SUBER MEPTROID | Romhack Competition 2021

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so this is super uh sorry um this is super meptroid by exister ringer started the metroids had been my foe for a long time led by mother brain but ridley had been a thorn in my side for even longer a notorious space pirate he teamed up with mother brain and built a base on planet zebes that planet holds many memories for me the galactic federation hired me samus aaron the strongest mercenary in the cosmos i landed on zebby's prepared for whatever i had to face rodney yep all right cool i niv all right so let's get started you spell ridley wrong it's all good it points docked all right so it looks like the map is fully functional just checking stuff out okay there's an area up there okay let's look uh bacteria yep okay [Music] yeah he said he focused on making it all work no bugs yeah yeah i'm not particularly worried i mean hopefully it's like over an hour i said an hour to three hours i'm not gonna like penalize the hack creator if it's 59 minutes or three hours in one minute you know dave no i could well i don't know if i could put the thing up there so all right i think this is a linear path until i get um some sort of item locked out about eight hours no well you know morphine ball damn i love the instructions i was thinking bomb chorizo for some reason but uh you know not bombs um this was just a gate right i don't think there is any morph tunnel here let me check again [Music] did i miss something or was i supposed to one let me check this one more time oh i think that's it i am gonna return um was there a tunnel back um there's clearly nothing here all right let's just get out go back to the ship i'm in mass howdy howdy how's it going is looking fine map layout seems good i like the ship on the mini map yeah a sock hey whales missiles [Music] you tank um i'm gonna try to not gate glitch the contest was opened up for anyone yes but you had to enter the contest um at like the specific time that i had it opened i don't want people already like with a half made hack entering three months late oh yeah i'll start now and they like already made something a while ago yeah which i'm sure people are already building upon existing projects they were working on but some things are impossible to know you know okay [Music] um damn that door transition is like instant they're just damaged across oh i could just probably run across i'm just afraid that the thing's gonna hit me i just want these missiles i don't have cwj this but i wanted to be cool come on exister what's up in opium all right um i'm trying to think i'm not sure the general direction but we will just explore [Music] uh there's bomb block down there i think um what was this now this is uh oh yeah reserve tank [Music] [Music] dwj is when you just wall jump like going the same direction if i can do it here like that [Music] yes [Music] [Music] okay yeah what's up with the green map the heck is that that like map that's not on the um map that's not on the uh like when you get the map itself [Music] the great area it's like when you get the uh map station you see stuff but that doesn't mean that that's all there is to the map you know [Music] all right [Music] well i didn't know if there was like an extra half a second added to the timer just making sure okay bombs [Music] yeah like what i mean by that is everything's blue right now but um everything that's not on the map that that map shows will be green i assume like all this stuff right now there's a super secret areas oh poggers okay everything's blue no it's not [Music] stuff i'm on right now is green whether or not to go to slip boy's house what a niv you stay away from slip boy and his crew all right i don't want you hanging around them all righty slip boy ah scooter [Music] u7r add a partner [Music] [Music] all right so we can go see what's up there now if i really want but i kind of don't feel like doing that so let's go to the right hey thanks for getting something to slip boy uh oh you're encouraging aniv [Music] nothing to just keep coming another i couldn't remember the um i couldn't remember the commands so you can change the title if you want but [Music] the deadly gamer i'm not cheating this just wraps around i was just curious to see how this connected so that just connects to this all right thank you [Music] all right yeah so after the um contest is over i assume everything will be released to metroid construction for everyone to play subparmentos [Music] [Music] souls can be your trucker name and it's all decided sounds like an 80s porn song oh yes dude yep this is in comes the dude with the 12-inch snake trouser snake this music like you're you're not wrong actually [ __ ] once the baseline kicked in put him in a boom boom boom now i was like okay [ __ ] you might be right actually hey hi all right um [Music] thanks for ruining this song for me hey this song's catchy [Music] yeah it just improved okay decent sized map for brinstar i do like maps being handed out it is kind of nice it's not always necessary depending on the flow of your hack but it is it is nice to see some sort of map and especially a functional map because yeah not every map is functional in these games um [Music] secret [Music] prize pool is actually 5025 now we got a 25 donation okay so this is not [Music] there you go man doesn't exist broski damn otbot talking down to you command doesn't exist you bait a [ __ ] that's what he said to chad right now um oh no whoops oh no oh no oh no [Music] um danger so what just happened there was what i'm saying is all the map is now blue again which is a um which is a kind of a common thing that can happen so what's down here norfair yeah i want to get more items here a bug if you will never mind we can't do that anything over here a bug yup it's got bed bugs um so there's a lot of stuff up yonder grapple block to the right super missile door on the bottom right okay hey ma'am i heard your plumbing was leaking yeah come on in yep bam your plumbing is leaking steps in the door instantly whips this [ __ ] out why okay well [ __ ] i guess all right maybe i shouldn't talk about this while i'm playing uh exister's romhack hey mom uh oats is gonna be playing my rom hack come check it out anyway says how saying kind of place is this sun go ahead this is my legacy okay thank god all right good [Music] uh child hey you can live with your parents in your 20s okay i'm watching on the living room and my mom laughed [Music] that's good that's good my mom all right [Music] [Music] hey yeah exactly the economy in this economy there's nothing wrong with living with the in-laws you know for the deposit well no generally if you get a house you um if it's a first time home if you're a first time home a homeowner you can um where's this item you only have to put like three percent down or some [ __ ] [Music] then you have uh you have uh insurance you have to pay wait a minimum of ten percent not even if you're a first-time homeowner you can't um damn rip oh you're in new zealand okay i mean you have everything else awesome so i mean yeah i wouldn't worry about that there's lava in my vegetation [Music] i love the bass line the glitched bass line that always happens when you grab an item in rom hacks with brainstorm music yeah this is for sure a fire hazard oh it's gatorade okay plants crave it [Music] it can't go that way [Music] [Music] i figured i wouldn't think it was messed up normally if it's like this there's like hidden somewhere you know uh ryder the storm things for 16 months never seen a plant grow out of no toilet don't lie you got like those mushrooms growing out the side of your toilet like where the seal is against the floor 100 there's some chatters in here that have the mushroom growth [Music] sorry chad that's so gross dude the mushroom growth yeah that's what's for dinner yep alongside the turlet seriously i'm trying to eat right now hopefully you're not eating like mushroom linguine or something or like a nice portobello [Music] some stir-fry oh yeah dude there's mushrooms in there for sure all right so i think we have to keep going this way oh this is the fourth hack toilet shrooms in this economy damn okay you put you can put in this economy after anything and it works all right i guess he's got a bomb jump um yeah i mean i like the use of the tiles you know making your own tile set is awful so sorry didn't have time for grade nice what does that say nice sequence break though he's wait what now oh here's a reward okay thank you a reward nice let's go it was kind of hard to read like the as you're like running see you at the next uh unfinished area okay exit is um okay so i can just leave oh boy that's okay that's okay you're gonna finish it when it's released and i'm sure it's gonna be an awesome area all good thank you for the reward because i do like high jump i did get the high jump boots uh probably high jump bass can be kind of annoying it really depends but high jump is always nice because if you have speed booster without high jump you're just suffering the entire time oh we got ourselves a spo spo dlc it's hard with uh with high jump on for this actually it messes up the uh timing without high jump you have the perfect height and you can just like press right and get like four or five turn it off [Music] [Music] i'm in no hurry yep it's fighting back [Music] five more to go [Music] [ __ ] [Music] all right well at least we got some spokespeople and we're about to get super missiles so just kidding grapple got a hole in my lip hole in my lip from the dip oh dude new new single let's go a hole in i got a hole in my lip from chewing too much dip i guess i'm gonna open a miller and take a sip yeehaw oh [ __ ] the miller spilled on the floor because my hole in my lip god save us [Music] aggressively catchy actually i don't think we need to uh i think we could just go through the floor on that one all right um i still don't have super missiles maybe i should just go to norfair now i don't know i assume i'm gonna want maria but yo if little nos wants to uh hit me up and um do uh do a collab together yeah i mean i guess [ __ ] i'll sell them the rights to hole in my lip from my dip [Music] milder on the floor kick my baby girl out the front door [Music] just saying if he wants uh if he wants rights to the lyrics and go half seas on the profit all right let's see if this is a heated area okay nevermind hold on ggs welcome to the end of the game if you came hold on like a serious secret passage go check out brinstar if you want the true 100 ending of uh [Music] that's randomly finding her ship and leaving okay well the planet explodes for no apparent reason go grab six this missile circuit syria 10 from brynstar one e tank from criteria then you can make it through okay let me just like read half and then like try to like piece together my brain okay i pieced it together i pieced it together i think okay um i will i will go back and i will grab stuff wait so what is this then did i save let's just save um there wasn't a lot of time all right well exister was saying that um he was prioritizing a lot of the oh i see prioritizing a lot of the um like make sure there's no sequence breaks and stuff uh i assume the doors don't turn okay um to make sure like everything's airtight um what i will say so far is the hack seems solid yeah it's it's been really good progression so far um i know you were a little crunched on time you know but it it seems solid so far you know so let's go back and try to get all the items um okay let me see something just real quick because tomorrow i'm taking off um like i've said in the past who is the next person now i'm gonna i'm gonna see if um hotlands who made hotlines again um hold on i gotta open up my stuff um metroid nerd that's right i know metroid nerd uh was very um oh metroid nerds in the discord right now it's up to metroid nerd if um uh like do you want me to play the hack or do you want me to wait until wednesday you said wednesday i know your is pretty tight i will totally wait no okay that's totally fine i figured i'd ask um i know you said you got a busy schedule because i'm um i might have to take one more day off this week as well tomorrow i have a piano lesson and i have to put together a pc and get it shipped out the next day um and i just don't have any time other than a day off so that's my day off is uh running errands and putting together a pc my brother yeah yeah you're good you're good uh i just wanted to just wanted to ask just to be sure um i haven't gone to wreck ship maybe i can do that no it's just a birthday present for my brother because um he's had like outdated parts for like 10 years and you know never really enough to build a new pc so i'm building up a pretty awesome pc for christmas let's go up here no i'm the younger brother oh [Music] okay wait hold on good evening kitty yeah i could just grab the ledge if i was playing dread what is it i think i see you infinite bomb jumped um nice i don't know what to do now uh tell you what just walk through that wall to your right and grab yourself a various suit it won't let you grab anything new and it isn't required for 100 but it'll make the game easier unless you don't want that either way see you in the next unfinished area oh and keep this varia location just between you and me all right it's a secret dude i get the beta i get to play beta access oh dear god [Music] don't tell anybody your secret's safe with us um i i really want to see what else uh you can do are are you still working on this before you release it exister because i hope so i hope you didn't lose motivation after like the contest was done but um because yeah i definitely would like to play this um once you can get everything put together now let me see i'm gonna try to 100 this and i didn't keep track of the items but let's see here um i don't know if i got everything in this area no it's not that cons it's not for like content i'm i'm strictly just playing the contest hacks now i'm trying to stay away from other hacks until i'm done with the contest so i don't like taint anything or confuse people like oh is this a part of the contest um so i'm not gonna do anything until afterwards i think i'm gonna play super duper metroid after the contest is done yes taint yeah i've heard great things about it so i'm pretty excited um okay did i get everything here exister yes if you could if you could copy and paste that i would like to do 100 i assume this area is not completed as well since you said six areas yeah okay it's a map station wait no we've already got in this map station and grappled your way downtown we were eating year old 1080 ti nice lyrics to niv um oh found something [Music] nice [Music] i have an idea for a hack i would like to start making a hack but i just gotta ask ed if it's even remotely a possibility because if i want to make it before 2024 i gotta start like now um i would i'll i'll just tell you personally because if if it's if it's possible i um i want to you know keep it a secret and then like start working on it for the next two years i don't know we'll see uh did i already get this item yeah so that's just that item well here i'll i'll tell you what it is oh yeah power bombs how do i get these um [Music] yeah i don't know if that's possible but um expand on that idea um so i need power bombs here are those power bombs like are you even capable of grabbing those exist or those just like future future things don't let them do it okay did i get everything here i wonder i feel like i've gotten everything i should probably wait to the right was what oh what the hell is that huge tube yo if i if i have x-ray damn i would totally try to x-ray climb that see if you just left taurian elevator there um okay i think i've got all the items here um yeah let me take a look at the list right now i'm just trying to 100 this um existor was running a little bit low on time so let's see here [Music] and the general um okay so grab six missiles in criteria ten from brinstar okay we gotta go back to brynstar i'm definitely missing some [Music] definitely missing some uh going good kaku how are you doing [Music] i think branstar was over here yeah up up right now okay oh but can i still finish can i do like the secret thing like the 100 or is that missile glitched out to where i cannot [Music] can i still finish oh okay all right so i don't know if there's even super missiles here let me look at the uh text again um no [Music] and all major items so i guess let's just begin here let me grab those [Music] yeah there's a lot of missiles here [Music] okay i got those uh you can tell me if we get to the missiles and they're glitched out um and then um yeah like i said regardless i will play this once you uh have finished um yeah sorry if it seemed like like crunch time or if there wasn't enough time [Music] i was hoping me um is totally zoning out with dread the extra like week i think it's only like an extra five days would uh would help but it clearly takes a lot more than just five extra days uh let's go to the left here you've heed your last haul [Music] [Music] okay super missiles might be super missiles as well uh freyjo thank you so much for the prime so yeah it's a good hack it's just um a little bit unfinished that's all good um item perhaps oh let's go spazer [Music] oh that's what it was the crisp 15 dono uh hey artfuls thanks for the two gifted subs appreciate them at 3 000 subs i'm going do uh other m100 so uh that's something too [Music] uh yeah let me let me read through this now um [Music] nice self-portrait um meant menthon beautiful [Music] all [Music] don't right okay i don't think there's an item here can you stream the message you'll get free money if you do that can you stream the message what do you mean um i don't think there's anything else to the right then wait top left was nothing as well i think top left was oh yeah do you want me to um here let me just text to speech it yeah [Music] hey thanks for the tier one all right text-to-speech time ggs welcome to the end of the game if you want the true 100 ending of samus randomly finding her ship and leaving while the planet explodes for no reason go grab six missiles in criteria ten from brinstar one eat tank from crateria one from brinstar one reserve and brinstar and all major items then you can make it through the shitty looking long room to see the true ending btw oats can explain the law on the true ending feel free to ask him with a crisp 15 donation it's tough for him to remember otherwise thanks so much to the kind people in the contest and smart discord who helped me make my first hack and thanks to oates whose contest gave me the motivation to try i can't thank you all enough and i mean it see you at the next unfinished area exister oh nice [Music] all right yeah no thank you thank you so much i know it's probably like frustrating or i i just hope you weren't stressed or anything i wanted this to be overall a fun experience and like i said i'm definitely going to be playing the finished version the layout so far is good and the flow is also very good good i think one thing that's hard for people to make in a rom hacks is they need to like separate themselves and understand that they are the creator so they understand every uh nook and cranny of the game to where someone playing for the first time has no clue no prior knowledge nothing so like you the i feel like the hard part is like is separating yourself [Music] and oh okay nice and um i feel like that's an issue a lot of the time did you say there's like six that you didn't finish um yeah i think a good rom hack should guide you naturally but you also have the freedom to look back and go oh i could do this or i could do this but it should always be there to to guide you naturally which is i feel like really difficult to do yeah very like minor suggestive towards the player like oh try this or this all right wait upper left which one was upper left um i would like to know yes that might be done for all i know 30. okay yeah but if i do a contest i want it to be way longer like january 2022 to january 2023 um which means i would need a way bigger prize pool as well um [Music] but i will if i do anything else i i'm going to participate yeah yes i would like to know how many items are left in brinstar exister [Music] okay um so let me see there's a big open area that green area however that was a powerbomb door so i don't think that's anything but there might be something to the right of that pink door with like the little elevator looking uh texture so let's just try to go right and see if i missed anything over here i guess this was grapple right yeah that's where i got gravel [Music] also one of them you found the tile and just walked away without finding the item oh really wait a minute is that that green tile is it okay is the tile green pink i think it's the green tile on the left on the lower portion of the i'll go back to that oh it's pink never mind okay uh thanks for the 52 months a lot of months thank you very much yeah this was um i already got this item yeah what was this item again was this not an item correct [Music] i don't think i can get no i can't [Music] i think i might uh be stuck out of this area because i think there's crumble blocks right because this was um this was spore spawn and assuming i cannot get back up yeah okay all right let's um [Music] we'll try to find the e tank this isn't a soft lock it's just a dead end essentially let's bounce hopefully that creature down there doesn't i think that creature is there just to indicate that i can kill i can use grapple beam as a weapon maybe not though i don't know and then i already did all this yeah there's okay so it's an area i've already been in and i just did not get the item apparently um we're pretty much done right now i'm just trying to get the items all the items um but yeah uh thanks for 1500 ravenclaw decks 1500 some bits to refresh your lower memory but this already bits to refresh your lore memory okay i'm confused on that am i missing actual lore memory but yes thank you for the sub uh appreciate that and uh ray thank you for the 1500 oh it's explain the lore on the 100 ending go okay the lore on the 100 ending is um samus is uh just doing her thing just leaving blowing blowing the planet up like she always does that's it and um it's uninhabitable because um you know uh because the gamers right um so it's an area i've already been i walked in and didn't grab the area or the item where the hell is not that is it no there might be two items here doesn't look that way yeah or was it this could have been this can't remember now this one i feel like we've already grabbed this one though maybe not oh yeah we already grabbed this one it's uh this right here oh both items are in pink okay so we're gonna go down thank you i would have looked here for another like 10 minutes all right into pink prince there we go apparently i've already been in the area i'm just gonna look everywhere here everywhere but probably not where i'm supposed to look more than likely already got that one does this connect find out no because that's what i thought at first but no pink brinstar well here's one item for sure on the e-tank [Music] pog and this we've already gotten okay [Music] the map indicate you go left from the e tank new i don't think so oh that crumble was always there i guess i didn't notice that at first was this oh this is the no never mind yep no complaining we already get this yeah so this was this was the item okay all right pray for the cursed missiles damn oh those are the cursed missiles i thought i already grabbed those because then i already grabbed those i was here earlier i've already been here [Music] [Music] you're pretty sure i didn't there was nothing there gosh darn it is there any way to glitch this [Music] they're like glitched missile i can pick up [Music] you can go grab caterer items but you'll be missing a missile for the final room [Music] damn yeah i think that's um that might be it then i think well i uh i don't think i can continue from here [Music] as long as we're sure that there was uh as long as we're sure that i didn't grab those earlier um you can send me a save file if you want we can see the ending unless you're like ah whatever the ending's not anything it's up to you you send me your uh save file on uh discord messages i can boot that up it would be cool if the map glitch also brought back items oh the item the missiles were not picked up would that work uh what are the save files again on on st2 snes they're um the file has to be uh yeah isn't it just dot save or srm um no sfc is the um i could look hold on bit file save file okay we're good which one am i taking the probably this one like in file oh [ __ ] oh crap okay thank you saved the day is saved no high jump oh no i'm gonna have to go get high jump now me go to the ship and just um refill to make sure i'm solid here um so this is 100 of the items or what do i need to find still yeah okay it's not 65 so i need what 80 or something um are they in brinstar do you know no no no no no no okay i don't exactly know what i'm grabbing assuming you've already gotten all this i'm just not sure what you're missing from uh this region if anything [Music] you did say i need to grab the items here so this okay no check map i give you the item count missing two missiles no no no no no no no no missile yeah found him [Music] you can see me too in the face cam speed booster not get that [Music] so [Music] yeah all right so that's all the missiles here [Music] um is high jump necessary for the 100 completion or no [Music] i don't think i can go [ __ ] premise is um super metroid super meptroid yep oh there's one more missile in the area [Music] there foreign these oh [ __ ] [Music] i was just over here did i miss something while i was over here [Music] it doesn't appear that way i'm just trying to find a couple more items and then um the hack was a little bit uncompleted so i am finishing it up here [Music] uh with 100 the the creator made a little work around for 100 well it's being finished up [Music] make sure to keep evidence of what happens yeah oh yeah come into my scoring room oh sorry there's no videotaping in here turn off the lights all right get your checkbook out no okay that sounds a little bit too predatory uh i went with a checkbook approach okay the money approach where in the same hell are these missiles you start burning star you can grab the two items in each tank you shoot through the wall two missiles in the big prank in reserve i'm missing something here aren't i i mean i guess i could always come back but i'm missing joe oh dude god damn it joe i did on my save this is not my save imagine people knowing how to write an assembly people are clearly too dumb for that nowadays yes because uh knowledge having knowledge of something means that if anyone else doesn't have knowledge of that specific thing that they're dumb yes imagine telling that to someone that knows like c plus c sharp java yeah you must just be dumb [Music] as opposed to uh oh you just might oh you just you're probably not dumb but you just don't have knowledge of assembling yeah big difference regardless the point is i'm just adding that on all right the main thing there was the c plus nope if you don't know how to code an assembly you're dumb [ __ ] dumb yep i know how to do a lot of things that people will be impressed by but i'm dumb as [ __ ] like straight up okay do you already get these then you already got those team we know oats yeah i'm just reiterating the fact [Music] like i always tell people i'm at least smart enough to know that i'm dumb all right so i feel like that that's not bad you know uh so this is all grabbed wait did you link me all the items i was missing okay there we go [Music] okay yeah no that's fine but i've been told guys i'm not humble or intelligent at all i've just been told that i am okay know your place okay this wasn't already filled in oh no is this bug two oh no [Music] oh no [Music] yeah do you have like a shared id yeah that makes sense but oya is saying does it share it with something else so whenever you grab the one thing it um just eliminates the other [Music] because there's if there's there's clearly an issue just beyond the one missile right [Music] oh no it is the ids oh no because right now i'm missing one missile right so i'm supposed to have 100 but we have 95. [Music] um are you preparing to my ted talk yes let me just hook up the crowd control someone give me some missiles why is the music back here um there was another reserve but wait did we get that or not you're right [ __ ] where was that reserve tank well it doesn't matter because we need to cheat again because there's a there's a problem with the items here [Music] oh you're cheating right now yo did you uh no i don't think that matters i was gonna say did you by any chance leave the um um thingy in there you know what i mean thingy yeah all right i'm gonna grab high jump boots just tell me when you're ready and i'll do the same thing [Music] let's just go back this way it just brings you back to the beginning you could use cloned ids um that would be an interesting concept yeah exactly if you have like a branching path um you go one area the other area like changes slightly in some way which means like those ids are then gone that'd be kind of neat no cool ideas there's there's so many creative ideas you could do with raw maggie for sure wait do i have a hundred yo how many do i need i need more than a hundred is it 105 exister where the hell's that reserve over here oh that was the reserve and the oh okay i see there wouldn't happen to be a grapple blocks around that reserve is there even if i could do that i don't think i can get out uh farrell thanks for the tier two all right let me know when you're ready oh yeah the sooner the better okay we're good [Music] [Music] um at the moment uh not necessarily um let me see if i can clip into some of these unfinished areas while i wait level design is great it's just not a finished hack i don't know yeah oh let's go so um i mean well no that goes against the rules so no and it's not gonna it's not gonna get finished in a few days so so as much as i'd like to i just have to play this hack um once it's complete but the rules are um yeah [Music] rules are rules and i cannot uh they'll be very unfair to the other players or the other participants [Music] all right all big cheater big cheater three e tanks yeah straight up cheated end okay so what i was doing was trying to get all the items and um then since this is it this is incomplete exists or added a way to finish the game we're just going to finish it that's it reminds me of um wait was i supposed to oh you gave me an extra e tank because of the um since i don't have reserve at the moment [Music] big cheater file man big cheater yeah do i need this okay i can't even get in there i just had to kill it well that's to make sure that i have spazer oh i see all right let's phaser check yeah all right nice escape all right nice finished hack what do you mean unfinished look finish to me there was an ending found the secret ship yeah okay all right so my small critiques without giving too much away um the gameplay and the flow felt great and that's [Music] i think once everything else is complete it's going to be a fantastic rom hack [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Oatsngoats
Views: 34,378
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Super Metroid, AGDQ, Kaizo, Awesome Games Done Quick, World Record, Oatsngoats, Rom Hack, Super Metroid Impossible, Twitch, Twitch Fails, Oats, SGDQ, Samus, metroid, metroid dread, dread, romhack, competition, 2021, romhack competition, samus, sprites, custom music, metroidconstruction, suber meptroid, suber, meptroid, exister
Id: 1byhBXk0PV4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 29sec (5489 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 31 2021
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