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jesus didn't offer an animal jesus didn't offer blood he offered himself and he rose by himself and then he came by himself into you as the holy ghost to live in you forever that holy ghost in you is the seal no devil can break that seal that seal is god's eternal signature of ownership abell domino ministries international precepts righteous invasion of truth riot live with dr abel daminer and axe the counselor with dr abel daminer and michael bush time monday to start today 6 p.m to 8 p.m sunday 8 a.m and 11 a.m gmt plus one join the program live on comfort fm 95.1 neo sunday 11 a.m to 1 p.m and monday to saturday 6 p.m to 8 p.m radio aquaboom 90.5 even 11 a.m to 1 p.m daily xlfm106.9 uyo 1pm to 3pm daily you know your fm 100.7 3 p.m to 5 p.m daily inspiration fm 105.9 uyo 9 pm to 10 pm daily and on heritage fm 104.9 10 p.m to midnight you can also watch these programs live on kingdom live network tv on your strong decoder or my tv decoder you can also follow abel domino's facebook page public figure as well as youtube twitter and instagram handles to watch real time welcome to riot live and ask the counselor host doctors abel and rachel daminer come on one more time a shining price if you know that you're not gonna remain the same again jump up on your feet [Music] is is revelations are you excited hallelujah [Music] i have what god says [Music] [Music] jesus is my my salvation jesus is my righteousness jesus is jesus no the sword of the spirit i would never never everybody it is my pleasure to invite on stage our own papa reverend doctor ava demina come on of god you are the head and not the tail you are above and not below you are redeemed redeemed from sickness redeemed from death redeemed from sin by the power of the holy ghost is your season to win take your healing take your freedom take your favor i would never i will never know with the holy ghost jesus didn't offer an animal jesus didn't offer blood he offered himself and he rose by himself and then he came by himself into you as the holy ghost to live in you forever that holy ghost in you is the seal no devil can break that seal that seal is god's eternal signature of ownership abel domino ministries international precepts righteous invasion of truth riot live with dr abel daminer and axe the councilor with dr abel daminer and michael bush time monday to saturday 6 p.m to 8 p.m sunday 8 a.m and 11 a.m gmt plus one join the program live on comfort fm 95.1 neo sunday 11 a.m to 1 p.m and monday to saturday 6 p.m to 8 p.m radio aqua bomb 90.5 fm rio 11 a.m to 1 p.m daily xlv uyo 1pm to 3pm daily you know your fm 100.7 3 p.m to 5 p.m daily inspiration fm 105.9 uyo 9 to 10 pm daily and on heritage fm 104.9 10 pm to midnight you can also watch these programs live on kingdom live network tv on your strong decoder or my tv decoder you can also follow abel domino's facebook page public figure as well as youtube twitter and instagram handles to watch real time welcome to riot live and ask the counselor host doctors abel and rachel daminer [Music] jesus didn't offer an animal jesus didn't offer blood he offered himself and he rose by himself and then he came by himself into you as the holy ghost to live in you forever that holy ghost in you is the seal no devil can break that seal that seal is god's eternal signature of ownership abel domino ministries international presents righteous invasion of truth riot live with dr abel daminer and ask the counselor with dr abel daminer and michael bush time monday to start today 6 p.m to 8 p.m sunday 8 a.m and 11 a.m gmt plus one join the program live on comfort fm 95.1 leo sunday 11 a.m to 1 p.m and monday to saturday 6 p.m to 8 p.m radio aquaboom 90.5 fm rio 11 a.m to 1 p.m daily xlfm106.9 uyo 1pm to 3 p.m daily you know your fm 100.7 3 p.m to 5 p.m daily inspiration fm105. we owe 9 pm to 10 pm daily and on heritage fm 104.9 10 pm to midnight you can also watch these programs live on kingdom live network tv on your strong decoder or my tv decoder you can also follow abell domino's facebook page public figure as well as youtube twitter and instagram handles to watch real time welcome to write live and ask the counselor host doctors abel and rachel [Music] daminer [Music] amen fully dressed to win lift your right hands to heaven father we rejoice that we are found in you complete in you and we thank you for all that christ has done for us all that christ means to us our reality and we ask that as we teach your word this morning revelation knowledge is gifted everybody connected to this service veils destroyed bodies terminated your people built up equipped edified the word of god clearly communicated your people totally edified and we rejoice that by the end of this service we'll all be the better for it we give you praise glory and honor for answered prayer in jesus precious name and every believer says it powerful amen lift your right hands to heaven let's release our feet together so we say these words i am born of god i am born of the world the word of god is my nature i do not struggle to do the world i do the world naturally therefore today i will understand the word of his grace i will be built up by the end of this service i will never be the same never ever be the same again in jesus name and every believer sees it powerful amen we want to welcome everybody connected to this service by we have kingdom life network facebook youtube twitter instagram all of the social media community we're so glad to have every one of you in the service this morning our quiet bomb state community we're glad to have all of you and to welcome you to the service today those of you listening by comfort fm xlfm inspiration fm heritage fm radio aquabomb and you knew you fm we're so glad to have all of you connected to the service do me a favor call a friend a neighbor somebody you love ask them to tuned to this radio station right now right now life is flowing through the airwaves and i want to also welcome our social media community here brothers and sisters and family and friends on social media like we've always done it let's do it again today let's blanket the earth with the fragrance of jesus's grace help me share the video on your page share with all the groups on your page help me tag some people create watch parties drop them on monogram telegram drop them on whatsapp groups let's flood the earth with the beauty of jesus this morning all our campuses around the world and all our bible study center so glad to have all of you connected hey guys get ready it's going to be an exciting adventure in the world of his grace and everybody else in the building are you excited to be here this morning can we celebrate the word of god with a shout and a praise this morning glory amen i'd like you to grab your pen your notebook your bible and you can be seated with your sweet smart self this morning oh glory to god forevermore hallelujah praise god power voices i'm going to pray for you guys this morning i just sent the holy ghost spoke to me in my office to to pray for all of you so in a few minutes i'm going to be you know ministering to you guys something is happening in the realm of the spirit things are shifting and things are aligning with the timing of the spirit certain deposits of god is about to come from within you to the surface and to show yeah years of praying and years of serving and years of expecting and believing and the time is now that time is now praise god thank you lord i'll be praying for you in a few minutes thank you lord jesus hallelujah all right we've been examining being filled with the spirit being filled with the spirit and this morning i started laying some foundation and bible interpretation to help you with keys that helps you to unlock the scriptures and we established the interpretation of the bible using literal or figurative expressions we saw contextual interpretation and usage of words in bible interpretation we also this morning looked at interpretation based on collaborative evidences or law of double mention i will advise those of you that were not in the service to get the material you will get the details of all of these i have said now and in the first service we stopped at that corroboration i'd like to read a verse in first corinthians chapter 14 verse two first corinthians chapter 14 verse two for he that speaketh in an unknown tongue speak it not unto man but unto god for no man understanded him if your bible was mine i will underline that because a lot of people think that when we speak in tongues it should be human language but in the doctrine of glossololia which is tongues he says for no man understand that hymn meaning this is not human language no man understand it how be it in the spirit so speaking in tongues is speaking in the spirit when you speak in tongues you speak in the spirit please listen to me i beg of you especially if you have been if you have been wrongly taught about tongues and you have locked up your mind and made up your mind that you don't belong to those who speak in tongues they're speaking in tongues it's just it's just something that you don't understand if you're that kind of person i'd like you to just be a bit generous just give me some attention and listen carefully whether on television radio or wherever or in this building now look at it again in the doctrine look at that corinthians where we're reading again that's inverse for no man understand that the him was added up which is okay understand him or understand it how be it in the spirit so tongues are spoken in the spirit he is speaking mysteries i'd like you to underline the word speaketh for he that speaketh speak it speak it did you see the emphasis for he that speaketh tongue speak it in the spirit he speaketh three times in one verse emphatic mention meaning that you cannot speak in tongues with your mouth closed meaning you don't meditate tongues tongues ought to be spoken all right no one understand it meaning is not human language is the language of the spirit so now if you observe carefully um as we study you will see a number of things in this service now part of bible interpretation there's a law we call the law of systematic explanation the law of systematic explanation and that is to examine a subject in the bible in an organized and detailed manner everywhere it was explained for example the practice of tongues in the book of acts will be properly examined in corinthians chapter 12 and first corinthians chapter 14. that is where you have the doctrinal explanation of tongues first corinthians chapter 12 and first corinthians chapter 14. you know the book of acts is an eyewitness account cannot be used as a basis for bible interpretation on any subject it can be referred to but must not be used to build doctrine if you're going to understand the doctrine of tongues it will be from first corinthians chapter 12 and chapter 14. that is where brother paul took time to let the framework for the explanation of speaking in tongues there's another law in bible interpretation it's called the law of single mention the law of single mention when a text is mentioned only once in the entire bible one has to be careful with such text because you cannot take it as a doctrine you cannot make a doctrine out of just one verse of scripture for example there is this verse that's the only place such statements appeared in the bible first corinthians 15 29 first corinthians chapter 15 verse 29 else what shall they do which are baptized for the dead if the dead rise not at all why are they then baptized for the dead you will never see anywhere else in the bible where the word baptized for the dead is used this is the only verse in the entire 66 book that means this is not a doctrine this cannot be used to teach or to get believers as a practice because it's just single mention all right so this verse does not have a corroboration in any other text of the books of the bible so therefore you cannot establish a doctrine on it now there is also the law of first mention i just talked about the law of single mention there is a law of first mention in bible study the first time a word is used in the bible gives a lead into how the authors in other books of the bible used it in this principle you locate where it was first used how it was first used in that instance then it will help you in the study of scripture there's another law called the law of grammatical interpretation the law of grammatical interpretation this refers to applying the original meaning of words in bible interpretation a grammatical understanding of text is also critical in properly explaining text of the bible for example john chapter 3 verse 5 the use of the word and amd in john 3 5 it says jesus answered verily verily i say unto thee except a man be born of water and [Music] of their spirit he didn't say the bond of the water and of the spirit no born of water and of the spirit so the spirit is the personality which water symbolizes so the word and there cannot be a conjunction the word ander will not be an explanation that means born of water which is the spirit born of water so it's explanatory the use of and in that text of scripture born of water which is a spirit is the kai rule of bible interpretation kai is k-a-i kai kai or the tks rule of bible interpretation using the word and of the spirit there's another word in the bible that you need to pay attention to is the word if i s if if another similar word the word if can be used as a condition or definitive as a condition or definitive in bible teaching the word if conditional or definitive just like the word and okay the word if can only be understood by examining the context in which it is used for example romans chapter 8 verse 9 romans chapter 8 verse number 9 but you are not in the flesh but in the spirit if so be that the spirit of god dwell in you now if any man have not the spirit of christ he is none of ease the phrase if seems to suggest that the spirit of god dwelling in the believer is conditional however a proper contextual of the context will clearly clarify this observe carefully that brother paul stated you are not in the flesh but in the spirit this statement is absolute but you are not in the flesh but in the spirit so the if so b will be definitive not conditional all right so the verse can be better understood as but you are not in the flesh but in the spirit since the spirit of christ since the spirit of christ dwells in you so his conclusion helps to clarify that verse and if you observe the conclusion now if any man have not the spirit of christ he is none of his this is just an absolute okay if any man does not have the spirit of christ but you are not in the flesh but in the spirit so the if will be sins are we in the building that's very important in bible interpretation another word you must take care of is the word all a-l-l all in bible study it can be assumed that once the bible says all it means everything excluding nothing the word all was translated from the greek word past p-a-s or passa p-a-s-s-a let me slow down like the guy who requested that she's like when i'm reading greek words actually implies whole of every it is used over 1078 times in the new testament books of the bible and sometimes the phrase all things was translated from the word past let's see a few examples john 14 26 john 14 26 but the comforter which is the holy ghost whom the father will send in my name he shall teach you all things and bring all things to your remembrance whatsoever i have said unto you the phrase all things here in the greek is past now it is important for you to note that when he says the holy ghost will teach all things he does not mean the holy ghost will teach everything so the holy ghost will teach science commerce business agriculture soap opera acting choreography stealing he will teach everything now fighting kidnapping that's not what it means so again when you see all you must be very careful in bible study the word aldia will be explained very clearly because brother paul now zeroed in the all by saying will bring all things to your remembrance whatsoever i have said so the all that the holy ghost will teach will be restricted to all that jesus said it's not all ambiguous it's all as it relates to the context of the discourse in question which is bringing back to your understanding because the word remembrance in bible teaching again is another word to take note of the word remembrance doesn't mean memory remembrance means understanding just like jesus said do this in remembrance of me does he mean memorial service it means do this with the understanding of me or when doing this let it point you to my person because i am the reason for the feast so he will bring back to your understanding or to your remembrance all things that i have said are we still in the building another scripture philippians chapter 4 verse 13 philippians chapter 4 verse number 13 i can do all things through christ which strengtheneth me i can do all things not the word all it doesn't mean the believer can do everything the pretext and the post text explains what brother paul was talking about so let's go to the pretext philippians chapter 4 verse 11 and 12 then we read 13. not that i speak in respect of one for i have learned in whatsoever state i am they are with to be content i know both how to be abased and i know how to abound everywhere and in all things i am instructed but to be full and to be hungry but to abound and to suffer need i can do all these things which things are based abound suffer need and have plenty i can navigate my way but in lack and in supply through christ is it clear here so the context of that scripture explains the use of words like and if and all am i teaching good this morning all right so it's important to take note of that now there is another principle of bible interpretation is historical approach historical approach in historical approach when an event or a practice is spoken of by an author in a text when a practice is spoken of by an author in a text of scripture it is important in bible study to examine the original text where the author quoted from because every time you read verses in the new testament they have their origin in the old testament for example acts chapter 2 verse 1 acts chapter 2 verse 1 and when the day of pentecost was fully calm they were all with one accord in one place when the day of pentecost pentecost was a feast celebrated by jews it was celebrated on the 50th day from the passover and can be seen historically in the book of leviticus so where did they get the day of pentecost from the guys over there you guys are making too much noise two of you you're not the preacher i'm the preacher the book of leviticus chapter 23 verse number 15 leviticus 23 verse 15 is a scripture where they got the word pentecost from and you shall count unto you from the marrow after the sabbath from the day that you brought the sheaf of the weave offering or wave offering seven sabbaths shall be complete even unto the tomorrow after the seventh sabbath shabbat shall you number fifty days and you shall offer a new meat offering unto the lord you shall bring out of your habitation to wave loaves of two tenth deals they shall be of fine flower they shall be baking with living they are the first fruit unto the lord all right so that is where the concept of pentecost was gotten from the law of moses which instituted a feast called 50 10 days after passover to celebrate in pointing to the promise of god to israel look at another place where that word is used x acts of the apostles chapter 20 verse number 16. acts chapter 20 verse 16 for paul had determined to sail by ephesus because he will not spend the time in asia for he hasted if it were possible for him to be at jerusalem the day of pentecost the day of pentecost if it's clear can i have a powerful amen now let's look at the bible use of the word tongues because a lot of people have issues with tongues when we say we speak in tongues they look at us funny and the reason because they do not understand where this is coming from the old testament books of the bible the word tongues is translated from the hebrew word lashon o l-a-s-h-o-n hebrew word lashon genesis 10 20 genesis chapter 10 verse 20 let's see where the word is used genesis 10 20. these are the sons of harm after their families after their tongues that's the first place the word tongues appears in the bible after their tongues in their countries and indian nations this is the first mention of the word tongues it was used to refer to languages a mod of communication such that differentiated one nation from the order see the use of the word tongues again in isaiah 66 18 isaiah chapter 66 verse number 18 for i know their works and their thoughts it shall come that i will gather all nations and tongues and they shall come and see my glory again we see that word used referring to language the word lashon however was using literal terms to refer to the physical tongue with which speech is made we made speech or we make speech from our tongue jeremiah 23 31 jeremiah 23 31 he says behold i am against the prophets say of the lord that use their tongues and say he saith they use their tongues and say he saith in the new testament books of the bible where we have an emphasis of the use of the word the first mention of the word gives us an inclination into what the scriptures teaches mark 16 17 mark chapter 16 verse number 17 and this sign shall follow them that believe is there a believer in the building if there's a believer can i hear you shut glory and this sign shall follow believers in my name actually the original says these signs shall follow the believing ones in my name put the scripture up again you don't pay tax for that in my name shall they cast out devils they who believe shall speak with new tongues if you wouldn't be a new tongue ebo wouldn't be a new tongue hausa would not be a new tongue euroba would not be a new tongue epic will not be a new tongue they shall speak with new not they shall speak with tongues they shall speak with new the active word there is new except you are not a believer if you are a believer in jesus you speak in tongues new tongues a believer is one that has believed the gospel and as a result of believing he's born of god as a result of believing he's born of god he's born again or he has eternal life the word tongues is translated from the greek word glossa glossa g-l-o-s-s-a glossa which appears to be a direct translation of the hebrew word lashon glossa it's used in the new testament greek the word tongues is also used literally to refer to the physical tongue as an organ of speech and figuratively to refer to languages see that so in the context of jesus's use jesus referred to language new tongues new language however observe that jesus uses the word new and adjective to qualify tongues new tongues the word new is translated from the greek word kainos kainos k-a-i-n-o-s kainos which refers to something recently made something recently made previously unheard of search has not existed before until now so jesus speaks of a new mode of speaking a new language such as hadn't been spoken before so jesus said refers here to new tongues as a sign these signs shall follow those that believes are the believing ones the word sign is translated from the greek word semeon which refers to an indication of something something that marks someone or something that marks someone out a wonder or a miracle a wonder or a miracle so this was going to be different from regular languages that have been known and will mark out a group of people speaking in tongues marks us out as a new kind of humanity that never existed before a new breed a new race a new specie of being that the world has never seen before marked by a new language new creation new spirit new tongues of the new testament except you are not born of god new tongues they shall speak with new tongues who shall speak they who are they you say i shall speak with new tongues now say i speak with new tongues because i am a new creation i have a new identity the spirit of god is my nature i thought i would hear powerfully man they shall speak with new tongues kindness a language that has never been heard now jesus has risen from the dead and in verse 11 of mark 16. mary magdalena told jesus disciple that christ had risen and appeared to her and they didn't believe her they doubted her he appeared in verse 12 to another two disciples who also told the other disciples yet they did not believe then in verse 14 jesus then appears to the eleven and operated them for their unbelief the word operate is from the greek word onnaidzo on naidesu o [Music] which means to revile or to find fault with so he reviled them for unbelief for the hardness of heart the word hardness of heart is the greek word clerocadia which is derived from two words sclero which means hard tough hardened cadia which refers to the literal physical part of the heart that beats the call that is they are hardened in their very call against the gospel jesus operated them for the hardness of their hearts then in verse 15 of that marking i'll tell them going to all the world and you are jay leon preach the gospel preach the gospel announce the good news so the believing ones are those who believe in the good news what good news of the resurrection of christ hallelujah and this sign shall follow the believing ones these signs shall follow the believing ones pay attention so there are two contacts of the holy ghost in the believer in john chapter 3 verse 30 to 34 john 3 30-34 john 3 30-34 he must increase but i must decrease 31 he that cometh from above is above all he that is of the earth is earthly and speaketh of the earth he that cometh from heaven is above all and what he had seen and heard that he testified and no man received his testimony 33 he that had received his testimony has said to his seal that god is true 34 for he whom god has sent speaketh the words of god for god giveth not the spirit by measure the word unto him there is not in the original god giveth not the spirit by measure when god gives you the spirit he gives you the spirit there is no holy spirit importance once you believe the whole holy spirit enters you he gives you the spirit without measure in ezekiel 36 he said i will take away from you the stony heart i will put in you a heart of flesh i will give you a new heart and a new spirit then it says my spirit [Music] and he says my spirit shall cause you to walk in my statues that means when you got born again god gave you his spirit which becomes your nature so you and god share the same nature the same dna what is in god is in you because you are born of god are we in the building you are born of god somebody said very loud i'm born of god what is in god is in you what is in god is in you so god gives the spirit without measure without what measure in acts chapter 1 verse 5 see the way jesus said it to the to the disciples for john truly baptized with water but you shall be baptized with the holy ghost not many days hands and what jesus was saying is the promise that joel prophesied because there were two prophecies ezekiel spirit within joel spirit upon joel 2 28 i will pour out my spirit the word pour out means empty out i will empty out my spirit upon all flesh your sons and daughters shall prophesy so there is a spirit within which is the nature and the spirit upon which is ministry that means the substance that gave back to us is what launches us into ministry is the same spirit the same spirit that burns us again is a spirit that releases us into ministry you don't need an extra call born again contains your calling once you're born again you are called so every believer is called to ministry because it's the same spirit spirit upon spirit within same spirit so spirit within to change your nature and make a new creation then it now comes on you to make you serve the people of god in the place of ministry teaching good every one of you carries ministry except you have not got a teacher of the world who will teach you and teach out the ministry out of you because my job is to teach out ministry i will teach you until the minister inside you will come out i am teaching ministry out of you do you understand what i'm saying here whether you like it or not except you don't borrow me your ears even if your ears are as deaf as death if you keep them where i am talking my talk will penetrate it and bring ministry out of you say with me i am pregnant with ministry for the kingdom of god i didn't hear a good amen it's my responsibility to build doctrine into you and force ministry out of you you don't have to see a vision just sit down with me you don't have to hear a voice like thunder [Laughter] thunder international no no no just sit down let me teach you ministry will come out of you naturally because what happens is when you have learned to a degree you become restless you two now want to teach somebody the moment you start teaching somebody you are in ministry because you are taken out of what you carry to give to somebody you are taking from you are taking off the spirit to share ministry serving others with what you have about teaching good here ministry is serving others what you have that's what ministry is and it is possible because you have the spirit within who now becomes a spirit upon it's possible because you have the spirit within which now becomes the spirit upon that's why brother the writer of hebrews will indict the hebrew christians he said when the time when you ought to be teachers so that means there's a level to which you will listen to teaching where you yourself ought to be a teacher you won't listen to teachings forever before you teach but you will listen to teachings forever so that you can teach you didn't hear that you won't listen to teachings forever before you teach but you will listen to teachings forever so you too can teach you can never outgrow being taught it's a lifetime school i still get taught so i can teach you and you too will have to keep listening to me so you two can teach others the things you have heard of me among many witnesses the same commit to faithful men only a faithful man in the ministry can receive from the ministry to teach others if you see anybody in a church after being in a church like this for one year and he cannot explain scripture he's an unfaithful member one of the marks of a faithful member in a church is that what he is being taught in a short while he himself is beginning to commit to others let me tell you the truth if you find a man in a ministry like this that is graced round about not having grace he is living in dishonor you cannot dishonor a ministry and partake of it what you don't celebrate you don't attract what you become familiar with you can never gain value from no it is virtue that determines value your worth will come from your sense of value what you disrespect cannot bless you you cannot even if you have 35 heads it cannot bless you if you like cry every day as long as you're living in disrespect your cry is crooked yes you're just a manipulator what you do not respect can never be blessing to you ask jesus he went to his hometown and could do nothing for them because they were in dishonor not because he couldn't bless them but they lack the attitude to draw it so the rebellious [Music] shall dwell in dry ground you are in a place where grace is flowing but you are dry nothing is working everything is tight everything is deep as if you are under a cause it is a symptom of dishonor if you stay in the ministry and you discover your daily one suffering do an honor check yes do an honor check brother paul said i long to see you that i may impart spiritual gifts to the end that you may be established what did jesus say any house you enter where they do not honor you uh take your blessing angle leave them with dust take the blessing and leave work for them dust the best you can get from a ministry you don't know is dust you would you will carry the dust of that ministry and look dusty like a man that has been on a dry road all your life you know when you walk on a dry road the dust will show on you people will know you have suffered because there will be evidence of hard life the rebellion shall dwell well dry ground dishonor is very costly honor will cost you nothing it takes nothing from you to honor grace when you honor or not honor will annoy you [Music] when you honor or know when you see or not recognize honor so you can be honored by honor you see i will put a new spirit within you and that spirit will cause you to walk in my statues that same spirit so the same spirit that gave back to you as a child of god is the same spirit that comes upon you for ministry the same spirit is not a new spirit i will pour out my spirit ah yeah and a little pentacles what happened bible says and they were all filled acts chapter chapter 2 verse 4 quickly acts chapter 2 verse 4 as i round up this service are you blessed acts 2 4 and they were some filled with the holy ghost how many of them were filled they were all filled with the holy ghost and what was the next thing they began the the the sign of a spirit-filled life is speaking when you are filled you speak any believer that i have the spirit and is always quiet he says is a practical and principal suspect you cannot have the spirit and be full of the spirit and be quiet how is that possible they were all filled and the resultant effect of being fearless that they began to speak they began to speak in tongues as the spirit gave them utterance and the people gathered because you can't be burning and people not gather anywhere you see a man burning and flames are coming out of him people will gather to watch the man born when you carry the spirit you are a flame everywhere you enter there is flame burning all over your body the devil sees the flame evil spirits know that that man is a flame walking you become a ball of fire walking shuttle you lay hands on the sick fire rest on them sickness disappears what am i talking to in the building say lord say lord say lord say lord i steer myself up i will pour out my spirit your sons and daughters ladies and women in this church don't let any stupid teaching keep your mouth quiet no he didn't say i will pour my spirit upon men your sons and your daughters shall prophesy but the bible say women should not talk in the church but women can lead praise worship but women can pray but so what is the difference when the bible say women should not speak in church it's one verse it's a verse that has the law of single mention it does not form a doctrine and if you go to the history of that verse it is because of the character of the woman in that church that paul told them to keep quiet because he wanted to refer them to the authority of their husbands because they were leaving rebellions to their husbands case clothes and we don't have such women in this church so there is no need to ask the woman to keep quiet your sons and daughters lift your right hand and shut i am filled with the spirit i prophesy how about your double shutter me unknown stare up yourself how long shall you look helpless saith god how long shall you look helpless saith god how long shall you allow the mundane intimidate you saith god you have all the power that created the universe on your inside and it's time for you to rise and walk in the reality of that power save the spirit of god whatsoever is born of god overcoming the world and this is the victory that overcoming the world in one hour [Music] thou shalt become a plane it's not by might not by power [Applause] it's not by might not by power is by my spirit say of the lord i will pour out my spirit upon all flesh lift your torso holy girls if you can spray in tongues begin to pray in tongues our voices come it's your time now if you can pray in tongues praying tongues just line up and lift your hands 10 those treasures stir it up [Music] all over the building gallery under in the audience open your mouth and steer up steer up steer up steer up top butter butter butter take it it's your time it's your time take it hair take it take it take it baby [Music] sunday oh [Music] praise your father praise your father lift your right hands and begin to worship god begin to praise god lift your hands up begin to worship god begin to praise god is there anybody i didn't lay hands on here take it zekuta [Music] thank you lord praise you jesus praise you jesus these are the days you will operate supernatural natural there will be no efforts you will operate the supernatural naturally i didn't hear that he meant somebody [Applause] hold the ball at us hold balance fresh fresh fresh fresh fresh fresh fresh fresh fresh fresh fresh fresh fresh fresh fresh fresh fresh fresh fresh pie [Music] [Music] [Music] praise your father praise your father lift your hands and give him praise give him praise give him praise give him things give him praise give him praise give him praise give him praise is a new day it's a new day is a new day with your hands wave your hands don't be tired wave those hands where those hands tumors are disappearing diseases are vanishing wherever you're standing that she does it all over it's moving all over the building sickness is vanished diseases disappear in the name of jesus now receive healing receive healing wave your hands and receive receive healing receive healing receive healing receive healing receive healing for your body receive favors receive it receive it receive it receive it take it [Music] [Music] go and do the impossible [Applause] [Music] heal the sick heal the sick heal the sick heal the sick raise the dead cleanse the lepers in the name of jesus thank you lord thank you lord thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] uh [Music] [Music] [Music] so lord of my justice [Music] me [Music] jesus me [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] me good day be your name [Music] halloween day with your two hands many of you hearing the sound of my voice you will find out that your prayer life changes from this moment changes at once you you will begin to see yourself operating with greater ease greater ease you will find life getting easier things of the spirit things of god will become a delight you will find yourself swimming in revelation knowledge the word of god becoming sweet to your soul shakola thank you lord jesus i want to pray one more prayer before i let you sit down lift your right hand everybody and i want to hear your emails like thunder as i pray in the name of jesus everyone under the sound of my voice in this service on television on radio on social media in our campuses wherever you're hearing the sound of my voice manifest the glory of god manifest the power of god work in the reality of your identity in the name of jesus barriers are terminated obstacles are terminated homes of darkness are broken everything that resists you bows before you in the name of jesus great grace is upon you great grace is upon you great grace is upon you great grace is upon you in the name of jesus thank you father for grace and glory in jesus precious name and every believer says that amen on a note of finality can we celebrate what we have received this afternoon is that the way you celebrate from [Applause] sights and sounds sights and sound something to see something to hear something to see something to hear clara amen amen if you leave me i'll just continue like this but we have asked the council on now quickly i wanted to grab your offering let's honor jesus let's give in faith let's give in honor let's give to acknowledge god's goodness let's give to acknowledge the wonderful works of god in our hearts all over the building all over the building thank you lord jesus those watching online on television i'd like you to look at the banking details in our campuses all over the world it's time to give radio audience mr bush is going to read the banking details for you in a few minutes from now everybody else lift up your offerings father we're giving faith we give with joy thank you for the privilege of knowing you thank you for the privilege of being found in you thank you for the privilege of working in our realities as we give in faith this afternoon our offerings are a sweet smell now i pray for everybody your needs are met according to his riches in glory in the name of jesus thank you father for your word and your spirit among us in jesus precious name and every believer says a powerful amen listen quickly you will walk to the pulpit without any order or protocol you'll drop your offerings on the platform as the choir gives us a song quickly and then we join mr michael bush hit it let's do it as we celebrate this [Music] [Music] afternoon [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] oh foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] without [Music] make some noise in here [Music] is yes you are you are go ahead give jesus praise in the building somebody shout yes amen you can be seated and let's welcome mr michael bush right now as we begin to ask the counselor glory to god where are you just waiting to see that the by the way just in case one bay has allowed us to remain on air i thought it was going to take a short break i like to formally say to the radio audience if they are there is and oh maybe we're still on air i hope we are let me just quickly go ahead and connect with the radio audience who should be waiting for us about now the bank details yes the bank details power city international is the account name they are free banks as usual we have fcmu we have zenith we have uba i start with senate on this edition of the program 10 12 36 59 12 10 12 36 59 12 that's the account number for zenith the bank name the account name is power city international remains the same for fcmb 29 82 68 2028 29 82 68 2028 the account name remains the same power city international so too for uba and that account name is a hundred that is 139 twenty six four six five one hundred thirty nine twenty six four six five that's the announcement number one announcement number two has to do with the sponsorship appeal that we always do on the program uh this appeal is so important that even sometimes from time to time global bubble himself joins in spreading that gospel as well and we need to just re-echo the fact that we are planning big there is the massive there is the humongous platform coming next you can't believe the platform that this program will soon be on that um kingdom life network will soon be on so what you need to do just call in for sponsorship and support the way you can plus two three four eight or three two seven five six one or four is the number to call plus two three four if you are calling from outside to the country otherwise it's 0803 275 6104 or you just simply send an email or two to a belt excuse me to dr abeldamina at doctor there is simply the arrow the final announcement i've got well it's always that announcement i i'll give you three announcements at this point of the program and that is with telephone numbers any moment now we'll open the phone line as far as facts as we have done all week or all of last week because today is the beginning of a new week we you know today we're going to allow you to call into the program from the start and all the way until the finish line so the number for you to call is plus 234 if you are calling from outside the country otherwise it's oh it was six eight hundred nine nine three nine or eight six eight hundred nine nine three nine or you email ask the counselor now at or why not we give you so many channels to reach us or you send us an sms or two plus two three four seven or three six nine one eight six four two okay looks like we set everybody set so about now we can launch this edition of the program my name is michael bush i'm your uncle and i'd like you to put your hands together for me because you're delaying i need also to say that my producer is here that's him standing right there in front of you pastor ig acquirer fantastic producer anytime any day and he works with a crop of even more fantastic youngsters young people walking around the round the clock and backstage to make sure they give us a great show day in day out and now the man of the moment the set man the man without whom this program is a nano this program won't even take place international televangelist prolific author has written many books he's written so so many books and thirty at the last count my joy to welcome baba doctor ebell damina continental mr bush so good to have you here today you know great to see you nobody will always be trouble you know there will always be trouble yes the bible tells us oh the bible says so it's good it's good blah blah blah because you know when i ask for applause for my producer they do like this i asked for me they managed like this i asked for global bubba in fact i don't even ask it goes through the roof no i think it's a it's building momentum for all of us it's also nice to see you remember but it's something we always do before we set the stage let's do that now let's pray for our people let's pray for our state let's acquire them let's pray for our governor let's pray for the government let's pray for nigeria our president our people pray also for our continent africa and the world let's pray together father we pray for our cua bomb state we pray for nigeria we pray for the rest of the world we thank you that it is your will that every man will come to the knowledge of the truth so we ask that the gospel continues to thrive that ministers of the gospel are empowered all over the earth to preach the gospel of christ without compromise we decree that the hearts of men are open that men who sit in darkness will experience great light thank you lord that believers have been equipped disciples are being raised in their multiplied numbers around the world and thank you lord that darkness is giving way to the light of god's word we pray for our governments that people in government will create enabling environment for our potentials to thrive in societies and for the gospel to find expression and father we rejoice that no stone will be left unturned as the word of your grace is proclaimed around the nations in jesus precious name amen amen okay we're set sure um today we have a mammoth crowd as usual yes and um we're making progress praise god so so nice so we spent last night i was going to say lagos but my producer reminded me that we even had to hurriedly sign off the program in oshobo ocean state trump because of the caller the call and so we start from there on this edition of the program it's a counseling entry it's anonymous says thank you so much sir for your great teaching please sir i'm interested in living right with god how does this happen what do i need to do well in order for you to live right with god you've got to you yourself cannot live right no matter how hard you try you don't have what it takes because even at the best of your morality you're still a sinner even if you keep all the ten commandments you are still a sinner the reason is because no man on his own is able to meet god's standard so god became a man in the person of christ died on behalf of man paid the price that man could not pay and made man an offer that whosoever believes in christ will not perish but have everlasting life so when christ comes into your heart he gives you a brand new nature you now become a new creation you are now accepted before god on the basis of christ then we begin to teach you what has happened to you from the word of god and you begin to walk in the right path you begin to walk in obedience and in accordance with the ways of god so you need christ to be able to live right because it is christ in you that makes you live right before god is that what the bible talks about it's not by your power that's it okay by power not by mind yeah and the bible says not it says it for by grace are you saved through faith and that not of yourselves it is a gift of god not of walks lest any man should boast so is the free grace of god and only jesus can make that possible what therefore is the rule of man in achieving that status the role of man is just to accept god's offer that's all it is god that worketh both to will and to do being confident of this very thing that he who began this good work he will be faithful to finish it so from the beginning to the end it is god that does the work he also is just to accept and let him is it possible is it possible but i hear that we have our first caller but let me just squeeze this in is it possible to accept and still not have it not received no you except you didn't get didn't hear the right gospel if you had a gospel that is not the right gospel then you are not saved you're just a false convert or you are a false brother but when you hear the right message there's no way you can hear it and not be saved because when you hear the right message it brings faith and faith connects you to the power of god that regenerates our first caller is here just as we hit half past the hour hello hello many thanks for joining us you know where you're calling from nobody greet you sir bless you bless you good to have you here yes thank you my name is mike calling from ielts by elsa okay great yes my question is hell is a place of outer darkness which only demons will be still there the people who did not receive christ that will be sent to hell are they also going to become demons okay no they are not going to become demons but they are going to occupy where demons will occupy as a point of correction hell is a place of outer darkness it's not where demons will be kept right now there is no demon in hell all demons are on earth they are on earth here satan himself is on earth that's when jesus was casting out some demons he said have you come to torment us before our time so there's a time where demons will be sent into the lake of fire there's a difference between hell and the lake of fire they're all different concepts so that time has not yet come but when people without christ died they go to the place of outer darkness waiting for the great white throne judgment while people in christ who die they go to heaven you see when people in christ die they they go with they go to christ to be absent from the body is to be present with the lord but people without christ they go to outer darkness that's the difference you know something very touching happened last night i don't know if it has really happened yet but yesterday i got a phone call from somebody who follows my teachings very closely very closely called me yesterday and said no call me through his district pastor his elderly and his district pastor said to me the brother said i shall call you that is ready to go to heaven that doesn't want to be on it again he has made up his mind he has told his children he has told his wife he is at peace he just wants you to come let him tell you his final words before he departs i've never known but that has ever happened to me before so i got there and i sat down with him and he smiled he said global baba how old is he maybe 70 or so okay he said i've made up my mind to go i'm tired of this world i want to go and be with jesus i've decided i just called you so i can tell you thank you for teaching me the word of god i know where i'm going i'm happy i'm satisfied i'm a strong man i'm going to be with jesus so i said to him so you will see jesus before me he said yes and that he even said i want to go and meet apostle paul so we can have some discussion and it was so beautiful last night very beautiful death that people are afraid of the man who said i want to go please pray and i want to leave so i prayed for him when i finished praying for him i told him uh goodbye and we will see you in the morning so i say no tomorrow morning you won't see me here this night i'm going as you know i didn't mean tomorrow morning i mean in the morning on the resurrection day they say oh thank you papa great mama and everybody goodbye and i walked out of the room i've not heard from the house yet but he told me he was not going to be here by today that's the beauty when you have christ you're not afraid when you have christ you have peace you know where you're going when you see people that are always afraid of death they are not sure where they are going you know so for me that was something really life-changing last night no but you would have noticed that this is a very happy church happy church audience but they didn't clap no matter how funny that is you know what i've noticed they are processing it they have not had that one of them they haven't had that kind of thing before they just want to be in their head i was i was that way myself they're wondering where is the man going to right on the heels of that telephone call i'll come back to that in a moment let me just take this next caller thank you he wants not to leave every bit of disturbance but thank god that i used to manage to recruit you will not continue to prepare yourself amen i will say yesterday that i knew my parents and the misinterpretation in the church i met the second service just as my family yesterday witnessed before this and you have made history attacker i shall send you tonight unlike the teachings i was if we lay hands on somebody that happens to be human portrait be believing when we are losing hands don't you think because of the reaction of this demonstration will begin to manifest the second question is that i shall receive respiratory i'm [Music] is foreign and not just as power with this release thank you very much thank you thank you for calling your first question was um the last one is people forcing people to fall people don't fall by force people only fall when they respond to the power of god because the human body is frail sometimes to withstand god's power however falling is not power now in demon possession a believer cannot be possessed but if we're ministering to people and there's a demon somewhere in somebody that is not born again the demon cooled could make some noise but we ministering will know the difference between demon spirits and the spirit of god they are not the same you will always know the difference and our assignment to demons is to command them out and when we tell them to go out they go out whatever they do does not disturb us when we tell them to go out we know that eventually they will go out but when we lay handsome believers to impart only handsome believers to steer them up it's a different ballgame that is for people that are born of god so again nobody should push you down and if anybody tries to push you down open your eye and tell him stop pushing me stop pushing me and he won't try it next time we don't push people we lay hands on people okay the first question do you remember now answer the two okay okay okay so from ocean state let's quickly move to ondo under still in that part of nigeria that geopolitical zone that's the south western part of the country hello pastor i'm currently watching your program on warp tv please kindly join me in prayer for total deliverance from sin and inherited curses as well as other problems so that the glory of god can shine in my life thank you my name is um bf in ondo state father we pray for this brother we ask that the gospel will reach out to him that somebody around him will be arranged by the holy ghost to explain the scriptures to him and bring him to a place of full realization of the freedom he has in christ by virtue of the gospel in jesus name amen okay um we'll just go back take i'm still from the southwestern part we're flying out of that zone of that part of the country in a moment but this anonymous entry says wow what a blast global baba i celebrate you greatly and i celebrate the working of grace in your life it was so expository and i was so blessed thank you baba thank you thank you okay from the southwestern part of the country we go down to the south southern part of the country and here we are delta state hello global baba i am pastor piles i write from delta state nigeria please explain the concept of the trinity please also throw more light on ezekiel 47 4-5 which has been used as the holy spirit given by measure thank you much so much sir well again the trinity is just a concept of god as creator who becomes jesus as savior who becomes holy spirit as the one who lives in us that's what the concept is all about it's one god functioning in three different different you know ways that's what it is and ezekiel 47 well again that has to be explained in details and i don't have the time now to go through the details of ezekiel 47 that is you know often used as the holy spirit i will need to take time to teach that all right so follow the teachings we will get there eventually thank you a little under 20 minutes to the end of this edition of the program our next caller is on the line hello hello many thanks for joining us will you call us yeah bless you afternoon dance from you call him okay go ahead dan please papa put more light on the issue of christmas should the believer say breakfast question number two should a braver celebrate that day all right your both questions are what we call non-essentials there are essentials and there are non-essential for example should a believer wear white shirts should a believer eat rice should a believer swallow pounded him that's the kind of question you are asking me if you like there's no hard rule it's not a sin and it's not righteousness it's subject to your taste if you like you celebrate christmas if you don't like you stay out of man and rest it doesn't change anything the important thing is jesus was born he died he was buried on the third day he rose again that's what matters okay so same thing with bro today you like you celebrate your birthday you like you don't celebrate it it's your choice the important thing is that you were born you're on earth and whatever is happening to you is happening right now yes so um let's let's just stay on with you let me get into the mind of that caller yes and wonder aloud with you do you recognize christmas europe on the 25th december we're going to have a service here for one purpose we do that christmas service as an outreach there are people that will never go to church no matter what except on christmas day so we celebrate that day in celebrating people coming to christ so that's why we do christmas service just to give people an opportunity to hear the gospel okay but at some point you know there's a question that i planned that i'll come back to if you remember the unfinished business okay at some point we had this caller as soon as we dropped the whole church bust out in in laughter but he didn't laugh why i don't i can't remember now love about what you don't remember but i didn't remember you don't remember i don't know why i didn't laugh oh i didn't remember what happened and why they laughed okay my mind was in there okay i think it's because i'm in question answering moment okay so once i'm in that mood i don't mind what happens i'm just trying to make sure the person understands your explanation that's some breaking news once global baba he's ready to answer questions he does not laugh no that's exactly except you make me laugh okay since we're in the south southern part of the country let's come now close our home hello global baba thank you for the great help you render in the body of christ sir please i need some counseling on a particular situation i have a relationship with a lady and i desired to marry her the global she has been telling me she has not yet heard from god then when i want to enter a new relationship she suddenly comes around to tell me to wait till she has heard from god this has continued for some time and for a very long time global baba the actions of these ladies parents show that they want her to marry me but she has never told them for once that she's the one hindering my efforts to actualize her union now global baba my mind is made up not to be held back by excuses of not hearing from god i want to move ahead with my life but first global baba i need your counseling before i take my decision thank you very much sir for your help idiom will you wow that lady is just manipulating you like remote control that's what she's doing to you and it's actually some form of witchcraft so you need to break off from it and tell her hey girl i'm not the only man you can marry go ahead and keep waiting for god to speak when he speaks marry whoever is available i'm gone go and look for somebody that will hear from god without delay you know but when he comes from to marriage you hear god first like this yes you know that one you know within the social media community that thing that answer is called savage you've always said that oh no so steve from yoga baba god bless you and increase you for what is happening around and through you which has continued to affect lives positively i'd like to thank you so much i've been idiot stealing you thank you thank you another counseling entry hello my father in christ god bless you i am an evangelist but i don't have the holy spirit in me daddy please advise me on what to do next how did you become an evangelist without the holy spirit so you're not even an evangelist so what you need to do is first of all you need to be born again means you're not even born again because you can't be born again and not have the holy spirit so if you don't have the holy spirit means you don't have christ and if you don't have christ then the first thing is to have christ first then when you have christ you're born again you now have the holy spirit which is christ in you then you can now grow before you know whether you're an evangelist or a pastor or a prophet or a teacher all right so the first thing is to have christ praise god okay blah blah blah let's move out of uh uyo the capital of akwa boom state just as we have this caller hello are you there okay yes many thanks for joining us name where are you calling from one minute um i'm calling you from uh from zambia your name yes uh this is moses go ahead moses yes um i would just like to brother back to working on this question like for instance when you have a challenge with your spouse um i'm a young minister in the ministry how do you handle that issue about life is not kind of supporting in the community what should be done if your wife is what your wife is supportive or not supportive oh are you there oh your wife is not supportive what do you do wow that's a big one very big one well that is a cross you have to carry for marrying a woman that you were not sure was going to be supportive of your vision so again that's why in getting married the first thing you must settle is that the person you are marrying believes in you believes in your vision believes in your mandate and believes in you if a woman believes in you she will support whatever you do whether ministry or business or politics but if a woman is not supportive of your ministry it means she doesn't believe in you so what do you do if you're already married well you have to be patient you have to pray for her talk to her pray for her talk to her pray for her talk to her until eventually she comes to believe but while you are praying and talking go ahead and be doing ministry and then eventually when she believes she will catch up with wherever you are two things will happen is either she will believe or she will just leave you one day and tell you she doesn't want to be with you again because two cannot work together except they be agreed so again that's your cross and you have to pray i pray that god will help you amen okay let's make progress now to some other part of our quiebum state 18 and hello global baba please help me with this apostle paul filled with the holy ghost spoke blindness over by jesus that's elements was this not a direct act considering that he spoke under the fullness of the holy ghost affected paul's pronouncement on the limits go baba please help make this clear thank you very much patrick etienne no the blindness there was not blindness like a blindness that really shot the eye it was a walking of miracles a walking of miracles what actually did to the guy was like cast a mist spoke a mist on his face so he could not see for a short time so that paul will have the opportunity to minister to dispersing the gospel but shortly after this person accepted the gospel the mist lifted from the man's eye and the man began to see so it was not a blindness to cause destruction or harm it was just a walking of miracles to stop that man from stopping this big man from hearing the gospel that's exactly what happened in that instance okay global baba let's now go to a icar you can still well i wanted to say car it's another local government area of aquarium state it's a far-flung local government area it says hello global anointed baba i'm okay i want to know whether the holy spirit fights to destroy life because many churches pray down holy ghost fire now the holy ghost was not destroyed the word fire there was not used by jesus it was used by john the baptist and jesus corrected him john in matthew 3 11 says jesus will baptize you the holy ghost and fire but when jesus came he didn't use fire fire is not jesus ministry jesus ministry is the holy ghost however when we talk about zeal for ministry when we talk about passion for the work of god we we use fire as a metaphor to explain the kind of zeal and passion that we have for ministry you know zeal and passion we use fire we are ablaze we are we're on fire we are aglow for the work of god we can use that as a metaphor but never is fire used in the ministry of jesus because jesus came to save his people from sin aqua bomb states we're hitting the northern part of the country on route cross river state first door this caller hello hello many thanks for joining us and then we're calling from one minute welcome to the program yes thank you doctor thank you thank you very much for for your enlightenment on the word of god amen however i want to i have a question you know the time i was listening to to one of his programs and one of the evenings and you were talking about the handkerchief and the anointing anointing oh yeah an anointing water that is not a true representation of the things of god and i have on the bible there is a book of art or somewhere that said handkerchief and the apron from the body of of paul or speaking to the sick and the he so i don't know if you can clarify that yes god bless you sir thank you hank chiefs were not distributed by paul okay it's people that brought the handkerchiefs and use it to touch the body of of of of paul it's not paul that both handkerchiefs to distribute it's like i'm doing a crusader i'm preaching and somebody comes to the handkerchief to touch me i won't drive him away because his faith is in the handkerchief but by the time i finish teaching him he will no more be using handkerchief his faith will be on the word of god so that's what happened and that's why it's not a doctrine you won't see it repeated anywhere and again it's in the book of acts which is a narration not a doctrinal teaching in court doctrine you won't find handkerchief as a bible teaching and then of course anointing oil like i've always explained there's only one verse that talks about anointing oil which is james where brother james says anyone seek among you let him call the eldest let him anoint him with oil in the name of the lord but again you need to find out who did james write to the letter of james was written to the jews that were scattered abroad jewish people have a tradition among them that when somebody is sick first aid is oil european with olive oil is a culture of jewish people and because james was writing to jewish people that's why he mentioned oil for their culture it's like psychology him with the oil and then he explained it is the prayer of faith that will heal the sick and the lord who raised him up not the oil so oil is not a new testament teaching is a culture of jewish people and you're not a jewish person so you just need the name of jesus and that's what matters okay global baba her last scholar is on the line hello hello yes your last caller on this edition of the program your name will be calling from your point go ahead yes my name is jim i'm calling from director's worry you have one minute please i want to ask two questions 23 down about uh this part of us you write for christian in this this this means that talking around normality and the second question is as he believes in god and he keeps competing okay i'm i'm afraid i'm afraid we just have to cut that call can belly here i apologize to you try and see if you can squeeze in that call again otherwise tomorrow no okay otherwise another day we'll have another edition pretty soon but let's hurry now to come across from the state hello global baba i'm john and the last time i called one of the pastors they said a team from power city international would be coming to you come in december this month then i called again three days ago he apologized that the team was unable to come to come anymore but would come in january 2021 please blah blah blah we need a campus may come yeah our tip will come to econ the theme is we still have a lot of campuses we are launching in acquire bomb and there's a lot of work involved in it so we're trying to finish acquire bomb first before we send a team of people to e-com so all the people from you can be patient with us they will come in january thank you hello group of about then we stayed next my name is samuel please according to first corinthians 12 which of the spiritual gifts is common with the office of teacher and pastor based on ephesians 4 11. any need that is needed at a particular time is what is common with any of the offices it is supposed to meet needs global barber yes okay um i don't know we're going to nascar our state now i'm just looking at the time i'd really was desperate for us to spend the night in paris oh really but it's absolutely cool especially considering that's something get some designers oh no blah blah blah i want us to go to paris i want us to go to parliament we should we should go to paris this is christmas week okay so we should go to paris okay so paris here we come this one looks um too long for me i don't have um that time yes i have a short one of course i have so so many entries okay paris hello group of about amina i'm joseph writing from paris lisa who was responsible for the blindness of brother paul after jesus appeared to him in the book of arts it was a walking of miracles the blindness was a walking of miracles he didn't harm his eyes that's why when he went to the city and annas prayed for him the eyes opened so it was not a blindness to hot it was a blindness to get his attention and get him to go where he would hear the gospel and be born again so it was a walking of miracles pastor president wife that's the resident pastor many thanks for being here um on this edition of the program my producer pastor ij aquari and the production team many thanks everyone here many thanks for having me here my name is michael bush i'm your uncle baba is here now for what he always does then the continental mr bush has been a wonderful time and everybody in the service has been a joy being with all of you please listen don't forget december the 25th is christmas service it's going to be a powerful service here i'll be ministering and bringing clarity from god's word on the 25th of december which is on friday by 9 30 a.m is a service and the service will be broadcasted live on xlfm that morning but it's important to come physically so you can get direct impartation and then of course remember on when is this midweek service we're going to be bringing the world and everybody in church ought to be in a house center somewhere on wednesday don't also forget we're live every day today we'll be live at uh six to eight on comfort fm yeah no tonight we'll be live eight nine to ten on inspiration 10 to 12 on heritage then tomorrow morning we'll be live on radio aquarium 11 to 1 xl fm one two three you know ufm three two two five and then back on comfort fm tomorrow evening six to eight and it just goes like that but guys we love you social media community and everybody that is a part of these we love you guys looking forward to spend more time with you as we bring you much much more of god's grace keep emailing all your questions we're gonna answer all of them and until we see you again enjoy the grace of god and be blessed goodbye from nigeria amen [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] this is
Channel: Abel Damina Ministries International
Views: 3,725
Rating: 4.9565215 out of 5
Id: yQtKBNeg7vs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 128min 40sec (7720 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 20 2020
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