Sunday 1st service | 16-6-2019

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[Music] you amen father we rejoice and we thank you for this honor the opportunity to come before your word to learn to be equipped to be trained to be edified through the teaching and preaching of your world so as a revelation knowledge will flow freely in this service but in st. Luke's destroyed build and equip your people by your world nobody lives here the same way they came and we rejoice that the resources of God and our inside will find full expression at the end of this service and we give you praise for your word that causes us to move and walk and live within the reality that is ours in Christ Jesus thank you for answered prayer in Jesus precious name and every believer says amen live Karen has to heaven let's release our feet together so say these words I am born of God I am born of the world the Word of God is my nature I do not struggle to do the world I do the word naturally therefore today I will understand the word of His grace I will be built up by the end of this service I will never be the same never ever be the same again in Jesus name and every believer sees a powerful Amen well wonder welcome every one of you joining us now we have Kingdom Life Network Facebook YouTube all our power city campuses all over the world we're glad you're all connecting to the Saudis were glad to see all of you this morning yet ready the world is gonna build you up edify you equip you train you and present you perfect in Christ Jesus we love you once again get ready for the world let's celebrate our he was around the world for being a part of this service this morning Alleluia are you excited about the opportunity here the Word of God are you excited this morning can we celebrate this opportunity to fellowship in the world Blue amen you can be seated with your sweet smart selfless God in the world praise God look 24 25 when he said unto them o fools and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken look 24 verse 44 and he said unto them these are the words which I speak unto you while I was yet with you that all things must be fulfilled by attention to the distinction which were written in the law of Moses and in the prophets and in the Psalms concerning me so the distinction there is the law the prophets and the Psalms now we also took them to deal with the fact that Jesus called them fools and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets of spoken they were slow of heart to believe now Isaiah 53 verse 1 who hath believed our report and to whom is the arm of the Lord revealed the word report is a Hebrew word chinois Shamwari means message so there is a message of all the prophets our report all right what is similar in the mouth of the prophets our report not my report our report not who has believed us who has believed our report what is similar in the mouth of the prophets there was something Isaiah said something Ezekiel said something Jeremiah said something Obadiah something Amos something joel something Nachum something Zachariah saponaria all of them there's something they said that agreed synchronised there were other things they said that didn't agree so the report will be what they all said agrees that's a call in our report our all of us put together we have a report who has believed our Shinhwa the word Shinhwa means message our report or our message meaning all of us put together as the prophets of the Old Testament even though it professor many different things yet we had one team that each of ought reported that at least that team that at least the thread that runs through the books of the prophets is called report or shamora or message and a zealous action was believed this message the report Isaiah 53 verse 2 for he so the message is a person for he shall grow up before him as a tender plant the report is a he oppressing as a root out of a dry ground he are no form nor comeliness and when we shall see him there is no beauty that we should desire him next verse he is despised and rejected of men a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief and we hid as it were our faces from him he was despised and we esteemed him not next verse surely he had borne our griefs and carried our sorrows yet we did esteem him stricken smitten of God and afflicted verse 5 but he was wounded for our transgression it was bruised for our iniquities the chastisement of our peace was upon him and with His stripes we are healed next verse all we like sheep have gone astray we have turned every one whose own way sona isaiah admits the ebu he and other prophets they have gone astray and the Lord laid on him the iniquity of us all the word believed the first time it appeared is in Genesis chapter 15 verse 6 and he believed in the Lord and he counted it to him for righteousness Abraham lived so for Abraham to believe that what belief is a Hebrew word a man a man believed to agree so the question now will be how did Abraham believe because it is not just belief the demons believe and tremble but they are not saved so it's not just to believe like somebody says I believe there is God you know if we need to go to school to believe there is God the demons believe and tremble don't leave that there's God it will sit down believe that there's God even the devil believes only tremble there is God but he's not saved so for Abraham to believe God and it was counted to him for righteousness we need to study what is that belief that abraham believed God the word a man what did Abraham believe because when you see the word a man used is because you had something not saw something you must have had something for you to believe you must have heard something question what did Abraham hear that made him believe Galatians three eight and the scripture foreseeing that God would justify the heathen through faith preached before the gospel unto Abraham saying in thee shall all nations be blessed what did Abraham believe abraham believed the gospel God preached the gospel to Abraham saying Abraham had God preached the gospel and when Abraham had God preached the gospel abraham believed to believe means to receive believe him is receiving abraham believed as many as received him to them gave he power to become the sons of God even to them that believe on his name they believe on his name so they received believe him is receiving the word preached before is the Greek word Pro you Julie so my abraham believed the gospel before it happened that's why it is pro pro he had it before it happened we believe the gospel of what he has done abraham believed the gospel of what he will do today we believe the gospel of what he has done Abraham was Pro we are post it's been done we believe Abraham believe it will be done Romans 10 16 to 17 but they have not all obeyed the gospel the same word for belief for isaiah saith Lord who had believed our report 17 so then faith by hearing and hearing by the Word of God so then faith by hearing but in the days preachers will tell us faith commit commit faith commit faith commit it commit so if fate commit fade go ahead it go ahead it go ahead faith commit faith go ahead I have news for you the word comment is not in the original so if the preachers messages on comet and go it is talking nonsense that word comet is not in the original it was added by translators so the original is Faye by hearing hearing the message of Christ's faith by hearing what are you to hear the message of Christ so faith is once faith is once that there you heard the gospel that day you had faith faith by hearing not commit now so the day you heard was the day you got faith to be saved and you were not install mentally saved you we are saved with occlusion saved saved closed you are saved you are not going to be saved only last on the last day on dealers on the last day only true believers who are false believers a believer is a believer there is no true there's no false it's just really John trying to control you you are saved save me I am saved said very loud let your neighbor hear you well saved so then faith by hearing here in the message of Christ put your finger in Romans come with me to Galatians chapter 3 verse 2 this only will I learn of you received ye the spirit by the works of the law or by the hearing of faith the hearing of faith the hearing of the hearing of the gospel is called war the hearing of faith because the gospel is called the water of faith so the faith by hearing here in the message which message of Christ now abraham heard the gospel and abraham believed the gospel so when the prophet said who has believed believe him cannot come from the law because the law is not a faith believing cannot come from condemnation the message of condemnation does not produce faith so believing can only come from the gospel the gospel of what Christ will do or what Christ has done so what were the prophets sent to preach remember again were still investigating look 2425 said unto them all fools and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets we are to believe all that the prophets have spoken all that so what did the prophets speak the gospel that the gospel so in the message of the prophets what do I look for I look for the gospel Noah was the first prophetess referred to by the pistils he preached Christ he was called a preacher of righteousness mal was a man of faith but he was not coated email was a man of faith but he was not coated because he will impress Christ Noah was a preacher of righteousness he preached Christ typified by the ark typify by the app the ark listen carefully the ark was known as teaching ministry all the earth was known as mode of communication the ark was a way of Noah communicating Christ it was a medium of communication the Ark of Noah it typifies Christ it was a type of Christ just like the brazen serpent on a pole was Moses preaching Christ typified by the serpent on a pole so the serpent on a pole was Moses his teaching ministry it was Moses mode of communication so the ark was known as teaching ministry on Christ but in the Bible the person who was first referred to as a prophet was Abraham Abraham but remember what I was asking you for is who did a pistils refer to as a fez prophet Noah but in the Bible the first prophet was Abraham the Hebrew watanabe 'no be an ABI why maybe prophet someone who preaches the first role of a prophet is to preach not to dig deep he's not digging an oil well to preach to give news and that's exactly what noah was doing he was giving news Noah only use an app to typify salvation in Christ and look at it in 1st Peter chapter 3 verse 20 which sometime were disobedient when once the long-suffering of God waited in the days of Noah while the ark was a preparing wherein few that is eight souls we are saved by water after 120 years of preaching only eight people got saved 21 the like figure whereunto even baptism doth also now save us not the putting away of the field of the flesh but the answer of a good conscience to us God by the resurrection of Jesus Christ did you see what he said that what about the same does not say that the real baptism is a good conscience that means the real baptism is receiving Christ into your heart he said what I just wash is the death of the body who is gone into heaven watch carefully and is on the right hand of God angels and authorities and powers be made subject on the game for so much damn as Christ has suffered for us in the flesh I am yourself likewise with the same mind for he that has suffered in the flesh has ceased from seen Noah's message was salvation through faith in Christ so Noah's message was Jesus Christ how did he preach he preached by the spirit first Peter 3:18 for Christ also had once suffered for sins that just for the unjust that he might bring us to God being put to death in the flesh but quickened by the spirit so now I preached by the spirit the people that rejected the message of Noah are in prison he didn't preach to them in prison he preached to them before they went to prison the reason why the imprison is because they rejected the message by which also he went and preached unto the spirits in prison Noah didn't go to prison to preached he preached to the people when they rejected his message they were kept in prison waiting for the day of judgment so it's not as if Noah went to them inside prison to preach no he preached to them and their rejection of the message kept them in the prison waiting for the day of judgment what did Noah preach what did Noah preach salvation through faith we're in Christ Jesus can I hear powerfully amen so the message was Christ now look 24 25 they said unto them all fools and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken is Jesus actually to believe everything the Prophet said was Christ everything they preached we have to believe that everything in the Bible is truly stated but not everything is a statement of truth for example Satan spoke in the Bible and Satan is a liar and the father of Elias so everything settles said in the Bible cannot be true but it has been written for all to read Satan said to Eve you shall not surely die and when if at what happened she died so what did Satan do he lied was in the Spirit of God speaking through Satan so what Satan spoke is there anything there for us but is it in the Bible so what do we do with that we trash it why because it is of zero benefit to our spiritual nourishment how can you say woman wear trousers you will make heaven is salvation in it Rosa salvation is in Christ when are you even in fact if you walk naked you will make heaven if you walk naked you will make heaven why don't you pray in the bathroom I do not make it does God used to say we're a clockwork clockwork lot I the Lord I cannot behold nakedness we're close brother Paul say what shall separate us from the love of God which is where in Christ any listen is there nakedness in the list he saying even nakedness cannot separate us nakedness aunt Rosa which is better Rosa is better may God give you understanding nakedness and trouser which is better at least Rosa you you have covered something nakedness didn't cover anything yet it cannot separate us from the love of god which is in christ religion stops and shuts down you're thinking faculty and makes you a religion does not allow you to think it shuts down your faculty of intelligence you say very educated professor speaking as if he's very stupid because his Faculty of intellect is shut down and that's the job of religion and that's why Jesus was always against religious leaders because Christianity is not a religion Christianity is a relationship with God religion is a met belief actually religion means go back to bondage that's the meaning of the word religion back to bondage we are not in a religion we are not in a big belief we're in a relationship with God glory to God if you're real Chavez is that we I eat we are eat well and enjoy it don't let anybody keep you in bondage with do's and don'ts there is Liberty in Christ Jesus the only term we emphasizes that way you dress over your nakedness that's all did you hear that and look good looking good is good business and for your information holiness is beautiful it is called the beauty not the uglification of holiness holiness is beautiful when you're holy you look beautiful now go dagger now gotta kill a bush mark where we are in October but Boone Duke attire what's wrong with you guys glory somebody shot and born of God nothing shall separate me from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus shall glory somebody so the gospel is the message of Christ and we have to believe the message in the prophets you cannot believe everything that the Prophet said not sorry of 2nd Timothy 2:15 study to show thyself approved unto God a workman that needeth not to be ashamed rightly dividing the word of truth rightly dividing is a Greek word Toto Tomeo or Toto mio means to carefully make a part and that's why Jesus said things through when studying things through hell sometimes on the other hand God will do nothing until revealing secrets on to his prophets country servants a prophet the Lord will do nothing that vas has been used to control people but that verse is not a standalone that vas is within a context of discourse so don't just pull out that verse and be running it look at the protects and post x2 understand what that was implied there is no mini-boss application for any word of Scripture all words of scripture must be interpreted within context because the Bible is a contextual material it must be studied in context he anims a new prophet no prophet who is a prophet in your life and they are coaching all out of context I am the man in Christ I don't need any profit for profits I am satisfied in Christ Jesus is everything to me I have Jesus I have everything I am blessed with all spiritual blessings in the heavenlies in Christ Jesus Xiao Diaz somebody Jesus is the Shepherd of my soul I don't need any prophet over my life I've got Jesus and I belong to a church where I am taught the Word of God that is more than enough don't let somebody controlling your house every time he seems Ishaan for you tell him stop that stop that don't call this number again to tell me this your stupid visions and if you think you have a vision for me call my pastor say it to my pastor if my pastor thinks it is good for me he will tell me my pastor is the door to my life he's a shepherd that God put over me don't be coming through the window if you are the message for me come through the door talk to my pastor you shot people from controlling you messing you up brother but I just saw a vision to even kill a man out of fear what are you doing lying down kneel down you can't hear this thin line that you have to kneel down yes sir I'm kneeling down I'm kneeling down it's okay okay close your eyes it's controlling you you I'm the man in Christ where is the man in Christ where is the man in Christ where are the man in Christ some sisters are not lifting their hands because they are waiting for me to say where are the sisters in Christ we don't have sisters in Christ we are the man in Christ If any man support male and female we are men in Christ where is the man in Christ is the man in Christ in this building no male nor female Bible study write this down bible study takes the veil away bible study takes the veil away when there is proper Bible study you are delivered from the veil Hebrews 11:1 now faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen and people use this verse for material things for cars for houses that's an abuse of the Bible of that verse so what are the things when it said things he is not talking about material things faith is the substance of things he is not dealing with material things Abraham had material things but he was hoping for these things so evidence material Abram would not be hoping for these things so he start dealing with material things here look at verse Jew for by it the elders obtained a good report verse three through faith we understand that the Aeon cion the walls the Aeons or the circle of time was framed by the Word of God so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear Abraham had his own time a bell zone time Noah had his own circle Enoch had his own circle so I want to communicate now one two three four five come come come one two three four five come please stand and face the congregation by faith table by faith Noah by faith Enoch by faith Abraham by faith Moses Hebrews gives us a chronicle of this man who functioned by faith in the Old Testament and Hebrews 11 is a summary of faith man in the Old Testament people that believe in the prophecy of the coming of Christ whether in Tights shadows prophecies or promises now we understand through faith that the world of cable the world of Enoch the world of Abraham the world of Noah and the world of Moses so Moses had a circle of time Noah had a circle of time Abraham had a circle of that all of them had different circles of time when he said we understand through faith that the worlds were framed what he's talking about their circles his world is not his world his world is not his world his world is not his world his world is not his world they were different worlds different circles of time but all of their worlds put together with framed by one Word of God what collaborated their world is one word the message of Christ so in the world of Moses there was Christ in the world of Noah there was Christ in the world of Abraham Ellis crash in the world of innocuous Christ in the world of Ellis Christ all right there were other things but what brought the awards together to frame is the message of Christ that he believed him he believed him he believed him he believed him he believed in irrespective of the different times and circles that we were in there was only one thing that idea worlds together it is the message of Christ we understand through faith that the Aeons the worlds we are framed by the Word of God a doula Mutulu be ready to make a tenango that the things that do appear we're made of things that do not appear the things that do appear what were the things that appeared in the world of Moses blood Bristow you're following me very well the brazen serpent where the things that we are seen and they will point us to the things that are not seen they didn't see Christ but they saw christ in the brazen serpent no they didn't see Christ but they showed up Abraha they received Christ but Isaac on Mount Moriah Enoch they receive Christ but anak by faith please God they realize but the animal sacrifice that he brought to the altar by faith hill chakras so the things that we are not seeing which was Christ was given to them in their different times in types and shadows and those things are the things that framed the award and qualified them to be in Hebrews chapter 11 which was the chronicle of men of faith in the Old Testament you guys can sit now Hebrews 11:3 through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the Word of God ian's so that things which are seen we are not made of things which to appear by faith Abel he now breaks it down verse faith by faith Enoch verse 7 by faith Noah nine by faith research on age by faith Abraham 11 through faith also Sara 13 this all died in faith this all died in faith they didn't die in Christ they died in faith today people die who are in Christ in Christ they died in faith in our time people who are born again die in Christ they who died in faith rose when Jesus rose and they have gone with Christ never to rise again those who died in Christ will rise again when mortality puts on immortality and they will rise fast before us who are alive these all died how many of you have read the Bible says by faith in a walk with God and was without for before his translation he had a testimony that he pleased God and the conclusion is the Enoch was raptured that's not true Enoch died these all died including Enoch Enoch didn't go anywhere he died Elijah he died a whirlwind came from heaven and took Elijah to where where did he take him to he died all of them died in faith none of them went anywhere they died it was when Jesus rose from the dead that he evacuated them out of paradise and took them with him and shut down paradise shut it down so today when believers sleep they don't go to paradise in the underworld they sleep in paradise in Christ we understand through faith that the walls were framed so he began to talk about the things like animal remember Hebrews 1:1 at sundry times and in divers manners the Prophet spoke to the fathers the Prophet spoke to the fathers in diverse manner the word diverse mana means partial revelation of Christ in the Old Testament they had a partial revelation in these last days has spoken to us in his son the things which are seen were made of things that do not appear the word made is our genome I came as a result of Amen so all of them knew Christ through the animal sacrifice all through types and shadows so the message of God from the beginning of time has been Christ whatever God told everybody was Christ's email Noah Abraham they are faith in physical thing that were a type of Christ so faith is the substance of things hoped for concerning Christ Hebrews 1:3 who being the brightness of his glory please pay attention and the Express image of his person and upholding all things by the word of his power when he had by himself purged our sins he purged our sins talking about his sacrificial walk death burial resurrection ascension exaltation that is the substance of things they were hoping for what were the substance of hoping for the death the barrier the resurrection the ascension the exaltation those were the things they'll hoped for the evidence of things they didn't see but saw the types and shadows so Hebrews 11:1 talks about the Old Testament Saints because it was pro Yugi losing my to them it happened or they believed before it happened use for them in future tense use for us in past things so look 24 25 when he said unto them or fools and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken are not Christ to have suffered these things if your Bible was mine I will underline these things so there is something they are not supposed to believe and that is the law Galatians 3 12 and the law is not of faith no faith in the law the law is performance so as we study the prophets who will separate the law from the prophets and even in the prophets we will interpret their messages that's critical so you know which one to follow and which one not to follow but the law is not the gospel so when a man is preaching the law he's not preaching the gospel the Lord does not require faith and the law is not about faith the law is about works for by the law shall no man be justified before God look at acts 3:25 you are the children of the prophets and of the Covenant which God married our Father saying unto Abraham and in thy seed shall all the Kindred's of the earth be blessed question seed is it a nation or a person a person who is the seed of Abraham Christ Christ is the seed of Abraham he is the seed of Abraham and to see it not seeds as of many but seed as of one which is Christ that's why on mount moriah Isaac didn't die because a plow was not for Isaac to die the plan was that Isaac who represents all of us in our place Jesus will die there was a type and it was a mode of communication concerning Christ so here comes blessings are mine everyone blessing the mine I am blessing the morning o Abrams why are you free to sing it sing it well ever sing it well here arms everybody let's sing together say George I am less bless air arms here arms very loud very well here arms don't you believe it oh I am blessed one more time very long they are mine Iran where are my near arms everybody I am less blessed Abraham's and I know yours but the question is that song should not be for collecting offering the only problem there is that that song should not be for collecting offering to the colonel mine Abraham's blessing his car and house but to us Abraham's blessing is righteousness by faith what is the blessing of Abraham righteous is my faith God does not impute sin to Abraham why abraham believed and it was counted to him for righteousness does the blessing is any righteous man in this building Abraham's they are mine I am blessed bless ya Abraha stand up blessing and I pray for you they are my Abraham's they are my yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] that'd be of faith are blessed with faithful Abraham are your faith say I am of faith therefore I am blessed with faithful Abraham how many times are you bless all the time bless all the time how many times are you righteous all the time I'm blessed in the morning I'm blessed in the afternoon I'm blessed in the midnight and bless early mornings I am blessed all the time Abraham's blessings are mine righteousness by faith devoid of words I'm righteous is there any righteous person here how righteous are you I am verily verily righteous I am blessed - and - and - totally holistically wholeheartedly totally completely finally for all time and eternity - well as this bless my here Blair's elbow your nipples are standing by the most blessed man on the planet one more time [Music] [Music] and I declare over you today this revelation grows big on your inside in the name of Jesus and I decree that the realities of all that Christ has done and all that Christ has made available in the Saints will find full expression through you in your lifetime you will not be deprived of any of those blessings and any of those treasures and any of those realities that are using Christ Jesus you will never be robbed of them in the name of Jesus and a decree right now all of course treasures inside you finds expression today sick bodies be healed we rebuke sickness we rebuke disease we rebuke depression we rebuke sorrow and sadness we're if you came we review heartbreak we rebuke depression hey Satan get your hands off in the name of Jesus and I speak the peace of God over your mind over your body over your heart over your thoughts and I declare your body made whole mid-well and I declare your business is your career your profession your marriage totally blessed kept secured and protected by the grace of God in the name of Jesus and I decree through this week it will be a week of victories on every side your going out is blessed you're coming in his place the work of your hands are blessed your ideas are blessed your jobs are blessed in the name of Jesus sufficiency is yours you will never luck in a good thing great grace is upon you today in Jesus precious name and every believer in this building shows that amen on a note of finality amen thank you Lord blessed blessed blessed grab a good offering less honor the world every time we hear the water here we just honor the world with our offerings with our Givens we all know the Word of God we give honorably we give intentionally we give deliberately and we give in honor of the finished work of Christ we're generous in our given we give sacrificially we are not stingy we are far from the part of stinkiness we are as liberal and generous as God because we are born of God his nature is in us amen lift up your offerings father will rejoice the babe as we honor Christ and honor the world we have just heard a true reflection of our identity in Christ Jesus we are righteous by faith justified by faith and we give today honorably and joyfully and thank you that our offering stands before you a sweet smell today and I decreed that every need is met in this building every desire is granted thank you for the blessing that is upon us permanently in Jesus precious name and every believer says that email act on des
Channel: Abel Damina Ministries International
Views: 4,022
Rating: 4.8481011 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 8sec (3248 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 16 2019
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