Betty Baxter's Testimony on her Instant Healing

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tonight I want to just share with you how many sitting here have never heard me tell my story cuz I see your hand oh so many of you my goodness I thought maybe all of you had heard well then I must give it tonight and I trust that the Lord will really bless it to your heart the scripture that I want to read is the 13th chapter of Luke and the 10th verse this is my very favorite scripture while I was sick and crippled because it's a picture of what I was exactly before the Lord came and set me free and one day when Mama read this scripture to me I said read it again that little woman is just like me and Mama said yes and what Jesus did for her he'll do for you the thirteenth chapter of Luke the tenth verse and he was teaching in one of the synagogue's on the Sabbath and behold there was a woman who had a spirit of infirmity 18 years and she was bound together and could in no wise lift up herself and when Jesus saw her he called her to him and said unto a woman Thou Art Loosed from bine infirmity and he laid his hands on her and immediately she was made straight and glorified God Heavenly Father we bow in your presence tonight and we thank you for this privilege and opera and opportunity we have together together with our friends to worship you I asked your Lord now that one more time you'd bless this story as you blessed it so many times before I pray Lord tonight that men and women may see Jesus as they've never quite seen you before walk among these aisles speaking to every heart and meeting every need if there should be one in this service that came in this service tonight that does not know you as a Savior I pray they'll not leave without accepting you as their Lord and Savior those that have come tonight and have needs in their body that are sick and afflicted maybe the terminal' maybe doctors has said there's no hope I pray Lord that you'd reach out your hand and touch them with your power and bring healing to their bodies I pray Lord that you'd bless us tonight and make us a blessing and we'll be careful to praise you for we ask it in Jesus name and all the people said Amen I can never remember the time in my life I've ever been well and healthy and strong and normal like other boys and girls my childhood memories are of sickness disease doctors and hospitals and much pain in my body right after I was born doctors told my parents I could not live I was born with every vertebrae in my spine out of place the bones twisted and matted together I was born with my heart enlarged nearly tonight twice it's normal size oxygen was kept in my room I have to have it several hours day and night to be able to breathe when I got to the age where you start giving a baby solid food mama started giving me food immediately I would reject it it would come up I could keep no solid food down they put me in the hospital did further testing and found I was born with all the organs in my stomach dropped and out of place one kidney not functioning the other filled with stones so I could never eat and digest solid food I lived on milk and fruit juice and fed through the veins till the Lord heal me as I got older I was given hypose and painkillers from the time I was just a baby and the dosage increased stronger as I got older but the pain of course as I got older and got worse the pain got worse in my body at the age of nine I heard about Jesus and accepted him as my savior and he actually changed my life because he became very precious to me and he was my closest and dearest friend but at the age of eleven I was having so many heart attacks and the pain was so great and the doctor said I've done everything I can do and yet I've got to take away those strong painkillers because of the condition of her heart there's one more hospital I want to send her to you I've been in and out of hospitals and had so many specialists he said they actually won't be able to help her but at least maybe they can give her something that will ease the pain she's suffering so one blizzardy stormy night in the state of Minnesota mama in the ambulance with me they took me this to this great hospital where they say they had the finest specialist that can be found anywhere I was kept in this hospital over three weeks nearly four weeks I was there I different specialist for every part of my body they were constantly x-raying doing tests taking scans and drain those weeks in that hospital it's like a nightmare to me in fact so bad that you could hardly ever get me in a hospital the only way I ever go in a hospital is if someone is dying in intensive care and they've requested Betty Baxter to come with much fear and trembling I will go to see them but the moment I step in a hospital all the nightmare feeling of those years as a child comes back on me again and as I suffered such extreme pain and went through so much during those weeks in the hospital but one day the head doctor came in and said I've got a surprise for you I've called your hometown the ambulance is on his way your daddy's with them and I'm going to send you home I was excited and thrilled I was 11 years of age and I thought if he's kept me this long and now he's sending me home I'm going home to live and to get well so I was excited the ambulance came they put me on the stretcher strapped me to the stretcher and push me to the elevator to take me to first floor daddy was with the ambulance he was standing beside the stretcher when the doctor came up and said mr. Baxter I want to talk to you before you leave and daddy said all right he pointed as his line on the stretcher and said tell me how much does a child know about her sickness and daddy said she knows as much as we do ever since a child ever since a baby we've told her everything doctors have told us and the doctor said that it's all right to talk in front of her and daddy said sure and I'm there 11 years of age quickly I thought he's going to tell daddy now about some kind of miracle medicine that's going to make me well and when the doctors started talking I could not believe I was hearing right I heard that doctors say we have here the finest specialist that can be found anywhere we've done everything possible that there is nothing more medical science can do for her he said to my daddy don't try another Hospital don't try another specialist there's nothing that can be done she has but a short time left to live take her home and keep her as happy as possible I was 11 years of age and I was terminal sent home to die I started to cry and I closed my eyes not knowing that the tears rolled down my face anyway they put me in the ambulance gave me oxygen and carried me to my home and carried me into the room where I'd spent my life lying in bed weeping crying and oppressed and depressed and feeling sorry for myself I said Jesus you heard what the doctor said he said I'm going to die so if I'm going to die anyway let me die right now I don't want to suffer one more night of this pain as I travel across the United States and around the world every time I tell my story I have a healing line when I walk by to touch the people a man or a woman will look at me and say Betty I'm terminal and immediately I know the feeling that you have the feeling of frustration the feeling of hopelessness knowing there's nothing more that can be done for you I know and experience what that feeling is and especially you have it if you don't know about divine healing and you don't know jesus heals today you see while we were little children mama said to us if you ever want to know anything about God you ask a pastor he lives next to God he knows everything and so when every doctor said I was dying I asked to see the pastor when he came to my bedside he said you wanted to see me I said yes sir I do you remember when I got saved he said such a wonderful conversion I'll never forget it I said well that day you told us the story of Jesus and you said he healed all kinds of sickness even cripples like me and he said that's right I did tell that story and he did heal all kinds of sickness I said then pastor every doctor daddy says takes me juice as I'm dying he said I know it and I'm sorry I said then do you reckon if i coax Jesus real hard and begged him do you reckon he would heal me perhaps is the hardest question that pastor ever had to answer with tears in his eyes he took my hand and said Betty I can't give you false hope but the days of miracles are past and gone Jesus doesn't heal like that anymore so you see if you're sent home to die and you don't know jesus heals you're indeed without any hope at all so I was lying there with no hope at all feigning crying when mama came in the room she leaned over the bed and she said my my why all the tears aren't you happy to be back home with Mama again I said I'm happy to be back home but you don't know what the doctor told my daddy she said of course I know what he said he said what every doctor has said she said you were a baby he said you were going to die but she said you're not going to die because I found the answer well I thought mama had found another doctor so I looked at her and said mama what is his name and she said his name is Jesus and I said but mama pastor said he doesn't heal anymore and mama said but there's one thing that goes beyond the word of a pastor and that's the Word of God and she said what she said while you were in the hospital I grew desperate and I began to read the New Testament over and over again and I found a scripture there that pastors never found it says all things are possible if you could only believe I found another scripture that says Jesus Christ is the same yesterday today and forever that means just as he heal when he's alive and left the shores of Galilee he's still healing today he's going to go on heating until he comes in the clouds of glory well I got so excited did you get excited when you heard Jesus could heal I got so excited I forgot all about wanting to die I was somewhere on cloud nine believing with mama that Jesus would actually come and heal my body but the strangest thing happened when I determined to trust God with mama for healing I grew worse instead of better has ever happened to you I got worse that my chest sunk in my body begin to curve more and more and I bent and bent until the age of 15 when they stood me up I stood only as high as my four-year-old baby brother I faced him face to face my body was completely curved and bent over large knots grew up and down my spine the first of the base of my neck one after the other the last the base of my spine my arms were paralyzed from my shoulders to our wrists I could only boot my fingers my head twisted on my body like this and paralyzed I could not move my head but in this condition my mother still with faith in God stood on that Scripture all things are possible if he could only believe even when our pastor did not believe Archer stood out but he daddy certainly did not believe our family did not believe mama stood on the Word of God and I challenge you this this evening get a scripture and quote it on and on and on and stand on it and tell God you believe it and get it in your spirit in your soul and you receive healing for your body we kept trusting God my grandmother came to see me and the excitement of seeing someone different I had a severe heart attack so the doctor said if I want to keep the child alive she can't have company so we isolated me from the world I could see only three people mama Betty and the doctor and this is the loneliest time of all my life because my personality I'm not a loner I do not enjoy long periods of time alone I like friends with me I like family around me and this is such a lonely time mama would made me every morning and then she put me on one side of the bed and I was so bent that lying in bed when you'd put me on one side my head wouldn't really touch my knees I was so bent and curved and she would put me on one side of the bed and I knew I'd have to stay in that position till she'd come to turn me on the other side there was nothing I could do to pass away the time I had no toys because I had no use for toys I could not play with them I couldn't read to pass away the time my arms are dead paralyzed at my side I couldn't hold the book to read and just as a child during those years of loneliness I began to talk to the Lord and I can't count a number the times as I be softly talking to the Lord I'd hear soft sound at the side of my bed and wonderful mom would come back in the room and I didn't hear open or closed the door and then I'd hear a soft boys call me by my first name three times the boys would call softly Betty the first time he spoke my name I knew immediately it was not the voice of dr. Bailey I knew it was not the voice of my daddy but I knew it it was the voice of the Lord Jesus Christ calling me by my name you say baby you mean you actually audibly heard the voice of Jesus I've heard his voice is clear and plain and audible as you hear in mind tonight that many things he said to people one thing he always told me each time he came to visit because he knew it was the one thing I longed to hear most I never felt anybody really loved me my daddy was good but he could not handle sickness and so in the morning daddy would come in kiss me on the forehead and say good morning daddy must go to work at night he came home kiss me again said goodnight daddy must go T to my bed and so that's about that once in a while he would come and hold me in his arms but my dad could not handle speeding around someone sick and crippled like I was so the only one I had actually was my mother and I felt she loved me and then there are times I wonder does she love me or does she take care of me because I belong to her so I always had this insecurity of not knowing if anybody really loved me so each time Jesus came to visit he would softly say he loved me and when he said he loved me at free or passed through me my heart would be faster and I think I can go on beat ugly and twisted if Jesus loves me I can go on being alone because I felt thin still like I feel tonight if you've got Christ you've got it all if you have Jesus in your life you have everything and then Jesus said I will never leave you I'll never forsake you I'll be with you always even unto the end time went by and I grew worse and weaker in my body and one evening momma said after she'd fed the family and cleaned the kitchen she came into my room the Sun was just going down and she said I was unconscious I was breathing hard and loud and fast she said she sit by my bed and watched and listened as I labored for every breath of air that kept me alive she said she's been sitting there for a while and all at once there was complete silence in the room she could hear no more breathing she got up and tried to find a pulse beat somewhere but could find none she said there was a girl a sound in my throat and fluid coming from my mouth she picked up my hands my fingernails were black and my lips were blue frightened she went to the telephone call dr. Baden said you must come at once something's wrong with Betty she's not breathing right and she looks strange and the doctor said I'll be there when he came after it examined my unconscious body and straightened up mama said what's wrong with her why does she look like this why she breathing so strange and the doctor said she's live now past the time we said you could but this is it she will never regain consciousness again if this unconscious state she's going to die if there's anyone you want to call while she's still alive and breathing you must call them at once someone sit with her day and night if the slightest change called me and I'll be here so my grandparents came to my room aunts and uncles came neighbors came and church people gathered in my room for four days and nights I was lying there unconscious to this world knowing nothing and no one the doctor came morning and afternoon and each day but say as he examined me it kept me long now she's getting weaker everyone in that room my daddy included were waiting for me to die but even then mama didn't give up her faith in God she didn't eat but she fasted and prayed that I would not die but that God would heal me and give me back to her again the fifth morning I did what the doctor said I'd never do but doctors aren't always right oftentimes they're wrong if you have Jesus in on your case the fifth morning I became conscious mama could tell by my eyes of a Scottie she shook me very hard and said Betty it's mama don't you know me it's mother don't you know me I've tried so hard to speak to mama but I was so weak no words had come so I smiled and let mama know I was conscious and that I knew her when I smiled and my mother Thomas conscious she raised both hands and began to praise God tears rolling down her cheek she began to praise God because she felt God had answered her prayer and giving me back to again but as I saw mama standing there with upraised arms praising God above everyone in the whole world I love my mother best of all she's all that I had since a baby she had her bed in the same room with mine and through the years if I wanted anything night today mama was at my bedside I loved her best of all the pain was Suvir throughout my entire body that when I saw my mother standing there praising God I thought if I should die mama would miss me but just for a little while at first and then she'd soon get used to being gone and if I was gone she could go places a daddy like she's not able to do and I know that if I were to die I'd be better off because for the last several months every time mama had time to sit by my bed she'd say I've got time to tell you a story what would you like to hear my answer was always the same please mama tell me again about that place of mini mansions I never got tired of hearing mama tale of the splendors of heaven mama said there's a land that is fairer than day and that by faith we can see it afar mama said the father waits over the way that there's gates of pearl walls of Jasper and streets of solid gold and mama said the best thing about heaven there are no cripples in that land everybody will walk tall and straight on the streets of gold all pain is gone forever do you blame me that I long to go to that place where for the first time in my life I'd be free from the pain I suffered and so closing my eyes tightly as mama had taught us to when we prayed that they are actually prayed to die I said Jesus for a long time mom and I've trusted you to heal me I don't know why you haven't but it's all right if you don't want to but please Jesus if you're not going to heal me please come and take me to that land Mama's told me about and as I prayed to die thick black darkness settled about my bed they'd never ever left me in a dark room alone before always there was a light burning and mama or daddy one was always with me but alone in the darkness I became frightened and when I was frightened the first thing I thought it was my big strong daddy and frightened I whispered daddy where is my daddy I want my daddy listen to me I've been at this door I know what it feels like listen to me tonight at this door even though you know Jesus the first feeling is a fear of the because you don't know what it's all about and it fear grips you and if you're young enough when death comes to you along for your mother dad many of you along for husband-and-wife you've always had them but in that our depth there's only one that's able to go beyond the veil of death with you and that one is the Lord Jesus Christ and he's the only one I call for daddy but he didn't come and right in front of me it appeared and looked like a long dark narrow looking valley in a floating sensation my crippled body floated just inside that Valley it was worse inside the valley than out it was not only very Dartmouth so very cold I shivered and shook and tripled I was so cold my teeth chattered and now I'm really scared and in a scared whisper I whispered where am I what is this awful place and from somewhere far far in the distance I recognized and heard my mother's voice saying softly yay though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil for thou art with me I said that's right I prayed to go to Jesus and if this is the way that gets me to Jesus I'm willing to go but I was very inside that valley when all at once that family lit up with the light light of the day because where Jesus is there can be no darkness he's the light of the world he will like this dark Valley for the Christian somebody's big strong hand took - squeezed it I didn't need to look I knew it was not the strong hand of dr. Bailey I knew it was not the big hand of my daddy I knew that look he's the male scarred hand of Jesus who said he'd never leave me he'd be with me always even unto the end he helped tightly to my hand in the distance I heard the most beautiful music I've ever heard in my life and then I came out and saw the most beautiful land I've ever seen and separating from this beautiful place was a wide white river and the rays are tossing and Rhoni angry against the shore some call this Jordans River some call it the river of death I looked on the other side and saw the most beautiful land flowers blooming of every color flowers that will never fade or die because that's heaven and wine in his way through that land was river of life because it's a land where we'll never grow old and then standing just across the river from me waiting to welcome across for a group of those have been saving the same guys that had saved me dressed in flowing garments of purest white that fell about their feet they stood and with the arms upraised together they sway sang in sweet harmony holy holy holy I looked at one and not a single one was bent and bowed and twisted like my body was I looked at another and not a single one had arms that were useless dead and paralyzed at their side like mine I looked at still another one and not the one was crying because of pain or burdens too heavy for them to bear I said just a few moments I'm going to join that heavenly band the moment I step across the river I'll straighten up and have a new body and I'm gonna run all over God's heaven I was anxious to get on the other side if you lost a loved one don't ever wish them to be back here they would never want to return to this earth after seeing that beautiful place I was anxious to cross when Jesus standing beside me audibly softly spoke and said nobody you will not cross go back I'll heal you in the fall in the months and years before I trusted his word like you're trusting his word but at this moment in time he promised me from his lips he would heal me in the fall this experience having the early part of March and after this experience I went into a coma and I was in that coma from March until till August and many people have come to me prayer for young people that have had car accidents in comas and they as well he's brain dead better at coma so many months so what that has nothing to do with God's power to heal there's nothing to do at God's power to heal was line of his coma getting worse weaker every day the doctor said you will never come out of the coma if she dies she will be a vegetable after I was healed daddy told me those months of his line in that coma that in the middle of night he heard someone talking he'd hear noise he said he'd come to my room and their mama would be kneeling at my bed praying and reading God's Word over my unconscious body lying there in the coma she didn't ever give up hope she didn't ever lose her faith she had faith in God that he would do exactly as he said he would listen you don't have to know all about prophecy to be healed you don't have to know all about healing to be here all you have to do is get a hold of one the scripture and stand on and repeat it and I tell you what eating will come to you because that's all my mother knew to do one day I became conscious and I wasn't a vegetable my mind was this keen then as it is right now I felt to getting the horrible pain throughout my body mama was sitting by my bed my lips moved because I noticed it was hot they could never get close on me if they took me anywhere mama wrapped me in claws and pinned him down the side and lying in bed if it was cold weather she put something warm across me if it was hot weathers put very something very light and the last thing I remember the first of March in Minnesota was very cold and now it's warm and there's a big fan in my room and I'm perplexed because why is it hot now the last thing I remembered it's cold weather my lips moved and Mama seen my lips move put her ear down to my lips and in a weak whisper all the lawyer could speak before I was heal was just a whisper I first went and said what day is today and mama smiled at me and said it's the 14th day of August so then I knew how many months I had lost in between I whispered and said I want to sit in my big chair and ever since a very little girl they kept a large overstuffed chair in my room prop pile of pillows if I wanted to be out of the bed they would pick me up put me on the pillows with my head resting on my knees and my arms of my side this is the only way I could sit in the chair if you've been one of those to pass through my room is many did before I was healed you could have seen and counted every knot up and down my spine daddy was in the room he was crying like a child when I whispered I'd like to sit in my cherry pick me up put me on the pillows in the big chair and then he and Mama sit on the floor to look at my face again I whispered and said you must leave I have to be alone I heard them cry as he left they left the room because they knew I hated to be alone the only time I ever asked to be alone is when I had an appointment with the King of Kings and the Lord of lords you can get at a point with Jesus in the hour of the day or night he never too busy to take time to talk to you he never leaves heaven to go on a vacation and I've never called heaven and got an answering machine you've reached heaven no one in leave your name and number we'll get back with you no he's always on the line his lines never busy he's always on that line and you can get an audience with the King of Kings and the Lord of lords I heard them close the room close the door of the room and knew I was alone tears streaming down my cheeks I'm skin stretched over bones I am dying the doctor said my heart was deteriorating till I would die of heart failure and sitting there in that chair all my life they had told me I would die and I didn't ever believe him but that day I knew I was dying I knew I could not go on living in this condition and then I remembered what mama said she told me it was God's will to heal the people did you hear me if you're praying if it be thy will you're praying and out because it's God's will the other people mama said the devil came to kill steal and destroy but Jesus came to give life and more abundant life and you can't have abundant life if you're sick so it's the devil that's brought sickness to you but Jesus wants to give you abundant life in good health tonight so I sit there and got so angry at the devil I thought he's killing me I haven't lived I haven't left this room except to go to a hospital or a clinic or a doctor I haven't gone anywhere I've lived in this one room and I'm going to die without ever doing anything seen everything anything he said this one room and the devil is responsible for it I grew so angry with him and then I thought of that day at the river when Jesus said go back helia in the fall so quick that close my eyes is Lord remember when I almost got to heaven you wouldn't let me cross the river you should go back that you in the fall I should've still awful hot dear Lord so why don't we can you really call this fall yet dear Lord but for this one year would you call it fall and come and heal me listen heal chains at times and the seasons for his children if he so desires money when I pray and ask God for something and really want to answer I go very stealing quiet in a way to miss it for him to answer me back he's alive he's up there he hears me when I pray and he has the power to answer me you say baby that God speak to people today certainly and the most common way he speaks to us is through his word how often you been going through a trial you could not take one more step you begin to read the Word of God in a verse lead from the pages and grips you became Rhema alive that was God talking to you through his word he speaks in that sure steel in a witness that you know that you know that you know and he can also speak in an audible voice if he so desires but I sit there Tiffany and I got no scripture at all nothing I have no inner witness I heard no audible voice I got nothing that day there come a time in your life when you will pray for something then really need an answer and you'll get nothing you said then Betty what do i do do like I did hang in there and ask again it's an asking you shall receive it said seek you find it's it knocking it'll shut shall be opened then sitting there I begin to think it the way I've been praying if you prayed for something for a long time and haven't got an answer check at the way you've been praying did you know you can pray wrong and not get an answer you pray the wrong motive you won't get an answer and I checked the way I've been praying and ever since the age of eleven when momma said Jesus could heal me I prayed one way it wasn't correct it wasn't scriptural it wasn't right but we didn't know any better I heard nothing about healing I didn't had mama read no books to me about healing I heard no dates about healing I heard no sermons about healing all I knew is what mama told me and that was that one verse that all things are possible if you can only believe so I prayed wrong those years every prayer is the same I begged him to heal me I pleaded I beg that is a scripture healing is a gift he paid the price at Calvary he took the beating and bore the stripes and brittle mites we are healed so he needs a gift but I didn't know that so I begged him and I believe into healing but not one time and all that that time had I told the Lord I'd give him anything or do anything for him and I felt so selfish and sitting there immediately I thought what do I have that I could give Jesus if you really want to give Jesus something you go to your basement your garage your upstairs somewhere have a have a sidewalk sale or a garage sale and get a few quarters at least so what did I have to give him I was a child a very immature child who'd lived my life in one room alone so the first thought I had was toys I wish I had toys because if I had toys I'd give a man to Jesus I didn't stop to wonder what he would do with toys but aren't you glad he saw the motive of my heart I wanted to give something but I had no toys to give him then I thought of my sisters they had two pairs of shoes one for school a prettier pair for church I didn't ever have any and when I begged daddy for shoes he held me in his arms with tears his eyes he said there's no money for you shoes and if daddy got your shoes what would you do with them you have no use for shoes so I had no shoes to give Jesus and the one thing I'd wanted ever since I was a very little girl I'd had one dream in life if I slept I dreamed about it if I was awake I thought about it and that was to someday have a dress on my very own that was mine it was the greatest desire of my heart you can't even imagine the obsession I had to have a dress of my own so sitting there trembling I whispered Jesus as much as I want to dress I wish I had one because up I had one I'd give it to you and you could have it and to me that day is a little girl that was the ultimate sacrifice I made to be willing to give that dress away if I had it but I had no dress to give and as I thought there was only one thing I had in life most people have more than one thing I only had one thing that I that belong to me it wasn't much but it was all that I had and I found out it forgive him all he'll take it and use it for his glory the only thing I had in this life was a twisted ugly paralyzed deformed body but closing my eyes tight I said Jesus listen to me and I'll tell you what I'll do if you heal the organs in my stomach and put them in their proper place so I can eat and digest solid food and gain strength I'll use all that string for your service if you'll heal my heart and give me a brand new strong heart I'll use that strong heart for you I said Jesus I'll go further than that if you'll heal me on the inside if you leave me on the outside and make me perfectly hold from this day on my life I'm no longer belong to Betty Baxter but I'll be yours and I'll go where you want me to go how do what you want me to do I'll be what you want me to be that's the promise I made for the healing that I have tonight if you've tried everything else try commitment and who in the States they don't like that word Christians of the states are like that word commitment to be willing to tell the Lord you'll do anything for him because you're scared to death where he'll ask you to go what do you asked you to do tonight you're scared to death try commitment I promised him my life and I meant it I found it to him I ain't going to a church in Ohio for five years I win and five years ago at the age of twenty when I first went there's a boy was riding a motorcycle without a helmet and he hit head-on with a semi truck it severed his spinal spinal cord so he's paralyzed from here down so every year I go he sits Midway in the middle section in the wheelchair every year I pray for him I feel no faith nothing from him so the last time I went after I picked the line I walk back to him I said what in the world are we going to do with you this is five years you were 20 when I first started coming here 25 now you're still sitting light you you know the first time I came what are we gonna do with you he said I hope tonight you'll heal me and get me out of this chair I said I cannot heal only Jesus can heal I said let me tell you something I know what we'll do would you be willing to tell the Lord that if you'd you so you could get out of the chair and run and walk and move your neck and move your arms and your feet and your legs and be perfectly normal would you tell the Lord and mean it that you'd go wherever he wanted you to go and you do whatever he wanted you to do you'd beat whatever he wanted you to be would you make that commitment the Lord would you make that promise he looked at me astonished his sister Betty I can't do that I said why not he said the Lord might ask me to go somewhere I don't want to go now that's true but if he does his grace is sufficient there's places he asked me to go that I don't like to go but when I get that I find out His grace is sufficient the first time I went to Calcutta India the sewer of the whole world worse than any nation in the world any city and I've preached that first night of the crusade from art Montaine I stayed in one of his apartments of Mother Church he said now Betty don't be surprised but tonight if you see I rapped in your room the size of a Tomcat because they never kill a rat because they believe in reincarnation could be somebody's grandma that they come back in the floor a rat so they don't kill him and they get his biggest Tomcats after I got through preaching that night I went to my room found the highest high-heeled shoe ahead I said on the further bit all night long waiting listen I to kill that rat if I just see money no matter whose grandma it might have been I was gonna get rid of that rat yes I don't like to go to India there's places I don't like to go but when I get there His grace is sufficient there's a place in Indonesia I go every year I already know what the room is like there's no mirrors in the room there's no windows I get ready for church with my little compact mirror like this trying to fix my hair in one corner of the room is an Eastern toilet you know what the Eastern toilet is a hole in the floor then in another corner there's a shower Indonesia shower you know what that is a tank of ice-cold water with a long handle Dipper and you just go and when you're hot that's just terrible I'm so hot and sweaty I come home put that ice-cold water on me and you can hear me yell all over the place and then on top of it there's no bed but there's a thin mat on the floor and the strangest thing is happening to me every year it's harder for me to get up from that map the next morning I don't claim to be getting old that something's happened to me it's hard for me to get off of that cement floor that lives in Matt know some of the places he asked me to go I don't want to go but his grace is sufficient I'd rather do that than be sitting all bent about over suffering pain wouldn't you so that boy still sits in that wheelchair because God might ask him to go somewhere he doesn't want to go try making a commitment as I promised the Lord my life beside the chair I heard he's out of the voice he spoke softly and said Betty I'm going to heal you completely August the 24th Sunday afternoon or 3:00 o'clock he gave me the Howard the day and the time saddest strange God knows all about tomorrow's destiny the first thought I had was what mama B tickles when I tell her she thinks I'll be here but what is she gonna say when I tell her I know the day a now he's going to do it then Jesus spoke and said now don't tell this till my time comes and sometime he shares with us he wants us to keep still about how will I ever keep from telling mama I never had a secret from her I told her everything I found out how to keep a secret you shut their mouth literally and don't open it and then you won't tell I heard mama opening the door of the room I shut my lips tight together I wouldn't open my mouth one time for fear I'd let her slip in and tell her she's Camus sitting on the floor so she could look up in my face she talked to me about my family she talked to me about my little brothers finally she looked at me said honey do you know when the Lord's going to heal you in all the years before when I didn't know she hadn't asked me and now when I knew it wasn't supposed to tell she asked I couldn't tell her jesus said not to I just looked at her said when she said August the 24th Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock I said mama how did you know that on a slip and days she said oh no the same God that talks to you he talks to me too and I knew that Jesus would heal me on the 24th day of August so I could see that dream for a dress coming true and I said mama as bad as I am as big as the knots are you still believe he's going to do it she said I know he is because he never breaks a promise and he never lies I said then mom if you really believe it don't wait go to town right now and get me a new dress and new shoes and let's have them all ready when somebody comes so when I get healed at 3 o'clock I can wear my go to church on Sunday night that's what I've been waiting for I want you to think of the fantastic faith my mother had no one in our family believed and daddy would get very angry with mama if he ever came in my room and caught her praying for me he would get very angry with her because he said she gave me false hope that will never come to pass but mama measured my crippled body and took my crooked feet and tried to straighten them on the palm of her hand against at what size shoe I would wear and what size dress I went to town and got a new dress and shoes and brought them home lying bent over in bed there was a place at the foot of the bed I could see all the time she put the dress and the shoes and I was never lonely after that if they left me alone for hours that made no difference I looked at the and shoes for hours and think won't I be pretty when sunday comes and jesus heals me and I'll be straight and walk and I'll have a dress and shoes would be just like other girls the longest days of waiting have an ending we've been indoors for a night but there's joy coming in the morning you know mornings almost here now hallelujah hallelujah Sunday came my the beginner teacher in Sunday school said that Sunday morning my little four-year-old baby brother went in the beginner class when they all got any raises little hand she said what is it Ross he said can I say something she said sure said he got in front of the class and took out his handkerchief wiped his eyes and said you all know my assistant home don't you don't you and they nodded their little heads he said well I just want to tell you after church is over and I go home and eat dinner Jesus is coming to our house he's gonna make her bigger means she's coming to church with me tonight and he sit down well the teacher said she felt so sorry for him but you don't have to feel sorry for people who have faith in God mama said I've got the chair and Olivia and the family are all there and some neighbors have come some Church people have come I said mama do they all believe she said of course not they've come to see so mama taught me about crowds you could have a big crowd that doesn't mean they're all believers many of them come to see mama carried me out and put me on the pillows in the big chair my baby brother knelt beside the chair and I don't know what you do when you get happy I saw a woman not long ago what a mean that's paralyzed with the stroke get out of that wheelchair and kicked it back and she begin to scream and run up and down the aisles she was so happy because God had healed her and I don't know what you do if you dance if you scream if you yell but when I get real happy I cry real hard and I was so happy it's time for Jesus to come the tears are rolling down my face and my baby brother knelt at the chair and he looked at my face when he saw the tears he shook his little head and said don't cry anymore sis it'll only be a minute then you'll be bigger than I am of all the people that mama told only my little brother believed do you need a prayer partner go to children's church and find you a child they believe that Jesus will do exactly what he said he will do mama stooped down and said it's time now for Jesus to come is there anything you want us to do before he comes remember there's no pastor there we asked him but he wouldn't come there's no evangelist there no special person is the world called special you don't have to have what the world call special be that all you need for a miracle is Jesus to be there I thought we ought to pray so I said mama play we must be brain when he comes and the last thing I remember was mama prayed and she said you promised at three o'clock you'd come and healer you're not a man that you would lie you're not a man that you'd break a promise come now and healer for your own glory I didn't hear mama praying anymore I heard a great noise as if a storm is coming up the wind was roaring rushing raging Shh through the living room what a rushing mighty wind the drapes swung in the breeze the doors slam somewhere in the outside it was a steel quiet Bay everyone in the room heard the rushing mighty wind it went through the living room and all was quiet and I knew somehow the wind was bringing Jesus I didn't know how he come from where but I knew that one was been in a whisper all the louder could speak for us heal in the stillness mama said everyone heard me whisper he's coming don't you hear him he's coming at last he's coming don't you hear him and my head paralyzed on my knees I could see that part of that even wall I watched and waited and I saw taking fall across the room for me a great white fleecy cloud no dark unit no gray perfectly white and as I watched the clouds stepping forth out of the cloud came Jesus and he Ozma has said if you've ever seen the Lord you'll never be the same again I know this one if you've ever seen Jesus you're always learning home where you can look on his face he walked slowly toward the cherry was dressed in garments of glistening white the Rope glistened and showned fell about his feet his feet were bare except for sandals his arms are outstretched toward me he had blue light brown hair but when the light would strike it would be gold a short beard mustache but the most beautiful thing about Jesus are his eyes no one's ever looked at me with love like Jesus did that day and he went slowly toward the chair and he got to the side of it and stooped down and he was so close to my chair my arms that paralyzed he reached out and touched him and he smiled and so softly he spoke Betty you've been patient kind and loving and that repaid me for all I'd ever suffered he said henceforth I'm going to promise you health joy and happiness and those are the three greatest things in this life money cannot buy it what he promised me with the final word happy she reached out his head my body became tense waiting for his touch only once inside when a very hot feeling rushed through my body two hot hands as hot as fire took my orders and I felt him pressing the lower part of my stomach and I actually felt organs shift and move as they went into their proper place I knew when they x-rayed me everything would be in its proper place I knew from that moment on you could give me anything to eat and nothing would ever hurt me anymore two hot hands as hot as fire took my enlarged heart and squeezed and when he let it go for the first time in my life I could take a deep breath without gasping without any pain and I knew that my heart troubles gone he's a heart specialist he's a cancer specialist he's an arthritis specialist there's nothing impossible with the God we serve tonight I knew that inside him I was healed completely but my family and those there could see no change I was still ugly twisted paralyzed crippled I looked at Jesus quickly to see if he'd leave me happy but you remember this when he begins something in your life he will finish it he smiled and reached out his hand and I want the Lord's knots in the center of my spine I felt a hand placed that I'd never felt before my hands hearts of the Divine heating virtue of Jesus a tingling sensation starting in my crooked feet and tingle throughout my entire body we heard the bones crack and prop as the vertebraes went in the place in the presence of my family and those are rare they saw the knots fade and disappear and leave my spine my head snapped back into its right position my paralyzed arms are raised high and in ten seconds I jump for that chair and stood as straight as I'm standing tonight I've been healed by the power of God hallelujah you say Benny you mean instantly He healed you I mean that and when he instantly heals that's called a miracle but that's not the only way he heals there is a healing people get prayed for and they leave claiming God's promise standing on his word confessing the word and over a period times they get better and better and better till at last the completely whole that's called the healing and in the Bible healed healed instantly and gradually as they went they were healed so whether he heals instantly or gradually it makes no difference as long as he gets it done right but the greatest part of the whole story is this it is no secret what God can do what he's done for me he'll do for you he's no respecter of persons two weeks after I was healed it was in my room and I had a tremendous burden for young people in praying and a light struck me in the face I fell on the floor and Mama heard me fall down stairs came up to see what happened she timed me for an hour and a half I spoke in a language I'd never learned and I became Pentecostal Nazarene timox after I was healed at that time in fury of the Holy Spirit audibly Jesus spoke to me and said you promised if I healed you you'd give me your life I said yes sir he said I watched your teens I told my parents what Jesus said and daddy said are you very sure that's what he said I said that's what he said to me so daddy got a middle-aged schoolteacher and I started traveling I had school every day and preached somewhere every night I felt the reason he wanted my teens was he was coming back right away so I preached somewhere every night during those teen years I would never have believed someone had they told me and for years I've preached and get married have three children and four grand babies and still be telling the story and preach I wouldn't believed it I thought he was coming but during those teen years I saw a lot of miracles and want a lot of people to the Lord while still a very young girl I started traveling with all Roberts and for 11 years traveled with him and each one of his means told this story I told you tonight so I've been in every State of the Union every province of Canada and some 17 years ago in my quiet time Jesus spoke audibly to me and said you've kept your promise in your vow and now just before my coming I asked you to do one more thing leave the country you love best and the people who love you and go overseas and tell your story who someone who's never heard the name of Jesus I would not think of disobeying so for the last 17 or 18 years at some part every year I've spent overseas from two weeks to two months then twelve years ago my husband went on staff at the church in Singapore so for these twelve years I spend three months there and three months in the States and three months back there so I'm Sydney's six months overseas each year and six months here I come back here and build up the fund so I can go to Southeast Asia the places I go I have to pay my own airfare my food my I said money ahead for advertising to let them know that the media is there the people in those places have nothing to give I have three week Crusades in India and the second or third night of the crusade on the altar will be a bowl of rice that someone brought is an offering for Betty Baxter and I weep as I take that bull rice because that's their normal food one bowl of rice a day so someone gave up their food that day to give to me they bring flowers that are will tea and put on the altar as a gift for me they have nothing to give it's been my privilege to be eyelet to go to island in Indonesia they've never heard the name of Jesus I went to a village in India they'd never heard his name a lady there said why didn't someone come a long time before this and tell us about this Jesus is it fair that in America we hear it over and over again when there's still some who's never heard it for the first time I must do what God has asked me to do and this is what he's asked me to do I spend three months here and people give because the American people give two missions more than any other country in the whole world I build up the fun and go over there and then I keep having meetings till Adana said there's no more money and then I have to stop traveling and happy means till I come back to the States sometimes it's very frustrating in my spirit that I pray Lord why don't you speak to somebody to monthly support so I could keep on with meetings so I just came back and starting meetings again until June and then in June I will go back overseas again and tonight if God has never asked you to leave America and your children and your grandbabies and go across the sea will you help send me the reward will be the same as though you went if I go in your place maybe God will speak to some young man or woman tonight and he will softly whisper in your ear I want you to be a missionary because everywhere I go I pray Lord speak to some young person that they'll take my place and I can stop going and they'll go in my place let him speak to you tonight it isn't so bad if you know Jesus is with you the rewards have seen people come to Jesus Christ and throw their idols away is great and fulfilling you've never known such joy so be a part in God's kingdom because he's coming very very see the Lord bless you I appreciate and love you I'm gonna pause and rest just one moment don't leave because I'm coming back only take me a minute to tell you the last words Jesus said to me before he went back in the cloud and then I'll be praying to the sea if a little Indian person can give their bowler brass that day as a gift to Betty Baxter for being there that's her offering and if she will go those places where nobody else will go you know stay just as long as you get your money we should be able to give her a getting something I hope the Lord deals with some of you not to give her a big gift to sinner I hope God calls all of our students go and go and go and go the greatest cog in this world and the Lord speaks to you and says go for me what I said be his holy name I really like you too this is one thing I'd like you to make a sacrificial gift to do and I'd like you to obey Him so would you please bow your head and just say Oh God what do you want me to do in that door think it hard to kill hard we must send her we must send her with us Center I think it a harder oh what a precious finish it to the world thank God for America as she has a place to come to get the blessings to go back and to the dark dark countries so many crippled people solely inform people can't come and I hear her and many of them be made normal thank you Jesus if you need a blessing tonight saw some real good see tonight I'd tell you when you sow seed and good saw God gives you a good harvest blessed be the name of the Lord God forever and I promise you we'll make sure that she gets it checked for every penny of this offering it's all goes to many Baxter missions to help take her to help take her all I ask you to do and I just obey the Lord helps in her [Music] speak to the hearts and had her father in Jesus name [Music] but a blowhard but she'd be pleased with him to give think it harder we can Center Jesus name everybody just say help me Jesus don't beg you tonight I want to please you tonight Lord in your name we send Betty receive my gift thank you Lord for accepting my gift amen Oh Oh blessed be the name of the Lord if you like an envelope hold up your hand just quickly you're the envelopes out quickly if you like it alone if the Lord's leading you do not to give a sacrificial gift do it because he has a blessing for you he wants to give you do it obey Him obey God tonight o blessed be the name of the Lord everybody look toward heaven say Heavenly Father thank you Lord for allowing me to give in your work and say Jesus if there's one person in this building has nothing to give I pray that you would bless them so next time they'll have something to give thank you Jesus for blessing me make me a blessing Lord and make Mary Baxter a blessing to the world in Jesus name Amen [Music] all right let's just please receive the gifts tonight in Jesus name thank you Lord Jesus is that girl here gonna sing for us Tiffany it's just Tiffany hello Tiffany Tiffany we've been waiting on you honey we call them you must refer to that but you wouldn't hear Oh bless her Jesus bless her Lord no tonight that I've come the honor and a privilege to get up here behind this lady we serve an awesome God what Ben is saying to you there's no reason why you can't receive from the Lord Jesus paid the price for you to have it all marriage that scripture didn't I know ever beast of the field and of all the cattle and all the fowls of the air I had it all and I'm gonna give it to you and you could have it if you look to me and thank me for it that's the first step thank me for and I believe that you've shown Jesus by your love tonight of listening real close and by your giving that you appreciated but the Lord has sit in our list blessed be God for evermore thank you Jesus state of the energy can people or children understand it's time now for the Holy Spirit to minister now listen to what Betty has to say to you and she wants to pray for you in Jesus name thank you for the lovely love offering it helps me keep me on the field telling this story and every time I've come here the Bible School has been so generous with man given so great and some of you gave sacrificially tonight and I'm going to pray that God will abundantly bless you and give it back to you many times more Sunday when we get to heaven the rewards are handed out if he calls my name to reward me for souls I want I'll receive nothing till he's called your name to stand beside me you now have a share in all the souls I win for Jesus I could not go unless you sent me god bless you in the days of follow tonight don't forget about me just keep praying that God will give me strength to keep on doing what he's called me to do and someday we're going to see him face to face and I believe it's very very soon I didn't want to close until I told you what to me is the greatest part of the whole story if you forget all the rest of it always remember this part as I stood there straight healed by God's power look back at the empty chair I've been sitting and Jesus was still standing beside the chair his arms outstretched toward me he looked slowly from the soles of my feet to the top of my head when I saw him looking at me I stood as straight as I could so he could see how good he made me I believed he stayed to enjoy his handiwork don't you and then Jesus looked deep into my eyes and spoke these words I shall never forget Betty I've given you the desire of your heart I've healed you completely and may and I nodded my head because I knew he had still looking at me smiling he said but I've got to leave you here for a little while I'm going back to the Father and finished that mansion that's almost ready for you I want you to go out and tell the world what I've done for you when men and women hear this story they'll be saved and when they hear this story they'll be healed and brought to God and smiling just before he back to the cloud and went away he smiled and said I'd be thou faithful and every day watch for a cloud and the next time you see me coming in a cloud I'm not going to leave you here but I'm going to take you to be with me forever more he's coming back again he said he was Jesus Christ is coming back to earth again and since that day He healed me day after day I look for him to return for me and someday I'm going to see him come back he's coming back for those who love him for those whose sins have been washed in the blood of the Lamb and while I long today it tonight when she's saying that that song could present you just lift it up in the heavenlies to think that someday you're going to walk on streets of gold someday we'll be forever with the Lord hallelujah just think if Jesus would come tonight you would have to get up in them work and go to work in the morning if he'd come there'd be no more rent to pay no more car payments just think of how great it would be to be for everything that's right to be forever with the Lord hallelujah but he's coming for those that are redeemed by the blood of the Lamb and were to ask musicians to come real fast and while every hand is bowed and every eye closed Jesus spoke to me after he healed me and said every time you tell your story ask those who don't know be given an opportunity to accept me as Savior and then pray for the sick and so I'm sure that nearly every one of you tonight know Jesus as your Savior and you're ready should he come tonight but if there should be runs here that has unconfessed sin in your life then you'd miss heaven he's coming for a people well their robes are pure and spotless washed in the blood of the Lamb sin cannot enter there there's no greater small sin with God sin a sin if you have unforgive unconfessed sin in your life and you know what you realize tonight and you're sitting there saying Betty I don't know Jesus like you knowing I'm not sure if you'd see the clown I'm ready just pray for me I'm going to give this opportunity for I pray for the sick is there one just slip up your hand maybe there's a young person tonight you've once known Jesus you still pretend but inside you have nothing just slip up your hand because Jesus sees your heart tonight is there anyone I won't tarry I'm just giving you an opportunity very well everyone stand please we've kept you seen at a long time and we're going to pray for those that are sick tonight I cannot heal if I could I'd empty the Huddle's but there's one here tonight who does heal and I want you to come when I call your section and make one long line across the front don't get behind anyone because sometime the power of God comes on a person they fall it or wanting by backing your workers you're very close beside each other but anyone that needs healing in these two sections tonight would you just come and stand here and leave with me to come by in front of me quickly will fast so I can see how many I can call all right come very quickly stand more close together but don't get behind anyone leave room for me to pass by I'm going to ask but the haze to come I'm going to ask up may and the two ladies that have been speaking on faith and healing would you come and just stand here in front - Emily is there and and Mickey just come and stand right here in front with me because they're going to agree the Bible says if any two or three agree is touching one thing it'll be done
Channel: Teleios Ministries
Views: 14,798
Rating: 4.816092 out of 5
Keywords: Betty Baxter, Teleios Ministries, Yahweh, Healing
Id: pFCayeWdyKk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 59sec (4259 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 13 2018
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