Midweek Service (28-8-2019)

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[Music] to me officials 119 talks about the excellent greatness of his power to us-ward who believe according to the working of his mighty power which he wrought in Christ when he raised him from the dead well you must remember that it is Freya that makes his power available in the sprayer that makes his power available the power is in the ballina but it is prayer that makes it available for the believer to enjoyment imited possibilities so we'll establish the prayer is not an advice prayer is an instruction Brega is an instruction can everybody cinema very loud prayer is an instruction all right so prayer is an instruction the book of Esther solonius 570 that's the solonius 570 pray without ceasing that is an instruction officials of the six plus 18 official chapter 6 verse 18 6:18 praying always with all prayer and supplication understand praying always with all prayer and supplication not an instruction not an advice pollution stratiform us to commercial strata focus to children in prayer and watch in the same with Thanksgiving that's an instruction Romans chapter 12 verse 12 Romans chapter 12 verse 12 rejoicing in Hope patient in tribulation continuing instant in prayer continuing instant in prayer so if you don't pray you are living in sea because prayer is not an advice trainer is an instruction for deliverance in the heart of a problem to bring you bring on the time man is the print as I said I don't want to brother praying always with all prayer and supplication in the spirit so you have no excuse it's not construction for unbelievers every time for said training it is a pretty sick trick if you feel like it what not now he always said just pray so that's number one brain is an instruction number two prayer is for all the time is fellowship fellowship we are born of the spirit so with fellowship by praying in the spirit that's Corinthians 14 verse 4 v origins 14 verse 4 he does pick another nun Tommy amplifiers himself but she the prophesy and edify the church fellowship priya is fellowship number 3 prayer is service prayer is service the life of Christ is a life of service when you grow up in Christ you begin to think about others thinking about others and serving others in the body of Christ as a proof of spiritual growth is approval of spiritual growth actually new testament premium is situated on a sudden and praying for other people because prayer makes you a dependent of the power of prayer is an expression of your dependence on the power of prayer so Jesus taught his disciples but by precept and example match 28 baskets in let's look at the teachings of Jesus and she knows chemistry countenance a love power is given unto me in heaven and in earth next class buoy therefore and teach the therefore teach go in therefore and teach all nations go therefore and dish does instructor Obama is the enemy go and teach so one of the things that Jesus wanted us to teach all nations which has taught us is prayer go and teach go and teach people how to pray look at John 14:26 John chapter 14 verse 26 but FATA which is the believers hope the father will send in my name he shall teach you all things and bring all things to your remembrance whatsoever I have said to you but a lack of audio remembers it shall bring all things to your remembrance it will teach you all things and he shall bring all things to your remembrance the Holy Ghost the comforter whom the father will send in my name but I want to your remembrance he shall bring all things your remembrance millions she shall bring all things to your understanding to your understanding but you know the translation of retain remembrance instead of understand because they had arrived in translate introduced remembrance of understand because those two words are interchangeably used in the Greek translation in this context bring back all things to your understanding but Egypt started to retain remembrance that's where people got this one as a bonus to tease you remember as often as you do this you do it in remembrance of me and then the judge began to teach it as a memorial service I remember so now memorial sands but I keep asking people all over the world but so-called chameleon that is done in choji's which is supposed to be Memorial of Jesus till to a memorial service for a person that is alive who do you do memorial service [Music] is Jesus dead is he alive the city the memorial sounds it's under his nose in Italy for yourselves so we are not required to do a memorial service for Jesus because Jesus is not dead it is alive and he lives in our hearts actively we can imagine forgetting to remember him all lives in Sana'a do you forget yourself [Music] many churches remember Jesus every week every week there is a communion remembrances but we have seen in glory the world will see Jesus we have seen him so do this in remembrance of me actually means do this with the understanding of me with the understanding look at first Corinthians 11 24 25 Alania given thanks he broke it and said take eat this is my body which is broken for you is to be remembrance of me all these two with an understanding of me and when he returned she broke in and said about 220 physician put in the mill finishes weather and when you are in authority and said take it this is my body which is broken for you there's to move in remembrance of me 25 after the same manner also he took the cup when he had supped saying this cup is the New Testament in my blood is doing as often as you drink it in remembrance of me so original see how come dr. Dominus a usually devotee caboodle when even brother forsea - engineer Madras of me now this was Nepal this was for making reference of what Luke said that he saw in his angry Ness attacked this reference is not an instruction this is not an apostolic instruction it was ported from what Luke said look at it in Luke chapter 22 verse 19 and into brain and their funds are broken and given to them saying this is my body which is given for you this do in remembrance of me so brother Paul was making reference to work on a new communication now let that's a simple question welcome a new communication is realities - that you know in his writings was the human instruction or he was reporting something it was reporting something all right so he was first said we should do it it was reporting something and in his reportage she said Jesus told the people within them that this thing is built on a remembrance over the provost and of since they are not I got something better for reason there was a symbolic expression of what you was going to do so you do it with an understanding of you that you know what and Jesus was speaking and was bringing this reality out in John chapter 2 verse 19 John 2:19 jesus answered and said unto them destroy this temple and in three days algorithm of next verse that said the Jews forty and sixty years was this temple enduring and the directive of in three days pay attention on the spec of the temple of this body hello is Becca for the temple of his body 22:22 pay attention he was risen from the dead his disciples remember if the samples understood they remember that they are said they understood that he had said this all today they believed the scripture and the word Jesus had said because they now understood so the one remember is the one understanding the crippled remember understand upon the same recruit world Raymond look at no 24 / 6 you will see the game in blind look 24 verse 6 it is a media or is reaching remember his faith understand how he spake unto you what he was yet in Galilee 7 saying him oh shut up my husband of sinful men and be crucified and 30 Rises okay next time and remember these words they on dust2 DS world is the getting clear fail on the stools these words means so heartless nah remember me do this with me in your office Terry now John 16:12 John 16:12 John 16 verse number 12 I have yet many things to say unto you but you cannot bear them now makes us happy is when he the Spirit of Truth is tall it will guidance of all truth for he shall not speak of himself but whatsoever he shall hear that shall he speak I will show you things to come the Holy Ghost will show you things to come he will give you an understanding all right the Spirit of Truth so when we pray we pray with the help of the Holy Spirit and that's why I'm taking all this trip now look at Isaiah 28 verse 9 Isaiah 28 verse 9 whom shall he teach knowledge and whom shall we make to understand doctrine them that are weaned from the milk and drawn from the breasts next verse 4 precept must be upon precept that the way we teach doctrine that's the way we bring people to understanding precept must be upon precept precept upon precept line upon line line upon line here a little and dear a little that is how we teach we teach precept upon precept line upon line here a little they are a little we can teach everything in one day and that is why when you follow our teaching you must patiently continue to follow the problem with some people is they listen to one message and they conclude it makes a bad student out of you you must keep following him it will take a bit of time for you to come to a place of understanding what we are teaching and communicating precept upon precept line upon line a little here a little there every time we gotta a little here a little there every time we gotta a little here it will take a bit of time for this little little to build up and understanding say I hear you teach doctory we don't just give everything at once a little eeeh a little they are precept upon precept people have to be taught by precept line upon line glory to God I said glory to God we saw Jesus separate always with so Jesus praying all the time Luke chapter 6 verse 12 look 6 12 and it came to pass in those days that he went up into a mountain to pray and continued all night in prayer to God all night and I've told the Jewish all night is 6 p.m. to 6 a.m. we saw that jesus prayed with strong crying and tears Jesus had a prayer life after the Holy Ghost came upon him he had a prayer life it really said I have the Holy Ghost I don't need prayer it was after the Holy Ghost came that he prayed all night all day he took time out to pray because if you have the Holy Ghost first of all you are not born again you know you can be born again without the Holy Ghost so every born again child of God has our Holy Ghost somebody says the only goes sin again out of the Holy Ghost he lives on my inside now say very loud I am born of the Spirit I live in the spirit I walk in the spirit I totally hear powerful amen Romans chapter 8 verse 9 he that does not have the Spirit of Christ is none of it but you are not in the flesh but in the spirit if so be that the Spirit of God dwelling you now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ he is none all these he is known all these john 14:16 we are talking about the Holy Ghost and the believer in prayer and I will pray the father and he shall give you another comforter that he may abide with you forever abide with you for how long forever another comforter verse 17 even the Spirit of Truth whom the world cannot receive because it seeth him not neither and over him but you know him for he dwelleth with you and shall be in you and not a comforter he shall be in you and today he is in you romance again chapter 14 verse 26 14:26 hallelujah sorry John 14:26 Gospel of John 14:26 but the comforter which is the Holy Ghost whom the father will send in my name he shall teach you all things and bring all things to your remembrance hello and bring all things to your your onda he shall bring all things to your understanding whatsoever I have said unto you so remembrance is understanding understanding remembrance now the word comforter is a Greek word Parakletos Parakletos or Pericles in English it means a stranger or someone who is a standby for you a stranger or someone who is a standby for you or someone who is like your source the comforter is someone you can depend upon someone you can rely upon he gave us an instruction to pray and he gave us a helper to help us pray he gave us an instruction to pray then he gave us a helper to help us pray so we rely on the Holy Spirit to pray and the Holy Ghost gives you strength it gives you Vigo and it gives you power to pray you know when I was growing up as a new Christian and I was learning to pray I remember back then whenever I want to pray and I'm feeling all the sadness and laziness and sluggishness just before prayer house the Holy Spirit helped me to pray strengthen me to pray right now I yield myself to you Thank You Holy Spirit Haleakala Thank You Holy Spirit in a few seconds I'm on fire I used to do that when I was learning how to pray and you always assisted me every time I spoke to him some of you that may be useful to you because he's got to strengthen you is a strength and is a standby I used to pray that I don't pray that anymore because I don't need help I know how to pray but then I was learning I was growing up that was very useful to me Holy Ghost I'm about to pray I receive strength I receive energy right now Holy Spirit help me now thank you all my body that was in funny phone in a few minutes I'm on fire all over the place because he's here to help us to pray is the strength and I gives us Vigo it gives us power to pray and the Holy Ghost is there within you to help you he help you to pray the early church made prayer a pattern of ministry they made prayer a pattern of ministry a Christian who doesn't pray can never detect God's will most of the time if you are not given to prayer you will never detect God's will most of the time if they want to be a person that understands the will of God you must give yourself to prayer and please it is dangerous for you to make a friend with somebody who is ignorant of the will of God it is very dangerous for you to hang out and make somebody your friend who is ignorant of the will of God because you will always mess around with you and nobody will be able to know the will of God if you know they have a prayer life so that means don't make somebody doesn't have a prayer life effective active prayer life your friend because they can mess around with you completely so in Acts chapter 4 verse 24 we see the help of the Holy Ghost in prayer acts 424 when they had heard that remember they went to preach and heal they live manna to get beautiful and after healing the laymen and it get beautiful they were picked up and they were bitching and flogged I thought they were flogged the Bible said they went back to their company and reported and when they had heard that they lifted up their voice to God between accord and said Lord our God which has made heaven and earth the sea and all that in them is they are praying now with one Accord vast achi one and when they had prayed the place was shaken where they were assemble together and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost and espect the Word of God with boldness it short of about a thousand people praying at once with one Accord they lifted up their voices for God and said Lord our God who by the mouth of David as Cervantes said why do the hidden rage and the people imagine vain things o the lifter of your voice to God in one Accord when there's no fire in your prayer there is no prayer at all when there is no fire in your prayer you are not praying at all where you are praying and you can afford to know what is happening in the next room you are praying and every kind of passes you can tell whether it is a Mercedes or a Toyota you are not praying at all when there is fire in your prayer you are not even aware what's happening next the person can be standing but you are not aware sometimes you're so lost in prayer that by the time you open your eye a look you are still trying to remember where you are have you been there before you are lost you're trying to remember where you were so when there's no fire in your prayer my friend I'm gonna show your pray these guys are all filled with the Holy Ghost so the Holy Ghost was in the prayer and if you're filled with the Holy Ghost you will be found praying every time you're filled with the Holy Ghost you'll be found praying Acts chapter 13 verse 2 and 3 and they ministered to the Lord and fasted the Holy Ghost said as they mean is such a the Lord and fasted the Holy Ghost said separate me Barnabas and Saul for the work whereunto I have called them and when they had fasted and prayed they laid their hands on them and send them away if it is today they will have started Barnabas and songs ministry International there are a lot of people believe that once you have understood some little exegesis you are ready to start an international ministry but these guys didn't start a ministry they went in obedience and preached and came back with all of these having heard from God they went hearing from God does not take the place of prayer even after they heard from God they led us on them and prayed for them hearing from God does not take the place of prayer likewise the spirit itself also helpeth our infirmity Romans 8:26 infirmity to take hold together with you against all in adequacies so now you can pray out the will of God James 5:16 the effectual fervent prayer of righteous man the effectual fervent prayer the effectual fervent many things will happen because you pray and many things will not happen because he didn't pray pray are rearranges things if you want you to arrange your world give yourself to prayer if you don't like the way your life is looking like give yourself to prayer prayer rearranges things prayer rearranges your life o prayer sweet hour of prayer you know that song sweet hour of prayer sweet hour of prayer you know him yeah a very powerful him prayer rearranges things some of you need to read the news before you act some of us we pray and we change the news we pray and we change the news so we don't need to hear the news we determine the news in the place of prayer a misogynist Oh Maria we determine the news in the place of prayer Jesus in John 17 prayed ahead of time he prayed out of the prayer goes into the future to arrange the future and he prayed very earnestly at the end of his ministry that's when he should have been relaxing but he gave himself to prayer prayer is engaged in the possibilities of God's power prayer is engaging the possibilities of gospel prayer John Wesley said it appears to me that God will do nothing except we acts it appears to me that God will do nothing except you actually statement Jesus even said your heavenly Father knows that you have little this is what is you say ask your heavenly Father Knows but you still say you should ask why because your father wants to know that you depend on him who knows that you need it he wants to know that you depend on somebody call my attention to somebody on Facebook who put out a poster so I am I am God I am God that's a statement in ignorance I am God how can you be good how can you be good are you a mini president are you zooming in are you a mini present here are not too many present you can be God I am impotent are you mini science you're not God hasatu the matter there are some things that don't need exegesis they just need common sense how can you be good is there a Vasc in the EP stools that say we are gods there's no such was there so such was the the New Testament calls you a new creation what does it call you a new creation a new creation you're not you're not God you can't be God there is only one God and is the father of our Lord Jesus Christ somebody said I hear you so don't get excited and be saying things that will create new holes for our attackers to attack us did you hear what I just said don't be creating opportunities for the enemy to be customers passions on the things we teach you are not God you can never be good God is your father no matter how old you are your father can never be your uncle your father can never be your friend your father is your father he may give you friendship but he still your father I say remain and no matter how smart you are your father can never be a Jim it's who is the agent of his father here your father is your father it would feel your father play on the floor he's still your father are we here I'm doing correction and the Scriptures not for correction your father is your father you're not your father your father is not you your father is your father I mean these are common-sense things you're born of God you are you are born of God you didn't born God for you to be God means you existed before trying you should not have the day of birth for you to be God means you were out of time and you were the one who called the eds to be hello God is creator he's the father of our Lord Jesus Christ so many new creation said very loud say I am NOT God God is my father and my father is not my Ejim it said very well now my father's Dhamma hitchmate is your ultimate why you saying it as if you are pelagic say my father is not my age mate now lift your return I shall glory that's a central that word the other words I'm going to clarify or Sunday in the first service I'll deal with some things I'll deal with some things glory so you are a new creation you're born after the image of him that created him you are born again not of corruptible seed but of incorruptible seed by the Word of God you live in your father and your father lives in you you are your father our by identification by identification that's very important now when you see a ministry a church a pastor fall is as a result of non pray in church when the church doesn't pray for their pastor they expose their pastor to all kinds of attacks when a church doesn't pray for their pastor that's a brand upon wind all over the place brethren pray for us brethren pray for us brethren pray for us any ministry that is not given to pray for their pastor they expose their pastor to unnecessary pressure and attacks prayer clears things and gives your pastor an opportunity to do ministry without destruction pray for us now we'll be delivered from wicked a no reasonable man for all men have no feet pray for us that we have a door of utterance pray for us that the word of the Lord may be glorified among us even as it is with you pray for us pray for us prayer is so important so important if you truly love your pastor one of the best ways to show your love for your pastor is to take quality time and pray for him it is called intelligent brain praying for your pastor is praying for the nation's praying for your pastor is praying for continents pray for your pastor it's praying for millions of people because your pastor has is the one that stands to reach out to these minions so when you pray for one you prefer all Simon Simon Satan has desired to have you that he may sift you as wheat but I have prayed for you and when you are restored your brothers will be affected I'm not praying for your brothers and praying for you dear leader because once the leader is intact it will take care of the brethren am i teaching here it is called word intelligent pray I operate for you that your faith fail not and when you are restored strengthen your brethren is called intelligent brain when a pastor when a church give themselves to prayer they keep their pastor in a place of total cover and defense no tricks no strategy no wickedness no satanic manipulations can walk why in the place of Prayer a defense has been erected people will gather strategists will be measured out people will plan the Mahdi of planning the Mahdi a felon why they are selling they cannot explain Preah has gone into the place and is diffusive dismantling disorganizing player is rearranging and shifting things the murder plan the more they fail priya is power it changes and rearranges things you hear you oh I love Freya I love I believe absolutely absolutely I believe in prayer I believe in the power that prayer produces I believe that if believers give themselves to pray we can see so much in a short time by Allah God by a gaga hula ba da da da when we pray things happened us number one when we pray things happen if we want things to happen we must give ourselves to prayer James chapter 5 verse 16 confess your faults one to another and pray one for another that you may be healed the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man make a tremendous power available and this power is dynamic in his workings dynamic power number 1 number 2 preah brings revelation prayer brings revelation first corinthians 14 verse to prayer brings revelation first corinthians 14 verse number two for he does Piketty no no none tall speak at not unto men but unto God for no man understand him happy it's in the spirit he speaketh mysteries prayer brings revelation that's apropos see a bow my knees the eyes of your understanding I cease not to give them so you make him mention of human prayers that the god of our Lord Jesus Christ the father of glory may give unto the spirit of wisdom and revelation prayer brings revelation number three pray uh produces strength 1st Corinthians 14 for pray I produce his strength he does Paquette in an unknown tongue edifies himself strengthens himself if you want to be a strong believer you must give yourself to pray in tongues pray upload to see strength Jude verse 20 Vega ba Dada Jude verse 20 Jude verse 20 Jude verse 20 by a beloved building up yourselves on your most holy faith praying in the Holy Ghost very well outside the Holy Ghost playing well inside the Holy Ghost how do you pray inside the Holy Ghost Logano Kelly the bad Jakaya Jamie amplified amplified Jude 120 but he beloved build yourselves of founded on your most holy faith made progress rise like an edifice higher and higher praying in the Holy Ghost when you pray in tongues you rise like an edifice you rise taller the mountains and situations and from that position of height you speak with authority holiday Begay mem Ron and Larry Bosa zabala katooni Kalia prayer produces strength you know it appears to me pastor prays like in the Bible the way he spoke about edification by teaching is the way you talked about edification by prayer so when you press your edified when you are taught your edified when you combine the two is difficult for all Kaunas zeon okay teyla Bayrou Kitana while some of you looking at me acaba later if you remember this Josh I don't speak in tongues make sure I don't go home tonight make sure you are your house don't meet Julie speak in tongues what is that what is that what is that what is that I said what is that I said what is that hey I know yamanami Giga gaya some of us are speaking the things anyhow and the you cannot speak one bottle in the La Mora Nikita bah-bah-bah in la mano Katella this I shall follow those that believe exceptional believer in my name we shall speak with new tongues summary savvy believer I talk in tongues lotto balli Banneker Otto Elega who praying always with all prayer in spirit animal gotta take a bow saga lhasa man Dollarama ha the spirit stands together with us and thank sport together with us against in prayer he helped our infirmity dad thing we don't know how to say the spirit takes it from us and presented above every shadow of doubt Calabar thank you Lord for the help of the Holy Ghost so the spirit now deals with our emotions in the place of Prayer oh he purchases child in the Holy Ghost righteousness peace joy well joy well yeah when you begin to make a binocular when you begin to speak in tongues it produces joy and joy of the Laguna net Ola began angle a bozo gaya sometimes when you just finish you feel a refreshing this is the refreshing he Anna when you want to be refreshed just pray in tongues pray in tongues brings a refresh he will cause the weary tourists no matter how tired when you pray in tongues you are refreshed yeah that is goes device for refreshing believers in Luke 10 21 we see joy in the Holy Ghost look 10 21 in that hour Jesus rejoiced in spirit he rejoins well where it will rejoice in spirit and said I thank thee O Father Lord of Heaven and Earth that that was hid these things from the wise and prudent and as revealed them unto babes evil so father for so it seemed good in the sight he a galley oh Jesus rejoice he gave of Jonah he a galley you yeah he jumped and turned around and sprung up Richards in that hour when you give yourself to pray our rejoicing comes in a Mesa prayer rejoicing suddenly your praise just being rejoiced you begin to laugh you begin to get excited because in that prayer you have taken care of everything that was heavy on you sometimes you're going to pray a you feel heavy very heavy but I should begin to pray as you begin to pray as you begin to pray and I'll sustain TRAI the heaviness begins to go after why the waviness is no more there the enjoy comes you celebrate the victory without even seeing the battle you take care of things sometimes it could be your mother at home sometimes it could be a friend in your office sometimes it could be a brother in the church sometimes it could be somebody you don't know but in the place of prayer because prayer is service God moved you in that direction and you took care of issues am i communicating at all yeah prayer is instruction prayer is fellowship edification priya is sadist when it moves into him into supplication for people you supplicate glory to God let's join the Holy Ghost join the Holy Ghost somebody shall join this house and I'll say three times two three one more time join the Holy Ghost oh joy joy I gave you the right key trying to change it you don't have me choirmaster down in my soul we need to do rehearsals me amen somebody's a job Spirit of God expresses himself through our emotions he expresses himself through our emotions in groanings groaning means they said discomfort you feel a discomfort it is called a spirit inspired emotion spirit inspired emotion and sometimes he could express himself in joy you just find yourself loved him in the Holy Ghost not in physical for laughter but the Holy Ghost inspires like emotions to start laughing in view of a victory he has already made available so you find yourself laughing and people think maybe you're not together no you are more together than them these are not drunk as you suppose but this is that Dvorak ayah these are not drunk as you suppose but this is that you know sometimes when the Holy Ghost gets ahold of you you could look like a drunkard because the symptoms of a drunkard are similar to the symptoms of a man drunk in the spirit you stagger stagger you stutter sometimes even your speech your speech is very very sluggish drinking alcohol there is something better than alcohol inside you usually ricotta Lea to B'Elanna somebody sure holla cos she be not drunk with wine live alcohol there is a better alcohol is gonna be filled with the spirit Zubin latina speaking you know drunkards talk to themselves I hope you know that I've never been a drunkard so to stop looking at me like that but drunkards speak to themselves I've been around drunkards I see people drink and I see them get drunk and now when they drink disturbed in funny things you see a man that is drum killing flies that don't exist yuk said what is that he said this flies you look around there is no flag there are symptoms of getting drunk you know it's like you're drunk in the spirit of I hey and everybody's wondering what is hey is only in the spirit at all so juicy and then you see people who are drunk they stagger the constant street you know a man and his drum cannot stand straight there is always a twist to the way he stands you see him standing and by himself is about to fall so he wanna just they said twist about people that are drunk and sometimes you get into the Holy Ghost to a point where you're also staggering say I hear you so instead of waiting for alcohol shock the one inside you you didn't hear what your self shock the one inside you the one inside you is beneficial the other one is destructive to health Holly I know and then sometimes when people get drunk they don't remember the way to their house they don't remember they arrived at somewhere we have our people in services Holy Ghost services who got so drunk people had to carry them home because if they go by themselves they will end up in somebody's house people are to wait carry them home and even on the way home they they were too drunk that are certain intervals they stopped and manifested yeah this guy is going too far glory to God glory to God glory to God glory to God glory to God and brother that experience is out of this world and reigns nothing stops you from having it every day you can have it in your room all by yourself you stagger and stagger and sit on the floor and lay on the floor hey and speak mysteries we have something to brag about hey girls I will not leave you comfortless glory regard didn't go tonight I know so the Holy Ghost inspires certain emotions like joy like groaning like agonizing these are inspired emotions of the Holy Ghost agonizing Jesus was in agony Jesus groaned Jesus rejoiced also Holocaust inspires Holocaust inspired singing I will pray in the spirit I will pray with my understanding also I was seeing in the spirit and I was seeing with my understanding how do I sing in the spirit instead of speaking you sustain the songs singing is sustained talking halle-loo what did I say hallelujah what did I say hallelujah but I sustained it so how do we sing in tongues sustained Punkie sustained tungee [Music] [Music] [Music] Rhian oh god bullshark ienaga some of you are looking at me you will soon go to music school don't worry we pray in the spirit with prayer with our understanding we're seeing where you give rhythm to your tongues what did I say you get rid of to your tongues there is no there is not there is no Church melody there is no charge melody there is no Bible melody melody is melody so the same way we use the same melody to sing Church songs and the same melody is useful circular singing that is the same way you will find a way you are inspired by the spirit to sing in tongues it has a resemblance with singing in the natural it's just that the content is not deceived the difference is the content the difference is what is a content so you you see he says I will sing it is a the spirit to sing who sing who will sing he says I will pray in the spirit who will pray it is within the purview of you doing it is your will I will wear a blue cloth to church I will wear a white cloth to church when I blue or white all of them are accepted by the Holy Ghost I will sing it's time to sing in the spirit hey it's time to sing in the spirit some of us can sing in the spirit it's time for us to sing in this when you begin to sing in the spirit you'll begin to generate so much strength on your inside sometimes you can sing for such a long time and the same way you sing in the spirit you can pray in the spirit and the same way you can also turn it into your understand and there are times you can sing in this period after a while you have an understanding of what you are saying in the spirit you translate it into English then it becomes tungsten interpretation which is equals to prophecy it becomes what tongues and interpretation which is equals to what prophecy under to produce edification for the people of God somebody's not shouting a powerful amen acts 12 five acts chapter 12 verse number five glory Peter therefore was kept well in prison but prayer was made without ceasing of the church unto God for him the church stood in a place of prayer and said now you have touched even you cannot touch Peter and the effectual fervent prayer of the church availed and the angel of God moved in the Umrah peter out of prison Paulo was generated when you pray for me you generate power that enables me to spread thought and preach this gospel in places where ordinary people fear to enter see when you pray for me when you prefer and I'm moving to a place even if it is governmental powers that are responsive once I enter the power of your prayer goes in there - two - two - Joseph organized things in a way I am giving a platform to speak the world so you find me preaching in places where ordinarily people are not permitted to preach his prey and that generates it are you understanding I was invited to an office just clarify something this afternoon and then I got into that office and they brought a group of people for me to undress before you know it it became a teaching service everybody all them everybody kept masseur it became a teaching service and I had the opportunity to teach the world and the Express was explain explain Scripture explain Scripture what created that opportunity for me is prayer is prayer use office anger and a master teaching office hours when people are walking nobody we but we pray us have gone ahead players can suspend anything and cause the people to listen to the gospel does I say pray that the gospel may have free cause and be glorified see I hear you yeah see when you pray enough for me even churches where they have sworn that I will not preach in them your Prius Concordia and cause a few individuals who have influenced in that choice to decide that I Moscow and their pastor cannot say no because he knows their level of influence he will tell them okay even if you bring him tell him not to preach this one it shouldn't producer that maybe that the only limits that may be there but even when I come is the password that will ask for those ones because prayer there is no we are player would not paint prayer entered a prism broke the prison Emperor Peter out it shows you there is no we are preah khan not and except people are not brain so that's why if a man of god fails is because the people in the church didn't pray for you when you pray for your pastor not tinkin Scratchy the maori make him out like me a nobody community I hope you know I make Marvel you think this much is so small in a bar no it's for preaching the gospel is for declaring the whole Council of God is for rebuke reproof correct instruct in and out of season these are so so so I give them out and a wisdom that your enemies cannot resist against a lot Oh mayor NOLA he Oliver Hannibal not a brand a durable metal Ayana permit me to enjoy myself after all tomorrow is my birthday right they write to make all my noise I have a right to make all my noise if you're not happy you can switch off but this noise I'm going to make it after you switch off how we making the noise when you switch on the noise we'll be waiting for you gulab ah we are committed to the gospel in and out of somebody's you pray I'll pray I'll pray give myself to pray said very loud I give myself to prayer say again I give myself to pray one more time I gave myself to a prayer come on to me all ye that labor and heavy laden I will give you rest take my yoke upon you Jesus as a yoke take my yoke Jesus as a look but my yoke is easy my burden is light your cambodian is discipleship discipleship a disciple is a carrier of jesus's yoke and is a be era of jesus' body in the place of prayer and evangelism pray in all ways my little children of whom I travail in birth until Christ be formed in you hallelujah I said hallelujah I said hallelujah when Jesus gave himself to pray what did he pray for he prayed for teaching meetings the teaching meetings he had when he prayed he prayed for them number two he prayed that he will not enter into temptation watch and pray that you enter not into temptation so prayer takes you out of temptation delivers you from traps delivers you from setups of the devil watch and pray that you enter not into temptation number three Jesus also prayed these desires he prayed his desires mark 11:24 what things soever you desire when you pray believe you receive and you shall have jesus also prayed for his enemies Father forgive them for they know not what they are doing why because prayer is an earthly activity also you pray for those who persecute you and despitefully use you Jesus taught prayer because he himself was given to prayer he prayed by precept and example glory to God I say glory to God Matthew 26:39 let me show you something and it went a little further and fell on his face he did what action ever can you follow your face actually say neighbor can you follow your face say neighbor I didn't say can you lay on your face in the past when you sit down you lie down you what happened aha Jesus fell on his face God Almighty that is so something can enter God till God will fall on his face I thought he created all things preyas Paulo you play with your face on the ground he says my soul is heavy Phil remove show me my heart is sorrowful in Mach 14 33 to 35 you see all them his heart is heavy filled with emotions Phil on the ground here he had an emotion as he breathed you know like I said on Sunday some people never sweated well pre boy when they eat Gary the sweaty but in prayer didn't sweat no I don't pray hard ooh I pray God is at hand and not offer why should I be sweating when brain but when you are eating Gary you sweat to ground so food food gets your attention more than prayer it doesn't make sense what I'm telling somebody it like that is eating and sweating and we are climbing in the food you would think there is a fight why are you fighting by yourself the food has been measured this is your portion take it easy but when it's time to break no sweat helliya matter [Laughter] he look 2241 look at that one and I'm closing with that look 2244 and he was withdrawn from them about a stone's cast and kneeled down and prayed he did what he knelt down so there are preyas you can't afford to stand you kneel down Jesus knelt down these are different positions that player can move you into he knelt down and prayed he knelt down he fell on his face pita went up to pray to the upper room he went up to pray in the upper room praying always with all prayer and supplication hallelujah you know when Paul got born again pastor Prince the first foundation class encounter of Paul was three days fasting and teaching brother Paul's first encounter once he received Christ he went on three days fasting with teaching three days to start his Christian life Oh friends there's a place for fasting is concentration but the Paul says in fastings often while they fasted and prayed yeah this is a place of fasting we fast we pray it gives us a concentration and seriousness about the prayer there is no power in fasting the fasting is a self-help the power is in the prayer hallelujah the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much somebody blessed and shall blessed say I give myself to prayer said very loud I give myself to prayer said again I give myself to prayer God didn't hear powerful amen in the place of prayer with subtle issues we make power available that is that is dynamic in his workings hallelujah I said hallelujah I like you to stand on your feet tonight and I want to pray for you hallelujah thank you Lord hallelujah so to me very loud I give myself to prayer say it again I give myself to prayer very loud I give myself to prayer I prayer I make things happen I prayer I generate strength in the place of prayer in the place of prayer I rearrange things in the place of prayer I rearrange my life in the place of prayer I stop ray us in the future I use prayer to organize the future I give myself to prayer let go see an angle I like it a whole somebody I'm pray for a person tonight those of you online I wanted to be patient with me [Music] [Music] [Laughter] in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus one more prayer before we wrap off for the night we read the Word of God has free cause we declare tonight that the word of the Lord is having free cause every closed door is opening on the word is penetrating every territory nation to nation the word of the Lord is have you free course the word is growing mightily the word is prevailing wells are falling off men are coming to Revelation in the name of Jesus man does sit in darkness a singlet light father church we agree together Lord of the harvest sin harvest us to the Havas send laborers to the Havas send never us to the harvest let them crush us from every nation never us to harvest the harvest in the name of Jesus Ilana Ilana Baja men brand or otoshi colada Baba everyone in this choice a witness every member of discharge a witness every member of discharge a witness the seal of the house of the Lord consume you in the name of Jesus father we give you praise thank you Father for answered prayer we rejoice we rejoice the word of the Lord is prevailing we rejoice the message of Christ is growing we rejoice the world is coming to the knowledge of the truth we rejoice far suit is loosing grounds we rejoice the gospel is being proclaimed we reach our [Music] [Music] we are [Music] [Music] [Music] we'd agree man oh sit in darkness synchronize they're coming to the truth they are coming to the truth they are coming to the truth they are coming to the truth they are coming to the truth they are coming to the truth Jesus praise you for we give you praise for answer prayer in Jesus precious name and every believers is that a may run into two finalists are you excited tonight can we give the Lord a shout in this bill bleh hey man whoa get a good offering let's give and rejoice tonight as we honor the finish waka make our monies reso see the money's available for the gospel now listen to me all of you online without the sell you off in another two minutes quickly this is for those who are interested in the able demeanor online mentoring Academy the online mentoring mentoring Academy registrations closes on Sunday this Sunday the 31st is the last day because let us begin next week now so for those of you I did a video yesterday but the office deleted it mistakenly and some of your left informations that were deleted as I am repeating now if you get information yesterday the first video did we don't have it because they deleted it now that was mistaken okay but if you have written us and you are not getting a reply on that Facebook page on the Facebook page or YouTube page leave your phone number just type there I am awaiting reply your phone number with your country code my office will spend the whole of tomorrow calling every one of you that is yet to get a reply when they call you they will not send you all the documents you need so between tomorrow and Friday and Saturday you've been registered ready for the class it's so important because the number of people saying they have not gotten responses helped us some time they replies good your spam box and sometimes the office may have an oversight because their number of mails come into that box so just type the country code your number and indicate am awaiting reply those of you that are yet to apply if you want to apply it's not late the application should come to dr. able demeanor at yahoo.com do that tonight so tomorrow you get reply and we can sort you out the for Sunday but this is very important information because the mentoring Academy is we don't want you to lose out on anything lectures begin next week does the information I wanted to saw type the country code on the on the facebook page or you-tube which your phone number will call you the whole of tomorrow to ensure you get all that you need for the mentoring Academy let me pray for your offerings father I pray for our Givens tonight as we give we give an honor of what Christ has done and we rejoice that our offerings rise before you a sweet smell tonight and we thank you for the privilege of giving in Jesus name and everybody verse is a man hey guys were signing you off Sunday morning will be very brutal I'll be bringing some light to the Word of God in the area of Prayer you don't want to miss the first service at 8:00 a.m. GMT +1 second service 11:00 a.m. GMT +1 our campuses were live in the ever hands of the coordinators tonight to wrap up the service but hey guys will love all of you mobilized more people who follow what we're doing here our mission is to reintroduce Jesus to this generation equipping the believer to know who you are in Christ what you have in Christ and what Christ can do through you you don't want to miss the things that are coming in the days and weeks to come enjoy the rest of your evening and be blessed let's celebrate viewers around the world praise [Music] you [Music] this is Kingdom Life Network [Music]
Channel: Abel Damina Ministries International
Views: 4,628
Rating: 4.8974357 out of 5
Id: 4aSRm9o3Wsg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 37sec (5017 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 28 2019
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