Sunday Morning Live (2nd Service) - January 31, 2021

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you are watching a live broadcast coming to you from the power of faith ministries lot 13 portmore town center st catherine jamaica west indies [Music] hallelujah hallelujah jesus hallelujah hallelujah [Music] i love you lord jesus jesus [Applause] oh my soul [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] let it be a sweet sweet [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] lord jesus glory to god my soul [Music] [Applause] somebody love it this morning i love you lord [Music] jesus [Applause] oh [Music] jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] my voice thank you jesus [Music] be asleep [Music] [Applause] [Music] sweet [Music] [Applause] please [Applause] we [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you jesus feeling is [Music] without her is [Music] right here we [Music] [Music] is that we have been revived when we shall leave [Applause] [Music] thank you jesus [Music] [Applause] hallelujah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] she is [Music] hallelujah jesus to receive praise and glory [Applause] [Music] jesus [Music] jesus [Music] oh [Music] it's the highest grace [Music] is [Music] [Applause] glory to god hallelujah is the highest praise this morning glory to god hallelujah we bless the name of jesus hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah glory to god hallelujah somebody showed hallelujah glory to god hallelujah please take your redemption as we commence the second morning worship to him 413 glory to god hallelujah when peace like a river attended my way when sorrows like sibilas roll whatever my lord the lord taught me to know it is well it is well with my soul hallelujah when [Music] peace [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] my [Applause] is [Music] is [Music] bless us [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] with my is [Music] [Music] [Music] my [Music] [Applause] [Music] the lord [Music] is is [Music] is hallelujah [Music] [Music] is jesus [Music] thank you [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] jesus [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] it when is the dwayne [Music] jesus [Music] is [Music] lord we come one more time into your presence we want to thank you this morning for life and life abundantly holy spirit of god here we are as a people into the sanctuary for the second time oh glory to god on this last day of january 2021 we want to thank you for life oh god i want to thank you that you wake us up this morning in our right minds glory to god it's all about you lord we just want to appreciate you we just want to love you god with us what wanna magnify your name this morning uh oh glory to god god you tell us in your word that many are the afflictions of the righteous but you deliver also attack them all glory to god you say you must call and you will answer and shows great and mighty thing this morning holy spirit i present this congregation to you again uh oh glory to god you know us individually god you know where we live you know every breath we take you know every move we make oh god we are no aliens to you we are no strangers we are your children and this morning holy spirit i ask you god to intervene minister to us into individually oh glory of god from the restroom to the pew everyone that walked through these doors oh glory to god let the worship comes from way within uh as we worship you together glory to god hallelujah hallelujah every forces of darkness every principality and power every unclean spirit oh glory to god we render them powerless this morning oh glory to god we stand resolute god that took care that we can make it we stand resolute god that under god we are not going to give you enough we are going to stand tall glory to god have you been among us this morning hallelujah remember the mother realtor god remember your daughter will bring the scripture oh glory to god on the welcome touch the prayers and worship god as they blend their voices a minister to the musician glory of god the choir recording that will come up let somebody be ministered by the sons of glory of god everyone that come today will never live the way they came glory to god as your servant stand up to proclaim the word let a double portion of your 19 rest upon him this morning oh glory to god let this servant service god be one with a different uh let somebody be changed for the better glory of god break every chain undo every burden uh oh glory to god those who are watching uh those who are listening uh glory of god and whatever media you'll find them uh minister to the holy spirit as they tune in to sunday morning life oh god minister to the situation this morning uh touch this audience god minister to your people oh glory to god every minister every officers uh oh glory to god oh oh oh shaza bought inside an old side the groans right on the ground let your presence god oh my shadow oh glory to god like 13 don't center a lot 14 god in the name of jesus hallelujah do a new thing today god will not fear to give you the glory we give you the praise we give you the honor and we tell you answer in jesus name hallelujah glory to god just raise our hands above your head hallelujah hallelujah glory to god thank you jesus we worship you we adore you we magnify your name glory to god hallelujah hallelujah glory to god gwen i love him hallelujah glory to god we bless the name of jesus those that are seated please stand up glory to god hallelujah just give god another praise god is a good god hallelujah glory to god we bless the name of jesus hallelujah let me greet one another this morning let me greet our bishop bishop davis sir and minister davis uh all viewers and browsers this morning uh visitors i greet you in the matchless name of jesus please take your bible as a glory to god and turn to genesis 37 from verses 1 to 20. exalted javan parish johnson will be coming to read bless the lord our scripture reading is taken from genesis 37 from chapter from verse 1 to 20. let us begin and jacob dwell in the land where when his father was a stranger in a land of canaan these are the generations of jacob joseph being 17 years old was feeding the flock with his brethren and the lad was with the sons of billah and with the sons of zilpah his father's wife and joseph brought onto his father their evil report no israel loved joseph more than all his children because he was the son of his old age and he made him a coat of many colors and when his brethren saw that their father loved him more than all his brethren they hated him and could not speak peaceably onto him and joseph dreamed a dream and he told it his bedroom and they hated him yet the more and he said unto them here i pray you this dream which i have dreamed for behold we were binding sheaves in a field and lo my sheath arose and stood upright and behold your sheaves stood around about and made obeisance to my sheath and its brethren said unto him shall thou indeed reign over us shall dull indeed have dominion over us and they hated him yet the more for his dreams and his words and he dreamed yet another dream and told it his brethren and said be all i dreamed a dream amor and behold the sun and the moon and the eleventh star made obeisance to me and he told it to his father and his brethren and his father rebuked him and said unto him what is this dream that though tree has dreamed shall i and thy mother and thy brethren indeed come to bow down ourselves to thee to the earth and its brethren envied him but his father observed the same and his brethren went to the field to feed their father's flock in shechem and israel said unto joseph do not die brethren feed the flock in shechem come i will send thee unto them and he said to him here am i and he said to him go i pray thee see whether it be well with thy brethren and well with the flocks and bring word again and he sent him out to the veil of hebron and he came to shechem and a certain man phoned him and behold he was wandering in the field and the man asked him saying what seeketh though and he said i see my brethren tell me i pray thee where they feed their flocks and the man said they departed ends for i prayed them for i heard them say let us go to dalton and joseph went after his brethren and found them in dothan and when they saw him afar off even before he came near unto them they conspired against him to kill him to slay him and they said one to another behold this dreamer cometh come now therefore and let us slay him and cast him into some pit and we will see some he the beast has devoured him and we shall see what become of his dream the lord has spoken let the church say hallelujah praise the lord hallelujah put down those bibles and put your hands together for the lord hallelujah glory to god you can be seated at this time please make welcome the voices of triumph as they minister to us [Music] hallelujah it seems like forever [Music] [Applause] [Music] just hold on to out jesus stars the night of the future the oh over [Music] [Music] you may not be [Music] just hold on just remember [Applause] [Music] is oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] right [Applause] you may not be there [Applause] is [Music] [Applause] hallelujah [Music] for your answer is [Music] [Applause] is [Music] but you're not alone you're not alone [Applause] [Music] on to is [Music] [Applause] [Applause] oh you may not feel him but you're not alone you're not alone [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] you can run [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] oh [Music] hold on hold on [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] my [Applause] hallelujah hallelujah just in case you're not believing just tell yourself one more time ride out your star just make it personal ride out your storm thank you jesus bless the lord o my soul and all that is within me bless his holy name welcome to the power of faith ministries international sunday morning live second worship service special welcome to all our visitors viewers and browsers if you are visiting with us today please to indicate by waving your hands to be at knowledge congregation please make them welcome on behalf of our bishop dr d davis and his wife dr p davis our assistant pastor minister i know man all our officers and members we all-heartedly welcome you to our dynamic worship service to those viewing on digiplay channel 20 and flow channels 602 and 672 thanks for viewing to our online viewers on youtube facebook instagram and thank you so much for your continuous support god has something special in store for us today it could be a prayer it could be a word it could be a song it could even be in a hallelujah praise don't be distracted don't lose focus keep your eyes on jesus there is a blessing awaiting you god bless you welcome again one and all [Applause] [Music] hallelujah hallelujah please stand with me hallelujah glory to god just change your seat for a while hallelujah [Music] give him a hallelujah glory to god hallelujah glory to god in the rock highlighter in the shadows [Music] in [Music] is [Music] [Music] me [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] glory to god what a rock hallelujah this rock is jesus is the warner this rock is jesus glory to god hallelujah glory to god it was my pleasure serving you this morning hallelujah the next one she will hear is dr dale for davies when he comes please stand put your hands together and receive the man of god but before he comes make welcome the choir ministry the voice is of inspiration god bless you all [Music] [Applause] [Music] uh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] uh [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Music] hey [Music] [Music] [Music] oh uh [Music] [Music] [Music] whatsoever [Music] well praise god what do you know what do you know that your redeemer will lead you safely through what do you know in this house this morning i know my redeemer will lead me safely through clap your hands and shout the high praise in the house to the king of kings and the lord of lords hallelujah evangelist barrett would say jesus is real he's real oh i know he is real praise god my doubts are settled [Music] what do you know church of god jesus is praise god [Music] is god bless you be seated for a couple before the word of god comes to us we thank the lord for those of you who are with us here in this century for those who are other places a couple thousands if you are on social media others on pfm television and wherever you are we bless you in the name of the lord and we welcome you artilly to this all second morning worship service just reminding you that we meet every sunday 7 00 a.m and 10 45 a.m for our viewers join us whenever you can we also meet on wednesdays nine o'clock midweek fasting and prayer and starting on this friday night we will be back in church for friday night for a meeting seeking the lord together in his house [Applause] join us those who can they all that are observed will continue to be observed and next sunday the lord tires six o'clock p.m we shall meet for breaking of bread the lord's table we hope to see those of you who can make it lord support in covid style covet compliant lord support it will be in a different style you are wanting to be part of that service we hope to have you ever born again believe us and of course we can accommodate your air in this space amen water baptism comes up on the last saturday morning of tomorrow's month that's february so those of you are who are being prepared instruction class will commence as out next week sunday at five o'clock so please come on out and be further instructed the lord is good isn't he all right we thank you for your full support to god's church your wonderful group of pilgrims travelers to eternity faithfully supporting the work of god under these difficult and trying circumstances and times in which we now operate stand with me please we're going to get the word from a younger man than this man standing here today we had a wonderful word this morning didn't we yeah it was a wonderful word i was blessed i was blessed god be praised today ought to be family sunday fifth sunday of each month you would have noticed and daughter this morning first service mother and daughter second service and today you'll have a whole family ministering to you in one way or another bless god for everybody dr petruva doing a fantastic job organizing some of these functions blessed [Applause] come down here family yeah family this family has been in this church ever since they can remember well some of them certainly have a since they can't remember born in this church the parents converted in this church baptizing this church marrying this church moving up in life in this church and we're thanking god for them president of the women of worth ministry doing a wonderful job with these two young ladies by her side and we thank god for the peter king's family give them a hand please why didn't you join them sir come and join your wife and your daughters other members of the family are here too nathaniel sister paulette brother wilberforce or wilbur wilbur so it's a big peter king family like some of your families down here the lord is good isn't he i bless the lord for you all and we continue to work together and so this morning a member of the family is going to bring the word anybody want to take a guess you may be surprised is it you are you ready to bring the word is it you you're not ready to bring the word is it you mother you're not ready to so the lot is falling on you my friend everybody's backing out lord have mercy let's sing it again jesus is real and the preacher will take this stand jesus is you family it's real oh i know [Music] praise god [Music] and i know i know minister nicholas peter king serves as one of the presidents of the marriage enrichment ministry one of the family arms of this church i can't say he's a regular preacher like some of us but he preaches a word from time to time and the lord has always used them make him a blessing i want you to open hearts receive him as he comes to share god's word this morning family sunday bless you [Applause] hallelujah come on put your hands together for the lord this morning hallelujah hallelujah praise team could you help me sing the songs please if you can use anything lord you can use me if you can use anything lord you can use me stick my hands lord and my feet touch my heart lord's speaks to me if you can use anything lord you can use me if you can use anything lord you can use me come on worship the lord with me this [Music] morning [Music] me [Music] one more time [Music] if you can use anything lord if you can use anything lord you [Music] commandos worship the lord with me this morning father we thank you for your presence here today we thank you for your awesome presence you are worthy to be praised i will just exalt you we lift you up today you are awesome in this place mighty god you're awesome in this place our father and we just worship your name lord father if you can use anything lord you can use me let nicolas peter can decrease as you increase lord use me as an instrument on a channel for blessing this morning father god i give you myself use me as an instrument this morning i commit the service in your hands take full control have your way lord and when all is said and done all the glory all the honor and all the praise will be given unto you in jesus name amen amen amen put your hands together for the lord hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah wonderfully may be seated this morning let me greet god the father god the son and the holy spirit this morning hallelujah i also want to greet our leaders bishop dr delford davis minister petrova davis put your hands together for them this morning hallelujah i want to greet minister i see the note man i don't see her and all the ministers here on the upper and the lower form those who are visiting viewing browsing and all you inside the house god bless you put your hands together for yourselves this morning hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah when we stood here my son wasn't up here nathaniel peta came where is nathaniel this morning natalia where are you somewhere around i want to see you nathaniel where are you you need to come up here but the text was read this morning from genesis 37 from verses 1 to 20. and it's a well-known passage that most of us going to sunday school growing up we know this story and i want to use this story as a reference today in bringing a message across which i feeling my spirit that god has given me to bring this morning and i will i will not go through it again but i will just make reference as i go through what i have to say but want to talk about family today family family and as we seek to talk about family i want to define the term family and i have three definitions and as i go through my topic today i pull from a lot of sources and the life of joseph from james luther let's talk about it faith church and steve scott a better life one habit at a time i pull from all those persons as i did my research but when we talk about the family we are talking about definition a socially recognized group usually joined by blood marriage cohabitation adoption that formed an emotional connection among among its members and serves as an economic unit of society and that's some introduction of sociology i have another definition from the webster the basic unit in society traditionally consisting of parents two parents rearing their children and finally a group of people united by a certain conviction our common affiliation and i like that one a group of people united by conviction our common affiliation and to be example of our church family put your hands together for your church family this morning and as i speak on the family i will speak about our blood family and our church family putting the two in one so what is our aim this morning for us to realize that family drama comes along and it's been around from the creation of time some of us have more drama in our families more than anybody else but despite the drama and despite the bad experiences if we learn from the issues if we deal with them correctly god can bless us and god can reunite the family is that amen and we have a case in point here this afternoon this morning but before i go ahead let me just bring like a backdrop to you because problems in the family are nothing new and i was listening to bishop this morning when he started he started from genesis i think 23 something like that 22 but genesis 22 and he made a reference to adam and eve and as early as genesis 3 verse 12 the problem started because of s i and sin god wanted us to enjoy family but because of adams and eve disobedience and sin came into the world from genesis 3 verse 12 the problem started what was the issue adam said god it is the woman you gave me started to blame the woman and woman said is a serpent so from genesis 3 verse 12 problem was introduced into the family and it never stopped in genesis 4 verse 8 we have kian and evil the sons of adam and eve key and killing evil we jumped on to genesis 27 from 41 to 44. we see the controversy between isa and jacob my god the rivalry doesn't stop we have jealous wives in the midst of all of that we jump down to first samuel 2 verse 12 the sons of eli hofney and phineas were supposed to be priests in the temple and look at all the atrocities they did somehow warned eli and eli talk to your sons speak to your sons about their behavior and they did not and in first samuel 4 17 to 80 was hearing eli got the news of his son's death but that was never bad when he heard the news that the after the covenant was taken away from israel he fell backwards off his chair and broke his neck family drama family drama my most favorite bible character david also knows about family drama more than anybody else in second psalm is 13 it tells us the story of amnon raping his sister tmr and david as a father does nothing about it absalom is upset wondering why does my father does nothing about this and he plots and kills amnon and guess what david does nothing parents if you are sit back and do nothing your children will run a mock and they will take over and destroy the family nathaniel there's nothing here we have your hand sir that's my son amen so we have to love our children but we have to tell them the truth we have to lead them right because if they don't they will want to take over and so said so don ii samuel 15 13-23 we see where absalom rebels against his father to take over the kingdom because what david sits back and he does nothing as a father so absalom rises up and sees the kingdom so family drama is right throughout the scripture but guess what god is good and if god is with us in our family we can break the cycle and that takes me to my topic this afternoon this morning stop blaming family and break the cycle stop blaming family and break the cycle so case in point this morning we have a young man who we can use as an example but before we even get to this young man before we even get to this young man we have to radical background work because the life of this young man joseph he encounters a whole barrage of problems but despite overwhelming family issues god was with him but let us back up a little bit because if you check joseph's family history you're going to see a whole barrage of problems in genesis 29 jose's father jacob anybody know jay caboose jacob is a con man a liar and a manipulator but yet still god sees something in this man and uses him uses him he uses him to bring forth the nation of israel so sometimes we have people in our families who are commonly the manipulators don't write them off do not write them out because god you have a plan for them and if they feel themselves that god he will use them to write them off so jacob was his father was a khan man but even from before that isaac which was his joseph grandfather and jacob's father from back then there was a problem because when isa and jacob was born rebecca favored jacob and isaac favored esau the first born so both parents feared one child isaac fever won't fear again esau and rebecca favored jacob and these are these are the problems that because here it is that when the blessing was to be stored by the father isaac his wife rebecca schemed with his younger son which she loved more jacob schemed and tricked isaac a blind man a calculating piece of deception i know you know the story she let him wear put god's skin on him neck on him hand so when the father said your voice so like your voice is so like it's so light jacob but when i feel your hand and i feel your neck you feel like esau so they deceive this poor old man and that reminds me saw me holy pie years ago our bishops preach our message isaac is not the holy ghost so it was mine that you remember that message isaac is not the holy ghost when people can deceive and trick us you can't trick god so if god has something for you nobody can scheme and trick you out of your blessing for what god has for you isaac is not the holy ghost what a message that was about maybe 15 or 20 years a long time but they tricked this man so the drama was was there from his grandfather come right don't know to joseph so joseph know grew up in a home where his mother rachel was jealous because of our because leah could have children and she couldn't so he had three stepmothers right he had three stepmothers so he grew up in that kind of a context so here we have in genesis 3 genesis 37 from from early as verse 2. we see the problem starting because jacob i mean joseph brings news to his father of his siblings the bible says evil report so i guess he brought news on his children and his other brothers because you know he's the last son he's a younger one a younger one are we as a teleponder once a second so he brought what the bible is an evil report of course this doesn't sit well with these brothers they don't like him because you know in being reported to the father of harlem things snitches and people call it or in jamaica informa tell all the things that i'm doing don't like it verse 3 jacob his father loved joseph more than all the other brothers he was the last one and he was the son of rachel with love so in fear of joseph more than any more than the other children and hey what sometimes as a family you can favor a child and another child can say no mommy and daddy you know your favor john more than me are you olivia that said no of course i don't i love all my children equally and you can try explain your way out of it but but this case in genesis 37 it was clear as dear there was no debate there was absolutely no doubt about it he loved joseph more than all his brothers and their suspicion was confirmed in mere the court of many colors you know the one thing that there are many things can destroy our family but let me tell you you see favoritism can disrupt and destroy any family whether a blood family with church family it can destroy the family fear it is him favoritism just last week thursday i was helping tiana that's the youngest one with her homework on thursday and we came up on a question draw a mem draw yourself hugging your favorite family member that's one and the other one was draw a picture of your grandmother and why she's your grandmother so when we got to those two questions i said okay tiana i've discovered i gone i take on myself and i go sit down i hear she calling me daddy daddy daddy daddy i said what happened baby i have a problem i said what's the problem i cannot answer this question i said well you can answer the question because i don't have a favorite family member i love my mother i love my father i love my brother i love my sister i love my grandmother and i love my grandfather it doesn't stop there she tells me no that if i draw a picture with me and my favorite family member it would call me like i don't love unlike the others i say what you do don't do it tell the teacher you don't have a favorite family member what must i do [Applause] inside i'm kind of smiling like i said yes yes yes yes yes they're doing something right so they don't feel like we have any fear of it so love to treat them equally so favoritism can destroy and wreck our family when it is all right shown so we see in verse 3 it gives joseph a quote of many colors for him to pirate some speakers at the parade in front of his brothers dearly can you imagine imagine this court and in paris in front of all in 10 brothers everyday in it the more them seeming is the more they hate him is the more than despise him is there more than sometimes we have on some quote and people see us and then despise us and hear to our very goats no fault of yours you wouldn't ask me the fear of it you weren't asked to be the favorite you didn't do it but you're hated and despised so but but it begs the question it begs the question that jacob should have known better why should i have known better because it happened to him and his brother with the fear it is in between mother and father and see or direct their relationship with him and his brother so sometimes we who should know better will come and repeat the same cycle we repeat this same thing our appearance did we don't realize that we need to break the cycle and then when things happen with blame so it was because i'm a grandfather it was because of my great-grandmother i saw them stay and he'd come down to me yeah woman brew the cycle stop blaming family and break the cycle so it continues them don't know like him already them don't hit him then i'm gonna tell him about the dream verse four to add insult to injury don't seem very father is upset at him now because when him tell him about the dream with his ten brothers bowing down before him then him common names that his son and the moon his mother and father and the whole family bought on before even the father is upset at him say are you saying me and your mother and your hole your family i've got on board and i worship you the whole family is upset at him but nonetheless the story continues so it continues in 37 verse 12 to 36 jacob sends joseph to check on his brothers notice he sends him to check on his brothers you know that means his brothers are they are working and i don't want him have joseph doing in the audio in the field with him too you know because some some person said because that is he gave him a quote and some says the quote was striped multi-colored orator tall sleeves so because of the tall sleeves it was take a sheep and do all the work that his brothers could have done favoritism so in the womb doing what i don't know and the brother is out there in the field he sends him to check upon them he goes and he looks for them who to find him somebody directs him and says that's how the brothers over in dorthan then he goes over to dothan from them seem coming opportunity presented you know or some people want to see a coming alone sometime or they're longing to book your balloon out of the comforter your father's care and love because there and then there was no jacob there was no jacob he was all alone only god was there with him and in some of the case he wasn't alone right ima loan and i'm saying there dear comes a dreamer let us kill him and see what they come of his dreams we're not talking about that stranger we know we're not talking about somebody above up on the street we're talking about your brother your own flesh and blood we're talking about and this is what's happening family sometimes sometimes you're very family heated with a passion they despise you and if they could kill you they would we're talking about family you know are we talking about the blood family and the church family too can it happen in the church too they despise you they see um let's say you're a minister ambassador you have his favorite so because they despise it they don't like you not your fault not your fault not your fault but despise and seek persuaded to destroy you the leo hold on this young man and i want us to bear in mind this young man was 17 years of age young man ripped off yes ripped off his coat ripped off the court his father gave him then take that first you know because i must say what you come every day i walk up another parade and a boss in front of it and it's pretty cool for that again i'm not giving you none but i you am choose figgy so then rip it from him some things have been ripped from some of us ripped away from us ripped from us but god god is going to restore god is going to restore and if we get through the text we will i will assure you that it was restored if we get you so here it is this young man at 17 is fierce for the biggest crisis of his life he's thrown into a pit but i wanted to kill him yes ruben said no oh come on man come on aman and your bishops to the other day thank god for a reuben thank god for a reuben said no man no matter over here time i wouldn't like he might still be brother a stupid sister i steal the church brother i stay with your sister take time on somebody after that if he said no he's not right it's not right didn't work out they saw them into slavery to the irishman lights souling for 20 pieces of silver took him from the pit and sold into slavery i cannot imagine i can imagine at 17 years old ripped from your family and sold into slavery what happens in the mind of a young man like that some of us are big people and sometimes when some crisis happened to us some of the things that goes through our or our our minds our mental state is just crazy can you imagine we felt afraid alone rejected because it says right out your stomach god is there with you i believe that this must have been one of the darkest times in joseph's life between the pit and speeding slavery somewhere right in the middle here so oh alone he must have felt what were the emotions going through him knowing that he suffered this at the hands of his own family members that period is very critical because as we get to 39 something completely different happens in chapter 39. but one commentator says in verse 38 if you read it it says nothing nothing about god nothing about god nothing about god so we said to ourselves was joseph all alone no because when we are going through some of the darkest times of our lives god is there with you as the choir saying ride out your storm god is there with you you are not feeling but you are not alone you are not alone you are not alone you are not alone that's a critical period because some of us go through that period and we come out anger with with anger with bitterness with resentment with hatred here trading and subsequently everything else that happens to us in our lives we blame family we blame them so if this didn't happen from then i wouldn't be here no if i've talked to people i want to tell you a story that happens 20 25 years ago they make it seem like it happened yesterday the hurt and the bitterness they carry it with them year after year after year and every time they tell you you can see the pain that they feel some of them curse their mother they say if my mother never take up the monday the life would are different if my father ever take off with she would have different so my mother ever did anger and i'm still across the mother kia lego hello these wombs caught deep they caught deep it's not easy if we get to over only god himself only god himself can deliver us from somebody because we get from family members both church family and blood family it caught deep only god himself but god was with him because in verse 39 it says with him touching a part of ourselves god was with him and god bless him that means i don't know where the young man gets his strength from but between the pit and traveling with the sleeves i don't know how long he was on the slave it was not shipped but a slave bought our sleeve chariot whereas a weak haramond but at some point in that journey i believe that young man reached out to god and said god if you don't deliver me if you don't come in the midst of this situation not many of us come out like that some of us come with anger with and bitter bitter bitter bitter and this is carried to us towards our lives and if we're not careful we begin to raise our own families and repeat the same cycle look at the man said stop blame family and break the cycle stop blame family and break the cycle [Music] the copycat like appears no in the host of patipha god bless the young man says god was with him and god blessed him and patipha says i put you in charge of everything party for do you even know him who's wrong he does not say everything all right comes with his spot mr spotifer looking at the young man seeing the god in the young man see the holiness in the young man see the anointing on the young man's life i want to destroy it don't believe something i love them be somebody people love you are they anointing i gotta realize i'm attracted to one destroyed [Applause] she said they got in the young man i want to wreck it every year she pestering the young man once again i don't know where the young man find this strength from if it was somebody's no idea as young men they would do it i'm bragging about it i sleep with the boss why i hear it every day i sleep with the bubba's wife do you do it and brag about it him say oh can i do this thing and sit against my gut the young man was full of a god man when she said that our words couldn't work she said look here i'm going open this young man she'll grab him the man leave him jackie tim whatever i live in a run we have to run away overcome temptation at all costs [Applause] overcome temptation at all costs [Music] sometimes you have to run run [Music] leave your jacket and run leave your shoes and run run with god but you know what some of us do some of us give in to the temptation i only give in to the temptation you know what to do we start to blame again let's see my you know at this one fight because if they never they do this i never did do that i wouldn't be right here so to me for me talk with potiphar wife and no figure get myself into this problem we start to rationalize now we don't want to take responsibility i am not saying that persons haven't done us wrong i'm not saying that but what i'm saying is at what point do we take responsibility for actions at one point we do we leave the blame behind us and move forward are we going to be stuck in this position for the rest of our lives are we going to give it to god and say god you take it i'm moving forward because only god alone can pull us forward we have to move past so here it is again the young man she accuses him of rape and of course thrown into prison just when you think that you're progressing in life all right here family wrong but i'm moving forward and just when you feel like you're getting somewhere you're putting your life back together there comes something i not the window tayo not the window to your cl makes you begin to wonder but guess what guess what when him get to prison the bible says again the lord was with joseph every step by the way the lord was with joseph 39 jersey genesis 39 21 says but the lord was with joseph and showed him mercy and gave him favor in the sight of the keeper of the prison fever again it's obvious that this young man had the power of god in him that he could say look here this happened to me i'm not blaming nobody god you must have this under control if this happened to me and it's because i i'm trying to live a righteous life lord lead me and there in prison it was an example again here it is in prison oh in prison at some point in the journey there comes two persons in prison the beaker and the butler and jose saw them one day and it was looking so good what's happening to you and i said why i have a dream i think it was the butler who said he has a dream yes i said tell me it was if he told rosie fat i saw i i saw myself with some grapes and grapes and i squeezed them in a cup and i remember the story so well and i gave it to the pharaoh three cloves of grape and they said squeeze it in a cup and give it to the pharaoh and you say okay the lord has showed me what this means it means in treatise time you'll be restored you'll be restored the beer cup i guess he must have been sitting one side and hearing the news decide to hear what let me also inquire as to what my dream means because i'm carrying a basket with all kind of egg products on my head and the birds came and eaten not good news in 3ds time fear will ask for your head so said so don jose says to the butler when you leave here just remember me just remember me sometimes they do do things for people i say let's remember my mom just remember you all know from the good deed is done they forget about you from the good deed is done you are no more from you help them they are gone but nonetheless god was with him so in genesis 41 it came to pass that at the end of the full two years that fear of dream that dream god always make aware [Applause] of something we can't depend on people because they are inconsistent put your trust in god at the end of two years okay imagine she was defeated for two years i'll wait i said all right i'm gone so maybe my god fear about my plight forget about it at the end of two years phero has a dream nobody can tell him nobody can interpret not the magicians the suits he has nobody everybody is stunned the bottle has one side and in here and he remembers he recalls yemen oh my i remember now this man i met in prison named joseph fear i said he tells the fear about this young man first i bring him come bring him calm the young man comes fear and says look here i hear you can interpret dreams joseph said no no i can't interpret dreams it's not me it is god sometimes i take too much credit for herself somebody start praising i say yes suck it up humility is in the young man after all he has gone through the spirit of humility still in him you say no it is not me it is god and god will allow me to interpret and tell you what what this dream means so said so don seviers are farming saviors have plenty serious are farming right away fira says hola man this young one is a brilliant young man why this young man in prison right away you are becoming a member of my staff i want to earn my staff compliment i want to be governor right away says put a ring on jersey finger and guess let him give him guess what tells him give him a court a court [Music] i tell you that quote better than the one jacob gave him restoration has happened you get a better quote now a more luxurious one restoration stop being family break the cycle take responsibility to let god work in your life and he restored to you [Music] i'm not saying things are happening overnight you know but if remain faithful to god it will bring about the transformation if we'll be faithful to god he will bless us but remember we have to endure our situation joseph was in prison for two years two years so there has to be a process you know does happen so but you have to stick with the process tell the truth you've been angry and bitter and resentful for 20 and 15 years 10 20 15 years so you have to work out the process now start the process man you won't move a foot until you stop blaming people stop blaming people stop blaming people whoa man was gone so here it is our picking up fast fast speed no in 41 chapter 41 joseph marries another family of israel ah don't let me back up a little bit can you imagine when fira gave him the signature and put the rope on him oh he must have remembered and said boy i remember the road my father gave me i remember my brothers ripped it from me but guess what he didn't dwell on that because what i said these wombs run deep and it are about to come to an abrupt cycle as we continue if we can get there so he's put in charge of the feeding program because he revealed a dream so no there's a famine everybody have to come to egypt to get food low and be old oh jesus there comes the brothers 42 changes 1442 the brothers come to egypt for food see in brothers joseph is there and his brothers came to purchase food and he saw them he saw them they couldn't really recognize him because they said this was about 20 years after the fact so he must have been look different and of course i mean this fancy robe the india wildest imagination our brother which we sold into slavery he could never ever be the governor this year this man we're looking at furthermore he's talking to an interpreter is an interpreter so he knows both languages jews have been to tie with them we are spies not coming to spy now let me just pause here so because sometimes when god people treat her body reject push us aside left us for dead but god restores us and puts us in positions of our authority and some of these same people are going to come before us [Applause] joseph at that point at the upper hand he had a hunger they had to blame he could have put them in slavery just as they did to him and i cannot imagine emotions that were going through him you know but he chose to give them mercy and in 2525 he gives them all the grain they need and send them back home but you give them back their money give them the grain and say go on back home but he says i i don't trust you i feel you are spies and i don't believe what you tell me about your father and a younger brother so i'm going to keep one of you here and he keeps simeon and says when you're coming back bring your younger brother to me so i can verify all that you're saying so he grants the mercy and he sends them off their brothers at what point in time when they were locked up joseph could understand let me know because as i said before he spoke the language and they were saying you know all this happened to me because of what we did to our brother they remembered all them said they burned a slave and he wept it was if we he wept i guess because of the emotional turmoil and a roller coaster but to god by the glory he choose mercy instead of revenge so in 43 15 jacob says yes can go to allah the drama right now but jacob says yes benjamin back to israel to egypt to verify to to show that um what it what they told the governor was which is their brother was true they went back and joseph was kind to them brought him brought him to his house was kind to them then he sent him send him back with the dog with double the money um on the grain but he hid a world cup in benjamin's bag send the sword just to get them and say look here they said the swords they have stolen from me i've been so inviting and kind to them yet they stole it from me send a call saying go get them they'll get them bring them back say look here the governor was so kind to you all and you betrayed this just by stealing from him but jesus was just trying with them talking with them tying with them so when they come and they fall along before him julia begins to beg i said governor please may i beg you if you take this you know he says i'm going to keep benjamin because he's still a cop i'm saying no dude i begin so please with joseph don't know which was the final begin to plea governor please may i beg you you can't do this if you do this our father this will most certainly kill him remember almost dead already when joseph disappeared if you take benjamin the younger one he definitely won't kill him no doubt about it somehow beggar please take me instead keep me keep me but the younger one go on 45 genesis 45 128. joseph kian hanging this no more it explodes in an emotion there's a people far far here this volleyball is joseph everything does burst inside of him it comes somewhere when everything goes by and while whoever i know kim couldn't hold it no more i'm just beginning to cry and crying crying crying and say look here i mean you know i mean joseph i need you as if this i mean this it is me look by me twenty years ago on a two minute pit want to take me out and sell me into slavery since then i've been to i've been into potiphar's house accused of rape they threw me into prison and i come out of prison and i'm not here it is me it is me can you imagine they look on their faces can you imagine the fear that grip them can you imagine oh they must have said yes we did no we are doomed because all that we have done to this young man he will most exact revenge upon us no we are dead joseph once again extends mercy to them he extends verses to them despite all that they have done to him mercy is showing and they say go get my father and everybody come everybody come to egypt let me take care of you let me take care of you but joseph says something in 45 chapter 45 let me find it 45 verse 5 nor therefore be not grieve not angry with yourselves that he sold me for god set me before you to preserve like what can i young man this man oh okay what kind of man what kind of person this don't beat up yourself not hungry be forgiven god saw this and knew that i was the one who will be here today to preserve the nation of egypt and everybody else because of this famine so god look down 20 years in the future and say i need a man for this job and he chose me and he used you to put me there oh what kind of this what kind of something this non-camber song this young man blamed no one i'm saying at your feet they heard him my time is gone but finally he brought the family to egypt and he took care of them nourished him until his father died and as i read this i remember when bishop says said it about i think was two or three weeks ago this verse genesis 50 genesis 50 and verse 15 genesis 15 and verse 15 and this is the kicker this is the kicker genesis 50 and 15 and when joseph's brethren saw that their father was dead they said joseph will per adventure hate us and will certainly require us all required of requiring us all evil he treated unto him so there's a look here because joseph loved daddy in the whole love to a father dead and then when him when when her father is dead no daddy's dead dog with supper that's what i say in jamaica so in 50 verse 15 to 21 is it's sixteen says andrews and they sent the messenger unto joseph's saying thy father did command before he died saying so all he so shall he say unto us if i give i pray thee no the trespass that fear brethren and their sin for their unto the evil and know we pray the forgiveness of our trespass forgive each of us of our servants servants of god of thy father and joseph wept when they speak unto him jesus joseph we put him here it and his brethren also went and fell down before before his face fell down before him the dream and they said behold we we by thy sir we we be thy servants and joseph said unto them fear not for for am i in the place of god but as for you you thought evil against me but god meant it unto god to bring to pass as it is this day to save much people alive no therefore fear he not i will nourish you and your little ones and he comforted them and speak kindly unto them and i close the bible what a god we serve what a god we serve sometimes the people who have done us so much wrong and has caught us the deepest sometimes they cannot understand how we are forgiven them they cannot comprehend who we have gotten past our past they don't understand how we don't have anger bitterness resentment hatred towards them i say about god but god bought god bishop spoke this morning about pass the test and you will get god's best the ultimate test that jose faced was the test of revenge the test of revenge and some of us are faced with that test even today the test of revenge the test of revenge the test of revenge will we allow what has been done to us in the past to constantly be what we use to cup out to be what we use of constantly saying i am this because of so and so i am doing this because of my forefathers and my grandfather my grandmother [Music] we have to take responsibility let us take responsibility today i am not saying that they have around us they have jewels if acknowledged that they around them they are not saying we're going to be black we're stupid joseph said yes yes you're wrong me yes it was to me but but i am looking at the bigger picture i am looking at the bigger picture now the bigger picture is if you hadn't done that god wouldn't have been using me now to see of millions of people lives we have to look at the bigger picture the bigger picture yes you did a lot to me but look i didn't know i'm a doctor i am taking care of people i am a nurse i am taking care of people i am a lawyer i am a police officer look at me now look what god has done stop blaming people stand with me please tell me please time is gone stop blaming people and take responsibility [Music] brew the cycle this afternoon this morning this morning we need to break the cycle we have to break the cycle let's begin to worship him right now hallelujah come on come on break the cycle this aft this morning we have to break the cycle we cannot we cannot continue bring them in others for what what has happened to us if joseph i blame his brothers every step of the way every negative thing that happened to him he would not be in a position that he was in to save the lives of them and their wives and their children some of us caught our family members because of what they have done to us they was dead we caught them off totally nothing to do with them you know almost parents of of children who cut them off because they said look here nicholas peterkin was the favorite and you're spending money for nicolas peterkin and nicolas peter can get turned big shot and do i remember you ain't abs i refuse to help you you don't make kisses like that we have because the parents fear about the one and the one who was fever throwing their back on the appearance and the others who are there they can help but they refuse they can't say i wasn't the favorite so just like all you never helped me i'm not helping at a quarter of the parents parents are suffering suffering when they have children who can help [Music] today if you're here you're one of those persons who have cut off your parents call them this very evening restore the fellowship tell them say yes minomo was the favorite but guess what the stone that they build i refuse the store and the villa refused hallelujah this 200 refuse let us break the cycle today let us give god full control look at the bigger picture look at what he's doing in our lives now never offer the past and let us learn from these persons who have gone on before us let us not make the see a mistake they did and if you have done so even you've made a mistake already let us study here put the mechanisms in place give it to jesus some final point so what's going on i'm going to tell everybody about the problems every day and complete with it everybody in the church go oh mother this father everybody know time has stop telling people no stop tell people no tell it to jesus no then can i help you they're not helping you stop you tell everybody no you're still in the same place let go that no man tell it to jesus let him work it all for you no man tell it to jesus just begin to worship as i ask our bishop hand over to our bishop hallelujah bless your name jesus thank you [Applause] well to god be the glory what a wonderful family sunday message i did see what a wonderful family summed the message [Music] god saw me god knew what he had in store for me he knows the promotion he has for me in life and he used you to put me there he used you to put me there what's the process how we use the brothers how we use mrs potiphar or we use pharaoh oh you're not saying anything god knows exactly where he wants all of us to be and he knows the process that he will engage to get us there he knows the people that he will use [Music] sometimes it's not going to be friendly it's not going to be enjoyable it's not going to be pleasant or pretty but if it is god who has engaged the process to take us where he wants to take us let the lord have his way romans chapter 8 and verse 20 it was right then it is right now and it will always be right for we know what do we know that all things worketh together for good to them that love god and to them who are they called according to his purpose i said to minister davis the other day that oh how can i say this the worst thing that has ever happened to me in life the worst worst worst worst things thing one thing turned out to be the best thing that has ever happened in my life can i say that again i said the worst thing that happened to me in life many years ago turned out to be the best thing that has ever happened god is a mysterious god somebody praise god here he knows how to throw us in prison to prepare us he knows how to raise up a family member to shake our comfort zone [Music] but tell yourself he sees you he knows what he has in store for you he knows where he wants to take you and he also knows who will get you there the process we're gonna pray it's a wonderful family message we should have had minister michael smith preaching this morning because i really wanted them to preach family messages they being leaders of the marriage enrichment but of course he's on assignment with the i command of the police force and that's why i preached this morning because i'm preaching both services on next sunday preaching first wednesday and i'm feeling a little under the weather physically it takes its toll after a while but the lord knows how to do his thing there's so many others that he might have chosen to follow him men of great learning and greater distinction to follow him men with authority with force and ability who knows how to speak and be heard raise your hands everybody i don't know exactly why i'm here ago but today oh glory for he chose in the furnace of affliction [Music] foreign jesus and from jesus i love you he chose me [Music] lift your hand and say he trusts me chose in the furnace of affliction he trolls me hallelujah drop me through hatred throw me in the pits end up in prison but i still stay in his will i never look back oh glory to god [Music] i feel the anointing of god ministering to somebody here jesus i will not go [Music] [Music] he chose me minister thorpe is one of the presidents of the marriage enrichments he is going to lead the prayer and i want everybody to pray in light of all the lord minister to you go ahead my brother hallelujah hallelujah oh jesus jesus father god on this family sunday god it would feel like when peter and the rest said it is good for us to be here let us build ourselves three tabernacle god what an awesome presence you have come down and you have ministered to us this day and god for that we are grateful lord jesus as we come before you this morning into the afternoon god once again you have spoken loud and clear to us your people god and we are willing to hear that which you have spoken into our spirit even right now lord god whether by internet or by television or in this immediate audience god there are those of us who are asking you to forgive us jesus lord god because we recognize that the position we are in you have caused us to be there and god we need not hold it against anyone god i pray that your people will begin to let go off of those who they have held for years in their heart because god you are willing to fulfill your purpose in their lives but god because they have hold so many hatred against others god help us to be like joseph today help some mothers to be like joseph help some fathers to be like joseph yes they have been wrong the children may have they may have wronged their children but today lord god you said if we let go off of the past and hold to that which you have called us to then life can and will be different god as you minister to each and every one this morning i pray god that everyone will find that place in you god here where many families will be brought back together even from this word that you have spoken lord somebody watching by the internet right now and they are saying that exactly where they find themselves tearing and pulling apart the family because of what have been done lord god you have designed today for this purpose bring those families those hurting families together again god let there be forgiveness right across the board mothers hugging children and say i forgive you children hugging matters and say i forgive you mighty god i pray right now jesus that this world will experience because lord even in the church the church family god may we experience some forgiveness brothers and sisters in christ who are not talking because of hurt my god may this message today bring us that revival bring us that reunion lord god where we can find that yes we have been hurt but god we can find it in our spirit to forgive because the church needs to move on god some may have hung up their ministry because they have been hurt god i pray today that those ministries will be refired up because of forgiveness mighty god i pray that we will not just be hearers of this word today but oh god we will step out by faith step out amidst the hurt lord even if we have to declare to someone today that yes i have been hurt but because of the grace of god that is in me and because of the purpose that god has for my life i forgive you lord jesus i know it will bring healing lord it will bring deliverance and so god i pray for each and every one today father let your spirit rest with us and god we thank you for your ministering servant i pray god that you will continue to anoint him from the crown of the head to the soul of the faith and god we will be careful today to give you all glory all honor all praise and let god's people say amen just throw your hands in the ear and begin to thank god for your forgiveness and the ability to forgive hallelujah hallelujah well bless the name of the lord what a wonderful session [Music] can i do this one two times i don't have my voice it's gone it says please forgive me i need your grace to make it through please forgive me i need your grace [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] please forgive me raise your hand and sing it again everybody we need to be forgiven [Music] [Music] please forgive me my god anybody got blessed [Music] father we thank you for this wonderful service we thank you for all those who have contributed to the richness of this service oh god the devotion leaders those who gave the welcome the musicians the choir recordings oh god the ministry of the word the praises and thanksgiving we thank you for everything now we ask you to bless us as we give back to you out of what you have blessed us with accept your gifts and bless them and above all accept us and bless us father with good measure press don't shaken together running over we ask it in jesus name amen please be seated and those who have an offering of your tithe of an envelope a love gift whatever it is let's prepare to do so at this time at the end of the service those who need your n a n k-o-v-e-n-a-n-t covenant prayer cloth you can get it at the end but let's give god thanks for the av department ah they are doing a fantastic job i mean brother schneider mark knight and the team up there put your hands together for them here you would have noticed as we raise a song it's on the it's on the board the preacher is preaching and as he raises the scripture it's on the board it's not wonderful give the man a bigger hand than god bless you gentlemen fantastic job amen the lord bless you amen thank you announcer reminder please do remember next sunday three services why bishop because we have lords up at six o'clock next sunday evening and i hope to see many of you for lord support covet compliant lord supper in the longest wild join us at six o'clock this week friday we start back our prayer meeting and the announcer takes it from here thank you sir welcome to the pages of the poor faith ministry diary for week beginning sunday january 31 2020 extra special birthday greetings are extended to mother ashburn who celebrated her 81st birthday on january 26 and to mother beryl gabadon who will celebrate her 84th birthday tomorrow february 1st give god a praise his name greetings came to our bishop minister davis and the pfm family from the following brethren who are overseas sister marvel the goldsmith sister dorothy patterson and she sent special greetings to the prayer department from worker negrita penicot sister jasmine mcdonald and sister paulette thompson they sent special greetings to the women of work department and to the voices of inspiration choir upcoming event the marriage enrichment ministry presents a pre-valentine cake sale on friday february 12th for tickets and further information please contact minister michael smith or any member of the marriage enrichment ministry committee the following persons have passed away and funeral arrangements are pending the father of sister sandra corey who is a member of the echoes of faith choir sister evan allen has lost her grandson deaconess cynthia abu has passed on also sister elia pasco and the sister of deaconess ioni gossel the funeral service for the mother of elder rohan coburn is being held today at 2 pm there will be a viewing at the old harbor sda church between 11 a.m and 1 p.m internment follows at red ground in saint katherine photographs of deceased members are posted on the notice board for your viewing our bishop his wife and the members of the pfn family share with those who are ill or have lost loved ones may you find strength in our continuous prayers on a thank you note sister andrea allen and family have expressed their thanks to bishop minister davis and the pfm family for your expression of love kindness and support during the recent passing of their loved one and in weekly activities tomorrow all brothers you are invited out to a very important meeting which commences at 6 30 in the in the children's church and on wednesday or regular first wednesday fasting service commences at 9 00 a.m with lighting of the altar at 6 00 am come expecting your miracle healing deliverance and breakthrough you will leave with a testimony it has been my pleasure serving you have a godly filled week god bless you thank you so much it's our pleasure having you to serve god bless you give her a hand wonderful so please bear those announcements in mind and attend upon those that relate to you your department your church men's meeting on did you say monday tomorrow yes men and the ushers will meet on saturday ushers all for a very special meeting come on out in your usual great numbers we hope to see you water baptism on the 27th or make it the final saturday of tomorrow's month february ah six six o'clock 6 30 at the usual seaside venue those who are preparing for water baptism instruction class commences on next sunday evening at five o'clock just ahead of our lord's supper which will be at six let us stand please it's been a wonderful day since seven o'clock this morning and on to 12 o'clock today isn't god good i mean aren't you glad you're in church today oh yeah believe me i think the choice of minister peter kin for this message and i ask him to preach a family message and he really did a fine job bless you son god bless you great it's good to see my neighbor worshiping again today with us mr suehil god bless you down there good to have you wonderful let us pray father we thank you for this wonderful days expressions that we have made unto you we thank you for all persons who have participated at home and abroad we pray that the holy spirit will continue the work that he has begun in each heart and in each life conviction that leads to conversion healing and miracle signs and wonders anointing upon your people strength for those who are weak in the name of jesus victory for those who are walking in the corridors of defeat let not one be defeated in the name of jesus and as we prepare to go now we pray that angels will be assigned to watch over us and keep us in your care it is in jesus name we pray amen what do we say before we close the service amen the grace of our lord and savior jesus christ the love of god the father full fellowship on communion of the holy spirit the comforter rest remain and abide with us all now and forevermore everybody say amen thank you so much thank you for watching this live broadcast please like share and subscribe if you were blessed and inspired remember to visit our website at for more information stay tuned and be blessed
Channel: PFMFamilyTV
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Id: PmGk8mIXIGg
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Length: 144min 55sec (8695 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 31 2021
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