Romhack Competition Winners

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i think my voting i think i did the best possible voting i could do i i came to my decision i then saw the community votes and then i was very happy with my decision so i just want to say um thank you everyone who joined um i had a tough time trying to decide between um i i was sure i knew who the winner was and um but my second place like if i was doing first second third my second and third were they were just they were nearly tied and i had to i didn't flip a coin but i took a couple things into consideration and the winner is crawl no sorry sorry crawl is great but it didn't win i'm sorry all right but i will announce the first place winner the first place winner of the super okay this music's [ __ ] making me fall asleep hold on the winner of the first ever oats and go super metroid rom hack contest is [Music] is is me is let me make sure this is right before i do it onyx with cryogenesis congratulations onyx amazing romhack [Music] really really amazing raw mac oh sorry hold on i'm sorry dude i'm dyslexic all right that's just part of the game all right on keys it's on keys onyx congratulations very awesome very awesome romhack onyx is um this was his first raw mac cryogenesis which is um insane that this is your first rom hack and you created an absolutely awesome and fun and definitely a replayable round hack so super impressed with a little bit of um a little bit of polish here and there um i i yeah it's it's it's definitely a four and a half or five star round hack congratulations onyx all right so when i was picking like i said i i kind of already knew um that crowd genesis was going to be the winner it was close but it just had some slight edges for me to decide that this is definitely the winner now picking number two was incredibly difficult and that's why i took another day to announce um they were when i was um you know doing the the scoring and looking at the vod and trying to figure out where this lays or you know they were both scored the same and i couldn't i was trying to find a way to uh give or take but i couldn't because they both just fit just everything that i wanted in those you know the uh the scoring i was doing and so there was just a couple things maybe even just one that made me decide that um this next hack is going to be the second place winner and i was very nervous because i didn't know what the community vote would be and i really wanted this um other rom hack to be your guys's choice um but i didn't know until i told chad my definitive first and second and then he told me what the results were with that said i decided on one specific hack because of they were oh goodness i don't even know it was it was all creative what i was trying to decide they were both creative and fun the second place winner of the super metroid zoom metroid rom hack competition is [Music] okay i can't do this there's no symbol the second place winner is harvest all right take that away harvest by congratulations oy for creating a uh very fun [Music] and creative rom hack that i very much enjoyed it was it was it was a ton of fun and i enjoyed it tremendously but yeah one more big round of applause for oi with harvest thank you so much now i'm very glad with my decision with harvest um and once i saw the community votes i was also extra glad because it was like i said i gave just the slightest of edge to harvest the community vote also [Music] did the same exact thing which made me very happy to see it reflected how i was feeling and it also made me hap happy to see that the community vote was a hack that i also wanted to see succeed the community vote and the rom hack that you guys enjoy the most was with the other two removed but hold on anyway i do something wrong anyways community vote is [Music] hotlands i gotta shrink this hotlands by metroid nerd number nine zero zero one congratulations this was so ridiculously close for me and this is why i needed an extra day was because of harvest in hotlands now let me say something about biohazard i loved biohazard it was great i loved the custom soundtrack it was a fantastic hack and that was also in this mix but i want to say there was there was literally one thing and after reviewing it again that took a single point away and kind of pushed it out of like these three for me i it was it was really good it in i can't even say like it that could have been also i wouldn't have been surprised if that was community pick as well but like i said i was having a very tough time with harvest in hotlands hotlands had very creative little like mini boss areas which opened up new areas and it had the really cool secret hidden grove the um the uh extra ability um when you're in danger it was super creative and fun and harvest had of course the corn and that's not wide not the fan service that wanted but it was just a good feeling hack it just was fun and it was like an extra like creative touch that was put into like the silly aspect of it that just made it like shine for me it was yeah it was great and then of course the you heed your last ha was you know can't beat that so i encourage you all to play these rom hacks congratulations to the winners if you did not win please don't be discouraged and please don't feel like it was a waste or whatever i wanted this to be fun and i wanted this to bring out creativity in people and get more people into rom hacking and it was a very fun experience i hope it was a fun experience for you as well and i'm sorry if you did not win but please understand that these votes were close and my votes almost entirely reflected the community's votes so thank you community for actually thinking about these rom hacks because i put a little bit more thought into these with my with the scoring with different aspects of scoring and it almost perfectly reflected the way that the community voted as well so thank you for also uh being a part of the voting and uh doing it accurately and being thoughtful when you were uh taking this into consideration with your score good stuff thank you so much one more big round of applause i cannot thank everyone enough even though it's just a chat round of applause i'll add some sound effects to make it sound like people are actually clapping thank you thank you so much it was a lot of fun we'll do it again and the next time um if i do do it again i will be a part of this process
Channel: Oatsngoats
Views: 8,512
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Super Metroid, AGDQ, Kaizo, Awesome Games Done Quick, World Record, Oatsngoats, Rom Hack, Super Metroid Impossible, Twitch, Twitch Fails, Oats, SGDQ, Samus, metroid, metroid dread, dread, romhack, competition, romhack competition, winners, announcement, top 3, community vote, community, vote, rating
Id: mqWKEBgZt0M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 57sec (657 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 13 2022
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