Can I Finish Subnautica WITHOUT WATER? (Part 1)

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good evening everyone and welcome to the no water walkthrough challenge it's bacon on camera this does not happen often trust me so you're especially lucky especially with my post-apocalyptic haircut which still has some of the blue slash green from the christmas charity by the way thank you guys for that anyways welcome to the challenge i just want to get two things quickly out of the way before we jump in so first of all this whole thing will be happening thanks to the custom water level mod which effectively allows you to customize how high or how low the level of the water should be and so we'll be putting that to minus 10 000 thusly removing all the water in the map it's not just going to be the glitch where the water doesn't detect secondly i want to give two quick shout outs where i believe they are due and those are number one it's a saviner whose moist percent run is absolutely incredible and even though it is a bit different than the challenge i'll be trying here i believe it still deserves recognition and second is a channel called rickety which i believe is doing the exact same challenge at this very moment in fact i believe he even got inspired to do the challenge based on one of my videos so mad props to both of these mad lads and let's just hop right into it so let us embark on this epic adventure and jump into survival alright so the opening plays out about as you would expect we get into the live pod we get out of the live pod bim bam bom tap tap tap and we are on planet four five four six b and of course as already established things are already dying now right off the bat i figured that getting food is probably a priority so i catch a few fish and then go back to cook them in the life pod and you know what i'm feeling pretty good like we might actually be able to do this well definitely won't be needing any of those that's for sure i figured out that the first tool i should probably get is the scanner so that i can scan other blueprints and then in general just build a lot more stuff later down the line so here we go dude look at this world oh yeah and make sure you get used to the tilting of the lifebot that's that's going to stay for a while and just like that we have the scanner so far so good now it's quickly becoming apparent to me that resource gathering is going to be much more difficult than i originally anticipated because well number one you're not able to swim so reaching anything that's high up is out of the question and number two if you end up falling into a hole that you can't get out of well too bad you have to reload the safe because you're not getting out any other way i mean unless you can like build yourself out oh yeah full damage is also a thing apparently now i figured that the next thing i should probably build is a knife and to get that we're gonna need some of the creep vine clusters over there from the kelp forest so let's embark on a journey okay now how am i gonna reach these the they grow out kind of out of the way luckily i found this one small island that you could kind of jump off of to reach this nearby creep vine cluster and so i was actually able to get them after one or two attempts okay maybe it was more like 15 attempts at one point i even tried standing on the bladder fish that would actually float me up but that was only with limited success and i was not never actually able to get any clusters using this method now i finally had these but suddenly um i ran into an issue yup that's my life pod over 400 meters underneath us see as we've already established in the previous video when you're not next to your live pod everything despawns and because this thing apparently has physics applied to it it will just start floating downwards and this is a big problem see at the start of the game you kind of need the lifeboat in order to be able to do well anything because it has the fabricator in it so uh yeah i rip this game world and i have to restart everything over all right here we are 4546b again lovely as ever so i started thinking about the plan to hold the live pod in place i figured maybe if i build something around it to stop it from falling down that would be the way to go so i figured you know you can use pipes to trap reaper so why don't we try using some pipes unfortunately i quickly realized you actually have to attach these to an air pump and you can only deploy the air pump in water so um yeah ripped that plan i even tried just pushing the air pump underneath but didn't really work at all okay so i was kind of running out of ideas and this thing was becoming a real problem even just walking a little bit away from the life pod would very quickly cause it to fall through the map but then i finally had this eureka moment when looking at a boulder with floaters see these boulders never actually fell through the map so i figured huh what if i took some of the floaters and tried attaching them to the live pod i attached the floaters and decided to do the distance test and bingo the life pod would no longer fall under the map so with my newly acquired master plan in place i was able to actually get to some more resource gathering and i would need quite a bit now the live pod would still occasionally do a little bit of breakdancing because of the floaters that were now attached to it but at least for the time being it wasn't falling under the map which was exactly what i needed and a few pieces of titanium later there i was with my knife awesome okay i probably shouldn't have done that ah well on a positive note i figured out a way to get quite high um on a more negative note i also figured out a way to uh come down very quickly all right let's not do that again now i just want to emphasize how difficult it is to explore this world with no water every single hole that you can fall into presents a potential end of the game for you because you might not be able to climb out of it without any water without materials to build and and some of these crevices you can't even build at all so you have to be really careful where you go and my strategy became to only ever go to a place if i could walk in there without jumping because jumping also happens to be quite finicky now on the plus side at least the crash fish would not activate for some reason so i was able to just walk up to them detonate them with my knife with no worries so hey that's at least one headache out of the way in the heat of the moment i decided to actually build a repair tool instead so i would be able to repair my lifeboat and at least have it nice and lit up and there we go no water in the world and i've already managed to fix up my life pod only like half an hour of gameplay later now at this point knight had fallen and i realized that man this would be a lot better with a flashlight so in the back of my mind i kind of put the flashlight onto the list of things i should relatively quickly build and so i promptly did a few pieces of chords later there it was and i equipped with the scanner and the flashlight i was actually feeling pretty good about this whole setup i started gathering stuff to be able to build the habitat builder which i kind of considered the last of the necessary tools i would need just to kind of go about basic survival it actually turned out to be relatively easy and after gathering materials for a bit there i was with my habitat builder ready to take on the world now this point i also decided to do a little bit of just walking around and scanning i figured there would be quite a few key things i would need in order to survive in this world so i decided to just kind of go around and see what i can find i also took a bunch of stuff that i wouldn't necessarily need but i figured might as well scan it if i'm there yo that's a sea glide for me at this point i also figured that it might be a good idea to make my way to other biomes in order to start gathering some additional resources and to start scanning some more stuff so i very cautiously waddle down into the grassy plateaus and was actually able to get a bunch of stuff for the seamoth and also for the bioreactor which proved to be super useful now i do want to say that it's almost as if subnautica's levels were not designed with player walking around everything in mind because boy is it difficult to navigate around the grassy plateaus with grass that is all the way up to your freaking head oh look at that i even got the scanner room isn't that nice but then the disaster struck i look over and my hud tells me that the sea moth is once again underneath the map i don't know what happened here i'm not sure why maybe just because i walk too far away but basically even my floater setup was not enough to permanently prevent it from going underneath the map so that was a big problem because i still had no other fabricator so right into reloading i went and uh i quickly realized that if i was going to be able to do anything the first order of business had to be to build a piece of base with a fabricator so that i would no longer be dependent on my live pod at all so that quickly became the next immediate task right after i caught up on everything that i lost in those 10 minutes of gameplay i was getting slightly better at navigating using a lot of jumping and momentum to actually get to places which is definitely not the intended way to play the game but it created a very interesting gameplay loop almost felt like something out of tomb raider maybe you can definitely see that i was very happy with finding these materials a bit of titanium a bit of gold and a bit of table coral and there i was with a fabricator also don't pay attention to the other fabricators in my menu i believe they're a remnant from a different mod but we won't be using any of that i also quickly realized i would need to actually power the base so the next order of business would be to build at least one solar panel and probably put it onto a platform or something so that i can in future build a few more and boom there we were now i had a base which had the fabricator inside and it was all powered up so technically at this point i could go anywhere and even if my live body fell through the floor i would no longer have to worry awesome so with that i headed back out onto the mission to scan as many things as i could a beacon sure i'll take that i quickly figured that a big thing that might be important at this stage of the game is the mobile vehicle bay and even though i wouldn't be building the seamoth building something like the prawn suit could be very handy so i quickly looked up that you can find these in kelp forests and grass steepletoes and so by simply headed to my nearest killed forest and realized that unfortunately these things are almost entirely made out of sheer cliffs so falling down there would be pretty much a game over for me so i had to get creative or find a different place a trash can sure why not and then my eyes finally fell upon something very exciting i saw a wreck in the distance and i knew that i had to try exploring it oh and yeah i even got some laser cutter pieces along the way which is definitely something i will need later anyway so i just picked them up along the way i do want to emphasize that finding anything in this grass was so difficult that i would often only find blueprints when i would literally step on them like this piece of scanner room here that might very quickly become a problem later but let's not think about it too much yet okay so now we got into the question of how on earth am i going to get into this wreck i tried using the old let's just climb it strategy and boy i can tell you that riley can certainly jump pretty well i was able to scale quite a bit off the rack on the side but unfortunately there was actually no entrance from this direction so i had to abandon that plan pretty quickly well but would you look at that there is literally an entrance right here it would be super annoying if at this point i realized that some um hello ah so uh news flash riley actually cannot intervenes unless he's swimming because if his model is upright it is too large to fit inside that's just bloody brilliant i figured that the cyclops would be the easiest way for me to go around and it also negated fall damage so it'd be super important but these pieces can be really difficult to find so it genuinely took me like a good half an hour just walking around this place to even find those three necessary but finally one two and three i was able to get them and then we were in business another 20 minutes of walking later i was actually able to be like hey is that my habitat over there and i successfully made it with a ton of resources on top of everything so now it was on to the final grind and then i would be able to build the mobile vehicle bay and as you can imagine everything went pretty simple except for the creep buying cluster see what has turned out is that i've pretty much exhausted most of this plant which was within reach so even my jumping strategy was no longer applicable okay this is gonna be a problem after trying a whole bunch of different stuff i actually came up with the idea of maybe building lockers in such a way that i would be able to climb towards one of the plants i'm not gonna lie i had to try this over like four different times because every time i would end up either too high or too low to actually reach the plant at one point even being so infuriatingly close i was almost yelling at my screen but alas finally after about another 20 minutes i was actually able to get the creepy fine clusters and head back to my base a few moments of crafting later and there i was finally holding my precious baby now in the back of my mind there was this one ticking voice which kept saying i'm gonna run into an issue but i was kind of ignoring it oh boy okay we're running into that issue so the next thing is we need to be able to deploy the mobile vehicle bay and this is not just to build a prawn suit this is actually also to build the cyclops in order for you to even be able to leave the planet in the end and build a neptune rocket this is important stuff but there genuinely isn't a way to deploy this thing unless you are in water i went into creative and tried everything maybe building a moon pool maybe dropping it and reloading the game maybe building literally anywhere around the map maybe building in the void absolutely nothing would work no matter how hard i tried not even spawning it would help me at all and then well then i found the way but anyways that takes us to the end of this video so you guys will have to wait for part two to see how i actually managed to get the mobile vehicle bay to at least sort of work in the meanwhile i really hope you enjoyed and if you did maybe consider leaving me like commenting or subscribing all those would be very much appreciated and make sure to stay tuned for part two i really hope that i will see all of you there now with that i'm going to be showing a bit of our stuff today and i'll see you in whatever next video i make bye bye
Channel: The Last Bacon
Views: 1,222,915
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Last Bacon, Last Bacon, subnautica, subnautica gameplay, subnautica mods, subnautica game, subnautica update, subnautica mod, let's play subnautica, subnautica modded, modded subnautica, subnautica updates, subnautica ending, subnautica monsters, subnautica leviathan, subnautica with mods, subnautica reaper leviathan, subnautica let's play, subnautica mods pc, subnautica full release, the last bacon subnautica, subnautica best mods
Id: bEKN1sWjX9c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 5sec (845 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 05 2021
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