Subnautica But I Start in the LAVA ZONE...

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okay we literally have nine seconds of oxygen to work with but i see a base right over here and oh my gosh there's literally a sea dragon right there we need to go okay we need to go right now okay this is gonna be really close okay that was way too close for comfort but now that we made it and we're safe for the time being let's go ahead and take a quick inventory of everything we have all right so we have a rebreather a compass we have a high capacity oxygen tank which is going to be very useful and we have some ultra glide fins as well as a survival knife we also have a locker right over here we have some fiber mesh some titanium some benzene and a few other things like some food water and first aid kits all right let's go ahead and put all this stuff into my inventory and see what we can craft with all of it we're going to have to be very careful and strategic with what we craft because we only have a very limited amount of resources here and there's only so many resources we can find in the lava zone first i constructed myself with standard oxygen tank using three of the titanium from my locker this will provide me with an additional 30 seconds of oxygen when searching for materials next i crafted two of the three fiber matching to first aid kits careful to save the remaining fiber mesh into titanium for my next goal constructing a reinforced dive suit after turning the fiber mesh and benzene into synthetic fibers and already having two titanium in my locker the only thing i needed were two diamonds and fortunately i would be able to find some in the trenches just outside my base let's go ahead and put some stuff in our lockers now let's make a leap of faith i hope the sea dragon isn't anywhere near so we're going to be burning as well for a little bit which is why we're focusing on getting the reinforced dive suit so we can hopefully avoid that okay so the diamonds are just from what i remember scattered around these trenches here's one right here we're gonna need one more okay and there is the second diamond so there's actually tons of diamonds here in the lava zone so getting diamonds isn't really gonna be a problem for us they're literally everywhere but before we figure out how on earth we're going to escape the lava zone let me interrupt this video for a quick second to tell you about the sponsor of today's video introducing the mobile game that's been taking the world by storm raid shadow legends complete with over 600 champions each of which come from a unique faction with their own history in the world of tularea this is a game you simply can't miss out on and one of the many factions within this game are the orcs now chances are when you hear the name orc you immediately think of an ugly evil humanoid creature that always seems to be on the losing side of the battle but as it turns out in raid it's quite the opposite the only reason they hate humans is the fact that they were created by the dark lord syroth after a brutal war fought against the banner lords high elves in sacred order their lanes were annexed forcing the surviving orcs to live a nomadic lifestyle most of them nowadays are just trying to survive however recently they joined forces with queen eva of the elves but despite being a close ally of hers even they don't know her true intentions if you want to find out more about this awesome lore be sure to check out the campaign for the full story these orc characters honestly look amazing i love how each of them are very individual and unique some of my favorites include barrel the destroyer i love his two double-edged swords and king garog who looks terrifying one of my favorite things about raid is the awesome character design and the hidden lore within the game now many viewers of my channel know i love lore so it was awesome to see when i downloaded the game that there was hidden lore sprinkled everywhere i really wonder how deep it gets this is the best time to get started in raid and if you click my link in the description or scan my qr code here on screen you'll get unique bonuses worth 30 dollars we're talking about a free epic champion aina 200 000 silver one energy refill one xp boost and one ancient shard so you can summon awesome champions as soon as you get in game all of these treasures will be waiting for you right here so what are you waiting for alright here we go we got a reinforced dive suit which is going to be most useful this is going to make it so we don't take any damage from the lava although i believe it does slow our movement down it's just a little bit so when we have to go really fast at future points in this video i'm probably going to have to take it off with a standard oxygen tank and reinforced dive suit constructed my focus turned to upgrading the standard take into a high capacity tank however unlike the reinforced dive suit this would not be an easy task i would have to travel past two sea dragons through the lava castle and into a place known as the lava pit in order to find the resources i would need how on earth would i be able to do this well you're about to find out all right and here's our second leap of faith so in the lava zone there's only really one area or really two areas you can find resources that you can gather without mining oh there's a sea drag without mining it with a drill arm so we need to be really careful oh gosh okay we need to go um i will explain what i was saying in just a minute once i am safe from this guy please don't see me please just don't see me alright so as you might have guessed we are heading into the lava castle now so inside of the lava castle is the alien thermal plant we can use the alien thermal plant to get oxygen while we're finding all sorts of resources so as i was saying there's only two places we can find resources that we don't have to get with the drill arm so the first place is in the trenches like where we found the diamonds there's some resources we can find there the second place is what i'm going to show you in just a minute it is known as the lava pit and it's going to be extremely useful for us as we're trying to escape the alpha zone all right so we're in the alien thermal plant now we can refill our oxygen tanks and what we're going to do really quickly is we're going to head to the other side also i really quickly would like to note that in this world i remove the ion cube that can usually be found in the lower level of this facility in order to prevent myself from simply taking it and activating the alien gate which will take me to the mountain island because let's be honest that would be incredibly lame alright so what we're going to do is we're going to head out this side and we're going to head to the lava pit now what we're looking for is two glass which is four quarts four titanium and one silver so we're gonna have to make trips there and trips back with a very very limited amount of oxygen we have 30 seconds of oxygen here and then 135 seconds of oxygen here we're going to be cutting it close a few times so we're gonna have to be very careful but once we get those materials it should be a lot easier moving forward all right so here we go let's make a leap of faith this is going to be pretty dangerous and pretty close all right we're going to head through this exit and head right up here so we can save the most amount of time possible okay where the sea dragon's gonna be pretty close we're gonna head through gosh okay yeah he likes to wander over here so right over there can't see it yet but that is where the lava pit is um i'm worried about this guy so i'm gonna head in this i believe there's a trench system right here um if you're wondering where how i know where everything is i didn't know the lava zone very well before this video so i had to do a little bit of exploring and find out where the resources you can actually like find are that's why i kind of know where most things are so i believe in here we can find some silver i don't think we need that but i'll grab it all right see if we can find one or two more silver down here i'm not exactly sure looks like there's one right here okay we need to head back now we'll probably be back here oop that is some silver we're gonna have to head back in there in just a minute i'm gonna go ahead and take this off because we need to go a little bit faster otherwise we might drown so we're gonna have to take a little bit of damage we're gonna have to do this a lot i think we're just gonna have to trade off taking the damage for actually making it back to the alien thermal plant actually i think we might be okay so i'm gonna put this back on and i'm gonna switch oxygen tanks yeah i had a little bit more time than i thought it's really hard to judge and i'm playing it pretty safe because i don't wanna die okay we made it back i have three silver which i believe is all we need for the entire run but we still need that four quarts and four titanium which is going to be a little bit more difficult all right leap of faith let's do this okay there is a shale outcrop right here be nice if we could get gold oh my gosh we got gold that is so lucky so we actually need gold for something we're going to try and build a little bit later where's the sea dragon i can't see him so it's actually so lucky i usually don't get lucky with these types of things we've got so lucky with that which i'm there great fool for you could leave me alone that'll be amazing man this guy's terrifying he's a little stupid but he's extremely terrifying all right um what is this jail we don't need that i'm not gonna waste any time i think i see some copper nickel oh that's unfortunate if that was copper that'd be awesome um so down here is where we find the titan oop right here the quartz and titanium awesome and then i believe it's down here on the wall so i'm gonna go for this quartz and then we're gonna head back oh this is gonna be cutting it pretty close maybe i shouldn't have gone for that oh man all right we're gonna take off this now uh because i might actually need it yeah that might have been a bad decision guys we'll see if we actually make it back to base all right here we go we got 60 seconds total can we make it back to basil please just don't mess with bc dragon now is not the time man these trips are intense oh no he's turning around we need to go we're going to go oh no okay oh no okay that that was a warper um he is coming for us and we are running out of oxygen oh oh and uh we're dead okay so we died and we're back at our base now as much as i would love to do this challenge without dying once i really don't think that's realistic i believe i could do it but it would be very difficult so if you guys want to try this challenge out for yourself and do without dying please be my guest anyways i believe we lost the silver and the titanium which is going to be very costly so let's go ahead and head back to where we were and see if we can recover any of that man that was unfortunate we got worked by the warper and then the sea dragon i believe he just shot a giant fireball at us i'm hoping that'll be the only death but the odds are it won't because we're gonna have to take lots of these trips okay we're back at where we died um here's the two silver and the quartz and there's the absolute idiot who killed us along with the warpers so i'm gonna take these resources and i'm actually gonna head back to base we might use this guy too at some point i'm not sure now that i think about it it might not be efficient like for food and water to go back to our base all that often so what i'm gonna actually do is just drop off my materials right here oh i can't actually drop them wow that that sucks why can't i just like drop materials here um okay so i guess we are heading back to base which is going to be extremely not efficient oh no why is the sea dragon always where i am oh no we need to go please please let me get back oh man dude he's always where i am i swear it's insane okay let's go ahead and drop off our quartz titanium we don't really need this but our two silver man i thought we had another silver what happened to that maybe i missed it let's see if we can grab it on our way back all right we're back where we died it shows i think we had some gold and then also some silver oop there's some quartz here silver nickel where's the bull though uh maybe i can get gold from here no it's lithium see i have no idea where that gold went which is honestly kind of unfortunate so let's see if we can find some more shale in here as i make my way back to the alien thermal plant to get a refill onto oxygen i don't find any shale which is unfortunate but hopefully we can find some more in the future okay i may or may not have discovered a glitch when i exited the alien thermal plant i was sprinting and that speed may have carried over because it seems like we're going pretty fast okay maybe i'm just tripping but like it kind of seems like that i'm not sure though okay just leave me alone jeez man oh looks like we got some gold right here okay all right we're good on gold done and oh and i think i see some copper here as well can we grab one more thing i see some quartz down here we're going to get the quartz and we're going to make a run for i'm not sure if we're going to make it ooh there's titanium too i'm going to get both all right we're going for it oh this might not work guys that was pretty greedy we'll see so the reason i grabbed the copper by the way is we're also gonna need the copper for a later thing which is the habitat builder now you'll see how i get all the resources for that hopefully in a minute once i finish getting all this stuff please don't do this to me again i'm getting ptsd man okay we're running pretty low on oxygen here this might not end well okay 12 seconds three seconds okay screen going dark screen going dark oh my gosh okay that was insane bro okay i can't believe we made that i thought i was dead for sure all right anyways let's go ahead and deliver all this stuff back to our base so we don't die lose all of it um please just go that way and continue going that way oh no um yeah this might be close guys oh he's he's gone where did he go um he might have launched himself which would be amazing because then we don't have to worry about him or he might come back in just a minute we'll see all right so we have three courts we just need one more we have two titanium we're gonna need two more and once we have that we should be good to go all right with that out of the way let's go ahead and head back hopefully we don't worry about the sea dragon anymore i have no idea there's usually two sea dragons in the inactive lava zone so there might still be another one over here i'm not exactly sure oh he's back oh gosh man oh and he might be coming for uh so we need to go now yeah i'm not even gonna look back we just need to go oh that might be towards us oh we need to dodge oh okay yeah that was that was for us yeah okay oh where am i okay we're down here all right okay that was a little scary man okay no sea dragon here would be nice he's right there um he seems to be going away question mark maybe not maybe i spoke too soon i'm gonna head to these trenches all right we are leaving goodbye buddy where'd he go where the heck did he go that is only slightly terrifying because he just disappeared all of a sudden all right i don't know if i'm gonna have time to make it back from here okay yeah i see some titanium right there but we're gonna have to dip we're gonna take off a reinforced dive suit i think that makes us go faster maybe i'm just completely full of garbage oh we need to go yeah we might not be making it back this time boys get 12 seconds and we're heading towards there but i don't think we're gonna make it zero we're gonna keep going and oh man that was so close oh that was so close man we didn't make it all right second death can't say i'm surprised but that is unfortunate see stuff like that like it's so hard to get the resources with just these tanks we have to be really really careful man it is a lot harder than you might think to manage your air all right let's go ahead and head back we still need that two titanium and one course hopefully we can get a little bit luckier this time around all right here we go i did the sprinting thing again i didn't do that last time still not really sure if i'm just imagining it but let's see if this works hey it really just seems like we're moving so much faster it's so weird let's go ahead and head straight for the pits there's titanium right there and i believe there's a titanium right around here we're gonna grab that and we are going to head out oh no sea dragon sea dragon buddy please please please buddy please just let me live oh no oh okay he didn't kill us a little close but he didn't kill us okay i count that as an absolute win we have the two titanium which is all the titanium we need now we just need one quartz and we're good with the high capacity oxygen tank which will make our resource gathering there a lot easier and dang we made it back with room to spare wow okay maybe the sprinting thing is real maybe i'm making it up i have no idea man y'all are gonna have to tell me in the comments section all right we have the four titanium now we just need the one quartz please game just let me find that one quartz and then we will be good to go all right let's do the sprinting thing here we go sprint oh no i'm i'm just going off of it maybe it works i i don't even know oh uh buddy yeah okay maybe maybe not um whoa oh yeah yeah yeah no okay i i got your message uh we're gonna have to try again in just a minute i guess okay oh what was that a sea dragon thing bro can i just like get my quartz please please with the okay guess not dang man i even said please well he immediately sees me do you see this man's just bullying me holy please be gone bro there's no way can we still go okay we're gonna go for it guys okay i see some titanium we're gonna need that later no quartz man where is this quartz at oh there's one up there um let's mark where that is mentally oh there's a horse right here oh we might die we're probably gonna die but i got the quartz and if we die then we might just drop our resources at a place where we can pick them up maybe oh yeah we're definitely gonna die oh yeah man dude at least we found it as well as an extra titanium it's just unfortunate i couldn't find it quick enough um i'm just gonna die like right over here where we died last time and so our resources should be dropped off there and hopefully we can get them hopefully they don't get like burned by the lava or something weird and third death i believe oh we did actually bring oh man we got lucky we brought the quartz with us so when you die um you drop basically everything except for like food water important stuff like this and then you get to keep one random material everything else like this is dropped but we got lucky for once and we got to keep the court so now we can construct the high capacity oxygen tank at last all right glass glass let's grab the silver and now we can finally craft a second high capacity octave tank let's go that was a lot of work but now life's gonna be so much easier you have no idea with the high capacity tank out of the way my next focus was the habitat builder the habitat builder would be the key to my escape as i could deconstruct my base and move it closer to an exit of the lost river but the habitat builder would be even more difficult to construct than the high capacity tank i would need two table coral samples one gold and two copper for the computer chip two silver for the wiring kit and two acid mushrooms and another copper for the battery i already have the one gold and two silver but i would need to find two more copper as well as both the table coral and acid mushrooms while the copper could be found just outside the lava pit the acid mushrooms and table coral would require a trek to a very specific part of the lost river past warpers and even a ghost leviathan all of this with a limited amount of oxygen and while the place did have both acid mushrooms and table coral in order to even reach it in the first place i would need to find two more titanium so i could craft another standard oxygen tank so i headed back to the lava pit and began searching oh no oh oh man man so much of this is just rng with the sea dragons they're so weird it's just a matter of if they shoot fireballs at us or not okay i think he missed question mark i don't know how close he is behind me okay that was a little too close for comfort okay all right let's see we got our titanium from where we died sea dragon there bud um yeah be nice if i could just go oh no oh hello bud oh yeah that was yeah i hate those guys those guys suck anyways we're back hopefully we can find the two titanium that we need we have a little bit more oxygen to work with but not a whole lot honestly oh quantum detonation is not necessarily good oh yeah so we definitely feel the effects down here oh it's not looking so good with the old oxygen meter nine seconds can we make it six seconds oh man three seconds oh come on please surely surely we can make it oh man okay that was way too close for comfort again wow and again we come back empty-handed we still have that one titanium we weren't able to find anything man dude these titaniums blend in so well it's insane oh gosh man that scares me every time holy cow just comes out of nowhere man there's no i'm gonna get a million comments saying oh my gosh you missed the titanium there or whatever how could you be so dumb it was right in front of you i just know man i just know oh i think i see some finally we got some oh and there's another one right there okay all right all right i'm leaving now man we cut it close so many times all right yeah i wasn't as close as last time last time we made it and now let's head back to base and construct ourselves another standard oxygen tank now we're also going to have to start worrying about food here uh we're out of nutrient blocks we still have re-water which is nice we're gonna have to start catching fish and cooking them see dragon if you could just leave me oh gosh he's right there okay um yeah scared me so badly hey could you uh my buddy could just like uh don't go in that direction just like a thousand meters or so and just uh you're literally just like like standing like right right over my base like uh it'd be really nice actually hello bud what do you do he's literally dude he's actually just trolling he's just standing there right over my base i mean i don't i don't like i don't like that any better at this point my insanity had really started to kick in and it would only get worse from here okay um attempt number two oh my gosh why is he always right oh oh oh my gosh dude what are you doing i actually hate you dude he's such a troll he's such a troll dude this guy dude the developers just like freaking programmed him to just troll me oh no no no no no no dude no i can tell when he sees me he just turns right towards me and he gives me that stupid look he's like oh i see but you're not safe oh my gosh dude these guys we're literally at like 14 hunger i swear if i die because of this idiotic sea dragon i'm not gonna be happy okay attempt three please don't see me i'm just going for it man i'm done at this point i'm done this guy trolling me if i can't with this guy he's just frozen what is he doing okay i'm just i'm just going what's he doing dude oh oh oh okay okay okay okay okay okay okay um i think i'm thinking oh gosh oh okay yeah i think i'm relatively safe in here let's go ahead and construct the standard o2 tank so now we have all the oxygen tanks we're probably gonna make in this challenge with my third oxygen tank constructed i now had enough oxygen to make it to the table coral and acid mushrooms and although i still needed two copper to make the habitat builder i decided to start my journey to get everything else i needed and so after grabbing some fish for food my journey began so what i'm gonna do for this is i think i'm gonna take off my reinforced dive suit i'm not sure if this is gonna help or not we're gonna find out yeah uh going right back inside my base all right let's wait until that guy's gone i think he's gone let's go let's make a run for it all right here we go ladies and gentlemen this is gonna be crazy what we're gonna do is we're gonna head up out of this lava zone exit right here which will bring us to the lost river and there's a specific spot in the lost river that has the acid mushrooms and table coral that we need okay all right let's go for this hopefully we can make it there and back on just this oxygen that we have with us it's gonna be pretty close i'm gonna be honest okay there is a ghost leviathan here which is why we have the med kits i don't know if we're gonna be able to make you back guys i'm gonna be honest i wish we could use that sprint thing coming out of our base but i don't think we can unfortunately oh there's the ghost of either it would be amazing if he would just leave me alone oh i'm obvious ouch yeah that's us that's us all right um so the area is just up here hopefully we can make it there grab the stuff we need and then make it back all right one two and two and we are out that was very smooth i'm gonna be honest let's go ahead and switch switch oxygen tanks i'm also gonna just grab a first aid kit might have been a little bit wasteful but it's worth it bro there's no way he miss oh i think he missed okay that's was fortunate maybe he was going for something else or maybe he just missed either way i am okay with it all right 30 seconds left man this is insane dude if we oh there's our base right over there we can get there without a sea dragon or anything messing with us i'll be amazing honestly i'm not sure for email to do it's gonna be pretty close guys let's go ahead and switch tanks we have 30 seconds to get there 15 we might be losing this oh no let's see dragons turn around okay we need to go we need to go 12 seconds which is now 9 seconds okay i think we got it guys i think we got it i think we got it ladies and gentlemen we have the acid mushrooms and we have a table coral sample let's go we actually made it back like a lot quicker than i thought we would like we had like nine seconds of oxygen to spare and i think that's because we grabbed these guys soaked with the man now that we have the table coral and acid mushrooms all that stood in my way of escape was 2 copper and so i made one final trip back to the lava pit in search of the final resources i would need to complete this challenge all right leap of faith please no sea dragon yeah we didn't get very good sea dragon rng there let's just go in our base yeah all right we're gonna have to wait a little bit oh gosh oh my gosh that was literally a jump scare he was just like waiting he was waiting for me right out there okay uh we're gonna have to wait a little bit longer oh my gosh bro could you just like leave bro he's trolling me again you got to be joking bro what is going on oh yeah okay he's inside my face now i can see him like right out there dude what dude he's trolling me he's waiting for me to come out dude all right now's our chance we're going he's currently inside the lava castle okay don't think that's a good okay never mind i spoke too soon he's not inside the level guys well he's literally right there okay i'm just i'm just going bro i don't think i'm gonna make it okay uh against allah we made it into the lava castle hopefully this will be our last expedition through the lava pit all right sprint thing that might not be real and we're off okay good sea dragon rng nope bad sea dragon rng i think i'm gonna hate these guys even more after this video like i already wasn't very fond of them because i've had some interesting experiences with them but after this video don't think my feelings for them are going to get any better all right we going i'm not sure if he's going to come back but we going okay so what i've found exploring with copper is copper just kind of spawns in this general area from what i remember we just need two of it and you guys are just going for me and there's another one wonderful there's more titanium i think that's copper right there nicole oh looks exactly the same okay probably need to be heading back now which is unfortunate oh i think that's copper right there maybe it's copper okay we need to go we need to go yeah we need to go now um i have the copper but i don't know if i'm gonna make it we will see let's take this off so maybe we have a little bit of a speed boost sea dragon just not now buddy not now oh okay we're going 30 seconds can we do it 18 seconds 15 seconds all right i think we actually might be able to get this one yeah i think we just might be able to pull this one off all right yeah we definitely did at this point okay let's put these guys back on we need to find one more and then we'll go just one more all right everything's filled up let's go for it one more time okay come on where is this last copper at this is it oh my gosh it's hit okay that did not look like copper but i'm not complaining okay let's go ahead switch oxygen tanks and we head back to the alien thermal plant oh my gosh we found it we're literally good after this we can construct the habitat builder and we can get out of here oh my gosh let's go we just need to make it safely back to the alien thermal plants and then safely back to our base then we deconstruct our base with the habitat then we head back oh gosh oxygen is not a concern it's just the sea dragon i think we can make it all right i think we're safe oh man that was stressful we finally have that copper dude that copper is so hard to find okay see dragon rng question mark he's chilling right over my base as always so we wait okay we going he's going that way i'm going this way all right we're making a run for it boys oh no oh hello bro uh he like bumped his head and now he's like oh that scared me okay uh can we make it oh my gosh he's literally right next to our base okay okay dude he was literally right there there's no way we made that there's literally no way we made that okay i think we have everything now though let's get everything out so we're gonna make a battery some copper wire a computer chip then a wiring kit and now we should be able to build it and there we go we finally have a habitat builder now that we had the habitat builder it was time to initiate my plan i would deconstruct my base move it up to the same event where we found the table coral and acid mushrooms and then hopefully from there make it to the surface it seemed easy enough but my victory still wasn't guaranteed yet alright so one potential worry i have is that we're not gonna be able to deconstruct because of where where's that from whoa oh my gosh whoa what dude what okay he was like right below me this guy's such a troll um as i was saying i don't know if i'm gonna be able to deconstruct because the sea dragon um and he demonstrated perfectly for me dude what he's he just like rammed his head into that what is this guy doing dude can you just like get launched like just get lost um i'm like hesitant to deconstruct because i know as soon as i deconstruct he's coming for me oh oh my gosh dude that was dude what dude this is so terrifying i have no idea where he is until i leave like i can see through this but like it's not a lot i just realized we can kind of use this for propulsion a little bit all right i'm going for it i'm going for it boys and i think we're going to try and use this for propulsion i'm not sure if it actually works but i think it pushes that forwards a little bit i'm like not sure how much well like anything helps i guess i'm just gonna go ahead and take this first aid kit because yeah we might we might need it we'll see all right let's continue using this i really i don't know if this helps but i'm doing it so all right we just need to get over that rule hey but we need to get over that ridge and then it'll bring us to the area where there's a vent in the lost river and we can set up our base there and from there i believe we can just make it right to the surface all right we're out of the lava zone i don't intend to return hopefully we make it to the vent safely go ahead and switch oxygen tanks that might be us it's not thank goodness i love how it doesn't break limestone because i literally have not broken a single limestone in this world all right the vent is right up there we just need to make it up there and then construct our base again i think we have plenty of oxygen to work with the surface is literally just like right up there but we can't make it we can't make it on the tanks we have we have to construct the space otherwise we'll get to like pretty close but i don't think we'll make it all right here we go let's go ahead and construct this guy first all right now for the main compartment and hatch and there we go we have a refill for oxygen let's make sure we fill everything all right i think we're good to go and now i would deconstruct this base but we really don't need to uh the surface is literally just right there and i think we can make it with what we have all right this is it guys we're heading right up there actually i think it's more like right up there but i'm pretty sure we can make it to the surface on this oxygen now the only concern is there are a ton of creatures other dangerous creatures uh just outside the eggs including reaper leviathan mesmers bone sharks amp eels so we're gonna have to get kind of lucky slash avoid them we'll see how this goes guys it's not guaranteed just yet okay i think i can see the exit right there i think once we go past just about right there there's nothing but open ocean oh man i can't wait for that side we've been stuck in this lava zone for so long i'm so sick of the sea dragons man the warpers they're annoying so are the lava losers but man those sea dragons dude they were just trolling me the entire time i can't with those guys all right we should probably switch our tanks soon we got bone sharks just leave me alone oh yeah bone sharks like to get launched uh if you didn't know let's switch oxygen tanks and it's open ocean oh my gosh i haven't seen sunlight in months it's felt like all right and oh hey bud once we go past this guy straight up all right i think we got past him straight up from here guys 300 meters to go i think we have about 120 oxygen left in our tanks i think we're gonna make it guys okay 200 meters man oh the sunlight feels amazing we're so close dude 150 meters to go 100 meters oh dude i can almost i can almost feel it already 50 meters 20 meters and guys we finally did it after all of that craziness the sea dragons everything we finally made it to the surface it's going to build our oxygen tanks why not oh man i'm just gonna let out a side relief let's go ahead and head back to our life pod and i guess i'll see you there all right we're back at our life pod let's go ahead and climb the ladder with the awesome animation and everything man that was so much fun honestly that challenge it was crazy it was incredible it was also incredibly stressful but in the end we made to the surface that was amazing thank you guys so much for watching and maybe consider trying this challenge as well as the lost river challenge out for yourself if you enjoyed this video please consider subscribing it's free and it helps me out a ton huge thanks to my patrons over at patreon baby oda moonlords i watch on his captain if you want to be awesome become patreon support today and i will see you guys in the next video
Channel: SpeedyMouse
Views: 324,118
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: subnautica, but, you, start, begin, in, the, lava, zone, biome, challenge, playthrough, habitat, base, builder, reinforced, dive, suit, high, capacity, oxygen, tank, speednautica, speed, five, sped, up, times, speedymouse, speedy, mouse, below, zero, video, game, survival, survive, sea, dragon, standard, warper, lizard, ghost, leviathan, magma, inactive, lakes
Id: TRdpNeIw2k4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 6sec (2226 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 12 2022
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