Lilly Grove 31st Anniversary Celebration, Sunday February 13, 2022

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so [Music] so so so [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so good morning [Music] how great it is to be in god's house one more time are you glad to be in the service today hey amen amen amen this is a great day not just because it's sunday morning but it's an extra special day in the life and history of our church for we get to celebrate the man of god our pastor our leader the reverend terry k anderson on this his 31st pastoral anniversary which you receive into his family right now for me foreign [Music] foreign come on let's get it together now come on let's say thank you amen you may be seated you may be seated we thank god for this great it's a beautiful day on the outside and on the inside because jesus lives because he lives in us as we make preparation to begin our worship services today our deacons are going to come and give us leadership for our devotion amen [Music] good morning for us to consider i have one verse first timothy chapter five beginning at verse 17. let the elders that rule will be counted worthy of double honor especially they who labor in the word and doctrine this is the word of our god shall we pray together trying to god our father we come before your presence again to say thank you for another day father we thank you father yet for another sunrise gracious master oh father everything about this day father exemplifies your glory gracious master your majesty father your power and we thank you for that father father we thank you father for yet being counted among the living father because we could have been dead and in our graves father but only because of your grace and your mercy you allowed us to open our eyes this morning father and yet see another day and we're thankful for that father then father we're thankful father for allowing us to journey up to your house of prayer father where your loving mercies can be found gracious master heavenly father we thank you right now for this this sacred assembly father oh father we thank you father being counted in this number this morning father oh father we come here father no less than to give you all honor glory and praise father because we realize my father when praises go up father blessings come down father heavenly father and we desire to receive your blessings today father heavenly father because we've experienced them in the past father we're experiencing them right now father heavenly father and it's good father to have a relationship with you right now father and we thank you for that father heavenly father so we thank you father for your wonderful mercy father we thank you father for your life for your loving kindness father we thank you father that in the fullness of time gracious master father you sent your darling son jesus christ father who hun bled and died on calvary's cross father for remission of our sins father and we thank you for that this morning father thank you father for just being god all by yourself father for sitting high and looking low father yet today father you see our faults and our sins from a far gracious master heavenly father we thank you that they're coveted with the blood of jesus this morning father so thank you right now father right on king jesus father no man can hinder thee father thank you right now father you've been so good to us father heavenly father in fact we're here today father to celebrate your goodness father heavenly father realize my father that your name is above every name father that at the name of jesus father every knee shall bow and every tongue confess father that jesus is lord of all father heavenly father but over 31 years ago gracious master you did something special in our lives father you moved and you super move father and you call your chosen one father to this place father heavenly father we thank you for his labor of love father we thank you for his sacrifice father father we thank you for his attention to the word father heavenly father we thank you for we thank you for allowing him to love us father so thank you right now father you've been so good so we celebrate today father we give you honor and glory today father we lift up your holy and righteous name today father have your way in this assembly father i pray that someone who's lost and on their way to a devil's hell father will turn around before it's ever lasting too late you're still saving today father you're still sanctifying today father cover our sins father with your precious blood heavenly father when it's yours to call in ours to answer father when death has ran its course in our lives father receive us into your kingdom father and we'll be at peace and perfect rest with you it's in christ jesus name that we do pray amen [Music] amen amen we thank god for this day celebrating 31 years of christian service our theme honoring our pastor for his spiritual knowledge earthly understanding and his powerful delivery we're going to begin our program with welcome and occasion by sister yolanda thomas following that we will be in the hands of our music ministry of music ministry sir [Music] good morning i am yolanda thomas and i welcome you to lily grove giving honor to god the ministers on the roster family friends and visitors what a joy it is to be in the house of the lord today is a special occasion we are celebrating our pastor pastor terry k anderson on 31 years of christian service we are honoring a man of god a strong preacher and one who does not compromise the word but holds us accountable lily grove is truly blessed to have a leader not only in this church but our community an international preacher known around the world he is a gift that we truly appreciate pastor anderson encourages us he gives us hope his perfection in vocabulary helps us think further in the word the way that he can simply take a scripture and deliver to us so uniquely it says in jeremiah 3 15 then i would give you shepherds after my own heart who will feed you on knowledge and understanding pastor anderson has been doing this masterfully for 31 years pastor anderson thank you for all that you do thank you for your continuous prayers over your congregation and thank you for just being you now we know that your new orleans saints didn't make it to the super bowl today and that's okay because it just means that we have all day to celebrate you we love you and we look forward to many more years happy anniversary [Music] good morning our morning here is what a fellowship what a joy divine leaning all the everlasting on with your standards [Music] [Music] [Music] oh oh oh what [Applause] is yeah yeah [Music] amen one of the things that we've learned through observation it was said that the great jim brown as a football player as a as a competitor and always a marked target that he took a lot of really vicious shots and every every play he he took hideous uh assaults from the enemy they they took him tried to take him out and and they noticed that jim always got up slow he got up real real slow and and and later reflected on that with him he said well sometimes they hurt me and sometimes they didn't but i didn't want them to know which times they hurt me and where they hurt me so i get up slow every time to confuse the enemy if you will and and that's what praise does some stop sometimes you don't know what's going on with your neighbor you don't know what's what's happening in their finances you don't know what's happening with their their body you don't know what's going on with their children but if you learn how to praise if we just learn how to praise it'll it'll throw the enemy off sometimes anybody witnesses in here know what it's like to just learn how to praise god through whatever you got going through it's prayer time it's prayer time we're receive the choir to tell us about not just ordinary praise but total praise oh [Music] my [Music] me [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] uh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] is hello [Music] so [Music] my life [Music] [Music] eternal god our father father our lord and our savior jesus christ we come now to your throne of grace god with thanksgiving in our lips with praise in our hearts because god you alone are worthy from the rising of the sun to the going down of the same your name is worthy to be praised god you are high and lifted up so you deserve our best praise so we come here this morning with our mind stayed on you for they whose mind has stayed on you shall be kept in perfect peace thank you for keeping us last night thank you for watching over us oh god thank you for touching us bright and early this morning with your long finger of love causing us to see a brand new day thank you oh god for giving us traveling grace and arriving mercy to come up to your house just one more time then oh god we thank you for saving us from ourselves from saving us from our sins we thank you for the blood of jesus that was shed for us on an old rugged cross over 2000 years ago god we thank you o lord that he didn't stay dead because early on the third day morning you got him up with all power heaven and earth in his hands so now we come to your throne of grace to say thank you that we are sons and daughters thank you o god for the promises of your word now oh god we come acknowledging that we have needs somebody stand in need of a financial blessing oh god will you hear our prayers somebody stands in need of a healing touch this morning oh god will you touch their bodies would you regulate hearts would you regulate minds in the name of jesus this day somebody here is lost and don't know you in the parting of their sins would you save oh god before it's ever lasting too late grab hold of them by the reigns of their minds and don't let them go oh lord till they know that jesus christ is lord and savior of the universe now god we come asking and praying now for the man of god that you would touch dr d the coffee of mine bring everything back into his remembrance give him a reward from ohio give him energy and enthusiasm give him power and procession to preach the gospel of our lord jesus christ that oh god we thank you for the man of god that you placed here over 31 years ago thank you for your hand of providence on pastor anderson's life thank you for the good hand that you put upon him how you protected him how you provided for him how you healed him god we thank you right now we bless your name we don't take you for granted because we know that it could have been different but you turned everything around thank you god for turning it around bless his family that's all that is that his hands touch in the name of jesus we pray then oh god when our praying days are over when we close of our bibles and our hymn books we look forward to that great getting of mourning but until then in the meantime in between times cover us with believing friend we'll be careful give you all the praise all the honor all the glory in jesus name amen the strength of my life [Music] play [Music] ah ah nice [Music] good morning pastor thank you thank you so much for your 31 years of wonderful service to this congregation god sent us to you to us and i tell you it has been a joyous joyous time we thank you we love you and another 31 years happy anniversary it is really a pleasure to think about what we've been doing for the past 20 some of years about 22 years we made one big decision and that was to join the road under the pastorship of terry keith anderson i've known him to be a great preacher a comedian and some person that you would may not call a friend but really a good friend so we've just been thankful for being here and hopefully we're here a long time and through his uh through the completion of his ministry thank you reverend anderson for all your service and faithfulness love you dr terry k anderson and congratulations on 31 years of godly service you are indeed my youtube pastor i do not live here in texas i live in florida but you have changed my life through your teachings and through your preaching and i'm so glad that i was able to come to lilly grove on this day to film this video and just to let you know that i absolutely literally honor you and i thank god for your ministry for your messages and for the mandate of god that's on your life happy birthday pastor and thank you for being in the miracle-making business and you you brought me from the depths of where i was and to where i am now and i thank you from the bottom of my heart my entire family happy anniversary to you happy anniversary to you happy anniversary pastor anderson happy anniversary to you from the reverend word i'd just love to thank you for a 31 year journey here at the lilly world baptist church i am blessed that god has allowed me to be here during this 31 years with you and it's been fantastic i know that [Music] we have some dates coming up soon that we will celebrate again together but uh i'm looking forward to you being here for at least another 10 to 12 years because i plan to live another 10 or 12 years i plan to live another 12 years prayerfully god will allow that so i'm looking forward to another 10 or 12 years here with you so congratulations on your 31. good morning pastor anderson robert oaten here want to just personally take a moment to say thank you for being authentic a kingdom man a father figure and all that you are to the many of us here at the lily grove campus 31 plus years of preaching and teaching the god's word on behalf of the transportation committee and those that serve outside to ensure that everyone comes to experience the call to joy and to hear your dynamic preaching we wish you a happy happy happy anniversary may god bless you and keep you is our prayer [Music] from soul sister number one and so sister number two happy 31st anniversary [Music] when i think of pastor terry anderson i think of mr worldwide just remember one time in the bahamas one of the ladies at the gift shop said she her youtube pastor was pastor anderson and it just surprised me to be all the way in the bahamas and someone knew of my hometown pastor happy 31st anniversary pastor anderson i'm jackie smith one of your new members joining the first sunday in january 2022 i just wish you many blessings that the god will continue to lead us in the direction you'd have us to go god bless pastor anderson we love you [Music] [Applause] anderson happy 31 years i can remember when you came here i think brother grant and i had just gotten married in december and a funny thing you said was you're not married because i did marry but we went to dallas so i said okay pastor ten years later we renewed our dollars i asked you the same question and you said you're married now so i just want to say that i love you and i'm sorry brother grant not here to say it but we both love you with all our power oh [Music] just love you for who you are and what you did in our lives thank you and god bless you pastor i love you i thank you for your word it has made me stronger even though i'm old but it has made me stronger and thank you and god bless you i'm going to say a portion of his sermon that i loved he was talking about spiritual gifts and the importance of our us using our spiritual gifts and i said oh he ain't talking to me i sing in the church part he's not talking to me and then i thought about it on that tuesday i said he is talking to me and i saw i realized that i should continue my work because of that message i should continue my work working with young adults in foster care so i have served over 30 young adults since that sermon right before coleman i have served over 30 young adults because of that message so thank you pastor anderson for your commitment to us to christ first thank you for all that you do god bless you pastor anderson hello we would just like to thank you as moe's family for being in our lives over these last 30 28 30 years yes you've seen corey in the womb come out of the womb you've been his only pastor that's anderson you've just been a blessing to us and we thank you and we love you truly thank you for your teachings you're preaching all that you do for this church and for our family and i wish you would say more because we love your voice we love you we love you happy 31st anniversary pass down the sun you have been a blessing to me and my family through happiness and to greece we have loved you from the day you started and we hope to keep you here forever god bless you and your family and may we have many many years with you we want to take this precious moment to wish you all the best as you mark this special occasion here at lilly grove pastor anderson may our good lord be with you and bless you abundantly happy 31st historical anniversary we are the corridors uh we've been at lilly's world for 28 plus years and uh we just love our pastor uh pastor anderson from brother and sister chinsley we just want to say happy anniversary to you we have enjoyed being under your leadership and we pray that the lord continues to give you good health and he continues to grab you by the reigns of your mind when he sees you going astray happy anniversary pastor pastor anderson you are devoted to giving so much god only knows all the souls that you touch committed to serve when you answer god's call you prove it by being a servant to all happy anniversary pastor anderson we love you [Music] pastor anderson i want to thank you for 31 years but mostly for the 25 years of my membership here at the lilly grove you have been a great blessing to myself and my child amber i thank you for all that you have done i thank you for your preaching your anointing your love your obedience to god you are great and wonderful and you are definitely a pastor above all pastors i love you praise god for you happy 31st anniversary daddy happy anniversary girl my favorite thing about you is that you take me anywhere i want to go and you're always super nice to me 31 years is a long time i am so proud of you you are still my hero thank you for being a father figure to me to noel to every friend i have ever had red black white pink or blue because i've had them all my favorite quote from you from a sermon has to be you can't put too much confidence in people because the crowd is fickle those that love you don't mind and the people that mine never loved you in the first place and you can't miss what you never had period but i'm happy for you and i can't wait to celebrate 31 more years child i hope you never die happy anniversary we love you [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] i've come through many hard trials through temptations on everyday [Music] those satans try to stop me and to place my feet on sinking sand through the pain and all of my sorrows through the tears and all of my fears the lord was there to keep me for he has kept me in the midst of love not because i've been so faithful not because i've obey i know it's not because i trusted him to be with me all of the way but it's because he loves me so dearly he was there to answer my oh yes i through temptations on every hand though satan was there trying but jesus loves me so dearly to protect me oh he will protect you [Music] [Music] jesus kept me jesus jesus came right now right now but will you allow me to encourage you i know jesus don't give up i told my mother oh oh foreign [Applause] [Music] amen amen god is a keeper and we thank you for keeping us even in the midst of our stars amen amen today we're here certainly to celebrate and to worship and worship god and celebrate our pastor last year was a challenge for us uh we we came up with a little something for our pastor but it's nothing like having people in the house amen being in the house to celebrate him this year amen with all of the beautiful elements of this program we're very very pleased and thankful and hopefully that he will feel like uh he's been blessed in this service already again there are a number of people who join us today we've got i'm sure we've already had a welcome for those of you who are joining us today if you're visiting with us would you just wave your hand we want to see you i know a lot of you just dropped in for this day god bless you god bless you so much thank you for joining us today i want to recognize one special special guest today one is danielle key's best she's running for uh state represent state representative district 147 this miss best president would you just stand and wave a little bit that she is back there we're glad to have you we know you were trying to get it last sunday but we're glad you dropped in for us today thank you for sharing with us today uh sister best and god bless you and then certainly uh pastor lewis who's sharing with us he's a homeboy now i think he's been around long enough we know him and love him great great friend of this church great friend of this church great friend of his church we thank god today but it's preaching time now it's preaching time it's preaching time a few years ago i guess it's been a while uh as a as a young seminary student myself uh there we had an assignment in a spiritual formation class and one of the assignments in that spiritual formation class was to go to your church go to your home church and look at the the architecture the the stained glass the the color of the carpet the the structure the furniture everything about it the assignment was to see if we could theologize about it to to to share uh what's the message in it where it is and and why it's there and it really blessed me because in our old church i saw so many symbols and icons and and things that that that that showed us that we were steeped in some good theology our church was being built on some good solid things even the color of the of the pews and the colors of the carpet but what i i realized largely was in the architecture of that church in the center of it was the pulpit in the center of our church was the pulpit in our faith tradition the center of it and that wasn't just for a convenience and an accident admit something and what i didn't realize was our pastor was teaching us that that that even in the importance of a baptismal and importance of stained glass and the importance of a blood-colored carpet at the at the center of the architecture of the church the most important thing was that sacred desk and that was the preaching of the gospel which says to me today that there's nothing more important that's going to happen today other than the preaching of the god of the word of god and because our pastor has practiced that and and preached that and legislate that for many many years he recognizes that that if it's going to be the most important thing in the church it ought to be somebody who's gonna handle it with great importance and significance and the most important a moment of the service we want to recognize our friend and our brother he's none other than dr dz cofield dr dz cofield is a well received and well-known and well-respected god called preacher amen somebody we thank god for his friendship through the years and and pastor anderson has valued him enough to realize on a special day today like today he wanted somebody who took this series who handled god's word series dr cofield is the pastor of the good hope uh church up the street and and i think pastor cofield i was looking it up and he's not even from here he's from new york but he's been here so long i think this is your home now sir i think this is he's been here so long so we want to receive what a an appreciative applause the man of god who's going to come to share with us today he's none other than dr dz cofield hear ye him would you receive him at this time [Music] praise god from whom all blessings flow we're grateful and thankful to the lord for this privilege and this honor to be able to come and share with my friend who i have known now for the 28 years that i've been here and he preached my installation week service and i'm grateful that we have maintained that friendship down through the years to the angel of this house the under shepherd the overseer the episcopalis of this ecclesia this presbyteros of this proud people of god and the person and personality of dr t.k anderson come on let's thank god for him today come on let's thank god for him today hallelujah yeah yes sir [Music] i was in paris france my wife and i were there and we were at the eiffel tower and i was trying to get pictures of the eiffel tower and it had mesmerized me in terms of his grandeur and i noticed that there were people who were just walking by who wasn't thinking anything about the eiffel tower and what i realized was that the eiffel tower had been there so long and they grew up with it that they didn't appreciate greatness in their midst sometimes somebody's got to come from the outside to help you appreciate what you already have on the inside come on let's recognize the greatness of this pastor preacher lord jesus [Music] so uh i'm so grateful and thankful boy for the privilege this is my first time being here uh preaching in the new place and uh you know i had to ask for directions you know when i came in and i you know wanted to know where the pastor's office was you know and they told me go pass the food court down make a right turn at the foot locker and uh [Music] i came in and saw the jumbotron i was looking for instant replay up there pastor i thought somebody started shouting we get to see it all again instant replay that's it man what a blessing this is come on give yourselves a hand for what the lord has done here yes lord man it is a blessing beyond measure to be here with my friend i count terry anderson as my friend and uh man we we fellowship and laugh together and encourage one another and do just about everything else together man just just enjoying the fellowship with him there's not a whole lot of folk that you can really enjoy yourself with and be yourself with who love you where you are amen most folk want to love you for where you can get them but they don't love you where you are and i'm grateful to see the lord bless him and sister anderson god bless you thank you so much uh man i i haven't seen i haven't seen reverend smile so much in the 28 years i've been here amen [Music] grinning like a cheshire cat boy i'm telling yes lord man let me thank god today i am privileged to have with me my wife my sweetheart she uh is the cream in my coffee and takes care of me royally spoils me rotten i told her i'm gonna have to get it air freshen and put it around my neck because i just stink i mean i'm just spoiled rotten and uh i want to thank her publicly for being my green grass somebody said why you call your green grass you know a lot of times we look and we think the grass is green on the other side of the fence and i found out if you want green grass on your side of the fence you better learn how to water your own lawn [Music] stand up baby so they can see my my sweetheart stand up baby there you go yeah [Music] now pastor anderson i got a whole lot of text messages from members of the good hope church we're reopening on next week uh lord says the same and uh we're looking forward to god blessing us we're continuing on the digital platform as you are and several of the members told me they were going to be here so if any good hope members are here wave at me if you're here i know several stepped in and came by amen pastor i think some have been slipping over here since we've been closed so if you don't mind let me just give them a message come on home come on home y'all leave room for all the lilly girl folk who are coming back just come on home come on home come on y'all know i'm only being serious anyway i really count this as a tremendous privilege i'm not just talking because i know uh your pastor knows preachers and pastors from around the world and for him to give me this privilege to come and speak on this day on his day is a great great privilege because typically when we invite people in for let's say the church anniversary we want them to bless the people but when we invite people for our anniversary we want folk to bless us to encourage us because every now and then the preacher pastor needs a word from the lord come on somebody say amen today and so uh i'm i'm just really tickled and honored to be able to be here and share with him let's go to god and pray and ask god's blessings on our time today father we bless you and we thank you for today we thank you for just life health and strength we thank you for the privilege that you have given us to be able to gather together in your name to glorify you and to see your people edified and i pray now that you'll bless our preaching moment hide me behind the cross that your people might see jesus and encourage this preacher pastor who is known across this world as a preacher of the gospel help me today god to encourage him it's in jesus name we pray amen [Music] so i'm old enough to remember when the first mcdonald's came into our neighborhood and the first burger king and the like and i'll tell you one of my favorite fast foods was kentucky fried chicken many chickens died that i might live man i love kentucky fried chicken and and one of the most uh powerful documentaries one of the most powerful stories i saw was the story of colonel sanders and how kfc got started it got started first with seven herbs and spices and then he added nine he added two more then he finally got to what he considered the perfect recipe 11 herbs and spices and you all remember the slogan when kfc came out when kentucky fried chicken first launched the slogan was its finger looking good oh man i mean herbs and spices just get on your fingers and i'm a finger licker y'all so i'm i mean i just enjoyed it it was like worship right for me i mean there were pieces in there the leg and the wings and just that man i mean it was just a beautiful thing later other fast food restaurants decided that they were going to attempt to meet and and satisfy the multiplicity of pallets in our society so people like mcdonald's for example added fish sandwiches and ribs mcribs i don't think there's a rib without a bone but that mcrib sandwich became popular burger king some of you i'm gonna take you back added a chicken sandwich and before that a ham and cheese sandwich they called the yum bowl but colonel sanders stayed the course y'all colonel sanders stayed the court as a matter of fact he so stubbornly stayed the course that he came up with a new slogan for kfc he put aside its finger looking good and here's what colonel sanders said we do one thing and we do it right he was committed to those 11 herbs and spices as a matter of fact he was so committed that when kentucky fried chicken introduced the extra crispy recipe he would not allow his name or likeness to be associated with the new product they told him we can make millions of dollars he said i do one thing and i do it right he was committed to the original recipe because for colonel sanders there was nothing better there was nothing more important than what got that company started my brothers and sisters here's what i've learned many in our field many pastors many preachers have become distracted by a multiplicity of ventures and in our being distracted by a multiplicity of ventures good has become the enemy of great we we're talking a lot about social injustice and social injustice is important i understand that we're talking a lot about social services and and addressing food insecurities and food pantries and and the light all of that is important but my brothers and sisters as a preacher of the gospel we have been called to do one thing so today for a few moments if you bear with me i want to talk today from the thought the blessing of a one-thing preacher the blessing of a one-thing preacher i want to thank dr vincent parker my friend and classmate from dallas seminary for sharing this concept with me the blessing of a one thing preacher here's our text for today and i'll be here all day so you don't have to stand for the reading first corinthians chapter 2 beginning at verse 1 says and i brethren when i came to you did not come with excellence of speech or of wisdom declaring to you the testimony of god for i determine not to know anything among you except jesus christ and him crucified come on somebody repeat after me the blessing of a one thing preacher god has blessed you with somebody here at the lilly grove church who is known if for nothing else for preaching the word of god as a matter of fact this campus the growth of this campus numerically in terms of people and in terms of its facilities is tied to nothing else other than the preaching of the word of god wherever i go wherever i travel when people find out where i am from they asked me do you know tk anderson because he is known across this country for preaching the gospel let me share with you the attributes of having a one thing preacher here's the first thing number one a one thing preacher is only focused on the main thing a one thing preacher is only focused on the main thing verse 2 of first corinthians chapter 2 says for i determine not to know anything among you except jesus christ and him crucified a one thing preacher chooses to eliminate the elementary and focus on the eternal a one thing preacher eliminates the superfluous and focuses on the savior a one thing preacher makes it not about himself but about jesus you know what i've discovered in life most people are not successful in life not because they don't have the skill set not because they don't have a dream or desire they lack discipline and they lack focus the difference between a flood light and a laser beam is focus and whenever you get light focused you can do some powerful things my brothers and sisters you've got a preacher pastor here who is focused who is focused on the main thing listen i'm a star trek fan y'all i'm i'm a trekkie live long and prosper i'm a trekkie and and one of the things that i've noticed i don't care what series in star trek you watch whenever the the captain is in a fight whenever he is surrounded and they're getting ready to go to battle i don't care who it is the romulans the klingons the kardashians i don't care whoever it is i don't care whoever it is here's what happens the the captain will will give instructions and then he'll make a statement he'll say or she'll say divert all power to the forward shields because when you in a fight you got to make sure you have a defense in front of you that's going to hold up listen the word of god is our forward shield and in the midst of being attacked in the midst of a loss of morality a loss of ethics in our society today in the midst of people calling wrong right and right wrong we need somebody who is focused on preaching the word of god i wish i had a witness in this place somewhere [Music] focused on preaching the great commission to make disciples focused on preaching the great commandment to love god and to love your neighbor as yourself focus on preaching the great commitment to be servants because our savior came to serve not to be served and expects us to serve others not to wait on others to serve us let me hurry on let me hurry on a one thing preacher a one thing preacher not only focuses on the main thing the one thing preacher has a proper perspective of himself proper perspective of himself uh verse one first corinthians chapter two says then i brethren i came to you everybody say came to you he says i came to you did not come with excellence of speech or of wisdom declaring to you the testimony of god go down to verse 3 i was with you in weakness in fear and in much trembling your pastor and i were talking on one occasion and i said to him i said doc i said boy you're known to preach a hard gospel hard gospel hard gospel the whole council of god and he said to me he said reverend he said you know one of the things i learned he said i can't preach only what i live he said because if i preach only what i live it'll be a short gospel and i said to him i know you're right i said because when we say we have been called by god we are saying the omnipotent god of the universe has chosen us to be his mouthpiece and when we stand we don't say thus how i live we say thus says the lord you got to have a proper perspective of yourself if you're going to be a one-thing preacher look at what paul says paul says first i came to you and i was with you not i was above you not i was in front of you he says no i was with you and he was honest and transparent i was with you in weakness in fear and in trembling when i didn't have personal power to go on to see what the end would be i was with you when you were at your worst i was with you to bring a god who could help you become your best i was with you when we were afraid when we were fearful when we didn't know which way to turn i was with you in trembling i listened to those testimonies and people testified that god used this pastor when they were at their worse god used this preacher to help them become their best and that was just a few of the testimonies how many of you in here have a testimony that there have been too many times when you showed up on sunday didn't know how you were going to make it but you left after hearing a word of god believing that you could be victorious through whatever you were facing this preacher has a street credibility he's got street cred because he doesn't just preach pie in the sky but he preaches walking and talking and living every day of your life paul said i was with you one of our members brother leon jenkins every sunday pastor would come to me he shake my hand and he whispered in my ear he said pastor don't ever forget the smell of the sheep sometimes i get a little notoriety maybe be on the news or something be interviewed but that next sunday i'd come to church he shake my hand lean in my ear and whisper don't forget the smell of the sheep church growing built a new family life center renovated the sanctuary but he would come back the next sunday he said pastor don't forget the smell of the sheep old lady said it like this if the task for you is too low the problem is you too high he was with them in weakness in fear in trembling a.w told it says it like this god uses no man greatly until they've been hurt deeply and a lot of folks who walk in recently they may see the glory of take d.k anderson but they don't know the story behind the glory one thing preacher here's the third thing a one thing preacher allows himself to be used by the lord one thing preacher allows himself to be used by the lord i'm almost embarrassed to show it to you right here in the text verse 4 says and and my speech and my preaching were not with persuasive words of human wisdom but in demonstration of the spirit and of the power paul says i i i have the ability to to articulate in multiple languages but my ability to persuade verbally cannot overcome or overshadow or override what i can do in my simplest communication in the power of god sometimes i just sit to feed my own spirit and to turn on lily grove service catch y'all on a monday tuesday whenever the lord gives me an opportunity and i'm always amazed that even though your pastor has had and has preached in front of royalty he still keeps it common and simple i i know i know some folk who who for example will preach one way in their churches and then when they go somewhere else it's a completely different person pastor anderson i went on vacation and slipped in on one pastor uh friend of ours we both know him i'm not gonna call his name to protect the guilty and when when i went in and said in the back i just observed the service and and when i got to the end of the service i came up because he didn't know i was there and i came up and and and shook his hand said hey man how you doing and he said dc i didn't know you were here man if i'd known you was here i'll let you preach i said no no i'm fine doc i just came to hear you and support you and then he made a statement reverend he said if i'd known you were coming i would have studied more i would have prepared more and i said lord jesus i you know because my thought was you should have prepared more and studied more for the people of god who are with you every week don't study more to impress me study more to impact the people that god has blessed you with come on somebody ought to be able to celebrate this pastor never short changes you when it comes to the word of god hallelujah somebody he studies to show himself approved a workman that needed not be ashamed rightly dividing [Music] this this this preacher pastor like like paul preaches in the way to demonstrate this holy spirit is moving and the power of god is activated that's what paul said paul said god was in him and he had to allow the power in him to be seen more than allowing himself to be seen god is in this pastor come on somebody say amen and he has allowed god's power in him to be seen more than allowing himself to be seen god is doing something in him and every now and then watch this the lord punches holes in him so you can see the light of the gospel shining through his vessel here's the last thing and then i'm going to take my seat if you're going to celebrate the blessing of having and him being a one thing preacher number four one thing preacher helps you put your faith in god a one thing preacher helps you put your faith in god watch verse 5 that your faith should not be in the wisdom of men but in the power of god i will shout right there by myself y'all that your faith should not be in human wisdom that your faith should not be in the fickle fragile failing findings of men but that your faith is in the power of god i need somebody to hear me today before i take my seat we know the scriptures say without faith it's impossible to please god but it's not the amount of faith that's the problem for most of us the bible says all you need is faith the size of a grain of mustard seed the problem though is not the amount of faith for most of us the problem is the object of our faith many times in life we put a whole lot of faith in the wrong object in the wrong person and then we are disappointed and discombobulated when the person lets us down let me see if i can help somebody understand if you go out in cold weather on a lake that's frozen and you have ice skates or maybe you want to do some ice fishing if you have a whole lot of faith in a thin piece of ice you gonna go through the ice into the water but watch this if you have a little bit of faith in about three or four feet of ice even that little bit of faith is in the right object you can inch your way out in trepidation but your faith will be rewarded because you've got the right object in which you are putting your faith let me help somebody in here before i take my seat you put your faith in other people people will let you down you put your faith in yourself you will let yourself down put your faith in the wisdom of men the wisdom of men will turn out to be ignorant babble but when you put your faith in the power of god lord have mercy i wish i could say it like i want to say it if you can put your faith in the omnipotent omniscient i'm the present god of the universe if you could put your faith in the god who can step out of nowhere stand on nothing and call everything into existence if you can put your faith in god my laid pastor dr r.e laws my 11th and baptist church in brooklyn new york was sick didn't know at that time he was on his deathbed i went by to see him before i got ready to go to seminary actually i was in town visiting him i was already in seminary went by to see him because they told me he wasn't doing well and they had a hospital bed in the home and i went to see him and i said pop i said how you feeling he called me bud he said bud he said it is well with my soul he says i've got my diagnosis i've got my prognosis but everything is all right with me he said i'm ready to go see the lord we kept on talking and then i said to him i said papa i said let me ask you a question if you had to and could give advice to a young preacher i said what would you say he said well he said bud i tell them to make sure they take people by calvary i said by calvary i said what do you mean he said well he said but a lot of a lot of churches are doing a lot of things he said they're feeding people and feeding people is a good thing they're giving folk clothing and clothing is a good thing to helping people in the community he said but they should never neglect taking people by calvary said if you just give them food then you're just like a food bank but the food bank doesn't take folk by calvary said give them clothes and and giving them clothes is like having a thrift store but when you give them clothes make sure you take him by calvary his voice got a little stronger pastor anderson he said yes he said take him by calvary he said bud i'm proud of you he said you're in seminary now and you're on your way to becoming a 21st century preacher i won't be there to see you graduate he said but when you graduate he said take your degree and take it by calvary and dip it in the blood of the lamb he said yes and raised his arm from under his sheet he said go by calvary paul said i don't know anything except jesus and him crucified let me just close by telling you one thing preacher knows it's all about jesus it's all about jesus no name given under heaven whereby a man can be saved save the name [Music] of jesus his name is the name above every name because at the name of jesus every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that jesus is the son of god [Music] jesus the sweetest name i know there is something about that name master savior jesus like the fragrance after the rain jesus come on somebody help me jesus jesus let all heaven and earth proclaim kings and kingdoms will all pass away but there's something about that name it's jesus in the morning jesus in the noonday jesus when the sun goes down let's lift them up let's lift them up because a one thing preacher lists the name of jesus how to reach the masses men of every birth for an answer jesus gave the key he said if i if i if i be lifted up from the earth i'll draw all men unto me lift him up lift him up till he speaks from eternity then men and women will gladly follow him who once taught i'll draw i'll draw all men [Music] yes yes [Music] amen there may be someone here today who's never placed their utmost confidence in this man called jesus this is your day this is your moment this is your opportunity this time has been tailored just for you to make that faithful decision to relieve yourself from that seed of authority in and over your life and to let the lord jesus christ take his rightful place it is true that wherever jesus christ is enthroned as king there the kingdom of god has come you are close this morning to the kingdom of god don't be this close and don't embrace the grace of god if you're here now and you are unsaved this is your moment to walk these hours to place your hands in one of god's faithful and to place your life in the care of the living christ is there one is there one today maybe you are saved maybe you have a relationship with christ but as a result of extenuating circumstances you're out of fellowship with the lord's church if you're here today and the spirit of god is beckoning pitting you to come and join in with this family of faith and make this fellowship yours we extend the privileges of the church to you come on my brother we want to welcome you home to the family of god maybe you're here today and maybe you are in need of prayer you need someone to storm heaven's gates on your behalf we want to pray with you we want to pray for you why don't you come [Music] there would be no greater time to come than to come right now this morning we heard of a powerful christ he's still mighty to save he's able to lift you from the muck and the mire of life he's able to save to the utmost name is the sweetest his love is the greatest there's no one like jesus you can search how you can search low and you discover there's nothing like him come on come on we're waiting on you this is your day this is your hour this is your your opportunity [Music] [Music] this would be a wonderful time to come in [Music] in fact jesus is still bidding [Music] jesus says come to me just as you are you may be weary and tired overwhelmed trying to figure out life jesus says i am the way i am the truth i am the life and no person comes to the father except through jesus christ thank god this morning that we have heard the gospel from this great man of god and every week we hear the powerful christ from a one thing preaching on this day it would be a wonderful day if some person makes that decision to come to the jesus that we hear about every week what a tribute what an honor it would be for some man for some woman for some boy for some girl to say yes on this wonderful day my final appeal is there one is there another if not may the lord bless you may the lord oh [Music] [Music] foreign [Applause] is it's about an hour close god we thank you so much for your unexpected goodness toward us every day you meet us with new mercy and new grace and then lord for this privilege to hear the gospel preached and to to summon lost souls to your side we thank you for the preaching today but lord we thank you for being present in the house because all of our meeting would be in vain if you didn't show up so we thank you for the holy spirit and then we thank you for those who the holy spirit is working on on the inside right now and we thank you for those who made the walk to be a part of your family and hopefully be a part of this fellowship as they continue their spiritual journey so today lord we bless your name we thank you for this special spirited fellowship but then we thank you for the proclamation of the word of god all of this we pray and we ask in jesus name amen amen and amen [Music] let's say amen we've got a few fish on the line amen [Music] amen amen amen can we say amen for dr dz cofield [Music] [Applause] what a word today [Music] we have coming this morning if you'll stand when we call your name wanda cheryl ministry number three candace betterson ministry number five and chance mitchell ministry number six amen we thank god for your decision today thank you for moving and obeying the movement of the holy spirit we want to welcome you to the lilly grove missionary baptist church we're glad that you come and for making not only our day but making our pastor's day on this great day we want to ask that you will follow them we're going to get some more information from you we want to want to orient you and let you know what's going on around here so if you don't mind when you get your things and we're going to actually follow this way brother scott okay all right [Music] amen hey god bless you my friend amen amen thank you so much all right [Music] amen and we thank god today that our coming in no way was in vain we've heard the gospel today amen [Music] amen this is a great day and i hope again that you felt god's spirit and god's presence today because i know he's been in the house have you felt him a little bit today a lot i think he's been here in a mighty way today amen amen i'm going to ask that our chairman of deacons deacon eugene smith is going to come at this time with an extra special presentation pastor i guess you want him to stay well okay stay right there that's anderson would you come forward please sir first of all i want to acknowledge that we do have a proclamation from the harris county judge lyndon hidalgo uh in her absence past anderson we know that you have a love for golf some of us even have witnessed your golf uh expertise up close and we know that if you just wanted to you're going you can play on a pga tour that's the preachers [Music] that's the preacher's golf tour if you just wanted to so that with that being said we the lily grove trade family would like to give you a chartered membership to the golf club of houston and i'll be accommodating you thank you amen amen we're not done i'm gonna actually impose on our special guest today and that's dr cofield i want to ask that he would come and just make an appeal to this congregation about the need for us to show gratitude to our spiritual leader our deacons we our culture we won't take up an offering in here but if you brought special gifts for our past our deacons we'll be at the entryways and exits when you get ready to leave that they will receive whatever it is that you've come to show our pastor how much you love him i'm gonna ask dr cofield to come and make a little special appeal will you do that [Music] you have a cash app [Music] he said no my wife does said it to her [Music] y'all i'm serious y'all no here's why cause see there was a time we carried cash and our checkbooks and some of y'all have become prolific in online shopping [Music] come on now y'all tell the truth amen the amazon driver knows exactly where you live he don't need the gps or nothing he just and especially to my young folk because that's the excuse the young people get they don't they don't have cash past i don't carry cash i wish i could give i don't carry cash so i have six ways they can worship the lord on the online platform in giving six ways i'm getting ready to add another one amen i don't care what venmo apple pay cash app push pay everything text to give give the text i don't care what it is what's your cash app assistant assist sister anderson dollar sign amelia dawn okay so i need some of y'all to pull that out [Music] no no bless the pastor and you know if you bless the wife it's gonna get to the pastor actually if it gets to the past it's gonna get to the wife that's uh that's how that normally works dollar sign amelia dawn now now listen to me carefully listen to me carefully the bible says the bible says that is it so much the apostle paul says is it so much that we sow into you spiritually that we receive from you carnally we invest in you and there's somebody in here literally the lord has used this pastor and the word through him to change your life to save your life am i exaggerating is anybody here who would say pastor anderson the lord used him to save my life i wouldn't be where i am right now in my right mind i probably would have been in prison i'm gonna tell you a story true story so i had a brother come by and uh share with me at eight o'clock and after the service um he wanted to speak to me and i knew him and so i said okay sure and i said what's going on he said pastor i want to thank you for that message today he said you don't know this he said my gun is in my car [Music] and i was on my way to kill a man who's fooling around with my wife he said you saved two lives today you saved his and mine now y'all when somebody tells you that after you get through preaching all i can say was thank the lord because that brother that he was going to kill had no idea how close he was he told me he said pastor the lord directed me to church this morning i don't even come to 8 o'clock he said man the lord directed me to church but i'm telling you my gun is in my car you want to see it no no i don't need to see nothing i'll take your word for it brother i'll take i don't need to get you confused with me and him and nobody keep your keep your gun in the car now i'm saying that but there's somebody here your marriage has been saved it's better since you've been here in this ministry and don't and don't confuse don't confuse yourself everything that goes on in the on this campus is directly tied to the leadership of this pastor [Music] everything the children's ministry the youth ministry the young adults everything that goes the marriage minutes everything that goes on these deacons that serve you everything that goes on in this church is tied to this man of god is it so much that he could change your life in time and in eternity and you bless him with whatever you can bless him with so i want to encourage you today bless your pastor and whatever you thought about giving pray about it and see if the lord will lead you to give more amen whatever it is y'all got that uh av ministry yo did y'all put that up on the screen [Music] that that dollar sign amelia dawn uh is blowing up okay good cause i gave i gave pastor mine now i brought a check i want y'all to know i brought a check so y'all make sure you bless them and let them know because so many times in life and i'm gonna take my seat but so many times you know what i have people say to me pastor i know you hear this all the time reverend you have people coming through i know you hear this all the time we don't hear it all the time when people say man pastor i know you hear this all the time but that message was so powerful we don't hear it all the time normally it's providentially spurred at those times when you need to hear it the most god will move somebody to encourage you and it may be just that one person maybe just that one person and sometimes it comes like water on a dying plant just just a little water and just keep you going i need everybody to do one favor for me i want you all to say this to your pastor right now say pastor anderson [Music] okay no y'all i miss some of y'all some of y'all didn't get it this is a good thing i promise you pastor anderson we love you come on put your hands together let's thank god for your message [Music] would you receive him now the pastor of the lily grove missionary baptist church pastor terry k anderson [Music] thank you thank you so much i want to give god praise for so many things and i know we've been here longer than we usually are but just just give me a minute or two too to give god the praise for this day i'm i don't you would not believe this unless i told you but the most uncomfortable day for me in the year is this day and it's uncomfortable for me not because i don't believe that you love me it's just that i know that i'm not deserving of this kind of accolade but the glory of god is this we have this treasure in an earthen vessel that the excellency of the power may be of god and not of us it's not about terry anderson or anything that i'll say or do is to the glory of god that he allows me to preach his gospel and then you allow me you allow me to give leadership to this church i want to sincerely begin by thanking pastor uh dz cofield for taking time out of his business to come in and share with us today did not our hearts burn within us while the man of god spoke with us by the way and as he opened to us the scriptures i want to thank reverend washington for being such a loyal and supportive cast member here at lilly grove and i don't say this often enough and i need to call them by name the people who work across the street in the legacy church reverend washington and shandria thompson and rudy thompson and terry thomas they they do an awful awfully good job and then here uh with laura holmes and sandra scott and shantae bedford and brent gilmore even our janitorial staff mickey and olivia and tony and jeff these people do an outstanding job of making me look like i know what i'm doing i could not be the pastor that i am without them working tirelessly to make this church go forward i am one of if not the laziest person on this side of the grand canyon and uh these okay i asked you all the clap family and these people work really really hard to make me look like i know what i'm doing and i seldom call their names but i want them to know how much i love and appreciate and pray for them that god will continue to use them i want to give god the glory for mrs anderson for always being so supportive and always standing there to give me whatever it is that i need i am grateful that god has blessed me in these years to have someone to brighten up these days i'm grateful also for my daughter and my granddaughter of victoria and noel are bright lights in my life and old people need young people to make them feel young and i'm grateful to god for them i want to say something about this cash app situation uh amelia's phone was blowing up with with cash app people just sending 350 uh uh i want my money ain't no sense of me breathing around but [Music] thank you keep on sending the cash out just just keep just keep right on doing that and then i want to thank god for my family that i have left my brothers and my sisters that i have left god has blessed us we were raised in a large family and there's just five of us left my mother had 11 children and my mother and father sleep the long sleep and there are five of us left me and my two brothers and my two sisters and i'm grateful to god for them and i just want them to know i'm gonna miss you all when you're gone i'm gonna be the last who understand it i just i just know that you know when god calls you home i'll be there but thank you so much and to my other family members who are here sharing with us today thank you so so much lily grove you have made my life so rich i'm not just talking about in in things well i am kind of talking about in things but you made my life so rich in how you allow me to be the pastor and preacher that god has called me to be i could not lead you unless you wanted to be led i really thought i was looking good this morning when i came here with my little costume on and and reverend washington said i've never seen a lima bean look so good i was thinking about giving him a raise in general i would style for y'all but i'm gonna do it later on if you want me i'm gonna just walk across for you for a minute i know how to i know how to model i could be on the runway if you need me to and i was gonna do that until reverend washington said i've never seen a lima bean look so good thank you so much for your presence today let's all stand [Music] i ain't playing i want my money i'll do what do you think to shove someone away is [Music] oh [Music] now on to him who is still able to keep us from the phone and to present us thoughtless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy to the only wise god who is our savior be glory and majesty dominion and power both now henceforth and even forever in the strong name of jesus christ we ask it all amen [Music] uh [Music] me have you ever been in trouble and you didn't know what to do [Music] oh me [Music]
Channel: lillygrovembc
Views: 12,606
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: vFFxH3KkC8o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 122min 40sec (7360 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 13 2022
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