Midweek Service (21-8-2019)

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[Music] Dvorak ala nabina calleda bab amr' animal Engel mmm oh no circle in America dia da blondecai anima praise you Father in the name of Jesus Heavenly Father we rejoice tonight and we honor the name that is above every name thank you for the privilege of coming to learn and to be equipped by a word to grow in knowledge grow in grace and we rejoice our way of the privilege of being perfected through the teaching of your world so I pray that tonight your people are strengthened with might by the spirit in the inner man Christ dwells in your heart by faith you're rooted and grounded in the love of God in the mighty name of Jesus by the end of this service will be the better for it and we give you praise and glory for answered prayer in Jesus precious name and every believer says a powerful amen lift your right hands to heaven let's release our feet together as you say these words I am born of God I am born of the world the Word of God is my nature I do not struggle to do the world I do the world naturally therefore today I will understand the word of His grace I will be built up by the end of this service I will never be the same never ever be the same again in Jesus name and every believer sees a powerful Amen well what a welcome everyone of you joining us my wife Kingdom Life Network Facebook YouTube all our campuses around the world but let's have your connecting to this service and I'd get ready the world is gonna build you up and you will never be the same again can I hear powerful Amen anybody excited about a gift of eternal life in this building can we celebrate that life of God with a shout tonight glory hallelujah amen you can be seated with your sweet smart self let's get in the water night earned praise God all right so we began to look at prayers top priority on Sunday and we looked at why we pray today we're gonna proceed to look at prayer by priests an example prayer by precept and example like I said on Sunday when I got saved or when I grew up in my home we were just asked to pray you know every morning they wake you up and they just say pray and sometimes you wonder what do I have on pray about well we knew the basic things we were told to pray about you know things like why are those people sitting all over the place OSHA's what is it in all over the place get all of them in now you may know how you ought to behave yourself in the house of God except there have been special duties there otherwise glory to God so when we are told to pray every morning that does wake you up on this it pray every morning that does work upon they say pray and then you wonder what am i it was supposed to pray about and of course the basic things that we are told we are things like confess your sins you know confess your sins in prayer repent you know acts got to protect you and things like that so we were told to pray like that and that became a lifestyle for all of us as we grew up you know in our growing years as children and into adulthood and sometimes even into Christianity into ministry and some people that's how they pray until they die right so we want to fix some things together tonight doctrinally as we look at the Word of God in Christianity there is a word called discipleship there is a word called discipleship if you look at the book of Acts the first time you gather you know in the book of Acts Christians were called they were called converts or believers in Acts chapter 2 verse 41 Acts chapter 2 verse 41 can you read for me then they that gladly received his word were baptized and the same day there were added unto them about 3,000 souls 42 and they continued steadfastly in the Apostles doctrine and fellowship and in breaking of bread and in prayers so now they continued steadfastly in the Apostles doctrine and in the breaking of bread which is love feast and in prayers so these people who believe were added and they were added to the church such I shall be saved but if you read further in the book of Acts a different word is introduced and that is the word disciples disciples all right now the change in the term from convos to disciples is very key because in March of 28 verse 19 march of the 28th verse number 19 Matthew 28:19 19 wait for me GUI therefore and teach all nations baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost next verse teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you and lo I am with you always even unto the end of the world make disciples teaching them to observe make disciples teaching them to observe all things the word disciple is a word that means students those who receive instructions in other words Christians ought to be seen as disciples those who receive instructions those who receive instructions by the word all right and there is very important when it comes to Christian living we must be instructed no assumptions every new convert every believer ought to be instructed no assumptions because sometimes we just assume that people know how to pray and they will also assume that people know how to study the Bible but that is not true we have to be taught how to pray we have to be taught how to study our Bibles someone has to teach you alright it's like if I tell you make sure you pray everyday I should assume you know to pray everyday but that is not correct because 2nd Timothy chapter 3 verse 15 second Timothy chapter 3 verse 15 read for me and that's from a child thou hast known the Holy Scriptures which are able to make the it's unto salvation through faith which is in christ 16 all Scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine for reproof for correction for instruction in righteousness so all Scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for teaching we don't just assume that people know how to pray when I just assume that people now to study the Bible the scriptures are profitable they are given to us for teaching or explanation of the Christian life and every aspect of the Christian life must not be assumed boss but taught for teaching profitable for teaching and then when teaching takes place it will bring conviction it will bring reproof it will bring persuasion and in the course of persuasion there will be correction and along with correction will come instruction in righteousness so the Bible gives us instruction that is teaching on the Christian life teaching on the Christian life so today we want to look at this important aspect of the Christian life which is prayer or pray in Luke chapter 11 verse 1 Luke chapter 11 verse number 1 and it came to pass that as he was praying in a certain place when he seized one of his disciples said unto Him Lord teach us to pray as John also taught his disciples Lord teach us to pray Lord teach us to pray and this was where he was praying they saw him praying and they said Lord teach us to pray they didn't just join the prayer they didn't just assume the prayer they asked him to teach them to pray so they mean instruct us give us information because a disciple is someone who receives teaching or instruction Luke chapter 18 verse Luke chapter 18 verse 1 read for me and he spake a purple unto them to this end as men ought always to prayer not to things take note of the word always to pray they asked him to teach them to pray then he spec a parable unto them to this end that men ought always to pray and not to faint the word faint there means to give up to lose steam like losing energy men ought to pray and not to lose energy and not to lose steam man so Jesus always taught by parables this was his seminar on prayer and from what Jesus already said a few things to take note of number one prayer is an activity for men prayer is an activity for men men ought always to pray prayer is an activity for men number two prayer is of the earth prayer is of the earth now there are some times where people say Jesus is in heaven praying for us that's very funny and a pickle scriptures like Romans 8:33 wases you know intercession is interceding for us you know Romans 8 33 34 35 where he says he's interceding for us at the right hand of God then they pick another scripture Hebrews 7:25 way ever liveth to make intercession for us and then they conclude that Jesus is praying to God for us but that is not true the priesthood of Jesus does not stand the priesthood of Jesus is sitting the prostitute of Jesus is not standing in prayer the priesthood of Jesus is sitting which means a finished walk he sat down Hebrews chapter 1 verse 3 he sat down he is not standing he has finished a walk so the intercessory Ministry of Jesus is the finished work of Jesus what he has already done the completed work of Jesus that is why prayer is on earth is an activity on earth we pray on earth so prayer therefore is an earthly activity Jesus said men ought always to pray and not to faint or not to give all in Luke chapter 11 verse 1 Jesus now from his discussion with the disciples has communicated to us that prayer must be taught by precept and example prayer must be taught but by precept and example precept means teaching example means we show you how to pray by precept and example by teaching and by showing you how to break so Jesus thought and he showed them how to pray so in prayer they are is teaching and there is showing there is teaching and there is showing is not just pray no no there is teaching and there is showing and we will see examples of Jesus teaching and showing how to pray so that we can have effective prayer lives even on the earth can somebody shot a powerful amen again don't forget discipleship has to do with the attitude the attitude towards the things of the Spirit discipleship has to do with your attitude towards the things of the Spirit in Luke chapter 18 verse 1 now look at that look 18 1 again and expect a parable unto them to this end that man ought always to pray and not to lose steam we know that Jesus is the word became flesh in John 1:14 we know that Jesus is God manifest in the flesh in first Timothy 3:16 we know that Jesus is God who became a man in Philippians 2:5 2:8 but then he comes to the earth and here is Jesus in Luke chapter 3 verse 21 on his way into River Jordan to be baptized praying on his way into River Jordan to be baptized praying he prayed ask a lifestyle Luke 22 verse 47 and the Garden of Gethsemane we see Jesus praying on the cross we see Jesus talking to the Father now why was he praying he was not looking for a wife he was not looking for a job it was molecule for a breakthrough he was not looking for favor he was not looking for any of those so why was he praying he was praying to stay in fellowship with the father now let me quickly clarify something in Matthew chapter 6 verse 5 Matthew chapter 6 verse 5 read for me and when thou prayest thou shalt not be as the hypocrites are for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets that they may be seen of men verily I say unto you they have their reward now he didn't say when praying if people see you it is a wrong thing that's not what is saying yet because Jesus was going to be baptized it was praying and people saw him so what is dealing with you is not that you shouldn't pray where people will see you but it was dealing with a thought that your prayer should not be for people to see you for people to stop that's the motive the motive for prayer is not to be seen of man and Jesus said to them they are their reward once people see them there they have already gotten the reward for their prayer but look at the next verse again let me also clear something in verse 6 but thou when thou prayest enter into thy closet and when thou hast shut thy door pray to thy father which is in secret and thy father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly verse 7 but when ye pray use not vain repetitions as the heathen do for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking now he says don't be like their mu team by their much speaking will be heard question is this a long train is wrong no he is a saying that these people they are repeating what does not make sense and they use it to prolong their prey are thinking by prolonging their prayer through their repetitions they shall be hard he was not in any way saying that long prayers are not good for example Jesus himself prayed very long prayers Matthew 14 23 Matthew 14 23 and when he had sent the multitudes away he went up into the mountain apart to pray and when the evening was come he was there alone he was there alone when the evening that means he prayed the whole day Luke chapter 5 verse 14 and 15 and he but go and shoot thyself to the priest and offer for their cleansing according to according as Moses commanded protested for a testimony unto them but so much the more whence their if a mob brought of him and great multitude came together to hear and to be healed by him of their infirmities 16 and he withdrew himself into the wilderness and prayed serving to him and it came to pass on a certain day as he was teaching that there were Pharisees and doctors of the law sitting by which were come out of every town of Galilee and Judea and Jerusalem and the power of the Lord was present to heal them so you see between one program and the other program he withdrew himself to pray so Jesus spent long hours praying in Luke 22 and Matthew 26 Jesus spread for hours he even indicted his disciples and said to them can't you watch for one hour can't you watch with me for one hour so that means prayer time should be at least 1 hour not at most at leasts can't you pray with me at least for one hour so prayer time should be at least one hour because you see the issue in prayer is fellowship the issue in prayer is fellowship in relationship they say the main culprit in every relationship is lack of communication lack of communication when you relate with somebody when problems with in a conventional relationship it is always concluded that it was a break in communication and when there is a breakdown in communication there is misunderstanding it doesn't mean that when we say breakdown in communication it doesn't mean that the people are not talking the people are talking but they are not communicating talking is not communication communication is the ability to see from the same point of view that is communication that is we are seeing eye to eye on a matter then were communicating you can be talking and I am talking about we're not communicating because what I'm saying is not resonating with you know what you're saying it's not resonating with me so in the place of Prayer it is a place of communication and in relationship the first thing you do when there is a breakdown in communication is to restore that communication so where you find that you're not able to pray effectively you may be thinking different thoughts from God's thoughts you may have desires that are contrary to God's desires you may have you know wishes that are contrary to God's wishes and when your attention is distracted it becomes difficult for you to communicate so so many people that is where they can pray for you know an effective time they can even pray some people don't even pray what they call prayer is just going through the motions since everybody's praying alright let's do it nothing they are not part of the prayer they are not in the prayer that just making noise they are not in the prayer they are just going through the motions and such prayers are a waste of time so again prayer is fellowship jesus prayed you know for hours with his father because he enjoyed talking to his father so if you're thinking prayers are too long you may have to check your communication and with your father maybe there's a problem in your communication with your father look at Luke chapter 6 verse 12 look 6 verse 12 and it came to pass in those days that he went out into a mountain to pray and continued all night in prayer to God he continued all night among Jewish people when they said somebody prayed all night means 6:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. prayer for 12 hours is what Jewish people call all night is not this our African kind of all night where people gather by 10 o clock and sing for 2 hours then we pray for 30 minutes and sing for 3 hours then they act drama then they bring comedian to make people laugh then they softly biscuit and bread then they pray another 30 minutes and share the grease they call it all night that's not prayer that's just entertainment variety night among Jewish people when they say you prayed all night it means from 6:00 p.m. you started praying non-stop still 6 a.m. that is all-night non-stop praying through for 12 hours now somebody were like wow I know I are doing well because you've not prayed that long before but when you start enjoying prayer to have our suddenly is not a long time once you start enjoying it one of communication becomes effectual once you start enjoying fellowship with God time loses relevance you get caught up and once you're caught up time flies am i communicating at all I mean see Jesus now the question is why will Jesus pray for 12 hours is he looking for anything nothing he's just enjoying fellowship with the father he's enjoying intimacy with the father his injuries you know his time with the father and if you see you observe carefully that Jesus the way he prayed is a sample of his prayer in John chapter 17 John chapter 17 you will see Jesus said things like the style of his communication he will say things like my father your glory the glory I had with you communication your glory my father the glory are hard with you I pray for this I pray not that you take them out of the world but that you should keep them in the world through our dad John 17 prayer you're on see Jesus binding a demon you know if you remove bind lose many people have nothing to bring if you remove bind cast loose some people will not be able to pray again because their entire prayer if they are not binding they are losing if they are not losing they are casting so when you take the three reports from them they have no prayer and there are other people if you remove fall and die from their prayer fall and die be roasted Satan if you remove fallen die be roasted Satan enemies if you take those words they have no prayer am i communicating at all so those people are not really prayed because in Jesus his prayer in John chapter 17 there is no Satan no cast no buying no lose no die go and release John 17 the entire prayer that jesus prayed was reaching out for you to see the way he prays he said things like my father the glory I pray for this not for them alone but for those that will believe I pray not that you take them out but that you keep them in the world dying they are I mean pray us like that the glory are hard with you before the world began glorify you glorified me by your own self those are the kind of things you will see in a prayer and Jesus can say those kind of things for 12 hours effective prayer prayer is not to Satan prayer is to God so when you are pray us a full of Satan you're not pray real prayer is fellowship with God and your fellowship with God Satan should not occupy space consistence you and your father in relationship and fellowship and my blessing somebody tonight that pray in John 17 is a prayer you know is the prayer that is described by the Greek Greek translation as I wrote in row tau e ro ta o it means familia prayer is a prayer of fellowship sharing truths with your father in the place of Prayer sharing truth with your father in the place of Prayer so if it is not long there may be a problem with your fellowship and where you are fellowship enough with God after fellowship where you walk out of prayer you're bold you can confront anything when you really fellowship effectively when you come out all the problems in the world shrink into peanuts you begin to look at life from a superior point and position that's what fellowship with God does am i communicating at all so that's very important and I'm going somewhere with this tonight so when you spend enough time in prayer it produces boldness it produces confidence it puts you actively in charge because when you spend time with God in fellowship it produces in you the effectiveness of your Christian Christian life fellowship with God no fellowship with God equals failure the failure of any Christian in the war is failure to spend time with God no time spent with God equals failure the failure of any Christian and of all is a failure to spend time with God Jesus did all night now so brother Paul begins to teach on the manner of Prayer brother Paul begins to teach us on the manner of Prayer remember on Sunday I said where you repay us in the Gospels they are all about asking for things but the moment you begin to approach the key pistols the pray us begin a change they change from things to you know to fellowship with God on our spiritual realities they change from things now look at that efficiency of the six verse 18 officials 618 prefer read for me in the spirit and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all things praying always with all prayer and supplication in the spirit all prayer are you still in the building all prayer and supplication must be in the spirit in this with all prayer and supplication in the spirit that is a water underline in the spirit and watching and watching praying in the spirit but while praying in the spirit watching praying in the spirit watching with all perseverance and supplication for all sins question what is praying in the spirit praying in the spirit is praying in tongues praying in the spirit is praying in tongues so praying all pray us in tongues there's a manner from the Paulista chena praying all prayer and supplication in tongues fester solonian chapter 5 verse 17 read for me pray without ceasing say it again pray without ceasing prayer without ceasing ceas ing but I also ought to eat pray without ceasing stas om pray without ceasing and privat all season that is there should be no special season for prayer every time is a time to pray praying always pray without ceasing always in the original not word always means praying daily and regularly praying daily regularly it means every child of God must develop a pattern and regularity to prayer a pattern and regularity to prayer we saw Jesus always walk up to pray he woke up to pray he didn't pray when he wakes up Jesus didn't pray when he woke up he woke up to pray that is he deliberately and intentionally woke up in the night to pray he didn't wait till he wakes up in the morning to pray no no no he interrupted his sleep intentionally for the purpose of prayer that is so important Prairies you don't pray at spare times it becomes a an active part of your schedule of your routine for the day and we still in the building so he says pray without ceasing and you know some of us what wish you know the Word of God about instead of knowing the Word of God were praying the things we ought to know by studying the scripture we're praying and the things we ought to pray for we are trying to study them so there is a Miss placement of priority that's why it's very important to get teaching on prayer again 1st Thessalonians 5:17 it means let there be no ceasing to prayer pray in all ways daily regularly so let's take the following instructions number one prayer is not a suggestion is an instruction prayer is not a suggestion it is an instruction it's not an advice is an instruction Colossians chapter 4 verse 2 to 3 read for me that one Colossians 4:2 to 3 continue in prayer and watching the same with Thanksgiving you in play continue in prayer and watch every time he says pray he will tell you watch because you can be praying for something and the Holy Spirit is showing you the answer or the solution or God's mind for that teen but you're not paying attention so that's why when he says pray he says watch praying in the spirit watch him watch him you are praying and pay that's what you can't afford to be praying and holding newspaper you can't afford to be praying and browsing a cell phone you're not paying attention you're supposed to pray and watch watching in the same with Thanksgiving next verse read for me verse 3 without praying also for us that God would open unto us adora a trance to speak the mystery of Christ for which I am also in bonds alright so you see that that's very important it's not an advice is an instruction to continue in prayer official 6 18 to 19 right now you can read at home Romans 15:30 look 18 1 men ought always to pray Romans 12:12 read for me Romans 12:12 but Paul's instruction Romans 12:12 rejoicing in Hope patient in tribulation continuing instant in prayer continuing instant in prayer continuing instant in prayer so prayer is not a suggestion we are instructed to pray that will mean not praying is disobedience if you are not praying you are living in disobedience and disobedience is a scene so if you are not praying you're living in C if you are not praying you are living in disobedience and disobedience is a scene it's not a suggestion a crystal life devoid of irregular prayer button is a life living missing a crystal life devoid of irregular prayer pattern is a life living in sin why because prayer is an instruction cephalic okay if I don't is an instruction prayer is as vital as the knowledge of God is an instruction number two prayer is fellowship prayer is fellowship number one prayer is an instruction number two prayer is fellowship number three prayer is service prayer is a service or prayer is a ministry assadís you pray for people you ascertain other people with your prayer in official 6:18 prayer for Colossians 4 2 2 3 prayer for prayer for is a service you are ministering to people in the place of prayer you are using prayer to minister to people to minister to them to minister to their needs you are supplication and offering ministry to people in the place of prayer so three things number one prayer is an instruction number two prayer is fellowship with God number three prayer is service prayer is service now Paul now gives us a how to pray a how to pray in Ephesians chapter six verse eighteen read for me again Ephesians 6:18 praying always with all prayer and supplication in the spirit and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all things can somebody tell me very loud I will pray always with all prayer in the spirit if your Bible is men underline that in the spirit all prayer must be in the spirit exceptional born of God every born-again believer must prayer all prayer in the spirit in the spirit duskie let me backtrack it a bit the new covenant is a covenant of the spirit the new covenant is a covenant of the spirit that means the characteristics of the new covenant two things are important in the characteristics of the new covenant number one Jesus is dead he died for us He shed his blood in heaven for us his death he died for us He shed his blood in heaven for us number two the result of that resurrection the result of the shedding of the blood is that he gave us his spirits he gave us his spirit that is a result of the shed blood of Jesus he gave us his spirit can somebody shot very light I have the Spirit of God I have the spirit of adoption I have the Holy Spirit can I hear powerful amen so the Holy Ghost the spirit of his son the Holy Spirit the spirit of promise is the proof of our salvation is the proof of our salvation read for me Romans 8:9 Romans chapter 8 verse 9 but you are not in the flesh but in the spirit if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ he is none of his you are not in the flesh but in the spirit that's why praying always with all prayer we're in the spirit why because you are in the spirit so our prayer must be prayed we're in the spirits praying always with all prayer in the spirit because you are normal in the flesh in the spirit read for me verse 14 of that Romans chapter 8 verse 14 for as many as are led by the Spirit of God they are the sons of God 15 for you have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear but you have received the spirit of adoption whereby we cry Abba Father 16 the spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit that we are the children of God somebody shout hallelujah so that is the gift of Christ to us the Holy Spirit is the gift of Christ to us now has called the spirit of adoption or the spirit of his song the gift of Christ to the church is the Holy Spirit he goes to heaven he sheds his blood and the proof of that is that the Holy Spirit is given to us hallelujah so the New Covenant speaks of the indwelling of the Spirit the New Covenant speaks of the indwelling of the Spirit does the message of the New Covenant the indwelling of the Spirit is sickle 3626 read for me ezekiel 36:26 a new heart also will i give you an a new spirit when i put within you and i will take away the stony heart out of your flesh and i will give you an hearts of i will put a new spirit within you within you in the prophecy that is the indwelling of the Spirit that's a gift of Christ and a charge that I will put a new spirit within you within the believer now Joel chapter 2 verse 28 Joel chapter 2 verse 28 and it shall come to pass afterward that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy your old men shall dream dreams your young men shall see visions I will put my spirit within you I will pour out of my spirit upon all flesh so he gives his spirit as a proof of the finished work the Spirit of God in the believer is proof that the walk is finished Cuyahoga the holy spirit inside the born-again man is proof that the workers finished when Jesus was glorified he shed for his Spirit upon us He shed forty spirits alibi joggle Arriba that's the proof that the walk is finished therefore the pattern of prayer has to change because now we are children of the spirits we are now children of the spirit we can no more pray like we used to pray before we got born again the pattern of prayer has to change because now we are born of the Spirit we have the Spirit of God in us we have the spirit of adoption on our inside hallelujah so because you're born of the Spirit brother poni gives instruction to spirit spirit birth that man spirit spirit children that's Mama's version he gives instruction to those that are born spirit children yes because we are born of the spirit anyway he gives us in structure official 618 618 read for me again 618 always be you not pray English from morning till night it's English the language of the Spirit praying always with all prayer in the spirit you pray for the sick in the spirit you pray for situations in the spirit you pray for other believers in the spirit you pray for your pastor in the spirit you pray for the charge in the spirit you pray for people to be born again all praying in the spirit yousa finda why Cappadonna Mahuta because you are born of the spirit that is your natural environment and you do well even environment say I pray in the spirit always with all prayer said again a prayer or prayer in the spirit always I didn't hear powerfully me can i a power city amen supplication we're in the spirit brought up all talks of a praying in the spirit and our own in Ephesians 1:13 look at the web report put it officials the same official 6:18 let's backtrack 1:13 what does he say read for me in whom ye also trusted after that ye heard the word of truth the gospel of your salvation in whom also after that he believed you were sealed with that Holy Spirit you we are sealed with that Holy Spirit of promise the moment you believe the gospel you were sealed with that Holy Spirit Ephesians 4:13 Ephesians chapter 4 verse 30 read for me you are sealed so brief not the Spirit of God now remember you're sealed your Syrian officials 319 officials 319 what does he say and to know the love of Christ which passeth knowledge with all the fullness of God read verse 18 for me 3:18 may be able to comprehend with All Saints what is the breadth and length and depth and height read verse 17 for me that Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith that ye being rooted and grounded in love read verse 16 for me that he would grant you according to the riches of his glory to be strengthened with might by his spirit in the inner venting with mind to be strengthened with might by his spirit you are sealed with the spirit you are strengthened with might by his spirit I was still in the building strengthened with might by his spirit by his spirit officials 518 Ephesians chapter 5 verse 18 and be not drunk with wine wherein is excess but be filled with the spirit the original says Papa being filled but B being filled is a continuously being filled with the spirit next verse the next verse speaking to yourselves in Psalms and hymns and spiritual songs singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord be filled with the spirit speaking be filled with the spirit speaking be being filled with the spirit speaking so when a man is feeling the spirit what is the resultant effect of being filled in the spirit speaking you can't be dumb when you're feeling the spirit when you're filled with a spiritual utterance you speak you speak and how do you get filled with the spirit you get fearless spirit speaking you speak to be filled you are filled to speak you speak to be filled you are filled to speak you speak to be filled you are filled to speak you speak to be filled you are sealed to speak it's a continuous action are we in the building yeah brain always with all prayer and supplication we are in the spirit see I pray in the spirit always said very loud I pray in the spirit always I didn't hear powerful amen then official 617 official 617 which is the Word of God the sword of the Spirit the sword of the Spirit which is the word of God strengthened with might by the spirit be filled with the spirit speaking sealed with the Holy Ghost I was still in the building here take the sword of the Spirit which is the word of God so the spiritual plane which is where in your inner man the spiritual plane we is in your Annamma is inside you so that's why the player should be inside the Annamma the prayer should be inside the enema that the inner man the Spirit of God yeah so you are pain in the spirit the Spirit of God which is in you now notice again praying in the spirit of praying with the spirit praying in the spirit of praying which the Spirit is praying as you are empowered by the spirit praying as you are empowered by the spirit praying as you are empowered by the spirit just like except the two of us want to fall Acts chapter 2 verse 1 to 4 and when the Pentecost was fully come they were all with one Accord in one place and suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a mighty rushing wind mighty wind and they fill our house where they were sitting and there appeared unto them cloven tongues as of fire and he sat upon each of them and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost and began to speak with other tongues as the spirit as they were empowered as a Spirit gave them utterance as a Spirit gave them utterance as the Spirit gave them utterance so speaking by the Spirit is weakened by the gifts of the Spirit speaking by the Spirit is speaking by the gifts of the Spirit so praying in tongues is praying in the spirit praying in tongues is praying in the spirit is catching me I'm telling a villainess it praying in tongues is praying in the spirit first Corinthians 14 now first of all listen everybody Holmes is not human language Tong's is not human language they are is not tongue that is a human language none does very important Tong's is not human language that's why every time you see something mention in the book of Acts you must go and check it in the pistols for explanation because the book of Acts is not a doctrinal material all right because I have had some people say there are tongues of angels me I want to spin tongues of angels I've ever had people say your own is tongues of men because your tongue is sounding like Ebola which my own is tongues of India because there is nothing like tongues of angels when brother Paul said oh I speak in tongues of men and of angels it was using a figure of speech hyperbole he was actually exaggerating it was an exaggeration it's a figure of speech there are no tongues of angels angels speak tongues of men angels speak tongues of men because they were created for men so their job is to religious man and if the most religious men they related many in tongues of men the angels are Vista Abraham they spoke human language am i teaching here so there's nothing like tongues of angels it was just a figure of speech hyperbole he was you know exaggerating all right so first Corinthians now 14 to less establish it first Corinthians 14:2 read for me for he that speaketh in an unknown tongue speaketh not unto men but unto God for no man understandeth him howbeit in the spirit he speaketh mission he speaketh not unto men so tongs have no business with human language he speaketh not unto men but unto God for no man evil yoruba house' EBU Norman American British European Asian Japanese India no man on earth understand him there's nothing like human language in the tongues of the Spirit none am i teaching here please as very important he speaketh not unto men but unto God for no man understandeth him happy is he is speaking in the spirits mysteries so how do I pray in the spirit tongues when we say praying always with all prayer and supplication we are in the spirit what does he mean praying always with all prayer and supplication in tongues in the believers player life should be 99% palms every time they throw a prayer point Eliana collect it in your mind and pray it in the spirit you are not hearing what I'm saying I've told you don't pray by pray you are taught to pray so you must obey the instructions of Scripture so you can pray right say here you there is no assumption in the things of the Scriptures we have doctrine explanation teaching that convinces us corrects us so we can do the right thing am i communicating at all yeah plane always with harmony prayer all prayer where what does it mean to pray the spirit to brain talks most of your prayers you mean tongues and I'm going to show you why every time they separate and when you got blasted in tongues and the Holy Ghost gives you an understanding you appear matzah say yes that is happening right now so you are now bringing the solution by the wisdom of God and declaring it in the physical empowered by the spirit and if you are not baptized with the Holy Ghost or you don't speak in tongues why not what are you waiting for what are you waiting for you are born of the Spirit you are born of the Spirit you are born of the Spirit the Spirit is already inside you it's not gonna fall from heaven if you don't the spiritual not born again but you are not in the flesh but in the spirit if so be that you have the Spirit of God for he that does not have the Spirit of God is none of these if you don't have Holy Ghost you're not born again you're Satan's child you understand if you don't have the Holy Ghost you are not born again you are Satan's child because Kabbalah abrogating a Romans 8:9 let me read in Soviet well but you are not in the flesh but in the spirit if so be that the Spirit of God telling you now if any man if any man have not the Spirit of Christ he is none of his you can't be born again and not be born of the Spirit you can't be born again and not of the Spirit and if you have the spirit already inside you what are you waiting for what are you ready for go ahead and speak go ahead and speak and I'm speaking this because there are lot of people watching me around the world who don't speak in tongues a pastor sent me let I self pastored for 26 years I have tried to speak in tongues have not been - I sent him a reply are you sure you are born again you can't be born again and not be born of the Spirit born again is spiritual birth you're born of the Spirit and once you're born of the Spirit you have this field and once you have the Spirit what are you ready for you speak speaking to yourselves sticking to yourselves a capital a the better you speak to yourself in Sam's and hymns and spiritual songs singing and Antonia witness waitress come come India La Bajada yeah I told his touch me I'm coming I'm coming here so are you still in the building here first Corinthians 14:3 for he that speaketh in an unknown tongue speaketh not unto men but unto good for no man understandeth him howbeit in the spirit he speaketh mysteries so what is prayer it is communicating with God the Father so if I pray in tongues I am praying to the Father speak it not unto men but unto God happy it in the spirit so when a plane turns I am praying in the spirit to God who is a spirit and I'm praying in the spirit to God who is a spirit who is spirit so I'm communicating with God in the spirit or in tongues and that communication is fellowship that alia knows a gala is fellowship is what Jude Jude confirms it in Jude 20 read for me but he beloved that building up yourselves on your most holy faith praying in the Holy Ghost prayin where what is praying in the Holy Ghost training tongues is praying in the Holy Ghost what did Paul say 1st Corinthians 14 for 14 for first Corinthians 14 for he that speaketh in an unknown tongue edifies himself but he that prophesies edifies the church he does speak at in tongues edifies so when you speak in tongues when you fellowship with God you are a defined so in the place of fellowship in prayer we are edifying now Saul gives us a pattern of prayer and we'll get there very shortly look at first Corinthians 14 18 14 18 first Corinthians 14 80-grit for Miguel I thank my god I speak with tongues more than ye all did you see the vapor a personalized I can't my god not our God I can't my god that I speak in tongues more than all of you put together this Church of Corinth history tells us it was a church of thirty thousand members thirty thousand members history tells us that and Paul looks at 30 thousand people gathered he said I speak in tongues modern all of you combined together now if Paul will say this it is wisdom for a believer who is wise to know that a man who not over half of the New Testament a man who was handed over to him the revelation of Jesus a man who understood salvation between the Jews and the Gentiles such a man says my secret is that I pray in tongues modern all of you no wonder I saw mother all of you and I wrote more than all of you and I understood more than all of you because I pray in tongues more than all of you am i teaching here praying always with all prayer and supplication in the spirit Kabbalah medical mega yada are you pay rent to speak in Tom's well my dolly one charging Ximena exactly I know you're writing notes I know but writing I'm talking Paul was the one that was given the full revelation of the mystery of the church the full one in officials three three to five he said it was handed over to him the full revelation in Romans 16:25 to 26 Colossians 1 25 to 27 brother Peter says such wisdom was given to brother Paul in second Peter 3 15 and 16 he said the things God has shown brother Paul had to be understood and such a man now tells you I tank my god I speak in tongues more than ye all this is something you must take notice he wouldn't be speaking in tongues more than you are if it was not beneficial to the Christian life that means it was something that had a lot of impact on him and history has proven that history has proven there was a man called John juillet have the other John schilit he was called John Cilic history has it that he raised over ten people from the dead John julik he raised over ten people proven dead no people have fainted no people that were in coma dead he raised over ten history has proven that he raised over ten people from the dead and they asked him what is your daily routine John julik John jealous and sad pounds is the making of my ministry pounds is the making of my ministry this is the same John Gilligan who went to South Africa I was an endemic people are dying in the house of virus he adds them to catch the life the life virus and put it in his hand he said he carries eternal life and that virus cannot survive eternal life they put a TV me son he opened it and give them the check a microscope the virus died in his hand the guy said that the making of my ministry is Punk's another one symmetry girls watch the other see me to go saw his three has it that arrests about ten to twenty people from the dead ten to twenty he disarmed and bump dead people he raised him a brought them back to life they asked see me to go SWAT what was the secret is the secret of your penis tree or what is your daily routine like he said I defined myself in tongues during the day then I go to church to edify the people of God I'm not a man by the name of Kenneth Hagin I think his birthday was two days ago or was it yesterday Canetti again this one is not just history a soit can a heading can hardly preach for too long without talking he was a man given to tongs he was a man who spoke in tongues all the time can head you say I spend all night all my nights praying in the spirit how do you remember the story said he - wife went somewhere to preach as they entered the pastor's house they brought food for them to eat he told them let us pray before we eat as he meltdown they pray to the next morning kebaya da men give him caprara a man whom God uses they are men who shake the world where songa coming from the gas the gas is on his knees frame you will have strength to touch the food you too will kneel down to pray am i talking to somebody here say I pray always with all prayer and supplication where came the spirit I pray in tongues more than ye or so report says that he wants you to walk in the supernatural he wants you to walk in the supernatural and have an effect not just on your life but on the life of other people remember three things I said number one plane incoming plane in the spraying is an instruction number two is fellowship number three is service so praying in tongues is what talk to me church praying in tongues is what praying in tongues is what no praying in tongues is what training the Spirit praying in the spirit is what praying in tongues training tongues is what so we say let us pray in the spirit what are we saying okay when I say everybody pray what am I saying if I come to service and I say everybody pray what am I saying pray plane always how many times with all prayer and supplication we're in the spirit training dogs always Zika domina somebody got angry that I preach and I speak in tongues I say I never start a tango , use 30 minutes of my visit to be put on me just want me not see how can a man of God be preaching and speaking in tongues what kind of man of God is that it's not the type from your village because the type from a village never speaks in tongues or even once in a year that's why is shocking meghanadha Daniel innamorata anger in a Masada called--oh barakatuh kala kalah boric a team against Nando roto circular ever better get a Kabbalah Dagobah I tanked my god there are print owns modern yo somebody said pray in the spirit said again I pray in the spirit always say I pray always in the spirit there again i pray always in the spirit that is the manner by which believers ought to pray sunday i'm going to enter one section there I need to deal with likewise the Spirit Himself help meet our infirmities kebaya da o this man to the place on Sunday because my internet wont close today this is always praying always say pray always with all prayer and supplication where calibre da baiana zu balada began member inaudible genre in a monocot Ock labor that is the mana the believers ought to pray not that they say we came for prayer meeting and one hour 15 minutes is English prayer you speak English till you a spoken father in the name of Jesus even as I come before you now I came as very quietly before you I came as mumbling you speak English until English speaks you your boon of the spirits young born of the Spirit see I am not born of English I'm born of the Spirit I pray in the spirit Donna NASA he wrote Osaka hey Anna Stern your photography baba baba member aanda Terry Rossio Obie Award let's pray let's pray hirato shaky on ax men broken yo yo yo shut up and get masata and Mo sitar in the name of Jesus [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] ah ba ba ba da ba ba da ba ba da doctor word of the Lord will have free Khalsa under glorify the velocities Manasa man brandeis a quarter domicile [Laughter] [Music] in the name of Jesus lift your hands and begin to praise and bless the Lord began to bless the Lord began to bless the Lord began to bless the Lord begin to bless the Lord he does picket in tongues healer tanks very well go ahead and give thanks he does picket in tongues killer tanks very well hey inaudible satella bless and praise heal amana kureta see colada barakah tonic LNM ah the world is growing the influence of the world is growing men are sitting darkness is breaking through the message of the eyes understand oh give thanks give the Huns oh he loved Osaka Jana he loved Osaka thank you Lord Jesus hallelujah hallelujah and I declare in the day is to come you're gonna see massive massive massive massive victories all over the place salvation of souls the advancement of God's kingdom territories taking over the message growing by the day the influence of God taking over nations as we press in prayer we're gonna see things shifted all over the place in the name of Jesus we declare tonight may cosec led me l'anima Brown - Yokosuka bharata suka Baro - suka bharata suka everyone that has been brought into this family of god into the porosity family we commanded that equipped and they are standing with mind strengthened with might by the spirit strengthened with might by the spirit strengthened with might by the spirit strengthened with might by the spirit strengthened with might by the spirit the spirit of grace and supplication is upon every one in the name of Jesus we declare your people or God willing in this day of your power great Grace's upon this family great Grace's upon this house gracious upon this house great crisis upon this house great Grace's upon this house we see harvesters crushing out we see harvesters koshinage we see the harvest criminal acapella gana Garza met another Baraka Tosca we rebuke infirmity and disease sick bodies be healed be quickened in the name of Jesus Olin America thank you for thank you for massive answers thank you for grace in Jesus precious name and every believer shall that Amen on a note of finality can we give the Lots on celebration in this move blu-ray amen listen to me very carefully the next few weeks spend it in prayer just give yourself to prayer pray all the time give yourself to prayer Sunday morning I will advise you to be in the first and second service see you cannot compromise and understanding of how to pray one area of your life you cannot afford except you're not you're a joker for life except you a joker if a joker keep joking but if you want to live a life of impact and a life of meaning you must be a man of prayer and not TRAI by an assumption by prayer by understand you can't afford you can't afford so Sunday beer in the two services if you cannot for any reason load your phone with data and follow the teachings online of the service you cannot come yes it's very important amen so on Sunday we will set up what's up group hop and connect with a big caliber automatic see I hear you why you looking at me like is it the day today's painting you you've been doing hello hello all your life hello hello hello hello it has not benefited unity great grace it is a good amen great grace and there may be some of you online don't want to be a part of it will let you know on Sunday but we love you guys get her to often fast before it closed everybody get out your friends when we begin to pray we give prayer is selflessness giving is selflessness we give our best we make our resources available so that this world will be glorified so that this world will be able to penetrate places where people I here here these truths Amen father we pray for everybody given in this building online and around the world in our campuses we give in faith we give her joy we are so grateful that we are able to learn and grow and be built up in the knowledge of God's word that our fellowship with God is getting deeper and deeper by knowledge your people are strengthened with mind-body-spirit so our offerings rest before your sweet smell today and we thank you for grace that abounds in this house in Jesus precious name can every believer shot at a man like you know it is answered hey guys we want to sign you guys off we love you we're so glad we'll have you as part of this church family tell everybody about what's going on here Sunday morning 8:00 a.m. GMT +1 and 11:00 a.m. GMT +1 I'll still be teaching on prayer and prayers are going on everywhere whew if you need a group to join they're on Facebook or YouTube requests for there are people there who will connect you to groups of power City campuses that are meeting to pray all over the world boy we love you guys you don't want to forget to apply especially those of you that are yet to apply for the able diamond our online mentoring Academy applications are going on right now for the September 2019 class it's one Academy you want to be a part of so if you want to quickly apply it's dr. Abel damina at yahoo.com if you shoot a mail we will send you forms and all that you need to be a part of the Academy but we love you guys our campuses we live in the enhance of a campus coordinators we love every one of you stay in the spirit and keep rein in the spirit be blessed let's celebrate viewers around the world for being a pod [Music] you [Music] the [Music] the viscous kind of life
Channel: Abel Damina Ministries International
Views: 7,369
Rating: 4.8596492 out of 5
Id: MSbVM-Eccjo
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Length: 87min 4sec (5224 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 21 2019
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