What Is Russia's Role In Final Bible Prophecy?

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today i want to speak to you on the subject of what is russia's role in final bible prophecy what is russia's role in final bible prophecy and in today's study i'm going to do my best to answer three principle questions that i believe are significant and very vitally important to any genuine student of the bible and especially to those of you who are students of bible prophecy and study with us and the three questions that i'm going to answer today is number one where do we find russia in the bible it's very important if you're a student of the bible and bible prophecy that when people ask you about russia that you're able to open your bible show them in the bible where russia is found and identify that properly the second question is what is gog and magog and you're going to find in our study today we're going to address two passages because there are two distinct gog and magog battles in the bible they are not the same two distinct gog and magog battles and so i'm going to carefully answer that question who is gog and magog and then the third question that i want to answer in this study is because the bible clearly identifies a russian coalition army invading israel in bible prophecy the third question we need to address is when will russia and this coalition army invade israel what is the timing of that according to bible prophecy and so if you have your bible open with me to ezekiel and the 38th chapter ezekiel chapter 38 and we're going to begin reading at verse 1 and we're going to read down through verse 39. and as you're turning in the bible in recent lost lamb outreaches and when i say recent within days i had been asked to speak on russia in bible prophecy and to preach on gog and magog i want you to know that we are editing those messages and they will be added to our youtube and our facebook and our podcast channel in the days ahead and i mention that to you because there will be things that i'll cover in those messages that i'll not cover here but i will at least lay down a foundation in this teaching i hope that you'll listen to this teaching first and then if you have an opportunity join us in those live services that will be edited and added for content in the days ahead on youtube on facebook and on our podcast channel and by the way if you don't already subscribe to our channels they're all free i've put no fee no subscription on any of our content we're making all of this content available to you because we want you to be serious students of the bible and as you have heard me say before if you've been a student of mine for any length of time it is impossible to be a serious student of the bible and not be a serious student of bible prophecy because bible prophecy you'll often times hear is one third of the bible well that's a little generous it probably is closer to about 28 but about 28 of your bible is prophetic in content and it is impossible to be a serious student of the bible and not be a serious student of bible prophecy ezekiel chapter 38 beginning to read at verse 1 and we're going to read down through verse 9 and today i thought for a change of pace i would read to you out of the new american standard bible the n-a-s-b and as always i never bring an academic flop of translation before your eyes i always am careful that we're bringing you good translations of the bible and for all of you who ask and we get a lot of questions which translation of the bible is the most accurate there's an entire youtube teaching on that at some point i would suggest that you listen to that because one of the common questions we get in continuously is what version of the bible should i buy or i just receive christ watching your programs i don't own a bible i want to buy one what do you recommend and so in that teaching i recommend five bibles to to consider adding to your library and i also mentioned several that you should not buy because they are not full academic translations the nasb new american standard bible is an excellent bible if you're looking for one ezekiel 38 beginning to read at verse 1 and the word of the lord came to me saying son of man set your face toward gog of the land of magog the prince of rosh meshech and tubal and prophesy against him and say thus says the lord god behold i am against you o gog prince of rosh meshech and tubal i will turn you about and put hooks into your jaws and i will bring you out and all your army horses and horsemen all of them splendidly attired a great company with buckler and shield all of them wielding swords persia ethiopia and put with them all of them with shield and helmet gomer with all its troops beth turgarma from the remote parts of the north with all its troops many peoples with you paul's right there in this prophecy ezekiel is prophesying about a coalition army in the last days that is going to invade israel i'll come back to that and give you detail verse 7 be prepared and prepare yourself you and all your companies that are assembled about you and be a guard for them after many days you will be summoned in the latter years you will come into the land that is restored from the sword whose inhabitants have been gathered from many nations to the mountains of israel which had been a continual waste but its people were brought out from the nations and they are living securely all of them you will go up you will come like a storm you will be like a cloud covering the land you and all your troops and many peoples with you as always before we get into this bible study let's take a moment to pray together father once again we thank you for another opportunity to open the bible and to learn we ask that the holy spirit would guide us into your purposeful and prophetic truth we know that we're living in the final moments of human history and my prayer is that all of the thousands of people who will listen to this in the days and weeks ahead would be ready to meet the lord in the last days and i pray if they're not ready to meet the lord that you'll help me to build the bridge of the gospel from where they're at to where you've called them to be help someone today encourage someone today to know that no matter what the past no matter what their sin no matter how they have fallen short of your glory that the grace of god is available to all who call upon your name and i pray that men and women and boys and girls would come to know jesus christ through our time together as their personal lord and savior and that in these final and perilous times in which we live that they would be motivated by the content of the bible to live ready to meet the lord every day and for these things we ask and we ask in the name of jesus and all god's people said amen i want to say something as we begin i am very much aware of the fact maybe even overly sensitive to the fact that in modern church history every time russia sneezes the internet lights up with social media videos and foolish talking heads making sensational claims twisting bible prophecy that they're not students of trying to fit their own personal narratives or their own personal words or their own personal prophecies and it in any way shape and form it corrupts the author's original intent so i want to tell you that i promise you we're not going to do this today i have been a student of and have preached on bible prophecy for going on five decades and i take it very seriously if there's anything that disgusts me it is those who do not know bible prophecy but see a headline in a modern paper or hear a news story that's come to their digital device and for the sake of views and clicks and followers they put together an attempt at teaching bible prophecy that more often is more personal commentary than it is what the bible actually says and so i promise you that we're not going to do that today and i also pledge to you if you're a new student of ours that i never want to be guilty of producing content and providing content for you that is not accurate and academic i never forget that when i open up this bible that one day i personally am going to stand before god and give an account for how i handled sacred truth so this teaching on russia is not social media clickbait this is going to be a careful systematic study of what the bible said and in particular what the prophet ezekiel said in chapters 38 and 39 i humbly pledge to you that i am doing my absolute best i sincerely desire to be a trusted voice in your life in these last days for understanding the bible and end time prophecy and so i hope that in the eyes of god you'll know my heart and i hope you'll know that i in no way shape or form want to be a part of the foolishness that often is found in the internet with that said yesterday i was reading the jerusalem post online and what caused me to turn to this famous publication out of israel is that the headline of the paper was has biblical gog and magog war begun these are jewish people representing israel most of them not believers not followers of christ but obviously god's chosen people and one of the main media outlets one of their main papers and publications both in print and digital is the jerusalem post and the headline yesterday has biblical gog and magog war begun listen very carefully to what i'm about to say because often times i have people that would say well if there was just something in the bible that i could prove it would help my faith i had a mother that recently wrote and said i have a son and he keeps telling me well the bible says that there are things that are predicted but there's no specific prophecies in the bible that you can point out to me and sadly that mother is a brand new christian and she wants to point out things in the bible that are fulfilled and are definitive for her doubting son and many of you have friends and family that doubt let me give you in the infancy of this teaching a substantial prophecy in the bible that relates to how we're living right now did you know that the prophet ezekiel in the old testament prophesied that in the last days an aggressive leader would rise up out of the nation of russia with a desire to reassemble the russian empire and that upon assembling that russian empire that they would then take their greed for power and ally other nations in that region of the world and that they would invade israel out of the north that's prophesied in detail and we're going to talk a little bit about that today ezekiel prophesied that in the last days many translations used the phrase in the distant future ezekiel's prophecy in the 38th and 39th chapters are not prophesied for his era ezekiel was about 25 years old when he and his wife were taken into babylonian captivity at the age of 30 he became a prophet one of his contemporaries was the prophet daniel who was a bit older than ezekiel and well known and already established as a notable respected prophet at that time but it was ezekiel who prophesied that in the distant future he made it very clear ezekiel 38 and 39 ezekiel's prophecy was not for the jewish people it was not for those in babylonian captivity nor was it for that era of time he very carefully articulated in the distant future and then gave to us details to help us know when that would be fulfilled but ezekiel prophesied in the last days that an aggressive leader out of russia would arise with a greed and the lust for power and his attempt is to bring about the reconstruction of the russian empire and he'll succeed and the bible not only tells us that he'll succeed but the bible tells us that he'll not be content with bringing about the reconstruction of the russian empire but will then turn his eyes towards israel and will invade israel out of the north along with a mighty coalition army and we're going to get into that today because as i speak the eyes of the world are currently and when i say the eyes of the world i mean the entire world is watching russia as i speak to see the details of this unfolding war media outlets around the globe are postulating how far is vladimir putin willing to go and yesterday as i was studying it came on the news that they were shelling one of the nuclear plants in ukraine and the danger of that most of us are aware of the horrific apocalyptic event that took place in chernobyl and those who understand these matters better than i have said that if they attack and blow up this nuclear plant in the ukraine that it potentially will be six times worse than chernobyl this is the type of madman that we're currently dealing with now listen very carefully do not misquote me in this teaching i am not saying that vladimir putin is gog he is not i am not saying listen i am not saying do not walk away from this study and say tiff shuttlesworth told us that vladimir putin is gog in gog and magog in ezekiel 38 and 39 however potentially he could be i'm not going to give you my opinion on that because it would only be speculation and i don't believe when you teach bible prophecy that you should run down roads of speculation what do we always teach you start in the bible stay in the bible and finish in the bible so whether or not vladimir putin is gog in ezekiel 38 and 39 i do not know but what i do know is ezekiel prophesied that in the last days an aggressive russian leader would arise with a lust to reassemble the russian empire and that upon assembling the russian empire his lust will then turn towards the nation of israel he will amass a great horde of armies from that region of the world and they will descend down the euphrates river the bible said that the euphrates river would actually dry up in the last days and that these allied armies would descend out of the north down the dried-up riverbed of the euphrates to attack israel well guess which river in recent years has dried up now depending upon rains and seasons there is still some flow to that but there have been times in recent years where the euphrates river has dried up and that the bible prophesied would become the military highway from the north down through syria and into the north of israel and this gog and magog war the internet is currently trending with people asking and i'm getting questions from all over the world what's going on in russia does this have anything to do with bible prophecy and if so how and so that's why i'm doing this teaching today and so if you're taking notes be sure to write this down everything that we're teaching today about russia's role in final bible prophecy is found in ezekiel chapter 38 and ezekiel chapter 39. to be more specific ezekiel speaks specifically from ezekiel chapter 38 and verse 1 all the way through ezekiel chapter 39 and verse 24. be sure to write that down ezekiel's gog and magog prophecy begins in ezekiel 38 and verse 1 and goes into ezekiel chapter 39 all the way through verse 24. now i don't have time to teach on it today but ezekiel 36 ezekiel 37 ezekiel 38 ezekiel 39 all of that is prophetic and very detailed concerning israel in the last days in a thumbnail ezekiel 36 deals with the fact that god is going to begin to regather the children of israel the jewish people from the ends of the earth after they have been dispersed on two separate occasions and then the bible tells us they were driven out of the land in a.d 70 again in a.d 135 there they were dispersed to the ends of the earth god said in the last days he'll regather them that is being fulfilled many would say it has been fulfilled between america and israel the rest of the world combined has less than 70 17 of all jews in the world the greatest percentage of jews in the world are currently in israel and that varies depending upon polling but it's about 6.8 to 7 million jews who currently reside in israel and about 6.3 to 6.5 million jews reside within the area of new york city but between new york city and israel the remaining jews in the remainder of the world is less than 17 and even what we're watching going on in the news as i speak in ukraine many of you have seen that the jews in ukraine are doing their best to flee to israel this is straight out of the bible ezekiel 36 and 37 tells us that israel will be re-gathered in stages ezekiel chapter 37 speaks about the dry bones and god beginning to gather them bone by bone piece by piece muscle by muscle in other words ezekiel 37 is talking about a systematic regathering of the nation of israel to their homeland that is fulfilled as we speak and so what happens after ezekiel 37 and the regathering of the jews from around the world to the homeland which the jews refer to that as aliyah returning to their homeland ezekiel 38 so after the regathering of israel to their homeland the rebuilding of their nation may 14 1948 jerusalem reestablished by the united states and allied nations recognized jerusalem as their capital when did that take place may 14 2018 70 years to the exact day after israel was reborn as a nation and then in ezekiel 38 we move to the gog magog war three questions i want to answer if you're taking notes question number one where do we find russia in the bible many people have sent that question in to me if what's going on in russia is in bible prophecy where do we find russia in the bible well i read to you out of ezekiel chapter 38 verses 1 through 6 look at verse 2 ezekiel 38 verse 2 son of man set your face toward gog of the land of magog now i'm going to define who gog and magog are be patient but what i want you to highlight the prince of raj some would pronounce that and say that the proper pronunciation is roche i'm not going to take points off your final exam either way the prince of raj the prince of roche meshach and tubal now let me pause long enough to say there are many that i've heard who are trying to teach and when i hear them say things like this i know that they're not deep students of prophecy but probably surface students of prophecy but even in recent days i've heard people say meshech is moscow and tubal is topless which are two major cities in russia they are not so if you hear anyone teaching that meshech is moscow and that tubal is to bliss that is inaccurate they are not cities in russia it refers to different land mass masses the bible says gog of the land of magog the prince of rosh meshach and tubal and prophesy against him highlight that prophesy against him who's him gog so gog is not a land gog is a leader we'll come back to that prophesy against him verse 3 and say thus says the lord god behold i am against you oh gog prince of rosh and prince from the originals simply speaks of a person of high authority and high leadership so gog is a prince in roche gog is a person magog is a land write that down gog is a leader magog is a land gog is a leader it speaks specifically of a man a prince of magog gog is a leader magog is a land oh god prince of rosh meshech and tubal i will turn you about and put put hooks into your jaws and bring you out so over 2500 years ago the prophet ezekiel speaks of a group of allied nations that are going to attack israel in the distant future now none of these nations are called russia in our modern english translations of the bible in other words the word specifically russia is not found anywhere in an accurate english translation of the bible however the reference to rash or roche in ezekiel 38 and 2 is a shortened version of modern russia so let me be clear rash is russia we don't think it is there's not a whole lot of debate at least among reputable scholarship it is absolutely clear by the reference of geography that the land mass in the distant north above israel is russia now remember that israel is the centerpiece in the bible both prophetically and geographically now that's so important that's just a bible prophecy gold nugget please write it down let me say it again for emphasis when you study bible prophecy israel is the centerpiece both prophetically and geographically so here for example when ezekiel the prophet 2500 years ago speaks about the land in the distant north it is speaking concerning israel being the centerpiece of the prophetic compass and the land due north moscow is located 1662 miles due north of jerusalem there's a graphic that you'll see and in that graphic what i want you to see not only is moscow 662 miles due north of jerusalem the bearing degree on a compass from jerusalem to moscow is approximately only four degrees and sometimes in reading eschatology authors and and various papers and books and textbooks you'll hear the statement made moscow is due north of jerusalem well that's pretty much accurate there's only four degrees of difference approximately on the compass so when you understand that israel is the centerpiece of bible prophecy both prophetically and geographically then you can identify ezekiel's geography as well as prophecy when he refers to the land mass to the distant north now i've taught on this before and i recently had an individual that said that's a lie you know syria is north of israel well i obviously understand geography i know that syria is on the northern border of israel what i am saying is the major landmass of empire power is not talking about syria it's talking about rosh which is russia so both the old testament prophets of ezekiel and daniel describe israel's end-time aggressor as descending from the north daniel used the phrase king of the north to describe the commander of these allied nations in daniel chapter 11 ezekiel's prophecy also agrees and lends support to daniel indicating the invading armies will come from the far north and it's always amazing there's always no matter what you teach there's always somebody on the internet who has to prove that their iq is .7 degrees higher than yours and syria is north i'm i'm speaking to you hoping that as students of the bible that you understand that the bible's talking about empires and ancient land masses russia is indeed from the far north and i emphasize that because for those that want to start playing geography puzzles with me on the internet first of all i don't answer your comments i don't answer foolishness i only answer serious students but the bible specifically says far north not the nation bordering far north and of course any serious student of history knows that national boundaries and national names go through changes on a regular basis russia listen carefully write it down russia is the only modern nation that matches ezekiel's prophecy and his description hands down no doubt about it rash is russia could i be any more clear on that point rash or rosh is indeed russia it is the only modern nation that matches this description so the brief answer if you're talking to a friend is to say the word russia is not found in any modern english translation but in ezekiel chapter 38 a nation called rosh is and we know that prophetically and geographically rosh is russia question number two who are gog and magog now listen very carefully because this is a point of confusion even in people in full-time ministry it's amazing to me how many times i'll hear people in full-time ministry and not rookies people that have been in ministry for a quarter of a century or 30 or 40 or more years confused this either because they have not been diligent students of prophecy or because they read and assume because if you just read the bible and assume that when you hear gog and magog anywhere in the bible it's the same thing i'm not condemning it i understand it's an easy step to be mistaken so let me point this out to all of our students there are two gog magog wars in final bible prophecy write that down there are two distinct different gog and magog wars in final bible prophecy the first one is what we're covering today found in ezekiel 38 from ezekiel 38 verse 1 to ezekiel 39 and verse 24 that gog and magog war is the first gog magog war there is a second gog magog war and that is found in revelation chapter 20 verses 7 through 10. in revelation chapter 7 excuse me revelation chapter 20 verses 7 through 10 there is a second gog magong war and so in your notes be sure to have that down there are two gog magog wars the first is found in ezekiel 38 verse 1 through 39 24. the second gog magog war is found in revelation chapter 20 verses 7 through 10. ezekiel's gog and magog war in the 38th and 39th chapter takes place now let me be honest about this as you often hear me say there are some various views in final bible prophecy not everybody agrees on details i always want to be humble enough to be respectful of people that may have a disagreement on the timing but almost all substantial scholarship rests upon a very narrow window on the timing of the first gog magog war in ezekiel 38-39 and it varies some believe that it happens immediately after the rapture some believe that it happens closer to the halfway point during the tribulation so there's a span there of three and a half years so you may hear if you study this in depth you may come across a notable scholar who may make the argument that the battle of gog and magog takes place immediately after the rapture you may find another one who will make a very valid point as to it happens after the rapture but it happens closer to the end of the first half of the tribulation i'm not going to be dogmatic on that because i don't believe there's enough in the bible to drive a stake in the heart of that dogma i believe that it may happen in one of those two windows of time but i do believe that it will happen and i do believe the bible fully supports this it will happen after the rapture so if you want to say that the first gog magog war in ezekiel 38 and people ask you when is that going to transpire just be honest enough to say there are some who believe it will happen immediately after the rapture there are some who say that it will happen closer to the end of the first half of the tribulation it's not worth having arguments on social media over because it's not essential doctrine now there are a handful who believe it happens immediately before the rapture that's not the purpose of my study i believe i could lay out a fairly substantial biblical argument to refute that i do not believe that it happens before the rapture it could happen immediately after the rapture it could happen closer to the revelation of the antichrist which takes place in the first half of the tribulation as far as him being promoted to a one world leader of a one world government with a one-world monetary system a one-world religion and a one-world military power the second gog magog war takes place in revelation chapter 20 and it takes place in verses 7 through 10. now the timing of that is at the end of the millennium at the end of the millennium as a matter of fact it is the final war and judgment the gog magog war of revelation chapter 20 is the final war and judgment there the bible says that satan is released at the end of the thousand years he gathers together all of the ungodly that were born during the millennium almost like a magnet of sin and evil they are gathered unto satan in one final great war and the only weapon used in that war is the supernatural fire of god and it is immediately defeated by the fire and wrath of god and we end the millennium and enter into our eternal reward people ask where does the origin of the word magog come from well if you have your bible i'll let you highlight that if someone asks you you might want to be able to identify that it's found in the uh i believe it's the tenth chapter of genesis it is in verse two genesis chapter 10 verse two the descendants of japheth were gomer magog madai javan tubal meshech and tyrus so magog was the the son of japheth and the grandson of noah so where did the name came come from it originally came from noah's grandson and we know that magog's descendants with time settled to the far north of israel likely in europe and northern asia so ezekiel 38 and verse 2 go back to that son of man turn and face gog of the land of magog that's how it got its name in in biblical terms the land of magog noah's grandson genesis 10 and 2 noah's grandson magog settled in the land that we now identify as rosh or russia son of man turn and face gog of the land of magog now what did i teach you earlier gog is a leader magog is a land and russia is the land of magog let's move on to our last question when will russia invade israel because when we ask the question which is the title of this study what is russia's role in final bible prophecy russia's role in final bible prophecy is it will be the key military and whoever the leader is whether it's vladimir putin or intelligence just came out the other day here in the united states our intelligence revealed whether it's true or confirmed i haven't heard enough to confirm nor deny but it was in the news that it has been discovered that vladimir putin has a brain tumor and many are saying that his aggressive behavior and his unintelligent choices even for his own sake for example if he's wanting to take over the ukraine to destroy the nuclear plant if that ends up being six times worse than chernobyl he he basically destroys only god knows what the geographical mass and the fallout would be that would be uninhabitable for perhaps centuries so many are questioning his aggression perhaps related to a brain tumor i don't know number one i'm not a brain surgeon i'm not a doctor i'm just telling you it was in the news from u.s intelligence that they had received report that he may be suffering from a brain tumor so whether or not vladimir putin is gog of magog i don't think an intelligent bible teacher can put his hand down and dogmatically say i think that would be unlettered scholarship so i'm just going to be humble enough to say he may be maybe not he could die he could be assassinated before the day is over but whoever it is we know that gog is a leader and magog is the land cover that thoroughly gog will be the leader whether it's vladimir putin or the next leader or the one after i can't speculate all i know is that magog is russia and gog will be the leader that will put together a coalition army invade israel out of the north now i'll deal with this and the geography of this in a later study but just to simplify in answering this third question when will russia invade israel russia along with turkey will lead this invasion from the north into israel iran will join from the east along with iraq sudan and libya will press in from the south and germany from the west along with these the islamic nations often times called the stan nations and i called them the stan nations because it would represent afghanistan and kazakhstan and kurdistan and uzbekistan and turkmenistan and now you know why they're oftentimes just simply referred to as the stan nations but all of those nations have one thing in common or perhaps i should say two they have two things in common one would be a unified hatred for israel and jews the second would be that they all represent islamic nations and are muslim let me close by telling you why this is not going to happen now because many people are going to write and ask and so i need to answer it because if you're following this bible study analytically and and you have a decent ability to discern the the road map of bible prophecy many of you would say well are we headed to war with israel i will say this and again listen carefully what's going on in russia right now is not the main story it's the back story from a bible perspective i don't say that in any way to demean the horrific conditions and the multiple millions of innocents that are dealing with russia's aggression right now there are about 44 million people in ukraine right now that are in a living nightmare and many have been slaughtered we seemingly have had a violation of various war treaties in some of the methodologies that have been employed by putin he is definitely though it is against war law it is against those laws to attack innocent civilian communities he has done that we know that there's a death toll and about 44 million ukrainian people are living in what they probably feel is hell and i can't help but say we need to continue to pray for them i am blown away by the courage i think of one professional boxer i if it's a sin if boxing's a sin pray for me i enjoy it but there's a very famous ukrainian world champion who's a multi-millionaire he could have taken his private jet and left but instead suited up and took on arms and has made the statement i will die in the ukraine if i have to to fight for the freedom of my homeland and there are untold heroic stories just like that it probably doesn't help in the eyes of putin that the president of ukraine is jewish some of you may not know that little piece of the puzzle but the president of ukraine is jewish which would add to vladimir putin's hatred for him and for wanting to annex that land he's already done it in crimea he's already maneuvered into the republic of georgia he's now clearly trying to annex ukraine and he is doing his best to reassemble the russian empire but he'll not immediately move into israel and let me answer why and i'll come back on a specific teaching and deal in depth with this but number one the bible says prophetically that he'll not invade israel first of all three things have to happen according to the bible write it down number one israel must be present in her land she is that prophecy was fulfilled may 14 1948 and aliyah the regathering of jews from around the world continues in mass as i speak israel must be present in her land number one is fulfilled number two israel must not only be present in our land she must be prosperous in her land and that has been fulfilled so two out of the three prophecies in the bible that keep russia with the allied nations from attacking israel out of the north two out of the three are totally fulfilled no debate absolutely true but the third is israel must be at peace in her land and israel is not at peace in her land that's the only piece of the prophetic puzzle that has not been fulfilled before russia along with that coalition of armies from that region of the world come into israel from the north and attack her the only one of three is israel is not at peace in her land for those of you that have been to israel one of the first things that will stand out to you is all of the young people are either wearing military uniforms or carrying weapons or both i've been to israel on a few occasions and it's quite striking to see all of their students carrying automatic weapons ready for war ready to defend israel at the drop of a hat so to say israel is at peace in our land simply isn't true when will israel be at peace it will be after the rapture of the church for the bible says when the antichrist arises daniel chapter 9 and verse 27 he'll go to jerusalem and he'll sign a peace treaty with israel which again is why i believe the strongest academic and biblical argument for the timing of the invasion of israel is after the rapture of the church well i don't know about you this is a fascinating subject and obviously it's not intended to be an exhaustive study but today i wanted you as a student of the bible from sound biblical scholarship without speculation and without my opinion and without trying to make my own personal narrative to just open the bible start in the bible stay in the bible finish in the bible and answer what we've answered today what is russia's role in final bible prophecy russian empire is being revived they'll not stop there she'll then talk turn her lust towards israel shall amass a coalition armies of people that hate israel from that region of the world the islamic nations as well many other nations will deal with the species specifics of that at a later time and invade israel but that will not happen i believe the bible clearly teaches us until after the rapture of the church so in conclusion i think of the words of jesus in matthew's gospel in the 24th chapter jesus said in the last days i believe it's in the sixth verse matthew 24 verse 6 that in the last days there would be wars and rumors of wars we are currently watching war and rumor of war perhaps like nothing since world war ii as i speak jesus said a clear definitive sign to be ready for his soon return wars and rumors of wars the second thing he said in matthew 7 was pandemics did you know that pandemics were prophesied in the bible as a major sign to live ready we are currently living perhaps at the tail end of the worst pandemic in human history and by that i'm not considering death toll alone i'm telling you that no pandemic in world history brought the entire world to its knees including the major nations of the world but you have lived long enough to see matthew 24 and 7 the greatest most prolific most crippling pandemic in history jesus said it's a sign of the last days with all of the things that jesus prophesied what did he say we should do he didn't say freak out seeing these things are going to happen freak out no he didn't say freak out he said lift up your head in other words live ready are you living ready to meet the lord and if you're not living ready to meet the lord that is our main goal at lost lamb association that is the fire that burns hottest in my belly i want you to be ready to meet the lord i want you to be more than a student of the bible i want you to be ready to meet the lord and people always ask me how can i be sure that i'm right with god you have to do three things to be right with god number one you have to recognize your sin number two you have to repent of your sin and number three you must receive jesus christ as your lord and savior god's only son died on a cross he lived a sinless life he willingly died upon the cross he rose again proving he was the son of god and he promised over 400 times in the bible we're told that he will return if you're not living ready for the lord's soon return how can you watch what's going on in our world today and gamble with your eternal address and your eternal destiny will you pray with me right now wherever you're at and when you're done praying with me i want you to do two things because we're viewing and utilizing various platforms go to our website lostlam.org and click on new beginnings i have materials there and teachings there for all of you that are coming back to christ number two go to our youtube channel and subscribe there and there's a playlist by the same name new beginnings before you listen to the other interesting bible prophecy content will you listen to all of the teachings on new beginnings if you're receiving christ or you're coming back to christ pray with me right now just say heavenly father today as i was listening to the bible you were speaking to me and i desire to be ready in these last days you know everything i've ever done but the bible says all who call upon your name shall be saved and so right now i confess my sin and i'm willing to repent i trust in the cross and in the blood that you shed wash me and cleanse me and make me ready for today i receive salvation and i receive jesus christ and i vow this day i will serve the lord in jesus name i am no longer the property of sin i am today a child of god and i'll never be the same in jesus name amen you
Channel: Tiff Shuttlesworth
Views: 25,685
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tiff Shuttlesworth, Tiff, Jesus, God, Prophecy, America, United States, Salvation, KJV, King James Version, Bible, Scripture, How do I study the Bible, Bible accuracy, Which Bible translation is the best, parable, sower, rocky, baptism, Catholic, communion, catechism, confirmation, Gog, Magog, Ezekiel
Id: 78ZVQdYOwTo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 51sec (3531 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 04 2022
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