Sunday Morning Worship Broadcast (8.23.2020)

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god still has a word even where you are there's still a word from the lord god ain't through yet and when he gets through we shall come forward as she'll go [Music] it's time to go to work it's time to get busy [Music] write my name [Music] [Music] listen here talking about the man name jesus he's all right with me talking about the man name jesus he's all right anybody [Music] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] oh yeah [Music] you took two little fish and five loaves of bread and a mouth or two of hungry and you know what if he did all of that [Music] [Music] yes [Music] [Music] is going to be all right go with me [Music] all right let nobody ever turn you around praise the lord praise the lord praise the lord for this is the day that the lord has made and we will rejoice and be glad in it it's one more sunday morning that the lord has allowed us to come here just one more time and for that we're going to give you the praise we're going to give you the glory we're going to give you the honor and we come to tell god thank you for everything that you've done for me hallelujah thank you thank you [Music] thank you thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] mommy when i didn't know what to do lord i trust [Music] yes [Music] thank you thank you [Music] [Music] down [Music] [Music] [Music] when i could see my wife [Music] [Music] is [Music] thank you [Music] thank you thank you thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] sit down in your spirit thank you thank you [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] good morning pilgrim rest this is the day that the lord has made and we will always rejoice and be glad in it our scripture this morning comes from psalms chapter 40 and it reads i waited patiently for the lord and he inclined unto me and heard my cry he brought me up also out of a horrible pit out of the mirey clay and set my feet upon a rock and establish my goings and he has put a new song in my mouth even praise unto our god many shall see it and fear and shall trust in the lord blessed is the man that maketh the lord his trust and respect is not the proud nor such as turn aside to lies i read the psalms chapter 40 verse one through four may the lord add a blessing to the readers hearers and most importantly the doers of his holy word let us pray father you said the greatest prayer that we can do is one of intercession where we pray for one another so lord i want to begin this morning by praying for my pastor that you continue to keep him in your keeping care you let no hurt harm danger evil come against them you continue to bless him with knowledge wisdom and understanding so we may continue to discern your word of truth to your people we pray for his family his friends his associate and any and even his enemies those that spitefully and willfully try to come against him lord we pray for this church family we pray for each and every member here we ask that you continue to keep each and every one of us in your keeping care lord we pray for those that have lost loved ones that have truly truly miss those ones that have gone on in times like these let them know that you are their comforter and you can always look to you to the for help and comfort lord i pray for those doctors nurses front liners personnel that you continue to bless each and every one of them continue to encourage them in times like these lord we thank you for everything we thank you for all your blessing lord i thank you for the sunday school message this morning that deacon pritchett put on we ask that you continue to keep each and every one of us even in this virtual time he spoke about right in our tongues and lord i pray that this message somehow migrates to the leadership of this country that they will bite their tongue and one day speak love instead of hate and lies but your word tells us as a man speaketh so is he lord we live a lifetime trying to find out what it is that good and perfect and acceptable will for our lives what you've already told us in your commandment is to love you with all our hearts our soul and our mind and to love our neighbors as ourselves on these two commandments depend the whole life and the prophets so what lord we pray that we keep these commandments in our hearts and we protect our hearts with your word lord i pray that our love and fellowship shall continue to bound more and more in knowledge and all understanding and that we continue to prove things that are excellent and we will be without offense to the day of your coming always filled with the fruits of your righteousness i pray that we walk in the fullness of your blessing the assurance of your anointing and the goddess of your holy spirit always believing in knowing that you shall lead direct and guide us through these turbulent times for it's in jesus name that i pray amen come on how many of you are happy that god just made a way how many of you happy that he got you here to sunday some of you had a rough week you didn't know how you were going to get through it but god still stepped in he covers you with his love he protected you with his power and he said i have you so god we thank you for making a way out of no way just for us god even when we didn't know how we were going to get out of that turn of god you still made a way just for us god god we thank you for your love we thank you for your power god we thank you for making a way for us how many of you just happy that he made a way just for you some of you lost loved ones this week some of you thought that you were gonna lose your mind but he still kept you and you are still here today a way [Music] when my back was against the wall and it looked as if it was over got you you made a way and i'm standing here only because you made can you sing it with us this morning say you you may [Music] and it just looked like it wasn't gonna happen [Music] only because let's sing that again say god you go may and make it personal when my back was against the wall my back was against the wall and it looked [Music] you move mountains you caused [Music] there is and i'm standing here only because say you move mountains [Music] my god [Applause] oh no suicidal because [Music] miracles yeah i'm [Music] can you sing it with me say you you made a way god we thank you for making a way for us god yeah you kept my mind jesus [Music] god you mended my broken heart she made god we thank you for making [Music] way [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] we don't know what the situation was but god [Music] don't know how much [Music] how many of you are grateful this [Music] morning [Music] [Music] lord thank you jesus thank you jesus i don't know why but i'm grateful [Music] yes [Music] and we're standing here only because god made a way and we're standing here it's no goodness of my own but it's because god made a way and you're standing here only because he made a way i'm standing here only because he made a way come on and give god a heck of a praise cause he made [Music] oh yeah i don't know how you feel that that's all right i don't know how you feel but that's all right god god made a way as a matter of fact he's a way maker whatever you need [Music] i don't care what it is if it's if it's health if it's wealth if it's a healing god's got everything everything let's give our praise team some love this morning [Music] this is the day that the lord has made i declare and decree by the power of the holy ghost that we are going to rejoice and be glad in it david said i was glad when they said unto me let us go into the house of the lord it's good to be in god's house and i want to say good morning to the pilgrim rest nation we desire your presence in this house but since things are what they are we are blessed to be able to come into your homes into your cars until on you while you're walking this morning and through our virtual service i worship to let you know that god still lives he's alive and well i don't care what nobody said the fool has said in his heart that there is no god but if god is not real then he needs to answer a few questions who wanted that watched over me all night long if god is not real the fool says there's no god but if god is not real who was it that shook me and woke me up early this morning and clothe me in my right mind if god is not real what is this [Music] that i can feel deep down inside what is it that keeps on setting my soul on fire whatever it is i can't explain it but i want to tell you one thing whatever it is it'll make you laugh when you ought to be crying it'll make you wrong ain't nobody behind you whatever it is i don't know but the food the food the food has said that there is no god but yes god is real for i can feel him [Music] down in my soul good morning to all of our viewers who to tune and chime in every sunday morning our regolos by facebook and youtube we are just excited and ignited that you tune in every sunday morning to our virtual service it means so much and and and and we have so many people that watch us all over the country we we thank god for all of you thank you for your for your comments thank you for all that you do for uh our virtual service we just appreciate you and if this is your first time chiming in welcome welcome welcome there's room always room at the rest for one more though many has come there's always room for one more god bless you i want to thank the chairman for that prayer this morning and the devotion thank you so kindly listen at the church notes i'll be right back thanks for your continued support of pilgrim rest missionary baptist church and our online streaming service we care about the health and safety of you your family and our community and we're looking forward to worshiping together as one body when it's safe to do so but until then we invite you to continue to join us online each week through our streaming service on facebook and youtube we're counting on your continued faithfulness during this period and your support will be vital in the coming weeks you can give your tithes an offering by using the givelifly app the easiest way to give through our website at pilgrimrest by paypal using the email pilgrimrest1550 at through the cash app at p rest nbc or you can mail your gift to 1550 east washington street montgomery alabama 36107 you can also bring your tithes and offerings to the church our church office will be open monday through thursday from 9 00 am to 2 pm on fridays from 3 p.m until 6 p.m on saturdays from 12 p.m to 4 p.m and on sundays from 11 a.m to 1 p.m if you need another accommodation please call the church office at 334-265-1807 or call any deacon or trustee at 322-5209 to conveniently schedule pick up of your gift for more information call the church office at 334-265-1807 thanks for your faithfulness and we'll see you online via our streaming services these are your morning church notes the pilgrim rest sunday school department is inviting everyone to attend our call-in sunday school classes every sunday morning from 8 a.m to 9 a.m to participate in adult class number three with deacon herschel mann dial the toll-free number 978-990-5057 using the access code 615726 pound and after that you will be prompted to say your name to participate in adult class number two warren chambliss sunday school class with teacher shirley gilbert dial the toll-free number 712-451-000 and key in the access code 823015 pound and after that you will be prompted to say your name to participate in adult class or with deacon willie pritchard dial the toll-free number at 978-990-5234 and key in the access code 1750913 pound and after that you will hear a prompt to say your name and to participate in adult class 1 in a virtual sunday school class with teacher deacon joseph spraggings you can email the address john moody at a few days ahead of sunday school class to receive instructions or you can join the virtual class by phone by dialing 574-213-5351 pound join us each week for midweek bible study on wednesdays via zoo our zoo meeting id is 538-04 using the password one ebw x4 the prison ministry is collecting personal hygiene items for those who are incarcerated in our community there's an urgent need for personal hygiene items due to the shortages produced by coronavirus and everyone is asked to donate toiletries generously to support this effort you can bring your items to the church office monday through thursday 9 a.m to 2 p.m and friday from 3 to 6 p.m and you will receive instructions on where to place your items for more information contact reverend curtis knott at 334-288-6553 or 571-238-6485 join us for early morning prayer live with pastor walter e ellis on monday wednesday and fridays at 6 15 a.m you can call the toll-free line at 978 zero five thousand using the access pin number six eight seven six one two or you can call the church prayer line at three three four two six three two [Music] hello hello i would like to take this moment to wish two of my favorite people are happy 40th pastor anniversary pastor walter ellis and first lady sadie ellis i love you all so much and i pray that god will continue to use you all to touch many more lives you all have been a blessing to so many including myself i thank god for the connection and i just want to say to both of you guys trust in the lord with all of thine heart lean not unto your own understanding in all thy ways acknowledge him and he shall direct your path i love you guys enjoy your day i wish i was there to enjoy it with you but we know cove and have us social distancing so anyway i just want you two to know that you are wonderful to me and i pray that you all have a good day bye bye [Music] all right how about that that's our good friend from monroeville pastor johnson thank you so kindly darling for those words of encouragement and those words of acclamation no reggie all right all right all right a few things i want to just pass on to you this morning i want us to be in prayer and keep the uh family of sister cj williams in prayer in the passing of her mother on last week sister cj we are praying for you darling praying with you we love you and of course there's nothing impossible that god cannot do he can heal and mend and a broken heart so you have our prayers we're just as close as your telephone also want to send condolences out to sister calendar rest and the davis family in the passing of their brother who was finalized yesterday in otago veal uh we're praying for you as we go forward i want you to know that god is still able likewise deacon chairman emeritus deacon william arrest also they had a homegoing service for his brother-in-law in georgia anna on yesterday uh and we're praying for you praying for your family praying that god will keep in perfect peace with him his your mind stayed on him he's still working and he's doing what no other powers can do also uh wellness and condolences is out to coach cj johnson who is the varsity basketball coach at lee high school his son is being filmed live today in troy alabama coach we are praying for you and the family and want to know that earth has no sorrows that heaven cannot heal and i want to just say good morning and say a prayer for all of the sick and shut-ins who are a part of our church family they are those who have been going through but i want you to know that tough times don't last but tough people do when it seemed like your rope has gotten a little thin and i'm about to break i want to tell you reach beyond the break and hold on because god is still doing mighty wonderful and miraculous things god bless you is our prayer now it's time for us to bless god this morning with our tithes and offerings we bless him because he's blessed us uh we bring the tithe and offense into the storehouse that there may be me in his house and there are about eight ways to give here give a fly cash out paypal you can give we have other apparatuses if you have your offerings ready just hold them up recite with me give and it shall be given unto you good measures press down shaken together and running over shall mean gill into your bosom for the same measure that you meet with all it shall be measured unto you again luke 6 38 i fathered our god we are just [Music] elated that you blessed us and you put us in a posture to give we thank you god for every good and perfect gift you sent our way thank you god that you supply our knees according to your riches and glory through christ jesus now bless the tithers bless the tithe bless those who are given virtually we pray in the name of jesus wherever they have sinned and ties from i pray blessings upon their house because they have taken the initiatives to take care of your house it is in the powerful name of jesus we pray amen well is preaching time again i want to sing an old song that we all know fire i stress my [Music] [Music] i know lord jesus [Music] is ship from me oh where the shell i go i'm gonna set it again y'all help me father i swear i stretched my hands yes i do love no other [Music] [Applause] [Applause] shall i go to him just ask this question what did [Music] peace no jesus [Music] my soul [Music] lord jesus [Music] before [Music] love jesus [Music] my soul whoa you know i believe god is still worthy to be praised y'all help me praise god if you love him if you know he's been good to you come on it's a good time [Music] to give god let everything that had breath pray praise god praise god [Music] when i praise it things don't seem the same y'all have been said one more time praise god [Music] my health is free i got a right to praise you you got the right to praise him don't let nobody steal [Applause] [Music] [Music] in the 16th chapter 16th chapter of the book of exodus 16th chapter of the book of exodus commencing at verse six and moses and aaron said unto all the children of israel at evening then ye shall know that the lord has brought you out from the land of egypt and in the morning then ye shall see the glory of the lord for he that heareth your murmurings against the lord what a we that you murmur against us and moses said this shall be when the lord shall give you in the evening flesh to eat in the morning bread to be full for that the lord heareth your murmurings would you murmur against him and what are we your murmurings are not against us but against the lord and moses speak unto aerion and said unto all the congregation are the children of the israel come near before the lord for he has heard your murmurings and it came to pass as aaron spake unto the whole congregation of the children of israel that they looked toward the wilderness and behold the glory of the lord appeared in the cloud and the lord spake unto moses saying my last verse i'm reading i have heard the murmurings of the children of israel speak unto them saying at evening ye shall eat flesh in the morning you shall be filled with bread and you shall know that i am the lord your god the flowers faded grass with the flowers fade but the word of god stands forever from from the text this morning i just want to deduce this this thought how soon we forget how soon we forget my brothers and sisters those of you watching virtually those you view in the sanctuary i i have noticed after watching [Music] over a period of time how easy but it is to get caught up in the right now of life every day there's a new story to be told a new chapter to write an updated status of our situation and a different spin to life and we are guilty in so many ways of being becoming captivated in the right nouns of our existence but watch this we must understand that right now is not the total tality or the totality of our experiences while it is true that a lot is going on right now coronavirus is still spreading and people are dying right now yeah election is pending and the economy is in disarray right now health care is being threatened and the post office is unattacked by the president right now but can i just tell you this morning in order to deal with your right now situation and scenario we need a real good reminder of what was beneficial to us on yesterday if you're dealing with it right now just remember that yesterday god kept to kill you yesterday and if he did it before ought to have about a 55 or 60 of you all know if he did it before he's sure able to do it again y'all talk to me i said if he did it on monday he's able to do it on tuesday y'all talk to me if he did it till he's able to uh duplicate on wednesday take a good survey of how you got to where you are you didn't get where you are by being so smart watch this write this down deuteronomy 32 7 says remember the days of old consider the yields of many generations ask thy father and he will show thee the elders and they will tell thee how easy it is my brothers and sisters to contract selective amnesia and forget about uh who it is or who it was or how it was that god brought you to yesterday if he brought you through yesterday just know he'll do it again uh how soon there's a lot going on but this ain't the first rodeo yeah y'all talk to me i said that there's a lot going on right now but but we we we we've been here before in 2005 katrina hurricane katrina uh devastated the panhandle down in new orleans and over 1800 people lost their lives we've been here before california has been on fire every summer since 2003 we have been here before y'all talk to me the flu pandemic of 1918 killed between 20 and 50 million people we have bit y'all hang on talking we have been here before the age pandemic in 2005 kill about 36 million people we have been here before the world trade centers were attacked in 2001 and more than 3 000 people died and doing each even watches it was much weight given to the importance of people coming back to church and how we talked about how we needed god's help and for about six months we were faithful we were diligent in our worship to god and then we drifted back to our former ways of life isn't it amazing but chairman how we use god so conveniently y'all talk to me isn't it amazing how how we use god as a sidekick i appreciate them about myself isn't it amazing how we use god like a spare time i need you when i need you but when i don't need you i don't want you watch this watch this god it's not to be taken lightly y'all they're gonna help me preach he he's a good god yes he is i think everybody in this room would agree that god is a good god and he's good all the time but on the other side of his goodness is his righteous wrath you know god gets angry and i'm not real sure that what we're going through now is not because we have angered god we have stared up god's wrath god's been good to us we've taken god's blessing to my good luck love take you so far and then look will drop you but if you really want to go all the way i come to tell you you need more than enough you you need the blessing of the lord because the blessing of the lord makes rich and add no sorrow i don't stand this morning talk about i'm looking i don't stand this morning talking about no rabbit's foot because if the rabbit had been lucky he would have never lost his foot i can't put put put put my future in no rabbits foot my trust is in god don't i hear god saying to us don't play me don't play with me because if i close up to heaven there'll be no rain or preach pastor if i command the locals they'll devour the land preacher of them if i choose our synthesis and they'll run the land god said don't don't play don't play with me you go to walmart and get you something to play with but god ain't on tour god is god you want something to play with go to dollar store 5 10 system but but god is not to be played with god is just as serious as a heart attack god i do believe god has a has humor but but but god ain't no plague taught and you can't handle him like you hamilton at the damn stone at you got to handle god like he's god all by himself i don't need no nobody else now let me go before i get too close up here it may be in glorious watch this it may cause shame or pain watch this to revisit your past but there's a quote that says those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it in the future jesus yeah i never share forget [Music] what you done for me and y'all feel like that you've been good to me proud man from a mighty long way they said i want to make it they said i wouldn't be here today but look how far god has brought me those who forget [Music] to pass soon recognize your doom to repeat it and how how how how easy it is for us to get about forget about how god brought us over brought us to am i preaching am i preaching out there and brought us to my brothers and sisters i watch this don't miss this i have a sneaky suspicion this morning that when god allows us a reprieve from this pandemic and everything is back to normal you're not gonna have to remind folk to get up on sunday morning and come to church i don't have no help here notice i said when god not if god [Music] but when god oh oh we this is not the first rodeo we've been here before and and i just believe that god ain't through with us yet i i just believe i just believe we got some more what to do but sometimes god has to situate us and he has to put us in a posture where we know that we need him every hour and can't get along without it because on sunday folk on the golf course on sunday focus on the fish space on sunday for watching cars on sunday for cutting the lawn they doing everything and god said may my mother stab it and keep it holding [Music] y'all talking god said i'm tired of people playing with me been to i've been too good to you y'all they'll help me i've been too good to you don't don't play with me i i've been blessing you over and over and over again don't play with me i put bread on your table shoot on your feet money in your pocket or cry in the driveway on flat screen tv in the living room and then dawg play with me i was a hassle of god don't play with me that's why i didn't say if if it's over ah i just believe this too shall pass [Music] but it's amazing how we forget about god the one thing i like about god it heals he's the same yesterday today [Music] and forever oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah i feel like going on but i got i need to tell you a little more i'm i feel like doing it now but y'all see i didn't preach [Music] let me just tell you a little more i feel it already watch this watch this watch this in our text today we see how devastating it can be to lose sight of your past watch this israel had just witnessed one of the greatest miracles of biblical history they had watched god orchestrate with precision their liberation from the slavery of pharaoh they witness watch this how god held back the waters of the red sea watch this and dried up the ground long enough for countless thousands of hebrews or israelites to cross over before he loose the water to drown pharaohs on me somebody said he made a freeway in a seaway i just read another day i read well one author said he sneezed he just sneezed and dried up the red sea ground and his people walk to home yeah you can hear me try that oh can you imagine what an awesome ah inspiring uh situation and view this must have been the israelites were watch this watch this so happy they began to sing songs of jubilation and praise they saying the lord is my strength i'm going to take my time and preach my sermon and he's my son they saying he is becoming our salvation look at chapter 15 verse 2 they said he is my god listen and i will prepare him a habitation my father's god and i i will exalt him verse 3 they said the lord is a man of war the lord yields his name verse six they said the right hand of our god has become glorious power thy right hand has best in pieces our enemies and you know you know i got hung up there on the word habitation because habitations come from the root root word habitat which which means it's a dwelling place oh it's a home so what the children of israel were saying they were saying we're going to make ourselves a house make ourselves a habitat for god to dwell in and you know that that ought to be all of our desire today is that uh huh we can live so the holy spirit will have some place to reside you know there are times in our lives we don't have time to be looking around waiting on the spirit somebody talking about i'm waiting on the spirit when i came to tell you you ain't got to wait on him he's already here make yourself a habitation make yourself a place where the spirit of god can dwell but but uh after all that that they talked about uh they were gonna do for god look here i want to tell you they forgot yes they did they forgot they were full of faith they were full of joy but within two months if you want to read it read chapter 16 verse 1 verse 1 says in a month and 15 days they had forgotten everything that they had said to god and first of all i want to tell you uh i'm asking the question how did they forget so soon can i tell y'all why they did it and i'm going to close one of the sermons first of all they did it because they encountered a great dilemma write that down they encounter a great dilemma watch this they found themselves suddenly cut between a rock and a hard place they had just seen the powerful hand of god deliver them and now they are in the wilderness they run out of food and they run out of water and they are suffering from the lack of provision and they are not handling this pandemic very well they had a dilemma i wonder am i talking to anybody out there or anybody in here ever had a dilemma you didn't know what to do you didn't know whether to go left you were scared to go right you couldn't back up and you couldn't go far with her that's where they were they didn't have food they didn't have water but can i just tell y'all they had just seen god deal with water and what would make them think that god could supply water in the wilderness y'all didn't talk to me yes they did they had a self-experienced the joy of the lord and let me just tell y'all before i close in this life you're gonna have to deal with the bitter and the sweet it's easy my brother so when life give you favor it's easy when your future look bright but watch this and i'm going to my next point in close uh character build is built rather in the famine but you got to learn how to deal with the unfamiliarities of ain't no crystal stair can y'all help me close i said life ain't no crystal stair attacks their splinters their boys that are torn up life ain't easy but i hear peter sing and first peter but the god of all grace after you have suffered a little while we'll make it perfect which means he'll make him a tool not only he'll establish him he'll strengthen you and he will settle you y'all they don't talk to me but they got to deal with your dilemmas all your dilemmas will deal with you can i get a little help here you can't wish some things away fortified said the pandemic the virus is just gonna go away one morning we're gonna wake up and everything gonna be gone the devil is a lie it didn't do it in 1918 it killed almost 50 million people and what made you fake for the president that you got a hocus pocus that you can wish this pandemic away it ain't gonna happen it ain't no way yes they got turned around yes they got her turn around and forgot to because they exhibited a great disappointment y'all don't hear me is there anybody in here ever been disappointed in life because of about the number the bible said the baby began to murmur august moses oh sucks out of here i guess even though they complained and grumbled because they had decided that they were her what please anymore listen what they said in verse 3 they said uh word to god we died in the hand of the lord in egypt when we sat by the flesh spots we did have a bread to eat and we were full but you brought us out here in this wilderness to die in other words they told them oh slavery in egypt was better than coming here to die can i just tell somebody death is in the land death without but we got to start speaking to that situation uh we got to start speaking life you know what the bible said in well i believe in roman 4 16 speak in her and call those things that be not as they already are there's power in the tongue you ain't got to go around always being disappointed he ain't gonna go around always being despondent god is still sitting high and he's still looking low and moses told them be careful not hire murmur because when your mama you're not murmured against us what's your murmuring against god can i just tell somebody god is tired of our murmuring god is tired of our complaining god said uh i put you in the best position that you ever been in we got more announced henry than we ever had in our lives two or three cars in the garage or a four or five room a house bedroom house uh they can't sleep every one at a time or anybody know god's been good to you y'all don't hear me but we don't forget from which we came i wish oh i wish i wish i had about 150 yards out there who said i just can't forget i've been through the storm in the rain but god been good to me can i close my little sermon when i tell y'all after they're complaining they experience i say their experience they experience gracious deliverance and if anybody know anything about god you know god will him did never bond and he will deliver that all time the lord told her moses and tell them since they're not satisfied tell them to go out in the evening y'all don't hear me they'll have flesh go in the morning and they'll have bread god opened up a smokiest bird he opened up above here in the desert and fed him he kept on complaining i told y'all don't play with god god is able to do whatever he wants to whatever you're going through i don't care what it is i feel good i put y'all in god's hand can i get about 300 yards out there we're going to put it in god's hand let god work it out he told us explicitly and i didn't press it there but my god he said my god ain't nobody know my god the one that sits high the one that looks low the one that blesses me when i don't deserve it my god who prepare the table in the puzzles when i'm broke he's money in my pocket my god when i lie down at night he watches over me hold structure all night long my god shall supply all of your needs no need to get upset ain't no need to get all been out of shape ain't no need to forget the wish to come god is still gone and whatever you going through you may be in a will of this situation you don't have to be in the ruins now to be in the world and listen someone else are living in a wilderness in our own homes ain't no peace ain't no joy can't nobody get along anybody in one room or the other you're living in a wilderness but can i tell y'all if you want god to rectify your willingness of situation or put it all in god's hand and just like he did for the children of israel he'll do the same thing for you and me i got a clothes i got a clothes i got a i got a clothes my little sermon but god has done so much god has been so good god has been good to us god has brought us through figure and feared he bought us from the back of the bus now we can only bro so he bought us from the outhouse and now we're going to send a fresh female to the white house y'all didn't talk to me god has been so good to us so he brought us through many dangers of tallest snails but i just want to close by telling you since god has been so good don't forget the lord when things begin to go well in your life don't forget the lord when you got a little money in the bank don't forget the lord when you got two or three a mastercard of these are called american espresso in your hip pocket don't forget the lord when you move like george jefferson when you move on up and god put you in a great big house or don't forget the lord or when you're gonna ride in what you want to ride and don't forget the lord when your children enrolled in college it's alabama alban alabama stadium don't forget the lord you still need him i don't care how well you think you doing you need the lord [Music] oh [Music] [Music] how soon just a month and a half huh just a month and a half read it exodus 16 verse 1 a month and 15 days after they had left egypt i feel like shouting john this morning somebody hold my mule [Music] after somebody hold my mute i'm gonna shout right here because when i think about the goodness of jesus and all he's done for me [Music] my soul cry hallelujah can i get about a 500 out there lift those hands hallelujah [Music] i didn't mean i didn't mean i didn't mean to hold it as long but i feel pretty good this morning i feel like praying in him i gotta pray [Music] engineering [Music] i've been buried by an anguish you know what [Music] follow me carlos i wonder sometimes what is [Music] the love he'll make a way anybody believe that somehow let me say one more thing i try [Applause] [Music] you know what happens when you do that when i choose to to do the right thing you know what happened is [Music] i'd be wondering what the next day is gonna bring but you know what i do i tell myself walter you gotta take care oh the love will make a way y'all about ready to help me [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes [Music] here's what i like about it he will take away all of your oh yeah but you gotta let him help you better now [Music] yes [Music] let me tell y'all something there's a he said he would can we say it one more time we gonna leave down low the light make a way wanna do it [Music] let him help you [Music] sweetly [Music] [Music] ain't nobody tried [Music] something about the name of jesus i want anybody out there ever had to get out of your bed and get out on your knees and tell the lord it's too much for me i can't handle it's it your hand i give it to you if you give it to him i promise you he'll fix it he will fix it in no winners uh-huh yes he will [Music] knows your number he knows where you live [Music] if they ain't been there yet keep on keep on keep on keep on keep on keep on living i don't know who i've talked to and preach to this morning i have no way of knowing i have no way of knowing maybe just maybe you walked away and left your first love maybe the grass seemed greener on the other side and you walked away and left the best thing ever happened in your life but i hear him say i i'm still married to backsliders i hear him saying you ain't gotta dress up you ain't gotta fix up you ain't gotta make up come on let me give an invitation to discipleship we'll take you virtually as a matter of fact we've taken in 15 or 20 already and i have others to take in on the 5th of september if you want to be in that crowd call that number tomorrow morning i promise you somebody will call you back you don't have to join this church i'm not campaigning for members i want disciples i won't i want folk who who know who know that when god blesses you got to bless them back i need some people who know god guilt and god takes away and when god blessing you you got to bless him job said whoa i'm going through now he said i don't know why i don't know why but one thing i do know the lord give it the lord takes away i'm gonna bless his name i'm gonna bless his name i'm gonna bless his name i'm gonna give him praise god bless you we gotta go i'll hear you too long i didn't mean i didn't mean i didn't mean i didn't mean i didn't mean i didn't mean to preach alone oh me and god me and god wrestled all night long with this sermon [Music] wait a minute wait a minute the devil tried to tell me that's not the one to preach tomorrow but can i just tell somebody when god is in it [Music] we got to go we got to go [Music] i want to pray oh lord oh lord the g the g hats [Music] our way out of the way lord we thank you today [Music] we have glorified we magnify you we edify you we lift you up thank you for being so good too for we are not even good to ourselves you've been good for a long time and you keep on blessing us over and in the name of jesus i speak peace upon your people those who are watching virtually those in this sanctuary those who can just hear me i speak healing deliberates i speak the blood of jesus over here right now in the name of jesus satan we've got some members that's a little under the weather i speak the blood of jesus over your life right now in the name of jesus oh be healed my brothers be healed my sisters be delivered and set free in the name of jesus have your way now in the name of the father son in the name of the holy ghost amen amen give it to jesus god bless you thank you [Music] there's a [Music] [Music] is [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] is
Channel: Pilgrim Rest MBC-Montgomery
Views: 2,678
Rating: 4.6923075 out of 5
Id: -_f4y0YJ2KY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 96min 48sec (5808 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 23 2020
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