Sunday Morning LIVE - February 18, 2018

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] praise God let's prepare for come and spin up our worship some of you're still not participating in the Jacobs hour you're simply looking around let's stand please and begin to worship the Lord better sound on this microphone let's begin to worship the Lord while the moderator comes to lead a service this morning go ahead and give Him praise oh very glory glory to God just lift your hands in the presence of the Lord this morning glory to God glory to God if God has been good to you this morning just go ahead and let's praise Him glory glory glory to God there is none unto him this morning Alleluia Jesus there is none like him this morning glory to God let's just get dig deep this morning God is our leader that Jesus so away maker this morning we just want to give him praise we want to give him praise we want to give Him praise this morning glory to God Jesus there is none like You Jesus there is none unto you Jesus there is not a popular this morning Lord God I know that we can do better than that man come on go over glory before a beat father we love you Father we adore you father we appreciate you father God we need you if ever a time you need a daddy Jesus is know if ever a time we want to get close to you Jesus is know if ever a time we want to hear from your God is know and Lord we can do nothing without you Jesus and that's why we're here to call upon your God Father we are depending on your grace and mercy father we are depending on your love just raise your hands in the presence of the Lord this morning glory to God just tell it how much you love him tell him how much you need him tell him how much you appreciate him glory to God mighty God of Daniel you are only with me God God your problems are over Oh glory to God you are our provider Jesus we are depending on your party glory glory glory to God Jesus will love you Jesus we adore you Jesus we need your hallelujah Jesus we need your Jesus we need yo Jesus we needed this morning Jesus we need you Jesus we love you Jesus we do robbery floor with love hurry tomorrow Jesus when he do glory glory glory to God glory to God well we have our worship team to come I propose that have your redemption song book a worship team I will you turn with us to 426 glory glory glory to God Jesus we worship You Lord God we praise you this morning glory to God there is none unto God there is none unto Him mighty God we could have been otherwise mine this morning for some of us who could have been in the hospital this morning for some of us we probably could not have turned to come out of our beds this movin in but glory to God we are here and were alive and well even though we may have some pains on a hallelujah we are alive and well and we have to give God fans glory glory glory to God God is truly an amazing God but is truly an awesome God to him we give the praise Alleluia to him we give the glory and to him we give the hands glory glory glory to God thank you Jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah thank you Jesus ah glory glory glory to God if you know that it is so sweet to trust in God just wave your hands in the presence of the Lord it is so sweet haha to trust in Jesus just to take him as our friend the glory to God he should be your closest friend if Jesus is that friend to you just wave your hands to him so god I love you daddy I love you daddy I appreciate you and daddy I need your glory glory glory to God let's not take the blessings of God for granted this morning because God is truly an amazing God glory to God I'm going to ask you to take your Bibles with me this morning and we're going to be turning to Ruth chapter 1 I know this is a scripture that is loved by many to include me please turn to Ruth chapter 1 and we're going to be reading the first 18 verses hallelujah Jesus glory glory glory to God Lord we worship and we praise you this morning we adore you this morning let me hear you say Amen you're there glory to God I will read and you will follow until we reach the 16th verse we all will read together is that amen glory to God I begin from Ruth chapter 1 verse 1 through 2 verse 18 now it came to pass in the days when the judges ruled and there was a famine in the land and a certain man of Bethlehem Judah went to sojourn in the country of moveable II and his wife and his two sons and the name of the man was paramedic and the name of his wife Naomi and the to office an office two sons Milan and Chilean if Jedi's of Bethlehem Judah and they came into the country of more and continued their and el Malik Naomi's husband died and she was left under two sons and they took them wives of the woman of more the name of the one was orphan and the name of the other Ruth and they dwelt there about ten years and Marlon and Chilean died also both of them and the woman was left of her two sons and then she arose with her daughters-in-law that she might return from the country of more for she had heard in the country of more how that the Lord had visited his people in giving them we're for she went forth out of the place where she was and her two daughters-in-law with her and they went on the way to return unto the land of Judah and Naomi said unto her two daughters-in-law go return each to your mother's house the Lord deal kindly with you as he have dealt with the dead and with me the Lord grant you that he may find rest each of you in the house of her husband then she kissed them and they lifted up their voice and wept and they said unto her surely we will return with thee unto thy people and the O me said trying again my daughters why will he go with me are there yet any more sons in my womb that they may be your husband's turn again my daughters go your way for I am too old to have a nice fun if I should say I have hope if I should have an Auslan also tonight and should also bear songs would he tarry for them until they were grown would he stay for them from having a husband named my daughters for it grieve at me much for your seeds that the hand of the Lord is gone out against me and they lifted up their voice and wept again and often kissed our mother-in-law but Ruth cleave unto her and she said behold thy sister-in-law is gone back on to our people and unto our God we don't return though after thy sister-in-law will read verse 16 to 18 together and Ruth said entreat me not to leave thee or to return from following after thee for whether thou goest I will go and where thou lodgest I will Lodge thy people shall be my people and thy God my God where thou Dyess will I die and there will I be buried the Lord do so to me and more also if although but death and me when she saw that she was steadfastly minded to go with her then she left the honor the Word of God by saying glory be to the Father and to the Son as it was the beginning it's no one ever shall be world without just put those Bibles down and let's clap those hands for the Lord glory to God and we have some persons that usually treat us very Gordon and if Naomi tree true with that border can imagine how good our Father treat us glory to God does wave your hands for the Lord and just wave your hands for the Lord glory to God you may have your seeds thank you Jesus I am missionary Janet small and I would like to greet you all in the precious name of Jesus I would also like to greet my woman president this morning missionary Tameka Peter King as we are on woman Sunday morning is that amen she also have a very great team lead leader she is a very great team leader and she has our team members that supports I greeted mommy no other name by the name of Jesus and remember the woman of our department they meet every second and third Monday so you can be a part of them tomorrow glory to God I also want to greet my ministers ministers on the Lord Opera awesome I greet you in the precious name of Jesus I would also want to greet my first lady my spiritual mom dr. Petrova Davis I greet you mom in no other name but in the name of Jesus I saved the best for last this morning you may wonder why I'm going in that direction the best for last this morning is our spiritual dad our founder our leader the man with the vision the man with a plan the man that left Flushing New York many years ago to come in and serve the lost sheep congregation I just want you to stand this morning our Bishop celebrated his birthday yesterday hallelujah Jesus and today our Bishop is looking for the different it seems as though it was 16 or 18 to Barden I just wanted to point your hands at him and say bless you Lord Jesus oh god we don't want to take this man of God for granted because had it not been for him we would not be worshipping in this style this morning glory to God many of us will probably not be here this morning we probably wouldn't have known God but because of his obedience we are here this morning you all may have your seats immediately after service we will spend some time to fellowship and celebrate that's immediately after service glory to God at this time to do the official welcome please make welcome worker Tanika Edwards give her around for me please [Applause] praise God take a deep breath in exhale now let everything that has breath praise the Lord let everything that has breath praise the Lord praise the name of Jesus you are in our woman of Worth ladies missionaries Sunday morning service it is my privilege to extend a warm welcome to everyone on behalf of our pastor Bishop dr. del for Davis and his wife minister dr. Petrova Davis our senior assistant pastor minister I son denote man and all of us here are the power of Faith Ministries International if you are visiting with us for the first time may ask of you to wave your hands please praise God bless the Lord whether you are having a look or you are searching out for a place to worship we are delighted to have you here if you are saved please feel free to worship and for those who have not yet come to know our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ may I encourage you that before you leave here today make Jesus your choice and get to know him as we do today being our latest Sunday we the women of worth Department extend a happy belated birthday to our Bishop Bishop dr. Dell for Davis sir may God continue to bless you and keep you we also acknowledge the wonderful team from fly Jamaica Airways who is celebrating their fifth year in the airline industry welcome one team one dream they sing and I would want to believe that that dream is to do better to go higher and much further may encourage you this morning that with God all things are possible praise God to our browsers on WWF Meor G Facebook and YouTube our viewers on floor cable channel 672 and 6:02 or on digit play 20 a heart you welcome stay tuned prepare your hearts as there is much more in store for you we're excited about what God is doing amongst us here and we know that everyone is going to enjoy the remainder of today's service congregation please join with me and give a round of applause in welcoming our visitors our celebrants our browsers our listeners and our viewers god bless you thank you so very much working at once let's give her a round of applause again glory glory glory to God this time what choir ministry our first choir - tree will be from the golden voices please give them a round of applause this morning as they minister to us in songs glory to God Jesus is real [Music] saying some God Jesus is real and because we know that Jesus is real we want to know more about him [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh hallelujah Jesus hallelujah Jesus glory glory glory to God thank you so very much golden voice is your reminding us this morning that we must know more about our God glory glory glory to God as you heard this morning in the Welcome we do have some visitors from fly Jamaica airline you know that's our Jamaican hairline you're celebrating their fifth anniversary and some of them they are here this morning to worship with us the team is led by Mark Fugen is one of the manager welcome sir but to bring us greeting this morning is none other than mrs. faith scott Fitzgerald she is a cargo assistant at flight Jamaica you're lying please congregation put your hands together and make a welcome in the care the holy ghost thank you [Music] praise the Lord this is a day that the Lord has made and we will rejoice and be glad in it Amen Bishop Telford Davis mrs. Davis ministers members visitors and Friends good morning on behalf of the management and staff of flight Jamaica Airways greetings as we continue to share in the celebration of our faith our five years of service we thank you for allowing us this morning to share in your ministry and this is very important to us as we look to our Father God amen he continues to see us through with him all things are possible we thank our customers this morning for their continued support their patience and understanding even when we hid the difference nuts which we deeply regrets once again Bishop Davis fly Jamaica thank you for the well wishes your continued prayers and support as we continue to soar flying from Kingston to Guyana New York Toronto and also doing chartered flights we thank you again and God bless you come on please give our team a bigger round thank you so very much mrs. Fitzgerald we at power feet ministries will continue to pray your team and your customers friend because we know that with God all things are possible glory to God give them a big another round of applause god bless you God bless you God glory to God at this time please make welcome our second choir - tree which will be done by the voices sorry by the voices of triumph that the woman's of Worth Department Choir please meet them welcome in the care of the whole ethos [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you've been in the strong and it seems like forever your night of confused it's been idle so write out your [Music] [Music] you're neither confused [Music] we [Music] an idol [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] don't know water [Applause] [Music] [Applause] to you - Pema [Music] Oh Oh yeah [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] don't cheat [Applause] [Applause] oh well your hair Oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] what [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Lord or God just stand to your feet this morning glory to God we know we are going to be riding out or was stopped and the main reason we are able to ride out the storm is because we know that we are not alone glory or it thank you thank you [Music] glory to God we will be doing a little fellowship this morning a little fellowship this muffin even glory to God as we meet and we greet and we smile with the person that is sitting next to us we're going to stop and let me tell you her what the Lord has done for me glory to God and while we sing that song you're going to move from your seats this morning because you want to tell somebody what the Lord has done for your glory to God glory to God [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] well [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] jeez [Applause] Oh ah please [Music] Oh Oh God sometimes we need to remember where we're coming from we need to remember what George glory to God we thank you Jesus for healing our body is there enough sauce and to give us that comforter to wave your hands and say thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus haha oh God thank you thank you you may have your seeds to the end of my session hallelujah Jesus the voice you will be hearing next minister will be none other for a founder our leader our pastor how a bishop dr. Jennifer Davis will be coming immediately after the ministry of the voices of inspiration when he comes am I going to ask you to stand to your feet and receive him but before he comes make welcome this morning a final quarter as a minister tossing song the voices of inspiration please put your hands together and make them welcome glory glory glory [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] there's one [Music] Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] Oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] Wow [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] I just wanted to do it [Applause] what a lonely [Applause] [Music] [Music] well one a lovely day the day of cheese [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] sweet [Music] [Applause] raise your hand singing one more time what a lovely name come on Wow lovely name the name Oh [Music] Oh retreat [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah [Music] what a lovely name the name of Jesus lift your hands and give him another praise before you take her seats he is worthy to be praised from the Sun rises until it says hallelujah please be seated god bless [Music] we celebrate the goodness of Almighty God there many favors that he has shown to us we are eternally grateful and when the song was sung earlier come let me tell you what the Lord has done for me it is such an appropriate song to be sung by all those who have met the man of Galilee songs as I love that man the man of Galilee for he has done all praise in her heart taken away my sins and let the Holy Ghost came in I love the Galilean Jesus the Lord bless you we were welcome all of you once again who will join us for corporate worship Iran this morning as we celebrate with their women's ministry women of Worth and leadership on all of God's wonderful people those who joined us after the welcome was given we welcome you by television by Internet by Facebook live by YouTube and all the devices that you use from wherever you use them at home on the streets in the office in the fields wherever we bless the Lord for you amen so let's give our viewing audiences from all over the world that began celebrate and we know you're there way up before you yeah Laurie we also want to celebrate with the entities that are celebrating also fly Jamaica's with us they're celebrating their fifth anniversary as a matter of fact you're launching service took place right here so Jesus would said ten were cleansed you're not among the nine okay you have returned to give thanks on your fifth anniversary we celebrated fly shall make Airways and we want you to continue to pray their success amen we also celebrate with love 101 25 years of ministry to this nation log 101 families stationed in the nation that means we are on love radio for 25 years believe it or not the first week it commenced we were on here and we also want to celebrate with gospel jfm they're celebrating a sixth anniversary my goodness what a month February is shortest month of the year but so many things happened the month of February what bless the Lord for all of the ministers my dear wife dr. Petrova and all of the wonderful ministers all three choirs that have ministered musicians or prayer warriors just about everybody we look fallen tiny Sh this morning but really it's our uniform for third Sunday red and white the latest signal color amen so we praise the Lord for all of you and my time goes so fast me thank all those who have sent me messages on yesterday by Faris means you've sent them by text by email what's up facebook Messenger radio word-of-mouth telephone really appreciate your noble gesture by acknowledging my Earth Day Earth Day birthday the Lord bless all of you I must say those hundreds of messages texts and what's up an email I saw all of them but I have not read any as yet and I make the true confession I have not read any of them because I didn't have the chance to do so I chose to spend yesterday in a particular way 10 o'clock we were a funeral service in Kingston the Reverend Paul Johnson lost his wife wonderful man of God so I went to participate in that ongoing service for his late wife and then I had three weddings here yesterday afternoon so I performed all three ceremonies and attended up on the funeral so those who tried to get me by phone you see why you could not get me I was engaged in all of those activities and I chose to do all of that giving God thanks for his blessings anybody feel blessed here this morning and about it know that you are blessed yeah well let's stand up and say who we are before we get into the message right now lift your right son and declare it let the world hear and see I know that we are healthy prosperous wise and strong with God's anointing I shall live long I have my abundant life in Jesus Christ and no weapon one more time I [Music] amen glory to God clap your hands and shout the future [Applause] [Music] [Applause] be seated please thank you just a couple things those of you planned to take the Israel Egypt Jordan missionary tour which will be July 26th through August 11 we will sign off completely end of this month so please if you have that interest you have to make it known in different ways like anytime now and next week Monday the 26th we want to meet with all married couples for a very special married couples symposium 7 o'clock p.m. so please spread the word under the auspices of the Marg enrichment ministry 7 o clock p.m. we hope to meet with couples for this very special symposium with you and mark your calendar everybody for convention April 15 through 20 and then on the 22nd we go to bog walk to dedicate that century over there and finally next Sunday will be our first official family Sunday everybody say family Sunday so invite we ask you to bring members of your families be they young or middle-aged healthy strong weak sick saved or unsaved bring them along and as much as it is possible we shall ask that you sit together next week in family circles please as much as it is possible well of course if your choristers and that might not be possible but as much as it is possible please sit in family circle amen all right the Lord bless you were so delighted for what God is doing and finally Marj o'haire mean' Oh Lord birthday club and ministers care council's taken a new dimension and we want you to participate fully talk with the leadership and you will be brought up to speed as to the new dimensions we are going to be recording the events in the Royal Oasis or in the other area so that the minister celebrating their anniversaries their birthdays etc be able to share with the wider community and pass on nuggets words that will assist people's development as we go along iron sharpens iron alright so bear that in mind let's try to get in the word of Almighty God in as much as I said I have not read the messages as yet you guarantee I'll read everyone okay every single one I'll go through don't worry about that we just want to thank you let us pray Heavenly Father we commit ourselves to you now and pray that the Holy Spirit will lead us as we end up on this world I pray Lord God that you'll minister to every person in this audience and in other audiences I pray Holy Spirit that you will speak to us in no uncertain way and I pray that the needs of our lives will be met by the power of the Holy Spirit the lost will be saved the backsliders will be reclaimed the sick ones will be healed or God's Jesus the Saints will be strengthened and lifted up to another dimension and the blessings of God will flow in all our audiences now we tell you thanks in Jesus name somebody shout amen glory I want wonderful child Hamming over there great I want you to indulge me for a couple of minutes and before I get into the main message which will be brief for some reason I was on the other day and I thought to look at some things well persons were born in February that's not my message what outstanding individuals and also things that happened especially as it deals with persons which speaks to anthropology which is of course the science that deals with origins both physical and cultural developments biological characteristics of human being the science of human being how it works on Troop ology it is said of persons born in February and we have many such persons here and many of you out there some things I discovered now this is not horror school this is not your future under the star this is not mental telepathy this is straight the study of human beings are you with me and there is a great University letme University online it is Wallen University online which is an accredited university it published this particular study that was done on the month of February persons born there in their characteristics you could check it out and if I had the requisite well let's not go there it is said that persons born in a month of February they are interesting and intelligent but are preoccupied with abstract thoughts and we want you to check us out number two they are extremely sensitive and can be easily urged and if the February Heights are here and we touch you you must say Amen here there Jesus number three they are friendly by natural but may feel isolated the times number four they are exceptionally loyal and devoted to the people they love number five another interesting thing is that they can read other people easily but choose to reserve their comments number six they are a little low on self-esteem but if a situation demands they can surprise everyone with their Eden talents number seven generally they are shy but when held back are forced to do something against their will they can be aggressive where my number eight maybe they are introverts in the sense that they show their abilities only when required number nine they do not believe in unnecessary publicity their talents our capability in in unnecessarily publicizing the Italians are capabilities one of the reasons is that they are quite modest and discreet well that sounds like me by nature they are attracted to places of amusement and entertainment and leisure are also essential an essential part of their life and they love freedom February 17th to be exact not general month know about the exact date it is said that these persons who were born on that exact date I I just I liked it maybe eight of the many that they University published one Michael Jordan - Paris Hilton 3 Billie Joe Armstrong for a B de Villiers the critic cricketers know that name 5 Les Brown 6 Raja Skorton 7 Margaret Truman they did not publish this one what I put it in 8 Dell for Davis [Applause] I'm sorry [Applause] I didn't publish that one person born on February 17 of a good vibe about themselves and this helps them on their way to fame symbols of love and inner peace are attributed to them giving them the strength to and the challenges with dignity and fortitude they have a strong spirits and loads of patience they have an innate drive to conquer the world where they health is concerned they have a propensity towards extreme stress their health can be the first thing to suffer therefore those who were born in a 17th of February should take extra care where their elf is concerned because their liver I stressed life financial with a strong frugal nature and ease a sense of budget these individuals find it simple to save money they are quite sound career an ideal career choice for persons born on the 17th of February would be something that places them within the public eye but they're deep inside longing to be private can cause mental conflicts relationships their impulse and passionate nature draw others towards them once they find the perfect soulmates they are loyal and committed in relationship some persons born in February presidents of United States of America I lighted six of them presidents Franklin D Roosevelt President Ronald Reagan Abraham Lincoln George Washington Andrew Jackson and Thomas Jefferson and by the way tomorrow in the United States of jermay United States of America no Jesus United States of America tomorrow will be declared well its annual Presidents Day tomorrow so you could celebrate with the presidents tomorrow now now you know why some February rights behave the way we do if you were listening carefully check it out for yourself amen Wallen University online the Lord bless you why did I say all of those stuff bishop church was wasted my time I'm sorry let's look to the Word of God the text of Ruth chapter 1 the first 18 verses they were read earlier and I want you to maybe write down a few 4 words because I have a short message messenger mission major miracle messenger mission major miracle I want to bring you into this little message this morning because the Holy Ghost gave it to me after I sought to have some others to preach yeah and I put out my Gideon's fleece which did not work so I figured Lord you want me to share this word he has spoken to my heart that many of you here today maybe all of your those in my audience you are a mess sinja on a mission but you need a major miracle in order to accomplish that mission lift your hand and agree with me say I am a messenger on a mission but I need a major miracle dear God I want you to capture it this morning because when I analyze the four chapters of The Book of Ruth I see nothing less than Ruth being a messenger and she was on a mission but in order for that mission to be accomplished she needed a major miracle Oh glory to God and I know there are many of you here this morning in my audience you know deep within you that fear our accomplishments that you hard to make in life but to this point of your life you have not been able to make those accomplishments it is because you need a major miracle something is standing in your way something is lacking and the Holocaust told me to tell you if you remain constant with Almighty God that major miracle that you need in order to accomplish your mission God says I'm gonna do it for you somebody shout and praise God over here I said that major miracle that you need to accomplish that particular mission the Holy Ghost said I'm gonna do it lift your hand and said do it for me [Applause] hallelujah I feel like Sochi dear brothers I feel at shouting your sisters tonight a God is on my side to know that God knows where my heart to be God knows how I should get beer and God knows what is standing in my way and he's saying I'm gonna give you the miracle that you need in order to accomplish that mission that is reason to rejoice Shandor ruble sakata never you can't stop it if God says it he will perform it dear God if you can't do nothing you must shout for this you must praise God for this if you believe it if you're a meat if you are a message on a mission but you're not and is only a miracles go take your there and God is the miracle worker come on miracle worker come on miracle worker come on miracle worker work one for me [Music] this little book of Ruth it reminds us that God honors such qualities as loyalty and integrity and I'm going somewhere with this he honors loyalty and integrity Ruth the Moabitess woman widowed at an early age only ten years in her marriage and her husband died Oh hallelujah she found herself faced with two options number one to abandon her widowed mother in law or number two to risk a life Amen in a foreign land in a strange land do I abandon my my widowed mother in law and go back to Moore or do I remain constant and go with her not knowing what things will befall me in a foreign land Oh hallelujah but when you are a messenger on a mission God Almighty will ensure that your feet hold their steps somebody praise God with me here hallelujah Ruth was nowhere indecisive where that decision was concerned she knew exactly what she needed to do because Donen our God she knew that greater things lie ahead and they were not behind her they were before her tell somebody press along say press along hallelujah no turning back no giving up no surrendering press along I don't care how dark your night I've been you're walking out of them I don't care hurry up the paths are spin you're coming out of them hallelujah you may not see the shining light at the end of your tunnel now but press along greater things are ahead how am i preaching to anybody who know that you're in a mission so those two options she chose loyalty and integrity and remain committed to Naomi hallelujah remain committed to our widowed mother-in-law and that's an uncommon decision for a young girl having been told if you follow me the future is dark ahead of you I've been meet all it make no sense you come it's better you go back you stand a better chance going back to Marv not to go down with me to Bethlehem Judah you'll be a stranger down there and maybe they do not treat strangers very well Oh hallelujah hallelujah many young people today are contemplating decisions amen the enemy shows them all kinds of paths and he wants them to go down the slippery slope that leads to destruction what I said to you young many young women boys and girls all the people ever you are Amen stick to the straight and narrow stick to the good old pot stick to the good old way it may be rough but you'll gain the victory at the end somebody praise God with me here an uncommon decision but ultimately that decision paid off big time everybody's a big time dear God it paid off big time for none that trusted in me set the Lord shall be a she him I was younger now I'm all yet of I not seen the righteous forsaken nor his seed begging bread the Lord is nigh unto them that offer broken heart and he say that such the speed of a contrite spirit many are the afflictions of the righteous but the Lord what the Lord does what the Lord does choir how many times he does it all the time all the time over and over and over and over and over again somebody lift your hand and shout repeat dream this house that decision that you made it revealed a remarkable character and its showcase for us what the sense of loyalty and responsibility means Ruth illustrates that when we focus on doing what is right God will bless us beyond our wildest dreams thus the illustration of her life when we focus on doing that which is right regardless God will bless you beyond your wildest dream right now you can't see how that's gonna work but major miracle takes care of it lift your hand and say major miracle God say I can be here it you don't know how it's gonna work but major miracle - care of everything every time for everyone to trust in God you may not know how you may not know when but the God whom I serve he'll do it again somebody should do it again said do it again do it again I'd do it again send a revival revive us again many are longing in my spirit today [Applause] do it again Lord Jesus Jesus do it again standing at her head she do it again standing ajar done do it again Horace's on sadducees on iran do it again here man builders Gallus but do it again they set their trip trips on their traps on their garrix but do it again or summer you capture this message and your spirit don't wanna go send it for you pop your workers I can't see what you're dealing before do it again they're giving you a hell on the job you did it before you can buy you both shutter hallelujah neighbors all over you giving your hell you did it before you can not even in the church I'm having struggles even in the church folks rise up against me what you did it before I need a major miracle in my life so I can accomplish my mission lift your hands a major miracle needs a miracle why are not you to open your mouth and shout major America you don't want it [Applause] [Music] shantamma ha there is not an ordinary miracle summer you need your water so deep your mood and it's alright your polish Allah your enemy's not so many you need a major there are you chakra Tama your husband is send nothing you need a major piece let's finish dear God beyond your wildest trees that root tell you about its root can talk ten years after marriage husband died believe me as a widowed young woman future dark but be not dismayed what here 'but I feel God God will take care of you he needs his wings let your hand on somebody come on God will take my sister [Music] [Applause] Warhol the will of God hallelujah separated divorce we don't God will take care of you lonely signal separated quid on divorce God will take care of you separated we don lordly before God will [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah Roots want us to understand that this thing is real just be constant sit down please yeah I know hornigold is breaking true for somebody in this house this morning why not to receive that anointing that will give you your major miracle you are a messenger you're on a mission but you need a major miracle to accomplish that mission [Music] whoa where's your hand in this anointing you mention Owen one day trouble when water is traveling on look on it your step on in when water is trouble you don't ask question you step in step in step in step in [Music] your god let's try to finish this beyond a wireless trees what rooted what you need she placed responsibility above results I am a responsible person I must stick with my mother-in-law results will come I often times say to us due to his hours results are God's tell your neighbor duties how us results belong to God don't worry about results worry about doing your duty can I preach a little here do not worry about the results worry about doing let me go ahead of myself and say this I had a message when Ruth passed boss oh you know about me when borscht order such kindness you know what I said to her it has been told oh you took care of your mother-in-law it has been told all your spa power when her husband died and your husband died when half a Turner back and leave Naomi it has been told her responsible you were as a young girl so God is no favouring you oh lifter Hamlin's are God's favour God's favour God's favor God's favor [Music] responsibilities about results her optimist precedes your conduct faithfulness must precede your fruitfulness fruitfulness comes out of faithfulness not on the reverse are you with me somebody hallelujah say if you want to be fruitful you must first be thankful hallelujah hallelujah shout your praise down there so this Ruth a woman of constancy loyalty integrity a woman of character and constancy speaks to the quality of being unchanging dependable faithful firm enduring is what it means the name Ruth means friendship friendship a bond that was established between herself and her mother-in-law nothing would break that and even when their mother-in-law had her interests at heart roots interests at heart and said to her please do what Hoffer has done the outstanding verses in chapter 1 verse 69 17 to 18 she says no entreat me not to leave thee nor to return from following v4 wierdo goest I will go where no lodgest I will Lodge thy people shall be my people and by God my God where are the diets will I go I'm there will I be buried the Lord do saw to me and more also if anything but death part me and be when she saw that she was dead fastly minded to go with her then she stopped speaking to her glory if your honesty I am a messenger I am on a mission but I need a major miracle [Music] hallelujah okay Jesus Ruth was undoubtedly a messenger undoubtedly she was on a mission undoubtedly also she needed a major America she the messenger was an a mission to produce a son I saw enough to come out of your womb you're not saying nothing but what stood in her way she no of the husband the major miracle the Moabite needed going down into Bethlehem Judah strange land he's a woman man don't you have to fall in love with me a man don't hereafter take my hand in marriage if this doesn't happen mission would not cannot be accomplished that boy baby that she is supposed to give birth to name Hamed hallelujah are you not with me here some of you just start to get this message now somebody praise God if you're understanding hallelujah she had to give birth to a son because from Allah from his lineage Messiah would be born so whatever it took me Almighty to give our a major miracle you don't see the message yet hallelujah that messenger on a mission to produce a son from whose Linnaean lenient messenger Christ would come what her husband had died and she needed a husband you know somebody lift your hand and kick in and say I am a messenger I am on a mission what I need what you need what you need what you need what do you need you need a pitch America somebody shot match America [Applause] whoa Jesus Jesus I did set Jesus horbet that ought to come out of a room would become the father of Jesse who would become the father of David from whose lineage Messiah Jesus Christ so you see why some of you may not care what hail are saying where hail I do you have forget your miracle if you're gonna say I have to get my miracle me not tell me Nakia Nakia well come from Messiah to comfort you have to get your miracle somebody shot down there you have to get your miracle miracle somebody jump on your feet and shout and call your miracle confort your miracle Chicago said Nara Chandrababu bahasa Karl America Carla miracle Karl America Carla miracle work one for me miracle come work one for me miracle miracle wanted [Music] you t you think I pick the messages I pick my messages these are no distant is updating my message this is not milk missus food this is meat [Music] Center five minutes on a finish [Music] [Applause] [Music] Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you are a messenger you are an omission [Music] but you need a miracle [Music] [Applause] somebody needed in your body Mitch America in your body somewhere you need it in your finances some of you need it in your family but you're about to produce something phenomenal Oh me me sharp yes except you don't believe it what my bible tells me all things are possible I'm not believe [Music] oh Jesus or distinct sweet sweeter than honey and the honeycomb I on the core so you're a messenger mission to produce something phenomenal something extraordinary something remarkable something's British us something you never dreamed could have happened look on this little more white girl was one dead future look dark some of you husband doing dead but husband gone nothing nothing you know working on the job Jesus every thin lie on your shoulder people are telling you all kinds of stuff do this do not do the other what no you know your guts you know what you have to do you know the right thing to produce you are to become entrepreneurs business people just work nine to five year to for God said you to be raised up as entrepreneurs you have the ability within you you just need a major miracle once the miracle cars let's go finish it but Abraham needed a miracle to produce a son also which is a promise childhood so you're not following this message Elijah needed a miracle to accomplish his ministry he needed a major miracle the sons of the prophets ever we're discouraged him from following Elijah but he said to them say what you want to say give me a break some of you need to tell some folks back off give me a break leave me in the God leave me in the church leave me in the pasta leave man the Brethren [Music] now some of you that say nothing like I said to them leave me in my past our Lord give us a period I'm gonna you will soon see what God's gonna do I'm on I'm on a mission I have three people to annoy it but before i annoy them I must get the mantle Elijah I have three people to anoint but I can I just go in myself I have to get something from the Prophet and it's a major miracle I need I don't get it that kill girl I don't get it that better I don't get it that Jericho I'm going down to Jordan and if it means going war by Jordan I am going across Jordan and I'm coming back with my merica lift aaronandsam coming back up coming back up coming back said devil coming back I'm coming back voluntarily coming back I'm coming back consecration I'm coming back coming back warnig are coming [Music] stand up everybody I finish I don't I stop [Music] got it lift her head and say I shall have it in the name of Jesus I shall have my magic miracle [Music] Moses needed one minister Rome where the Holy Ghost gave me this he says baby Moses needed a major miracle baby Moses and the time came when big man Moses needed a major miracle so baby Moses needed it and River Nile crocodile all around him and God gave it to him big man Moses needed it when he's done before Pharaoh stand behind Red Sea and God gave it to you [Music] finish I finished now lift up your hands please No you know the major miracle that you need in order to accomplish your mission I don't know if it's in your body if it's in your finance if it's in your family I'm shocked or ababa if it's academically you know the major miracle that you need to produce the ministry that God wants you to produce you know the major miracle that you need to produce the ministry that God wants you to produce [Music] dear God char notable Saitama they are God why all of these people come down here what are they coming down here for who are they're coming down here - what are they coming down here to do ha ha ha come on come on is taking time take its time it is packing time [Music] who watch the fierce no watch'n about it this is your Carius moment this is a moment of moments in your life shun durable who sutta you need a major miracle to get that house to Warner house to get that car to get that job to get that promotion you need a major miracle hell is in your way but God's gonna move it [Music] come on reach out reach out the doctor so you'll come here to anybody you come to Jesus you'll need a magic miracle for the salvation of your husband your children thank God [Music] take it take it take it take it take it I said take it take it take it in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus never get out of your way get out of their way lift it up lift it up lift it up lift it up lift it up lift it up lift it up lift it up Kotoko senda sharma who said you are a messenger you're on a mission what you did God's man's a miracle take it take it take it take it take it [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes something is happening in this house something is happening in this house [Music] Oh spirit of God spirit of God spirit of God [Music] amiracle to deliver your miracle to deliver your ministry to deliver your ministry to get back to your ministry took it back to the anointing [Music] spirit of God take a child of God take-it saints of god don't all back [Music] somebody somebody's getting not prey true that you need in your spirit if you get it in your spirit automatically it will come in your body it will come in your finance it will come in your family just get it in your spirit [Music] I feel a touch of the audience bodyguards tacky America man shot miracle [Music] [Applause] yes treason [Music] take doctor take it yes the anointing is upon you taking doctor yes take it the Holy Ghost is up when you taccot taccot physician [Music] hallelujah [Music] Jesus [Music] in Jesus name [Music] [Applause] go ahead and worshiping worshiping worshiping worshiping worshiping worship I didn't say white [Music] [Applause] halleluyah halleluyah [Music] yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] raise your right son with me those who can let me agree with through the name of Jesus Christ father in Jesus name we raise our hands together the hands of the man look to her mistress the eyes of the servant to his master I decree by your authority whatever person in my audience in this century by television by internet by radio by Facebook by YouTube wherever they are at home and abroad i decree right now the the major miracle that they need oh Jesus hallelujah you shall perform it nothing could stand in Ruth's way she had to fall any homie she had to go into the field bars had to put his eyes upon her Boaz had to fall in love with her our first kinsman could not have redeemed her Boas ought to Redeemer because Hoban not to be born by her lujah in the name of Jesus I decree that major miracle that will take your children into accomplishing fulfilling the mission to which they've been called to become businessmen and business women hey to be the head and not the tail to burn the minister that your place within them in the name of Jesus whatever it is God I decree but it shall be so it shall be so in the name of Jesus I speak it over you I speak it for you I speak it in you in Jesus name in Jesus name I confirm it upon you that you shall receive your major miracle to accomplish God's mission Jesus I lift up your heads and give him thanks or pronoun promoter praise God come on church come on Pierre Ximena called the devil hallelujah hallelujah Morita miracle morning miracle ministry Baraka 1 million miracle heralds miracle are types of nature miracles [Music] do we take it Lord come on do we talk in go about you see [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Wow [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh yeah well somebody feel like you've been to church [Music] my god Jesus Jesus [Music] Loret of God hallelujah be seated please god bless you [Music] glow messenger be sure but says you'll get it you'll get your major Mirabeau the name of Jesus yeah [Music] for it took a miracle let's get ready to worship it given to put the stars in place it took [Music] in space what when is my son [Music] father we thank you we thank you we thank you as we're about to worship in giving now we ask you Lord to touch your heart so that we will be liberal touch a heart so that will be very generous touch a heart so that we will not give sparingly nor grudgingly each according to his or her own ability will honor your giving you watched over keeping Lord and you saw those who gave plenty based on your abilities to give you also saw a woman who gave two mites which was all her living they receive them all and bless them but you gave a special pronouncement upon that woman all those who will sacrifice this morning I pray for special pronouncements of blessing those who do not know how the heart to give place it within them so that they too can be a part of the blessing those who do not have to give Lord give them the major miracle of finance that they need in Jesus name Amen ahsha's lead us in giving thereafter all of us from the various sections will give and your body god bless dear this morning hope you got blessed we will be recording our fasting services starting this week mean regular Wednesday fast so when you're coming bear that in mind it will no longer be local to our congregation but it will become global to everybody so there are any adjustments that anybody needs to make make those adjustments if they relate to deportment they relate to presentations of ministry please be mindful of that amen and I know it's i standing by to give announcements we've ladies service continue on tonight so don't you stay away a service for everybody you members class immediately after the service over there royal whoever it is music Institute's minister edwards and the team will be there for you minister Davis and I'm coming over there this morning to say hello to all of you newly baptized I hope we still have the 97 of you who were baptized I still here and continue in the class amen finally remember that we sign off for Israel this month in and I have something to say about that Israel thing before you leave well let's get the announcements and the offerings and I'll say that later please listen attentively to the announcements I forget to recognize a bishop that we have in our midst I'll do so as soon as we are through god bless go ahead Thank You Bishop continuing with our pfm ministries dari worshiping with us this morning we have sister Beverly query and sister Clementina right from the Miramar Assembly special birthday greetings came to our Bishop from the following brethren both locally and overseas missionary Pauline Vidal Deaconess Valerie Smith sister Beverly Cameron from Orlando Florida Deacon Desmond Gregory sister novella Robinson and family sister Sandra Harvey Brown missionary Jeanne Douglas Deaconess Pamela Lewis system herb elder goldsmith and sister vennett Reed let us continue to keep our overseas and shut-in brethren in our prayers in our meetings after service all members of the marriage enrichment committee you're invited to meet by the multi-purpose hall in our upcoming events the heart trust NT agar mix Academy in partnership with the power Faith Ministries International will be offering training right here at the pfm I see ICT Center within the next two weeks the duration of the program is three weeks that's 120 hours and persons will be trained in fundamentals of customer engagement operations for employment in the business process outsourcing industry please note that this course is free of cost for further information you may contact sister Suzette Marcin Curtis three four nine zero eight zero four or eight seven five nine six one two application forms are available at the church office if you are interested in completing same please return the completed forms today as soon as you have completed it please return them guess what something special will be happening next week Monday that's February 26 and you cannot afford to miss this event the marriage enrichment ministry will be hosting their first meeting for the year and all married couples both saved and unsaved you're invited out to participate in the meeting there will be a special presentation for more pastor Bishop dr. del foot Davis tent crusade will be commencing on Saturday February 24 in Mandeville Manchester all brothers you're invited out on Friday February 23 to assist with the packing of the truck which will be leaving the church compounds on Saturday morning February 24 at 6 a.m. please give your full support in our second death notices in the interest of time you may contact the administrative office for the contact numbers of the individuals sister Claudette Jones is in the Spanish stone hospital the granddaughter of sister Laz min Williams is in the University Hospital of the West Indies I see you sister Lorna Lewis the mother of work Oracle Stuart Stuart sister Tasha Lee Lewis a member of the echoes of faith and sister sandy Williamson has passed funeral arrangements will be given at a later date Osia Annette Hall has lost her son funeral arrangements will also be given at a later date the father of Asha Sheila laws has passed deacon Erin Murray has lost his father and sister Gwendolyn Smalling has lost her husband and her brother funeral arrangements will be given at later date the funeral service for the mother of the late sister Lorna Lewis and the grandmother of worker Rachel Stewart sister Tasha Lee Lewis member of the echoes of faith will be held today February 18 at the Port Maria seventh-day Adventist Church in st. Mary commencing at 11:00 a.m. the funeral service for the late sister finished Duncan a Shatin and the mother of sister Allison grant Johnson will be held on Saturday February 24 at the Assembly of the first born church international in three Hills Saint Mary commencing at 11:45 a.m. the father of brother Mark Blake and the father-in-law of sister julienne blade will be laid to rest on Saturday February 24 at the faith United Brethren Church four and a half Harwood Drive Washington Gardens commencing at 11:00 a.m. the funeral service for the lead system mahalia Powell will be on Sunday February 25 at the Madras Chapel beginning at 2:00 p.m. interment follows at Marist Memorial Gardens a photograph of sister Powell is posted on the notice board the funeral service for the husband of sister Janet Johnson Jones will be on Sunday February 25 at the tent city seventh-day Adventist Church interment follows at the Commodore cemetery and the funeral service for the hospital system Maxine Samuel Scott who is a member of the voices of inspiration and the voices of triumph Cobb will be on Saturday March 3 right here at the power Faith Ministries beginning at 10:00 a.m. interment follows murderuss or bishop his wife and the members of the power of faith family share with those who are ill or have lost your loved ones may you be strengthened at this time our prayers are with you in our thank you notes Deacon franquito Johnson extends his appreciation to the family during his time of illness missionary normal born and family during their time of bereavement and the Crary family expresses their appreciation during their difficult time your kindness meant so much and your thoughtfulness was rarely touching remember to support the sports department by purchasing a Sunday Gleaner at the main entrance of the sanctuary after service the pfm Care Center hosts clinics every second and third Saturday unless otherwise stated on the second Saturday the general physician is in office and the third Saturday the gynecologist is in office in our weekly activities of Monday the dirted be a daniel school's devotion team will visit the port henderson primary at 7 a.m. Bridgeport primary at 7:45 a.m. and Bridgeport infant at 8:30 a.m. and on Monday they will visit Cumberland High at 8:00 a.m. all senior citizens and volunteers you're invited out to a general meeting of Monday at 5:30 p.m. have you met honorable Porsha Simpson Miller or Honorable Lewis Bennett Covelli or mother Teresa well the woman of Worth has a treat for you as they will be celebrating Black History Month in their meeting on Monday at 7:15 p.m. all ladies you're invited out to participate in the meeting the man with a mission still on Monday will host their first meeting for 2018 and all men you're invited out to participate in the meeting which commences at 7:30 p.m. come out in your numbers and experience something fresh new dynamic exciting and refreshing it was indeed my pleasure serving you this morning we invite you to remain with us for Bible studies where we cater to every age group and all members you're invited to join us by the Royal Oasis if you're interested in being a part of the pfm thrift club be not dismayed God will take care of you and you and you you are a messenger on a mission in need of a major miracle god bless [Applause] brothers of the church please be mindful of the meeting for tomorrow evening at seven o'clock we hope to see all of the men lots of things to talk about is come on out and be part of the discussion etc and of course want to pray for fly Jamaica some of left the others would you come down here please let's take a minute and prayer fleischer maker arias province is a vassal celebrating your anniversary we pray for you some what is in the States with a brain hemorrhage very blood vessel burst and their bearing want to pray that God would heal them and make them hold amen well stand with me please may God bless fly Jamaica Airways when you fly to New York Toronto Guyana and we have a nice flight Jamaica to take you there they have been taking me safely and everybody is first-class when you fly fly Jamaica well you all cannot pay me for this commercial this is international commercial the Lord is good let us pray Lord we thank you for flight oh that's all it's inception the month of February five years ago we thank you that you have guided them safely in the skies many many many many many miles over this period you've guided the captain's first officer flight attendants groans crew and everybody you've kept them safe perfect record today we ask that you will keep it intact and we ask Lord to bless them open up doors and great business opportunities in the name of Jesus Christ let the general public lord god do business with them let them grow from strength to strength this is about Jamaica Jamaica brand so will you be with them thank you for all of them Lord and will you support and strengthen them and make many many more years of good success oh god be their fortune and let them acknowledge you and glorify you Lord when the blessings begin to flow abundantly grant that they will acknowledge you bless all these were standing here this morning those who are in the skies may be now wherever they are be with them we pray in the name of Jesus remember that person in America Lord God with a bring a vessel bursts in their brain a blood vessel in the eyes see you right now God we ask her to visit God we ask her to heal we are asking to turn it around we speak life in the name of Jesus life because it comes from you Lord we spoke about major miracle Lord performed that major miracle thank you for brother and sister vassal celebrating their anniversary less than we pray thee continue to watch over them 24/7 but your angel with your presence let no evil befall them no plague come nigh dear dwelling and all other couples Lord we're celebrating we pray that you bless them in the name of Jesus and father we shall give her the glory the praise on the other thank you for hearing us in Jesus name Amen clap your hands and give in the I praise the Lord bless you [Music] amen god bless you god bless you please be seated for another couple of minutes something came to me burthen will be going to Israel some 40-odd people have already booked oversubscribed but we can extend to others it would be wonderful if you join with me in this ministry some of you will not be able to go 99.9 percent it's a costly trip they're expensive what it'll be good if we could take along with us one of our cameramen to bring back Israel to you and they would capture every detail of the trip are you not saying anything every detail from Jah done to Egypt to Israel to the Red Sea to Mount of Olives to Cana and to everywhere everything and then we could have it produced and you would see it by our television screen you could get a DV DVD wouldn't you think that would be a wonderful thing when all of you would think so from the church we are prepared to make a commitment to it financial would love to take your Vangelis pence see him cameraman read enough to take him for that so help me peace fare get go to the bank and get some money and bring it I said Yvan just spends we're sending you to Israeli Egypt Jordan make sure you record ever God Almighty thing and bring it back for us are you not saying anything all right I hope to hear from you serious business minister Davis you have announcement mercy helper Jesus just give a lot of wave offering this morning just love the Lord again just Hana the Lord again praise God God richly bless you I am here to make two announcements all categories of credential holders you'd have noticed that your IDs are now expired we need to produce some new IDs for convention and next week Sunday morning the photographer will be here to take your pictures and to have your sign-in done in order to prepare your credentials so we're asking all of our credential holders from minister down to christian workers to be here and next week sunday morning immediately after morning's worship is finished we're going to go to the multi-purpose hall at the back and we'll go around here and have our pictures taken and our signatures done so they can produce your credentials all right so I hope all credential holders have heard that announcement and as per usual you know I don't exaggerate and whatever I tell you the Lord has helped me for it to be we are going to be presenting you with an Easter special it's a mini production it's a wonderful lineup this will be on Sunday evening of April 1 which is Easter Sunday we are going to be having the melodies of praise teens and kitties we are going to be having at the dynamics and the silent worshipers we are going to be having some of Jamaica's of best quorum echoes of faith voices of inspiration groups God's favor voices of faith of voices of triumph the gentlemen power in fake gospel group we're going to be having also escaped from their anointed persuaders and so it is poised to be a heaven and earth I know you're going to be blessed some of the songs that the choirs are going to be doing it's different from the ordinary mini strip you is something that is different we are going to be convening under the theme his cross our salvation glory to God as we commemorate as we celebrate as we hung out the King of Kings and the Lord of lords for the Knightly transaction that he did over 2,000 years ago when he said it is finished glory to God and man redemption was paid in full and he said today whosoever will let him come and will in no wise cast out whoever he be so we look forward to your full attendance and start praying along with us that this will be a heaven on earth ministry as a various groups will bless us with their different items God richly bless you and also before I go just to state that sister even sure you have heard me announcer greetings and all of that she has luster father in she in Florida so she sister even shot this time with her family members they are grieving the loss of their father ask you to remember her in your prayers and please let us be our brother's keeper we have a lot of persons here who are grieving the lust of loved ones come to the funeral service give them a good word of cheer and let us continue to be guards arms extended God richly bless you have a wonderful rest of the day thank you very much [Applause] glory to God let me or say hallelujah the mayor's bless the Lord glory to God I asked for your patience and a few minutes more as we take a little moment to celebrate with our Bishop is at Amen we will be celebrating with him belatedly on this his birthday I guess is gone The ministers Care Committee the mandate of the ministers Care Committee the minister's care committee seeks to appreciate our ministers we celebrate with them for those that are married their anniversaries and for those that are not married or widowed we celebrate their birthday this we usually do at the end of every month as I heard earlier from our bishop that it will be taking a different format where we will be celebrating on a quarterly basis that is at the end of March June September and December we will be doing it in a different step by the Royal Oasis with the ministers as well as we will be including some of the members that were born during those particular Monte's at amen this morning I also would like to acknowledge Minister even dearly who has celebrated her birthday a few days ago what she will be among the celebrant for the quarterly celebration is that amen I also would like to apologize for some of my team members unavoidably they are not here this morning as you know we have some other tragedy within the power Fiat family glory to God let me hear praise the Lord man praise the Lord man glory to God according to first Thessalonians 5 and verse 12 to 13 it states and we beseech you brethren to know them which labor among you and are over you in the Lord and admonish you and to esteem them very highly in love for their work seek and be at peace among yourselves today as I mentioned we pause at this time to acknowledge belatedly our bishop bishop dr. donald dell for davis the actual birthday as the earth was yesterday where he celebrated I think is his 46th birthday delaford Donald Davis born in Monte Charles made this Bank to mr. and mrs. George Davis is now celebrating another wonderful year we truly give God thanks for this special son of a shepherd we intend to take a reflective look at the different stages of his Christian development ministering for over 35 years in full-time ministry is so amazing so Bishop Davis this morning we want you to count not the candles but see the light they give count not the years but the life you have lived congregation just relax let us enjoy this moment be very attentive be very patient as we will be seen the different side of your Bishop from way back then at this time I'm going to be inviting missionary nikoline Stephenson and sister Vivian headland to come to the podium as we they want to stay down that side okay we have five different scenes I'm going to ask you just relax and you will see brother Davis that's where we will comment is that a man is that a man glory glory glory to God scene 1 the young convert Danford got saved at the age of 17 on his way to see a movie in Crossroads he was drawn to attend crusade on water park road that was being held by past of the T Williams he gave his life to Christ that night and there began his Christian walk he was quite enthused about his newfound life and was eager to know the Word of God so he consistently fast prayed and studied his Bible day and night he took he notes of special scriptures calling them his favorite Scripture one of them being Psalm 16 verse 8 I keep my eyes always on the Lord with him at my right hand I will not be shaken New International Version brother Davis quickly became a messenger and a witness for the Lord as he got the leadership vision just five years after becoming a Christian [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] see into the married Minister brother Davis work very hard in the ministry with his spiritual dad past the VT Williams he caught on easily and quickly grew up taking pastoral duties with the Jamaica evangelistic association the task was heavy and he knew it would be difficult to carry this burden alone so he prayed for a suitable companion very soon after the Lord gave him the love of his life Petrovic each man and so it came to pass 39 years and three months ago he got married come on this union produced two princes and a princess [Music] an additional ro three children and two grandchildren today an animated daddy of not only his biological children but also his thousands of spiritual children he is indeed father of many nations [Applause] [Music] Oh [Music] my heart was wrapped up [Music] I [Music] my [Music] [Applause] [Music] in heaven [Music] [Music] [Applause] scene 3 the meticulous bishop leadership is a quality skill that there are a few possess it's a quality that is developed by hard work dedication discipline commitment and Trust del furred grew significantly in the Lord being promoted through the ranks from brother Davis to Pastor Davis and now bishop dr. del 4d Davis the founder of the Power Faith Ministries International incorporated overseer and presiding bishop of 10 power of faith assemblies and holder of many national accolades to include government of Jamaica honorary among many others he is our counselor advisor a voice of wisdom a motivational speaker a humorous man give him a joke and you will be a witness he's a superb father an exemplary husband and a strong witness of God an apostle and prophet of our time he gets very meticulous about his surroundings always like to see things in the right place he is well disciplined and not to mention he is always well dressed looking dapper [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] seeing for the dynamic preacher Davies consistently ministering to a flock which God has given him the privilege which God has given him the privilege to do in an incredible opportunity the Lord knew that we needed a strong preacher as faithful as you thank you for letting us know that there is no need gaining this world and losing our souls thereafter some of us are aged I never thought that we could be among the righteous men but through your obedience to God and availing yourself to be used by him you made us believed that it is never too late to repent and start living a good Christian life Bishop Davis is loved and respected by many a dynamic fire popping preacher who is well sought after by the national and international fields his greatest passion is winning [Applause] [Music] [Applause] his greatest passion is winning so surprised consistently doing the work of the Lord as he has no desire to leave behind in any unfinished task Hebrews 6 verse 10 for God is not unjust he will not forget your work and the love you have shown him as you have helped these people and continue to help [Music] we have a spirit [Music] Oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Sonia Doudna you see that kind of uneasiness on your face [Applause] you see the kind of uneasiness on your face do not sit in the Church of God and walk like a fool do not arise up paulien sit up lit and then you're gonna eat the bread of sorrow this pastas but God completely it pays to serve Jesus I speak from my heart he'll always be with us if we do our part come on somebody praise God in the Ospreys and presen presen church [Applause] [Applause] [Music] scene 5 then no-nonsense Bishop Bishop Davis is a well-organized no-nonsense person who tries to ensure that at all times things are properly in place he pays attention to all the details and is able to see just about everything note him when he is going towards his chair at times and even when he is preaching and he gets down in the congregation try not to be sleeping if he caught you you will be see he has an eagle eye man of God you have a pastor's heart which is protective attentive and tender as you hear the Masters commands and guard your flock from Satan's snares now that we have accepted the gift of the light of God into our lives we can boldly tell you today that we are living righteous and happy lives again he is also a great steward who takes great care of all the resources of the church and can account for all from a pin to an anchor and we can also say from a penny to a pound sir you have trained as well and we will endeavor to let that deposit grow interest as we seek to invest in the lives of others following your footsteps [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] glory glory to God bishop Donald Duck's adelphic Davis sir may the Lord bless you and keep you the Lord make his face to shine on you and be gracious to you the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace today congregation will join well wishes to wish you good health and more years of success and to celebrate many many more years to come congregation please stand put your hands together for our leader I wanted to point [Music] so we asked you to just come a little bit forward please [Music] please do this song for me point your hands at you as you do the peace of God [Music] [Applause] Laurita god [Music] all the ministers are owning [Music] [Applause] oh Jesus [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Music] just anointing I know [Music] come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] why [Applause] Oh [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] Piper even Jesus blessed Jesus blessed Jesus blessed Jesus blessed Jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] glory glory glory glory glory to God we thank God for our founder we thank God for our bishop ministers I thank you all you may have the assist glory to God glory to God glory to God we ask that God will continue to cover him while we wrap up glory to God thank you Jesus we have received open from Minister Layla and team back in Brooklyn at the Brooklyn Assembly we have received two okay from Minister oxacillin team back in Miramar assembly mr. Tyrone white in the Grove Road Assembly we have talkin from the senior citizens ministry and we have talking from the ministers and department heads all the power feed family bishop we asked once again that you stand and all these talkin are talking of love from those persons who love your dearly to include all members of the power of faith ministry may the Lord continue to bless and keep you sir may the Lord continue to keep your soul may the Lord continue to give you long life may the Lord continue to prosper you and may the Lord continue to cover you sir will love you so we appreciate you and more than anything else we need your brother level brother level you won't be able to do this song this morning you can just come and make your presentation glory to God as we have for spent time please give our Bishop a round of applause again give our Bishop a round of applause again but give us the visitors forgive us we don't forget to do this very often it's just once per year Sourav truly want him to know how much we had powerful ministry love love him we appreciate him [Music] glory to God glory to God [Music] it's a bride [Music] we are it's a garden isn't that an awesome piece for it [Music] this is a special day and I don't know why I find myself in this capacity just about two months ago I was right here present in something to minister devious why me why me it's a pleasure to be here and this honorable platform with this honorable Mike and I know our time is not prohibit for me to say a lot of things because I've heard everything that is said already but one thing I want to ask the congregation and Bishop himself you watch TV watch television about a week or so ago he was acknowledged with the great heroes RunAs and great men like dr. Martin Luther Juna Marcus Garvey and all those men it was a knowledge and television because of great celebrating blackest month so that a bird is a multi yes as spirit air leaders his name was mentioned or Blair Blair and mr. Davis local most preachers in Jamaica around the world and they these two men was knowledge they were knowledge and when when I hear Bishop named Carl I want to my wife answered you know a bishop I want great mononym yes Dan that's what I said to her I just want to give you not a not one to go to LA and we location I go and look for a sick person course I bring many gifts but aboard me one calendar and Brenda lady came in the oohs and greet me so going to whom to look under gifts yes which gives he took off the calendar so I know doctor I know Minister Davis is a good model he's a great man and selectively under the Kings the raw material just the calendars character and violence was just love you none you know and so Bishop is a great man but what I'm here to say today he has impacted so many lies all the world I can't say everything because most things that are supposed to said it was so I can't go over that again what Bishop I just want this gift to you I believe my signature don't do bishop he is a great man of God I wish you many more years to come and my synthesizer shop the shop I present this to you as a birthday gift what I want to ask one question how you get your greatness like this don't answer me don't answer me don't answer me though answer the lines of the soul [Applause] well well I just watched the monitor and I saw on it where a leader was beside you one time they say have a successful manner I staff a good woman BNN I believe Minister dearest air pure to become so great I believe that Minister Davis able to be so great understand God for you yeah yeah I just want to let you can never put the icing on the cake we can level do that there is mr. Davis mr. Davis bishop I am very happy for us day a very great day I wish you all the best that God has to have for you long life and as all time people say I know you will live till I'm Sonia because I live on you will have the strength to carry on god bless you sir so I just want to sing this song for you before I leave and I wish you all the best on behalf of my family and I thank you [Music] I was born ivory-bill in a little tent row just like a river I've been running since it's been alone [Music] long time and I know home change will come it's been two living but I'm not afraid to die cuz I know you have a connection with a man beyond the sky oh it's a long time coming but I know chains gold count I have been to the US but that's an taeho Oh back to Jamaica to rescue many many souls it's been a long time coming but I know the change has come oh I went to my brother I said brothers can you help me please [Music] for they all wind up like we but I know I [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] the change has come oh yes [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] glory glory glory glory glory glory to God and we don't want to scatter roses too late so come on we are going to give them to him while he is here glory to God congregation please stand I must tell you so much that I thank you for staying with us as we share this moment which day this is coming to close us off and immediately after that the ministers and minister Davis will be taking just a few shots as well as the young followers with the wish of glory to God please make welcome our bishop god bless [Music] well I closed off long time ago you don't need to sit down okay thank you so very much missionary Janet small members of the team ministers care council the newly constituted team with fresh mandate and you will see more of that as time goes by by way of recordings and all of that I want to thank you all you've been great I can't believe you all sat here for the last one Howard they're about mission they're small you got away with murder this morning what I thank you so much I really appreciate all of this I the children were exceptionally I mean professional in what they did I never knew that I was being scrutinized that closely but some of them were right on the spot I mean Jesus oh my god well you you're telling me that next time I must be a little more decoy in what I do but I thank you so much everybody from home and abroad I thank you for the love expressed Minister Davis and I are delighted that we are still able to serve this congregation and the peoples everywhere thank you so much that gives the expressions the cards the text messages like I said early and all the other mediums to which you have sent them looked and Facebook and I saw multiplied hundreds of people who have sent greetings from all over I thank you so much and may God bless you and I don't know about living until I'm being shunned I don't know about that Deacon level you know my philosophy when a man's usefulness or however you need to move on that's me your use colonists are over you need to move on and make way that's my philosophy at least one way or another don't have to be by death but also by life amen so thank you much god bless you clap your hands and give Jesus and not a great shout to praise one more here one more volley one or heal one more trial one more tear one more curve along life's room maybe one more my left to go but one of these days we lay on our heavy burden down amen shake hands with somebody you are dismissed and I thank you from the depths of my heart family and everybody god bless you [Music] Prescott new members
Channel: PFMFamily
Views: 14,641
Rating: 4.6685081 out of 5
Id: R4kvKk85a5Q
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Length: 234min 55sec (14095 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 18 2018
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