Sunday Morning Live Worship Aug. 15th, 2021

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so crazy [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah well you know what we're not done with that course we're going to sing it again look at me and smile this morning come on smile a little bigger this morning my goodness isn't it ever good to look upon your faces and not to see your eyes this morning but that facial expression and i believe that you're glad to be here are you glad to be here this morning amen worship the lord stand as we sing for his god [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] amen [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] [Music] look what the lord has done [Music] he touched my mind he saved me [Music] look what the lord has [Applause] [Music] he heals done party he touched my mind he saved me [Music] come on and praise him look what the lord has done [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] let's just [Music] [Music] and praise [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] so wonderful to be in god's house this morning and just to be able to worship him and just to gather together and i hope that you've come with a longing in your spirit i hope that you're joining us online with just that longing in your in your heart and in your spirit to meet with the almighty god and to spend time communing with him today just being in his presence there's no better place to be mask or no mask there's no better place to be than in the presence of god and to worship the one who is above all the one who's able to meet our needs according to his glorious riches paul writes in ephesians chapter 3 20-21 now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine according to his power that is at work within us to him the glory in the church hallelujah and in christ jesus praise god throughout all generations from the oldest to the youngest in years past and years to come throughout all generations he is to be praised above all amen in christ alone my hope is found in christ alone my hope is found he is [Music] one [Music] in christ [Music] and righteousness [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] from the is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Music] jesus [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] amen [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] till on the cross where jesus [Music] you're thankful for the cross this morning you're thankful today that yes in christ alone my hope is found i spoke with a young couple this week who were here a few weeks ago for the first time they're hoping to come back they have two little i children an opportunity yesterday morning to speak with them in the shoppers drug mart parking lot and i said when are you coming back and they said we want to come back and we're going to come back and our daughter wants to come back because she said it's a party there yes there's a party in god's house absolutely why not we're lifting high his praises today and we're so glad you're here wherever it is that you're visiting from today we welcome you and uh those of our own folks we're just so glad you're here it's wonderful to look upon your faces this morning and to be able to uh just sense that joy uh just of being here whatever makes you comfortable folks that's what we want and we're in the lord's presence and we pray that you would experience freedom in his house today we do realize that as we come together for worship that they're our needs i've said it before and i'll say it again this morning that through all my years of ministry if there's one thing i've learned it's this every family is going through something we all have needs we all have concerns and today what a wonderful privilege we have of bringing those needs to the lord jesus isn't it wonderful friends our great god jehovah here with us today to meet our needs what is it you've come with be free bringing it to him today as he tells us to cast our cares upon him do that today have a couple of needs that's been handed to me this morning and i know that there are many many others but because they've been passed along i will share them today please pray for the sing and fletcher families who are mourning the loss of a husband stepfather grandfather and this is a great one who died in trinidad yesterday i know nothing of this need but the lord knows mary grucci's brother-in-law passed away yesterday and i assured tom and mary that we would be praying for them and so please keep them in your prayers and we know that there are many others who are grieving the loss of loved ones some are struggling because of loss of employment and there's sickness of all kinds that surrounds us there's loneliness we're going to sing a song today that highlights a word that's very common i believe in today's environment and culture and its anxiety and we're going to sing the old hymn that says all your anxieties all your cares [Music] bring to the mercy seat oftentimes we cast our burdens on the lord but we're guilty of taking them back again and trying to work through it again on our own isn't that true but no leave it there cast it on jesus and leave it there never a burden he cannot bear never a friend like jesus oh friends be mindful of that today that he is a friend that's above any other friend and we can cast whatever care whatever need whatever concern we have on him this day i wonder my friend cecil sturge would you come this morning and take us to prayer these needs that we have brought to the lord today he already knows them and the needs that we're not even aware of today he knows and so let's take it to him today then cease will come and he'll take us to prayer this morning praise god let's [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] all [Applause] please [Music] see [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] to help you know [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] see this [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] dreams [Music] [Applause] [Music] you shall find peace [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Applause] please [Music] [Applause] [Music] like jesus [Music] oh [Music] see [Applause] [Music] like jesus [Music] is father this is so ridiculous that we just worms as we are created beings coming with nothing in our hands that we can bring to our god [Music] nothing good about us but we're coming to one who accepts us and he is the god who created us the god of the universe the one who created everything who owns everything and there's nothing father we can give you we can only come saying we are guilty saying we are hopeless [Music] saying that we need you [Music] and lord we come this morning and we utter those words lord in your mercy in your mercy and grace you accept us we come into the throne room of the king when we come on our knees we come when our hearts bow we come with our intellect bowed because otherwise we cannot be accepted but lord because of what your son did for us [Music] jesus on the cross that cruel cross took my place and took the place of all who are in this room now the mary's and the davids and the harry's and the christmas [Music] you took all our sins lord we come now and we ask that you will bless those who have been seeking because of their needs and we all have those needs as has already been mentioned whether financial whether sickness whether marital oh god meet those needs now may everyone who has a need now trust you lay it at your feet as the song was saying give it all over to jesus leave it on the altar we pray for the one who just came to the altar we pray for those who have been mentioned earlier lord in your mercy hear us we pray forgive us heal us strengthen us strengthen us for this day and for whatever days we have left however wherever our road takes us may we trust you completely totally as our god in jesus name we humbly play pray amen [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] is [Music] can't you sense his presence this morning we're singing the truth today he is here hallelujah he is here amen and i would encourage you who might be here today maybe you've been turning a deaf ear to the sound of the voice of the holy spirit of god will you not do that today listen closely what is the lord saying to you in this moment maybe he's saying come to me invite me into your life i want to be your savior i want to be your lord [Music] maybe he's saying the past that you've been holding on to let it go may be saying to you today step out and believe for that miracle because it's for you today what is he saying [Music] oh the last line of that course says he is here you can touch him you will never never never be the same can the church say amen to them he is here you will never be the same i trust today that you will experience that touch of god on your life today oh mark's gospel chapter 2. i want to read this morning as god continues to move by his spirit among us this day and those of you worshiping with us online we pray that god's spirit is real in your life today i love this passage of scripture that i'm about to read and i wanted to speak to your heart today is it new absolutely not maybe you can go right back to your sunday school days and remember this particular passage of scripture but my it's powerful and maybe there's somebody today that needs to hear these words mark chapter 2 beginning to read at verse 1. a few days later when jesus again entered capernaum the people heard that he had come home and so many gathered that there was no room left not even outside the door and he preached the word to them some men came bringing to him a paralytic carried by four of them since they could not get him to jesus because of the crowd they made an opening in the roof above jesus and after digging through it lowered the mat the paralyzed man was lying on when jesus saw their faith he said to the paralytic son your sins are forgiven now some teachers of the law were sitting there thinking to themselves why does this fellow talk like that he's blaspheming who can forgive sins by god alone and immediately jesus knew in his spirit that this was what they were thinking in their hearts and he said to them why are you thinking these things which is easier to say to the paralytic your sins are forgiven or to say get up take your mat and walk but that you may know that the son of man has authority on earth to forgive sins he said to the paralytic i tell you get up take your mat and go home he got up took his mat and walked out in full view of them all this amazed everyone and they praised god saying we have never seen anything like this may the lord minister to our hearts through his word this day have a mind that's attentive to hear what the voice of god has to say and have a heart that we'll receive today as the spirit of god continues to speak in these moments now charlene god bless you can you hear me now there we go you can hear me now good morning everyone it's good to be here once again this morning to share a little bit with you so i've been talking a bit about camping last last week it was about my flashlight this week i want to talk about uh some food i went camping a little while ago on holidays everything packed i'm the type of person that has meal plans i had my meals cooked frozen ready to cook on a campfire but when i got to campsite the next morning when i got up to cook breakfast realized i had no salt and that's not like me at all so it reminded me of something that jesus said in matthew 5 and 13. let me see yeah matthew chapter 5 verse 3 it says you are the salt of the earth but suppose the salt loses its saltiness how can it be made salty again it is no longer good for anything it will be thrown out and people will walk all over it so i bought my little box of salt here this morning i've got myself backwards here tomorrow but that's okay i've got myself backwards okay salt was very important when jesus was here on earth in fact roman soldiers often received part of their pay in salt too much stuff in my bed yeah so they received salt salt coin effect the the roots of our word for salary which we get our money comes from salt money which the romans received because it was very very valuable salt was not only good for money it was good for making things taste better like my eggs at camping right it was it would season it and make everything taste better when jesus compares us to salt he is saying that we should make things better we should make life better for those around us then jesus asks what good is salt if it has lost its flavor he says it will be thrown away and trampled under foot in fact in jesus's day the romans used uh used to make roads out of bad salt one of their greatest military roads was called the salt road jesus was saying that if we aren't salty anymore as christians we are no longer making life better for those around us we are not doing the work that he wants us to do salt was good for more than salaries and making things taste good people used it to preserve meat they never had refrigerators back there so just like we salt our fish here in newfoundland they would salt their meat and their chicken so that it would last and the bacteria wouldn't keep growing on it when jesus says we are the salt of the earth he is saying that we should be preserving or saving the earth by telling others what jesus did for them salt can also heal jesus says we are the salt of the earth he is saying that we should bring healing to those who are sick with sin finally salt also creates thirst and i'm supposed to be taking objects out but that's gone i never did it if you eat something salty you immediately want to drink just like when you go to a movie and you get your salty popcorn you need a drink because you know you're going to get thirsty after you drink it after you eat it when jesus says we all the salt of the earth he is saying we should create thirst for the living water that god offers to each person on earth when people see how much god has blessed us they will want to know jesus as their savior too so salt may seem pretty pretty ordinary but i hope you see just how important it is salt has value it makes things better it saves it heals and it creates thirst that is what we should do as followers of jesus bless you all thank you charlene lovely as usual on the road that we walk many times we come against obstacles we come against things that hinder us in our journey but one of these days all of those hindrances are going to be gone and we're going to be more than overcomers an old course says by and by when the morning comes who knows this one when all the saints of god are gathered home we will tell the story of how we've overcome and will [Music] what we'll understand we'll understand it better by and by let's stand as we share together [Music] [Music] we will tell the story [Music] is [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] why should i fear when the lord is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] what should i fear [Music] [Applause] [Music] what should i fear [Music] [Applause] [Music] you can be seated we're going to sing a course together before we look into the word this morning some of you may be wondering who is that young man back there on the drums this morning well normally he's hidden away behind the camera but this morning we wanted you to see him we wanted you at home to see him and so we put him on full display there on the drums this morning that's josh white would you welcome josh this morning [Applause] i loves all that acknowledgement this morning uh josh is the son of pastors jeff and andrea white in dear lake i don't know if you know them or not but good friends of ours and i think they raised him well good to have you this morning josh doing a great job back there before we look into the word i want us to sing the course that says turn your eyes upon jesus look full in his wonderful face and the things of earth will grow strangely dim in the light of his glory and grace my there's lots of distractions around us isn't it lots of distractions in this world wants to take our eyes off jesus lots of hindrances lots that would get in the way of where god wants us to be but i'm encouraging you today don't focus on anything else [Music] focus on jesus focus on jesus [Music] very simple course but meaningful this morning i ask that you would mean what you sing you will allow those words to speak to your heart in this moment no distractions just you and jesus in this moment the things of earth will go strangely dim in the light of his glory and grace lord let it be today that we would focus on you minister to our hearts we pray turn your eyes upon jesus [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] thank you [Music] yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] one more time very prayerfully today [Music] is [Music] him [Music] his glory [Music] oh lord we acknowledge your presence thank you lord for the ministry of your holy spirit today as you speak to individual and individual and individual as you speak corporately to your church today lord we know you are here and we thank you for it lord i pray today that whatever might be a hindrance today whatever obstacles might be erected around some of our folks today lord we pray that they would realize and they would claim victory in jesus today that they would be overcomers today that there would be a breakthrough today and that victory would be theirs through jesus christ our lord turn your eyes upon you lord that's what we want to do in these moments now as we look into your word we pray that there would be fresh insights today there would be something new that maybe we've read this story a hundred times maybe lord there's something new today that would jump out that would speak that would be the answer lord let it be lord we preach today as always for a verdict and i pray that there will be one this day maybe two as your spirit moves may there be a response we pray to the still small voice of jesus i ask it in jesus amen and the church said amen i don't know if the singing has ever been so good i can hear you today talk about obstacles for some of you the obstacle isn't there anymore you can sing freely for others you feel more comfortable in wearing your mask god bless you keep doing that whatever makes you comfortable obstacles we all face them don't we all of us we we go through something in our lives there's always something that's that's going on that's an obstacle that gets in the way that steals our joy our happiness that maybe gives our day a little different twist than what we had anticipated we don't like it but my question to you today is not will we face obstacles but rather the most important question that i want to ask you today is how will we overcome the obstacle that we face not will we but how will we i like the story told and i read this this week and i got a chuckle and i thought why not give a shout out to the women this morning and i'm going to do it so women listen up this is a compliment for you this morning story told of three men who were hiking in the wilderness when they came upon a large raging river they needed to get to the other side but they didn't know how to do it the first man prayed god give me the strength to cross this river and poof god gave it big arms and strong legs and he swam across the raging river took him about an hour and he made it across seeing this the second man prayed god give me the strength give me the tools that i need to cross the river poof god gave him a row boat and he rode across the river it took him about 45 minutes or so to get there seeing this the third man prayed god give me the strength the tools and the intelligence to cross the river and poof god turned him into a woman the woman took out a map examined it hiked upstream about a thousand yards and walked across a bridge where would we be without the intelligence of our women that better be a brownie point this morning obstacles we all face them in some form or another we all face them wouldn't it be great if everything in life were easy wouldn't you like that wouldn't it be great if there were only downhills with no uphills only mountaintops and no valleys only roses and no thorns that's not the way things work in this world is it life is filled with its challenges and its obstacles we all face them we can expect that saint and our enemy and all those who work on his side will do all he can to derail our progress and try to make life miserable that's his job dictionary defines obstacles as something that stands in the way or opposes something that's between where you are where you want to go many have come against obstacles that you've seemed so insurmountable so impossible to overcome and maybe some of you are battling through some of that now and you cry out how in the world will i get through this one scripture talks about it a lot god prepares us over and over again and says that we're going to face challenges in this life there will be obstacles there will be hindrances jesus said in john 16 and 33 in this world you will have trouble but take heart i have overcome read it with me i have overcome the world paul wrote ii timothy 3 and 12 in fact everyone who wants to live a godly life in christ jesus will be persecuted peter wrote first peter 4 and 12 dear friends do not be dis do not be surprised at the painful trial you're suffering as though something strange was happening to you so god made it clear in his word that in life there would be obstacles there will be opposition in the christian life we're going to face those spiritual obstacles things that hinder us things that stand in our way of receiving god's blessings that he has for us these obstacles that stand between where we are in our walk with god and where it is god desires and really wants us to be there's something here that gets in the way of that what is it what is it if you aren't as close to the lord today as you would like to be and you know you should the question remains why aren't you what obstacle stands in your way today what obstacles get in the way and keep you from experiencing the presence of jesus in all of its fullness not that jesus isn't here but because there are hindrances along the journey we looked at scripture today to that passage i read to you earlier we see an event in the life of jesus i love this passage of scripture and it's really written so clearly it shows that despite obstacles that may stand in our way sometimes there is a way for that obstacle to be changed into the most wonderful of opportunities how desperate are you how determined are you to overcome that obstacle in your life and get to jesus today can you hear me do you hear me let me ask that again let me ask that again how desperate are you how determined are you to overcome that obstacle in your life and get to jesus today in other words enough of the excuses get rid of the obstacle come to jesus mark two we see a paralytic i love this story he went to capernaum word began to spread around that jesus was in a particular house in fact so many people heard about jesus that the house was so full no one else could get in the house was full because word had spread that jesus was in the house word had spread that jesus was in the house the house was full because jesus was there isn't that a sermon isn't that a sermon just visualize this people lined up around the walls packed around the windows there were people pressing around the doors there wasn't any room left not even outside the door scripture says even the yard was full the house was full jesus was there people were so anxious to get to jesus and i wondered today do we have that same passion do we have that same determination do we have that same excitement jesus is in the house and where jesus is that's where i want to be to get his presence to be in his presence and friends let me remind you of something today the word of god clearly tells us that we cannot go where he is not you can experience him right where you are today in this place wherever you're watching from at home today or wherever you can experience the presence of jesus well they all gathered in and they were listening to jesus preached they were straining to hear a word of hope a word of encouragement reminds me a little bit through the covet season how many people wrote us messages sent us letters and cards and called us looking for that message of hope and straining to hear that message of hope and they were uplifted and they were encouraged not of anything that we could ever do on our own but because jesus planted that message of hope in our heart so that the world would hear it at such a time people strained to hear they needed the message of hope and there in that house people strained to hear the word of hope word of encouragement but because of the crowd not one more person could get into the house not one more person could touch jesus not one more person could get close enough to experience jesus now no doubt he was preaching a message of hope and life a message to meet the needs of the people present no doubt he was trying to mend broken hearts through the word warning them to repent showing them the way the truth the life as we follow the passage of scripture it tells us that four men brought their friend who was paralyzed and lying on a stretcher to where jesus was but there was an obstacle the house was full not room for another soul to enter around every window there were people packed around every door there were people there was no way in there was an obstacle there was an obstacle between a sick man and his healing there was an obstacle that separated the man in need from a miracle there was an obstacle that was standing in the way of a needy man and jesus there was an obstacle that stood between this man and his salvation jesus was in the house but the man was on the outside and unable to look in on what jesus was doing wanted to see wanted to get a glimpse wanted to get closer he was unable to experience what jesus could have for him he was unable because of the obstacles he was on the outside looking in and i wonder today if we sometimes let an obstacle get in the way from our entering into the presence of jesus christ we allow a problem to get in our way from getting to where jesus is we allow an obstruction to stand between us and a miracle we allow a hindrance to block our way from getting right with god oftentimes it feels as though we are on the outside looking in the miracle is there the miracle is waiting but i can't reach it i can't get to it there's an obstacle are you in need today of that fresh experience fresh touch from jesus christ but the obstacle but the obstacles maybe there's more than one that's in your way today what are the things that cause us to stop short of getting to where jesus is and where jesus wants us to be of experiencing his almighty power and presence in our lives what is it could be that it's just inconvenient it's it's just a little difficult changing my lifestyle there are habits and there are addictions i feel i cannot overcome i'm just a little bit unsettled about what tomorrow will hold for me maybe you feel it's not the right time for you i have this to do and that place to go not right now maybe it's some dark past experiences that you just can't seem to get over and let go of let me tell you you need to get to jesus you need to push the obstacles out of the way and get to jesus he is the answer he is the healer he's the binder of broken hearts he's the chain breaker amen he's the miracle worker promise keeper light in the darkness my god that is who you are you're here moving in our midst you're here working in this place you're here touching every heart you're here healing every hurt you're here turning lives around you're here mending every heart even when i don't see it you're working even when i don't feel it you're working you never stop you never stop working the miracle worker the miracle worker listen today friends the only one that can meet your need is one person and his name is jesus christ do you believe that today here's the key one word overcome say it with me overcome say it again overcome one more time louder overcome one word overcome the key is that overcome or break breakthrough let's look back at the paralytic it wasn't convenient being carried on his stretcher on his bed but he came anyway it was out of his way but he came just the same he was tired and sick but he came anyway it wasn't the right time but he came anyway he never had all the details worked out but he came anyway he never had all the answers but he came anyway the house was full but he was determined i'm going anyway i'm going anyway the point is this friends there's no excuse for not being in the presence of jesus there's no excuse for not being in a relationship with jesus i don't care who you are today i don't care where you're watching from or what your obstacle might be and you might say chris you have no idea and my response is no i may not but i know one who is bigger and i point you to him today i point you to him today push the obstacles out of the way and get to jesus for there's an opportunity awaiting you because jesus is in the house jesus is here let me add this it is possible to be where he is and still have an obstacle to keep us from him just being in the same house is never enough you must have faith to reach out and touch jesus just being in the same room with jesus is never enough you must reach out to jesus for yourself just being in the church building is never enough if all you do is sit there never touch him never respond to that voice just sitting home and watching this online service is not enough just coming to church is not enough if the only reason you're coming is to hear some good singing some good music some preaching and that's it you need to come with the attitude and desire that i have an opportunity this day to experience jesus for myself this is my opportunity this is my day to have that personal experience with him pray come holy spirit i need you come and your strength and your power and we sing it often don't we i need you oh i need you and we do every hour when we're in his house when we're in his presence where the spirit of the lord is friends there can be a miracle sometimes you may feel you're so close and yet feel so far away listen friends we should never allow anything to get in the way of experience the touch of jesus when we get into his presence we came with a need yes but how often have you left with that same need as i spoke about earlier jesus says come to me all you who are burdened and are heavy laden i will give you rest in our text there were four men that did not let anything stand in their way the house was full the obstacle was real but they were determined to get to jesus and that's when we usually get the answer that we need that's when the breakthrough happens that's when we overcome that's when victory comes when we're determined to get to jesus when we're determined no matter what to seize the opportunity determined to turn the obstacle into an opportunity turn the problem into praise amen look at what these men did you know what you know what was happening here the door was burned off the windows were buried off and so what was their only option their only option was the roof and i can't even imagine what that was like in that moment they began to tear the roof to pieces picture it with me dirt flying mud clay sticks falling from the ceiling onto the people below i must the owner of the house have felt tearing my house up but they were willing to do whatever it took to get this man to jesus the crowds there must have been all struck to see what was taking place to witness such an ordeal such radical faith such measures to get to jesus some may have even thought they were a little crazy can you imagine when they finally got a hole in that roof what it must have felt like yes it was a literal breakthrough wasn't it amen it was a literal breakthrough but this breakthrough great gave these men a glimpse of jesus the feeling the experience the overwhelming sense of his presence they must have had it's jesus i see him we're almost there they lowered the sick man down through the hole in the roof and right in front of jesus there wasn't a question what are you doing are you guys crazy do you realize what you just did to this man's roof no scripture says jesus saw their faith and the paralytic was healed it was twofold jesus was in the house and these men got that sick man to where jesus was and i might add despite the obstacles that came against them nothing stood in the way no excuses conjured up just the humbling of a soul that lay at the feet of jesus and jesus response was friend because of your faith your sins are forgiven hallelujah and then a few verses down he tells the paralyzed man to get up take your mat and go home i want proof in this house he says that what i have done is a miracle i have forgiven your sins i have healed your calamity stand take your man and go home this man stood to his feet in front of the crowd took up the mat and went on praising god when everyone saw what had happened they were amazed and they praised god i want the music to start playing that course that we're going to sing if you would nikki please you see with jesus all obstacles can be erased and those obstacles become opportunities i encourage everyone here today to change every obstacle into an opportunity to step right into the presence of jesus did you hear me that obstacle in your life today turn it into an opportunity to get to jesus [Music] and turn every problem you have into praise there's yet another opportunity for you and for you for all of us today get past the obstacles get past the excuses that the devil is using against you that sees this moment to come to jesus jesus is here amen where jesus is there's power there is life there is hope there's healing there's miracles there's salvation needs to be met everything you need today is in jesus a simple word today yeah but you know what it's the truth of the word of god and today he wants you to hear it and he wants you to respond all of us with those obstacles that we might have that's a hindrance in our walk with christ or maybe it's a hindrance in you even having a relationship with jesus today let it go and come to jesus we're gonna sing these words touching jesus [Music] yes that's it [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] we're gonna sing that course again but you know what if that paralytic never had belief if that paralytic never had faith that healing would never have happened he had to believe that by going even though the house was full there would be a way that that obstacle would be removed and that he would be able to get to jesus he believed he had faith and he entered right into it friends and the miracle was his is there one today needs to take advantage of this moment all come will you the altar is open it's available today for you to come and make that public confession of your faith to jesus if there's a need that's overwhelming upon your heart today come and bring it to jesus let this be a day that you overcome this is a day that you will break through and experience the presence of jesus in a new and a fresh way let's sing it again touching jesus cause all that matters [Music] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] when you call on his name [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] touching jesus [Music] foreign [Music] don't give up [Music] don't give up god is still on his throne don't give up you're on the brink of [Music] don't give up remember [Music] there's victory in the house today [Applause] we're thankful to god for dustin randall who has come and given his heart to jesus we have prayed for dustin over and over and over again we're thankful for dana and we're thankful for little drake today but following the lord believing for dustin's salvation and praise the lord today prayers are answered and we give to jesus glory we give to him glory [Applause] don't give up you're on the brink of a miracle is there another today come on church let the breakthroughs happen overcome that obstacle come and get right with jesus as we sing these words together again don't give up [Music] don't give up is [Music] don't give up remember [Applause] [Music] don't give up god is still on his throne don't give up [Music] don't [Music] salvation is not difficult when you finally say yes to jesus christ and when you reach out to touch him he is not going to pass you by but he will be there to hold you and to heal you and to lift you up and to set you free reach out and touch the lord the course says as he passes by we don't need to take it too fast friends but what truth is there that jesus is here he's in this house he's in this house today and he's moving among our hearts he's moving among lives you watching online today he's moving where you are and you are free to accept him and to just say to him yes i believe and jesus will move and he will make a difference in your life reach out and touch the lord as he passes you by today reach out and touch the lord as he passes by you will [Music] too find [Music] reach out and touch the lord i see [Applause] [Music] as he passes by you will find [Music] he is [Music] reach out and touch the lord [Music] reach out and touch the lord as he passes by [Music] he's [Music] i see goes by reach out and touch the lord as he passes by will find he's not too busy to hear your hearts cry he is [Music] reach out and touch [Music] give the lord another handcuff praise this one [Applause] the key of g there's a new name written down in glory hallelujah [Music] [Music] me [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i think there's there's some verses to that if we can find the words roma there's a new name written down in glory maybe it's listed as a new name written down the glory you'll find it thing is a little bit finicky but the words are there somewhere and we're going to sing them again isn't it wonderful as sinners come home oh the spirit of god is moving at the salvation army and cbs praise the lord praise the lord chris and monica we continue to pray for you rejoice in that victory today for dustin and i believe there are more to come in these days and we know there are more here this morning we're continuing to pray for you and we want your name to be written down in the lamb's book of life don't miss out on eternity but get right with jesus even now as we sing these words together there's a new name there's a new name [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh is it's mine with my sins for heaven i am [Music] [Applause] hallelujah give the lord a hand glap of praise again praise the lord [Applause] are you tired of singing let's sing one more before we have our announcements and conclude this morning beautiful song that says and i know yes i know jesus blood can make the vilest sinner clean do you believe that this morning jesus all the power that's there and his name and the power to save that's in his blood what a great morning that we have had in his presence and we continue to sing to his glory and his honor and i know yes i know the first verse roma come you sinners the imitation still goes out we'll always go out lost and hopeless here's the promise jesus blood can make you free take that believe it have faith to come and reach it as we said [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] me [Music] jesus [Music] [Applause] he gave us [Music] my [Music] hallelujah [Music] yes i know jesus [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] yes i know come on sing it out now jesus can make the violence [Music] [Music] oh how good it is to hear you sing praise the lord amen you may be seated this morning we're all about substitutes today so the claudette who normally gives announcements is not here she is enjoying a very well deserved weekend that lady needs a year off because she works so hard but we appreciate her and we miss her when she's not here but for now you're stuck with this claudette um expo we have a volunteer expo that is happening tuesday evening at seven o'clock take out your pins take out your papers take out your notes or your calendar on your phone and mark it in your calendar because you need to know it's a volunteer expo but not just for those who wish to volunteer it's an evening where you will discover everything every program for every age group whether you're male or female whether you're an infant or whether you're a senior citizen it doesn't matter every program has going to be happening here at cbs core starting in september and so if you're interested to know what is going to be going on here if you're interested in being able to help out in any way whether it's to take a leadership position or whether it is to uh help in volunteering and assisting those who will be in leadership then we just pray that you will come along it is going to be an evening that's full of information and it's it's easier to do that than trying to stand here and give announcements for about 15-20 minutes on a sunday morning so please come there's going to be lots of chitter chatter there's going to be food there's always food when you come to the salvation army and we're going to have tables set up outlining like i said every program that is going to be going on here so please come and enjoy time together a time of fellowshipping together we haven't been able to do that in so long but now the doors are open for us to come and to just enjoy fellowship in a conversation and we just pray that you will come and you will be informed are you warm here this morning i see a few papers going who would who would have ever thought that in the province of newfoundland and labrador that we would cancel an open air because it's too hot unfortunately we do have to do that for this afternoon with humidity it's going to be well up into mid 30s perhaps higher and we are thinking of you who have to be sitting in your vehicles i'm sorry we can't allow you to keep them on there's going to be vehicles behind you in front of you so we can't allow you to do that and if you were to come and sit there without any air conditioning we would have to have medical teams ready so we cannot do that this afternoon and we have a very pregnant mama we are not putting out in that humidity this afternoon we want this to be a natural progression this week god is good though and he has answered prayer and he has moved and just to know that a sinner has come home praise the lord and there's a new name written down in glory this morning that's worth it that's the blessing that's enough blessing for the day just go and enjoy the afternoon in god's presence in god's beauty and allow him to speak to your heart and work within you this afternoon [Music] father what a joy it has been to be in your presence there is never a place that we long to be any more than in the presence of our god and of our lord and our savior there is so much joy and freedom and life and love when we're in the presence of christ we love you lord and we just praise you for victories one this morning we praise you for prayers answered that we as of yet have no idea about but we know that you moved and we know that there have been miracles and we just trust you to continue by your spirit to move in hearts and in lives to convict sinners to come to jesus christ and to seek forgiveness and salvation we know that you are moving in those who are ill and sick who call out upon you and you are bringing deliverance and healing onto them we know for those who are filled with anxiety today that when they call out upon you that you come with a peace that passes all understanding and we continue to pray that the peace of god would cover them today go with us now as we leave this place send us forth with your blessing and may everything we say every place we go every person we come in contact with may they know may they just know that we have been in the presence of god our savior today we love you lord and we aim to be a blessing to you daily in your name we pray amen and amen please remember that the ushers are going to guide you out still even though there are no masks right now mandatory you will still be guided in and guided out and the ushers will also be prepared to receive your morning's offering [Music] oh my gosh [Music] [Music] do i lift up my soul unto thee [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] oh my god [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Salvation Army Conception Bay South Corps
Views: 9,385
Rating: 4.8367348 out of 5
Id: Znse3dQIGz8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 103min 19sec (6199 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 15 2021
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