He Is Coming Back | Michael Koulianos | Sunday Morning Service

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how's it going so good aren't you just so excited to worship jesus this morning yeah i just want to welcome our online viewers thank you for joining us this morning thank you everyone for coming to just worship jesus this morning come on let's just uh turn our eyes upon jesus come on just forget about everything everything you came in with this morning just posture your hearts before the lamb and just look at him just look at him he's so beautiful we were just looking at him this morning in prayer we were just staring at the beauty of jesus and and i just want to tell you this morning that he is all that you need he is all that you need this morning that if you turn aside if you just look at him this morning he will come he will fill your heart if you have a need if you need your body healed he will meet you this morning if you look at him if you turn aside to look at him so jesus we thank you for the cross we place the cross before us god we place this glorious cross of yours before us and we thank you god that you became a man you took on flesh you became a man you became a man jesus and you died on a cross for us we proclaimed the gospel this morning that god became a man he died for humanity and you are so loved this morning that that jesus died and became flesh so jesus we love you we thank you we're so grateful that you came and you died father we're so grateful that you sent your one and only begotten son that you died thank you so much just begin to thank him come on just begin to thank him thank you so much god thank you so much god for sending your son we are grateful lord thank you jesus thank you jesus father in jesus name glorify your son glorify your son this morning father save the lost and heal the sick in jesus name amen [Music] thank you for the cross the lord [Music] thank you for the price you paid bearing all my sin and shame in love you came and gave amazing [Music] thank grace for the nail piece there washed me in your cleansing flow now all i know is [Music] [Applause] [Music] many crowds [Music] you're high [Music] the darling of heaven crucified [Music] worthy is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] thank you for the prize [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] is your forgiveness [Music] [Music] [Music] many grounds [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] the darling of heaven is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] see [Music] jesus [Music] worth is [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] just play your voice [Music] [Music] see it [Music] you [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] so hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] for the lord god [Music] hallelujah [Music] for the lord [Music] are you [Music] [Music] holy [Music] [Music] [Music] for the lord god [Music] for the lord god [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] are you [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] are [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] worthy [Music] are you [Music] you are holy [Music] are you jesus [Music] is [Music] [Music] were these [Music] are you [Music] you are holy holy [Music] were these [Music] holy [Music] is [Music] just bless the lord [Music] come on can we just start singing out in the spirit the lord wants to hear your voice this morning straight from your heart [Music] is [Music] when it rises your voice [Music] just keep going just [Music] that something is breaking something wants to break [Music] [Applause] he's [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] he was clothed in glory [Music] exalted hearts [Music] [Music] and the angels circle round heads [Music] oh you are holy [Music] is he was cold and glowing [Music] [Music] is [Music] cry [Music] they cry [Music] you are [Music] [Music] me [Music] holy [Music] oh [Music] [Music] are holy they cry me [Music] [Music] oh [Music] i saw the lord [Music] [Music] exalted high [Music] the train of his roads fills the temple [Music] and they cry [Music] oh [Music] they cry [Music] just voices [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] i [Music] is [Music] all praises [Music] [Music] description [Music] to wonderful [Music] who can grasp [Music] you are beautiful [Music] [Music] oh oh [Music] i [Music] is [Music] description [Music] shine [Music] is [Music] i stand [Music] is [Music] i stand in [Music] is [Music] you [Music] oh [Music] so jesus come on church just love on him for a moment we magnify your name today jesus we worship you lord today in this place i just feel to pray against this lord i just thank you for all distraction to go right now in jesus name every bit of distraction in this room anyone watching online that's just dealing with distraction if your mind's been on other things just look to jesus right now we look to you jesus we love you jesus we praise you lord you're so good just tell him you love him church today we love you jesus we love you jesus you are everything to us jesus you are everything you are the air we breathe today lord you are our life lord everything we have belongs to you jesus so we welcome you right now holy spirit into this room come on agree with me church save the lost today in jesus name heal the brokenhearted today in jesus name oh lord we ask that you heal the sick today in the name of jesus everyone watching online be healed in jesus name we love you lord we worship you have your way today in the name of jesus be close to the brokenhearted in jesus name amen amen all right let's give it up for our worship team you guys are amazing amazing you guys can be seated thank you dion we're gonna get into offering but before offering just a few announcements you know michael's favorite part of service i'm joking he hates announcements um so youth is starting september 1st can we put the graphic up for that i am so excited about this i think i'm just going to pop on in sometimes and just hang out with the youth i mean they they are our future you know so we are so blessed so be in prayer church if you have kids that want to come be a part of youth ages 12 through 18 if you want to see your children set on fire for jesus we want to invite you to come to the youth carla and ryan who are on our team they're going to be leading it with some of our amazing students so don't miss it it's going to be at harvest time international again 7 p.m september 1st okay and then we're going to have our members gathering if you guys can put that up this is going to be for anyone that you feel like these are your people if this is your church if you want to get to know us more we really want to get to know you and just get to hug you and and just see your face so if you'd like to come to this and just learn more about what god is doing here at jesus image church we want to have you we'd love to have you at that august 24th 7 p.m that's also going to be at harvest time international and sanford we'd love to have you there last thing i always sneak this in if you guys know me jesus school is starting soon i cannot believe it how i have missed jesus school september 7th there is still time to apply you can go to jesus school dot tv but more than anything will you guys be praying for us this year we're also starting our worship academy house of bethany that is a part of jesus school and we're just expectant for just god to do amazing amazing things so that is starting really soon please keep us in prayer we love you okay time for offering amen amen when we started gathering michael used to like lean over to me during worship and he'd be like you're doing the offering you're like no i'm not doing the offering he's like you have to be ready in season and out of season and i was like i'm not doing offering i think my dad i got scarred being his daughter he got picked on so bad for offering i was like i'm not i'm not that i'll do anything but offering and so now every time i'm reading the word i have any time i see anything about giving to the lord i make a note and i write it down in my notes i'm like i'm going to be ready in season and out of season i'm not going to say no anymore to michael so he did it to me today so this is what i have for you today all right turn to matthew 2 1-2 and then i'm going to also read verse 11. and this is from the new living translation now after jesus was born in bethlehem of judea in the days of herod the king behold wise men from the east came to jerusalem saying where is he who has been born king of the jews for we have seen his star in the east and have come to worship him verse 11. and when they had come into the house listen to this they saw the young child with mary his mother and they fell down and they worshiped him and when they had opened their treasures they presented gifts to him gold frankincense and myrrh now you might read that verse and not think about offering but when i was reading it recently i thought this is beautiful they came so far to worship jesus and they didn't just worship him they gave gifts to him that would be the same as us giving money today this was currency back then they gave their all to jesus we know that they traveled afar just to come and worship him see when we give to the lord that is an act of worship you know it's not just giving because the bible says so we get to give to jesus we have the honor to give to jesus my little girl who's not so little anymore just turned 10 last week i cannot believe it my baby's 10. and she got some money for her birthday she has good relatives and she got a hundred and fifty dollars and she was counting it and she wants to buy fidgets i don't know if you know if you have little kids you know what fidgets are okay she wanted to buy fidgets and she came to me i didn't even have to say anything to her she goes mom what's 10 of this and i said okay honey this is what 10 percent is and i said but you know what we also have to give offerings to the lord so let's give jesus more and i don't even have to twist her on she's like okay before she even spent it she hasn't spent it yet she brought it today at kids church to give an offering and that is the heart of a child that we get to love jesus with our worship and our giving so we want to invite you today to give to the lord obviously give your tithe and your offering if this is not your home church your tithe belongs to your home church but we welcome you to give your offerings as well you can text give to the number on your screen if you're watching online and jesus image has blessed you we invite you as well to give as well we love you let's pray real quick lord we just thank you oh jesus that you would just restore the joy in our hearts of giving to you jesus not just giving our finances that are yours anyway lord by giving our time giving our worship giving our best to you in jesus name lord bless your people we love you it is our joy to give all that we have to you jesus we worship you today in jesus name amen amen we'll be right back and you guys can come up to the buckets if you need an envelope raise your hand we have ushers that will come and give you an envelope all right we'll see you in a [Music] second is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] he is [Applause] [Music] merry [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] are [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] that's why i love you guys so much you're ready to worship good morning you can do better be nice to me be nice to me be kind good morning all right you guys ready for the word of god [Applause] what a uh what a wonderful great job guys what a wonderful time of worship let's thank them once again just for leading us you guys are so wonderful [Music] all right how you doing joel all right let's get in there come on lift your hands to heaven come on close your eyes just give your attention to jesus wonderful lord thank you for what you want to do and say today we surrender we we throw out any preconceived idea of what you may want to do we just know it'll be good i will glorify jesus so holy spirit have your way i plead the blood over every ear every heart every family and let your word go forth like a river and whatever that river touches comes to life in jesus name amen let's give the lord praise one more time thank you father come on thank you father thank you father [Applause] well i wanted to show you guys just a few more diagrams of the building they've been working hard working on all the cad stuff so can we throw up some of the newer ones yeah that's a little more real i know it's wild how they do that now now don't worry i'm tweaking it there's not enough color i'm the landscaping guy i totally get it don't worry i already put the call in this morning and i never talk to anybody before i preach but i'm fixing the pond it'll look more like augusta national less like like uh swamp people but um anyways then that isn't that wild the work they can do now let's go to the next one yeah there's some more there's more color but those will all be don't worry don't worry i got it i got it covered all right next one yeah that's the inside those are some sketches so so that's all wooden wooden beaming it's going to look amazing and there's that lone ranger over there worshiping which is prophetic i love that i love that may it be lord may it be right may it be maybe austin put himself up there in the left corner worshiping the lord but um yeah it's gonna look really gorgeous so that would be that's the rear wall so that's opposite the platform that's what you'd be facing if you're looking at the platform and then that circle is a massive stained glass of a dove descending of the holy spirit into the room which will be beautiful so we're we're continuing let's see if there's any more i don't think there is there might yeah yeah there's some more so there's the pla that's the platform view now i've tweaked this a bit where the sides on the left and on the right those will actually be on risers as well they'll come up so that it'll feel closer if you're left or right of the platform and the platform will come out uh a good bit so the the first section of seating on each side will actually wrap the platform just to feel intimate i don't want to live the lose the intimacy piece you know i really feel like that's important and that back window i guess that's me on the platform with my hands lifted my super long skinny legs anyways all right and skinny jeans yeah all right that back window is uh going to be stained glass as well it'll be absolutely beautiful and filled with the presence of god amen amen so let's put let's put um i'm actually going to create a confession for the building we're going to post it every day in fact i'm going to create three confessions one over your life and family one over the bland and property and then another another over our giving that i think is really important so come on let's stretch our hands father in the name of jesus we thank you for every single dollar that will come in that this property will be purchased i should say the building built debt free in the name of jesus we thank you for it thank you lord for the generations who will be in your glory thank you for the nations that will come in for breakthrough and healing and salvation we thank you for amazing testimonies may be charged with your holy presence in jesus name now say a big amen all right all right all right come on give the lord praise give the lord praise it's awesome and we're going to begin in uh well anytime you'd like to give towards the building you're you're more than welcome but we're about to hit the season and i'm really believing the lord for a debt-free building project i don't see how it helps us as a church or our children's children to be in debt and we're going to believe the lord and he is going to do it in jesus name right and it will be done beautifully and in a holy way i believe god is going to speak to us i know he's already speaking to jesse and i about doing something sacrificial you know the bible says when they built their tabernacle that moses had to tell the people to stop bringing their gifts because they had too much that's what happens when the glory of god falls and when we have a vision bigger than ourselves and that's what i'm believing for here may it be that i have to call you and say please stop it we have too much at which point we'll probably have to build another one for the school i know i know what have we gotten ourselves into here okay uh man i had an amazing dream i'm not going to share all the details until the lord green lights me but i i think i told you last week that i had the joy of preaching for randy clark a couple weeks ago and i had this very interesting sober sense in my spirit how many of you have no clue who randy is that's fine okay randy is been a father of revival uh since the 90s the early 90s he actually preached and helped lead the toronto blessing and has one of the most prolific healing ministries on the earth today and it's just been a dear friend to us our family and jesus image so randy had me out in oklahoma city which is like the second jerusalem everyone out there seems to have a bible in their hand but uh um randy had me out there and as i wa as i was flying there i felt the lord had something for me beyond speaking at that event and then i always go to preach the gospel and serve and receive but this was different i could really sense something for me personally that was going to happen so after the first night i went to a dream make a long story short in the dream i was actually in a massive cathedral building it was very similar to what what we're building and by the way for those who don't know we've already closed on the land we own it outright it is ours thank you jesus uh the next the next city meeting is september 2. okay and that's a big meeting when it comes to permitting so if everything goes to plan it looks like things could be happening a lot quicker than we thought at which point we start gunning and start breaking ground amen and well i will have some gatherings just take care of those cell phones or are those just cathedral bills that are prophetic all right we will have some gatherings uh on the land to uh and we'll keep you posted i don't know how that will work out but any day now help me out there what on earth is that all right um back to the dream i saw two fathers in the faith in the dream who represented very powerful specific anointings and they were praying for the hungry people hungry in the spirit in the cathedral in a prayer line formation and as people would go by they would drip oil in their hands and it was my turn to go by and i did i went by and oil came onto my hands and the two i would say the two people each carried two very powerful anointings one would be worship an environment of worship two would be compassionate healing so the anointing to heal but a deep compassion for the sick which is so vital and powerful by the way remember jesus was moved with compassion to heal the sick it's one of the shortcomings of just activating people to go do the stuff is that you begin to treat the sick like another trophy on your testimony day and we've got to go way deeper than that i mean people who are sick matter to god and they are suffering and we want to know i should say we should have a deep heart for their suffering that compassion is bill johnson taught me this that compassion is actually a doorway to god's power because the bible says he had compassion and healed them so something bill taught me to do was to pay attention to who i have compassion for and realize it is an open door to power for a breakthrough okay so one of those individuals carried the understanding and value of worship and compassion and healing the other carried uh the prophetic ministry which isn't like this is your address that's for another teaching it is the prophetic ministry is to declare what god is saying the most central message of the prophet is this is jesus christ the testimony of jesus in other words the declaration of who he is is the very spirit of prophecy does that make sense so that's one the prophetic what is god saying now remember john the baptist the mightiest prophet of his day the mightiest prophet of the old covenant jesus said no greater man had been born of a woman than john the baptist and think about what he preached what did he preach behold the lamb of god he will baptize you in the holy spirit and fire he had a revelation of the bridegroom remember what he said that he who has the bride is the bridegroom so he understood first love right and he preached repentance turn from your sin to the lord that is a beautiful representation of prophetic ministry side note my question is when's the last time you heard that and said that's prophetic so god's redefining according to the bible secondly a deep ministry of intercession and that means linking your spirit up with the lord's spirit and allowing the spirit to pray his agenda through you does that make sense most intercession meetings start with people praying what they want to pray very loudly they take their shoes off to look more spiritual how many of you know after looking at some of their feet you wish they'd keep their shoes on nobody's trying to pray with your toe jam you know what i mean so it's like just put it back on so most of the time that's what perfect or intercession can look like but true intercession is waiting on the lord long enough until he animates your heart with his feelings and his movement and then your life becomes a vessel for god to accomplish his purposes through so where god actually takes your body and by the spirit you begin to pray what god is waiting for you to pray so he can get it done isn't that awesome here was the beauty is that all four of those anointings collided into one in that dream and i'm here to tell you we are in an hour as a church family that we have never known i believe the nations are as well in america and our friends absolutely but i can only speak into this house that's that's where i have authority i am telling you that's what i don't know if you guys saw on my last few instagram posts it is time to get our hearts on the altar and become flammable god is a consuming fire you want to be highly flammable right now the way to be flammable is to be highly dead and dripping with oil you find a dry dead piece of wood and douse it in oil that thing will burn that's what you want to do right now let the lord rid you of your of our our selfishness that comes our view of life get it out of us in his presence and then store massive amounts of oil as wise virgins amen great days are ahead say amen okay lastly um if you could help me joel just again i want us to pray for what's going on in afghanistan um i have a lot of friends who are on the front end of really on the tip at the tip of the spear and some of the greatest mission movements in the world and what i could what i can tell you is is that look i i am an extremely cultured individual just will tell you nothing makes me more happy than us being at the table with a bunch of food that smells like garlic and dousing olive oil on everything whether you're supposed to or not that's how we roll at a greek table you know i'd bring my more of my american friends into our table when i was young and they would think we were fighting but my family wasn't fighting we were just communicating some of my puerto rican families know what i'm saying right you have the same fire okay all right as much as i love my culture before i'm bound listen before i'm connected at a brother and sister level with people of my culture or who are olive skinned who live like i do who who approach life like i do before i'm connected with them as brothers and sisters i'm connected to those in the lord as brothers what binds me to a people is nothing that i just mentioned let me be really clear as a greek i can be polar opposites with another greek because i see life through the lens of jesus they see life through the prince and power of the air do you understand what i'm saying what the world's trying to do is divide us through things that are not central to the lord's heart so what i want to say to you is you may look like somebody sitting next to you thinking that your brother and sister but you have real brothers and sisters let's just say at your work this is my brother and sister let me be really clear your brothers and sisters right now on the other side of the world who are literal spiritual family are being hunted down right now because they will not relinquish the testimony of jesus i mean hunted this is not political this is a fact and you know paul made a statement to the church and maybe we can go here in the next few weeks paul made a statement his statement was this remember my chains he actually said that there were certain people in the church in leadership who were embarrassed of his chains you say how could that be they were embarrassed because they didn't want to be affiliated with someone who would be penalized like he was and they didn't want the same penalty there are precious jesus loving people who watch us who would love the chance to be in this room right now who are literally hiding for their lives wondering if they pass away what to do with their children and i mean little ones are there are moms right now wondering what it would be like for their three-year-old this is a fact a three-year-old girl to be taken if the dies mom martyr's death these are the types of decisions they're having to work through right now if i die a martyr what about my three-year-old what will her life be like if she's taken as a captive so these are these are much more important than how long the lines are at your favorite coffee shop or whether or not somebody liked your post or whether or not we feel valued enough by the ministries we sit under i guess what i'm saying is is we have to up the game and so what i want us to do right now is and only the holy spirit can do it i'm not asking you to stir something up and muster something up but what i am asking you to do is you're going to stand at your post as a priest maybe you feel it maybe you don't but you're going to offer your body in the moment you say i don't even know what to pray i totally understand i completely get it because it looks horrific you know the bible says let me read this to you is it okay if we just flow in the spirit today the bible says it's so powerful righteousness exalts a nation but sin is a reproach to any people and what i want to say unapologetically is america's only hope is revival and repentance see we don't realize if you've never been out of the country if you've never traveled if you've first of all what's broken my heart i understand no no no nation is perfect and every nation has its weaknesses but when you've traveled you realize that grass isn't always greener on the other side part of the problem is that people who have never left the borders of america think that it's better everywhere else we have vets here in the room they can tell you it's a luxury to drive to the mall in your own car that's an actual luxury it's a luxury to do this this is not a right everywhere we have friends that we support financially on a monthly basis who have said just don't talk about the city we live in just say we're in this region that's daily life one of the tragedies to hear a youth emerging who think they know so much who've never left america but they're so filled with perspectives that this is a horrible place i have news for you beverly hills is a horrible place if you live in a mansion if you don't have jesus you know why i used to go to beverly hills and pray with people who live there and i can tell you jess and i lived in an 1100 square foot apartment we were renting we had heaven on earth they had hell on earth in beverly hills what i can tell you is this is we do live in a land of freedom and what what this projects to the missions movement this type of situation in the middle east what this projects is i wonder if my people have my back in america do we matter then i want jesus image to always communicate we may not know you but you matter and we value you but what's going on there right now could have great implications on the missions movement in general they want to know if i go does my church and my nation have my back this is important okay so i want us all to stand right now and we're going to touch heaven i want all of you right now just just close your eyes lift your hands to heaven and just begin praying in this spirit come on pray out loud in the spirit thank you lord i want you to take about the next minute just pray in the holy spirit because this is when you pray in the spirit because sometimes you don't know what to pray that's the beauty the spirit knows you at home would you just join us praying in the holy spirit setting your heart in faith setting your heart in faith for that nation for the church for those suffering christians and non-christians suffering father in the mighty name of jesus we come to you we come before the throne keep praying church we come before the throne boldly today the throne of grace and we enter by the blood of the lamb we enter in jesus's merit and with his worth we enter by the blood and father we ask that you would have mercy on your people there in afghanistan that the church and their leaders and the christians father would be protected by your holy angels that you would speak to them that your holy spirit would guide them that you would give them wisdom and revelation in jesus name and father we do pray come on don't stop praying this is very holy we do pray father for boldness for boldness to touch them we do pray for the character of jesus that would break the back of the accuser and his agenda in the region and father we do pray that the most radical haters of jesus would be gloriously touched like paul the apostle and that you'd raise up you'd raise up people in afghanistan would be shining lights in jesus name father give those who are on the ground our military and those who are putting everything on the line those who are risking everything we plead the blood of jesus we plead the blood over them give them wisdom father get people out who need to be taken out lord jesus do it protect them with your holy light protect them with the angels the legions of angels in jesus name we plead the blood father they prayed for peter in the in the book of acts the early church prayed and he was released rescue rescue them father rescue them let the church grow and restore righteousness in our nation for sin is a reproach to any people believers and non-believers sin is a reproach to any people father protect the children jesus let your kingdom come it's our only hope your kingdom save our youth here in america from the deception from hatred from division from pride [Music] have mercy on your people now father we we stand before you and we honor your servants there who are the real deal and it's our honor to pray for your friends father thank you for inviting us holy spirit into your heart save them to the uttermost have mercy in jesus name amen amen i don't want you to get crazy but just celebrate and praise because that seals the prayer come on father we thank you father we thank you you are holy and righteous you're the god who answers prayer have you said it and shall you not do it in jesus name amen amen okay grab a seat grab a seat we're going to quit take a quick hard right this morning i'm going to continue on the person of the holy spirit probably within the next two weeks but i felt prophetically that there was a prophetic edge to this season and i want to begin talking to you about the second coming of jesus hallelujah is right i'm waiting for that anointing to get on the rest of you i'm going to talk to you about the second coming of jesus there you go hallelujah [Applause] okay put your seatbelts on it's interesting to me that you rarely hear this teaching in the church and this isn't an accusation but it is an observation so here's a question when is the last time you sat under in a church setting a biblically based teaching on the second coming of jesus i'm sure there's some but if i did a show of hands if i just said when's the last time you heard it let's just say within the last year raise your hand if you have not heard a teaching on the second coming from a church pulpit while you were in the room in the last year raise your hand okay how about in the last five years yeah it's too many the second coming of the lord and i don't mean it being mentioned but i mean actually going through the scriptures and seeing what the bible has to say about the second coming so let me say this the second coming is as true and real as his first coming it is absolutely vital to your faith so as christians listen carefully we believe in the personal i want you to write this down in the personal that means jesus the person glorious that means it will be amazingly glorious charged with his presence by the way if you talk about cumulative glory jesus said he would come in his own glory and in the glory of the father and the glory of the angels would be there which is all the glory of god by the way they don't have a separate glory but we're talking about a lot of glory breaking through the sky i'm already i haven't even gotten started so we believe in the personal and glorious visible this is important blessed hope that we call the second coming of jesus if you're not hoping for the second coming two things are happening two i'll name two not only two distraction or you're just blind just take a look around you and ask yourself a question do we need a king it's always amazed me come summer of election year and i do believe in voting righteousness don't misunderstand me but let's make no bones about it your elected official is not the blessed hope but it always i'm always shocked by the rhetoric prior that if this one comes everything will be wonderful well there's only one who is coming who will make everything wonderful including the issue in the middle east only jesus will solve it so when we talk about the second coming just take world events out of just just eliminate those from the conversation as christians who are in love we want the bridegroom if you're about to get married and you're standing at the altar and you don't want your spouse don't go through with the wedding and that's why first love which is really only love if you look at it correctly it's such a major issue in this hour how many of you i've said this before to our students how many of you if on your wedding day your spouse looked you in the eye and said i love you 73 that's a pretty high percentage but any spouse with their right mind would go where's the other 27 going instantly right before you exchange vows you go we need to have a little talk here i need an account and an itemization on that other 27. right amy okay they're getting married amy's like amen yes amen one of my favorite things to do in a wedding which which is is really beautiful and it's hard for me to hold back the tears is to watch the groom weep when the bride comes in and all you know all you girls do the same thing the poor groom feels like he has to weep [Laughter] i told y'all last week we were waiting on destiny to come down the aisle two weeks ago everyone stood up the the bride's song started playing the doors flew open and in walk john wilde cut her right i off to talk to him about that i mean who does that we were like that's not the bride but john that's such a beautiful scene to see the anticipation between the bride and the bridegroom as the coming of the lord continues to near that will increase so the cry the cry of the bride that is actually the cry of the spirit and the bride is maranatha come lord jesus we're going to get into that but more than ever for many reasons this world needs a king a king and so this return again i want you to look back down on what you just wrote is personal glorious visible and is our blessed hope and i want to get into some of that the second coming of the lord jesus has been central to the church since its beginning the nicene creed one of the creeds of the church reads this we look for the resurrection of the dead which will happen at the lord's return and the life of the world to come this is basic christian teaching this is like if you're going to make an omelette this is like the eggs in the omelet this is not peripheral the return of the lord jesus as you look at the whole storyline is vital to his mission the apostles creed reads this listen to the apostles creed it's shorter so i can read you the whole thing i believe in god the father almighty creator of heaven and earth i believe in jesus christ his only son our lord who was conceived by the holy spirit spirit born of the virgin mary suffered under pontius pilate was crucified died listen how clear crucified died buried descended to hell because all of this is very important this is what you get here this is why i preach this stuff to you it is foundational to your faith descended to hell the third day he rose again from the dead somebody say amen ascended to heaven when i i know i taught on the ascension but i have to be honest and this has nothing to do with me prior to teaching on the ascension i can't remember the last time i heard a teaching on the ascension of jesus in a church in america but i have heard a ton on how to fulfill your dreams i don't want to fulfill any dreams if i'm not going up with him just so you know there are some dreams that are more important than others he ascended to heaven and is seated at the right hand of god the father almighty very important we call this the session of the lord his rest so when we sing songs like arise from your rest or arise to your rest we are talking about the seated king his accomplishment his victory when a king took a foreign enemy's nation what they would do is after celebrating he would be seated on a throne in that city because it spoke of victory and rest from there so from the throne from the right hand of god he will come to judge the living and the dead the second coming there you go in the apostles creed say this out loud jesus is returning take your bibles to matthew 24 36 did anyone's that sounds really weird maybe way off topic did anyone grow up hating a certain food when you were young and now you like it yeah raise your hands that happen to you yeah so mine one of mine was avocado i love an avocado now maybe because i did keto for a while and it was great and i ate like 100 avocados growing up my grandmother would always cut up an avocado put olive oil and salt and pepper and i didn't want anything to do with it i didn't like peanut butter when i was little i know gosh what what i'm this church is horrible i can't trust the pastor i didn't like peanut butter now i love peanut butter i can't be trusted okay can be trusted i have not ascended to the to enjoying liver yet i've never liked liver what uh interesting thing happened to me a few years back though i took a blood test and the doctor said you need to go to the organic market and buy a free-range grass-fed liver and so i did it and i ate it i can't say i really enjoyed it but it was good for me uh spinach is another one my mom in in in our culture we have a soup called fakie it's a lentil soup i did not like it when i was really little i remember and then i started enjoying it when i got to be like my boy's age now i could eat a whole tub of it when jesse makes it the point is this you have to give god the liberty to change your taste buds when it comes to what you consume because here's the thing do you know why how many of you watch big fat greek wedding okay everything in that movie made sense to me except the windex i never understood i've never seen that now there are different regions in greece so maybe in one of the regions spraying ammonia on your kids forehead actually does something but when it comes to this is interesting when it comes to some of those old remedies that my grandmother would ask my doctor and embarrass me no matter what my doctor said i had she'd go she would go can he swish with cypical sympacal is like a it was like a listerine back in the day and it didn't matter i could have a bullet wound in my calf she'd go doc should he be swishing with typical i'm not joking how many of y'all had old-school grandparents like that oh i know it'll fix it we had some old pentecostals from the church of god in christ and uh visiting our church in uh in l.a and one of those old church moms came up and and she had she opened her purse and had uh i mean more candy in there than willy wonka and she some some was ginger laced in sugar and she would hand me the ginger and she said now baby every preacher needs ginger when he's done and she'd give me the ginger which was sugar just pure sugar do you feel better i feel the sugar rush i don't know if i feel better but the reason a lot of that stuff carries on is because it is consistent and true now you go read your favorite organic book from whole foods or watch a doctor online and they're discovering that bone broth and chicken soup actually does help you when you're sick my gut tells me you would like a cookie more than chicken broth but a cookie doesn't do what chicken broth can do what we're talking about right now actually feeds the soul makes you who you really want to be even if you don't know that it is it is a slow drip it's like getting an iv it's a slow process and when you talk about the second coming it may not sound super exciting but trust me when it happens it's going to be really exciting benny and i were in the car yesterday were at a stoplight and we were looking up in the most beautiful clouds we were just staring in my pickup truck just looking up in the sky and i said one day that sky will rip wide open and jesus the man fully god and fully men he'll return in the clouds of glory and the whole world will see him and everyone the living and the dead will hear the trumpet sound and the graves will open and benny i looked over at him he was going he was in he was locked in he's like wait he goes hold on that's really going to happen i said yeah he goes how what because that's going to be amazing but something i want us to awaken to is the reality of it happening here's a i mean throw throw your spirituality out the window let's just talk about jesus for a moment which is impossible to do outside the spirit i understand let me just talk to you practically we are talking about the one who is so majestic and powerful who so shifted the world in three and a half years that the date pays homage to him the date now some of you may be really influential maybe we think we are but none of us have the date bowing down to us his teachings have framed and crafted civilization i served my father-in-law for almost 10 years sometimes i thought this is this is like a millennia i can't how long and i and if he were in the room i'd still be serving him right now it's not like you progress beyond that jesus prepared for 30 years to preach for three and change the whole cosmos how often do we bail out and abort the mission early in our preparation process so the question is i mean his words have inspired people to build hospitals to take care of orphans to form government that gives freedom and you see the sinai covenant as being central and much formation of government the beatitudes there are there are corporations who have taken the beatitudes and tried to live by them and found that even though they are not committed christians that the beatitudes make their environment at work a much better place there's nobody like jesus if you were to compare what jesus established and his disciples have built through the generations if you compare that to a thought process that denies the existence of god when it comes to helping humanity it's not even worthy of the discussion so this amazing jesus who changed the entire course of history died was buried and raised again my question is if you're going to find anyone's dead body it's got to be his if he's not raised from the dead just my very basic question is this well then where is his body you know where every president's body is do we not kings we know where their bodies are that's what peter said on the pentecost address david's body is buried speaking of david's messianic prophecies and the psalms that his body would not see corruption where is jesus's body certainly we have enough scientists on earth who do who would acknowledge his existence that he did exist but here's the question with all your ability to excavate and all of the archaeological potential in the world all the billions of dollars that would love to disprove this man's existence because this man makes the sinner a little uncomfortable it'd be very convenient to just find the body and prove that he is not god two thousand years have gone by no body to be found we know where george washington's body is what about jesus well i'll tell you his body is not there as the angel said and that same body that's been raised and glorified will pierce the eastern sky you can't believe in the manger and not believe this hold on you cannot believe in christmas and not believe this say this out loud jesus is coming say it again jesus is coming matthew 24 36 i want to give you words in red first matthew 24 36 i'm going to read through verse 44 but of that day and hour no one knows not even the angels of heaven okay time out well let me keep going but my father only now let me say something if somebody gives you the date and time of jesus return don't believe it they i don't care what show they're on they are wrong even if they're trying to sell sell you a solar-powered i don't know anointing oil machine so that you survive the tribulation they do not know when he's coming only the father knows if gabriel doesn't know they don't know but as the days of noah were so also will be the coming of the son of man what does this mean in the days of noah great wickedness had flooded the earth people were living without any expectation of a flood coming and an ark being built when the ark was built none of the people outside knew when the door would be shut god had to communicate that to noah who was a type of jesus type of the lord jesus who called people to the ark for as in the days before the flood they were eating and drinking and marrying and giving in marriage until the day that noah entered the ark and did not know until the flood came and took them all away listen to this language so will be the coming of the son of man this was really interesting to me we are in the midst of a worldwide pandemic worldwide pandemic quick question from the outside looking in do the nations seem more humble more united less argumentative less people fighting on social media now if you read the scriptures and you read the book of revelation that one day men would curse god because of plagues on the earth think about that plagues rather than bowing low men and women would have the audacity to curse him therefore suffering without jesus does not make you more humble how many of you have family members who've had a rough life and you've wondered why why won't they just go low and repent have you ever wondered that have you ever met people like that you you see their life you're like what's the deal with that because i'll tell you it's the holy spirit who makes us like jesus not suffering outside of him as in the days of noah what's that look like well i remember seeing this group of guys outside our neighborhood driving down on a golf cart hammered at like 2 p.m hammered having just i mean going bonkers during lockdown last year in my in my head i thought oh my god it's like they're completely unaware of the hour we're living in they're living like they were like they're 18 in a fret party nothing's worse by the way than seeing a 55 year old guy who's all juiced up wearing an affliction t-shirt who thinks he's 22. getting hammered like he did when he was 22. it's just a bad look it's like that mid-life thing like just just go gracefully let's chill out you know we're still tailgating it's like oh my god that's usually when the red corvette comes or the harley something emerges or the fly rod or a new driver but jesus said that the last days will prior to his return will be like the days of noah in other words they're they're eating drinking in other words there's no no awareness in the world of the coming of the lord let me keep reading two men will be in the field one will be taken and the other left two women will be grinding at the mill one will be taken the other left now listen to these words watch say watch therefore for you do not know what hour your lord is coming that word watch doesn't just mean stare into the sky until you burn your retina it means pray be aware it is the garden of gethsemane language watch and pray this is what jesus is saying here now if you are bound with monotony and you know it and you don't want it if you want to be more aware of the coming of jesus if you want to be more aware of the hour you're living in jesus is saying there's a way out watch in a holy way trouble your comfort do you know what i mean by that set your alarm like actually do it like set the alarm buy a coffee machine whatever you got to do let the holy ghost trouble your comfort up your vision begin to think about and burn for the things that actually matter do you know what it means when someone says up your game it means like the hour is requiring a level of something so bring your game up to that level it is impossible to look at the prophetic scriptures and say jesus was wrong and he is not coming back we're going to go through those i guess what i'm saying is if you look at what's happening let's just say in afghanistan that should have a purifying effect on our goals and passions let me say it another way if we look to see what's going on there for instance it should bring a sobriety that convicts us to not care about the stuff that maybe we were caring about or getting sidetracked by the things that were side tracking us do you understand so when you look at that you realize oh my gosh people are running for their lives and hiding just to read a scripture verse maybe i can forgive my brother and sister maybe it doesn't matter if i wasn't included in that does that make sense let the hour offer a sobriety not a depression a sobriety for anybody who's hung out with me would realize one thing i mess around non-stop jesse will tell you i annoy her to the core there is not a day where i am serious the whole day praise god thank you alex i'm not saying you have to be heavy and downtrodden in fact jesus said we're going to read in just a moment jesus said when you see these things look up another time he said rejoice for your redemption draw near sobriety is not depression sobriety is not heaviness and darkness i'm not talking about that but what i am saying is given the hour we're in how do we up our game so uh [Music] the other night i shared this on instagram give me give me five more minutes to preach and i'm gonna pray for you i went through these core elements these lifestyle behavior is a weak word discipleship i should call it a discipleship lifestyle that creates strong disciples full of joy by the way and you're gonna need joy right now if you're looking for external joy it will be less and less available watch the news for one hour and you will need a sozo you will need counseling people monetize fear and bad news it's not to negate the fact that there isn't bad news there's a lot of bad news but how about some good news so if you're looking for external joy that ain't happening how can you live in joy and why do you need joy right now because your the joy of the lord is your strength if you're going to face another day you will need his joy and here's the good news you don't have to create your own but i want to say this unequivocally you cannot be a christian and not believe in the words of jesus i know that's crazy statement but it is unchristian to not believe in his return so if this part is a fairy tale to you well the rest of his life is a fairy tale there is an absolute connection between the virgin birth the resurrection and the return it all must happen it actually all must happen or the fullness of our salvation is at stake because you get a new body i said you get a new body yeah you do you do you get a new body john 6 39. this is the will of the father who sent me that of all he has given me i should lose nothing listen carefully but should raise it up at the last day and this is the will of him who sent me that everyone who sees the son and believes in him may have everlasting life and i will raise him up at the last day okay remember this the chief objective of jesus was not to get you to an altar it was to get you to him does that make sense so to think that this thing ended at the altar regarding your salvation no no no there's much more coming jesus will raise you if you belong to him should the lord tarry and your body goes into the earth you will be raised on that last day at the sound of his voice and he will lose none oh i love that what a faithful shepherd he will lose none he is a faithful faithful shepherd he will raise them all up raise us all up with new bodies and bring us to himself and at last we shall forever be with the lord and death will be eternally defeated and jesus will have his bride his bride unlike earthly marriage is not just something you do because you're bored his bride is his actual reward for his suffering and death so if this does not happen in other words if you be not raised from the dead because of his second coming and his resurrection jesus is stripped of what he really wants and has been promised by the father a people remember when we cry out for the nation help me joel when we cry out for the nations to be saved we're not crying out for political ideology or dirt or soil what we're actually saying is those people the nations who are a people have been promised to you by your father listen carefully psalm chapter 2 ask of me right and i will give you the what the nation's as your inheritance i know you thought that was your promise i hear people go i'm asking i want the nations yes and no people are like i claim thailand they're like i could do dubai the bahamas monte carlo i love the caribbean i'm claiming all of those they're mine now they're mine they're mine i'm the apostle of all those places they are all mine notice they don't mention the 1040 window but man saint lucia sounds amazing that's not that's not what the psalmist is saying the only reason we can claim a nation is because we are in christ the nations don't belong to us are you ready for this we are the nations that will marry him we belong to him so the father actually tells the son in the psalms ask of me do it why because son you are worthy of a reward that reward is this people who've been raised to newness of life who must dwell eternally in glory with you therefore they need to be like you or they will not survive you because you have too much glory if you couldn't touch the ark in the old covenant without becoming a fried egg how on earth are you going to dwell in the age to come with the one who is the actual ark and so jesus the scripture says he said i have lost none when i return the dead will be raised and that's why the bible says death is the last enemy and shall be defeated it has been defeated through the death burial and resurrection of jesus but the culminating effect of his victory listen will manifest when oh i love this when the graves explode open and the saints bodies break the ground and they receive their glorified bodies and forever marry the lord that cannot happen outside the second coming it is necessary to the gospel it is necessary to your salvation experience now let me say this one day in zechariah 14 the bible says and we're going to start we're going to we're going to read this next week the bible says that the son of man that he will come the lord actually says the lord will come his feet will touch down on the mount of olives breaking the mountain in two and during that time the nations will surround israel thinking they will destroy her but god is setting them all up for defeat the scripture teaches and the sun will return and the the mount of olives the same mountain that he ascended from he will return to that's why the angel said he will return in like manner why are you staring up into heaven one of the reasons he went up in a body he will return in a body he went up visible he will return visibly i should say went up visibly he will return visibly he went up from the mount of olives he will return to the mount of olives now here's the deal you want to be ready you want to be ready i could go through one chapter in matthew's gospel i could go through the gospels with you and systematically point out what jesus declared and prophesied and predicted and what is happening and has been happening and is accelerating now this is not the time to gamble with your soul the christian life actually looks like something it looks like a life that is free it looks like a life that has been liberated it does not look like a fake life that moses on into church that plays a role but is truly not redeemed and changed the christian life listen is the life of jesus being lived through us it is visible the christian life is tangible in many ways the christian life is measurable what do i mean by that the drugs that had me don't have me anymore the anger that had me does not have me anymore it's been replaced with love my resentment has been replaced with his mercy my hatred has been replaced with his unconditional passion for people are you ready you understand that my gossip died and now i bring life through my words to other people i used to expose people now i cover a multitude of sins with the love of god the christian life is measurable i look at the suffering i don't walk by anymore i actually go into my pocket rather than judging the sinner i preach the gospel to the sinner this is the christian life to a husband who is unfaithful he's now faithful to his wife to a wife who is unfaithful she is now faithful to her husband the christian life is absolutely measurable not in its totality but certainly through our lifestyle and so friend listen to me you're sitting in this room for a reason some of you might be 70 80 years old you've gone to church your whole life but your life at home doesn't look like jesus i have news for you he sees that that can all end today to the young person who comes because your parents want you to come here i understand that my mom did that to me that's not necessarily bad but you being here it doesn't secure your soul forever you have to give your life to jesus and all i can say is this is that jesus is returning and when he returns he will return as judge to judge the quick and the dead the bible says now how do you receive this innocent verdict when the judge comes you ready not through your own effort and righteousness listen to me you cannot try hard enough outside of jesus to be found innocent that day if you have one sin on your account you will be found guilty the only way to pass this judge's heavenly exam is to score a hundred perfection nobody here has done that it's impossible the bible says all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of god you say what is sin i'm not talking about stuff you've done i'm talking about thoughts anybody here had a bad thought i have anybody ever done something wrong here i have anybody ever done something right for the wrong reason that's sin too that's called religion i have jesus said if you lust in your heart after a woman and women that applies to you too if you lust for a man you have committed adultery in your own heart so jesus takes it deeper he looks at the heart the heart doesn't so much speak audibly but that tells me he can hear what people cannot now the bible says your eyes o lord are too pure to even look upon iniquity he can't even see it he's too holy for it so we are all in a mess when you look biblically at salvation a mess on our own and by the way if you have your own view of salvation you're just making yourself god which is the greatest sin of all it's the epitome of pride so on our own in our own purity maybe you've lived your life trying to be free from porn but you have never yielded your life to jesus and allowed him to free you maybe you haven't even forgiven yourself maybe you have a roll index of sin you think i'll never be free i'll never be free that's been me from the beginning that's a lie jesus said when the sun sets free it's free indeed i can stand here not as a perfect person there is one perfect but i can stand here and tell you that i am a free man who has been liberated by the power of the holy spirit not in my own strength but by coming to jesus with every head about an eye closed friends you want to be ready for that day when jesus will return you say michael that's me i want you to put your hand up right now say michael that's me thank you father i want us all to stand please i want to speak to two groups of people one the people i just addressed two to those who were burning with the love of jesus at one point in your walk with god but that fire has gone out that love for jesus isn't what it was you know what i've learned you don't set yourself on fire you draw near to the fire you can't set yourself on fire but you come to the one who is fire and you catch fire now jesus said listen to his words these aren't mine he said he would rather us be hot or cold because if we're lukewarm he would vomit us out of his mouth now you can only vomit what was once inside of you i don't want you to glory in a prayer you prayed as it pertains to your salvation no no i want you to trust in jesus and your daily walk with him in his daily walk with you if that's you this morning in just a moment i'm gonna give those two people those two groups i should say an opportunity to come down you say why do you have to come down shake off that numb comfort and take a step beginning with your physical body to put your body under subjection like the bible says and draw near to jesus children this goes for you too if you brought someone today that needs the lord i want you to look them right in the eye right now maybe they knew the lord at one point i should say maybe they were walking with jesus at one point and their life is not on fire anymore i want you to right now look them in the eye and say that's you i'm going to take you down there if you raise your hand or wish you did i want you to come i want you to come right now come to this merciful jesus who will make you his own and prepare you for himself come come to this merciful lord thank you lord come come come give the lord praise thank you father this is wonderful come to jesus it says wonderful mercy come come on guys let the lord know you love him this is beautiful thank you father i want you to surround them team come on come around then come on front rows yep yep come around then thank you father come sir come come in just a moment i'm going to begin praying if you feel that you need to come you come as well as i say every week you will not you will not interrupt me this is what it's all about everyone who came forward i want you to just from the depths of your soul we're going to pray here in a moment and the lord will hear you come in come thank you father for those of you who came forward we're just going to cry out to the lord he will hear your voice he will hear your heart i want us all to join them those in their seats i want us to declare this out loud stretch your hands those of you out there in your seats would you please let's all pray this heavenly father i have sinned against you and i'm sorry today i confess my sin i am imperfect only you are perfect forgive my sin i repent of my sin i turn from it and my own will i turn from this world and turn to you alone lord jesus jesus i believe that you are the son of the living god that you came to the earth born of a virgin lived a perfect and holy life and i believe that you suffered and died but you shed your blood on the cross to redeem me and to take my penalty thank you jesus for taking my death and jesus i believe that you were buried and raised from the dead on the third day you are god almighty the very son of the living god and i believe that you ascended to the right hand of the father and are seated there forever that you will return to rule and reign take my life lord jesus take me as your own i declare jesus christ to be the lord and savior of my life the very son of god in jesus name amen amen give the lord praise [Applause] would you all just lift your hands to heaven those of you in your seats you too and those who came forward lift your hands to heaven i'm gonna pray that the power of the holy spirit will come upon all of you it's the promise of the father he is the promise of the father jesus is the great baptizer so we can't miss father in jesus name clothe your people in the presence and power of the holy spirit anoint them use them in these last days father to draw many many people near to your heart use them as vessels protect their minds in truth you keep us with your word for your word is truth keep them and empower them in jesus name amen would you all just look at me for a moment i want you to read your bible every day every day don't let a day go by where you don't read the bible okay every day number two pray every day number three get baptized in water we would love to help you in a moment i'm going to introduce dion to you in fact dion won't you come stand next to me now so they can see you dion will meet with you after service get baptized in water we can help you with that number four plant your heart with a people in god's presence that is church it is vital we are not meant to do this alone and we weaken when we're alone and we actually are deceived when we're alone we need the church for truth to reign in our life number five i just prayed that over you that god would anoint you with the power of the holy spirit to use your life to draw others to jesus and i believe he has [Music] let me just pray one more thing over you father give them souls and let them burn in holiness in jesus name amen amen right where you are guys i want us to remain standing can i have the communion elements please in fact if you're in your seats just sit for a second it'd be easier let's celebrate communion with these precious hearts that have come forward let's make sure they're all served i i would encourage everyone here to take communion if you can every day with your family that would be my recommendation especially given the hour we're in the bible promises protection health and healing in the covenant meal i'd like who was going to help me with communion diane and alex would you come please they will lead us in communion there have both been through three years of jesus school and i love him so much you can put your bible there if you like and to help you but let's receive this meal together and then i'll dismiss and pray over you isn't the lord good i said isn't the lord good go ahead you are the bread of life you're not the bread of death but you're the bread of life amen so we raise you high jesus earlier today was mentioned that we're to be dead wood with oil and i could think of no better model than you jesus anointed beyond measure anointed with the holy spirit willingly taking the cross dead wood deadwood you were state you were nailed to dead wood thank you lord all you ask is for us to do the same so we lift the bread of life and we proclaim that we will fellowship with your sufferings we will meditate on the crucified christ i felt the holy spirit tell me that if you would meditate if you would devote your life to them to the sufferings of jesus to the crucified christ then the spirit of life would quicken us so we devote our entire lives as a church family to jesus christ and him crucified and i proclaim that this will be the foundation of our lives that the suspended jesus christ would be our one and only devotion the bible says that he was wounded for our transgressions he was pierced for our iniquities but it says by his stripes we are healed healing is for right now so i just pray that you would receive the healing that jesus christ paid for on the cross as you lift the bread and you'll proclaim to heaven to earth and to hell that you will not shift from this position of jesus christ and him crucified so let's take the bread in faith knowing that healing is for right now yes in jesus name yes lord let's receive thank you lord for your perfect blood yes it was poured out so that we could be cleansed so that we could be washed thank you father for your blood that is life your blood is life so as we take this blood lord let it bring life to our bodies let it cleanse us from all unrighteousness yes let it make us whole wash us white as snow lord wash us with your blood thank you for your wholeness that comes from the cleansing blood of the lamb yes lord we receive it now thank you lord just right there in your seat just you guys can stay up here just right there in your seat give your give the lord your attention thank you jesus just thank him if you have sickness in your body thank him for removing it if you've been in fear and wonder if god can protect you trust him plead the blood i plead the blood over all of you father we thank you for your body and blood jesus himself would you stand i just want to declare a blessing over all of you lift your hands to heaven father bless your people may they be clothed in the glorious light of the holy spirit and i declare in the scripture flowing from your heart father that i have loved you with an everlasting love over your people shine brightly in the holy spirit as a people who love jesus protected blessed and kept may the face of the lord jesus shine upon you in jesus name amen and amen and amen yeah give the lord praise [Applause] last sunday night was absolutely holy and just electric and these next six to seven weeks we will be in a very important time so i want to invite you get there like you did last week get there early and come with your heart on the altar i love you god bless you if you need prayer if you've come in from out of town especially and you'd like people to pray for you our prayer team will be lined up here at the altar you can line up in the center aisle two lines and we will help serve you dion would you help lead these precious people to to the table let's give the lord praise one more time god bless you have a wonderful day
Channel: Jesus Image
Views: 156,190
Rating: 4.8252873 out of 5
Id: g1GYaSY7aS0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 140min 15sec (8415 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 22 2021
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