Bishop Dr. Delford Davis - Take it by Faith

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yes dear are we talking on the you understand father God we come in your sanctuary and we offer two entrances we are forgiven washes never to employ just to my god Lord God Almighty we come tonight as their children Australia Jesus we are we tonight glad but you're strong we pray to a lifter so we pray for him and if I God we pray that what one that come to this door tonight will leave like they came but you are nineteen Oakland Almighty will be upon their life because then Almighty we need a word tonight from you Jesus we need a words from your mighty God if we do not hear from you tonight God we are shall we go mighty God everlasting father the great High Priest tonight you can be taught with a feeling of our infirmity mighty God of Daniel you created us to live a life of God which is pleased in your sight what mighty God my love darkness sunrise so panel my Turia one turns from you my God Almighty here we come every bow before you we are several priorities of tonight wash us and mighty God cleanse us from all unrighteousness so here is your children as we stand here to cease from the table let us drink from the fountain tonight that flows from the mountain no God Almighty come in your power showed up for somebody today showed up ogen-sama ran the Red Sea tonight they need to cross over Lord God Almighty what I hear multi-cell standstill let us stand still - my god until you mighty work in this tabernacle Lord God Almighty show up to my god you show but the sea of tiberias when it is oh my god you are one shepherd you are the Shepherd to my god you're like this you was created to serve you must worship in spirit and in truth tonight whoa Jesus to meet you God your common in there Oh God Almighty John say of him a new heaven a new earth first drop us the [Laughter] tonight [Music] lettuce times a penis worship Carter hallelujah hallelujah just go ahead and worship Hema just go ahead and lift your hands in the air open your mouth and just wash ekkada Oh Florida God hallelujah he's in the house' he's here worship God tonight up washy Bhima worshiping Femina boss Vina worship tonight hallelujah hallelujah Oh Gloria corner he's worthy of the praise the hope Florida God thank you Jesus thank you thank you Jesus all glory of God hallelujah hallelujah hey Jesus Oh glory to God hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah glory know karna he's worthy he's worthy tonight he's worthy of the praise of glory Nikora hallelujah hallelujah hey God we worship you tada we worship avocado we bless His name thank you Jesus thank you Oh glory recorder hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hey Jesus hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hey Jesus Oh glory of God hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah he's in the house his presence is here Oh glory no Carter thank you Jesus Reina Jesus ray glory Reina Gina [Music] [Music] Rangeela Jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] my game she lost [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] lower to God's just lift up your hands and just begin to give him some praise in the house hallelujah just begin to worship the king in your own way tonight hallelujah he's worthy to be praised he's worthy to be lifted up he's worthy to be honnest we glorify the King of glory tonight we give him all the honor we give him all the praise hallelujah hallelujah just worship him in your own way we give you thanks Jesus we magnify your neighbor we glorify your name we exalt your name Oh God will lift you up Lord because there is none like unto you o the heavenly clear all of your glory the permanence with your handiwork your children worship you because you are God alone and there is none like alone to you there is no Lord to be compared to you O God we thank you because you are Lord you are our King more glory to God I try the some rabbits and your everything Okayama reason only and you are our source of survival glory to cloudy or the card I provided and we brace you we honor you we glorify you we lit you up we worship you we love you we magnify your name o gods hallelujah hallelu [Music] hallelujah hallelujah come on and disgrace him come on it was worship Him come on in just give in the glory hallelujah we give you thanks Lord we give you praise glory to God we magnify your name [Music] hallelujah we were similar we watch the Lord we give you praise hallelujah we give you praise hallelujah hallelu hallelujah we thank you Jesus we take a lord we're due up hallelujah we give you praise Jesus begin your brace [Music] hallelujah hallelujah just wave your antenna all glory to God lower the concent is sing on go with a card and raise him going to come and worship Him hallelujah thank you Jesus thank you Lord take your Jesus take your Jesus glory to God everything I can see you [Music] with Laura the Cutlass [Music] see everything I see ah [Music] Oh I [Music] Oh [Applause] [Music] and I'm Martha [Music] Oh [Applause] you Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh Oh [Music] Jesus sees us sees us hallelujah oriental if you give thought oh he might ha ha Oh glory [Music] [Applause] [Applause] see us see what Caesar seasons [Music] put a monatomic or his holy presence the bottom of my heart we Baltar lujah we Oh ah [Applause] [Music] it [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] and at this time I taking a pledge we turned away from the service into the hands of our Bishop Bishop dr. Talbert ABC them in the Lord [Music] [Music] to ership you I live to worship you [Music] ah worship Oh Oh Oh first Oh Oh why Oh Oh laughs you're handsome give it the high praise and else of God up your heads up given me I prepay jewelry the house of God the Kurds and given the I praise and outs of God hallelujah hallelujah glory to God thank you Jesus we bless your name we glorify you we bow down and we worship you we honor and we adore you great is the Lord you are greatly to be praised in the city of our God right here in the mountain of your holiness [Music] you are beautiful for our situation you are the joy of the whole earth and we give you praise in Mount Zion the city of our God the mountain of your holiness your majesty we praise your majesty we adore you your majesty we bow down before you your majesty we exalt you we extol you we adore you we lift you up we glorify you we bless your name we joined at 24 Hilda's and we fall down before you and we say holy holy holy holy holy is a lord of war the OL earth is full of your glory we join the Seraphim and we join the cherubims God they have six wings they fly with two they cover your faces with to know God in public or 3/2 we adore you tonight [Music] hallelujah hallelujah we say all hail the power of Jesus name let angels prostrate fall look for the royal diadem oh Jesus hallelujah and weak audio we crowd you we crowd you we crowd you we crowd you Lord of all oh not with the undersecretary befall will join the everlasting song and we crown you we crown you who you crowd you I want somebody to begin to thank him for being personal to you yes we know that God so loved the world but I wanted to thank him for being personal to you personal to you personal with you Laurie to God hallelujah he's a personal God is a personal God hallelujah hallelujah look what the Lord has done Laurie took a miracle to put the stars and it please into the grand miracle from the world in space but when he came personal to me when he saved my soul when he cleansed when he made me whole it took a miracle a miracle of law and grace hallelujah Amazing Grace how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me I once was lost I feel like adoring him tonight I feel like letting him know that I truly love him I truly appreciate him I truly thank him and should eternity hands and Sun over again even here and then or we took God lord have mercy aphelion origin as a should eternity hands are armor again somebody toid me praising God tonight you didn't come here to look cute you will call me to get a message you came above all to I sada [Music] I will bless the Lord at all times oh [Music] yeah mighty God everlasting father Prince of Peace Rose of Sharon lily of the valley who writes Morningstar my wheel in the middle of the way my bread when I'm hungry a war to win a thirsty my friend went up friend let's take my rock in a weary line you're my shelter ah my shelter in the time of stop I know you want me to preach I know some of you love to hear me preach but I want you take some time out and thrown him thrown him crown him crown him he said on high if I be lifted up I will choke on men I will draw nice men I will draw a piss I will just camera my jaw hit a fire hydrant will be a worker I draw all men unto me somebody lift him up somebody lived him up thank you Jesus thank you Jesus your body might be feeling some pain but thank God you can feel it it means your life I watch the air is life here is all my none of all the things that you need but you've got Jesus you got Chinese us you got Jesus you got Jesus and I gotta feel it but everything's gonna be all right I got a feeling not the best is yet to come I gotta feel and that is walking it out for my good working out Jesus work it out Jesus work it over to the family work he told on the word please work it out in the community work it out in the church walk it out Wow working home somebody just don't like somebody just because they're praising you but linear causal God with Nazish I win them fight against those not fight against them take a hold of shield take a hold of somebody getting a break through that you didn't plan for tonight somebody getting a victory you never know you would get my god somebody's light is shining bright you never thought into it shine so bright but fear is the Holy Ghost yosh our code yeah Sakana somebody been a persimmon let the oil flow somebody been appraising let the fire burn somebody been appraised and we'll let the wind blow somebody better praise them and let the rain fall somebody better praise them hallelujah hallelujah by God shot enemy shot goddamn Evan I feel a touch of the holy the lonely Lord of Nazeri you better take it [Music] thank you Jesus plant kill choose us hallelujah if you don't know what else to say lift up your hands and give him thanks for it is a good thing to give thanks unto the Lord just say thank you Jesus yes ate until you feel it say coating your blessings [Applause] hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you oh yeah oh yeah oh sit down hallelujah [Music] [Applause] thank you lord thank you Jesus [Music] Lord hallelujah thank you lord I want more til you bless me I'm staying till I hear from you my soul is thirsty and I am through only you can make me whole again lord I want until you bless me stay right till I hear from you my soul is thirsty only you can make me home Lord I won't move until you bless me stay right here till I hear from you my soul is thirsty and I am talking only you can make me whole again lift your head sing it again till you bless me steady till I hear only you can make beyond I can [Music] Laurie [Music] thank you Jesus oh my god I worship you [Applause] worship you I bless your name thank you reach for your Bible doors and the wings join me in the main auditorium please those in the wings join me to me an auditorium the book of Hebrews chapter 11 by the Hall of Fame or the Hall of faith now faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen for by hints the elders obtained a good report through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the Word of God sort of the things which are seen were not made of things which do appear by faith Abel offered unto God a more excellent sacrifice than Cain by which he obtained witness that he was righteous God testifying of his gifts and by it he being dead yet speaketh by faith Enoch was translated that he should not see death and was not found because God had translated him for before his translation he had this testimony that he pleased God but without faith it is impossible to please him for he that cometh to God must believe that he is and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him and we find in first John chapter 5 and verse 4 for whatsoever is born of God over with the world and this is a victory that overcometh the world even our faith let us pray bless us Lord as we enter upon the Word of God grant that your Holy Spirit will release upon us and in us the full flow of your anointing let not one be left behind tonight when the spirit moves that everybody moved by your spirit let not one personally be a sick discouraged brokenhearted faithless but in Jesus name in this audience and in all the other audiences to which we speak now we pray that you will be glorified do your thing father in Jesus name Amen please be seated I wanna challenge you tonight those who are sitting way about down and oh they're spaced on front for you I want to challenge you tonight to take something that you really stand in need of and the theme is take it by faith take it by faith sometimes ago I preached that's recently and I said some of us the things that we have been denied and the things that we have achieved we have not been denied or achieved those things based on our own abilities or in abilities ability to achieve or in ability not to achieve beyond your ability and beyond the inner abilities various thought which is called faith in God and faith in God can cause supernatural things to happen faith in God can transform one's life in a moment faith according to 1st John 5 for it is the picture that overcomes the world even our faith and the book from which we have read the main text Hebrews chapter 11 it tells us so many things about the workings of faith the mighty workings of faith we have declared that well not we but whoever arranged numbers according to Bible to declare that the here 19 are the number 19 is a number of faith and we see in the book of Hebrews chapter 11 where some 19 declarations were made concerning individuals who possess faith in God and I don't promise you that I'll go through them tonight but you can read the text and identify those 19 individuals among them even among them Abraham among them Joseph among them Jeptha among them the prophets among them Rahab the harlot and many others who through faith I've seen supernatural things up on in their lives and I want you to know how they were so we are men of like passion do not the scripture says Elijah was a man like all of us human being like all of us but he had a level of faith that he would challenge God on certain fronts and God would honor his faith he looked at God at one time and said god I want you to seal the heaven let there be no rain until the people repent and the Word of God tells us for three and a half years norine fell on the land and can you imagine the tragedy that hit for those three and our fears even Elijah himself suffered at the end of the drones at one time God sent him to the brook Sheraton said stay there and get water but after what I guess what happened the book brook trader Oh hallelujah amen he set up with a woman which failure would sustain your to defy men after a while the woman with a woman ran out and revé not to bring him food are you with me somebody hallelujah so a man like part of like passion like you and I challenge God of God with hell during and after third our fears he said no Lord and a summary and before the rain began to fall he sent until him sadly acharya sadly hearts get ready to ride out of this place because there is all glory to god somebody being a prison here tonight go tell King AB get your chariot ready because if three and a half years of drove has come to an end fear is a song of abundance of red I don't know if some of you tonight of that here that is attune to that sound that God wants you to hear hey man I don't want you to get comfortable and settle down and used to the famine used to the drought until you met famine and drought a way of life listen for the sound of the abundance oh god am i preaching to anybody here I need to say that again do not become satisfied and settled and comfortable aiming with the drought and the famines of your life until you have married a way of life in the midst of Italy Sun in the midst of it look in the midst of it look to Almighty God because he wants to turn things around somebody said turn it around for me Jesus Oh all glory to God I feel like praising him feel like praising him so tell somebody beside you your abilities are your inabilities doesn't fine all of this glory to God tell them get ready to take it by faith are you not shouting hallelujah aren't you glad to know that this pride you despite me regardless of me regardless of you there's a God who says you can still get it regardless of your education idle on fear of regardless of the opportunities are the lovely room we Donnell is a connection or the lack thereof there's a God who says if you cannot faith in me take it my word Oh glory to God I can't bring it to you when nothing is Kevin they can't give it to you when no one else can oh [Music] Jesus [Music] hallelujah get ready to take it by faith and the Lord gave in this world and the soleus Spirit raises a question to me what is that it that you need to take my faith what is it I want you to get ready for that tonight what is that it by faith what is that it that you need to lay hold on my faith that has been eluding you for a long time oh jesus are preaching somebody don't think of preaching it has been eluding you for a long time in loading your family for a long time in loading your sponsor for a long time God said I want you to know that tonight somebody shot one eye I did not say say tonight I say oh my you are tired you can't show sharp Amos and emotion la mota Jesus Jesus I want to God summer your gotta look up in the spirit tonight but God's gonna help us to get there hallelujah among the many things that faith does faith assures success it's a shores victory it's a shores breakthrough why is it so Bishop you know why because faith will never be denied faith will never be disappointed faith will always find a way it is the victory that overcomes the world your faith so faith assures success Oh hallelujah oh Jesus it assures success it assures victory because faith will not be turned back faith goes forward even when the Red Sea is standing wide and tall faiths as you're going forward you know to be treating you not stretch out your heart can I preach to anybody here tonight hallelujah and if you can possess the kind of faith in God tonight you will be able to cross all the red seas of your life not because of who you are but because of who he is don't you complain Moses stretch out your rod tell the people to go forward hallelujah so what the Holy Ghost said to a people at one time in 2nd chronicles 20 and verse 20 says two things it says believe God and you shall be established our faith in God and you shall be established and secondly God said believe is servants and you shall prosper are you not getting this God said come on come on Israel Jehoshaphat is leading you and he tells you that God's gonna make away regardless of how you are surrounded by challenges and difficulties that are me some everywhere he told you stand still God's gonna fight this battle for you believe God and you shall be established [Applause] believe his servant unusual prosper somebody praise God with me if you're here to say I believe God say I'm trying to believe his servant Lord Percy somebody say something there [Music] alleluia alleluia that store is an outstanding story because when went when the rubber hits the road God said to them you don't eat you don't have to fight this battle just get the voices of inspiration combined with the voices of triumph knock them with the echoes of fate complement them with the golden voices China with the men's chorale the night you feel like preaching here let them pack the street let them go and you often feel let them just begin to prize me big enterprise me begin to worship me and see what I will do I use somebody prays of all they have just pull them together you need a lead singer just pull out your brown you need a lead singer just pull one of them and sell me the chart sing unto the Lord a new song we don't have any weapons but we have a voice we don't have a leader somebody showed something in this place hallelujah Samael to dignify for let the oil flow when the heart is flowing people get splash get action get wet get smile it's a char's victory it's sure it's a success we're gonna take it by faith than I hate somebody praise God the disciples knew the importance of it so they said to the Lord in Luke 17 and verse 5 Lord increase our faith because we cannot afford to be denied increase our faith not only faith to deal with the small ones not on affected even the trivial ones a mundane ones the little ones we want face but when we stand before this mountain as you have said we shall say to this molten beef au jus you like you spoke to the fig tree and crust it and it dried up humble we want to speak that word Alleluia [Music] like you said to the raging tempest peace be still master one of these days you will not be here physically but we will be here Seas will still be here mate ends will still be here Hills will still be here pilots will still be here showers will still be here we have to deal with them in your absence give us the side deal with them oh god somebody say lord give me the faith to deal with the big ones hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah for if you have faith as a grain of mustard seed you shall say to this mountain be thou removed Oh glory to god somebody wave your hand in this presence hallelujah hallelujah increase our faith so so Paul says you wanna increase your faith Romans 10:17 he says so then faith comes by hearing and don't hear what criticizes and by that same those our faith Kilis faith comes by hearing hearing the Word of God hallelujah the more word you have the more faith you will be built in you somebody praise God so when you want to build you're fated on honor on criticizes and backbiters when you want a bill you're fat you're hung with the Word of God hung with also started the word who read the word who lived the word who love the word hallelujah Oh glory to God so we have to deal with the big ones we need our faith to be increased so we want to know how to increase our faith jesus said kids in the word tell somebody to get in the word get in the world tell them getting the word i'm billy a faith and then he further states with james tells us he said no hear me faith is wonderful but passive faith goes nowhere passive faith gets nothing done in other words faith without words you're not getting this faith without works he's dead so if you have all the faith that you talk about but you just sit down on it and when the prophet says gold the other vessels you said all i have is just a little oil this can't feel one big gilpin and the prophets ago gather vessels of all your neighbors are you not getting this if you have faith and apply some action to your faith your faith will produce the miracles that you need somebody we are gonna take it by faith in the name of jesus tell them if you want I will if you want I will if you will now I will take it by faith faith without works is dead everybody said dead so when Jesus took the two sisters up to the dead man's grave what did he said to them roll it away get involved sure that you believe come on somebody hallelujah they rolled at the stone away and then Jesus took over when he called the dead man by name he said Lazarus come forth somebody prays in there not only that but Paul says some of the big ones that we have to deal with is only faith can cut them down so he says in Ephesians 6 and 16 he says breath in above everything above all take the shield of faith wherewith you shall be able to quench some of the fiery darts are you not saying anything down here feel the faith here which you shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked the fiery darts of the enemy but I don't know whether you know yes or no about darts are firing left rice and a ball beneath around across the devil is releasing God's everywhere you need the shield of faith to protect you to french them to clarify their glory to God somebody praise them over here when these fires the dodge you just lift up the shield of faith and say in the name of Jesus there will come to no weapon formed against me shall prosper power in the name of Jesus power in the blood power by the grace of God and you lift up your shield and bowed it's in the name of Jesus to the workers to the sorceress reminded people when they look to see you're far because the northern fight bust on you you just shake it off but saying the name of Jesus I use the shield of hate against you come on use it against the enemy use of against the dart use it against a pretend but it's Lola such you somebody prays a to feel the sting in the sauce I said praising like you're in church praise him like some harmless flowing sigh bodywork so we're building this faith momentum because remember our abilities our creativity our skills or what engine unities are the lots of fear off if you have them that doesn't mean it's gonna get the job done and if you don't have them it doesn't mean you cannot get the job done faith in God oh Jesus somebody says something don't they I said faith in God lift your hand and say faith in God what do you write assess my faith looks up to be column of Calgary define now hear me what a pretty at all my guilt so alone let me sum this day Oh glory to God I feel the Holy Ghost hallelujah [Music] so faith is assures victory it guarantees success hallelujah not only that but according to the text of Hebrews chapter 11 verse 6 we consider faith to be an indispensable element in other words you cannot do without it if you're gonna please God you can't please God with hosting you can't serve God without it you can't accomplish anything spiritually we don't faith because the concurrence ends five services far we if you're honest of me what walk by faith oh Jesus somebody prays Guardian if if we were to operate on the basis of the five senses some of us would give up a long time because I tell you sometimes what these eyes see whoa Jesus what man went out on the instructions of the Prophet and when he looked on the mountains what these natural eyes saw he trembled instead he said alas master what shall we do the mountain is filled with horses and chariot and military men the man of God said could look again the man of God prayed for him reverence and Lord you think he was blind come on somebody do you think the Prophet servant was blind he needed another to be hoping the man of God the Lord opened his eyes we walk buddy sad and not by the eyes of natural sight [Applause] just look at some people the way they look at you you wouldn't come back to church you don't want to preach here just look at some folks when you take your place in the prime understand hold and you cut you just look out some falls look and you acquire wrong when you sit there beside them just look at our sons look at you when you're walking through any one of these doors if you are going by sight you know drop your Bible and say hold on come on somebody well you know what it is to walk by faith the curse see you move by faith the kiritani still going by faith they hate you going by faith they love you still go by faith that despises are still walk it by faith not by sight so when the young man's eyes were finally open and he saw in the spirit he said alas my master he changed this message immediately he said Verret are with us oh here's a Church of God somebody's in your corner you may not even know them your back is against the wall right together white Whitman turn with me walk with man this bottle the enemy together hallelujah the god of the mount and his god of the folly when things go wrong he memorize the god of the good times he's got in the pot times the god of the DIY he is a God of the ni ght somebody better persevere [Applause] hallelujah hallelujah somebody's turned off for twenty second and lift up your hands and give praise to the Almighty give praise to the Almighty give place to the Almighty the God of your day is still God in your night the god of field mountain is God in your folly hallelujah when things go wrong religion clever I said glory to God I said glory to God you have a brother you have backup system you have backup George's yeah shondo Cosette laws with us nuts you are today that are gained Sisyphean the Holy Ghost somebody prays imma take a crazy man take a crazy man take a picture I get my bag not by sight sit down please my god there you are my son koh-sama mulling over such a low abortion is Shaun Donovan Cammisa submit for a come here come here coming Shaun Dorobo hosan tillich it by faith shock Osama ha raise your hand and take a miracle by faith I know you need a miracle Shama mahasaya yes in Jesus name why ask take your miracle by faith right now in Jesus name I speaking to your entire beam from the crown of your head to the soles of your feet I speak the anointing oil of God to flow through your body in the name of Jesus I speak Orillia miracle a miracle in Jesus name Almighty God of heaven somebody praise God with her somebody praise God for her God for your surgery Jay Holy Ghost Operation telic or Nicole's injection can call the cosmetic Asian take it I mean take it they deliver take it and be set free Shama Lucinda I'll see God in my soul hallelujah hallelujah somebody totally tricked-out shunned all of a sudden where's the hand waved her hand in his presence take it by faith in the name of Jesus he not oh my god hallelujah shamili Santa hey Jesus Jesus I said Jesus I don't know what you wanna say I'm sure you're not gonna say Muhammad I sure you will not say holla I sure you'll not say Selassie I sure you'll not say Krishna I'll say you'll not say bow down you'll set Jesus Thank You America oh it so come sit down please few more minutes take it my faith God's of the Abraham I want to take a journey and I want you to give in assignments Genesis 22 a want to take Isaac up to the mountain and offer him glory to God on their way home BD and Isaac falling with his father the odd would not fire they up donkey they are servant Lee of everything Oh glory to God nice a Cox my father where is where is the sacrifice racing on my horn words paraphrasing I believe Abraham said we're taking it by faith are you not saying nothing we're taking this journey by faith my son God will provide himself a lamb for the sacrifice lift your Hennessy my God will Jesus Jesus Jesus I feel your horny ghost take it by faith Abraham China by if you're gonna take it by sight you will not you will not even start the Germany you won't even start the journey but when they got to the place and everything was right the altar was filled the wood was laid on on everything and he laid his son and pulled and I of God says don't you touch him and he looked over I said did not tell you that your whole vagina he's our provider did all you might it did not tell you we are walking by faith and not by sight Jesus Chuck tell somebody beside you don't be discouraged just wait until you get there come on come on tell them keep on walking keep walking until you get there keep walking until you get to the place keep walking until you get to the place to complete the assignment don't worry about always gonna work out that's God's prerogative leave it to the Almighty no turn I know you do not have this sacrifice but God has it under control Oh blow it to God tell them again just keep on walking walk until you get to here I saw - you'll get there ask me about it when I tell you [Music] ask me about it I can tell you about walking until you get there when you get there Jehovah Jireh I said do you not know that I am your provider do you not know hallelujah take it by faith continue a journey by faith about it pray Zamir with me praise Him in with me soon get there don't you are God made Caleb a promise in Joshua chapter 12 God says I'm giving your apron heparin for an inheritance multi-prong giving it to you when God said that to him he was 40 years old 40 years yeah four and a half decades came and past 45 years came God of heaven you know there's a sister I don't know if she's here tonight if you can identify with this just raise your hand she said to me just two days ago outside is a bishop you gave me a prophesy some years ago and it's been a long time since you gave me that prophesy but I waited and God kept it warm in the spirits and I'm happy to tell you bishop that after the period of long waits glory to God the prophecy come to pass where are your sister you should have been in church tonight the prophecy has come to pass and these eyes will see that prophecy within a within a month time these eyes will see because something physical tangible visible are you not with me here [Applause] [Music] four and a half decades came many generations people would have died what Caleb kept it close to his heart and when the time came for him to possess Monte Brun somebody said to me Caleb you're here to five years old you can't take the mountain at this time of is the church you can't take motrin of this age you're 85 years old tallip step back on the wall on or Auto so when I was 40 years all God made me this promise 45 years of common gone no I meant if I forgive me somebody literally give me give me give me your God where is a church give me give me this I've been working on it some 45 years I ain't gonna give up now not too young not too old not too late not to eat give me about ten God promised it to me Lourdes pop decided to me and I'm taking it I'm taking it somebody say I'm taking it I'm taking it I want to God summer you turn it to the Holy Ghost I detect something the spirit take it Charcot Somalia God of heaven somebody praise them in somebody praise me somebody praise them in a calling for it in the name of Jesus going for it give it to me give it to me take it by faith coming down Aleppo in Matthew chapter hate says I'm gonna take it by faith I'm not even supposed to be in this company this gathering I should be quarantined someplace over in a leprous camp but I heard that Jesus is fasting and I want to take something my feet my first step of faith is a break out of the quarantine and join a crowd to which I did not belong I said Jesus if you want to heal me you can heal me are you not saying anything if you want to make me clean you can't make me Jesus as I will be [Applause] well last let's not go here let's let's go to a woman that Jesus call her dog a Canaanite woman dead stranger saira Phoenician woman came bowing don't beg in and Jesus say you dog you think we take children's bread and give to dogs what you doing here go find a bark in camp and bark among your own people Jesus the woman said Lord you have well spoken I know I don't belong among this world well Jesus dog don't sit around table at knife and fork and spoon but they have a role they honor hold the foot of the table whatever falls from the table I'm ready to take what falls from the table somebody say more take it by faith I'm gonna take it by faith in the name of Jesus [Applause] c'mere brother Livingston Livingston living runnin around on your shower door Abbas a Kanta come on somebody worship God stand with me everybody point your hand to this young man choco sada Roma Sakura bah-bah-bah yes yes yes yes yes yes yes Sharan Dorobo hosted the devil is alive Jesus name we speak your complete victory point your hand and pray for the young man Shawn Dorobo ho citta God we bring deliverance from the color of his head to the soles of his feet we'll bring it to his house all will bring his mother will pray to a system will bring salvation to his father in the name of Jesus oh dear don't cut out everything walking against this young man let out of his belly a hold of his bells let's reverse shondo Rojo citta we speak it into your pee right now we see the anointing of God and statue completely free completely delivered Satan you're a liar take your fright and Lord in the name of cheese present brother prison brother present brother prison brother take off the tree and go back to bog walk walk in cockpit fiction take a picture tonight as the oil is flowing and go back into bog walk on principalities and powers somebody shout and praise God sit down please check it by faith give Him praise [Music] some of you limit yourself too much you limit yourself with the school the little scope around you on everybody around you're born poor live poor dead poor you think you're gonna live poor dead poor come on in the name of Jesus when you get to the blood the blood transform your life hallelujah and all kinds of ear editor is sickness in your family and you're just waiting for your blood pressure to get high just waiting for your heart condition just waiting for your diabetes just waiting for your insanity the blood of Jesus is against just waiting to join the Papa line you come to power Fiat or wait for those kind of line with levitra line join the line of history and said I'm next in line from a blessing I don't care whose cars around me I am next I don't care what pop I am in the line lifter and that said I am next in line for my back you my blessing when I'm gonna take it by faith dear God [Music] give him place I say give him praise I say give him place I say give me prize [Music] check it by faith [Music] poverty distress the two sons will be taken to be bond men what do you have in your house you know what some of us problem is where to mean too stingy biack mere kid first said the prophet biack meant a cake woman I only have a little oil a little meal to make the last cake for my son and I to eat undying this farm it lady don't bring the water bring me a cake [Music] sow a seed and get a miracle oh you're not saying nothing lelou Oh glory she begged the man of God the cake they said to her no go big for your son on yourself and throw the entire famine I guarantee you the meal barrel shall never go empty somebody praise God with me under the Lord with your substance honoring with the firstfruits of some of your increase the first fruit of all that increased so shall thy barns someone you don't believe that what you believe John 14 and one let not your heart be troubled believe in God believe also in me and my father's also many mansion just get dear like that you have to believe the whole book hallelujah [Music] she gave him the cake she went on she hid through the entire farming and drought and nobody suffered well let me close it with this the Lord gave me to give someone you know you just gonna get your message Isaiah told me to tell you in chapter 54 he says get ready to enlarge enlarge the place of your tent place sooner afore you get ready to enlarge he says get ready to stretch forth the curtains of your habitation don't just take this thing like little disentitle but the Lord instructed me on this world I said God help me to deliver it justice oh you want me to deliver it and I deliberately spend time in this word stay down fast and pray and say God helps somebody out of this because we don't want to speaking words the kingdom of God is not in word it's any power so as I said get ready to enlarge somebody is time for enlargement when you see God's blessing people whenever you think God is blessing just rejoice with them and see what's happened for you just begin to rejoice at other people's success but other people's blessing and see what will happen for you enlarge the place of your tent stretch forward the companies of your habitation tell somebody stretch for it yeah let's send your cards lengthen your cords strengthen your stakes because God is blessing shall come upon you and overtake you so get rid of that narrow mentality charcoal ababa hornier somebody praise God if the world is getting you tonight B this is your message I'm just bringing you your message taken from the ticket system enlarge the place of your tent stretch heart let turn your cards straight a mistake why should I do all of that J's us because you shall breathe ports on the right hand [Music] it shall break for it's paid for an abundance of blessing bishop I don't know is coming up what you doing after no that's a problem we want to know everything that's the problem because I seen me I'm worried let God do the worrying you do the praying you believe me let God do the worrying and I guarantee you one thing God will not worry Charcot some random someone you're getting this summer you're not getting it does yet change your mentality change your outlook the Holy Ghost said to tell you we attend your card understand lightning bothers for you you can barely find food God say you shall komasan de caballos Fila holy goes on me here somebody up saw this tonight you might television internet radio Facebook YouTube wherever you are this is where you are so get rid of your dailies of bitumen bitumen pity me poor me poor me poor me Sydney Sydney Sydney this point may discourage me get rid of those days [Applause] number sindhya somebody worship God in this house did I say worship God in this house [Applause] Charcot same aha but in ask anybody do this as a move of the Holy Ghost shall no Robin Hood strengthen your state can your cause widen your father's get ready to transport on the right hand and on the left hand come on honey como sundaramma holy whereas a church is a church you're watching want people doing you better do what you need to do if you need to praising praising God Almighty somebody showed something there let's bring it down so God's enemies of that they're not for you shall not be ashamed no be confounded fear not this God says that that if God says if you don't have to worry about it he'll bring it to pass but he's spoken and shall he not make it good there's anything too hard for God glory to God you shall not be ashamed set the Holy One of Israel glory to God hallelujah hallelujah you shall not be ashamed you shall not be confounded this is forget the shame of your pasts forget the shame of your past the past is already past he says forget the shame of your past don't live in the shamefulness of your past when you walked in them is when you were not born again when you walked in them is when you were not under the blood but no you're under the blood forget the shame of your past forget the reproach of your past tell somebody forget them [Music] money continues we're in Isaiah 54 he says the god of the whole era is your become the god of the whole earth is your maker the god of the whole earth is your Redeemer come on church the god of asia africa north and south america is your miracle and your redeemer the earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof the world and they that dwell via in the captain of Thousand Hills belong to your God the God of the whole earth is your makeup on your Redeemer it says when I get ready to speak to the north when I say to the north give up when I get ready to speak to the soul say to the South keep not back it's about a lifter Hennessey release to the time of release [Music] come on state until you get it in your spirit come on come on come on come on come on take it take it take it Oh socrata Baha all art is your makeup your enable then he went on further to say we said at some points in your life you felt forsaken you felt forsaken but sometimes you felt forsaken at some time you felt left out at some time you felt like a loser or no I'm not talking to anybody again you felt forsaken you felt like a loser but he says but now I'm bringing you I'm bringing you together with a great abundance of blessing he is bringing you together with great grace and blessing because of its love on his mercy somebody praise him here so let's bring it down take it by faith Master we have toiled all night and take nothing nothing my word says let down your nets launch art the Holy Ghost told me to tell somebody launch out and fish for the big catch then look a Sprott that you all satisfied with get being certain be it catch certain fish are you not with me if all the beat you have is sub is a catch spot-on whitening that's on you go catch you need to get some beer to bring in Marlin a low shock and I get aligned again that can bring in Milan big fish tell somebody get ready to fish for the big one fish for the big one take it by faith take it by faith I don't know why the Lord want me to say this here tonight this is supposed to be a Sunday morning saying but administered this to me the Lord tired you City here 2020 the next year not long from no 10 months time year 2020 everybody's a 2020 Bishop you're gone so far the Lord told me to tell Joseph you need to make certain provisions for 22 into blessing that's gonna flow to you from this church this church those of you who don't own a little piece of land trying a tepee salon to buy are to lease because 2020s is gonna mean a roof over my head this church is gonna help you find a piece on final piece a lon - bye get your name on something shocked Osama Dalia yeah somebody lift your head and place it come on [Music] take it by faith launch out for the big couch a close take it what is a hip bishop say I don't know what is your hint [Music] go get the driver's license if you don't have one it appear to take it by faith Jesus you need the anointing of God upon your life to break yokes shackled Messenia get wanna see God and receive that anointing by faith to bring you your business ability business skills business acumen get ready to launch a teacher who is this you will take it by faith in the name of Jesus get a job you need a better job get ready to take it by faith you need US visa Kenyan and Visa American visa waiver visa get ready to do what you need to do hallelujah you need a spouse a husband a wife get ready in the name of Jesus Christ to receive him by faith the bishop did you mean that some of you just need to send the Holy Ghost to find your companion you know the problem that some of you have you using your own eyes to look and thus cotton to fishing and to search out when Isaac was supposed to get a wife dear Rebecca is Haley hazel was a type of the Holy Spirit Abraham a type of God Haley Hayes I serve on the type of the Holy Spirit Abraham sent Elias and say go look for a wife for my son Isaac and he told him exactly where to go and where not to go and what would happen in the way when Isaac went oh just as Abraham told him of all the women that came out to water their father's flock animal camel mule whatever they were when his eyes fell on Rebekah and when Rebecca showed her quality nearly as I said would this not be the way for my master's son and when he asked oh who is your father and when she call him but she's traded from lemon he says is there room in your host can I come home with you now when she went home and told her father for the so why did you bring all the man with you this long and short of it is simply this send the Holy Ghost to look for your husband some of you get quiet on me like you don't want a husband you can't get me me God long time look mommy said no woman goes to look for feel come on with somebody pray sit down here hallelujah hallelujah well this is serious business send the Holy Ghost the Holy Ghost God's flower garden is big all over the world somewhere Ching man shot Magna shot this subjects big Shahs that is 49 51 percent female to male mannish are short another Church where they no shorten of the world so let's get them save on Sun to fire and filled with the Holy Ghost are you not saying anything here get them save on sanctify and filled with the Holy Ghost let's get them save and sanctify and fill with all the gauls take it my faith stand with me please I must stop but I deliver my soul take your health by faith Sean daughter Bocuse a time I'm gonna pray I got 20 minutes to close I wanna lay hands on some of you tonight who are serious about that thing that you need to take my faith take it that is if you're serious about it tonight I want to confirm it upon you in the name of Jesus believe God to see you through and give you that very food this is a serious night special nights don't make me ten lines sister you saw her come and stand here fall behind her please Sean Dorobo casaba don't come down here to waste my time and waste my energy I know enough time and energy to waste don't come down here because [Music] cuz I'm only ons on every single one if you're standing in this line tonight nobody else come in there [Music] some of you mean business so we just come stunning and I looking you just come stand looking all right stay there look reach out to the whole eco sustainer look yes Esther take your miracle shun Dorobo Cassata there's a musician lift me up give me some Sun [Music] raise your hand everybody to get to worship God [Music] taking my face your abilities our inabilities no sir madam god Matas Sean Nora Volkow shot yes I right the order ah yes long wander [Applause] one Pedro Oh Oh by [Music] when roeme come on Oh whoa oh yeah Oh hi down just lit both hands over your head to open up your mouth and your prices and just in time to worship Alleluia thank you Jesus No [Music] Thank You Lord glory to God we worship you we worship you we worship You God Bahama your presence Lord we give you the glory that is you want your name tonight whoa hallelujah glory Jesus hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah Jesus Jesus glory to God hallelujah yes Lord yes Lord Jesus hallelujah thank you Jesus hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah yes Lord yes Lord [Music] thank you Jesus [Music] to God thank you Jesus [Music] hallelujah take it my faith for without faith it is impossible to please him but they that cometh unto God must believe that he is and he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him Oh glory to God hallelujah glory hallelujah thank you Holy Spirit Jesus it is my faith I trust and hope tonight but our faith would have reached to that point and to that level as a servant of God has delivered the word and it is a word of God and it's gonna work for us thank you Jesus blow on Hanah his word above his name and he says speak those things me be not as though they are hallelujah glory to God tonight speak those things which are not as though they are because faith is a substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen you don't see it but you believe it you don't see it but you're acting on it you do not see them but because you take God at His Word tonight hallelujah it shall be established how glory to God Nyak Oceania remain Yoshi and Amaya via Jesus cry Jesus hallelujah my God my God hallelujah Jesus Jesus Oh glory to God hallelujah Jesus we worship we worship the worship we give you the glory it is done hallelujah hallelujah Jesus yes Lord yes Lord Jesus Jesus Jesus hallelujah hallelujah Jesus Jesus glory yes Lord manifest your glory manifest your glory money ask your glory hmm Jesus hallelujah yes Lord because with your things are possible to them that believe Jesus glory to God mm-hmm see your world tonight God yes Lord hallelujah thank you lord thank you Jesus hallelujah those who did not give an offering we're gonna be collecting an offering but I'll do so after I pray the dismissal poor so I wanted to take all that offering that you bring to give tonight that which you have already given if that was your offering if not get your offering in your hands glory to God thank you Jesus and as you take that offering in your hands I wanted to link hang with somebody right now hallelujah glory to God Jesus hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah the unknown abhi also Jesus we worship your Lord thank you God yes Lord Alleluia eternal God mighty and strong to save you are we lift our hands on our hearts we lift our spirit to your spirit tonight Lord in holy sweet communion we have sensed and felt your holy presence as we draw an arrow Alleluia let me thank you for tonight we thank you Lord God for the way you're ministered on to us we thank you Lord God for your word you said your words will not return unto your void they should accomplish and they shall prosper we are in you send it Oh God hallelujah you said before one jot or take off your word pass even a nerd passed you own your words above your name Oh glory to God and he said Oh God if we can't believe all things are possible we're taking it by faith tonight Lord as a servant has ministered and has confirmed the blessings upon us yo people Alleluia right now God Almighty hallelujah hallelujah many divine God has great expectancy and somebody tonight God before they reach Bob you start working and their behalf hallelujah shall be established Oh glory to God only goes of God right now your son spirit of the Living God get this audience right now God hallelujah shine for the light of your countenance upon us we pray God Jesus before this night is over before this night is true we shall see and experience upon your word has been spoken tonight good Jesus this is a night of history this is a night of the supernatural this is a night of miracles of God we shall hear glory the manifestation of God Jesus right now as we're about to go Lord this mrs. Rieger choicest blessings God Almighty the offering that has given and those that will give even now this offering God shall be a testimony this offering tonight if I God shall be an offering of offerings that I've ever been given in this church this happiest time of miracles of God supernatural manifestation in our lives God as the seeds are soared and will be sold tonight God it shall produce and harvest in our lives bless the gifts bless they give us O God and return back to us good measure pressed down shaken together and running over your touring tour bosoms Oh God cover us no wonder your blood and your choicest blessings be upon one and upon all right now and we tell you thanks again in Jesus name in Jesus name hallelujah just give him a he ba friend wave your hands in his presence you
Channel: PFMFamilyTV
Views: 10,278
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jesus, Christ, Christian, Christianity, Worship, Praise, Sunday, Morning, Live, God, Bishop, Delford, Davis, Petrova, Power, of, Faith, Ministries, Portmore, St. Catherine, Miracle, Cathedral, echoes, faith, voices, inspiration, dynamics, silent, worshippers, united, triumph, golden, women, worth, town, center, lot 13, michael, maragh, smith, andrew, brown, icilda, noteman
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 163min 43sec (9823 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 22 2019
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