Sunday Morning LIVE - February 23, 2020

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are watching a live broadcast to you from the powerful faith mistress lot 30 in Porton Center st. Catherine Jamaica West Indies please take note of our weekly activities schedule stay tuned and receive your blessing [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] this is a day that the Lord hath made we will rejoice and be glad in it come let us sing unto the Lord let us make a joyful noise to the rock our salvation it is indeed my pleasure to extend a warm welcome to you from the fifth Ministries International incorporated right here in the sunshine city of Paris in Catherine Jamaica West Enders I'm Sharon dofus friend and don't behalf of our founder general overseer and presenting bishop and president bishop dr. Jennifer Davis his wife first lady minister petrova Davis and the entire process family we welcome you to another Sunday morning life service thank you for tuning in every fourth Sunday we have the youth department interaction and we invite you to stay tuned because a blessing isn't store for you despite the garage you might be facing throughout this week and beyond God has a way out for you so don't be discouraged does trust him with all of your heart a commander of our upcoming events or believers in who say Sunday through Wednesday February 23 to 26 with Reverend Sam Toccoa from Nigeria so joining us right here in port bore for that special service are not the oil flow comes up on February on Friday February 28th commencing at 6:30 p.m. and for those who have been awaiting water baptism it will be held on Sunday morning March 1 in or 7:00 a.m. service be reminded we meet at 11:00 a.m. in the Upper Room Worship Center for our second morning worship service so join us remember that any time during the service our numbers are appearing on the screen so you can call it someone will be there to speak with you we have some further information to give but at the end of the service we will return but for now let's go to the sanctuary the service is already in progress be blessed [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] my life [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] so [Music] Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] come on let those sweet songs of worship to the king of cakes this morning let your voices let your praises serenade the king this morning hallelujah we worship you master say you are all that and so much more we're talking of [Music] we worship you lord thank you thought about you this morning she if you have the redemption so to join us Honolulu over 110 there's not a friend like the lowly Jesus no not one no not one none else can heal all our souls diseases no not one there's not a friend [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] no nuts wanna know not one as we pray this morning hallelujah Jesus knows all about our struggles this morning he will guide till the day is done there's not a friend like a lowly Jesus no not one no not one what a friend we have in Jesus all our sins and griefs II bear oh what a privilege is it it is to carry everything to God and prayer Oh God Almighty this is the day that you have made we will rejoice and be glad in it almighty and so as we gather in your presence O God on this beautiful day Almighty we just want to live to our poor bottom mighty we just want to tell you thanks for your goodness we just want to tell you thanks for your grace we want to tell you thanks for your love to us towards us your people o God Lord it is not only good that we have done Lord Jesus what is because you have kept us Almighty God and for that we are grateful this morning Lord Jesus as we gather together this morning to worship your God Almighty we pray that worship will be easy Almighty God we will forget about our struggles we will forget about our problems will forget about the things that is keeping us down Almighty and we will lift you up Oh God Almighty because of the songwriters and when the prices go up then the blessings will come down Almighty God why Lord Jesus we don't just want the blessings of God Almighty we want your part we want more you want mighty God as you are living in this perilous time on mighty God this trying time Almighty God we want to pray on God Almighty that you will keep us to another mighty under a shadow of an almighty we are praying Holy Father even right now then you'll give us the strength that we need to endure a mighty God to person be robot Almighty strengthen our feeble need no but strengthen our mind about Almighty because the enemies as a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour God Almighty what in the name of Jesus as your word says no opponent is formed against us shall prosper God and every tongue to rise up against us in judgment we condemn them no right now in the name of Jesus by the authority of the Holy Ghost I met the power of Almighty God we're pulling down every stronghold right now Holy Ghost God send your fire the Holy Ghost fire murder in the name of Jesus as believers Oh God Almighty we are believing your word to do a good work suppose to do a mighty work suppose of our Holy Father even know her we dedicate this service in dear hands Lord Jesus we pray mighty God of Daniel that you will be in charge you are God we pray right now that your holy fire mighty God will burn out everything that is not of more mighty God and we put every spirit not a few - objection right now in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth we cross paralyzes volunteer Donna I think on every stronghold in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth and we say like God honor is in this place and let the enemies be scattered right in the name of Jesus mighty God become charged up we come warring us mighty God we call my mighty God tell Kim bak what the enemy has stolen from us o God Almighty we're taking back our peace we're taking back our joy we're taking my call salvation we're taking back Almighty God in Jesus Christ of Nazareth Oh Holy Father holy for other make us one United eternity better before a board when we look around and see all that is happening Oh God Almighty the church will continue to be the church in the name of Jesus we will fast Oh God Almighty we will pray O God Almighty will be the word of God will decree and declare some things of our lives Oh buddies National God in the name of Jesus hallelujah they turned on our blue key the blood of Jesus against you this morning and we come this morning this crusade in this conventional God believers fees talk are believing God for a mighty mover we pray Holy Father for every aspect of this service Oh God that Lord Jesus self will be slain and you will be glorified Almighty God Oh touch the speaker about touch acquires touch a musician and a general congregation Oh God those who come in here this morning will not leave here the way they came about but will go for it Almighty God as your people warring against the enemy in the name of Jesus we thank you for hearing and we thank you for answering right now in Jesus's name we pray amen and amen hallelujah our worship just lift up your hands open up your mouth and let's worship the king of kings this more as you return to your seat worship the Lord of lords this morning he is the conquering Lion of the tribe of Judah we serve a great big wonderful God always victorious always watching over us a great big wonderful God hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah come on just worship Him this morning just worship Him this morning just worship Him this morning just worship Him this morning hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah come on believers just lift up your hands and just worship God just worship God he deserves the glory he deserve viana if there's anything that you need to thank him for just go ahead and tell him just go ahead and tell him thanks hallelujah Oh bless your name we bless your Holy Name this morning Jesus o our lives and we think things over we can truly say that I am blessed we have a testimony this morning do you have a testimony this morning hallelujah we bless the name of Jesus we worship you we worship You Almighty God we love you Lord we love you Lord we love you Lord hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah bless the name of Jesus halleluyah halleluyah halleluyah just take your Bibles with me this morning hallelujah we are in crusade this morning hallelujah we're in crusade this morning hallelujah hallelujah and it's the believers feast and we're here charged up ready to take what is ours this morning hallelujah hallelujah bless the name of Jesus please turn with me to the book of first Corinthians chapter 2 and we will be reading from the verse 1 to 2 16 and our very own minister dr. Petrova Davis will be doing this morning's scripture just worship the Lord this morning just lift up the name of Jesus hallelujah 1st Corinthians chapter 2 reading from verse 1 to 16 and I brethren when I came to you came not with excellency of speech or of wisdom declaring unto you the testimony of God for I determined not to know anything among you stare Jesus Christ and him crucified and I was with you in weakness and in fear and in much trembling and my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man's wisdom but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power that your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men but in the power of God wholly it we speak wisdom among them are perfect yet not the wisdom of this world nor of the princes of this world that come to nought but we speak the wisdom of God in mystery even the hidden wisdom which God ordained before the world unto our glory which none of the princes of this world knew for had a venue it they would not a crucified the Lord of glory but as it is written eye hath not seen nor ear heard neither have entered into the heart of man the things which God but God has revealed them unto us by his spirit for the spirit searcheth all things yea the deep things of God for what man know the things of man save the spirit of Man which is in him even so the things of God knoweth no man but the Spirit of God now we have received not the spirit of the world but the spirit which is of God that we might know of the things that are freely given unto us of God which things also we speak not in the words which man's wisdom teacheth but which the Holy Ghost teacheth comparing spiritual things with spiritual but the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God for they are foolishness unto Him neither can he know them because they are spiritually discerned but he that is spiritual Gorge all things yet he himself is charge of no man 16 and last night Lord that he may instruct but we have the mind of Christ this is the Word of God we hunt them by saying glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Ghost as it was in the beginning it's no-one ever shall be world without end amen god bless you praise God praise the name of Jesus put down your Bibles this morning and just go ahead and worship Vickie worship the Lord of lords hallelujah [Applause] hallelujah God is indeed worthy and he is an awesome God hallelujah you may be seated at this time bless the name of Jesus coming at this time to do the general welcome and acknowledgement please put your hands together and make welcome Minister Michael Smith hallelujah bless the name of Jesus hallelujah do we have any 1st or 2nd time visitors in the house worship in let me see by the indicating of your hands hallelujah we are always blessed to have you worshiping with us hallelujah and God is indeed an awesome God this is your place of worship feel comfortable just lift up your hands now watch the face house we would say in Jamaica you know because you come to worship God just worship Him in spirit and in truth amen amen and for those viewing on our cable channel and on our internet channel please stay tuned a blessing is waiting for you you are at the right place at the right time come on put your hands together this morning and make our visitors welcome because indeed we need you and we know that you are blessed so give your heart to God today we are not saved and for those who are saved oh please continue on this Christian journey hallelujah bless the name of Jesus hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah praise the name of Jesus this morning we have a beautiful set of young people with us hallelujah they are the melodies of praise kiddies and they will be coming this morning to do their ministry please put your hands together and may the melodies of praise this welcome in Jesus name hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] come up with your hands together for the penalties of craziness hallelujah [Music] and my heart [Music] that's the name of Jesus just point your hands to Yzerman say bless them Lord bless them Lord bless the limb of Jesus hallelujah invited to stand at this time hallelujah as we do a meet-and-greet fellowship song hallelujah put your hands together me tell someone that you're you're glad that they're in the house of the God of the Lord worship in this morning hallelujah we are together again just friends in the low [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'm sorry you all tickety's it for them okay this morning thank you so much Sean take it easy Cigna fellowships on first please just one person thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah Jesus hallelujah Oh God and magazine just close your hands for a moment or two hallelujah [Music] hallelujah just forget about the destruction this morning hallelujah and just focus on Almighty God this morning hallelujah God is the God of order hallelujah and we come against the spirit of confusion in the name of Jesus a god a god a god a god we humble ourselves before you are mighty God we bless your old name this morning and we put you back in charge Holy Ghost halleluyah halleluyah halleluyah hallelujah hallelujah just allow me just for a minute or two hallelujah just that I love God to do his thing this morning hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] you deserve the glory you deserve the glory you deserve the glory hallelujah hallelujah without any music without any music hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah peace be still in the name of Jesus peace be still in the name of Jesus hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus we don't want to rush Vaughn distorted Alleluia what'd he say Oh rush me no rush me don't rush me [Music] [Applause] I don't know what you're doing [Applause] hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah thank you Jesus thank you Jesus this time hallelujah stay in the spirit hallelujah Jesus this time coming to presentation is a minister scare committee hallelujah put your hands together make minister Janet small welcome hallelujah [Music] [Music] hallelujah before Minister small comes hallelujah I'm going to invite the echoes of faith car after which will be shot bishop dr. Telford Davis will be coming see them in that order in Jesus name Halloween [Music] the custard is acts this morning what shall I do what steps should I take what moves should I make but as it reminds us to wait upon the Lord he will renew our strength hallelujah this morning [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] we [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] amen please be seated Minister Janet small wonderful lady and your team I'm gonna ask you all to go Seoul everything take your seat please and just take your seats all of you I mean it's the Janet small of the past the skier or Minister skier committee and I'm going to off to the very fact that 37 years ago almost out of all destitution I obeyed the Lord when he spoke to me and that wintry October morning in Flushing New York I think I'm grown enough now to continue to be him oh yeah and those of you who have hired me please get ready to fire me get ready a few years ago I was in route on a flight destined for JFK New York City and once we were about to begin our descent for the JFK International maybe 35 minutes prior to that the captain advised us that we would not be able to land in New York City because there was a terrible weather that was in that vicinity he said it'd be circling for some times and that he did he circled around for maybe almost almost an hour and then he said we can't circle any longer because we are getting low and fuel so we'll have to go to the next airport that cannot accommodate this aircraft so he flew to bust Baltimore and he landed us at Baltimore refuel said we will wait until we get clearance from JFK that the weather is no good we could take off we sat in that aircraft in Baltimore for over 12 hours closer three hours and then the captain finally said to us I'm sorry we won't be able to take off to take you to New York but we have made contingency arrangements you all will have to deplane and travel by bus to New York City and so huge bosses came lined up to cost quite a while to deplane and to get onto the bus several bosses I took us into the own town the boss place in New York City what was what should have been a regular routine flight for three and a half hours took us almost well we didn't reach New York until about 3:00 a.m. the following morning why so because there was disturbance in the New York area disturbance in New York airspace so we could not have landed and because of that disturbance it caused us many setbacks some people who miss their luggages and all kinds of stuff well the Holy Spirit has indicated that there are some disturbances disturbances within the church and wherever there are disturbances things will not go as usual I repeat whenever they are disturbances things will not go as usual so those of you do not understand I sympathize with you those who understand see me through Thursday last week I said to Minister Davis sitting here I'm gonna make contingency plan just in case the preacher doesn't show up and yesterday at 3 o clock little after 3:00 I got a call from Reverend Santa Cora may be viewing the service said to me Bishop I got sad news I can't make it I am still in Africa I've got a problem I set back with my the us of my viewers visa he was destined to go into the u.s. into rubra into Curacao and on to Jamaica so they said all of those meetings have to be cancelled because of this delayed with my the u.s. aspect of my Vista he said to me I don't know you gonna take yes I said don't you worry pastor that's okay I said if Roman a chapter 8 and verse 28 is right sometimes it is right all the time for we know that all things work together for good to them that love God and to them who are the called according to his purpose so it is not only right in some situation circumstances if it was right then it is right now if it is right for some things and sometimes it is right for all things and all times so I say he said to me well you were certainly a man of God you must have been in the spirit I said that's where we live walk in the spirit live in the spirit so all of you will be disappointed a little this morning for the plans you have made the programs you put in place whatever please what do I say understand that we it's not regular routine flights we cannot land this aircraft in this atmosphere because there disturbance in the air very sorry but I cannot do better to do less than what I'm doing here would be to disobey the Holy Spirit and you can't pay the price for my disobedience or no you can't eat you can't pay the price for my disobedience I'm gonna have to take some serious action where this church is concerned where certain things are concerned we're either destined for heaven or we are having a free ride to hell through this church god forbid that any one of us should have a free ride to hell in a church like this god forbid so when I remove some people some of you be mad with me because they are your friends your your relatives etc but the storm will pass over the storm will pass over I don't think I'm not prepared for the consequences because I know we're not dealing with all spiritual people I know but when your mind is fully made up to obey God when your mind is fully made up to obey God your price is too high the Lord isn't speaking to me in some serious ways just of that bed how was the floor this Holy Spirit just ministering to me some things we we are being positioned by the Lord or something with some things we have never seen before 2020 in 2020 nothing shall remain empty there are Holy Spirit says if nothing is going to remain empty vessels must be clean don't you dare think is gonna pour new wine them all dirty vessels that some of us are you think it's easier to be a pastor of my kind one who is not prepared to go with the flow I settle for just about anything to be an own stream going pasta I mean I hope stream going pasta to go down stream no problem but to go hop stream we have to come against terrible currents that's coming against us that's where we are so in 2020 nothing shall remain empty but God have to clean out our vessels I'm going to engage you for the next forty six days one engages Church for the next forty six days on a fast you asking me to fast 46 days Bishop no but all of us we're going to engage a chain fast chain fast from the 27th of February that is until the 12th of April 27th of February 12 of April 46 days chained fast for this church under the theme all his spirit clean up this house clean up this house and I think it is done take heed lest he fall that's the general theme for those 46 days holy spirit clean up this oath on the text that ought to be read for the entire period 1st Corinthians chapter 6 from verse 9 through 20 no he not that you're temp your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost he doesn't live in these four walls no he not not your body such a self once in my body so me take this thing for Joe King churches a joke living like demons and devils and doing all kind of hell and still performing in church Kalwa when these four to six days of solemn assembly over every vessel clean will be filmed as you're working you're not even filled with the Holy Ghost demonstrate your commitment and dedication to Christ I'll let him feel it with the Holy Spirit because he doesn't feel unsafe with the Holy Spirit he feel Christians Christians so please prepare for that spiritual expedition February 27 through April 12 Holy Spirit clean up this house the ladies who are doing the cleaning in this church they are doing a fantastic job this place is always speaking span but this is not where the Holy Spirit dwells your body my body is a temple of the Holy Ghost I'll tell you a little more on that before we go this morning and I'll give you the modus operandi the mode of operation all we are going to do it I'll tell you a little more on that well the crusade continues it will be on until Wednesday daytime hours ashwin so we close out with the Ash Wednesday service in the morning so we have preachers lined up for this morning which is me tonight Monday night on the Tuesday night so don't you stay away bring your friends bring everybody Crusade will be on and God it's gonna move let us pray Lord send your blessing upon us as we end up on your word Holy Spirit you are preparing your bride not for her parties and celebration but God for the heavenly trip I pray that you will speak to me and through me I know persons will be disappointed already because their programs and their plans might not be carried through as they have planned but O God I pray that your Holy Spirit will witness to all of us that you're moving in this hour we thank you in Jesus name first Corinthians chapter 2 1 through 16 in those verses were read earlier I want to share with you from this portion on a theme Lord take me where I belong lift your hand and say Lord take me to where I belong take me to where I belong the Apostle Paul starts out by saying brethren when I came to you I came not with excellency of speech declaring unto you the testimony of God for I determined not to know anything among you save Jesus Christ and him crucified I sing that my time is limited let me go to verse from verse 9 through 14 he says but as it is written eye hath not seen nor ear heard neither have entered into the art of man the things which God hath prepared for them that love him what God has revealed them unto us by his Spirit for the spirit searcheth some things my Bible say all things yea the deep things of God for what man knoweth the things of a man save the spirit of Man which is in him even so the things of God knoweth no man but the Spirit of God now we have received not the spirit of the world but the Spirit which is of God that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God which things we also speak not in words which man's wisdom teacheth but which the Holy Ghost teacheth comparing spiritual things with spiritual things verse 14 says but the natural man and this is where we having a problem today the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God for they are foolishness unto Him neither can he know them because they are spiritually discerned but even at the spiritual church at all things yet he himself is judged of no man for oh I've known the mind of the Lord that he may instruct him but we have the mind of Christ we have a challenge we have a great struggle that is going on today in Christendom the war between the different components or Department of the man the natural man the carnal man the old man and the new man all these are mentioned in Scripture the natural man the carnal man the old man the new man and also the spiritual man amen today because the enemy knows without a doubt that he has but a limited time to execute his destructive mission on earth he has not only invaded the social arena is not only invaded the place where sinners hang out so to speak because if you have them you don't need to disturb them if you have them you don't need to seek them anymore you already have them body ISM he has turned his gaze he has focused his attention on a group of people that he doesn't have which is the Church of the Living God and he has my child all of his demonic forces in an effort to bring down in an effort to deceive and to destroy God's only weakness on this earth the Church of the Living God the only agents or agency that prepares mankind for life beyond this world no University no colleges no seminaries are any other institution prepares a soul to meet God when it's turned he comes what the church and because he knows that for sure he is not relented on his evil pursuit against the body of Christ and where he cannot penetrate us by bringing in his agents from the world to among us he does some of that for sure but what he does he come right in our myths and he seeks to find those icons he seeks to find those didn't Khorana Byram he sheets a fine Absalom's he seems a fine don't you look at me like that pray with me he seeks a fine nose Ananias and Sapphira he seeks a fine nose Claude in the spirit of Judas so what he's doing he sees those who have a beautiful wonderful form of godliness but where the power is concerned they're far from the power and he's having some success I'm not glorifying you never ever lose all the time but I cannot deny that you're having some success but jesus said upon this rock when I build my church and the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it whatever the Lord needs to do whatever he has to do to protect his interest the church that Jesus died for over 2,000 years ago I guarantee you is gonna do it he's gonna do it with me or without me he's gonna do it with you are without you but God is gonna do it Lord take me to where I belong don't belong in the realm of the common Bible speaks of him I don't belong in the realm of the walls man never speaks of him I do not belong in the realm of the natural man I belong in the realm of the spiritual man if he knew a man any man be in Christ to be living outside of that realm brothers and sisters is to be living like a spiritual Papa to be living odds of that around is to be living like a spiritual swamp a man on the street back in with dirty touch of garments to be living order that is like a prodigal in a pig's pan box Emily Hobbs trying to get food when his father's house what's a God some of you would pray with me that's all right sad to say many of God's people who darken the doors of church every Sunday morning every such-and-such a say that's where many of us find ourselves outside of where we belong lift your hands the Holy Spirit please take me to where I belong Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus somebody called Jesus Jesus somebody called Jesus Jesus somebody lit a candle called Jesus again that Jesus we need [Music] [Applause] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah but God is trying to his church raisa both of the dust shake off the garments of death dost lord yourself in a racist comment because i'm getting ready to move i'm getting many to do something in this hour I'm getting ready to pour out my spirit I'm getting ready to show signs and wonders and supernatural miracles I just want the vessels to be clean my arms are not shot come on echoes of it open up your spirit I'm taking the Word of God my arms are not short my ears are not heavy but I got a problem sin problem [Applause] [Music] cutter requests here me will the request from that man consciously or subconsciously in whatever state he finds himself consciously or subconsciously because it was made as a worshipper to worship God because originally he had wonderful fellowship with God consciously or subconsciously if he is a natural man the spiritual man the carnal man the old man a new man the sinful man a righteous man consciously or subconsciously something inside of that man is saying Lord take me to rehab Elohim the man in the bar like a drunken skill Park something inside of him at some point or another he's saying this is not where I belong the god man wreaking havoc some way along the line some time or another the spirit with am says to him John you can't continue like this they say those who mistreat night and day the drug pushes and peddlers and all kinds of sinners because all souls are mine said God the Holy Spirit at one point or another will say to the worst among men you don't you do not you are not where you belong consciously or subconsciously it goes on sometimes it's your dream sometimes the chewer vision sometimes throw word from somebody but God will never leave a person without the witness you will not destroy a person without a warning request this morning from such a self one said this man requests what's the request my general theme is Lord take me to where I belong but what are some personal Christmas if your hand and say Lord take me to where I've never been been walking with you for all of these years I've been on a mountain I been in the valley I've been in the plane and I got some eyes and some laws spiritually but lord I believe there are some deeper Devils I don't believe I plateau and my spiritual life I don't believe a rich the sanity of my walk with you so please take me to place I've never been so you're gonna get there by cutting around the place all kinds of hyper jesting all kinds of sinful practices you won't get there you're gonna get there when you come from amongst yourself the things you prepare for them that love him God you said you reveal them to us by your spirits I can't get into the natural so please take me to a place in the spirit what's the request Lord show me some things that I've never seen I'm trying to get to some of you know I do not just take me to places I've never been we're hoping my spiritual eyes show me some face that I never see you told me natural hi I've not seen natural ears have not heard on regenerated hearts have not perceived so Lord there got to be a way of dealing with me please take me to a place I've never been show me some things I've never seen anybody want to get there anybody want to see them anybody want to get there anybody want to see them where some of us got to break up our Father ground break up your father grounds gone or more among parts you make this thing so so hard or no in the presence of the Lord is fullness of joy it is right and viajar hypocrites make it hard because they profess what they don't possess make people think all of us are hypocrites better let me preach my heart in this phony mr. hypocrites in Zion Max's heart they are when you live right and live clean and live on presenting your body a living sacrifice and then live like the devil in hell but in the stretch same position work in the same as I'm saying you wanna know Odyssey of T wave your hand and say horn or Nassau there is a difference between the clean and the unclean so holy Monday on all in there is a difference between the righteous show me things I've never seen but please Lord do for me things that have never been done do for me you have done some wonderful things but all God you have more things I need to be done Oh help me Jesus let me please leave Jenna the Lord do for me do for me do for me say do for me do it for me please dobar baby Jesus [Music] finally Lord me things that I've never heard tell me you said your secret is with them not fear you god I love you please tell me something never you said eyes have not seen ears it doesn't come in a notch values so please if I'm gonna get them you gotta take to a place of never being me you gotta show me some things I've never seen you got a door for me some things that I've never been done you gotta tell me some things I've never heard [Applause] tag me please Jesus Charmaine Jesus do for me tell me can't continue like this [Music] alien invisible you may be intangible that's a God you are please Jesus I'm making these requests of you do it for me a close second Corinthians chapter trail from verse 1 I know a man Shah Baba I know a man a man I can't even tell you what state the man was in carnal my spiritual my natural man but I know a man no man some years ago the Apostle Paul says the spirit the body I can tell I know amount to whom God made himself known in supernatural ways and if he did it then he can do it again I know him had become that man today when he got there he heard words that cannot be spoken on earth he saw things that he cannot describe on earth whether in the body hold up the body I can tell but I know a man Oh Gloria somebody lives your Hennis and lord I want you to know me as you knew that man or some of your insanely those are the bowels of your soul so lord I want you to know me like you knew that man in second Corinthians chapter 12 I know a man in Christ what forty years ago he had an encounter with God whether in the body I cannot tell where they refresh I cannot tell God knows he was caught up to heaven he went to place he never been before oh god help me Neil saw he heard things he never heard before he saw fanzine that was seen before are we doing skirmishing around periphery dress up and look with us good and game offering and give ties and fellowship and make a lot of friends and that's it yet wife and husband and children and that's hit by car and be louses and pylon and that's it get a good education a good job and I said oh tempura fade away sooner or later they're in charge on the cash for our sake o Shia Cobo saw that I will change on the cake soon they will pass away [Music] Oh it's not it is that it Church power of Faith Ministries International Christian people from all the nominations all over the world shifting where you're sitting right now is that it who I caught up your slumber sharp both of your spiritual sleep is arise arise arise arise the time to see God is now [Applause] might take me to place in show me pins I've never seen tell me things I've never heard do for me but I've never been done I am tired of the home man stalking around tired of the carnal man more of a new man more give me more give me more bodies that's what I know more efficient great so how to show more of a shaping fullness see more of his love would that for me give me more [Music] because I saw the burning bush Lord what have I seen the burning bush what have I seen Jesus Jesus Jesus Peter James and John saw your manifest presence and your glory on the mountain they fell to the ground what have I seen for all of these years walking with you what a viola what if I stink [Music] Isaiah saw you high and lifted up with your and failed a temple we saw your glory what am I seeing [Music] what have I seen what have I see Joshua saw the red see the charred under tried off less of a premiere to know everybody begin to pray that's it prime eating time everybody pretty preaching everybody everybody everybody natural man carnal man would my new monster troll and carnal mind sinful man righteous man everybody pray brother pretty sister [Music] her mo cuishle Cosette everybody pray prayer meeting everybody prayer why don't you pray to the Almighty make the request of him [Music] Jesus Jesus oh jesus oh Jesus Oh Holy Ghost [Music] hey hey hey hi [Music] Jesus [Music] oh Jesus [Music] three my brother Prairie my sister much more to you and you have seen an experience they'd go out in the deep waters and do business with God they see the mysteries of God [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] hallelujah will you try me Lord draw me I pray draw me closer to thee each day your speed four on me will you draw me and I will work cheap you please draw people will you draw me I pray lorry to God draw me close to thee each day your speed fall on me with a draw [Music] will she be done with me lift her hand and say draw Mila please draw me eye cream glory to God draw each day your spirit spirit form on me Lord you're me we she raise your hand and sing it again everybody draw join me lord please Robbie [Music] [Applause] your speech on me Jesus draw me I feel like singing it one more time that somebody coming closet for the larger drop me hyper true [Music] your speed at four on me will you draw [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] go ahead and worship God from the depth yard go ahead and worship the kid go ahead and wish all God oh go ahead and worship the kid go ahead and worship God [Music] worship God [Music] God of heaven God of heaven Jesus born in Spirit of God [Music] Cotto ha ha ha ha various type let their men speak elsewhere let there be Jeremiah's fire there be John the Baptist hot real whatever you need to wheel to burn what do you need to work [Music] saku-dono Santa Baja El Lobo Sonia [Music] bolivars there be a shakin in the valley shake shake shake shake shake everywhere stake everything shake everyone [Music] we took God [Music] [Music] let the words fall Jesus bring down the Cherica walls Jesus bring them down [Music] [Applause] clap your hands and shortly hype raise up your hands and shortly I prayer shouted to the Lord [Music] yeah hallelujah god bless you Lord take me to where I belong go about your seat please [Music] this Lord yes Lord the bottom [Music] [Music] one more time [Music] [Music] [Applause] god bless you missionary made it's a small give her hand let your comment do everything please [Music] [Music] Noorie glory to God just be your hands the presence of the Lord glory to God just wave your hands in the presence of the Lord glory glory glory to God we serve an awesome God a God who is able to understand just about everything glory to God we truly give God thanks boys glory to God just wave those bands again hallelujah Jesus just tell the Lord something this morning ahaha glory to God just give God praise this morning hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah Jesus we give Him praise we give Him glory and we truly give him honor glory glory glory to God hallelujah Jesus glory glory glory thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus glory to God thank you Jesus Jesus going to ebro's 13 and the verse 17 it says obey those who rule over you and be submissive for the watch out for your souls as those who must give account let them do so with joy and not with grief for that would be unprofitable for you just want to read that again Hebrews 13 and verse 17 and it says obey those who rule over you and be submissive for they were taught for your souls as those who must give account let them do so with the joy and not with grief for that would be unprofitable for you is not a man glory glory glory to God I just ask for your patience and understanding as usual you know we do celebrate with our ministers on their specialty birthday or anniversary congregation I know you will join with me this morning our bishop or spiritual dad our founder Bishop David is you're not tired we're not tired of celebrating with him is that email I just want you to know how special Bishop is to all of us and I know that we love him dearly that amen glory to God glory to God bishop babies as just celebrated another year another birthday I'm just waiting him to come and you just heard how he has to tor you just heard what happened and when you're connected to God when you are connected to God and when you are hearing from God and when you have to give an account to God there are things that will have to change from time to time congregations put your hands together for me according to 1st Thessalonians 5 and verse 12 to 13 and it says we beseech you brethren to know them which labor among you and are over you in the Lord and admonish you and esteem them very highly in love for their work see and be at peace among us is that amen glory to God hallelujah Jesus bishop doctor Telford Davis celebrated his birthday on Monday January 17 we truly thank God for giving him another wonderful year and we pray that the Lord will are many many more years - his life is that he men behind every successful church is a selfless pastor a shepherd with willing to give himself fully to the flock pastor Bishop Davis your ministry and leadership has been one of sacrificial love through over the 37 years of non-stop giving is that amen non-stop preaching is that amen non-stop prior anointing Bishop carries our burdens anywhere and everywhere is always there for us anytime you call upon him he is that pasta we know we can always trust Bishop Davis is a treasure in our lives is that he Amen for being that pastor is very protective of us his attentive sacrificial tender obedient and very reflective [Music] we know that like fine wine or a vintage car bishop Palio value only increases over the years please congregation just stand to your feet glory to God sand to your feet we're going to sing that happy birthday to you come on we're going to sing it right now we are going to sing it is that amen we love our Bishop dearly we appreciate him dearly we don't do this every day if it's even once per year we're going to let him know that we truly love him [Music] [Applause] [Music] to [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] glory to God you all may have this each age is really just a number our bishop our founder is looking even younger as the years go by I will be giving you some of the key highlights of a hobby shop as we go along but at this time the oceans Department the OSHA's Department about very small skit that the one to present to Bishop and OSHA is I'm going to ask you please to come at this time as the Kama Shastra might want to remind you the birth of a legend on February 17 19 expects in nineteen seventy eighty answer the call and accepted Jesus Christ as his personal Lord and Savior on November 18 1980 god bless him with a very special companion a very special companion now Minister dr. Petrova Davis he is a biological father of three by extension a father to three more and then grandfather to another three that is why I'm of the Father Son and Holy Ghost he does it in three he's also a spiritual father to all of us here here present at our feet and others in radioland I will give you a little more but at this time please give the ushers department of power feeds a round of applause glory to God we want to say happy belated birthday we can truly say sir that is because of your faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and your love on to all the scenes that we're celebrating with you today and right now we're going to use your name dr. Dell for Davis to say some things to you that we really mirror admire and love about you Dell ferd be your devoted here voted to the things of God glory to the heart and bringing the gospel to the ends of the earth and winning many souls into the kingdom truly even win souls is twice and only the wiser will be souls and indeed wish of the Lord has lit your light to be an agent of change glory to God Eve energetic you're always working and preaching as though you are 30 years old [Applause] [Music] loyal your loyalty to following Jesus Christ Oh glory to God Lord what is truly a mirrored and admired by all of us CF faithful you are faithful to the people of God and the things of God and not only are you faithful but you have also increased our faith because faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the Word of God o overcome you have been through so much and you have overcome them all by the grace of God some will be sad some will be glad what you're free glory to God are your real and respected bishop you're a real man you're a real real real real man glory to God and you are a real man of God glory to God and you're respected by those who lead and fear like those who oppose you glory to God d you are dynamic you claim many rules glory to God you are a preacher a teacher and a leader you are the husband to one wife the father to three children and also the grandfather to three grandchildren glory to God and in all of the roles you give like Jesus you give off your best [Applause] D is for dedicated a month as devoted his entire life to God and to the things of God it serve is tell faithfully for years the search is on a authentic a month that is true in the image of the Word of God is light reflects the very image of the intensity of God's Word Amira's it not only in his preaching not only in his teaching but also in his deed this monitor shall live and nothing shall be healthy in 2020 V visionary among that is filled with vision by the manifold wisdom knowledge and guidance the Holy Ghost has given him the vision to create opportunities for possible that we may grow and glow and pour in the Holy Ghost high intercessor intercessor for his family for the family of God and for the nation he has done in the gap furrows effortlessly day and night he has seek the Lord on her behalf as an advocate in the family in the nation that's the only way we can get the manifold blessing of God has sensitive he is sensitive to the things of God the needs of the people around him so much that even if a slight change happens in the body he notice it and he also make sure that we unfold the gift that will happen the blessings of God bishop you are truly a gift from God to us we need you and we appreciate you happy belated birthday glory to God come on give the ashes a big big round for me glory to God we truly give God thanks for our Bishop God has made him especially for us understand the woman of word Department is coming to do their ministry to Bishop while they come just to continue to remind you of some of the key milestone and the mention it here the family the nation god of be jobs vision honor my lord he was also selected for the marriage officer to make of the year in 1989 give him around glory of God glory to God a pioneer the operation of a full-time cable TV channel with comments in 2002 the PFLP FM family TV isn't that a man we have our own let me tell you bridge with 20 these things for granted give them around for that as well glory glory glory to God please put your hands together big around for the woman of world Department glory to them shall we bless the Lord this morning let me hear you shout a hallelujah I'm gonna invite all the ladies in the house ladies women young please stand thank you Jesus bishop I stand there representing all the woman both in the house those viewing on the floor cable network and those buna digital play those who are viewing on Facebook live on YouTube like Bishop with high standard represent them all to say that we thank you for giving to the Lord we thank you for doing all that you've done as a Lord has led you we thank you for every word preached every prophecy given every song that you've sung every prayer that you pray for us as a woman we thank you this morning Bishop and we want to say even as you sit there and you're celebrating its ability birthday we the woman here and all over the world are grateful that God brought you into this earth so that we can stand here both physically and spiritually you have any of us to stand in our homes in our schools in our offices and wherever we are and we thank you dear bishop for being the man that God called you to be so we as women man put your hands together for him I stole the medley of songs that will be sung by a few women here this morning old woman young woman fat woman slim woman dark woman brown woman every type of woman we represent all the woman's were all the women wear white this morning please receive these songs in Jesus name [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] ah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] for me hot spots [Music] boy [Music] and boss [Music] boy [Music] we [Music] [Music] glory to God we for you glory to God on me also know that he is blessed and highly favored just point your hands again to him and just a blessing Lord bless him Lord bless him Lord shrink me Lord training Lord training lord and glory to God our hearts desire glory glory glory to God we had a guest speaker body has an appointment at this church at this time the gentleman will be coming with their gifts the OSHA's I'm going to ask the police to come but we're going to be giving Bishop the many gifts that we have for him and this is from all of us the power feed it finally we are who we are mainly because of our founder we are we are because of Bishop dr. delaford Davis glory glory glory to God the gentleman says bishop you are a visionary a man knows of the importance of family and great leader I pray God continue to bless and keep and strengthen you as you continue to walk in it divine will for your life Bishop you have been an example in not just words but action an example of what a man of God should be to us as young men and we will forever remember this example you have set in our journey of life be sure we just want you want to take this opportunity to say bless up and we hope you had a good a good woman may God continue to bless and keep you with the gentleman even though at times um a robust as a loving father we acknowledge you will love you we care for you and we pray that God will give many more years to lead us as young men in the way we ought to go glory to God where are the oceans glory to God there are five gentlemen and two five authors they are going to be handling the gifts basket the gifts to the ashes and the ashes will be presenting the gifts to Bishop glory glory glory to God please big welcome the OSHA's and gentlemen please give him around for me glory to God we thank God for you and we are happy that you are our Shepherd OSHA's in the house would you stand and give your bishop some love this morning after 3 1 2 3 bless him Lord Lord glory to God give the ashes and the gentleman give them a big one for me the ashes and the gentleman hallelujah Jesus glory to God glory to God we just after loved him we just have to show him day by day with our love glory to God bishop is our visionary [Music] well well well gentlemen and auctions glory to God they love their Bishop they appreciate their Bishop they wanted to perform for him but the time just did not allow them to do that the other two key milestone we just want to mention or first Wednesday fasting a healing and delivering fast in deliverance fast in from that came the heal the family heal the nation and you all know in 2020 the National Day of Prayer instituted through a proclamation by his Excellency Sir Patrick Allen that's a Governor General of Jamaica the first Wednesday in January of each year is to be observed by the people of Jamaica as a national day of prayer and fasting because of our founder our leader our Bishop Bishop dr. Dell for JB's he deserve a standing ovation for that Amin is not just for power fades this is for the maker land we love we all know what's happening right now and nothing but prior and fast can deliver us we appreciate our Bishop we appreciate our first lady because we know that all these vision everything that happened is because of the support that our Bishop gets from his wife our first lady's minister dr. Petrova Davis our final love basket is for Mina please stand from all of us at power feeds we just want Bishop the heat of him froze drink up him juice and enjoy him life are relaxed do you remember that she we just want him go home this evening no minutes at the office is going to take good care I'm going to sit on him chair and just relax eating fruits drinking juice minister Davison Bishop please come bishop you can do it without your wife we know that is him is she were you looking this nice come on Minister Davis come on Minister Davis just accept this basket with bishop for us I know that later will be greater on behalf of all of us at powerful ministry we want to say bishop happy happy belated birthday sir we truly love and appreciate you and we pray God continued blessing on him congregation please put your hands together put your hands together and give our Bishop a round of applause god bless you in closing I just want us to remember according to Jeremiah 29 verse 11 bishop for I know the thoughts that I think toward you says the Lord thoughts of peace and not of evil to give you an expected end Bishop Davis may God grant you all the desires of your heart according to his perfect will and plan for your life his plans are perfect towards you happy happy belated birthday to a mighty man of God one who is selfless faithful dependable persistent and reliable indeed an exemplary Shepherd we praise God for all he has been doing in and through him keep basking in the joy of blessings and wisdom you are a blessed man and we thank God for you we have just another minute to accept greetings from all the other churches as well as the edge of department Minister system Raquel do that section thank you greetings greetings greetings to our beloved Bishop Bishop I have the privilege of extending greetings from the on station passes sister and general overseer Bishop Harada Granderson and his wife Minister Edith factors and and estates and the boardwalk is family Bishop Van Roy Sutton reverend Shimon Sutton the Saints of the Goshen and Hatfield assemblies Mr Tan on and minister Stacy and white and the Saints of the Grove Road assembly reverend clementa administer joy logan the Warriors at the Niceville Sen Thomas's family from the overseas branches divisional overseer Reverend Michael Hutchinson his wife Minister Sajjan son assistant pastor Reverend Joyce and Rosa the saints in Miramar the Brooklyn assembly led by reference Kevin Lee Laura and his wife Minister Cameron Lee or the box assembly led by Minister joy Miller st. Petersburg assembly led by Courtney Minister Courtney Robinson and from the Canada Assembly led by Bishop dr. every Lewis and his wife Minister Claudia Lewis sir they say a belated happy birthday to you sir you are a leader of excellence one who is fearless in the spirit a leader is exemplary and worthy of emulating we love you and pray for you continually that you shall remain and be strong and do exploits and quickly on behalf of the ministers the Collinses here at headquarters and the department we also say thanks happy on 18th birthday or father Shepherd and overseer there is no better way for us to wish you a happy birthday than to offer prayers of Thanksgiving to all God on your behalf you are one you're closer to your heavenly reward Bishop dr. Dell Ferdie Davis we celebrate your person your passion and your personality we surely love and appreciate you may the Lord continue to bless keep you and your family god bless you sir [Music] well to God be the glory great things he hath done so loved the world that he gave us his son so love for faith ministry that he gave you a pastor of his own heart that's why I said to Jeremiah give you pastors according to my own heart so pastors receive a special heart from God not just me but all pastors I want to thank Minister small and the team ministers Council for putting this function function together all those who participated we thank you for the way you have expressed your love at home and abroad we thank you we meaning dr. Petch over and I because we hear all things together for the glory of God so we really thank you for allowing us to be part of your your life for so many years and so many ways - we appreciate the sacrifices that you have made over time and continue to make in assisting us to advance the kingdom of God to win men and women into his eternal Kingdom all those who sent your text messages you lots of messages your email and all the other means your telephone calls I'm not yet through reading all of those messages still going through but I thank all of you oh man abroad Facebook people overseas churches it is all because of Jesus Christ who I have been able to stand for all of these years with you beside you before you around you behind you we stand together and I really appreciate all of this amen it comes once per here it is personal to all of us and we want to thank the Lord we are going to be instituting something more all-inclusive comprehensive for all of us because although you weren't born in the best month of the year in February you were born I'm sorry so we are going to be making plans for everybody on different scales Amen god bless you I want to ask Allah Marcia Antonio parson come here please he is head of the eldest council he preached a fiery message here on Wednesday spontaneous response I need some more of you to become members of the shrift Club the members truth club and this morning I'm going to give you some money sir I'm going to give you [Music] sixty six thousand dollars sixty six sixty six thousand dollars and I want thirty-three persons who are not no member of the truth Club to get two thousand dollars each to hope and their account not to buy anything else thirty three persons was attend upon user you take their names and tell them it is to open their account and the truth club members truthful and I will check with them over there after a while to make sure they do so all right six to six thousand dollars next week I'll be doing the same thing another six to six thousand dollars for another thirty three people so six to six persons will become new members by next week give the Lord a hand appraised everybody [Applause] [Music] [Applause] now do remember they have to be members of the church it is members truth are you with me all right let's prepare to worship in giving I love to engage her for another few minutes to give you the order of the chain oh yes we trusted you have been blessed by the service the word came to us and we encourage you to make it right with God accept the Savior and receive his favor a quick reminder about our upcoming events or believers in your crusade February 23 to 26 with Reverend Sam tecora from Nigeria and a water baptism coming up on March Sunday March 1 in our 7 a.m. service keep watching the recorded services via Facebook YouTube and your website affordable for Presiding Bishop and his wife and the power faith family thank you for watching join us again at Pentecost Upper Room worship center at 11 a.m. encourage you follow God's example give off your best I am Sharon Duffus grant god bless you thank you for watching this live broadcast please like share and subscribe if you were blessed and inspired remember to visit our web site at [Music]
Channel: PFMFamilyTV
Views: 13,219
Rating: 4.6261683 out of 5
Id: RRIjNw3kOEo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 171min 21sec (10281 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 23 2020
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