Sunday 1st Service (18-9-2019)

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[Music] you [Music] are we excited about the gift of God the life of God eternal life that lives on our inside this morning are we excited can we give the Lord a greater shout on the greater scream in the building glory hallelujah amen you can be seated with your sweet smart self glory to God that was some time we had in touch Eden's of glory wasn't it now some glorious time oh my goodness we had some time of Word and I hope you've got all the materials of CDs and all the teachings and you're spending time listening to them because of the whole essence you're listening to them until they become your reality until they resonate in your understand you don't just listen to the Word of God one time even two times is not good enough even ten times it's not good enough you listen to it until everything that is taught resonates with your understanding so important so that we don't just keep teaching and going and then you're not understanding the whole essence for teaching is to bring you to a place of understanding can I hear powerful amen towards the end of thirty days of glory the Lord began to speak to me about prayer and began to speak to me about this charge getting involved with prayer you know giving ourselves to prayer that's very critical and fundamental so this morning I'm gonna be teaching on prayer top priority prayer top priority hallelujah what does God do without prayer what does God do without prayer when God came to air as a man of course in John chapter 1 verse 1 - 2 - John the Gospel of John chapter 1 verse 1 - to read for me John chapter 1 verse 1 John chapter 1 verse 1 to 2 in the beginning was the word and the Word was with God and the Word was God - the same was in the beginning with God all things were made by him and with him was not anything made that was me now hold on all things were made by him so you know this is God we're talking about all things were made by him and without him was not anything made that was made so we're dealing with God here in the beginning was the word and the Word was with God and the Word was God all right verse 14 verse 14 of the same chapter 1 and the word was made flesh and dwelt among us and we beheld his glory the glory as of the only begotten of the Father full of grace and truth the glory of the only begotten of the father the glory of the only begotten of the Father and the Word was made flesh the Word was with God the war was milling with the ink condition and we're looking at were read in John chapter 3 verse 16 and 36 Jesus is God will became a man and walk the face of the earth and of course in the for Simon's on the earth apart from creation the next greatest thing that God got involved with was the redemption of mankind and of course if you observe carefully almost unannounced the way he came into the earth he came in a very quiet way through the womb of a virgin girl that was you know going out with a guy who was even planning to put her away I mean look at all the circumstances born in a manger grew up in a house nobody will think such a great person nobody will think that God will come in that form almost own announced all right so God now becomes a man to fulfill all the prophecy or the prophecy from Genesis chapter 3 she shall bring forth is seed and the seed of the woman shall bruise the head of the serpent all of that prophecy had to find fulfillment music entire import of praying because over the years the sound will be messed up what we're trained that the only reason why we'll praise to get something so whenever you pray are always thinking of what am I gonna ask every time they say let us pray what you're thinking of is what am I gonna ask God okay I need a job okay I need a wife okay I need some money okay I'm gonna ask God for you know that guy who is sitting on my file - I doubt that that's the way we've been trained okay so I needed a car I needed a wife I needed a child I needed a job now I have a job I have a wife I have the car I have children I don't need anything again so there is no need to pray because in your mind what you have thought was the prayer is the medium of getting things and then of course you must realize that there are people who have things with our prayer there are a lot of people of all the things you're praying for all the things you are asking for all the things you are fasting for there are people who have them all over the place they have cars they have houses some of them will have three four five wives they have children all over the place 20 25 children in one house they have buildings they have wealth they have everything that anybody could look for so if the only reason why you prays to get things then you really don't need prayer because there are other ways to get those things in our prayer away together in the building here so that mindset has to be corrected because that mindset is a wrong mindset and so ignorance can be deceitful because you will think you know something boy you never knew it and how did some of us learn how to pray they woke you up in the morning are your parents will say pray and you pray what did you pray it doesn't matter you just breathe all right in the evening of about to sleep your parents you say make sure you pray before you sleep so what do you do father I'm about to sleep I don't want any witches and wizards to touch me tonight guard me through the night and you grow up like that and you when you got born again up you carried over that mentality into the church and then there is no need for you to pray but watch this this is now and he becomes flesh and dwelt among us the thing we see is the prophecy in Isaiah 43 that there'll be one sent before his face somebody will be sent before the face of Jesus and his name is John the Baptist Malachi also said the same thing then notice the events around all that God did as a man the first thing we see is in Luke chapter 1 verse 10 read from him Luke chapter 1 verse number 10 and the whole multitude of people were praying without at the time of incense they were praying without this is where Zachariah the father of John was in the temple and a place under the law was given for worship and prayer the temple and the people we're praying without at the time of incense they were praying alright an angel came at that atmosphere and reveal all that God said about John then in Luke chapter 2 verse 25 Luke chapter 2 verse number 25 read for me and behold there was a man in Jerusalem whose name was Simeon and the same man was just and devout waiting for the consolation of Israel and the Holy Ghost was upon him the same man was just and devout waiting for the consolation of Israel and the Holy Ghost was upon him read the next verse for me the next verse and it was revealed unto him by the Holy Ghost that he should not see death before he had seen the Lord's Christ so now this man is waiting for the consolation of Israel and the man refuses to die until he sees the Lord Christ giveme was 27 and he came by the spirit into the temple and when the parents brought in the Child Jesus to do for him after the custom of the law 28 then to key him up in his arms and blessed God and said 29 Lord now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace according to thy word 30 for mine eyes have seen thy salvation my eyes have seen thy salvation so you find a man waiting for God's plan to be fulfilled he knows what the plan of God was that the plan of God was for the consolation and the salvation Israel so he's waiting for that plan to be fulfilled then in waiting for that plan look at what they were doing they were praying and offering incense all right now see a second personality at the same time a woman this time in Luke chapter 2 verse 36 all of them are waiting for the fulfillment of God's plan Luke chapter 2 verse 36 and there was one a prophetess the daughter of Phanuel of the tribe of ASER she was of a great age and had lived with an husband seven years from our virginity all right next verse and she was a widow of about four score and four years which departed not from the temple but served God with fastings and prayers night and day he departed not from the temple she served God with fastings and prayers night and day this woman this prophetess of a woman pay attention 38 and she coming in that instant give thanks likewise unto the Lord and speak of him to all them that looked for redemption in Jerusalem so she too knew that the Lord that there was a prophecy of redemption and she did not leave the temple she was serving in prayer and fasting for that prophecy to be realized she was serving in fasting and prayer to see the manifestation of the prophecy alright so now to event I mean three events we've seen Zechariah with since Simeon and Wilson this woman Anna all of them are waiting for the fulfillment of the prophecy of redemption but they are not just passively with him they are actively waiting in the place of Prayer alright so now God becomes flesh Jesus is about to begin his ministry Jesus has been born at this time and all the prophets of spoken before now when Jesus was born what was he found doing look at Luke chapter 3 verse number 21 Luke chapter 3 verse number 21 now when all the people were baptized it came to pass that Jesus also being baptized and praying the heaven was opened so Jesus is about to be baptized baptized in water and then as he's about to be baptized in water we see Jesus walking into the water and brain he's praying he didn't just walk into the water he didn't say a public place let me pray in private no he's about to begin the journey of redemption and it begins with the endorsement and the identification of John the Baptist he's praying and while praying in the water the heavens opened he gave himself to prayer look at the prophecies look at the prayers that brought about the manifestation of the prophecies and when he is now born this is God Almighty Jesus is God who became a man you will think he will walk the face of the earth without prayer but look at him from the beginning of his journey he sprained what is he praying about is he praying for a car is he praying for a house is he praying for a wife is he praying for promotion is he praying for breakthrough none of those but he is praying he is praying and the heavens opened now a remarkable thing was about to happen okay and if you observe carefully Jesus was praying but if you observe in all the prayers we have seen from Zachariah situation to see me on to another Providence and to Jesus there is no prayer point we didn't see any prayer point all we saw was that they were praying because sometimes when we separate you start wondering what prayer point are we praying about these guys didn't have a prayer point why because prayer is praying in itself prayer is praying in itself you don't need a prayer point to bring the question will be what was Jesus praying for he was praying because prayer is praying or prayer is praying in itself another notable event was when he was about to choose his disciples those responsible for what we believe today and that was very critical and fundamental he was about to choose the people that be responsible for the tolik foundation of the charge again in Luke chapter 6 verse 12 Luke chapter 6 verse number 12 read for me and it came to pass in those days that he went out into a mountain to pray and continued all night in prayer to God he went out into a mountain to pray and he continued all night in prayer he must have prayed for about 12 hours he continued all night in prayer what was he praying about like that was he acting for change of government was he acting for the economy of his nation to improve was he praying for a new political Kingdom that's not what he was praying about was he acting for things she was acting for things so what was he praying for like that that all the time would in fact he didn't even pray in his house he left the house and went to a mountain a path to pray and he spent the whole night praying of course he wasn't acting for anything because prayer in itself is prayer you don't pray because you have in me you don't pray because something is wrong you don't pray because you're believing for something you'll pray because you pray you pray because you'll pray I mean we'll seen it in Jesus who is the model of everything this is God Almighty now somewhere in God's heart and mind when he wants to get something done on the earth he gets men to pray when God wants to get something to be done on the earth he gets men to pray that is to say if no man is praying and God is doing nothing if God will do anything some people must give themselves to prayer nothing happens until somebody prays nothing within God's plan and nothing within God's purpose and nothing within God's will happens on the earth until somebody prays and if they remember I've told you before in this charge that man is goz metal when God wants to do something a man must make himself available for God to use so when God wants to do anything on the earth the first thing he does is to stop people to pray once you see people's cheered up to pray and people start praying and start spraying know that God is up to doing something on the earth because God does nothing if nobody prays are we in the building this morning this is very important now remember John the Baptist was very important to the validation of Christ and you cannot handle those things in a prayer so he prayed and observed also that when Jesus was close to the cross where he died to fulfill the entire purpose of him becoming a man he also prayed the Bible says he prayed the Book of Luke says he prayed a blood gushed out of his body does the intensity of prayer he prayed on to blood gushed out of his body he prayed he set for himself to pray that's when men like John Wesley said it appears that God can do nothing on the head except we pray God can do nothing on the earth except we pray and man cannot do anything with God except he prays man cannot do anything with God except he prays can man do anything without God yes can man achieve some things you not God yes but man cannot do anything with God except he prays of course man can do whatever he wants to do without God but if man and God will walk together and carry out the will of God on earth then man and God must meet in the place of Prayer man and God must meet in the place of Prayer that makes prayer a top priority for believers I mean look at some basic thing here very basic an unbeliever can get a car without prayer an unbeliever can build a house in a prayer an unbeliever can get money without prayer an unbeliever who given an easy as soon as you know God can insult God and get a contract of 50 million dollars to be nice after insulting God you know children that people first and pray for a rapist can just rip a girl and she's pregnant you know shame children the people are fasting and praying for a rapist can just carelessly raped a girl and get her pregnant and she delivers a set of twins same children the people are fasting for away in the building here yeah somebody can commit incest and out of incest produced children so you don't fast and pray because you need things because you can get things with a prayer you see following here yeah I mean somebody can just stand up and abuse God abuse Jesus abuse the charge attack the church even closed down a church building and win a contract of 100 million dollars two minutes after that he doesn't stop them why because you don't need prayer to get things you can get things in a prayer that will mean that the reason we pray is not for things so never apportion human achievement to the hand of God never never a push on human exploits to the hand of God never use human exploits to identify God's hands and never use human achievements to point of us operations because God does not need those things to operate God operates only within the lines of prayer prayer very important so Jesus is granted a cross to die something that doesn't make sense he print he went to a mountain to pray he went and prayed a prayer of devotion he went and intentionally prayed and if you observe Jesus's ministry every time he prayed he went somewhere every time you prayed he went somewhere every time he prayed he took our time and went somewhere that means there is something prayer does to you that takes you out of your comfort zone it's not every time you pray that things must be convenient there are times also you shouldn't convenience yourself and get to a location and we have a good location the other charge you come to the charge and spend some time pray in here you know that that is what you're coming to do so you come and do it well you come and pray and I remember far back in the days we asked people to come to church to pray and one woman in this church was too busy to come I am sure you remember she was too busy to come for the prayer after a few days of Prayer I called and I said we've not seen you in a prayer I'm so busy things are so so many things will pop up I said all right no problem no problem we kept praying in the house here one week second week what brain toured with something happened to our child the child was almost dead she carried the child that Todd weak all her busy schedule ended she carried a child half-dead and brought the child to church and put a mask and was sleeping with a child in charge and so now your child is sick do you don't have any busy schedule anymore now you want to come and pray that's the way human beings are so we are praying for the move of God we are praying for God's agenda to be carried on it y'all so busy and all the time you're so busy all the time one week a busy two weeks you're busy I even called you and I said hey madam we've not seen you in the proud papa it is so busy stuff there your child now is sick everything stops you carry a much you and the child came and camped in the church one day two days and out of compassion I came on the baby the second aim and I prayed for that child and God miraculously healed a child and then she lingered around in the prayer for one day but the third day she was gone again busy schedule she and it's because of the wrong notion that people have that the only reason why we pray is to get things we don't pray to get things we pray for ourselves we pray so the will and the purpose of God for us can find expression we pray so God's agenda for our lives will be fulfilled we pray so God's purpose on the earth will be carried out we pray so God can function you know under through our Authority and change lines and carry out his agenda of saving man if your understanding can I get a powerful amen that act of prayer separates you from your comfort zone it takes you out of your comfort zone in fact when you give yourself to prayer some things that are irrelevant in your life they die natural appetites that ought not to be there they die naturally certain desires certain things you're struggling with they just die naturally when you give yourself to prayer because prayer changes you and I'm gonna deal with that in a second Sally's prayer does not change God prayer changes the person pray when you give yourself to prayer prayer changes you and causes you to align with the will and purpose and intent of God pray a preemption to conformity with with with God's purpose for your life it brings you into alignment oh yes when you give yourself to prayer so many things lose value so many things that are too important to you they just suddenly are out of place they don't fit in anymore they don't work anymore for you when you give yourself to prayer so remember again God can do nothing on the earth without prayer and you can do nothing with God outside prayer two very important things number one God can do nothing on the earth without prayer and you can do nothing with God without prayer that means for you and God to work together in partnership you must give yourself to pray he told the disciples in Luke chapter 24 verse 49 look 2449 read for me and behold I send the promise of my father upon you but tarry in the city of Jerusalem until you be endued with power from on high reee in the city of Jerusalem until you be endued with power from on high alright Acts chapter 1 verse 8 Acts of the Apostles chapter 1 verse number 8 but he shall receive power after that the Holy Ghost has come upon you and you shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem and in all Judea and in Samaria and unto the uttermost parts of the earth now yes toward him very critical events in the in the history of mankind you shall receive power after the Holy Ghost is come upon you tarry in Jerusalem until you be endued with power from on high he didn't tell them to pray now in mark 16:15 mark 16:15 read for me mark chapter 16 verse 15 and he said unto them go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature alright Matthew 28:18 and Jesus came and spake unto them saying all power is given unto me in heaven and in earth next verse go ye therefore and teach all nations baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost so now he gives them the Great Commission go preach preach preach but tarry in Jerusalem until you be endued with power from on high alright now pay attention to something look at the book of Matthew 937 Matthew 937 Dan says he on to his disciples the harvest truly is plenteous but the laborers are their harvest is plenteous but the laborers are few they say humongous harvest seven billion people on the earth to be saved with the gospel and somebody must preach the gospel to them not just another gospel but the true gospel of Christ the pure gospel must reach this seven billion human beings on the planet going to all the world preach the gospel they have this is plenteous but the laborers are few next vast retouching it for me pray ye therefore the lord of the harvest that he will send forth laborers into his harvest pray therefore pray therefore the lord of the harvest that he will send forth laborers pray that god the words sent forth means to push out those send forth in the greek is the word to push out laborers that if people pray God will push out laborers God was here or people God will push them out through the power of prayer to preach and get people saved now if you observe he gives them the Great Commission go into all the world preach the gospel to every creature go and make disciples of all nations tarry in Jerusalem until you be endued with power you shall receive power after the Holy Ghost is come upon you you shall be witnesses unto me all these are promises they are having this wonderful promises they are in this wonderful instructions what is the next thing they did our chapter 1 verse 14 Acts chapter 1 verse 14 these all continued with one Accord in prayer and supplication with the women and Mary the mother of Jesus and with his brethren and say well God says will receive power no after they've got the prophecy from God and the promise that went into prayer these all continued with one Accord in prayer they continued in prayer let me just fold your hands and say well God says some blessed and blessed God says all things our character no they took that word and went into prayer and protect the world in prayer they give birth to the reality of that promise in the place of prayer can I hear powerful amen they continued in one Accord in prayer with the women with the women and what happened in Acts chapter two from verse one except the two from the Swan and when the day of Pentecost was fully come they were all with one Accord in one place they continued in one Accord with prayer and in one Accord they received the Holy Ghost they prayed that is just enough for their hands let him cross your legs and say well it is going to happen because God said it they took those words and went into prayer and get back to the purpose of God and give back to the will of God and get back to the divine mandates of God upon the earth because God owes nothing until somebody prays if you're with me in the building shot a powerfully Amen prayer is how goes wheel comes to pass on the earth prayer is how God's will comes to pass on the earth pray is acting on God's will and bringing it to pass on the eighth prayer is acting on gosh wheel and bringing it to pass on the earth so prayer becomes a top priority for the believer that is whenever I am praying God is doing something on the edge every time I give myself to prayer I am creating an enabling environment for God's will to be enforced on the earth now she says whenever I am NOT praying I hinder or I limit God's will finding expression on the earth that puts responsibility on man Jesus in this man were praying before he came when he came he gave himself to prayer he prayed without you praying God will do nothing once you know what God wants to do the next scene is one prayer once you knock upon no Kelly are you still in this building once you know what God wants to do what the next scene you give yourself to a prayer all we know what God wants to do reintroduce Jesus to this world if weeping they believe that you know who they are in Christ what they have in Christ and what Christ can do through them from you know nation to nation from continent to continent go into the byways and highways and get men to come to the saving knowledge of Christ and to come to the true knowledge of the gospel God will have all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth so since that is the will of God what is the medicine we give ourselves to pray and brush that into manifestation hallelujah how happy were you during it the homecoming week you saw people coming from all nations into this building didn't you see them as a result of prayer prayer brought the words to them prayer opened up their hearts prayer opened up their understanding from different walks of life from different nations of the earth and they open up and the study of God's Word came and an army is been raised in that dimension and there are millions more to Richard the gospel so mop Reyes mop Reyes glory to God I say my prayers touch your neighbor holy and there was like say more pray us Akiyama God does nothing until somebody prays somebody said I will pray said again very loud prayed a lot of the hobbits pray the lord of the harvest sekolah dibala prayed a lot of the harvest that he will push out man - the hardest field ladies and gentlemen I speak prophetically in the next two years the kind of houses were gonna see all over the world - this message of Christ - the reality of Christ will be it will shock you because it will be beyond anything you ever expected it's the word of the Lord is gonna go forth is gonna break from city to city from nation to nation religion is going to go through the back door and all the other Gospels and fraudsters are not going to have anybody paying attention to them any longer only the message of the truth will permeate places penetrate places penetrate nations penetrate cities I'm a born to see man and woman turn to righteousness we're gonna see people embracing the gospel like we've never seen before from the high places to the low places and if you're a man is louder you will see it together with me somebody shot I will pray can I get me say it again can I hear you say it very loud cuz if no man praise God does nothing every time you come across a plan of God that is a body into pray every time you come across a plan of God a purpose of God a divine mandate and instruction of heaven it is a body into prayer every notification of God's will is a call to prayer every notification of God's will is a call to prayer in except the two of us wanted to where we saw that there are Pentecost was fully come they were together one Accord and suddenly there was a mighty rushing wind and it filled the whole house where they were sitting and there appeared unto them cloven tongues as of fire and they began to speak in songs are you still in the building in except the two of us 42 Pentecost and support the Holy Ghost has come down acts 2:42 read for me Acts chapter 2 verse 42 and they continued steadfastly in the Apostles doctrine and fellowship and in breaking of bread and in prayers they continued they continued in the Apostles doctrine what was the Apostles doctrine it was fellowship teaching breaking of bread which was love his and in the breaking of bread they accompanied it with prayers in pray us breaking of bread and in prayers there was pray up before they got born again there was prayer after they got born again it was a culture for them to pray in the Acts of the Apostles prayer was a culture a culture of the choice prayer was a culture of believers lifestyle prayer was not just an event that happened once in a while it was the way they lived that was what they were introducing that was what they were raised with they were raised with prayer as a lifestyle because God can do nothing except a prayer so to do the will of God on the earth you must give yourself to prayer hallelujah you must give yourself to prayer they continued in prayer they continued in the Apostles doctrine they continued so it was what started that they continued they continued in prayer don't forget they continued with the women in prayer penico support and after Pentecost they continued in prayer in fact look at this look at this everybody Acts chapter 3 verse 1 now Peter and John went up together into the temple at the of Prayer being the nine hours they went up to the temple together at the hour of prayer at the hour of prayer chapter one they considered in prayer with the woman chapter 2 they continued to pray over the Apostolic Doctrine chapter 3 Peter and John went up to the temple at the hour of prayer it was a culture of the early church prayer all the way hour of prayer and if you observe they were not praying for things they were praying to create the will of God on the earth they were not praying for things a man as any man if you observe listen carefully the miracle of fish and bread was never repeated anywhere else did you observe the miracle of fish and bread was never repeated anywhere else in Scripture it happened only one time only once Jesus took fish took bread multiplied it gave everybody to eat it never repeated again not by any apostle why was it not repeated again because that miracle happened before the church was born that miracle happened before the church was born that means when Jesus multiplied the bread and finish it was relating with unbelievers when the church was born that miracle didn't happen rather people were asked to give their monies people saw houses and lands and brought money and the money's made supplies available why because by this time people are born again there is generosity in the hearts of men in the wilderness the people are not born again so there was no generosity in their hearts but now in the church people are born again the life of God the nature of God the giving culture of the Holy Ghost is artwork in the hearts of men you-you-you could see I mean look at the way people were giving people get so aggressively give everything so their houses Saudi allows brought there was provision in the charge why was it so because these people were not born again they were not believe us look at Acts chapter four verse 24 asks for 24 and when they heard that they lifted up their voice to God with one Accord and said Lord thou art God which has made heaven on earth and the sea and all that in them now now chapter one they prayed chapter two they prayed chapter three hour of prayer chapter four they are praying again it was a culture in the church they they lifted up their voices this was when they went and commanded a lemon to walk in Chapter three and then they were threatened and beat him and flogged and asked never to preach in the name of Jesus they came back to their company and reported order the chief priests and the elders have said to them and when they had heard that they litter up their voice to God with one Accord did you observe is always one Accord and said Lord thou art God which has made heaven and earth and the sea and all that in them is next verse who by the mouth of thy servant David as said why did they hidden rage and the people imagine vain things next verse the kings of the earth stood up and the rulers forgot together against the Lord and against his Christ next verse for offered truth against the Holy Child Jesus whom there was anointed but Aaron and Pontius Pilate with the Gentiles and the people of Israel were gathered together for to do whatsoever the hand and the counsel determined before to be done and now Lord behold the earth threatenings behold your treasure means and grant unto thy servants that with all boldness they may speak thy world by stretching forth their hand to heal and that signs and wonders may be done by the name of the Holy Child Jesus and when they had prayed well in the heart rate when they had prayed there was breakthrough when they had prayed there was breakthrough know when they are prayed the place was shaking where they were assembled together and they were filled with the Holy Ghost they were not asking for food they were not asking for money they were not asking for jobs they were asking for material to do the walk we were asking for ability to carry out divine assignment they were filled with the Holy Ghost kebaya doll are you still in the building this morning and they speak the Word of God with boldness when you give yourself to a prayer you develop boldness boldness is not open eye you can do open eye and be given a dirty slap you can use open eye and go to prison baldness is not open all boldness is an internal strength that causes the realm of the Spirit to listen to you boldness they preach the word with boldness demons obeying them Devils submitting to them lives change why they prayed so for them to be filled with the spirit shows you the kind of prayer never brain it shows you the kind of prayer they were pray well in such a short wall to them where if the prayers are not about material things nobody wants to go for a prayer meeting a prayer meeting must be about prayer points a very very deceptive way of raising believers very deceptive it must be about prayer points and sometimes you find our believers gather together when acts everybody to pray let's pray for souls to be saved you can't even hear their voices [Music] let's pray for the Word of God to have a free cause now pray for yourself that everything that is studied on the way of your progress should be uprooted yana colada it is now you're talking selfish when people don't know Jesus selfishness becomes the leader yeah because all you are saying before was no prayer it is now you wanna sing we should pray clap your hands shake your head declare that all your enemies fall and that you see people not in this module I'm talking about the church world I hope you know what I mean now these guys are not praying for things they were praying for what is more important than things they were filled with the Holy Ghost and they spoke the Word of God with boldness kebaya they spoke the Word of God with boldness and somebody said to me I thought there were a few in the Holy Ghost before yes they were filled with the Holy Ghost before but you consider being filled with the spirit you keep being filled with the spirit you can be filled with the spirit and the more your fearless spirit the more you get bold the more your favor the spirit the more the gifts of the spirit the things of the Spirit find expression through you and the boy your fearless spirit the more you carry out the will of God on earth the more you execute God's plan for mankind fear in the Holy Ones glory to God I say glory to God they were filled with the Holy Ghost and des speak the Word of God with boldness hallelujah Cambria ever be excessive no you can never pray too much never the constancy of prayer is always praying always with all prayer how many times always prin always whenever you want to do what God does you must bend your knees whenever you want to do what God does you must bend your knees like I said the fasting prayer does is to change you nothing happens until we pray the believers Authority is exercised by prayer if God wants to do anything on earth he must get men to pray let me actually a few a question how many of you perceive that we have a huge assignment on the air to carry out how many of you perceive God I mean if you know that alright you know that so what does it call for prayer it calls for prayer it calls for prayer there's no body that God has ever used that was not a man of Prayer this known when I in scripture in real life there's nobody God ever used that was not a man of prayer sometimes God will make you pray many years before the thing twenty years 40 years you are praying for something out happen in 40 years time sometimes God will show you up to pray for something that will happen in 10 years time 5 years 2 years 1 year and sometimes you prefer to see the result of it in your lifetime your children will see no prayer is wasted am i communicating at all if your children don't see the result your children shouldn't good but no prayer is wasted no prayer so now you've been praying and you're here to see the results doesn't mean it's not answer it may be prayer for some now what happened in 50 years nah priya is wasted and no prayer will go only water no prayer is wasted and no prayer will go on rewarding I might communicate in here I mean look at a few things you observe when soul was on his way to Damascus and he fell down and it was visited he was told Jesus told him go you will meet he is praying you will meet him what is he doing because God only works with men that pray go right now the man is praying because that's the only way God functions he works with man that pray what was Peter doing in the vision that 17 hours of Cornelius he was praying Cornelius send for a man he was prayer all the events we are in the midst of prayer I was still in the building here Acts chapter 13 Acts chapter 13 verse 1 and to read for me 13 verse 1 and 2 now there were in the churches that was of Antioch certain prophets and teachers yes I was Barnabas and Simeon that was called Niger and Lucius of Cyrene and my name which had been brought up with her at the Tetrarch and so next class they ministered to the Lord and fasted the Holy Ghost said separate separate me from Barnabas and Saul for the work whereunto I have called them as they ministered to the Lord they were in the place of prayer the great apostolic ministry of brother Paul was butted in the place of Prayer as they ministered to the Lord and fasted and prayed they didn't come to ask for anything did you observe no prayer point they were just praying for the wheel and the purpose of God to finally pressure on the edge they were just yielding themselves in prayer under strain and the Holy Ghost said separate on to be Paul and Barnabas for the assignment for the walk we're on to I have called them next class read verse 3 for me and when they had fasted and prayed and laid their hands on them they sent them away they send them away in what atmosphere did I send them away fasting and prayer when they had fasted and prayed they sent them away nothing happens until you pray listen listen if you're too lazy to pray then you're too lazy to experience the will of God if as I'm talking about pray or feeling tired okay you're feeling tired know that you have accepted a resignation from enjoying the will of God and ears if prayer looks like walk for you if prayer looks like walk for you okay okay then experiencing the operations of God will be impossible because nothing from what I have shown in the last few minutes you will not find the operation of God in a prayer less environment never amen teaching you this morning and you know pray is really exciting it's exciting except you've not experienced it before prayer is exciting prayer is not is not punishment priya is fellowship pray eyes fellowship prayers communic communion with God prayer is communion with God that's what it is and that's why in the place of that communion God can trust you too to bring out his plan to pass through you prayer allows for God to trust you with his plan and purpose yeah it allows for God to trust you because from the things we have read you won't find anywhere God is moving where people are not praying so prayer creates for you and God you know a system where God can trust you and use you to carry out his purpose on the earth are we still in the building yeah separate unto me Paul and Barnabas for the walk that I have for them that's what brother Paul kept asking for plenty of prayers brethren pre false brethren pre false print for us that the Word of God will be glorified pray for us that the word of God will fail free course pray for us pray for us that we have ultron's a door of ultras be granted us that we may speak the Oracles of God pray for what was brother Polaris asking for prayer because that is fully the environment we are God carries out his purpose on the earth prayer so prayer becomes a top priority for the leaders in fact it becomes a top priority for every child of God once you understand who you are in Christ and you understand God's redemptive plan for you and you understand that your sins are forgiven and you understand that you're accepted in the beloved and you understand that you are God are one spirit the next ear is prayer you create an environment for God's will to be done on the end for God's purpose to be carried out on the earth for souls to be saved for lives to be changed for impact of God's Word to find expression all over the place and I declare this morning as your American black tundra there is graceful supplication you have grace force application you have grace force application you have grace for supplication because somebody shot I receive talks about a man called Stevie you know Stephen Stephen in the Bible Stephen was picked off they stoned him to death and they were happy that they are succeed arrest even a man full of faith a man full of power they have killed Stephen and the King again shut up another one and pit PETA say we'll take them one by one one by one they have carry Stephen an apostille they have entered him out they took PETA PETA is imprisoned to be killed if you brother in the church say brethren if we don't stop pray are now they will pick all of us let's pray Bob you see they stand up themselves and came to a place of prayer and while the church prayed as the church give themselves to prayer the angel of the Lord walked in nothing happens until we pray if they had prayed for Stephen Stephen wouldn't have died teaching good here yeah if there were people to pray for Stephen they will have saved Stephen from that Elliott they will have kept him alive for some more time to pay up pray without ceasing not casual player your brain and your answering phone call [Music] your pre-op we are looking at Facebook carries over again Zechariah Obasanjo Valenti keep quiet lamb mangle your brain you know people that pray like that no I'm serious as I'm speaking now I'm opening somebody's finally [Music] hey this is not mmm but if you want me to do it speak to me now he Labor's Agha Agha you need answer your food yeah a joker you're not in Syria special premium was made without CC because something was a steak they gave themselves to pray and there is the prayer to PETA come out there's a way you give yourself to prayer you unlock things all over the place you cost the purpose of God to find expression you cleared gospel on day you create an environment for God's purpose to find expression and I declare in this house we will pray and cause things to happen on their heads in the name of Jesus sell me very much I cooperate to the will of God through prayer and I declare I give myself to prayer and by prayer we create the will of God on the earth by prayer will see laborious pushed out to bring in the harness by prayer we see men and women come into the truth of the gospel of Christ by prayer we declare right now the enemy cannot have a feel there any longer I thought our here powerful amen stand on your feet again answer me I am anointed to pray can i a said very loud can I get louder now turn to your neighbor say and when I pray the prayers get answered I have a relationship with God that cannot be separated therefore when I pray I pray in confidence I pray with boldness and a righteous man and a righteous man I'm a righteous man and the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much it make a tremendous power available that is Dinah in his walkins chocolata bar Priya releases denominates cycle otama Priya caleda Caledon Priya changes and rearranges things if you don't want things to happen don't ask me to pray because whenever I pray things happen this is the confidence we have in here now whatever we have seen accordance with his will he heareth us what is the will of God who will have all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth when we pray we have our desired petitions hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah barakato secular bara rocket on a rocket in a gala angle a rebus Okolona barakatu secular by a ricotta labor Baraka two- aracataca [Music] [Music] [Music] in the name of Jesus [Music] we're gonna pray that the message the gospel that is committed to awesome ministry will Africa all over the world now it will be accepted of believers it will it will have a route into the hearts of men that are not saved that the eyes of men will be opened the wheels will fall off in the name of Jesus pray for the sinful amorous sin for us to bring praise you lift or something you know praise God I'm gonna bless him again to honor him I'm gonna praise Him his will is fine in expression and men are coming to the saving knowledge the Word of God is fine in free cause the one of God is being glorified that one of God has been exalted men are embracing the truth the veils are falling off mine are coming to life Natalia Sokolova rebel shut up boy and give them praise and give them praise and give them praise and give your praise glory to God kore desuka la ba di da la da boondoggle kurodo souk al arab and Ranas Liga Pato bodega dia ricotta salata burrito sock man Brandon so kudos aqui y la la ba la cosa que Haga bhangra de su Caleb Renata praise You Father praise You Father glory to God in Jesus precious name if a believer is don't can I get powerful amen let's give the Lord praise in this building let's celebrate is are you celebrate ancestor prayer glory say pray that the lord of the harvest with celebrity-filled this is sharing going on in the rim of the spirit there's a searing in your heart this is sharing in your mind it's time to go to work hallelujah it's time to go to work get men saved we pray we preach we pray we preach we pray we preach no stone shall be left on taunt I didn't hear somebody shot a powerfully hallelujah get a good offering let's give on worship Jesus this morning hallelujah glory to God get a good offering wherever you're watching around the world grab yours together let's give our resources we will not keep away we'll make our resources available we make our prayers available we make ourselves available we and all that we have we are God's we are his therefore we are available to him to use us in whatever capacity to get this message out I didn't hear powerful amen father we pray for everybody in this building and those who over the world given today into the advancement of your kingdom into the advancement of this mandate this assignment this message bringing light to men that sit in darkness we give a joy and we give out of our resources today in honor of the finished work of Christ and we thank you that through our giving the Word of God continues to advance into nations and hearts of men all over the world and we thank you Father then our offerings rise a sweet smell before you today and I declare for everybody under the sound of my voice every need of yours is made supernatural in the name of Jesus thank you for testimonies and thank you for the blessing in this place in Jesus precious name and every believer says that a Maranello to finality the guys were about to sign you off you don't want to miss what I'm going to be sharing in continuation of what I started sharing this morning in the next service because prayer is critical don't forget God does nothing unless somebody prays so if you really want to see God in operation you've got to know how to pray and you know the disciples asked Jesus to teach them to pray I'm gonna be examining that in the next hours gonna have a powerful that energy we're friends and loved on some family members and those of you in our campuses we live in the AVO hands of our campus coordinators don't forget would be to get out when is it for midweek service at 6 p.m. GMT plus 1 it's time to go to work again get people safe preach the gospel share with somebody invite more people onto the platforms or on Facebook YouTube and all the various platforms and don't forget the able diamond our online mentoring Academy registrations are on for the next batch which begins in September so if you're interested should email quickly to dr. Abel damina at forms will be sent to you and everything that you need to register quickly so you can be a part of the next batch they you know the next one here from September this year to September next year teaching and bring your clarity in the message of Christ sound doctrine and practical Christian living an effective ministry of the gospel we love you guys and looking forward to connect him with you at 11:00 a.m. GMT +1 and until then enjoy the grace of Christ let's celebrate viewers [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Abel Damina Ministries International
Views: 4,667
Rating: 4.8279572 out of 5
Id: yA-DStVZpZs
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Length: 80min 14sec (4814 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 18 2019
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