Dr. Abel Damina| The Old and the New Covenant in Christ - Part 3

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I know that goes my into the lecture be blessed her man we've come some kilometers into this teaching on the old and the New Testament in Christ second Timothy chapter 3 verse number 15 plunder from a child that was known the Holy Scriptures which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus the Holy Scriptures will bring us to a place of wisdom and that's why we study the scriptures to come to that place of wisdom in the subject of salvation or in salvation this salvation is through faith which is in Christ Jesus so we took time to establish that in the New Testament you won't find too many words just like you see in the Old Testament because less is more in the New Testament is revelation so the little writing by the time it is revealed to you is what more than many words of the Old Testament first of all I want to do with a few principles of Bible interpretation that will help you with studying but privately and in the house there are certain laws that helps us can Bible study number one we have what we call the law of single mention the law of single mention and you don't build a doctrine on the law of single mention the law of single measure means that you only find that world use ones in the Bible or just in a verse of scripture and that word is just casually mentioned it does not build doctrine then there's a law of double mention the law of double mention means you found that somewhere and you found that said again by another writer of Scripture maybe Paul spoke about it Peter spoke about it so we have double mention and we can build a doctrine on the law of double mention then we have the law of emphatic mention the law of emphatic mention that means a place where the scripture you know not too many just one place a chapter where something is emphatically mentioned for example the subject of tongues one of the places where you will understand the subject of tongues very clearly is in first Corinthians chapter 14 brother Paul took them to with the subject of tongs in first Corinthians 14 doctrinally so we call that the law of emphatic mention so we're gonna move from the known today unknown the book of Matthew chapter 26 verse 28 for this is my blood of the New Testament which is shed for many for the remission of sins my blood of the New Testament which is shed for many for the remission of sins in Bible interpretation we will say Jesus made an a hurry statement and a horror statement is a statement that you make as if it has happened when it has not happened but it is a futuristic event for example Jesus in Matthew says this is my blood of the New Testament but that was not his blood of the New Testament so that means he was making an orrery statement something that was to come but he spoke about it in the present as if it has happened and in a place such a world come the found is in John 10:10 I am come that you may have life but in John 10:10 II understand I give in life because you couldn't give life to anybody until after he rose from the dead and in John 10:10 he had not died but he spoke as if he has already started giving life I am come that you may have life and that you may have it is I am come dad after my death you will have life he says I'm conduct human as if he's given life but that was what we called transitional truth transitional truths in Bible story transitional suits in the interpretation of scriptures those places where Jesus spoke about life in the book of John I give unto them eternal life and they shall never perish those were all events of the future that Jesus spoke about in the present as if it'll support this will help you a great deal with Bible study so you find some of these principles you can't just study the Bible by yourself because there are principles that unlock Bible study principles of interpreting scriptures which if you don't apply in Bible study the scriptures are locked that's all when people like us come and begin to open up scriptures you go like the same thing I didn't I didn't see this there are principles that will help you unlock plus the help of the Holy Spirit plus depth of meditation dabs of meditation it takes hours and hours and hours and hours of meditation applying the keys is not enough you can have all the keys and yet it has not opened up so you need put the keys you need the help of the Holy Spirit you need hours of meditation so it is level it is label you don't just stand up carry the Bible and start interpreting it note that you must be trained on how to study that's what I take time sometimes in the course of teaching I give you certain principles I give you setting keys on how to study how to unlock Scripture because it is very essential the Bible is not just for you to read like you read a newspaper it has to be interpreted in the light of Christ that's why brother Paul was intro to mati started to show yourself approved unto God the word studies or diligence diligence to show yourself approved unto God a workman that needs not be ashamed rightly dividing the word of truth so Jesus spoke about the future as if it was happening today Matthew 26:28 and this was at a Passover Feast they were having a passover feast and then jesus said to them this is my blood of the New Testament you can imagine how rattled the disciples well how rattled they were because they have never had the mention of anything like New Testament they only know the Testament they've been used to the Testament for decades and years it was the Testament and in that Testament they took bread they drank wine they had you know all kinds of spices and they had all kinds of rituals around the communion of the Passover which has been rebranded Communion and in the midst of this Jesus said to them this is my blood of the New Testament he introduces to them a new reality meaning what we are doing now it is going to be my blood of a new testament meaning this Testament expires because the moment you introduce a new it means that the one that were in is no more relevant this is my blood of the New Testament that's a new reality he introduces to his disciples if you're with me say good amen and this passover feast was celebrated beginning from Moses in the days of Moses you'll find a Passover celebrated in Exodus chapter 12 verse 13 it was the day they were leaving Egypt to go to the promised land so Jesus says this is my blood of the New Testament everybody knows is the Passover Feast and I was always in the new in Israel so jesus said to them this is my blood of the New Testament something new has just been introduced Jesus has silently just closed the old you see it in mark 14:24 and you'll see it in luke 22 2008 came prophetically in an explanatory fashion okay so we not began to talk about the figurative expression this is my blood of the New Testament so now we said that the Passover was a figurative or a symbolic expression of death burial and resurrection so when Jesus said this is my blood of the New Testament let us interpret it properly they were saying this is my blood a figurative expression of the New Testament remember every time they sat before the Passover they were doing it to show the loss that they were doing it as a symbol of the lost debt they were doing it as a vehicle of that which is to come it was not the main thing it kabocha liar it was not the main thing that bread and wine that they were taking was not the real thing it was a symbolic expression it was a fake Oh pay attention key bottom Hebrews 10 1 for the law having a shadow what is a shadow is symbol what is a shadow if we go so everything they did under the law was a shadow the bread and the wine was a shadow so when he said this is my blood of the New Testament if we interpret it what you're saying is this is a figurative expression of the New Testament this is a figure this is not the real thing this is a figurative expression or a symbolic demonstration of the New Testament which is shed for the remission of sins Hebrews 1:1 at sundry times in divers manners God spoke to the fathers the father's by the Prophet question when the Jesus shed his blood when the Jesus shed his blood after he died that's right so if his after he died that He shed his blood when he said this is my blood of the New Testament he had not died so that will be a symbol or a figurative expression of that which he was going to do he was communicating to them in parables Hebrews 10 1 again for the law having a shadow of good things to come and not the very image of the things that blood and that wine and that bread is not the very image is a shadow that blood I was in the composite Jesus is blood where does the itching have been an umbrella tests the time and bread is that Jesus's blood no it's a figurative expression why romance fickle when the real deal has arrived you are traveling somewhere you see signboard arrow is she another same board al he says destination guru you see are assembled destination hello is she assembled destination aru then you see destination you have arrived by following signboard then you now live destination and compact a signboard and begin to fellowship with signboard is something not wrong with you what about dizzy signboard bread and wine signboard anointing oil signboard handkerchief signboard fit washing all of them they are all then finally you meet Christ Christ who is symbolized in anointing oil Communion water baptism you meet the main person then you now say Jesus good to meet you I'm coming then you come back who anoint you oh yes this is God in a bottle Jesus is standing there you're celebrating oil Oh what about using baptize making sure that the resurrection the main deal is done is if any location can accommodate God he is no more God God God should not be accommodated in the location because God means he is everywhere even in the Old Testament people that didn't see revelation people like Solomon said God the help of the heavens cannot continue people like David that were not born again with a shall I flee from your presence if I go to the mountain you are there if I go to the pitch you are there anywhere I go you are yeah even people that were not born again no no Jesus Usha to Nicodemus are you a master in Israel and you don't know born again so what have you been preaching Nicodemus I'd be shocked you are the ugly shop of Israel and you don't know boring if I have told you earthly things and you're confused like this what of if I start speaking heavenly things come on God doesn't in the ever people are confused is it communion they will accept come on and I beg them it's something in church all the time eat and drink you want to collect snack from them Galatians Hebrews officials and Colossians take note of those books because we will do some walk around them another books of brother Paul so let's begin from 2nd Corinthians chapter 3 verse number 3 for as much as you are manifestly declared to be the Epistle of Christ ministered by US written not with ink but with the spirit of the Living God not in tables of stone so there's one written on tables of stone and as an alum are written in fleshly tables of the heart so he's dealing with two tests dementia one Testament is written with in one Testament is written on tables of stones another Testament is written by the Holy Ghost and written in the hearts of men two Testaments all Testament New Testament all Testament in on tables of stone New Testament Spirit of God on tables of the heart clear is the distinction clear now very important while within one with the Spirit of God one on tables of stone one in the heart of men glory to God verse four and such trusts have we through Christ to God word six who also had made us able ministers of the New Testament not of the letter one but of the Spirit another one for the letter killeth another one but the spirit giveth life so there is letter there is spirit there is Sheila and there is life giver so watch store in later Sheila okay spirit of god flesh hat flashing tables of the heart okay spirit life so a man is either it him from Mount Sinai or from Mount Zion there is nothing like our ministry is in between we are in between Sinai and I own if you are in between a measure in Sinai both Cena and in between all of them are sinner Sion is Shia till a papaya sinner he lets a on given life sin I Isleta Zion is spirit that which is born of flesh and that which is born of spirit is a getting clear the distinction is clear there's no ambiguity no mixture if you have a bucket of the grace of God and you drop any item of law inside it has become law that's why there's no middle ground you're either drinking water from zina or you're drinking water from Shia no middle ground you know go to the church in the book of Revelation through the vision of John he says you are neither hot nor cold it was even better if you were hot or cold so because you are a mixture I was pleased to be everywhere is to be nowhere you have to be somewhere you're either desire or you're in sinner you can combine the true spirit and flesh cannot walk together glory to God verse 7 but if the ministration of death written and engraven in stones was glorious so that the children of Israel could not stedfastly behold the face of Moses for the glory of his countenance which glory was to be done away there is administration you know ministration ministration is going on but what the man is receiving is one dead the ministration of death and that ministry is written and engraven in stones in stone ministry of death there are ministries where all the people are taking steadily is dead the pastor is preaching and the members are dying they are shouting yes yes preach but as they are shouting they are dying is a shot of death the man is ministering we are not saying the man is not doing something we are not saying that the congregation is not responding we are not saying that there's no excitement in the congregation this excitement and activity is just that they are dying in ministration is ministration everyone looks like this fire but is strange fire is a minister of death oh how do we know which ministries a minister of death is very easy is written and engraven in stones now what I will give you a few of these so that you'll understand more that's it how shall not the ministration of the Spirit be rather glorious for if the ministration of condemnation be glory much more doth the ministration of righteousness exceed in glory so there is the Ministry of death the Ministry of contamination then the same Ministry of life and Ministry of righteousness when you sit under a ministry that killeth when you live the service you live here confessing your sin you lived your feeling on what you lived a filling who can heaven you lived your brain heaven at last that's a Ministry of death it condemns when you stay under the Ministry of life when you walk out of the Sun you walk out of that place bored you walk out of that place ready to take charge of your world you walk out of that place totally in charge there's a difference one condemns one brings a consciousness of righteousness old and new Testament now that question which part of the Old Testament are we talking about which part Exodus to Malachi what is he called the law Exodus to Malachi is the law again Genesis is not the Old Testament have we settled that yeah I'll show you more Genesis is not the Old Testament the Old Testament begins from Exodus to Molokai look at verse 9 for if the ministration of condemnation be glory much more does the ministration of righteousness exceed in glory for even God which was made glorious had no glory in this respect by reason of the glory that accelerates the law has no glory when place appears the law has no glory when the finished work of Christ appears for if that which is done away question which is done away the law was glorious much more that which remaineth is glorious verse 13 and not as Moses which put a veil of access that the children of Israel could not steadfastly look to the end of that which is so the law is abolished every time you are under a ministry where the minister is preaching the law you cannot look into his face is a terrorist he will tell if I cost you if I cause you don't try me you can't look at his face meanwhile what is bringing is abolished you can look into the face of that man of God those are the kind of creatures well when they I can members kneel down you know those preachers I will be dealing down for a man so what would you do for Christ religion is weakened we have now received the spirit of bondage again to fear even before God we don't kneel down we stand before a father and we cry Abba the man of God is a son of God you - a son of God it's not superior to you you are not inferior to him all of your songs of God but you esteem him highly for his labor in the world among you that's all you esteem be not because I am dr. Abel you even if I'm a professor doctor general is not enough it is to me the only reason why you is in me is when you calculate the quality of walk I'm doing your life based on that you asking me for my walk seek not for my title you don't expect a man over because his name is a be shop the shop for senior Pope major three or major one a if somebody decides to respect you don't think you're too much respecting back respecting them don't think is because you are too much if you think are too much very soon set I will show you how small you are one small team will happen then you will understand how small you are is only Christ now make the difference glory to God all of us have received a spirit of adoption the Old Testament is abolish is done away the minister of condemnation and death the letter is abolished look at Hebrews chapter 8 verse 7 for if that first covenant had been faultless there shall no place have been sought for the second for finding fault with them so the fault of the first covenant is not with the Covenant when he said if the first covenant had been faultless it doesn't mean the first covenant has a fault if you go to the post ex inna explains the protects the protections if it had been faultless then in the postage in assess for finding fault with them so the fault of the Old Covenant is that it finds fault with the people to whom it was given it found fault with them the Covenant doesn't have a fault but it found a fault with the people to whom it was giving it's just that the people to whom it was giving don't have the wherewithal to meet up with the requirements of that covenant for finding fault with them he saith behold the days come saith the Lord when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah not according to the Covenant that I made with their fathers when in the day when I took them by the hand to lead them out of the land of Egypt ecause they continued not in my covenant and i regarded them not saith the lord the Old Covenant was you do I do you don't do I don't do if you don't continue with my cousin I'll I'd only got you draw nigh I draw nigh if you pray I answer if you don't I don't if you obey my word you'll be blessed if you disobey my ward discusss if you observe my Ward sickness will go if you don't observe my ward diseases will come the Old Testament had conditions that were bigger than the capacity of the people to whom it was given so that is why since they couldn't keep it it found fault it found fault with them the people could not meet up with the requirements of that covenant that's why Romans who say for what the law could not do in that it was weak through the flesh see the law of Moses that's why Jesus who said think not that I will accuse you before my father bear it you want that accuse at you even Moses Moses here not as in Moses as a person but Moses as a function here for Moses in one new trust which is the law he's Yakuza why is he the accuser because you can't keep it so if you can't keep it it will find fault with you and when if I fall to you it accuses you come Moses in whom you trust put Avastin for this is the Covenant that I will make the house of Israel after those days saith the Lord I will put my laws into their mind and write them in their hearts and I will be to them a god and they shall be to me a people and they shall not reach every man is neighbor and every his mother saying not a lord for all shall know me from the least to the greatest for I will be merciful to their unrighteousness and their sins and their iniquities will I remember normal in that he saith a new covenant he had met the first old now that which declared and what said old is ready to vanish away the Old Testament is abolished it has vanished away why because the Old Testament couldn't power the people to whom it was given somebody say here so you cannot operate the two covenants side by side you cannot you can't use the old and the new so the Old Testament which taught him will learn things from it but you can use it side-by-side with the new so when we the Old Testament began it began in Exodus in the day when I took you by the hand to lead you out of Egypt that was a bit begun and that is where they looking for that means from Genesis to Exodus beginnings of Exodus is not long so what is Genesis we will confirm that in a few minutes hallelujah calculations of the three verse 16 now to Abraham and his seed where the promise is made he saith not and to seeds as of many but as of one and to thy seed which is Christ question who is the seed of Abraham Christ not easy not easy and this I say that the covenant I was confirmed before of God in Christ the law which was four hundred and thirty years after cannot discern all that it shall make the promise of non effect so the Covenant was confirmed before in Christ the law which came 430 years after so the New Testament started before the Old Testament so the New Testament is older than the Old Testament the New Testament is older than the Old Testament so it is New Testament Old Testament New Testament however if you understand yourself it is New Testament Old Testament New Testament watch this it is New Testament promise Old Testament interruption New Testament fulfilled under Suraj asana it is New Testament promise Old Testament interruption New Testament fulfilled so he batana are you here the New Testament began before the interruption of the Old Testament which Christ came to fulfill the promise of the New Testament which began before the Old Testament do you understand what I just said meaning that the law was not ghost original plan say the law was an interruption so that's why Jesus you see Moses because of the hardness of your heart give you the law but in the beginning it was not so kaya is a clear here so the law is not God's plan for man the law was a response to man's condition of his heart but God's plan for man was the grace of God God's plan for man was Christ God's plan for man was the finished work of Christ but since my rejected Christ Moses give man law then Christ a real deal came and saw Myles failure and fulfill the conditions that man could not fulfill took the Old Testament puts it away and gave man the New Testament which was his original plan from the beginning of time that was God's plan for man from the beginning all the time now so when people said yo Chris preachers you're preaching a new revelation no this is not a new message grace is a consistent character of God from eternity past to eternity future he has always been a gracious God from the beginning to the end somebody was actually me but Papa you said that Moses knew Christ we are did Moses know Christ well in the Bible God gave Moses Christ Moses accepted Christ and the Moses came before Israel he said to them I said before your life I said before you dead shoes they chose death what is that the law of sin and death what is life the law of the spirit of life we are in Christ Jesus so we give them Christ and give them law they rejected Christ and accepted law so when they rejected Christ Moses took Christ and gave them love that's why your soul is talking to them like this the Egyptians you see not the Egyptians we see they were because two of us are under different atmosphere you're under law I'm under Christ under Christ I don't see Egyptians but you are no no you see so the way you see you will see them again not the one we see you can have trisomies in Egyptians Gabanna samosas smart guy Moses knew cries I can prove it in Hebrews ok Moses give them in law you know what was containing the law of Moses you cannot marry outside of Israel anybody that marries outside Israel should be stoned to death does the law after you give them the law because he was he under the law he went to Autopia he came aloof an African baby pick one of them African babes and brought her back with him to Israel so minimun Aaron his brother his sister seniors the chemist said how dare you how dare you go against the law while they were Ibuki Moses the Lord came in between and say Moses come behind Miriam arrow stand here stand here stand here how dare you you don't even know me Moses knows me and you are talking too much like that Aaron next time Moses have a good day God was gone to edema on that to different environment the law applies to them but does not apply the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set me free set me free so why the law is killing you the grace is giving me life while some people are sitting on the a preacher of the law and is killing them I am under grace what is killing them cannot kill me i prophesy in this house you reign in life that emond is not Iranian amen you ran in life I say you ran in life Oh God keep Monica's idea Lord Oh Goebbels I can Hingham ananga hey somebody can impress a blast you can use the two covenants sure he bata promise of the 5 verse 12 wherefore as by one man sin entered into the world and death by sin and so death passed upon all men wherefore all have seen for until the law but see was not well so that means between Genesis and Exodus people had seen him but nobody was punished but the moment a lot came man was punished why the Lord came to bring man to an end of himself so he will cry out for help she was in the world verse 14 nevertheless death reigned from Adam to Moses so between Adam and Moses people were singing but nobody was punished why are they not punished because there was no law that means it was lot of blood punishment that's why the Bible says for you that is in Christ against you there is no law there is no law against such because you are not under the law of sin and death you're under the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus somebody shout hallelujah no condemnation I said no condemnation who I said no condemnation I thought somebody will shout a good amen so the Old Testament therefore is not books and the New Testament is not books what do I mean in acts of the apostille we saw the Old Testament we saw the Old Testament in the New Testament James said all right from now Gentiles they accepted but one day they shall not eat meat sacrificed to idols they shall not fornicate they shall not take blood ok so we see Old Testament in New Testament meaning Old Testament is not books and New Testament is not books because even in Old Testament we similar these Mary's from Autopia and nothing happens to him that's New Testament in Old Testament we see David he enters the holy of holy it should bread with his boys and they woke up nothing happened to them so Old Testament is not books New Testament is not books or what is Old Testament Old Testament is a relationship New Testament is a relationship so what is the relationship Old Testament is a relationship that is based on what I can do to please God New Testament is a relationship that is based on what Christ has done that has pleased God that I'm a beneficiary on so Old Testament is a relationship New Testament is a relationship it's not books because in the old you will see the new in the new you will see the old so when some people say dr. de Mina said we should no more use the Old Testament they didn't hear me well again that's what when you follow people like me you have to be patient you have to follow patiently don't be in a hurry don't listen to one of my message and conclude yes that document called order New Testament can tell you about the relationship but that is not a relationship the relationship is not the books the relationship is what happens between you and Christ but the book explains to you what has happened but the Covenant itself is not a document if you observe carefully in the Old Testament you will see that the Old Testament found fall to the people how did you find fault because the only place where you will see that there is a recording of the failures of people is in the Old Testament you will see the failures of people recorded in the New Testament now the Old Testament has a mission to look at fault record it and polish you the New Testament has a vision to accept you on the basis of faith in the Old Testament what you do matters in the New Testament faith counts only faith count they are for being justified by faith we have peace hyah we are not justified by works when I justify about what we do we're justifiable what crisis all based on the finished work of Christ we stand boldly before God justified eternally justified when the Old Testament began to record force about people Moses kills somebody doctor ground bury the person inside and then next day two people are fighting Morrises came to divide the fight and I was just trying to separate the fight one of them said are you trying to do to me what you did to somebody yesterday the Moses realized that that killing he did yesterday was not a clean job that he has leaked out so what did Moses do he run away for his life if he won't you run away he left how he left town he went on the cover New Testament is record in Moses Kabbalah in the Old Testament I wrote everything I did in the New Testament or the New Testament by faith Moses have will be full of surprises is that by faith Moses when he was come of age refused to be called the son of Pharaoh's daughter he rejected Pharaoh's house choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of God as deeming the reproach of Christ better riches than the treasures of Egypt he forsook Egypt you didn't see what I just said he didn't run for killing anyone in fact he killed nobody he killed nobody here on no man he just said Jesus is better than Pharaoh so Egypt goodbye but in the Old Testament he ran why in the New Testament through the finished work of Christ your faults are not recorded what is recorded is your fate am i teaching here that's what he was in Hebrews by faith rehab by faith Abraham by faith something something something guy said Samson Samson sir if you read the book where the story of something is written you will find that everywhere something entered he looked for a hollowed every time he entered he must look at it a lot keep a hollow treat himself every time you enter he will say he will go into another hollow he was always going to halat in every city this hour but when the New Testament record that something he said by faith something is an elder who obtained good report he will be full of surprises there are some people you are carrying their past record in your hand when we get to heaven God will say where did you get it we are not are we associate in exists I was shocked a lot about your sins and your iniquities our remember again if you stand up and shout Amen I see you reign over devil I see you Rayna machine I see you remember the consciousness Oh see lift your rattle a shot there is therefore now la condemnation for me I am in Christ my past is gone don't you ever say you have no past your past is gone in Christ yeah a new man you have no record of the past only a record of your faith a man a man a man double-shot when we get to heaven Hingham or citta when we finally all of us when we finally arrive heaven ago when Jesus who said Victor PETA's come now Victor will walk Bam Bam Bam the moment is turns say by faith bhisma conquered Giants defeated witches defeated Wizards defeated shame and today he has arrived every mistake he made no record only the record of his faith exploits by faith He healed the sick by faith she delivered the city by faith he delivered his family by faith he said free captives does only record nobody will say this man in fact let me shocking even Amanda married eight wives how many I didn't say you should marry eight wives tell ur neighbor he didn't say Molly it wives but angle but Amanda married eight wives and Danny received Christ and kept his eight wives and they were coming to church and we give them a section judge good for him his eight wives and each of them their period three children and their great-grandchildren all of them took a section okay when he gets to heaven nobody will know he married even any wife no record his also started brother Jacob Jacob who woke up by faith by faith and they will record all these exploits - it was an evil you Dan knew he had it was you will forget the moment you get to heaven you will remember any negative thing about anybody the only thing you remember is faith faith faith faith only faith counts when we get there is a realm of perfection the only two shall remember a puffer perfections no imperfection the spirits of just men made perfect answer mmm will come like tuna I declare over you the devil has lost the battle cause I know the devil has lost the particles honey the devil has lost about sukhasana in the name of Jesus
Channel: Kenyanese
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Id: ElMclZ60Nfw
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Length: 47min 40sec (2860 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 13 2018
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