Sunday Morning Live (1st. Service) - January 31, 2021

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you are watching a live broadcast coming to you from the power of faith ministries lot 13 portmore town center st catherine jamaica west indies [Music] is [Applause] [Music] day [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] let our king be live [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] hey [Music] oh i am is [Music] higher [Music] i am [Music] [Music] is [Music] this morning or just give him some praise just give him some worship hallelujah he lifted us this morning hallelujah he blighted over the and that is the reason we sing and we shout when jesus came down hallelujah [Music] he lifted me up from the dark my reclaimed he planted my feet on the king's highway and that is [Music] [Music] from [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] my feet is [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh is [Music] hey [Music] oh jesus oh [Applause] [Music] foreign [Applause] is [Music] [Applause] my is [Music] oh [Applause] me [Music] hey [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh my feet [Music] [Music] play [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] jesus just go ahead and worship just go ahead and bless his name oh glory to god the hallelujah thank you jesus thank you lord oh god hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah i jesus thank you thank you jesus hallelujah glory to god he lifted us this morning praise god take your redemption him books please and turn to him of 401 hallelujah does jesus care when my heart is pained too deeply from earth or son hallelujah [Music] [Applause] and the [Applause] [Music] oh yes he cares i [Music] is [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] is my [Music] [Music] i [Music] me [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] my [Music] is [Music] red [Music] glory oh yeah okay is [Music] i [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] me [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] god [Music] is [Applause] [Music] i [Music] [Music] i know [Music] glory to god the hallelujah our jesus cheers hallelujah thank you jesus it's prototype in the house it's part time in the house oh glory to god hallelujah hallelujah oh glory to god let us bow for prayer oh glory to god hallelujah thank you jesus glory to god hallelujah lord we thank you lord we praise you we worship you this morning we magnify your day god because you kiara you care for us god oh god that meets the problems and the turmoil oh god the songman said yes he cares i said jesus cheers this morning jesus cares this morning oh glory to god he's your tears he hear of a cry and he has come down to help us oh god god god hallelujah hallelujah glory to god thank you jesus thank you oh glory to god thank you lord lord we thank you for this morning father we bless you we worship your god we magnify your name you are worthy to be praised you are worthy to be lifted up you are worthy to be a tournament you are awesome god you are mighty you are wonderful to us this morning we thank you god great is your faithfulness morning by morning new mercies we see all we have needed thine hands have provided greatness like faithfulness of lord unto thee oh glory to god father we stretch our hands unto thee no other help we know about thee but if thou should withdraw thyself with us shall we go oh god so we cover who one more time in your sanctuary god we are in your presence and in your presence there's fullness of joy and at your right hand there are pleasures forever oh glory to god father god we plead the blood of jesus christ of nazareth we plead the blood of jesus christ of nazareth in the atmospherical realms of this morning we plead the blood now tear down every strong wall of the enemy god lose in the atmospherical realms sprinkle your blood god in every crevice every corn of the sanctuary this morning stand guard this morning let your blood be upon the tip of every sword oh glory to god who watched over your church who watch over the service this morning as we place the service into your hands of god clear the atmosphere for us god we come against every territorial demonstration we nullify every weapon of the enemy this morning i said we come to worship your god who one shall chase a thousand and two put ten thousand to flights and we are more than two this morning as we come to get the card to get the job done to give your glory card and to give you one on praise oh god moving the service this morning anoint the atmosphere anoint god as you have never anointed before torched on cada move from the rust um to the pews cover this here cradle takada light it up with briar let no strange fire lit this morning no strange fire this morning we need to fire up the holy ghost in the name of jesus christ of nazareth not sell but not flesh mortify it this morning get your glory god has become to worship your god from a true heart to this morning oh god moving the service this morning god move as you have never moved before oh god the consecrators goddamn anoint over worship singers anoint them called consecrate the very microphone this morning anoint the mother reacts according annoyed the queers will minister god in the name of jesus christ of nazareth leave not stone and turn this morning move holy ghost of god this is your residence this is your please god move as you're pleased this morning and get your glory god get your glory from your people this morning because we come to worship we were designed to worship god move in the service remember the one who will break the word lord god somebody need to hear from you this morning a mother cried all night last night a father of his hand on his head wondering why he went and we are but we sing this morning that jesus cheers jesus you're here this morning taught your people in all these pieces this morning touch of viewers and the browsers let not come in your presence and leave the weird comma leave not to unanswered pour out your anointing this morning your fresh anointing this morning in the name of jesus christ of nazareth holy cows of god massacre replana every planet of the enemy canada the enemy coming virus sighs the foreman shield this morning but the whole equals is here to detect the plans of the enemy and every demon from hell we plead the blood this service is in your hands we are in your hands this morning oh glory to god let not leave the we are the comma god i pray for salvation i pray for deliverance i pray you will reclaim the backsliders and you will strengthen zion this morning take full control lord this service is in your hands carter and we are grateful in spite of we are here to give you praise we are here to give you glory and honor we are here to magnify the king of kings and the lords of lords this morning take preeminence god move us only you one can god cover what bishop and his wife cover the minister and serve answer cover the worshipers this morning cover the viewers cover your people under the blood of jesus this morning take over god have your way this morning ministers only you one can and we'll be careful to give you glory and honor this morning we give you praise we give you glory and we give you honor this morning and we tell him thanks in jesus name i invite you all to stand to your feet and just put your hands together for the lord hallelujah glory of god hallelujah hallelujah and just go ahead and just worship him now give him the praise and the glory magnify his name hallelujah glory to god he is worthy to be praised oh god your children blessed you this morning your children magnify your name we give you praise and glory and honor carter the word worthy of the praise the word worthy of all the honor oh glory to god hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah oh glory to god hallelujah he deserves the worshiper he deserves our praise up he deserves it this morning oh glory to god he's worthy of praise of he's worthy of glory and he's worthy of all the honor hallelujah hallelujah hey thank you jesus glory to god hallelujah hallelujah hey god hallelujah we thank you lord we bless the name of jesus he is worthy to be praised hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah thank you jesus glory to god my actor to reach for your bibles please hallelujah glory to god thank you lord and turn to the book of genesis hallelujah glory genesis chapter 22 glory to god i greet you all in the matchless name of jesus agree to our pastor bishop dr delpho davis and his wife dr petrova davis and all the ministers and servants we greet you all in the name of jesus genesis chapter 22 from verse 1 to 19. hallelujah as long as you can stand let us all stand for the reading of god's word praise the lord hallelujah and it came to pass after these things that god did tempt abraham and said unto him abraham said unto him abraham and he said behold here i am and he said take now thy son thy only son isaac whom thou love is and get thee into the land of moriah and offer him there for a burnt offering upon one of the mountains which i will tell you the offer and abraham rose up early in the morning and saddled his ass and took two of his young men with him and isaac his son enclaved the wood for the burnt offering and rose up and went on to the place of which god had told him then on the third day abraham lifted up his eyes and saw the place afar off and abraham said unto his young men abide here with the asap and i and the young lad will go yonder and worship and come again to you and abraham took the word of the burnt offering and laid it upon isaac his son and he took the fire in his hand and a knife and they went both of them together and isaac spoke unto abraham his father and said my father and he said here am i my son and he said behold the fire and the wood but where is the lamb for the burnt offering and abraham said my son god will provide himself a lamb for a burnt offering so they went the both of them together and they came to the place which god had told him offer and abraham built an altar there and laid the wood in order and burned and bound isaac his son and laid him on the altar upon the border and abraham stretched forth his hand and took the knife to slay his son and the angel of the lord called unto him out of heaven and said abraham abraham and he said here am i and he said lay not thine hand upon the lad neither do thou anything unto him for no i know that thou fearest god seeing there was not withheld thine son then only son from me and abraham lifted up his eyes and looked and behold behind him a ram caught in a thicket by his horns and abraham went and took the ram and offered him for a burnt offering in the stead of his son and abraham called the name of that place jehovah jireh as it is said to this day in the mount of the lord it shall be seen and the angel of the lord called unto abraham out of heaven the second time and said by myself i have sworn said the lord for because thou has done this thing and has not withheld thy son thy only son that in blessing i will bless thee and in multiplying i will multiply thy seed as the stars of the heaven and as the sand which is upon the seashore and thy seed shall possess the gate of his enemies and in thy sea shall all the nations of the earth be blessed because thou has obeyed my voice so abraham returned unto his young men and they rose up and went together to beersheba and abraham dwelt at bresheba can we read verse 19 together and returned onto his young men and they rose up and went together to bathsheba and abraham dwelt at beersheba the lord had spoken let the church say amen the lord hath spoken let the church say amen praise the lord you may be seated glory to god and put your hands together for the ministry of the echoes of faith choir i love you lord for your mercy never fade me in all my days [Music] until i lay my head lord i will sing of the goodness of god [Music] of god [Music] [Applause] i love your voice [Music] i know you as a father i know you as a friend and i have lived in the goodness of god [Music] will say of the goodness in darkest nights you were closed like [Applause] i know you as a friend and i have in the goodness [Music] i know you as a father and i am [Applause] [Music] oh [Applause] oh i will [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Music] is [Music] that i am of the goodness of god is [Music] of god [Music] of the oh of god [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] praise the lord god has been good to us we cannot complain hallelujah florida praise the lord i'll now invite sister melissa foster she will do the welcome and the acknowledgement put your hands together for her [Music] [Music] first it was fragrance then it turned to fire my worship is my weapon and this is how i win my battles let all the worshippers in all the spaces stand to your feet with the fire and shout hallelujah [Applause] praise the lord for the fire you may be seated good morning and welcome to the power of faith ministries international sunday morning live service we're always blessed to have visitors may i see the hands of all our visitors in all our spaces okay i see those hands and congregation once again let's make them welcome [Applause] we also welcome our faithful viewers watching on our various cable networks and our dedicated browsers viewing on all our social media platforms once again let's make them welcome and also put your hands together for yourself for your continued dedication to this ministry [Applause] although life is filled with many obstacles we overcome them by using our weapon which is our worship worship is an expression of love and odds to god who gives us more than we deserve whether we express or worship in song dance or even music we should remember that we're called to worship god in all that we do god is holy and worthy of our worship and devotion on behalf of our pastor dr delford bishop dr dale for davis his wife dr petrova davis or senior assistant pastor minister isilda noteman the ministerial staff the officers and the membership of this ministry we extend a warm and cordial welcome to you all do enjoy the service and let the fragrance of your worship rise up to the father thank you and god bless you praise the lord i hope you all felt welcome put your hands together for the lord hallelujah thank you jesus glory to god it was my pleasure serving you this morning it's my time to get out of the way but before i do lend me your heirs in order to achieve your destiny you will have to break through some things one of the greatest lies the devil tells us is that there is no hope by painting a picture of gloom and despair but i stand in the name of jesus christ to declare as the bible states that at the mention of the name of jesus christ every knee shall bow every tongue shall confess that jesus christ is lord to the glory of god the father so in the name of jesus christ of nazareth every contrary circumstances that has held you bound in your mind up held your family bound up held your business bound up held your health bond is broken in the name of jesus don't give up press on there is a champion on the inside of you you're all champions coming to minister to you is the voices of inspiration and as soon as they are through with their ministry i'm gonna ask you please to stand put your hands together for our bishop when he comes god bless you put your hand together for the choir i can't sing about him because i've experienced him for myself [Music] [Music] the holy spirit start to move [Applause] [Music] the holy spirit [Music] start to move within yourself [Music] my feet [Music] my [Music] of joy [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] he's [Music] he's [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] oh is [Music] tribulations [Music] is [Music] foreign [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] me [Music] tribulations [Music] is [Music] [Music] it's always [Music] we are [Music] myself [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] me uh [Music] controls [Music] i can't explain this river of joy river of joy flooding my soul happy river of trump [Music] joy one more time these glory to god hallelujah [Music] i cannot explain it it's a river of joy flooding my soul the river of joy cannot control the river of joy it makes me happy cannot contain this river of joy [Music] give him praise and glory in the house of god [Music] praise god our father we ask you to continue with us as we go through the remainder of this service the spoken word and all the other things that will be engaged let your holy spirit lead and guide us may all things be to your glory and to your honor and to the blessings of your people here and there whenever and wherever anoint your servant to speak your word may it be a word an end time word in jesus name we pray amen be seated please the 22nd chapter of genesis the first 19 verses were read earlier and i want to share word with you from this portion it is a famous indeed an outstanding story in the bible do not promise that i will go into the depth of the telling of the story but of course it is one with which you are well familiar under the theme pass the test and you will get is best pass the test and you will get is best dr john c maxwell writes and i quote he says you will get tested at each stage of growth in church we say to every level there is another devil it says also your goal is to pass the test so whilst you are tested at each stage the ultimate goal is that we pass the test thirdly he says testing always precedes promotion for god or before god promotes an individual you test your spiritual metal as to how you will stand up in rough times because whenever you reach a certain position of leadership the tests and the challenges they come from all directions and if you were not tried and proven before under other circumstances then you may fail at a time time when you just cannot afford to fail he also says self-promotion or promotion by others can never replace divine promotion self-promotion or to be promoted by others can never replace a divine promotion when god sets you up it's difficult for anyone to take you down when god anoints you he positioned you for a particular purpose and finally dr maxwell says promotion requires sacrifice [Music] for you to get their sacrifices are involved and this is what we see among other things in this text of genesis chapter 22. abraham was about to be brought into another dimension he was about to be declared the father of nations he was about to be enthroned can i use that word to be enthroned amen as the head the blesser of the tribe of israel but god had to put him to a big test big test in all of this when we look at how god orchestrated his plan from creation and throat it is my belief that god wanted his creation to begin well and to continue well he didn't want any failure in between he who hath begun a good work he wants to continue that good work and he wants to perfect that good work to the end so it was god's intention that his creation begin well and continue well but in the midst of it man fell man fell in the midst of it man fell in the midst of a paradise garden of eden a wealthy place a place of communion and fellowship with his maker a place where there was no lack or want everything was at his disposal but man fell genesis chapter 1 26-31 god created man god blessed man god gave man universal dominion and power over everything created those that fly those that creep those that walk those that run and those that vegetate the earth god gave him universal dominion and power over everything he gave man ready access to everything that he needed ready access you don't have to worry where your next meal would be coming from you have nothing to worry about man just be in obedience to me and we'll keep the good thing going is that applicable to us today also tell your neighbor just keep the good thing going oh glory to god just keep the good thing between yourself and your savior between your family members between the members of your church keep the good thing going oh glory to god and we will have the fullness of his blessing so everything was there easy access and when god looked on everything god saw and then he said it is good everything is good enjoy adam enjoy all that i have created for you for your pleasure enjoy them but you see we did say test will come and those who pass the test will get god's best those who fail the test will get the less well i don't know where that came from what if you pass the test you'll get is best how many are resolved to pass your test if you're on if you're resolved to pass your test [Music] different ones of us are tested in different ways and here we have the story before us with abraham but before i delve into that let me speak a little more about this hadam creation because everything originally were hinged on adam's obedience and everything also stands in jeopardy if he disobeyed is that applicable to us today everything stands amen and obedience and jeopardize for our disobedience so in genesis chapter 3 tragedy struck tragedy strong man disobeyed god and he lost it all could you see god the creator the lover of our souls after hadam lost it's all god set angels with flaming sword of fire at the gate of the garden and said do not allow adam to re-enter this garden keep him out and if he were to try to breach insecurity do you know what you have in your hand angels you have a flaming sword of fire and you don't do not just have it here to show what it is or what it can do if there comes a need for you to use it i'm sorry you got to use it against adam but make sure he doesn't re-enter this garden because in this garden there is also the tree of life and if he were to enter and fail on other tests and heat of the tree of life then tragedy would become worse tragedy because i don't know but how would redemption come all would redemption plan come when a sinful man now stands in a state of permanent sinfulness permanent sinfulness he will live through time sinful he will exit time into eternity sinful because there would be no means of redeeming him so god says please you mighty angels make sure you keep him out oh my heart is broken make sure you keep him out i hope that is not true to anyone of us today where god's paradise is fear for us everything to enjoy but because of sinfulness sinful practices god set angel and say keep her house keep him out could it be that the blessings of god that make it rich and added no sorrow with them are staring us in the face but from a distance and the blessings are saying i'm here for the taking but between us and the blessing there's a barrier and until that barrier is removed we can't move forward i hope it is not so i hope the access for us today is open i trust god that every one of us can draw nigh in full assurance of faith draw an eye with a heart sprinkled from an evil conscience [Music] draw an eye with your bodies washed in pure water and as we begin to draw an eye as a king held out the golden scepter to queen esto even so the great husband man the great shepherd of the sheep will open his arms and say come on in you're my child boy i feel the anointing on me some of you don't think i'm preaching i pray to god that that would be our our portion today that the love of your soul and mind will say come on in somebody raise your hand and say lord i want to come in will you invite me here say please invite me in glory so so there it was tragedy struck stroke and for the first time whatever that dispensational period was for the first time man heard the word cursed never heard that word before there was no need for that word to be used there was no need for god to utter the word cursed because prayer pertinence falls everything marked blessed blessing the heralding word was blessed blessing but for the first time he heard the word lord have mercy help me jesus for the first time he heard the word cursed for the first time the serpent heard the word cursed and for the first time adam heard the word cursed all three that was involved in the fall the precipitous fall all three of them heard the word curse anybody love to hear that word well stay in fellowship with god curse be the ground for your sake a blessed ground is no curse because of you for your sake i can't leave it blessed as i intended god says i would violate my own laws curse me the earth for your sake thorns and tissues and briars are going to stick you from time to time and by the sweat of your face you never knew what it meant to sweat but nobody switch of your face you shall eat bread curse curse girl looked on the serpent serpent and he said upon your belly you shall go upon thy belly shalt thou go and i'm going to change your diet all those delicacies that you became accustomed to serpent i'm going to take them from you don't shout thou heat all the days of that life you don't think i'm preaching all right but take away your food take all your delicacies i'll take you from your comfort zone and all those things that you ripple in and enjoy so much i'm gonna knock off your feet knock off your feet and send you on your belly and let you go like this through the sand as our serpent walks you're going to eat dust for the rest because of the word cursed [Music] here forgot news for you [Music] it was intended for you to give birth without pain no pain but if in child's bearing you shall have pain pain is going to hit you [Music] and some of you ladies know what it is to have gone through real pain [Music] do i have anybody who knows about that if you haven't surreal pain where if your hand minister davis has a real pain three days of labor to bring her first child three solid days and nights of travail in mandeville hospital as a young man as a young girl when i walked in there and started oh my god would never let this happen again again lord have mercy but before water chill it happen again and before water chill again so all those three adam the serpent and heave because god had to utter the word cursed everything about their lives were changed not for the better change for the worst oh glory somebody give him a praise so god took no pleasure in what transpired so he said starting all over again is gonna be rough but we gonna make it oh yeah starting all over again is gonna be tough we're gonna make it oh yeah [Music] god says we're gonna start over again hallelujah and god's original vision as i understand it was known to adam noah abraham and then isaac and jacob they were the ones with whom god communicated so many things concerning the original plan later on others such as joseph and potiphar and pharaoh and sarah and lot and rebecca labon and he saw they were brought into the whole drama and played the role god said of pharaoh i raised you for a particular purpose all right let's get to the message now because you don't think i was preaching all the time somebody say something there [Music] lift your hand and said if i pass the test i will get god's best say lord help me to pass my tests [Music] genesis chapter 22 the bible says now god god almighty [Music] met with abraham and it came to pass after those things that god did tempt abraham and said unto him abraham and he said be all ear am i and he said take now thy son that only son isaac whom thou lovest and get thee into the land of moriah and offer him there for a burnt offering up on one of the mountains which i will tell thee off what a test what a big test somebody say help us lord hallelujah genesis chapter 22 1 and 2. god found that man spoke to him and said you've got to obey me because i'm starting a process all over again and although john 3 16 has not yet been written i want you to know abraham that i have a connection from you for 42 generations to come i have a connection genesis 22 john 3 16 for god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son take nothing only son whom thou lovest john 3 16 god sent his only begotten son so way back in history way back in time god looks down through this telescope of time and he sees exactly what the big picture is going to be abraham you are just a prototype of what i'm about to do take isa [Music] and put him on the altar you're homeless on set the pace abraham because i'm going to do exactly just that you are the type on the shadow but i'm going to manifest in reality the sacrifice of my only begotten son o glory to god what a test abraham had to face there and then because god had told him through eyes of the nation to be blessed your seed would be established and now god said give him up listen to me the ways of god are still past finding out some of us we argue with god too much god tells us to do something and we get done and begin to work it out mathematically amen on all kinds of holidays if god says move just move if god said do just do if god said go just go because he has it all under control amen some of you may not understand why your life is the way it is today but if you are an abiding believer abiding in the faith living for god there are no accidents that's happening in your life god is working is purposeful i know you don't understand it i know you can't decipher it i know nobody can prophesy of it because it is a secret thing that god is doing he's pulling you through a process because he wants to take you someplace for higher promotion oh somebody praise god and let me preach hallelujah when god begins to drag you through a process just let him have his way just let him do his thing wavy hannah say have your way lord say do your thing lord say have your way lord [Music] she's not having her own way glory hallelujah here was abraham coming out of a house of idolatry coming out of tyra's house never knew what it was in early days of his life to bow his knees to the great creator he would have seen hide and worshipping all over the place but hear me god as a way to bring some people out of nowhere out of nothing and bring you into where he wants you to be it's not where you are it's not how you start but it's how you finish that matters somebody give god praise and glory jesus hallelujah hallelujah isaac on their way to the mountain before all of that abraham had his servants on the donkeys etc and he said to them gentlemen stay here with the beast because the lord and i are going yonder to worship and come back to you again come on somebody abraham spoke those things which be not as though they were he was going up there to slay his son isaac but he said to the young man stay here we are going to worship but we are coming back glory to god hallelujah tell somebody i'm coming back tell somebody i'm coming back wave your hand and see i'm coming back some of you feel like the journey is an endless journey but you're coming back in the name of jesus right back into the fullness of the fellowship of god right back into the place of the overflowing anointing right back to where you belong coming back but no devil in hell go stop it no demons gonna stop it no church hypocrites gonna stop it no bad bite is gonna stop it no sorceress can't stop it no hope your worker can't stop it no beyond halter bill can't stop it [Music] [Applause] hallelujah give him praise and glory so john 3 16 and genesis 22 1 and 2 they are inseparable inseparable oh glory to god somebody gave him a praise inseparable long story short abraham took the test because he took the lord he made all of the preparations that became necessary he got the wood he got the fire he head for the mountain he had isaac with him when he got there he built an altar he burned the child he laid him on the altar he had his knife everything to obey god everything to honor god everything to give god his best son you better learn to put it together the way you should put it together give him everything take my will and make it thine take my heart to this thing home take my hands on my feet take my lips take my intellect take my silver and my gold take my will and make thine glory when you give god everything it becomes easier to make the sacrifice and pass the test [Applause] but when all is not on the altar of sacrifice lead when there are some bleeding sheep somewhere that were not killed you have a problem because god will hear them god i think i'm preaching here whenever there are some bleating sheep that we've speared like agog the prophet will ask what means that sound that i hear and immediately you're going to try to blame somebody well it's the prior warriors who don't like me well it's a bishop that's holding me back well it's a sunday school teacher that won't give me a chance the superintendent well is this is that on the other but when you kill them all nobody stands in the way somebody said kill them all so abram took the test and made full preparation those of you who join me on wednesday night or friday night for worldwide prayer meeting i hope you're not lying in your bed comfortable and just cool and listening and watching i hope that is not what you're doing while i'm there laboring i hope you are laboring in prayer come on somebody i hope you're laboring hope you're travailing i hope you're interceding i hope you're putting it all together i hope you're part of the entire process abram make sure he put it all together and he passed his tests with distinction distinction eye marks for when he reached for the knife to slay his son an angel called unto him abraham abraham lay not thine hand upon the lot neither do thou anything unto him for no i know it's a god you never knew before no i know don't worry about what i never knew i know everything but where you are concerned you're a man you could change a minute before are you not saying nothing [Music] now i know that no fear is god seeing that god was not withheld thy son thine only son from me and abram in the very same way you did not with old isaac the new plan that i've orchestrated i will not with all my only begotten son [Music] abraham i speared the life of isaac because my word shall not return unto me void but i will not spear the life of my only begotten son give god your best give god your best pass your test and take his best abraham i will not withhold my son even when he cried to me and say father if it be possible let this cup pass from me oh no he wants his father's willpower to be done even when he cried heal away hilo our llama sabastoni which is to say my god my god why has god forsaken me god said not even that will cause me to spear him the crowd of thought will go on his head will rip to his side the nails will plunge through his hands and his feet and he's going to pay the price for what adam did a man sin a man transgress a man will have to pay the price for the redemption oh god help me in this house somebody wave your hand and say something there hallelujah abraham i want the apostle paul to be able to write for as in adam paul died even so in christ shall all be made alive [Music] jesus lost it in haram recovered it in christ destroyed in haram rebuilt in christ destruction in haram restoration and blessing in christ abraham you have a part to play past the test if you don't pass the test i'm in trouble [Music] god can i tell somebody straight up if you don't pass the test many people will be in trouble the kingdom will suffer loss [Music] oh no oh no if you do not pass the test not only will you not get god's best but people would be in trouble because they are watching you you are an influence you are the bible that they read you are the songbook that they sing from you are the epistle that they recognize you are the salt that they need for some flavoring you're the light that they need to guide their path so if you don't pass the test some people will be in trouble oh no you're not getting my message you're getting at sharon doffers grant [Music] god almighty oh lord may we be told those words i'm depending on you i've counted on adam i've counted confident cain i've counted on jonah but he was the same i've even counted on my accountant judas but he proved untrue [Music] paul look at how i met you look at what i did in you on the damascus road look at the marvelous miracles that happened in your life i took over your sight for three days i sent you to a shoemaker he anointed you and laid hands on you i sent you to be baptized calling on my name paul you think i did that for no reason at all [Music] i'm depending on you [Music] you think i have you converted from saul the vile vascular to the persecutor the murderer you think i have you converted and changed for nothing [Music] i'm counting on you leave your hand and say lord count me in don't put on your arms so quick man hold up there on them there yeah hold him up say lord you can count me in count on me thank you you can count on me i'm working for my faithful i will be [Music] i will fight with all my minds lord you [Music] can count on me lord have mercy jesus i went to god we hear those words individual and collectively i'm counting on you pass the test and take god's best for what the gem says if at first you don't succeed don't quit try try keep on trying until you succeed somebody praise god only the time is gone keep on trying so seed of abraham children of abraham you have a battle to fight but you have a victory to win that's what god says you have a battle to fight but there's a victory that you must win because a captain the general the commander-in-chief is never a loser he's head of the army oh god almighty somebody prays in there he's head of the army and when he deploys his troops he doesn't leave them on the whole he follows them he walks with me he talks with me he tells me i am his own he said i'll never leave you no forsake you said when you go through the fire i'll be there to quench it for you when you go to the flood i'll be fear that it doesn't overflow you but when you go to the rivers you will go across safely then i took the children of israel across the red sea by defining it then i took them across the jordan by drying it up if i did it for them i'll do it for you somebody lift your hand and say take me across jesus said right of jesus take me across jesus try to jesus he will divide it and take your cross he will try to partake your cross but the body you have to fight guarantee that you are going to have a victory in the name of jesus because you're a seed of abraham give him your do your best pass the test and take the best somebody praise him you ought to close in five minutes lord have mercy um yeah [Music] i don't know how much of you know i guess all of you do that you have a devil to defeat every morning you wake up [Applause] [Music] and for the 24 hours of the day you have a devil to defeat lord god help me in this church for the seven days of the week for the 365 days of the year for whatever seconds and minutes and hours constituted here you have a devil to defeat there is no rest there's no break he's out like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour [Music] anybody you're conscious that you have a devil to defeat every day [Music] the sad thing about it is some of you think the devil is your church member your brother and sister and you even plead the blood against them sometimes they are not your devil hallelujah peter said be sober be vigilant be strong because your adversary the devil your adversary goes about as a ruined lion seeking whom he may devour resist him steadfast in the faith that's what your brethren did in years gone by they resisted in the faith they resisted them in the word they said get behind me satan hallelujah they said oh can i do such wicked thing and sin against my god they said and treat me not to leave thee not to return from falling after thee oh glory to god the heathen said though he slay me oh you're not preaching with me yet will i trust him but they say we're not giving up we're not backing down somebody praise god again in this house so you must pass the test pass the test and you will get god's best wave your hand again and praise him [Music] glory jesus i praise you lord so what do you do in preparation for this battle make sure you're fully armored put on the whole armor of god from head to toes no part must be left exposed only the back there's no covering for because they don't expect you to turn your back to the enemy you must face the enemy somebody give him praise let me bring it down pass your test you're going to be tested at your gilgal like elijah but remember you're on your way to get the best oh no gilgal when you get there you are going to be tested even by the sons of the prophets plus other circumstances past your tests at gilgal you're going for the best when you get to beth hell you're going to be tested at bethel to every level there is a devil before every promotion there is a battle when you get to bethel pass your test at bethel like at elijah when you get to jericho when the jerichonians begin to breathe down in your neck and tell you all kind of stuff about all prophet elijah did you know you will soon be taken away from you and you're still following this old prophet come on elisha you can do better than that you got a ministry elisha where do you think i got the mantle laid on me who did you think lay the mantle on me give me a break you jerichonians will not stop me let's let's close but the big big test came when he got to jordan and his master elijah went over i believe elisha stood up and he looked they said jordan was still open should i enter should i go over what happened to me when elijah is taken up and i am left on the other side but when you are willing to give god your best no price is too high if i perish i perish i must see the king i will not retreat i will not surrender i will not turn back i'm going all the way somebody wave your hand and say all the way [Music] god of heaven showed it again all the way [Music] well i can't believe we have to stop here now elijah pursued elijah giving his best passing every test because he knew at the end of this adjourned the best is yet to come i'm going to receive from god an anointing i've not just received elijah's mantle a piece of rag but i'm going to receive from god an anointing from the crown of my head elisha would have said to the souls on my feet nothing will be able to stand before me nothing will be able to bring me down even when i die i will be a miracle worker in life i'll be a miracle worker and even in death i'm going to be a miracle worker anybody needs deliverance while i'm alive and while i am dead if i'm dead bring them to my support corps pass them over my sepulcher and they'll get a miracle because i passed my test and i received god's best somebody praise him in the house today praise the videos today [Applause] stand with me please what's the best you ask of god today what's the best thing god could give you [Music] silver and gold oh no rich is untold oh no hallelujah i'm believing god to keep all of us raise the water your hands come on let's learn to connect with anointing i'm believing god to give all of us no less nothing less than the blessing of an anointed spirit-filled power pack life to challenge the lions when they throw us among them to challenge the fire when we are thrown in there to speak to the jordan when we get there i'm believing god for no less for everybody in my audience i don't mind the broad answer what you want to ask for this is my prayer for god's best upon your life nothing is better than the anointing nothing is better than the anointing it is the anointing that destroys yokes there is anointing that sets the captives free some of you don't raise your hand you don't want this okay go for your mercedes ain't nothing wrong go for all that you want to go for your houses and land go for your silver and your gold but i've seen all of those things leave behind when you go home to be with your savior that's god's best for me today that's god's best an anointed spirit-filled power-packed holy ghost life of courage to take on all that comes and to defeat them yeah keep those hands up there take something when the lions see you their mouth must be shot and their jaws lock when the fire receive you the violence must be quenched [Music] god i feel the anointing of god here mama casende if you want it you can have it if you want it you can have it if you really want it you can have it let a double portion of thy spirit be upon me you've asked a hard thing but because you passed the test at gilgal because you passed the test at bethel because you passed the test a jericho and even a jordan may god grant you your heart's desire and he received a double portion of god's anointing i took him through life and even in death it was active begin to worship god right now which a god we could make halter cause i'm sorry we can't make altar calls [Music] jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus sweet anointing pour out upon the body of christ pour out upon the church of the living god flood our lives with the latter rain in the name of jesus gotta speak it by faith i release it by faith i call upon you now for every blood washed believer grunt o lord but all of us will pass the test and move on to get the very best that you have for us which is the no the anointing that destroys every you save the unsaved reclaim the backsliders water the saints from it to toes heal the sick and discourage and disease glorify yourself in jesus name in jesus name my god my god my god my god somebody go ahead and thank him oh yes lord that's what i say yes lord from the bottom [Applause] lift up your hands and say yes [Applause] of my [Applause] yes tell him that you love him i love you i love you jesus oh [Music] raise your hand and sing it again yes lord yes yes yes from the bottom of my heart one more time yes lord oh [Applause] [Applause] yes [Applause] [Music] lord abraham said yes to you he obeyed you he passed the test and received your best elijah would have said yes to elijah and he pass all the tests and receive your best i pray in the name of jesus christ that as we close out this preaching portion right now that every person will give you an eternal yes and because they have the anointing and the empowerment of the holy spirit the challenges of life when they come will not cause them to retreat or surrender to the enemy because a yes is on their heads in jesus name we pray clap your hands and give him the i praise everybody [Music] [Applause] you're clapping your hands but i don't hear the high praise the high praises hallelujah my god god bless you be seated please lord deliver us from these masks please lord we are growing tired and we are of this mask jesus thank you for sharing this wonderful service with us this morning those of you who are viewing audiences you want to stay for stay with us for the next 10 12 minutes that's okay you'll air announcements etc we thank you for joining us and i trust the lord that you have been blessed we now prepare for offertory worship our brothers and sisters visit us friends everybody we worship with tithes orphan special offering seed faith offering every man according to his several ability so let him give not sparingly not of necessity for god loves a cheerful giver so let's prepare to give to god's work and those of you churches and pastors who may be viewing right now this emblem on the pulpit here is approved by the jamaica umbrella group of churches it is the national symbol for the national day of prayer and the request is that every church in jamaica should have one of these in your church someplace there you may not put it on the pulpit like i do but some very visible place in your church so that the members visitors and everybody alike can keep in mind the national day of prayer which will be on the first wednesday of each year under the theme ill the family in the nation so you can call the office here and talk to sister raquel stewart she will tell you more about it uh we've got them printed well we can order them we order them in bulk then the price is two thousand dollars no markup no nothing less than bulk price then it's gonna be almost three thousand dollars so pastors do your thing somebody give god praise bless our tithe and orphan oh god accept these gifts and accept us and bless all in jesus name we pray amen please take your time and make your offerings while the announcer gives us a few more announcements all things go well this friday night will be for a meeting yeah you heard it right in prayer meeting maintaining all the protocols as per usual but this friday night pre-meeting by the grace of god and i'll tell you a little more about that how we're going to pray on friday night we will not have full compliment like we do so we will make a little adjustments and have you be able to pray properly and pray through all rights of friday night prayer meeting god bless you dear welcome to the pages of the powerful ministries diary for the week beginning sunday january 31 2021 extra special birthday greetings are extended to mother ashburn who celebrated her 81st birthday on january 26th and mother baron piabellon who will celebrate our 84th birthday tomorrow february 21 congregation put your hands together for them [Applause] thank you greetings came to our bishop minister davis and the power faith ministries family from the following brethren overseas sister dorothy patterson sent special greetings to the prayer department worker nigretta pennycott sister jasmine mcdonnell and sister paulie thompson sent special greetings to the woman of words one second please some of you can give your tithes an orphan in the receptacles at the door wherever they are so that everybody don't have to come down here please if there's a receptacle at your door someplace you can do so thank you thank you bishop send special greeting to the woman of word and the voices of inspiration choir upcoming events the marriage enrichment ministry presents a pre-valentine cake sale on friday february 12th for tickets and further information please contact minister michael smith or any member of the mem competitor the following persons have passed away and funeral arrangements are pending sister sandra cowy a member of the echoes of it choir has lost her father sister ivani allen has lost her grandson deaconess cynthia abu has passed away sister elia pasco has passed away and the sister of deaconess ioni gossop has passed away overseas scheduled funeral the funeral service for the mother of elder rowan coburn will be held today sunday january 31 at 2 pm there will be a viewing at the old harbor sda church between the hours of 11am and 1pm internment will be at red ground with senpai 3. photographs of the deceased members are posted on the notice board for your viewing our bishop his wife and the members of the prophet family share with those who are ill or have lost loved ones may you find strength in our continuous prayers thank you note sister andrea allen and family have expressed thanks to bishop minister davis and the power faith family for your expression of love kindness and support during the passing of their loved one weekly activities monday february 1 all brothers you are invited out to a very important meeting at 6 30 p.m sharp at the children's church all brothers please be available for that day wednesday february 3rd our first wednesday fasting service commences at 9 00 a.m lighting of the altar commences at 6 a.m come expecting your miracle healing deliverance or breakthrough you will leave with a testimony it was indeed my pleasure serving you this morning also members who would like to open an account or if you just need more information about the pfm trip club we invite you to meet the team immediately after service in the music institute thank you please bear the announcements in mind and attend upon those pertaining to you your department certainly it's your church i want to thank the women of worth for having conducted their jerk day on friday and so many people enjoyed their jerk things even myself jerk a little too yeah got a little taste of the jerk i don't jerk the four feet man an arrow a jerk with the two feet one thank you woman of worth please remember to a mother and daughter in your prayers prayer warriors take note of this uh sister cassandra and kimberly gail bless you sister cassandra she's in or winnipeg manitoba in canada bless your heart cold like a freezer up there now but keep well and keep safe minister davis is going to be distributing some tablets and computers to those who have been so advised so please stay with us if you are not in this main sanctuary and you are among them to receive the tablet or computer please make your way here the same will be done in the second service i want to thank over ceo pastor michael hutchinson miramar assembly and sister brown canada trying to remember her first name oh no abigail yeah abigail brown in canada they worked in this project and we thank them so much all right so prepare for that immediately after minister davis make the distribution and i'm going to give her 10 minutes to do so by that clock on the wall but i'm not the one on your hand okay 10 minutes to do so then you will come down and receive your covenant and catch of those who need to get one you can still get one i mean it's a small supervisors that know god bless you license plate 1442 gm your vehicle is blocking someone who wants to leave immediately license plate 1442 gm thank you [Music] just wave your hands in the presence of the lord this morning let us honor the lord because the lord is good his mercies are everlasting and his truth endureth to all generation and as we are told and we believe it and we accept it that when we give god our best praise god when we fast the test god will give us the best and that's we know for sure this morning we want to extend special special thanks and appreciation to one of our very own a young lady that grew up in this church and have served well and has migrated her name is abigail brown and she does not cease to stay in touch with her church and to be a blessing in different ways she called me and she mentioned to me that she was led and desired to do a tablet drive for the children who do not have such and she got the pastors in the overseas churches engaged and they cooperated with her we have overseer michael hutchinson in the miramar assembly and we have pastor kevin laylar in the brooklyn assembly they were the two um um there were the two pastors that came on board with her and she has been able to have sent along with them 35 tablets to which i have distributed to the outstation churches so we did not keep it for ourselves i share with the australian churches i gave to all the pastors praise god those of you want to get the prayer and ketchup just come to the side here in very small number while this is taking place okay and we can no rush no rush and this morning i'm here to make that distribution she has also sent a little remainder cash that was left over so i have data for at least six persons this morning and further to that a member of the church who desire to remain anonymous asked me to make this distribution i have also 10 envelopes with 5 000 each to be given for persons which will be the children who may not have got a tablet the parents will be able to maybe make up that amount and buy them a tablet all right this is a total distraction but i'll do what i have to do secondly there was a prior mother who had served this church very faithfully she also migrated is it like a lawrence lawrence is it what's her name stop her for me your lawrence is it lawrence come and tell me your name again refresh me all right our name is mother daphne folks all right i don't know how many of you remember her but she had been living overseas for years her daughter our granddaughter praise god naomi francis who works at the prime minister's office she wants to leave at indelible mark of her grandmother so she has given me a laptop and a tablet bishop davis and i'm doing the presentation this morning she wants this to be in memory of her grandmother mother daphne folks and saw the recipient of this laptop this morning she said she wanted to go to a very astute student one who is very focused well calculated praise god and i think this young lady deserves it so at this time i'm going to be asking hannah thomas to come and receive this laptop praise god in memory of mother daphne folks presented by her granddaughter naomi francis is hannah here all right i see you as a very well calculated well structured and astute young lady one who know what you're about and she wants me to invest this in the life of a very progressive person and i think you deserve it this morning and so on behalf of naomi francis in memory of her grandmother i present you this laptop and i know you're going to use it for your advancement and for others god bless you sister hannah god bless you god bless you [Applause] all right there's a second laptop this is from bishop davis and myself this is a first-year student in nursing as small and petite as she looks she's at the university of the west indies first year student in nursing doing her degree she's a member here remind me of your full name giordano cummings little comments behalf of bishop davis and myself we are investing this laptop computer in your life looking forward to seeing you graduating and being on the ward and giving of yourself in life of humanity making life better in all the way possible so from our hearts to yours i present you this talking god bless you god bless you all right okay i'm going to be asking all the children that are here now quickly to just make a line in the house and will be coming now to give you only the not all children now only those of melodies of praise you must be a member of the melodies of praise please so it's not all children i don't know these only members of melodies of praise please please please they are not and i will not i have a limited amount all right and it's just those who i know are members of melodies of praise that i'll be presenting these tablets to this morning all right just place it here for me thank you very much deacon all right the directors of melodies of praise if you are here assist me to identify all right and i'll be giving them to you the directors just present it to them for me very quickly just present it to them for me all right [Music] and this tablet is also from naomi dawkins naomi francis she gave us a laptop and a tablet [Music] make sure you identify them for me that they are members of the melodies of praise i miss them i yearn for them i beg god that they will soon be able to come on out again because i really miss them praise god all right i have some envelopes here this these donations were given by a sister who want to remain anonymous all right in these envelopes if there's any that do not receive i'll give them an envelope with five thousand dollars that their parents can make it up not by very much to do a tablet all right here are some envelopes directors and to carry on just hand out for me [Music] please he's not melodies of praise but just give him one two of them are neither from melodies or priest but just give them one all right [Music] they're not but i'm just going to be generous you got anything all right you're not either but i will you are if i give you now i'm going to rob the others here you here you are here you are and that's the lot all right okay we are sorry i wish we could give everybody but we are working on more if we can we will love you all investing in the future of our children that's the best we can do put your hands together praise god we just give god thanks this morning god richly bless you [Music] all right thank you so much [Music] let's stand and prepare to close the service at this time [Music] taylor come to me i'll give her the five thousand dollars okay let us stand please what do we say when we are closing a service everybody stop where you are [Music] grace of our lord and savior jesus christ the love of god the father full fellowship and communion of the holy spirit the comforter rest remain and abide with us all now and furthermore we say amen next week sunday will be three services because we have lord support six o'clock in the office thank you for watching this live broadcast please like share and subscribe if you were blessed and inspired remember to visit our website at www for more information stay tuned
Channel: PFMFamilyTV
Views: 22,775
Rating: 4.9142857 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 143min 0sec (8580 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 31 2021
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