Sunday Morning Worship Service 9/26/21

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[Music] show yourself in the midst of the storm in the time of trouble he will give us a song [Music] show yourself awesome [Music] [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] show [Music] yourself [Music] [Music] [Music] sure [Music] sure [Music] come on everybody [Music] come on everybody [Music] of my life [Music] jesus [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] my [Music] jesus christ [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] show yourself [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] tonight [Music] my response [Music] come on say that again you've done hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on [Applause] [Music] [Applause] come on everybody [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] come on [Music] everybody [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] everybody [Music] [Music] praise the lord everybody good morning is anybody excited about jesus this morning does anybody have a reason to give god glory on this morning hallelujah we're excited because we know all things are working for our good does anybody know that everything is working together for your good this morning hallelujah that's a reason to give him glory hallelujah we're gonna raise up this song hallelujah [Music] [Music] trying to this is is [Music] [Music] yes [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] whatever it is [Music] i believe it this morning [Music] it's gonna work [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] is [Applause] oh [Music] is [Applause] foreign [Applause] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] does anybody believe that it's working come on [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] you believe i know it's working [Music] come on put your hands together and give god your best friends how many of y'all know it's working he does things behind the scenes sometimes we can't even see what he's doing but we're so grateful that he does praise the lord for his goodness praise the lord for his kindness he's working it out for our good i believe that the lord is doing some great things even right now how many of y'all believe that this morning did he wake you up this morning did he start look even when you didn't know he was still working it out for your good it doesn't matter what it looks like praise the lord he's still on the throne praise god there's still time on the clock praise the lord he's always working it out together for your good you know i'm reminded this morning i'm reminded this morning that that god is consistent how many of y'all know he's consistent this morning i'm so glad that he's faithful you know that sat in my spirit this morning that he's still faithful come on say that to say that to your neighbor say he's still faithful i was reading lamentations uh three it says because of the lord's great love we are not consumed for his compassions never failed they are new every morning great is your faithfulness he reminds me even when we're not he's still faithful i'm so glad that no matter what i do amen that god is still for even when i'm not faithful god is still faithful that stirred my spirit this morning and i hope it's stirring yours those of you who are worshiping online this morning type that in there he's still faithful if you look around and you think about amen what you deserve and what you don't deserve you still recognize that he is still he's still faithful great is his faithfulness those of you who are worshiping here in the sanctuary this morning good morning to you i don't know about you but i came to worship him and beauty and holiness come on put your hands together amen if you came to celebrate this morning those of you who are who are streaming who are worshiping in your own uh at your home praise god and we invite you in this morning and we praise god for you and if you don't mind do me a favor this morning amen hit your share button amen so others amen can get involved in worship this morning worship a man is incumbent upon the children of god and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth those of you who are streaming if you don't mind could you do me another favor uh those that of you who are our first time guest could you type your name uh in the column section and by doing that some some of our faithful members amen uh will greet you in their own special way and while we're here in the sanctuary we're greeting you and we thank god amen that you came to our in-person worship but wherever you're worshiping whether it's at home or in the sanctuary amen we're going to do that thing right is that all right this morning amen so we want to start off not only with scripture but also with prayer amen and we thank god for an opportunity amen to not only praise god but also be in prayer let us pray this morning eternal wise god our father lord how we love you we thank you that our lord for your faithfulness lord you are still faithful even when we're not thank you to god this morning for reminding us that god lord that you are still faithful now lord we thank you to the lord as we enter into worship this morning lord that it's about you and not about us all praises and all glory go to you thank you to our lord wherever we are lord that we're going to worship you lord with our all we're going to open up our mouth real wide and give you our best praise thank you this morning that god lord for stirring up your spirit and the stirring of your might lord once you come into our homes lord won't you come into our heart lord won't you move this place holy spirit you are welcome in this place we thank you lord for the men of god that standing in i pray that god lord that you would enrich him lord stir his heart did god open up and unstop our death ears to the end that we hear from heaven and we'll be ever so careful but to give your name the glory the honor and the praise it's in the mighty america's name of christ our lord we pray and the saints of god said amen glory to god come on put your hands together and give god praise those of you who are streaming could you do me another favor could you hit your like button could you share amen encourage other believers this morning we're going to turn it over to our praise and worship service god bless you amen and may god keep you [Music] [Music] destruction was sure to be but thank god for angels for shielding [Music] i know is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] so [Music] [Music] but thank god for compassion [Music] out of control [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Applause] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hey [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] keepers [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the bible [Music] [Music] was [Music] made you know it was nobody but god can you lift your hands up [Music] yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] anybody know it was somebody but it was nobody [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] aren't you glad that god blocked it because there was nobody but jesus where would we be without our lord and savior jesus christ can i get somebody to testify in this place today that nobody but god brought us this far as we look back over last year it had to be god it was nobody but him and because of that we ought to magnify him in this we ought to place god for what he has done for us because he certainly has been good thank you amen amen amen i want you to locate in your bibles [Music] a very familiar song [Music] psalm 34 and before we read it i want to go before the lord in prayer [Music] so we can get our minds and our hearts right so that we can make sure that it's focused upon god and his word father we come on this day magnifying you lifting up the name of jesus father we thank you for this sunday we thank you for your word we thank you for our lord and savior jesus christ father we pray that this time this preaching moment that you and only you will receive all the glory father we pray that the people of god both in the sanctuary and online will be receptive to what thus saith the lord today so lord we give you all the praise we give you all the glory and it's in jesus christ glorious name we do pray let every heart say amen are you glad to be in the house of the lord today you may be seated [Music] i just want to go ahead and read this and and then i want to share with you a little bit psalm 34 says i will bless the lord at all times his praise shall continually be in my mouth my soul shall make his boast in the lord the humble shall hear of it and be glad oh magnify the lord with me and let us exalt his name together i sought the lord and he heard me and delivered me from all my fears they looked to him and were radiant and their faces were not ashamed this poor man cried out and the lord heard him and saved him out of all his troubles the angel of the lord encamps all around those who fear him and delivers them oh taste and see i said o taste and see that the lord is good blessed is the man who trusts in him now i want to give full disclosure on this morning because the passage that i read to you is very personal to me and this passage happened to be personal to me because it connected with me the first part of this year and then as i read this passage and as i meditated on this passage it caused me to ask one question now perhaps you've asked this question or maybe it's just me but the question caused me to ask myself how can i offer praise when i feel so bad and that's essentially what the message is going to be today how can i offer praise to god when i feel so bad how can i offer praise when i am going through the situation that i'm going through and i'm hurting and broken how can i offer praise when i feel so bad you see i said this message this scripture was very personal to me because it became personal on january 14th 2021 you see on january 14th 2021 i received a phone call from a very dear friend of mine in los angeles and the phone call was of him telling me that his wife had transitioned she was his wife but my friend and she had transitioned because she had died of cancer you see this news shook me and i was emotionally distraught it was because all during 2020 and she was battling cancer she would call me every time she went to the doctor the day before she went to the doctor for her treatment his wife would call me and she and i would read scripture and we would pray we started out by reading the gospel of mark reading all of the miraculous things that jesus did the healings that he performed in the gospel of mark and then we will pray about whatever we just read and after we finish reading the miraculous healings of jesus and the gospel of mark we begin to read through the psalms and as we read through the psalms we would then pray those psalms and then we'd get off the phone and then she called me the next week and this thing continued for about a year but as time went on the cancer treatments were unsuccessful they then put her on hospice care and i remember even while she was hurting in hospice care you know what she did she would call me every day and we would pray together but then on january 14 20 21 i got the phone call she had transitioned now my body grew numb when i heard these words that she had transitioned but i want to be open and honest today can i be open and honest with you because here was my truth whether you say she had transitioned whether she had passed or whether she had died all i knew is whether i was not going to get any more phone calls from my friend have you been there after receiving the call that day on january 14 2021 i began to think about some of the psalms that she and i had read and you know where i'm going with this because psalm 34 was one of those psalms now i got to be truthful with you psalm 34 hit differently on that day because i after i read about it it had a different perspective for me you see let me tell you why it had a different perspective that day and why i felt the way i felt i was all caught up because psalm 34 talks about praising god but i just heard the news of my friend had transitioned had died but can i be honest with you can there be no judgment zone today at the time although i knew psalm 34 talked about praising god i didn't feel like praising god on that day and in that moment i got to be truthful with you on that day i didn't feel like praising god even though i knew psalm 34 talked about praising god i knew the psalm 34 says i will bless the lord at all times and his praise shall continually be in my mouth i knew what psalm 34 meant i had read it i had studied it as a matter of fact i had even shared it with other people to try and encourage them but on that day i didn't feel like applying psalm 34. i didn't feel like praising god because my friend that i had known for 30 years had died that's right i said it i didn't feel like praising the lord on that day and yes i know you're probably saying pastor hope you are an ordained pastor you've been preaching to us for years i went to seminary but guess what on that day i was hurting and didn't feel like applying psalm 34. have you ever had one of those days have you ever had one of those weeks have you ever had one of those months as a matter of fact if i would have you ever had one of those years have you been there have you said thought or felt i know what the bible says but today i don't feel like applying i don't feel like praising i don't feel like going to church i don't feel like reading the bible and i don't feel like hearing from none of y'all i don't feel like it today that's where i was that might be you right now you lost someone close to you and you don't feel like praising lord you're struggling financially and you don't feel like praising the lord you've been betrayed by a close friend or family member and you don't feel like praising the lord you're battling health issues and there's no healing inside and you don't feel like praising the lord you're struggling emotionally and you don't feel like praising the lord and those situations perhaps you're like me you're asking the question how can i offer praise to god when i feel so bad you see here's the truth and we got to be honest with each other there's no need to come to church and try to pretend you can't pretend that these thoughts and emotions don't exist you can't pretend that your situation or your circumstance don't exist because it does you are broken your heart is broken your emotions in turmoil and here's here's the thing your praise is even broken but today can i skip today we will use psalm 34 to work through all of our issues together we will do this by using four interrogators what who when and why what is praise who should praise the lord when should we praise and why should we praise what who when and why the first thing we see the first interrogative is what is praise because we use this word praise all the time david in psalm 34 verse 1 puts it this way i will bless the lord at all times his praise shall continually be in my mouth he says his praise now praise is simply acknowledging who god is and what he has done for you who god is and what he has done for you but this pose is a major question for you and i who is god or put it another way how do i describe god well i don't have that much time so let me cut across the field because because because the answer to who is god is directly proportional to how you praise god the more you know about god the more you recognize what he's done for you and guess what the more you want to praise him so the question is who is god well let me share a few things with you what i found out about god in the bible god is omnipotent that means that he has all power to handle whatever it is you're going through god is um the present that means there's no place that you can go that god is a god is right there with you every step of the way god is omniscient that means he he knows what you're going through god is forgiven and here's the one i ought to shout on and you ought to shout on that means that no matter what crazy thing i might do or you might do you can always go to god and confess it and he promises to forgive you god is merciful that even though you think say and do stuff that displeases god and it deserves punishment or even death god withholds that punishment and gives us mercy but god is gracious he gives you things that you know you don't even deserve and i like that but lastly god is loving he loves you unconditionally even when you and i are unfaithful to him god still gives his love to you and i daily unconditionally now this is just a sampling of who god is and that says when you know who god is when you know what he has done all you want to do is praise him if i may i want to borrow from smoky norvel because years ago smokey narva put it this way and i want to break it down to he said it this way he says and i'm not going to sing it i'm just going to read it to you he says i know too much about him and there's nothing to make me doubt him just as sure as i have life you can't change my mind oh you can't tell me nothing why because i know god for myself and when you know too much about god and you know god for yourself all you want to do is praise the lord we will praise him for who he is and what he's done for you do i have a bunch of praises in the house today what do you know about god the more you know him the more you want to praise him the more you understand what he's done for you i got to move on but the second interrogative is this who should praise the lord now you're probably saying why are you asking this this is obvious it might be obvious but david tells us he tells us in verses one through three he says i will bless the lord at all times his praise shall continually be in my mouth my soul shall make boast in the lord the humble shall hear of it and be glad o magnify the lord with me and let us exalt his name together david says i will bless the lord with my mouth he says my soul shall make boasts of the lord david personalize and says i'm going to praise the lord and the praises are so good that david says listen i want to invite you to join in praising god with me he says oh magnify the lord what with me and let us exalt the lord together psalm 150 verse 6 puts it this way let everything that has breath praise the lord do you have breath in your body then psalm 150 verse 6 says let everything that has breath praise the lord now i don't know if you knew this or not but god was the one who gave you breath to breathe [Music] as a matter of fact on average we all take approximately 23 000 breaths a day 23 000 times we take in oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide we take in oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide 23 000 times a day but god is the one who gives us those breaths 23 000 times a day now i know you don't praise god 23 000 times a day but let me tell you something god is the one who has gives you breath in your body and if you have breath in your body you know what that means that means you are living that means you are above ground and that means we ought to magnify and praise god today you see in the old testament king hezekiah illustrates this for us because he understood that as long as he had breath in his body and as long as he was living he was going to praise the lord it's in isaiah chapter 38 where king hezekiah is gravely ill and god sends the prophet isaiah to speak to king hezekiah and hezek isaiah says this is what the lord says set your affairs in order hezekiah for you are sick and you will not recover from the sickness upon hearing these words from the prophet isaiah hezekiah begins to pray and cry out to the lord he says lord remember me he cries out and says lord remember me and the lord hears his cry he hears his prayer and the lord tells isaiah to go back to king hezekiah and tell him this tell him hezekiah i have heard your prayer i have seen your tears and you will not die not only will you not die but i'm going to add 15 years to your life and hezekiah he's no fool because he knows death was certain it was knocking at his door and because of god god gives him 15 more years of life and hezekiah says wait a minute because of what god has done for me and because he's given me another 23 000 breaths a day for the next 15 years you know what i'm going to do he says it in isaiah chapter 38 verses 18 through 19 and he puts it this way for the dead cannot praise you they cannot raise their voices in praise those who go down to the grave can no longer hope in your faithfulness only the living can praise you as i do today each generation tells of your faithfulness to the next hezekiah knew that it was only because god gave him life gave him another day gave him another 15 years that he was as long as he lived he was going to praise god church i want to remind you you are living today and as long as you have breath in your body you ought to magnify the lord in this place you ought to praise him in this place see hezekiah came to understand what david meant in psalm 31 34 1 that i will bless the lord at all times and his praise shall continually be on my mouth we must come to understand and do that today will you praise god with me today can we join together and praise god because god has given us another sunday and we ought to magnify him in this place church we got to magnify him because you are not the reason why you were living god your creator your maker is a reason why you're here but the third interrogative is when when should i praise the lord he tells us in verse 1 of psalm 34 he says i will bless the lord when at all times now at all times is a singular hebrew phrase that simply means in every situation david says i will bless the lord in every situation as a matter of fact the superscription at the beginning of psalm 34 gives us further insight into what david means by at all times and in every situation because the superscription says this at the beginning a psalm of david when he pretended madness before abimelech who drove him away and he departed now this is in reference to a very precarious time in david's life is at a time where he was on the run for his life because king king saul was very jealous of him because king saul thought that david was trying to overthrow his kingdom and take the throne and david was fearful for his life he was alone he was had no food he was running and living in caves and he ends ends up in goth and he goes to god and encounters king achish and the officers of king ashkas see that david is there and they say wait a minute we don't like the fact that david is here we don't want king saul's smoke we don't want to have to deal with that because they understood king saul was after him and they said wait a minute isn't this the same david that they were singing about that king saul killed his thousands and david killed his ten thousand they said uh-oh we don't want this and david hears these officers talking about him and david becomes afraid and david takes it upon himself to pretend to be crazy david begins to drool in his beard and he begins to scratch at the door trying to pretend that he's crazy and that he is not there to overthrow the king of god and the king of god says this he says why are you guys bringing me this madman and he falls for david's tricks and he says get him out of here and david escapes and leaves but david in the midst of his craziness because this is really crazy in the midst of his all of his craziness he writes psalm 34 see david lets us know that we should praise god in every situation we should praise god publicly and we should praise god privately we should praise god in prosperity and we should praise god in adversity we should praise god in safety and we should praise god in danger we should praise god in sickness and we should praise god in health we should praise god whether we're joyful or we should praise god whether we're sorrowful as a reminder as a matter of fact in the area praise and when i began to think about this job and david were twin souls when it came to praising because you know the story of job and i won't have to read it for you you you know it job had lost it all job had lost his servants job had lost his livestock which means he's lost his wealth job had lost his children uh the roof of a house collapsed on top of his children they died and job gets word of this and after hearing of the death of his children job says this in verse chapter 1 verses 20 and 21 of job chapter 1. he says this at this job got up and tore his robe and shaved his head then he fell to the ground in worship and this is what got me because this put yourself in the mindset of job naked i came from my mother's womb and naked i will depart the lord gave and the lord takes away praise the name of the lord think about that david had lost his wealth now you know if you lose your money things are going to be kind of funny you're not thinking about praising god go on come on and tell the truth david had lost his help his serpents but david had lost every one of his children now that is hard to get to but god gives us an example of job praising god at all times in every situation now i know we're not there yet i know i would not be there yet and church i know that you've had difficult situations i've had difficult situations we all have had difficult situations together but just like david and job we have to get to the point to praise the lord in every situation so we ought to ask the lord for help today to help us to praise him in every situation we simply cry out we're not there lord yet but help us to be able to praise you in every situation so when should you praise in every situation but the fourth and the last interrogative is why and this is really my favorite one see david tells us throughout psalm 34 why we should praise and it says if god uses psalm 34 to take us higher and higher and higher in praise as a matter of fact when i thought about it's like psalm 34 is an elevator of praise and it takes us higher and higher and higher in praise so just for a few moments can you come with me i want you to come with me and psalm 34 on this elevator of praise as this psalm 34 takes us higher and higher and higher in praise do i have anybody that wants to go higher and higher and higher in place so come on this elevator with me this elevator of praise as we end on the first floor of the elevator of praise we see that we ought to praise god because he hears us when we call on him we see that in verse 4. psalm 34 verse 4 says i sought the lord and he heard me and delivered me from all my fears if god has heard you and delivered you you ought to praise him today because he delivered you from all your fears if god has delivered you you should be praising him right now in this house and online you ought to praise him because god has delivered you but wait a minute wait a minute we cannot stop there because remember we're just on the first floor of the elevator of praise and as we get back on the elevator of praise and we press button number two and it takes us to that second floor the door opens and we see as we go higher and higher in praise we see that we praise the lord because he saves us out of all of our troubles we see that in verse six he says this poor man cried out and the lord heard him and saved him what out of all his troubles if god if you had trouble in your life you ought to praise him because god has saved you from all of your trouble you ought to praise them in the house today has anybody had trouble in their life as a matter of fact you may even have trouble right now but god has promised that he will deliver you he will protect you and we ought to praise him in this place now wait a minute we got to get to the penthouse floor because we just on the second floor of praise so come on with me come on with me as we get back on the elevator of praise and as we get to the third floor we press button number three and the door opens and we see as psalm 34 takes us higher in praise we see that we should praise the lord because he guards and defends us we see that in verse 7 of psalm 34 he says the angel of the lord encamps all around those who fear him and delivers him if god has protected you from dangers sin and unseen you ought to praise him in this place because god wants to pray god needs your praise today because he is the one who has protected you and kept dangers both seen and unseen you ought to praise him in this place but wait a minute wait a minute we cannot stop on floor number three because we got to go higher in the elevator of praise we go higher in the elevator of praise because as we press button number four and that elevator of praise takes us higher are you ready to go higher in praise we get there and we see we ought to praise the lord because he is good to us we see that in verse 8 it says oh taste and see that the lord is good blessed is the man who trusts in him if god has been good to you you ought to praise him today god has been good to you [Music] church we have a reason to pray but wait a minute we're just on the third fourth floor we got more floors to go come on with me as we go on the elevator of praise today let's take our praise a little higher as we get on the elevator we press number five to get to the fifth floor you ready you ready to see what god has for you he says we praise the lord because he supplies all of our needs psalm 34 verse 9 says this oh feel the lord you saints there is no want say no want there's no water those who fear him if god has provided for you you ought to praise him in this place god deserves to play everything that you have god deserves to praise the clothes on your back god provided the money in your bank god provides the food on your table god provided you ought to praise him in this place today but wait a minute we're just on the fifth floor we got to get to that pence house week because i love the penthouse as we go higher and higher and higher in praise we get to the sixth floor and we press the button and the door opens and we see we praise the lord because he is near to those who have a broken heart we see that in verse 18 of psalm 34 the lord is near to those who have a broken heart and save such as have a contrite heart if god has provided comfort for you and you were brokenhearted then you ought to praise him today i believe every saint has been broken hearted at some time or another but god has been right there with you providing comfort and because of that we ought to praise and magnify him today god has been good to you not only will has he comforted you in the past but here's the thing he will provide comfort for you in the future why because he's promised the power of the holy spirit that dwells inside of every believer to provide comfort for you we ought to magnify him in this place but wait a minute i got to take a pause right here because i'm getting excited about being on this elevator praise i've been on it all week and y'all just joining me this sunday but that's all right as we get to the seventh floor and this is the final floor on the elevator of praise this is the top floor are you ready [Music] as we press the button to get to the seventh floor on the elevator of praise we press that seventh floor it takes us there we open the door and here it is people we praise the lord because he redeems our souls we see that in verse 22 of psalm 34 verse 22 it says this the lord redeems the soul of his servants and though none of those who trust in him shall be condemned thank god that he redeems our souls now in the old testament this word redeemed simply means rescue but under our new testament under our new covenant new testament this word means rescuing us from the power and the penalty of sin and you ought to praise god because you are saved and rescued from the power and the penalty of sin but not only are you rescued from the power and the penalty of sin god has saved you from condemnation because romans 8 1 says therefore there is no condemnation for those who are in christ jesus and if you are redeemed or we got any routine people in the house today but the bible says let the redeemed of the lord say so we ought to praise him in this place today because god has saved us from the power and the penalty of sin we magnify him today we ought to praise him today church now i told you in the past i grew up in the country i'm a country boy i know it's hard to tell but i'm a country boy now my dad being a country man taught me how to understand the why of praise see my dad had his own way of praising the lord so i want to borrow from my dad today if i could you see my dad didn't have much of an education he didn't have prestige and he didn't have a lot of titles but he grew up in the country he worked on the farm in the country he went to church in the country and everything was just country so my dad had his own way of saying things and there were times on the farm where he was trying to harvest crops and droughts had occurred pestilence had occurred that meant less of a harvest which essentially meant less money but instead of complaining my dad will say this he said my dad said i'm going to praise the lord for things being as well as there is [Applause] but now wait a minute i know some of you are grammatical inspectors and the syntax of this sentence is not proper and the pronoun and the verb don't match but let me tell you something whether you say they is or whether you say they are we're going to praise the lord in this place today because he is worthy of our praise because i know you got things you want to praise the lord for you ought to praise the lord because he's giving you breath in your body you ought to praise the lord because he have given you family and friends you ought to praise the lord because he gives you money in the bank you ought to praise the lord because he's forgiving your sins you ought to praise the lord because he's taking care of you we magnify and praise the lord in this place today [Music] [Applause] but church what is praise acknowledging who god is and what he's done for you who should praise all of us everyone when should we praise at all times and in every situation and why should we praise because god has been good to you and me now you remember i told you earlier about my friend from california that had transitioned she had died of cancer i mentioned one of the times we had read psalm 34 and we talked about it and then we prayed and i remember very clearly that day that we read psalm 34 because she was very sick she wasn't feeling good that day but i remember what she said after we finished reading psalm 34 and after we finished talking about psalm 34 she said this to me we're going to pray we're going to praise god and we're going to leave it up to him so no matter what issues you may find yourself in right now whether it be health issues emotional issues financial issues enemy issues relationship issues parenting issues job issues whatever issue you might have i want to borrow from our friends words today we will pray praise god and leave the rest up to him church today we will bless the lord at all times and his praise i said his praise i said his praise i said his praise i said his praise shall be continually in our mouths let's give god a handcuff of praise today [Music] we magnify the lord in this place god has been good to you and i and we have reason to praise him on this day lord we come thanking you for your word we come thanking you for reminding us that i will bless the lord at all times and his praise shall continually be in my mouth father we pray that that would be our mindset in our heart lord we're not there but lord help us today lord there are those that are hurting there are those who have emotionally distraught there are those who need you right now a crime been crying out to you all week about health issues and their family members lord remind them as we just read that you're there to provide to take care and to comfort them so lord we thank you today we give you all the glory and we give you all the praise and it's in jesus name we pray now you might be saying there might be some in the sanctuary there may be some online that don't have a relationship with jesus christ but you want to know jesus christ today and if that's you you can go to our website click on new members to join fill out the information click submit and someone will contact you we'll pray with you we'll welcome you into the house of the lord and there might be somebody in the sanctuary today and you can do this also online but it may be somebody in the sanctuary today who says today is the day i want to accept jesus christ as my lord and savior you can do that today as well if anybody in the sanctuary want to accept jesus as a savior lord you can go ahead and raise your hand and we will welcome you into the body of christ anybody you can do it either in here or online i want to encourage you don't let today go by we're not being sure about your salvation and where you will spend eternity because the truth of the matter is this we all are going to spend eternity somewhere even in the presence of god in heaven are separated from god eternally in heaven you have a choice today if you want to make that decision go to our website submit fill out the form the information click submit again let's give god a handclap of praise today you may be seated in the presence of the lord so now with you as we prepare to give what you turn your attention to beulah lynn action news greetings beulahland bible church family and friends welcome to another edition of beulahlan action news god bless you bill and i greet you in the name of jesus christ our lord listen i miss you today but i'm on assignment with my brother pastor george hurt mount sinai baptist church celebrating their church anniversary but i know you were in good hands today and you were blessed by the word from pastor hope this i want to take a moment just to give you some updates as you can see we are still progressing within our renovation project remember we started our south campus because god gave us a vision that we would renovate uh not just one sanctuary but two sanctuaries with one church that meets in two locations and we know that whenever god gives vision he always give pro-vision and we have been blessed and favored by god that he has graced us to be able to go through this whole process in the middle of a pandemic and so we are moving full speed ahead here at our north campus and god is really blessing us now listen the pandemic has changed the game we have had to shift recalibrate because i believe we can't do church like it was we have to prepare into what shall be so that's what we're doing here at our north campus we're expanding our sanctuary our stage rather to provide more space for those who minister on the stage but also we know that many of our members will remain uh virtual so therefore we have to improve our capability to reach them through the use of technology so we have upgraded all of our cameras we have new cameras we have new lighting all of our sound boards everything has been changed because we want to make sure that we are able uh to meet the needs to not just those who are locally but our members all across the country and the world so god is doing a new thing i pray that we're all on board for what god is getting ready to do in our next season i need you to do three things for me number one will you pray we need god to continue to bless what it is that we are doing and i believe the prayers of the righteous availeth much secondly stay active listen don't allow this season to cause you to become an ease and zion to become complacent and even fall off no stay engaged if you're in person stay consistent you're virtual if you're still virtual stay consistent in worshiping being engaged involved in bible studies small groups but then finally make sure you stay committed to sowing into the kingdom of god we've been able to do this whole project in both campuses without a campaign we haven't asked you for a pledge or anything of that nature but i am asking you to sow a seed above and beyond if you believe this is what god is up to within the life of our church and you support it let's do this thing because i know we are better together i'm excited about our future together let's continue to grow together in god as one church family i love you with the love of jesus until next time peace the mission of bula land bible church is changing lives from middle georgia by connecting people to christ and the church growing people in the word to christ like maturity serve others with our spiritual gifts and go reach the world for christ thank you for listening to bulalan action news bulaland it is now time to give we have several options available for giving give using one of our mobile apps the secure give app and the giblify app make it easy and safe to give simply download the app from your device's app store and follow the prompts you also have the option of giving using text to give simply text give bbc to 73250 then follow the link to give giving via text is quick and safe give using our website at click on the giving tab and follow the prompts if you're registered for round you can also give through the realm connect app if you aren't on realm use the link bbc realm for instructions on signing up finally you can give by mail seal your gift in an envelope and mail to the church at 10 10 newburgh avenue macon georgia 31206 land let's continue to be committed to god through our giving now let us continue in worship [Music] please be mindful of our announcements please be uh in prayer for uh ivory minister rosa smith brother mr gary smith passed deacon victoria's father mr larry ray passed sister geraldine davis's sister miss fannie mae johnson has passed and deacon michael gundy his sister miss dorothy hodges pass and sister sherry moore's sister miss carolyn black has passed p please be in prayer for those bereaved families before i pray prayer benediction i want to um believe we have a special young man today that we want to pray for jeremy where are you i knew that was you but i just want you to raise your hand could you come right here please i want to pray for you i remember when jeremy was a little boy because you played football with my son did you yeah so they were little tikes playing football jeremy is um you just finished ranger school and i understand that there were 120 graduates and three were black and you were one of the three so we want to praise god for the rigorous program that he went through in that he would have much success so what you point your hand toward uh jeremy as i pray for him father we come praying for jeremy lord we thank you for him we pray lord we thank you for the fact that you helped him to be successful in his ranger training to complete it and to graduate lord we thank you for what you are doing in his life and lord we know that you're going to continue to work in his life we know lord that you have created him for a purpose so lord we pray that you put a hedge of protection around him every step of the way we pray for continued favor in his life we pray that you would open doors for him and we pray that he would never forget that it is only by the hand of god that he's here right now so lord we thank you for him continue to guide him lead him and lord we continue to give you the praise and it's in jesus name we pray let every heart say amen so let us close in prayer father we come thanking you for who you are we thank you for this message we thank you for all that you have done we pray that what we heard today we would apply the truth in our life that we would always praise you in every situation for who you are and what you've done so lord we give you all the praise we give you all the glory and it's in jesus name we pray amen minister ellis is going to come and uh dismiss you guys in an orderly fashion god bless you don't forget praise god in every situation amen
Channel: Beulahland Bible Church Middle Georgia
Views: 1,549
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: BNd74kVBMJw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 51sec (4791 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 26 2021
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