Sunday Morning Service | Michael Koulianos | September 26th, 2021

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] and forget not all his benefits so we thank you jesus we won't forget this morning we will remember as we praise you this morning we will remember as we worship you forget not all his benefits don't forget his goodness we thank you jesus just for your goodness for your blood your life thank you for the privilege to come together and worship your holy name we thank you and we love you jesus in his mighty name amen [Music] is [Music] is [Music] my sins were gone my sins forgot there is a grace [Music] gave me [Music] [Music] [Applause] is alive [Music] [Applause] [Music] he's alive to tell you that he drives every tear in that falls [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] that is [Music] [Music] [Music] eyes [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] we know [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Applause] hallelujah [Applause] [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Applause] hallelujah [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] jesus [Music] is [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] and we sing hallelujah [Music] [Applause] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] that is [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] yes [Music] jesus [Music] nothing but the love of jesus [Music] nothing but the love of jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] nothing but jesus [Music] [Music] [Applause] please [Music] me [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] nothing but [Applause] is [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh jesus [Music] just lift up a thankful song to the king right now thank you uh [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] i'm so grateful for your mercy lord [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on just keep lifting your voice melody just let something rise [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] are you [Music] is [Music] holy [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] are you [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] are you [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] are you foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] is [Music] is [Music] me [Music] foreign [Music] who are these [Music] [Music] is he lost [Applause] [Music] so [Music] must [Music] my [Music] is um [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] the most beautiful [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes [Music] yes [Music] yes [Music] yes [Music] [Applause] is [Applause] [Music] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] am [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] let me see your face [Music] let me see your face [Music] let me see [Music] yourself let me see is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] let me see your [Music] let me see your face [Music] be so beautiful [Music] beautiful [Music] beautiful [Music] you are you are [Music] let me see [Music] let me see your beauty let me see your face [Music] let me see your face [Music] let me see your face [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] every voice [Music] glory glory glorious [Music] you are you are [Music] [Music] guys just keep playing we're gonna keep [Music] [Music] i feel the mercy of the lord in the room right now obviously where jesus is there's mercy but this is a very special moment with jesus i want to read this verse to you this is after jesus [Music] minister to the samaritan woman at the well it says that many of the samaritans of that city believed in him because of the word the woman who testified he told me all that i ever did [Music] so when the samaritans had come to him they urged him to stay with them isn't that our heart this morning lord that you'd stay here they urged him to stay with them and he stayed for two days what a loving jesus they wanted him to stay so so he did [Music] and many more believe because of his own word then they said to the woman listen carefully now we believe not because of what you said for we ourselves have heard him and we know that this is indeed the christ the savior of the world i'm gonna have the team keep singing that softly here in just a second but [Music] the best thing you can do in the presence of god is to respond to him when he comes your way you ask him to stay and he stays [Music] so here the lord is this morning [Music] reaching out to many of you and as they sing listen carefully those of you who are stuck in sin and you you come to the place even where where you're starting to not like you you know the bible teaches that sin keeps you from the light the people choose darkness so that sin won't be seen but the beautiful thing about bringing our weakness our sin into the light is that we leave changed and never live in darkness again and so this morning listen carefully i know there are many of you in here who've maybe you've attended church maybe you've done the religious thing maybe you watch our stuff and i'm so thankful that you do but i would say to you that you've been watching our stuff so that you would actually meet jesus there are others of you who were burning in love with jesus at one time you were in his word you loved to worship you were free from the bondage of sin and as time has gone on you've been more and more distracted and now you look at yourself in comparison to where you were that day you meant jesus and the two are light years apart i'm here to tell you this morning that the lord doesn't want you to take my word for it he wants to touch you himself and he wants to talk to you directly and i believe he is right now that he's drawing many of you and what i want you to do is while we're singing as you feel the convicting power of the lord maybe it's to come to jesus for the first time you say i want to know the lord i truly want to lay my life down i want to come to his feet and ask him for mercy i can tell you based on the authority of the word of god that if you confess your sin he is faithful and just to forgive you of your sin and cleanse you from all unrighteousness you can leave this room this morning completely washed cleansed and forgiven this is an amazing promise and in moments like this where the lord's presence is so real so beautiful this is where lives are truly changed that you have to meet jesus and in in atmospheres like this the lord is so present it's almost impossible to not meet him you're going to have to try to leave with your sin this morning and you don't have to [Music] so you're not making a choice this morning between what i'm saying my message and your own life and bondage and darkness the stuff the stuff god already sees there is no hiding it from it that's not the choice choices in between my sermon and your life your choice is between jesus who died and your life [Music] so i want the team to begin singing and the moment any of you listen listen this is what happened to me as a little boy i felt the presence of god draw me in the heart to jesus and there were seasons in my life especially in college where i drifted away and the lord would come graciously and pull me to himself i'm so glad i didn't just sit in my seat and choose the monotony and choose the sin the lord was patient now holy spirit i ask in jesus name that you would begin to move through this room like the wonderful breeze the gentle dove the wind of heaven the breath of life that you are and draw people to lose their shame and lose their sin in the name of jesus if that's you right now i want you to get out of your seat and while we're singing the lord quickens others you come forward you come right down here spread out come down here and get on your knees it's either you want to know jesus for the first time or you want to be truly free you're you've been struggling in life and sin has had you come forward right now thank you father don't worry about anybody in the room come receive the mercy of god thank you jesus come on down this is precious come and you can bring the people with you keep singing us [Music] beautiful [Music] sing that church sing that beauty beauty beautiful [Music] respond to the mercy of the lord [Music] beautiful [Music] the moment you feel the convicting power of the holy spirit the response [Music] the cycles of sin you're stuck in a cycle of sin get out of your seat right now come to the lord [Music] come to the lord you leave here free [Music] glory glory just don't resist don't resist the lord [Music] he's a loving jesus come come get freedom if you're in your seats just worship [Music] but if you need to get down here come down [Music] glorious glory glory glorious [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i fear in my heart there's a few of you here who don't even trust yourselves because of anger in you [Music] you don't even trust yourself in confrontation with people you have been filled with anger listen to me you come into this environment and and there is such freedom to turn away from it is to leave with greater bondage that's what jesus said he healed that man he said sin no more if you do something worse will come upon you listen carefully that anger is about an inch away from turning into bitterness and bitterness is poison the bible says and poison kills poison doesn't give you a bad morning poison kills if you want to be free from that anger i want you to get down here get down here right now you step right out of it you've tried so long you can't even have a peaceful disagreement with people without losing it and you know it and that's actually kept you from speaking the people that you need to make things right with come come get free come thank you jesus yeah come to the lord come to jesus come to jesus there's a couple more there's a couple more [Music] specifically you've been waiting to talk to people and make things right but you don't trust yourself to do it because there's so much pain and there's unforgiveness [Music] thank you lord thank you jesus thank you jesus you know the lord said if we don't forgive others we will not be forgiven he said that he said that that challenge is your theology but he said that thank you father yeah come on this is wonderful such a loving jesus such a loving jesus to reach out this way to people come holy spirit and yeah come on man come on come holy spirit and move amongst your people and touch them now you do the work you do the work which is it with everyone in the house just close their eyes lift your hands to heaven holy spirit we welcome you to do what you want to do go as deep as you want to go just take the mask off this morning put the armor down put the armor down no walls between you and the lord [Music] yes lord if that's you if you've been so angry i just feel it's so connected to unforgiveness i want you to put that person's name or people on your lips right now you watch and see the breakthrough that's gonna come put your name on your lips and release them it's as simple as saying father i forgive them i forgive them as you've forgiven me and you know in the natural many of you have reason to never forgive them in the natural but but but that's just going to hurt you of you here your trust has been violated deeply and you want to punish them you're not the punisher you want justice justice is the cross we want jesus to receive the justice of the cross which is forgiveness forgiveness releases the justice of the cross release them now put your name on their lips and release them father in jesus name we forgive all who have sinned against us that we would be forgiven wonderful holy spirit fill them with your love come on ryan pray with them lead them lead them to the beautiful cross yeah we're gonna we're gonna i'll say a prayer right now together as a family but like we say week after week this this prayer is just so much wor more than just words that are coming out of your mouth but it is true faith in jesus the one who is taking your every mistake you've ever made every wrongful decision you've ever done any shame and guilt in a moment he's replacing you with himself and this is what we call born again born from above [Music] that your past is now full of mercy your past is erased and eradicated from your life and thrown into a sea of forgetfulness and so together we're going to say this as a church family we're just going to repeat these words but as we say them there our faith is in jesus christ he is the one that saves and so let's say together say jesus i give you my life i give you my past i renounce the world i renounce my sin today i follow you i deny myself pick up my cross and follow you jesus i believe [Music] that you died a brutal death and on the third day rose again i believe that you're alive i believe that you ascended to the right hand of the father i believe that you rule and reign as king and i believe that one day you're coming back to rule and reign here on earth jesus christ i give you everything today i'm born again in jesus name amen thank you ryan i want you to pray i want you to pray for those who came forward who are looking for first love to burn again in their hearts and if that's you i want you to just grab it by faith just don't look around and just offer yourself say lord thank you jesus you know the bible says is the heart of man not the lamp or candle of the lord your heart was designed to burn with a holy fiery first love that is wonderful as passion is it is deeper than passion until that actual flame on your heart overtakes your whole being and you become a living burning fire that is what love is meant to do and if you're lacking love look no further than the cross what greater love can a man show or have than to lay his life down for his friends so so ryan i want you to pray pray for that bless jesus jesus jesus i want everyone in their seats just just pray in the spirit thank you mighty king lord i pray in jesus name god that hearts that were hardened minds that were wayward and confused that first love be burning inside of each and every one of them again god that the eagerness to wake up in the morning and to look at you is ignited within their hearts god god the same love jesus that you died on the cross for them god that be real to them like michael said that they look at the cross and the revelation of your love for them ignites first love within them towards you jesus father i pray that they have oil in their lamps god that oils in their lamps jesus said they can't wait to get alone with you to know that the secret place the place of getting alone with you is life it is everything it is everything jesus so i pray father that the fire of the holy spirit the consuming fire of the holy spirit envelop every heart and every mind jesus god i pray you awaken lives awakened hearts with the breath of heaven jesus we pray god that they are on their knees once again god that they are on their knees once again father that the things of this world grow dim and and conviction hit their life your love of conviction hit their lives like it did at one time god that they don't want to look to another to lesser lovers but to look to you jesus let our eye be single let our focus god be set on you and you alone jesus so i pray this becomes real to them alive to them god that they will leave church god in monday morning tomorrow morning the same flame that's in them here will be with them in their room god the same flame when they're walking on the street and someone walks by that they don't give it their eye god but they look to you and you alone father i pray passion is ignited inside of them the zeal of the lord once again the seal of the lord the eagerness to look within scriptures to dive into the scriptures once again and to spend hours and hours weeping over the scriptures because they're your words jesus let that be real to them heavenly father let that be real to them let let tears flow once again let the tender heart and the pliable and teachable heart be within them once again jesus we thank you for it holy spirit it is not my might it is not my power but it is by your precious spirit in your precious today and we pray jesus amen thank you father thank you [Applause] [Music] come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you lord thank you [Music] now listen listen listen when jesus does a work and cleans us out or you come to the lord for the first time whatever whatever he's doing in you you know he didn't compartmentalize the masses coming to him whether they knew him or not they all needed him and i always say if you feel like you need to get to the altar get there throw the labels and your altar call you went down to in 1987 out the window if you feel like you need to come to jesus come to jesus but when he does a work in us he doesn't just leave us empty or clean he doesn't just remove what's not of him he fills this with himself and that's the beauty of the holy spirit is that he is the actual promise of the father and for many of you you know i love what bill johnson says you only make decisions based on two things fear or love at the end of the day either did it over because of love or fear and the bible says that the love of god casts out fear the perfect love of god casts it out so that you don't have to be in an unhealthy way afraid of the lord's presence you do need to fear him you don't need to be afraid open your bible or afraid to live a christian life or afraid to share the gospel or afraid to pray for the sake whatever that might look like all that goes when the perfect love of god comes and the love of god the bible says listen carefully is shed abroad in other words it's given with liberty by the holy spirit who is given to us so right now i just want i want our teams to come forward again on the front rows i want you to get your hands on these precious people and i just want uh i just want to invite the presence and power of the holy spirit the holy spirit himself to come upon you and fill you and energize you and anoint you and empower you he is the love of god he is the loving presence of god shadow brought in our hearts so i want everyone in their seats stretch your hands this is a wonderful harvest a wonderful offering to the lord i want all of you out there just to begin praying begin praying some of you in the spirit some in english whatever just begin praying right now all agreeing touching one thing this is what it means to be in one accord jesus you're the baptizer in the holy spirit father this is your promise this is your idea not ours and jesus is interceding at your right hand about this so we can't miss lord oh i feel his presence already holy spirit come i want the team team stretch your hands holy spirit come in power and in glory right now and touch these wonderful people from head to toe just begin to fill them with the loving presence of the holy spirit in the name of jesus come come in your power come in your glory [Music] come lord come holy spirit come fill them with joy unspeakable some of you who've been broken inside the lord wants to replace it with joy wants to replace it with joy those of you who haven't forgiven yourselves the lord wants to replace it with joy joy joy and speakable and full of glory at your right hand is pleasure forevermore but the joy of the holy spirit fill them from head to toe from head to toe thank you lord you know some of you in your seats need it too i feel that some of you are like well i didn't come forward but i'm hungry father let's look your hands to heaven father in heaven just move through this room like a wave like a mighty wave and fill your people and heal your people [Music] and heal your people one of you came forward do any of you have pain in your did have you been having or have pain in your foot you what's that right now you do you too uh team coco get your hand on them you guys don't mind if we just follow the holy spirit in church do you all right all right hold on hold on so stretch your hands if that's any of you came forward even if you're on the team you can grab it now father in the mighty name of jesus let your healing power come on everyone everyone agree everyone just stretch your hands and agree let your healing power flow through these bodies i'm asking you to do a full work heal those feet and also heal everyone else up who's come forward diabetes is there somebody here with diabetes close to me do you have a diaper yeah father in the mighty name of jesus heal heal those diabetes in the name of the lord jesus christ in the name of jesus christ thank you father thank you lord is there somebody with a digestion issue like a gut issue right up here you came forward with that who does right here father in jesus name isn't the lord wonderful how he loves them he's not just dealing with their sin and bond but he's just overflowing with his mercy in the name of jesus by the stripes of jesus you're healed and whole hallelujah we speak to this gut issue this digestion issue and commanded to leave in the name of the lord hallelujah i said hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah whose foot was hurting somebody here huh razor you what was wrong with your foot your stomach father in jesus name just stretch your hand put your hands on her guys father in the mighty name of jesus thank you for healing this stomach as many as touched you were made whole lord as many as touched you thank you for healing your daughter in the name of jesus hallelujah isn't he wonderful isn't he wonderful what was wrong with your foot [Music] what do you feel now so it was a bad fire and that left when did it leave okay stand up on it help her guys where are you from tanzania i should have known right what do you feel now you feel okay great or okay i feel great you feel great what's your name what is it your name is marinata yes you're going to love my message if your name's bob you feel really unspiritual right now nobody wants to give their name now come on let's stay with the lord here thank you for that who else had the foot problem somebody else put their hand up i think yeah and what what where's your pain [Music] and what do you feel now you're sitting on it does it hurt my whole body hurts your whole body hurts sit there in that that uh chair right there what's your name it's not mayor nanta is it no it's anne-marie angela it's bigger oh and marie close all right all right guys let's just pray why does your whole body hurt i've been suffering with pain in my entire body since 2012. did something happen stress stress how's your family you don't have to give me you don't have to give details there's a lot going on yeah and whatever's been broken the lord can heal amen so um the bible says that he heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds and the bible says that passion rots the bones so when we go through something inside the hurt and the pain or whatever it causes in us unforgiveness it can rot the body and i just want to say that whatever broke in 2012 the lord can not only heal but give you beauty for ashes amen okay put your hands there yeah i'm not the type of person to hold grudges i do forget you want your body to be okay yeah it's okay to say yes put your hand there father we think thank you for anne marie right is that your name anne marie father thank you for anne marie your precious daughter that you died for jesus we thank you for her and as the church your own body we thank you now in jesus name for the power of the holy spirit that goes through her from head to toe that takes this pain this infirmity this affliction we command you to leave now in the mighty name of jesus and we declare the name of jesus over you that the banner over you is love and that his name is anointment put forth the healing power of god that you'll not know pain anymore in your body like a wave go through her and flush it out flush it out flush it out in the name of jesus amen amen are you from orlando new york i've been here for 22 years 22 years oh let's lift our hands to the lord father thank you for what you're doing more lord more trust us thank you in jesus name these people are just being touched thank you father thank you father thank you somebody said why do people react under the power of god it's really a dumb question but let's let's just say there are no dumb questions there are but john arnott said that's the wrong question the question should be how do people survive when god touches them what a mighty god hallelujah thank you lord let's let's help these these wonderful people back to their seats guys i want everybody having a team member take them back i don't want anyone walking back alone at least get them to their aisle guys can we give the lord praise [Applause] thank you father [Applause] [Music] thank you lord [Music] what a great opening those were some sweet announcements hallelujah come on holly give the lord praise thank you lord the cop is staring at me with the with the camera right on me one of my favorite things uh thanks joel let the worship team know you love him would you love you so much one of my favorite things to do in the meeting is watch our camera operators cry that's when you know god's moving and it happens a lot ah thank you jesus don't you love the holy spirit we can trust him can't we good morning good morning be happy come on good morning that was horrible that's better good morning good morning it's a great time to give take your bibles to hegei chapter two you've probably heard this a million times growing up but how important it is to know in the context that i'm going to be sharing very quickly hagiai chapter 2 verse 8 says the silver is mine the gold is mine says the lord of hosts or another way of saying that says the king of heaven's angel armies if he tells you something it's a great idea to listen the silver is mine and the gold is mine says the lord of hosts say this the silver is the lord's the gold is the lord's now in leviticus 27 verse 30 this this is really going to move your heart at least i hope it will if not we'll have another altar call listen to this and all the tithe of the land all say all whether of the seed of the land or the fruit of the tree is the lord's it is holy to the lord so the bible not only says that all the silver and gold is the lord's but the tithe is certainly the lord's it even takes it a step further by saying the tithe is holy not only to you but is holy unto the lord so let me just tell you what holy means holy means to be taken away from to come out of and given fully unto another are you with me this morning you're all just drunk in the spirit some of you are so peaceful just don't close your eyes the word holy means to come out from and be fully given over to another the greek word is igos a-g-i-o-s it's where we get the word saintly or saint so when when paul calls the church holy or a holy people or a holy priestly family what paul is actually saying is is that you've come out from the world but you can't stop there you have been given over fully to the lord does that make sense the tithe is the same so it's vital we understand that to the lord's heart the tithe is holy and for it to be holy in our lives it must come out from the rest of our finances and be fully given over to the lord at that point the tithe is holy in our life and as i said last week it will never be broken and blessed and certainly will never multiply until the tithe goes into his hand as long as it is in our hand it is not blessed when we take the tithe and place it into the hands of jesus all of the sudden it is dripping listen carefully dripping with his purposes and presence one of the coolest things well i that that's a that's a that's another that's an exaggeration so i repent deeply well a really cool thing that i heard bill say once was about giving and he said it's amazing to know that when i hold a a a dollar in my hand i know there's a good chance that dollar was used to do some pretty shady stuff perhaps it was used in prostitution or perhaps at one point it was used to rip someone off or perhaps it was used to bribe someone maybe it was used to buy and sell drugs i don't know maybe for sure possibly it was used to do damage but not when it goes into my hand the moment that dollar touches my and that thing has a different destiny now i'm putting it in the hands of the lord and no longer is that dollar part of another kingdom now this dollar will destroy that kingdom and build god's kingdom uh that that messed me up now when i get when i'm about to give i'm like this thing is a weapon and it's on assignment i said it's on assignment you need to start giving listen carefully for the future of your children begin building god's kingdom now because that is what your children will step into i'm not talking about just finding i'm talking about the kingdom of god manifesting on earth being giving with that type of mindset other faiths do there are churches closing all over the world at a rapid rate and other faiths are buying them and filling them with their meetings some of them the world's greatest cathedrals are being used now other religions are taking them and using them for their purposes we we uh looked at a building here in the city it was a beautiful historic building we tried to buy it it was a church building and the church sold it and developers came and knocked it down and built apartments i think that church was built like i think before like 1940 or 50. so i'm thinking about it from a pastoral perspective going what type of faith did that pastor have to believe for believe with what price did he pay his family what i mean i can just tell you about because of what we're doing now thank god we have our land thank god everything's going amazing but this has been a long journey if my kids go and sell that land to a townhouse development i'm going to manifest from heaven and pound them in the head with a sevener multiple times no no no really i will do you know that most of the grand cathedrals in europe took four to five hundred years to build that's called purpose that means the men who built it knew they'd never worship in it the men who built it knew their kids would never worship in it the men who built it knew their grandkids would never worship in it but they knew eventually their family line would step in that's called purposeful kingdom giving that's what happens when a dollar bill finds its way into the hands of the saints it is holy unto the lord it's so good now why is that important because if the tithe is the lord's and i marry that with this verse listen carefully and if you are not faithful with other people's things why should you be trusted with things of your own okay who does the tithe belong to you or the lord say the lord so that means god is watching to see how i will steward somebody else's goods that's somebody else just happens to be him as i steward those goods resources whatever god puts in my hand god goes i can trust him you want to live that kind of life before heaven amen i want us to give today to jesus for the sake of the kingdom and i want you to think with the eyes of faith that your children's children will worship the lord they will not bow they will be strong believers i just feel this that there's a legacy in our hearts that must come to pass i should say must come forth in our language and the way we do things and what we burn for amen all right so if you'd like to give by text to give you can text that number on your screen if you're watching from around the world we love you gosh it's been such a joy to meet you guys all over the place thank you for being so faithful thank you for tuning in and if this sunday service has been a blessing to you and your family we want to invite you to give as well if you like to give by cash or check you'll make your check out to jesus image if you need an envelope just put your hand up would you please put your yep we've got one back there got him okay great let's pray father we thank you for all of your goodness anybody here grateful for their home grateful for their clothing no really great for your clothing and food this morning and food afterward you know that much of the world lives on less than a dollar a day thank you jesus thank you for your mercy and and we acknowledge that this is yours and that you've given it to us and so father i do pray in jesus name for your abundant blessing on everyone here and the generations to come for the glory of your holy son of your love jesus in jesus name amen amen okay if you'd like to come forward and and give you a bucket you can do that we'll be right back [Music] yes [Music] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes [Music] so catch me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you're the choice [Music] just busted out your weapons there amy like street fighter all right um the youth meetings have been phenomenal yeah phenomenal i'm so proud of what the lord of our team and so grateful and what the lord's been doing if you have youth between the ages of 12 to 18 or you're in the room and between the ages of 12-18 this is not a professional babysitting service so your parents can go on date night though hopefully they are there's way more to this god is moving in an amazing way ryan and carla have been leading and they and amy's here she's been helping as well so share some stuff that's going on yeah the lord's been like he said the lord's been doing week after week we're just seeing a different aspect of the holy spirit come in and just attribute to the holy spirit um and he's they've been ministering to us seeing the youth just on fire for god it has been truly truly an honor to be to be in the room but um i think amy has a story yes i do um so the first week or the first day of youth we were just really contending the team in the back for salvation and people to really feel like home because many of us were on the team got saved in youth and you know met the lord there so we were like if the if if they could just meet him and just see his face and so i remember when ryan did the altar call um i was just praying now i'm gonna cry um i was just praying i was like lord if it's just one if we just gathered together for just one just one student like then it's all gonna that's the reason why we're here and so i remember ryan called us up and then um you know they're students so they're shy and it was the first day but there was this one girl who came up and you can tell her head was down and she didn't want to like be seen and i went over to her and she's like can i just talk to you and she started to pour her heart out to me about things that she had hidden for years and just what she's gone through for years and i and she stopped and i could just i felt the lord say ask her if she wanted to give her life to the lord but she was just too nervous and i and i asked her that and she did and so she just she didn't want people to see her so we like knelt down right by the altar and she confessed to give her life to jesus wow yes thank you and just throughout the past couple of weeks not only just her but there are so many students who've been going up to the leaders who've been asking for like accountability who are hungry i remember that specific student she was like i just wanted to come to you because i really wanted help with this and their students who are sitting before service and after service wrecked by the lord reading their bible they're so hungry wow and people are getting healed yeah we had a couple weeks ago because you know they're coming in they have sports injuries from high school a lot of them one of them jacob he's here he had playing soccer where's jacob jacob stand up jacob jacob hey buddy i love that we're applauding him for getting injured [Applause] we're an awesome church aren't we came straight in with the brace on his wrist from soccer practice mess it up left without the brace god healed him wow i just talked to him today jacob you already throwing the football and stuff yeah gosh it's been i mean even last week we had a girl you know and after we had i think ice cream for them last week and just some desserts after service one of the girls was like um we asked her if she wanted some ice cream she's like i actually don't she actually gave her life to the lord last year she said i want to go sit down and read my body last week last week yeah yeah not last year last week and as she was going out though she said i just want to encounter the lord and be with him she's like i don't want ice cream in this moment she was she was under the presence of god and she was leaving the lord yes yeah exactly turned turning down ice cream went in the corner so did somebody's foot get healed um i'm not sure we had a bat get healed we had a student's back get healed we had another student's throat get healed they were standing up yeah it's been absolutely amazing to see filled with the presence of jesus was baptized in the holy spirit um we had a student come up to me and and uh one of the one of the students were filled with the spirit filled with the spirit man he won more than one more than one but one of them came up to me after i think it was the second week and said i want to be a witness at my high school i want to be filled with the presence of god i don't want to be shy anymore and be filled with the presence and so we prayed for him and yeah it's been amazing wow didn't one student get kind of picked on for reading their bible and then the it and then the student came back and the people who picked on him came back and repented she came in she was getting picked on for reading the bible and she wanted at school during yeah i think she was in middle school so she wanted prayer just to have boldness and for god to just feel her and not be you know timid yeah and she went back and mckenzie says that yeah she says it's completely changed people are not making fun of her anymore and she's walking in the authorities they actually say sorry they repented for making fun of her yeah the next week she came back and she was like the person who made fun of me actually came and apologized and repented come on fear of god fear of god guys come on let's thank the lord thank you jesus come on give the lord praise do more lord do more fill our youth fill our youth lord touch our youth help me there joel i want everyone to stand right now i feel this spirit of prayer in the name of jesus come on just begin to talk to the lord about about the youth of this house about the youth of our city come on you do it you do it don't wait on me touch our youth lord fill our youth visit our youth with the power and presence of the holy spirit in jesus name lord i thank you for boldness thank you for a revelation of jesus thank you for the power of the holy ghost lord with signs wonders and miracles thank you that the schools in this area are actually going to call on these youth to bring solutions to problems that only the gospel can solve and let the fear of god rest on these you i pray that that spirit that mocks would once again come back and say i'm so sorry so sorry that people would come to those they've mocked and said i'm say i'm so sorry who is the jesus you have my father you touched me at 12. you can do it time and time again blood i want if you're in this room right now and you have children you you want god to encounter them you start asking as a parent take your authority as a grandparent as an aunt as a caretaker as a teacher come on step in step into the authority god's given you right now into your priestly ministry and you put their names on your lips and start calling them to the cross father let your fire rest on our team let your glory rest lord i pray in jesus name on this youth team [Music] lord let fields and stadiums fill with youth coming to jesus [Music] that our that our jesus events would be marked by an outpouring in the youth who are over and disgusted by what the world is offering them today [Music] your light shine on in goshen let your light shine on the youth in the name of jesus amen i want you to seal it with praise feel it thank you lord all right let's grab a seat wow it's so so beautiful amazing don't you love jesus thank you joel i amy pocinsky and i don't think she's in the room right now but she her and joe um are obviously a wonderful part of the church i think we baptized two of their children sunday night right and i think one of them got so touched by god that she couldn't go to school the next day now all the kids are like can i have prayer she's like i just want to be with the lord i saw amy the next day um and uh i said how are your kids she's like they are just done that's what the young people need encounters with the holy spirit that's what they need and man i'll tell you what getting into those baptismal waters last sunday night was it was so holy and glorious y'all were there was it couldn't you just feel the presence of god around the tank it's amazing heidi doesn't help things man some people would come in you could see bondage on them or up oppression from from evil spirits that get near the water and just get delivered and filled with the holy spirit like right away it was so beautiful i look to my left i'm like am i right i see our dear friends michael and lo helping heidi our crew all around i'm going what a dream that we get to do this with people we love you like to be newly born again get baptized that night and then hear heidi's message [Laughter] perfect right so i wanna i feel the lord right now very strongly i want us to not let go of what heidi talked about for those of you who weren't there sunday night you need to go back and listen i don't want to let go of what michael and larissa deposited as well psalm 132 which was to build a habitation for the lord and to be about one thing what what they didn't know is that one of heidi's former assistants a friend of ours who lives in reading texted me a prophecy a dream about psalm 132 and uh the heart of psalm 132 as michael you go you can go back and read it later but the heart is i will not give my eyes rest i will not give my being rest until the lord has a place to dwell and so the lord doesn't so much dwell in buildings as he does a people and i think that's where the local church well i don't think i know it must go in that direction we have to begin glorying in what god glory's in not in what the world glories in the world glories and metrics and numbers and size and budget and there's so many ways to tweak that so many ways to adjust that you can just up your marketing budget people are creatures of habit and sadly the church has discovered that and so if you put funds in a certain direction that actually can mean bodies in the seat but i'm here to tell you there's a higher way there's a more glorious plateau that the presence of jesus himself is magnetic that his word is powerful that his word builds a people and that he does want to come live with the people today i found myself while the team was leading worship my hands would go up and i could only think of heidi doing this you know for those of you who were there you know what that means she's like both hands up 9-1-1 we surrender all everything we are all our lives belonging to jesus right now and so this is the time to just just hear me for a moment three days ago i went through my notes of the last time bill taught at jesus school not because somebody told me to but when i know the lord says spoken to our community order me personally number one i write it down or record it but i don't just leave it in my 40 000 book volume of the christian notes i've taken since i got saved that's what most of the church does is they take their notes it looks right it looks spiritual if you grew up in a pk family especially you watch the pastor's wife if they were old pentecostal maybe a.g in the 90s every wife took notes and you knew if you knew them they didn't open it again this is what you do on the front row if the pastor can see you you take notes right but to treasure the word of the lord you have to do more than take the note god's friends go back through them and pray them so three days ago i took what bill had written or what he preached at jesus school let me let me just this was wednesday i texted i sent a text to bill hi bill last time you were at jesus school you made a statement and the statement i found in my journal that i had from that day you said our yes without restrictions brings wisdom well i didn't understand that a lot of you are nodding your heads at me and i know you don't either some of you might because you're smarter than us but there's a good chance some of you don't i did not but my question was can you expound on that a bit i am praying through my notes from that session i love you and benny very much i'm praying for you both he preached in january right when i don't know i think march how long has that been how long was that six months i didn't understand it i wanted to know what the lord was saying so i asked it's really true you have not because you ask not bill wrote back whenever we don't put limit listen this whenever we don't put limitations on our obedience or our yes to god we then open ourselves up to hear from god in a new way with greater understanding listen to this wisdom seldom comes before our yes but he gives great clarity to those who will do whatever he says what i'd like to say in line with what heidi said is that if you want wisdom he's waiting for your obedience unpolluted undiluted no strings attached type obedience opens the floodgates for blueprint opens the floodgates for wisdom saying yes to jesus is not childish you know one of the things i do i don't want to break you guys out but one of the things i do when i walk in or during worship is i do i feel the lord give me a break and i'll watch the room because as a pastor how you worship is important to me and what i've learned over the years is as i watch people mature in the lord their worship becomes less and less inhibited when you struggle to worship freely religion would cause that would call that maturity but as larissa said last week when david came dancing i don't want anyone to try this one please you find your way in that orlando pd car like that i do know a guy who ripped his shirt off during worship once because he wanted to be biblical and then there were other guys in the room who had been working out a long time and they were single and you could tell like this is my moment i'm doing it too and they just rip their shirt off don't ever do that here they were like finally yes come court me i can court you now here you go but religion calls this super mature just this right here and if you look at the depths of it it the question is this why do we care what the person around us thinks when they are not the object of our worship so the real answer is the fear of man well that's not to say that you have to be like amy and cut people's heads off with those flags like she almost did to staff but it is to say this that when you lose the borders and the walls within your heart to worship freely that is a sign of maturity not immaturity it is actually a sign of childlikeness not childishness the childlike are free and so i just want us to grow in that direction i i want you to come into an environment where the lord's moving listen carefully and become a product of the wind become a vessel of the wind and when the lord begins to move your family in a direction you move with him that's going to look different but children of the wind children of the spirit children of light are sensitive children this has nothing to do with marinata but i guess it does heidi grabbed jesse and i afterwards he said thank you for creating a safe place where i can just worship you know what that meant to us for someone who literally puts her neck on the line 99 of her life to know she could come here and just worship meant the world to me i was like you know what i can retire senior tour here we come i'll never do that unless god talks it meant a lot it meant that she could be herself and not be judged it meant that she could get on her face if she wanted and not be made fun of it meant that she could weep or laugh and be a child of the wind with and amongst her family and what i what i want to say is is that if a woman like that can go plant tens of thousands of churches a little blonde woman from laguna beach can go to africa and put her neck on the line daily who by the way people think she's just kind of always just floating she has a doctorate in systematic theology from fuller so for those y'all who think she can't hold her own she'd put you in her pocket and run around with you she's a deep woman of the word i think she wrote her thesis on union with god and the role prayer plays in that all that to say in heaven that type of worship is mature here that type of worship not in this house may it be true lord more and more here that should be an invitation and children of the holy spirit are moved by the spirit that's why we prayed for those people that was none of that was scripted they didn't know the lord would heal some people i'd have no idea that is life in the spirit i tell our students all the time the holy spirit is wind he's called wind he is called a heavenly dove he is called fire he is called new wine the prophet said i feel fire shut up in my bones all of these pictures and descriptions of the holy spirit the holy spirit is a person he's not a bird but he's described in this way because he is experienced more than he's memorized so a lot of people have the doctrine of the spirit but they don't know how he moves that is no different than knowing your spouse's bio and not knowing where they want to go out on their date or what they love just know their bio yesterday was my 17th anniversary by the way our 17th anniversary yeah our 17th anniversary it was great and jessie got a big burger she wanted a burger i'm blessed man if she wanted more than a burger i would have gotten her more than a burger but knowing the holy spirit is much different than knowing doctrine is his bio and that's very vital but when the lord starts to move in the room listen if we're going to go where god wants us to go together we have to know what he's doing and allow god to chip away at our self-awareness so that we can just go with him and the more you walk with jesus i want you to purpose in your heart that the more childlike you will be not immature but the more childlike you'll be what's that look like child likeness and love run on parallel tracks love believes all things that doesn't mean you should be foolish but love keeps a short list when somebody says i'm sorry love says okay it doesn't mean you're foolishly trusting child likeness loves the presence of god and tries to figure it out later you ever hand a kid a piece of bread and have any of your five-year-olds read the ingredients so child likeness and judgment you know the type of heart that comes in and goes i went to seminary and i do not enjoy that person's hands being so so highly lifted during worship i told our students do you think god has a what do you think god has the bigger problem with exuberant passionate worship or this in the name of balance and wisdom to god somehow what david did was wise you still can't do it but somehow free worship was wise why do i say that how do i connect that with wisdom because jesus will literally sit on the throne and he's called the son of david in the midst of david's screw-ups jesus did not relinquish the title son of david what was it about david that jesus loved so much his radical heart to worship and his quickness and repenting you put those two together david says or jesus says i should say the lord says he is a man after my own heart so greatness listen carefully greatness is being redetermined or i should say reestablished it has already been determined can i can i have 10 more minutes it has already been determined listen very carefully don't forget what i'm about to say everyone in this room can achieve greatness if you know what it is if you don't know what it is it's possible that you spend your whole life spending a great amount of time on a pursuit and god not seeing it as being great so the lord has dialed in and described greatness and he does that in the first and great commandment as mike bickle said a couple weeks ago here's the beauty of that verse that if you never preach publicly a day in your life listen up and i want everyone here who prays for the sick to see breakthrough like nobody's business you know that you know that i don't i don't like inviting people forward for prayer i like people i like people coming forward to get their miracle the two are way different please hear me out i hope you know that about me but i want you to know that if you never heal the sick and never preach a public sermon god can still see you as doing something great that's wonderful it actually takes the pressure off so that you see more healings because pressure doesn't help that i've learned that the holy spirit moves best when i am most surrendered and relaxed stress does not help him move fear certainly doesn't because fear is a sin right one of the best things you can do to prepare your heart for the anointing is to chill out seriously i'm thank you buddy alex liked that one he's like thank you jesus more time at the beach one of the worst things you can do is get in a room with a bunch of people who are striving and without knowing you start believing that it does depend on you you know the power of god is like the power of god is uh man how do i describe it do you remember when manoah has this encounter with the angel of the lord who is jesus and manoah is the father of samson and the angel of the lord the preincarnate christ appears on a rock and when he leaves after the encounter he goes up in a flame in other words the launching pad of the encounter was just a still rock rocks don't move much listen up they don't do a whole lot they're just there yielded and dead if you want the ascending power of the holy ghost in other words to lift people higher out of the miry clay you've got to learn to allow your heart to be like that rock rocks don't move could you imagine if at cape canaveral the launching pad moved that would affect the launch so it's not about our ability it's not about our striving it's simply about yielding and letting the wind take you where he wants to take you now people have said for generations i agree amen but you just can't build a church that way oh yes you can you're right you cannot build a church that way but you were never called to build the church jesus is the master builder hallelujah so you have the millers rolled through in heidi last week and i think swiss steph the week before i don't know all these wonderful servants of the lord and by the way we're putting the the petal down i have no desire to eat up if if if it's hot now i just want to burn our faces off with the glory of god i i i don't want to systematically think about it i prefer to jump in the river allow his word to guide me so you know last week was not the end we're about a quarter way of the way in i'm telling you so when you enter a season like this the worst thing you can do is treat it as common and just keep it moving with church life does that make sense if you become so programmed and you can't pick up prophetically what the lord is actually saying and then grab it by faith and pray into it by faith and ask the questions you have to ask like i asked bill whatever you need to do to not lose it that's what you do if you felt the presence of god this morning in your house you should have more of it tomorrow see we've just become so used to just the happenstance the sovereignty of it all and there's an element of that but i'm here to tell you if jesus sovereignly walks up to your door and knocks open it open it and when he walks in do whatever you have to do to keep him there if he says no guests in the house today and they start knocking don't let them in if he says fill the house with with the neighborhood fill the house with the neighborhood if jesus says i just want you to sit there like mary did just sit there i have to respond how do you respond practically listen up prayer takes a teaching and makes it your own i'm going to get out there to you time to roundhouse listen prayer takes what someone teaches and releases prayer takes an environment takes what's in the air in the environment what's available your pursuit of the lord in private takes what's available and makes it your own just like i said last week like mary you begin to treasure the word of the lord you keep the word of the lord remember this i think i said this to you last week or last sunday night before she saw the baby in the manger mary treasured the word of the lord in the manger of her heart she kept the promise that came through gabriel and prayer mulling through that this is a lost art in the church meditating on what the lord has spoken if you say the lord hasn't spoken to me man this is a big bible this is a big bible you've got thousands of promises here you take listen you take you take a word which by the way heidi said to me last week and she said i could share it with you guys she said there is coming such a glory to the body that if they don't hold on to jesus that wave of his presence alone will take many people out not the persecution she said there is also suffering coming but she said there is suffering and joy all in the same cup and i'm here to tell you if you drink of jesus listen you'll find joy in suffering it's all there in the same cup she said something so powerful though she said i saw a wave of god's presence coming but then i saw this person riding this wave holding on to the hand of jesus just to survive the wave of god's presence now you know what the only thing we can say is yes lord i don't know what it's going to look like i don't know what it's going to cost me i feel like it already costs a lot but whatever more you need here i am wherever you need me to go whatever you need me to say whatever that looks like here we are now here's the deal when a word like that comes forth it is like the lord knocking on the door and that's why i'm sharing this with you because we're going to have to collectively as a family say yes come in with your mystery because you may come in a way that makes me really uncomfortable you may touch us in a way that brings great mockery i don't know but that's better than you stand outside the shulamite wrote this is actually the beloved speaking who is jesus himself to the church to the shulamite he says and and when i say that i mean the bride those who are really in love not the daughters of jerusalem who just like to occupy seats check off their church card their little box you go back and read the song of solomon you have jesus the bridegroom the beloved the shulamite who is the bride and then you've got the daughters of jerusalem church attenders attendees and he makes a clear distinction between the two he talks to the daughters of jerusalem much differently than the shulamite to the shulamite the scripture says she says of him i see him i'm gazing out the lattice i see him and then the lord says this my locks are wet with the dew of night what does that mean if you've ever been to that part of the world especially the mediterranean when the fog comes in the marine layer i used to live in southern cal the same thing happened if you stay on the coast you can actually get wet when it's not raining you just need the mist so jesus the picture is i'm knocking and knocking and knocking and i've been outside the door of my people for so long my hair is soaking wet and i feel like last sunday listen carefully was like this prophetic picture of the lord going i am coming in and when i come in i want to come in the way i come in and i want to be with you the way i am with you and i just need you to find the wind yeah thank you joel i need you to lose the prerequisites and be children of the wind because i grew up in florida my favorite season is fall because we don't get one so i would always fantasize you know i'd watch uh i love to watch college football i i went to school in gainesville we didn't get to fall there either so i'd always watch like big ten games and i was so jealous of people wearing their hoodies and leaves changing colors which is why we have the trees we have on the new property i'm trying to make it look like it's fall it's somewhat therapeutic in our endless summer but when i would go up north occasionally i would go i would try to go during the fall and i said this last week my i would watch these leaves these gorgeous leaves listen carefully don't miss this they would fall off the tree and they'd still be colorful when the leaves changed colors it wasn't a sign of life it was actually a sign of death setting it so there's beauty in self-denial there's beauty and surrender there is beauty and death to self and somehow in that cup that cup of suffering that cup of taking up your cross when the world looks at the leaf they go look at the colors let's come and see and i'd watch the leaf fall from the tree i'm sure many of you have done this and it would hit the ground and then the next gust of wind would come and take that leaf and it would go up in the air and almost dance with beauty and that's i'll never forget the holy spirit speaking to me that's what a life looks like that is yielded to the holy spirit the beautiful dance and the currents of the wind that i can produce in a life who's not still connected to the life of the tree the life that's in that root system they have been disconnected from their old life in the world and now the holy spirit carries us with beautiful color amen stand your feet let me pray for you thank you lord oh hallelujah just yield to his presence right now before you go yield hallelujah thank you lord jesus i worship you jesus father give us ears to hear what the spirit is saying and help us say yes over and over again help us say yes over and over again lord as catherine used to say i died a thousand deaths yes after yes after yes after yes after yes regardless of the cost so father we open the door revelation 3 20. behold i stand at the door and knock if any man hears and opens the door i will come in and i'll dine with him and he with me we hear your voice lord in the knock come on every hand lift it we hear your voice in the knock and we recognize your presence here in the room and we say come lord jesus marinette come come come one day and establish your kingdom but come now and establish it here among us come in lord come in your fire come in your power come in your glory come in your healing love come in your saving grace come come however you want to come one man i feel the power of god father in jesus name let the river of the holy ghost just flow right through here we want to be children of the wind children of your presence you said the wind blows where it wants oh jesus see just see availability here holy spirit come on help me see availability here [Music] there's vacancy here there's room in this inn there's room here for you there's room in this sin lord there's room there's room we don't even know exactly what to do when you come but we'd rather not know than not have you come and come more i thank you for what you're doing and what you've been doing but increase your presence among us increase the sensible touch of your glory among us the sensible touch lord of what you're doing a hunger for the scriptures lord a deep burden for what you burden for what's on your heart for what's burdening you look for lovers in this room and mark them i want you in your own way just to tell him that you want him and you're available just just say it simply you don't need to do much just hallelujah come holy spirit come and be with us in jesus name praise you lord touch your people touch your people touch your people touch your people touch your people deeply touch them touch them touch them touch them lord give hope to those who even pastored at one point that are listening to my voice right now bring hope father in jesus name in jesus name praise you lord wonderful wonderful wonderful wonderful jesus wonderful lord would you lift your hands to heaven now father i declare a blessing over your people your name is your blessing and so i declare the name of jesus over you that the blessing of his presence would be upon you that your children would burn with the power of the holy spirit that your homes would be charged with the joy and peace and the righteousness of the kingdom in the name of the lord jesus christ that you would fall in love with jesus more than you ever had in this season and i pray that his word would be your bread that you'd be protected from this age and the ways of this world and you would shine like a city set on a hill i pray it and declare it over your lives in jesus name amen amen amen let's give the lord praise come on thank you lord [Applause] thank you jesus [Applause] uh tonight tonight we'll receive communion if you're coming you need a touch from heaven come tonight get there early and if you need prayer this morning we want to invite you to come down uh yeah keep playing there joel just feel the lord here you come down the center aisle our team would be happy to serve you come in faith amen love you guys so much see you tonight today the night jesus died on the cross and descended into the underworld and the king of glory shall come in who is this king of glory [Applause] the lord strong and mighty the lord mighty in battle lift up your heads oh ye gates ye everlasting doors and the king of glory shall come in who is this king of glory the lord of ghosts he is the king of glory jesus you have conquered death the grave has been plundered you are the king of glory [Music] you
Channel: Jesus Image
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Id: Cokm3458OMI
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Length: 149min 10sec (8950 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 26 2021
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