Sunday 1st Service (25-8-2019)

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[Music] [Music] Savi's this morning get ready the wood is gonna build you up and you will never be the same again can I hear powerful amen anybody in this side is excited about the gift of eternal life in Christ Jesus can we give the Lord a shout of praise and celebrate the life of God hallelujah glory amen you can be seated in the heavenlies it just suits myself what a wonderful time of Prayer amen and amen glory to God now we've been in this series on prayer and this is in a prayer that you know we believe by the Spirit of God you know God will have us to spend the next few weeks pray and it's just been awesome you know in the last few weeks or days of Prayer and so we're looking at Prayer by precept and example prayer by precept and example we've established that you can never outgrow prayer no matter your age prayer is part and parcel of the Christian life you can never outgrow prayer no matter your age no matter who you are is part and parcel of the Christian life god trusts me make you pray alright so the men who pray are people who say to preaches may just be one who is excited about knowledge but the one who prays shows that he depends on God and that is the place of Prayer Luke chapter 11 verse 1 look chapter 11 verse 1 you are taught to pray there are instructions regarding prayer in the epistles in chapter 4 verse 15 read for me for though ye have ten thousand instructors in Christ yet have ye not many fathers for in Christ Jesus I have begotten you through the gospel in Christ Jesus I have begotten you through the gospel so a spiritual father is one who has begotten you through the gospel I have begotten you through the gospel that's a spiritual father one who's responsible for your doctrinal persuasion a spiritual father is one who is responsible for your doctrinal position and sometimes when you come across on people or products of bad pastoring you hear them saying how can you call it man your father how can you call your pastor your father how can you call a man of God your father well nobody's advocating for people to call them father we follow Scriptures the scriptures are responsible for doctrine and when doctrine comes it builds conviction and when conviction comes it corrects your thought pattern and then you are instructed instruction means pedia to raise a child by the way of the mouth you are instructed and we have in stress response prophet shall receive the reward of having the things the demeanor is my father that George that are all over the place you are the thing of it is written in the gospel of course the Jewish people had their own father's you know when is just think everybody is the same that was out of an entity here here all right so sometimes when people read the scriptures Adam as okay and somebody else said to me ugly serious I said you listen to him easily a disciple teach us pray before the Boresha is a practical cause pastoring you commit a young stranger but joyful charged and some dip and some of you don't even give he does look at us and smile so important I will if pastor prays all stop no he give you can't just live the way your life was according to my heart who shall feed you with knowledge instructions directed to your well be tested I am much more able driving license he said address robust a lot of you because it they are because prayer is service prayer is service and the last time our stitchin we talked about praying in the spirit always officials of the six was 18 praying in the spirit always praying always with all prayer and supplication in the spirit praying always with all prayer and supplication in the spirit so we pray always all prayers all supplications in the spirit and we separate in the Spirit is praying in tongues look at romance of the 8th verse 26 likewise the spirit also helpeth our infirmities for we know not what we should pray for as we ought but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered not the attention I'd like you to underline some words the spirit itself likewise the spirit also underlined the word help adds on the land award infirmities on the land of Amity is singular infirmity now watch two things number one for we know not what we should pray for as we ought that the first thing to take note of we know not what we should pray for as we ought to so you know what you should pray for but you don't know how to pray for it as you ought to they they they they make the key war dear as we ought in family what is our infirmity our infirmity is that we know not how to pray as we ought to the in family there is that we know not how to pray as we ought to that means the Spirit takes hold together with us in the place of Prayer to fill in the gaps to fill in the gaps when I'm praying and Ahmad to express what I want to see then I speak in tongues I go like a Kalina Menaka Kalina now when I say that I'm not trying to make you feel that I can speak in tongues I just got to a place of teaching where I didn't have the right expressions and I pulled out of the spirits help to fill in the gaps that's what happens when we pray you get praying and suddenly what you are saying is not witty enough to express how you feel about the matter has been there before it's not witty enough and you really want to you want to express this this this strong feeling that you have inside you concerning the matter but English is too light so now you are either thinking of your dialect but even when you now switch from English your native language your native language is not giving it to you so now that is an infirmity because you want to say it but the way you're saying it is not as you ought to say so the spirit now gives you a supply that says it exactly to fill in the gaps in that prayer about communication at all yeah as we ought you so the spirit help it our infirmities it takes hold together with us in the place of prayer two things number one we do not know how to pray as we ought to number two the Spirit Himself takes hold together with us against then it is another world with groanings with groanings with groanings which cannot be uttered with groanings which that is key I like you to underline de with groanings which cannot be uttered now how many of you here know what a groan sounds like how many can I see your hands off if you know what a groan sounds like it's like it's like you you twisted your knee and you are in pain they took you to the bone doctor especially the traditional ones who are good in fixing bones the man sits you down grabs the leg as if he doesn't know that you twisted it hammer if you notice how they behave he grabs the leg as if it is normal and you go like give me the Sun thus a groan thus good you can be a gentleman in the place of groaning you can be a gentleman in the place of groaning so if you see people that every time they pray they are gentle they have never prayed to a place we are the spirit them to groom because when the spirit helps you he will push you to a place of groaning look at it the spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered now that word which cannot be uttered has to be interpreted are you still in the building alright now that word chromium is an uncomfortable pain and uncomfortable pain so he says in the place of praying there is groaning that is you get to a place of prayer we are you're uncomfortable we are you begin to feel uncomfortable now the word which cannot be uttered is a bad translation it actually means he doesn't it doesn't come out in intelligence speech which cannot be uttered is a bad translation in the original is it doesn't come out in intelligible speech intelligible speech that is is not an intelligent speech is caller of the Bible by the name PC Nelson gave us that interpretation so tongs are not intelligent words where your tongues are intelligent they are not tongues they're more unintelligent the most serious the understand tongs are not intelligent by human standard what is that tongs they're more intelligent they're more anointed Nevada can't you talk no I am talking I am talking but I am talking in the natural in an intelligent way because that is how the spiritual functions that's how it sounds in the natural for spiritual operation you know it's like I've got somebody I'll spring for somebody to speak in tongues and I laid hands on his head and hilly McCallum tech led by Rabbi Shammai speaking men were rubbish am i speaking I said the more rubbish the better for you my brother hoping immortality flow is not intelligent at all in the natural so tongues are not intelligent words that's why in first Corinthians 14:2 first Corinthians 14:2 brother Paul says no man understandeth each normal ear is not intelligent so no man understandeth it happy it's in the spirit he speaketh mysteries no man understandeth him so let's find out this pattern of Prayer hebrews chapter 5 verse 7 let's deal with this groaning team hebrews chapter 5 verse 7 for me this is jesus jesus cried while praying because it's strong cried he cried with strong crying with tears there are times in the place of prayer we are you move into prayer we are you start crying you are not crying because there's a problem you are crying because of the spiritual emotions of groan you are crying you are making sounds that I'm not sensible and people when I was going to grow means that don't have any form of intelligence Jesus our prime example while he was on earth with flesh like we he prayed which drunk crying and tears there are pray as you pray you get into that room where you start crying your body is shaking you are not looking for car or house it is the body of the Spirit you are carrying with groanings which cannot be uttered so the heart Jesus cry out the heart jesus prayed and in the course of prayer he screamed this is Jesus who is God this is Jesus who is God so this pattern of prayers where your brain will call for such emotions such emotions remember Jesus is in fellowship and here he is praying with tears meaning his crying in the midst of his prayer so Jesus cried Jesus crying and remember prayer is initiated by us Jesus is praying and crying mar 26 2016 1 place called gethsemane and saith unto the disciples sit here while I go and pray under next verse and he took with him Peter and the two sons of Zebedee and began to be I'm very happy he began to be sorrowful this is Jesus he is sorrowful and heavy in the place of Prayer there are times you just feel a heaviness are you are you in the building you feel a heaviness you feel unease you don't know what it is that is a prayer Paul that is a prayer call the moment you start filling that on ease that is a time to pray Jesus and he took with him Peter and the two sons of Zebedee and began to be sorrowful and very heavy on ease and sometimes you feel that on easiness and you just look for explanations no that is a prayer call he showed he was sorrowful he was in sorrow food because he needed money he was in sorrow food because in America he was in soul food because he's in trouble he was sort of for because that is an emotion of the weights of the burden for prayer if you keep praying like that you will go to heaven and discover you did not enjoy one percent of what was available to you if Jesus who is God Jesus who is God got to this place in prayer how much less you how much Alessi I'm talking about Jesus which drunk crying with groaning with groaning I mean with heaviness with sorrow crying in prayer not looking for anything look at verse 38 read for me was 38 my soul is exceeding sorrowful this is Jesus if wound onto exceeding sort of look at another description for it in Luke 22:44 Luke 22:44 and being in an agony he prayed more earnestly and his sweat was as it were great drops of blood falling down to the ground he prayed and sweated look at that agony the pain nobody beat him he wasn't beating it was just the spirit expressing its emotion he prayed and sweated how many times have you sweated in prayer how many times boy you sweat when eating ever wonderful you are eating about you're sweating from your head you are sweating from your nose you are sweating under your chin even cat eye is trying to come up you are using handkerchief because you are doing something very serious but prayer you have no sweater no wonder you are the way you are when you pray the VIP prayer La Bella hahaha you think is in a vision he saw a design of a clot and is trying to confirm the design of the club that man is in the flesh you're laughing but there are people that saw their prey they press snapping pictures of different designs the carry paper and book in primitive design they're designing clot in the place of Prayer I'm sharing with you what I know is sometimes even the notes you write you lived among go I shall strip them and gonna and when you open those not you see clot design you even see market list Maggie for cubes salt and pepper that is the neutral writing service how can you be on that this kind of jesus's atmosphere and be writing maggie cable autonomous ah kurodo Sakaya i wish i will teach a member service he said my spirit is exceeding sorrowful Daria while I go to pray they heard him crying they heard him groaning and he was sweating they say full of Prayer we are this atmosphere is too small for you you want to fly up at that time you're not even aware you're not even aware the Spirit has taken over you have yielded yourself you'll see people pregnant taking certain positions you see a membrane and is standing like this as if his punishment he is no more in control the Spirit has taken over you see man pray and lie down you see some people kneeling down you see some people lying on their face you see some people standing in a particular position they have been taken over by prayer groanings Jesus the Son of God is praying and crying he's in agony he's not praying friendship is praying for others because John 17 shows us what prayer was praying I pray not for this alone but I pray for others that will believe your world through them that you keep them my father that you keep them when you hear the word fatherly presently the effectual fervent we need to see examples of those who prayed fervently in the Bible to pray fervently and to grow he prayed fervently and he tried he presently and he grown so as he is praying what is dear to the heart of the father touched him and he begins to agonize prayer when you give yourself to prayer a time comes in prayer we are you feeling what the father is feeling we are you feel when you start feeling what the father is feeling your physical body too small to contend the father's emotions that's when you cry that's when you fall down you know Jesus Bob says why Jesus Oh spring he fell down on his face if God Jesus is gone will fall down be taken over by prayer that he falls down without knowing some of you cannot even kneel down when is prayer when they say kneel down that is me Linda any clergy where they will not allow you kneel down and pray you don't need are we together here it aligns you you are hot and the Father's heart so at that time you feel what the father feels and when that happens your body becomes too small that's when the spirit takes over and you begin to agonize somebody I wonder what's happening the man is agonizing at this point he is using at communication mode that is not intelligent but before the father the father understands exactly what's going on praying for other people you begin to share the bodies of those people in prayer with share people's bodies because we said prayer is also a ministry it is fellowship and a point comes in prayer we are the fellowship switches to ministry the fellowship switches to ministry in Colossians 4 12 verse around oh are you bless this morning Colossians 4:12 read for me Colossians 4:12 Epirus who is one of you a servant of Christ salute you always labouring fervently for you in prayers that he may stand perfect and complete and all and all the will of God brother Paul talked about reference always laboring fervently does it blister on the line always laboring father and live for you in prayers the word laboring fervently means he is laboring with energy energy fancy will involve energy energy is the kind of player you finish it's like you went to found for 30 hours all your body is aching you is the kind of player you finish to even work like a guy man is difficult at that time they don't care anymore your clock is hanging because you are coming out of a place of ministry are you here hello Apophis live boring fervently fervently in labor with agony tears and sometimes a prayer would get to a place where looks like all of us and in gymnastics you see people running you see people milling you see people power you see people milling you see people standing you see people pissing around forward backward forward is like a gym because there is Akane there is a budding prayers have been poured some people you will see their position and Galatians 4:19 the word I'm looking for is there Galatians 4:19 read for me my little children of who might Velen birth again my little children of whom I travail in birth one more time my little children of whom I trust well whom I travail in but you travail in birth or until Christ so in the place of Prayer you travail so this is a place you get to impress where it is like you're actually giving birth because you're actually giving birth you brought things you bought things you put you give birth to a lot of things in prayer you brought things so in the pattern of prayer as your brain your mood just changes your fellowshiping suddenly it switches from fellowship to travel to agonizing at that point you're no more fellowshiping your ministry you're praying for people you're dealing with issues your your you're carrying on somebody's boarding in the church you're praying for a brother somewhere you're praying for assistance somewhere you're praying for your family at that time I mean all kinds of prayers are proceeding out of you can somebody shout hallelujah and we pray those prayers for ministers of the gospel - we pray don't spray us for the walk of God we pray those prayers for the move of God official 6:18 says praying all prayer and supplication spirit for all saints for all saints pray for fellow brothers pray for ministers and sometimes you use that emotion to pray for people travail my little children of whom I travail in birth until Christ be formed in you you already born again you already born again but this prayers are for you to mature pray us for spiritual growth for the formation of Christ until Christ be formed in you somebody shout hallelujah likewise the spirit itself also help at our infirmity for we know not how to pray as we ought to but the spirit maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered in articulate speech hallelujah so may I have the help of the Holy Spirit say very loud I have the help of the Holy Spirit said again I have the help of the Holy Spirit stand on your feet and turn to your neighbor let's see some words bless this mornin glory to God don't you never say never you have the help of the Holy Spirit in the place of Prayer don't pray hello pray with the Holy Ghost he is there to help your infirmity by helping you to pray with groanings that cannot be uttered a totally powerful amen and listen to me George you don't have to you don't have to look for the groaning you don't have to look for it you see purpose if I pray without groaning I didn't pray as you yield yourself you just give yourself to prayer the Holy Ghost will produce those things it's not like you will be wounded physically I was praying with a friend of mine and he started coughing blood I told him prayer is over go to hospital prayer no he says anointing I said no no no no unknowing team will make you to be puffing blood Jesus did not pray on tipps blood came out he said his sweat we are like they were alive they were not blood they were like understand English in his sweaty was not blood it was like drops of blood that is he intensely prayed until everything is all his paws opened up sweat was gushing out he was in prayer so it will no one do physically you need to not give you an injury I'll be together here yeah it will not give you an injury but you give yourself to prayer and pray I will but things there are things you want to be brought in prayer will brought them visions desires dreams things you want to see come to pass just give yourself to prayer and as you pray and travail and organize your giving birth to things you're giving birth to things and let me tell you some of you pray as you pray today some of you though spray us with four answers for you in 15 years 25 years 30 years pray us I never wished and say that said one more time say my prayers are never wasted they will always produce results when our today or in the future but no prayer is wasted every time you pray it is not wasted even if it's your children you are praying for and they behave you funny don't worry just keep pray you're praying for children to go like this they win like this the more you pray they are going like that keep praying it will just be one little ting BAM and they are back exactly where you want them pray us I never wish them that you're pregnant and you can see it doesn't mean it's not working it's working he said unto you that answered prayer shall all flesh come he that accept receiveth he does seeketh findeth he that knocketh the door shall be opened no player is wasted that's why prayer meetings are an investment into the future every time you come for a prayer meeting you are going as an investor prayer meetings I investments you invest you invest you invest you invest here invest a time will come in your life when situations may arise and you're not able to pray you are not able to pray at that time the players you start off when you are able to pray you start harvesting those prayers I don't know if I'm talking to somebody else so pray is an investment that's why Priya can never be too much and if you are not yet to harvest it your children your children's children no Priya is wish that say that one more time said one more time now torture Never Say Never there more pray us there better for you I did a full amen you know sometimes you get into situations in your life and then slowly just said in Jesus name and things are happening you think it is the Jesus name you mentioned no when you said in Jesus name a deposit of prayers that have been waiting we're supplying so you find out that supplies keep coming at the point where you don't have strength at a time when you are weak see when Jesus you say father I thank you that you hear me always Lazarus comfort that was not the prayer the prayer of raising Lazarus up has been pretty long ago that day word is day of harvest in the prayer and at the time of harvest you don't do much you just do small and you bring in the harvest but if there was no prayers todo but who says there is a sense we are the prayers of the saints as port right each year so when you pray the prayers have been stalled some of them are used some of them as taught for a team player we pray in eternity in prayer we pray out of time especially prayer in the spirit in the spirit is out of time actually in the spirit you could pray for something now happened in 15 years time and the player will be ready for when you will get there so no player is wasted don't take prayer meetings for granted every time we say let us pray don't be thinking of bicycle car house bread butter think about future think about your children think about the body of Christ think about the purpose of God glory to God lift your attention in the name of Jesus I receive grace for prayer and supplication I give myself to prayer I give myself to prayer I give myself to prayer I give myself to prayer I didn't hear powerful women not torture never say never pray a does not pray you initiate prayer honey you know that even the prayer that the Spirit will help us it is still you die how to initiate it a helper only helps after you start passes gonna be come come come come try to carry this thing and do like you cannot courage then ask me to help you try so he started I came to give him a helping hand the Spirit helps but you start you start the prayer the Wonder Spirit discovers that in the place of prayer you asked Rockland with certain expressions he gives you help and when the spirit helps you you cross modules that you wouldn't have been able to cross hello that is when no prayer is wasted because preyus are in the spirit so they are eternal and they create eternal resource I don't know if I'm talking to somebody the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man what what we are a righteous people in this building don't you ever say my prayers I feel much so always always look for how pray for you tell anyone always look for help refer because my prayers will avail much I'm a righteous man I'm a righteous man my prayers are Vilmos I didn't pause Philemon now hold a precedent pretty much for the person right now let's pray for a few one minute or two Mangrum branagh milena manacle anima Mangrum the Gerudo Sokol arena cacao and Alana ha ha haha ma'am and Oliver Hoyle [Music] oh thank you Father thank you Father in the name of Jesus lived or Sansan give thanks give thanks and we give tongues in the spirit also we give thanks in the spirit also he does very well he's very well makalah thank you Father in the name of Jesus and I decree and declare in this building and around the world wherever you're in the son of my voice receive grace for supplication receive grace for supplication in the name of Jesus receive the help of the Holy Ghost in the place of Prayer receive receive receive receive in the name of Jesus and a decree and declare this day whatever does not look like the finished work of Christ around you I command it to seize right now sees right now sees right now in the name of Jesus great grace is upon you great grace is upon you the whole of this week you will enjoy fellowship the whole of this week you will enjoy your prayer times the whole of this week you will walk in victory the whole of this week you will work in triumph every opposition bounce before your face every circumstance is subdued before your face you have solutions you have directions you know what you do you have answers in the name of Jesus for they will give you praise because you're always cautious to triumph you always cause us to triumph and we thank you because we are triumphant we thank you because when victory we thank you because we win all the time and we give you praise for answer prayer in Jesus precious name and every believers is that Amen on a note of finality well if you're the one triumphing throughout the rest of your life go clap and celebrate and rejoice in the victory that is yours in Christ Jesus glory always triumphs amen always I can't see the activities of Monday I can see the activities of Thursday I can see the activities of Saturday but I can see one thing I triumph amen glory to God get a good offering let's give on worship this morning those of you watching online and around the world where's the time to give your grab your own offerings let's give generously let's give bountifully let's give willingly and let's give sacrificially praise God whoa I tell you it's getting better here and you bless this morning glory to God this week were praying every day you know every day of this week get off his face father we thank you for this morning we rejoice as we give in faith we gave with joy we give honorably we give responsibly and we rejoice that you've counted us faithful and worthy to be entrusted with the Great Commission with the assignment of making disciples and we rejoice and we declare this morning Lord that in our Givens we are mindful of our responsibility and we thank you for the privilege to do this today in Jesus precious name and every believer sees the powerful Amen I didn't hear that even at all ladies and gentlemen were about to sign you off but listen very carefully those of you online that do not yet have a prayer group and you want to be a part of our churches prayer group on what's up you all you need to do is just drop your whatsapp number and your country code your whatsapp number and your country code we'll try to add you on any of our church group prayer what's up T so you can join us in prayer in the next few days is so important I want to be able to make sure that everybody who follows me online physically and around the world they are part of these prayers because specifically the Spirit of God instructed me would take the next one montre after the 30 days and it's important to be obedient to what the Spirit of God is saying I mean even if the Spirit of God didn't say a prayer is what to be doing but much more when there is energy of the Holy Spirit something is being brought it something is being created and I want to encourage you not to miss the next service cause in the next service I'm gonna deal with certain aspects of prayer that will help you to be effective in your prayer life but we love you guys our campuses we'll leave all of you in the able hands of our coordinators looking forward to connected every one of you at 11:00 a.m. GMT plus 1 don't forget to leave your phone numbers and the country code on the facebook page or you-tube wherever you're watching we're gonna copy them and get you guys connected to our whatsapp groups in the church i don't you be connected to by 11:00 a.m. enjoy the rest of your day and be blessed let's celebrate viewers around the world we you this is Kingdom Life Network [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Abel Damina Ministries International
Views: 4,886
Rating: 4.8333335 out of 5
Id: wKkDc8Lmdd8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 43sec (4123 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 25 2019
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