Sunday Morning Worship Service (2.2.2020)

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amen [Music] [Music] today a man a man a man go chiefs go 49ers but before I get started I just like to ask the church as a whole I got some sad news on this morning our very own coach air Deacon ty father passed on this morning so let us pray for the toff ambling funeral arrangements have not been made but we won't get those out once we know the range myth has been made so let us just continue to pray for the sick among us I had one of my men our members this morning to tell me that I think his brother was in the hospital there at Jackson by the bus ski so let us pray for him and our own Deacon Ross I'm glad to see you here this morning amen amen amen I mean II know it was a blur how many know it was the blood all right will you help me to sing I know it was the blood I know it was a blood I know it was the same [Music] [Music] [Music] they [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] he never said a word he never said a word he never said a mama [Music] they please still man inside they pierced a man inside they bears down to say [Music] the same [Music] he hung his head and died [Music] did say [Music] he's coming back come on [Music] Jesus now I know it was that's a good morning church family the scripture this morning will be coming from Romans the eighth chapter verses 38 and 39 for I am persuaded that neither death nor life nor Angels nor principalities nor powers nor things present nor things to come nor height nor depth nor any other creature shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is Christ Jesus our Lord they God had blessed upon the reading they're here and most of all the doers of his holy word guide me o that great G over here going through this barren land God [Music] Oh [Music] Oh [Music] right [Music] but there are mighty hold me with you properly [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Phoebe jello [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] bread from heaven our Father we action you to fear us this morning until we won't no more my father we come this morning thanking you for all your men and blessing my father we've realized that you've been good to us and then you've been mighty good to us my father we come this morning just to say thank you thank you my father because she was Almighty God my father you can do anything but fail my father we need you this morning we need to just look touch from you this morning my father we thank you and we praise you my father we ask you to please bless each and every member here this morning my father we thank you for allowing us to for loud angels to stand watch over us last night every summer as well in the early this morning my father you touched us with your divine fan of love clothing our right man my father you start out on a brand new day and we can't help but to say thank you Father we thank you for each and every one my father my father we thank you and we actually help us to show round for I'd want to know my father because we need love this morning we down here in a mean world my father but we use the only one can change things so we ask you to help us and touch us my father my father we ask you to bless our pastor this morning bless him in my mind away my father bless his family my father my father he needs he needs you this morning because we all need you we just can't do nothing without you my father we've we actually just just have mercy just have mercy on us just yeah my father we were weak but we know that you were strong my father you know we know that you can take us through anything if we're just trusting you so my father come this morning trusting in you because I believe you can do anything my father I need you this morning please help us this morning bless this church my father thank you I thank you and I praise you this morning amen Oh Satan talking about the blood of Jesus is against you say aye [Applause] come on [Music] [Music] [Music] I know I know we blur I know it blood save me yes oh I know it'll save me he kept on sandy Oh Ceyda I don't know again second oh oh say done talking bout the blood up against sing it again I know the blue heeler is against you right now [Music] [Applause] and Jesus came and spake unto them saying all power given unto me in heaven and in earth go ye therefore and teach all nations baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you and lo I'm with you always even unto the end of the world let us pray father God what we just feel we just pray shall hold and move righteous name father we thank you for your son Jesus Christ died on the cross God I don't care across them all but a remission of our sins Lord we pray this Munda law for these killers that decide to give their life over you this morning Lord we pray Lord that you would just bless them lost and you're just strengthening Lord in in ending their walk line and Lord we pray Lord that let us as Christian be a light for them Lord to see you Lord that we may be able to help them in a time of need and all we pray Lord that you would just bless each and every one be blessed another blessing we do pray and I saw in Jesus name Amen take me to the war take me to the Oh me too Oh [Music] in obedience to the great head of the church our Lord Jesus and our profession of your faith I do indeed baptize you my sister the name of the Father of the Son and the Holy Ghost [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] in obedience to the great head of the church the Lord Jesus and our profession of your faith I do indeed baptize you muscles in the name of the Father of the son in the Holy Ghost [Music] [Applause] [Music] no I got read [Music] in obedience to the gray hair of the church our Lord Jesus in a profession of your faith I do indeed baptize you my sister in the name of the Father of the Son and the Holy Ghost [Music] [Applause] [Music] me too [Music] me too [Music] [Music] in obedience of the great head of the church the Lord Jesus a no profession of your faith I do indeed baptize you mussels in the name of the Father of the Son and the Holy Ghost [Music] [Music] in obedience to the gray head of the church the Lord Jesus no profession of your faith I do indeed baptize you muscles in the name of the Father of the Son and the Holy Ghost [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] no God Oh [Music] you know billions with the great hair of the church our Lord Jesus they don't fit on profession of your faith I do indeed baptize you my little brother in the name of the Father of the Son and the Holy Ghost [Applause] [Music] Oh [Music] we do [Music] Oh [Music] to be better in obedience to the great half of the church the Lord Jesus and no profession of your faith I do indeed baptize you my little brother in the name of the Father of the son in the Holy Ghost [Music] [Applause] [Music] right [Music] that was free oh praise for God we thank you Lord for another days dirty we think you're going for being a piece of meat in the midst of the storm gonna be thank you Lord for the lives that you just saved today father God let them know that Lord that you will be there always father God we ask then Lord that you bless the man that she has placed in this house falling out we ask you to continue to bless this service in Jesus name we pray amen [Applause] [Music] [Music] it was early one morning just about the day he touched me anyway [Music] it was early one morning just about the break of day Jesus came and he touched me and he washed my sins away I started shouting [Music] [Applause] [Music] save me holy go change you know it was a Holy Ghost and it kept on moving in from the Holy Ghost and he kept on moving God gave it to me and it kept on moving it was the whole to go then they kept on moving any [Applause] Oh [Music] [Applause] and was the holy ghost it was a holy it was the whole it was the Holy Ghost it was a holding like a breath we attorney it was a whole [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] it was a hold it was it was [Music] [Music] well [Applause] and if you don't over [Applause] [Applause] it was a lonely gone [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's back tomorrow whether it's now come over get it in spin hope there's no saying I won't let the bad in this room to get on your feet if you don't think I got the Holy Ghost if you had any experience [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] come out swinging up in here one two three guesses can you stream those three one [Music] one to breathe [Music] what I'll tell this summer ship is gonna come on come on pass the door around daddy will see going throw it back for batter that you do not sin but that somehow you haven't spoken to this moment going tell them as good to see you [Music] [Music] [Music] with your hands drop your hand this is the day the Lord has made we're gonna rejoice and do what be glad in the old folk you should sing a song I said gee give me knees never crawl Oh prayer de2 all it's a he [Music] three flows from Charis man [Music] [Music] Watson way yes I see and hope [Music] man [Music] fine rest yeah the real buzz come on yeah [Applause] Oh [Music] Alton we see healthy yeah Oh I feel my [Music] in the banner walrus come on can I see your hand we I want to get there - come on [Music] three let's say what be quiet Wow [Applause] [Applause] what do you do I'll find rest yeah beyond [Music] let's get that one more time [Music] [Applause] [Music] keep me [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] when it's all over yeah [Music] we have fun [Music] yeah [Applause] [Music] Oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] if Abby arrived if I choose my labor right yeah that key bone hold on one of these days is gonna be over down here [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] right time I want you to fire your head [Music] Hitler father we don't want to hold your loan today because we know you're busy and our little problem it's just a little problem for you because your word says there's anything too hard for God God we just won before we go any further this loan and just want to thank you that we allowed us to see the Sun Shine [Music] god we just wanna freakin this morning that you allowed us to get up out of our beds in our right mind we just want to thank them for that because somebody got laid out last night then I hear this morning and God we just want to thank you for just being God and God all by yourself doing what nobody else could do in our life God you know God that we come to the altar and we know that you're here but to heal Saleem umbrella but God before we intercede in the Father we ask you to forgive us of our sins wash us and cleanse us God which will polish spirit God move God in the name of Jesus now God as we come to this place God some come for one being and some come for another whatever I promise with me God we pray God that you hear I cried this morning God you said the affections from and prayer of a righteous man availeth much and if we stand here today this morning God we believe that you're able to do it for you this morning of your hands oh you deep if you gotta say the word and I'm probable dissipate we know your evil this morning on somebody came in this place God depressant about to give up God but we speak to that spirit right now in the name of Jesus we come down speaking to the stuff that no weapon that is formed against them we come right now in the name of Jesus Lord these roles in our lives whatever we regard we pray that to do some fresh and new in this place today God move of God in a way that we've never been moved before God sets us in a way that we know they check God it will be careful to give y'all the flower is owe the honor you know the praise now God bless our pastor give him strength Lord give him wisdom and knowledge and he made these o people and God we pray for his wife we pray for his family Lord we pray I had the protection around them hello we praise Lord for everybody that's in this church then a listen job or job that could not make it laden low we break up whatever the action you're following but you do it God not because we've been so good Lord that you're doing God not because we made all the right decisions rod we actually do it God because we just react that you're doing in the name that is above every name in the name that is above everything in the name that is above everything in the name of Jesus we touch an agree that it's gonna be alright we touch an agree right now that you're working it out right now Lord then when we get back home is already done when we the work is all that it does because you got the plow you got the power to do it now God before we meet this soldier the Bible said we walk by faith and not by sight we believe God before we leave this altar that is already done right now Lord so God we're gonna walk back to our seats out and then give it you groaning right now Lord then it's already done because I faith is stronger than what we see God we gotta do it in the name of Jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] we will [Music] and where he's known [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] if you feel something out felt before up in here this morning do y'all feel it don't don't don't fool me y'all feelin at this time we'd like to recognize all of our visitors that are with us here today so if you will please stand and remain standing for words of welcome let's give a man we like to say welcome to the Pilgrims Rest Missionary Baptist Church where everybody is somebody and Jesus Christ is Lord we are so excited to have you in our midst today because we know that you could have chosen any church and surround the area to worship in but you chose the rest and to that we say thank you we certainly hope that there is something seen said or done that will encourage you all to come back it feels again or perhaps join this church and if any of you are in search of a church home we ask you to consider picaresque those cars that you have been given if you're a first-time visitor our our gated corn cars we ask that you please fill them out and as you exit the sanctuary to my left your right go to the Welcome Center turn them in and you will be given a token of our appreciation just for you being here today so on behalf of our pastor and my first lady whoever name is Ellis the hospitality committee and the entire church congregation we welcome each and every one of you welcome welcome and please come back again thank you [Applause] jehovah-jireh ministry is as inviting the pilgrimage church family to attend its Founders Day anniversary celebration marking 17 years today at 2:30 p.m. in Alexander City Alabama pastor Walter E Ellis will serve as the guest Minister mark your calendar to attend the pilgrim rest youth departments and you will Black History Month program on Sunday February 23rd 2020 at the 9:30 a.m. worship service this year's theme is Americans and the boat celebrating the legacy bringing the dream tonight with Scripture reference from Proverbs 13 the pilgrim rest marriage and family ministry is inviting you to attend boots and brims valentine gala at the evans [Music] and other contents the attire is Western where tickets can be purchased after service in the coat-check room through February 9 so get your big favorite boots and join us for boots and grams african-americans and the right to vote celebrating the legacy bringing the dream to life for black Americans gaining the full rights of citizenship especially the right to vote was central to securing true freedom at the end of the Civil War Frederick Douglass famously said slavery is not abolished until the black man has the ballot and the journey for full participation in American democracy has been a hard-fought one it is one that continues today in 1866 Congress passed the first civil rights bill which was the first piece of legislation to establish that all persons born in the United States were citizens regardless of race color or previous condition this assured in the Reconstruction period a period where black voting in southern states surged and more than 20 blacks were elected to Congress this period also saw the passage of the Fourteenth Amendment which granted citizenship to all persons born or naturalized in the u.s. including slaves and the Fifteenth Amendment which stated that voting rights could not be denied on the basis of race color or previous condition of servitude yet despite the gains black voters and black elected officials still face the constant threat of intimidation and violence at the hands of terrorist groups like the Ku Klux Klan and other whites who were opposed to them after only 10 years the Reconstruction period ended with the removal of federal troops from southern states a compromise to named Rutherford Haynes president and by giving southern states the ability to determine their own qualifications for voting almost immediately this led to the disenfranchisement of blacks through literacy tests full texts and other discriminatory practices to keep blacks from voting slowly but surely white dominated state legislatures consolidated their control and effectively re-established Black Codes in the form of Jim Crow laws a system of segregation that would remain in place in America for nearly 100 years during the 1950s and 60s securing voting rights for blacks became a central focus of the civil rights movement build the Civil Rights Act of 1964 finally banned segregation in schools and other public accommodations it did not address voting rights as more and more violent attacks on peaceful voting rights demonstrators gained the attention of the world President Lyndon Johnson signed the 1965 Voting Rights Act into law which may end up literacy tests and other measures used to disenfranchise black voters in the years since black voter engagement and the number of blacks elected to public office have been steadily on the rise in 2012 black voter turnout exceeded that of white voters for the first time in American history to reelect President Barack Obama the nation's first african-american president but since 2008 states across the country have passed measures to make it harder for Americans particularly blacks and Latinos the elderly students and people with disabilities to exercise their constitutional right to vote these measures include cuts to early voting absentee voting restrictions voter ID laws challenges to voter rights restoration gerrymandering districts and purging voter rolls the true fight is in making an impact state a municipal policy and challenging through the courts during non election years where legislative or court action can be used to block voter suppression efforts and keep access to the ballot box come on ass clap our hands all you people just give those admittance to waiting for entrance on this morning how good god is i said how good god is oh he's a good god much better than us and we are to him but that's kind of god we we worship and we serve at this this is one of the most pivotal points in our worship especially on first Sunday when we can have those who have made a confession a commitment and given their belief that Jesus is the Christ and they come and they've been baptized a man can y'all give him another hand anything [Applause] [Music] listen what you've done it's a step of faith but we walk by faith and not by sight and the record Hills the just shall live by faith it is our faith in Jesus that he died was buried and resurrected is that faith that gives us hope that we can gain eternal life through him and he tells us in his word he that believeth and is baptized shall be saved and Paul says if thou shalt confess with your mouth believe in your heart that God raised Jesus from the dead thou shalt be saved can we give these people a hand they they've done that and I want to give you your baptismal certificates and these are just evidence that you belong to the rest and you have been baptized money Smith Ashton Lewis alia Nessa Damon Hartman Keely Tate su kyani berry [Applause] Shania Ward let's hope I pronounced it right let me just shake all of your hands let's get an Alabama State Hornets these later hornish come on come on come on give them some love hey Lane god bless all of you put those somewhere else can piss conspicuous so some can see that your members of pilgrim research amen god bless you now I know y'all on the road traveling playing basketball our prayers are with you wherever you go but when you're not playing basketball I want to see you in church amen god bless all of you it's time to give I said it's time to give a dollar day a dollar a day I want us to continue to support our dollar day campaign which is a supplement to our building fund here at pilgrim rest we give seven dollars a week twenty-eight dollars a month off three hundred and sixty-five dollars a year aside from our tithes and offerings if you have your offerings ready please hold them high and repeat after me give and it shall be given unto you good measure pressed down shaken together and running over shall me and give into your bosom listen I got prematurely before myself I'm gonna do the offering but I do have some announcements I do need to make after the offering it for the choir sings okay god bless you those are my extreme left and right would you please stand and follow the ushe around with your own free you [Music] [Music] [Music] could we get the to center aisle to stand up and follow the lead me and the directions of the earth shoes [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] a little ooh you think go up of Jesus could we get the congregation to stand as a whole craze God we love you up got in the balcony we love the convocation as a whole we thank God for you coming out today for each guys like you didn't have to do it pray God so to get about the Super Bowl we serve a super God praise God I want everybody bow to his father right now in the name of Jesus you say without faith it's just impossible to please God you say we as a congregation that come to God must believe that you are God and that you are God that Gillings you that reward us that we Dylan just seek you father right now father God we seek you and given ideal of the gills ties are often far for the work of the kingdom father God for the building up of the church for soul shall be saved but people just join the ministry father your people working in the ministry father and father right now father we thank you all that so everyone that gated a father every leader of this church is going to be met and every individual need is going to be met because we serve a big and strong and powerful God and we thank you today father everybody said thank you Lord in Jesus name in Jesus name man hallelujah amen listen I need to make a few announcements and we're moving forward Deacon James tarde that's the father were vice-chairman D can edit are passed away this morning in Jackson Alabama and this keep our chairman and family in prayers amen brother Julius Howard brother of sister Patricia Kim Bros was buried yesterday in Monroeville Alabama is she here today mr. Kimbrough here today if not let's let's pray for the Kimbrough family this morning I want to just give a shout out to sister Martha more a member of our Mass Choir she's at UAB Hospital with her daughter Victoria Moore who's convalescing there and we want to keep them in our prayers and let them know by way of YouTube that we're praying for you and not only for her but all of those who tuned in every sunday sunday after sunday who has made pilgrim rest their worship center on Sunday morning we welcome your prayer requests we welcome your financial contributions if you just don't want to plant a seed into a ministry and you don't have a church next Sunday I'm gonna tell you how to do it hello a main subsample want to be blessed and and and and and and the more you give the more you get so there are those who watching us by streaming YouTube Facebook we on Facebook and YouTube I'm going to make it possible and give you the venues and the the opportunities to support our ministry from where you get your blessings amen amen now today we are going to elexander City somebody asked me said did you know it was Super Bowl Sunday yes but my son called and some time when some certain people call you've got to respond now watch this watch this I'm gonna get you in here this morning we'll get you out those who are going to Mass Choir and the ushers and those who are going to elexander City with me we're gonna go there and let them know we love them we're gonna kind of like child and and rub them and let the Holy Spirit do what you're gonna do and by 6 o'clock you're gonna be back at home Deaconess Marsha Davis stand up down and God bless you she has can we give us some love bless your heart we're sure how you look good you look good and I know the devil has been trying all he cared could to discourage you but for my eyes look where I stand what I see you don't look like you don't you don't look like what's what you been dude I say you don't look like what you've been through God is a keeper can I get 15 for that I've made sixteen who knows God is a keeper and he'll keep you when you wanna be kept Lord keep me in perfectly [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] come acquire raise when I want to be close my hands in praise my God my God praise [Music] our praising you know man all turn baba [Music] [Applause] [Music] to the GU appraised [Applause] whoever happy [Music] you know [Music] [Applause] [Music] you listen first see ya when I want to be close [Music] to shove you know my circumstance they don't even stand a chance [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] rather happy have a gala witness out there [Applause] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] Oh at all let's move on is that anybody in the hospital huh you've been going through your troubles huh you've been going through your pains up but you found out if you just put it in the hand of Allah gonna play them through your words huh circumstance huh it's gonna be all right [Music] is what I do what I do yeah it's what I do [Music] [Applause] just given up [Music] what I do [Music] [Music] what hey Coney give it the phrase gonna play them huh whatever you were looking for different right differently [Music] it's what I do [Applause] to play them in the morning [Applause] so far about potential breakthrough somebody forget your lesson huh it's right there but what you need to do [Music] [Applause] don't stop praising it just think about it good and all these done for just think about how he brought you over to rub it he'll go don't worry about the person besides if they don't all breathing don't allow them to steal you'll free don't allow them to steal you'll just because really the job of the law industry [Music] [Applause] sir turn with me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right down on the inside you've been hungry all week but I tell you now is an opportune time to get rid of it let the devil here Sam so the devil he doesn't like praise given message Richard go out and pray the hell out of him right now in the name of Jesus tell the devil in the name of Jesus I come attached you know [Applause] [Music] yes [Applause] [Music] hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah please go I want you to turn your Bibles the First Samuel in the book of 1st Samuel in the book of 1st Samuel chapter 17 for Samuel Chapter 17 I am committing with verse 37 reading a few verses thereafter there's a lot there to read and I would encourage you to do some reading in this chapter as well as in the surrounding chapters because my sermon today will be a brief synopsis of what really is entailed and encompassed in all of these verses and surrounding verses David said moreover the Lord that delivered me out of the paw of the lion and out of the paw of the bear he will deliver me out of the hand of this Philistine and Saul said unto David go and the Lord be with E and Saul's arm David will on the line is his arm and put in a helmet of brass upon his head and he also armed them with a coat of mail and David girded his sword upon his armor and a say to go and his if I had not true that he and tried it didn't know how I was gonna work David said on a song I cannot go with these why I have not through them David the words took him on and took his staff in his hand and chose five smooth Stones out of the brook and put them in a chef's bag which he had even in a scrip and his slain in his hand and drew nigh to the Philistine and the Philistine came to and junetta David and then man that bother Scheer went before him and when the Philistine look and saw David he disdained him for he was but a youth and ready and a fair countenance just as just a young man and if a listen said under day that I'm a I'm out dog that they'll come after me with staves and the Philistine cursed David by his guard and if a listen said to David come to me and I will give our flesh under the fowls of the air and to the feet beasts of the field then said David to the for listen comment to me with a sword and with a spear and was the shield but I come to thee in the name of the Lord of hosts the god of the armies of Israel whom thou defy his last verses you can read the rest this day will the Lord deliver thee into mine hand and I will smite thee and take down head from D and I will gild the cockles are the hosts of the Philistine this day unto the fowls of the hair and to the wild beasts of the earth that all the Earth may know that there is a God in Israel look at your neighbor and tell him I am a survivor that's the wrong one look on the other side released a single survivor that sold over 12 million copies worldwide this song became to help them other generations because it exposed testimony of endurance and strength that is representative of the lies that most of us have live when you my brothers and sisters have overcome the pitfalls the difficulties and the unexpected occurrences in life that makes you appreciative of the fact that God has endowed you with inner strength to outlast distractions to alas destruction devastation desperation and distress Destiny's Child was singing about and overcoming episode in which their life as a result of a cataclysmic crisis that seamless would have taken them out but all that made them better listen to what they said you thought I'd be weak without you but I'm stronger thought I'd be broke without you but I'm Richard don't I'd be safe without you but I love hard thought I wouldn't grow without you but I'm wiser don't I be helpless y'all know the song coming with me without you better but I'm smarter you thought I'd be stressed out without you but I'm chillin you thought I wouldn't sail but I sold 12 million I am a survivor and I'm not gonna give up I'm not gonna stop I'm gonna work harder I am a survivor I'm gonna make it and I will survive and keep on surviving have I got any survivors in here let me just share with you a survival is one who can endure and overcome episode that would destroy a normal person some folk can take sustain is what you've been through a survival is one that can encounter difficulty but will see it as a doorway because he knows God if God brought him to it he's well able to carry you through it I wish I had some help up in here I'm tomorrow survival a survival is one like an old comics watch can take a lickin and keep on tickin a survival is one that knows if God is in it you can win it survival is one who know that if it had not been for the grace and mercy of God oh my you would have been gone a long time ago but you seal here somebody here know what I'm talking about this morning because what you been dude should have destroyed you what you been dude should have kill you but to steal here instead of stolen your joy you should allows your mind but to steal standing god help your boy and you still strong and for some reason you still driving you still going higher you still achieving and making progress I'm not talking to you know survivals up in here you like that punching bag at the fact you've been hit but you keep bouncing back I said you're gonna hit anybody here they're been hit anybody been hit by sickness but you keep on bouncing back anybody in heaven hit back jealous and in there what you keep on bouncing back but the harder they hit you the more you're bounced but I will tell you if you're gonna be a survivor baby you got to have some come back you gotta have some bounce back in you because if you notice when you hit when you hit the diamond the harder you hit him the faster he comes back because he has something within him come back do you have that something within that no matter what folks say no matter what folk do no matter how to kind of minimize you know you you got some bounce back in you I need 25 for that I made 26 who know if I had not had bounce back in me I'd be little sad oh my back and the sixth floor over Saxon hospital but God gave me something that the world can't kill me and when the world take me got me down over here I pop up over there they go also they go can anybody help me said thank God I am a survivor take out that greater is He that's in me than he that's in the thank God I can make it because I can take a day that in the text well a survival David Willis was very special even had a young age and that his commitment to God was so strong that he would take on the most in Kabul predicaments watch this watch it and come out smelling like a road how many no God take care of you how many phone call we didn't matter how many chance come against you if you got Jesus you pretty much got oh you meet y'all ain't no telling how many folk no no no no matter what what they do how they try to ship it up if he got Jesus he's a ladder grandma said to high mountain he's a Brit y'all talk to me over trouble water he's a shelter in the time other so anybody know Jesus tell your neighbor you figure out Jesus you really got all your need because if they got Jesus you got a matter good doctor if you got Jesus you got a matter good friend if they got Jesus you got a bridge over troubled water if they got Jesus you got a doctor in a sick room I need to see if I kill y'all in here who really been sick and know that if it had not been for just one touch from the master you would be sleeping in mortality and in eternity but he blocked it I don't have no help in here I don't have help on this David David had attended his father seat so says it takes a lion and a bear came and took a lamb from his flock david says in verse 35 but god gave me power to slay the lion and the bear and the same God that delivered me back Dean is well able to rescue me from this uncircumcised philistine look at it with me David was just the boy matter of fact he was a shepherd boy making a delivery to his brothers from his dad who was fightin in saws in other words David was carrying what most of us would call a care package you know you know when you have loved ones afar even and then they will to receive something I remember talking to a few guys ex-military guys when the system was not as sophisticated as it heals now they had to wait some time six months before they heard anything from home and many of the guys would get cat packages and Psalm wouldn't get nothing one fella in particular told me that I was waiting on them to send me some with some perfume on it I needed to smell something from back home David was carrying a care package but we got bad luck man he sold the Israelite army counting to the heathen by the name of Goliath cursing his God the question was from David who heal this heathen who ills this infidel that has no greater respect than the curse the name of Jehovah who heals this man they said today the y'all might have cried up in here I'll be doing a minute they said the data you had had had not you heard about the lion he's a giant he stands over nine feet tall heels the Felician champion you you mean to tell me you haven't heard about Goliath he his bronze helmet and coat weighs 125 pounds and he has a bronze javelin and he's a man of war he's been a man of war since his breath you mean to tell me you haven't heard David was a light man a light weight man with a middleweight mentality but had a heavy mission and I want to tell you today in this life all of us will find ourselves one day what David was because life is full of giants Goliath when the only giant that we have to defeat as a child of God we have to sometime deal with the giant of discouragement seemed like when you think thing that just about get on track even one thing it's another sometimes we deal with the giant let me tell you something and we are all a guilty when you go to bed you may as well said now thou lay me down to sleep and I pray the Lord my that some of y'all pray you know you haven't learned nothing else if I should die before I wake I pray the Lord my soul he'll think you gotta stop worrying so much put it in come on help me O God sing because if he I heard keeps another day before he left going up gotta stand if if God gonna be up all night ain't no need for us to stay up all night too because he that keep it here too am neither slumber word that the giant called temptation if I had seen it I wouldn't have done it and and here he is Helios Paul says every time I would do I found evil almighty cry am i preaching your sermon pup all set up in here whoever had some a plan to go wrong I'm not talking to anybody in here who's had a good plan to go wrong you had it all figured out you had it sing it out down to the T to the Dhamma and to the sin but to you amazing something Shane you plan because what you had change what you had plan maybe God and maybe the devil I don't know see you play and I hear you I hear you ought to give up feel like throwing in the towel but think I'll hold on I'll get everybody right there right here you've been quiet all of us deal with financial Giants robbing Peter to pay Paul and you put yourself in that predicament because I said to them in Bible study other night I don't have time to compete with folks I don't have time for that that that that's just not me I'm just grateful that anneals put it ease why don't y'all talk to me I'm just grateful that I have put a hand I'm just grateful God is still watching over me yo talk to me I'm just grateful God is still blessing me I'm just grateful God is still preparing tables in the presence of my enemies I'm just grateful that with that that that no weapon s form against me was ever be able to prosper I'm just grateful I need to know is that anybody here beside me [Music] in the body graceful shake your neighborhood I'm a survival survival Zions come to kill steal and destroy and deplete your joy the most miserable the happier you are the more miserable the devil is I put it in your lap the more God blessing you the Morpho hey Donia I said mo God blesses you the moral folk hey Dalia let me tell you something if God is blessing me and you're in the same geographical area where I am assisting me he's in the hood and it is in the hood if you just don't be weary in well-doing ain't no hope that God is nothing he'll stop by your house but you gotta learn how to sweep with those that weeping and rejoice for those that Richard David in his experience and I'm cutting close I gotta get out here I gotta get I have learn you gotta depend on the Lord and walk in the power of his might and watch this picaresque I'm almost to if you're going to survive in giant country be encouraged and know that Giants do so and the bigger they are the harder they phone three things quickly write it down I mean I get to all of the first of all if you're gonna survive Jan your comforts country gotta know that survival is a matter of timing survival is a matter of trusting and survival is a matter of taking God and His Word because the right time when David shooter because for the Philistine giant had God's people paranoid had them fearful and afraid but one thing I like about God his time in heels impeccable it's time in heels unquestionable because when his people needed encouragement God sent a little bitty shippable to give them some encouragement be be careful how you push what you deem to be inconsequential people out of your life it may just be the right season that God has sit somebody back to give you a word from the Lord yeah it was time for the dead to show up who call respect for our God was a noble the lion was cursing and swearing against the name of the law and David said enough yet my clothes my love son ears or no David said come use what God gave me and let me tell you something in God's timing uh you don't have to have all that you need but just a little no [Music] look at your neighbor situation but hard understanding sadly he will that's my song can I get somebody on this side who know he will that's all like over here no he's a buddy on your side you don't know why your beer is that anybody here to say no song in god haha but he keeps my soul why do I know people I need about 50 head and I'm gonna make it the water who lowered your trust in the loud he'll make away he may not come when you expect him all I have 15 no people who know their way to have Lauren Oh God [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] for you not for me because I have some me heels for me they said I don't need no hair of it huh [Music] [Applause] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] in the getaway got to come down [Laughter] [Music] they got to come down and when they come down a nine-foot tall man had to fall along the foam a little cylinder but they they what finish is right here the techs are here and jump though the ships took it all sold off let me tell you something when you get the devil on the wrong don't relinquish it don't give up go do you do why you got him down because it's your letter John up that seems a little you're not gallery yesterday you got an assistant oh you got to be on inkay good him uh-oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] ain't no River to it ain't no we get to what God dude can you see the navel pain and sin name [Music] [Music] [Music] that water will be all night long run it is mouthpiece in my hand joy in my heart in about in him know him if I had shot what a questioner I promise to leave you alone please please please breathe when I ask you my question answer me back [Applause] [Music] [Music] just remember the larger they are the harder they fall everybody on your feet can he be flat praise Him [Music] raise him [Music] well that's breathing it come on Jesus Oh [Music] how do you get ready to hang [Applause] you oughta have my freedom [Music] to be plain [Music] come on boys this mighty good for you Oh one thing I'll even though come on give me [Music] thank God for this [Music] I feel going down here who [Applause] all the praise [Music] Oh shucks here pretty good good now [Music] [Applause] I got the pretty guy [Music] ah somebody hit the call of the better [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm telling you to do gone free like you lost your mind [Music] [Music] haha [Music] [Music] [Music] already mapped out how long has come preach today but I guess I'm not in control what I need to know isn't about a blessed up in here now watch this watch this watch this watch this watch this you never saved and distance from Johnny when you walk into work tomorrow same giant that was that when you love fried be down in the morning but I hope I hope I gave you some ammunition one thing I do worry about that Sonia is that you got time working against because if I read some sturdy 7 1 it says fret not thyself because of evildoers and neither be in Deus against the workers of iniquity watch this this is this is a shout part idea so they shall soon don't know when the sound they shall soothe that days and neither the bowels are innocent they shall soon [Music] [Music] everybody for membership please stand [Music] this is Jermaine hooks he's a candidate for baptism brother Jermaine you won't be baptized yes god bless you brother you believe in Jesus Christ accept that image a personal Lord and Savior how long do you want to trust this is Stacy Thompson she is coming to us from true faith outreach ministries nondenominational this is her son cork Thompson he's a candidate for baptism so stop sign bless you [Music] amen I like that she has never been a member of a Baptist Church always non de natal nondenominational she that she has agreed that she'll be baptized and you baptize you the first Sunday in March amen your son horik Cory bless you correct you wanna join us sir yes sir and you wanna be baptized yes you believe in the Lord Jesus Christ accepted him as your personal Lord and Savior yes sir how long do you plan to trust him well praise God [Applause] Kayla god bless you give me your right hand burn you might a man got both hands in your pocket listen Caleb you want to be baptized yes god bless you you believe in Lord Jesus Christ yes sir how long you will trust it forever praise God can the church say man now this is the age we need to get him huh I said this is the age we need to get him Brian oh Jesus Christ accepted him as your personal Lord and Savior how long do you want to trust him this is Cassidy Barnes she's also a candidate for baptism [Applause] right bless you Cassie you were baptized you believe in Lord Jesus Christ how long do I trust him can we give God three bless you baby how you do mama bless your heart okay ever all of those who here for membership please follow our clerk over to the membership room and she's going to give you all the particulars about it all those who have a special crowd please stand come as close to me as you can god bless you god bless you I brother this brother it was a joke brother-in-law my brother my baby brother what happened he was in the accident Wednesday night and he wasn't wearing a seatbelt so it throw him around in the car and he paralyzed from the head down to his feet and now he's in Jackson hospital and I mean I see you and I don't know whether he gonna walk again yes no he don't got to go to therapy and he gonna take a long journey well listen well listen God is a patient's go and patience is a virtue sometimes just got to wait on him because our time and ain't here but he'll show up I told you this morning survival is amount of time at the right time at the right place God can do whatever he wants to do when he gets ready to do it okay nobody do nothing about bless your heart everybody come close together everybody come close together let's pray God our Father we thank you today in the name of Jesus oh how wonderful your name is oh how I love Jesus because He first loved us we look now to you the author and finisher of our faith god bless this circle today I know their multiplicity of prayer requests but God I know your God who's a cure oh and it just one tenth can solve all of our problems and we come now giving it to you we're not gonna take it back to our seats because we believe you able to do exceedingly abundantly above everything we can ask or think according to the power that rests within us hear our prayer now he I pray for those who'll seek God heal them for those who are worried God give them comfort for those who are just down in despair God lift them up and help them and over.if has no sorrow heaven cannot heal we pray now in the precious and powerful potent and prolific name of Jesus the Christ and all the people of God said amen they said amen god bless your hearts a man a tiny crane it's already done bless you yes as our deacons come for our communion I want to thank you for being patient then the spirit does what he does then the spirit work how he works I want you to bow your heads with me Oh Lord our God how excellent is your name in all the earth what all somebody gotta be sir oh god I can see from the gutter most to their uttermost we're so grateful and have much gratitude for the vicarious and sacrificial death that you rendered at Calvary on our behalf we weren't fit to live and certainly not ready to die but you know beyond our fall it's a matter of fact you look beyond the crowd and you saw me you saw me in a wretched condition still not all have amid all your requirements having kept all the commandments but your grace and your mercy it's prettier that's not your people forgive us of our sins and brought out our transgressions we're just with hyssop make us white as snow in your powerful name we pray now amen [Music] are we [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] see [Music] [Music] Oh Oh [Music] where well when I see the [Music] when I see [Music] that's power in the blood [Music] yes there is [Music] she the shed [Music] there is power [Music] in the below there is power [Music] [Music] jesus said it let's go [Music] there is power [Music] there is power [Music] that's healing in the blood thank you god that's here [Music] by assurance [Music] that's human [Music] Oh there's Neela [Music] that's really in the Blair somebody know that feeling [Music] in the blood is drunk [Music] we are that's healing you really never love that's healing [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] have you admitted omitted anyone everyone administered to please join your head by your heads with me and a word of silent prayer hey man she just says often as we do this we shall fall to his death and suffering until he returns the bread he broke blessed it gave it to the disciples and told him take he and eat likewise he took the cup he blessed him and said this is my blood shed it in a New Testament for the Rishon of sins I will not direct but began to attract a new in my father's Kingdom take a drink as we exit the building that should be receptacles and ever exit if you would be so kind and cooperative to put those there cups and the receptacles as you pass out a couple instructions if you would we are going those were going aquires going the Russians are going we're gonna leave pretty much around one o'clock as soon as possible hopefully if we get there on time their star okay now the Buffs minute you rolled the bus this morning to church I want those who wrote the bus to go to the bus that that brought you to church and if by chance there's anyone that you know who's going your way if that person would be so kind as to give them a ride home today I want you to go go near the bus if you see anybody that's in your vicinity where you live please give them a round so the bus will be free and we will not be halted to wait onto the bus returns amen I think that's it shall we stand god bless you now listen excuse me from fellowship today I'm going straight to my office for refreshing and be ready when everybody else leaves but what I want to want to do is just around you fellowship three or four people tell them how good you to have you as a shouting partner and that guest today and I'll see you next Sunday god bless in real real good [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Pilgrim Rest MBC-Montgomery
Views: 2,870
Rating: 4.6279068 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 165min 8sec (9908 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 02 2020
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