Antioch Fellowship Church | 26 September 2021

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[Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] for the kingdom of god is [Music] [Music] well done [Music] good morning and welcome to our official 35th anniversary here at the antioch church we are so excited that you all have joined us today to celebrate this unshakeable anniversary yes kayla there is definitely going to be a shift in the building because today we have pastor jimmy baldwin from the shiloh christian community church all the way from baltimore maryland coming and every time he comes he always has a powerful message and i know today is going to be no different yes and of course we have our praise and worship with our praise team pastor tide and the vop is back we cannot wait for this amazing experience i know i'm super excited to get started and i know you are as well but before we kick things off we do have a couple of anniversary things going on so let's go ahead and get started today for the first time since the pandemic we will be celebrating our water baptisms here in the worship center and following that we're going to remember those from our family of faith that have gone on to be with the lord with our annual memorial tribute all right guys before we kick off service here are a few updates and announcements young adults we are so excited to be launching our renewed young adult ministry we will be meeting monday october 11th so for more information please email renew now family did you know that the antioch church offers free tutoring services for our kids yep you heard me right it's free so whether they have problem areas or they need help with study habits or preparing for standardized tests it's all included now this program has been curated to where not only is it in person but it's also virtual as well now you can't beat that so if you would like to help with this ministry or become a tutor please email project acts at tonight we're bringing back the joe 2 project with ministers jackie harris and cheryl wesley they will be sharing tonight so please come back at 5 pm to support senior saints don't forget your fair day will be thursday october 14th and today is the last day to register so please you don't want to miss out on those corny dogs or just the fellowship in itself so make sure you stop by the station connection desk following service or you can email tjackson well guys we have a few baptism candidates so please celebrate as they come can we put our hands together just for jesus christ in this moment come on y'all could do better than that the bible says when one gives their life to christ all of heaven rejoices so we want to make sure that this time is a time of celebration is a time of appreciation because even through a pandemic god is still saving lives amen let us pray together father we thank you for your grace we thank you for your love we thank you for your goodness god we thank you for jesus because we all acknowledge without his death burial and resurrection none of us would be here but god today we want to celebrate not only our baptism candidates but we want to celebrate as a body of faith because we're still adding to the kingdom and god we ask now that you would bless these candidates not only today but god that you would bless them that you would keep them and that you would strip in them allow us to be the family of faith that helps them grow in maturity and in love in jesus name amen the following candidates have accepted jesus christ as their personal lord and savior and they are ready to be baptized nicole ask you my dear sister for the profession of your faith i baptize you in the name of the father the name of the son and the name of the holy ghost [Applause] joshua bellamy upon the profession of your faith my dear brother i'm baptized in the name of the father in the name of the son and in the name of the holy ghost [Applause] andrea hughes put the profession of your faith my dear sister i'm baptized in the name of the father the name of the son and in the name of the holy ghost anthony aren't you excited about what god is doing in this house you would let's just go to god one more time to thank him gracious eternal father we come right now thanking you for those who have come to make this public profession of their faith father even in the midst of copenhagen you are still showing yourself mighty and for that we said thank you father we thank you for being with us in this baptism service and father we just invite you into this house allow your spirit to fall upon us even now in the mighty and precious name of your darling son jesus the christ we do pray amen amen and amen [Music] now normally every year we would pass out anniversary programs but due to kovitt we're going to play safe so this year we're doing something a little different and we're going to send out a virtual program so go ahead and take out your phones if you don't already have the afnbc app go ahead and download that now and for those of you who do have the app you should be receiving a push notification about now now the bible says in revelations 21 and 4 he will wipe away every tear from their eyes and there will be no more death sadness crying or pain because all the old ways are gone let's take a moment to remember those who have gone on to be with the lord from our family of faith as we do this memorial tribute [Music] forgotten [Music] is [Music] is [Music] i'm this is [Music] with me [Applause] [Music] [Music] we share [Music] is [Music] he's [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] to me [Music] me [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] with me [Music] [Applause] [Music] reach [Music] [Applause] [Music] i stated [Music] with him [Music] me [Music] through his voice [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] with me [Music] shed as well [Music] ah [Music] [Applause] [Music] forever [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] we have come to praise and magnify the lord [Music] and for the victories we have won in the good times and in the bad times in the happy times and in the sad times [Music] having you [Music] just there you in my life made the difference just having you there we have come to praise and magnify the lord that he has done and for the victory we have won in the good times and in the bad times in the happy times and in the sad times having you in my life made the difference just having you there [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] just having you there having you there made the you difference made the difference when the storms of life were raging and the billows are tossing high yet you gave me courage cause you were standing by i thank you for your mercy i thank you for your grace there is no other one that could ever your place when my friends walked out you stepped right in you've always been with me through the thick and thin [Music] [Music] just having you in my life [Music] just having you in my life made the difference just having you there [Music] so [Music] whew i know that was a lot but let's please continue to pray over those families who have lost loved ones all right guys i know we said we were going to kick off service but first let's take a really really quick journey over the last 35 years [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] now if at any time you would like to give we have various ways that you can participate so you can always go to the afnbc app or you can text afnbc 283-371-5123 [Music] or if you're in the building you can definitely drop your ties in one of the boxes located throughout the building well guys we want to thank you all for joining us at our official 35th anniversary but the party continues so buckle up because service begins in three two praise the lord everybody i said praise the lord everybody if you got breath in your body can you jump to your feet it's time to worship a risen savior do me a favor look over at somebody and tell them happy anniversary happy anniversary happy anniversary the enemy didn't want you to see this day but if you're grateful that you're here and you just clap those hands with some enthusiasm and just tell god thank you that i live to see another year i live to see another anniversary and i'm grateful to god for his goodness and his mercy we serve a god that is unshakable and i believe that in 35 years you have experienced an unshakable god that even when everything around you was shaking when everything around you was rumbling that you had faith in a god who is stable a faith in a god who is faithful and today after 35 years we come to lift up his name in this place antioch makes some noise for this unshakable god his name is jesus and we lift up his name today we will not be shaken we will not be moved but we will stand on the rock of our salvation and jesus is that rock jesus is that rock jesus is that rocks somebody's sure let's go [Music] everybody put your hands on it like this come on we will not be shaking we will not be moved but we will stand on the rock without salvation everybody pop your hands up [Music] father be glorified today real simple song it goes like this let's raise it quieter [Music] said i'm still gonna trust you [Music] [Applause] [Music] our faith is in you today god [Music] is [Music] our courage is your throne and we will not be saved we will not be [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] your name and that alone it's been our firm foundation our courage is your throne and we will not be [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] anybody gonna trust jesus [Music] god our faith is in you today on christ the solid rock i stand all another ground is singing come on let's raise this to the father somebody tell them stay stronger [Music] [Applause] [Music] stay stronger [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] for the name of the lord is a strong tower [Music] jesus [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] our salvation [Music] [Applause] [Music] feels like i said i'm still gonna trust you anybody trusting in you i believe after 35 years there's some people in this room that's been trusting in jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] in the lord i will trust [Music] everybody [Music] [Music] oh [Music] how long are you gonna stay there [Music] stay right [Music] i'm going all the way with jesus [Music] i said i'm going all the way i said i'm going all the way with jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] i'm going all the way i'm going all the way you can give up if you want to but i'm going all the way you can let go if you want to but i'm going home [Music] [Music] [Applause] after 35 years of the grace of god the mercy of god the faithfulness of god is the only reason we're standing where we're standing today and from our least is [Music] got a reason after coming through what you've come through you got a reason after surviving what you survived you got a reason today to throw your hands up [Music] because this god has been a rock when everything else let me down on christ the song [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] is i need you to do me a favor open up your mouth if you're watching online open your mouth come on don't clap i want you to open up your mouth right just come on come on open him up the bible declares that the high praises of god are in your mouth can you just not because i'm asking you to but because he's been good can you just open i know you got a mask on but so he can hear you i promise you he can hear you father we just want to thank you for being our firm foundation thank you for being the chief cornerstone the stone that the builders rejected but you're the stone that's holding it all together father we bless you we magnify you we give you glory today you get the glory all of this belongs to you all of this all of this praise all of this gathering today it's because of you it's for you so receive it god receive it receive it you get the glory today look at the honor today all of the glory belongs to jesus it belongs to you so in my life be glorified be glorified in [Music] come on sing to [Music] [Applause] [Music] get the jesus buddy [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] you take the honor and [Music] i just want to say thank [Music] somebody say [Music] this morning to give you the glory and we just want to say [Music] thank you oh [Music] [Music] you take [Music] oh [Music] hallelujah [Music] i want you to lift those hands and somebody just works [Music] it's yours you blitz [Music] [Applause] [Music] you get the glare [Music] i just want to say thank you [Music] be glorified [Music] [Music] no music just divorces lift your voice [Music] let's give the angels a break let's sing to jesus [Music] it may not be much to some but all i have is yours all i am [Music] completely [Music] [Applause] [Music] i gotta say thank you you gotta say thank you [Music] somebody tell god thank you oh god [Music] oh thank you so thank you [Music] outdoors [Music] or just another [Music] you keep on keeping me [Music] so i gotta say thank you lord i gotta say thank you lord for all you've got i gotta say thank you for all you guys for me [Music] somebody tell them thank you [Music] if you know you got a reason to tell them thank you in here you ought to tell them thank you in here if you know you owe him thank you if you [Music] nobody ought to be able to beat you and saying thank you in here and i just need two or three of y'all to help me and go into a thank you fit thank you thank you thank you for every door you've opened thank you for every way you made thank you for keeping my mind thank you for healing my body thank you for making a way out of nowhere thank you for 35 years thank you for salvation thank you for forgiveness thank you here's yours for grace thank you for mercy thank you if it had not been thank you thank you say i just need somebody to start realizing i still got a bunch of stuff to say thank you for and so i might as well do it while i'm here open up your mouth and say thank you jesus [Music] [Applause] i should have lost my mind thank you i almost threw in the towel but you kept me thank you [Music] if it had not been for the lord who was on our side [Music] somebody can make that personal i know the lord's been on my side i gotta say faith [Music] grief could have overtaken me but thank you that you didn't let me fall too far [Music] this pandemic could have taken me out but i'm still here thank you [Music] and then you got the nerve to let me make it to your house one more time thank you [Music] [Applause] all right look at somebody as calm as you can just look at somebody call me as you can and say i'm sorry neighbor it just don't take much for me [Music] it don't take much for me i know i owe them thank you [Music] [Music] so [Music] oh [Music] lord we come to say thank you we're here to say thank you [Music] we have so much to thank you for the longer we start thinking about it the longer the role gets to things we got to thank you for [Music] so today we begin with praise thank you thank you for our love that goes beyond our failures and faults thank you for love so strong that while we were yet sinners christ died before we start thanking you for stuff that we got that we don't deserve and asking for stuff that we don't really need we gonna say thank you for salvation thank you that by the finished work at calvary we have access to new life and that life more abundantly thank you for the new life purchased for us at calvary thank you for access to the throne of grace [Music] thank you that you've marked us as yours [Music] thank you that you don't see what we used to be you see a blood that covers us and gives us new status and justifies us thank you for justification today not that we did anything to get it right but that because jesus extends his righteousness to us we're made righteous thank you thank you for getting it right in every area that we failed and then giving us access to your victory over what conquered us thank you for salvation today thank you for forgiveness today thank you for grace and mercy the spiritual blessings that come with being in relationship with you thank you for the opportunity to call you abba father thank you [Music] and then if that weren't enough you then saw fit to provide for our earthly needs and make ways and open doors and give provision and grant jobs and favor and opportunity and finances and clothes on our back and shoes on our feet and the opportunity to have a little money in our pocket and have a reasonable portion of health and strength and just enough of a right mind to make it through the day thank you [Music] thank you for your goodness [Music] that we get to experience the goodness of god in the land of the living thank you and even if things aren't the way we want them to be in every area even if we have some needs and some wants and some issues and some circumstances thank you that we still got some stuff to say thank you for that because of your mercies we are not consumed as a family of faith today we stand to say thank you thank you for 35 years thank you that through many dangers toils and snares you brought us you've carried us you've kept us through grief and pandemic and struggled you've kept us and you've blessed us and you've grown us and you've shown us your favor thank you thank you that things are as well as they are thank you thank you for this house known as antioch thank you for a place that we can be matured into discipleship and be who you've called us to be thank you for allowing us to be a beacon of light in the world around us thank you for letting us be a city on the hill thank you that you used a few people with a little bit and you brought us together and by your grace you've multiplied it and given us reach and influence and allowed us to do the purposes of the high and holy king in a fallen world thank you thank you for allowing broken flawed and sinful people to take part in high and holy things our existence here today is proof of that that you use imperfect people with with little to no resources and allow the kingdom to be extended and expanded through the work of committed people thank you thank you for the testimony of 35 years thank you for how you sustained us and lord thank you that since you've proven yourself at an institutional level we can trust you on an individual level thank you that as you've sustained this local church you can do the same for every one of us who are gathered who represent your kingdom in the earth thank you that you know the plans you have for us plans to prosper us to give us a hope and a future so lord i pray that as we celebrate this occasion today that the hearts of your people would be filled with faith to know that you are able to do exceeding abundantly above all we can ask or think according to the power at work in us lord you know that even as we celebrate there are needs among us there are heavy hearts among us there's brokenness and grief among us there are people in need of provision among us and we thank you that you are jira you are our provider you are enough you are everything that we could ever need so lord i pray that you would meet us at the point of every need today be it financial being in the area of faith be it mental emotional spiritual whatever it is your people stand in need of we know you're able and so we trust you to do what only you can do today we thank you that today will not just be a normal day we come with expectation for you to change situations immediately and suddenly we have faith for it and we thank you that you'll meet us there because we believe you for it i thank you for bodies being healed today i thank you for marriages being restored today i thank you for wayward children coming home today i thank you for salvation today i thank you for momentum today thank you would you forgive us everything we've done said a thought that's against your will lord we we we know that we have fallen short but we thank you for the gift of repentance that we get to confess our faults to you and you're faithful and just to forgive us and cleanse us from all unrighteousness cleanse us now do your work on our hearts through your word today we thank you for the man of god that's gonna break the bread of life today we thank you for sustaining him and bringing him here safely and lord we pray and ask that you will bless him give him wisdom and knowledge from on high lord i pray that our hearts are the fertile soil ready to receive your word we thank you that the seed planted on fertile soil will bear much fruit fruit that will remain god we vow to worship you today and we will keep our vow have your way have thine own way lord in jesus mighty name all said thank god amen [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] always [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] with hope and determination so often [Music] nothing but frustration but when i knew i knew down to prayer [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] sometimes [Music] seems like i can't get enough courage [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] your neighbors [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] keep on praying for me [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] my [Music] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] be right there [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] um [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] now [Music] [Applause] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i was glad when they said to me let us go into the house of the lord what a blessing it is for me to have this opportunity privilege and delight to be able to stand in this place to greet all of you in the only name that matters and that is the name of jesus we are extremely grateful to the lord for his amazing grace and for his faithfulness towards us and for blessing us in the manner in which he has and so today antioch it is a joy for me to come and once again this year we're joined by my nephew uh rodney we are happy to be here to celebrate with you god's faithfulness over the last 35 years [Applause] we cannot stand in this place without remembering reflecting upon and giving thanks to god for your previous leader and the person of my friend and brother pastor kerry wesley and i think i speak for a lot of us when i say he is still sorely missed and then uh today we certainly honor celebrate the your present leader and the person of pastor chris wesley [Applause] so in uh i guess a real way as as an uncle in the faith uh i can stand here and say we are proud of pastor chris wesley and how he is allowing the lord to use him to give further leadership to you the antioch church to all of the preachers of the gospel who are present to the leadership and then to the membership of antioch church it's always good to come back home and we're still in this pandemic and so um i just want to give you all a covet hug okay uh uh just and glad to see all of you in the house of the lord today would you be prayerful that the lord will bless these moments that we're going to share with you from the word of the lord i want to lift a line of scripture in your hearing today from the first book of the bible the first book of moses called genesis and if you would find the eighth chapter i'm going to lift the line from verse 20. eighth chapter of genesis and verse 20 actually is just the first portion of verse 20. genesis 8 and 20 this is the word of the lord [Music] then noah built an altar to the lord that's enough i today want to put a put a tag to this text this one line of scripture and i want to just talk to you from the subject you can start over the opening word of our text for today is then so i intentionally paused after reading the word then it's just it's an important word then when having been divinely directed to exit the ark that the sovereign lord used to save shelter and sustain noah the lord commands noah to enter into and embark upon what we would call a post-diluvian existence for noah it is very much like starting over because if you are familiar with the flood story told to us by the writer moses noah and his family have literally lost everything they've lost all material possession and so when the lord says to noah get your family and get everything else that's in the ark and exit for noah it is literally essentially a challenge and an opportunity to start over okay that didn't go over right i'll tell you why i didn't go over right because um what i just said to all of us in this room is you can literally lose everything and god grant you an opportunity to start over okay [Applause] all right the door of the church is open [Applause] i'm serious about the door of the church is open so while i'm preaching should you be moved to just start walking [Applause] i i want you to do that all right uh so that for noah um he has challenge and opportunity to start over the question is where do you start you have an opportunity to start so where do you start the bible says that then noah built an altar to the lord okay did you get it here it is the first thing noah does after surviving a storm [Applause] is building altar that still didn't go over right yes because um if it's if it's me and i'm not going to talk about you today if if it's me i'm probably if i have the opportunity to i'm probably not going to start by building an altar i'm probably going to start with building me a house do you understand i'm i'm probably going to start with me and then god you after i get me together but this text is teaching us ladies and gentlemen that um if god gives you an opportunity to start over noah teaches us how to start and he says essentially start with god that that's that's the whole point start with god okay all right all right all right all right okay all right it is here it is noah and his family has they've lost everything because they've had to endure the wrath of god so the the storm that they've been through ain't just what what what insurance companies call an act of god although it is this was more than an act of god this was god acting in the way that he did because people were messy [Music] come on don't get it twisted people people were messy and god had to intervene in order to straighten the mess out so so the the storm that god sends is a storm because people sin and noah understands that so here's what noah says noah says okay god you're giving me another chance give me a chance to start over so here's what i'm gonna do i'm gonna do something different and i'm gonna do something that's gonna make a difference i'm gonna do something different i'm gonna build an altar now how is this doing something different here it is the very first time the word altar is mentioned in scripture is genesis 8 and 20 which means there was no altar before the flood it's still missing y'all so so here's what noah reasons um the reason why we were in the mess we were in is because there wasn't an altar so that i don't repeat [Applause] the mistake of my past i'ma do something different and this time i'm gonna put god first okay all right all right all right all right all right all right all right y'all y'all to me and and and i'm accused of over simplifying stuff and maybe that is the case but i just believe that the the reason why um we're in the condition and state that we're in is because [Music] ain't nobody building altars listen we building financial institutions and we building educational institutions and we building political institutions with and we're building ecclesiastical institutions but ain't nobody building altars we building altars and if we do it is an afterthought and what noah is teaching us is god first god first i know this is a bible reading bible study and bible practicing church so y'all y'all know what i'm getting ready to say [Applause] seek ye first the kingdom of god and his righteousness and all other things will be added unto you and we don't reversed it and we chasing other stuff and leaving god out and god is saying if you put me first you ain't gotta chase stuff cause stuff is gonna chase you down [Applause] some of y'all know i'm telling the truth i mean you know by your own experience that when you decided to put god first there were some blessings that just overtook you ain't even seek those blessings those blessings just overtook you because you simply put god first build an altar build an altar okay all right all right uh well dennis is good to see you look look uh um build an altar what does this altar look like no description is given in genesis but it is given in exodus build an altar what does it look like if you study exodus god commanded moses to construct an altar here's what god says to moses he says uh man when you build an altar no steps let it be on level ground [Applause] and all i want you to do is gather 12 stones and you ain't got to fix the stones just 12 ordinary stones on the ground no steps because i want it to be accessible so that anybody can approach the altar and uh man just make it plain make it plain make make it i just want it plain says god i want it plain this this uh interested me because um okay i ain't talking about y'all let me talk about me because sometimes plain doesn't work for me i prefer pretty oh i ain't talking about y'all i'm just talking about sometimes i prefer pretty you know pretty cars pretty girls and for the ladies pretty boys pretty houses pretty churches and here's what god said to me bust my bubble he said borwin i ain't concerned about pretty i prefer plane and then i said maybe maybe that's our problem maybe my problem is i'm so preoccupied with pretty much that i'm missing the fact that god just wants some plane some plane that will honor him ladies and gentlemen i ain't against pretty but i'ma tell you something pretty doesn't always work because sometimes it can be pretty and empty [Applause] it can be pretty and dead god says i ain't no i'm impressed we're pretty i'm impressed an alt just a place where you show up to meet with me man if y'all know what i just said you tear this church up god says i just want a place where you can meet with me no i want a place where i can meet with you with your messed up self now that that's the reason why we ought to be rejoicing because with all of our wickedness god says i still want to meet with you so build an altar prioritize god put god first build an altar okay that time's about up build an altar build it past the chris and then put some blood on it because the book says noah built an altar and then noah took one of every clean thing and he offered it to the lord as a burnt offering and guess what happened heaven smelled something the bible says it was as as a sweet aroma in the nostrils of god build on an altar and then put some blood on it lord have mercy i'm bothered these days preachers by bloody less bloody less preaching and bloody less christian living ladies and gentlemen to be a christian means some blood had to be shed sacrifice has to be made ladies and gentlemen i want to suggest to you that when god sees the blood hallelujah of the one sacrificed for us heaven gets happy okay okay okay and i haven't been around long enough pastor chris that i have one goal one goal and that goal is to make heaven happy because can i tell you what happens when you make heaven happy there is what i like to call this overflow heaven gets happy and earth feels it when heaven is happy ladies and gentlemen gods got a way of filling your heart and filling your spirit and filling your soul with some of heaven so excuse me but i ain't waiting to get to heaven to enjoy some of heaven i can enjoy some of heaven right now while i'm still on planet earth some of y'all know i'm telling the truth because you know god and had it not been for the lord you know that you would not be where you are you would not experience what you experienced it is only because there's an overflow from heaven and this overflow is because there's some blood on the altar whose blood not the blood of rams and sheep and oxen and turtle dove but i'm talking about the blood of jesus okay i thought i was in church because i just think that every time we mention the blood of jesus something ought to happen okay i know what kind of church i'm in i i know what kind of church i'm in yeah it's nice to have material possession but when the church comes together there ought to be a celebration over the blood of jesus okay all right am i in the right place i i mean am i really in the right place if i'm in the right place come on help me preach a minute through your mass shout at your neighbor there still power [Applause] in the blood of jesus [Applause] there's still power there's still power there's still power in the blood of jesus and when the blood when god sees the blood here's what god says no more death i'm right in the book y'all by the way because the text says god smelled the offering as a sweet aroma and then after god smelled the aroma then god started talking man [Applause] like god talking because whatever god says he always backs it up do i have a witness here i said if god says anything he always backs it up and here's what god said no more death i will not destroy the earth the way i just did and all flesh shall be able to live somebody right there ought to rejoice with me because we understand we are here not because we've been all that good we are here not because we've dotted every eye and crossed every teeth we are here not because we're all that right but we are here by the grace of god y'all excuse me but my soul is getting happy just thinking about god's grace do you know what grace is grace ain't just god looking beyond your fault that ain't grace grace is god looking at your fault and then meeting your needs is there anybody in the house this morning who can declare with my messed up self god still blesses me with my messed up self god still lets me live and since i'm alive i might as well put him first i might as well seek to please him and there's one final reason why noah built this altar here it is he built the altar finally to praise the lord good morning may the lord bless you real good but i showed up this sunday morning just to say thank you thank you lord because you've been good thank you lord cause you've been my provider thank you lord you've been my protector thank you lord you've been waymaker worker soul reviver thank you yes yes yes let me leave y'all alone but right where you are i dare you to just build an altar yay look around you and just say neighbor excuse me just for a moment i gotta build an altar because the lord has been so good i gotta build an altar and i'm gonna give him some praise praise praise praise praise yeah have a good day but somebody asked me what you praising him for i mean after all if you are like noah you are standing there with nothing everything has been lost no house no car no job no food no shelter all you got is life breath in your body so why would you praise god when you don't have anything i'm praising him for three reasons come on y'all let's have a little church look at your neighbor say maybe i'm praising him for three reasons reason number one he saved me reason number two he saved me [Music] reason number three he saved me so praise is what i do praise is who i am yes [Music] [Music] that felt like an invitation to me that felt like an invitation to build an altar and give god what he's worthy of [Music] he is worthy of praise you may not have anything but life you may not have anything but breath in your body my bible says let everything that has [Music] breath that means you don't have to have a bunch of stuff to praise god all your ducks don't have to be in a row to praise god everything you want you don't have to have to praise god but after all you've been through you still got breath in your body and that's reason enough to build an altar and give god praise so that sounds like an invitation to praise him so go ahead church build an altar and give your god what you think he's worthy of that's real cute i said give your god what you think he's worthy of this is a participation moment this we come to church to be entertained and we ain't building altars this is your moment to give god come on put something on the offer foreign [Music] hallelujah to your name [Music] hallelujah to do one thing before we open the doors of the church and extend the invitation there is a reality that many of us come to worship still dealing with the heaviness of what we've lost we were honest with ourselves and honest with god this morning somebody came in here saved you know you love the lord matter of fact the only reason noah went through the storm and didn't die in it is because he loved the lord lord love the lord made it through the storm and because he loved the lord he ended up coming out of the storm with nothing here's the point that i want to make to you you can love the lord and still lose everything it's not something we like to talk about it's not something we like to shout about but it is a reality of many of our lives and situations as much as we love the lord we feel like we've lost it all and the word of the lord for you this morning is to be encouraged because in spite of what all you might have lost you can start again and maybe maybe you're still maybe you're still sitting in a season of transition because instead of building an altar you tried to build your life on your own and then trying to rebuild before you gave god what was he as you found yourself still trying to rebuild the word for the lord for you this morning is with your saved self who feels like you've lost it all you need to stop trying to build you and yours and take a moment to build an altar so before we open the door of the church to those who may not know jesus i want to extend the opportunity for those of us who do may feel like you're losing everything and can't get back on track you can't get your life back on track you can't get your life back the way you wanted it after what you've lost after the storm you've been through here's the word of the lord for you before you try to build you build an altar that's when you saved and favored folk who come to church acting like you got it all together but you're still trying to rebuild after your storm if that's you would you just lift your hands not to me but to the lord that's you would you just lift your hands and take a moment to give god what's his build an altar you've been so busy complaining to the lord about what you don't have you hadn't thanked them for what you do this is a moment for you to rebuild after what you've lost come on y'all know me well enough to know i don't rush past these moments we come together this is an opportunity for you to do what you probably wouldn't do or hadn't done on your own but if you're trying to rebuild would you just take a moment lift your hands cry out to the god of your salvation not for anything but thanking him for what you do have build you build an altar right here i know what you've lost you can still build an altar you can still give him praise stop complaining about what you lost and thank him that you got life to start over god we thank you that the storm that we watch take everybody else out may have hurt us but it didn't break us though we may have lost some things we're still here only by your grace with that we say thank you we may not have everything we once had the storm may have taken some things from us maybe struggling to get back on track but we stopped to say thank you we're gonna stop to put you first now not our own desires concerns or needs we're gonna stop to put you first now am i trying to build our own finances and build our own futures we're going to stop to put you first now forgive us for being control freaks for wanting to have our own lives in our own hands and forgetting the one who crafted and kept our lives forgive us for giving you leftover worship only praising you based on the energy or the provision we had left we stop before we try to rebuild again and give you everything you deserve salvation is enough for us to praise you for [Music] today we build an altar and we say thank you we don't lift concerns today we live gratitude [Music] turn our eyes from worthless things the things that we don't have the the things that should come after seeking you turn our eyes from that give us a perspective that shows us all the reasons we ought to be thankful may have lost possessions but you covered you covered and kept what was most important thank you we praise you thank you for the blood of jesus [Applause] may we not lose our gratitude based on the fact that we hear the same story every week continue to keep our heart sensitive to your sacrifice that every time we think about the blood we get excited because we know how expensive expensive and costly it was may we never lose the wonder gratitude that we find at calvary we make our lives altars jesus jesus officers are coming decision team members are coming if you are outside of the ark of safety you have not committed your life to the lord jesus christ today is a good day to be saved to accept him as your savior the beauty of the gospel the beauty of the blood is that there is a blood requirement our sins put us in a position to owe a debt that we could not pay because of the blood of jesus sacrifice that he made on our behalf we have access to the throne of grace so if you're here and you have not made a decision for jesus there's some decision counselors ready to safely talk to you about a decision all you have to do is get up from where you are step out into the nearest island one of them will greet you and take you and have a conversation with you about jesus if you're online send us a direct message let us know you want to be saved or email us at membership at and somebody will be ready to talk to you about jesus if you're here and the lord has put it on your heart that this is the place where you are to unite become a part of this family of faith we're not meant to do this alone and the local church is designed to help disciple us to build us and grow us so that we can be all who god has called us to be in the earth and the lord has put it on your heart that this is the place where you are called to be and unite we would love to be the place you grow up to maturity when you use your gifts for the good of the church and the good of the kingdom i would love to be your pastor would you come you're online you can email membership at as the music ministry shares we invite you to come [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] you know jesus [Applause] [Music] [Applause] with me [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] me [Music] [Music] [Music] thank god for those who responded today many of us can testify it is so good to know jesus so good to know jesus we thank god for those who responded on today let's make ready to receive the lord's tithe in your offering we want to continue to be faithful so our assignment mandate god has given us to be good stewards of his resources and to give back to him if you need an envelope feel free to raise your hand nikki will pass one to you been sharing with the noonday bible study crew we're gonna over the last quarter of the year i want to challenge you to do something that the lord has been challenging me with it's called a treasure check jesus said wherever you put your treasure where your heart is i think a lot of us say we love jesus but if you look at where you spend your time where you spend your money and where you use your gifts you will discover there are a lot of things you love more than him and those those aren't my words jesus said that so over the last quarter of the year the lord has challenged me and i challenge you to start to really be intentional about examining where you're putting your treasure your time is treasure you can't get that back where do you spend the bulk of your time what he's giving you your gifts or treasure where are you using them your resources your financial resources or treasure where are you investing them i think if we would look at it we would discover we owe a lot we owe god a lot more than what we've given him man so let's let's be faithful to put our treasure where it matters let's take we have to give and thank god that we have it to give god we thank you for the gifts that you have given us and the opportunity that you give us to be stewards over the resources that are yours we declare that the earth is the lord's and the fullness thereof everything we have belongs to you so thank you for blessing us be stewards of your resources and now lord we come accordance with your word to give back a portion what you've blessed us with knowing that you can do more with it than we can so god we come obedience to your word with cheerful and glad hearts that you give us an opportunity to give back to you lord we pray you will take it multiply it use it for your glory for your kingdom and thank you that when we give we cannot give you we give you declare we'll be giving back to us good measure press down shaken together and running over so we give in accordance with your word and we prepare to receive in accordance with your word thank you that you'll open up the windows of heaven and pour our blessing that we won't have room enough to receive bless these gifts now in jesus name amen [Music] all right antioch family here is your this week at antioch recap tonight the joe 2 project will begin at 5 pm with ministers jackie harris and cheryl wesley please come at the support and also on wednesday we will have our noon bible study with pastor chris as he continues the series church 101 now how many of you guys enjoyed pastor baldwin today right i told you he brings it every time well guess what we can continue to enjoy him because the fall revival will be monday and tuesday at 7 00 pm now we'll end our fall revival with a special ordination service to bring in our new associate ministers and deacons on wednesday at 7 00 pm where the guest speaker will be dr delvin atkinson young adults don't forget the kickoff of our new young adults ministry renew we will be meeting october 11th at 7 pm and parents don't forget antioch offers free tutoring for your kiddos if you would like to be a part of this ministry or become a tutor please email project acts lastly on saturday october 16th we will have our official 35th anniversary legacy luncheon as we celebrate our trailblazers of india now our guest thomas will be our favorite pastor beverly crawford which we can't wait to hear again and tickets are already on sale for 35 dollars so trust us you don't want to miss this event well that's it for this week at antioch i'm here with my lachandra miche anderson tate and i'm here with my niece caleb misha young and we were both born and raised here at the antioch church thank you so much for joining this week at antioch have a wonderful and blessed week [Music] thank you alessandra and kayla for those announcements just want to highlight a couple of things um not supposed to you know be as biased as i am because i love all of our associate ministers and our ministers in training but i'm sure y'all just heard that announcement and i'm godly proud tonight this is jackie harris and and my mama cheryl wesley will be delivering their initial sermons tonight [Applause] at five o'clock um i can't think of a better way to conclude this day so please make plans to join us it will be a um that would be a special evening and again revival monday and tuesday with pastor baldwin y'all know not to miss it right y'all know y'all know y'all already know and then wednesday we will ordain 20 new deacons as well as some associate ministers into leadership here at the antioch church and we want to invite you to join us pastor devon atchison of the west side baptist church in louisville will be here with us on wednesday we celebrate this momentous occasion here in the life of our church so please make plans to join us amen senior saints it is your last day to sign up for your fair trip so y'all don't want to miss it they y'all know how we get down at that fair trip so y'all y'all better sign up virtual discipleship kicks off again on october the 13th we said that part of our dna is that we are committed to teaching and we are all going to be a part of a discipleship class amen i didn't get enough amens i said amen all right don't tell me you love jesus and you don't love his word because in the beginning was the word word was with god and the word was god i like verse number 14 and the word became flesh i know i'm in the bible and dwelt among us meaning you say you love jesus but you don't love his word somebody's lying ooh y'all quiet on me that's all right that's all right all right i know they think and i wish he shut up i know i ain't preached in a month it's all in me i'm really done yes go to the website you can go to the website the app to go ahead and begin to register for your sessions from the legacy luncheon again you heard that mentioned do not miss that special time of honoring some of the trailblazers of our house we want you to be a part of that tickets ourselves 35 young adult ministry there's a leadership team that's been working diligently to pull that together and young first young adult bible studies october 11th um so young adults please make plans to attend that any birthdays this past week including today happy birthday i see y'all in the building happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday lord it's a bunch of y'all happy birthday yours tomorrow today boy you got your birthday blaze on too doc [Applause] happy birthday that's my brother that's family yeah amen happy birthday my lord what'd you say about it what what y'all say y'all oughta quit um any wedding anniversaries this past week including the day happy anniversary amen online happy birthday happy anniversary anybody get a job job promotion glory i mean you ought to praise him here amen praise god for provision in pandemic hey man anybody get a chance to retire all right well hang on y'all just keep on keeping on here uh let's thank god for our candidates of baptism those who went to the water today praise god that he is still calling us from darkness to light amen for those who went to the water today let's thank god for all those who served thank you ushers greeters armor bearers hospitality vop in the building boy hey man thank y'all music ministry creative media thank everybody um for serving uh if you registered for our monthly birthday celebration you know as soon as we finish service meet me in the multi-purpose center we gonna party and celebrate your birthdays uh your september birthdays uh we we're gonna celebrate and god willing um god willing sunday should the lord delay his coming we will again have our 7 30 a.m and 10 a.m services starting next sunday we back to two services 7 30 a.m 10 a.m that 7 30 crowd is happy because they love a service amen all right we'll be back and uh lord will and i will be kicking off a new series from the book of nehemiah entitled under construction so make plans to join me with that feel free to study and let's thank god we celebrated him yesterday he's not here today but i know he's watching deacon willie keaton turned 100 years old and lord did we party yesterday for deacon keaton but we thank god for the sages of our house any visitors a special guest that uh joined us today if you're a visitor would you stand real quick so i can see we can acknowledge you thank you so much for worshiping with us brother dr michael o'dokin is here thank you all so much for watching with us listen there are ten thousand churches on this street you could have worshiped anywhere and in in this virtual landscape and virtual world you could have turned on your favorite preacher from the comfort of your own home yet you came to worship with us and we do not take it lightly we thank god that you came with us came to worship with us pray it's not your last time thank you for coming please do come again uh any any returning visitors this is not your first time but you know you back for the second 15 30th time all right it's time for some of y'all to join all right stop playing thank you welcome back welcome back home stop playing y'all come on all right is there anything else y'all not on military see there you go thank you y'all so good at reminding me any military home got a chance to come home we want to celebrate you thank god for you let's continue to pray for our troops all of those in public service those first responders who are still on the front lines of fighting this this pandemic please stay safe uh but i'm glad y'all's starting to learn you can go everywhere you might welcome the church amen uh let's stand and be dismissed before i say some old petty stuff all right y'all pray for our educators our students just make sure we're praying one for another let's let's pray god how we thank you for what our eyes have seen our ears have heard our hearts of experience thank you for your word thank you for the reminder that no matter how much we feel like we may have lost we can always start again thank you for an opportunity to start over only your grace gives us that opportunity because if the truth were told we should have been wiped out a long time ago but you are so merciful and so gracious that you give us another opportunity to start over even when what we lost we lost because of us thank you for a chance to start again and we commit now to starting with you we will put you first we will worship you first we will meet with you first we will commune with you first we'll build an altar before we try to build our lives because we realize now we can't build our lives without you now lord as we prepare to leave this place but never from your presence i pray the richest and choices blessings for your people pray that you would open the windows of heaven and pour our blessing that they don't have room enough to receive i pray that every good seed they've sown will produce harvest and fruit this week i thank you for favor supernaturally god i thank you for opening doors that no one can open and closing doors no one can shut lord i thank you that your uh your grace and favor will allow them access to rooms and spaces for their gifts to be put on display thank you that even now you're putting the names of your people on the minds of people they've never met that can open doors of opportunity that will change their lives thank you for preparing us for those moments thank you that gift will place us in the room and character will keep us there and for your glory alone we will be fruitful in every place that you place us lord i thank you for unexpected financial and spiritual blessing this week i thank you that you are healing bodies this week you're changing doctor's reports this week you are mending broken things this week we believe you for it now and we thank you in advance for the testimonies that will come because we put you first and now the blessings of the lord are trying to overtake us we say we are ready to receive now unto him who is able to keep us from falling present us faultless before his majesty with exceeding joy to the only wise god our savior be glory and honor dominion and power both now and forever in jesus name we all said together amen [Music] you
Channel: Antioch Fellowship Church
Views: 2,500
Rating: 4.8947368 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 139min 30sec (8370 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 26 2021
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