Midweek Service | 18 Sept. 2019.

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[Music] of the world the Word of God is my nature I do not struggle to do the world I do the world naturally therefore today I will understand the word of His grace I will be built up by the end of the service I will never be the same never ever be the same again in Jesus name and everybody what's is a powerful amen well one welcome every one of your journals our way of kingdom life in it to a Facebook YouTube all the various campuses around the world we're glad to have you connected to the service tonight and you get ready to what is gonna build you up and you will never be the same again can I hear another amen anybody excited about the life of God on your inside the eternal life of God can we celebrate the life of God with a shout glory glory glory amen you can be seated with your sweets myself tonight glory to God amen all right tonight let's get in the world and just proceed from where we stopped on Sunday on the healing ministry of Jesus the healing ministry of Jesus first Corinthians chapter 15 verse one has been our key scripture in this series first Corinthians 15 verse number 1 moreover brethren I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you which also you have received and wherein you stand next verse by which also you are saved if you keep in memory what I preached unto you unless you have believed in vain verse 3 for I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures and that he was buried and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures and that he was seen of Cephas then of the twelve after that he was seen of about 500 brethren once of whom the greater part remain unto this present but some have fallen asleep next verse after that he was seen of James then of all the apostle's next verse and last of all this is brother Paul he was seen of me also as of one born out of due time so Paul was saying that because of those who said Christ did not rise from the dead it's important for him to take the time to put the record straight here in the scripture and he began to talk about the I account or the eyewitness account of the resurrection because there was an eyewitness account of the Incarnation so since there was I witness account of the Incarnation he now brought the eyewitness account of the resurrection because the incarnation is as important as the resurrection and the resurrection is as important as the incarnation if there was no incarnation then of necessity there will be no resurrection and if there was in condition without resurrection then our fate is business so both events are of very vital importance all right second Peter chapter 1 verse number 16 2nd Peter chapter 1 verse 16 for we have not followed cunningly devised fables when we made known unto you the power and coming of Allah Jesus Christ but where I witnesses of His Majesty the word cunning device turning device is the word sophism meaning intelligently crafted stories Peter is saying we didn't follows stories intelligently crafted stories and what is saying is we didn't follow cunningly devised fables the word fables is the word muthos it means fanciful stories like the making of a movie like a make-believe like a well-crafted movie that is well acted that looks so real but it's just a figment of a man's imagination so Peter says what we have followed is not connelly devised fables muthos fanciful stories when we met known unto you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ so it was not a fanciful story look at first Timothy chapter 1 verse 4 first Timothy chapter 1 verse 4 now I give you 2 fables and endless genealogies which Minister questions rather than godly edifying which is in faith he called it fables giving him neither give heed to fables fanciful story 1st Timothy chapter 4 verse 7 customary for seven but refuse profane and old wives fables and exercise thyself rather unto godliness 2nd Timothy chapter 4 verse 4 second Timothy chapter 4 verse 4 and they shall turn away their ears from the truth and shall be turned unto fables they shall be turned unto fables a preacher must never use myths myths look at Titus chapter 1 verse 4 Titus chapter 1 verse 4 to Titus my own son after the common faith grace mercy and peace from the Lord Jesus I mean peace from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ our Savior next verse for this cause I left in credit I shall have set things in order the things that are wanting and ordain elders in every city as I have appointed thee so brother Paul now says a preacher must know spies of the gospel don't give the gospel effects don't try to make the message sound sweet don't try to make the gospel sound fanciful or attractive a preacher must not you know add effects to the message the message on its own has all it requires to save all it requires to heal and all it requires to build a believer it doesn't have to admit to sound nice that is why is difficult to substantiate the use of drama in the preaching of the gospel because drama is a make-belief and is very difficult you know to substantiate why wish you act drama that's what we don't act dramas in this charge because our gospel is not a big belief our gospel is the truth we are not acting something we're not trying to create an impression what we have is a message and that message is the power of God I didn't hear powerful amen so when it comes to the truth of the gospel you cannot create a myth from it you can't try to make it look nice and try to make it look beautiful or trying to make the gospel look funny or trying to make the gospel sound entertaining mm-hmm we don't need any of those adhesions we don't need them at all the gospel is not what you have to create an effect for and the same goes for singing when I have to make a song sound nice entertaining unattractive know that the song should be a reflective a reflection of the message the message on his own is enough the message on its own is the power of God unto salvation it does have to sound nice it does have to look attractive it has all it requires within itself to deliver the goodness of God to mankind can I hear powerful amen yes so we must focus on the message so brother Peter says in 2nd Peter 1:16 we have not followed cunningly devised fables when we made known unto you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ but where I witnesses all these majesty we were eyewitnesses of his majesty is a Greek word a pepitas it's APO PE tes it means we experienced it Oh where I witness means it was experiential we saw it live we were there we saw everything then announces we are eyewitnesses of his majesty the word Majesty means magnificent glory magnificent glory two words come in together is what mega and the word Lotus M e for those of you want to write M eg a le IOT es means something that is magnificent something that shines out it shines out that you can see is effect we are eyewitnesses of his majesty something that shines out you can see its effect you see the use of that word in Luke chapter 9 verse 43 Luke chapter 9 verse 43 and they were all amazed at the mighty power of God but while they wander the world wondered everyone had all things with Jesus did he said unto his disciples while they wondered mighty power look at another place it is used in acts 1927 Acts chapter 19 verse 27 so that not only this our craft is in danger to be set at nought but also that the temple of the Great Goddess Diana should be despised and her magnificence should be destroyed and her magnificence is the same word for majesty something you see the glory something you are not just imagining something you can see clearly this is a glory not imaginative real glory magnificence that word is from another Greek word mega lowers its megs09 works are the word Majesty look at the use of that word in Acts chapter 2 verse 11 Acts chapter 2 verse 11 creates and Arabians we do hear them speak in our tongues the wonderful works of God the wonderful works of God that word is also used by Greek scholars for creation like when you see the song you know setting the Sun going down or the Sun setting you see the beauty you see the Wonder you see the magnificence so Greek scholars use that word to describe real things that we see like Sun or the moon in his beauty in his glory alright magnificence so brother Peter says we saw him in his majesty we saw it clearly not that we imagined it was what we saw with our eyes but I was saying it is evident glory that is his glory was was supernatural we saw his magnificent in 2nd Peter chapter 1 verse 17 2nd Peter chapter 1 verse 17 for he received from God the Father or no and glory when there came such a voice to him from the excellent glory this is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased two times excellent glory same what he says from the excellent glory the same word majesty alright excellent glory that word excellent glory splendor or power splendor excellent glory splendor or power is a Greek word megalo prappas megalo prappas is felt as M eg a new PR a pas the splendor of power we saw the splendor of power you know excellent glory the magnificence of it it's not talking of a makeup here it whatever actually said we saw Jesus physically we saw him what we're talking about is what we saw tangibly not what we imagined not what we felt what we saw and that experience where the Peter was in in retina in 2nd Peter is an experience of Matthew chapter 17 verse 5 put it off for me Matthew chapter 17 verse 5 while he yet spake behold a bright cloud overshadowed em and behold a voice out of the cloud which said this is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased hear ye him in whom I am well pleased is the word you'd appeal you do kill its eud o ke o in whom I am well-pleased you de cure the word the cure means to appear the word the Cure means to appear the word EU means an you know apparently sin well sin well to appear sin well to appear eunuch you so Jesus by that description becomes the proper image of God the proper image of God the proper image of God you will see the confirmation in Matthew 3:17 Matthew 3:17 and lo a voice from heaven saying this is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased mark 1:11 see another confirmation mark 1:11 and there came a voice from heaven saying thou at my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased you see another one there and look 3:20 to Luke chapter 3 verse 22 and the Holy Ghost ascended in a bodily shape like a dog upon him and a voice came from heaven which said thou art my beloved son indeed I am well pleased all of these eyewitness accounts of what all of them saw similar to Matthew 17:5 but the difference is Imagi 17:5 he said he ie him hear ye him my beloved song hear him all the prophets of the Old Testament all of them concluded that everybody must listen to him in fact moseys in acts 3:20 to Moses in acts 3:20 to Acts chapter 3 verse 22 for Moses truly said unto the father's a prophet shall the Lord your God raise up unto you of your brethren like unto me him shall you hear in all things whatsoever he shall say unto you him shall you hear in all things he him the father's voice said ya and all the prophets of the Old Testament said him you must hear if I look at verse 23 in verse 23 Moses says and it shall come to pass that every soul which will not hear that prophet shall be destroyed from among the people everybody must hear Jesus what Moses was saying is if I taught you something and Jesus says anything contrary to what I taught through my own away hear him hear him his words are final we are messengers we are prophets he is not in our class he is the message we are communicating he is the revelation of God he didn't come to reveal God He is God revealed he is the accurate exert he is the perfect imprint he is he is he is he is kobato belladonna he is the accurate exact expression of the father he is a complete revelation of God in human flesh the complete revelation of God in human flesh are you still in a million so Jesus is the expression of God he is not an addition but the totality of it Jesus is not an addition but the totality of God cabaƱa he is not an addition so there is much in the Incarnation about God there is much in the Incarnation about God when I read the four Gospels of Norodom fables I'm reading a revelation contained in the four Gospels as a revelation of the character of God contained in the four Gospels Matthew Mark Luke and John is the character of God revealed as a revelation of a demonstration of God's character Matthew Mark Luke and John is an account of the revelation or the demonstration of Kurata because Jesus is the embodiment of God Express in humanity it is the embodiment the totality of God not just an addition he is the totality of God expressed in humanity if you're in the building shot I hear you he is the totality he is the complete comprehensive character of God unveiled or demonstrated in the four Gospels so the four Gospels carries the eyewitness account of the revelation of God's character manifested in a personality called Jesus Christ in other words in the life of Jesus comes to us the character of God in the life of Jesus comes to us the character of God Peter said we were eyewitnesses of his majesty in other words whatever I see us repeatable acts about God and not new facts about God whatever I see is repeatable ask about God are not new acts of God let me repeat myself in other words whatever I see as repeatable acts about God and not new facts about God but discovered facts about God as you say whatever Jesus did was not a new act of God it was it discovered act of God because that was not the first time it was done it has always been done but this Tamaran more accurately in a person that we can use as reference am i communicating at all yeah they are not new acts of God there is nothing new about what God knows is what he has always done that he does that you will always do the same yesterday today and forever consistently constantly constantly the same he never changes can I hear powerful amen so they are reputable facts about God from his birth to when he was delivered by the midwives to when he was - when he grew up all of those who are reputable facts about God reputable facts about God please pay attention that is to say that where he was born was a lesson in itself the family was born into as a lesson in itself the way he responded to people while he walked the face of the earth is a lesson in itself the way he spoke and accepted to be baptized by John the Baptist shows his graciousness graciousness born in a manger is his graciousness you know in a very humble family Joseph Amerian are the riches they were not even rich as a young boy and a young girl about to start life why would Jesus not be born in the house of he wrote one of the big guys that's how gracious he is that's our great show series that in itself is instructive grew up in a humble home went a carpentry workshop shows how gracious God is I was in the building here that's a gracious ease contrary to what some of us think that the only people that don't think I important that they would I have money that is stupid the stupid thinking foolish thinking o foolish Galatians okay God is so gracious he can meet you anywhere in the gutter he will come in there Rolly sleeps and clean you out bring you out and set you on your feet what a good girl is off I thought somebody was shot hallelujah yeah you were mentioned in the hospital where the doctors have messed you up they have operated on you opened you up don't know what to do you know your breathing and struggling to survive your let's just cut it hanging in the air nobody knows what you do everybody is frustrated God walks in there puts his hand on your head two days after you walk out of the hospital as if you another one there that's how gracious the our God is he heals the sick he's the country's free he meets people at the point of their need I have news for you he lives on your inside hallelujah so when brother Paul says let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus he was talking about the graciousness of God that God became a man the glory of God was his graciousness to us man so we are reading through the facts of the gospel not fables not crafty story not figments of imagination this is the reality of God in humanity so whatever they said was true through facts facts we look at and say that's actually God in him ah you know they call him a friend of sinners he was always hanging out with seeing us one time the oxen were young you know to see us he said he didn't come for the righteous these are the guys I came for I came to call the righteous to repentance I mean the cena's and if you are righteous you don't meet me it resulted a sickness a physician only a sinner needs a savior and if you are not a sinner you don't need me so I will not come to you that are not seeing us I'm looking for seen us the graciousness of God the graciousness of God hallelujah I said hallelujah John said we beheld his glory as the glory of the begotten of the father full of grace and truth the Incarnation reflects to us what the indwelling of the Spirit will be like what we see in the Incarnation was a reflection of what the Holy Ghost coming to live in us will be like a reflection I see Christ in me as he is so away how is he gracious how is he full of glory and grace how is he full of majesty how is he he is full of excellent glory what are all those adjectives are just mentioned they are a display of his graciousness as he is so am i how am i gracious how am i full of his glory and grace full of majesty don't forget his office is of this glory that we all have received grace so His grace has come on our inside so with two aggressions cuz somebody shout hallelujah so they saw what Jesus did let's look at Matthew 8:16 Matthew 8:16 when the even was come they brought unto Him many that were possessed with devils and he cast out the spirits with his word and healed some that will see what does your Bible say He healed all all that will seek He healed all not saw every sick person has a right to healing every I don't care where you are I don't care what the diagnose is a every sick person has a right to health that is God's grace look at verse 17 that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by Isaiah the prophet saying himself took our infirmities and bore our sicknesses He healed all that we are sick Luke chapter 5 verse 15 but so much the more when there if him abroad of him and great multitudes came together to hear and to be here they came to do what - what are you doing now you are hearing and what follows hearing healing no razzmatazz they came to hear and to be healed once people can sit down and give their time to hear the word of God healing will follow the reason why people don't get here is because they don't pay attention to the right words how fossa fool our right words they don't listen to right words he was sicker you're watching Nickelodeon yes and you're watching scientific fiction and you will die with the sickness because that's not what you need for healing you don't need all of those make believes you need to settle down let the Word of God which is God's medicine saturate your body till the Word of God overwhelms the sickness am I talking to summary when the word overwhelms the sickness the sickness will find his way out what you need is to pay attention and don't forget you don't pay attention to the word when you are sick you pay attention before you're sick you don't prepare for the battle on the day of battle you prepare long ahead that means you must constantly pay attention to the Word of God you're sick and you're watching the world you will follow them and become a movie you follow them that's not what you need you need to pay attention to the world out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks and you shall have what you say what you put in you bring out garbage in what are you putting in is what will come out no wonder you are on send this one sickness instead long it's like he doesn't want to go I have to start preparing to Toto to live with it you pay attention to the world the Word of God is God's medicine there life to those who find them and hell to all the flesh see I hear you I'm not yes I hear you know man that is in battle plays with civilian our fears you can't afford it it's too expensive you can't afford it it's too expensive you need to pay attention to the Word of God more than anything else sickness and disease don't go on vacation when they hit the body they worked you for seven so you must listen to the war - for seven because that's the only way the one of God can overwhelm that infirmity and kick it out of your body somebody shout I hear you they came to here and to be healed by him of their infirmities acts 2:22 acts 2:22 you men of Israel hear these words Jesus of Nazareth a man approved of God among you how by miracles and wonders and signs somebody shot very loud I believe in miracles wonders and science say I believe in it say right on my inside a miracles wonders and signs and I believe in it can I get a good amen which God did by him in the mists of you as you yourselves also know his miracles signs and wonders we are not imaginative there were what people experienced as you yourselves also know you know you know acts 10:38 let me will start from 37 in the house of Cornelius Acts 1037 not what I say you know that what I say what you know which was published throughout all Judaea and began from Galilee after the baptism with John preached next verse how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power who went about doing good and healing some that were oppressed how many did he heal Oh God wants everybody well anyone here in the son of my voice I don't care what diagnosis the doctors gave you God's will for you is healing when about healing all that were oppressed of the devil for God was with him acts 26 26 Paul before Agrippa Paul before Agrippa for the king knoweth of these things the King know it before whom also I speak freely for I am persuaded that none of these things I hid him from him for this thing was not done in a corner it was not done in a corner this thing was the word Kanha is a greek word Gonia means it was not done in a hidden place it wasn't done in a hidden place it was done where everybody could see it Khanna is something inside or something not obvious but even though is not obvious it is there you know something can be there but it's not obvious that's what Jesus is called upon a stone that means Jesus is there even though he is not making noise but he's there as the cornerstone am i communicating here yeah his graciousness his glory has to do with his miracles the miracles of Jesus is a display of his glory a display of his glory He healed all but like but those who liked him and those who dislike him He healed all of them and jesus healed them all praise God John 14:12 John 14:2 verily verily I say unto you he that believeth on me the works that I do shall he do also and greater than this shall he do because I go unto my father I go unto my father he that believes on me he that believes on me the walks that I do shall he do also somebody showed me very loud I'm a believer in Jesus I heal the sick said again I heal the sick I walk signs wonders and miracles I'm a believer in Jesus I am in him he is in me can I get powerful amen then look at the next verse verse 13 analysis and what serve I shall ask in my name demand in my name that will I do that the father may be glorified in the song what gives a father glory in the son healing the sick when he went seek I healed the father gets the glory so healing is the glory and grace of God healing is a glory and grace of God the healing of the sick is a pointer to the forgiveness of scenes healing of the sick is the glory and grace of God so the healing of the sick is a pointer to the forgiveness of sins you cannot preach forgiveness of sins and deny healing you cannot preach the forgiveness of sins and deny healing Jesus is visible in his resurrection he is alive and well very visible John 14:21 is that day today you shall know glory to God you shall know that I am in my father and he in me and I in you how many of you know that since Jesus rose from the dead he has never left you know that I've taught you that right he has never left when he rose from the dead what did he say I will never leave no forsake you I will never never what is never never never I will never I will never leave nor forsake you what was the dream of God from the beginning I will live in you I will walk in you I will be your God there will be my sons and daughters he has never left Mary - Jesus it'll leave me alone my husband is coming from where my husband is single ladies that created also Mary - Jesus a - leave me amory - Jesus it'll leave me alone my husband is coming to take me away to everlasting who single sisters share hope your husband is around is not coming from anywhere male and female created he them and called their name Adam in the day that they were created amen all right well so your husband is not coming because he has never left let me ask you a question is Jesus coming back again is Jesus coming back again you know I love these kinda things is Jesus coming back again where is Jesus so where is he coming from well what theologians called the second coming of Christ or the Purusha of crisis actually an appearance is an appearance it's not a comment let me give you a few scriptures quickly Titus chapter 2 verse 13 let's establish that quickly Titus 2:13 looking looking for that blessed hope for what that blessed hope and the glorious appearing underline the word appearing the glorious appearing of the Great God and our Savior Jesus Christ what we call the second coming is actually an appearance is a Purusha or F analysis or an apocalypses looking for that blessed hope and the glorious appearing not a glorious coming the glorious appearing of the Great God and our Savior that's what we're looking for his appearance are we still in the building second Timothy chapter four verse one second Timothy 4:1 I charge thee therefore before God and the Lord Jesus Christ who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing at his appearing and Kingdom at his appearing I was still in a beauty that is what he will judge the quick and the dead at his appearing Colossians 3:4 Colossians 3:4 when Christ who is our life shall appear when Christ who is our life shall appear then shall you also appear with him in glory appear when it shall appear we are him shall appear is not coming we are coming together we shall appear are you still reading your Bible the Jesus is coming from well I will never leave no forsaking only you remember us over dealing with any devotional this morning when Jesus says let not your heart be troubled you believe in God believe also in me in my father's house are many mansions if you are not sure I would have told you I go to prepare a place for you and when I prepare a place how come and receive you to myself that where I am there you may be that where I am so wherever Jesus is that's where you're supposed to be after resurrection after is the goal in was dead barrier as a ratio all right the coming is to live inside you when it was born in incarnation he was Emmanuel God with us God with us God with us when he died a rose from the dead he came into us so God with us came into us we and him shall come out in our full glory it is called the the catching away when mortality shall put on a motor it is an appearance not a coming I'm teaching here see remove your religious cup quickly if you have one today those religious glasses he's gonna appear appear from where appear from inside when Christ who is our life shall appear we shall appear with him now pay attention are you still in the building look at the book of first John chapter 3 verse 2 let me give you about women evidence beloved now are we the sons of God and it doth not yet appear it does not yet appear what we shall be but we know who that when he shall appear we shall be like him Elisha what appear we shall be like him for we shall see him as he is when he shall appear we shall be like him we shall be like him all right second Timothy 4:8 henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness which the Lord the righteous judge shall give me a daddy and not to me only but unto all them also that love his appearing that love is worth appearing so it's gonna be an appearance Afeni versus an appearance appearance from where from inside us he lives in us he's gonna be an appearance and in that appearance there will be a quickening we are this body will be swallowed for the other body to manifest so that we and Jesus will appear in glory in our glorified status in our glorified bodies mortality swallowed by immortality teaching good I give you another scripture first Corinthians 15:54 pay attention so when this corruptible summer is a corruptible summer is dr. domina I've got to do doesn't want us to be sick why am I sick why am I sick corruptible you are wearing a corruptible body and as long as his body is corruptible it will have tendencies of getting sick that's why it is corruptible are you still here that's why it is what so stop looking for why you are sick don't be looking for white Jesus never explain why people are sick you only heal them one time the evil acts him this guy born blind who is responsible live decide live decide let's give him what Matassa is we heal him stop trying to find out who is behind this hoo-wee witch witch witch charm which village arrow one woman said Monica please I want you to pray for me so what for he said it was shot an arrow I said where it says in my leg as a arrow did you see it he said my DC but I felt it is an oriental chakra I think imagination your imagination is corrupted beware lest any man spoil you ro who shot the arm he says from the village the village village how can you be in the city and be complaining about village maybe you should go back to the village because you like village life his village people should be talking about coming to the city people have been spoiled in our society especially where we are right now in a crummy there's a lot of old wives fables is actually a lot of compatibility even the prophecy that the so-called prophets are prophesying all the prophecies are village oriented prophecies they are not from Jesus they are village constructed village fabricated village branded village packaged village distributed and village market I see something I pass like flashing Jack yeah the devil is on his regular house yeah what is that what is that it's like the man who said to me he dreamt and he said police while wearing a nickel riding a bicycle what does it mean I was so hungry I say hey chief police will arrest you Tommy actually means to beat things man I don't interpret nonsense I interpret the Word of God glory to God glory the round touch I never say nobody's after you holy goodness somebody say they brought you up let them bring all the charms I will walk on top of them and as I'm walking on them they are no more chance there are no gods any born-again believer that sham walk on needs to examine whether is born again are you talking about what are you talking about you shall trample on serpents scorpions and over all the power of the devil and nothing shall buy you a believer all your a traditional Christian which one are you traditional Christians are those that have brought Africanism into George if you are truly born of God homina do you know what it means to be born again is an amalgamation of deity and humanity when God and man are united together Scorponok can anybody jump god how can they Chum you great I see that is inside you some are shot and born of God a chance don't work here anybody consolidation is wasting his time what are you talking about let me come here as a modest and far from the village that she should come the Prophet as a professor I tell you a modern-day prophet to come that is senior prophet and sell for them now what they saw is no correctness you come for proper interpretation how can you be under me under sin for in the village to go and see a prophet that cannot speak English well you love you can you speak English if because we what is it in the village what can she be deceiving there are more than the profit I have sent for them that a higher profit are sent for them you're under me under sending for you and instead of you telling them what you know who say you are even bringing the report you should get a slump as you minister to the right hand of fellowship no weapon formed against you shall prosper Paulo Tabata you are secret with Christ in the heavenlies principalities whatsoever is born of God are you born of God over comment pants I can work in your body all sack can work in your body high blood pressure cannot survive your body sugar diabetes cannot survive your body your body is the temple of death kabayan anjali jesus obk vega' merito barakatuh as some speaking now whatever does not look like jesus packs out of your body somebody shot my body is bought with a price say it four times three times two more times louder for the last time please sit down if you can see the gods are dead Zeeman lob dear so the reason for sickness does not have to be known the important in is there is healing what matters they receive it so when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption in corruption when we are the other body no sickness that there be no tears no sorrow no pain because there be no more sickness and this mortal shall have put on summer says he putting on instead putting on shall have put on immortality then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written death is swallowed up in victory that is swallowed up some reason we shall be flying flying - where are you a bad ego Christin's I've never seen that one in the pistols I don't know where they got that you Christopher it's mine the pistols don't let anybody give you a label that is not yours you're not an eagle you're a new creation see here you see I'm not an evil I'm a new creation actually buy you an eagle or a new creation let me confuse you've got to decide which one you are glory in a God as the glory to God I said glory to God I say glory to God I said glory to God I said chloride a new creation you're not an ego see I'm not an ego is Jesus Enugu so how did you become an ego you're born of God so when you put on MC I will put on our boot on shall we put on see I'm not flying I'm putting on shall put on immortality then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written death is swallowed up well in victory and look at the next verse now all that where is thy sting o grave where is thy victory can somebody shout hallelujah so we are going to put on we are going to put on appear when we appear with him in our appearance we'll be putting on immortality so the Internet Christ has become the indwelling Christ in the resurrection the inconel Christ has become the indwelling Christ at the resurrection please pay attention so we must have identical facts about him if he is Christ the healer today is because he was Christ the healer in incarnation because it's the same person healing is a vital fact of his ministry how God anointed Jesus Christ of Nazareth who went about doing good and healing all that were oppressed of the devil vitae doing good let me ask you a very simple question what will change if God does evil what will change if God does evil then redemption is a pretense it means when God said he was going to redeem us he was just pretending because you cannot claim to save people deliver people just to destroy them does it double-faced proceed that's why in God there is no darkness at all he's incapable unity yet he is incapable of doing evil it's not in his Constitution he is totally good that's why he is altogether lovely NASA brought up all the things of the spirit the things of the Spirit and the fruit of the Spirit the fruit of the Spirit and the fruit of the Spirit is the character of the Spirit of God the fruit of the Spirit is the character of the Spirit of God what is his character he is long-suffering he is gentle he is kind you cannot find evil in the fruit of the Spirit of God there's no evil at all not even a fruit because there's no evil in God he went about doing good so the Holy Ghost is for doing good the Holy Ghost is for what is for doing good and please take note Jesus is not a showman he's not his showman one time John the Baptist got frustrated and got angry and say this one asked Jesus you see the real one or they should look for another one Jesus didn't wish honey was not a shoe son it wasn't because John the birches are suffering from identity crisis and that identity crisis must have spread to the disciples jesus heals some people and said go and tell John what you have seen that the same person he knew is the same person now he was not making a show he was just confirming that he is still the same Jesus there is not one time in the ministry of Jesus where Jesus heal people and say come come again tell them what I've just been happened what just happened to you now where were you before what your support there's not one time the only time Jesus said go and show yourself to the priest was a leper because by law when lepers I yield they were supposed to go and see a pre-civil confirm that they I healed so that they can mingle in the society I will teach in here yes go and show yourself so that they will confirm you and give the legality to function instead a showman he heals people because he loves them he's not trying to prove that he's anything he has nothing to prove he is who he is whether you believe it or not as your business you believe it it will work for you you don't believe it he come force himself on you we teach in Judea yeah he hears to demonstrate his love he heals to demonstrate his character his character his character he was never compelled to perform never he never performed to prove a point whenever he healed people because he was moved by compassion every time moved by compassion hallelujah Helen is so vital in Jesus's ministry and people got healed all over the bay so the healing ministry is God's character God's character is a loving father and is a loving healer and in the healing ministry of Jesus anybody can be healed there is no qualification for him the only qualification is nothing and what I mean by nothing is for you to want once you want it you will get it he didn't force healing on people he only gave him into people that wanted he didn't hear that he's not a tyrant he didn't force healing on people he only gave it to people that wanted it that is why when he healed them to confirm that they wanted he told him to do something to confirm that they wanted he will tell them you since you want healing and I've given you to confirm that you really wanted stand up take your mat and go that action is a confirmation of your desire for the healing stand up take your mat go the woman says if I touched she wanted so badly that she touched and you know the power of God is tangible the power of God is tangible when the power of God moves on your inside because of his tangible form the power of God goes into your body to correct things you didn't wanna say it goes in there to correct things the power of God is unleash in your body to correct things if there was an organ that was wrong the power of God fixes it if something was not well placed the power of God will put you together if there was something malfunctioning the power of God moves into your body and puts it in order are we together in this place and I have news for you that power lives inside you right now according to the power which which he wrought in Christ when he raised him from the dead and set him at his right hand in the heavenlies that power is in the believer that power is inside you right now show me the healing power of God resides on my inside so I can have it when I need it and let me tell you something if you have never gotten any major healing before begin to practice with literacy too hey Doc don't look for panadol say in the name of Jesus headache you must go now I receive my healing see you start you start receiving and learn him to receive him literally two things till you learn to receive him big big things say hey yes anything that is doing one kind don't be looking for medicine say none chronic pain gonna Amen you can sleep at night insomnia let go Dugan Amiga carrot aha he giveth his beloved sweets body rests and sleep now mind relax in Jesus name you start exercising your faith only two little things until you begin to receive big big things did you hear what I said some of us don't even pray again any little team apart aqua aqua tell you carry beautifu and stay in faith till it goes scary fate tell it I'm not gonna take nothing you didn't pay rent to stay out and you stay in faith till it goes act as if there is no medicine function as if there is no medication anywhere and trust the power of God for your body see ya you yes act as if there's no medication begin to take authority over things begin to rebuke them any little team in the name of Jesus out you can't stay here my body is healed right now somebody shot I here I'm not really shot I hear you so there is no qualification foil in the only qualification is nothing look at Matthew 15 as around up you bless the night Matthew 15:24 Matthew 15:24 but he answered and said I am NOT sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel next verse then came she and worshipped him saying lord help me but the answered and said it is not meet to take the children's bread and to cast it to dogs children's bread healing is the bread for children that's what we eat all the time is our bread okay next verse and she said truth Lord that is Oh No somebody said oh no that is honor you know what Jesus just called a woman you are a dog it means in today's social media world it was not in picture of film and put the demand up called big dog no the woman see I'm a dog if you say I'm a dog I must be a dog I believe you I'm a dog no argument that's Oh No I honor you I'm not offended I'm not angry when you are not somebody even when is insulting you you don't get offended you only get offended when there is dishonor away you don't understand the value of the person you're relating with I mean how can Jesus recall in a woman a dog but of a truth she was a dog where the Covenant was concerned the woman said truth Lord I'm a dog yet the dogs eat of the crumbs which fall from their master's table cybo next verse then jesus answered and said to her o woman great see what you call fate understanding great is thy faith be it unto thee even as thou wilt and her daughter was made whole from that very honor on the platform of Oh No from that very hour what the woman was saying is the crumbs they'll fall from the table whatever icing the bread is in the crumbs if that's what I am the bread is water in the crumbs is the flour in the bread there's flour in the crumbs if there's salt in the bread there's salt in the crumbs if there's boertie in the bread there's butter in the crumbs I don't need a loof just a little crumb my faith is big enough that even a little crumb can take care of the situation Jesus said Madame this is great faith you have understand it this is great faith even people in Israel don't have it and the child was healed that very hallelujah now look at what Jesus it was be it unto you even as you want give me verse 27 27 Matthew 15 27 and she said truth Lord yet the dogs eat of the crumbs which fall from their master's table 28 then jesus answered a senator a woman great is your faith be it unto you even as you want the way you want it have it be it unto you the way you want it so you receive what you want you receive what you desire healing is not by force healing is god's love expressed to a man who desires it you must want it you must want it hallelujah you must want it God does what you want God does what you want Jesus saw their faith Jesus saw their faith and looks at the five Jesus saw their faith in much of the six verse five he marveled they are unbelief what was unbelief this are no they dishonored him you must always honor the people that God places in your life if you observe the people that received from Jesus called him Lord oh no familiarity does not receive anything in the kingdom of God familiarity does not receive anything in the kingdom of God and many people have victims of unbelief and unbelief is a product of a myth or wrong thinking when you are exposed to a wrong mindset things people have taught you things you have had that have formed a wrong mindset and you can be surprised that a Christian will find it difficult to receive healing but an atheist will come into the service and be healed immediately because I never saw you have any mindset it just takes sometimes an unbeliever gets healed before Christians because Christians have been messed up with mindsets they are thinking am I good enough have a bed step for five steps to healing I know I mean step to Kangol he'll be in step 2 their minds are messed up but an unbeliever just coming there is no step receive him and bam the guy is healed yo-yo still calculating step to my wrist and for receive I'm still in step 2 I can I receive your mind blocks you from receiving there is no step no step at all just receive if you want hallelujah somebody say I receive because I want the healing power of God I didn't hear powerful amen see teaching cures unbelief that's why when Jesus saw the unbelief among the people he began to teach because they care for unbelief is teaching teaching kills unbelief and as a believer you must listen to the Word of God rightly divided so you have the right mindset to Seve wrong thinking produces wrong believing wrong thinking comes from wrong theology run thinking produces wrong believing our wrong thinking comes from wrong theology why are many not healed because they don't want that I want somebody sell me very not I believe I receive God's healing power say again I believe I receive God's healing power one more time I believe I receive God's healing power can I hear powerful amen when we talk healing people receive the capacity to receive healing there's always an action to healing get up stand up walk take your mat take your bed always an option because that action is the receiving you know when you do it that's when you receive it's called Lam bono you do it you actively take it okay your leg your leg was paining you you're having issues after you receive your healing what is the next thing thank you Lord Jesus thank you Lord Jesus there may be pain but as you keep thanking the healing power of God flows through you I don't know if I'm communicating here you must always do something you do something stand up take your mat bank stand run death years be opened bam bam bam say one the mangos one why that action is the receiving we still talking yet people that are dumb you lose their tongue and we command a creative miracle in their speech and they in the name of Jesus you tell them and you say hey and it goes you speak to that tongue again hey what happened when he began to act out what he believes he received a manifestation of what he believed am i teaching here there's always an action that brings your faith to receive what is yours always always because healing always comes when the word is thought when the word is thought healing always comes but his wanting for healing to be present is another thing for you to receive so healing can only be received when you take action Healing can only be received when you take action when you take action when you take action hallelujah glory to God anybody blessing the building tonight showed me very lot the power of God is at work on my inside stand on your feet and said very well the power of God is at work on my inside louder the power of God is at work in my in Silent Hill it is my shouting letter W wherever his healing is mine Helen is mine if you really show it is yours the way your shouting is like your no choice like you're trying to get it it's yours right now heal it is mine Healing is mine I believe I receive I have healing is mine I believe I receive I have healing his mind I believe I receive I her healing is mine I believe I receive I have healing this mind I believe I receive I her healing his mind I believe I receive I have healing miss mine I believe I receive I have right now healing is mine I believe I receive I have what is so ever you desire when you pray believe you receive a new Shaha healing this mind I believe I receive I have one more time here it is mine I believe I receive I huh and I come on to most emeritus right now Kilmer smelt out right now to mas smelt out right now anybody would take two more it grows any way to see your body it to more roots right now the healing power of God is clearing eradicating tumors a tumor it grows a breast lump anything that is a growth in your body put your hand on that place right now and as I speak begin to massage that chimo begin to massage it began a jacket is disappearing right now it's disappearing right now that humor melts out melts out melzar that whole destruction in the name of Jesus shouting I can heal in his mind I believe it I receive it I had that I thought you were shot in victory shot in a building where a healing is mine I believe it I receive it I have it now by Allah whatever you couldn't do before do you couldn't ban ban you could have moved in somebody there's somebody with a problem on your uncle a problem on your uncle your uncle has just been here you had an accident with that ankle and that ankle has given you so much pain and because of that you've not been able to use your leg very well he'll empower just enter that leg right now begin to do what you couldn't do with that leg right now it's your left leg is your left leg the power of God is in that leg right now somebody shot healing this man I believe it I receive it i haha and jesus healed some of them everybody here in the son of my voice those of you that the doctors diagnosed with heart conditions your heart is corrected your heart is corrected your heart is corrected your heart is corrected by italia negret Oscar Mayer barely Couture Etana jesus healed them oh thank you Father it is done amen can we make some noise for 30 seconds clap John shout scream beret go ahead make some nice make some shot do what you couldn't do before bad move shake your body glory neck oh suck a little by Anna praise you Father glory to God I said glory to God I said glory to God I said glory to God and the player effect shall heal the sick and the Lord shall raise among the Lord shall not me the Lord shall resume Oh glory to God I said glory to God the remaining days of your life you will be healthy and strong I didn't hear a German healthy are strong somebody shot heal in his mind say healing is mine say sickness is not mine say it is not my sickness healing is mine is my healing I have my healing right now healing is man I believe it I receive it I have it right now can I hear powerful amen if your blessing I shot your powerful a man get a good offering let's give and celebrate the healing Word of God in the building glory to God the whole of this we take our time pray for the sick many statistic then bring the sick to church on Sunday again as we keep teaching you know and on Sunday we take time a lay hands on people that are sick and just clear them of every hangovers amen Jesus heal them Oh hallelujah father we praise your people give in this building and our campuses online on YouTube Facebook and all the platforms we give in faith we give a joy we're grateful that we can hear this word and we'll want to get this word to the whole world so people can hear the goodness of God and be free from pain and infirmity and we give you praise our offerings rise the sweet smell before you today in Jesus precious name and every believer says amen hey guys were signing your off is been a wonderful time having all of you connecting connected to this service Sunday morning you don't want to miss the things were gonna be teaching Sunday morning first service 8:00 a.m. second service 11:00 a.m. I will still be teaching on the healing ministry of Jesus and I'm telling you it's going to be a powerful time invite some sick people get some people that are that are sick it doesn't care what the problem matter what the problem is get them to connect to the services we love you guys our campuses we live in the mo hands of our coordinators to wrap up the services and we love the rest of you and they will look forward to connecting with all of you again on Sunday and until then enjoy the grace of Christ let's celebrate viewers around the world for being a part of this service glory to God hypnocil as soon as you celebrate and give tonight [Music] [Music] this is Kingdom Life Network [Music]
Channel: Abel Damina Ministries International
Views: 5,006
Rating: 4.7979798 out of 5
Id: X4cRW2xQhI0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 54sec (4794 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 18 2019
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