Sunday 2nd Service | Sept. 22 2019

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[Music] televisions are destroyed whatever is not planted by God is rooted out sick bodies be healed in the name of Jesus thank you Lord for your word that builds and equips and your word develops us into the fullness of all that you have designed and I thank you that by the end of this service nobody lives here the same way they came we give you praise and glory for the blessing in Jesus precious name and every believer says a powerful amen if your right hands to heaven let's release our feet together to say these words I am born of God I am born of the world the Word of God is my nature I do not struggle to do the world I do the world naturally therefore today I will understand the word of His grace I will be built on by the end of this service I will never be the same never ever be the same again in Jesus name and every believers is he powerful amen well what welcome every one of you joining us where we have Kingdom Life Network Facebook YouTube and all the various platforms all our campuses around the world we're glad to have everybody connected today hallelujah well you get ready the world is gonna build you up and you will never be the same again and I want to specifically congratulate the a crock campus that is starting Sunday morning services today and I'm sure they are watching this service here guys bless you well glad to have all of you and you get ready for a time of adventure in the world I also want to congratulate our Guagua campus in Abuja that started service today we are so glad you know with what God is doing with all the campuses that are opening all over the world and all of you in Abuja we're excited to have all of you get ready is going to be an adventure with the word of His grace can we celebrate the new campuses this morning but I'm you know glow red oh god is that how you celebrate are you scratching or clapping glory to God amen now anybody in this building excited about eternal life anybody here can we go ahead give the Lord a shot on a celebration glory whoa you can be seated with your seats much of this morning let's get in the world praise God oh praise God amen in the first service that leaves some foundation that I want to build on in this service we've been looking at the healing ministry of Jesus and I said two important things in the past few days that first of all you will need to understand the healing ministry of Jesus and acknowledge the healing power of God because you will need healing for your body as long as you remain in this mortality you will need healing for your body if not today someday you will need healing so that's one reason why you must understand the revelation of the healing ministry of Jesus number two people around you will need healing and you will have to be the one to administer healing to them so and if you do not understand the revelation of the healing ministry of Jesus you will not be able to extend the goodness of God to such people at such moments and you not also be able to put your body under subjection to the obedience of Christ when such situations arise so that's why it's important for you to pay attention to this teaching on the healing ministry of Jesus you've been on it for a bit and we're going to still be on it for quite a bit can I hear powerfully amen now look at the book of Acts chapter 4 Acts chapter 4 verse 35 acts for 35 give me fast attitude amen I said Amen and the whole multitude of them that believed were of one heart and of one soul neither said any of them that thought of the things which he possessed was his own but they had all things come on 33 and with great power gave the Apostles witness of the resurrection of the Lord Jesus gave the Apostles witness of the resurrection of the Lord Jesus and great grace was upon them all the message of the early apostles was the message of his resurrection the Apostles gave witness of the resurrection of the Lord they were eyewitnesses of his majesty Peter said we have not followed cunningly devised fables when we made known unto you the parousia or the coming of the Lord all right we have not followed intelligently crafted stories we have not followed day the skillful figment of men's imagination we were eyewitnesses of his majesty we saw him we touched him brother John calls him Jesus full of grace and truth and of his fullness have we all receive grace for grace he says and the word became flesh and dwelt among us and we beheld his glory they saw his glory as the only begotten of the Father full of grace in the glory that they saw when they saw Jesus in the Incarnation they saw grace which is truth in the glory the glory of God is the goodness of God doxa they saw the goodness of God and that's all you find within the glory of God the goodness of God all right so great grace was upon them and they give witness of the resurrection with great power with great power all right and the healing power of God is a demonstration of the goodness of God don't forget that the gospel is the power of God unto salvation what gospel his message of his death burial and resurrection the message of his death burial and resurrection the healing of the sick is a pointer to the forgiveness of sins the healing of the sick is a pointer that Jesus will also die for sins in eyes in the book of Matthew chapter 8 verse 16 see the way brother module will put the account when the even was come they brought unto Him many that were possessed with devils and he cast out the spirits with his word and healed all that were sick he healed all that were sick next verse that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by Isaiah the prophet saying himself took our infirmities and bore our sicknesses that it may be fulfilled so the healing of the sick was a pointer to the fact that Jesus will die as his substitutionary sacrifice that is why he healed to show that in his good character he will not only take care of your bodily ailments he is also going to go right into the core of your sinful situation that it might be fulfilled a pointer to that healing power you can preach forgiveness and deny healing that will be hypocrisy you can preach the forgiveness of God and deny healing look at Luke chapter 5 verse 17 and it came to pass on a certain day as he was teaching what was he doing he was teaching that there were Pharisees and doctors of the law sitting by which were come out of every town of Galilee and Judea and Jerusalem and the power of the Lord was present to heal them what was present to heal them the power of the Lord as he was teaching the power was present as I'm teaching that the power of the Lord is present and it is nobody catered by distance wherever you're watching the broadcast the power of the Lord is right as long as my words you are hearing them because words are vehicles transport the power of God worlds are vehicles that transport the power of God so anywhere the Word of God can be hard at that same instance the power of God is available it doesn't matter where you are it doesn't matter words are spirit and in the spirit there is no distance in the spirit there is no distance so the power was present that's when the Centurion said oh Jesus I'm not worthy that you come to my house speak the word only and your world will travel with the power to ever match is the word of the king contains the power of the King the power was present because the teaching of the word was going on where the world is preached the power of God is present and the Lord was working with them confirming his word with signs and wonders so signs and wonders attend to the teaching of God's world signs and wonders attend to the teaching of God's world that's why you come to services with issues before the service is over all the issues are dissolved because of God's power that is available and present in the midst of the teaching of God's world are we still in the building all right so the power was present to heal them the power was present we'll go back to verse 15 of Luke chapter 5 look 5:15 but so much the more when they're a Fame abroad of him and great multitudes came together to hear they came together toward to hear and to be healed to hear and to be healed so in here in the healing power comes the power of God is transported by the one of God they came to hear and to be healed of their infirmities they came to hear and to be healed of their infirmities my son attend to my words incline your ears to my sayings for the alive fools that find them and he'll to their flesh that water hell to their flesh actually it is medicine to their flesh the Word of God is God's medicine when you open up yourself to the world and you receive the world the ward heals your body the ward heals your body that's why you attend to the world and you can never over here the world you can have an overdose of panadol but you cannot have an overdose of the world panadol will give you side effects but the word has no side effect the only in fact the word has is goodness all over the place attend to my words incline your ears to my say let them not depart from your eyes keep them in the midst of your heart for they are they are they are life to those that find them and they are medicine to all their flesh medicine God's medicine is God's world and if you abide by your doctor's prescription to take two tablets three times a day the one of God has its own prescription let the word of Christ not depart from your eyes and from your baby so full of the world let the word feel every part of you until malaria has nowhere to stay because the word has filled every part of you be so full of the world be so full of the world until cancer asthma survival environment be so full of the world until fever cannot survive your body be so full of the world until high blood pressure does not have where to sleep baby are no nicotine and am allocating be so full of the world let the word of god failure how will it feel you're the entrance so you must take it in you must take it in you must take it in how do you take the word in by listening you listen to it you read it you're looking put it on your doorpost put it on your to your fridge put it by your TV put it in your wardrobe put in your bathroom so that way our showering you are here in the world where you are dressing you're here in the world when you are eating you're here in the world when you're jumped into a car and put ignition on the world comes on you get your office you be so full of let your environment be world saturated that demons does not have where to survive you attend to my world because power is in the world power is in the world the Word of God is your lifeline don't treat it like one of the piece of furniture in your house it is the only lifeline you have man shall not live by bread alone but by every one so living is by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God you pay attention to God's Word the greatest favor anybody can do to you is to point you to the Word of God does the greatest favor anybody can do you need to feed your mind jeong jinuk said Christ is God Christ is God so Christ in me means the healer is in me Christ is God so Christ in me means the healer is in me for two things to heal me and through me heal others said very loud with me the healer is in me can I get you one more time no apologies can I hear you louder now if your daddy look 517 there were Pharisees inside the hall doctors of law and Pharisees we're inside the hall but the people that were outside needed healing but the people inside we are not looking for healing they were looking for anything they will use to trap Jesus and they were the ones inside but the people outside we're not looking forward to truck they were looking for genuine healing the power was present but the people inside didn't need the power so they were not making a demand on the power a demand must be intentionally made on God's power God's power is not forced on people someone must make a demand on that power for that situation for that power to take care of that situation the Pharisees and doctors of the law made no demand on the power even though the power was present this folks inside we are suffering from mental assent mental assent they were subjecting the Word of God to their mental limitation they were full of kernel analysis which leads to paralysis now I want to give you rhymes pray for me men that are given to mental assent never act on the Word of God never they analyze it to a point of common eyes in it they analyze it to a point of trivializing it they analyze it to a point of making it insignificant they are given to mental assent sir with me very loud hilum is mine right now and always said again Hillen is mine right now and always said again Hillen is mine right now and all the time say there is no special time for healing healing for me is always every time is time for healing healing is mine because the gila is in me where is the gila is in you now in that Luke 5:17 those people are outside who knew that the power came through the roof they came through the roof I made a demand on the power look at verse 20 and when he saw their faith he said unto Him man thy sins are forgiven their faith was the demand they made on the power their faith made a demand on the power what demanded their faith make on the power their faith was the opening of the roof and dropping the man before Jesus now the only reason why they open the roof and drop the man was because they knew that there is no way that man will appear before Jesus and not be healed so you can imagine somebody coming to discharge and climb the roof while service is on and open the roof and begin to drop somebody through not minding it is a legal offense not man did the danger it will post those inside not minding the cost when faith is alive you damned every consequence and get what you must get you don't think about supposing if not if we are still thinking if not and if your you have not yet come to a place of full persuasion when you come to a place of full persuasion Abraham hoping against hope I got not and the promise of God through unbelief but was strong in faith giving glory of God being fully persuaded that faithfully she who promised who is ever also to perform fully persuaded faith see with me I am fully persuaded healing is mine always the healer is in me right now when he said man that seems a forgiving he regulated the power power not regulated is destructive God's power is always regulated look at the regulation power was present Jesus regulated it - forgiveness man thy sins are forgiven the power is regulated to forgive sins watch carefully next verse and the scribes and the Pharisees began to reason saying who is this who speak and blasphemies who can forgive sins but God alone that is why they come to the Saudis to look forward to to to have again see you know honey they're people who listen to me teach they are not listening to understand they are looking forward to peak and such people remain with the devil forever I don't notice them anybody who listens to my teaching - big offense is dealing with the wrong guy I am not aware you are existing you are investing your life in a foolish venture because the manual target is best and dumped to your insinuations this boy is too focused it's to focus the more you look forward to criticize me for the more I keep saying it in fact I will even confuse you by complicating the statement say bed ability bar I owe you no explanation they let they give it so power must be regulated because power are not regulated is destructive have I said that you know electricity's in this building and we're all seen beautiful light I'm feeling good because she's very regulated if for any reason right now I take off I take off I take of the conduit that is carrying the livewire that is in that socket and I push you to touch it you will understand what happens when power is not regulated you will understand its regulated and it is measured and it is calculated to supply the voltage that is needed for productive use the reality analysis so that is why the power that is going into the different gadgets in this building are different supply systems the pallet of powers the electric lights is not the same voltage that powers air conditioners they are different even the sockets are different the starting arms and as 15 amps is a true look I'm not analytical don't be looking at me I'm not teaching electricity just like Jesus is not a farmer and he said a certain man carries seeds on fell on good ground some fell by Teresa is a communication [Applause] torture never see power must be regulated power has to be regulated they now said who is he to forgive sins but God alone geez see when people are looking for fault don't pay them attention Jesus never did look while they are looking for how to rope him in and this is a blasphemy on speaker look at the next verse when Jesus perceived their thoughts before they even spoken he answered and said unto them is a not a troublemaker somebody is still thinking he has not spoken to you use the answering Hebrew it for him to speak out he answered and said unto them what I think my father what was in your hearts look at the next scene you see now when I is easier to say thy sins be forgiven thee or to say rise up and walk what are you what is your problem next verse but that you may know that the Son of man has power upon the earth to forgive sins he said unto the sick of the palsy I say unto you power regulated again the regulation he regulated the power from healing and redirected the power coming from forgiveness redirected the same power to healing I say unto thee arise pick up the couch and go into the house while fall find us we are busy finding fault a man that came ready to receive has received a left better than all of listen when you listen to a teaching to look for fault you can never improve you will remain where you are as a traffic policeman directing cars to park perhaps while you yourself are not in any you stop Lamborghini you stop Bentley you stop Ferrari very expensive cars and you're feeling cool that you stop them but you can stop them forever after a while you let them pass they are passing only you are standing and not even inside a pickup I refuse to be a traffic policeman I reject it now you know no speaking it's alright it's just one year's he will not stop my cover two hours telling about our ability it is constructive you must make a demand and when you make a demand it is regulated to meet your need when you make a demand on God's power for example when I lay hands on you and I say be healed I have regulated and directed power in your direction and I have demanded power to move to you but you must receive most times the problem in the church is people don't know how to receive it's not a power is not a each other you're not receiving and the reason why you are not receiving is because you are suffering from a mental block in a inert you're suffering for what does their blocking on your mentality something has blocked your mind you know when you take cold eyes juice juice that is frozen there's a way you will suck it in it will freeze your mind I mean your head have you been there before you will even feel pain it will freeze you okay if we go through everything will stop for that instance some people their minds have stopped like that for a while so everyone we are teaching this is a block so they can't receive and what constitutes that blockade is a set of beliefs a set of beliefs Mufasa is the Greek word means fables brother Paco sit old wives fables I don't know why it is although I'm not old man favors my wives my mom just joking old wives is it because some wives can gossip I don't know old wives fables for me are you still in the building when is shorty of faith demand he regulated the power in the direction are you still here now sometimes your experience could be a hindrance to healing your experience sometimes your experience that's why you don't build your life on experience you build your life on the Word of God because experience could differ depending on looked at in verse 10 and he was teaching in one of the synagogue's on the Sabbath what was he doing teaching again alright next verse 11 and behold there was a woman which had a spirit of infirmity Arminius 18 years and the spirit of infirmity that was inside about her is not every deformity that has a medical explanation there are many deformities that are demonic deformities like deafness blindness people that are deformed this woman had a spirit of infirmity that deformed her about her and she could not lift herself she wasn't born like that is a condition that was backed by a spirit of infirmity now pay attention to the next verse 12 and when Jesus saw her he called her to him and said unto her woman Thou Art Loosed from them infirmity even though the woman asked does lose has been used for so many things but in context it was used for healing woman Thou Art Loosed from then infirmity from an infirmity next verse and alertly son so there are times in healing we lay hands the lane of hands is used in releasing power when I lay hands on you power is transmitted from me to you it's called ministry are you still here it's but in every case the hands were linked they came to here and be healed and Jesus said stand up pick amat go in this other instance he laid hands because sometimes when you find people struggling to receive you lay hands to assist in giving them a delivery of what they are struggling to receive are you here yeah he laid hands he laid hands on her and immediately she was made straight and glorified God the troublemakers again next verse and the ruler of the synagogue answered with indignation indignation because that Jesus had healed on the Sabbath day and said unto the people there are six days in which men ought to walk in them therefore come and be healed and not on the Sabbath day the man is angry next verse the Lord answered and said thou hypocrite - right but not each one of you on the Sabbath loses ox or his ass from the stall and little memory to a serene next verse and are not this woman being a daughter of Abraham whom Satan Harbor so there are some sicknesses that are as a result of satanic bondage you know like this woman whom Satan has bound know this 18 years be loosed from this bond which other day is better to lose somebody than on a summer day indignation you can get healed in a prayer meeting you can get you in your cast meeting you can get you in a watch Sunday service you can get here anyway anyway we got her together because the power of God is always available Charles cobs one of the great faith teacher said right and wrong thinking right thinking wrong thinking and then Kenneth Hagin had Charles Capps teach all right are wrong thinking in 1969 he listened till he was healed all right and wrong thinking remove the mental block remove it nothing that says it is natural it is normal that when a woman is 55 she starts acting like a psycho it is normal they call it menopause and they say there are symptoms of menopause for women to start forgetting a house address and arrive at her uncle's house no nope nope nope it there is nothing normal about it at hundred you will still be normal I know I'm not talking to you so that's why you know same email right you can see it for yourself it's not normal to wear glasses apart even at 60 how old was Moses his eyes were sharp under the Old Covenant there are things we have come to accept because of carnality we have agreed it is nama s canal it wrong teaches mental block this boy you see watch me after 20 years this plant watch bless the Lord O my soul and forget not his banner holy new HR you'd like what you're not an equal Kristen it's a metaphor like it is a renewal you who renew your youth metaphor you go Kristen's we're not in this building in this building is really new creators say my youth is renewed like giggles you know why Eagles because Eagles always renew themselves if an eagle is the only bird that knows how to look young all the time Eagles they look young because they have a process of renewing their youth that's why in metaphoric communication it was holy and equal they could use to identify with renewal of each is not because you on ego where you fly into his power voices amen I said Amen I said Amen so Jesus in the character of God heal the sick against traditions he healed the sick against traditions he spent quality time to teach it shows that God is an information God Jesus was always teaching before healing teaching before healing because God is an information God what teaching before healing does is that when you are taught and then you are healed even when we are not there if the sickness is trying to come back because you have been taught you take care of it so that's why teaching teaching healing teaching healing teaching healing is still in the building Jesus taught in Matthew 4:23 2:24 he taught in Matthew chapter 7 he taught in Luke 5:17 he thought he was teaching the goodness of God what was he teaching he was teaching the goodness of God was he teaching the goodness of God let me give you an illustration then I get into what I really want to show in the service acts 13:38 be not unto you therefore men and brethren that through this man is preached unto you the forgiveness of sins this is Paul teaching here is a teaching service and Paul is teaching them that God offers forgiveness of sins next verse and by him all data that believe are justified from all things from which there could not be justified by the law of Moses next verse B we are therefore less that come upon you which is spoken of in the prophets next verse behold and he went on come to chapter 14 verse 1 in the midst of this teaching Saudis chapter 14 verse 1 and it came to pass in econom where Paul was teaching that they went out together into the synagogue of the Jews and suspect that a great multitude both of the Jews and also the Greeks believed what they had but the unbelieving Jews cheered of the Gentiles and made their minds even affected against the present next was long time therefore aboard a speaking daily boldly they aboard for how long then aboard for a long long time what were they doing speaking ditching boldly in the Lord which gave testimony unto the word of His grace and because of long time teaching science and wonders were granted to be done when a lot of teaching has happened it's easy for miracles to erupt is a lot of teaching because teaching will cast down mindsets teaching will concern religious beliefs teachings will pull down unbelief teaching will pull down everything that stands as a barrier when all the barriers are cleared and the power moves miracles happen am i teaching here look at the next verse but the mother of the city was divided and party held with the Jews and part with the apostle's next verse and when there was an assortment of the Gentiles and also of the Jews with the rulers to use them despitefully and to stone them gimme bus vice versa and there were of it and fled onto lystra and derbe verse 7 and there they preached the gospel they re read what they preached the gospel when teaching takes place miracles erupt miracles erupt now 70 very loud helium belongs to me said very loud louder louder look at John chapter 9 verse 1 the Gospel of John 9 1 and as Jesus passed by he saw a man which was blind from his birth and his disciples asked him saying master who did sin this man or his parents that he was born blind all these are mental blocks these people have been taught that you cannot be sick if there is no problem they have been taught about generational causes they have been taught about family causes they have been taught about ancestral causes they are being taught about you know village trouble village demons so now they have a mindset that anybody that is born blind or born crippled somebody's seen from ancestors has been transferred that was the mental block so they said Jesus this one has brain who is responsive look at the answer jesus answered neither had this man sinned nor his spirits somebody said why is it like with everything I'm doing my blood pressure because you're a human being finish there are people always want to move why Papa why did my brother die because he died finish with my time remove my wound to keep you alive don't be lookin for wise because those wise constitute a mental block what you need is not explanation what you need is a miracle if they remove your won't be clear to anyone is that okay let me have some of you what do you want there is in all the miracle case closed then stop unseen for why because every time you had seen for why you are looking for a reason to remain where you are Jesus didn't say this man but that the works of God should be made manifest it's not about what his response to my job used to manifest the work of God to demonstrate the glory of God you stay away from Jewish fables you only have some people said if your parents are promiscuous you will be in prostitution have you had that before have you had that before you know I have had parents where the husband cheated on the wife or the wife cheated on her husband it of the party or both of them cheated yes as you are doing it like that is your children died okarito if your children died okarito is an old wives fable if your promise cross beyond our current you and it will finish with you your children are innocent they are their life stop trying to force your iniquity on your children is against God it's witchcraft the children shall not bear the iniquity of the father and the father shall not bear the iniquity of the grandfather the soul has in it if you thief no expect your child to steal you will not follow you if you joke you would be the one to arrest you especially children of today sit down why in my time if your father tell you sit down you don't even see why you sit before you think of white and if the white come out by mistake the way you will be slapped the way we turn to but today you tell a child sit up daddy why mommy why are you must explain times have changed so be ready to explain the scene of the father son will be upon the child say here you you can say no more shall disprovable said in Israel that the father's have sour grapes and sure your mother died of stroke you cannot die or stroke don't be afraid get rid of that meets your father died bedridden you can have it Medical Sciences you can have it does medical science does not the Bible whenever befell your father can be follow your father divorced three wives you spiritually married in fact if you don't quarrel you need counseling if you caught me anyway if you're married and your wife don't quarrel two of you need counseling because towards your Hippocrates Yazdi pretended there is no real to human beings gather whether their brother husband wife sister enemies the most coral is part of humanity however when you koremasa to today us a purpose you should be Corelli where you Corel you must settle what is the coral a coral is a misunderstanding what is a misunderstanding it means we miss under our circulators you were looking like this and then I said Sorachi ace a cut and two of us are correct because you are seeing cut I'm seeing right nobody's correct both are correct or false because we are come come come don't be looking ladies see rot cigarette not shut up is right he is currently seen cut me I am correct and sing rot is it not true then what is what is what is settling the coral sudden the coral would be confessed to see rot you say and then he to septum see cut easy not true it's natural for us to see from different sides that is right there is Matthew Mark Luke and John the same accounts they are talking different things because it depends on where they were standing to view the event their wife is coral with you doesn't mean she is rebellious but you always rebellious why is it every time I see something mercy another one is what I'm seeing that I'm saying now you are seeing what you are saying everybody see now if you want me to tell me to see where you're seeing and if you are not making me see what I'm seeing is what I'm saying some hospice are not patient to make their wife see what DC and some wives are not patient to make the husband see what they see so the house is always full of kind of statistics of living things characteristics of limited the healing ministry of Jesus let's get back I think somebody's marriage is getting healed right now it's no need for Carolyn it's just you guys to sit down and discuss that's what we say communication is the key to an anointed family we didn't yet communication is the anointing of any marriage once you and your wife or your husband cannot communicate there will be maritime injuries if you want to be healed in your marriage you must be effective that the communication of your faith may be effectual so that the communication of your marriage may be effectual acknowledging every goodness in the marriage glory to God Technologies your questions reveal your mindset your questions reveal your mindset Mary say how can these things be seen and know not a man does the revelation of a mindset Zakaria said I am old and stricken in age how can I have children is a revelation of his mindset and it was the even as good as Abraham there are times you question to question and there are times you question for the purpose of knowing you have to find a way my question in something is it just for looking for trouble or because I want to learn same thing with marriage there are times you in marriage couples are just asking questions to cause trouble and there are times couples ask questions sincerely to know so you must be able to make up your mind to be construct even if even in asking questions now are you still in the building I said are you still in the building don't try to understand myths understand gosh world stay away from any theology that is built on people's experiences stay away from it I still in the building yeah so questions reveal intentions and reveal mindsets matthew 15:8 look at jesus matthew 15:8 these people draw it down to me with their mouth and honor and with their lips but their heart is far from me Matthew 12:34 Jesus still speaking all generation of vipers how can ye being evil speak good things for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh out of the abundance of the heart the mouth so your questions reveal the intents of your heart Nexus Nexus Nexus a good man out of the good treasure of the heart bringeth for good things and an evil man out of the evil treasure bringeth forth evil things that's why you must ask the right questions when you are ministering to people who are sick the first thing you must forget is their mindset don't look at their condition check their mindset because the only thing that can hinder a man from receiving healing is a mindset that is not in alignment with the provisions of God's generosity a mindset that excuses why you must be sick a mindset that has an explanation as to why at all as young as a young boy you are already using walking stick because you think you're an elder a young boy is carrying walking stick because in his village they say walking stick is a status of eldership and now he's getting used to a toad leg after a while he can't walk without a toad leg so he has three legs to walk in the name of status useless status there are traditions that neutralized the power of God Jesus said you have made the Word of God of none effect by your tradition that is tradition is so powerful that it can render the Word of God ineffective you must be careful in your village they say when you dream and see cobweb it means you are going to have so much poverty and you believe it then you start seeing cobweb every night now you have concluded that you are the headquarters of poverty some of you your village they have told you if you dream and see us aware in your primary school uniform it means you can never make progress and from that day every time you dream you're wearing primary school uniform and not even a good one one that the bomb bomb has spawned and the part of the shirt has porn and you're wearing a pattern like that that is a sign from your village Constitution which was agreed with that you are the manufacturer of poverty so even we're praying for you you're singing if only you know we are praying in the name of Jesus we ask that you have ideas to make money with primary uniform all wife fables muthos old wives fables am I still teaching here look at some scriptures quickly quickly first emoji one for first emoji one for quickly first image never give it to fables and endless little honey reduces genealogies genealogies honey delicious genealogies that means your father divorced you to divorce your children is a genealogy is called ancestral something your mother died of stroke your grandmother died of stroke you are beginning to high blood pressure and medical science say from high blood pressure in stroke so it is flowing in the line but you forget that you are a new creation you are a new creation that is nucleation means you never existed until the day you are created we are the workmanship of God please add that in Christ Jesus unto good works watch science I spawn of God overcometh the world and this is the victory that overcometh the world if we have acid being born again not of corruptible seed but of incorruptible by the Word of God of his own will begat he us by the water fruits that we should be a kind of firstfruits of am I talking to somebody here somebody say I hear you I declare Ohio you had the beginning of the new generation somebody say no sickness no disease is permitted to survive my environment shouting man without sin list of endless genealogies abuse it endless endless at ease poverty from generation to generation to generation your father died economic an old bicycle you now to even get your job is difficult I love ask you speak you say is our family tradition which family are you from I bow my knees on to the father of our Lord Jesus Christ whom the whole family in heaven and on earth is me I belong to the royal family chosen generation yeah a peculiar people your royal priesthood you're told out of darkness into his marvelous life to show the presence of God it's a year in the voice of this preacher so Tahir I hear they that receive the abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness they shall read I cannot talk ever later I declare over you I sure mmm will collect Rhonda ran over poverty ran of a sickness ran of our decision learn of our struggles somebody shot I reign in life through Christ Jesus Sarah Sarah Sarah Sarah endless genealogies endless genealogies which Minister questions why now why's everybody pulling my family why's everybody like that why endless genealogies which Minister questions rather than godly edifying which is in the field when the doctor said blood pressure tell him which chapter which chapter how much did he say the money is two thousand an attacker money but which chapter and I don't trust the team high blood pressure was my age high blood pressure at my age even biological calculation is abnormal at my age what am I thinking I think on these things whatever things are pure whatever things are just whatever things are lovely whatsoever things are honest if there be any good report if there be any virtue think on these things be careful for nothing Tobiah be careful for nothing in nothing be terrified am i preaching this manner you should stay in the field don't let anybody take out of the faith don't give me to fables muthos fables look at first Timothy 4:7 but refuse profane and old wives fables and exercise thyself rather unto godliness refuse it and stay in the revelation of God second Timothy 4 4 and they shall turn away their eyes from the truth and shall be turned unto fables they will live the truth of the gospel and begin to posit theories data unfounded fables persist on hill until you get it no matter the doctor's report refuse to set down for any medical report that betrays the finished work of Christ refused to betray tries to agree with a physical evidence after all after all in this Nigeria in this Nigeria they did an x-ray for him and they saw a cockroach in his chest in his heart they saw a cockroach inside his heart in the x-ray and they said he has a cockroach in his heart they have to do an open heart surgery and they can handle it in Nigeria he must fly to India where they have the sophistication I'm telling you true story in this country the man bought tickets spent money flew to India when they go to India and did an x-ray of his heart they didn't find a cockroach in the heart then the cross examined the material actually and they discover it is the x-ray machine that had the cockroach there are some things doctors will give you you need to look at the doctors hand to this show it was not from his hand that it appeared let no man turn you away from the truth irrespective of his evidence am i teaching gaudiya they told him sorry you don't have cockroach is the x-ray machine that has the cockroach so when it was exiting your heart the cockroach in it became a part of your heart but you can imagine the nightmare that torment this family has gone to and the money they are spanked the wall remove cockroach let all men be liars however the truth of God's Word say big Billy - bigger do you parent to speak in tongues should you be like enough more new table barakatuh I declare over you as long as I remain your past oh not demo will molest you [Applause] say helium is working in me say very loud Healing is working in me always all the time every time always all the time every time Titus 1:14 this Armenta blocks that must be removed if you're going to enjoy divine healing Titus on 14 not giving heed to Jewish fables and commandments of men that turn from the truth Titus 3:9 but avoid foolish questions and genealogies again and contentions and strivings about the law for they are unprofitable and vain the word genealogie is a Greek word general ogia it means antecedent and dissidence things that have happened in the family firstborn was poor great-grandfather firstborn was poor great-great great-grandfather all face bones in the family apart that's why they have one useless service what did I call it come on speak up tamiya´s a useless service or as they call it deliverance of the first born that is a useless is an old wives fable is a myth that takes advantage of volleyball ignoramus avoid such services what did I say anyway I know you will from gaudiya and if you go there you're a product of but I like you so my is it disease actually doctor and if he doesn't send him to my medical school he says endless genealogies the word endless dia is on accomplished it has no conclusion avoided let your conclusions be found on God's Word foolish questions is the Greek word Zack sees that CC e TS is used for investigations foolish questions investigations you say man of God will tell somebody where is your placenta have they worked in a condo castle where is your placenta go and ask your mother when you were born where did they bury your placenta because what is doing you is connected to a placenta you see an old man looking for his mother mummy where did you put my blood center you are 55 I don't know where you put those 55 years ago you said no the man of course if you don't find it I cannot be free they must travel to village and looking for placenta people are suffering men these witches on the pulpit are tormenting people so now you're going to village to look for classes you know what last sentence is a small flesh that attach you to a model which they caught after delivery and bury somewhere so now they are going to go and look for the burial ground where placenta was buried before the man will be free does not Christ a tongue Christ Jesus whom the Sun sets free no placenta is looked for see your poi where did they bury her placenta men of God accent people to look for placenta which has become witchcraft that man of God has started a shrine + central International stupid man what did I call him taken advantage of ignoramuses do you know who planned the mango tree your compound where is the old man who planned the mango tree Ocampo you know that mango tree between those two more women in your family there's a mango tree standing between houses who planted that mango tree he is the passion when he planted a mango tree he has vested your prosperity and that of your elder brother until we find him you can never prosper idiotic message what did I call it people sitting in those churches from flying mango tree who planted it what does mango tree got to do with a man and when we tell you the truth you say we are not seeing we are blind when they tell you to go and bring mango tree serial dancing you yourself are not a problem you are the problem actually because if you are not there their business with no prosper you come hear me teach this kind of word and you still go to California a night why you laughing now we are climbing three in the night because the Prophet said you must bring your mango from the tree in your village whoo laughs yeah yes some of it is thick carry you to those people you're here you're looking at they stick to you to those people you look at you see your problem was caused by a man of God yes if I catch you you will pay me for all my teachings if I catch you what does light got to do with darkness how can you see this kind of light and still turn to darkness and the man prophesied you cannot even construct a sentence he can construct a complete sentence in English he started a sentence with vernacular spoken English initiated vernacular and yes dismally with all your degree did you go to school or school until you who went through I want to close the service did you go to school or did school go through who went to the man can construct a complete sentence he started vernacular only one English was in sight and he wound up English was in a past tense an infinitive analyzed eastern India allowing people to construct roadblock inside your head so that when the world is coming instead of the word entry things are blocking the world my sense must be brought down and it is like this this kind bla la that I'm giving this afternoon is what brings out this kind of my sense say yeah you say I refuse to be reached with my two eyes open it with my two eyes closed I refused to believe it he said this is called Etsy's he's a Greek word Miami first emoji 6-4 6-4 he is proud knowing nothing but doting about questions and strives of world we are of commit envy strife railings evil surmisings these are things to avoid second Timothy 2:23 but foolish and unlearned questions avoid knowing that agenda strife stop asking how did it happen why should it happen Radha process whereby when you read you may understand my knowledge we're in the mystery of Christ beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy I do fancies take the Word of God as final authority in your heart what the Word of God cannot give you number one it does not exist number two you don't need it once you can't find it in the Word of God threw it away see I hear you I'm not telling you I'm not hearing you God's will is always healing what is the will of God always is always healing get rid of doubt about the goodness of God get rid of doubt about the character of God in Christ don't you never once said God is good to ask me all the time sitsit said very loud Saint louder said louder's I thought how here powerful amen I have to close here my time is out I wanted to deal with something but maybe next on news or when is eros I want to deal with who made Saul of Tarsus blind since God does not have evil who made Saul he was blind for three days who made what power made enemas blind in the book of Acts I want to trace it from Scripture and do exegesis on that and I want to conclusively show you who was responsible for Zacharias blindness only you know the man was deaf and dumb for nine bones Zachariah the father of John not dumb and deaf who made him deaf and Oh since God doesn't have evil we want to be able to conclusively circle that God has no business with anything cause sickness from the tenants of Scripture so that you can never excuse any sickness in your body never we want to take out every logical doubt from the father God has never been involved with an iota of misfortune but the Scriptures can raise questions that's why I have to demystify them but we can't do that in this service next service are you excited are you bruh are you blessed are you blessed don't you never say get rid of old wives fables the other wife the only wife get rid of old wives fables they have told you that you can never be Melania at the age of 20 who said so who said so there are milania's at 11 there are multiple Onias at 9 who said you can be rich those are mindsets that can make you a poor man poverty's to stuff it's a mentality get rid of those mental blocks for your mind and have the mind of Christ see possibility everywhere all things are possible to him that believes and with God all things are possible is a believer in this building say I cannot tolerate sickness in my body shout evil I cannot tolerate sickness in my body my body has been bought with a price I refuse to accommodate discomfort sickness pain in my body and I declare in the name of Jesus I make my body on conducive for sickness disease and infirmities by the blood of Jesus I refuse to give excuse to any reason why I should be uncomfortable in the name of Jesus I take authority I take authority I take authority over every contrary symptom I cast on imaginations I bring every thought under subjection to the obedience of Christ I am healed I am hold and I shall be healthy a totally here powerful amen somebody said a part of God is not walking to me everybody stand I want to pray for you the power of God is not working me said again the power of God is not working me loud that the power of God is not working me louder the power of God is not working me louder the power of God is not working me louder the power of God is at work in me healing is not working me healing flows in my body healing flows in my body healing flows in my body healing flows in my body healing flows in my body the healing power of God is at work in this building thank you Father thank you for all over the world a healing power of God is at walk the caliber don't get ahead lay hands on yourself right now and Isuprel want to be here in your image I declare right now wherever you're hearing the sound of my voice the power of God is at work on your inside I command it to flow through your body flow through your body flow through your body flow through your body everything that is contrary to the finished work of Christ I command it to expire out of your body body be healed but they be here body here are the organs in your body I command them renewed refreshed renewed refreshed renewed refreshed I speak to your tendons your tissues your muscles your heart your liver your kidney your flesh your skin your eyes your ears your mouth your entire system I command the healing power of God to release your body from every pain in the name of Jesus and I declare right now every miracle report is cancer right now cancer right now cancer right now cancer right now and I decree from this day whatever is wrong with your sight is corrected now corrected now corrected now corrected now in the name of Jesus thank you Father and I declare every condition around you that contradicts Redemption that contradicts the finished work of Christ be corrected be corrected I rebuke every storm I rebuke every wind I rebuke every confusion change in the name of Jesus I speak please over your body peace over your mind peace over your mind please over your heart peace over your health in Jesus precious name can I hear that a man like you believed it now listen we're going to take 30 seconds and do something crazy here if you were sick somewhere I want you to exercise it and prove to yourself that it is gone I want everybody for 30 seconds let's just make some noise and let's shout scream job celebrate and celebrate the human power of God that is not working this place go ahead and celebrate if you couldn't bend if you couldn't bend man if you couldn't move your body move if you couldn't see see if you couldn't hear hear if you're gonna walk what if you couldn't run run if you couldn't jump jump whatever you couldn't do before go ahead and do it hallelujah amen healing for you is not just now but always Amen seven me I heal the sick always by the power of God that is working within me I didn't hear powerful amen are you blessing the service get rid of mental blocks and receive the engrafted world that is able to save yourself hallelujah listen to me everybody including those online all our campuses I said this in the first service I'm gonna ask and I have to say because we're going to send you guys off now I'm going to be acting everybody in this church today to give financially to us our global conference that holds in America in the next few months actually two months from now we're gonna Acts I know I have not asked the church here but I know that in our campuses people have been given to us the conference and today I want to ask the church here now our campuses I know a lot of you are giving and we will not stop giving until they need is met we give until the need is met secondly there are those of you online who are not in campuses okay and you're a part of this church and you also want to give you know like I said in the first service it was back in the days under the law or under you know the mixture of gospel where we used to preach and attach your giving to material breakthrough if you give things to be good if you give you a breakthrough if you give you a harvest like Isaac Isaac so and in the same year he lived a hundredfold between now and December if you give a hundredfold there are many people that will come out and give because they want a hundred for now if you will give on that that kind of message now we actually to give for the walk of God and you give any less it means you are not yet free from maman maman is a demon that controls money it is now you should give more because you now know why money is in your hand money is in your hand for the mission of the kingdom that's how you make money you make money for yourself you make money for your family but naturally to advance the kingdom because when you give through your giving people are affected you are live for yourself treasures in heaven where thieves will not get through so giving ought to be meaningful much more now than before because now we're not giving for to get we're giving because of God's goodness and we want other people to be partakers of this blessing and like I said in the first service this is one of the most generous churches on the planet right here in power city and I didn't hear your amen except you know you're not a part of the generosity but if you are I want here live in amen it is strawbe are giving us a charge that we've been able to get the gospel out globally on every available platform it can reach and people are being reached on daily basis all over the world television radio and all the platforms we keep giving us a charge and we will hit two more somebody said I will do more for the kingdom so today I'm going to be taking that offering and for those of you online if you want to be a part of the giving just shoot email to dr. Abel damina at and we will send you banking details that covers the area where you're emailing from and please when you email us let us know where you're emailing from those of you online help me tap the email address dr. Abel damina at and we'll be glad to hear from you today and thank you for giving to the Lord and I get powerful amen and I'm doing this because we are signing you guys in a few minutes now everybody get an offering let's give to the world everybody get your offerings all over the world in this building we give generously we give for the walk we are blessed to be blessing we prosper to be a blessing to the walk of God all our resources are so that we can be a blessing to the walk of God unto the people of God amen father thank you for the privilege to give this morning thank you for every member of this house online in this building on our campuses we all give today joyfully we give generously we give freely and we give because we know we've been given so that we can continue to advance the cause of God on the earth and as we give we thank you that our offerings are a sweet smell before you thank you for the blessing upon your people in Jesus precious name and every believer sees a powerful amen now hold it guys were signing you off you don't want to miss the service on when is there at 6 p.m. GMT plus one we wanted to spread the news around the world about what God is doing here and the adverts are already on social media for the Atlanta conference in November the Atlantic Conference there are lot of videos going out and fly us help us share them on your page take them drop in what's up groups and push it everywhere around the world let's float the bloom abou planet with the fragrance of Jesus's love our campuses will live in the EBU hands of our coordinators and everybody else will love you guys looking forward to connect again on Wednesday at 6 p.m. GMT +1 or until then enjoy the rest of your day let's celebrate viewers around the world hitless today - we celebrate go ready go come on somebody make some noise in this house [Music] [Music] this is Kingdom Life Network [Music]
Channel: Abel Damina Ministries International
Views: 5,351
Rating: 4.7647057 out of 5
Id: Iq6auDzmllg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 39sec (5379 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 22 2019
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