No Man's Sky in 2023 is... Ridiculous

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No Man's Sky! A game that went from this To this Released in 2016 No Man’s Sky was surrounded by excitement, anticipation and most of all incredible hype, promising more than 18 quintillion planets to explore, then finally being tossed into the hands of its eagerly awaiting consumers to just not be good…. Like… at ALL. It was barren, lack-luster and missing almost more than half of what the developers and Sean Murray promised. Well that was 2016. And my goodness, has No Man's Sky changed since its release. With more than 21 MAJOR Updates, over 70 patches and even more content rolling out as the game continues to be live with thousands of players new and old exploring the farthest reaches of space many people have been asking the question. Is No Man's Sky worth playing in 2023? After all it's an Open world Space game with a procedurally generated universe waiting to be explored whether that be by yourself or with a party of up to 4 friends. So I went ahead and jumped back into No Man’s Sky both solo and with a friend to let you know if you need to give this game another chance. The only fair way for me to do this, is to start a brand new adventure. Now, to my surprise, this game gives you a LOT of options when starting a new character. You have the normal difficulty, relaxed, creative, create your own rules which are surprisingly extensive, like holy shit, that's nice survival and an expedition which are content focused story beats that are dropped with each update allowing you to play with other players and experience a special piece of content. I went ahead and just chose Normal since I wanted the intended experience. And let me tell you. The experience was experiencing I’m not gonna lie to you here. The first 1-2 hours of No Man's Sky intro, is REALLY Boring. But stay with me, because I PROMISE you this game gets better. A LOT better Because what other game lets you name a anteater bear porcupine thing timmy…. This game does You start with the basic tutorial. How to move, use the jetpack, scan for materials. You get the picture. Your first goal is to fix a spaceship that you have found crashed on this planet with you. With no memory as to who you are, where you are, or how you even got here the story of No Man’s Sky throws you into a self discovery adventure. Sure you may want to just get into the space ship right away and start doing all of these fun activities that you saw in the latest trailer, but you gotta earn those wings first. It isn't until around an hour of learning how to do the basics for movement and flying with your now repaired ship you start building your first base. On a planet you don't want to be on. I get that base building is an important core feature for no man's sky, but something about having to place a base on a planet you don't like just hurts my gamer brain. I really didn't want to be here for my base But don't worry, you can always change your base in the future easily so don't get into the whole building process that much. I did the bare minimum and moved on. Once all of that is done you’re free to fly up into space, skip over to the next galaxy and start exploring. Eventually, once you follow the main story beats that guide you into your next solar system you’re introduced to the Space Anomaly which is just a multiplayer hub. This hub lets you get new quests, points of interest and more game mechanics You’re also allowed to play with friends now! After greeting my friend Andrew in space we wanted to explore the nearby planet and see what we could find To be fair we did land on a planet that was practically the equivalent of the Arizona desert. So before we headed back to the Anomaly to start a quest I needed some oxygen to keep my life systems online, thank god andrew had some We decided on starting a quest that had us tasked with taking down a Hoard of creatures. Sounds pretty easy for a first time quest to me. With it selected and ready to go, Andrew joined my squad, we flew out from the base, talked to the person in distress and descended to make landfall on the planet. Before we even tried to possibly fight the giant worms Andrew and I had other plans. After taming Glurmp, and making sure he was properly feed and pet, God could you imagine petting that? Slimy or squishy? I'm going to say slimy. We re-focused our efforts on the task at hand. Fighting the giant worms. Only problem is that Andrew couldn't see them for some reason. Once we defeated them, well mostly me, Andrew stood there shooting at god knows what We collected the Giant egg that the worms dropped Got into our ships and visited the social hub to cash in our mission. So that mission was a cool experience, but for Andrew it bugged out. The thing with No Mans Sky is that everything you can do in single player you can do in multiplayer. But sometimes the spawning of objects is a bit off. Kinda like how ships sometimes fly into planets… Well after hanging out with Andrew, fighting some more creatures Looking at his practically empty super ship and exploring a desolate freighter that felt like dead space I decided it was time to go back into my own world and continue the story missions myself. I played for around 4 hours flying back and forth from mission marker to mission marker. I was getting into the groove of the game. And then, something happened while I was searching through ancient ruins. I got chased by local space cops and I booked it out of there What I didn't know is that this was going to evolve into an entire space fight with the authorities above the planet One that I had to keep fighting or else I was going to die. At the end of all the bloodshed, I was awarded with an item… It told me to warp towards a new system to acquire a sentinel object. Sounds pretty good, so I wasted no time and warped on over and zipped towards the planet almost shaving a mountain in half I noticed that there was something different about this planet. 1. It had mountains and Hills But 2. It made everything pink and purple. So this planet had to be special right? I was a little bit confused as to where the quest marker wanted me to go. So I landed the ship and dug towards the objective. I dug for 5 minutes straight, and at some point I felt like maybe I didn't need to be making this so complicated. Like it was on the other side of the mountain and I could have flown over there. Eventually I saw the light Turns out this ship crash landed here and it was my job to get it back up and running again. I didn't know if I was going to actually be able to keep the ship so I just carried on with the mission, going back and fourth with what the game told me to while collecting some very valuable minerals because there was no way they were just gonna hand me the keys to this really cool ship… right? WRONG! Turns out spending 20 minutes going back and forth trying to fix a ship, that I had to google 3 times to make sure I wasn't messing anything up and it turns out the part I was using wasn't the right one and I had to offer a computer brain to an altar.…. God I gave myself a headache here. Why was this so confusing for me Anyways I got the ship! After admiring the beauty of my new vessel the game decided to spit out a fugitive for me to test my new found weaponry on. Things were looking up for me and my new ship. And if you thought that there was a lot I’ve shown already in the first couple of hours into No Mans Sky, oh boy this next section is just Content after Content, so just get ready for that. Also get ready for more videos with a like and subscribe so you don't miss any in the future. I took a different turn away from the normal missions and main story and decided to do my own thing. I found this space ship drifting in orbit around a planet Which led me on a spree of things to do. That orbiting ship gave me coordinates that allowed me to find another crashed ship, Fought some sentinels who did not like me there Activated a beacon that brought me to a HUGE Space battle that I was not ready for. It got so bad, as in I could have died. That I had to flee from the battle. So I kept flying away until I could just warp out of that battle. Into a family reunion I went inside the ship, said hi, and left because he was charging WAY too much for that cruiser I headed towards a space station, browsed some goods and warped over to the next galaxy. This warp, has got to be the most interesting warp I’ve gotten in this game… Which led me to more combat I was going to die here so I took evasive maneuvers Well look at that, I found an outlaw space station and after initiating myself with the locals gaining a cool new helmet cosmetic I was ready to…. smuggle drugs and circuits for them…. SURE! They gave me a forged passport to get by certain places legally and I was off! Flying towards the next system and landed down on the planet to deliver the goods While trying not to look like a space pirate I handed over the goods and left without a trace I thought the game would calm down after returning to the Pirate space system but I jumped out of hyperspace and immediately I had to save a whole fleet from opposing space pirates. I defeated the pirates and the dude just gave me his frigate and fleet… Alright then. Jesus christ this game just keeps going, huh. I found an “Anomaly” a few light miles, yards? Some measurement of distance away from the frigate And while flying towards a new planet that I saw I got scanned by the local authorities and they found some “illegal” cargo Since I didn't want to get into a fight I just gave them my forged passport thinking that would work. I'm still upset over this. I kept flying around the space cops doing my best to stay alive long enough to spawn in the Anomaly to get myself out of the situation Safe at last, I ran out of my ship and just sat down with some other players This was the moment I realized that No Man's Sky really was a special game. I just experienced all of THAT. In 1 hour of playtime Overall at this point I've already spent 5 hours exploring space and completing missions left and right. I thought to myself, man this game is ridiculous now. I just had fun with my friend, found a badass ship and became a space pirate. I went on to play more than 15 hours of No Man's Sky, and WOW. You just need to play this game. I just kept finding things to do every turn of every new space system I explored. I also have found myself coming back to the weekly missions that they provide at the end of every weekend. Just a fun event for players to take part of and explore a system together. And speaking of events, those Expeditions I mentioned at the start of the video…. Simply put - Expeditions are timed events in which you embark on galactic trips from one specific point in the galaxy to another. They encompass several challenges and achievements exclusive to each named Expedition which usually come out during a new update to the game. They reward players who take the time to complete them with cosmetic rewards usable in their own save file. With all of these features, the several main story missions, countless side missions and extensive base building, that I really haven't explored but others have, look at that, that's super cool. No Man's Sky has really shaped out to become one of the biggest comebacks in history for gaming. A game that went from utter disappointment to incredible content jam packed in every update. And ya, sure the game still has some bugs here and there And the tutorial is still a bit boring and out of date with the rest of the game But the beauty behind a game like this is that, if you were to put it down, you can easily pick it back up again. You can play for a couple minutes or several hours. You can just turn your brain off and not worry about anything. It's quite simply the best relaxation game. Or not if you fight creatures for bounties. There is always something to do. Which is hard to say about most games in today's world. I think it's safe to say that No Man’s Sky is a game that everyone should give another chance or play for the first time Especially since they just keep updating the game over and over. I genuinely don't know when they are going to stop. So if you have a friend or simply it's a weekend night and you have no plans. Give No Man's Sky another shot. And while you’re at it go ahead and give my other videos a shot Ok BYE!
Channel: MrSaviorHD
Views: 4,048,903
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: MrSaviorHD, mrsavior, No Man's Sky, No Man's Sky 2023, No Mans Sky update, Is no mans sky worth it, is no mans sky worth it 2023, should I play no mans sky, no mans sky echoes, no mans sky 2023 review, should I play no mans sky 2023, is no mans sky good now, should I play No mans sky again, No Man's Sky Gameplay, No Man's Sky finally fixed, is no mans sky fun solo
Id: 7gfY6TUx62o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 7sec (1027 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 05 2023
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