SubD livestream Part 2: Learning to 3D model with Rhino 7 SubD Tools

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[Music] do [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello i hope the microphone is working and there is me welcome welcome to part two of our small little cozy livestream where we're going to take a look at this car again we already have a few people here in the chat hello chat and thank you for for the kind words i appreciate them i think we can begin right so last step last time around we finished up with this this kind of an object and it's nothing too fancy but the topologies the topology is quite quite good i think and we can kind of continue on working with with it anyway so now let's think what's the plan for for for today [Music] yeah let's just keep adding macro detail so basically when i'm thinking about this design this this car in particular i'm thinking about i'm thinking about the design in three different scales so there's macro which is basically the overall shape you know how does the silhouette of the car look like from the from the side how does it look like from the front how does this look like from the top of course the back as well but then there's also the meso scale the middle one which is you know all of these ridges here and the the back being pushed in and so on so that's the mesoscale i believe you know these kind of cuts here could also be considered mesoscale and then you have the micro scale which is going to be for that i need to show you in a reference it's going to be all of these small seams here right small seams between the panels small incisions small patterns uh hydraulics what what whatever have you so that's going to be micro scale um right now for the first at least five or six hours of work i'm not going to work with uh micro scale at all i'm not going to even not even going to take a look at it we're just going to work with macro and mesoscale and i think last time we kinda we kind of finished with with the macro scale i might change a few things but i like the shape so now let's start adding bits of details here and there where do we begin shall we do something with the front or the side maybe this this area right here yeah let's try it with with this area right here so here everything is flat and i'm not sure if i want it to be flat like that um so let me go to sub d tools and just i need now need to remember it again how to use this uh cell loop no cell edge loop there we go so i'm just gonna sell oh that's the wrong edge loop to select i'm going to select this edge loop here and then choose insert [Music] insert edge and just insert an additional edge loop right here it messes up there though [Music] it's strange that we can't really why can't we have an edge loop that's right in the middle right in right in between this one and this one maybe we can maybe i just don't know how to do it let me try repair sub d toggles of the display so that's that edge ring doesn't seem like there's an option for that mode range or mode full [Music] okay let's try let's try it this way so select edge loop let's select this bad boy here insert edge and let's see both sides know offset mode absolute up proportional okay so if offset mode is proportional oh there we go yay we figured it out so this is what i found if when we insert the another edge loop if offset mode is set to absolute then it's going to kind of like offset the new edge from the edge loop that was selected right so it's going to be like a locked distance if we choose offset mode to be proportional then it's going to kind of count the distance to the next edge loop and it's going to always find let's say the midpoint right so the new edge loop here is going to always go through the midpoints which is perfect this is what we wanted okay good um how do i find comparison to t-splines plug-in um oh by the way un studio are doing great stuff but that's i guess that's not not the case now um these plans plug in how do i find the comparison to it well right now sub-d is really young let's see it like that so it does have the potential to be really strong but it's still pretty pretty damn young from what i see here oops wrong side from what i see here uh like just working with it it seems to be quite uh quite a strong plug-in not plug-in but quite a strong tool set but of course t-splines was better yeah there's no denying it these planes were better but i think the potential is here for sure this would make it thicker do we want it thicker though maybe we don't what if it goes inside like that now that looks like crap yeah okay so for now let me keep it uh just just keep the information there as it is um that additional edge loop instead let's see where is that slidey thing inserted bevel what does bevel do um bevel okay i select this one okay so bevel does that add segments will we be able to use that we will i think we will yeah that that should be pretty good if we were to [Music] if we were to try and create sharp edges then beveling would be the way to go i think but we're going to be doing that a little bit later on later down the line i mean so for now let's just think time for some inspiration so what if this point right here slides is there like a slide yeah there is a slide command so this point slides in here this point slides right here it's a little bit the music is a little bit loud just a second there we go so we slide those two points and maybe we slide this edge can we slide an edge slide yes yes we can so we have that kind of a situation going on and you can see that since i have added a lot of edges here one two three the seam becomes quite sharp in here which i i think is is fine we will manage the sharpness of the seams later on [Music] so we have that going on and i want i want this um just this or also that yeah i want this this this and that to go in to go inwards like so so then we get this really sharp ridge here looks bad we will need to fix it so let me undo that and take a an another look at this hmm i don't really like how the edges look here and on this particular like back side of the car they just look like complete garbage so i think we need to fix it so let me just draw a line here um yeah from here to here just a line um and then we have one two three four five points so let me divide this this line to four segments so that we have five points here and then i believe i can just oops i can just grab this point move to here grab this point move to here grab this point move to here [Music] so now cell pt delete so now all of these are kind of they they're spaced out um properly which is what we want [Music] doesn't look good but that's fine we will make it look good we will force it to look good so we have that what if we move this slightly up to release the tension a little bit i think that's that's good and this one moves in like that then it produces this ridge here which for some reason this ridge right here is super like super smooth well not some reason i know why we need to fix that how do we fix that let's undo that i want this to be a much sharper like the transition to be much sharper but not too sharp right i could just say um subdit tools select oops what the hell did i just select no sub d tools uh select edge loop and select this edge loop right and then i could chamfer that edge loop um just a little bit like that and then of course you know the the edge would become sharper all right maybe that's that's what we should do because an alternative would be to select the edge loop like that and then choose to crease it and then it's going to kind of do this which we also don't don't really want well wait let's see how it looks like first let's select another edge loop here and crease that one as well so that's how it behaves i don't think i like it no i don't like it at all so we will be undoing it okay let's stick to to the edge loops actually sorry to to adding more edge loops to introduce more horizontal lines i don't want it to be like completely straight lines like here i think that's not necessary but i do want it to be a little bit more pronounced a little bit more controlled this edge loop here this edge loop here and this edge loop here um still not sure if this is the time to do it though contemplating it [Music] what if we move this up a bit so that it becomes thicker and then we take this and move it down so that it becomes like that this one a little bit higher up that's a bit better i think do we need to move this up as well let's try let's try moving this up to release the tension here and also to release the tension here a bit more okay so now it became softer and it's still doing the wave inwards but but now it's it's it's much much softer so my thoughts are [Music] my thoughts are yeah i'll mess around with it a bit more so this uh this come on just give me this this and that these three edges here or should it be these two as well no just these three these three edges should be scaled down to zero so that all of them are in the same plane and all of them are horizontal like perfectly horizontal okay so that's clean then we have this ridge here which this will need to slide first of all this point no no slide along this could you please slide or maybe we can do it this way slide oh there we go so this needs to slide pretty close to this ridge here oh cool hong kong it's wait uh it's pretty late in hong kong now isn't it i don't know maybe it's not that late it's like nine o'clock right right so we have that ridge going on here which which i like i'm contemplating if we should have everything running here into one point or should this these two points be on on the vertical axis maybe they should yeah let's try doing that so i'm going to take these two points and scale them down to zero so that they're vertical and also i'm going to take these two points and scale them to up up to zero so that they are vertical as well and now i have a little bit more control oh also these two need to be scaled down then to zero well as i'm at it let me just take this um sorry let me just take this come on come on this and this these two curves and just check yeah they are horizontal to one another that's perfect so we have that which means i can take this curve and scale it to zero straighten it out take this curve this this is already straight perfect so this is clean this is what i would consider clean this is of course not so we can straighten this out as well just a little bit okay i'll i'll mess around with these lines later on later down the line so we have that and maybe this can be moved down let's see how it smooths out yeah i think it's it's smoothing out properly [Music] once we add more edge loops it's going to look fine it's going to be good i do want to fix this this whole area here it's bugging me i i don't like it i don't like it that it's so [Music] unclean so to say so let me just draw two help lines select this point here oh come on can i just snap you move to perpendicular there we go and you as well move to move to perpendicular it's not perfect here but it should yeah it moves out into a straight line now which which is good which is great um this point right here will need to slide properly probably properly probably or not no let it be twisted that's fine we will fix that later so that's good and the last thing of the boring stuff is going to be this edge right here this line right here and we're going to kind of draw a few helper lines maybe i should just for clarity sake i'll create a new layer call it helper and make it red or blue so that you guys can see what i'm you know what i'm using as helper lines better so that's gonna be my that's gonna be my helper line there we go and i'm just gonna draw a perpendicular line here like so perpendicular line here like so and then all i need to do is just points on select this bad boy move it here select this bad boy move it here that's it that's good enough um not sure if the tension here is correct maybe it's not but we will we'll fix it later down the line perhaps it's only this area right here that needs to be kind of increased okay so crv select curves delete to get rid of them smooth it out this is much cleaner than it was before i like how this smooths out will the object transition from medium soft to hard surface geometry from front to back similar to the picture um i'm trying to understand what you what you ask oh um are you asking if if my aim is to have this object similar to to what i have in the in the references no not at all i'm just using the references as inspiration um just that so it's just um you know inspiration of of guidance where i want to go with this particular uh vehicle but the the sharpness is uh don't don't care like sharpness-wise i think to a certain extent you need to switch between sub-d modeling and regular cad modeling to to work with sharp edges and sharp objects sub demodelling is not perfect for that but but but but with with subdi modeling you can get away with a lot of like with this very very clean continuous surface that i'm trying to to make and also i'm just learning something modeling in general so i'm gonna kind of stick to it i think that looks good let's make something more fun because this is becoming boring uh well not necessarily boring but it it you know uh it is what it um i i i'm getting bored clean cleaning up the topology so let me just select these edges here oh come on i'm not sure how how many though maybe just these ones yeah yeah just these ones i'll select them and i will what will i do with them i will extrude them extrude uh is there like extrudes of d yes there is extrude sub d extrude sub d direction z i want to extrude them upwards and the height doesn't matter so i extrude them once and then i want to select them again and extrude 7d extrude them again do i want to do that though maybe i want to offset them let's check how offset works actually because we haven't checked that tool like sub the offset how how that works because we haven't checked it so let's see if i have these objects right here can i just use offset on them select sub the objects to offset uh oh oh it's literally for the whole damn sub d geometry it doesn't work with faces so we stick with extrude sub d upwards select them again extrude sub the upwards again wow you might be thinking what the hell is he doing right um actually i want to make put them in inside like like make an incision so what i'm going to be doing now is using ctrl shift i'll select the whole top side and i will scale it down holding down the shift key so that it scales down uniformly i'll scale it down to 0.9 and then i will move enter vertical v enter and i'll just move it back to the correct height right so now we have what's essentially an offset inwards or an inset inwards right of our subdivided geometry which means that now i can select these guys the top and i can move it down like that got it now we have something like this hello to london is there a slider control for the amount of smoothness that you get from some demolition no there is not and actually this is something that i can i can show you if you guys don't have a rhino 7 if you're working with rhino 5 or rhino 6 you can still use you can mimic sub d modeling because that i i will show you how it works [Music] small tutorial i guess [Music] so of course you need grasshopper for that and let me just create a mesh component in grasshopper let me just where do we put it let's just put it there and for that mesh component i will i will create a mesh right so let's go for mesh tools and just create a cube mesh box right something like that matchbox oh that's that's a lot of polygons no no again mesh box but this time um sorry but this time i will say that x count is one y count is one that count is one that's how many polygons it makes right so i just create a box it should be a cube but i don't care for this particular example right so it's a mesh so i reference it in saturn mesh i just reference it in let's hide it and basically if i just grab a panel and check what it is it's it's a mesh that has 24 vertices and six faces right if i then say yo take every let me scribble here i'll just use this as my sketchpad if i say that for every polygon for every polygon of this box find the center point of each edge like that and connect it with the opposite center point right we eventually oh grasshopper window not visible you guys are slow in telling me telling me that okay uh wait super ghetto stream um window there we go grasshopper okay yep eh okay that that should be good enough i think so where was i we did the box right we did a box we referenced it in as a mesh component and i just hooked up a hooked up a panel here um i don't have yeah the problem is that i don't have a second monitor right now so i don't see what you guys see which makes it this whole tutorial thing a whole lot more awkward either way so we have six faces of course because it's a box and we just for every face we need to say give me midpoint here give me midpoint here of of the surrounding edges give me midpoint here and midpoint here and connect opposing midpoints right so virtually what happens is for every phase we get four faces right we subdivide it and that's how subdivision works and then we can say well for those four faces also give me midpoint here midpoint here midpoint here and midpoint here right and draw like the like not draw but subdivide with opposing edges right so virtually then we get 16 and and so on so it's it's always times four uh to the not to the power of four but rather times four uh phases so this is uh how catmull clark subdivision works in case of a flat [Music] or a flat polygon this this is simple right but when you have four polygons that that make up some sort of um oops that's my bad some sort of an angle perfect you know there's some sort of an angle here this vertices right here as your as you're subdividing those polygons this vertices right here will move to the average of these vertices here which makes it all smooth smooth right it makes its move out so virtually here with this box if i do that kind of subdivision which is called by the way catmull clark subdivision catmo clark subdivision uh that's the yellow one i don't want the yellow one uh let's just go to viver bird or maybe i don't have viewer bird here crap i don't have your bird here installed well let's then do the other i i have another plug-in that's uh cat model clark's subduction like that bam level yeah let's type why are you not showing oh you are showing okay so basically after that subdivision our box looks like that let's play [Music] preview mesh edges there we go so every face becomes four faces so six times four is 24 and we do have 24 faces um this one this this tool right here has more inputs which we don't really care about in in case of viewer birds tool it will only ask you for for the level of subdivision so that's level one level two would look like this right level three would look or level three would look like this right so it becomes a sphere because if you smooth a cube it will become a sphere and then there's a bunch of other not so interesting stuff so why am i showing you this well if we take this shape here right and we say um can we do a quad mesh from it by the way or do we just simply because basically you can treat all of these segments of these segments as quads right i'm just thinking how to is there a way of how to do a quad mesh from here ppp sub tools convert to sub d convert object to nurbs but there is no like convert to quad mesh or is there two okay sub d two sub d does every anyone know does anyone know how to convert a sub d object to a mesh there's like quad remesh but because i could do do it this way i guess i could um can i explode it by the way no i can't explode it that's cool oh come on guys uh merge faces reflect delete faces oops that that's that's a bad button there toggles update display okay what if i just say mesh okay so mesh does that huh no i that that's not what i want i want this to be a low resolution mesh i want to get it straight from this is becoming quite a tangent why not use quad remesh because it's going to mess up my my topology we can try quite er whoops quad remesh target quad target quad count 100 okay it's doing it's it's magic but it's going to mess it up because it's going to use the smooth version of the much more call it it's going to use the smooth version of of the sub d as its guiding geometry also why the heck does it take that long come on load load load load load people are watching there we go so that's the that's the quad remesh thing i mean the topology is great honestly the topology is good but it's not what i'm after i'm after this as a precisely as a mesh while this is sub d here let me add to the script a bit sub d oops sub d set one sub d so so it gets set here right and of course it gets moved out mother [Music] i'm losing my mind here one more minute if i don't figure it out in a minute we will just call it uh call it a day with with this example here what can we use actually where are all of the subdi tools sub d sub the control polygon we do have that is that a mesh yes it's a mesh i'm so smart okay so that's a mesh that is not smooth and that can be used so this mesh is identical to to this sub d and then we can just run it into our catamount clark subdivision and bake out our output as a default take a look at it here of course it's not going to understand what creases are but other than that it's going to be e-map not good enough it's going to be a pretty damn close representation of of the shape right so this took a while to to explain but all in all what what what i was trying to get at is that if you model um with a quad mesh and then you apply a catmull clark subdivision on it it's going to look exactly as if you did a a [Music] sub d model right except for creases in in case of creases you would need to specify um that these crease like you would need to crease it um separately so so it would be a little bit harder to do but as i mentioned before creases can be formed by adding more loops instead of giving it a sharp edge okay enough of that that was awkward let me close this let me see if i need to i do need to probably hide the window here and remove professional streamer by the way there we go okay we're back to modeling let us let us work on the front a bit because damn damn that's an ugly front um what are we gonna do with the front is there like um so this one is like a lamborghini uh front right nothing to nothing too fancy do we search for a cool nah for now let's just make it uh make it weird and then we will figure it out later on what we actually want to do with it so what i'm gonna do is i will say this this this and that needs to be extruded again of course extrude sub d uh but this time the direction needs to be let's see let's see how we can what kind of extrusion options we have oh how did i straighten the lines uh that's a pretty cool trick that that that i saw some people use in blender and i started using it in um in rhino as well so actually let's let's do it this way so let's say you have a very simple example let's say you have almost straight line right almost straight line that that you want to that you want to straighten out then one way would be to draw a guideline right grab all the control points and do the do the thing right where you move the control points and snap them to you know to to the straight line or or you can take all of the uh you can take the the the line and take the control points that you want to straighten let's say these three only these three right and then you scale it with the gumball you scale them to zero in that particular direction in which you want to straighten it out right so all of them scale to they don't have any and anymore um [Music] their dimension cumulative dimension in that particular on that particular axis is zero meaning that they are on the straight line in that particular axis so what i'm doing uh when i say i i want to straighten out let's see these these polygons here i just select them and i scale them to zero okay let's try let's try again i select them and i scale them to zero oh right uh wrong side this is my mirror side sorry select them scale them to zero there we go all right so so that they are neat and tidy okay back to here uh one two three uh come on one two three four there we go um and we wanted to check out what the ex what extrude does and what kind of options we have for extrude so basis wcs world center center scale uh what does google time what does wcs mean and cad of course world coordinate system the you guys didn't know that what do you mean um so and then we have uvn which is basically u direction v direction and normal so we can specify the direction is normal and the extrusion is super weird why is it super weird shouldn't extrude like that oh does it use every point like it uses a point a normal okay i have an explanation for this when i extrude now i've extruded it right and the reason why this point kinda extruded properly right but this one extruded in a weird angle is that it finds a normal like a perpendicular vector to each point and moves it right rather than finding an average vector of all these four points and moving that phase along along it so uh honestly this is not usable for me like uh i can't use that kind of extrusion and it's what the hell are people in mcniel thinking extrude sub d we use world coordinate system we use direction [Music] x and we just extrude it like normal people like that um i will be using a clipping plane just to check what the heck is going on with my extrusion just to see yeah okay good so that there's a double edge there that's perfect um that that's actually what i want so i'll be doing that uh i will be scaling it to 0.9 inwards like that and moving it in moving it in some more a little bit too deep like that that's perfect and now i need to fix this whole mess that's happened here or actually maybe we can okay let me undo it uh what if we what if we scale when we scale what if we scale this whole damn thing 0.9 ah there we go so we don't need to deal with the edge the the seam in between and now we move it in bam like that that that's good and then we extrude sub d we extrude it in like this so we end up with something like that which i think is not not not too bad um let's move it move it back in just a tiny bit and now i actually want to get the center point here oh that edge right there needs to move up and how do we move it up to have a proper or maybe it needs to move down actually up or down up or down um like it would be definitely logical that um this whole thing is moving up rather than down of course but i think down would be a more interesting look so let's do down um how do we do it time for some coffee and good old-fashioned thinking figure it out okay so we get this edge here we get this edge here and we move them down but we move them down no we need to slide them down and we will need to do it in a wireframe view which is going to be disgusting to use but it is what it is um so we will slide and of course it doesn't let us slide i'm thinking um um um okay time for some helper lines so you probably noticed that i only use helper lines when i get stuck because usually i try to do do it all without actually needing to use helper lines but it is what it is right now so one helper line went in there and the other one goes in here okay and now we will turn on wireframe view and we see these two helper lines here i will take this one and i will extend extend to this line this line here bam okay so basically what i want now can we go for ghosted view maybe that's going to be better without any back face coloring so what i want is i want to choose this line here or edge and this edge here and i want to move them both from this point to this point here so in doing so the surface right here is parallel with the surface right here right so it's clean cell pt oh no so crv enter delete enter okay shaded view this is how it looks like not great but not that bad we will need to fix that area there for sure looks horrible that that tension there this is really really really bad but we will we will fix that and in a jiffy [Music] actually we could do that now should we do that now maybe we should do that now let's do that now um we will go to 7d tools we will choose or actually let's let's start memorizing the commands i think memorizing the commands is important so let's do cell edge loop we select the bottom one here and it doesn't select so we select edge loops and we select not the bottom one and it still doesn't select for some reason i messed up something something got messed up okay let's try again so this one selects as an edge loop this one selects as an edge loop this one doesn't so this edge right here is is problematic for some reason and that is why the bottom one also doesn't select as an edge loop even though it should [Music] come on rhino don't be weird [Music] good come on rhino don't don't be weird can we just select this whole thing align vertices distance to adjust one millimeter and just okay so no vertices were adjusted so there are no duplicate vertices here and it's still freaking out ah come on i just need an edge loop just give me um okay cell edge loop select the bottom one like that and then insert insert edge and i can okay so at least i can do that i can insert insert the edge right here so i'm going to to do this so there is like an additional edge loop here and now you can see how crisper the whole bottom area becomes maybe even too crisp but we will we will be adjusting that by just moving the points like that by moving the points here like that right to to soften it up but for now let's let's keep it crisp okay that tension though here we will we will need to release that tension but i was working on the front so front front front um maybe we can do something similar to this yeah let's let's do something similar to that so i will uh create a guideline here bam like that and what do we do with the guideline this is going to be super awkward to to manipulate well for now let's let's just fix it here and then we will fix the topology and the tension of topology everywhere else so here hmm lots of light anxiety this is for right now this this working method wait uh let me just do this thing one two three four five uh so divide uh divide by four to just get uh three points here and two in the start and the end of the of the line and let me do this i'll talk about working with this uh particular tool set in just a second [Music] we want to we are working in shaded view so i'll just go to shade it and i will choose my objects my curves to be thicker and my points to be [Music] bigger does that help let's try even thicker curves three pixels i think that's that's better right um so anxiety here there's no anxiety it's just frustration a little bit but at the same time it's quite rewarding it's it's quite nice i don't know i i i quite enjoy it uh for for what it is um let's move this moves in here no no doesn't move um this edge this edge this edge or rather let's do it one by one this edge uh move from this point to this point it's the same thing as just using slide but i'm doing it in a precise manner from this point to this point and this edge right here move from this point to this point there we go so the spacing is now correct now i don't need the helper lines anymore so i can sell cell pt delete cell crv delete okay let's do a grill right is it time though maybe it's time let's do a grill what kind of grill do we want to do do why do we want to kind of have a one two three four five six seven eight or do we want to have four long ones according to the design i would say four long ones probably right so let's do that bam that's the first one and this is gonna take a while so strap on um extrude or is there like yeah we do need to extrude and do we extrude out like so we do extrude out right right daddy's thinking [Music] so i'll extrude it i will scale it i will extrude it again i will move everything back in and then we will have a hole in the hole basically and then i'll repeat it three more times simply because there's no proper option and rhino to do it to to insert multiple polygons at once or is there let's see um 7d tools inset enter no options insert distance 5 yeah it insets separately come on mcneil we are paying money for this program it's it's not uh not a hard thing to implement group and set okay anyway also lady i do like your voice but please don't sing in the background there we go okay so extrude sub d extrude in bambam scale or not even scale just use gumball 0.9 to scale move it back [Music] back some more and now that's the problem i don't know how much to move it back so i need to be vigilant about my extrusion right so extrude sub d and i will need to do it okay let's let's do it for all of them at once so that that extrude out by we're doing it in millimeters so let's say 500 that is not out by any stretch of imagination what do you mean extrude sub d out um a thousand okay we need to use negative values minus thousand minus hello where's my minus sign there we go minus thousand okay and we will be doing that for all of these like that minus a thousand you come in here extrude sub d [Music] minus a thousand and you extrude sub d minus a thousand oh this is super fun trying to work around tools that don't work okay so we have this now and we will be scaling this to 0.9 we will be selecting these two and scaling them as well 0.9 these two scaling them 0.9 i'm holding down the shift key by the way when i'm scaling so that it scales uniformly so we have that and then we will select all of these extrude sub d not extrude sorry um we still need to take these and move them back in so it's just going to be move along the x-axis so i need to turn on my f8 my orthographic move and it needs to be a thousand oh my god that that's not even clean ah anyway it doesn't matter okay so we have done these four guys going on and now we should be able to extrude sub d and just simply extrude them in and they don't extrude n what do you mean does one extrude yes one extrudes sometimes i don't i don't even extrude 7d inwards [Music] should probably check out check it out in top view so something like that and that's going to be like around 500 mil like that interesting interesting how it all just falls apart also that is way too um these uh these edges are way way too uh too thin but also all of this is duplicated now so i will select this thing and i will say yeah and it even says open sub d i will say align vertices one millimeter is not enough what do you mean uh is it possible to select all of these edges and say remove the dam crease then sub the tools um remove crease [Music] yes it is but there's there's some ugly stuff going on there i can see it and i'm not sure if this is creased or not [Music] adding more creases now i want to remove for now i want to remove the creases i will be adding adding increases maybe by the end of this live stream or the next one but for now we we will not be messing around with creases why for instance why remove grease removed creases from one object still creased though yikes rhino yikes okay okay okay let's um let's think about this logically so this is a mirrored version right this is a mirror of this so what i can do is i can reapply the mirror and maybe it will fix it worth a try so let's reflect sub the objects i will reflect this one and i will hit enter to use the current reflection plane and i will hit enter again and hit tab and nothing works yeah yeah yeah yeah i wonder which part messed up okay so let's undo a lot of things well not that many uh i did redo so is this okay so this is all up why is it up looks fine here and then if i check it with what's it called no let's reflect it again to clean it up or try to reflect it at least i set my guide reflect reflect select subd to apply reflection enter to use current reflection uh snap to reflection plane automatic okay still still screwed up so for instance wait let's just see what happens so this is a seam right and it messes up this area right here so this whole thing is a seam so it's misaligning then i have a question if i take this point and move it out what the hell it saw it solved it so if i take this point and move it out it solve this one take this point move it out ah it doesn't solve that one actually does solve it yo yo mcneil fix your yo yo yo fix your the hell is going on my god so bad i'm gonna cry so this is breaking apart quite quite nicely how do we deal with this we can probably just do it this way like i know that this is not an elegant solution but let's just do it this way just to save time [Music] oh wait let me just do change one thing there we go there we go right um sub d tools there's this single sub deface option here where i can click click click and click to add the face and i can join these bad boys up hopefully join or not append there was this append tool i think append to sub d select meshes or sub these to append to here enter pick point okay so now at least we will know how this works um append to sub d basically asks you to give it a sub the object you hit enter and then you specify by clicking multiple times let's try it again by clicking clicking clicking [Music] and clicking guys what the is going on okay let's let's undo and do and do undo undo okay let's just just chill um let's try again extrude 70 minus a thousand okay works right does it work now i'm doing everything like step by step and checking if it breaks or not extrude sub d minus a thousand extrude sub d minus a thousand does it still work no it stops working so okay i understood so it doesn't work [Music] why doesn't it work because it tries to be cheeky and basically when we use here when we use extrude sub d and we extrude by minus a thousand again it finds that point and it tries to be cheeky about it and and merge everything so it's trying to guess what we want to do um which is not great because it then guesses like so right so it tries doing this kind of um right so instead doesn't work and it's forcing me to do all of this one by one which is not ideal but still fine okay so zero zero point nine maybe you have to first insert and extrude yes it does exactly that so i do need to do it separately the problem with inset is that it doesn't let me insert multiple faces at once which really sucks but perhaps we could hmm no let's let's stick to this let's stick to this um there was one thought that i had but let's for now work with what we have so this we scale 0.9 doesn't matter the scale for now and we move it back in by a thousand there we go and then we hit that extrude sub d button or or not no first we take this edge and this edge these two edges scale 1d from the middle point to this vertex here i will scale it down to let's go for 25 millimeters something like that and then i will choose this edge right here and i will choose to extrude sub d backwards by 500 enter finally okay so that works of course it doesn't you know it looks like but it's gonna look fine i promise you'll see um because we still don't have any any sharp edges marked out once we do have that it's gonna look good so we do that again three more times okay um [Music] extrude sub d minus a thousand um scale 0.9 oops let's kill both of these 0.9 move it back by a thousand [Music] scale 1d from midpoint to here i believe i used 25 right 25 so it's like that um extrude sub d 500 enter tab yeah that's going to be fine cool huh super fun but it it it is still a clean super clean geometry which which i do like um extrude minus thousand i'll i promise i'll try to do it this as fast as possible after this i'll i don't know i'll want to play a video game or something like that um we'll see maybe i'll play a game at by the end of this by the end of the stream [Music] oops oh extrude yeah not move but extrude x true x trude sub d in other words 500 enter [Music] oh my god okay last one extrude 70 thousand no sorry minus a thousand select these both shift point nine move it back by a thousand scale one d how is everyone doing this fine day you guys good oh it's been a little bit of a we should show in terms of covet in lithuania extrude d 500 so they closed all of the shops and then and so on super boring [Music] e-map yeah i think that's that's fine that looks okay i mean it's not great but [Music] but it is seamless okay good so we have that done should we maybe we should already add a little bit of pizzazz to this so let me uh select is it is this round thing considered an edge loop i think uh edge cell cell edge loop let's select it yes it is okay super so i'll select all these four edge loops here so these four and i will say that there was that chamfer option that i liked do we use chamfer though yeah we should use chamfer probably but i can't find it now ah there it is bevel mesh or sub d okay so bevel so it does that how does it do that let's in let's investigate by the way if the music is too loud or if my microphone is not picking me up picking up my my voice just let me know so we have that it's a bit wonky wise oh it's wonky i know why it is wonky because this edge this edge this edge and not edge face needs to be well actually it doesn't need to be that deep in so let's move them back a bit something like this maybe and also and also they need to go down [Music] so that it's perpendicular to this face right here that you know the angle at which these grilles go go in it i think they should go perpendicular to this case just to make it more nice nicer is it even possible to do it let's check it out in ghosted view [Music] yes it should be it should definitely be possible to do it okay so we are going to [Music] work with it with some help helper lines so there's one helper line there and there's gonna be another helper line here that we are swiftly going to take from here and move it uh to this point so let me just hide the the car for now so we have these two guys here and we will fill it let them with radius of zero bam bam so we end up with this little point here that is super important for us let me show again what's that oh that's a lot of other stuff let me delete it literally that stuff um so we have that point there and the reason why we have that point is that now i can select shaded view i can select these surfaces here these back plates here and i can move them let's look at it from the inside so this is from inside out i can move them to fit with this point and what will happen when i do that is that the grill aligns with the bottom of the car with with this surface here right so it goes perfectly down cell crv delete cell pt delete okay we're gucci so this is like that now i think that's good what were we doing oh we were chamfering okay so now let's investigate how chamfer will will work cell edge edge loop this guy here [Music] chamfer nope that's not a regular chamfer so sell edge loop again come on bam there we go uh yeah i could use clipping plane that's true because with clipping plane i keep when i use clipping plane i keep forgetting that i can turn off the the flat infill of the clipping plane somewhere uh is it under display show fills oh yeah it's under display show fills i can turn them off and then i can work with the clipping plane yeah that's that's a good idea i'll probably do that and back face color let's just choose a different color because uh red is a little bit too intense but for now we don't really need it uh for now we don't really need it we were using insets so that's what we're going to keep on using um cell edge loop there we go sub the tools and let's see chamfer where's chamfer [Music] bevel mesh or sub d so that's not chamfered that's bevel i need to remember that um so it kinda flats yeah it fillets it i don't want it to flatten it segments three no uh i need two segments yeah i do need two segments and offset mode absolute what's that proportional ah yes yes yes yes that's uh we we use absolute mode here and straightness what what does one mean oh one just means that it's going to be perfectly straight edge while zero means that it's going to um try and work as a fillet so one works straightness zero works as a fillet straightness one works as a chamfer there's a problem with that i don't want any of those i actually just wanted to be um crap i just wanted to be a uh the corner to stay where it is so let's let's think about this what if it's proportional so that that doesn't care keep creases no no that doesn't care but what if we what if we say that this edge loop right here cell edge loop here what do we say that this is a crease right and then we sell oh my god edge loop again and we use the bevel and keep creases if that's turned on that's going to work ah okay got it so that's gonna do that no okay um that didn't work let's do it the long way around then cell edge loop insert edge do we specify it is it possible to specify it 0.1 what will this do ah okay so that's proportional that's good to know so this becomes sharper that's good i think um and what if we right now i'm just trying to figure out a good look for for this particular uh car uh for for this particular grill right so i'm just testing out different options on it so we have that uh let's crease it tab uh it doesn't seem like crease does anything here why is that i need this and this to be straight and it's not straight and it's not straight because maybe this needs to be straight as well crease it so it still rounds off ah okay this is going to round off like that so we can't really oops we can't really crease it but that's fine i think because we can chamfer okay so let's do it this way uh this edge and this edge we select these two edges and we use bevel on them and we will use a very small bevel [Music] with two segments so something like something like that that's how it bevels ah crap but here then it makes uh starts making uh a whole lot of trouble we will need to clean the topology here then because this becomes an n-gone and we really hate n-gons by the way is there a way of how to solve this without the n-gons [Music] oh i know well i have a have an idea so let's delete these edges for now let's open it up so this is deleted and this is how it's going to work okay that's good and then we still select the edge loop now it doesn't recognize it as an edge loop anymore because of our chamfer yikes [Music] okay chad time to shine any suggestions what i want to do is i want to make this hole crisp more crisp but at the same time i want to keep the continuity like keep the polygonal continuity as as nice as possible so that chamfer introduces a trying triangular segment which is crap i don't want triangular segments um or actually it's not triangular but it's a very crappy rectangular segment i still don't want them so let's undo it all okay bam bam bam bam okay so we do that first and also for the inside now the inside doesn't doesn't recognize edge loops okay so we do that first enter then we do insert edge and we say zero point uh 0.2 like that it's going to work like this then we [Music] um if i do chamfer with one segment and add creases to the edges [Music] yeah that was my thought as well but the problem is that a chamfer when i make a chamfer it creates a really really crappy topology on the corner which i really don't want to do i would prefer that well maybe it's impossible to have it without the crappy topology [Music] let's try let's try one more one more thing um and we then we'll see select the back delete the chamfer select the back delete the chamfer yeah way ahead of you went back a few steps already so edge loop okay so we have that those four insert edge let's just insert it by eye so the same like that how does it look like that looks like crap but it's better [Music] yeah it's definitely better right [Music] oh yeah yeah that's that's way sharper than it was it's still uh you know not not not perfect but it's definitely definitely definitely better but now the tricky bit is the these chamfers so i think if now i uh chamfer no not chamfer the bevel how is it called bevel yes if i bevel this edge like that yeah that's that's what i was afraid of um just breaks down completely [Music] but can we then just crease it though hmm can we use this as a crease no the answer is definitely not uh so we can't crease it there [Music] hmm it's so clean but it's not what i want we are super close now with this the only thing that i don't well for for this stage at least the only thing that i don't want now is that roundness how round it is everything else we can we can fix the proportion afterwards and make it nice but the roundness of it i really don't don't like insert edge inside and fix the end guns outside the grille yeah probably yeah that's that's probably the the way to go isn't it that's going to be a ton of uh of n-guns though and all of the balances will be messed up that's probably what we need to do right the question is then do we do it now or do we do it later when we will be working with more um with deeper resolution or do we just keep the grill now maybe we do keep the grill now and then we start inserting the edges later later down the line yeah let's do that so so then let me do one last thing here um from here i want this to be that looks good right yeah that looks good so i want this to be like that and i will just select these two lines uh these three lines actually and move them from this point to the intersection point here no actually to intersection point here like that hit the tab can't really see a change here of course but we know we know that it's there we know that it's there um same thing here bam bam move nope bam move um from from from from no wait messed up uh it's actually from this point there we go okay that's why i was i was confused there we go so that that goes there then we have that that that edge which goes bam here then we have that that and oh my god this is a little bit messy but that's fine that edge which goes here yeah that's getting better um and yeah the same thing for for the bottom ones from here up up up up nope nope from here move here there we go and now it's gonna be the tricky one or actually maybe we should do it in a more controlled fashion it's gonna take longer but at least i know that i will not make a mistake bam here and here okay last one pam pam pam pam pal move from here to intersection here and then come on down move from here to intersection here good yeah that's better that is better so we have messed around quite a bit with the grill uh for now i'm gonna keep it as it is maybe i could [Music] right one last try what if uh this edge this edge this this this and this this this and this whole edge and this this and this and this whole edge as well as the whole damn back is actually a crease and then we tab it okay got it so then it does indeed like like actually crease it but it messes up redo okay but we are close so what if we remove remove crease from these two edges and only leave them here then the smoothing of it messes it up so do we actually need to crease then it's kind of forcing us to keep keep creasing it right yeah it seems like it's just done forcing us to keep keep creasing it over and over again until we kind of loop around the whole car yeah yeah okay so that's that's pretty close but it's still [Music] no still a no okay we'll we'll come back to this uh we'll come back to this later to solve it okay so we have that area right here we have the side of the car that's doing its thing we have the back of the car and we added a little bit of mesoscale but that's not you know that's not too much there's that crease there that i really don't like so maybe we could hmm do we add something here to mitigate that yeah i think we should okay so cell edge loop probably this one oh that's not an edge loop anymore is it all right so are you an edge loop then no you're not okay good to know so that insert edge and it will not let us insert an edge here okay so an edge loop is actually cell edge loop this one here together with this this understood that's why it's freaking out okay so how do we add edges here [Music] okay let's do it this way [Music] and by this way i mean keep thinking about it [Music] okay uh insert edge select edge from loop so this insert and we kind of move it somewhat close to the side and just look how it works that's fine we'll need to divide this up of course later on but for now this is fine um and then we need to insert edge again from yeah that's good from the side uh yeah and move it back until it's kind of close to here like that one more edge this time we need to be very precise and by precise i mean not hit the mark by like a millimeter let's just kind of lie about it a bit shh no one sees it thank god i'm not live streaming or else this would be a very boring portion of the live stream um insert edge again that's a new one the effects are marked with dots and defect components are selected have you seen this one before this error before that's a new one how can we solve it we don't know does anything okay let's try let's try to force it to give us that same error again [Music] um edge bam okay invalid input geometry the effects are marked with dots and the fact that components are selected so can i move those components yes i can and those components are basically points okay good to know let me is it because these are duplicate points because these are duplicate points aren't they yes they are okay so let's do weld vertices not weld vertices um align vertices distance to adjust one millimeter now vertices were adjusted that's great are these still double yes they are still double okay that's that's uh wonderful to know let's select those points and choose that that new how is that new tool called where it kind of merges the points together oh crap the coffee is gone um mesh tools stitch is it stitch i think it's stitch okay go away let's try stitch select second set of edges this enter defects are marked with dots just brief everything is going to be okay delete that delete that okay delete that loft not locked but sub d loft or actually [Music] yeah let's do it this way um delete all of that delete that that that that that that come on that that that that that and and you get deleted perfect um [Music] that is gonna be just fine i think and now let's see can we sub the loft sub d loft select curves and boundary edge chains in order to loft okay this and this enter uh join don't smooth corners or can maybe smooth i don't know but definitely join um add segments [Music] i will need like four i think for this to work hit okay now my car is inside out but that's fine do we just is it possible to loft it like come on click click click click click click okay and click click click click click and click come on let's see how smart rhino actually is if you can guess what i'm thinking uh sub d loft rhino is smart corners join don't move creases closed not closed uh natural ship segment suggested crap corn come on just oh and here i can adjust it but it's moves it out like a deck but what if we maybe if we just kind of tell it to to just do it and hit okay yeah yeah okay so it's just the display that's good that's good that's of course creased now but that's fine that's uh solvable so we are slowly restitching the shape back to normal [Music] now we need to solve the end of it well this will definitely loft together this and that with uh sub d loft i mean of course this and that um it would be nice if rhino actually remembered my settings please mcneil please just please do it i hit ok quick question for everyone watching what the heck happened to the car topology happened rhino didn't want to do what i wanted to do what i wanted it to do so i kinda i'm rebuilding the front of it so that that's it's nice and has proper edge loops all over it's gonna be fine i promise hopefully we'll see it should be fine yeah it's gonna be fine don't worry that surface right there i'm not sure about it this this guy right here i think it's it shouldn't be there or maybe it should [Music] crap all right the rhino uh working with subdi in rhino and in blender right now in blender it's better that's no denying it much much better but and and more convenient to use but in blender you don't get nurbs output and here in rhino you do get there a nurbs output and nurbs is infinite in resolution meaning that for many manufacturing purposes it makes sense to work with rhino but if you're just like interested in video game character design or design for movies movies then blender i think is still better unless you want to be like italy bulgarov do you guys know about italy let's let's take a break because i need to think about it and instead let's take a look at just a second um how do i do just a second well bow uh window capture yes as per usual and now we will find that website here we go hit okay it's way too big so we make it smaller smaller close that so that's italy um vitaly is someone that i look up to in terms of uh how he models and what he what he's able to do and i believe you can yeah you can find all of the games and movies that he's worked on here but the the interesting bit is not the the movies that he's worked on but actually the surgery robots that he's done right so he worked on surgery robots he worked on can we find it vitelli bulgarov mack so he actually worked on these mech suits in korea that actually are used by by people like bipedal mech suits that you can get into and like he worked with engineers and so on so in terms of cad modeling uh and like concept art when it comes down to um cad i think he's the best in the industry in that regard let's just see some of his works like ghost in the shell stuff is just insane what he did there if it loads up for me hello load there we go and by the way all of this was actually manufactured right so it's not just a pretty pretty images so layers on top of layers on top of layers of this kind of a cad goodness so the same so nice so freaking nice so if if all right i just want to find the the thing that that inspired me the most am i where is it [Music] no there there it is there it is or is it that one doesn't matter so all of this was 3d printed and they actually used it in the movie as a mannequin right all of the parts and so on were cnc milled 3d printed and they they actually actually used it in the movie which is holy crap that's that's insane anyway uh let me let me let me let me turn this off bam we're back here minimize that there we go back to rhino and back after looking some some goodness from italy we're back to our shitty shitty car model it's going to be fine once we start adding details it's going to start looking real good real fast but for now we're stuck with we're stuck with what it is and it's not not the prettiest let's let's let's tell it as it is it's not the prettiest now um let's think so does this loft with this let's try sub sub d [Music] sub the loft from here to here close not closed uh corners join it in seems like it would make a nice fit [Music] if we give it like three segments but then we have a problem with this strip here this strip of polygons here that that doesn't fit so we need to be very careful about this basically what we have right now is we have one extra strip of polygons that we have no absolutely no idea how to deal with so my thought is my thought is actually selecting all of this oh come on because there is that strip here so it's going down uh so there's only a single polygon missing here and then we we would be good to go could we could we delete this bear with me for a second delete this duplicate edge duplicate this edge and duplicate that edge here um and for now let's just have these two curves here and just lock them so those are our helper curves and then can you dissolve faces i don't know dissolve no but wait dissolve means that everything kind of connects into one converges into one point right yes you can with stitch you can do that hello back to portugal [Music] i heard that it was quite a cold uh cold day yesterday in portugal cars got frozen um so what was i doing oh right right so this this polygon right here i need to get rid of it [Music] and actually for now let's just do it this way bam bam there we go will be will be easier okay so we have that and then i will take this edge right here and i will move vertical move it down to this vertex here okay this is becoming a little bit complicated but we will persevere we will persevere then i need to extrude um or maybe loft that's just loft perhaps or do we extrude there's a lot of stitching now for now let's um let's unlock and let's loft sub d not left uh sub d loft let's sub the loft this and this and it doesn't loft corners creases okay it does loft join it hit okay flip it around okay so we have that kind of topology going on that's great and then we need this to go up probably right yeah move from here to here this is something that i like to call stitching and it's something that i hate quite a bit oh hello hello to china back to china welcome let us sub the loft these two lines creases corners join okay flip it around now we can indeed loft these two edges here uh not not just regular loud but subdiloft come on [Music] edit redo tab sub d loft from here to here like that and now we can see corners three or four divisions join it in bam okay we're moving up in the world a little bit and netherlands are here hello welcome it's nice to see that the community is kind of growing right and then we're getting people from all over the world it's lovely lovely okay so we have that and now let's think about this so we can definitely loft um we can definitely loft this d segment with this sub d segment here not loft uh sub d loft [Music] this 70 segment edge here with this edge here with according to corners and join it in okay [Music] flip and then the biggest issue is here do i use alias no that's that's a big boy toy i don't use big boy toys that's uh that's a program that's a bit too too too much for me i barely use solidworks so aliases maybe maybe someday but that day is not today [Music] okay let's draw a line like that and then grab grab that little point there and move it and snap it perpendicular to the line to straighten out this this particular edge okay we don't need that actually cell crv let's get rid of the curves okay so now we have we will have this area right here which we will be able to extrude um i i assume you're asking how do i switch between the soft mode like soft display mode and the flat display mode right because i here i can also edit it right i can still take the point and move it it's just that i no no really no don't like it um it's tab it's just a tab button that does that okay um let's see what kind of tools we can use for this insert point to measure sub d okay select mesh okay and i can just insert the point oh okay understood so no uh we don't need that someday loved oh by the way for those of you who are bored out of your minds right now check this out if i have a pentagon or actually hexagon would be better if i have a hexagon six like that and i kind of take it and copy copy copy you know i have some some some fun things going on here and i can rotate um or rather rotate 3d let's see this is 45 degrees and i will rotate this one yeah let's see this one is also 45 or let's do 90 degrees doesn't matter 90 degrees and then uh i don't know i'll just kind of connect a few uh a few of them like so there and maybe this edge connects here doesn't matter i'll select all of these right uh shapes i'll explode them and some of them will be duplicate shapes for instance here like i will have two curves so i'll just type in cell dupe select duplicate enter and hit delete so to get rid of all of the duplicates what if you want to pipe them right usually you will just kind of go and type in pipe or rather select all of them type in pipe and pray but that's not going to work right if i were to try and pipe them with radius of let's say 50 or 20 you know not the best especially in the connections everything is intersecting and everything is right and also you can't really join this up properly with rhino 7 and 7d tools there is the sub the tools there is the pipe a multi-pipe object uh or option tool if i select all of these i choose sub-d multi-pipe and radius pipe radius we use 20 right i think we used 20. so radius 20 enter cap ends off doesn't matter there's no ends here hit enter divisions 0 for smooth curves i have no idea what that means let's try zero i'm just i'm just gonna wait a second to see the reactions from chat single object by the way [Music] yeah it's so great [Music] i really really really like this one anyway so that's uh that's something for people who were bored looking at me cleaning up the mess here yeah i'm trying to be um [Music] you know with all all of these parametric tools and sub demoling tools that's the least that i could do it's make like run soothing music to try and accommodate like complex topics right so at least you don't freak out okay let us try and stitch this bad boy together so i'll select this edge loop here somehow uh let's try it like so no that's not how let's just do selection filter edges and just click shift click click click click click click there we go and select this edge loop here click click click [Music] click click and there we go let's see this should be should be fine right should be fine we'll see [Music] sub deloft that's not good okay first of all corners fixed and let's see what's happening so here we have one two three four five wait one two three four five six seven eight nine points and here we have one two three four five six seven eight points we have one too many points uh crap crap crap crap crap do we just add oh that's because we added a polygon there okay that's that's actually not that bad because all we need to do is just add an additional edge loop here and it should solve it hopefully [Music] so wait this will connect with the top this will connect with this this with this this with let's do it one by one uh sub d loft just a second chat i'll read what you wrote [Music] that is busy [Music] two three join okay again this and this one two three corners join okay mcneil if you're watching please please make it so that somebody loft remembers or either give it an option you know a tick mark remember options because this is uh really annoying one two three okay then these guys will loft properly corners one two three join okay this and this will loft properly [Music] one two three join corners this and this wait what it does loft properly i just need to do it one by one okay come on that's unfair that's stupid join one two three corners yeah yeah yeah so now the bottom is going to be problematic but i think that's going to be the only part which is problematic and to fix it we just need to add [Music] one additional loop right or a triangle so basically the problem is that here it it makes a triangle like that it makes a triangle here that's that's the issue um doesn't i think bridge [Music] bridge bridge wait uh bridge pump pump pump pump let's say these with one two three up select first set of edges surfaces to bridge this this this and that enter and then this this this and that enter um and oh yeah wait bridge does have segments in between i don't know i don't know why i use loft and not bridge yeah because you can add segments that's good um i think last time i used bridge it doesn't matter um okay so let's hit okay there and then we have this triangle thing here which is a little bit of a mess and we will need to figure out how to fix it [Music] or do we keep that a triangle here [Music] not sure maybe we make a triangle here instead let's try to okay let's just see how it's going to smooth out if i select ah yes yes yes if i select this point this point and choose to stitch those points together bam and then tap oh yeah and remove all of the creases let's just do it this way remove crease tap it's going to do that maybe that's not a problem at least doesn't seem like it's a problem doesn't look nice though and also if this moves away it's gonna be it's gonna become a problem so can i add a loop here here and then oh man that's so many so many questions so many questions that i have uh important thing for you viewers maybe somebody already told you you don't see the floating windows of options rhino shows you [Music] oh no no one told me um come on viewers you can do better so you don't see when i do loft for instance you don't see a menu up here obs why are you being a dick and also more importantly how can we solve it yeah now i know now i know i'm getting used to the streaming shenanigans here um [Music] do we need it though yeah we do we do okay so let's do this bam um loft options okay bam i don't know i'll just move it here so the shitty part is oh actually can i just you know can i crop myself no i can't um the shitty part is that well nope nope come back is that i can't really hide this so when i close the loft options that window will disappear that's good but what about then subdilov do i need to oops sub d loft between you two so this one will this one appear of course not okay cool let's fix it then bam that just give me 30 seconds and we will have it um subdiloft there we whoa big boy big boy there we go and what's this this matter okay so now when i change the settings you should be able to see it okay thanks for letting me know okay let's let's see let's see let's let's think about this for for a second now here i want an additional loop so what i'm going to do is i will duplicate edge i will get these two edges here i will move vertical move them down to here to this vertex i will sub the loft between this and this no no not explode explode sub d loft or or was it bridge but can i can i bridge between an edge and that no i can't so you can't bridge between an edge and a curve that sucks ah sub deloft between this edge right here and this curve right here creases on a join okay and now i can bridge between here and here yes right forgot uh here here enter here here enter there we go okay bam super works works works works works works works just works just works is the sub d on the rhino honestly worth it it's difficult to adapt to commands that are not ready and do not help you plan quickly compared to my or max [Music] right now as it is right now it's not great the the user experience like i am struggling with it a bit so the user experience of rhino right now is not great of sorry of sub d portion of rhino but it is still you can get away still with a lot of you know uh pretty pretty complex geometries working with them is it is maya better or is blender better yeah yeah right now it is but this is the first stage like the the first iteration of rhinos own sub d tools so i think they will get as good as maya or blender in the long run right now as for the first stage i think it's fine i think it's like you can you can do everything you want to do it only takes a much longer time than it would in in in my or in blender and i'm trying for for instance right now i'm trying to remember how the hell did they call a mirror tool for sub d and i can't for the life of me either find it here in the settings like these are super shitty icons i'm not gonna lie these icons are terrible um so that's one thing and the naming conventions is not great most of it comes from autocad i know but there it is reflect okay so it's reflect remember kids reflect is same thing as mirror only for sub-d geometries well with additional functionality pick a point on the side to keep here yeah yeah okay so we have that okay we're we're getting there we're getting there um i do want to crease it decrease this though bam bam bam bam cell edge loop will it let select it select this bad boy as an edge loop no it doesn't hate it even though this is clearly an edge loop well whatever um so we have that and i will say that this needs to be a crease bam bit nicer you know so this is flat that's nice this is a little bit more crisp than it was before and the topology is now great okay we solved it we re re-stitched it together someday on sketchup i didn't even know that that that sketchup has somebody that's good for a sketchup honestly like really good for sketchup oh wait is that a crease or is it just curves yeah it's just curves it's just me cell crv delete okie dokie so we have that um i want to shape this further so let's move this in so this goes in or rather let's take these two curves move them in like that maybe a bit too much like that and then rotate 3d rotate these two curves around this hinge right here uh let's turn on turn off also and just rotate them just a tiny bit actually snapping i'll turn that off as well or or do we rotate them a lot a lot seems to be a bit too much right now just a tiny bit bam so we add one more hiccup here that hiccup is going to get a chamfer or a bevel as they call it these days let's just see how a bevel would work okay it's not gonna get a bevel it doesn't deserve a bow no but actually this is where i will not show you how inset works yeah wanted to show you but uh no i'm not not gonna show you uh yikes the reason why i'm not gonna show you how inset works is because uh i i i still need to kind of work with the mirror plane here so i need to work with these both polygons at the same time so i will be extruding minus thousand scaling you know the double bamboo jumbo thing point eight uh i think i messed up wait let me try again scale 0.8 there we go that that seems better back extrude no not extrude uh scale 1d from midpoint oh yeah snapping needs to be turned on from here to here and this one is going to be super thin so just 10 like that maybe that's a little bit too thin okay let's not do 10. let's do scale 1d let's do 0 oh let's do 15. yeah that's better bam extrude sub d inwards by not a lot by like a hundred like 10 centimeters enter okay we get an additional thing and this thing is going to be chamfered this time i'll select this edge i'll choose to chamfer it oh no not for goddamn the other word bevel bevel edges to bevel this this this or can i okay what would happen if i bevel all of the edges at the same time well it doesn't let me that's that's the first thing there we go okay uh enter just a tiny bit so i will actually give it three segments what the hell is going on with the on the inside so offset mode proportional i'll use propor proportional to so that it doesn't break but it still breaks uh creep keep creases no straightness one okay understood so if i try to bevel it well maybe that's the correct way of how it's you know how it should bevel but but you know no not not great doesn't look that good let's try one more time wireframe view oh music hello music where are you um shall we change our genre to something more bouncy music music music um let's go for dark beats that's not i don't like it sure i'll go to the view come on okay let's just let's not what the hell is 8d music do you mean 8-bit um right so ghosted ghosted there we go some lithium ions in the chat as well okay so that's how it looks like right now um i will what i was uh i was i was working on all right i was working on this this area right here and the chamfer the bevel the bubble was messing up but maybe we can still fix it if we select come on so apparently you can only select that an edge that's behind the face uh in in a wireframe view ghosted view doesn't let you do that so okay bevel segments only two segments please or how does one segment bevel look like oh yeah yeah that's that's what i actually that's what i actually want okay so that's a bevel bam tab okay that's that's not not not that bad and then we need to we need to think we need what we need to do is we need to think um we take we take this edge this edge and this edge as well as this one and then this this this this this and this also yeah for now let's just use these edges and and actually also this and this and we will bevel them or maybe we don't need to bevel these edges here no we do we do wait my my phone is doing weird stuff okay um so we have that and then can i just enter and we just do a small without any snapping we just do a small small bevel here bam like that oh man let's check it out e-map um e-map we use truesphere to check it that's crisp isn't it just a second turntable turn table [Music] so the side is completely flat as we want it the back the asses nice the front is okay and the grille is also continuous i don't see any any issues and there's a few there but that's just a singularity that's not a problem wait let me change this to fluorescent tube yeah i think we we nailed it i think we we managed to make a proper crease here that was actually hard that was actually hard to do but we did it okay since we did it we will be able to crease all of this as well right but do we crease it now that's the question because there's still stuff that i want to do and i want to keep it as low resolution as possible also that's a triangle right there maybe that's fine [Music] okay let's let's do actually let's finish for today what do you think let's finish up um how long have i have i been on wait yes turntable no uh the paper tab e-map bam uh true sphere now you guys like arches i think or or or the sunset one right um then let's do a turntable and now let me just check how long have i been on i don't see it oh yeah uh whoa that's that's almost four hours okay okay so this is um this is this is this is um the end of it i think for for today um yeah time flies when you're having fun or when you're struggling with the freaking tool um but it it we did eventually manage to make it work wait that's not good okay uh so we're not done we are gonna work on this some more yay um do i use zbrush no no i don't uh for sculpting i use blender just as we thought that we managed to to solve it i wonder why why why why why why why why why why why why why that's a midpoint that's a midpoint what if we take these two points here and scale 1d with what if we scale them up [Music] like that ah that's the problem yeah that's probably see how far away they are being pushed in that's that's the problem okay how do we solve that problem then we need more divisions here crap so we do actually need to insert a ton okay let's do it properly fine people insert edge we will just insert it here and then we select or rather no like that like that insert edge oh it just lets us insert insert it here no i i want to insert it other way around like that yes perfect um so we do something like this here i know that i'm making n-guns don't worry about that for now or maybe do worry about that for now but we do need to work work this out right okay how does the edge loop look like cell edge loop bam okay there's no edge loop there there is a small edge loop there it does recognize that part as an edge loop there okay so where can we put all of the crap merge the edge merge the edge which edge i don't know don't know which edge you're talking about i'm i'm thinking how to not make a bunch of triangles early on and that's it's right now a problem okay i think i have a strategy so we select this edge here and then our shitty geometry will go in here and here and will be eaten up so we select that we say insert edge and we insert it here like that tab okay that's much more you know that that is dash which is extra ah yes uh i i do understand what you mean but um i don't know that that's not the biggest problem right now the biggest problem is me not being able to um to create proper edge loops here because i'm quite limited on tools i'm quite limited on tools so i need i'm kind of struggling with the edge loops but i think yeah okay so we can work with it like that and that's a pretty sharp edge but then we need to work this one out but i don't think that's going to be a problem all we need to do is just select these two end guns get rid of them loft or bridge bridge not bright bridge between this edge and this edge yeah up or rather between this edge enter and this edge enter bridges ends need to be disjoint okay so it's it's being a little dick uh sub the loft then between this and this doesn't let me do that huh you and you just loft you can't okay that's nice but you can loft that cup of tea or coffee i'll take one once i'm done once i'm done streaming okay so we have that that's fine and then we can just kind of bridge those two areas there that's fine oh actually i know we can even do something even fancier bridge between a bridge between bridge between this edge and this edge yo yo rhino come on bridge this and enter this enter enter this why okay there we go segments two segments hit okay uh get that point move it in and that's a that's not a triangle anymore which i have no idea if that's good or not but at least it means that we can now uh bridge that with select second set of edge edges or loops there we go and we can bridge it properly like that i mean it doesn't doesn't smooth out that nice but maybe we should keep it as a triangle okay let's keep it as a triangle you and you need to be bridged you and you need to be bridged is there like a way of how to just create a single sub-d phase okay enter and then panel panel uh why can't i just click there hello vertex yes there we go no that's the wrong vertex vertex vertex yes vertex vertex okay good so we have these and i wonder i wonder i wonder i wonder if it's possible to take these and join them together yes it's possible okay and what about these two enter yes this okay so that that works i will need to fix that but that's fine uh which means that i can just simply click click click here join enter okay that's how it looks like i think it looks better than it looked before and this is now a nice edge a much better edge than here let's let's fix the mirroring though come on reflect enter enter oh yeah that selects up the objects i select them start of reflection plane oh okay so it doesn't remember uh what kind of reflection plane i used before that's fine uh reflection plane is going to be x-axis pick a point on the side to keep this point the side snap to reflection plane automatic yes tab okay damn that was a long long trip but we managed it is there any chance or possibility to contact you about iac i would have a few questions i'm interested about starting their courses about computational designs um why why don't you just contact them i i don't work with iac it's a good school i went there um for for a few like visits with my students we we go to kind of look at their fab lab so it's a with school other than that i don't know what what to tell you about it they have really nice publications like a set of publications okay do we call it a day i think we call it a day i'm getting tired or do we work on this a bit more maybe just a little bit just those two lines or polygons could do that or not or or or or they could not do that um because that looks ridiculous i think next time uh we will be working on the glass and i don't know when the next time is going to be probably i do have a lot of work to do for for the next few days is it thursday right now yeah it's thursday crap it's the end of the week now yeah so that's definitely not gonna happen so next stream is gonna be probably on monday let me just check my calendar to let you know when to kind of tune in if you want to see it live i will have the recordings here uh i will have the recordings available upload it to youtube so that you can follow along it's going to be earlier yeah i am going to stream next monday coming monday but it is going to be um earlier yeah uh earlier than than than today do i have a website for my models no um actually since you since you're asking i do have all of my models that i do on the live stream are available for the patreon supporters right so i i do have like a 3d model of a donkey and and then stuff like that make it wider in the car i don't know maybe i don't like this portion of it i think it looks stupid but when i try to make it wider [Music] um no um maybe maybe i should make it narrower that also looks stupid okay we will need to think about that that that part there maybe only this part needs to be wider or maybe this part yeah we'll see okay that's that's too too much so uh what i was saying was that the the patreon supporters get uh get the 3d models for for free also the definitions the grasshopper definitions um you know all of the good stuff but uh for instance stuff like this like something that i spend i'm planning on spending around 36 48 hours on this car all in all something like this i will not be uh just giving away that model for even for patreon supporters instead what i'm going to be doing is i've decided on this i will be 3d printing out out of my with my sla printer 10 versions of this 3d model and i will hand paint them you know just just like a any any kind of a model set i will hand paint them and um i will probably have some sort of a collectibles giveaway for the you know top patreon supporters or something like that i still haven't decided on on that part yeah just some sort of a locked collectibles edition thing um and maybe down the line in the in a year or so i will just release the 3d model as well for the patreon supporters for everyone to to kind of have it but um not sure about that we'll see [Music] as an architecture student how much should we know about the software before we should be able to include it in our cv oh that's something that my students always ask me and it's um you should be able to navigate the the tools you should be able to know exactly which tool to use for which application right and by application i mean in rhino if you're 3d modeling out a house right you need to be familiar for instance with loft and with all of these basic basic tools to be able to include it in your your application if you just have been using rhino for for a week and you only know the user the interface i think you would be quite stressed in the office environment if you get you know invited to to partake in some sort of a actual project and someone actually asked you to kind of keep up the pace with rhino um so so it is a tricky question right how much do you need to know to include it personally i would say at least one project you need to do at least one project with a piece of software to include it in your in your cv uh my cv when when i was still a student always had these kind of um star marks next to different software packages so for instance maya only had two stars rhino had five stars blender had one star because i didn't know blender um almost didn't know blender 3ds max had two stars right archicad or revit both of them had three stars um so in doing so you kind of showcase how much you know of each program not just you know your your level of expertise your perceived level of expertise on each individual program i think that's the smartest way to go about it uh do subdi vertices need to be altered anyway before 3d printing um no not at all like this thing right here is a closed sub-d object right so if i just type in two uh two nurbs uh two verbs right um sub the options phase is packed extraordinary vertex gh4 yeah that's fine bam now this thing right here is a nurbs poly surface right which means that it can be meshed right and this if i check it it's a closed polygon mesh it can be 3d printed easily so conversion between subdi nurbs and mesh is super super simple no i haven't worked there you're talking about iaec i assume i only visited there like uh three times i think so we had workshops and and stuff like that in iaec uh so when we visit with the students uh i see like creates uh some sort of a workshop like rapid manufacturing or prototyping workshop um but we no i haven't taught in in iac at all right so this is [Music] display mesh wires off you know guess which one is a mesh which one is a sub d and which one is a poly surface um they're they're virtually the same and uh which means that you know the translation is very very close if i were to zoom in maybe eventually i would see well wrong uh if i were to zoom in really close yeah then you start seeing discrepancies in the continuity is it is the word discrepancy is probably not but other than that yeah completely 3d printable which wires actually there's one thing that i want to check for for next time when we're going to continue modeling on this what if i have a box here um just make it bigger it doesn't matter i have a box can i just boolean difference with the box yeah so that's gonna be cool [Music] guess how i guess just guess how we are going to be adding details boxes everywhere boolean differencing next time we'll work on the front okay let's call it a day right let's call it a day [Music] thank you oh and it's even the nice music i had to to actually call it a day i'm tired um thank you for watching i will see you on monday and the video this this video is going to pop up i don't know probably tomorrow or something like that youtube takes some time and processing tutorial the live stream videos rhino inside yes pretty soon but not too soon i still want them to fix their mistakes and fix their stuff before i can use rhino inside properly they are progressing though they are progressing okay i'm off and see you guys bye
Channel: Gediminas Kirdeikis
Views: 6,358
Rating: 4.8518519 out of 5
Keywords: Rhino 7, sub d, subd
Id: A3hghIZyAOQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 198min 16sec (11896 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 07 2021
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