A Time of Refreshing - September 21, 2021

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you i can't take a heart that's broken make it over again but i know a way [Music] i can't tell [Music] well praise the lord what a joy it is to be with you on today passing through giving thanks to the almighty god who has by his holy spirit enabled us to enable us to see another day a day of god's goodness a day of god's grace a day of god's many many favors and of course we are very thankful that we are alive on today i did say yesterday that each day we live to see it affords us the opportunity to make good things that we were not able to make ah the days passed to be the better you to be the better me as we seek to serve each other and ensuring that god's will be done here on earth as it is ordained in heaven so we welcome you all of you near and far home and abroad to today's program and i know we're in for another wonderful time many things are happening and many things will continue to happen as long as earth remains earth yeah as it was in the beginning so shall it be in the end or on to the end passing by to inform you that we have just a little change that we had to make concerning our service on tomorrow wednesday you heard me announce two sessions as we did sometimes ago well we are on to one session tomorrow starting at nine o'clock a.m and we intend to go through until noon day or a little thereafter please come along and importantly it will not be held in the main auditorium due to work that is being done there right now when all of the av equipment have been disconnected to facilitate that work and we won't get them back together for wednesday so we will be the upper room sanctuary for fasting and prayer tomorrow nine o'clock a.m so please help me to get the word along to those warriors faithful ones prayer leaders etc who would normally be heir and we want you to be on time at nine o'clock and no later all right so much for that we will see what happens for sunday the lord towers we can't say all that at this time but as soon as we are able to inform you as to what will obtain on sunday we will let you know but one way or the other we will have church and worship god please remember to support your church support your pastor especially at a time like this be a faithful believer be a faithful believer in your prayerful support in your financial support in calling your fellow brothers and sisters and encouraging them because not everyone is strong as you are okay please remember that and the strong must bear the infirmities of the weak and do not please yourself only i said the word of the lord all right thank you so much for all of that and i want to thank those who contributed to the av department the equipment that went down these are some of the work that we're doing now having secured the items we're able to put them back in place so we can come back to you and to our innoce audience in fine style god bless you much on behalf of all of us accept our greetings my wife dr petruva members of the av department i stacy i have to say hello to stacey you know stacy will be mad with me she said bishop i'm not mad with you all right stacy have a good day and you'll enjoy the program okay one of your favorite preachers on today he doesn't know that but i know that so it is from me to he who will present the word of the lord today on a time of refreshing minister michael norman mirage he will take it from me to you on facebook youtube instagram pfm family flow 602 672 and digicel play channel 20. be blessed minister michael mirage good afternoon bishop good afternoon viewers it is a wonderful day to be in the studio at the profit ministries international sharing and yet again another time of refreshing and refreshing it has been from last year march until now yes we have been going you have been going sir uh you have been going very hard oh my goodness for a very long time i know i say it in your absence and i say it again in your presence that every time there is i would not even use the word attack i would just say every time something come to affect yeah church worship and preach in the word of god the lord lead you to come up with something else yes to get the word out even more and wider and better and i firmly believe in romans 8 and 28 that all things work together for good to them that would love sir because if i should go on some more sir for whom the lord foreknew he is so predestined oh my god to be conformed to the image of his own son that he might be the first born among many bridges any brethren more over those whom we those who need god he sanctified and those who sanctified my god glorify jesus so we give god thanks for your sir that he had predestined you to conform to the image of his son wow so that people can be blessed at home during a time like this and you have directed all effort and you have gathered those who are willing to labor with you on platforms like these so we thank god for you and dr petrova davis and thanks is not enough sir because i say this with my wife sometimes say when you say it with respect it appears if it is no respect but respectfully sir when some have rolled up and said well let us take a break you have drawn up your sleeve instead and say let's get to work yeah and people recognize and people see the difference between those who are standing and those who are laying down i say no more at that point yes but just allow me to say many thanks to the many pastors whatever title they carried bishop overseer pastored ministers elders for having sat here male and female because we're all in this and there's absolutely no way that any one of us could have carried this for the entire period sink landedly thank god for all of you his wonderful servants and the work continues and you can hear it in their in their presentation that their heart is burning to serve in this way when you call upon them yeah yeah you can hear it they are not here as men pleased that they are as all right sir go ahead and bless the people now give me a break minister mirage yes sir it's a pleasure to be with you all time well i'm here one more time with you flo and digicel and instagram and facebook on youtube and i see all the the the comments coming in it's a wonderful time to be with you always and we always like to be in the presence of those who find god work to be the most important thing that they have to do in each and every day and our bishop is one of such of many of the leaders in jamaica as he has said who treat this work with utmost respect and prioritize doing the work of god and in the same breath i want to thank god for the team that works with our pastor bishop dr delphi davis and the pastors right throughout jamaica and the world at large because the team oftentimes is in the background and we do not recognize the work that goes on behind the scene and especially during this time of a pandemic you must recognize that it is a team effort more than anything else i mean a pastor could go in this church and he would preach maybe without a drama without somebody on the keyboard and just preach you could say well he did it all by himself in the flesh with the help of the holy spirit but on a platform like this you can imagine there's somebody setting the camera who's monitoring both cameras as you see switch from me to bishop to both of us someone who's making sure that the sound is coming true to you properly and while monitoring it to ensure that all is well we thank god for all those persons in all the av department right through the world that's working with their church leader to come true to you like this i say no more i have a word to share with you today that i hope will encourage and strengthen one and all i promise not to preach today but to have a conversation with you let us pray father we thank you for the opportunity one more time like this to share on a time of refreshing a theme and a project that you have given to the man's servant whom you have called to yourself bishop dr delphi davis and his able wife minister dr petrova davis and you have led them and you have covered them and protected them and all those who join with them in the field to bring forth all the fruits heavenly father from it and lord we thank you for those who are working with us unworldly so that we can reap success in your name jesus christ bless those who are under my voice and where they are sick we pray that everyone shall be receiving a touch of the holy spirit healing hands today and they will be ready to declare and state exactly where the healing come from father we thank you for one and all in jesus precious and mighty name we pray amen i coming to you from my favorite book i think you can guess what it is but i'll be going to a couple other places in the word of god in the book of isaiah from chapter 20 and six verses yes six verses and i want to read all six for you from the new king james version and then we get on with it it says in the year that tartan came to ashdod when sargon the king of azeria sent him and he fought against ashdod and took it at the same time the lord spoke by isaiah the son of amos saying go and remove the sock cloth from your body and take your sandals off your feet and he did so walking naked and barefoot then the lord said just as my servant isaiah has walked naked and barefoot these three years for a sign and a wonder against egypt and ethiopia so shall the king of azerea lead away the egyptians as prisoners and ethiopians as captives young and old naked and barefoot with their buttocks uncovered to the shame of egypt then they shall be afraid and ashamed of ethiopia their expectation and egypt their glory and the inhabitant of this territory will say in that day surely such is our expectation wherever we flee for help to be delivered from the king of azeria and how shall we escape the theme that i have for you today is a price of friendship yes my brothers and sister the price of friendship you know there are plenty of people who have said you know i want to be your friend but friendship comes at a cost oh yes some of you will will easily agree to me and some persons who have said many times that you know to be my friend you have to possess certain material things and i think you understand what i mean by that you know to be my friend you have to be rich to my friend you have to be bright to be my friend you have to live in a certain community to be my friend you have to come from a certain background am i speaking to you to be my friend you have to be of a certain skin color so you know friendship have a price oh yes friendship people tell you my friendship don't come so easy some people friendship comes with years i remember someone told me that they call no one their friends unless they know you for at least 10 years mercy 10 years you know these persons say among a long list of other things they will have to know you for at least 10 years but you have heard about this prophet isaiah who has been regarded by many preachers including bishop dr delphi davis as the legalized prophet the prophet that saw things so accurate and he has gotten that title the neglige prophet and plenty people want to be friends with god oh yes and god don't mind you being a friend of his he wants us to be his friend he wants us to be his family but it comes at a price now look at what happened to the neglige prophet isaiah isaiah the same one according to chapter one who said i am a man who is undone yes i have unclean lips and they live among a people of unclean lips making it very clear that he is not worthy to be in the presence of the most high god and this isaiah having received a touch from the holy spirit receive a touch as one of the seraphim took the a life call from the fire with the tongues and touch his lip and he said this has touched your lips and your sins have been forgiven and your iniquity have been purged telling him this isaiah i believe with a very good friend of god and a very good friend of the most high god must be prepared to go through thick and thin with god but with god everything is always thick there is no thin because god is able to protect us and to provide for us and lead us and take care of us but i am always reminded yes by this this very chapter chapter 20 in the book of isaiah i encourage you to read it even after today and on several occasions what god asks of the prophet isaiah the lord said to isaiah from verse 2 he spoke to isaiah and he said go and remove the sackcloth from your body and take your sandals off your feet and the word of god said is same verse 2 and he did so walking naked and barefoot you know i know some of you like to talk about preachers and that preachers boastful and preachers do this and preachers do that and you know in some cases somebody might be onto something but let me just be honest think about all of us including myself i am not taking myself out of it that the lord god call upon us this very day even tonight and say my bishop my reverend my pastor my evangelist the lord said to you i am asking you tomorrow take off your clothes don't put on the shoes naked put on a bird suit put on your bird suit and i want you to march out of your house go where i tell you naked and barefoot some of us would say satan the blood of jesus is against you we would say don't not talk to us i am enjoying this one too much but friendship with god is very costly no you think you can just then if common man common man common man will breathe the breath of god who will die and the mutt will eat them and the worms will eat them black wool according to this very same book of isaiah eat them up if common man going till you say unless you are of a certain background you cannot be my friend unless you have millions and you have a yacht and you have your private jet you can work in my company unless you wear a certain kind of clothes come on manny no if common man can lay out the criteria for their friendship and if you do not satisfy that criteria oh lord help me you cannot go in their company and lord said to isaiah isaiah my prophet who i call to myself isaiah never come from the family line oh lord i have not seen any document to specify isaiah from the background to say he was the son of where we know he's the son of amos to say well he has a special thing on him but when you read that isaac this is right here son of amus it says that isaiah i want you to take off your suck cloth you know that eyes i wasn't even properly dressed and the little clothes are my voice because suck claw not the gentleman not your night not the clocks not all of those things take out your sandals and i want you to walk all naked and be a foot mercy an isaiah trust the hand of god can i speak to somebody you know when i get into it like this you know the lord always provide me with so much to say isaiah humbled himself immediately and the word of god said he did so i never hear why god you serious god those are the questions we actually can ask you know when god speak to me now listen you have to be careful of the voices that you hear right so you must know you're hearing from god isaiah the word of god and he did so walking naked and barefoot why i get into the wife then the lord said just as my servant isaiah as well naked and barefoot and for those who are reading with me it never worked naked for one year some of us don't even can't even imagine us walking out in our own house and some family member ceo i don't know why they would see you walk in your house and why that will hurt my butt you don't want nobody to see anything isaiah walk not one hour not one day yes i am stretching it out not one week not one month not a quart of the year isaiah never walked for one year the word of god said he walked i know somebody i've never seen this in this text before the word of god said he was naked and barefoot three years yes you heard you heard me right every version of the bible you read it says so and if that bible doesn't say so that's it way correct bible say you are naked and barefoot three years i want to hear what i'm saying some christians as as if they if they get put out of a house that european rent for our mortgage situation financially the church and god and everybody no nobody talk to them isaiah walk naked barefoot three years mercy what a price to be a friend of god i would not even go up to moses because we're not going finish today but what a price to pay to be a prophet of god some of these prophets listen i said this respectfully some of these people are jumping the prophet category be careful you know because everybody i profit everybody have profit these days you know you don't have no more evangelist when i have no more rev when i have no more of those pastors everybody let's keep us bishop and god all we are no upper prophet and some skippers profit them a person no yes everything's escape as a job big profit position is not a easy position to go in you know everybody like profit dressing car these days you have uh you have dressing that i said this is what ministers must wear so even i have to be very careful because you know some people take the other context this is all ministers must dress so i wear ministers robin ministers i i don't make sure i don't buy nonsense this is bishop robe because when people put you through that context i make say where we sell this for ministers ministers clothes different from bishop clothes different from a pastor clothes and i don't know why them don't have some evangelist clothes i guess if it's not minister um bishop anna pass everything else must be evangelist and everything else is rev but just think about it people jump on into the category of prophet do you not know that the lord god will call upon you to do like isaiah are you willing mrs prophet and mr prophet no disrespect are you willing to do what this prophet did walk near kid and barefoot three years and the lord told him to do it and the word of god said and he did so right away yes well never have right away me put that to you he did so walking naked and barefoot right away the prophet took off the sackcloth took off the sandals and obeyed the voice of the lord the most high god isaiah was ready enough to follow what god tell him because according to chapter 6 in the year usaid died isaiah said i saw the lord sitting on a throne high and lived in himself he saw for himself the most high god he was able to give you a description about the most high god in such detail that the train of his robe filled the temple oh hallelujah isaiah heard him speak eyes as i saw him i saw he was high and lifted up and he tell you about the seraphim he said they have six wings they said that with two they cover their face yes with two they cover their feet and with two they flew and one cry out to another oh hallelujah a female preacher coming so isaiah humbled himself yes beverly smith glory to god look miss smith and luna reads me to speak with my brother everyone calling is different that is so true if god called you to be an evangelist be an evangelist you will be a friend of god same way if god called you to worship on the choir be the best choir member not necessarily the leader be the best at whatever the lord put you to do word of god so whatsoever and fine to do it with all your might because there is no power there is no device in the grave where we are going do it right now god call it so do we do it right now the dead can't do anything so isaiah humbled himself and he took off the sackcloth and he took off the sandals and he walked naked and barefoot for three years for a sign and a wonder as soon get to the against egypt and against ethiopia i soon get to that i'm going somewhere but i want to talk a little bit more about the price of friendship with god plenty people plenty plenty plenty plenty people of all kind of titles in church i preach a message sometime was it this year mercy church hurt yes it's on the youtube and facebook and in the poor fade up you know profitable up but those of you have not yet downloaded the power of it up and you want to find more information and to view more messages easily without searching on all our youtube don't load the power feed up and from that app you will find pictures and you'll find some of the very same messages i would like to see right at your fingertips so if you have not done so yet to all who are under my voice at flow and digital instagram youtube facebook i'm asking all of you to type right now i'm going to ask the office to put the link those in the av watch on the av department work very efficient because they are listening to me right now to put the link right now in today into the comment section for those persons who want to download the app right now so that link is going to appear in the chat right in facebook on youtube for you to download the app so that you can have all these messages every time right at your fingertips and you could even forward the link to your friends and family members to say download the powerfit app so you can have these pop-up messages at any given time and any announcement that the church want to send out you will hear it first yes among those rather will hear it first and since i am on it let me just also say in the middle of this presentation that the miramar assembly right there in florida will be having their convention starting on the 10th of october on to the 13th of october and i must tell you it is my pleasure to share to you that your shulie would be the speaker in florida so looking forward to that at that time in the will of the lord so for those who are in florida i see you there so let us get back on with the business of the lord bishop ocean michael ochensen is the senior pastor with his wife minister patricia ortinson in miranda florida with pastor rose and minister rose right there and all the other members in miramar assembly and i look forward to meeting them and seeing them one more time in the lord no so isaiah took off his suck cloth and he walked naked and barefoot are we ready are we ready veronica brown are we ready marilyn neil are we ready to follow are we ready to suffer bishop spent sunday night talking about this kind of suffering that we experience as christian but i'm looking at it from a different light about being obedient to the voice of god and the lord said to isaiah and it came to my mind and i said how does that come to my mind i say this if isaiah representing the prophet of god at the time speaking thus says the lord and he demonstrated his commitment to the one and only god by conforming to the instruction that was given to him walking naked and barefoot it was for a reason the lord did it for a reason he said for a sign and a wonder against egypt and ethiopia when we speak of egypt we speak of the spiritual and physical bondage that the people of god has suffered and is suffering in this present time may i say that again when we speak of egypt we make reference to the past physical and spiritual suffering that the people of god has suffered and is suffering in this present time and the lord said to isaiah i want you to walk naked i want you to walk barefoot for three years for a sign and a wonder and i said to myself nervous robinson i said to myself if god can ask his prophet to do this thing remember it is god himself that clothed adam and eve when they found out that they were naked and god is asking his prophet to take off his clue to take off his shoes and were naked and barefoot the lord said isaiah do this for me because i know you will do it there are not many isaiahs in this time i'm not saying i am one i'm just saying there are not many isaiah's in this time but thank god for the few isaiahs that are out there who are standing up for god yes yes church of god let me tell you facebook on youtube and flow and did you sell there are some isaiah's out there in this present time who are ready if the lord asks them to go naked and to god bear food if god tell them yes in this present time we have some isaiah's in this present time yes there are few insiders who have not bowed they have not bowed their knees there are few still around in the name of thank god that we have a few around same way a few isaiahs female isis and male isas right here in this time right throughout the us right through africa right through the uk right through the middle east and all the hazel there are a few isis in the caribbean and right here in jamaica too who are willing when they hear that voice of god to do what the lord tell them because they are not ashamed of this gospel they will do it i'm telling there are few of those eyes that are still around and the lord said to isaiah i want you to do it for a sign and a wonder virgin you see this persecution because i i call it persecution those are my personal views that the church globally is enduring what the church is experiencing you see what we are experiencing it could be to the rest of the world for a sign and a wonder to say you see what my people are going through have gone through these 18 maybe 19 months is the rest of the world prepared to go through what they are going through are you prepared to have no business like oh there is no church are you prepared only to have online stores and online everything like how the church is primarily online no i'm just i'm just putting it out there this could be from the lord god because he turns everything around for good for he is god all by himself you have said when his son was right here he said do unto others yes as you will have them do unto you he has said it god is just his fear and he is a god that is very jealous concerning his people some people may not want to hear that right now that he's very jealous and his eyes is open yes right there in first peter chapter 3 and from verse 10 his eyes open and his ears is attentive to his people to the righteous so he nothing misses his notice for the eyes of the lord run to unfortunately the world to show himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal oh hallelujah to him so my brothers and sister i want you to be like isaiah whatever you are experiencing once you hear from the lord and you know that he's speaking to you he said do it for me for it is for a sign and a wonder and the lord said you see this i feel the presence of god very evident with me right now in this studio the lord says so shall the king of azeria lead away the egyptians as prisoners and ethiopians as captives the lord is saying when i raise up my great army and i send my army my army my captains they are going to lead away all these egyptian spirits and egyptian practitioners and all these ethiopian spirits and these ethiopian practitioners the lord say they are going to lead them away as prisoners oh hallelujah it's going to lead them away as captives you know the word of god is mighty and powerful the lord said none will be spirit young egyptians old egyptians young ethiopians old ethiopians naked and barefoot so your suffering is not in vienna i i it's the way i'm going now the price of this friendship that's where i'm going now you're suffering it's not in vienna i have said this before that some of the things that we as children of god are going through it is for a sign to those who are persecuting us it is for our one that are those who are victimizing us because you know like i know that the angels of the lord encounter wrong about them who love him and if we know that the angel of god the angels of god is in camp around where we live where we work where we operate our business wherever our children go wherever our family congregate wherever we go to shop wherever we go if you know that the lord of hosts our redeemer the only wise god dispatches angels to be with you every day whether you're awake or you're asleep and yet you find yourself going through all of these difficulties going through all of this difficulty let me say this to you today my brothers and sister it is for a sign to those who are persecuting you for god is saying you see what is happening to my chosen generation you see what is happening to my royal priesthood you see what is happening to my holy people you see what is happening to the peculiar people if god can allow us allow you to go through this difficulty my brothers and my sister if judgment begin with us first then what will happen to those who have rejected this gospel for those who rebel against our god for those who stand against him tell me that if we the called oh the blood wash the lord said this is for a sign and a wonder oh hallelujah i do not hold it back the lord said what you my church the church let him say open this rock ability and bill it himself he said in isaiah chapter 28 and verse 16 he said behold i lay a stone in zion and say it is a sure stone for our foundation it's a try stone and in first peter chapter 2 peter speak about this very stone that we are living stones if god can allow us the foundation the building blocks is handy work to go through such thing then how much more will happen to those who are persecuting us he said to isaiah this is for a sign and it is for a wonder why would god allow us to go through why would god allow isaiah to go through this difficulty a leader to the same book of isaiah from in the in the chapter 53 and i instead of starting from the beginning i start from verse 5 but he was wounded for our transgression he was bruised for our iniquities the chastisement of our peace was upon him and by his stripes we are healed and in the verse six it said all we like sheep have gone astray and the lord has laid on him the iniquity of us all all we have gone astray and the lord laid on him he said that he was led as a lump to the slaughter that he opened at his mouth and as a sheep before its shearer is silent so he opened at his mouth he was taken from prison and from judgment and who would declare his generation oh hallelujah you know i am always deeply deeply touch whenever i read that portion of scripture from the book of isaiah it said in verse 8 he was taken from prison and from judgment and who will declare his generation for he was cut off from the land of the living for the transgression of my people he was stricken and they made his grave with the wicked but with the rich at his debt because he has done no violence no violence nor was any this deceit found in his mouth and here verse 10 yet it pleased the lord to bruise him when he had put him to grieve when he make his soul an offering for sin but the lord said he shall see his seed he shall prolong his days and the pleasure of the lord shall prosper in his hand it says that he shall see the labor of his soul and be satisfied by his knowledge my righteous servant shall justify many for he shall bear their iniquities and then the law said in verse 12 therefore i will divide him a portion with the great and he will divide the spoil with the strong because he was he has poured out his soul unto death and he was numbered with the transgressors and he had bore the sin of many and made intercession for the transgressions so the word of god said yet it pleased the lord to bruise his own son bruise him put him to grief he poured out his soul unto death god it was pleasing to bruise jesus christ his own son it was pleasing to bruise him and the lord said therefore i divide him a portion with the great if you want to sit among the great if you want to walk among the great eat and drink with the great it comes at a price are you hearing me my brothers and sisters in the book of philippians chapter 2 it said that he humbled himself yes and became obedient to death evil the death of a cross for this reason also meaning this is not the only reason for this reason also god has highly highly exalted him and given him a name that is above heaven then at the name of jesus every knee shall bow of those in heaven of those on earth of those under the earth and every tongue shall confess that jesus christ is lord i'm going to open up the lines as you approach the last 12 minutes with those who want to make a card the numbers could be appearing on the screen some of you know the numbers already you can make a call so i can maybe take one or two prior requests in the next 12 minutes but the price of friendship with god is is very expensive it does not come easy and the lord said you see what isaiah endure and if we being the isis of today the people of god today whose heart is loyal to him who is going through so much difficulty lord say you see how they are suffering prepare yourself to know if i have done this if i have allowed this to happen to my people be prepared for at minimum the same he's a just god he's a wise god he's a patient god very patient and i just want to encourage those persons who have attained the friendship of god don't feel bad about being a friend of god peter said this in first peter chapter 3 and from verse 13. he said and who is he will harm you if you become followers of what is good but even if you should suffer for righteousness sake you are blessed can i say that again if you suffer for righteousness sake you are blessed there's a caller from maypen brother clark good afternoon brother clark good afternoon yes sir how are you doing i am blessed tonight if you are mister raj yes sir i'm looking at prior in some primary because you have a problem my problem is you say i'm not trained enough i can't feel i'm saving that freedom of very weak upon i can listen to they did they pour our feet from fireworks i can't even know but when we see them and to myself we're not praying for that party enough you know okay so let's make a prayer verse yesterday but that is nothing about two years yes i mean this is not listen to your road that you're talking about thank you thank you for your weight keep up your good with me just looking for prayer all right so we'll we'll be praying thank you for calling yes there's another caller from england sister cox good afternoon sister cox good afternoon to you sir how are you today i'm very well thank you i'm just sitting here watching the broadcast and they enjoy the teaching here yes and i would like the minister to pray for my son jason who was a minister as well but he backslide if the lord could restore it well i will what is good afternoon to yourself yes good afternoon good afternoon i am calling here from london i'm very well thank you sir i just wanted prayer for my family yeah i heard i heard i heard i heard i heard that's what the lord require of us to restore one thank you for calling nadine from saint mary good afternoon good afternoon nadine how are you um i've been sick for about two weeks now with my stomach and my belly with bad feeling and weakness and i'm not feeling any better so i'm just calling for you to pray for me all right thank you so much for calling we'll be praying for for your complete healing known sickness and unknown if there is any god be the glory thank you so much for calling okay thank you too and peter continued first peter chapter 3 and verse 13. thank you brother clark thank you sister cox halloween england thank you nadine open saint mary one of my favorite parts especially on the white riverside and and peter continued to say but even if you should suffer for righteousness sake you are blessed i want you to know that when you go through this difficulty you know or the difficulties that you're experiencing you're a blessing kedian from portmore good afternoon katie and how are you today it's good noon um i'd like you to pray for me for me and my family okay we'll we'll be praying for you in a family anything specific or just prayer general for the family just pray for us no nothing specific all right we'll do it thank you so much for calling kedian have a wonderful day all right so we continue and peter said and do not be afraid of their threats simone from kingston good afternoon simone how are you today these guys not well at all i've been having some challenges for some months now where all of us could not get up and unable to walk and today when i did a test um in order to do an examination tomorrow they said that i'm probably positive it's just been a challenging period for me all right we will be praying for such all right god be the glory is able and capable and willing thank you for calling simone all right and peter said do not be afraid of their threats nor be troubled don't be troubled but sanctify the lord god in your hearts and always be ready to give a defense to everyone who ask for a reason for the hope that is in you may i remind you today that though sometimes i look down on yourself there is hope inside of you there are some persons when they get up sometime it is you they think about and they see how you have gone through life as difficult as you believe it is and experience it but you have spread hope to those persons yes you you i'm talking to you have spread hope to them um miss wilson from half of you good afternoon wilson good afternoon dr mahrez i am calling in on behalf of my family and myself i have been immobile for a couple of years now with osteoarthritis this is my knees the knees are not giving me so much problems no so the hip socket the two circuits take over i can't walk i have to use a walker can lift can lift anything my hands i feel it in my spine when i lift like i stick up a gallon bustle or something like that so i am believing today and asking you for this prayer that i will be healed because i know that i am already here it's just for me to lift my feet because the scripture didn't say we are going to be healed he said we were healed and i firmly believe that all right we'll be praying we'll be praying for your family as well that they will come to the lord before the time after we leave okay and for salvation thank you so much for calling all right i have carla from portmore also good afternoon khaled good afternoon carla carl not coming through all right so peters are having a good conscience that when they defame you as evildoers those who revile your good conduct is isaiah good conduct in christ may be ashamed for it is better if it is the will of god to suffer for doing good than doing evil we could say isaiah could have called that three-year period suffering but he did it for good it wasn't because of bad yes and that same isaiah one that we caught so many times with the lord have used him to speak even from the very passage that we declare healing and i will be doing so today uh this is veneta from port more good afternoon good afternoon i'm hanging for prayer for my asthma ask him to pray for me okay great we'll be doing so and thank you so much for calling benita i hope you have a wonderful day in the lord we need to add there all right so thank you again for calling benito and i'm almost out of time so i'll just oh sister cummings from spanish stone good afternoon sister cummings mr cummings are you there sister cummings come on in all right not hearing sister coming something wrong with the connection so i want to thank all of you today before going to this prior and i want to encourage you to know that there is a price for friendship yes but you must remember that once the lord of hosts is with you the god of jacob is with you all things will work together for good for them that love the lord and i give you verse six about when the wicked recognize what is happening this is what they said and the inhabitants of this territory will say in that day surely such is our expectation wherever we flee for help what we have endured those who are against us who are inflicting wounds on us should know should know that such is their own expectation and they cannot flee from it they cannot be delivered from it but the lord have sent forth his isaiah as a sign and a wonder as expensive as his friendship is it is well worth it be like the apostles be like those who are preaching in the pulpits the undiluted word of god who are in jail in some parts of the world who have even been killed oh hallelujah be like them and say like paul said in romans 8 and verse 18 for i consider that the suffering of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory that shall be revealed in us let us pray for our brothers and sisters that have called in from me king sunset mary pope moore um harbour view and spanish stone let us pray for those in facebook worth and youtube who have said pray for my family the day of his family the younes family i've been noticing as you go along let us pray let us join hands and heart together father we come to you today because there is no other god to go to for you are the only wise god and you said heavenly father which is always on my mind in isaiah chapter 43 and verse 22 he said look to me and be saved for i am god and there is none like me so i look to you today almighty god the only wise god that this world has ever known the only true god the only living god the only god that has hands and they work that are feet and they move that can speak the only god for all the other gods they are the work of manhattan men that you created god made these gods so they are not gods they are idols they are gold and silver and wood and stone from the very material that you created with your hands they are not gods so lord those who make them are just like them those who make them are just like them but there is none like you there is no god like you who is able to deliver able to do the things that we know that you have done and well able to do today and here we are today almighty god presenting brother cox to you who like many are finding it difficult to connect with you almighty god but i pray even now ministering angels are with him in nape and right now lord minister into his heart and reconnecting him to the true source remove every blockage removes ecuador that is in his life so that he cannot hear from you in the name of jesus lord i put sister cox son to you lord she called all the way heavenly father from england a man who used to stand in the pulpit who preached the undialed word of god but the enemy has come in tricked him and pull him away like so many others but lord i pray today in the name of jesus that every shackle that is on him and every handcuff every spiritual shackle and uncover and every york abandons around his neck and every horse of wickedness that have silenced his words and block him from the heavenly and divine connection that they dry up from the root and those chains fall off on him right now in the name of jesus and every crystal ball that is monitoring his performance and his every move explode even all in the name of jesus lord call him for your glory do it by your might and by your power lord i pray for those who are sick sister nadine sent mary i pray for those who are sick miss simone who have also called him miss wilson i pray for carlat and vanessa and sister coming as they're all kind of illness and defeat and asthma and those who have been tested positive for covina worried about the recovery in the name of jesus lord there is no secret to what you are able to do so we come against every sickness name covetour no covet sickness that is named asthma are no asthma sickness of thyroid sickness of pain in the knee whether in the knee copper whether in the ankle wherever the sickness it resides we command it in the name of jesus to dry up in the mighty name of jesus lord for as i declared earlier that he was wounded for our transgression he was bruised and you saw him pleasing to bruise him and by his strides we can declare this healing today in the name of jesus so lord i pray for those who have sent in their prior requests online in the chat in facebook in the comments in facebook on youtube lord that their family will be healed that all hell that have been breaking loose against them we command hell to back up in the name of jesus we command our works of darkness to be cancelled and be reversed and we command those spells back to the sender in the name of jesus lord we command generational curse of cancer and leukema and all cancer of the blood and cancer of the bone we command all illness in the body of the body of christ to be removed right now in the name of jesus take off your hands devil of the children of god and all concerning them in the name of jesus lord heads them behind and before and lay your hands upon them today almighty god so that those who see that will know that these are the posterity of the lord and their righteousness is from you lord we give you all the praise and all the glory and the honor in jesus precious and mighty name we pray amen amen so i want to thank you facebook and youtube and those who have joined an instagram and flow channel 602 and 672 digicel 20 who have participated in yet another time of refreshing stay tuned for many more of such sessions remember tomorrow they are coming from the studio live i should say from the upper room sanctuary now from the main auditorium as the funds that you have sent in you heard our bishop earlier is now putting in operation the changes and all the necessary correction to the av section of the church to come to you live in this fashion so remember there'll be one service up in the upper room tomorrow not two as previously stated by bishop sunday in the upper room fast in service tomorrow starting nine and we should say may go on to twelve and maybe a little later continue to observe the protocols where your mass sanitize and be safe for you and your family and as i come to the end of this session remember there is a price for the friendship of god until we meet again on behalf of bishop dr delphi davis and his wife minister dr petrova davis our assistant pastor minister isilda noteman all the pastors in the power of faith ministries locally and internationally the bishops locally and internationally i greet you well and i ask you to have a wonderful day in the lord jesus christ i am minister michael mirage it was my pleasure to serve you today on this time of refreshing remember there is a price for the friendship with god have a wonderful day i can't take a heart that's broken make it over again [Music] i can't tell i saw this
Channel: PFMFamilyTV
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Rating: 4.8285713 out of 5
Id: 0OsXeeTAxvc
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Length: 70min 34sec (4234 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 21 2021
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