Sunday Morning Worship Service 10/3/21

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[Music] show [Music] show yourself also [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] yourself [Music] show [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] come on [Music] yourself [Music] come on everybody [Music] come on everybody [Music] every day and in every way of my life [Music] [Music] we can live [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] come on everybody [Music] [Music] tonight [Music] my responses [Music] [Music] come on say that again [Music] after everything you've done hallelujah [Music] come on everybody [Applause] [Music] come on everybody [Music] is [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] everybody sing hallelujah [Music] well good morning and god bless you are you all ready to worship this morning come on let's stand to your feet those of you who are in the sanctuary whether you're worshiping in your own sanctuary at the house amen we come to worship him in the beauty of his holiness for he alone is worthy of all of our hallelujah i don't know about you but i'm stirred in my spirit this morning you know just the other night uh i was praying and the lord was saying to me when i'd gotten up that um that morning he said he reminded me of his faithfulness he told me he said he said first of all i want to remind you of my promise he said stand to your feet so i got about my bed and i stood on my feet with god and then he said uh i want you to open up your eyes now open up your eyes and open up my eyes and i started giving god some praise then and then he reminded me he said now take a deep breath now come on and give me some praise and so he gave me the activities of my limbs he put breath in my lungs and so right now i'm reminded that i have a reason to praise god if you can stand to your please stand to your feet if you can open up your mouth and give god your best praise and you ought to do that for he alone is worthy of the praise scripture says that we ought to give praise unto god for his holiness psalms 99 reminds us this it says the lord reigns let the people's tremble he dwells between the tribes let the earth be moved let the lord is great in zion and he is high above all the peoples here verse 3 says it says let them praise your great and awesome name he is holy how many of y'all know he's holy this morning glory to god nothing can touch them nothing's above them nothing's beneath them god is great and greatly to be praised hallelujah let's pray eternal wise god our father lord how we love you we thank you to god lord for your holiness lord god we thank you lord for your faithfulness thank you lord for waking us up this morning and clothing us in our right mind god we thank you to god this morning for all that you're done in doing and lord we set aside this time lord just to give your name praise just to lift you up for all that you have done not only for me but all for those that are around me and so lord we come to worship open up our minds unstop our deaf ears soften and subdue our heart to the end that we give your name all of the glory the honor and the praise and the lord as we stand before you we ask lord that you would come into the room stir our hearts and our minds we pray lord that as we lift up our pastor did god lord that he will give us encouraging words lord we pray that god lord for a breakthrough this day it's in the mighty and matchless name of jesus the christ and the saints of god said amen come on right where you are put your hands together and praise god now you're in the hands of our praise and worshipped him hallelujah come on everybody live your voice and say there is a name [Music] it sounds like come on everybody [Music] [Music] oh [Music] everybody [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] who died to set me free [Music] [Music] come on everybody [Music] [Music] is everybody's single i love you guys [Music] [Music] hallelujah anybody know that your praise is making room for you i said do you know that your praise is making room for you clap your hands everybody come on [Music] hallelujah my praise isn't making room for me for the blessings that pay for you to receive my mind is already my heart believed my praise in the making room [Music] talk to me [Music] [Applause] is [Music] yes [Music] [Music] glory got to be revealed the lord has been so good to me my words [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on everybody [Music] [Applause] i need everybody [Music] my [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] vacuum [Music] hallelujah [Applause] [Music] make it wrong [Music] [Music] your own understanding on your way acknowledge him [Music] [Music] [Applause] i said [Music] come on bless the lord oh my soul and all that is within me praise and bless his holy and righteous name anybody really believe that your praise is making room now if you really believe it you act like if you believe that your praise is making rules if you really believe that when praises go up that truly blessings will come down i think your praise would be a little bit louder than that if you had great expectation if you had great anticipation if if you really believe what you were saying you believe some of y'all would go cuckoo for coco you would just lose it because you want god to enlarge your territory bless you with me hallelujah bless his name i don't know about you but i want every blessing that god has in store for me but god can only bless you to the capacity of that which you can believe which means if you've got small faith you can only handle small blessings but if you got big faith i'll talk about mountain moving faith there is no good thing god will withhold from you because he can trust you with it hallelujah we praise god today i know that somebody's excited about being in the house of the lord one more time one more time we shouldn't take days and moments and opportunities for granted to worship the lord that i've made up my mind that every time i get a chance god's not going to get what's left he's going to get my best [Music] i i'm not gonna come to church with leftover praise uh leftover energy and no no i'm gonna listen as good as god has been to you every day of the week no no every hour of each day no no every minute of every hour no every second of every minute you oh god the best that you have to offer and we're going to give it to him we're going to give it to him you may claim your seats in the presence of the lord and even those of you who are in our virtual sanctuary don't you dare sit at home and just watch us praise the lord but right there right where you are you ought to be leaping and praising and blessing the lord right where you are for the lord it's good hallelujah and he's good all the time thank you god hallelujah and as we have come into this 10th month of the year the month of october this is what is called the final stretch this is the last and final quarter of this year 2021 and it's i don't know about y'all but it's hard to believe that this year have just flown by so fast and so much has happened and seen so much and we ought to literally commit ourselves saying you know what i i don't know what god has in store for me in the future i don't know what this month is going to bring or even next month is going to bring or even december december's gonna bring i can't control that i can't control what happens tomorrow but i can control how i face it i can control my mentality as i enter every moment that god gives to me so i'm going to challenge you that that we make a decision make a choice you've done a lot this year i've gone a lot set a lot but but in this final stretch i'm not going to waste time allowing myself to be consumed with worry i'm not going to waste any more time allowing the enemy to cause me to be paralyzed by fear i'm not gonna waste the remainder of this year being angry bitter mad resentful because of what somebody did against me i'm going to enjoy every day and every moment god has gifted me to see and to experience because those moments we cannot reclaim we can't get them back and so we're going to give the best we have to experience the abundant life that he has for us and so we're thankful those of you who are worshiping with us online listen i want to i want to greet you and those of you this is your first time worshiping with us we are thankful for you tuning in with us if you don't mind will you just share with us who you are and where you are worshiping from and so that our wonderful loving members can just shower you with some love and some expressions of love and just let you know how grateful we are uh amen to uh be able to experience worship with you and even those of you who are in the sanctuary come on let's do our holy ghost wave to one another come on just wave at one another we greet you with jesus joy and i know behind the mask there are some smiles because you have the joy of the lord it was your strength amen listen this is the first sunday of the month of october and we um we always want to make sure we acknowledge those who are celebrating another year of life and so if you're celebrating a birthday in the month of october come on and stand if october is your birthday month come on let it be known come on show them some love come on come on come on let's show them some love and so if you don't if you can remain standing we want to sing happy birthday to you we don't want to embarrass you we just want to celebrate you if you don't mind and even those of you who are virtual come on let us know who you are and what your birthday is [Music] [Music] and we wish you many many more god bless you and if you're celebrating a wedding anniversary in this month of october come on stand if you're celebrating a wedding anniversary any wedding anniversaries y'all come on celebrate these unions these couples come on y'all could do better than that come on show them some love amen if you remain standing and those of you who are in a virtual sanctuary let it be known if you're celebrating a wedding anniversary we want to know who and when uh of you you're you're celebrating your your anniversary so we can celebrate you as well and i speak god's blessing over your union thank god uh for each of you and each and every day i pray god will bring you closer and closer together so that your union can reflect the love that christ demonstrated to his bride the church amen you may be seated in the presence of the lord god bless you come on one more time celebrate that and so as we come today um to worship the lord one of the things i want to challenge us is that because of what we've experienced throughout this pandemic uncertainty at times we can become lethargic indifferent if you will concerning spiritual matters laxed and even in some sense at ease in zion we take the foot off the gas it's almost like we're trying to just coast or even move into neutral which causes us to become in consistent christians so here's what i want to challenge you is that god is not inconsistent with us so then therefore if he's never inconsistent there's never been a day god hasn't been good to you there's never been a day that god had loved on you there's never been a day that god didn't provide for you there's never been a day that god ever left you abandoned you every day god has been consistent in your life and since god has been consistently good consistently kind consistently merciful why can't we be consistent like him in offering him what he rightfully deserves so i want us to learn how to be like the god in whom image we were created in we want to be consistent just like look at somebody tell them let's be consistent just like our god come on let's praise god for our praise team as they come all right can you just lift your hands and just open up your mouth and bless her god that is consistent with us come on open your mouth and give him glory come on wreck where you are can you lift your hands and give him praise hallelujah hallelujah thank you jesus [Music] oh lord consistent god you are [Music] [Music] [Laughter] every day oh lord long suffering is your love o lord please help us to be consistent like you are oh lord please help us to be consistent like you are [Music] anybody know that the lord is faithful in all of his ways [Music] suffering is your love oh lord to be consistent like you are [Music] to be consistent like you are come on we can depend on you [Music] [Music] you'll never change [Music] just like [Music] to be consistent like you are come on let's tell them again we can depend on you anybody can depend on them this morning in the [Music] never hour [Music] [Music] [Music] to be consistent like you are come on you know that the lord is consistent i dare you to lick your hands and open up your mouth and give him glory like you know he's consistent anybody know that our god is consistent come on [Applause] [Music] help us to be consistent [Music] i want to be consistent i want to be consistent in my worship i want to be consistent [Music] jesus [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] consistently [Music] [Music] to be consistent like you are [Music] to be consistent like you you are [Music] now somebody open up your mouth and give god praise if you really want to be consistent like him come on open up your mouth and give it praise come on you want to be consistent begin to bless his name come on open up your mouth and bless him hallelujah hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Music] in worship [Music] please help us [Music] bless his name that is our prayer to be consistent just like our heavenly father hallelujah come on get your bibles in your hands [Music] i want you to meet me in the book of jeremiah chapter 17 jeremiah 17. father we are grateful for another chance to hear from heaven now god i need you to anoint me afresh as i stand ready to preach your word but i'm smart enough to know that i can't do this by myself in my strength so lord in the name of jesus i need you to speak through me even in spite of me i pray now god that you would take these lips of clay and enable me to speak as an oracle of god i pray now god that your people even as they are ready to hear god that you would prepare their hearts prepare their minds touch even their ears so they can be sensitive to what your spirit is saying to the church because i believe you have a right now rhema word for our lives and so god we're believing for transformation salvation and i believe that when we leave this place god we're not simply going to just be hearers we're going to be doers and we ask it in jesus name and the people of god said and a man well listen we are in the midst of a series entitled can you handle it can you handle it this series was birthed out of um just my own personal devotional time after i had preached from this very text god said i had more to say and i want to simply be obedient to the voice of god um because in this text it teaches us that you're blessed if you can put all your trust in god and not trust in human authority or human resources but trust god and god said he'll bless your life but the question that we have to really examine is because we always pray god bless me we want to be blessed we desire to be blessed but can you handle it that if god were to give you what you asked for could you handle it and i believe there are stewardship principles that we must adhere to because it's trust that enables us to access the blessing but it's stewardship that helps us to be able to maintain the blessing amen somebody know it's it's it's one thing to get there but it's something else to stay there and there are three stewardship principles three stewardship principles the lord really just gave me as i was just praying about this we looked at one of them already where the lord says we gotta grow into it spiritual growth that spiritual growth means that we have to learn to be committed to growing no matter where we're planted we have to learn how to concentrate on developing deep roots over producing fruit and then we also learned that we got to cultivate the discipline of seeking god as our only source we gotta grow somebody shall grow spiritual growth that's a part of the stewardship principle but there's another one i want to give you today from this same text jeremiah 17 verse 7 simply says blessed is the man who trusts in the lord whose hope is the lord for he shall be like a tree planted by the waters which spreads out its roots by the river and will not fear when heat comes but its leaves will be green and will not be anxious in the year [Music] of drought nor will cease from [Music] yielding fruit simply want to give you the second stewardship principle of this and that is guard your mind guard your mind come on somebody shall guard your mind guard your mind if you really just look at what jeremiah is saying he makes it crystal clear that as a believer we must make a resolve that declares concerning our disposition we will not fear that we will not be anxious that fear and worry and anxiety or doubt has no place in my life i'm not going to give fear worry doubt insecurity any more real estate in my head because the text says because i trusted in god my life is blessed and god doesn't allow you to be blessed just so your life can be stressed god doesn't answer your prayers just so you can be consumed with anxiety god doesn't promise you a preferred future just so you can live in fear the bible says in proverbs 10 22 the blessing of the lord makes one rich and he adds no sorrow to it paul says that god richly gives us all things to in joy jesus said i come that you might have life and have it more abundantly this is the resolve under those circumstances will i live in fear and i will not allow myself to waste another moment worrying i will not give in to doubt neither will i allow uncertainty and insecurity to consume my mind but here's the truth that sounds good but that has not been made for many of us our reality during this pandemic if we'll be honest most of us if not all of us have succumbed to fear and worry fearful and worried about the deadly threat of covet 19 fearful and worried family members getting sick fearful of the long-term effects that this pandemic may have on our children fearful of your marriage falling apart or fearful of even getting married fearful of the company downsizing or fearful of not being able to keep a roof over your head fearful of being the next victim of police brutality are fearful that another variant might be on the horizon fearful or worried about being vaccinated or fearful or worried about the booster shot and and here's the thing you're dealing with anxiety and fear and worried about being around people or worried about being in isolation but the text says that i'll resolve must be i will not fear and i will not be anxious notice when the resolve is in full effect it says and will not fear the be part when heat comes but its leaf will be green and will not be anxious in the year of drought watch this before heat shows up i've made the resolve that the heat will not cause me to succumb to a place of panic but before the drought comes before adversity shows up before i experience the trial or affliction i have the courage to face it with faith because i understand though it will come because it doesn't say if it says when that i'm not facing it by myself i understand before it gets here i'm preparing myself because i know it's on the way so i'm prepared so that when he comes i can tell he i've been waiting on you when the drought comes i can say i already do you are on the way because i'm not caught off guard i have made sure i have prepared myself and put my mind on notice that no matter what comes against you you're going to stand firm in your faith which means no matter what trick scheme plot the enemy tries against my mind it's not gonna work satan i already know how you operate i know you trying to get my mind because you're the father of lies that deals with the mind you're the great deceiver that that that targets my mind you are an accuser that targets my mind and i have to make sure that i guard my mind from every demonic attack and every negative life circumstances that threaten my mental and spiritual well-being and i don't wait until i'm under attack i don't wait until my enemies come after me i don't wait until the pandemics show up that even before when the sun is shining i'm preparing myself putting my mind on notice something is coming so get ready for it so you won't be caught off guard don't think it's strange when you're under attack because it's a part of life that's what we all go through uh in in my mid 20s mid to late 20s my wife and i came across this book called the total money makeover by dave ramsey was trying to get our money right and and in that book it evolved to the program financial peace university but there are seven steps seven baby steps is what he called it to to to financial peace and and the first step is not immediately paying off debt that ain't the first step the first step to the process is what is called the starter emergency fund what he says don't don't just start trying to pay off bills and use your money to pay debt the first thing you do is try to save one thousand dollars and use it as an emergency fund the reason why you can't move on to step two step three step four he says because the unexpected will happen it's going to rain the transmission is going to go out the baby is going to be sick something is going to happen the the seat the sink and the faucet is going to leak and you need to already be prepared before an emergency happened so that when the emergency happened you can say i ain't messed up i've been waiting on and i've been saving i'm already prepared and it doesn't knock me off of my goal to get into the place of freedom because i've been prepared for it here's the thing if you can take steps to guard your money then you need to take steps to guard your mind and make sure that since i know satan is coming like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour since i know there are some things that gonna come if i ain't ready it will make me lose my mind i'm going to learn to be strong in the lord and in the power of his night and i'm gonna make sure i put on the whole number of god and especially have on the helmet of salvation so i'm simply trying to tell somebody today guard your mind somebody shall guard your mind and this is my sermon focus let me cut to the chase here's my sermon focus and that is simply this god sent me to tell somebody guard your mind by trusting god in every season with all your mind i know that's simple but but y'all that's what it is guard your mind by trusting god in every season with all your mind i don't just trust him when life seems favorable i trust him at all times in every season in the heat and in the midst of drought and i don't doubt him at all i trust him with all my mind the question is how do you really trust the lord with all your mind so that you can guard your mind let me give you three three i believe in essential principles that that we need to adhere to here's the first first way you do it is this is that if you want to guard your mind trusting god in every season with all your mind here it is learn to filter your thoughts through god's word please hear me today learn to filter your thoughts through god's word hear me when i tell you you can't trust every thought you can't trust every thought that comes to your mind because here's the truth that when heat come adversity and the drought comes in your life here's the truth sometimes our mind start telling us some crazy stuff now i know y'all sanctified filled with the holy spirit especially those y'all in in virtual saint in the virtual sanctuary but here's the truth that every now and then with your sanctify self you start thinking a little cuckoo there's some stuff you ain't gonna say out loud but you know i'm telling the truth and the fact is sometimes just because it comes across our mind sometimes we tend to trust what we think here's the reason why you can't trust everything you think because jeremiah says this right after he tells us what it is to be blessed verse eight notice what he says in verse nine he says the heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked who can know it i the lord search the heart and test the mind catch what it says the heart is deceitful and desperately wicked you have to understand in the old testament in hebrew here it is that the heart and the mind are synonymous that that actually the hebrew word for heart it literally means the center of emotion intellect and moral activity that's why the bible teaches us as a man thinketh in his heart so is he because heart and mind actually are synonymous that's why when solomon was praying and asking god for wisdom he says give thy servant an understanding heart he was asking god for wisdom a mind of discernment because our mind is deceptive our mind is wicked as a matter of fact with the bible speaks concerning concerning the mind the bible tells us that our minds are troubled that the mind is depraved that the mind is dull the mind is blinded the mind is corrupt and that the mind is sinful and as a consequence sometimes our mind will be double-minded sometimes our minds will be confused sometimes our mind will be closed and anxious and restless and rash and deluded and sometimes y'all we can't trust everything we think as a matter of fact the optic nerve is what connects the brain uh with the eyes i send the signal to the brain the brain sends signals back to the eyes but it's been discovered that the brain sends more signal to the eyes than the eyes send signals or impulses to the brain in other words the brain tells the eyes what it sees so in actuality i can't even trust everything i see and i have to be careful of everything i think because i can't trust everything i think listen why do you think there are so many people that still believe donald trump won the election why why do you think that there are so many people still saying after over over uh uh uh so many people have died and have tested positive for covet 19 are saying that it's still a hoax because the world is trying to pollute our minds that even when i've been redeemed i still have the carnal fleshly nature and if i keep taking in mess and poison and i keep taking in all of the lies from the world if i keep listening long enough a lie will become the truth to me we're seeing that today not only that satan himself keeps trying to deceive me lure me through lies away from god causing me to doubt god's work it work and i have to be careful because when heat comes drought comes sometimes even when i'm rooted i can sometimes doubt god you don't believe me come here john the baptist when things got heated for him and he found himself locked in prison when relationships dried up and he went through his own personal drought he sent his disciples to ask jesus himself the very jesus he baptized and the heavens opened up and god said this is my beloved son and whom i will please he sent a disciple to ask jesus are you the one or should we look for another the fact is that sometimes our minds start playing tricks on us and we start doubting so i can't trust everything i think therefore what i have to do is to make sure my thoughts are in alignment with god's word that's why the bible teaches us that we have to learn how to bring every thought into captivity to the obedience of christ i have to learn how to put my mind in subjection to god's word because if i can't trust my mind i can always trust god's word see see i have to tell my mind what to do here's what i'm trying to tell you sometimes you got to make your mind mine that's why paul says he says finally brethren whatsoever things are true whatsoever things are noble whatsoever things are just whatsoever things are pure whatsoever things are lovely whatsoever things are of good report if there's any virtue or if it is praiseworthy watch what it says think on these things bring your mind into subjection and if it's not noble or true or just or lovely or pure or good report or has any virtue here it is get it off your mind don't trust it because you have to bring your mind into subjection in other words every thought before i trust it must be filtered through the word of god let me make this practical this this this this is the this is the best way i can give it to you some of you already know what your struggle is you know what your fears are you know what you are worried about it's nagging it keeps it's the same thing that keeps nagging at you it's the doubts that are on your mind these are the same things that causes you to lose sleep at night god sent me to tell somebody that whatever it is you fear whatever it is you're afraid of whatever it is you're worried about here it is i have a promise for that and what i have to learn how to do is i have to learn how to get the promise of god that it helps me to realize that what i fear is nothing but false evidence appearing real and i have to learn that it's a lie and start trusting what god says over what my mind is trying to tell me y'all ain't helping me in here there's a thing called google i don't know if you've heard of it before but if you want to know even if you don't know the bible for yourself i dare you to google the promises of god and whatever your fear is whatever your stress is whatever it is that's causing you to live in anxiety say lord what is your promises concerning worry what is your promises concerning fear what is your pr when i learned the promises here what i got to do i got to take the promises either write them down print them out and hear me put it up on your refrigerator you might have to put it on your desk put it up on your car and every time something try to infiltrate your mind you look to the promise of god and remind yourself what god has declared over your life i know some of you saying pass up i'm trying to make ends meet and i'm scared i'm gonna lose my job i'm scared i'm not gonna be able to pay my bills i'm gonna lose my house and lose my car so here's what you do you take the promise of god's word and remind yourself every time the thought of losing your money and not having enough write down philippians 4 19 and my god shall supply all your needs according to his riches and glory god i trust your word i know what i see but i know what your word says and i trust your promises over my fear y'all are helping me preach this somebody here is concerned about a doctor's report somebody's concerned about your health because it's not looking good but i come to tell you that your god is a healer and god says i'm jehovah rapha i'm the god that healeth me and every now and then you got to take god's word right down isaiah 53 and 5 and you got to learn how to say but he was wounded for our transgression he was bruce for our iniquity and the chastisement of our peace we're upon him and by his stripes we are healed you got to know the promises of god hear me even when it looks like it's bad and you can't come back god says there's still a promise for that you don't even have to if yeah i know you've lost some stuff i know you've gone through some stuff but god sent me to tell somebody here it is he'll give you beautiful ashes the oil of joy for mourning he'll give you the carmen of praise for heaviness in your life i'm just trying to tell you you got to learn how to filter your thoughts through the word of god i got to move on because there's something else i need to tell you here's another principle how do i guard my mind here it is lean on god to keep your mind oh help me holy ghost lean on god to keep your mind see filtering your thoughts through god's word it really is a learned discipline it's not something that's going to happen overnight because i know some of y'all are going to go back and you're going to print out some scriptures and and you're going to do that and praise god for that hear me but it takes time to bring your mind into suggestion and your thoughts into subjection that takes time because here's the truth i've been on the battlefield for a long time there are times i struggle with making my mind mine there are sometimes i struggle with bringing my thoughts into subjection there's some time even when i read the promises and declare the word over my life there's some time i still wrestle with depression i still ration wrestle with fears i still wrestle with some time and struggle with stress and and worry and that sometimes it's just too big and too much for me alone and here's the truth y'all can i be honest many times i need assistance there are many times i need help concerning my mind i know y'all don't never deal with it but there's sometimes it feels like i'm about to lose my mind so here's what i have to do i have to lean on god to help me keep my mind and get my mind straight as a matter of fact if you look at the text notice it would it says for he shall be like a tree planted by the waters which spreads out his roots by the river and will not fear when he comes i like that but his leaf will be green and will not be anxious in the year of drought here's what's key um in the b part it says and will not fear the and there is the blessing because the end is a conjunction that connects what has been said to what's getting ready to be said but but also when it comes to an and it also is used to show that one thing causes another it is saying here it is it says and will not fear and will not be anxious because of what has already happened it's trying to give us a clue y'all you don't have to live in fear you don't have to live in worry because of what has already happened what has already happened you've been planted by the waters you've spread your roots and connected with the water and because you got a connection with the water all you have to do is just let the water do its job and the water keeps supplying you with what you need and all you got to do is keep leaning and trusting and depending and the water is going to keep on flowing and the water is going to keep on coming through i wish somebody helped me here and that's why the tree ain't got the fear but why because the lord keeps on pouring out that's why the tree ain't got to be afraid and anxious in drought why because when he leans on the water leans on the lord the lord go keep on pouring and supplying what is needed so when i can't do it i know the lord can do it when i can't keep myself he can keep my life together so so here it is all i have to keep doing is staying connected to the water and and when i do that the water keeps on coming here it is let me make it plain this this is what paul he puts it he puts it in a very practical way help me holy ghost um paul says it like this in philippians 4 verses 6 and 7 you get this paul says be anxious for nothing but in everything somebody shout everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to god here's what it says don't worry about anything but pray about everything here's what you got to do as the bible says the root spreads out to the water i got to learn how to pray i got to learn how to make myself make supplication unto god but in the midst of it i'm still going to thank god and glorify god and praise god even though it hadn't transpired even though nothing looks like it's going to come about i'm still going to praise him but at the same time i'm going to let my requests be made known unto god and when i connect with god in prayer when i connect with god in praise watch what god will do here's what he says it says when you pray and you make sure your request is made unknown unto god it says and the peace of god which help me church surpasses all y'all ain't helping me i wish i had time to work there because i don't know what you pray for i don't know what you made your petition for i don't know what you're needing god to do and god might not give you exactly what you asked for but what he says he is gonna give you y'all keep that on the screen he will give you peace while you're still asking for what you need okay y'all ain't catching this he might not give you a promotion but he gonna give you peace he might not give you a boo but he'll give you peace he might not give you the new house but he will give you peace he might not even give you all the things that you desire but at least y'all he gonna give you peace and not just any kind of peace he's gonna give you peace that surpasses all understand y'all okay y'all ain't catching that it coordinates with jeremiah 17 how pastor because here it is when he comes your leaves gonna still look green and in the drought you're still gonna produce fruit how is that possible because god can give you peace that surpasses all understanding see your coworkers scratching their head cause they know the stuff you've been through but you're still looking good still got a smile on your face still able to speak to everybody why because god will give you peace that surpasses all understanding that that that is god can keep you when you can't keep yourself all i have to do is stay connected to the source of my supply here's what isaiah said isaiah 26 and 3 he will keep you in perfect peace if you keep your mind stay on here but here's the last thing and i'm done i got to quit here's the last thing that is essential if you're going to guard your mind i wanted to stop there y'all i really did but but the lord says no you gotta tell them one more thing so let me give you the one more thing it's real short real simple uh and i'll let you go get your chicken here it is the way you guard your mind in this season is to live on purpose so god want me to tell somebody today the way you guard your mind is to live on purpose i need you to say that live on purpose come on just look at somebody upon him and say live on purpose here's what i want you to see when you look at the text heat does come the drought does occur can't ignore that it's a reality the heat hurts the drought is challenging but if you pay attention to the tree regardless of the season it continues to fulfill its purpose y'all listen the seasons change it's sometimes sunny but there's sometimes is there storms sometimes things are easy but then there's sometimes life gets overwhelming but no matter what happens you can't tell what's going on in the trees life because regardless of the season it keeps functioning and operating the same way no matter what seat y'all ain't helping me okay some of y'all know some folk you can tell when they're going through some of y'all know you ain't gotta ask them you can just look at them because when they're going through everything about them say they're going through they looking all sad they don't want to do nothing they want to go in the house close the drapes have a pity party but y'all that ain't going to help you guard your mind what's going to help you guard your mind is that regardless of the season you wake up in the morning and still say this is the day that the lord have made i will rejoice and be exceedingly glad in it i'm gonna put one foot in front of the other because what do i know yes it's heat right now yes it's a trap going on but i do know that weeping may endure for a night but if i can hold on just a little while longer joy is coming in the morning [Music] so so let me give you this here it is oh oh pastor how do i live on purpose especially if i don't know my purpose because i can assume that everybody in here knows what their purpose is so for me to just say live on purpose yet you don't know your purpose then that creates confusion because you need to be intentional in your living if you don't know what your purpose is here's what i can simply tell you your purpose is attached to you serving someone else here's how i know that in this text the tree produces fruit we don't know what kind of fruit but it is a fruit-bearing tree we do know it's a fruit-bearing tree and a fruit-bearing tree never eats its own fruit so the fruit that's being produced ain't for the tree it's to support and to bless and to help someone else so even in a drought you still serving even in heat you still being a blessing even when you're going through yourself and you need god to do something for you you still trying to help somebody come along somebody because when you sit idle and i don't mind it's a devil's workshop but when i get up and say i'm not gonna sit here and do nothing because god has been too good to me to sit back and feel sorry for myself as that's as good as god has been to me and as much as he's blessed me i gotta look for somebody to be a blessing too i don't care if it's nothing but speaking a word of encouragement i don't care if it's nothing but just trying to give them what the best that you can whatever it is you got to learn how to serve somebody because when you learn how to serve somebody i learned a long time ago what you make happen for others god will make happen for you have i got a witness in here y'all do know that's what jesus did they mocked him made fun of him all they called him the bells above but what did he do he kept on serving he said i didn't come to be served but i came to serve and give my life as a ransom oh y'all they betrayed him denied him and even doubted him but that didn't stop him he kept on serving to the bible said who the jaw for the joy that was set before him he endureth the cross and despised the shame and because he kept on serving god has highly exalted him and has given him a name that is above every name that at the name of jesus i wish i had somebody felt like heaven church i said at the name of jesus every knee shall bow every tongue shall confess that jesus christ is lord and what that means is is that i gotta learn how to keep on serving i got to learn how to keep on being a blessing because the more i keep on serving the more god will keep on using me and the more i pour out the more god i keep on pouring in i need you to lift up your hands and say lord make me a blessing come on say lord make me a blessing because instead of asking for a blessing learn how to say lord make me a blessing because when you get the blessing and keep asking for a blessing that's all you're gonna get but when you say lord make me a blessing every time there's a need gotta make sure you got the blessing to be a blessing but if you can't get a blessing through you he can't trust you to give a blessing to you so i've learned to ask lord make me a blessing is there anybody in here that realized that you got your own race to run you got to learn how to live on purpose i thank god that he saw enough in me to call me into the field to labor for him and i made up my mind i ain't got time to let the enemy distract me from doing what he called me to do because the more i serve him the better i feel the more i serve him the more joy i get the more i serve him the closer i get to him is there anybody in here that know that it pays off that serving the lord will pay off after a while i gotta leave you alone but i ain't gonna ask you to touch nobody but just look at somebody and point at them in the holy ghost and say i don't know about you but i made up my mind for the rest of my days i'm going to live on purpose as long as that breath in my body god is going to get the best of my service as long as i got the activities of my limbs i will give it all unto the lord i presenting my body as a living sacrifice holy and acceptable unto god which is my reasonable service i got to worship him now because when i look back and i think about how he kept me there was so many times i almost lost my mind there were so many times i felt like throwing in the towel i know y'all ain't gonna admit it but there have been so many times i thought i wasn't gonna survive but can i tell you how i made it can i tell you why i'm still here it's because the lord he kept my mind he kept my mind every time i got too weak the lord gave me strength to keep on fighting keep on hoping keep on pressing keep on reaching ain't god all right will you help me just by giving honest will you help me by telling the truth and shaming the devil can i just take a census is there anybody here ever almost gave up just raise your hand is there anybody here almost caught it quit suck just raise your hand keep your hands up now look around look around and you'll realize you're not by yourself you're not by yourself it ain't just your house it ain't just your marriage it's not just your children it was not just your finances it was just not your sanity but look at god touching your house touching your body touching your mind touching your job touching your finances won't it do it won't it do it didn't do it how did it do it [Applause] yes he did yes he did yes he did yes he did yes he did yes he did yes he did yes he did yes he did yes he did y'all excuse me yes he did yes he did yes he did yes he did [Music] hey hey yes he did yes he did yes he did yes he did yes he did yes he did good god almighty oh yes he did thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord [Music] he's a keeper he's a keeper he's a keeper oh yes he is hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah [Music] lord thank you for your keeping power so many times we felt hopeless so many times we too had fainted so many times we thought we were at the end of our rope but every time you stepped in just when we needed you the most so we can't take no credit [Music] so even right now we say to god be the glory of all the wonderful things in which you have done father i pray now that there's somebody struggling wrestling there's a battle for their mind consumed and overwhelmed with fear anxiety they're stressed out but god you are able to give them peace their surpasses all understanding but they can only come through a relationship with jesus christ so the day we pray someone would say yes right now god we want to lean on you because you're the only one that can keep us have your way right now in jesus name the people of god said amen and amen come on give god praise [Music] thank you jesus somebody today should make a decision to give your life to the lord jesus christ if you don't know jesus as lord and savior i want to invite you even now to accept him to give your life unto the lord if you're in our virtual sanctuary all across the world listen you can be saved at this very moment all you need to do is just simply go to our website click join you can begin the process of salvation somebody is going to reach out to you when you fill out that information somebody's going to pray with you somebody's going to celebrate god for what he's doing in your life do that now if you want to become a part of our family a way of first christian experience to become a member go to that link fill out that information we would love to have you today make that decision even in the sanctuary if you want to accept christ if you want to become a part of the new land bible church that can happen even right now if you're in the sanctuary you have two ways to do it you can go to and do it that way by filling out that information or even right now if you want to be saved if you want to accept christ if you want to become a part of the building bible church family all you need to do is simply raise your hand just raise your hand and say that's me i just i want to accept christ i want to be a member if that's you and you want to accept christ you want to be a member all you got to do is slip up your hand just raise your hand preach it i i want to be saved i want to accept christ i want to become a part of this church family god is speaking i know it's him and i want to be obedient today you can do that today in jesus name somebody need to know it he loves you just as you are but he won't leave you like you are he will change you you could do that today even right now in jesus name in jesus name hallelujah hallelujah well come on give god praise give god praise amen you may be seated in the presence of the lord hallelujah bless his name well it's giving time it's giving time it's giving time it's giving time and we're preparing to give unto god bring him our tithes or offerings even now we've been as um accustomed to giving in a virtual way digitally and so if you're accustomed that is your custom and we want to make sure you continue to have that opportunity to do so it's very easy way to go to to give you can give digitally and we're going to give you the platforms to use but if you are in the sanctuary want to give via check or cash ushers have envelopes you can just raise your hand and they'll assist you in that way if you are in need of an envelope you want to give that way they can assist you they can assist you amen so we're going to give that way as i said this is the final quarter here's what i want to challenge you again let's finish strong and that even comes in the area of our giving amen somebody and so i want to encourage you to do so let's not be laxed in that air area are neglect the biblical responsibility to do so let's be faithful stewards uh and give and so into the kingdom of god amen amen at this time let's receive our beautyland action news greetings bula land bible church family and friends welcome to another edition of beulahlan action newser for our upcoming 5k walk and run taking place october 30th at 7 30 a.m you can register on our facebook page in the events section or use the link bbc5k2021 this is going to be an awesome time of fitness and fellowship we are still accepting submissions for our membership highlights beginning this month if you'd like for you and your family to be featured send us a 30 second clip to ban we look forward to hearing from you the mission of bula land bible church is changing lives from middle georgia by connecting people to christ and the church growing people in the word to christ like maturity serve others with our spiritual gifts and go reach the world for christ thank you for listening to bulalan action news bula land it is now time to give we have several options available for giving give using one of our mobile apps the secure give app and the giblify app make it easy and safe to give simply download the app from your device's app store and follow the prompts you also have the option of giving using text to give simply text give bbc to 73256 then follow the link to give giving via text is quick and safe give using our website at click on the giving tab and follow the prompts if you're registered for round you can also give through the realm connect app if you aren't on realm use the link bbc realm for instructions on signing up finally you can give by mail seal your gift in an envelope and mail to the church at 10 10 newburgh avenue macon georgia 31206 beulahland let's continue to be committed to god through our giving now let us continue in worship amen let's govern ourselves according to all of our announcements i want to remember our all of our bereaved families in our prayers deacon michael gundy and the passing of his sister dorothy hodges we'll remember them in our prayers also sister betty mason the passing of a brother joe gary jr i want to remember them in our prayers as well as sister tawanna durham starling and the passing of her father mr robert lee moore would remember them in our prayers as well all of our brief family we want to remember them in our prayers amen amen listen um we're we're going to attempt to have our fourth annual uh get fit 5k walk run that's going to be taking place at our north campus on october the 30th we're going to do the all the things that we need to do to practice uh every precaution to make sure we're safe but it is sure to be a very fun fellowship with all of our members who participate you can register online on our website and so uh all the events they have on the screen where you can ways you can register registration will go uh through october the 29th october the 29th and then also we're going to be having our trunk or treat fall fest taking place on october the 31st from four to six at uh our north uh campus as well and so i want you to be a part of that for all of our young people to be involved as well amen amen don't forget also our prayer call tuesday at seven o'clock as well as our bible study at 6 45 this wednesday we're still in the midst of our series uh better together better together and so let's continue to grow together in the word of god amen amen were you blessed today amen [Applause] well let's let's close with a word of prayer father thank you for speaking to us thank you even now for reminding us that we're not keeping ourselves you are the one that's keeping us that we are we should know that heat and drought the drought are coming adversity are sure to come but god we can prepare ourselves and that we do our best to guard our minds not to allow the world to influence what we think not to believe the lies and schemes of the enemy but trust your word and filter everything through your word god i pray now that you would bless every gift every tithe every offering that was sown today we thank you now because we know this is good ground and god we're asking to believe god believing that you're going to open the window of heaven pour out a blessing that we won't have room enough to receive god we're believing you for another blessed week we're believing that you're going to keep a strong and healthy god we're believing you god that even during the course of this week god as we are intentional in living out our purpose you're going to provide opportunities for us to exercise our gifts to bring you glory and god i pray that we will give you our best we love you and we thank you now may the grace of god the love of jesus sweet communion of the holy spirit rest ruling about with each of us now and forevermore let every heart say amen and amen come on bless the lord one more time amen don't forget as you are leaving out you can those of you who are giving via cash check through our envelopes there are receptacles at the door in which you can give on your way out uh pastor scruggs is coming at this time come on praise god for an incredible
Channel: Beulahland Bible Church Middle Georgia
Views: 1,615
Rating: 4.878788 out of 5
Id: 0Uu0cL5KbuY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 101min 16sec (6076 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 03 2021
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