A Time of Refreshing - September 23, 2021

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i can't take a heart that's broken making over again but i i can't take well well well well what is well a place from which water is drawn very important in scripture well where well was for the wealthy in days of old jacob's well the many other wells philistines mould up the wells that were dug but they were this well uh firmly decided that they are going to read dog re-dig those wells so they did i welcome everybody this day to the thursday's edition of a time of refreshing i hope you are drawing from a well that shall never run dry that well thing is running through my brain all right we give the lord thanks for this another wonderful day and we celebrate his goodness we celebrate his many favors his blessings shown to us and of course whilst we do so we are mindful of our brothers and sisters near and far and just about everyone because challenges are there for all of us in different ways every country every government every institution every home family individual one way or another are being affected by one thing or another crime and violence is still raging in our country the guns are barking in the midst of kovid my goodness good afternoon my daughter stacy i gotta say that to you okay the lord bless you wherever you are in maryland all right so we want to trust god trust him and do the things we can long to see my members long to see my members long to see my members well you heard bishop era blair spoke sometimes ago he's a wonderful man of god very colorful preacher humorous too at times talked about the dance was being held and pastor got wind that some of his members are attending dance they should not go boogie down so pastor decided he was going to go to the dance and pastor showed up in the dance hall remember saw pasadena they said my god what pastor doing here and pastor taught to start to shake his feet i come to see my members i want to see my members but pastor was enjoying himself too i'm sorry bless you bishop herrera wherever you are so we give god thanks for today and i just want to magnify the blessings of god i'm not presented today we have a wonderful minister we'll be presenting what i stopped by to say a little change has occurred in the core of the risk management or disaster risk management act if you have heard you have churches are allowed based on your capacity your space really maximum of 50 persons inclusive everybody so of course power fit members uh the challenge is you'll have to be given an authorization form to travel with that if you are stopped by law enforcement you can declare yourself that you are going to power faith ministries or your particular church so we're going to ask the forms will be available at office air if you pass by uh no sooner than tomorrow then you can get the form and they'll be numbered we know how many we can give to members plus the clergy and our av department so long to come to church a little window has been open for us to do so and of course we'll have two services as per usual we will discuss further as to how we manipulate the time seven o'clock through three o'clock three o'clock we must be off the streets so pray for us sharon at d brooks you think that's hilarious okay uh you're all in new york having a good time all right so bear that in mind bear that in mind that's what i stopped by to tell you so the office will have the forms and they'll be numbered and if you want to be part of the number here for sunday coming the next sunday the other sunday we'll have to be doing a rotating thing so that one set of persons are not the ones are the only ones to be here each sunday first service well her first service will be seven o'clock yeah law enforcement will understand we start at seven o'clock a.m so we might have to be on the road at 6 30 which is no danger to anybody and we start our service at seven o'clock okay and the other service at 9 30 for this and sunday is it the 25th sir i think so this weekend sunday okay god bless you much take care and keep well bless you daughter sandcraft good afternoon to you and everybody minister nicholas peterkin he grew up in this church still growing in the church to the extent that he's growing all his beard everything is growing even his beard is growing but he has grown in the faith and grown in the word and grown with his families are all members of this church and we're happy for himself his wife and children and his parents and we give god thanks for this wonderful family today he will take us into the word of god so please facebook youtube instagram pfm family television flow 602 and a 672 digit cell play channel number 20. everybody get on board right now well we can see youtube and facebook are alive and raring to go yes dolly you're raring to go amen the lord bless you it's for me over to minister nicholas peterkin amen amen amen to god by the glory great things he has done thank you bishop dr therefore davis the pleasure is mine today for sharing in a time of refreshing and we just want to say thanks to bishop davis for being the chief organizer and initiator of a time of refreshing i'm sure during these times we need programs like these to keep us refreshed with all that is happening in our world today church we're not a lot though we can't meet as we should you know we thank god that god gave the visionary the inspiration to initiate programs like these to keep the people of god fed i want to thank god for him and minister davis we pray that there is for their continuous strength that the lord will come to guide and protect them on their journey as they continue to serve the body of christ welcome again to a time of refreshing held every every elder mondays tuesdays and thursdays and fridays at one to two so at this time i want you to call a friend call a loved one and tell them that a time of refreshing is no on welcome to all of you on facebook youtube wherever platform we find you today i say welcome welcome welcome unto god be the glory today i want to speak to us from a topic um the journey the journey and we'll be looking looking at numbers chapters 13 and 14 in addition to some other scriptures this afternoon but our topic is the journey and we want to see how we can learn from the journey that i'll be talking about in the scripture today so before we even get into the word and get into our discussion let us pray father we thank you for today we thank you for your loving kindness and attend our mercies we thank you that we are alive and we are well father we thank you that as we are here once again to share your word that you're you know up the under my understanding give me the i pray that i will decrease and you will increase i pray almighty god will have a lovely time sharing your word i mean all is said and done the glory and honor be given unto you in jesus name amen amen amen so as i said before we're talking about the journey and we'll be looking at a group of people who made a journey and we want to see how we can learn from their journey what inspiration we can pull from their journey as we ourselves are also on a journey you know to say that life is a journey and i know all of us are alive we know quite well that we're on a journey and this journey is filled with ups and downs you know i i take i take a quote from cynthia dr cynthia johnson where she says the christian journey is a process of coming to coming to know ourselves honestly and knowing our creator intimately as our our creator intimately as our first spirits knew him in the garden of eden it is a spiritual journey where we continually confront numerous twists turns and stages and i'm sure we'll agree that on this christian journey on the journey of life there are a lot of different twists and turns some of them we we didn't dream of if somebody else told me that we'll be experiencing what they're experiencing no probably 19. i would say no and this is a part of the journey of life and this has caused so many of us to have to recalibrate to our twists and turns because of what we have to be experiencing we have to adjust our lives to this to what we call a new norm of cover 19 for the present time so but more than ever this christian journey is a journey of faith hope and trust faith hope and trust so we can never we we can never forget that so this is not going to look at the people of israel the people of israel the israelites want to look at their journey we want to see what we can learn from their journey and avoid some of the mistakes that they made on their journey so good evening our good afternoon ameri clarice reed says amen marilyn amen paul at nixon good afternoon bishop on everyone viewing online and i say good afternoon to you once again so what is the journey what is our journey one mr college dictionary says that journey is is traveling from one place to another as simple as it gets traveling from one place to another simple as it gets traveling from one place to another so as we look at the journey of the people of israel we want to give a like a backdrop you know a bad job bad job as we look at numbers 13 and 14 but before we get to that level of their journey we want to back up a little bit and look at exodus 13. exodus chapter 13. i will just quickly read the 17th and 18th chapter now we know all we are quite aware of the story of moses um leading the people of israel on their journey from the land of egypt enroute to canaan no we are aware of the story where moses was meant to fear pharaoh let god says let his people go fear refused and as a result of his refusal god allowed plagues to to fall upon the land of egypt ten plagues to be exact and we can find those from exodus chapter seven right through to exodus chapter eleven exodus chapter 7 we speak we see word the plague of the blood where the river nile became blood exodus 8 we see where frogs um inhabited the land of israel exodus 8 we see where lies took over the land of israel exodus chapter 8 again this time in verse 20 we see where flies um to cuovo we see in exodus 9 livestock began to die um exodus chapter nine boys came upon on the people exodus chapter 9 um verses 22 to 23 speaking still falling in in the land and lo in chapter 10 we see locus invading the land in chapter 10 again also in 21 20 we shared darkness severe darkness fell upon on on on on on on egypt and finally in chapters 11 of of of exodus we see we are the death of the first born so these ten plagues affected egypt and when it did at the end pharaoh decided i'm going to let these people go after the 10th plague when when the firstborn died fear decided to let these people go of course you know the people of israel was protected because the lord had protected them by attempted to pink in the blood upon the doorpost upon a lintel so they were protected they were protected so there it is that fear decided to let the people of israel go and they began their journey they began their journey now as they began their journey we look at what did i say exodus 13 17-18 and it says and it came to pass when fear had let the people go that god led them not through the way of the land of the philistines although that was near for god said let's pray adventure the people repent when they see war and they return to egypt so god in his wisdom when fear decided to let them go god let them not they shot as root not the shortest route and sometimes in this journey of life the shortest route sometimes it's not the best route some of us are quite aware some of us try to take some shortcuts in life on this journey of life and the shortcuts we took ended up allowing us to suffer more heartache and pain than anything else some of us in trying to take a shortcut end up in prison some people end up dying some people end up in a hospital some people end up with many regrets because they try to take the shortest route the shortest route is not always the best route and here it is that the shortest should have taken the the people of israel to the land of the philistines fresh from out of egypt god didn't want them to encounter the philistines at this time so he said look here let me take them the other route the root of the red sea so god knows best sometimes the lord is taking us on our journey let us go where the lord is leading us because sometimes we want to go our own way and will lead us into more problems let us stick with with what the lord is saying or where the lord is leading us his way is always the best way so while the initial directions of our journey may seem straightforward we're often rerouted or perhaps we hear in our minds recalculating as sometimes the google icon says we have to adapt to external factors on our journey it is never straightforward and sometimes we have to stop whatever need to stop whether for gas bad weather traffic but seldom our journey is actually direct on a non-stop path and i took these words from mr quarry health and and we we if we are aware of the story or an account of the people official let me not say story the account you know they took the people of israel 40 years to actually get into the promised land the land of canaan why did it take so long why did the journey take so long what did they do wrong where did they go wrong why this journey took so long what can we learn from the journey of these people so here it is that the journey began first the lord decided to take them the long route right didn't take them the short route he took them by the wilderness and the red sea here we see in exodus 14 where they had no encounter the red sea because they're in their journey now so they decided to number the wilderness and the red sea then fearow decided that here what i made a grave arrow i should not have let these people go let me go and get them let me go and take them back into captivity so here it is we reach exodus 14. let me check my time exodus 14 and i will just quickly run through this exodus 14 10 to 12. now when fear drew nigh the children of israel lifted up their eyes and the whole egyptians marched after them and they were so afraid and the children of israel cried out unto the lord and they said unto moses because there were no graves in egypt has though not taken us away to die in the wilderness wherefore has thought dealt thus with us to carry us forth out of egypt twelve is not this the word that we did tell thee in egypt saying let us alone that we may serve the egyptians for it had better for us to serve the egyptians than we should die in the wilderness these people were not free they were not free from slavery but here it is the first sign of a challenge they were began to grumble and complain saying we should have stayed in egypt and suffered the hardships are slavery than the free people the first encounter and as we read further down the lord said to moses what's in your hand i rather stretch it out the red sea parted they walked across fiera followed the sea closed in and it was washed away the lord said if these egyptians will see today you will see no more forever god coming through for them in their time of need if the lord has sent you on a journey go forth in a journey god will direct your path he will lead your steps he will protect you on that journey but here it is they began to complain wanting to go back to where they were coming from at the first sign of the angel here it is so let them across the red sea they came over onto exodus 15 i'm going to pick up a liquor pierce now so follow with me closely in exodus 15 22-24 they were going through in the into the wilderness and they began to be thirsty and they begin to complain again 15 22. so moses brought israel from the red sea and they went into the wilderness offshore and they went three days in the wilderness and fought no water and when they had come to come tomorrow they could not drink of the walls of mara for they were bitter they were thirsty they came tomorrow the waters were bitter here it is they began to cry to the lord again complaining again moses the lord spoke to moses and moses what does moses do and the people is saying what shall we drink and he said and he cried unto the lord and the lord said show him a tree which when he had cast it into the waters the waters were made sweet there he made for them a statue and an ordinance and there he proved them and said if though we diligently hearken unto the voice of the lord though thy thy god will go that which is right and do which is right in the sight of sight and will give ear unto the commandments then the commandments i keep all this and key police that is i will put none of the disease of this is upon thee which i have brought upon egyptians for i am the lord that he let thee fresh off the miracle of off of of the red sea they thirst the water was bitter they began to complain again lots of moses spit the leaf drop it into the water the water became sweet second time around god had brought them to we assure them his miracles for he had delivered them once again here it is we continue again exodus chapter 16 1 to 4 16 exodus 16 1 to 4 and there to adjourn from elim and all the congregation of region of israel came unto the wilderness wilderness of sin which is between elim and sinai on the 15th day of the second month of their departing out of the land of egypt and the old congregation of israel murmured against moses and iran in the wilderness and the chair of israel said unto them would god we are died by the hand of the lord in the in the land of egypt when we sat by the fish spots the flesh parts and when we did eat bread and and bread to food to the full for you have brought us forth into the wilderness to kill this whole assembly with hunger they were hungry once again and start to complain again we're hungry you're bringing us here to kill us with anger once again the lord the lord came through once one once again let me find it here and moses and this shall be when the lord shall give you verse 8 in the evening flesh to eat and in the morning bread to the full for the lord here with your mermaids which you murmur against him what we what are we your murmurings are not against unto against us but unto the lord i'm most air and saying unto all the congregation of israel come near before before before the lord for he hath heard your murmurings so once again the lord the lord came through and he fed them he fed them he fed them number four so that he read bread from heaven manna which we call it and they it and they ate it 16-19 he said to them look here just eat oh yeah you don't have to store enough food just eat it the lord will provide it some of them just they didn't listen and they they tried to store the mana and when they woke up in the morning worms took it up it wasn't good that is exodus 69 to 20. so once again god showed about look here i will direct you i will feel i will take care of you you don't have to do anything for yourself i will feed you daily in verse 16 to 27 oh the lord said the moses said the lord tell the people of israel look here tomorrow is a sabbath day so on the sabbath day i don't want to know work so today today the day before just take the food and store it this time around you can't put it up because the very next is the sabbath and i want you to rest once again they did not listen they did not listen and they went out on the sabbath day trying to find manna and there was none the most said muslim look here did i not say that the lord declared that i would take care of you it would not have spoiled because he had he had declared that tomorrow is our day the food would have been kept secure it would not have spoiled what a god we serve they came again exodus 17 1-6 they came to reper them in chapter 17 and they were thirsty they began to complain and gamble again thirsty they lost to moses hit the rock moses smote the rock and water flowed once again the lord had every time they complained the lord came through with miracles to show them that i am here with you on your journey what can we learn what can we learn from this journey so far that if the lord sends you on a journey if you have your trust in in in god on your journey of life on this christian journey he will take care of you you don't have to be murmuring and complaining and gumbling he will take care of you and he continues into exodus chapter 32 where moses had gone up on the mountain for a while the people said was it taking too long where are you you're taking too long said to aaron aaron come on moses gone we don't know if him coming back or not he could be dead that's my words make us a golden castle we can worship can you imagine make us a golden calf so we can worship exodus chapter 32 and would you believe it can you believe it after all that god i did for these people they iran facilitated the foolishness of these people and decided to make a golden calf for them to to to sacrifice and he also built an altar an altar and they began to revlon too and to give praise unto this golden calf can you believe it extra chapter 32 you know i must confess when i i read the account of the people of israel as they they at every stage of the journey how they they complain and they grown beyond what they did i began i i was i was i was a little bit annoyed let me lose that term and i was saying what is wrong with these people what is wrong with these people don't they understand the faithfulness of god don't they know the miracles forever look at all god had dealt with done for them why would you come here no and build a build a golden calf to worship why would you do something like that and i reflected and said oh my god how much different are we how much different are we don't we grumble and complain to when things are going right even though god has been faithful to us over over many years even during this time of coffee many of us are tempted to be into grumbling to complain but we have to give god thanks because god is sovereign and he's in control and he declares he will never leave us not for circus we have to be faithful on this journey jimmy i said thanks be to god maybe it's great praise god those who trust in the lord shall be like monsant we shall we shall not be motivated forever politics and the lord is faithful he will never leave us now first year because karlin welcome glory to god hallelujah jane miller two words man of god how much different are we sometimes the first sign that we we don't we don't see like god is coming through for us we decided to go and jump ship and go look help elsewhere just like just like what the people of israel did so we have to this is here for our learning and understanding so we mustn't cast any stones that we can't cast on these people anymore because how much different from there are we egypt a type of the world in the scripture we a type of israel how many times have we looked back at the world how many times we grumble and complain said why you better may go backwards in the world and steal your son serve god how much how much how much of this have we done in this christian experience are we any better than they have we learned from their experience so here it is moonshine they made the golem they made this image and began to revel and are trying to find where and lord said unto moses i have seen these people and behold all right verse 7 and the lord said unto moses go get down from the people for the thy people thy people which they are brought as auto villain of egypt have corrupted themselves the lord said moses go down quickly the people them accurate problem they have corrupted themselves all right it they have turned aside quickly out of the way which i have commanded them they have made them a molten calf and have worshiped it and have sacrificed unto it and said these be thy gods oh israel which have brought thee up out of the land of egypt oh my god we're not we don't have a goal until after there but what are we putting in the place of god saying is not god what is this we can't run the stones and these people because how much more different are we from the how many times have we looked back at the world with lustful as years of returning when the lord has been so faithful to us we're on a journey we're on a journey and moses saw the lord his god and said lord why doth though wrath walks hot against thy people which thou has brought forth out of the land of egypt with great power and almighty and wherefore should the egyptians speak and say far far mischief did he bring them out to slay them in the mountains and to consume them from the face of the earth turn from thy fierce wrath and repent of this evil against thy people remember abraham remember abraham isaac and and israel thy servants to whom those swears by their own self and said unto them i will multiply your seed and moses turned and went down from the mount and the two tablets of his testimony run right don't know 20 and he took the calf which they had made and burned it to fire burned it in the fire and and ground it to powder and straight straight it strayed it up on the water and made the chin of israel to drink it and moses said said unto iran why did this people unto why did these people unto thee that those sri lankans brought so great a sin upon them 23 they said unto me make us gods which shall go before us for us for this moses the man that brought us up out of the land of egypt we would not what is become of him i mean we don't want to become of moses or want to to serve somebody else but the backdrop is the lord decided hey what in verse 10 of 20 23 the lord said look you're going to wipe them out and i will make a nation out of you out of your seed so most beings say no lord you can't do this change your mind no don't destroy them so moses plead for the people as he's always doing pleading for the people so therefore okay i was trying to find another scripture here and was returned unto the lord and said oh these people have sinned great sin and i've made gods of gold coming right down coming right down and the lord plagued the people because they they made a golden calf 34 therefore now go lead the people onto the place which i have spoken unto thee behold my angels are go before thee nevertheless in a day when i visit nevertheless in the day when i visit i will visit their sin upon them and the lord plagued the people because they made a calf which iran had made so the lord caused a plague to fall upon them because they had done this great thing so once again the lord showed himself strong so look here is me who bring out he put a plague upon them so we see the faithfulness of god coming through once again in spirit and we did not destroy them how many times have we strayed from the path and the lord punish us but him don't destroy me you know so therefore we understand that the lord is faithful quickly i'll just mention these two and move move on in numbers 11 we see where the people rebelled against god again one two one two three numbers eleven um four four to thirty 34 at kibra hathaway in the grumbling and and proof walked by by the rubble for the quail and in 14 123 um they speak about eve report which the spies brought about ab about um when they went to sparta the land well let me just quickly mention 11 11 4 to 34 that's in numbers i won't go through it but just to mention something quickly here to show you sometimes why in numbers 14 and the congregation lifted up their voice and cried and the people wept i'm sorry number 11 sorry number 11 11 okay numbers 11 4 and the multitude and the mixed multitude that was among them fella lost lusting and nature enough israel also wept again and said who shall give us flesh to eat we remember if we remember the fish which we did eat in egypt freely the cucumbers the melons and the leeks and the onions and the garlic but no our soul is dried away there is nothing at all beside this manner before our eyes and the mana was as corinned as coriander seed and the color thereof as the color of the dilidome and the people went about and gathered it and ground it in meals or beat it in a martyr and baked it in pans and made cakes of it and the taste of it was a taste of fresh oil and when the when the jew fell upon the camp in the night the manna fell upon it then moses heard the people her moses heard the people weep through their fam throughout their families every man in the door of his tent and the anger of the lord was king of greatly moses was also displeased and moses said unto the lord wherefore has though afflicted thy servant and wherefore have i not found fever in thy sight that though who's the burden of all these people upon me let me just quickly go through so therefore at this point in time god was feeding the people with mana they were being fed daily with manna they were not hungry but imagine now god is feeding a deal you know with everything with you with your sustenance now but they began to complain say look here we only eat manna we want some some some flesh look look where when we were in egypt we also get fish what did they say fish and they started nearby all the things that they used to eat fish fish freely cucumbers melon leeks onions and garlic but no more oh where i get to eat nobody's mana can you believe it can you really believe it sometimes we are there grumbling you know i'm complaining i'm having a couple bodies and for those international viewers we are complaining i have in my cupboard or my pantry is a tin of mackerel sardines sausage whatever it is and does this understand this complaining god they can't bless me with chicken and beef and pork and all these things you know grumbling and complaining that while lord is sustaining you with what is in your cupboard when you are people out there with nothing at all to eat you see the ungratefulness of these people but okay we can we can we blame them can we beat them no because we two are falling short oh guilty are we of also being ungrateful and grumbling when the lord is feeding us and taking good care of us people say look healthy and strong and look nice and i said boy i wish i could i admire that person and you're there grumbling that you want a lot to give give a blessing with some other different food so here it is that they began to complain so the lord the lord moses look here i am it is too much for me to look here upon some elders and they appointed some elders to help him bear the lord then the lord decided you know what they want they want him they want i'm trying to find it they wanted flesh to eat i will give them i will give them and he said quail he sent a whole lot of quill for them to eat quill it was so much that it it it basically took over the whole place and they're together gather them get them a whole leap and before they could ah yes see there 31 and they went forth a win from the lord and brought quails from the sea and let them fall by the camp as it were in the days in a day's journey on this side on on this side and as it were a day's journey on the other side run about the cam and as it were two cubits side the face of the earth and the people stood up all that day and all that night and the next day and gathered the quails that that gathered less he that gathered at least gathered 10 homers and they spread them all abroad from themselves on a boat camp and while the flesh was yet between their teeth er it was chewed the wrath of the lord was king against the people and the lord smote the people with the with a very great plague and he called the name of that place kibroth kibra because they they because there they buried the people that lost it and the people journeyed from the that name kibaratha to hazarath an abode at azeroth so all the these people who had complained and murmured and grumbled and were were very or should i put it ungrateful while the food while the food was yet in there in their teeth the lord smote them with a plague and they died ungrateful they were not hungry they were well fed but they began to be ungrateful we have to be grateful to god for all he has done for us so here it is that what can we learn from this what can we learn from the journey of these people here it is know that they are journeyed no they have gone through all of this notice all these 10 issues that we have discussed the lord was faithful every time he showed up every time he brought his miracles every time right every single time no they came to the edge of where the lord was taking them they ran a journey yeah there were no about to enter to the promised land the kiln of canaan where was there which was your destination right so numbers 13 and 14 have a couple minutes to to just go through it but here it is know that they came no to right where they could basically step over into the promised land so they decided moses decided he would send spies to spare the land and that is in chapter 13 right first he chose members from every tribe who were leaders to go and start the land so they represented the whole nation so caleb and joshua and 10 others went 17 and moses sent them to spot the land of canaan and said unto them get you up southward and go into the mountains go into the land see who dwells there see if them live in tents see if their city our world see what kind of strongholds they have right and the land and what the land is whether it be fat or lean whether there be wood therein or not and be he of good courage and bring the fruit of the bring the fruit of the land no the time was of the first ripe grapes and they went and searched land from the wilderness of zin onto rehoboth and as men come to hana and they ascended okay and they go down go down go down go down 23 and they came onto the book of escola and cut down from the inter branch which with one cluster of grapes and they bear it between the two upon a staff and they brought up pomegranates and of figs so imagine you go to the your most descent earlier to spy out the land sick if the land is a good lower right fruitful or not they went they saw they pick a cluster of graves put it on a stick the the land was so fruitful that when they picked a bunch of grapes they had to put it in a stab i mean one person have one and the other person have one end and the grapes are are on this on the stick so indeed god was true to his word the land was indeed rich and fruitful and fruitful so they went and did all this for 40 days they spent the land they did a recall mission as the army would have put it and they came back and they decided to give their their their their their their take when they came and began to to to to to to to tell moses what was going on they proved that what the lord had said was true because they brought back the literal evidence of the graves that the land was fruitful so the lord was true but here it is now here it is where the problem starts um 27 the line you sent us yes it's surely float with milk and honey and this is the fruit of it here it is we care about to show it is proof nevertheless nevertheless when you hear that noise you know that we will say when you hear that no you know that some drama is about to unfold nevertheless the people be strong that dwell in the land and their cities our wall and and very great and moreover the sons of anak are there and and the amalekites dwell in the land but after salt and the hittites and the jebusites and the ammo right dwell in the mountains and the canaanites well by the sea and by the coast of jordan and caleb still the people before mozam said let us go up at once and possess it for we were able to overcome so he said come on man the evidence is here let's go and take the land it is there for us let's just go right away but the men that went up with him we be not able to go up against the people before they are stronger than me so the other ten men say look you know after all we have journey to come now to the brink of this where god has promised us he says the lord the land is is fruitful go and take it it is proof that the land is fruitful because we have brought the graves what is more what is do they need here they are saying no we are the people are stronger than we the son of anarchard here which are giants we are about grasshoppers in their sides so as a result now in chapter 14 all the congregation lifted up their voice and cried and it's the beginning to murmur the whole israel began to murmur because remember all these men represented the people they began to murmur against moses and iran and the whole congregation said unto them would god that we had died in the land of egypt or would god or would god we had died in the wilderness and wherefore hath the lord brought us this land to fall by the sword that our wives and our children should be should be a prey were it not better for us to return into egypt are you serious are you really serious come on are you really serious are you serious you are saying no that the land that god had promised you you are what they did no no they rejected the promise of god they began to blame god that god had brought them to this point for their wives to be killed and their children to be destroyed they are blaming god for delivering them from egypt for bringing them all to the journey and for bringing them no to the brink of their destination to destroy them that's what they are doing they are blaming our land god it gets even worse and they said one to another let us make a captain and let us return into egypt so no they have not rejected god's leaders them no more is an era need anymore them reject god i know they have not rejected the leaders they wanted new leaders no to bring them back to sleepy back to egypt i don't know about you know but i am speechless i am completely speechless but can we can we blame these people how many times have we blamed god first off in our lives how many times have we rejected god and his promises because we felt that we weren't able to move to the next level how many times have we looked back into egypt look back into the world when we are faced with adversity can we can we truly blame them are we any different can we cast any stones are we just aren't we just as guilty as these people are when you read it when you read it it's all bad don't it it look bad and now some people say it just are so good but can we far more a place of in our hearts a look here i have never been there are we also to be blind how are we blameless may the lord help us florida help us lord pearl brown the lord the lord and be of good ashram we have good courage and you shall strengthen thy heart ferguson so true maybe it's gregory some of us don't want to listen to god we just want to look back on the things we used to have in this world merely neil help us lord to be grateful and thankful lorna simpson we are a people who easily forget the goodness of god can i finish this i have five minutes to do so but here is it so right away moses fell on his face and he began to say god help these people help these people because god knew how old or serious rebellion was these people have completely rebelled against god and was understood how serious this was he began to go down and throw himself before the lord but you know young people killed and joshua they are young people so they feel that they can can do what they can do so they tried to to steal the people they tried to calm the people but the people in so much rebellion they wanted to stone them so the lord came in same time to save them i said look here this can't work here's what is going to happen because if you're rebellion all of you 20 years and older you're going to die you're going to wander 40 years in the wilderness and you're going to die and only people 19 19 years and younger will see the promised land to have journeyed from egypt to the brink of your destination and to blame god that you are not able to enter into the land crazy but this is what they did they blamed god they rejected ultralightly rejected god and his leaders they didn't want it and god said look here you said that i brought your wife and children here to destroy them but look at it your children will now inherit the promise and you will reject it the 10 spies who brought the evil report they died after plague what can we learn from the journey of these people can we blame them or are we too also sometimes display acts of ungratefulness and unfaithfulness to god when we meet upon adversity when the brink of our breakthrough we rebel and we complain and we are new and some of us are could have been further ahead but because of our act of rebellion the lord has rejected us we have to start the process all over again help us lord today that we will learn from the experience on the journey of the people of israel and would affect our lifestyle so we will not fall into the same pit that they did my people god bless you today god is here but god is faithful let us be grateful to god let us not rule and complain but let us be grateful to god for all that he had done for us i see your bishop he's here with us yes again and in everything we are to give thanks amen we are on a journey and our journey is quite different from their journey amen theirs was more of a physical we are on a spiritual but yet we are walking in the physical so how was it sir i wasn't able to listen a word i was taking up a lot of work all over the place it was wonderful it was all right blessing is a blessing god is able to keep us you know that was your theory our journey right journey was a theme journey okay not how we can learn from the journey all of the people of israel from egypt take a listen later on no problem sir when i get home by the help of the lord amen well friends we thank the lord for today's presenter and the presentation may you be continually blessed by the spirit of god as his words word goes forth from the heart and lips of his servants just to remind you and to inform those who did not air it earlier based on the revision of the disaster risk management act in relation to church services as of this weekend until when well as of this weekend for a while we will be allowed 50 amen but of course sunday being on no movement day you can't just leave your house and say i'm going to church the police may stop you and you may get in trouble amen so you'll have to collect a form from the office here the forms will be numbered from 1 to 50. so we'll have those 50 persons we'll have two services on sunday as per you drawl or seven o'clock and our 9 30 a.m service so please bear that in mind brethren the office the forms are available the office as a as a matter of fact they're available from today so if you can pass by get your form we can fill the information in uh minus our av department team members and the ministers we may have about wow maybe 35 persons plus those two groups we know it is challenging but be thankful for small mercies better than none at all and continue to pray and seek the lord and do all that you can to ensure that kovid departs our shores and all the nations and we return to what we have grown accustomed to as normal operations in our lives and in our country us free oh lord that we may worship thee amen set us free o lord that we may worship thee we will meet with you for worldwide prayer meeting on tomorrow night on these platforms minus pfm television of course and we look forward to a wonderful time uh sunday morning god willing i should be doing the double because i got some things to say that i need to say so i need a whole lot of prayers yeah a whole lot of prayers you heard me last night did you what a word of warning that was uh earlier days we would send telegram everybody remember the days of telegram when you get a telegram you start to tremble a little before you open it so that was a telegram last night to those who are being disloyal the lord said we should deliver the disloyal before they are destroyed please take that word as a word from the lord all right so god willing we meet on friday night like i said 7 30 will be the time on facebook and youtube plus instagram sunday morning seven o'clock and 9 30 a.m and i'm saying to the officers those who are in our port moore municipality spanish town my members will have to be on the road at 6 30. our service starts at seven o'clock so when they present their form to you with my signature and the church's stump please allow them free passage because we start at seven o'clock and that will be the case for some other churches too we're not violating any coveted order okay we'll be coming to church a little half an hour earlier so we can get our service on time at seven and we will leave the streets before three o'clock the lord bless you brothers and sisters we are going to pray and give god thanks for the word presented today by the way i should tell you brethren that we will be worshiping in the upper room sanctuary because work is being done in the main sanctuary and all the av equipment they are disconnected we are refitting and doing some other stuff there and nice may i say thanks to those who have assisted us in securing those equipment that went bad we are not doing the work and doing some expansion so the main auditorium miracle cathedral is out of service right now until but thank god for hope room one and two will be there by the grace of god thank you so much and those who choose to contribute to assist us please do so the need is great in this church and in all the churches so don't be a disloyal member do not be a disloyal listener no you can't afford to not at this time you must be loyal loyalty is the name of the game amen to your god to your church to your family to you to your employer to your employees yes it's a mutual thing we must reciprocate across the board it's a give-and-take situation the lord bless you and we thank you so much thanks to the av department thanks to minister nicholas peter king for presenting today and you will hear him over time as long as this program continues god bless you do you want to praise her you want me to pray let me pray for all those who are out there trust in god for a special touch for healing amen miracle for whatever it is amen join me everybody facebook youtube instagram pfm television spirit time on a time of refreshing gracious god we thank you today for the message and we thank you for the messenger thank you jesus we thank you for the recipients on all of these platforms we thank you for he who distributed the message the holy spirit yes to the hearts of your people amen amen so their hearts have been warmed and refreshed with the word of god we pray now that you minister to all of their needs lord the needs are they're spiritual many people are challenged in their spiritual life as they go through oh god this challenging period as it is spiritual so it is physical search is financial so it is emotional oh god almighty but we know that you are able to touch your people in the form of our needs the apostle paul assures us in philippians 4 19 that my god shall supply all your needs according to his riches in glory by christ jesus so we ask you no lord to touch your people in a real and personal way oh god remember everyone remember our leaders our prime ministers cabinet opposition leader elected officials oh god almighty mayors and councillors and caretakers alike we give them into your hands oh god remember the security forces jcfjdf take them in charge as they labor night and day to bring physical security to a nation remember the health fraternity medical doctors and nurses and all the others we give them into your hands oh god glory to god hallelujah thank you jesus for your anointing that is penetrating the atmosphere right now we thank you dear god for your servants the spiritual warriors men and women of god apostles and prophets evangelists bastards teachers deacons elders whatever name and titles and those who have none but are laboring on the front line oh god fasting and praying battling principalities and powers strengthen their resolve we pray thee in the name of jesus christ and we pray my god that every person will receive a touch from your hands and you shall get the glory the honor and the praise bless families oh god visited homes remember the children amen with the great challenge of a distant learning oh god almighty we ask you to be with them and touch them and make it the best it can for students and teachers hear our prayers grant these requests and what we feel of asking you today lord you will not fail to grant them unto us because it is in the powerful name of jesus christ the head of the christian church who has declared i build my church and the shall not prevail against it we thank you for hearing us in jesus name amen amen amen and amen god bless everybody thank you so much we'll see you tomorrow god willing right here at 1pm jamaica time for the friday's edition of a time of refreshing until then please stay on the journey no turning off no turning back i can't take a heart that's broken making over again i can't tell saw the sins
Channel: PFMFamilyTV
Views: 2,095
Rating: 4.8588233 out of 5
Id: dbQyCTqaF5Y
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Length: 67min 52sec (4072 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 23 2021
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