Sunday Morning Worship Broadcast (8.16.2020)

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even where you are there's still a word from the lord god ain't through yet but when he gets through we shall come forward as she'll go everybody it's time to get busy um everybody listen here talking about the man named jesus he's all right with me we're talking about the man name jesus he's all right anybody know he is baby baby you don't mind tonight you took two little fish way back then can i get yes is going to be hold on is nobody ever turn you around good morning pilgrim rest nation come on you've got a handcuff of praise he woke you up this morning you have activity of your limbs he blessed you all week god we thank you for another day we're going to enter into his gates with thanksgiving and unto his cross with praise how many know that the lord is awesome he's mighty he's holy come on and give god a handclap of praise yay lord you are awesome can you help me everybody if it wasn't for your love if it wasn't for your grace in your house if it wasn't for your love if it was i don't know come on yes you are jesus god thank you for being sober i i don't know where i'd be you're awesome lord you're awesome you let me he's he's awesome oh come on and put your hands together you know he's awesome he's mighty he's worthy he's holy god you're worthy to be praised we call you awesome this morning we lift up your name jesus there's no other name that can be lifted there's no other name that can heal me there's no other name that can save me god you are an awesome guy you awesome this is the day that the lord had made we're gonna rejoice and be glad they're in first i'd like to say good morning to the pilgrimage nation on this blessed sunday morning our scripture reading this morning will come from the 136 number of psalms starting at verse 1 it says o give thanks unto the lord for he is good for his mercy endureth forever o give thanks unto god of gods for his mercy endure forever o give thanks unto the lord of lords for his mercy endure forever to him who along doer great wonders for his mercy endure forever may the lord have a blessing upon the readers hearers and the doers of his holy word let us pray o gracious heavenly father is once again that you have allowed your servants to come out into the house of worship and for that we just want to say thank you thank you for your many many many blessings that you have bestowed upon us the heavenly father dale and father as we prepare for service this morning the hell of father we ask that you just come in the midst the heavenly father the only father we ask right now that you just blessed the pilgrimage nation dear hell and father bless the sick bless the bereaved among us today the heavenly father for the heavenly father if we had a thousand tongues we couldn't thank you enough for all that you have done and we'll continue to do the only father we ask right now that you just continue to bless the shepherd of this this flock the heavenly father continue to build him up where he's torn down the heavenly father strengthen him the heavenly father the only father i ask right now that you just give him a mighty mighty mighty word this morning the heavenly father that he can talk to your people this morning the heavenly father and let us open up our hearts and receive what thus says the lord this morning the heavenly father dearly father we pray right now for our officers of this church their heavenly father our members the heavenly father those that are doing well and those that are sick the healing father we know that you got enough medicine in the hem of your garment to heal this nation dear and the father the only father it seems like every time we turn around we're getting bad news but the heavenly father we know that you are a good god a merciful god the heavenly father the only father we ask right now that you just continue to shout down your blessings upon us this morning the heavenly father create within us a clean heart and renew our right spirits this morning the heavenly father dearly father we ask right now that you just continue to bless those young kids that are going back to school or have already gone back to school their father for this pandemic is uh bringing about a lot of fear in them the hell and father but we know if they keep their hands in your hands everything will be all right the hell the father dale and father i don't mean to say a prayer selfish prayer this morning this morning the heavenly father but my daughter is going off to college today the healing father don't know what may come the hell and father don't know what tomorrow may bring to hell the father but i'm just asking and pleading for your covering this morning the heavenly father the father not only heard the heavenly father but all freshmen sophomores juniors seniors and faculty and staff that are going back to the colleges today the hell and father all next week there hello father continue to keep them safe the heavenly father don't let any hurt harm or danger come their way dear hello father the only father we just thank you for the sunshine we thank you for the rain we thank you for the storms of life the heavenly father that has made us stronger in you the heavenly father then the father i just thank you so much you've been good to me the hell and father down through the years the heavenly father the father i just if i had a thousand times i couldn't thank you enough for all that you've done i pray right now that you just continue to lead god and protect us still in the father as we go about our day there and the father tell the father this we ask right now that you just bless our leadership not only local state government the heavenly father just continue to bless as you know how the heavenly father and will forever give you all the praise glory and honor for this is your servant's prayer this morning for christ's sake amen amen and amen again lift those hands hallelujah hallelujah my heart is ready to receive a blessing from you my heart my heart my hair for you one more time a blessing from you me hold me now come on live is i am lord we need a blessing from you god one more time all across the place oh god my my my heart is ready from you a blessing of blessing from you oh god a blessing from you a blessing trouble all over the land but lord i know that it's coming i can receive my blessing a blessing from you i'm wrap me in your arms uh my heart is ready to receive well good morning good morning it's sunday morning just a blessing lord we need a blessing we can't go on our on our way and certainly can't make it through the day unless you send a blessing our way god bless you today oh it's a great day it's a wonderful day it's a marvelous opportunity to give god the highest praise for blessing us to see another day some been making some we thought would be here they are not here but since we are here i think on your telephone if you're walking just go on and give god a habit of your praise oh yeah to the depths god bless you good morning to the pilgrimage nation it's good to be here don't know how you feel but i'm glad to be in church to be in worship to be in service just to be alive one more day and all of the loyal and faithful members of this great church you know we always appreciate your support on sunday morning by timing in to be a part of our virtual worship god bless you and for all of our regulars who watch us on facebook and on youtube thanks again for joining in this morning tuning in for our virtual worship and if this is your first time uh viewing us by youtube or facebook you are certainly welcome to be a part of the pilgrimage family amen amen amen let me thank our chairman for that great devotion this morning and our anointed praise team for that beautiful song and songs for our competent music staff and for all of you who are viewing it's good to be here today after church notes i promise you i'll be right back online streaming service we care about the health and safety of you your family and our community and we're looking forward to worshiping together as one body when it's safe to do so but until then we invite you to continue to join us online each week through our streaming service on facebook and youtube we're counting on your continued faithfulness during this period and your support will be vital in the coming weeks you can give your tithes an offering by using the give the fly app the easiest way to give through our website at by paypal using the email pilgrimrest1550 at through the cash app at p rest nbc or you can mail your gift to 1550 east washington street montgomery alabama 36107 you can also bring your tithes and offerings to the church our church office will be open monday through thursday from 9 00 a.m to 2 p.m on fridays from 3 p.m until 6 p.m on saturdays from 12 p.m to 4 p.m and on sundays from 11am to 1pm if you need another accommodation please call the church office at 334-265-1808 or call any deacon or trustee at 322-5209 to conveniently schedule pickup of your gift for more information call the church office at 334-265-1807 thanks for your faithfulness and we'll see you online via our streaming services these are your morning church notes the pilgrim west sunday school department is inviting everyone to attend our call in sunday school classes every sunday morning from 8 a.m to 9 00 am to participate in adult class number three with deacon herschel mann dial the toll-free number 978-990-5057 using the access code 615726 pound and after that you will be prompted to say your name to participate in the warren chambliss sunday school class with teacher shirley gilbert dial the toll-free number 712-451-000 and key in the access code 823.015 pound after which you will be prompted to say your name and to participate in adult class one with teacher deakin joseph spraggans you can email him at me at a few days ahead of the sunday school class for complete dial-in and access code information join us each week for midweek bible study on wednesdays via zoo our zoo meeting id is 538-043-0313 using the password one ebw x4 the prison ministry is collecting personal hygiene items for those who are incarcerated in our community there's an urgent need for personal hygiene items due to the shortages produced by coronavirus and everyone is asked to donate toiletries generously to support this effort you can bring your items to the church office monday through thursday 9am to 2pm and friday from 3 to 6 p.m and you will receive instructions on where to place your items for more information contact reverend curtis knott at 334-288-6553 or 571-238-6485 join us for early morning prayer live with pastor walter e ellis on monday wednesday and fridays at 6 15 a.m you can call the toll-free line at 978-990-5000 using the access pin number 687-612 you can call the church prayer line at 334-263-2263 for more information call the church office at 265-1807 have a blessed week all right good morning once again it's good to be here and of course uh we know that uh god is still good he's still able he's doing mighty and miraculous things i just want to thank god for the membership we've had some sickness in our membership but uh god is moving by his spirit by his power and by his might and for all of those who may be a little under the weather today i want to know that god is still in charge and and the devil can't put anything on you that god cannot take off of you so be encouraged be encouraged whatever you're going through just know that it's temporary and if we don't make it on this side we have the assurance on the other side there's a land of no mores but until then we are going to give god praise glory honor keep standing for aubury families i want to just say good morning to you bless you for all of those who are unemployed want a job can't find a job dealing with the all of the politics and politics that are going on with unemployment be encouraged be encouraged god is ables philippians 4 19 guarantees us but my god shall supply every need according to his riches in glory through christ jesus amen god bless you i want to say good morning to my mom good morning mom bless you baby love you take care see you later okay listen i want to say to the pilgrimage nation pilgrimage family and to all of those who have joined us virtually you all i said last sunday and i'll say it again you make a pastor proud you make a pastor proud proud to be a pastor i'm proud to be the pastor of this church because you all have done extraordinarily well being outside the doors but making sure that the doors stay open the lights stay on the bills are paid and we don't have to we don't have to get up and hassle you on sunday morning just make an appeal and god sends the blessings oh what almighty god we serve we'll have it any other way if you're ready to give your offering this morning let's prepare right now to give those tithes and offerings unto the lord because i know he may not have given you everything you want but he will supply your needs hold them up recite with me give and it shall be given unto you good measures pressed down shaken together and running over shall men give into your bosom but with the same measure that you meet with all it shall be measured unto you again luke 6 38 and all the people of god said amen amen hallelujah i want to sing a song this morning but chairman but i want everybody even though we are virtual i want you to join in with me and sing this little song i think we all ought to do it together this morning listen i feel like praying praising him everybody i feel come oh put your hands i together come on y'all play that for me come on everybody this morning hey you know what here's my advice to you if you don't gonna pray then don't come to me y'all hear me say oh if you don't don't pray to me because he's been good to me you know what the world didn't give it to me my time this show i have nobody gave it to me what i feel the world i tell ya i feel all right i feel all right on this ceremony i feel all right down in my heart anybody can just wave your hands come on i see what god has done see how far he brought me how far i have come from did nobody she the devil thought he hated like praying think i pray them hallelujah thank you jesus thank you jesus is that all right anybody out there feel like i feel anybody feel like praying have you been through enough dumb stuff to know the lord heals your life and salvation anybody feel like lift your hand telling me yes lord well ah let's go to the word job job job a very familiar book of the bible one of our favorite characters that we like to talk about i just want to go back and revisit the book of job on uh this morning chapter 1 chapter 1 verse job chapter 1 commencing with verse 1 i'll read a few of the subsequent verses and uh if you would read along with me if you have your bibles if not just listen to the word because the the grass withereth the flowers fade but the word of god stands forever that was a man in the land of oz whose name was job and that man was perfect and upright and one that feared god and issued evil that were born unto him seven sons and three daughters his substance also with seven thousand sheep and three thousand camels five hundred yoke of oxen 500 s's and a great household so that this man was the greatest of all the men of the east and his sons went and feasted in their house everyone on his day and sit and call for their sisters to eat and to drink with them and it was so when the days of their feast and were gone that job sent watch this and sanctified them and rose early in the morning and offered burn orphans according to the number of them all for job said it may be that my sons have sinned and cursed god in their hearts thus job did continually now that was a day when the sons of god came to present themselves before the lord and satan came also among them and the law said unto satan once cometh thou then satan answered and said to the lord uh from going to and for the earth and from walking up and down in it and the lord said unto him hast thou considered my servant job that there's none like him in the earth perfect upright man that one that fears god assured evil then satan houses the lord and said does job fear god for naught or does job fear god for anything has thou not made a hedge about him and about his house and about all that he has on every side thou has blessed the works of his hands and his substances increased in the land but put forth thine hand now and touch all that he has and he will curse thee to thy face and the lord said unto satan behold all that he has is in thy power only upon him putting not forth thy hand so satan went forth from the presence of god the word of god for the people of god i want to talk about the unseen warfare the unseen war fail pray with me please every one of us today know what it's like to face difficulties that life brings life is tough life is not always sweet and in life you got to learn how to take the bitter with the sweet life is not always sweet everybody can deal with life when it's milk and honey but rebecca when life turns sour you got to learn how to cope with it because if you can't take it you won't be able oh my god to make it we understand the reality of hardships crisis and most of us have experienced some of the obvious tragedies that stalk us in this world but watch this my brothers and sisters watch this child of god there is conflict all around us that we can plainly see visibly we see the numbers on every hand that are so disheartening disappointing and discouraging about our situation and our society we see the cases of kovic 19 climbing every day we see the division that is growing among us on racial line y'all gonna talk to me we see the level of disagreement and dysfunction in our government and we the people pay a dear price without exemption former first lady michelle obama uh admitted just recently it makes you feel some kind of way i don't know who i'm talking to uh every now and then life will make you feel like you want to take wayne you're not going to talk to me and fly away every now and then it just makes you feel some kind of way just look at it the leadership of our country is failing us and our way of life is being dictated by russia china north korea and every dictatorship around the world our voices are being muffled our systems are being muzzled and our people are being marginal lie but watch this child of god romans 8 2 31 ask the question what shall we then say to these things but if he come back with the answer he says if god now that sound material right there if god be follows who can i'm gonna preach if y'all don't say nothing be against us isaiah 54 17 the clowns no weapon god almighty formed against us shall ever prosper and every tongue that arrives against us shall be condemned in the judge man i'm talking about unseen warfare stuff we can't see that we can see something but in the midst of all the conflict that's going on around us that we can see watch this there is a loftier and more important struggle going on around us that we cannot see oh hallelujah listen we are i'm talking about the spiritual realm and we are all engaged in spiritual warfare and the most of the time we don't even realize what's going on we are in this thing called an invisible world there are many covert casualties in other words a whole lot of people are impacted that we don't even know about the kovic numbers they are not exact they don't add up that there are a lot of numbers the numbers are really higher than the they report it you know our president has something to do with that but guess what we are in spiritual warfare in other words uh but a whole lot of people are impacted and we don't know about it in this mysterious battle there are no conscientious objectives and our reason for not objecting is because we don't realize that we are on the attack but we've got to understand that there is a spiritual battle going on and we are constantly bombarded by confusion watch this assault is on our health and family and demonic influence on our mind we are in war fail y'all didn't go talk to me it's not physical but it's spiritual i said it's not physical but it's spiritual watch this ephesians 6 12 write this down where else are not against flesh and blood but against principalities against powers uh uh against rules of darkness or this world watch this spiritual wickedness in high places that takes us to a lot of places spiritual wickedness in hobby second corinthians write this down 10 4 says the weapons of our warfare are not called but they are mighty through god to the pulling down of strong holes y'all talk to me hold me for a minute stronghold moderates are very prevalent in these days watch this voter suppression is a stronghold mm-hmm trump's political propaganda is a stronghold silence is compliance and that's a stronghold the republicans effort to try to delegitimize the credibility of senator cumberland harris as a bonafide candidate for vice president of these united states of america is a strong hole but my brothers and my sisters the best way to bring down strongholds is to vote them down i don't have no help but y'all might have cried i said the best way to to bring down strongholds you got to vote them down listen don't get caught up in all of the verbal gymnastics about voting in november uh don't get caught up in the okie doke don't get caught up in all that's going on just know we got the vote if you got to stay in line six hours you gotta vote if you gotta uh if you gotta do whatever you gotta do you gotta vote because that that that the scheme out there trying to suppress folks and trying to encourage folks not to vote but we can't go through four more years of what we've already been through our challenge everybody i've got this morning don't take the okie doke don't take debate we've got to get out and vote because we got to get rid of these strong strongholds sickness the stronghold y'all don't talk to me huh joblin-ness is stronghold there's so many strongholds today but i thank god we can look to the heels for what's coming our help knowing our help comes from the leona isis in the text in the text my beloved we get the privilege uh of seeing spiritual warfare in the life of job we see the faith of his sudden decent and the unmerited afflictions that come in job's life can i just help somebody here many other afflictions y'all don't help me other righteous but the lord delivers us out of them all let me say it again when i when i first read that i was a little disparaged and a little discombobulated because it says many of the afflictions of the righteous i thought it should have been in reverse order but who am i to tell god how to arrange his word affections come on every hand but the bible says it's good sometimes that we go through a fiction because when we go through a fictional abstinence out tribulations our troubles only come to make us strong job didn't know what was going on and what a difference it would have made marius if he had known what was going on over his head he didn't know and neither do we and let me tell y'all something some things are better unknown that there's something you don't want to know but you got to put it in god's hand you see you see if we could pull back the veil of the future and see what's really going on we would tell god i can't make it but thank god we don't know what tomorrow holds but we know who tomorrow let me let me just establish right here maurice let me just establish here that our righteousness y'all get this our righteousness does not qualify us neither immune or exempt us from the devil's attacks because you can do your best every day be on your best behavior all the time give the best are y'all gonna help me preach am i preaching of your sabbaths and still find yourself overwhelmed by some extremities in life but we are in a covered conflict an unapparent battle unseen warfare and watch this my friends if thou ever were a life a character in the bible that illustrates permeates personifies and painted us up and upon us towards calvary to help us understand the totality and he missed suffering and sacrifice that jesus endured but took the suffering turned it into an oasis and a glorious example of how we should endure the grappling of chaotic situation it was job it is so much to learn from job's life job didn't do nobody wrong job wasn't bothering nobody joe was minding his own business but woke up one morning and trouble was standing on his doorsteps so then my brothers and my sisters sister give us such a glaring example of how we ought to act in the midst of going through what we're going through i thought i'd share two or three things with you first of all i want to share with you that joe was an unlikely candidate he wasn't bothering nobody the bible declares job was a man a purity job was a man of integrity job was a man of character he was prosperous polished and proficient watch this he was the priest of his family because he prayed and sacrificed in the commitment for his children his family and his friends all looked to job for guardians because watch this job was not a part-time believer he he he he he lived his life and and his relationship with god he lived in reverence job did not just talk to talk but he also walked the walk y'all they gonna help me anybody can talk about it but i want to see somebody who's doing it anybody can say i love the love he heard my cry but when heart time can you still say that saying something anybody can talk about god will see you through but when your dog in life are blocked and it's seeing like there's no way out can you still said the same thing job who would have thought it job had to go through some devil speeding times and that's the way the devil wanted it you see the honor let me just tell you that the devil was to bring down tall timber not shrubs but tall timber because they're taller the tree the greater the phone the tone and job stood tall god had god had talked about what kind of man joe was and satan wanted to try and to prove to god that job went off that he's put up to be you've been good to job you've been better to him than anybody else in the land of us but i tell you you would remove yourself and you know seven that's why i sing the song lord if you move i'm leaning on you seems that just step back and i promise you you'll see the real show he got plenty of cattle he got plenty of oxy he has been she asses he has step son and three daughters but just move yourself i'm talking i'm telling an unseen warfare now you see we don't know what the devil is negotiating right now on our behalf i don't have no help here we don't know but the devil is telling god about us he's probably saying yes they sing good on sunday morning but i'll tell you if you let me have my way monday morning that testimony will change we don't know oh shucks what the devil is talking to god about right now on our behalf they serve because they got a job they pray because their conduct is clear to they'll raise it a holy hand because they got bread on the table and some in the refrigerator but i dare you to move yourself i dare you to let me touch them i dare you to let me put my hand on them and you'll really see how safe how sanctified they really are job i said joe suffered some unseen crisis job shouldn't have been going through but i tell you what god did he moved himself from chess to prove to the devil what john 10 28 says those whom i have in my hand nobody can plug them out i want them and i preach it to anybody out there this morning you've been going through you've been trying to make ends meet and every time you get a nickel you gotta spin it down and then seeing like the old devil you don't ever shine to shut you out but i came to tell you if god got you he got you strong oh shut up strong can y'all help me said it strong oh so and i made up my mind if god is that strong i made up my mind in warfare is going on over my head i'm going to be like job because job had an unphased commitment can i say it again a show had an unfaithful commitment to watch this thing after it was all over after the devastation after the destruction after all his children were dead after the death show maintain his testimony for the lord so still had a determination y'all talk to me to give god the glory and what job was dealing with here in the text was not enough to diminish his praise job said after all the lord has done for me what i have he gave me what i am you know help me he made me where i am he brought me what i know the lord told me jones said it ain't no way good god i'm out of here it ain't no way i can turn my back on god into a worshipping posture the bible says he shamed his head this was a sign of moaning he he shaved his head down i said he bowed down and began worshiping god and said now listen i really understand i really understand satan watch this something satan don't want to steal my glory but he wants your glory and i am forgetting pig i'm the mediator ever since you put him out of heaven he's been angry he's been mad he's been a sinner he's been a mobster he's trying to find somebody he can pit against you to make you look bad and he'll satan had been able to make job trust god it would have been a victory on job site on satan's side saint would have had a fee on his side which would probably be the only one but joe stayed sick so long stretch fell from his own but i steal himself naked shame out from my mother's womb naked shall i return listen at him i know i know my situation seemed insurmountable i know look things i know i got a chance of being a cast away but if god broke me he's able to carry me job said all the days of my point of time i just wait i just wait i just wait is there anybody out there willing to wait on the loud i hear job singing lee williams song i just can't give up now i've come too far i can't stop now is there anybody that i'm preaching to this morning you've been through the storm in the rain you had a whole lot of heartaches and pain but you gotta leave william spirit i just can't give up i know every time i look i see hills i see more hills i see hills i see valleys but god didn't bring me can i close my little sermon by telling y'all all you were saying i know the lord can i get a witness i know they know hey i'll know they know will make a wait somehow listen since he may not come when you're wanting can i get about 200 i bear who knows he'll show up i said he'll show up just when you need it most is there anybody out there who know god is an old time god we are going through an unseen woe through thy spiritual warfare over our heads i come this morning to tell you the pandemic and the rain everything else is out of order but one thing i do know god is still in order because he's a god of order he's never out of control hold on i said hold on hold on hold on here go hold on let the church say yeah say yes i see feel like praising him out of all my hopes out of all my doubts and all oh go praising clean them like you've been good to you bring them like you made a way praise them like you got joy i doubt crazy praying them like you woke you up this morning praying like it's tight you're on your way and praying like he made awake come on out of no way afraid him like this may be your last time i don't know y'all don't hear me praying like he paid some bills praying you got a child to go to praying they got a roof over your head praying you're not in the hospital praying you've kept me doing all right god bless you there is spiritual warfare over our heads and we gotta deal with strongholds what we experiencing coming up to this november election we're just dealing with strongholds spiritual warfare spiritual wickedness in high places you know where they are but we've been through too much we've been here before see what folk don't know we were raised on cornbread and black eyed peas i hear folks sometimes bragging dark knox about having a silver spoon i can't say that i was just lucky to have a spoon loved loved love love lolo i'm just sitting here looking back over my life cause i know you've been good i know you've been good you've been good no money a lot of my friend thought that was funny but i can stand right here today and i can let you hear the word i say because of love in a shack y'all sometimes within our bag listen mom and daddy they done the best they could they always told me that whatever always be good but out of all the things i've done in life we didn't have we didn't have much a lot of my friend thought that was funny you know what he feared but i'm so glad today that i can stand here you've been good i can see so much that the lord has done he brought me tired of my life i didn't have any money in my pocket hey hold on the god didn't do this anybody know i'm at the shelter shelter in the time of stone can i get one witness can i get one a witness i gotta can i get one witness i just need one witness ain't nobody know we've been good ain't nobody know we've been good come on clap your hand come on and cup your hand clapping just a little bit of love god almighty thank you ain't nobody thank the lord anybody thinks the love come on and help me thank you man come on and help me thank you to me bless you i gotta go anybody got the holy ghost if you know you got it let me hear you say yeah let me hear you say that let me hear you say yeah god did good to me god been good to me so been good to me so all been good so been good so been yes my what he wanted to do anybody listen we gotta go i don't know i really don't know whom i preached to today maybe you are like joe that spiritual warfare over your head and you just don't know what's going on but i come to tell you it's all in god's hand and the safest place in the whole wide world is in the hand of god listen i want to extend to you an invitation to discipleship if you haven't been baptized if you're not an active member of a church if you want to join jesus the information is on the screen we'll take you in just like you are god bless you today the lord keep is my prayer father we stretch our hands to thee no other help we know if thou withdraw thyself from us tell me whether shall we go you been a rock in a weary land in the time of stone now take care of your people as we leave here today hold them keep them the blessings of the lord make us a rich today add no song and give us peace in the name of the father in the name of the son in the name of the holy ghost let the church say amen amen to me you've been mighty good to me you've been mighty good to me it didn't matter it might have might have matter matter matter mighty good to me uh hey is
Channel: Pilgrim Rest MBC-Montgomery
Views: 3,030
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: svG4kr5twTk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 96min 14sec (5774 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 16 2020
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