Sunday Morning LIVE (1st Service) - May 24, 2020

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you on which I stand upon this rock I build my church and the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it hallelujah Nestor name of the Lord wonderful Jesus your hymnal this morning today in 581 Oh Oh bless your name Jesus father we surrender all to you today hallelujah we glorify your name this morning we lift you up we magnify you we glorify you oh my god we lift you up we give you praise we generally write a D everybody clearing this morning in Psalms 104 I will enter into his gates with Thanksgiving and into his courts with praise hallelujah with thankful unto Him and bless his name hallelujah surely your name is worthy to be praised we bless your name this morning mighty God we thank you for the privilege of being in your house one more time to lift you up and to give your praise to give you all other reason to give you a Thanksgiving mighty God because truly it's because of your grace and your mercy why we're here this morning lord your grace and mercy brought us true and we're here this moment because of you Salah we surrender all to you this morning hallelujah Almighty God we say take our hands our feet our voice our whole body Road and use it for your purpose and for your glory this morning for we come for 1 a.m. on one reason this morning that to give you honor to give your praise and to give your glory because you are a mighty God Lord Yon's we have so much to thank you for we have so much to lift your far we have so much to glorify your name for hallelujah many are not so privileged this morning to be standing in your place to worship but we are privileged morning Lord so we lift our hands in adoration we will lift her and in praise and thanksgiving thanking a mighty God for your wonderful blessings towards us father God we thank you for this morning we ask that you will take full control of the service you are already in control Father that means want to submit ourselves through this morning have your way mighty God God Almighty we pray for every person here this morning no one will leave your akima but reliever energized revived Oh God Almighty touched by Almighty God God am i to comedy musicians to you a mighty God the OSHA's Lord Almighty God administers everyone in your house today God God we lost feel your presence this morning and as the praises go applaud the blessings will fall on us thank you this morning we pray for your servant Bishop dr. death for Davis minister deviously all the people you have called for such a time as this we pray for your straight mighty God you continue to inspire them you're going to strengthen them to lead this mighty army as we buckle sin and battle to conquer hell sit on degree of it thank you God Almighty for them can't you to straighten em and equip them so they can consider a minister or god to those who are in need mighty God thank you for this morning Oh God repress the word go for today or God will be touched by the Almighty to go for like us to edit sword cutting asunder coating and healing at the same time mighty God we thank you for this morning we give you all the glory we give you our the Anna we give you other prayer that we tell her thanks for your blessings in Jesus name hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah are you excited to be in the house of the Lord this morning are you excited to be the host this morning oh god David said I was glad when they said unto me come let us go into the house of the Lord oh I make so excited it's morning so it's a privilege just to seeing your faces this morning hallelujah blessed be the name of the Lord our scripture reading this morning we'll be taking from 1st Corinthians chapter 12 first Corinthians chapter 12 and I'll be reading from verses 1 through 218 hallelujah as you turn in and find that scripture this morning I just want to greet you in the mighty name of Jesus hallelujah I want to keep my bishop dr. Davis the doctor for Davis mr. Davis are the ministers on the for musicians or shots sins of God greetings to you in the mighty name of Jesus our soon coming King hallelujah his name is wonderful his name is his name wonderful this morning his name is wonderful Jesus my Lord hallelujah thank you Jesus hallelujah so scripture this morning first Corinthians chapter 12 reading from verses 1 through 280 now concerning spiritual gifts brethren I would not have you ignorant you know that you were Gentiles carried away unto these dumb idols even as he were led wherefore I give you understand I give you to understand that no man speaking by the Spirit of God call it jesus accursed and that no man can say that jesus is lord but by the holy ghost know there are diversities of gifts but the same spirit and there are differences of administration's but the same Lord and there are diversities of operations but it is the same God which worketh all in all but the manifested but the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit withal for the one is given by the spirit the word of wisdom to another the word of knowledge by the same spirit to another faith by the same spirit to another the gifts of healing by the same spirit to another the working of miracles to another prophecy to another discerning of spirits to another divers kinds of tongues to another interpretation of tongues but all these worketh that one under the self same spirit dividing to every man severally as he will for as the body is one and hath many members and all the members of that one body being many are one body so also is Christ for by one spirit are we all baptized into one body whether we be Jews or Gentiles whether we be bond or free and have been all made to drink into one spirit for the body is not one member but many if the foot shall say because I am NOT the hand I am NOT of the body is it therefore not of the body and if the ear shall say because I am NOT the eye I am NOT of the body is it therefore not of the body if the whole body were an eye we are worthy hearing if the whole body were hearing we are worthy smelling but no other God set its members every one of them in the body as it had pleased him let me read it in one more time but no one God set the members every one of them in the body as it has pleased him hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah the Lord has spoken let the church say Amen amen put your hands together hallelujah put you hands together for the Lord this morning are you excited to be in the host this morning are you excited in the presence of the Lord are you excited about Jesus hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah bless your name Jesus you may take your seats this morning and I said take us he does not tear near bond and bless them in the name of the Lord hallelujah this time we are going to receiving the ministry of the teens and praise the ministry of the teens in praise could you put your hands together keep putting those hands together keep putting those hands together keep putting those hands together hallelujah come on boys hands together for the Lord we need the Holy Ghost in our lives come on put those hands together hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah Lord send the Holy Ghost we need him in our lives hallelujah thank you Jesus thank you thank you thank you thank you oh my god hallelujah bless your name Jesus it is my pleasure this morning to extend a warm welcome to all of you are in the host this morning it's so good to see your happy faces I'll do your um under your mask but it's a pleasure to see you all this morning in the house of the Lord worshiping and those of you are tuned in on YouTube Facebook if you're on did you play Channel 20 or on floor channel 602 or 672 we extend a warm welcome to you this morning we know you could be doing other things but we thank God that you are tuned in to the service this morning which is a lifeline stay tuned into the lifeline and for those who are in the host stay tuned in hallelujah keep your focus don't let the mind drift got anywhere this stare right here the presence of the Lord hallelujah because create things are in store for all of us today as we lift up on worship the name of the Lord I want to make special acknowledgment to Minister Colin forgot mr. Colin Fagin m.b.a Salty's Crist answer let me acknowledge you could you answer get afar mr. Fagin it's a pleasure having you worshiping with us this morning sir god bless you so on behalf of our Bishop dr. David Davis mr. petrova Davis we just want to say welcome to you all Minister everyone in the house and everyone viewing over social media welcome welcome stay tuned is a blessing in store for your congregation puts the hands together for yourself all those who are tuning all over of Jamia kind of work God in Jesus name I go to Pakistan for a second the standard for money I make whether from our bishop dr. Dell for Davis receive him please be seated at this time of the year when Jamaica celebrates Labor Day our leaders of States and other portfolio ministers were asked the church in Jamaica to read a message on their behalf we have many messages maybe five messages we will take three in this service and two in the second service at 9:45 so I want you to take it easy for the next 10 minutes they're about as we'll hear the messages from the leader of the Opposition dr. Peter Phillips the prime minister of Jamaica most honorable angel illness and the Governor General of Jamaica is excellency the most honorable Sir Patrick Lynch and Alan the first message would be read by missionary Mitchell Dixon Samuels that of the leader of the Opposition the second message will be read by Minister nikoline Stevenson that of the Prime Minister and the third message will be read by missionary well exhort Oh carry on big for Thomas that of his excellency the most honorable Sir Patrick Allen messages please that's the Lord message from the leader of the Opposition dr. Peter Phyllis Labor Day message 2020 my fellow Jamaicans Labor Day 2020 comes during one of the most severe challenges with unprecedented social problems brought on by the covert 19 pandemic social distancing and other restrictions have forced us to labor at home instead of at our usual community building projects with every challenge comes an opportunity however remember when you build your home you also build your community your country so let us pull the family together to improve our surroundings get the children and grandchildren to clean up plant up and fix up don't plant flowers only plant some food and vegetables Michael Manley challenged us grow what you eat and eat what you grow today I challenge every Jamaican to plant something callaloo cabbage sweet potato or yam utilize the land around your homes and if you don't have land find a flowerpot or an older drum this pandemic has brought many challenges and dangers we have faced challenges before and we have overcome them it is that same spirit of resilience and the passion of our national heroes that the Jamaican people are proving every day that kovat 19 will not defeat us or remarkable workers doctors nurses first responders sanitation workers public transportation drivers and conductors together with members of the security forces have taken center stage in the national effort to protect the health of their fellow Jamaicans on behalf of every Jamaican I thank them and honor their sacrifice every day they risk their lives on the front line yet within adequate support to many of our workers on the front line returned home to find their families out of food and unable to get life-saving medication some have returned to communities locked down without adequate notice for citizens to prepare to stop up stock up on food and medicine unfortunately well-intended health measures have sometime brought more misery than relief our ill-equipped and undermanned security forces in addition to crime fighting now have the added responsibility of maintaining public order on the very difficult circumstances despite the enormous challenges our workers have never wavered in their commitment to serve we owe them a debt of gratitude and at the very least we must put them and their families at the front of the line for any additional support from the government my fellow Jamaicans the kovat 19 pandemic highlights the difficulties of too many Jamaican workers many are disadvantaged by the unfair practice to categorize full-time workers in private and government enterprises as contract workers employees who work in the same company every day sometimes for years on end are being called a contract workers thousands of workers are denied benefits that have been won over the decades by the trade union movement they don't get vacation leave they don't get sick leave the government has a responsibility to protect workers rights we must not celebrate another Liberty without writing these wrongs we must pass laws to ensure that all workers who work full-time will get the benefits legally due to them we must not shortchange or exploit or workers we can achieve inclusive growth with a dynamic private sector playing the leading role while at the same time protecting workers rights we must use the lessons of this crisis to take decisive and determined action to design a new economy a new society and a new Jamaica in which more opportunity and a higher standard of living for all as we seek to build a new economy business owners will have to be far more proactive in taking steps to protect the health and welfare of their workers the country must also take every step possible now to enable all our citizens or workers or businesses our students to have access to the most up-to-date technologies the new economy will be a digital economy as we build this new economy we must modernize our food production to create food security for our people and provide variety for our visitors we must put systems in place to build a profitable and growing our industry that can withstand shocks created by climate and economic downturn only the fullest mobile of farmers agricultural workers and the best marketing technology and management expertise from the public and private sectors will help us achieve this goal inclusion consultation and participation at all levels must be the way forward in building a new and better Jamaica so as you tackle projects with your family from home consistent with this year's theme for Labor Day remember that a strong home leads to strong communities and the strong nation have a safe happy and productive Liberty may God bless you all and Jamaica land we love I bless you all message from the most honorable Andrew Holness UN MP Prime Minister labour a message 2020 Workers week and labor celebrations 2020 are being held as we continue to address the health crisis and global pandemic copied 19 the pervasive nature of the virus which has not spared any country has exposed vulnerable points in several sectors nevertheless Jamaica remains resilient and we will evolve together to overcome the pandemic and creates a new normal way of living to include rapidly transitioning our economy to online transactions and transforming ways of work this pandemic has highlighted the need for a comprehensive national system to identify each Jamaican in a time of crisis and disaster having a standardised stem of identification significantly reduces transaction costs and processing times which increases the efficiency of the public bureaucracy reduces waste of resources and increases convenience to the individual The Cove in nineteen pandemic has forced us to look at work and productivity through a different lens and reinforce the need for Jamaica to rapidly move towards creating a digital society especially in the BPO industry your government has put in place the care program to assist you through this difficult time however our fiscal situation cannot allow multiple rounds of this program therefore we must get the economy up and running again to full capacity while we limit high-risk and non-essential activities that would cause a spread of the virus to this end the corvid economic recovery task force and the ministry of health and wellness are working assiduously to develop protocols to allow for the reopening of businesses that have been closed or badly impacted by the pandemic or labor day theme this year calls on us to labor at home clean up fix up plant up in that regard I would encourage you to start your backyard garden also let us use Labor Day to prepare our homes and ensure that your house is ready for the 2020 Atlantic hurricane season which begins on June 1 the pandemic has no doubt disrupted our daily lives and threatened or livelihoods but it has enabled us to reconfigure and digitize to live healthier and more productive lives in peace as we return to work or labor can't make our labor contribute to the increase in the well be of our households the wealth of our nation and the glory of God may God continue to bless you and bless Jamaica land we love from the prot the most honorable Andrew Holness Oh an MP Prime Minister praise God message from the governor-general his excellency the most honorable Sir Patrick Allen Oh N GCM G C D K s DJ Workers week / Labor Day 2020 under the theme labor at home this year Workers week and Labor Day will be very different as the usual island-wide church services activities and projects have been significantly reduced or canceled the theme labor at home encourages us to clean up plant up and fix up our home environment the spirit of Labor Day has always been work in our individual and community spaces and this year despite the constraints we can still focus on such projects while observing the required guidelines and protocols while we stay at home this is the time to ensure that our physical environment is clean and healthy where possible we can help the elderly or disabled neighbors with cleanup or painting projects this is also time to plant a kitchen garden or have vegetable produce during quarantine and to help supplement the family food bill jamaican workers like others around the world are feeling the multiple economic effects of kovin 19 many business operations have been disrupted and workers have been laid off workers who are still employed have had to adapt to new practices and behavior at the workplace I salute the workers in the health care sector the security forces and other volunteers for their response to this pandemic I commend all Jamaican workers who continue to contribute to national development when this is over we will be stronger and better as a result of or shared experiences message from the most honorable Sir Patrick Allen governor-general of Jamaica names goodness that stand for 30 seconds Fields wave our hands in the presence of the Lord this morning hallelujah thank you Jesus we thank you Lord we give you praise we thank you or God we've just heard messages from from all the officials Bubba you need to remember that we labor we are labouring also in the vineyards for the master as we continue to lay before him let me pray for strength we pray for direction we pray for guidance as we live by in Devine yet for the master oh Jesus thank you Lord we give your prayers to give a glory we give your honor thank you for calling us into your vineyard to live ah thank you Lord for making me one of your hired servants Alleluia is a privilege to be in the vineyard laboring for the master you may be seated hallelujah as you prepare your hearts for the ministry well as I take my leave let me just leave the scripture with you John 14:27 peace I leave with you my peace I give unto you that as the world giveth give I unto you let not your heart be troubled neither let it be afraid so as we continue just remember that jesus promises us peace despite all that is happening around us and at least a big iMacs it to me welcome the ministry of the echoes of faith and immediately after your finish I'm gonna understand a me welcome our Bishop a servant of this time we shall dr. delaford Davis but at least I make welcome the echoes of faith in Jesus name hallelujah Oh but you Breanna me by lift up your hands and give Jehovah praise and house I will trust in you well you're not praising him because your mask is holding you back what give him praise from the depth of your spirit I will trust in you oh praise the Lord trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not but I don't understanding in all thy ways acknowledge him and he shall direct your path god bless you be seated please we have received the worship and the praise amen from each other to how a God from us across each other as hyoeun sharpens iron in these challenging times our messages the messages from the leader of the Opposition and MP Fagin he spoke on your behalf okay so there is no time for you this morning he spoke at length but let's give the member of parliament another hand to stand up sir Southie st. Catherine god bless you good to have you the message from our prime minister and that from his excellency and that from the teens in praise that from the echoes of faith that from Minister Nicholas Pete akin and those from all of us to God be the glory one welcome you are Tilly and those in my viewing audiences especially not distant worlds away please join us at 9:45 for her second service we are two great services and last Sunday and we believe the Lord has something in store for today so please join join me if at all you can take the few minutes drive and come by I am tasked today to deliver two messages and the teens and prayers they gave on indicator or maybe indication as to where the Spirit is leading what did they saw we need the Holy Ghost power come on down I think God gave me two power parked Holy Ghost messages for this covet season so please we look forward to that god be praised well I hate to stand and tell you because I know you want to hear it from me you've heard it already it's a stand and tell you that he'll agree no that's passed on yeah it's gone to be with the Lord yesterday evening about 7:40 there about that was a quick transition Delroy Greenwood major retired elder Delroy Greenwood you have prayed we have prayed we have fasted the Lord knows what is best at all times I think I was the last person to be with him yesterday evening yes morning at the hospital for his family came we all met while I was out they were coming in we talked we prayed we rehearse the scriptures and he said to me bishop I'm not worried about a thing I'm okay let the Lord have his way you know I sense that he has he had made his reservation and everything was in place so major retired JDF career soldier the soldier of the Lord Jesus Christ is gone to be with his maker we pray for his wife and daughter and other members of the family that God will support and strengthen them and happy that I was with him for the last moments maybe five hours before he went Wow we continue to pray for those who are not well in body and also in Seoul today we extend our prayer prayer vigil through to Wednesday for a minister Karen Lille or Brooklyn assembly she served with her husband there we want you to barring a miracle that may be discovered on Wednesday we hope it is discovered but barring that she loved to do a critical surgery on Wednesday there in New York do you promise me your pray for her we're gonna do so together before we leave today and Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday let's storm the altar and her behalf all right I'm getting ready for the word what minister evangelist Jennifer Rose sends her greetings she got trapped there in America corvid knock her down I'm sorry she didn't get Kovac I mean because of Kovac she could not have returned are you with me when it's a missionary isalean Francis she is getting ready to jet off back to Canada we pray for you missionary Francis wonderful servants of the Lord you are indeed amen why not even saying hey man he just is Elder Greenwood just get a hold of all of you I can understand that I don't even know how much oh I'm gonna preach this morning but I preach we gotta do it in season out of season we got a date in good times and in bad time we got a do it when we are hopped on even when we are down glory bless you doctor picture over who are you what's happening next door you went next door to see what's happening yes I did sir what's happening before I married to her when she was a member of the church she would address me as yes sir no sir what you don't quite do it that's anymore I'm sorry you know what she did that no I'm not asking for that okay but whenever she says D I'm in serious trouble tell me what's happening next door praise God quite a number of persons are there I greet them on your behalf and they are quite much upbeat the handles are inside so I ask you to get in the spirit I let the spirit get in you we are here to worship and we're not gonna let no devil nor demons prevent us from giving what is due to God his glory his honor his praises control Lauren god is good god is good god is good turn your Bibles please to the text that was read earlier first Corinthians chapter 12 the upper room Pentecost Worship Center as its capacity audience there - that's what she's talking about so we worship and we bless the Lord for a Purim Pentecost worship center god bless you 1st Corinthians chapter 12 the first 18 verses the moderator read verse 11 is central to the message but all these worketh that one and the selfsame roots dividing to every man severally as he will and of course you know the preceding verses speak of the Holy Ghost distributing ministry tools to the believers for the assignment that God has given let us pray father we thank you that once again we can come to you under these circumstances and we do so we join our hearts because all things work together for good we ask her now to anoint this lump of clay make it usable as it is available by radio by television by internet YouTube Facebook ear and now whenever and wherever let your Holy Spirit speak to hearts we pray in Jesus name Amen come on Holy Ghost come on down the teen's song earlier my question is what do you need from the Holy Ghost why do you need and this comes in light of the ministry tools I call them that we have read off in this first Corinthians chapter 12 what do you need from the Holy Ghost I submit to us that the Holy Spirit has everything that the believers need and more my God shall supply all of our needs according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus so when all the needs of God's people have been supplied the Holy Spirit still has more distributes do you not remember the story with the woman which are little cruse of oil when the prophet showed up in 2nd Kings chapter 4 and the miracle that was performed after all the vessels were running over and there was not another vessel to receive more oil oil was still there but it stopped because there was no more vessel are you with me somebody so when all the needs are supplied he still has more to distribute and he is on a search to find vessels that can receive the pouring in can you say Amen so what he does he gives all the tools he does all the training and he does all the equipping of the saints for the work of the ministry he not only just give us the tools and he leaves us with the tools because some people are tools but do not know how to properly use them he gives us a tool it provides a training he does the equipping for the work of the ministry I love what Zacharias said way back in the Old Testament chapter four and verse six the word of the Lord came to Zerubbabel saying not by might nor by power but by my spirit saith the Lord I love the word of minor prophet Micah in chapter 3 and verse 8 but truly I am full of the Spirit of God I am full of power by the Spirit of God to the pier to his rayul their transgression somebody praise God so the Holy Spirit is a one I believe who gives birth to the Christian Church and he does so on two separate occasions at strategic time for different reasons follow me carefully the first birth the Holy Spirit gave to the church and this is a little mist mysterious or mystical is when he appeared unto Mary through angel Gabriel and said to Mary Hail Mary you're highly favored God is with you you are blessed among women and he went further to say you shall conceive in your womb and bring forth the sana church you shall call his name Jesus the question Mary asked Oh shall this thing be seeing I know not a man Oh glory the first birth of the Holy Spirit gave to the church is what angel Gabriel said to Mary hallelujah somebody praised him and you find that in Luke chapter 1 from verse 30 to 35 the holy God shall come upon you and the power of the highest shall overshadow you therefore that all is saying that shall be conceived in your womb shall be called the Son of God so if you're talking about a supernatural divine impregnation from the Holy Ghost to a virgin womb that produces Jesus Christ that's the reason I said the first birth of the church was done by the Holy Ghost Oh hallelujah when the Holy Ghost came upon Mary and the power of the highest overshadow her what happened in a virgin womb only God knows hallelujah what it was soap it was so powerful it was so potent that out of that amen impregnation by the Spirit came Jesus who is the head of the Christian Church somebody praise God if you following me so far what do you need from the Holy Ghost the second birth has to do a man without chapter two when the day of Pentecost was fully come that's the original birthday of the Christian Church when those about a hundred and twenty men and women were gathered in your pool having received commandment of the Lord that they should not depart from Jerusalem feelable preacher safari but wait for the promise of the Father which said he you have heard of me for John truly baptized with water but you shall be baptized with the Holy Ghost not many days hence somebody tell your mask I'm gonna praise God and you know praise if approver ship Center glory to God hallelujah hallelujah no no here it is it was so important for the men to carry the gospel of the kingdom of God to all the earth but the Lord said to them don't you leave until don't you leave accept hallelujah you get a berth in your spirits you got a physical birth that brought you into this world that caused you to operate physically with your five senses God says I want to give you a spiritual birth within that will cause you to operate way beyond the five senses but will take into a dimension of faith will you believe that with God all things are possible Oh glory to God that which will cause you to move from the hunger move to the knees move from the knees move to the lines more from the lies and plunge into the stream of living water what do you need from the Holy Ghost do you need anything from him today cut off Evan he has some things to distributes Oh hallelujah somebody wave your hand if you can't show so the importance on the urgency that both Jesus Christ and sent Luke placed Luke their possible being placed on being filled with the Holy Ghost cannot be denied let me read you something if I can't finish all of this message I'll stop where I need to stop but let me read you something from Acts chapter 1 I was sent Luke spoke about it somebody praise him with me Oh glory to God in the first five verses he says the former treaties have I made no nor Theophilus of all that Jesus began both to do and to teach until the day in which he was taken up after that he through the Holy Ghost given Commandments unto the Apostles whom he had chosen to whom also he showed himself alive office passion by many infallible proofs being seen of them for today's and speaking of the things pertaining to the kingdom of God and being assembled together with them commanded them that they should not depart from Jerusalem but wait for the promise of the father which said he he have heard of me for John truly baptized with water oh I feel the Holy Ghost touching me for John truly baptized with water but ye shall be baptized with the Holy Ghost not many days hence so inasmuch as there was a great urgency and an importance for them to take the gospel across the dam and Europe and Asia aiming in that ancient time the Lord said to them I know you want to go but let me furnish you I know you want to go but let me equip you I know you want to God but let me train you I know you want to go but let me first place dynamite in your small Dunamis you know your Bali Dunamis in your Bali living fireballs fire something here so hear me Church of the Living God hear me Christian people from all denominations it's time to rise o to samba it's time to pick up your weapon it's time to get ready to give the devil a war it's time to fight for King Jesus hallelujah there is no need I suggest in this age and time for any there's no need for any luck there's no need for any want there's no need for their deafness and darkness and coldness and shrine eNOS with the fire his/her own you can't even touch your neighbor they are so distant from you but if you can't touch nobody touch yourself and Sapphire is available say water is available charcoal Masada the corner osha yr is available water he's available everything that we need they are available do you need from the Holy Ghost no death believers should be walking around like chicken without head no dead believe I should be walking around like you don't know you you oh you are I mean spiritually dead being a royal priesthood being of the holy nation being of the peculiar people God has given to you not which the world doesn't understand but all come we hear them oh can we see them and they took not what no they took of them that they have been with Jesus somebody praise God with me have you been to treat us for the cleansing power are you washing the flood of the land are you fully trusting in His grace this our Sangha somebody praise among YouTube praise them on Facebook praise among beautiful television praise among family dot-org let everybody wave your hand and praise Him praise in the sanctuary praise Him in upper room sanctuary praise Him in your living room praise him in your bedroom I only hear port are you in the kitchen anywhere you are that I pretend on how cracks no need no need for luck and wanton deadness and dullness and dryness and coldness he never any believer Oh No somebody we have you and I say old no Holy Spirit he has and he's ready and he is waiting to give us all the resources that we need to fight and win yourself fight and win fight and win fight and win he's ready to give us all the resources that we need to fight and win not only to fight and win but to bind and loose somebody's a binder loose not only to fight and win and fine and loose Oh glory to God but also to going to the domains of hell are you with me somebody populate somebody's a fight and win say final lose say partner and populate are trying to work you know because some of you so comfortable behind your mask your thing is hospital you in is not hospital you here in a hot hot hot kitchen where fires burning and if you're not careful it burn of your mask is not Hospital you eat you're not a patient come on you're not a patient don't act like you're any patient in any Hospital you're a firebrand believer in the house of God so mask or no mask social distancing are no social distancing when the fire begins to fall let it fall on me so let the fire fall on me my lord let the fire fire one more time fire fire Oh please the question is what do you need from the Holy Ghost we soon tell you the things that he has to give and more what do you need those of his arsenal out of his reservoir storeroom of lethal weapons preaching here what do you need out of the parcel now the store of lethal weapons take all policemen and soldiers and carry them to the armory we restore weapons and all kinds of weapons awesome which one you are in charge on which one you want corporal what you want give me a hand sixteen give me these that's on the other give me a desert eagle give me a shotgun some military man would send me need about five guns I need one on this foot one in this foot one on this side one on this side on one in my hand somebody prays in them what do you need out of their arsenal Oh glory Oh glory look at the report of the 70 look at the report the 70 gave to Jesus on their return when they went old equip anointed by the power of the Holy Ghost somehow they praise God with me if you don't know where to find a report look at Luke chapter blue chapter 10 look at Luke chapter 10 look up the report that these seventy men brought back look at the report Jesus somebody praising and the 70 returned again with joy seeing he from the Devils are subject unto us through thy name and he said unto them I BL Satan as lightning fall from heaven behold I give unto you power to tread upon serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy and nothing shall by any means if those men had gone out there with their hearts empty empty hearted without the power of the Holy Ghost see it on were to run all over them are you not with me look at the report that they brought and gave to Jesus not one dissenting voice exhort okay beyond Texas Texas Thomas not one dissenting voice everybody with Concord and voice saying master even the Devils are subject to us Jesus would have said to them you don't remember that I gave you power talk to me here's somebody you you think when I told you to go to your Peru house playing games you think when I told you that in acts 1 and verse 8 when the Holy Ghost is come upon you you shall receive power do you think I'm playing with words today take the report from the General Assembly of the Church of the Living God the Church of this one foundation whether the name Baptist unlik admit to this Church of God power fittest or whatever name whatever their name check the report from the General Assembly of the Church of God and you'd find all kinds of stories mixed package stories you have the victorious ones partially victorious defeated ones in between us all kinds of story but the 70 returned with the same story that's what the church is all about we must speak the same thing somebody praise God here defeated believer in church oh no no one need to be defeated no need to be weakened crippled by the enemy somebody praise God if you love him so they all return with the same report victory victory victory over Satan fix your hallways demons victory over Harley's emissaries victory over hell and all that had threw at us somebody anybody no you are the victor in this house save you forever he sought the a kneeboard me with his redeeming blood I love him here I know him and all my love is through him he punch me into victory beneath the cleansing flood lift her on a short victory separate Richard a blood cell victory through the Holy Ghost all were defeated whenever the Holy Ghost really gets a believer not you say you get the Holy Ghost but when he gets a whole of a believer and deposit God dynamite in your soul are you not with me you run through all of your troops you leap over your Hall of your hearts and when Goliath stand even taller than Goliath of all stood and you look like a little before Goliath you like look like a do off before Goliath you look like a don't grow before Goliath you stand up in name of Jesus and said I'm gonna bring you down because I got the power Jesus MP calling fear gone let me preach on your little you I'm a friend MP calling fear gonna for work hard to get but receipts and get poorer the political parties of the world card and some of them tell lies and all kind of trick on genell ship are you not saying nothing all kind of cut known of one another to get the power Amen steered power that should not be so but we are the believers are concerned we don't have to fight anybody to get the power we don't have to tear down anybody we don't to criticize anybody we don't have to set Derek for anybody we don't opposite shop for anybody just apply yourself to the blood of Jesus in your bedroom in your living room around the wash table in the kitchen anywhere you are deposit under might in your soul see it and got to say of you and no hope Jesus and no Paul and I must confess I know you - oh you're not preaching with me Minister Brown the devil told some people who did not receive any power anointing authority and went upon the hell said I want to populate heaven sit and say we know Jesus we know Paul what is wish bar dunno come from where are you from you've never been to Calgary the fires never touch the box the devil leaped up on them somebody praise God if I'm preaching what do you need from the Holy Ghost what do you need what do you need from the Holy Ghost somebody wave your hand in his presence so when he gets you brothers and sisters hallelujah he fills you with his power he anoints you with his anointing he authorizes you to go anyplace a commission on your chest but when the devil see you they got to read it and run Oh glory to God somebody do like this and that they will read it and run say read it and run read it and Ron abiding under the blood I'm not a shot of the almighty fill with the Holocaust really turn Ron I'm preaching Minister Peter King the female I'm talking not use it read it and run somebody prayers God let me close let me begin to close so when you get that anointing that feeling that anointing that authority in that Commission no devil can stop you the devil may slow us down for a wine oh yeah I can't tell you that he can't slow us down because Paul says I would have come to you a long time first a saloon and one and 18 but see it's not hinder me see it's understood it we an hinder me you slow me down some of us know what it is to be slowed down a little by the enemy but we long come again wish I can come again we fast and come again we pray and come again can I preach us somebody here we worship and come again somebody praise them here we shake our shoulder like some Sun and so we're not going on in disgrace we're coming back in Jesus name somebody lift your head myself coming back somebody said I am back I am back I have returned God Almighty lift up your hands and never hire back and I am back team and I am back you knock me down before Pentecost but I told it to check me after Pentecost I am back God of heaven why nobody helping me praising God here help me prism missionary parish you're on the mass but prism Oh glory to God I have returned to the god of my father the Shepherd of Moses the great I am average to the god of my father praises me I have returned sit down please seven more minutes I returned Jesus Jesus whoa somebody prays on me when you get it you are unstoppable when you get it you're almost invincible when you get it you're more than a conqueror somebody praise God let's preach so the question is as I begin to close what do you need from the Holy Ghost in the light of the texts of first Corinthians chapter 12 he has nine pieces of weapons that can be used in both defense and offense can be used to protect you from the enemy and it can be used to liquidate the enemy are you not with me mercy he has nine pieces lethal weapons can be used in defense and in advance do you need any of them today what do you need from the Holy Ghost sometimes you've got to use the shield of faith both defense on offense what do you say missionary Stewart yeah you gotta use a shield of faith in both defense on offense your husband is a soldier you would have taught you what war strategy is all about somebody praise God with me hallelujah you use it to defend yourself and you use it to fight to cut down all the weapons of the enemy are you still with me well let's finish when you get them they make you able they make you able and capable to whip see it an honest chance cause see it's enough some liquor wimps all over the place going on like they are big Don's and all big guns talk to me somebody I said a little wimps no match for the power of the Holy Ghost century no match for the Holy Ghost somebody wave and I said no match no match there's a box of legendary I think he's Philippi Filipino by birth I think so yeah Roberto durán Roberto durán they named him hands of stone hands of stone he won so many championship fights and when you face or Aburto to run you know your infrared kinds of stone well there's a boxer named I think it was Tommy urns tommy was but when his opponent began to rain blows on Roberto Duran doesn't speak English very well when he couldn't take any more No Mas No Mas No Mas No Mas No Mas no more no more no more no more no don't give me no more can't take no more when you got the power of the Holy Ghost you back up the enemies here gents and when you begin to reign fasting and prayer on him when you begin to reign Holy Ghost anointing on him when you begin to write and release the power demon was back up and said no mas No Mas no mas somebody prison like you're happy Jesus Jesus the whip them left right and center you can get all of them or you can get what you think you need based on your assignments the nine lethal weapons for defense and offense first Corinthians chapter 12 eight to eleven and you know I'm really closing now somebody praise them with me oh you're not seeing anything down here with your hand and shortly I freeze shouted to the Lord far2 one is given by the spirit the word of wisdom to another the word of knowledge by the same spirit to another faith by the same spirit to another two gifts of healing by the same spirit to another the working of miracles to another prophecy to another discerning of spirits to another divers kinds of tongues to another the interpretation of tongues but all these work have thought one and self same spirit dividing to every man lifter and say I am included I wanna search ain't say nothing my god if he divides to every man I am included an every man speaks of humankind human being male and female alike are you with me somebody glory to God now its distribution time what do you need distribution time I do you need a clothes my Bible you could close your stool because you're getting ready to receive something louia is about to release wisdom upon the body of Christ but do you need sound with me everybody yell reach out for something you can't call me empty heart and then leave your empty heart yet you cannot call me or ham dispirited and leave your him dispirited you've got to catch something by faith wisdom is being released knowledge is being released is being released give some healings are being released working out miracles are being released give some prophecy God Almighty when will I believe a jump a part of the seat like early ideas and I believe I'll just jump upon prophesied to set the Lord God Almighty where is it that somebody will jump up and birth a tongue from heaven a message from the throne of God somebody jump up and give me interpretation Charcot pasando this sorry of spirit is being released divers kinds of tongues released the interpretation of tongues are being released what do you need from the Holy Ghost from among those equipping tools why do you need I did say he distributes the gifts the tools he gives the training he doesn't equipment and he gives the commissioning oh no oh no he gives the tools he provides the training he doesn't equip him and he gives the commissioning you want to be a part of that victorious team that will come back and say master all the Devils are subject to me what do you need from the holy ghosts free for the asking free for the taking come on I will reach out for something we can make nautical we can't bring anybody down here so where you are standing now is your house where you're standing in upper room is your holder working there work it work it work it work it Matthew chapter 7 and verse 7 says Hoskin you shall receive seek and you shall find knock and it shall be opened unto you for every one that asketh receiveth and he was 6 5 and those who would knock it is open they've took your heads and worship God for I am pretty happy boat we press Church Jesus a change when he filled me with the Holy vows everybody lift your head and sing it with me would you tell them that's why I sing like a sheep that's why I pray the way I pray that's why i prophesy that's why I love God my Jesus now everybody go ahead and begin to ask God for something out of the arsenal ask God for something out of the weaponry ask God for something out of his tour house come on ask the Holy Ghost tell him I need a word a wisdom I need a word of knowledge on this special effect I need to give some healing and need a work in of miracles I need diverse kinds of posts I would do well with interpretation of tongues I need a kiss of prophecy I need special bait tell God you need something out of it this morning no dryness not dullness not deafness not on this I want hallelujah hallelujah take something minister strong I don't blame you take something some folks ain't taking nothing take something the girl catch something fill up your cup Shonda something ministers take some evangelists there's something elders and deacons take something Christian workers and fire mother's dead something everybody in this house why don't you take something where you are in the name of Jesus the Holy Ghost is right there with you takes up hey hey hey Shaco tomasa llama Kasana i feel the touch of the mighty hand of God somebody is realizing that this thing is real hallelujah yeah fill my cup love I'll lift it come and quench this fasting what do you say can you raise your hand and sing it just one more time let's go to the prior everybody preys on in this sprayer for yourself and for one another and for Karen Leal or Brooklyn New York everybody pray everybody say pray father we thank you for the move of your holy spirits we thank you that even right now you are distributing the tools for ministry you will train the workers for ministry you will equip them was they ought to be equipped and you will place the Commission upon our lives please Jesus after spinister tools minister giftings for both defense and offense offensive battle we ask in Jesus name that everyone be equipped Satan take your filthy hands off by faith we release we release upon God's people in this house but everywhere from which they're connected release the power of God in the name of Jesus we pray for sister Karen Lalor there in Brooklyn Oh God who must face another test of her health amen this Wednesday we ask a Lord God to give her the miracle that you can give barring a miracle she must face the surgeon's knife what we give everything into your hand currently law we release the anointing of God upon you Cora a shot from a crown of your head to the soles of your feet every nerve a rotisserie vein every blood vessel yay surgeon Shalonda the direct function of the holy spirit father would claim victory for her we pray for all the others who are sick Oh God those in this house those by television internet radio Facebook YouTube pfm family I pray for them right now Lord but your anointing with fresh oil let healing flow to the body of Christ healing for the believers in the name of Jesus release it Lord but I pray that you equip the body of Christ for the work of the ministry we do not need to go empty-handed our empty hearted you can feel a steady overflow in the name of Jesus we pray for Prime Minister we pray for the minister of health and wellness we pray for all the frontline workers Bucklin co feed 19 from the frontline be with them we pray thee in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth give them the wisdom that only you can give we pray for all the elected officials Oh God all the members of Parliament's counselors mayors we give them into your hands we ask her to be with them and help them to know that they are your servants and be Khalid figure in our Meads we pray for him with pretty face family we pray that you watch over them Lord amen and give them the coverage and protection they need guide them although great Jehovah oh my god guide and protect them keep them help to keep them strong keep them courageous LaRhonda they'll ever walk in integrity and honesty before you and before their fellow man we pray for the nation now in Jesus name Amen somebody help me crazy come on help me please glory god bless you be seated please anybody god bless dear this morning brother joel osteen would said did you receive it did you receive it anybody receive it we will soon get free up again don't worry we can park I'll turn release all he goes Lien's hallelujah the Lord bless you everybody get your offering please father get your tithes and offering well those who have something to give but always who have nothing to give somebody gave me ten thousand dollars to give to five mothers who don't have nothing at all that means two thousand dollars each I have it with me today next week the Lord tires we are going to be having some distribution where we have had distributions already we bought almost a million dollars of food voucher and gave to people to go to supermarkets anything about us at power faith we do not just give it to the members anybody come get it why to understand this church yeah we did all of that we distributed lots of food stuff also Nexon little or ties we'll do some of that first Sunday I may ask those of you who can bring God is blessing you can bring some non-perishable items during this week I know we have to spend a whole lot of money but you can assist amen now if you can assist you can not everybody of those don't turn dying needs some of you just need to go into your cupboards you have more things in there you can take out and give away don't you have to go to the supermarkets am I talking to truth alright you can bring some items and we are gonna be purchasing a whole lot more make packages to distribute next week God tires or join me at 9:45 for my second service you think this one was a blessing you need to get that one 945 all of you out there yeah joven come come from me Penn come from wherever you will be blessed amen or this box is for you to leave your tithe in the receptacles are at the door for you to leave your offerings in but if you come here you could leave everything here or if you choose to go there
Channel: PFMFamilyTV
Views: 14,956
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Id: Z9HU7rslGI0
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Length: 126min 38sec (7598 seconds)
Published: Sun May 24 2020
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