Sunday January 16, 2022 Live Stream. "The Silent Sovereignty of God." Reference #011622A

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] do [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] amen good morning praise god for another opportunity to come up to his house of prayer to give him praise and thanks that is so rightly due his wonderful name [Music] god could have left us in our bed but he woke us up on time and brought us up to his house to worship our brothers will come now and lead us in our devotional time good morning we're hearing this morning i have selected psalm 127 in its entirety except the lord build the house they labor in vain that build it except the lord keep the city the watchmen wake up but in vain it is vain for you to rise up early to sit up late to eat the bread of sorrows for so he giveth his beloved lord children are in heritage of the lord and the fruit of the womb is his reward as arrows are in the hands in the hand of the mighty man so are children of the youth happy is the man that has his quiver full of them they shall not be ashamed but they shall speak with the enemies in the gate may the lord bless the reading the hearing and doing of his holy word let us pray our father in heaven how excellent is thy name and all the earth there's no one like you for you're the one true living god the creator of the heavens and the earth everything that is and moves is at your spoken word lord you are the cree you are the creator of the sun moon and stars lord everything about us lord your hand has provided so we come this morning lord to say thank you lord thank you for being so good lord you woke us up this morning lord we didn't do it on our own lord you gave us health and strength lord and then lord you gave us a mind to come up to your house of prayer lord we come lord to thank you lord because you surround you've been so good to us lord lord you surrounded us with loved ones lord lord you put a covering over our homes lord as we slept in the very image of death lord you gave us health and strength lord lord you get you've worked out our problems when we were we were worried about them lord you just been so good lord we you as good as you've been to us lord sometimes we've been unfaithful to you so lord we come asking you to have mercy on us lord lord according to your lovingkindness unto the multitudes of your tender mercies blot out all of our transgressions lord create within us a clean heart and renew within us the right spirit lord we thank you right now lord for being so kind for being so merciful lord for loving us and blessing us in spite of our ways lord jesus we thank you for jesus christ who hung bled and died for our sins we thank you lord jesus for stepping out of glory to come and take care of our sin debt we thank you lord for being the true vine divine that because of you lord we can't do anything apart from you lord thank you for being our savior thank you for being our redeemer thank you for being our intercessor lord with you lord we can do everything but without you we can't do anything so have your way today lord lord we come right now lord thank asking you to bless us lord we ask you to send your holy spirit in this church today lord lord we ask you lord as we await to hear the word that you open our hearts lord that we might not only be hearers of the word but doers of the word lord we come blessing you right now lord we ask to bless our pastor lord lord we ask you to continue to crown them with wisdom and discernment lord given preaching power this day lord that someone may hear the word afresh lord and come down the aisle saying what must i do to be saved lord we thank you lord and we love you lord we ask you to bless lily grove on this pilgrim journey lord we ask you to bless every member lord we ask you to bless those that are dealing with death right now lord comfort and keep them like only you know how lord we ask you to bless those that are sick lord touch them because you're a doctor that's never lost a patient lord we ask you to bless those that have money issues lord you can always come in on time lord we love you and we can't make it without you and lord when we've done all you called us to do lord we ask that you prepare a place in heaven where we can praise your holy and righteous name forever we ask it all in jesus christ's name we pray amen [Music] praise him jesus is worthy to be praised [Music] him praise him praise him praise him praise him jesus jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] is praise him is [Music] give him glory oh jesus give him glory amen yesterday i believe it was a volcano erupted under the floor of the south pacific and 5500 miles away on the coast of california the water rose four feet the eruption happened near new zealand near the city of tonga and 5 500 miles away the waters rose four feet in the united states god's saying if i want to come get you [Applause] [Music] miles and oceans are no problem god is the god of the universe and the reason why we are alive this morning [Music] is because the steadfast love of the lord never ceases mercies never come to an end we are new every morning great is the lord's faithfulness towards us you are here today by god's goodness and for that reason you ought to be grateful you ought to be thankful that god not only let you wake up but he let you get up in your own strength and in your own health in your right mind god's been good to us it ought to be a smile on your face because of the lord's goodness and his mercy towards us that's a sweet sweet spirit in this place is [Music] and i know [Music] a sweet expression oh [Music] everybody say it now sweet holy spirit [Music] [Music] oh [Music] and for these blessings [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] it sweet holy spirit a spiritual boat [Music] [Music] [Music] god our father for your tender touch that awakened us this morning afresh we come to say thank you recognizing that there's absolutely nothing we've done to gain a single day a single hour or a moment but because you're a merciful god because you're a patient god because you're a good god you've allowed us another day and another opportunity to come into your house to fellowship one more time and so lord we come today lord god with our best praise and our best hallelujahs to say thank you for who you are thank you for sparing us when we we didn't know we were in we're we were in the line of fire you you you kept us anyway when we were going to a grocery store when we were getting gas or leaving a bank uh somehow another you are watching over us and so we praise you in the name of christ today lord god you're high and you're lifted up your king of kings and your lord of lords and and thank you for loving us the way we do we are not we're not without a parent right now we're not offering we've got a heavenly father so we thank you today thank you for last night's lying down thank you for this morning's early rising god we love every day that you give us but thank you for sunday morning thank you for the feeling we get that we gotta get up gotta get dressed gotta get to the house gotta get in our place because we wanna give you some praise from the rising of the sun to the going down of the same your name is worthy to be praised we thank you today thank you lord that you taught us to pray thank you that you taught us that that when when our load gets too heavy when we can't see our way that we can always call on our heavenly father thank you for being a shepherd thank you for being a keeper and a sustainer there's none like you so we here at the lilly grove church and in other churches like lily grove and other places around the city the state in the nation we gather to just say ride on king jesus no man can hinder thee it doesn't matter what what partisan we are it doesn't matter what what what what a social class we're in you're king of kings and you deserve all the praise many of us we we we we bow in this time because we remember what happened on the cross on a friday you gave up your life in my place in our place you you took a cruel treatment and beatings and abuse you died for us you stayed in the grave you had the muscle you had the might you didn't have to but you had to because if you didn't we wouldn't be here today if you didn't give up your life if you didn't shed your blood we'd have no tomorrow and so today lord we praise you because you stayed in that grave you stayed on the cross you stayed in that grave but early on sunday morning for some of us it doesn't have to be easter sunday but every sunday morning we're reminded of your grace and your mercy and your care so today lord we say thank you we've come to worship you today but then lord we've come to get clean again some of us our hands are dirty our tracks are uh uh uh are dirty but but we ask god that you would forgive us for our sins that you wash us so we can fellowship again that you clean our minds clean our mouths clean our motives again so we can worship you right we don't want to waste another sunday we want to be right with you we want to be righteous in your sight so here we are asking that you give us a fresh start somebody needs you in a very unique way somebody's got economic problems somebody's got relationship problems somebody's got health problems somebody's worried about monday morning somebody's worried about their children but but whatever it is you're the answer you're more than enough you're more than enough so we praise you today and we say thank you we've come to hear from you today lord through the preaching of the gospel not just us in the sanctuary but there are others who who are forced to make a sanctuary out of their living room or their bedroom or just listening on on a cellular device but lord be present today as they hear the gospel message they need to hear with us said the lord we listen to wall street we we've listened to washington avenue and pennsylvania avenue we've listened to bag being we're listening to the talking heads and what oprah got to say and what what everybody else have got to say but lord we want to hear what you got to say speak to us today give us guidance direction spiritual living on this side help us right now and then lord we pray for our members who are dealing with unique problems like death and sickness and there's so many who are in hospital beds we pray that you visit them today that the restrictions say we can't go but you can show up you can go help us today in the name of jesus touch what doctors can't touch heal with medicine can't heal on this side we're asking special prayers for so many want to pray for sister betty pouncy in the loss of her husband the kirkendall family and the loss of one of our members sister cynthia kirk and i want to ask special prayers for our friend brother brother walter jones asking that you touch his body his wife and his family as they wait to see what what's next touch them in the name of jesus but lord we know you never fail you always win whatever you do even if we don't know today someday we figure out that you got this thing already figured out so have your way with somebody today save someone and we'll be careful to give your name all the praise all that we failed to ask fail not to grant it unto us we love you can't wait to see you it's in jesus christ holy name we pray amen [Music] the sound of praises living into the atmosphere every time you lift your voice you need to know jesus loves to hear the sound of praise jesus loves to hear the sound of praise there is a cell that is [Music] [Music] every time you lift you need to know jesus [Music] me is [Music] [Music] [Music] my [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] every one of us [Music] oh oh hallelujah to him oh grace [Music] wow [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] wow [Music] [Music] amen open your bibles with me into the book of esther again chapter number five you find this word now it came to pass on the third day you may be seated grass withers and flower fades but the word of our god shall stand forever the presbyterian theologian author and essayist named friedrich beekner beekner once said that a coincidence is just god's way of remaining anonymous a coincidence it's just god's way of remaining anonymous this morning brothers and sisters if we live in a world of random chance the world would be a scary place to live i often hear confessing christians make mention of the word karma and when something bad happens to somebody it's bad karma or if something good comes your way it's good karma but karma is not a christian word it comes from hinduism and buddhism and karma means the sum of a person's actions in a previous state of existence is viewed as deciding their fate or their future in another existence it's karma is you didn't do well in this life so you're paying in the next life that's not a christian worldview true believers know that god's providence although mysterious does not answer every question it does not make our problems go away and it does not give us an easy road to travel but providence does tell us that there is a pattern to the seemingly random events of our lives and that even though life is hard god is good we need not be cognitively dissonant in matters of faith this morning because two things can be true at the same time two opposing ideas can both be true without contradiction life is hard that's true god is good that's true these two need not be in country distinction towards one another because bad karma and good karma leave that with the hindus and the buddhists but we christians believe romans 8 28. and we know i wish i had a bible reading that all things work together for good for them that love god to those who are the called according to his purpose vengeance is mine says the lord if somebody is wrong to you the bible says pray for them pray for them who despitefully use you bless them that curse you blessed are ye when men revile you and persecute you and say all manner of evil against you falsely make sure it's false i wish i had time to stay right there but when they say all manner of evil against you falsely for my sake the scripture says rejoice and be exceedingly glad for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you walk with me around the text last week in esther chapter four uh mordecai had rent his clothing and he's in the middle of the streets in sackcloth and ashes esther sends her chamberlain out there with some clothes for mordecai to clothe himself because she could not know why he was in such great distress mordecai knew that haman had hatched a plot to kill all the jews and he sends esther a message he says don't think that because you're up there with them the same thing will not happen to you god is going to deliver with you are without you but who knows that you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this and esther when she gets that word she reveals that she is a jew and she tells mordecai and the jewish people to fast three days and three nights and the scripture opens in chapter five now after the third day has come to pass it's now the third day of the pa of the of the fast and esther is about to go in to the king boldly to put god's plan in place without anybody knowing what god is going to work out in chapter one vashtai risked her life by refusing to appear before king a hazarus when she was summoned in chapter five esther risks her life by appearing before a hazarus unsummoned because you remember in chapter four uh she said uh to uh go tell mordecai that nobody can go in the king's court and nobody can come in the throne room unless the king raises his scepter and she said i am queen esther and i have not seen the king for 30 days so now esther has decided upon the word that the jews are about to be destroyed god's unseen hand is maneuvering circumstances to bring about their good and his glory and i need to tell somebody this morning i need to encourage somebody in this church this morning no matter what looks like it's going wrong in your life if you belong to god there's an unseen hand god is maneuvering god is moving not manipulating but god is strategizing to bring you to a desired end i i've been mentioning to you in these in these series of messages that that people who are insecure people who are wicked and have evil intentions always setting traps for people that they will eventually fall in themselves because god is never behind a tactic god is always in front of a strategy and if you don't have a strategy you have to come up with a tactic if you don't have a strong word to preach on sunday morning you got to come up with some fillers and uh a whole lot of who shot john and uh high five three people and and run around the building four times and tell your neighbor so and so i ain't telling my neighbor nothing i came here to hear you tell my neighbor something but but but when you're not strong when you don't trust the word of god you're always looking for a way to get a hookup when you are god's child you don't need a hookup you don't need anybody to look out for you under the table and around the corner if you just trust god he'll open doors that have been closed in your face somebody he ought to help me testify while you were trying to figure it out [Applause] god had already worked it out um hear me this morning esther did not come into her own until she owned up to who she really was the transformation of esther's character proceeds from the defining moment when she decides to identify herself as a child of god what is your defining moment or when will be your defining moment when will you come out of the shadows and let somebody know that i'm a child of god there's absolutely nothing that we can learn from the lgbtq community absolutely nothing but one thing come out of the closet stop hiding in the shadows in a church this size it's easy to get in the crowd and clap when everybody else is clapping and stand up when everybody else is standing up but there's going to come a time when god is going to give you a chance to see whether or not you believe everything you've been clapping about because when you have to stand in a divorce court by yourself somebody ought to help me here when you've got to stand with a child who is on trial by yourself when you are sick and the doctor gives you some bad news and you got to process that by yourself god will give you a chance to see if you believe what you've been shouting about [Applause] and it's either shout in the crowd but it takes faith to shout by yourself and somebody here who has been through some things somebody here that god has raised up friends for you and put down enemies for you and paid bills for you and made a way for you and put his hand on your body this morning you can testify sometimes you got to go by yourself [Applause] it is not until esther got bold enough to reveal that she's esther she she she acquires she accrues the dignity and the power of her royal position only after she claims her true identity as a woman of god now it came to pass on the third day here is what esther does on the third day of the fast she puts on her royal robes perfumes herself because now and from now on she's queen esther chapter one two three and four she's esther but from chapter five on to the rest of the book she's queen esther and her queenliness does not come from her outward appearance you miss that her being queen esther does not come from robes and perfume queen esther does not come from the outside she was a queen on the inside before she's revealed as a queen on the outside because being queen is not about hips it's not about hair it's not about makeup it's not about perfume it's about character who can find a virtuous woman i wish i had one or two more bible readings how price is far above rubies esther has an inner and an outer thing going on here that happens to everybody who trusts god outwardly she's perfumed and beautiful and quaffed and seemingly comfortable but on the inside she hasn't eaten or drank for three days she is fasted for three days there's trepidation there's fear because nowhere in the book of esther is the name of god mentioned god is just going to use ordinary everyday circumstances by people who just trust in god's promise that he made to abraham here's esther dressed going in before the king with something going on on the outside she looks like a queen but on the inside she's terrified and she goes in and god coincidentally allows two or three things to happen she goes inside the king's gate and stands there read it read it read the rest of the chapter when you get home she gets inside the king's gate and and that's enough to be killed because king a hazaras has not summoned her she's the queen but she cannot come in his presence unless she's been summoned so esther comes and stands in the gate which could have gotten her killed but since she made it through the gate she gets a little closer and gets in the throne room and hazarus has not yet raised the golden scepter so she stands there and there's something about how she looks there's something about how she presents herself that makes the king take notice of her and when he takes notice of her she comes closer he raises the scepter she puts her hand on it and he says queen esther what do you want what what do you need what what can i do for you to the half of my kingdom somebody help me preach it when you approach god be careful that you don't just come in his presence like you belong there somebody got to give you access [Applause] i'ma get to that in a minute be convicted rather than compliant be convicted rather than compliant stop going along to get along everybody's not gonna like you you're not gonna be on facebook with everybody you're not going to go out to eat with everybody because everybody is not going to be on your side but if god before us who can be against us in her position esther could have said well i know what what mordecai said but but i ain't gonna get in that that ain't none of my concern i'm the queen and there are times brothers and sisters when you go along to get along because you want to make sure that everybody is liking you and you don't want to upset anybody and you want to make sure that you don't ruffle any feathers and you want to make sure that you don't uh overturn the apple cart and keep everything listen when you when you know god when you know jesus it's hard to be impressed with other people and i want i want to caution you here because sometimes in your pride you think you're being christian make sure that your uncompromising spirit has nothing to do with you being hard-headed don't don't don't don't be the kind of person who'll say i ain't doing nothing i'm gonna stand right here they can do what they want but i ain't doing now if everybody's marching this way and you marching that way it may be just maybe you are the step but now if they're marching this way to do wrong and you marching that way to do right maybe they are out of step if a man cannot keep pace with his companions perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer let him step to the music that he hears whether it be measured near or far away but make sure that you are not being self-righteous in your indignation because god frowns upon self-righteousness but brothers and sisters when you are convicted you don't have to be compliant i mentioned to us last week that a principle never becomes a conviction until you stand by it in times of difficulty unless i hold you too long be obedient to what god is doing and not why god is doing it be obedient to what god is doing not why god is doing it here's a good here's a good rule of thumb here's a good thing to help you in your faith stop asking god to bless what you are doing and learn how to do what god is blessing because you might be doing something totally against the will of god and you want god to bless you in that and god will never bless wickedness god will never bless evil god will never bless you undermining somebody god will never bless you trying to destroy somebody's reputation god is not the author of confusion wherever there is strife and confusion and bitterness and resentment and anger and frustration and wrath god is nowhere in the midst of that god's presence will not abide in a place where there's confusion and wrath no no no be obedient to what listen esther cannot know that it is god's hand that's maneuvering but but she has some inkling that there's an unseen force there's an uncaused causer there's an unmoved mover making sure that everything works out according to his plan the king says esther what do you want to the half of my kingdom she says i want you to come to a banquet and bring haman with you and and she has a meal prepared and she and the king and haman eat together now now now esther could have been provocative and and and turned this into a twosome and and made this some kind of a sexual encounter where she could manipulate and have her way but i told you earlier when you don't have a strategy you have to come up with a tactic something untoward and sinful is a tactic but when you think and reason about the things of god he gives you a strategy and esther is one of the smartest women in the scripture because she is giving them food and drink and when a hazarist gets drunk he asks her the same question sober what do you want me to do for you to the half of my kingdom now esther could have taken advantage of that situation but like black women in this church she got a plan brethren anytime a black woman says she ain't got no money what she really means is she ain't got none on her but give her 30 minutes and she can go to the bank with an account with her and her sister's name on it because her mother told her just like her grandmother told her mother put you some money off on the side in case that negroes start acting the food you can take care of yourself and every woman in here got some private stash of money somewhere is it a chicken at the bottom of the deep freezer it's in a shoe box and that that's why i got all the shoe boxes in the closet it's not shoes in all of those boxes it's a whole lot of money somewhere y'all think we crazy we know y'all got some money hidden somewhere because she's always smart when when you read proverbs chapter 31 that woman is not just virtuous she's smart she's intelligent and and and beauty does not have to negate intelligence being fine don't mean you got to be stupid being bright does not mean that you have to be taken advantage of by people because of the way you look listen men are judged by their wallet size women are judged by the length of their skirt but that's not the way god judges us man looks at the outward appearance god looks at our hearts and esther has looked deep in her heart because she hears in her head mordecai saying if you don't do it god's going to bring rescue from somewhere and who knows that you've come to the kingdom for such a time as this she invites haman and a hazarist to a meal they sit down to a banquet and haman is on top of the world really when you get home because he has dined not only with queen esther but with king of hazarus and he leaves the banquet on cloud nine and when he gets to the gate he sees his mortal enemy and everything that made him happy is deflated because his pride is now insulted because mordecai still refuses to bow he leaves the banquet on cloud nine and he's fine until he sees mordecai he gets home and he tells his wife and the people who are around him all of his accomplishments really when you get home he talks about how blessed he is and how much he has and all of the stuff he's acquired and he's in the king's cabinet he's second to the king and everybody in the kingdom not only stands but bows when he walks down the street everybody but mordecai and so his wife zaresh gives him some foolish advice she said why don't you build a gallows and when the time is right kill mordecai and in his arrogance in his pride he has a gallows built six stories high not aware that the gallows he's building for mordecai is the gallows that he's going to hang on himself don't let your enemy get you down don't let your enemies think that they have you cornered because when they thought that they were gonna wipe you out god was already setting you up for a breakthrough um here's what you got to do and i'm through be convicted rather than compliant be obedient to what without knowing why and finally here it is put feet to your face stop talking about how much faith you have and how much you love god put some feet to your face because even though you don't know a whole lot about a whole lot if you got faith in god he'll make a way for you i'm through with this last word and i quit a young preacher down in louisiana was was up for ordination and he was in the ordination council with several older seasoned pastors and the ordination ceremony or the ordinary the catechizing the questioning and the ordination was not going well because he was not well versed in a lot of scripture he did not know anything about the articles of faith he couldn't talk to them about exegeting a passage of scripture he didn't know a whole lot about the old or the new testament he he he was struggling in the ordination and one of the older pastors in the room was about to say to him you need to go back and study we are going to give you some more time you're not ready and i can't put my name on this ordination certificate the young preacher started to cry but when he told them what he told them not only did they sign his ordination papers but the older pastors started to cry themselves he said i don't know a whole lot of scriptures i don't know a whole lot about the 18 articles of faith i don't know a whole lot about baptism and the lord's supper the questions you've asked me i wish i knew but i don't know a whole lot about it he said i was raised a jehovah's witness he said i love my mother with my whole heart i am my mother's only child i am my grandparents only grandchild but i have not spoken a word to my mother in 12 years because she has disowned me because i've left the jehovah's witnesses my grandmother and grandfather loved me but they have not spoken to me in 12 years because i'm no longer a jehovah's witness i don't know a whole lot about the articles of faith i don't know a whole lot about baptism and the lord's supper but i know jesus and he said this he said my mother has not spoken to me in 12 years my grandparents have not spoken to me in 12 years but knowing jesus has made it worth it [Applause] i wept when i heard it because the scripture says when my mother and my father forsake me then the lord [Music] will take me up he said i don't know a whole lot about a whole lot but i know jesus and i know i haven't spoken to my mother or my grandmother or my grandfather in 12 years but knowing jesus has made it worth it let me come back to what i said i was going to come back to there's something unusual about the third day now it came to pass on the third day something happens powerfully on the third day i told you i was coming back to that when you read genesis chapter 22 it was on the third day that abraham saw mount moriah it happened on the third day when you read genesis chapter 31 it was on the third day that laban knew that jacob had been delivered he's no longer in his household it happened on the third day when you read jonah at chapter one he'd been in the belly of a great fish but he was spewed out on the third day esther told the jews to fast and then i'm going to go into king of hazarus and it happened on the third day one friday on a hill called calvary he died didn't he die he stayed there all night friday night he stayed there all day saturday but on the third day i told you something strange happens on the third day thank god on the fair days jesus arose from the grave with all power in his hand and whatever is going on in your life don't leave until the third day don't quit until the third day don't give up hope because it's friday in your life but sunday is coming and when sunday comes god will make bad men good men and good men better men when sunday morning comes he'll turn you midnight in the day he'll turn your sadness into joy because something happens on the third day he said destroy this body but in three days i will raise it up again and that jesus who god raised from the dead on the third day according to the scriptures is seated on the right hand of god with power and he ever lives to make intercession our brothers are standing now and there's somebody in this church this morning or you listening to us on social media and it's friday in your life and it looks like things are not going to turn around but i dare you to stay till the third day and watch god turn the battle in your favor the battle is not yours it belongs to the lord whoever you are this morning don't put it off another week don't wait until next sunday don't wait till somebody comes at you with waiting to be here with you you have to do this as an individual you have to get up from your seat as an individual because jesus said if you are ashamed or only before men i'll be ashamed to own you before my father do it today tomorrow the next 10 minutes could be everlasting too late all you have is right now do it now [Music] we are waiting for you [Music] oh [Music] [Music] god bless you there i see you coming somebody else is here this morning [Music] [Music] been so good he's been [Music] so good [Music] yes [Music] he made a way he made [Applause] [Music] if your husband is a christian you are not god's daughter-in-law if your parents are christian you are not god's grandchild god has only children and he knows who his children are he knows every single hair on your head there's nothing that escapes god's watchful eye i was in the cafeteria in bishop college and dr john mangram and dr harry wright were sitting down to lunch and they were not talking to me that that that air was too high for me too thin for me i just so happened to be sitting seated next to them at another table i dare not get in that conversation because that the air was too thin and dr wright said to dr mangum john what is it about god that frightens you dr mangram said the thing about god that scares me is his eyesight he can see everything then dr mangum dr wright said well here uh john what is it about god that makes you full of joy dr mingam without missing a beat said his eyesight he still sees everything in my good days he sees everything on my worst day he sees everything as as learned as those two men were with all of their years of irritation and training dr mangram said simply this his eye is on the spine and i know he watches me [Music] nothing will ever happen in your life that will take god by surprise god is omnipotent he's omniscient [Music] he cannot not know he knows everything he sees everything and and even with that kind of supernal power he still comes to visit us in a man named jesus christ but the psalmist says what is man that you're so mindful of him and the son of man that you would even visit him you made him a little lower than the angels and have crowned him with glory and honor if you're here today and you think that you're all alone god is on your side if you think that your sin has been so terrible that god will never forgive god will not let your sin be deeper than his grace the grace of god paul says is sufficient most gladly therefore will i glory in my infirmities that the power of god may rest upon me for when i am weak then am i strong do it now do it today [Music] [Music] thank you [Applause] [Music] [Music] divine invitation has been extended to you and as always it is yours either to receive or to reject let's give god praise for these who have joined our church today [Music] we have coming this morning if you please say when we call your name dolores graves ministry number five [Applause] and marianne gonzales ministry number five let the trade say amen thank you so so much for your presence today we welcome you to lilly grove glad to have you here if you follow brother scott again in the back you can get some more information from you before you leave right this way god bless you can go that way all of you who are visiting with us this morning who are not members of our church would you stand that we may acknowledge your presence [Music] [Music] [Applause] is [Music] we will amen amen thank you so much for your presence we are delighted to have you here you're welcome every time our church doors are open to be our special guest we have a baby to dedicate this morning would you bring jack jackson denim born to jessica and andrew denham and the godparents are ashley bontan sean reynolds tracy and dallas singleton [Music] okay maybe i want to come closer maybe y'all want to walk a little faster i don't know i don't think to be playing around with you i finally got one my color [Music] [Applause] they brought me they brought little babies to jesus and they said suffer the little children to come unto me and forbid them not for up such is the kingdom of heaven except we become like one of these the scripture says we can in no wise inherit the kingdom shall we pray gracious god our father how we bless your wonderful name for this tender little life that we bless in your name thank you for this child's safe arrival into the world we pray oh god for his mother and father living peaceably together in the fear of god that they would raise this child to know your name we pray oh god for god parents whose responsibility it is to tell this baby about jesus and not only do that but live so that this child would come on the lord's side and live we pray that jackson would grow spiritually and physically and mentally and when he comes to fully understand what is right and wrong our prayer is that he become christian and live his life with jesus christ in the strong name of he who loves our souls even jesus christ we pray amen [Applause] now here's what we're going to do beloved my health awareness people is telling me that we are still congregating after church is over and we are still in a pandemic the coronavirus omicron variant is still very much raising not only in the state of texas but everywhere and so we don't know where each other has been so i would ask that immediately upon the benediction being given that you would just leave without fellowshipping without i know you want to hug i know you're baptist that's what we do but uh i'm gonna go in the back cause y'all ain't gonna make me sick i got to be over here preaching and so we're gonna get up and go to our cars to our cars to our cars all right let's all stand [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] enable me is [Music] [Music] is [Music] now unto him who is still able to keep us from falling and to present us faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy to the only wise god who is our savior be glory and majesty dominion and power move now and ever amen [Music] [Music] is [Music] is
Channel: lillygrovembc
Views: 19,106
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: aSoQt9jpnuI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 94min 45sec (5685 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 16 2022
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