Sunday February 20, 2022 Live Stream. "The Silent Sovereignty Of God" Esther 8 Reference #022022A

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[Music] my [Music] we will [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] amen good morning praise the lord for another sunday morning another opportunity to come up to the lord's house to give him the praise and the glory that is so rightfully do his wonderful name welcome to all of you who are joining us on our social media platforms on our live stream and facebook and youtube welcome to the lilly grove church this is the day that the lord has made we will rejoice and be glad in it i want you to know from last sunday this sunday i have a cash app now and just in case you want to make sure that i get the money i'll tell you what it is after church because the celebration continues here at our church our brothers are going to come now and lead us in our devotional time good morning i'll be reading from revelation the 21st chapter and i saw a new heaven and a new earth for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away and there were no more sea and i john saw the holy city new jerusalem coming down from god out of heaven prepared as a bride adored for her husband and i heard a great voice out of heaven saying behold the tabernacle of god is with men and he will dwell with him and they and they shall be his people and god himself shall be with them and be their god i read you three verses of the just mentioned scripture may god add a blessing to the hearing and the doing of his holy word let us pray eternal god our father how we thank you for another day's journey it is in you that we live move and have our being as such lord we just thank you for being god all by yourself we ask you lord that you usher in your spirit let it be with us in this place lord as we look back over our lives we think just in 2021 just passed and some people did not transition over to 2022. but we are here and so we should say thank you lord for just being gone all by yourself doing what only you can do so even though we have pandemic in the world that's running rampant lord that we know there's no sickness that you cannot cure there's issues and there's wars and rumors of wars but you are in control nothing catches you by unawares lord sometimes when we feel like we are at the end of our rope you are the knot that binds it all together so all we ask you that you do what only you can do lord this help us put a hedge of protection around us sustain us and keep us like only you can lord we need you today every hour every minute and every second do lord what only you can do hell thine own way in this place in this service lord lord we thank you so very much lord so many of us many of us laws don't know which way we're going but you are a moral compass give us what we need even right now lord so we thank you today the lord before we go any further we must say we sin and come short of your glory all have sinned and come short of the glory but you have provided a way for escape lord you have an advocate sitting on the side of the father who is interceding on our behalf lord we thank you for being god all by yourself lord lord we ask you that you will bless this waiting congregation bless lily grove on the people's journey bless the leaders of this church lord give them what they need so they can love lead and lift your people lord we ask you that you would take care of the shepherd that you've placed at this church he's here lord by design lord we ask you that you give him what he needs that he would preach a word on today that someone someone will look and say what must i do to come save be saved by the lord jesus christ lord they have been sitting there for day after day week after week on a trial basis that's okay because his mercy and his grace will sustain you but think about unlocking all the treasures he has for you if you come over and be a member on today law so we ask you today give them a word give them the ushers lord did he come down the house and what must i do to be saved lord there is a day there is a time that no man can escape we ask you lord that you will meet us in that dying hour and guide us safely across is in your son jesus name we do pray amen [Music] good morning you stand with us as we sing lift every voice and sing you'll sing all three verses [Music] lift every voice [Music] [Music] is [Music] that the darkness [Music] rising [Music] [Music] verse two [Music] with is oh oh oh [Music] three has is us keep us forever [Music] our feet is [Music] shadows [Music] [Music] true amen amen amen i heard on the news this morning that president biden is perhaps even right now in the situation room with the national security apparatus of our nation because in the words of the late dr martin king we are headed down militaristic stairwells in the halls of thermal nuclear destruction but even with the president in the situation room and the vice president at a security council in munich if the lord don't keep the city [Music] the scripture says that the watchman awakens but in vain thank god we have somebody who's at the right hand of god with power and he ever lives to make intercession for us does not matter what's going on in brussels or in ukraine russia or in the united states god is still on the throne whatever you need whatever your situation the bible says he's able to do exceeding abundantly above all that you can even ask offend you have not the scripture says because you ask me if you need it god has it and if you humble yourself god will make sure that the battle is turned in your favor i don't possess i don't possess [Music] come on let's see if you really mean it christ is all christ is wrong is oh right [Music] yes christ is on yes christ is all means more to me [Music] is [Music] [Music] my [Applause] [Music] come on raise your voice and say christ is all christ is all right oh christ is all christ is all right is [Music] holy god our father we thank you today for grace and mercy and for awakening us early this morning and putting worship and church on our hearts and on our minds we bow today and say thank you for being our father thank you for being our shepherd thank you for being our keeper and our provider you've been all in our all in all and so the people of god gather today in the holy place to say thank you for being so good thank you for being so patient thank you for being so merciful and so kind we bow today lord because you're king of kings and you're lord of lords there's none like you there's just none like you we've searched high and we've searched low but there's just none like you and so lord we glory in your goodness toward us and we just thank you for one more day as we gather here today lord god we come asking that you forgive us for our sins you forgive us for our our minds that weren't always right our words that weren't always right our ways that weren't always right but we thank you just the same and the good news is that you died on the cross for our sins and the blood that you shared over 2 000 years ago i heard the songwriters say the blood still works the blood still works when i'm careless in my ways the blood still works when i'm down on my sick bed and my bended knees the blood still works and so we thank you today for blood that purges and cleanses us from all of our sins we thank you today for sunday morning oh lord we thank you for sunday morning because it's in this day we get a chance to reconnect we get a chance to calibrate we get a chance to hit the reset button we got a we got a lot to be thankful for lord god so we've come god with glad hands and glad hearts saying lord renew us restore us one more time god as we gather here today we pray for the state of affairs in our nation that there's always crisis there there are shootings there there's racism there's unfairness injustice but now there's the threat of war we pray in the name of jesus [Music] that you spare us again the temptation is to say move it and fix it but lord i'm gonna ask you to have your way i'm gonna ask you to just do what you do best work things out because that's the kind of god you are sometimes we we don't want cancer but sometimes that's your way sometimes we don't want to lose a job or end up in divorce court but sometimes that's just your way we we we we shudder to think about losing a child or losing a parent but sometimes that's that's just your way so here we are lord help us to hold still and trust you to hold still and trust you through difficult times when when misery shows up on our doorstep help us to hold still and keep on trusting oh lord it was a mighty bad day on a friday when somebody who was innocent was put on a tree it was a mighty bad day when they beat you and whip you in and and and stone you if you will with with metal and and spikes and but but the good news is that wasn't the end of the story the good news is after friday and after saturday sunday showed up and sunday showed up righteous and victorious and glorious so sometimes whatever we got to go through it's not the end of the story we thank you today we pray for our fellow men and our church members we pray for our brothers and sisters many are in hospital beds many are dealing with crisis and personal situations but lord have mercy today touch in the name of jesus oh lord so many are in strife and difficult situations can't can't buy gas can't buy groceries but lord you're enough we've lived long enough to know you're enough when the darkness seemed thick you're you're enough when when the when the cupboard seems bare you're still enough when friends are few you're still enough so lord we call on you today somebody who's never trusted you lord we pray that they'll call on your name today somebody who's never confessed their sins we pray that they will confess their sins today somebody who's never heard the gospel we pray that they will hear the gospel and live today have your way today have your way today bless our pastor we cannot wait to hear what you've got to say to us through him today so give him a fresh fresh mind to to recall and retain that which you placed on inside of him and then lord we pray for those today who needs something special from you we pray special prayers for the ashante grant family the little girl who got shot a week or so ago we pray god that you remember that family today and then there's some right here closer to home that that needs something special from you hear our prayers today and help us to leave the lilly grove site today knowing that we spent time with you that we'll leave here better than we were when we came oh lord we thank you today hear our prayers and grant us your peace it's in the name of jesus christ our lord and our savior we pray amen amen and amen [Music] [Music] in god there is no failure he will do he will do whatever you ask him to just have faith for there is no failure [Music] is whatever he let me there when he there is is oh okay tell me is [Applause] amen open your bibles with me to esther at chapter number eight esther at chapter eight on that day did the king a hazarist give the house of haman the jews enemy unto esther the queen and mordecai came before the king for esther had told what he was under her and the king took off his ring which he had taken from haman and gave it unto mordecai and esther said mordecai over the house of haman and esther spake yet again before the king and fell down at his feet and besought him with tears to put away the mischief of haman the aggagite and his device that he had devised against the jews then the king held out the golden scepter toward esther so esther arose and stood before the king and said if it pleased the king and if i have found favor in his sight and the things seem right before the king and i be pleasing in his eyes let it be written to reverse the letters devised by haman the son of hamadayfa the agagite which he wrote to destroy the jews which are in all the king's provinces for how can i endure to see the evil that shall come unto my people how can i endure to see the destruction of my kindred look down with me at verse 15 through verse 17. and mordecai went out from the presence of the king in royal apparel of blue and white and with a great crown of gold and with a garment of fine linen and purple and the city of shushan rejoiced and was glad the jews had light and gladness and joy and honor and in every province and in every city whether the king's commandment and his decree came the jews had joy and gladness a feast and a good day and many of the people of the land became jews for the fear of the jews fell upon them thank you you may be seated the grass withers and the flower fades but the word of our god shall stand forever i want to continue in our series of sermons from the book of esther entitled the silent sovereignty of god eastern's bible dictionary says sovereignty is god's absolute right to do all things according to his good pleasure new hunger's bible dictionary defines sovereignty this way god is under no external restraint whatsoever he is the supreme dispenser of all events all forms of existence are within the scope of his dominion and yet this is not to be viewed in any such a way as to abridge the reality of the moral freedom of god's responsible creatures are to make men anything else than the arbiters of their own eternal destiny god's sovereignty does not override our free will a.w pink says the sovereignty of god may d may be defined as the exercise of his supremacy being infinitely elevated above the highest creature he is the most high lord of heaven and earth subject to none influenced by none absolutely independent god does as he pleases only as he pleases always as he pleases god is god in fact as well as in name he goes on to say god is on the throne of the universe directing all things working all things according to the counsel of his own will that's what easton's dictionary says that's what new hunger's dictionary says that's what a.w pink says but the best illustration of god's sovereignty to me is what i noticed in the galleria the other friday a two-year-old child was in a stroller made to look like a race car and the child was furiously turning his little wheel to the right but he kept going to the left because unbeknownst to the child in the stroller his steering wheel was connected to nothing that really mattered his mother was doing the steering while he thought he was during the turn somebody don't help me preach at this moment you might be thinking that you are steering your life this morning but god has the controls and you may want to go right but god is going to push you to the left how many times have i wanted to go left [Music] and god steered me to the right i wish i had a crook in here like myself how many times have i decided what i was going to do but then god had other plans if you want to if you want to make god laugh tell him what your plans are that was an old lady in units in my growing up years who used to say man plans but god decides you may be thinking that your hand is steering you in one direction but god will steal you in a totally different direction because your hand is on the wheel but god is in control [Music] um the main idea in esther chapter eight is much like the apostle paul in romans chapter nine esther has unceasing pain and anguish at the thought of her people perishing therefore she pleads with king a hazarus for their preservation and even though haman's life has ended the king's edict remains in force but god has providentially positioned the two significant jews esther and mordecai in the palace to bring about a reversal of fortune for his people and to spare them from ultimate destruction the prosecutor has fallen and the persecuted come into power and what esther has dared and done is not so much to procure the fall of haman has to deliver the children of israel my brothers and sisters listen to me every year over 100 firefighters die trying to save people's lives every year 150 police officers die in the line of duty on september 11th over 400 first responders rushed into the twin towers and lost their lives for people that they didn't even know why these men and women risked their lives in order to save people who were in mortal danger now if even non-christians are willing to risk their lives to save people from physical danger how much more should we christians try to save people who are in spiritual danger because people who are lost and on their way to hell need to hear good news and the good news is not good news until you share it was the last time you shared your face see how quiet you got right there god has called every last one of us to be witnesses now god didn't call you to preach god didn't call you to sing in the choir you don't have to do any of those things but god did give you a testimony and your testimony is not necessarily shared on sunday morning as it is on monday morning um you you ought to you ought to be interceding on behalf of somebody who's lost because brothers and sisters when you think about how hot hell is and how long eternity is you ought not want anybody to go to hell you ought to be praying for friends praying for co-workers praying for family members praying for brothers and sisters nieces and nephews grandsons and granddaughters whatever you do turn around my old pastor used to say turn around before it's everlasting too late seek the lord while he may yet be found and call upon him while he's yet near those of us who read the bible will remember when abraham went to the lord because of sodom and gomorrah i need two or three more bible readers here and abraham said if i can find 50 people will you save the city god said if you find 50 i'll save the city abraham say what about 40. god said if you can find 40 righteous men i will save the city abraham said god don't get mad with me but what about 30. god said prayer adventure you can come in with 30. i'll save the city abraham said i'ma come to you with 20 maybe god said if you can find 20 i'll save the city abraham said how about 10. god said if there's 10 i'll save the city nobody in sodom and gomorrah was saved but locked his wife and his family but his wife looked back and where the dead sea rests today is where lot's wife was turned into a pillar of salt and so salty is the dead sea that nothing can live in it because god turned lot's wife in the salt because she had the kingdom in view but turned around moses after he delivered a bedraggled people with the smell of brick dust stealing their garments trying to fashion them into a nation he went up to mount sinai to get the tablets of stone came down and the people were reveling and partying and abraham said who is on the lord's side the tribe of levi came and stood next to moses and the bible says the ground opened up and over 3 000 died in one day moses went back to the mountain and god said i'm about to kill all of them and start all over with you moses said don't don't don't don't act like that god don't do that because if you do that your enemies will say you brought them out but you can't bring them in your enemies will say that you don't have the power to keep your own people and moses said lord if you got to take anybody take me and because moses interceded god save the nation of israel and who knows that god has brought you to the kingdom for such a time as this somebody needs to hear the gospel and they will never hear it without your testimony um listen to me in verse one and two we see esther's reward in verses one and two really when you get home again haman has been speared on the gallows that he built for mordecai a word of warning this morning be careful the trap you set for somebody [Music] god will see to it that you fall in it yourself fret not because of evildoers don't be envious against the hamans in your life they shall soon be cut off like grass and they shall wither like the green herb don't don't fight your enemies just outlive them don't don't try to get back at them because they've gotten something over on you just live right before god and the bible says no weapon formed against you shall be able to prosper because in the verse prior to that god made the weapon [Music] and god will not allow your enemies to triumph over you and here is what god does for esther at haman's demise he takes haman's property haman's spoils and gives them to esther his house his land his money everything the enemy stole from her god gave it back to god gave esther haman's house through king of hazarus not only his house but his land his men his everything that belonged to him now belongs to esther and esther in turn gives it to mordecai she puts mordecai over haman's house think about that a minute [Music] the man who hated mordecai mordecai now walking around in his house i was i was preaching in um in albany georgia and in albany georgia there is a magnificent and i don't i don't say this usually but there's a magnificent plantation i i hate the word plantation uh i don't even like looking at that cotton when i go in the front vestibule i know it's got something to do with our history and something with our background and i've never picked cotton in my life i just heard about how hot it was picking cotton and i just don't like i just don't like the word plantation i wouldn't even buy a house in siena plantation because the word plantation is just offensive to me but but i played golf in albany georgia and there's a 140 acre plantation that belonged to this to this white family in albany georgia and uh the descendants of the black slaves who lived on that plantation there are still slave houses on that plantation this very day but the descendants of those slaves got their money together and bought the plantation they own it they walk on those floors they live in those houses they have white folk come cook for them i shout every time i think about that because god will take the spoils of your enemies and put it in your hands if you walk right before god the people who tried to get you fired on your job god will see to it that the trap they set for you they will fall in it themselves despised mordecai and now mordecai is sitting in his house esther has been rewarded and she not only reveals that she is a jew but she reveals that mordecai has taken care of her since her parents died like his own daughter and the bible says the ring that a hazardous took off his finger and put on haman to make him second in command is now taken off haman's dead finger and put on the finger of mordecai he'll prepare a table before you in the presence of your enemies anoint your head with oil so that your cup is running over i said it to you the other sunday god will hide you in plain sight they're trying to get at you but they can't get their hands on you because god job says got a fence around you a hedge of protection around you not because of you but for his name's sake but then in verses 3 4 5 and 6 esther makes a request and esther could have been satisfied saved alone but god did not save us to be saved alone you are saved if you are saved at all to help save somebody else esther goes before the king and it's on another occasion because he raises his golden scepter and esther touches the scepter but this time listen to me this time esther is not standing making a request she falls down on her knees and look at how how dramatic even melodramatic esther is she begs the king not for herself but to save her people because her brothers and sisters mordecai and esther know that king of hazarus has been duped into signing a decree that is irrevocable because a decree sign and stamp with the king's signet ring is irrevocable and cannot be rescinded because it's the word of the medes and the persians it can never be taken back so esther says i know you can't take back the edict that you've already signed but you can make another one to override that one somebody ought to help me preach it but in seven verses seven and eight the king's response is all right i know i can't take back that rule that i've already signed so you and mordecai write your own law read it it's right here in the text mordecai has my ring and since he has my ring he is authorized to be my signatory since he has my royal ring on his finger whatever he writes and signs is just like i wrote it and signed it i wish i had somebody to help me go where i'm trying to go when jesus died on the cross and shed his precious blood and sealed my salvation god said to jesus you're signing it just like i'm signing it [Applause] and we are hidden in christ with god because the blood jesus shed is efficacious [Music] now we supposed to be dead and a holy god cannot take that back because in his righteousness he cannot abide to even look at sin so he's got to write something else to overrule what he's already written i wish i had a bible reader the book of colossians says the handwriting and the ordinances that were against us he made it to the cross so that the sentence that i came under is no longer any faith he died shed his blood so that the sentence i should have had has been revoked jesus paid it oh and when he got through shining with his blood god dropped the charges [Music] my sin or the bliss of that glorious fault my sin not in part but the whole will nail to the cross and i bare them no more praise the lord praise the lord oh my soul when peace like a river i wish i had somebody help me preach attendeth my way when sorrows like sea billow's road whatever my lap thou has taught me to say it is well it's not always war with my health it's not always war with my family it's not always well with my finances but it is well have i got a witness it is all with my soul somebody can help me testify it's not always well with my children but it's well with my soul it's not always well in my marriage but it's well with my soul if i don't wake up in the morning it's well with my soul if i don't put my feet on the floor tomorrow morning don't worry about me it's just another soldier go on home if you miss me from singing down here and you can't find me nowhere come on up to bright glory because jesus [Music] paid it oh king said you you got permission to sign another decree negating overriding what i previously put in place and you don't help me hurry to the clothes won't you the bible says read the rest of this passage when you get home verses 9 through 14. the scripture says when mordecai wrote another decree and told the people that they were free the scripture says they had light and joy here it is and gladness when you know that you've been set free you have light and joy and gladness whom the sun has set free he is free indeed it doesn't matter where you're sitting in this sanctuary if you free don't you let folk who bound keep you from praising god if you know god has cut loose the your stammering tongue and took your feet out of the mary clay and opened doors that were closed in your face and made your enemy your footstool and place your feet on a solid rock be free this morning [Applause] [Music] i once was lost in sin but jesus took me and did a little light from heaven filled my soul fill my heart with love and he wrote my name above just a little talk with jesus i wish i had some noise here i may have doubts and fears my eyes be filled with tears but jesus is a friend who watches i wish i had somebody to help me i go to him in prayer he knows my every care and just a little talk with jesus somehow to help me preach it i need some folk who've been set free this morning that that god has just liberated you from the stuff that held you back in your past and anybody brings up what you used to be you are free enough to say you right that's what i used to be but since i met jesus my life has changed my life is in a totally different direction the things i used to do yeah i'm through but but when you read verses 9 through 14 there's a request there's a reward the king's mate the king makes a response but then mordecai has a responsibility for a regulation and the regulation is to the jewish people transposed to christians in here this morning when you know you've been freed show some light show some joy and show some gladness i'm through esther loathed going in the king's presence l-o-a-t-h-e-d loathed going in the king's prisons jesus [Music] longs to go in the king's prison the only way you and i have access is because we have an advocate with the father the man jesus christ job calls him a days man ruth calls him a kinsman redeemer i wish i had one or two more bible readers isaiah calls him a root out of a dry ground without form nor comeliness there's no beauty that we should desire him he's despised and rejected of men a man of sorrows and acquainted with greece and we hid as it were our faces from him but he was wounded for our transgression booze for our iniquity the chastisement of my peace was upon him with his stripes we are he for all we like sheep have gone astray and we have turned everyone to his own way but god laid on him the iniquity of us all further down in that passage the scripture says it please god to bruise him you're gonna help me close this won't you and since he's at the right hand of god with power whenever the devil accuses me and whenever satan goes before god to accuse me he's always right because i've sinned since i've been saved i'm not talking to you holier-than-thou uh super saints in here this morning don't take your jacket or your dress off because we might see your wings pop but to those of us who still got horns sticking at the top of our head i wish i had one or two more crooks in here this morning to those of us who know that if it had not been for the lord who was on our side we'd be dead and in our grave thank god we got somebody that when the devil accuses us jesus stands up at the right hand of power and say i know he did that but i paid for it on the cross esther goes before hazarus in supplication jesus goes before the father as substitution i i need somebody to be a supplient for me thank god my mom and dad he prayed for me thank god my grandparents had me on their mind and and went before god to ask him to bless me i'm standing here this morning because somebody prayed for me i'm a witness to god's goodness today because some old people in my growing up years asked god to open doors they said i didn't get an education but i'm praying for you i didn't get a chance to make it to be anybody but but i'm praying for you and i'm on my feet this morning because somebody who didn't get the chance and the opportunities that i have asked god to bless me with the opportunity i'm glad i had somebody before god making supplication but i really have joy this morning because somebody not only made supplication but somebody became substitution i was on my way to hell and my mother's prayers were good but mama couldn't die for me my grandmother loves me in her grave but mama couldn't die for me my daddy prayed for me every time he got down on his knees but my daddy couldn't die for me but thank god this morning there's a man from galilee there's a man named jesus who went before god the father and said prepare me a body that affords flesh and blood and i will go down and redeem sinful mankind and he came through 42 generations got off at bethlehem in judea he was born in bethlehem red in nazareth baptized in the jordan you're going to help me preach this want you perform miracles in a desert place rep over jerusalem prayed in gethsemane one friday on a skull-shaped hill and a blood-soaked cross he died not because of any sin he had committed but he died to become substitution for me i'm glad this morning jesus died for me i'm glad this morning jesus became sin for me i'm glad this morning jesus wrote my name in the lamb's book of life i'm glad this morning that when the wi-fi is over when i'm through fighting down here when i've borne my burdens in the heat of the day i'm glad this morning that i'm going home to live with god and the only reason i know it is because the bible tells me to be absent from the body is to be present with the lord when this earthly house of this tabernacle is dissolved i have another building i've got a house not made with hands but eternally in the heavens is there anybody here no you're free is there anybody here no god saved you if god saved you and you're not embarrassed to testify if god kept you and you don't care who's looking at you if god made a way for you then act like you're free shout like you're free give him glory like you're free raise your hands like you're free tell them thank you like you're free why don't you look at somebody tell them i'm free i'm free i'm free i'm no longer bound i'm free i'm free [Music] thank you jesus thank you jesus my elders said it like this i looked at my hands and my hands looked new i looked at my feet and they did too i started to walk and i had a new walk i started to talk and i had a new talk is there anybody here no you free and sanctified dear god thank you for all you've done for me thank you for where you brought me from thank you for the stones you rolled out of my way thank you for the doors you opened and the doors you closed thank you thank you i know he's alright [Music] stand fast galician says in the liberty which with christ has made you free in whom the son has set free he is free indeed free from my past free from my depression free from my sins free from guilt and shame [Music] so that now when i stand before god my prayer is the same prayer jude prayed in his book now unto him who is able [Music] to keep you from falling and to present you here it is faultless [Music] before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy to the only wise god who is our savior be glory and majesty dominion and power not till tomorrow not till year after next but power dominion glory forever i'm going to that place that the righteous can call home somewhere where the wicked will cease from troubling and the weary can be at rest because god took back everything the devil stole from me and gave it back to me in jesus christ our brothers are standing now and there's somebody here this morning who does not know jesus christ in the pardoning of your sins or you know jesus christ as savior but you need a church you need a pastor you need brothers and sisters in christ you need a church home where you can come work out your soul salvation with fear and trembling you work not for salvation but you work from your salvation in christ and he loves you so much that he did everything he could to bring you back in right relationship with the father there are some things if you're here this morning i may not know that's right dear come on god bless you love this one thing [Music] somebody else is here this morning oh yes god [Music] see you coming god bless you [Music] somebody else was here this morning yes me doubt [Music] some folks but as for me [Music] and i can feel him in my heart god is [Music] i cannot tell just how you felt i cannot tell just how you felt when jesus took [Music] yes god has been real for i can feel it where for he had washed his love for me [Music] is [Music] let me make this final appeal you remember when we were in high school and we thought that we had found our soul mate at just 15 or 16 years old [Music] it came towards the end of the year and we would sign their yearbook and they would sign our yearbook and we'd write this long soliloquy we would we would go all the way to the back of the book where there was a blank page so we could sign the whole page and then we would sign it yours forever you went to your 10th year class reunion [Music] and you had to ask somebody now who is that [Music] somebody you were supposed to marry you were so in love with and then at your class reunion you said thank you jesus [Music] but the bible says in the book of isaiah that god has our names engraved in the palm of his hand [Music] he will never forget you he will never reject you he will never turn you aside [Music] my last class reunion i saw some of them girls that i'd seen when we were in high school and my mouth would just be running water then i saw him at my 30th class reunion and i said uh hey uh wait a minute it's gonna come to me hold on boy you know you know me i say yeah girl i know you and she said oh terry you look good [Music] and i thought about when i wanted to take her to the prom and she wouldn't return my call [Music] and then i'd say back then you didn't want [Music] now i'm hot [Music] all i'm trying to say brothers and sisters is be careful how you entertain the stranger be careful how you look down at the person you think god will never raise up because in due course god knows how to bring the focal at the bottom to the top [Music] and those who are at the top you can bring to the bottom because the scripture says the king's heart is in god's hand and god can turn it however he pleases me maybe you think there's no hope for you [Music] maybe you think you'll never be anybody or somebody has told you you'll never be what you want to be god can open a door that's right god bless you come on right now god can turn it around god can make life make sense and he'll do it for you instantly in a moment immediately [Music] you like pure gold [Music] oh yes god [Music] yes for me [Music] [Music] the divine limitation has been extended to you and as always it is yours either to receive or to reject let's give god the glory for these who have joined our christians so [Music] we have comments that you'll stand when we call your name your london boroughs ministry number two danielle house ministry number four madison davis ministry number four deandres allen ministry number one gilbert keel jr ministry number five and marissa mcgee ministry number five let the church say amen praise the lord for these persons who have come to join our church this morning welcome to lily grove we are so happy to have you here if you follow brother scott back this way they'll get some more information from you before you leave let's say amen praise the lord for these persons who have come we have some little ones to dedicate this morning would you bring elijah gilmore [Music] and caleb armand elijah gilmore and caleb armont [Music] so okay elijah gonna sleep here so we gonna get this show on the road okay leave that alone now [Music] they brought little children okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay they brought little children to jesus to bless them and he said suffer the little children come under me i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry [Music] okay okay okay i'm sorry how you like that elijah okay okay okay okay okay we brought little ones to jesus and they said suffer the little children come unto me and forbid them not for of such is the kingdom of heaven except you become desperados like these little children you cannot inherit the kingdom of god shall we pray gracious god our father how we thank you for these precious little lives that we bless in your name thank you for their safe delivery into the world and for their mother's continued good health we pray that mother and father living together peaceably in the fear of god would raise these children to know your name we pray for the god parents whose responsibility it is as well to show them and to tell them the good news about jesus christ we pray oh god that they will grow physically and mentally and spiritually and when they come into a full understanding of what is right and wrong our prayer is that they come on the lord's side and live in jesus name amen [Music] thank you [Music] all of you who are visiting with us this morning who are not members of lilly grove would you stand that we may acknowledge your presence [Music] oh [Music] [Music] we welcome you [Music] amen amen amen i want again to thank you for for your kindness on this past sunday in my 31st uh pastoral anniversary it has been a blessing from god to be your pastor and i want to thank you for allowing me to lead you these 31 years and friends of mine from across the country ask me how i do it and my answer is always the same i just pastor the people who let me pastor them i just lead the people who want me to lead them i don't fight with the folk who want to leave this church this may not be the church for you because when you get up here past 60 you don't expect me to change so you probably just need to keep on down the road because all you're going to get here is jesus and him crucified to the jews a stumbling block to the greek's foolishness but to them who are being saved it is the power of god that's all stand [Music] [Music] [Music] i'll do what you may do [Music] is [Music] is and now unto him who is able to keep us from falling [Music] and to present us faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding great joy to the only wise god who is our savior be glory and majesty dominion and power both now and forever in the strong name of jesus christ our lord amen [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign he keeps on blessing me me oh [Music] oh me he keeps on blessing me he keeps on blessing me
Channel: lillygrovembc
Views: 11,254
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: xtXazn-ruRo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 105min 0sec (6300 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 20 2022
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