from heaven this morning we just want god's kingdom to come here on earth and we want his will to be done here on earth in our lives on our jobs and our families we just said god have your weight have your way have your way [Music] see i've done it on my own but when i surrendered when i totally surrendered to it and i asked him god have your way in my life things begin to get better things begin to change [Music] [Music] and [Music] have your way lord [Music] can you ask him that this morning [Music] know [Music] [Music] [Music] one more time [Music] is [Music] [Music] have your way do it right now [Music] [Music] we need your prayers [Music] take until you do we need your spirit me come your way [Music] [Music] hello [Music] [Music] ah [Music] we do without you this means nothing without your presence and your counsel your anointing we can do nothing so god we ask you right now to have your way you know better than we do what needs to be done do something right now unusual in the name of jesus we know what's being done because we asked you and you said we ask anything in your name that you would do it have your way god we pray this in jesus name thank you lord amen god bless you thank you so much uh praise team good lord i didn't want to let that go we got we got two different three different services all higgling together and everybody's waiting on each other so but it's so good uh to be there come on let's give god just a praise for what he's done don't you feel the spirit i feel the spirit of god moving in this place and then moving i was watching the annex four and i was watching annex uh i mean the look like birmingham doing the same thing it's time for god to have his way amen it's his church is his church i do honor the lord who certainly the head of my life too let me just say this everything a cold pastor is everywhere we got we got a new co-pastor he we thought we'd just bring him over and let him visit [Laughter] supernatural i need to do a good job today god bless you sir this lovely wife god bless you to uh to the co-pastors that i ever call that's a brand and god bless you co-pastors uh mckinney that's at x4 today and co-pastor uh glenn redden and all the ministerial staff to everyone uh i heard that the smithermans are it knew like birmingham for those you don't hear that don't know them uh the smithereens uh uh what best mother smitherman is mother calhoun's sister and so she's the church mother there she's been sick but she's back in service today and we thank god for deacon and sister smithery uh i uh i have a word from the lord but i want it before i get there i got to say a couple things my wife is here uh amen thank god for her being here lady jay and my sister gwen and she's here she's been out for a long time but she is here we thank god for her god has blessed her to be here today you know sickness has separated us so many different ways but we're here today man uh the other thing is i want you to be a prayer for the watley family the like the vegeta family um i know you announced that uh they've asked for the funeral to be here we don't know when it's oh when it's gonna be but we're asking for uh us to be in place we'll wants to announce we'll find out on tomorrow uh at nxt about ben nx2 brother fred brown mourning his brother uh just sudden death he was doing fine the doctor said he would be out in four days and the next thing we know he had passed on and so the thing about all these folks that are dying that we have listed they are saved and that takes a lot of the steam out of death we understand now it says death word is not sting it's a it's a sad thing to know that when someone dies and you know they don't know jesus it's it's very sad but it takes the sting out of death when you are in that position amen so glad to have brother a wheel in the house today god bless you man he lost his father and uh he's with us today we thank god god bless you i have a word from the lord i think i got everybody the best the greatest man in the land all three locations i want to call your attention to matthew chapter 6 verse 33 i want to read it from the message below let's start at verse 30. matthew 6 and 30. it says if god gives such attention to the appearance of wildflowers most of which are never even seen don't you think he'll attend to you take pride in you and and do his best for you what i'm trying to do here is to get you to relax to not to be so preoccupied with getting so you can respond to god's giving people who don't know god and the way he works fuss over these things but you know both god and how he works steep your life in god reality god initiative and god provisions don't worry about missing out you'll find all your everyday human concerns will be met you know uh there are so many things that we have to understand as the body of christ we're saved and here uh jesus is teaching people that don't have the holy spirit holy spirit has not been given yet so he's he's teaching and you'll notice in all the teachings we hear about he's the only one teaching because he is god and so he's able to to convey a message and use examples and and different uh analogies and use a lot of parables that so people could kind of grasp and jesus began to talk where they were but then sometimes he began to talk out of the range of their of what they could do because heaven some things they are no uh earthly comparison to what's in heavenly realms and so sometimes uh they would they would lose out and they think congrats what the lord was saying the thing the problem that that has happened i remember we i was on tbn with ron carpenter and bishop john francis and i believe was another bishop out of uh he lives in texas uh his wife has been here before he's been before too can't think of his name joe b joey joey brady yeah we were all together and um and uh on the way we were in the uh limousine they came picked us up but on the way home we talked about what we had talked about and and ron carpenter said something very something very relevant he said this he said i hear you talking kingdom but most of the churches that are talking kingdom are very small and and they're and they know how much growth and we pondered over that and said because he said it's amazing that you're talking kingdom your church is growing he said but it's amazing most churches he said i travel around the world he said most of the churches they're actually talking pure kingdom of very small churches uh the thing that god promised me and there's a prophecy over the life of new life uh other members of them i'm telling you i'm just stuck just talking i'm just telling you what god literally said to me god told me and some of you maybe remember this i said this years ago the guy said i'm going to make you the sample and not the example i want to get that clear in your hearts sample and not example and if if you're talking about an example it's something or someone that is used as a model for example i could put down two times two equals four that is a sample of what multiplication looks like but when you talk about sample you women and some of you men know that when you go into a place and you want to smell some perfume and what what it really smells like they have some samples out there they don't got cheekbones they got now you got their own paper they don't have it like in little bottles like they used to have it you can squeeze them out but they have a little paper you can smell it gives you an idea of what it really uh what's in the bottle the major bible god said he's going to do enough in your life to make you not an example a protege he's going to make you the real deal and to begin to grasp and embrace the kingdom of god now it seems as though how can that happen and you're looking at me like like pastor what are you saying i don't feel any different than you did before i got so much going on my life right now i can't even focus on that let me just tell you this neither could they focus on it either jesus said he said this is what he says to them he said what i'm trying to do is get you to relax he said uh he said because uh not to be so preoccupied in getting in other words not get so preoccupied in the way you are used to and accustomed to getting things the reason why many kingdom churches are small is because it sounds like nonsense it doesn't make sense because it's it's a twisted uh mind of thinking from the way ordinary people think it seems so simple and the bible says that the the the fullnesses of god will confound the wise and and many people don't understand that god is actually moving by his spirit right now in you because look what he says here he said he said a people he said this is what he says he said people who don't know god and the way he works for us over these scenes but you know both god and how he works and they're looking like him like really i know god and how he works and and some of you even looking at me right now to my pastor that sounds good but i don't feel none of you saying i don't feel like i know god any different i don't haven't seen any changes i've seen nothing work differently but this is what he's saying here he said he said i want you to relax i know there's a lot of pressure on your life and what that does it preoccupies your mind into getting things a certain way it forces you under pressure many of us are under pressure to make something happen so sometimes we're forced to do things in a way that we think is the best way to do it and the lord said that's not the way it's done in kingdom hallelujah the way it's done in kingdom is that he said i need you to steep your life in the god reality i need you to have god initiative in other words do things that are initiated by the thoughts of god in your heart don't just do things to be doing them hear god first and watch things happen the way god wants them to happen and it says steve your life and god in reality god initiative and god provision he said don't worry about missing out the thing about it is the kingdom of god jesus gives us so many scenarios as to how it works and and let me just say what we mean by the kingdom of god uh and matter of fact a lot of people look at it this way they look they look at kingdom god look at us let's see luke 17 and verse 20. it says one day the pharisees asked when will the kingdom of god begin this is the message bible jesus replied the kingdom of god isn't ushered in visible signs you won't be able to say it has begun here in this place or there in that part of the country for the kingdom of god is within you now let me stop there he said in other words the kingdom of god is not by observation it's not like you're going to cease god coming on the cloud and and something's going to happen so dramatically no he said the kingdom of god is within you everybody say within me that means that once i really embrace that i really am baptized in the holy spirit once i really embrace that i have god living inside of me with the evidence of speaking in tongues that the spirit of god gives utterance i have kingdom in me that i can speak a thing that is not and it will happen because god said hallelujah that i'm his and now not only do i can speak of things but i know what to say because he said take no thought and what you shall say but in that same hour god will work things out are you listen tell somebody the kingdom of god is within me not but then let's see how it works because if the kingdom of god is within me and i'm supposed to know all these things that you say i supposed to know why aren't certain things working for me why is it taking so long for certain things to happen let me just say this much and the lord told me to say this on wednesday someone was telling me about a blessing that god had given them just happened like that what i want you to understand is a kingdom idea once the word of god is delivered because the word of god is the seed that god uses to actually expand your mind to his capacity which is is limitless he that word takes us beyond our current thinking and we begin to say lord have your way and when you begin to say lord have your way listen what happens when god allows you when you allow god to do that in your life what he does is he expands the possibility i was telling somebody on wednesday night i said listen if we can embrace just a fraction hallelujah of what the kingdom of god can really work embrace a word and let it go so deep within us and and let that word that's what paul said david said let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be accepted and i say in other words when i begin to say what the spirit of god is saying to me and i begin to meditate on that word it being to begin to grow and i actually embrace a god reality versus mine your reality is all jacked up your reality is all is tore up from the floor but when you begin to believe what god says about the situation and he said he that hath an ear let them hear what the spirit is saying to the church and i say calm down stop crying about this because you need to listen because god has a way out for you somebody give god a praise right now now let me just give you some instances because that satan will try everything i need you to hear me today guys uh i'm gonna i'm not gonna be long at all but i just need you to get this today because you need it i'm telling we all need this because god is ready to do some things that he that that that actually is about to expire because if you don't get it now you won't have what you need for the next thing he's doing tell us how about tell somebody i need a now moment with god first of all let me just say this uh jesus did a lot of teaching on on the kingdom especially in matthew chapter 13 he taught all day on on different scenarios of how the kingdom works i'm just going to give you a couple of them right because i want you to understand uh some things we think are not working and god is working in that situation and and the the power of waiting is the key when you wait on something that means that you trust what's happening is happening in other words you're trusting the process now here here goes matthew 13 and 24 from the message by all this be from the message bible it says he told another story god's kingdom is like a farmer who planted good seed in the field that night everybody said that night while his hired men were asleep his enemies sold thistles all through the wheat and slipped away before dawn when the first green shoots appear shoes appeared and the grain began to form the thistles showed up too the farmhands came to the farm and said master that was a clean seed that we planted wasn't it where did the thistles come from he answered some enemy did this the farmhands asked should we now weed out the thistles he said no if you weed the thistles you'll pull up the wheat too he said let them grow together until harvest time and then i'll instruct the harvesters to pull the fist of the thistles and tie them into the bottles of the fire then gather the wheat and put it in the barn now let me just show you what you got to get out of this he's talking kingdom everybody says talking kingdom but something went wrong okay now the thing is he said he said he said god's kingdom is like a farmer the planet good seed okay but that night everybody said that night you got some people that'll work the night shift and when they work that night shift they will work all night just as hard as you did in a day and slip away so you won't catch them what they were doing and later you find out that what you have planted and things you've been working so dealing with it's been corrupted by something that they've done everybody say he's talking kingdom but that night shift when they brought the problem back they said wasn't the seed good yes listen what you heard from god was good and is good he said what you got to do is be able to understand what you planning is going to show up a different way [Music] hallelujah hey not example but the real thing he said when harvest times come because what they planted is not gonna work the way so don't worry about uh pulling up what what somebody else did or trying to change something because since you're a kingdom when you grow hallelujah hallelujah just wait till harvest times come that's the power of the kingdom we don't have to go after everything sometimes you just wait on god and watch god turn that thing around somebody give god praise right now let me finish here because i got a couple more and then we'll go crazy okay it says in matthew chapter 13 and 33 it says another story god's kingdom is like yeast that a woman walks into the door of dozens of loaves of barley bread and waits everybody waits while the door rises hallelujah now listen hallelujah thank you jesus halloween once you do what god says do you can just step back and just let it work see that's the power of the kingdom once you spoken once you've highly pressed your way through this once you stood up for god's righteousness once you kept on keeping on when you didn't understand what was happening you knew that what you had was enough to make something explain y'all hear me tell somebody it's going to work for me so i'm going to step back and let the process go ahead because the struggle is not with men with me i have the kingdom within me the struggle is what's trying to resist from what i said is going to happen somebody give god praise in here now now now we'll get down to the nitty-gritty it says in in matthew 13 and 51 jesus answered are you starting to get a handle on all this if jesus had given him many examples and told them different aspects of the kingdom it wasn't just something always instant you remember when jesus uh uh cast the devil out of the demoniac and he said come out and and come out of him and that death and dumb spirit and he began to wallow on the ground and get worse instead of better but jesus didn't you know what jesus did he stood back and left what he said happened let me tell you yours your situation may be vibrating throwing up foaming at the mouth acting crazy but when you speak that word [Music] if i say step back let god have his way just and let god have his way in other words god said i will disarm your struggle everything hallelujah hallelujah there's a struggle along going off but god said i know the code to disarm that thing and the code is in your mouth and you speak a word to it holly and just step back and let god be god come on give god a praise but then then he says let me finish this last part i'm gonna let you go home matthew 13 matthew 13 and 51 said jesus said are you starting to get a handle on this they answered yes he said listen you got to get this then you see i have every student well trained in god's kingdom is like the owner of a general store who can put his hands on anything you need old or new exactly when you need it and god said i'm training you now how to be able to operate in the store y'all hear me well trained you are there long enough to know where everything is whether something is new or something is old i need you to understand is that now if the kingdom of god is within us and now we've got to focus on not not how he works but that he will work he said you can plant a seed in the ground form a plant see the ground that comes up and he knows it and it grows overnight he said he don't know how but that's how the kingdom works i'm not trying to figure or analyze how god can do a thing all my responsibility is that no he will and and do what mary said about jesus just do what he says i'm trying not to get you to shout today i'm trying to get you something that you need because he said it's not about your getting it's about god's giving in other words he said what what you're asking for is much too small than what he wants to do and so what you're spending your time panicking over something that the enemy has strategized and got you running like a bad tennis player from one side to the next hallow and you're just going by and they got you running until you finally miss out what i'm trying to tell you is that god said if you could just grasp this kingdom agenda he said your life will be simple he said i come that you might have life if i say have life you know y'all got to do better than that i i'm working pretty hard up here everybody said have life and have it more abundantly come on i can see i can see god moving in our lives right now i see god moving and i i was saying to and i've said this here before but i was saying uh when i got if i went in in water i said this before i think i said it in wednesday night bible study in birmingham but you got to understand that you've got to understand how at least how to the rule of the kingdom how the kingdom works and that's what jesus was saying most the time you got to know how god works not how he does it but how he works what causes god to move what causes god to to to back up anything you say this is the key right here if you if i'm standing i said this when saying if i'm standing as tall as i am in three foot of water i'm good i don't have to know how to swim i can walk around just walk around the water just enjoy them and say i even sit down i'm good okay but then then i get to about five feet i'm still good i'm 6'4 so i'm good still good but if i go seven feet if i want to live i've got to go by the rules of the water i got to know how the how to work with the water so i can come up on top and live through this hallelujah in other words i would no longer rely on on on what my rule is i got to know what the rule of the water is if i want to stay on top i could have hoped that that would have sounded better but listen what i'm trying to get you to understand is this is that god said i'm working on you i'm working on your mind i'm making you get weary or tired of the old way of doing things you you've become exhausted by things you've had to go through the things that we have accomplished it look like the enemy is attacking them uh on this morning i i got up and everything would seem to be going good i got a call that something wasn't working right that we had to make some adjustments to uh and made a few calls and it all worked out perfectly we thank god for that then then i got ready to walk out the door i was going to try to get it at the eight o'clock service early and i and i got to walk out the door and notice that my my my my two freezers in the garage were not on and so i tried everything i could do to get it and so i started having to use the wisdom that we have in place that when all the power go out that i had to use some of those uh those mechanisms and make the power come back on until we can find out what the problem is so i got that working and and everything worked out but it's almost like the alabama game because i had my alabama head on and when when i found out we only won by two points i said we won but it was close so i'm not superstitious but i went back in the house and put the hat on and i used to wear i put my jesus head on and things began to work out a little bit better what am i trying to tell you right now is that sometimes at some point if you begin to if you don't realize what god is doing is sometimes god allowing scenarios to come in your life to see have you learned anything different or will you go back to the same way that got you through before do you have you ever have you advanced any have you progressed in since the last time you went through the struggle will you go back to the old formulas that you used before to get you through hallelujah my son said the other day he was out he was at a church and he went to the church and and and and that was oh he saw he he had prayed for some people and then somebody came up at the end of the of the service and began to pray for somebody to actually their eyes to be open because he saw healing they said somebody prayed for the eyes to be open the woman who walked up to the man began to pray she said god will like filthy rags he said then he saw an angel stand by came and stood by what they were and the angel was like a healing type of angel and when when when she began to say uh god we like filth the rags we're no good and and we're not good for anything the angel hollow instead of touching the angel folded his arm and just stood there he said in other words he got and he was gonna come over by the angel he'd sense that the angels didn't want him to come over i needed to hear me and so what what was there there was a frustration with the angel in other words you're praying false humility and god said i brought you through this and i brought you through that don't you know that i've healed your free from your sins don't you understand that i'm your god now and now you're part of the kingdom i don't want no low praise i've corrected the mistakes that you made in your life you're no more considered guilty so when you start praying guilt i can't do nothing with that i won't open eyes i won't heal bodies i won't change conditions as long as you're talking like the world talking but hallelujah once you begin to talk like god's talking and begin to speak that the lord is speaking you'll see some god realities and some god initiatives and some god results some how many are tired of the same old thing somebody said yes lord says lord i need you to show me um where everything is i need to know am i in the right position i need to know um where you put this um and where you put that uh show me how to find things let me understanding of your kingdom teach me how to understand what my mind won't grasp lord i don't want to stay small y'all hear me huh but let me grow up with your wisdom let me grow up with your knowledge of who the thought that the wisdom of god would have been to the blood of jesus how does that make sense how do we do that y'all will hear me huh when jesus began to tell the people say eat my body hallelujah and drink my blood hallelujah they couldn't comprehend it that's why kingdom churches stay small because what god tells you doesn't make sense i want you to put and feel these pictures with water it didn't make sense i want you to take these two fish five rows of bread and give it to me huh and a little 5000 that didn't make sense i wonder huh what did god tell you that didn't make sense somebody said yes sir i said yes lord that's the way hallelujah let me just stop that's the way the church will grow it's when we get yes lord back in our praise you just say yes lord i don't know how you're gonna do it but yes lord what you're telling me don't make no common sense but yes lord i'm tired but lord you say go and and launch out into the deep and it don't make sense we've been fishing all night but yes lord if i say yes lord yes lord let me ask you a question how bad do you think your situation do you think it's worse anything worth so bad that god can't fix that the thing is before you ask god to fix the situation say god fix me first do it do me first god let me be able to comprehend what you're really doing in my life let me begin to understand why this happened that those things are happening give me understanding be wisdom and knowledge and expand my thinking that know that you can do anything but fail thank you jesus yes somebody say yes lord come on say yes lord you know there's a song you've seen years ago i'll let you go the second but say god can't do anything but fail god can do anything but fail he can save anything he can heal anything according anything to his will oh god can't do anything but fail god can't do anything but fail god can't do anything but fair he can save he can heal all according to his will god can do anything there's nothing too hard for god i want to i want to know right now what do you ever need for god what do you have before him um i want you to drop that for a moment just drop that off and just put it in a hole and i need you to calm down i need you to stop asking god to give me and let god give something to you and what he will give you is a word from him of what to say about your situation and what the outcome will be a good pool player knows how to say what ball is going to what pocket y'all hear what i'm saying because of the skill they have if a man can do that what do you think god can do if you name something and watch god many times what we need is really healing from god within we need god to touch our hearts and god to do something i just need you to hold your heart up before god i just feel like god needs to heal at all locations i need you to hold your hands up before god and just say lord have your way in my life heal my mind hear my soul do something special for me this day god i pray for your kingdom to be in my heart so when you speak i'll obey and step back and watch you do it do it lord do it for me right now do it for me touch my mind touch my life touch my will in the name of jesus i pray now listen father god they prayed a prayer simple don't sound like much because many didn't feel it when they were saying it but god because they were obedient i need you to work a miracle for them in the name of jesus because they went through even the motions of it i need you to do something and god even while they're thinking all the things they need still i need you to wipe the slate clean in their mind and say lord have your way they get put that in heart in their heart let them say it let them say continue lord have your way in my life and let them trust you and watch you work everything out in the name of jesus that some people need to be healed god wants your healing to come in the hearts and the bodies and the minds and spirits do what only you can do god i speak it now i claim deliverance and healing in jesus name is there anyone right now that's not saving a backside that needs to come to the lord at all the locations if you are a backside or or or someone that needs something from god needs to come right now that's not an invitation for you to leave that's the invitation for you to come is that to anyone any of the locations i can see all locations if you come to the altar i see every altar if you come right now let the lord save you let let him do something in your life let him if your backside you're not with god like it should be come now thank you hallelujah hallelujah i guess everybody come out of this pandemic really saying you dude saved oh come on god bless you all we love you at this time turn every location over to itself and i want to say here uh is there anybody that uh would like to become a member of the church fellowship of any location if you want to become a member of new life whether in birmingham or montgomery you may come now if the lord we speak the if and only if the lord has let you do so you may come now at this time [Music] i guess only members come out of this pandemic [Music] i'm just kidding hallelujah god bless you how many you love the lord how many you believe god say lord i believe you now father as we leave this place we want you to bless your people bless them in in ways they never thought of and god all the hindrances that that come against the things that are designed to to stop us from progressing we're buying all that up now and god let us have a great week in the name of jesus everything the devil has planned we cancel those plans right now and he cannot renew anything else about it god send confusion into his camp in the name of jesus no we cancel all his strategies and god we say let your will be done let your kingdom come in our lives and give us how to do it god we pray in jesus name thank you lord amen god bless you we love you all so much we're going to ask everybody to leave this place uh and let's leave it from the starting from the rear in in inform let's not fist bump hug back rose usher's assistant and as we leave let's remember to keep social justice even on our way out [Music] god can do [Music] god can't do anything anything anything [Music] [Music] he can hear [Music] god innocent anything god can do anything but he can say he can heal we're all according to israel what god can do [Music] he can sing he can heal [Music] all the gods anything anything anything god can do anything anything by faith all he can say [Music] he can heal according to his will oh god [Music]
Channel: iNEWLIFE
Views: 229
Rating: 5 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 25sec (5425 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 19 2021
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