Sunday 2nd Service | Sept. 29 2019

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[Music] [Music] television for the service excited about the gift of eternal life here this morning can I see with those hands I give the Lord a greater sharpness celebrate eternal life hallelujah glory amen you can be seated with your sweets much serve this morning we're still on the healing ministry of Jesus all right first Corinthians chapter 15 verse 1 moreover brethren I declare unto you the gospel which was preached unto you which also you have received and wherein ye stand read verse 3 for me right delivered unto you first of all thoughts which are out there you see how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures verse 4 and that he was buried and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures verse 5 and that he was seen of Cephas then up to 12 verse 6 after that he was seen of above five hundred brethren at once of whom the greater part remain unto this present but some are fallen asleep some are fallen asleep he was seen of 500 men some of them have slept but the greater part were still alive when brother Paul was writing this later to the church at Corinth and the reason is because it was built primarily on the Incarnation and the incarnation of Jesus is very crucial or critical to the gospel it's a very critical detail of the gospel that God became a man the ink condition of Jesus that he didn't come to the earth as a jelly he came to the earth as a man people saw him people touched him people spoke to people walked with him he ate with them he touched them you know he slept he was tired he was hungry the humanity of God expressed in Christ and that's fundamental because as the crooks on which Christianity stands that we have a God who manifested himself in human flesh so humanity can be identified with divinity 2nd Peter chapter 1 verse 16 for we have not followed cunningly devised fables when we made known unto you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ for eyewitness of his majesty for we have not followed Connolly devised fables we have not followed a carefully crafted script or the figment of a man's imagination when we made known unto you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ the parousia of our Lord Jesus Christ and when Peter begins to speak about this he was talking actually about the Incarnation fact what he's saying is what we have followed is not a figment is somebody with torch somebody we know somebody we felt somebody we spoke to somebody who spoke to us we are eyewitnesses of his majesty we saw his majesty so what we're following is not intelligently crafted story sufism with muthos of fables muthos has a Greek word for fables a myth like a fiction or a script they said we are eyewitnesses of his majesty the majesty which actually means to you know manifest or to spend your worth or your value that is to say we saw the value and the Word of God in a man in Christ when we looked at him we saw his majesty we saw his value we saw his wharf we saw his relevance and he calls it majesty hurry from Eva 17 of the same chapter for he received from God the Father honor and glory when there came such a voice to him from excellent glory this is my beloved Son in whom I am well in whom I am well pleased is the one you the cure in whom I am well seen or who does me well the one who is award well so in Christ we see beyond one who came to die for our sins it will only come to die for our sins he came to redefine and to correct the impression of men concerning the character of God all right in whom I am well pleased the one who does me well or the one who represents me accurately the one who reveals me very precisely I am well pleased you know and that's when the Acts of the Apostles they were asked to repent the word repent means change your mind concerning God repent in Acts chapter 2 verse 38 then Peter said unto them repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost next verse for the promise is unto you and to your children and all that are afar off even as many as the Lord our God shall call the word repent means see well see things properly repent change your mind and look at things properly in John chapter 1 is in the beginning was the word the Word was with God and the Word was God alright and these people were people who saw Jesus valley people and the witness forms a crucial part of the gospel they are eyewitness critical because they saw him come to earth they saw him live on earth they saw him die they saw him buried they saw him rose and when he rose to spend time with him they touched him they ate with him after he rose from the dead very very important so that's why the details of the eyewitness accounts are very important in the affirmation of the gospel of Christ in the book of John where we are 1 verse 10 he was in the world and the world was made by him and the world knew him he was in the wall the world was made by him and the world knew him not they didn't have a revelation knowledge they didn't know that that man that was walking among them was God in human flesh next verse he came unto his own and his own received him not vast wealth but as many as received him to them gave he power to become the sons of God even to them that believe on his news as many as received him to them gave he power to become the sons of God he gives them power to become the sons of God but you have to receive him he doesn't force himself see and that's why you must know the difference between miracles and magic miracles are not magic and magic is not miracles if you don't know the difference you will see all of them as a say in miracles God will convince you and wait for you to say yes or no do you want to be healed yes or no do you want to be healed your consent is critical if you will receive a miracle it is not forced on you in magic you watch an actor and actor who does everything in miracles you and God participate together in making it happen God offers you all that you need for that miracle but you must consent in receiving you must consent in receiving so there is a difference between magic and miracles read for me verse 14 of that john chapter 1 and the word was made flesh and dwelt among us and we beheld his glory the glory as of the only begotten of the father full of grace and truth what John is writing is an experience it's not a revelation as such even though there is a revelation in knowing Jesus from the written word but he says and the word was made flesh and dwelt among cause he was among us we saw the word that became flesh we saw God in human form he it dwelt among us and we beheld his glory we beheld his glory he is talking in literal terms it's not being suggestive here he's speaking in specific terms he dwelt among us among us doesn't mean us among those means damn that were there during the incarnation those that were there as I witness when he became flesh he said he dwelt among us that what became is a word genome I that means it came as or exist as or to change a spot to change spot or to move from one spot to another the Ward became genome I became flesh and dwelt among us existed among us he changed place he relocated to our location all right and we beheld his glory the word Doc's our glory doxa which Peter calls Majesty the glory is that Majesty that they beheld that is there is something in the incarnation of Jesus that changed the impression of the Old Testament concerning God we beheld his glory we saw the glory the only thing that the glory carry it was grace and truth we receive Grace and disaster we saw grace that is truth in the glory of Jesus and in that glory it was full of grace full of glory as the glory of the only begotten of the Father the word only begotten is a greek word mono chinese which is used singularly by john you will see the use of the word in john 1:18 john 3:16 john 3:18 and first John 4:19 you look at them imagine that the uniqueness which with John use that explanation the mono Chinese and John is not talking you know his FS born aw there was nobody born after him that's not what John was talking about it was dealing with the only begotten of God Oh a unique act Oh when he calls Jesus the mono Jenny's what he was saying is he is the prototype the prototype here is the only type of that he didn't become man he only became a man there is no procreation he became the only man in that class he didn't become man he's unique after him nobody else is produced like that John 1:18 only begotten Son which is in the bosom is a Greek word kolpos in the bosom the mono journeys which is in the corpus it means to be part of someone or to be part of something when we say the bosom it means if I am in your bosom it means I am part of you which is in the bosom the kolpos it's like Luke chapter 6 verse educators an application of that word give and it shall be given unto you good measure pressed down and shaken together and running over shall men give into your bosom shall men give into your bosom a Jewish man understands what what they meant by shall men give into your bosom that is man will give into your pocket which is part of you bosom into your pocket see my pocket my pocket is part of me man shall give into your bosom so when he says Jesus is the only begotten which is in the bosom it means his inside the father's a part of the father so Jesus is not running the errand for the father when Jesus it is the father who came himself because he is in the bosom of the Father he is a part of the Father Jesus is the father manifests look at the use of that word again in Luke 16 22 and it came to pass that the beggar died and was carried by the Angels into Abraham's bosom the rich man also died and was very Abraham's bosom was carried by Rinda into Abraham's bosom that is there so Lazarus and Abraham together Lazarus and Abraham to get a series of the court again in John 14:23 now there was leaning on Jesus bosom one of his disciples whom Jesus loved there was living on Jesus bosom that is to say they saw him lay on Jesus when you lay on somebody you are not Priscilla almost together as one they saw him lay on Jesus bosom that is he was knitted with Jesus on Jesus bosom means your chest or your heart then in acts 27 39 and when it was day they knew not the land but they discovered a certain Creek with a shore into the which they were it minded if it were possible to thrust in the ship all right now John 1:18 again no man has seen God at any time the only begotten Son which is in the bosom of the Father he hath declared him he had declared him now we have doubted bosom we have doubted the only begotten Son we are now going to deal with declare him the war declare him is a greek word as ago my as ago my ex he GE oma I Y is sad they declare him it's not the same when the prophets declaring him the prophets also declared him so that would declare him exogamy is difference from the one the prophets declared the what is a gamma is used when God Himself is talking in a za gamma are you a part of what you are talking about so when he says only regarding so much is in the the father as declaring me means the father himself is the one declaring himself it's not declaring on behalf of he is the one declaring himself that word is used in Luke 24 35 and they told what things were done in the way and how he was known of them in breaking of bread how he was known of them all right the ward is a gamma is used in Acts chapter 10 verse 8 and when he had declared all these things unto them he sent them to Joppa when he had declared as the gamma when he declared these things unto them he sent him to Joppa every time Jesus was saying the kingdom of God is like unto every parable of Jesus where you heard him say the kingdom of God is like unto he was talking about himself every parable where you read Jesus saying the kingdom of God is like all - what is actually telling them is this is who I am because Jesus is the kingdom of God manifest the kingdom of God is like unto ten virgins five were foolish five were wise whatever similar same is that the kingdom of God is like I have come some of your fully some of your wise the wise ones among you know I have come the foolish ones don't know I am here you are still waiting for me that's all that were parable that's all it means nothing more there is no revelation nozzle talked about a woman that is kept somebody that came to the wedding without a wedding gown what were simply saying is all of you that are with me and you don't know I'm the one you are in a wedding without a wedding gown all the parables were about him he was trying to reveal himself to them using different analogies to make them see that the God you've been waiting for is finally among you all the parables all the parables they are all pointing to him he couldn't tell them I am God so he had to use parables to keep trying to bring them to a place of understanding alright because he's the only begotten of the Father who has declared the father look at Acts chapter 10 verse 7 and 8 and when the angel which spake unto Cornelius was departed he called two of his household servants and a devout soldier of them that waited on him continually and when he had declared all these things on to them he sent them to Joppa he declared what had happened to him when him and the Angels interacted it's not a third-party account this is exactly what I have experienced in a saga my it is not somebody talking for you it is you exactly talking for yourself look at at 15 12 then all the multitude kept silence and gave audience to Barnabas and Paul declaring what miracles and wonders God has wrought among the Gentiles by them by them you see they declared what God had wrought among the Gentiles by them they're the ones given account of what they did they are not reporting what they saw this is what God did by us so in a saga my you are the one talking for yourself alright look at another place it is used 2119 many scriptures good for your health and when he had saluted them he declared particularly what things God had brought among the Gentiles by his ministry by his ministry he declared what particularly God has done among the Gentiles by his ministry I witness you saw it Azuga my you were a part of what was seen so in John chapter 1 verse 18 again no man had seen God at any time the only begotten Son which is in the bosom of the Father so Jesus is not an eyewitness account of God Jesus didn't come to tell us things about God Jesus is in deity himself he is in deity himself he is not talking what he saw he is talking what he does so it means in the Incarnation Jesus is the revelation of God no man has seen God at any time the only begotten Son of God which is in the bosom of God who is a part of date he himself has revealed him has declared him has unveiled him has made him known I am here so when you see me you know exactly what date he looks like the accurate exact precise revelation of God Jesus is not here to talk about God he is God talking about himself so when you hear the word grace for grace of his fullness that we all receive Grace and for grace it's almost ought to say that price is a dispensation you know it's like people spoke about me out that if in speaking about me then I came to speak for myself okay I came to speak for myself now there is a difference between what people said about me and what I came to speak about myself if I came to speak about myself you are not going to call me a part of the truth I am NOT a bat of the truth this book about I am the whole truth they spoke a part of it but when I now arrived the whole truth came the Old Testament prophets book about God when Jesus came God came any detail they left out when Jesus arrived we saw the details anything they said that was not exact when the boss arrived we saw the exact so Jesus came to correct he came to correct impressions of God that were wrongly communicated he is the Express image his Express image of God that is to say you should weigh what others told you in the light of what he is telling you use his own speech as a yardstick to check make others and that's what the Incarnation has done to our understanding of God and somebody say what happened to Solomon didn't God make Solomon rich Jesus never said so Jesus never told us that God made Solomon rich so who said it was god damn it Salameh rich angels angels appear to Solomon remember in the Old Testament everything that happen was God death God disaster God good things God and quick God turned out God lights in in God is that true so of course Solomon is rich is God because everything was God joby see God giveth God to get the glow upon our swallow people if I be a man of God God has done it it is from the Old Testament that the legal the legal system in the society came up with a conclusion that any time there is a disaster we cannot explain is an act of God and it is part of a legal system because there two are confused of course the eternal man how can they have revelation knowledge so everything is an act of God but when you come to the New Testament the New Testament clarifies because the New Testament has photo tomio the Old Testament so the New Testament clears things about God remember the Old Testament is Jesus concealed the New Testament is Jesus revealed his smoke is precise and accurate you know improved creation look at me everybody you know in procreation when a woman gives birth they say God has blessed I would say Chinese a true hello is that true well God blessed her with a child for the fact that it was God that sets the system of reproduction but God's responsibility ended in setting the system that's why a man can be said I don't want a child again and God will not bring that child draw for even God cannot push a child through us he's our decision procreation was set by God and handed it over to man pour on so man determines how children are born that is why science has taken it a step further to show you that it is no more in the hand of God it is not in the hand of man miracle doctors can manipulate your system and you produce seven at once true or false they can even take sperm from a man and look for a girl somewhere implanted in her and she will carry a baby that has no business with her and deliver and walk away to show you that God set the system but God is not running it now I use procreation as a sample to explain prosperity god bless everybody for the fact that he said the industry and commerce system in place but he that does not walk should not eat he said the system are handed it over to man to run let me ask you a question they are to be born again to reproduce children so if a Christian gets involved in a progression system he will produce children if their native doctor and if he s who says there's no God gets a woman into his house and taught them the such of children they will produce why God said the system and handed it over to man to wrong the same thing with prosperity God said the system in place and ascended over the system to mantra that some people are Richard and others that's where people are richer than others they said fasting and prayer does not bring money now say you can speak in tongues and be poorer than the church rod why the system of making wealth was set in place by God and handed over to man to wrong is it clear now that's important because that will destroy religion and lose you to make money you don't like help you make money somebody listen to my teaching on what Jesus taught about material well can see Papa where have you been all my life so there's something like this I have suffered for nothing I'll be with you for God and my friends I've met too much world and I'm here with you for God not knowing that God has been waiting for me I arise and shine I'm going to make money like madness so even though it is God that set the system in place if a man and a woman don't come together it cannot happen can it happen you don't produce children by hugging somebody you don't produce to them by hugging somebody you don't produce children by shaking hands you don't even produce to them by sitting together in a car you don't produce children even by lying down on a bed there are more intimate things that must happen for children to come out is a system you must intentionally and you don't produce to them by mistake is deliberate you don't make money by mistake is deliberate this is deliverance or somebody you make money how deliberately you make money deliberately a man can abuse a man come misuse an American on the use material resources there were in his control he can abusing and misusing and on the use because man is the one who possesses it and distributes it you know the central bank can decide to make meniscus and they can decide to flood the market with money you just see money everywhere naira certainly becomes $5,000 to one US dollar because they have flooded the market with liquid so it loses value men control the forces of economics is a true man controlled of is god man sadhana say you know what less weak in this currency and they set the machinery in motion see men control wealth men control health man like you not man with four heads men exactly like you sell me I won't make money now look if you will not make it you don't have to talk you don't have to talk if you have decided to be poor you will be already in heaven so it's not a prayer point I am looking for people that have understood that money has a mission and want to carry out the mission of money to say with me I will make money seriously in this world intentionally I will make money if you will make it or have to talk and you'd have to apologize for saying if you are still waiting for God you don't have to say what I said wait fess when we get to heaven and the marriage Sapa and all the same together and the last assembly and you won't understand saving me money compared to me now I have ideas I have insights I have concept I have favour and I know what to do to make world shout amen sermon so in that instance an angel can give a message and you can say to an extent it is right you know what I just mean if an angel said God prospered Solomon to an extent there is there is a truth in that statement God prospered Solomon to the extent to which that it was God to set the system in place but Solomon when you read you will see the dubious things that he did to make money you the symphony except at 10:00 when Peter had a vision and God told him stand up killin it and he says what God asked little Malcolm can call unclean smv angels sometimes will communicate things in a vision that would require interpretation so when they said it was God that myth Solomon prosper that's the interpretation to that statement and that's why Jesus never said it was God in fact Jesus humiliated Solomon completely it says Solomon in all of his glory is not as rich as a lily that means if we are richer than Solomon in Jesus's words it says Solomon with all of his glory is not arrayed like one of these lilies the birds in the air are well the other Salama beds that are looking for comedy show jesus said it that the wealth of Salomon was nothing so in the New Testament what you call wealth Jesus said is nothing so how could it have been that it was got the prosper Suleiman and then God was here Solomon is not as rich as a bed in the air that's where the interpretation comes that's what we begin to see that Jesus came to reveal God I didn't hear powerful amen so Jesus is not an addition he is the logos of God hallelujah Jesus is the logos of God read for me John chapter 1 verse 4 in him was life and the life was the light of men legs of us and the light shineth in darkness and the darkness comprehended is not the light shine it in darkness and the darkness comprehended not Peter calls it the light that shines in that dark place until the day dawn and the day star arise in your hearts both of them were talking about the revelation of Christ in the Old Testament that came through the mouth of the prophets and what they were saying is that that regulation now has become flesh and dwelt among us so now in the healing ministry of Jesus we don't just see authority over sickness and disease but we see the character of God expressed the healing ministry of Jesus is not just authority over sickness and disease it is the character of God that's why Jesus was moved by compassion God's character the cycles it grace for grace meaning if it is not gracious it is not God Moses said to God I want to see your glory and God said to Moses I will make my goodness pass before you so the glory of God is a goodness of God the glory of God is the goodness of God we beheld his glory and what did I see in the glory grace for grace let me ask some of your question policy regimes what is Grace huh you don't need to think to answer that kind of question what is Grace on behalf of marriage a favor is Grace a taking or a give him so he said well we beheld his glory what we saw inside the glory is grace for grace that you see God is always giving and giving and giving that is to say when we saw him to God all we saw was generosity grace for grace he gives and gives and gives he gives and gives and gives grace for grace that is a total departure from all the mixed thrill of the Old Testament so a lot of times we need to address our belief system the things we believe God is altogether lovely absolute light there's no darkness in God somebody shot there's no darkness in God can I have said one more time st. Lauder say it and enjoy the goodness of God don't you never say you will never have a body as far as God is concerned the rest of your life is only perfect perfect perfect perfect that is God's plan for you and you can agree with God and stop the devil from giving you a body shout amen to that somebody say do we expect only good good from God and never bad yes we expect only good because every good and perfect gift comes from God from the Father of lights with whom there is no variableness neither shadow of turning only good things come from God I thought somebody was shot God is good all the time there is no bad in God amen God's character and God's disposition towards man his goodness he gives and gives and gives and gives he is the giving God he is and he does not find fault amen I said a man if your belief system has a problem it will hinder you from enjoy the healing power of God your belief system wrong thinking produces wrong speaking Wrong speaking produces wrong lifestyle it begins from thinking as a man thinketh in his heart so easy if you think well it's my everything that God can heal you are bought with a price your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost somebody shot a reject P from any direction my body is secured sealed and bought by Jesus I didn't hear powerfully but if you have a belief system that tolerates it you cannot be healed from it so that's why your belief system is important you can be better than what you believe you can be better than what you believe as a man thinketh so is he Amen as any man and other people say oh it is my sickness it has come again it is my sickness it shouldn't be a sickness it should be your healing it is my healing the signal should be the stranger the healing should be your property it is my healing John chapter five verse three four and five one of the myths that stopped a lot of people from healing in Scripture indeed lay a great multitude of impotent folk of blind halt without waiting for the moving of the water they were waiting for the moving of the water Metro's for an angel went down at a certain season into the pool untroubled the water whosoever then first after the troubling of the water stepped in was made whole of whatsoever disease he had next verse and a certain man was there which had an infirmity thirty and eight years next verse when Jesus saw him lie I knew that he had been now a long time in that case he saith unto Him without be made whole well thou now this is a fanciful story and that's because they had expectation they were sprinkles of miracles here and there and so they concluded that that was God moving in that water by was a myth he was a myth it was what they believed okay and they stayed there and this man was sitting there for 38 years nobody pushing me and Jesus walked to him and said will I be made whole well duh be mere who is looking at the pool and Jesus is standing here my set and instead of answering Jesus is telling Jesus I have no man to put me inside the healer is standing I are still asking for him and to push inside mindset world I'll be healed I don't have money to pay for medical examination the master is actually do one Healey but where your mind is messed up that's the kind of thing that happens you begin to you begin to think contrary to the Word of God and you him that the blessing of God's Word from taking effect in your heart you have made the Word of God of none effect by the traditions by your mundane traditions this Maoist achi it is just sitting down of course the Jews new Java Rafa the Lord he led but the stumbling block was their mindset yet healing was available so as a man thinketh is very important where healing is concerned take note of this Jesus had to unbundle that myth number one the guy was not in the water at all and yet he was healed number two no angel showed up yet the man was healed number three he wasn't pushed yet he was healed number four Jesus only spoke words and the man was healed I go back through it again how Jesus unbundled that myth of Pool of Bethesda number one the guy was not in the water at all yet he was healed number two no angel showed up yet the man was healed number three he was in pushed yet he was healed and number four Jesus only spoke words that's how he unbundled the myth about the Pool of Bethesda cast him down imaginations he brought down that mindset that said the pool was God moving if the pool was God moving then what was Jesus doing that's why the pool was a big it was in God movie it was a belief system that they created among themselves that hindered them from being healed by the mercy of God and Jesus showed up and the fasi was to unbundle the myth concerning the Pool of Bethesda and Jesus today heals everybody so it is possible to build a ministry of myth a ministry that is tied around a myth that does not exist when you start giving heed to seducing spirits and start giving it to doctrines of devils you are an embarrassment to the ministry you are under their disgrace to exegesis you a daughter disgrace to epignosis and ashamed to review the knowledge Paul said I fear less I have wasted my time on your head that's all must be grounded pay attention to what we're teaching if not babble rub salt on your head you shall no need to go to the mountain or go to Jerusalem the world is now you even in your heart and in your mouth that is a world of faith to a prince somebody say the power of God resides on my side now for the last time the power of God resides on my inside so when I speak I release the power into my body stand on your feet ah let me a powerful amen listen carefully words are conveyors of God's power so when I look at you and I say receive those words that you had carried the power into your body the power of God sometimes operates tangibly sometimes that says sometimes when the power of God is on leash you feel it like electricity in your body there is a tangibility to God's power and sometimes you even feel it now don't wait for the feeling whether you feel it or not is there but sometimes you even feel it when words are spoken power is unleashed that's why you must mind what people see around you and what people say to you you must mine words when I pray for you and I say be healed power has been released I don't have to sweat no world carry power that's as Jesus was teaching the power was present why words regulate power when I say be blessed I engage the power of God to walk when I say you are cost the power of the devil which is destruction is engaged so that's why you must mind what you say and in healing the sick we speak words amen we don't have to lay hands on you even though sometimes we could lay hands on you because in laying our hands also there is there is a transmission there is a transfer of power in lane of hands but most times I prefer not to lay hands I prefer to teach you how to receive on your own so that when I'm not there to lay hands on you you can always receive it by yourself I don't know if you understand what I'm saying I mean I could I could quickly call sick people here and lay hands on all of you but I'm training you I'm a coach and because I'm training you I want to train you to a point where whether I'm there or not and your body misbehaves you receive the healing power of is somebody understanding what I'm saying certainly in the name of Jesus the power of God resides on my sin again the power of God resides on my answer now say my body is bought with a price I refuse to accommodate sickness now tomorrow and forever I refuse to accommodate sickness now tomorrow and forever say again I refuse to tolerate sickness in my body my body has been bought I will be healthy I will be strong and I will live healthy can I hear powerful amen lift your hands further pray for everybody under the sound of my voice in this building on television on Facebook in our campuses people are gathered here in the teaching of your word every infirmity sickness and disease I command you right now to lose your horse lose your horse lose your horse lose your horse in the name of Jesus body be healed body be healed body be healed body be healed injuries and pain being here else's injuries wounds internal and external wounds the possibility wounds internal and external be healed be healed tumors gross zapato Lia be here the prayer of faith shall heal deceit and the Lord shall raise him up the Lord shall raise him up the Lord shall raise him up anyone hearing a son of my voice right now that was put down by sickness and disease because I have prayed a prayer of faith over you right now you are raised up stand up and do what you couldn't do before rise up in the name of Jesus rise up in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus la la la da la da Korat America Canada she colada Baba in the name of Jesus thank you for and it is done and we give you praise in Jesus precious name and every believer says that a man like you know it is done get a good offering let's give this morning as your worship and honor Jesus for his word thank you lord get a good ol friend let's worship get a good offering father I pray for everybody in this building and I pray for everybody watching online and all our campuses right now in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus right now I ask and as your people give generously and willingly we give with joy and we give with gladness and I thank you that this offerings rise before you today a sweet smell and often acceptable in Jesus name and everybody verse is he powerful amen we love you guys enjoy the rest of your moments and be blessed let's celebrate viewers around the wall praise God [Music] you [Music] [Music] this is Kingdom [Music]
Channel: Abel Damina Ministries International
Views: 3,213
Rating: 4.8431373 out of 5
Id: K63Xu8d2ols
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 7sec (3247 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 29 2019
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