25 03 2018 Wow what a Service The Holy Spirit take over.MP4

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[Music] [Music] yes [Music] [Applause] to [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] shooting very soon yes [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on Family Worship Center praise You Lord this morning come on let him know he's been good too [Music] he'll walk with me the trusting power to Jesus claims but at the cross at Calvary same praise God [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] see fear not [Music] the burden slip away [Music] passing days fear not [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] crazy crazy [Music] since Jesus [Music] those suits trees [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] wonderful your name [Music] [Music] [Applause] yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] once given go free your name has given me my liberty [Music] [Music] was [Music] set us free today yeah my Lewbert [Music] see [Music] he's been good [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] come on give the Lord a hand clap of praise this morning there's nothing like the name of Jesus that in that name is our salvation in that name is our healing in that name is our justification in that name is our sanctification in that name there is power and there is Authority and at that name every me one day shall bow and confess that Jesus Christ is Lord somebody needs to shake somebody's hand welcome to the service those of you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] come on unto me all ye that labor and are heavy-laden and I will give you rest I will give you rest I will give you rest oh how you just lift your hands and begin to worship Him this one hard without you we come before you this morning we worship you we glorify you we're here to give you honor we're here to give you praise we're here to worship you oh look who dropped by Sheetal I'm 1/4 but hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah praise the Lord praise the Lord praise the Lord Halle [Applause] hallelujah we are [Applause] [Music] [Applause] vamos para bajo we exactly hallelujah one more time let's just worship exalt his name [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] hallelujah hallelujah the Spirit of the Lord is in this house I said the Spirit of the Lord is in this house and the Spirit of the Lord is where you're watching and where you're listening right now there's enough spirit of God in this place to heal every sick body to break every bondage of sin Oh somebody needs to shout somebody just needs to give the Lord a hand clap of praise hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah we love you Jesus praise the Lord praise the Lord praise the Lord hallelujah thank you Jesus thank you Jesus hallelujah well praise the Lord we're so glad to have you this morning at Family Worship Center but I am even greater and more glad to have the presence of the Holy Spirit in this house and let me tell you what we've experienced the last few minutes let me tell you it's going to get to the point the moment you walk in the door you're gonna get hit upside the head with the same spirit God is getting ready to pour out his spirit a move of God is coming I said a move of God is coming the blind will see the Deaf shall hear welcome sins will be broken bondages will be broken sinners will be saved believers will be baptized in the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in other tongues hallelujah [Music] [Applause] this is what God has promised us this is what God has promised this is the manner this is the manner we have been praying for this is the manner that feeds our heart that feeds our soul mashallah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah praise the Lord we want to remind everyone to turn off your cell phones now that [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you see this is that hallelujah you susceptible hallelu this is this is match [Music] [Applause] [Music] Lola cultural shock [Music] [Applause] hallelujah there is match these five precious Petersburg [Music] Oh hahaha worship and worship by the Prophet Joel and in the last days I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh and your hands [Applause] [Music] Calabar ha ha ha [Music] ah he sauces the sweetness [Music] [Music] the spirit Lord never moves just to give people a chill bump or a tear but when his spirit moves he's moving to touch hearts and lives hallelujah hallelujah in other words what he's doing right here this morning right now will satisfy the thirst of the thirsty it will quench the hunger of the hungry hallelujah hallelujah you may be seated we had a baby dedication scheduled for this morning but I don't feel in my spirit [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Redeemer of mankind Jesus Jesus Jesus [Music] glory to God glory to God let him minister to you this morning let him end and heal the brokenness let him lift you up and plant your feet or higher caliber food Butera de basura mama [Music] holidays God is Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus praise Jesus however my soul [Music] [Music] thank you Jesus [Music] Oh first [Music] that's it [Music] Jesus me [Music] we'll wait [Music] the Guzman strain well from day [Music] [Music] I know it soon suits month let it come [Music] in the dry [Music] gives me 16 [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] right now [Music] [Applause] [Music] I know it sousou's my dog I gotta call Z to never wanna lie [Music] the precious blood that Guzman stream the war from there [Music] [Music] [Music] that pushy speed that mangy [Music] he shares for me Oh [Music] that gives me straight every day [Music] praise God worship the praise you are cooking in the house thank you Jesus [Music] [Music] yes [Music] [Music] [Music] you must you must understand something this morning you years those are you watching those of you listening several years ago in this church there was a message of tongues and interpretation and the Lord spoke and said he was going to begin a worldwide move and that it would start in Baton Rouge that he would send a move of God to this church and through television through radio through the internet it would girdle the globe it's happening it's happening number two though this is what the enemies of Christianity in this nation want to stop what we're experiencing right here this morning our nation is in a battle for its soul against the forces of evil and the forces of righteousness it's not a political war it's not a war between Democrats and Republicans or independents or greens or whatever else it is a war in the spirit world that's right just stop the move of God yes but I want to serve notice Oh Lucifer this morning he has never been able to stop one single promise that the Lord has given us and he will not stop the move of God that is coming somebody needs to praise Him Rochelle [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Malibu [Applause] [Music] buh-bye Parrinello most suitable from a de your belly shall flow rivers of living water rivers of living water rivers [Music] [Music] [Music] yes God praise God thank you Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus hello just worship we're not in a hurry this morning [Music] why [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] this time that we're in the Holy Spirit being poured out every single believer in the church your soul your spirit your faith is going to be put to the test in this great move that's coming God is going to deal with the church as it regards our own individual consecration to him and his word and you must understand nothing not family not money not prestige not job not power nothing comes before your relationship with Jesus Christ [Music] let me let me just share a little story with you real quick in right after the turn of the 20th century about 1905 there was a move of God in one little particular area of the country of Wales and out of that little revival God called scores of men and women to become missionaries most of them went either to China or to India one young man and his family was called to India they they felt letter the Lord to go to a part of India that today it's if you look on the map and you look at you see the country of Bangladesh it was right close the village he went to was right close to the border of Bangladesh they told him when he said that's where it was gonna they told him no you cannot go it's lawless there is no law of any kind there's superstition there's witchcraft there's cannibalism even the authorities don't go into that part of India but that brother said that's where I'm going he went and the days turned into weeks weeks into months and months into two or three years with no response and you can imagine when you feel God has called you to something and you've poured three years of your life and there's nothing to show for it and he began to get discouraged which the Lord began to move on his heart and he said I'm not quitting I'm not leaving I'm not giving up he kept going back he couldn't spend the night in the villages because they would kill him they even even during the day he had to be very careful what he said and how he did whatever he was there to do but after what looked like famine of the word one Indian family a man his wife two boys gave their heart to Jesus Christ they they stopped worshiping the pagan gods they stopped being a part of the witchcraft and the sorcery that ruled that part of India and it made the people in the village very angry you see the devil doesn't give up easy and the thing that he cannot stand the most is to see somebody get saved that young man and his wife and two children they fell in love with Jesus Christ they were telling everyone in the village it's true it's real he's real he's real and finally the chief of that village he was also but we used the term witch doctor that's not the term they use he was shame and he was ashamed in broad daylight he brought a mob of angry people they sent him in and they dragged that Indian man his wife and two sons out of their house and threw him on the ground the mob surrounded them that chief told her picked them up they stood him up and he looked at that newborn babe in Christ a man and he said I'm just going to give you one opportunity to denounce this man Jesus Christ as God and if you don't denounce him I'm going to kill your wife and he had archers there they put the arrows in the bows turn he said to the man what do you say and he looked at him and it was something a poem that he had been writing since he got saved he just quoted the first part of it I have decided to follow Jesus or follow Jesus I have decided to follow Jesus no turning back no turning back that chief gave the order and the arrows flew in his wife crumpled at his feet her body filled with arrows her blood he was standing in a couple of minutes in the blood of his own wife and that chief said I'm gonna give you another chance if you don't denounce Jesus Christ I'm gonna kill your two sons what do you have this he said the cross before me the world behind the cross before me the world behind me no turning back no turning back no turning back then all of a sudden the air you could hear it as the arrows fired and his two little boys fell at his feet dead and that chief looked at him and said I've killed your wife I've killed your two sons you're by yourself what do you have to say now he said though none go with me still I will follow though none go with me still I will follow he gave the command the arrows flew and and there laid a dead husband a dead wife and two dead little boys the blood begin to pool and that and instead of the natives the air of the people that Airy center them all of a sudden rejoicing because they thought they had eradicated this crazy man the opposite happened all of a sudden great conviction fell upon that chief and he just stood there looking at those four bodies and he said who can command that kind of love that's who can command that kind of love that would see a whole family lay down their life he turned to those around me because who is this man Jesus who is he what did they have that we don't have and you're the amazing thing about a move of God is you don't need a preacher there but the Spirit of the Lord began to move and right there that chief got saved and several more of that diligent and it it made you begin to get out and there was a few years went by and an Indian evangelist by the name of son van Singh he felt later the Lord to go close to that village where that Christian family had been martyred when he got there they began to share with him what had happened just a few years before and one of the people that was telling said we went into the little hut that was their home and we found the words of the poem that he was writing it's what I've just told you and they gave it to him he played the sitar that's the guitar of India he began to look at those words and God begin to form melodies in his mind and he took words on a paper put music to him and gave the church the song I have decided yes to follow Jesus what written by an American was it written by an Englishman wasn't written by a German because then you go to him that's almost all him to either from America England and a few from Germany no this some that I've heard seen in different dialects all over this world was written by an obscure Indian man in 1905 that paid with his life his love yes but his words have been used to touch millions around the world and all I can say this morning I have decided to follow Jesus I have decided to follow Jesus the cross before me the world behind me I have decided to follow you though none go with me still I will follow though none go with me still I will follow no turning back no turning back hallelujah he's looking for faithfulness he's looking for consecration it's not how much money you put in the offering plate it's not how many services you go to church are you faithful to the things of God the Word of God is he first in your life [Music] is he truly the king of who you are you see the fact is in the church today the modern church there is divided loyalties the reality is and far too many people the Lord he's not the king over their entire life oh he's king over a part but he's not a king over everything some have put money first some have put family some have put work some of put popularity the list could go on and on but he wants to be the key over every aspect of your life so I asked the question to all here into all watching have you truly decided to follow Jesus have you truly decided to follow Jesus are you just religious or have you truly made up your mind that he is the lord of all or he's not the Lord at all you have surrendered every single thing that means I'll get it out in a minute that means your pocketbook doesn't belong to you it belongs to Jesus Christ that means your family doesn't belong that they belong to Jesus Christ that means that everything you have everything you are becomes second to the kingship and the lordship of Jesus Christ the Son of the Living God I have decided to follow Jesus I can't I can't know your hearts there's no way I can see through flesh bone ligaments and organs to see the soul of every person here and those that are watching but I believe the Holy Spirit is giving and off to call right now yes he's giving at obstacles right I do not believe that the words we heard this morning come unto me all ye that labor and heavy laden and I will give you rest was just meant for a little applause it was the Holy Spirit laying the groundwork for an altar cup [Applause] [Music] and there are scores of people sitting in spirit-filled churches who think they're saved but the reality is they're not they have a philosophy of Christ but they do not have a relationship with Christ he wants you to be so close to him that the moment you go too far your heart is smitten its pricked you know what you did was wrong because you're a child of God and I just asked this morning is every head is bowed every eyes closed is every one in this sanctuary is your heart right with God is he the Lord of your life have you truly truly truly decided to follow him some of you you are saved but your relationship is not right with the Lord you've allowed other kings and dominions to be erected in your heart and in your life and this morning the Holy Spirit said it's time to put me first it's time to put me first I don't know who you are but if there's anyone here this morning you're not where you should be in the Lord you need to put some things under the blood or there's some of you that don't really know Jesus Christ as they begin to sing whatever they feel that I just want you to get up for where you are and I want you to walk down here we're gonna pray with you right now as they say [Music] come on sir [Music] come on young man come on sir open up and I come no turning back knows come on come on this I have this come on little lady [Music] gee [Music] [Applause] [Music] to No come on young man that's it come on little buddy palette come on come on [Music] now I want to appeal to those that you're saying but the Lord does not have complete dominion over arey every single part of your life it's time to get some things straight with the Lord this morning to get our priorities straight it's time to put Jesus Christ on the throne of every single part of our life and we're not here to embarrass you but as a child of God if you know that there's divided loyalties there as they sing it one more time this is for you this is for you don't be ashamed you're doing the greatest thing to use if that's you get up where you are and come down [Music] come on young lady [Applause] [Music] no turning back [Music] [Applause] come on is everything right [Music] it's everything [Music] [Music] every one of you watching on SVN whose facebook live the internet listening to sonlife radio wherever you are if you don't know Jesus this service has been for you if you're a Christian but the fact is Christ is not Lord of the entirety of your life this service was for you and by the way Thursday of this past week s being debuted in the country of Chile nationwide [Music] and on Friday we don't win on Thursday note no advancement knowledge and Dan Burt got a call from sent from a friend in Chile and he said I just switched cable providers and this morning I'm flicking through the channels and there's Jimmy Swaggart he had found the network [Applause] [Music] so you may be a brand-new listener in Chile and this is foreign to you it doesn't have to be in the blink of an eye you can be knitted together with the Lord Jesus Christ I want you to bow your heads I want you to lift your hands every one of you even those of you in the audience now I'm going to pray a prayer and I'm going to ask you to repeat it out loud after me I'm going to ask those of you watching and listening through SBN to do exactly as they are going to do right here and you might say but brother Donnie I'm by myself no you're not the Holy Spirit is there with you Christ through the Holy Spirit is right where you are now say it with me Heavenly Father I come to you in the name of Jesus today I surrender my life to Jesus Christ I don't hold anything back from him but I surrender all to Jesus Christ this moment I repent of my sin I asked the Lord to forgive me and I asked for his precious blood to wash me and cleanse me and to make me whole and today I want everyone to know that I have surrendered my life to Jesus Christ I am a child of God I am born again I am a new creation I have decided to follow Jesus come on give the Lord a hand clap the praise nobody leave now nobody leave those of you watching we want to send you a free book entitled what must I do to be saved we want to give it to you free all you got to do is email the ministry call us shirts to get some of those books to give to these we want to give those of you that came down one of these books as well but we're not gonna we're not gonna leave Church this come on over guys pass the book come on come on make your way over there alright here hallelujah we love to give things away here and you need this book it'll help you get started come on bring them over here come on this side bring them all bring them all right here we somebody might ask or wonder are you disappointed you didn't get to preach are you kidding me I asked yesterday the prayer meeting Lord move have your way in this service at 6:30 this morning in my study I was saying Lord move this morning have your what he had his way he had his way I said he had his way hallelujah you see this the Holy Spirit can do more in the life of an individual in one second then all the sermons preached by all preachers of all time because the Holy Spirit is God and a part of our worship is not only our singing a part of our worship is not only our praising God worshiping the Lord with our hands lifted up and with our voices telling him Lord we love you like we've been doing a part of our worship just like singing a part of our worship is giving to the work of God giving is a part of worshiping a true worshiper is a true giver and a true giver is a true worshiper because the true worshiper understand it doesn't belong to me anyway somebody is going to get it and I don't want Uncle Sam to get one penny more and I don't want the death I want the Lord to get everything I've got because if he has everything he'll leave some for me hallelujah so we want to worship the Lord this morning in our tithe and in our offerings and man what service [Music] [Applause] this this is what it's all about this is one of the reasons why God raised up SBN that we could take the moving of the holy spirit into the homes and apartments and prisons hallelujah father we come before you the name of your son Jesus we thank you for a wonderful move of God this morning I pray for every man and every woman here everyone watching and listening through SBA that you have touched their hearts you have touched their life that today they would be able to look back in time and know that today was a day the day that their life was changed by the power of the gospel Jesus Christ receive our tithe and receive our offerings unto you as we sew it back into the work that you have called us to do and Lord we ask for a mighty bountiful harvest of souls to be brought into the kingdom in Jesus name we pray and everybody said amen and amen come on March around and drop in your gift this morning o come Holy Spirit [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] as you are leaving don't forget you know that Wednesday starts what we've already got people listen we've already got people this morning from Sweden it's come from Australia from England from Canada got a lot of Canucks here and it's other countries that my old brain is just forgotten loss of brain cells so we're gonna have a great camp meeting so you be in prayer and Family Worship Center people if you sit home at night and say I'm gonna watch this on TV and so I don't have to come God is gonna blow that stinking television up and it will cost you're gonna have to go out and buy a whole brand new one no you come and be a part of these services we love you god bless you turn around greet somebody tell them you love them SBN thank you for tuning in Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we hope
Channel: Debora 777
Views: 221,618
Rating: 4.7729549 out of 5
Keywords: Predigt, Glaube, Jesus, Bibel, Befreiung, Heilung, Gospel, Donnie Swaggart
Id: QxVa4XrPsfc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 45sec (4845 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 02 2018
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